#ks diary
valcat--online · 10 months
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1st release by KINDRED SPIRAL, The Shiver
@aolfanzine on Bandcamp writes: In the thick of a suburban haunt, the shiver haunts our inner child through a hypnotic journey. Surrounded by the trash bag mazes, bargain bin amulets and disintegrated latex, the mischeif maker wanders in search of a spook. The cold percussion and distant howls call upon fellow creeps and outsiders alike to a non conventional dancefloor on a moody night. The sweaty tune blasts off the costumes of the wicked to embody the shiver.
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doctor-donnaa · 1 month
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foxprints · 1 year
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Core Focus
Gave Murderbot some stirrup leggings because figuring out how to draw its feet every time was too complicated lol.
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flufallo · 5 months
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The fact that Tim is taller is so off putting tho :(
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vini-love · 1 year
I bought a diary to figure out the problems in my life....
I started writing and then I realised that the only problem I did have was figuring which color diary I wanted...
All happy now
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owormy · 7 months
miscellaneous twin peaks thoughts:
- I think leland did it
- it's interesting to me how physically alike josie packard and dale cooper are
- fire symbolism
- the idea that 'bob' has been haunting the palmer family as some kind of manifestation of generational trauma is spooky and interesting
- audrey is the best character
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creatively-cosmic · 2 years
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more of em
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anxiety is a real bitch
so my uncle died on saturday, but we didn't find out until monday because apparently the county was figuring out who to contact and also my father is not the kind of person who picks up the phone for random numbers. we don't live in same county as my uncle, either, and it's a different area code.
anyway, they finally got ahold of my father, who called my mother, but she was in the shower so i answered, he told me and i told her, and it's all been a lot to try and process for a lot of reasons. my father has now lost every single member of the immediate family he grew up with. my mom and i are fucking terrified about how this is going to affect him. we've also been hesitant to tell my sister, because she's trying to work and live her life and we dont want to fuck that up, but also she deserves to know. we felt like it was my father's decision on when to tell her, because that's his brother, you know?
so he called her tonight and let her know, and she reacted the way we all have (according to him) which is to say we don't know how the fuck to react, because grief is fucking weird and our relationship to him is fucking weird, but he's still family and it still hurts and it doesn't make sense but also it does and it's. you know how do you process this? how do you reconcile grief and guilt and regret with reality? how do you deal with other grief and guilt and regret that is being stirred up?
at about 9pm my sister texts me and my mom 'I love you.' and a heart, to which i responded immediately with 'i love you too' and hearts, and like twenty minutes later i realize she hadn't responded. which is unlike her. and im already anxious about so much, and i suddenly get this bad feeling. so i text her again, asking how she's doing (besides the obvious) and she doesn't answer. half an hour goes by, which feels like a fucking lifetime, i text again, saying i know im probably worrying for nothing but i just want to know that she's okay.
an hour goes by, she finally texted me back to say her phone was charging, she's okay, or at least will be.
and i knew it would be something like that! she does that shit all the time! or she might have been with someone and not looking at her phone! i knew that the most likely scenario was that she was (physically) fine, and i had no reason to be fucking terrified that she'd done something to herself. but in my head i just kept thinking that she might be going through something we haven't talked about (wouldn't be the first time, and hell, where was i a fucking week ago, and she has no idea. like who the fuck knows what could be going on.) or that and us waiting to tell her makes her feel left out, being the last to know, etc. and/or we're already hurting, and if she feels shut out maybe she thinks it wont affect us, we'll have the same 'don't know how to react' reaction (which is so not the case, i literally can't imagine my world without her, which ive told her)
but like. i had zero real reason to think any of it, but my catastrophizing ass immediately decided she was killing herself over the news of our (sort of estranged) uncle's death. also, i was convinced that it would in part be my fault! if i didn't make sure she was okay, it would be my fault.
its been over an hour since i heard back and i know that shes fine. i still feel like im going to throw up. i hate living like this. and im like this with everything! i hate turning left in intersections because i am convinced im going to get hit, even if there are no other cars around and i have an arrow. i forget where i parked and my first thought is the car was stolen and crashed and somehow it's my fault and i'll be in trouble for it. my father goes to check the mail and doesn't come back in within a couple of minutes, surely he's had a medical emergency and is outside on the ground and by not going out there to check it's my fault if he dies. (in reality he's talking to the neighbor) when he called about my uncle i had that thought. ive had it a hundred times when he calls at an unusual time. when my grandmother calls i assume something has happened to my great aunt, or 'family' on that side.
i don't know how to turn it off. i don't know how to stop going to the worst case scenario. the best ive got is being able to distract myself, i guess. in the sense that i will watch things and focus my attention on it, but im still feeling the physical anxiety. still getting chased by tigers while sitting in my bed watching tiktoks, checking the time to see if it's acceptable to call and make sure my sister is okay.
which is another thing, in that i think maybe i can come across unfeeling or like an asshole because i say my uncle died and then i post about watching 911 or dnp and i seem like im having a great time or whatever, and part of me is but also i know that im actively Not Focusing on What's Going On, so im not processing it, and i know that's not healthy either. but its like if i busy myself with everything else, i can keep it from hurting. i did it when my grandfather died. i wrote and read fanfic and did everything i could not to look reality in the face. which is why i had a breakdown last year when we picked up some of his old stuff from my uncle's place, because it became real having his things at our house.
and i worry about this too, people thinking im callous or that i dont care, and that's not it. i care so fucking much i can't deal. so i don't. i used to drown it in alcohol and pills and my version of 'partying' but i can't do that anymore. so it's tv shows and youtube videos and anything but my reality. and then i think im being overdramatic because ive typed all of this out like it absolves me of being shitty and not coping. it doesn't. it's just word vomit.
i dont know if i even have a point anymore. if i ever did. anxiety sucks and so do i, i think
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dollfat · 2 years
sent the exact same email as 3 days ago. if no reply this time ill send messages on their shops or social media.
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teeforhee · 2 years
I envy born-jews like. a lot and a lot of the time. but something about being a convert attending services for the high holy days is such a particularly intense experience I think. yeah. being given the chance to choose this freely is a worthwhile experience.
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teddyqd · 1 year
TMP/Magnus Kickstarter Update
Hi all! We just got a huuuuge Kickstarter update, and I thought I'd share the TL;DR that we (the mods of Statement Remains) put together to give people a hand navigating it!
TMP News - The digital premiere will be available on October 22nd for backers at the Archival Assistant level and above, and for Knight & Noble Patreons. - It will include a preview of The Magnus Protocol pilot episode and some exclusive bonus content. - The audio of the preview episode, without the extra content, will be released to KS backers at the Researchers level and above on 31st October.
- There will be a post-premiere livestream on Twitch with cast and crew, sometime after the 31st
- All the pre-launch previews will be exclusive to backers and patrons, but the official debut (in January 2024) will have new content not seen in the previews (including the full orchestral debut)
- The double length pilot episode releases Jan 2024, with a weekly release schedule following (and a 2 week break every 10 episodes)
- They are currently finalising script drafts for season 1, writing for seasons 2 and 3, doing primary recordings for episodes, and editing the Pilot episode
Casting Announcements - Meet Alice Dyer, played by Seer Pink (they/them). You may know Seer from streaming/tiktok -- this is their RQ debut! - Meet Samama Kahlid, played by Shahan Hamza (he/him). Shahan has previously played Siva in Trice Forgotten!
Other Castings - Anusia Battersby (she/her) as Gwendolyn Bouchard - Lowri Ann Davies (she/her) as Celia Ripley - Ryan Hopevere-Anderson (he/him) as Colin Becher - Kazeem Tosin Amore (he/him) as Teddy Vaughn - Sarah Lambie (she/her) as Lena Kelley - Ellie Dickens (she/her) as Lady Mowbray - Tim Fearon (he/him) as [ERROR] - Alexander J Newall (he/him) as [ERROR] - Jonathan Sims (he/him) as [ERROR]
There are "multiple returning friends and enemies from The Magnus Archives", but revealing them now would be a spoiler!
Making-Of Documentary - The documentary is well underway! - It will feature candids from meetings, interviews, and video diaries from Jonny and Alex! - The full version will air after the series is concluded, but a teaser segment will be released alongside the premiere!
ARG Updates - Official start date: **15 September**
- Far larger scale than the mini-ARG, featuring both digital and in-person elements - Will feature lots of worldbuilding and exclusive story that will provide an even deeper insight into the world of TMP
- Bookmark https://themagnusprotocolarg.com! This will be the main ARG hub! - Questions about the ARG can go to [email protected]. They will not provide hints/help solve the puzzles.
- Important note from the ARG site: Participants of this ARG must be over 18 for legal reasons.
Mic Updates - The Podcast Pro mics are nearly ready to start shipping. They are finalising packaging and etching the finished microphones!
And a quick note from me on behalf of the SR server! We're currently looking for mods to bolster our team, so that we can feasibly host the ARG solving efforts! If you're interested, you can join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/h6bkdqc5yd
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sexilene · 6 months
ᥫ᭡.₊˚⊹ my fave kook!boys 💳🤍🎆
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18+ in pink!
RC 🩷⋆₊ ⊹.ᥫ᭡
giving bf!rafe a mini fashion show
rafe takes and wears your purity ring
husband!rafe surprises you on mothers day!
sleepova w rafe outfits
gym with rafe and his little frendis
princess!reader and her diary mini blurb
sweet bf!rafe confronting you about not going to a uni
princess!reader and her diary
18+!slasher!rafe pt.2
sexy time with 1980s!rafe
TT🩷⋆₊ ⊹.ᥫ᭡
KS🩷⋆₊ ⊹.ᥫ᭡
otha⋆₊ ⊹.ᥫ᭡
💳 runnin' round the country club fits!
💳 the boys teaching you how to drive
💳 rafe's latina gf moodboard
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doctor-donnaa · 7 months
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Knowing how Catherine Tate continues to know next to nothing about Doctor Who lore, and how it used to be a unique form of entertainment on DW set that David Tennant had to explain the sci-fi stuff to Catherine, but she still didn’t get it, it would have been absolute gold to see the rehearsals of scenes in the specials like the scene in the engine control room from “Star Beast”. It would be pure comedy to watch Catherine Tate read the line “I had a subconscious, infracutaneous, retrofold memory loop” and be like “First of all, WHAT?” while David Tennant is losing his mind from laughter.
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I apologise now for the many tags, but this is important, as many algorithms have just been pushing down these.
I come as a messenger of the good word of Tinlightenment to remind y’all that this Tin Can KS is ALL OR NOTHING! This means if we don’t get that last 90k, NONE of these are going to happen.
If y’all liked Headless from Shipwrecked’ Comedy (which idk how yoh wouldn’t lmao), we’ve got some amazing people from Headless in these projects, like James, Tom Lenk, the obvious babes with the bros, Curt, and OF COURSE MK! Thats just for Spy Another Day, as we have folks like Gabe in Solve It Squad and which also has Ashley from Poe Party AND The Lizzie Bennet Diaries! I feel like all these amazing amazing people deserve the chance to do more projects with each other in this circle!
I also know many of you like Joe Walker, and Joe said he’d come back for this, BUT said on stream that if they don’t get this, he’s not coming back to acting AT ALL. And I know no one wants that, let’s not let Joe down there!
And for a bonus draw to the StarKid fandom, especially the OG potterheads, just like with the Wiggly, Corey will be giving away a copy of the AVPSY script to a backer. If you want to put in for the drawing, just make sure you have backed!
Now to the Pulp fans, we’ve got 3/4 main leads in the Spy Another Day show! We would get Mariah as the lounge singer at the start, James as the informant, and Curt as, well, Agent Curt Mega. But ONLY if we get this!
As for y’all Smoshheads (do y’all have a fandom name idk?), the only way we get the amazing trio of Arasha, Angela, and Chase on The Great Debate is if we GET THIS LAST 90K! If y’all enjoy Arasha lying to everyone and the reactions to that, The Great Debate is right up your alley, I guarantee!
Not to mention the NEW NEW projects like Gross Prophets AND Intelligent Life which we just will NOT get if we don’t reach the goal, and that quite genuinely would be so upsetting, especially with Gross Prophets as this is the FIRST TCB project to have two AMAZING women (Ali Gordon and Angela Parrish) taking the helm on original music which would be AWESOME to see!
And for overseas peeps this also allows them to do shows out fo the US for the FIRST TIME EVER! Not only will they be doing a smaller version of Spy Another Day, but the reason they’ll be in the area is to also do the EDINBURGH FRINGE FEST with Solve it Squad which would be MASSIVE! Plus we will also get stuff in Adelaide as well! Alongside those we WILL get digital tickets for many of them, so even if you aren’t in the area, don’t let that deter you from pledging!
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If anyone is waiting because they don’t have money now but will at the end, DO NOT WORRY! Just like with all Kickstarters prior and in the future, the money doesn’t come out it until AFTER the campaign is over! So get those pledges in now babes! Please we need all of your help!
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Please, please go to tinlightenment.com and pledge, even 10-20 dollars is enough to help the bros pull off so many of these cool projects that ONLY can happen with your help. If you like any of these creators, please please help!
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thenerdykneazle · 9 months
The Nerdy Kneazle's Masterlist
Hogwarts Legacy fics featuring:
Ominis Gaunt Sebastian Sallow Garreth Weasley
Mostly x F!MC but a few others mixed in (M, GN, and silver trio).
📈 = most popular fic for the character
Ominis Gaunt
The Scriptorium Omi x GN!MC | read on AO3
After a harrowing journey through Slytherin's Scriptorium, Ominis helps MC recover from being subjected to the torture curse. After all, he has personal experience dealing with its effects.
Amorous Tension Omi x F!MC | read on AO3
collab with @darch7995 Audios: Part 1 & Part 2 Two idiots in love brew amortentia together.
📈 Her Touch Omi x F!MC | read on AO3
Ominis had never been fond of being touched. Or, at least, he had few positive experiences with it. That changed with the arrival of the new fifth-year.
Left Behind Omi x F!MC x Seb | read on AO3
collab with @darch7995 | listen to the audio here Ominis is feeling forgotten when he discovers his partners have run off on yet another adventure without him. Can Sebastian and MC make amends with him when they return to the castle?
Sebastian Sallow
A Win Seb x F!MC | read on AO3
Sebastian has a creative interpretation of who won your last duel.
Slytherin Green Seb x F!MC NSFW | read on AO3
Sebastian is none too pleased to discover you've borrowed Garreth's jumper after his experimental potion ruined your usual uniform. Your duelling practice threatens to turn into a falling out.
Fast Asleep Seb x F!MC NSFW | read on AO3
(TW: non-consensual somnophilia) Sebastian finds himself unable to resist his curiosity when late nights fighting baddies cause the two of you to repeatedly spend the night in the Room of Requirement together.
Kindred Spirits Seb x F!MC NSFW | read on AO3
32.8k words | Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 On the cusp of a promotion to Senior Auror, MC is sent by the DMLE to train with the most efficient law enforcement team in Europe. She’s quite excited until she discovers that the auror hosting her is none other than her ex, Sebastian Sallow. Modern wizarding world AU.
Sallow Soul Seb x F!MC NSFW | read on AO3
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6 (additional epilogues likely) Seb's POV for Kindred Spirits. Starts earlier with Anne's funeral and goes past where KS left off. Makes more sense if you've read Kindred Spirits, but the first chapter (The Funeral, 3k) works as a stand-alone. AKA fate gives a heartbroken Sebastian a third chance (hopefully) with the witch he's loved since he was 15.
📈 Wild Ride Seb x M!MC | read on AO3
collab with @darch7995 Audios: Part 1 & Part 2 Seb is desperate to get you to let him back into your life. When he invites himself on your ingredient run, the simple errand turns out to be much more dangerous than either of you anticipated.
Garreth Weasley
Dear Diary Gar x F!MC NSFW | read on AO3
You stumble across Garreth's rather scandalizing diary while waiting for him to meet up with you.
Sweet Dreams Gar x F!MC NSFW | read on AO3
Garreth wakes up painfully hard after spicy dreams about MC. Unfortunately, he's neither alone nor in his own bed when he instinctively tries to 'take care of it' himself.
📈 Marry You Gar x F!MC | read on AO3
Garreth proclaims to anyone and everyone, including you, that he is going to marry you one day – despite the fact that you haven’t even agreed to court him (not that he's asked). Pure fluff.
Yule Ball Gar x F!MC NSFW | Read on AO3
You realise last-minute that your boyfriend isn't planning on taking you to the Yule Ball. A simple misunderstanding leads to hurt feelings, but talking it out (and the makeup sex) is worth it.
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lukas-biggest-fan · 3 months
Excerpt from my diary yesterday what gives a pretty good idea of how this trip is going:
last night I booked a campsite in wichita tx instead of Wichita ks, so now the credit card company thought I made it to Texas and was declining my transactions in Kansas. The air conditioning is also totally busted, so I have to have the windows rolled down all the way on the freeway while I’m going like 85 all the time to keep from dying of heat stroke. It’s all white noise all the time, and the only music that I could hear over the fucking din was Ryo Fukui for some reason. So I listened to him on repeat for the entire day.
The section of road between the end of the Kansas Tpk and Oklahoma border was not well-maintained, and it fucked up my alignement later and I guess something happened that snapped off a part of my rear bumper. So I pulled off on the shoulder and went under the car and re-fastened it with some zip-ties using a crochet hook.
Not even 5 minutes later the low oil light went on so I guess I was leaking oil again. So I pulled off on the shoulder and went to change the oil,but it was windy and some oil spilled on the rest of the engine. So then I tried to clean it off and burned my hand.
Pretty much the whole day I was hurtling through a cloudless south-central U.S. covered jn sweat and sunscreen and dirt and oil listening to only jazz piano music and for some reason I was loving it. Even though everything was going wrong. There’s something unique about everything being terrible that makes me feel really alive.
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