#krypton tries to be a supportive boyfriend
element-house · 4 months
Noble Gases Meeting
Argon: You're late.
Neon: Sorry homies. We had work to do, you know?
Xenon: I had work. You had parties.
Neon: Exactly, dude! Work!
Radon: Aren't you literally the person here who does the least work?
Radon: Well, aside from Helium. No offense, Helium.
Helium: None taken. I don't care ^_^
Radon: I spend all my time busting my butt on the radioactive decay grind, and you all do... what, exactly? You sit and dink around and talk about how much better you are than all of us.
Argon: Now hold on, that's uncalled for!
Radon: Is it though? And you're honestly the worst offended Argon. Like seriously, what do you even do?
Krypton: Whoa, Radon, you okay?
Radon: I'm fine.
Helium: Getting the popcorn ready to watch Radon go off
Helium: Oops! Set the microwave for too long lol. Let's see whether Argon or the popcorn is more burnt by the end of this :D
Radon: Well alright then!
Radon: Let's go down the list, shall we? First, there's me. Objectively the hardest worker here.
Radon: Then there's Xenon. He may sit around in his room like the rest of you but at least he actually goes out and BONDS once in a while.
Xenon: Thanks.
Argon: I bond!
Radon: You bonded ONCE. Under absurdly supercooled conditions. That doesn't count.
Argon: That's not-
Radon: Krypton has bonded more than you. KRYPTON. Our resident himbo is barely aware of the checks he gets from DC each year, and he STILL bonds more often than you do.
Krypton: What's a himbo?
Xenon: Don't worry about it. Seriously, don't.
Argon: Wasn't this about Neon? He and Helium don't bond at all!
Neon: 'Cause we're way too awesome for it. AYO, UP TOP!
Helium: No =)
Neon: That's cool too, whatever floats your boat.
Radon: Neon doesn't bond, but at least he's good for PR. Everyone knows him, and as a result everyone knows US. His constant partying may be annoying but I won't deny it has SOME uses.
Neon: Ha! Take that!
Radon: And as for Helium.
Radon: We all know why Helium doesn't do anything.
Helium: You all owe me your lives forever XD
Radon: Thanks SO much for reminding us, Helium.
Helium: You're welcome! ;)
Helium: Oh, popcorn's done, gtg byeeee
Krypton: Bye, Helium!
Radon: So yeah. They don't bond, but they do other stuff. What is it YOU do, Argon?
Argon: You forgot Oganesson.
*everyone turns to look at Oganesson*
Neon: Dude, you need some water?
Neon: Ah, something stronger. No worries man, I gotchu.
Radon: Oganesson is... trying. Really hard. As opposed to you, Argon, who put in zero effort and amount to basically nothing.
Argon: That's not true!
Radon: Oh, really? Then what is you do, Argon? What makes you so important? What makes you deserving of the title of Noble?
Argon: I- well- um-
Radon: That's what I thought. We're done here. You're all the worst. I'm leaving.
Neon: Annnd there she goes.
Krypton: Bye, Radon!
Xenon: So... are we done? I have a blog to run.
Neon: Think so, dude. Oggy and I are gonna go clubbing, you want in?
Xenon: Pass.
Neon: No worries, man. Seeya Xenon. Cousins.
Neon: What he said. Neon is out. Peace.
Krypton: Um, hey babe?
Argon: ...
Krypton: Argon?
Argon: ...yes, Krypton?
Krypton: I know I'm not the best at math but... aren't you like. The cheapest noble gas? Which means people are more likely to pay you to do stuff than the other Nobles? And your liquid form is pretty useful too.
Argon: Wait. WAIT. YOU'RE RIGHT. WHY DIDN'T I REMEMBER THAT! RADON, YOU STUPID- ...ugh. What's even the point.
Krypton: Well, I think you're useful, Argon.
Argon: ...Thanks, Krypton. I think you're useful too.
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Kara has always had love, Lena has not.
You know I'm all supportive of not liking a character, RAO knows there's a few I'm not a fan of. But what bothers me is when people only focus on half the narrative of the character they don't like. When the rest of the characters narrative is usually the reason and explaination for why they are the way they are.
Take for instance the comparison of Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor. People who don't like Lena but adore Kara will throw out that Kara is a literal ray of sunshine who has suffered trauma and doesn't whine about it, while Lena has no right to be moody because she's privileged.
Ok, so there's quite a bit to address here.
First off, we (and the show) like to refer to Kara as 'sunny Danvers' and how she is a consistent ball of sunshine that only ever sees the best In people. Now I don't know what fan fic the people who think this have been reading but that just isn't true and the show shows us consistently that it isn't true.
Kara has been seen to be moody, depressed, judgmental, have prejudice, be hot headed, refusing to listen and seeing herself as superior whilst giving herself authority over things and people and feeling put out when people do things she personally doesn't agree with or hasn't sanctioned. But thats OK! It shows that Kara is just as flawed and normal as anybody else.
People will say that Kara lost her planet, her family, her race and she didn't let it get to her, but Lena is kept out of a secret or people don't like her and suddenly she's an awful person?
Erm... Ok, so I've mentioned this before but it's worth stating again. Kara has been adored and loved and privileged since the day she was born. Kara belongs to 'the noble house of El' an elite family of Krypton. Her father was a scientist and her mother was basically the head or the judicial system and her aunt a general. She was also well protected. So yeah, Kara was extremely privileged and had a superior social standing on Krypton. Yes her planet exploded but do you know what happened after that? People still continued to love and adore her. She immediately got placed with a loving family who only wanted to take care of her, even if she was rejected by Kal El. The Danvers weren't exactly poor either. Kara had a loving adopted family to help her through her trauma. Then she grew up to be adored by her Superfriends, was welcomed at the DEO by Jonn who took it upon himself to be her space dad and he always protected her and Alex even when they didnt know. People fall for Kara all the time and fight for her affections. She may have had a difficult relationship with Cat but even she was a mentor and was shown to love Kara, both as Kara and as Supergirl. She's also adored by the world because she's Supergirl, the amount of love and attention she gets shows this. She also has a devoted sister who's life is made up of protecting her. Plus she has a devoted billionaire best friend willing to do anything for her and put her self in danger protecting her because she doesn't know Kara doesn't need protecting. Kara also has statues dedicated to her and has friends from the 31st century who told her what a legend she is in the future. She's had cults dedicated to worshipping her, she has an abundance of Superfriends that adore her. It's an awful lot of love, devotion and respect since the day she landed. So Kara may have trauma but she has all the love in the world to help her through it. Oh it also doesn't hurt that she is a blonde haired, blue eyed Caucasian white woman. I wouldn't normally mention skin color but the show made a point of Jonn mentioning this. Kara didn't believe prejudice against aliens happened much anymore because she (the white woman) didn't experience it.
I'd like to point out that Kara's race survived, she also still has her mother.
Now let's look Lena, Lena was traumatized aged 4 by watching her own mother die and grew up believing it to be her fault. She was taken in by a horrible family she didn't even learn was biologically hers until after her father died and her brother had gone insane. Her father may have liked her but he has also been shown to be an alcoholic, her step mother made it abundantly clear she didn't want Lena around and has kidnapped her several times and though she was dedicated to Lex his diaries show that he saw her as a play thing even when they were children. So unlike Kara, Lena didn't get placed with a loving family. People are so focused on Lena's billionaire status, money doesn't equal love and happiness. Lena has been treated horribly for most of her life. It doesn't matter she went to the best school, maybe ate from a silver platter, she was emotionally abused and not wanted. The total opposite of Kara. Kara got a devoted adopted mother and father and a wonderful devoted sister. Lena got a horrible adopted mother, an alcoholic father and an insane, manipulative, mass murdering, genocidal brother. Lena had to watch her brother decend into madness to the point SHE not Superman managed to set him up and get him caught. But Lena has to suffer for what Lex did. She is cursed by her own name no matter how good she is. Kara's family sat back knowing Krypton would be destroyed, her family nearly enslaved the human race with tech ger father created (Astra and Non). But no one holds it against Kara/Supergirl. Lena's mother and brother try to kill aliens and Lena is instanty under suspicion because she simply breathes. Kara's family basically invade but no one sees Kara any differently. Why? Because she isn't her family, a sentiment no matter how many times she proves it Lena will never earn.
Lena is constantly shot at, treated like shit, manipulated, people try to asssinate her and whenever she does something good or saves the world it's only ever Supergirl that gets acknowledged for it. She even tries to help people and cure Cancer but is constantly taken advantage of. Even when she's trying to cure cancer she's condemned because the tech is used (not by her) for nerfarious purposes. She can't even try to cure cancer without being shat on. She had different opinions to the Superfriends and that makes her instantly bad not only to haters but also the Superfriends. She's framed, footage of 'her' shows her getting Kryptonite and no one cares to hear Kara protest her innocence. But does anyone remember Bizarro? Red daughter? Yeah the Superfriends never doubted for a second that that wasn't Kara. Instant love and respect no matter what, something Lena only had Kara for . Until she didn't.
Kara was the one person to show trust in Lena. That was until Lena did something Kara didn't like, approve of and suddenly felt threatened by even though Lena is one of the very few who has never hurt or threatened her and has always believed in her. That actually included Alex and Jonn. Kara felt threatened because Lena had Kryptonite, but never gave a rats ass that Jonn used Kryptonian cuffs on her, owned a Kryptonian knife, or that Alex shot her out of the sky with Kryptonite bullets and owns a Kryptonite sword. She didn't even care the DEO had a stash of Kryptonite until Kal El kicked up a fuss. The Superfriends, ALL of them have even doubted Kara's ability to succeed at some point. Lena on the other hand has done nothing but encourage her. So Kara was so quick to let fear and prejudice cloud her judgement.
Kara had been treated like she was in charge of all things for so long she started to think she was. Legally having Kryptonite wasn't against the law, it's never been stated that it was. Kara also thought she had the right to tell a civilian business woman that she had to give up her property to Kara's sister all because Kara said so??? This still bothers me. Kara actually doesn't have this kind of authority. Lena works with the DEO out of curtesy. She doesn't actually have to be there.
Kara also decided she had the right to go behind Lena's back and use her relationship, the very one Kara pushed her into against her. It wouldn't surprise me if Lena immediately starts to wonder why she was pushed to date Superman and Supergirls bestie, knowing full well (thanks James, slow clap to you) that Kara used James to spy on her. These things are all ignored because all people want to see is 'bad Luthor with different opinions' and 'sunny Danvers'. People say Lena is portrayed as the victim, but Kara does a good job or making herself one to.
Kara has also been shown to doubt Lena when it comes to HER personally, but in regards to others she tells them that Lena is good and she's usually right . Kara isn't consistent here.
Kara has NEVER had to work to get anyone's love or trust. She just gets given it. The only time she's had to work for it is after the red k incident, and the red daughter charade. But she got it back pretty quick. Lena on the hand constantly works to have trust, she knows she won't get love, but one rumour and it all goes to shit. Lena doesn't have the same support network that Kara does. When Lena makes a mistake she doesn't have lots of people to go to like Kara does. Ultimately the super friends are KARA'S friends first and foremost. Even her boyfriend put Kara first. Lena even has to work just to get respect from Kara and James at work, because neither thought they had to give that to her. Ultimately she got it from Kara who apologized and Lena instantly forgave her because she always does, but she was basically driven out of Cat Co by James. Notice after he refused to do the Lockwood interview and embarrassed her at Thanksgiving also rejecting her love she stopped going to Cat Co and focused her attention at L Corp. Which was sad because remember how excited she was to run Cat Co with Kara?
So Lena will feel betrayed by the secret? I personally think she has ever reason to. She's been used, manipulated, has already been betrayed, judged and kept in the dark by the Superfriends. I'd feel betrayed to. Kara's excuse about it being to protect her because people may use her or hurt her became redundant the moment Lillian told her she knew. It would have been safer for Lena to know at that point so she COULDN'T be used. Lena also had the right to know who she was letting into her life. A choice all the other Superfriends were given the the privilege of making. Lena being around Kara and friends with Supergirl hasn't kept her off people's hit lists. Her not knowing genuinely puts her in more danger.
There's so much more to add but I've made my point. If you're going to mention Kara's trauma DON'T ignore Lena's. Don't ignore the fact that Kara is just given love and respect and people want to protect her and have since the day she was born, whereas Lena has never had that.
Two people with trauma, one who's life is consistently filled with love even when more trauma is happening and one who's life has been full of abuse, assassination attempts, betrayal, being held responsible for others crimes and even being betrayed by the one person who supposedly believes in you. Lena has no such love and devotion to get her through it all.
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bigfan-fanfic · 5 years
Love and Logic (Male!Reader x Brainiac 5)
Requested by  @acoustickitten for Kara and Alex’s adoptive brother, an empath and “lovable cinnamon roll” shipped with Brainiac 5
Note: I haven’t yet watched the latest season of Supergirl, so bear with me if my characterization is a touch out of date. Also, I focused more on the relationship with Kara and Alex - sorry!
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You like working with your sisters.
No - you love working with them.
You see, you have empathetic powers, which means that you can feel the emotions of people in your immediate vicinity
Sometimes, it’s really scary, because how can you know what’s you and what is someone else? And also, people can feel really horrible when you aren’t expecting it.
But it’s helped you become more assertive. You feel things more strongly to make up for having to feel others’ emotions.
Maybe that’s why your sisters always call you a cinnamon roll - you love them SO much, and it keeps you afloat above the tide of others’ emotions, grounding you.
And when you focus on that love, you can influence emotions around you, calming or agitating as you see fit.
They can be a little overprotective. You were only a baby when Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers adopted you, so Kara and Alex have been taking care of you all your life.
Kara likes hanging with you because you can make her feel calm when she’s angry or homesick for Krypton. Plus, you’re the only one who seems to want to know about Krypton.
She also sympathizes with you, since you lost your planet too.
However, sometimes she acts the stereotypical older sister, like your first day of school, where she completely ignored you.
Until you had a panic attack during recess from feeling so many foreign emotions and Kara had to take you somewhere more private.
From then on, you held Kara’s hand during periods between classes until you were old enough to regulate your powers.
Alex is incredibly protective of you, even more than Kara.
Mostly because you admire her so much - it’s a real ego boost.
She knew that due to your abilities, you wouldn’t have much luck away from home, so she immediately “informed” J’onn of your existence so that you could get a job at the DEO.
You don’t like keeping secrets from Kara, but you’ve also felt firsthand how outraged she can get when she feels like she isn’t being taken seriously.
Your job at the DEO is basically Human Resources - you’re pretty much a natural therapist for the high-stress lifestyle the agents lead. They like you a lot: you’re basically the team mascot.
Everybody has adopted the nickname “the cinnamon roll” for you. Except J’onn. He’s too professional.
But you love your life, even more so when Kara becomes Supergirl, because she’s so happy to not hide anymore.
It’s exciting to meet Superman, not only because he’s Kara’s cousin, but because he feels so happy and confident. Being around him makes you feel much calmer than usual.
Maybe that’s also why you feel comfortable with Brainy. He’s a completely synthetic being - meaning that you can’t feel his emotions.
When you’re alone with him, you feel normal for the first time in your life.
And Brainy likes you, too. You’re so understanding, even without feeling his emotions, and your powers are fascinating - true empaths are rare in the future. And one day Brainiac asks you out on - wait a moment while he tries to find the archaic term - a date.
You love hearing about the inventions and events of the distant future, and Brainiac is so intrigued by your knowledge of what he considers the distant past - the way you tell it, it somehow doesn’t seem quite as primitive and backwoods as he thought.
It catches Alex, Kara, and Mon-El completely by surprise that you and Brainiac 5 have started dating. Winn is completely shocked.
But they are all supportive. You tend to hang more with Winn and Brainy during this time because Kara and Alex’s emotions are all stormy due to Imra and Maggie. 
Kara gets a little ticked off when Imra gushes about how cute you and Brainy seem together. You feel the waves of “don’t you dare call my brother cute” from her.
Brainy is a tad distractable, but he’s a good boyfriend, and the two of you never are short of subjects to talk about.
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femcel404 · 5 years
Seg x Adam headcannons - Adam taking Seg to Earth, and to Pride
Requested by the lovely @mersephesie . I merged your request with an idea from a friend, hope you don’t mind.
A/N- SPOILER ALERT as I have used a couple of details from the end of Krypton season 2, but not many. These is cannon-divergence and I’m ignoring Brainiac (as of now). Also Nyssa didn’t take the zeta device in this. Also I’m not even gonna try and say this is good, because it’s midnight and it’s probably shit. Oh well.
WARNINGS: homophobic slurs and very minor violence
It happened at the ‘party’ after they defeated Dru-Zod.
Adam was really drunk when he asked Seg “Do you wanna go to Earth with me?”
Seg just chuckled and replied “yeah, sure love.” As he basically dragged Adam to bed, by the jet-pack.
Adam asked the same question the next morning, this time more seriously. He actually wanted to show Seg Earth.
Seg didn’t even think twice before whispering “of course” to Adam, and kissing him softly on the cheek.
Then Adam tried to get up.
It didn’t work, and he fell.
Seg caught him, so all was good.
“Adam, I love you, but sometimes you’re the biggest bloody idiot I know.” Seg sighed with a smile “you’re gonna have to wear that hideous jet-pack, you know.”
“I can’t exactly wear a jet-pack into town on Earth.” Adam laughed.
“Then how will you ge-“ Seg was interrupted
“WAIT- Earth has a yellow sun, Seg, you will have superpowers.” Adam rushed as he sat himself up in bed
Seg shot up after that. “Superpowers? Like what?”
“Super-strength, flight, heat vision, invulnerability, super-hearing, just no name a few.” Adam smiled excitedly at Seg “you’ll be like superman!”
“Super-strength, eh? I guess I’ll just carry you around, like a parade.” Seg smirked.
Adam blushed at that.
Then he realised “we could go to the Detroit pride parade, if-if you like.” Adam stuttered as he asked.
“What’s a pride parade?” Seg asked. Adam almost laughed. Almost.
“It’s a parade to recognise an support LGBT people.”
“What’s LGBT?” Seg asked again.
“Wait, what do you call the-the non-straight and non-cisgender community on Krypton?” It was adam’s turn to ask a question
“Just regular people, really, there’s never been any difference between anyone.” Seg shrugs
“Wow. What a planet.” Adam sighs. Seg sees something that vaguely resembles pain in his eyes.
“What’s wrong love?” He asks Adam.
“Doesn’t matter. Anyways, wanna go to pride? We get to wave giant rainbow flags around, plus there’s music.” Adam smiles excitedly at Seg again.
“Only for you, love.” Seg kisses Adam through the words.
They zeta to Detroit, Earth, the next morning.
It takes Seg about 20 minutes to absorb enough yellow sun radiation to access his powers. It is, after all, a lovely sunny day. Perfect for pride.
They both just wear their normal clothes, but Adam convinces Seg to wear a gay pride flag as a cape. He also has a flag, but his is on a small pole.
Adam starts off in a wheelchair. He complains for the entire 20 minutes, until the parade starts and Seg picks Adam up and puts him on his shoulders.
“This is so weird. I can barely feel you. You weigh nothing.” Seg explains in wonder.
“Careful there babe, you could be breaking my bones without either of us realising.” Adam joked
Adam was extremely happy when he realised he could reach Seg to kiss him, even from atop his shoulders. The perks of being short.
“So this is Detroit.” Seg took in the skyscrapers and other city buildings around him “Looks pretty shit to me” he laughed. Adam laughed to.
They were having a great time singing and waving their flags as Seg carried Adam on his shoulders down a road crowded with people waving a variety of different flags.
“There’s never been anything like this on Krypton. I don’t think there ever needed to be.” Seg looked up at Adam briefly
Adam was about to respond, when some men standing to the side of the parade yelling slurs like ‘faggots’ and ‘fucking aboninations’ came into earshot.
Seg stopped walking immediately.
“Just ignore them, babe. They don’t matter, not today.” Adam placed a comforting hand on Seg’s shoulder “Besides, right now you’d punch their heads off before you even realise it. Superpowers, remember.”
Seg sighed and continued walking
“This is what upset you yesterday morning, Adam. Why didn’t you tell me?” Seg asked as they walked
Yes, Adam is still on Seg’s shoulders.
“ Because I didn’t think you’d wanna come if you knew how homophobic assholes like them can be.” Adam admitted in defeat
“Adam, I love you. I would’ve come even if you said we’d have to wear radiation suits with clown masks on top.” Seg paused walking for a moment to kiss Adam.
“I love you too, hot stuff. Thanks for coming today.” Adam replied before kissing Seg again
The parade finished half an hour later, at about 1pm
Seg put a once again complaining Adam back into the wheelchair before starting to head towards a quiet alley where no one could see them zeta-beam back to Krypton
3 guys followed them , calling out homophobic slurs
“Ingore them, Seg, don’t let them-“ Adam tried to stop Seg
“What did you call me?” Seg spun around to face the men
“I said, fag, I’m gonna knock your teeth out.” One of the men called out
“Seg-“ Adam tried to calm his now superpwered-boyfriend down
It didn’t work
“I dare you to try, fuckers.” Seg laughed and held his arms out.
All 3 men charged at him
All 3 men were left with broken hands as they attempted to punch an invulnerable Seg
“What are you?!” One of the men exclaimed, following the other 2 out of the alley
“Y’know, I really thought for a secon there you were gonna kill then accidentally. But that was strangely hot.” Adam smirked at Seg from the wheelchair
“I guess I should take your last name then, so we can both be strangely hot.” Seg resumed pushing Adam’s wheelchair
“C’mon we need to get outa here before anyone notices.” Adam’s cheeks flush a deep shade of red
They zeta-beamed back to Krypton after that.
It was late afternoon when they got back to Krypton. Time travel is quite confusing.
Seg and Adam relaxed on a couch by a window, amd watched the city hustle.
“Thanks again for comin’ today babe. Means a lot to me. Also, thanks for carrying me.” Adam rested his head on Seg’s shoulder
“Anything for you love.” Seg turned his head to kiss Adam.
“Although, I can’t say I won’t miss those superpower, even if I didn’t really get to try them all out.” Seg joked “Actually, I’d have to be careful with those powers, you might just implode.” Seg chuckled.
“You know- I’m not even gonna argue with that. It’d be so hot I’d probably dissolve.” Adam replied, already blushing slightly at the thought
Seg guided Adam’s face towards his own, and looked him in the eyes.
“You are so beautiful. I love you so, so much.” He whispered to Adam before gently kissing him on the lips
Then Seg stood up, carrying Adam in his arms bridal-style
“I also don’t need superpowers to carry you.” Seg smirked at his boyfriend
Seg carried Adam all the way to the bedroom
“I still have to show you the beach on Earth, you know,” Adam finally managed to speak “maybe by then, Val will have figured out how to make me walk again so I can teach you how to swim.” Adam smirked at Seg
“I’d love that. Thankyou for doing this for me, love.” Seg replied as he placed Adam on the bed.
“Just you wait babe, you’ll love the ocean.” Adam looked half-lidded at Seg “You’ll also love the swimware, but all in good time.”
“Not as much as I love you.” Seg pulled Adam closer, and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips.
That was probably crap but whatever :)
•Let it me know if you’d like to see them go to the beach!!
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douxreviews · 6 years
Supergirl - ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’ Review
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Lena Luthor: How can you pay your debt to society if you’re already dead?
An enjoyable episode, back to the basics of the comics – but not much depth for Kara.
The episode follows several storylines. Lex Luthor has been let out of prison (but with lots of guards) because he’s dying of cancer. He visits his sister Lena to seek a cure for his cancer, especially as he knows she’s been working on a drug based on the magic stone from Krypton that just might do the trick. It’s interesting to watch the half-siblings interact. Lex doesn’t seem like all that bad a guy and he doesn’t seem that dangerous. He eggs Lena on, but also tells her some truths.
The B story is concerned with James, who was shot at the end of the prior episode. He gets rescued immediately, by using the watch that I remember given to him in one of the Superman comics which I read many decades ago. The watch has to be activated to send out a distress signal, so I spent the whole episode wondering who activated it. James couldn’t and a killer wouldn’t, so what was going on? Turns out the shooter wasn’t trying to kill James, but it wasn’t a loose plot thread either. Anyway, the friends of James (including ex-girlfriend Lena) gather in the hospital, and are joined by Kelly, James’s sister. James is alive, but in bad shape, and the question is – operate on him (probably paralyze him but save his life) or give him Lena’s drug (perfect health but possibly kills him)? Kelly, as next-of-kin, has to make the decision. She doesn’t trust the Luthors. She opts for surgery, quite reasonably pointing out that Lex Luthor has been trying to kill her brother over and over. Then the power at the hospital fails while James is in surgery and Lena rushes in with the improved-but-untested drug, which is now James's only option. And saves her ex-boyfriend. Whew!
The C story – not very interesting – are J’onn and Supergirl following Manchester Black – who they assume (incorrectly) shot J’onn. Manchester Black is managing to infiltrate J’onn’s thoughts and visions, and provokes J’onn into attacking him and apparently killing him. I say “apparently” because, you know, how often do characters really die in these series? Anyway, the ring that Black stole from Brainy falls to the ground and it gets returned to Brainy, while J’onn realizes/decides that he’s not a man of peace after all. Honestly, I didn’t really care, although the action scene does give Supergirl the chance to say: “Dam it,” on TV. We seem to have finished with Agent Liberty in the last episode; does this mean that we’re done with Manchester Black as well? I wouldn’t mind.
I was actually a little relieved not to be having to follow too many storylines. The end, where we learn that Lex took advantage of the threat on the dam to engineer a power outage that compelled Lena to test her drug on James before he tried it on himself, was just convoluted enough to be pleasantly surprising without being confusing (and his henchman, the one who shot James Olsen to turn him into a test bunny, was the guy who summoned Supergirl with his watch). But the sweetest reveal was when Eve Tessmacher pulled a gun on Lena Luthor. “How long have you been working for him?” Lena asks, and Eve replies, “Always.” Of course, she was his sidekick/love interest before, so that was perfectly reasonable.
The episode ends with Lex Luthor – after murdering a whole bunch of people – flying away in a helicopter and seeing Supergirl hovering outside.
Title musings: “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” is also name of a movie that I have not seen, which was apparently based on Homer’s The Odyssey, which I have read. I can’t see any similarities between the episode and The Odyssey. We can take a literal interpretation as the helicopter flies off with Lex and so Lena doesn’t know where her brother is. It also applies to Kelly, who probably often wonders where James is.
Bits and pieces
Lex Luthor quotes Epicurus and says the Greek philosopher lived 230 years ago. But it’s more like 2300 years ago. Big mistake.
Fun to see Jon Cryer as a very sick Lex Luthor, a role so different from his role as sidekick and a whiny, younger brother in Two and a Half Men.
Now we know why Katie McGrath had so little to do as Lena in the last episode. Because of all her work in this episode.
The make-up folks did a great job of making Kara and Alex look absolutely horrible for J’onn’s hallucination.
Nice to have Nia kiss Brainy. However, there was not enough Brainy in the episode. They weren’t offering much support, just hanging around the vending machine.
Lex Luthor: I am the man of tomorrow. Not him! Not him!
Lex Luthor: If the Latin fits.
Lex Luthor: I want you to know with certainty, that while I came from poison, you came from love. And if the rest of this family stands steadily in darkness, you will always fall into the light.
Kelly: Jell-O really is the best hospital food.
Brainy (after pounding with futility on vending machine): I usually get along so well with machines.
Kara/Supergirl: Dam it. (Closest she gets to being able to say damn it, but there was a literal dam breaking. Noticed they had no closed captioning, at least on my screen, at that moment.)
Overall Rating
The episode was enjoyable and Lex Luthor was great. The problem, however, is that they’re not giving Supergirl anything emotional to do; she hardly ever has any quotable quotes. Even her tension with Alex’s not knowing her secret identity was lame. Two and a half out of four bowls of Jell-O.
Victoria Grossack loves math, Greek mythology, Jane Austen and great storytelling in many forms.
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appropriatelystupid · 7 years
Hopes and thoughts on Supergirl S3
So, I spent a good portion of my drive to work thinking about what I’d like to see happen in season 3; these are just a few thoughts I’ve had recently and I don’t know much as far as spoilers are concerned but some things have been bugging me since last season and I finally feel I can try to articulate them. Kara absolutely should be more angry than we’ve seen her. CBS wasn’t going to delve too deeply into the lore but the CW should have and didn’t (at least so far).
Kara Zor-El is supposed to be rougher around the edges than Kal/Clark is and they haven’t allowed her to be that way. She watched her home get destroyed after she was told she was essentially going to have to raise her cousin, not knowing where she would go and what kind of reception she would encounter. And then to top it all off, she gets stuck in limbo for twenty plus years and can’t fulfill that last promise she made to the most important people in her life. CBS slightly explored the fact that she missed her opportunity to fulfill her duty, as it were, and CW tried to set Mon-El up to be her chance to finally serve her purpose. CW should have, and should still, explore the fact that Kara’s need to serve her purpose is more than just the fact that she promised her parents. Kara lived half of her conscious years (so far) on Krypton and had a role she was going to be expected to fulfill; in her case, at least as far as CBS was concerned, it was going to be in the science guild. She had a chance to fulfill this new purpose with Mon-El and the CW absolutely mishandled the writing for that. Furthermore, Kara would obviously understand Earth’s scientific capacity. As Kara Danvers, it is okay for her to pretend to maybe not understand things, as it might seem odd to people that an assistant turned junior reporter knows that much about science and then didn’t go into a scientific field. But as Supergirl, Kara should be allowed to show her understanding, and that’s where laziness on the CW’s part is obvious.
As far as romantic relationships are concerned, I’m not totally happy or unhappy with the choices that have been made. Have there been mistakes with writing? Absolutely. But do I think they meant well in the original pitch meetings? Yes. Full disclosure, I ship Kara with almost everyone, and that is a credit to Melissa’s performance. I’m only going to address the three major pairings for Kara as they relate to this the most significantly. In season one, CBS laid the groundwork for James and Kara, with a side of unrequited from Winn, but I’ll be honest that I never fully supported the timeline and execution. I never truly felt an equal amount of longing on both sides of Kara/James. I never felt the same emotion from James and I think a lot of that had to do with my hope for her to learn about herself as a hero first. Which actually continued into season two. If the CW felt that Kara and James was not the right pairing, then they ABSOLUTELY should have given them a better ending. When the CW made it clear that they were going to commit to Kara and Mon-El, they obviously made mistakes. The flaws in the writing of his character are fully on the writers and I don’t blame Chris for them at all. Almost every character had poor writing decisions made in season two and the actors can only do so much if they want to stay employed. Chris and Melissa obviously have chemistry as evidenced by their relationship offscreen. I’m not saying Mon-El was a good character once written, but I do think the idea behind giving Kara someone she could actually connect to through their similar journeys was of a pure intention. If/when Mon-El returns from his trip through space, the CW needs to acknowledge their mistakes and take the steps to fix them. Now, do I ship Kara and Lena? Abso-fucking-lutely. There is no way to deny the chemistry between Melissa and Katie. HOWEVER, I don’t want to see them romantically in season three. If the CW were actually going to try that pairing, they would absolutely ruin it. Kara NEEDS to be alone this season. For the whole season too. If one thing is clear it’s that Kara has never been given the chance to learn who she is now that she has embraced her powers. The CW owes her that chance. CBS did what they thought they could to let her be the female icon she is, and the CW needs to accept and embrace that while allowing Kara her flaws (i.e. her anger). Now there’s more I’m sure I could say but this is already much longer than I anticipated so I’ll cut myself off for now because I don’t know if any of it even makes sense.
TL/DR: - Kara should be allowed her anger (but it should be for more than the loss of her boyfriend) - If/when Mon-El returns, the CW needs to fix the problems they made - Most importantly, Kara needs to be alone romantically but given back the close friendships she has with James, Winn, Alex, and now Lena - But seriously, I do NOT want to see Kara with even a hint of a romantic relationship this season... even if Mon-El comes back in more than a dream
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Supergirl S2 Finale Recap & Review Ep 222 "Nevertheless, She Persisted" #Supergirlfinale
Episode grade: 9
When we last saw Supergirl, she was under attack from her more-famous cousin aboard the Daxamite mothership. By way of explanation, Queen Rhea the Smug reminds Kara that Daxam is littered with the detritus of Krypton, which means they have an abundant source of Kryptonite. The variety she's using on Superman is silver, and it's affecting his mind, causing him to hallucinate a battle with Zod. (On Smallville, silver K caused Clark to experience vivid paranoid delusions, so I appreciate the consistency, even though I know the two series are not actually in a shared continuity.)
The fight is really good, too. Comic book fans are used to seeing some pretty thin explanations for why two heroes are suddenly punching each other, but this one is solid, so I'm feeling respected as a fan. Ultimately, Kara triumphs, then collapses in exhaustion.
When they both awaken, Superman makes it very clear that the silver K only affected his mind, not his body; Kara beat him for real, at his full strength.
Because Superman's in town, it would be wrong not to at least talk about Lex Luthor. Lillian visits Lena to deliver Lex's unfinished symphony of anti-Kryptonian tech. She suggests to Lena that while Lex never got it working, Lena might be able to complete his work, reconfiguring it to affect Daxamites instead of Kryptonians. "You could be the Luthor who saved the world," Lillian tempts her.
At DEO headquarters, Supergirl and Superman make a grand entrance. Winn and Superman have an endearing interaction, as Winn clearly hopes to be remembered from last time, and Superman comes through with a compliment and a charming "good to see you again," only to leave Winn blushing and stammering. 
Kara introduces her cousin to her boyfriend, and it's a sweet moment, with Mon-El clarifying that he's a Daxamite, but "not like the killy ones."
Kara asks Winn to open a channel to the mothership, and she challenges Rhea to a traditional duel. Kara is the champion of Earth; Rhea represents Daxam. If Kara wins, Rhea and her forces have to leave the planet. Mon-El is really not happy with this plan, because he knows Kara isn't a murderer, and his mother definitely is. 
Kara and Clark go off to visit Cat Grant, who, as you may recall, has a deep and unabashed affinity for Clark. They ask Cat to help with the DEO's efforts to clear the area so the duel won't cause civilian casualties, including overeager media. (Although...couldn't they just not hold the duel in the heart of downtown National City? I admit that feels a little strange to me.)
Cat hilariously asks their help intervening with James' alter-ego, because she's worried he'll get himself killed, playing superhero without any superpowers. She tries to use Star Wars references like, "punching out bad guys like he's Darth Vader," and "get killed by a lifesaver." When they correct her on these points, she breezily says she's never seen a Star Wars movie. It's a fun bit, especially because Calista Flockhart is married to Han Solo himself!
Meanwhile, Lena is a hero, so she reaches out to Supergirl about the device she's working on. Supergirl and Superman go to see her and Lillian to learn more. Lena explains it will make the planet uninhabitable to all Daxamites, then asks Supergirl if she knew that Kara Danvers was dating Mon-El. (Agh, Lena, how do you not know??? This is the one part I just don't buy.) Supergirl gives Lena the go-ahead to prep their Plan B, and Winn is dispatched to help Lena with the work.
Kara and Rhea meet for the duel, and Rhea demands that Supergirl swear again to honor the agreement about the duel, and Supergirl says, "On my honor." And now I'm a little confused about honor, because there have been all these wacky moments when Supergirl's sense of honor is so overblown that she rages at Mon-El's lie about his past or she risks her life to offer Rhea a chance to surrender...but now, she's flat-out lying while invoking honor. We know she's lying, because Lena's working on Plan B, with Supergirl's blessing. So...I don't know about this "on my honor" business. Is it meant to indicate that Supergirl has learned there's a time when lying is appropriate? I just don't know.
Not that it matters, of course, because Rhea has zero honor, and we all know it. She starts having her ships and soldiers attack the city, because it distracts and distresses Supergirl, and because if she can't have this place, then no one can. 
Superman and J'onn exchange an oath, "Stronger together!" and head into the city to join the fight. (I really appreciate these moments of outspoken feminism and support. Every time they reference Hillary Clinton, my heart swells and aches a bit.) Mon-El goes to help protect the people. M'gann shows up with a bunch of White Martians who share her path of peace.
Lillian is eager to just turn on the device as soon as it's ready, but Lena reveals that she saw this coming and gave the activation control to Supergirl; only Supergirl will make this decision.
Rhea's long-term exposure to the Kryptonite on Daxam has caused her blood to become toxic to Kara; one good punch that breaks the skin, and Supergirl is in trouble! Still, Supergirl is strong and resolute; she's doing well in the fight, but it's clear that Rhea's instructions to her army were of the scorched-earth variety. The Daxamites are not going to leave peacefully, no matter what. Mon-El nods to Kara, knowing she has to activate the device.
Because Mon-El has been here so much longer, he's got a little time before the effects would be fatal. Rhea turns to dust within moments, and good riddance to that bitch. Kara calls Alex to pull the Kryptonite pod out of storage and get it ready, so they can get Mon-El off-world before it's too late.
Now, as a fan of DC Comics, I've always known that Mon-El was going to have to leave because of lead in our atmosphere. But knowing it all along doesn't make it any easier to watch, and that's because of Chris Wood. He's been such a wonderful part of this show all year. Charming, effortlessly likable, hilarious, and so good in these more intense moments, too. I hope he sticks around The CW, because I watch almost every show on this network, so I have a good chance of seeing him again soon.
I appreciate that the show made time to share my pain, as my eyes were filled with tears. Superman is the first to offer his condolences, admitting to Kara that he's not sure he could have made the selfless choice she just made; if he had to sacrifice Lois to save the world, he might fail that test. He tells her again that she's truly the stronger of them.
Alex talks to Kara next, and afterward, she immediately proposes to Maggie, because life's too short, and love is everything.
Kara visits Cat again, and Cat delivers another inspiring pep talk. After Kara leaves the room, Cat calls her Supergirl...so, she does know, I guess, which makes sense...but Lena doesn't? Anyway...
Lillian takes credit publicly for vanquishing the Daxamite invasion. Since the DEO is a secret organization, they probably can't offer any contradictory evidence. At least maybe Lena will continue to distrust her vicious mom, who took the role of "the Luthor who saved the world" for herself after all!
In the Kryptonian pod, Mon-El is zooming through space, then gets sucked through a wormhole! I 100% predict he's being sent to the future, where he will become a member of the Legion of Superheroes.
Finally, we go back in time to the destruction of Krypton again, and this time, there is a third pod revealed as having launched after Kal-El's and Kara's. The people surrounding the pod are all very creepy with black hooded robes, skull emblems on the walls, and a general ominous vibe. We can't see the baby-shaped thing they're loading into the pod, but we do see one of the caretakers feed it a drop of blood from her finger.
I'm predicting the Season 3 villain is Doomsday. Any other guesses? And will everyone miss Mon-El as much as I will?
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ruffiorocks · 5 years
Kara could have told Lena she was an alien. She could have been out as one.
I've just had yet another sleep deprived thought.
Kara could have tested the waters with Lena by simply stating she was an alien. This is actually something that Kara could have told Lena from day one. The big issue that effects Kara is that she is Supergirl, NOT that she is an alien.
Season one it wouldn't have been the best plan to come out as an alien because the DEO seemed to be very anti alien and apparently even though Superman had already been active in Metropolis Winn was on conspiracy theory sites claiming they had proof aliens were real and Kara even said there were 'no such things as aliens'. Probably the most ridiculous line to make the cut and it was the FIRST episode!
Exhibit A: Cat Grant states she needs to cut the Tribune because the Daily Planet had Superman and put him on the cover ALL the time. So people know that at least one alien exists. You could use the argument that maybe they didn't know he was an alien but that brings me to;
Exhibit B: When Supergirl has her first meeting with Cat Grant she talks about her escape from Krypton etc. And Cat is bored because it's the same exact story Superman told. So yes the world knows he's an alien.
Exhibit C: Kara meets James Olsen and immediately knows who he is because he's famously SUPERMAN'S best friend. James even talks about how Kara looks like him. Kara even sees the famous first photo that James took of him.
Exhibit D: Cat Grant talks to James about his connection to Superman.
So yeah the whole 'no such things as aliens' line is bizzare and I'm surprised it made the cut.
So yeah... Season one may not have been a good time for Kara to state she's an alien. Since aliens are treated with hostility by the DEO.
Season 2 however is different, more and more Aliens are arriving on Earth and it's common to have one as your next door neighbor. E.g Lena's detection device, that wouldn't exist if aliens weren't common place. Kara even talks about aliens living on Earth. Now it's not 100% OK being an alien in National City in season 2 since the alien bar is a big secret. But aliens being around isn't one. Look at the alien fight club?
Kara spoke up in defence of aliens, she awkwardly tried to tell Lena why she was against the device (which just to clarify NEVER went on sale and Kara and Lena saw each others point of views at the end of the episode.) I've often wondered if Kara would have found a way to destroy the device had Lena not wanted to show her how it works but that's a different story.
By season 3 though you have the alien amnesty act. Kara could have come out as an alien here. She didn't need to state what kind of alien she was, she could have just said she was one. Even if she didn't announce it publicly she could have told Lena her best friend. She could have waited to see how Lena would react. Personally I think Lena may have been surprised but it wouldn't change anything. Lena already proved she isn't Xenophobic. She went out of her way to save ALL the aliens of National City from being poisened and had helped Supergirl quite a few times. Lena being Lena may have been curious to know what kind of alien Kara is but she wouldn't have pushed if Kara didn't want to elaborate. Remember that Lena found out her good friend Sam was actually a homicidal world killer and it didn't change a thing.
Season 3 is where the issues really begin though. The Supergirl and Lena fall out. (More on that below)
Season 4? If Kara tells Lena she's an alien now Lena may be surprised that Kara didn't tell her sooner but she would probably still be OK with it. She would most likely be concerned for Kara's safety due to the COL. She has no reason not to be OK with Kara being an Alien, she's great friends with Brainy and she respects and gets on with Jonn etc. No the issue is that Kara is Supergirl.
Kara's secret from season one shouldn't have been about her being an alien. From season 2 onward she could have openly been out as an alien. No Kara's biggest issue is that she chose to be Supergirl and Clark is Superman.
Kara Danvers could have been an out and proud alien. She could have come up with any kind of story and called herself anything. How are humans going to know she's Kryptonian? She could have declared herself a Kryptonian but with no connection to Superman. A little harder to pull off because of the whole almost extinct race thing but doable. This being a secret identity show where glasses make you a different person means she could have been a Kryptonian reporter using all her powers but still a different person to Supergirl. "Oh Supergirl is from my home planet! What are the odds?"
Kara's biggest obstacle to being fully herself is ironically being Supergirl. Kara could have been Kara Zor El if she hadn't chosen to put the cape on. It's her role as Supergirl that puts those she knows and loves at risk.
But Kara could have still named herself as an alien. Kara could help more aliens as Kara Danvers if she came out as one. Franklyn works at Cat Co openly as an alien.
So Kara could have told Lena pretty early on she was an alien. If Lena rejected her which I seriously doubt she would have then Kara would have known that trying to be her bestie wasn't a good idea. But if Lena had been cool with it then they could have been happy like that until Kara felt Lena was trustworthy enough to know that she's Supergirl.
As I said above though, Kara wrecked any chance of the above being an option when she started to be an arsehole to Lena in season 2. The first time I feel she was an ass to her was when she looked at her like she was garbage when she and Superman landed at L Corp to talk to Lena and Lillian. This is where things between Supergirl and Lena started to go sour. If Kara had simply stated she was an alien she could have told Lena her boyfriend was one to and how Rhea had arrived. Kara wouldn't have had to tell Lena she was Supergirl just yet. Poor Lena would have just believed that Kara's boyfriend works with Supergirl, you know like she already thought! That way Lena wouldn't have been out of the loop and would know Rhea isn't trustworthy.
But then season 3 happened and Kara really believed that Lena was out to get her even though everything Lena was doing was to help save Sam. Hurting Supergirl never entered Lena's head but Supergirl kind of ignored Sam's issue of sharing her body with a homicidal world killer and just made it about herself. Accusing Lena of having ill intent towards her even though Lena had done nothing but help her and the aliens of National City since she met her. Kara made it even worse stepping over the line and getting James to break into Lena's vault. Kara moved outside of the boundaries of just having a Supergirl V Lena trust issue and decided to get one of the very few people Lena trusted to betray that trust. That's what hurt Lena the most, she told Kara she could never trust Supergirl again after that. Kara at least had the good sense to realise she messed up bringing James into it. Plus she shouldnt have trusted him, he absolutely threw her under the bus. James wouldn't have had to have come clean to Lena and feel like he needed to be honest if he had done the decent thing in the first place and just told Kara NO! Not break into L Corp (with Winn's help I might add, yet another person used against Lena) and get to the Vault only to grow a concience at the last second. He even lied to Kara and said he looked when he didn't. The decent thing to do was to tell Kara he simply didn't look and he wasn't betraying Lena's trust for her. Not half ass it, lie about it then drop Kara in it. James is the reason Lena knows Supergirl wanted to use him against her. Why tell her that at all? It only hurt her caused her more unnecessary pain.
Obviously Supergirl and Lena have reached an understanding and Lena absolutely adores Kara. But the big issue is Kara has let it go on for far to long. I don't think it's the lying about BEING Supergirl that would hurt Lena the most. I think she would be miffed about it and feel stupid but I think that is forgivable given the reasons Kara kept it secret. No it's the weird Jekell and Hyde act that Kara adopted in Season 2 and really came out in season 3. You cannot be someone's best friend one minute then go back to them as different person and treat them like crap the next. Kara should have picked a lane. If she didn't trust Lena as Supergirl she shouldn't have then gone to her and trusted her as Kara. Vice versa, if Kara trusted and loved Lena she shouldn't have treated her with hostility as Supergirl.
The betrayal isn't Kara being Supergirl, it's Kara's Jekell and Hyde act. It's Lena's best friend treating her like the enemy and even trying to get her boyfriend to betray her to. Then going back to her as Kara and being her best friend, listening to her problems with Supergirl. Showing faith and trust in her as Kara then suspicion and distain as Supergirl. Plus everyone else Kara knows being in on the secret to.
Lena would understand that Kara kept it secret to protect her the same as Lena kept secrets to protect Kara and James etc. But she won't understand and shouldn't have to understand that she was treated like crap by her best friend when all she had ever done was help her. Oh and never thanked for saving her life or for that bloody suit.
So yeah, Kara could have told Lena she was an alien much sooner. It's not like Lena is going to connect her to Supergirl since the writers won't allow it. The glasses as a secret identity thing is funny but only if it's consistent (Maggie ??) And only if you don't have almost every main and supporting character knowing the secret to. But not the woman who saves Supergirls ass and the city probably more than she herself does.
Lena Luthor wouldn't have cared Kara Danvers was an alien, but Lena Luthor will care that Kara Danvers is Supergirl and lied about it. Quite frankly I want Lena to be miffed at her for it, I wouldn't be so forgiving if my best friend had treated me like that. But I would eventually forgive her.
It's going to be even worse it Kara basically allows Lex or Lillian to tell her.
Kara should have pulled up her big girl Kryptonian pants and just told Lena regardless of consequences.
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