winnieland · 1 year
Snuggles, Please? Miguel O'Hara x GN! Reader (F)
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Miguel had been staring at his orange screen monitors for the past 4 hours. His eyelids felt heavy, and had to constantly keep moving around in order to not fall asleep standing once again. Deciding he needed a break, Miguel switched screens to look at a camera view of his beloved back at home. Peter B. thought it was creepy to have a camera view of Miguel’s apartment back at home, but Miguel explained that it was necessary and for “safety measures.” 
In reality, it was a way for Miguel to feel at home if he was away for long periods of time and missed his lovely partner. 
Bzzz bzzz. Bzzz bzzz. 
Miguel snapped out of his thoughts from his vibrating phone. Y/N’s name popped up on the screen.
“Mi vida, ¿Qué tal? Is something wrong?”
“Mhm mhm. I just wanted to hear your voice before going to bed. Just missed you is all.”
“You’re heading to bed?”
“Yeah. You’ll be home soon right?” Miguel checked the time and started to close down his screens to head back to their shared apartment. 
“Yeah. Maybe in like 10?” Y/N hummed in response. 
“Alright, I’ll see you when you get home, handsome~” The call ended, and Miguel rushed to clean up his work station before heading home. 
“Lyla, make sure to shut down all systems for the night. And send a message to Jess that I won’t be coming in tomorrow morning for ‘personal matters,’ yeah?”
“Roger that Miguel,” the AI responded, tapping away at her own little phone. 
Arriving back at their shared apartment, Miguel was greeted with silence, only seeing light from their bedroom. Miguel quietly opened the bedroom door to find his lover on their phone, awake. 
“Miggy? You’re home~” they said, sitting up and giving him a sleepy smile. Miguel felt his heart melt at the sight of his partner, his everything. 
“Cariño~ You’re so adorable, you know that? Let me wash up, and we can sleep.”
Miguel quickly washed up and changed into some sweatpants, revealing his large chest. This got Y/N blushing to where they quickly plopped down on their pillow. Miguel chuckled and laid next to Y/N. 
“Cariño~ snuggles, please?” Miguel softly begged, propping himself on his elbow to face Y/N.
“O-okay,” Y/N responded, wrapping their arms around Miguel’s waist. Miguel held Y/N’s waist, shifting them to lay on top of him. 
“You’re shy again, Mi Vida.”
“You always make me shy no matter how many times I see you.” Miguel’s chuckles were like music to Y/N’s ears, feeling his chest vibrate. “Guess I just have that effect on you, Cariño.”
A/N: Hello all! I've moved over to my main blog (as you can see ^^). I wanted to interact with you all while writing! My previous blog will still be up to gain access to my old writings! I'll continue to update here! In the meantime, please enjoy this short fluff Miguel drabble!
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winnieland · 1 year
Hello Lovelies!
I'm moving to my main blog https://www.tumblr.com/blog/winnieland to interact more with my followers and readers! I've moved my masterlist over to the new blog incase readers still want to read my old works!
My old blog, winnielanddd, will continue to be here but I won't write on here. Thank you for your love and support! Hope to see you guys at my new blog!
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winnieland · 1 year
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Key: Angst = A, Fluff = F, Smut = S
Last Updated: 8/5/2023
Note: some of these stories are links to my previous account! They are not stolen or copied!
Miguel O'Hara (ATSV)
Guava Pastry (F)
How About One More (S, F)
Seven Days a Week (S, F)
Snuggles, Please? (F)
Bangtan Boys (BTS)
Kim Seokjin
Let Me Bring Back My Moon - Part 1, Part 2, (ongoing) (F, S, A)
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winnieland · 1 year
Guava Pastry - Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader
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Miguel O’Hara x f!Reader 
Summary: Sold out empanada? Guess Miguel has to make due with another option.
Warnings: None. Just some small friendly interactions with Miguel :)
Word count: 588 words
Link to Masterlist here! 
“Sorry, we’re sold out. Won’t have any empanadas until tomorrow.” Miguel groaned in frustration, rubbing his face in discontent. It was only 10 in the morning in Nueva York. How could his favorite empanada stand sell out so quickly in a day? To be fair, him raving about his favorite stand to Layla, and Layla basically telling everyone at HQ about his favorite vendor probably caused his favorite vendor to sell out so quickly. 
“It’s okay. I’ll just stop by tomorrow,” Miguel muttered, turning to head back to the HQ, disappointed. 
“Miguelito,” the woman of the stand called out, “I heard of this new coffee shop that just opened up. Heard they got some tasty pastries. You should check it out.” The woman chuckled to herself, cleaning up her stand. 
Miguel gave a nod before calling Layla to lead him to the direction of this new coffee shop. At least he can get a coffee out of all this.
Entering the coffee shop, Miguel was welcomed with the fresh smell of ground coffee beans. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, music softly playing in the background. 
“Welcome to Mama K’s Koffee! Let me know if you have any questions!” The female worker spoke to Miguel as he glanced at the front counter, looking at all the pastries. 
Everything looked delicious. From the strawberry cream croissants to the simple blueberry and chocolate muffins, Miguel debated on what to get along with his typical black coffee. Without notice, Miguel began to furrow his brows. 
“I really like the guava pastries if you need a suggestion. Not too sweet, but just enough from the guava,” the same female worker at the front spoke. She gave Miguel a soft, genuine smile, a smile that he hadn’t received in a while. “Would you like to try a sample?”
Before Miguel could protest, she handed him a small sample of the pastry. “Let me know what you think! I wish more people bought this. It’s not too popular here.” The girl rambled on and on about the pastry as Miguel took his first bite. Miguel nodded along to the girl’s complaints about this pastry being “the best pastry at Mama K’s Koffee” and how people “don’t want to try something different.” 
“Oh sorry…I should stop rambling before my boss hears me,” she awkwardly laughed and cleared her throat, “What do you think about the guava pastry?”
“It was good. I can see why you like it. I’ll take one and a black coffee, please.” 
“Alrighty, can I get a name for the order? And would that be for here or to go?” 
“Miguel and to go, please.” After paying for his small snack and coffee, Miguel glanced around the cafe. It was small, yet homey. He definitely saw himself visiting this place more often. 
“For Miguel! I have your black coffee and guava pastry,” the girl called out. She gave him a smile once he walked up to the counter. “Here you are. Enjoy and have a great day!” 
Miguel gave her a nod and headed back to the HQ to start his busy work day. Opening the bag for his pastry, Miguel came across a small note: 
Thanks for trying the guava pastry! Finally someone that agrees with me :) Hope I get to see you around more often! – Y/N, your Mama K’s Koffee Barista :) 
Miguel couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle from the little note. ‘I’ll definitely be back,’ he thought to himself as he enjoyed his little guava pastry.
Author’s Note: Hi hi! Just wrote this up in the meantime. It’s something small, but I thought that this interaction was short and sweet! Hope you enjoy this!
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winnieland · 1 year
Let Me Bring Back My Moon Pt. 2
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Kim Seokjin x wife!F Reader
Summary: Jin and Y/N are working hard towards their futures. They meet some bumps along their journey as a married couple. However, Y/N is met with a difficult challenge. Will she be able to overcome this challenge without Jin by her side?
Warnings: none! Just some cute moments…for now hehehe >:3
Word Count: ~2.2k
Read Part 1 Here!
Link to Masterlist Here!
A month passed since that eventful night. Y/N started to feel more at ease now that her presentation to the CEO was almost complete. Jin, on the other hand, was preparing with his members for a comeback and other international events. Things started to feel calm for the married couple.
“Morning jagi. How’d you sleep?” Jin asked, poking his head out of the kitchen to see a sleepy Y/N walking out of their shared room. 
“My head hurts a little. I probably have to change to a better pillow,” Y/N frowned as she went to give Jin a good morning hug and kiss. 
“My poor jagi,” he teased before planting one more kiss on the top of her head, “Don’t worry. Get ready. I made us some grilled mackerel to eat. We can go to the pharmacy to get you some painkillers after we eat.”
Y/N turned her head to look at the fish. Something about the look of the cooked fish made her want to gag. It wasn’t until the smell got to her nose, making Y/N cover her mouth. 
“Jagi? What’s wrong? Are you—” Before Jin could finish his sentence, Y/N ran to the bathroom, feeling the urge to throw up. Bile left her mouth as she continued to gag in the toilet. Jin came running after her, holding her hair up and brushing loose strands away from her face. 
Y/N gasped, trying to catch her breath. “Jagi, you should call in sick today. We can go to the hospital to get you checked. I’ll call in today too,” Jin suggested.
“No…no it’s okay. I probably ate something bad yesterday.”
“Let’s just get you checked out anyways. Just to be sure.” Jin rubbed Y/N’s back, providing some comfort for her as she pondered her decision. She gave him a small nod before flushing the toilet and cleaning herself up.
At the hospital, Jin and Y/N were patiently waiting to be called in. “Don’t worry. We’ll be in and out in no time,” Jin reassured his wife, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. 
“Park Y/N, we’re ready to see you now,” a nurse called out in the waiting room. Y/N and Jin followed the nurse into a small examination room. “We’re going to ask you some questions and run some tests before giving you a diagnosis today. What symptoms have you been having lately?
“I’ve just been throwing up all morning. I woke up with some soreness and a headache.”
“Okay, have you been sexually active recently within the past few months?”
Y/N’s face felt flushed as she nodded, “Yes.”
“Okay, are you currently taking any medication or on any medication?”
“Okay. Ms. Park, we are going to run some tests just to be sure. I’m going to draw some blood from you if that’s okay. We’ll give you a call to come back to get your results.”
Y/N nodded, giving Jin’s hand a squeeze while the nurse prepared to draw some of her blood. Y/N felt like it took an eternity to draw her blood although it was fairly quick. 
“All done, Ms. Park. As mentioned, we’ll give you a call when results are ready. Have a good day!” The nurse led the couple to the exit of the hospital, bidding farewell to the lovebirds. 
“Let me make you some seaweed soup Jagi. You haven’t eaten all day.” Jin gave Y/N a warm, reaffirming smile as they journeyed home. Once home, Y/N reflected back to the hospital visit. All the questions being asked, the blood test. No, it can’t be possible. 
“Am I pregnant?” Y/N accidentally asked out loud, enough for JIn to hear.
“Pregnant? But didn’t we use protection last time?”
“We did, but…I don’t know. Maybe I’m just coming down with the common cold or something,” Y/N tried to reason with herself. 
As a few days passed, Y/N regained her strength, enough to return to work. Jin, on the other hand, always checked in on his wife. He would send her text messages, asking if she had her meals or rested enough. These silly text messages would make her heart flutter. 
Ring ring…ring ring…
“Hello, Ms. Park? We have your blood test results from XX Hospital. Please come in today to go over your results.”
“Yes. Thank you.” Y/N’s heart was beating loudly in her chest. This was it. The moment she was waiting for. Her phone went off again. This time a text message from her husband.
Jagiya~ I miss you TT^TT. Let’s go out tonight! I’ll be home early today! – My Handsome Husband
Jinnie-ah~ I miss you too~ XX Hospital just called me and told me my results are ready. Would you like to join me? – Jinnie’s wife
REALLY?? I’ll pick you up from work then ^^ See you later beautiful~ – My Handsome Husband
Y/N laughed at Jin’s last text before busying herself with some last minute reports. Before she knew it, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Y/N jolted in her seat. Jin’s laugh echoed in the room, his wife’s reaction catching him off guard. 
“Jesus, Jin. You scared me,” Y/N chuckled. 
“You’ve been so focused on your work, you didn’t even answer my calls.”
“Calls?” Y/N checked her phone and noticed a few missed calls from Jin, “Oh shoot. Sorry jagi.” Y/N pecked Jin’s lips as a form of apology. She quickly cleaned up her desk for the day, grabbing her jacket and purse. “Let’s go Jinnie.”
Hand in hand, they left for the hospital. Now Y/N was really feeling nervous. She hoped it was just nothing but a cold or something. She couldn’t bear any terrible news since her company was hitting their busy season soon. Jin noticed how silent Y/N was and gave her hand a small squeeze. 
“Don’t worry, my love. Whatever the results are, I’m always here for you.” Jin smiled and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her hand. 
The couple checked in to the hospital at the front desk before quickly being led to a small examination room. The doctor came in, greeting the pair. 
“Congratulations Mr. Kim and Ms. Park. You are a little over a month pregnant. Here’s some things you can take with you to help advise you during your pregnancy. We can do your first ultrasound if you’d like.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped as Jin looked surprised and excited. Jin gave Y/N’s hand a squeeze, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. A wide smile plastered on her face. “Yes, that would be great actually.”
As the ultrasound took place, Y/N looked over at the monitor and saw a little white spot on the screen. A sign of their love growing in her stomach. 
“Jinnie, there’s our little one,” Y/N spoke, glancing at her husband who now had some tears in his eyes. 
“Yeah, they’re beautiful, Jagi. They’re beautiful.” 
After finishing their appointment and receiving some photos of their first ultrasound, Y/N and Jin went home, excited to share the news with their friends and family. Getting ready for bed, Jin came up behind Y/N, wrapping his arms around her waist. He planted small kisses along her neck and shoulder before resting his chin on it. 
“Thank you, my love.” Jin planted another kiss on her shoulder. 
“Hm? Why the ‘thank you’ so suddenly?” She turned to look at him, confused.
Jin gave her a deep chuckle, placing a kiss on her lips before giving her a smile. “For carrying our little one. A sign of our love,” Jin gently rubbed her stomach, “Let’s call our little one ‘Peanut’. What do you think Jagi?” 
“I like it. Our little Peanut.” Jin gave Y/N another loving kiss before turning her around and crocheting down to her stomach. 
“Hi Peanut. It’s daddy speaking. I don’t think you can hear me yet, but Mommy and I are so excited to see you grow. Treat Mommy well and grow healthy, Peanut,” Jin spoke to Y/N’s stomach and planted a kiss on her stomach. “Let’s go to bed, my love.”
That night, Y/N slept in Jin’s arms, feeling so much love and comfort from him. The news of her pregnancy was a surprise, but she was thankful that a sign of their love was coming to their lives. 
Before Y/N knew it, months passed. Her stomach was growing as the days went by. She was now peaking 6 months in her pregnancy. Jin’s members always sent little gifts to the couple to congratulate them. From congratulatory flowers to little plushies for Peanut, the guys were just as excited as the couple. Both Jin and Y/N decided to do a gender reveal for Peanut once time came closer. They gave the results to the guys to hold on to until the time was right to do the reveal.
Although their relationship was publicly announced, Jin and Y/N decided to keep their news of pregnancy hidden from new outlets to lessen the stress on Y/N. For her safety, Y/N moved to working from home—which she greatly took advantage of. It was easier for her to wear comfortable clothes and slippers in the house all day instead of business clothes and heels. Jin, on the other hand, continued to go into work, preparing for different modeling gigs and filming a variety of content for their fans. 
It quickly became night for Y/N after a long work day. Meetings after meetings and staring at the computer screen for long hours tired her out. “Oh Peanut, I’m so tired,” she whined while rubbing her now large stomach. In return, Peanut gave a kick as if responding to Y/N’s complaint. Before she could converse more with Peanut, Y/N heard the front door open and close. “Jinnie? Is that you?”
“Jagiya~ I’m home!” Jin went to their office room to find Y/N looking at him while rubbing her stomach. “How are my two wonderful loves today?”
“We’re good,” she responded, giving Jin his usual ‘welcome home’ kiss, “Peanut’s been active as usual. I just finished up work. Have you eaten yet?”
“Not yet. Namjoonie and the guys were actually making dinner. They invited us over. Wanna go?” Jin suggested while changing his clothes to something more comfier. 
“Ooo~ What are they making? I’ve been craving some meat.”
“They said something about grilling—”
“Let’s go!” Jin laughed at Y/N’s enthusiasm, taking her hand into his before grabbing their things and leaving for the shared dorm. On the drive, Y/N continued to rub her stomach, talking to Peanut about visiting their uncles and anticipating good food soon. The little kicks made Y/N giggle; Jin glancing once in a while to see his wife’s interaction with Peanut. If only he could take a snapshot of this beautiful moment. 
Arriving at the dorm, Jin led Y/N in. The guys all welcomed the couple into their home. “Noona! You’re finally here!” J-Hope carefully hugged Y/N. He felt the kicks of Peanut and giggled. “Of course, you too Peanut~”
“Jin Hyung, Namjoonie Hyung and I went to buy some baby clothes for Peanut because we saw them while shopping earlier,” Taehyung said before handing Jin a gift bag. 
“Wah~ You guys are really spoiling Peanut~” Jin laughed and gave his younger members a thumbs up. 
“Yah! Let’s eat! Food is ready!” Jungkook calls out from the kitchen while Yoongi is bringing in the last dish to the dinner table. Y/N took in a whiff of the delicious smells of the different dishes. Her mouth watering at this point. Peanut kicked once again, making Y/N laugh. 
“Okay, okay little one. I’m going. Let’s eat well~”
Y/N and Jin bid their goodbyes to the guys before heading back home. Y/N’s cravings were definitely filled as she ate to her heart’s content. Jin had a great time, per usual, hanging out with his members, his brothers from another mother, outside of work. 
“I heard that Jiminie is finally talking to that person he’s been trying to go for now,” Jin spoke as he began driving home. 
“Oh yeah? Think they’re gonna be official soon?” 
“Oh yeah, definitely. Once Jiminie has his heart on someone, he’s all for them.” Jin and Y/N shared a few more conversations and laughs on their way home, not realizing a car trailing closely behind them. 
Once they arrived home, Jin opened Y/N’s door side for her, taking her hand to help her out of the car. 
“Why, thank you, kind sir,” Y/N giggled.
“Of course, my lady,” Jin replied back, placing a kiss on top of her hand before walking off to their home to end their evening. 
Little did the couple realize that photos were being taken of them. The media blowing up from the sudden news.
Author’s Note: Hello my lovelies! I’m soooo sorry for the long awaited Part 2 of this series. I’m still planning out how I want to end it, so this series might be a little longer than I expected. Please show this series a lot of love! I plan on posting one shots in the meantime. Don’t hesitate to send me asks in my ask box too! I would love to get to interact with you all! Enjoy this part! XOXO
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winnieland · 1 year
Let Me Bring Back My Moon pt. 1
Kim Seokjin x wife!Reader
Summary: Jin and Y/N are working hard towards their futures. They meet some bumps along their journey as a married couple. However, Y/N is met with a difficult challenge. Will she be able to overcome this challenge without Jin by her side?
Warnings: some smut (not too descriptive) and some angst :))))
Word count: ~1.5K
Part 1
Home, a place that is supposed to be filled with laughter and joy. Home, now replaced with silence and sorrow. Jin let out a tired sigh, placing his hands on his hip after the love of his life stormed into her shared bedroom for the nth time this month. What was supposed to be a light-hearted conversation turned into another argument. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Not when Jin planned to come home for lunch and surprise his wife. Jin glanced at the large picture frame hanging in their living room. A sad smile appeared on his face as he carefully studied his love’s beautiful smile in her wedding photo. How Jin wished he could see the same smile once more instead of sorrowful frowns. He was brought back to reality through the buzzing of his phone.
“Hyung. We need you at practice. We’re starting soon. You should hurry before Hobie hyung gets mad.” The desperation from Namjoon’s voice sounded serious. Jin chuckled before reassuring his leader that he’ll be there shortly. Jin glanced at the closed bedroom door, contemplating whether or not he should go in and apologize for the misunderstanding. Y/N would understand, right? One step towards the direction of their shared room and Jin’s phone buzzed again. A text message now appeared. 
Jin hyung, we’ll be at practice late. Don’t forget to let Y/N-nie know~ Tell her I miss her too! You never bring Y/N-nie around anymore TT^TT — Jiminie
Don’t worry, I’ll tell her. Y/N-nie’s just been busy preparing for an important presentation. We’ll come together soon, don’t worry. ^^ — Jin hyung
“Jagiya,” Jin carefully calls through the bedroom door, “I’ll be home late because of practice. Don’t wait up for me…I love you.” Jin hesitated on his last three words. Was it the right time to say it? It felt needed at the moment. Jin received no answer and left defeated. He slips on his shoes, double-checking his pockets for his wallet, his bag for extra clothes and water, and keys to re-enter the shared apartment complex. Jin sighed, taking one last glimpse at the empty apartment, before closing the door.
Hearing the banging of the closed door from the bedroom, Y/N buried her face into the pillow. The moments of their argument replaying in her head. 
“Jagiya~! I’m home for lunch! I brought you some flowers and your favorite take out! Let’s eat together!” Jin called out into the complex. 
“I’m in the bedroom! Give me a few minutes!” Jin chuckled before heading to the bedroom, knowing Y/N was preparing her proposal for the CEO at the end of this month. 
“C’mon jagi, take a quick break. Let’s eat while the food is warm.”
“Just a minute, please.”
“Have you eaten all day? You seem like you’ve been looking at your screen all day.”
“Yup, had a sandwich.” 
“Aww, my baby is working so hard. I also worked hard today, too, during vocal lessons! It was great! I impressed the members with my high note today. Do you need help? I can call off—”
“Seokjin, can you be quiet for one second?” Jin was taken aback by Y/N’s remark. He definitely messed up after hearing his full name drop from her mouth. 
“I’m sor–”
“Can you just leave me alone please? You keep yapping about whatever and I need to get this presentation done. I can’t take breaks whenever I feel like it, okay? I’m not like you who can come and go as you please. So, please, do me a favor and leave me alone.” 
Jin was silent. Maybe he shouldn’t have yapped about his day just yet, but the excitement to see his love got the best of him. “Okay, yeah. I’ll just be in the living room,” Jin softly spoke, closing the door behind him. 
End of Flashback
Y/N stared at the ceiling, her heart now pounding. “Fuck, I messed up.” 
At practice, Jin kept messing up the choreography, either being a beat too early or a beat late. “Let’s take five guys. We’ll come back to it,” Hoseok said, gulping down some water. 
“Hyung, what’s wrong? You seem so out of it,” Namjoon asked Jin, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Oh, it’s nothing. Just me and Y/N getting into another misunderstanding again. Nothing new.”
“Jin hyung, that’s like what? The 5th one this week and it’s only Wednesday!” Jungkook called from the other side of the room. Shit, had it really been that many? The guys gathered around Jin to hear what happened. 
“I think you both should be honest with each other. Times are tough for you both, but you should talk it out with each other. Isn’t that why you both married?” Yoongi commented. The rest of the guys agreed. 
“Yeah. I plan on that tonight actually. Thanks guys,” Jin gave a small smile before they all returned to dance practice; Jin’s shoulders feeling lighter now that he received some guidance. 
2AM came around by the time Jin returned back home. He was expecting Y/N to be asleep as he crept into their shared room. All the lights were off, the food was fortunately touched—barely. Jin was welcomed to a sleeping figure on the bed and frowned a little. Did he hope Y/N was still up waiting for his return? Yes. But Jin knew better than to let his hopes get up.
After washing up, he crawled into his spot, being welcomed with the back of Y/N. He laid there, contemplating on whether or not he should cuddle them. It was a normal thing before, why did it feel foreign now? As Jin was fighting his inner thoughts, he was startled with the arms wrapping around his torso.
“Jinnie, you’re home,” Y/N sleepily called out.
“Mmm. I thought you were asleep.”
“I couldn’t. Not after I snapped at you like that.” Y/N looked at Jin’s face, making out some of his features with the help of the moonlight. she reached up to caress his cheeks and gave him a sad smile.
“I’m sorry Jinnie. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I know you were trying to be helpful and–”
“Shh,” Jin hushed Y/N, holding her hand that held his cheek, “I know you were just stressed. It’s okay my love.” Y/N sat up to better face him and sighed. 
“No. It’s not. This has been a repeated pattern for us. This has been going on for months now. We’re both stressed from work, but it’s not fair of me to snap at you because of stress and vice versa. I’m scared yeobo.” Y/N’s voice faltered at her last sentence. She didn’t realize that tears were streaming down her face until Jin turned on the lamp light and reached over to wipe them away. 
“What are you scared of, my love?” Y/N’s heart pounded like beating drums. 
“I–fuck–I’m scared of losing you! I’m scared of losing you, losing our love, losing what we created together.” The sobs in Y/N’s voice could tell how fearful she was. Jin held Y/N close to his chest, rubbing the small of her back to console them and her sobs. 
“Shh…you won’t lose me. I’m here for you jagiya. I always have and always will. We got married for a reason right? I won’t ever stop loving you. I swear to the moon, I’ll love you forever.” Jin laid themselves down in the bed, planting small kisses around her face and neck to sooth them. 
“I’m crazy in love with you.” Peck. “I can’t imagine life without you.” Peck. “Let me show you my love for you.” Jin connected his lips with Y/N’s, making sure she knew he was serious. Jin left love marks on Y/N while undressing himself and making sure to carefully undress Y/N. His never-ending words of affirmation and endless “I love you’s” in Y/N’s ears as he entered into her made Y/N’s heart swell. 
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful jagi. Your body fits mine like the missing part of the puzzle piece,” he breathed into her ear, moving himself at a comfortable speed.
“Jinnie, I’m close.”
“Together, my love. Together.” Y/N embraced Jin, holding him like her life depended on it, refusing to let go. It felt magical, euphoric. It felt different this time. Jin planted another kiss on her lips, taking in her taste. Y/N deepened the kiss, but felt wet drops on her face. Was Jin crying? She pulled back and saw small tears leave his eyes. 
“Honey, you’re crying.”
“I’m sorry. I just realized how much I missed being with you.” As the night progressed, Jin and Y/N spoke about their feelings, being vulnerable and honest with one another. The endless “I love you’s” and “Thank you for sharing” created an atmosphere of peace.
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winnieland · 9 years
Tag #2
Tagged by: @haru-on-land
Write your name out of song titles
Janus- Boyfriend
Umma- Jin of Bangtan Boys
Love Me Right- EXO
I Need U- Bangtan Boys
A- Got7
Nilili Mambo- Block B
No Other- Super Junior
Why did you chose your current url: I’m currently obsessed with both Vixx and Bangtan Boys so I came up with the name bulletproof-vixx.
If you were a fiction character who would it be: Uhh maybe Whinne the Pooh because he’s cute.
Favorite color: Black, like my soul
Top 4 fandoms: Vixx, Bangtan Boys, Got7, and U Kiss
Why do you enjoy tumblr: I see others that are interested in the same thing(s) I like or enjoy. 
@to-you-in-2000-years @trashiyama-sama
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winnieland · 9 years
when you get this write 3 things your followers probably don’t know about you and tag 10 followers.
Tagged by: @haru-on-land
I am a flute player and is currently one.
If you haven’t picked it up or read my bio I am an INTJ and a Leo. 
Lastly, I have no other social media except tumblr and Polyvore. (Who uses polyvore???)
I tag: @suga-k00kie @to-you-in-2000-years @trashiyama-sama and to anyone else who would like to do this....
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winnieland · 9 years
idk but this picture of jin is rlly hot
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winnieland · 9 years
This is stupidly adorable
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winnieland · 9 years
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BangtanDERPS Pt.2 | Pt.1 ♥
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winnieland · 9 years
Imagine if u r in ur fav restaurant and u see this guy in the booth next to u
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winnieland · 9 years
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Remember when Jimin broke chopsticks with his ass?
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winnieland · 9 years
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jin vs stretchy cheese
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winnieland · 9 years
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winnieland · 9 years
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puppy jackson (feat. goofy mark)
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winnieland · 9 years
apparently bts fans swarmed the movie theater that taehyung was watching a movie with his parents at and demanded autographs and he gave as many as he could but ppl scolded him when they didnt get one also. bts fans were swarmed outside the window of where hoseok was hanging out with his sister and theyre literally screaming and yelling at him like hes a zoo animal and its generally very ugly and i fucking hate armys
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