prclns · 2 years
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Girls girls girls
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 369 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 おかしい okashii "Strange"
tagline 1 在りし日の2代目… ありしひの2だいめ… ari shi hi no 2daime... The Second from the days of the past...
tagline 2 No.369 連なる星霜  堀越耕平 ナンバー369 つらなるせいそう  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 369 tsuranaru seisou   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 369 Stretching Out the Years   Kouhei Horikoshi
2 何故だ なぜだ naze da "Why is it?"
3 おまえの“個性“は おまえの“こせい“は omae no “kosei” wa "Your quirk is"
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1 ただ小さな物体に作用するだけの ただちいさなぶったいにさようするだけの tada chiisana buttai ni sayou suru dake no "just one that only works on tiny objects."
2 ちんけな豆鉄砲だった筈だ ちんけなまめでっぽうだったはずだ chinkena mame deppou datta hazu da "It should have just been a weak little peashooter."
3-4 足掻きと呼ぶことすら烏滸がましい程に あがきとよぶことすらおこがましいほどに agaki to yobu koto sura okogamashii hodo ni "To go so far as to presume to call this struggling"
5 矮小な人間のーー わいしょうなにんげんのーー waishou na ningen no--- "[This] scrawny human's--"
6 ゴミ虫の⁉︎ ゴミむしの⁉︎ GOMI mushi no!? "This garbage-bug's [quirk]!?"
7-8 ソレだった筈!!! ソレだったはず!!! SORE datta hazu!!! "That's all it should have been!!!"
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1 何故 なぜ naze "Why"
2 おまえ達が見える!!? おまえたちがみえる!!? omae-tachi ga mieru!!? "can I see all of you!!?"
3 "個性“ 変速 "こせい“ へんそく “kosei” hensoku Quirk: Gearshift
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1 他の者の異能同様 ほかのもののいのうどうよう hoka no mono no inou douyou Similar to the supernatural abilities of the other [vestiges],
2 OFAの成長に伴い強化された「変速」は ワン・フォー・オールのせいちょうにともないきょうかされた「へんそく」は WAN FOO OORU no seichou ni tomonai kyouka sareta 「hensoku」 wa with One For All's growth, Gearshift [received] the accompanying strength enhancement,
3 付与の解釈を拡大し細胞一つ一つにまで作用するに至った ふよのかいしゃくをかくだいしさいぼうひとつひとつにまでさようするにいたった fuyo no kaishaku wo kakudai shi saibou hitotsu hitotsu ni made sayou suru ni itatta and, expanding on its given interpretation. it developed to the point where it works on individual cells. (Note: By "given interpretation," the explanation means that the Second's quirk has developed its ability to work on smaller and smaller things.)
4 そしてOFA自体に蓄積された純粋なる"力" そしてワン・フォー・オールじたいにちくせきされたじゅんすいなる"ちから" soshite WAN FOO OORU jitai ni chikuseki sareta junsui naru “chikara” And then [there's] the sheer power stored within One For All itself.
5 この二つが重なる時その拳は このふたつがかさなるときそのこぶしは kono futatsu ga kasanaru toki sono kobushi wa When those two overlap, that fist
6 デトロイトスマッシュ… DETOROITO SUMASSHU... Detroit Smash...
7 世の理すら歪ませる よのことわりすらゆがませる yo no kotowari (kanji: ri) sura yugamaseru will distort even the logic of the world.
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1 五重 クインティプル KUINTIPURU (kanji: gojuu) Quintuple
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1 先刻よりは軽い! さっきよりはかるい! sakki (kanji: senkoku) yori wa karui! That was lighter than before!
2 "光"が溜まっていなかったからだ "ひかり"がたまっていなかったからだ “hikari” ga tamatte inakatta kara da because the "light" is not accumulating anymore.
3 捉えられずとも受けた軌道から次の角度・タイミングは とらえられずともうけたきどうからつぎのかくど・タイミングは toraerarezu to mo uketa kidou kara tsugi no kakudo・TAIMINGU wa Even if I can't catch him, [I can tell] from the trajectory [when he hit me] what his next angle and timing [will be].
4 見え… みえ… mie... I can see-...
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1 一速 ロー ROO (kanji: ichi soku) "Low (read as: First Gear)"
2 "変速"は "へんそく"は “hensoku” wa "Gearshift"
3 慣性に依らぬ速度変更 かんせいによらぬスピードチェンジ kansei ni yoranu SUPIIDO CHENJI "changes speed independent of inertia"
4 AFOよ おまえなら わかるんじゃないか? オール・フォー・ワンよ おまえなら わかるんじゃないか? OORU FOO WAN yo omae nara wakarunja nai ka? "All For One, don't you know that?"
5 ならばこのままーー naraba kono mama-- "In that case, at this rate--"
6 下らない! くだらない! kudaranai! "[your attacks are] worthless!"
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1 上⁉︎ うえ⁉︎ ue!? Above!?
2 タイミング調整されたら "危機感知"で察知して タイミングちょうせいされたら "4TH"でさっちして TAIMINGU chousei saretara “4TH (kanji: kiki kanchi)” de sacchi shite "I'll change the timing [based on] what I perceive with the 4th's Danger Sense"
3 "煙幕"で即視界を潰す "6TH"でそくしかいをつぶす “6TH (kanji: enmaku)” de soku shikai wo tsubusu "and then use the 6th's Smokescreen immediately to cripple his sight."
4 そしたら"浮遊"で急上昇して そしたら"7TH"できゅうじょうしょうして soshitara “7TH (kanji: fuyuu)” de kyuujoushou shite "After that, I'll soar with the 7th's Float,"
5 意識外から"黒鞭"で拘束一気に引き寄せる いしきがいから"5TH"でこそくいっきにひきよせる ishikigai kara “5TH (kanji: kuromuchi)” de kosoku ikki ni hiki yoseru "and because he's unaware I'll immediately pull him [to me] with the 5th's Black Whip."
6 そしてさっきの五重で貯め直した そしてさっきのクインティプルでためなおした soshite sakki no KUINTIPURU (kanji: gojuu) de tame naoshita "Then, with what I restocked with the quintuple from before"
7 "発勁“で "3RD“で “3RD (kanji: hakkei)” de "with the 3rd's Fa Jin,"
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1 再び"変速"で‼︎ ふたたび"2ND|オーバードライブ"で‼︎ futatabi “2ND | OOBAADORAIBU” de!! "[hit him] with the Second's Overdrive (read as: Gearshift) once more!!" (Note: The kanji have two sets of furigana.)
2 注意すべきは異能じゃあない ちゅういすべきはいのうじゃあない chuui subeki wa inou jaa nai "It's not the supernatural abilities you should be wary of."
3-5 授かったものを何の為に行使するのか さずかったものをなんのためにこうしするのか sazukatta mono wo nan no tame ni koushi suru no ka "What do you do with what you are given?"
6 その"意志"に力は宿るのだ その"いし"にちからはやどるのだ sono “ishi” ni chikara wa yadoru no da "[You should be wary of] that 'will' in which the power dwells."
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1 だから人はそれを だからひとはそれを dakara hito wa sore wo That's why people...
2 今度こそ こんどこそ kondo koso "This time,"
3 全てを出し切る……! すべてをだしきる……! subete wo dashi kiru......! "I'll give it my all......!"
4 ワン・フォー・オールを完遂させるのはおまえだ ワン・フォー・オールをかんすいさせるのはおまえだ WAN FOO OORU wo kansui saseru no wa omae da "You're the one who will complete One For All."
5 オール・フォー・ワン‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! "All For One!!"
6 もう誰も‼︎ もうだれも‼︎ mou dare mo!! "No one else!!"
7 黙れゴミ虫共がァ‼︎だまれゴミむしどもがァ‼︎ damare GOMI mushi-domo gaA!! "Shut up, you damn garbage-bugs!!"
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1 傷つけさせはしない‼︎ きずつけさせはしない‼︎ kizu tsuke sase wa shinai!! "I won't let you hurt [anyone else]!!!"
2-3 "個性"と呼ぶのだろう "こせい"とよぶのだろう “kosei” toyobu no darou ...call them "quirks." (Note: The kanji for "quirk" means "individuality.")
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1 …感応している …かんのうしている ...kannou shite iru "...they're responding."
2 OFAがAFOに ワン・フォー・オールがオール・フォー・ワンに WAN FOO OORU ga OORU FOO WAN ni "All For One [is responding] to One For All"
3 AFOがOFAに オール・フォー・ワンがワン・フォー・オールに OORU FOO WAN ga WAN FOO OORU ni "and One For All to All For One."
4 兄さんが見える… にいさんがみえる… niisan ga mieru... "I can see my [older] brother..."
5 円らな瞳の青年が言っていた事は つぶらなひとみのせいねんがいっていたことは tsuburana hitomi no seinen ga itte ita koto wa "What the round-eyed young man was saying" (Note: “TSUBURANA HITOMI” appears in a note below the panel with an image of Mirio’s face.)
6 正しかった ただしかった tadashikatta "was correct."
7 これまでの継戦が これまでのけいせんが kore made no keisen ga "The battle until now--"
8 ここに至るまでの連なりが ここにいたるまでのつらなりが koko ni itaru made no tsuranari ga "The chain connecting to this point"
9 "統合"の均衡を揺るがしている "とうごう"のきんこうをゆるがしている “tougou” no kinkou wo yurugashite iru "is upsetting the equilibrium of his 'integreation.'"
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1 ここからだぞ小僧 ここからだぞこぞう koko kara da zo kozou "From here on, kid,"
2 志村の言葉を忘れるな しむらのことばをわすれるな Shimura no kotoba wo wasureruna "don't forget Shimura's words."
3-4 まだ倒れるなよ まだたおれるなよ mada taoreruna yo "Don't collapse yet!"
5 全てを出し切るだと…⁉︎ すべてをだしきるだと…⁉︎ subete wo dashi kiru da to...!? You'll give it your all...!?
6 "個性"だと⁉︎ "こせい"だと⁉︎ “kosei” da to!? Quirks, huh!?
7 虚仮にしているのか⁉︎ 僕はまだ一つも"個性"を使えていない! こけにしているのか⁉︎ ぼくはまだひとつも"こせい"をつかえていない! koke ni shite iru no ka!? boku wa mada hitotsu mo “kosei” wo tsukaete inai! Are you kidding me!? I haven't used a single quirk yet!
8-9 この身体の真価を発揮できていない! このからだのしんかをはっきできていない! kono karada no shinka wo hakki dekite inai! I haven't been able to demonstrate the true value of this body yet!
10 あいつらのせいだ惨めで醜いイレイザーヘッドとガキ共…! あいつらのせいだみじめでみにくいイレイザーヘッドとガキども…! aitsura no sei da mijimete minikui IREIZAAHEDDO to GAKI domo...! It's their fault, the miserable, ugly Eraserhead and that brat...!
11 この棺のせいだ奴らの弄した姑息な… このひつぎのせいだやつらのろうしたこそくな… kono hitsugi no sei da yatsura no rou shita kosoku na... It's this coffin's fault, this makeshift trap of theirs...
12 ーーー分断の… ーーーぶんだんの… ---bundan no... ---the separation...
13-14 …ここに至るまでの連なりの…… …ここにいたるまでのつらなりの…… ...koko ni itaru made no tsuranari no...... ---the whole chain that led up to here......
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1 まだ何か… まだなにか… mada nani ka... "[He's] still [got] something..."
2 まだ… mada... I still...
3 ああ与一‼︎ ここに至るまでの連なりが雌雄を決するというならば‼︎ ああよいち‼︎ ここにいたるまでのつらなりがしゆうをけっするというならば‼︎ aa Yoichi!! koko ni itaru made no tsuranari ga shiyuu wo kessuru to iu naraba!! Yes, Yoichi!! If the chain of everything until now is to decide our victory or defeat!!
4 まだ!!!! mada!!!! I still!!!!
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1 僕にも ぼくにも boku ni mo I, too
2 勝機はーー‼︎ しょうきはーー‼︎ shouki wa--!! [still have] a chance to win--!!
tagline 託されたのはこの男ーー⁉︎ たくされたのはスピナーーー⁉︎ takusareta no wa SUPINAA (kanji: kono otoko)--!? This man, Spinner, was entrusted--!?
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sinful-liesel · 1 year
R18 Drama CD Split No.58 – October 2023
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Hello~ I’m hosting a split for October 2023 R18 Drama CDs. Please see the registration form below for more details.
Shares are appreciated too! ❤  #lieselGOs
Form: bit.ly/3S4tM8F
Deadline: September 27th @11PM CST
Payment: Paypal, Ko-Fi, Venmo, & Google Pay 🆗
※I’ll contact everyone in the pre-registration list by Oct 31st!
Total CDs: 10 (including tokuten, if any) + Bonus Gifts
Shop: Stellaworth (Unless stated otherwise)
Sakyu Tore! Lesson.6 Henry -do-S na Kare he no Fuhoni na Fukujuu- (CV: Tenhou Itsuka)
Cruise Ship Nostalgia (CV: Masato Kawamura)
Dear my lovely cat (CV: Souji Sarutobi)
Athanasius no Sophia clinical study1 -Dekiai no Kosoku- (CV: Takatobi Fukurou)
Aoharu Re: Play Vol.1 (CV: Manaka sawa)
Aoharu Re: Play Vol.2 (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
Aoharu Re: Play Vol.3 (CV: Masato Kawamura)
Meguriya Ichizoku no Konrei Vol.2 (CV: Kumaniku Fuyuno)
Kuroi Yume vol.6 #34 Arzt (CV: Netoru Irakusa & Sen Yagami)
Hentai Elite Joushi Anata no Nioi wo Kagitakute (CV: aki)
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demonslayerscript · 1 month
Episode 8 : The Smell of Enchanting Blood / 第八話『幻惑の血の香り(Genwakuno Chino Kaori)』
*Green-colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them “ani-ori(anime-original)".
Onna “Anata, do shimashita?”
Woman “Dear, what’s the matter?”
Onna “Anata?”
Woman “Dear?”
Man “Guaa!”
Tanjiro “Yamero!!”
Tanjiro “Stop!”
Onna “Kyaaaa!”
Tsukonin “Nanda, doshita?”
Passerby “What’s this? What’s going on?”
Tsukonin “Chi, chiga!”
Pesserby “I-Is that blood?”
Tanjiro “Yamero!”
Tanjiro “Stop it!”
Onna “Anata!!”
Woman “Dear!”
炭治郎「奥さん!! こちらよりも自分のことを!! 傷口に布を当てて、強く押さえてください」
Tanjiro “Okusan!! Kochira-yorimo jibunno koto’o!! Kizu-guchini nuno’o atete, tsuyoku osaete kudasai.”
Tanjiro “Ma’am! You need to worry about yourself! Please take a cloth and press down hard on the wound!”
Tanjiro (Daijobu. Kitto nantoka naru. Okusanno kizuwa chimeishoja nai.)
Tanjiro (It’s all right. Somehow, it’s going to turn out fine. The wife’s wound isn’t fatal!)
Tanjiro “Motto tsuyoku! Motto tsuyoku, himode shibatte kudasai!”
Tanjiro “Do it harder! Do it harder! Tie it up with a rope!”
Tanjiro (Kitto daijobuda. Kono hitowa daremo koroshite inai. Sakki-made kono hitowa, tada koko’o aruite-ita dake-nanoni…)
Tanjiro (It’s going to be all right. This man hasn’t killed anyone! Just a second ago, this man was just walking down this street!)
Kibutsuji Muzan “Daijobu-kai? Micha ikenaiyo. Rei-san, kikenda. Muko’e iko.”
Muzan Kibutsuji “Are you all right? You mustn’t look. It’s dangerous here, Rei. Let’s move over there.”
Tanjiro (Aitsuwa? A…)
Tanjiro (Where’d he go?)
炭治郎(くそっ…くそっ!! この人を放っては行けない…!!)
Tanjiro (Kuso…Kuso!! Kono hito’o hoottewa ikenai…!!)
Tanjiro (Dammit! Dammit! I can’t leave this man here!)
炭治郎「鬼舞辻無惨!! 俺はお前を逃がさない。どこへ行こうと絶対に!!」
Tanjiro “Kibutsuji Muzan!! Orewa omaeo nigasanai. Dokoe ikoto zettaini!!”
Tanjiro “Muzan Kibutsuji! I’m not letting you get away! No matter where you go!”
麗(妻)「どうしたのかしら、あの子… ねぇ月彦さん」
Rei(Tsuma) “Doshitano-kashira, ano ko… Nee, Tsukihiko-san.”
Rei(Wife) “What’s the matter with that child? What do you think, Tsukihiko?”
Tanjiro “Dokoe ikoto nigasa-nai! Jigokuno hate-made oikakete, kanarazu omaeno kubini yaibao furuu! Zettaini omaeo yurusa-nai!!”
Tanjiro “No matter where you go, you’re not getting away! I’ll follow you to the ends of Hell, and I swear I’ll slice off your head with my blade! I’ll never forgive you no matter what!”
Keikan “Kisamara! Nanio shite-iru?”
Police officer “What the hell are you doing?”
Keikan “Yopparai ka?”
Police officer “Is it a drunk?”
Keikan “Shonen, sono otoko-kara hanarero!”
Police officer “Kid, step away from that man!”
Tanjiro “Dameda! Kosoku-guo motte-kite kudasai! Tanomi-masu!”
Tanjiro “I can’t! Bring some restraints please! Please!”
Keikan “Iikara hanarero.”
Police officer “Shut up and step away!”
Tanjiro “Yamete kudasai. Ore-igaiwa kono hito’o osae-rarenai!”
Tanjiro “Please don’t do that! No one can hold this person down but me!”
Keikan “Doke!”
Police officer “Move!”
Tanjiro “Yamete kudasai!”
Tanjiro “Please don’t do that!”
Keikan “Aa! Nanda koitsuno kao… Shokio ushinatteru-noka?”
Police officer “Just look at this guy’s face! Has he lost his mind?”
Keikan “Shonen’o hiki-hagase!”
Police officer “Pull the kid off him!”
炭治郎「やめてくれ!! この人に誰も殺させたくないんだ!! 邪魔をしないでくれ、お願いだから!!」
Tanjiro “Yamete-kure!! Kono hitoni daremo korosase-taku-nainda!! Jamao shinaide kure, onegai dakara!”
Tanjiro “Please stop! I don’t want this person to kill anyone! Just stay out of my way, will you? I’m begging you!”
Keikan “Kuso! Kisama, kore-ijo teiko suruyo-nara…”
Police officer “Dammit! Look, you… If you’re going to keep resisting…”
Tanjiro “Ha!”
Tamayo “Wakuchi… Shikaku-Mugenno-Ko.”
Tamayo “Enchanting Blood. Aroma of Visual Fantasy.”
Tanjiro “Nanda, kono kaoriwa…”
Tanjiro “What’s this scent?”
Keikan “Uwaa! Nanda kono mon’yowa!”
Police officer “What are all these patterns?”
Keikan “Do natteru! Mawariga mattaku mien.”
Keikan “What’s going on? I can’t see anything!”
Tanjiro (Nanikano kogekika? Dato shitara mazui… A, nioiga koku natte-kita.)
Tanjiro (Is this some kind of attack? If it is, that means trouble! Is the scent growing stronger?)
Tamayo “Anatawa, onito natta mono-nimo ‘hito’to-iu kotobao tsukatte kudasaruno-desune. Soshite, tasuke-yoto shite-iru. Naraba watashimo, anatao tedasuke shimasho.”
Tamayo “You still use… the term ‘person’… to refer to even a transformed demon. And you’re trying to save him. Allow me, then, to lend you a hand.”
Tanjiro “Naze desuka? Anatawa… Anatano nioiwa…”
Tanjiro “But why? You… Your scent tells me…”
Tamayo “So, watashiwa… Oni desuga, isha-demo ari, ano otoko… Kibutsujio massatsu-shitaito omotte-iru.”
Tamayo “That’s right. I am… a demon, but I am also a doctor, and I wish to annihilate that man, Kibutsuji.”
Musume “Otosanwa konaino?”
Daughter “Aren’t you coming, Daddy?”
Muzan “Shigotoga arun-desu. Shodanni ikana-kereba narimasen. Sakkino sawagimo kini narimasu.”
Muzan “Daddy has work. I have a business meeting to attend. I’m also concerned about that disturbance just now.”
Rei(Tsuma) “Anata…”
Rei(Wife) “Dear…”
Muzan “Daijobu. Keikanni tazuneru dake desu-kara. Saa, notte.”
Muzan “Don’t worry. I’m only going to speak with the police. Now, get in.”
Musume “Otosan, hayaku kaette-kitene.”
Daughter “Daddy, come home soon, okay?”
Muzan “Ee, ii koni shite-oide. Futario yashiki-made. Itte-kure.”
Muzan “All right. You be a good girl now. Take them back to the house. Go on.”
Yacchan “Aniki, mo ikken iko.”
Yacchan “Big Bro, let’s hit one more bar!”
Yacchanno ani-yome “Yacchan, anta daijobu-kai?”
Wife of Yacchan’s big bro. “Yacchan, are you okay?”
Yacchan “Heiki, heiki. Orewa mada yoppara… Ite, nanda temee.”
Yacchan “I’m fine! I’m fine! I’m not even drunk yet― What the hell, you bastard?”
Muzan “Sumimasen.”
Muzan “Forgive me.”
Yacchan “Oi, mateyo!!”
Yacchan “Hey, come back here!”
Muzan “Moshiwake naiga, isoide orimasu-node.”
Muzan “I’m very sorry, but I happen to be in a hurry, so…”
Yacchan “Aa? Nandato? Oi-oi zuibun ii fuku kite-yagarunaa, omae. Kini iraneeze. Aojiroi kao shiyagatte-yoo. Imanimo shiniso-dana. Nantoka ieyo. Shinji-mattaka? E?”
Yacchan “What did you say? Hey, look at you, decked out in those posh-looking threads! You piss me off! You and your pale face… You look like you’re about to fall over dead! Hey, say something, will you? Or did you just croak?”
Yacchanno ani-yome “Yacchan!”
Wife of Yacchan’s big bro. “Yacchan!”
Yacchanno ani “Ototoni nani shiyagaru!”
Yacchan’s big bro. “What did you do to my kid brother?”
Yacchanno ani-yome “Anta! Shinderuyo! Yacchan iki shite-nai!”
Wife of Yacchan’s big bro. “Yacchan! Dear! He’s dead! Yacchan’s not breathing!”
*I think red-colored word ‘Yacchan’ is wrong and must be replaced by ‘Dear!’. In Japanese subtitle this is ‘Anta!’ which means ‘Dear’ when a wife call her husband, and its meaning is same as ‘Anata(You)’. ‘Anta’ is casual version of ‘anata’ and has a rude or rough impression.
Yacchanno ani “Na! Temee!”
Yacchan’s big bro. “You bastard!”
Muzan “Watashino kao-irowa waruku mieruka? Watashino kaowa aojiroika? Byojakuni mieruka? Nagaku ikirare-nai-yoni mieruka? Shini-soni mieruka?”
Muzan “Does my complexion look unhealthy to you? Is my face pale? Do I look sickly to you? Do I look like I’m not long for this world? Do I look like I’m about to die?”
無惨「違う、違う、違う、違う… 私は限りなく完璧に近い生物だ」
Muzan “Chigau, chigau, chigau, chigau… Watashiwa kagiri-naku kanpekini chikai seibutsuda.”
Muzan “Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. I’m a living being who’s infinitely close to perfection.”
Muzan “Watashino chio tairyoni atae-tsuzukeruto, do naruto omou?”
Muzan “What do you think will happen if I keep flooding you with my blood?”
Muzan “Ningenno karadawa henbono sokudoni tae-kirezu… Saiboga kowareru.”
Muzan “The human body is unable to withstand the speed of transformation. And its cells are destroyed.”
Yacchanno ani-yome “Gyaaaaa!”
Muzan “Mimini hana-fudano-yona kazario tsuketa oni-garino kubio motte-koi. Iina.”
Muzan “Bring me the head of the Demon Slayer who wears hanafuda-like earrings. Understood?”
Yahaba “Gyoi.”
Yahaba “As you wish.”
Susamaru “Ooseno mamani.”
Susamaru “Your wish is our command.”
Muzan (Ano mimi-kazari…)
Muzan (Those earrings…)
うどん屋の豊「いいか、よく聞け!俺は…俺が言いたいのはな!! 金じゃねえんだ!お前が俺のうどんを食わねえって心積もりなのが許せねえのさ!!」
Udon’yano Toyo “Iika, yoku kike! Orewa… Orega iitai-nowana!! Kaneja neenda! Omaega oreno udon’o kuwaneette kokoro-zumori nanoga yuruse-neenosa!!”
Toyo of Udon shop “Now, listen to me! Here’s the deal… My point is this, okay? It’s not about the money! What I can’t forgive is your lack of intent to eat my udon, all right?”
Tanjiro “Sumimasen. Mo ippai onegai shimasu.”
Tanjiro “I’m so sorry! Please serve me another bowl!”
Toyo “Kuu-noka?”
Toyo “So, you’re gonna eat it?”
Tanjiro “Hai!”
Tanjiro “Yes!”
Toyo “Kuun-dana?”
Toyo “You’re definitely gonna eat it?”
Tanjiro “Tabe-masu!”
Tanjiro “Yes, I shall!”
豊「よし!お前もだ!まずうどんを食べるなら、その竹を外せ!! なんだその竹は!箸を持て、箸を!!」
Toyo “Yoshi! Omaemoda! Mazu udon’o taberu-nara, sono takeo hazuse!! Nanda sono takewa! Hashio mote, hashio!!”
Toyo “Okay! You, too! If you’re gonna have udon, take off that bamboo thingie first! What is that thing anyway? Take these chopsticks! Chopsticks!”
Tanjiro “Udon’o onegai shimasu! Ni-hai onegai shimasu!”
Tanjiro “I’d like a bowl of udon! I’d like two bowls of udon!”
Toyo “O…Ou.”
Toyo “R-Right.”
炭治郎「ごちそうさまでした!! おいしかったです!!」
Tanjiro “Gochiso-sama deshita!! Oishi-katta-desu!!”
Tanjiro “Thank you very much for the meal! That was delicious!”
豊「わかりゃいいんだよ、わかりゃあ!! まいどあり!」
Toyo “Wakarya iindayo, wakaryaa!! Maido ari!”
Toyo “As long as you get it! It’s all good! Thank you for your business!”
炭治郎「ごめんな、禰豆子。置き去りにして… おうっ、どうした?禰豆子。…あっ」
Tanjiro “Gomenna, Nezuko. Oki-zarini shite… Ou, doshita? Nezuko. …A.”
Tanjiro “Sorry about that, Nezuko. Leaving you behind like that… What’s wrong, Nezuko?”
Tanjiro “Mattete-kuretan-desuka.”
Tanjiro “So, you’ve been waiting for us?”
Yushiro “Omaeo tsurete-kuru-yoni, ano katani iwaretan-dena.”
Yushiro “Because I was told to bring you to see her.”
Tanjiro “Orewa nioio tadore-masu.”
Tanjiro “I could’ve tracked you by scent.”
Yushiro “Me-kuramashino jutsuo kakete-iru bashoni irunda. Tadoreru monoka.”
Yushiro “She’s in a place that’s under a cloaking spell. No way you could find it.”
Tanjiro “Me-kuramashi…”
Tanjiro “Cloaking?”
愈史郎「それより… 鬼じゃないか、その女は。しかも醜女(しこめ)だ」
Yushiro “Sore-yori… Onija naika, sono onnawa. Shikamo shikomeda.”
Yushiro “Anyway… Isn’t that woman a demon? And an eyesore to boot.”
炭治郎(しこめ… しこめ?醜いってことか?誰が?禰豆子!)
Tanjiro (Shikome… Shikome? Minikuitte kotoka? Darega? Nezuko!)
Tanjiro (Eyesore? Eyesore? Does he mean ‘ugly’? Who? Nezuko?)
炭治郎「醜女のはずないだろう!! よく見てみろ、この顔立ちを!町でも評判の美人だったぞ!禰豆子は」
Tanjiro “Shikomeno hazu nai-daro!! Yoku mite-miro, kono kaodachio! Machi-demo hyobanno bijin-dattazo! Nezukowa.”
Tanjiro “Who in their right mind would call her an eyesore? Just take a good look at her features! She was the beauty of our hometown! Our Nezuko!”
Yushiro “Ikuzo.”
Yushiro “Let’s go.”
Tanjiro “Iya, iku-keredomo. Shikomewa chigau-daro, zettai! Mo sukoshi akarui tokorode mite-kure! Chotto! Acchino! Hode!”
Tanjiro “Sure, we’ll go, but still… No way is she an eyesore! Not on your life! Take a look at her where there’s a bit more light! Come on, let’s go over there!”
Tanjiro “Soka, wakatta. Kono kuchi-kase dana! Kono kuchi-kaseno seikamo shirenai. Koreo hazushita Nezuko’o ichido mite morai-tai. E?”
Tanjiro “Oh, I know what it is! It’s this muzzle, right? It might be because of this muzzle! I’d like you to behold Nezuko without the muzzle!”
Yushiro “Hayaku koi. Daremo inai uchini.”
Yushiro “Hurry it up. While no one’s around.”
Tanjiro “Oo…A…Iki-domarino mukoni yashikiga!”
Tanjiro “There’s a house behind the dead end!”
Yushiro “Hayaku koi. Iika. Ano katani shitsureino nai-yoni shiroyo. Orewa omae-tachi-nado do-nattatte iinda. Soreo ano kataga doshitemoto iukara tsurete-kitanda.”
Yushiro “Get over here! Listen. Make sure you don’t offend that person in any way. Personally, I couldn’t care less what happens to you. But I brought you here because she insisted!”
Tanjiro “A…Aa.”
Tanjiro “R-Right.”
Tamayo “Dozo.”
Tamayo “Come in.”
Yushiro “Tadaima modori-mashita.”
Yushiro “I have returned.”
Tamayo “Okaeri-nasai.”
Tamayo “Welcome back.”
Tanjiro “Sakihodowa omakase shite-shimai, sumimasen. Sono okusanwa?”
Tanjiro “I’m sorry that I left you to take care of things just now. How is the lady?”
Tamayo “Kono katawa daijobu desuyo. Goshujinwa, kinodoku desuga kosoku-shite chika-roni…”
Tamayo “She’ll be just fine. Unfortunately, I have to keep her husband restrained in the basement.”
Tanjiro “Hitono kegano teateo shite, tsuraku-nai desuka? Uo!”
Tanjiro “Isn’t treating human wounds unbearable for you?”
Yushiro “Onino ore-tachiga, chinikuno nioini yodareo tarashite tae-nagara, ningenno chiryo’o shiteiru-todemo?”
Yushiro “You think demons treat humans while choking back their own drool at the smell of blood?”
Tanjiro “…Gomen.”
Tanjiro “Sorry.”
Tamayo “Yoshi-nasai. Naze boryokuo furuuno.”
Tamayo “Stop it. Why would you resort to violence?”
Tamayo “Nanotte imasen-deshitane. Watashiwa Tamayo to moshimasu. Sonokowa Yushiro. Nakayoku shite-yatte kudasaine.”
Tamayo “I never introduced myself, did I? My name is Tamayo. That boy is Yushiro. I hope that you’ll be his friend.”
Tanjiro (Eeee, muri dana, korewa…)
Tanjiro (I don’t think that’s gonna happen.)
Tamayo “Tsurakuwa nai desuyo. Futsuno oni-yori kanari raku-kato omoimasu. Watashiwa, watashino karadao zuibun ijitte imasu-kara. Kibutsujino noroimo hazushite imasu.”
Tamayo “It’s not unbearable, you know. I believe it’s much easier for me than for normal demons. Because I’ve tweaked my body considerably. I’ve also removed Kibutsuji’s curse.”
Tanjiro “Noroi? Ka, Karadao ijitta?”
Tanjiro “Curse? T-Tweaked your body?”
Tamayo “Kochirae.”
Tamayo “Come this way.”
Tanjiro “A, Nezuko! Gyogi waruizo.”
Tanjiro “Hey, Nezuko, that’s bad manners!”
Tamayo “Kamai-masen’yo. Rakuni shite kudasai.”
Tamayo “That’s quite all right. Please make yourselves at home.”
Tanjiro “Sumimasen.”
Tanjiro “Sorry.”
Tamayo “Dewa, sakihodono tsuzuki desuga… Watashi-tachiwa hito’o kurau koto-naku kurashite ikeru-yoni shimashita. Hitono chio shoryo nomu-dakede koto tariru.”
Tamayo “Now then, allow me to continue. I adjusted our bodies so that we can live without devouring humans. A small amount of human blood is all we need.”
Tanjiro “Chio? Sorewa…”
Tanjiro “Blood? You mean…”
Tamayo “Fukaini omowareru-kamo shirema-senga, kinsenni yoyuno nai kata-kara yuketsuto shoshite chio katte-imasu. Mochiron, karerano karadani shishoga denai ryo desu.”
Tamayo “You may find it distasteful, but what I do is buy blood under the guise of transfusions from those unable to make ends meet. Of course, no more than would impair them.”
Tanjiro (Soka… Kono hito-tachi-kara oni-tokuyuno ishuga shinai riyuwa, sore-nanda. Demo, yappari hitono chiwa hitsuyo… Chi-dake-nara, Nezuko-nimo…)
Tanjiro (I see. So, that’s why I’m not picking up that strange scent unique to demons from these two. But they do need human blood after all. If blood is all they need, then Nezuko…”
Tamayo “Yushirowa, motto shoryono chide tarimasu. Kono kowa watashiga onini shimashita.”
Tamayo “Yushiro can get by with even less blood. I’m the one who turned him into a demon.”
炭治郎「えっ、あなたがですか?! でも…えっ?」
Tanjiro “E, anataga desuka? Demo… E?”
Tanjiro “You did that? But…”
Tamayo “So-desune. Kibutsuji-igaiwa, onio fuyasu kotoga dekinaito sarete-iru. Sorewa oomune tadashii-desu. Nihyaku-nen-ijo kakatte, onini dekita-nowa, Yushiro tada hitori desu-kara.”
Tamayo “You’re right. It’s generally held that no one but Kibutsuji can reproduce demons. That’s more or less accurate. After more than 200 years, I was only able to transform Yushiro into a demon after all.”
炭治郎「に…二百年…二百年以上かかって鬼にできたのは、愈史郎ただ一人ですから?! 珠世さんは何歳ですか?!ぶっ!」
Tanjiro “Ni…Nihyaku-nen…Nihyaku-nen-ijo kakatte onini dekita-nowa, Yushiro tada hitori desu-kara?! Tamayo-sanwa nansai desuka?! Bu!”
Tanjiro “Two… Two hundred years… You were only able to transform Yushiro after more than 200 years? Exactly how old are you, Miss Tamayo?”
Yushiro “Joseini Toshio kikuna, burei-mono!!”
Yushiro “Don’t ask a lady her age, you ill-mannered scoundrel!”
Tanjiro “Ata, ata, atatata…”
Tamayo “Yushiro! Tsugini sonoko’o naguttara, yurushi-masen’yo.”
Tamayo “Yushiro! The next time you hit that boy, I’ll make you regret it!”
Yushiro “Hai!!” (Okotta kaomo utsukushii…)
Yushiro “Yes ma’am!” (She’s beautiful even when she’s angry!)
Tamayo “Hitotsu…gokai shinaide hoshiino-desuga, watashiwa onio fuyaso-towa shite-imasen. Fujino yamaiya kega-nado’o otte yomei ikubakumo nai hitoni-shika, sono shochiwa shimasen. Sono tokiwa kanarazu hon’nin’ni, onito nattemo iki-nagarae-taika tazunete-kara shimasu.”
Tamayo “There’s one thing I’d like to clear up with you. I’m not trying to create more demons. I only perform the procedure on the terminally ill or those so gravely injured that they don’t have long to live. And in those cases, I always ask them beforehand if they wish to live on even as demons.”
炭治郎(嘘偽りのない清らかな匂いがする… この人は信用できる)
Tanjiro (Uso-itsuwarino nai kiyorakana nioiga suru… Kono hitowa shin’yo dekiru.)
Tanjiro (The scent she’s giving off is pure and devoid of deception. She’s someone I can trust.)
Tanjiro “Tamayo-san, onini natte shimatta hito’o, hitoni modosu hohowa ari-masuka?”
Tanjiro “Miss Tamayo, is there a way to return a transformed demon back to human form?”
Susamaru “Mieru-kae?”
Susamaru “See anything?”
Yahaba “Mieru, mieruzo, ashi-atoga. Koreja, koreja. Achirao gururito oomawari-shite, san-ninni natte-oru. Nanika ookina hakomo motte-oru.”
Yahaba “I can see. I can see footprints. This is it. This is it. Making a huge turn over there. There are three of them. And one’s carrying some kind of big box.”
Susamaru “Do yatte korosokano, ufufufu, chikaraga minagiru. Ano okatano chio wakete itadaita okageja.”
Susamaru “How should we kill them, I wonder. I can feel the flow of power. Because of all the blood he shared with me.”
Yahaba “Sorewa mo zankokuni koroshite yarozo.”
Yahaba “Of course we’re going to slay them vindictively.”
Tamayo “Onio hitoni modosu hohowa… arimasu.”
Tamayo “There is a way to turn a demon… back into a human.”
Tanjiro “A, oshiete kudasa…”
Tanjiro “Please tell me how!”
Yushiro “Yoroto suruna Tamayo-samani!!”
Yushiro “Don’t you dare get so close to Lady Tamayo!”
Tamayo “…Yushiro.”
Tamayo “Yushiro…”
Yushiro “Ha! Nagetano-desu, Tamayo-sama. Nagutte-masen.”
Yushiro “Yes, ma’am! I only threw him. Lady Tamayo. I did not hit him.”
Tamayo “Dochiramo dame desu.”
Tamayo “You mustn’t do either.”
Yushiro “Hai!”
Yushiro “Yes, ma’am!”
Tanjiro “Itetete… Oshiete kudasai.”
Tanjiro “Ouch, ouch, ouch. Please tell me how.”
Tamayo “Donna kizu-nimo yamai-nimo, kanarazu kusuriya chiryo-hoga aruno-desu. Imano jitende onio hitoni modosu-kotowa deki-masenga, soremo kitto… Desuga, watashi-tachiwa kanarazu sono chiryo-ho’o kakuritsu sasetaito omotte-imasu. Sono tameni anatani onegai shitai kotoga arimasu. Chiryo-yakuo tsukuru-tame-niwa, takusanno onino chio shiraberu hitsuyoga arimasu. Anatani onegai-shitai kotowa futatsu.”
Tamayo “For any kind of wound, there’s always some kind of medicine or treatment. At this time, I’m unable to turn a demon back into a human, but surely, that, too… However, we are dedicated to establishing such a method of treatment. Towards that end, I’d like to ask you to do something for me. To produce such an elixir, it is necessary to study the blood of numerous demons. I have two favors to ask of you.”
Tamayo “Hitotsu, imoto-sanno chio shirabe-sasete-hoshii. Futatsu, dekiru-kagiri Kibutsujino chiga koi oni-karamo, ketsuekio saishu shite-kite-hoshii. Nezuko-sanwa ima, kiwamete marede tokushuna jotai desu. Ni-nen-kan nemuri-tsuzuketa-tono ohanashi deshitaga, osorakuwa sono saini karadaga henka shite-iru.”
Tamayo “One, permission to study your sister’s blood. Two, to retrieve blood sample from demons as closely related to Kibutsuji as possible. Nezuko’s current condition is extremely rare and unique. I understand that she was asleep for two straight years, and I believe that her body underwent changes during that time.”
Tamayo “Tsujo, sorehodo nagai aida, hitono chinikuya kemonono nikuo kuchini deki-nakereba, mazu machigai-naku kyoboka shimasu.”
Tamayo “Normally, any demon who went that long without consuming the flesh or blood of a human or beast would unquestionably go berserk.”
Yushiro (Tamayo-samawa kyomo utsukushii. Kitto ashitamo utsukushii-zo.)
Yushiro (Lady Tamayo is beautiful today, too! I’m sure she’ll be beautiful again tomorrow!)
Tamayo “Shikashi, odoroku-beki kotoni Nezuko-sanniwa sono shojoga nai. Kono kisekiwa, kongono kagito narudesho.”
Tamayo “And yet, surprisingly Nezuko shows none of those signs. This miracle will be the key to finding a solution.”
Tanjiro (Nezuko…)
Tanjiro (Nezuko…)
Tamayo “Mo hitotsuno negaiwa kakokuna mononi naru. Kibutsujino chiga koi oni-towa, sunawachi… Kibutsujini yori-chikai-tsuyosao motsu onito iu-koto desu. Sono-yona oni-kara chio toru-nowa yoi-dewa arimasen. Sore-demo anatawa, kono negaio kiite kudasai-masuka?”
Tamayo “The other request I have for you is a harsh one. By ‘demons closely related to Kibutsuji,’ I meant demons whose powers are more on par with that of Kibutsuji himself. It won’t be easy to extract blood from such demons. Are you still willing to go along with my requests?”
Tanjiro “Sore-igaini michiga nakereba, orewa yarimasu. Tamayo-sanga takusanno onino chio shirabete kusurio tsukutte-kureru-nara, so sureba Nezuko-dakeja-naku, motto takusanno hitoga tasukari-masu-yone?”
Tanjiro “If there’s no other way, then I’ll do it. If it means you’re going to research all these demons’ blood and create this medicine… If that happens, that means it won’t just be Nezuko. Lots of other people will be saved, too, right?”
Tamayo “A… Sone.”
Tamayo “That’s right.”
Tanjiro “Aa. Gi!”
Yushiro “Ha! Fusero!!”
Yushiro “Get down!”
Susamaru “Ahhahahaha!”
Yahaba “Fufufu, koroshi-katawa kimattaka?”
Yahaba “Did you decide how to kill them?”
Susamaru “Zankokuni…daro! Ihhihihihi…”
Susamaru “Vindictively, of course!”
大正コソコソ噂話 ーTaisho Secretー
Tanjiro “Kyowa ikinari, Taisho koso-koso uwasa-banashi. Yushiro-sanwa Tamayo-sama nikkio tsukeru-noga shumi. Ichi-nichide nana-mai-kara ju-mai-kurai kaite-iru rashii desuyo. Sono nikkio mitsukete shimatta. Sukoshi yonde miyoka.”
Tanjiro “I’m starting with the Taisho secret today! Yushiro’s hobby is to write in his Lady Tamayo journal. I hear that he churns out seven to ten pages a day. And now, I’ve found that very journal. Let’s take a peek, huh?”
Tanjiro “Nani-nani… Ichi-gatsu tooka, kyomo Tamayo-samawa hakanagede utsukushii. Ju-shichiji juppun, oreno nao yonde-kureta. Nidomo. Sono okoega utsukushii. Ju-shichiji niju-kyu-fun, Tamayo-samaga kangae-goto’o shite-ite, dansani tsumazuita-toki… Jikai, dai-kyuwa, ‘Temari-onito Yajirushi-oni’. Korewa minakatta kotoni shiyo.”
Tanjiro “Let’s see… January 10. Lady Tamayo was ethereal and gorgeous again today. At 17:10, she called my name. Twice, no less! Her voice was beautiful. At 17:29, when Lady Tamayo, deep in thought, slipped on the step… Next, Episode 9, ‘Temari Demon and Arrow Demon’! Let’s pretend we never saw this.”
(Continue to episode 9)
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frierenscript · 2 months
Episode 20 : Necessary Killing / 第20話『必要な殺し(Hitsuyona Koroshi)』
*Green colored words are only in anime, not in original manga, and we usually call them "ani-ori(anime-original)".
ヴィアベル(おっかねぇな… おそらくは物体を切り裂く魔法。魔法としては単純な部類だが、軌道が見えねぇ。すべてを防ぐのは無理だ。だが…)
Viaberu (Okkaneena… Osorakuwa buttaio kirisaku maho. Mahoto shitewa tanjunna burui daga, kidoga mienee. Subeteo fusegunowa murida. Daga…)
Wirbel (Now that’s scary. She’s probably using magic that cuts through physical objects. It’s a simple type of magic, but I can’t see its trajectory. It’s impossible to block all of them, but…)
Viaberu “Doshita, tsuigeki shineenoka?”
Wirbel “What’s the matter? You’re not going to follow up on that?”
Yūberu “Sukoshi abare-sugita kana.”
Übel “I might’ve gone a bit too hard.”
Viaberu “Sodana. Omaeno mahono shateiwa go-mētoru kurai daro.”
Wirbel “Maybe. The range of your magic is about five meters, isn’t it?”
Yūberu “Gomeito. De, dosuruno? Mata kisotekina mahode naguri-aruno?”
Übel “Correct. So, what do we do now? Are we going to whale on each other with basic spells again?”
Viaberu “Iya, sono hitsuyowa nee.”
Wirbel “No, that won’t be necessary.”
Ēre “Aitsuga tsukaunowa, hinseino marude nai, katsutameno hikyona maho. Ima Viaberuto tatakatteru ko, tabun korosare-chauwayo.”
Ehre “His magic is devoid of character. It’s underhanded, for the sole purpose of winning. The girl fighting Wirbel now will probably be killed.”
Ferun “Dewa.”
Fern “Now, then.”
エーレ「飽和攻撃…!?これだけの数の攻撃魔法を一度に操るなんて…!?…こんな力技…馬鹿じゃないの…!?品性の欠片も無い…!! …あ… …捌ききれない…」
Ēre “Howa-kogeki…?! Koredakeno kazuno kogeki-maho’o ichidoni ayatsuru nante…?! …Konna chika-waza…Bakaja naino…!? Hinseino kakeramo nai…!! …A… …Sabaki-kirenai…”
Ehre “A saturation attack? How can she control so many attack spells at once? This is an absurd feat of strength. It doesn’t have a shred of character. I can’t… handle them all.”
Viaberu “Soruganīru.”
Wirbel “Sorganeil.”
ユーベル「体が動かない…」(魔力も操作できないな… 強力な拘束魔法か。こんなのがあるんなら、自力でシュティレ捕まえればいいじゃん。まぁシュティレが見つけられなければ無用の長物か…)
Yūberu “Karadaga ugokanai…” (Maryokumo sosa dekinaina… Kyoryokuna kosoku-mahoka. Konnanoga arun-nara, jirikide Shutire tsukamae-reba iijan. Maa Shutirega mitsuke-rare-nakereba muyono chobutsuka…)
Übel “I can’t move.” (I can’t control my mana, either. It’s a powerful binding spell. If he has this, why didn’t he catch a Stille himself? Though I suppose it’s useless if he can’t find one.)
Viaberu “Oreno mahowa meni osameta yatsuno ugokio fujiru mahoda. Orega omae-kara meo sorasanai-kagiri, omaewa ugokenai. Sono jotaino omaenara kantanni korosu-kotoga dekiru.”
Wirbel “My spell binds those I can see. As long as I keep looking at you, you won’t be able to move. I could easily kill you in your current state.”
Yūberu (Shikamo koitsu tekagen shite-itana. Hontoni korosu tsumori nara, ano kishu-dankaide ugokio fujite-ita hazuda.)
Übel (Not only that, but he was holding back. If he’d truly intended to kill me, he would’ve bound me during his initial ambush.)
Viaberu “Rasuto chansuda. Shutireo oite usero.”
Wirbel “This is your last chance. Leave the Stille and walk away.”
Yūberu (Nanda. Tsumaranai. Sekkaku koroshiaiga dekiruto omottanoni. Kekkyoku Shutireo odoshitoru-kotoga mokutekika.)
Übel (Aw, he’s no fun. And I thought I’d finally found a fight to the death. So threatening me into handing over our Stille was his goal after all.)
Yūberu “Ñ? Matte. Nande sonna koto meirei-suru hitsuyo aruno? Ugokenaku-natta watashi kara, Shutireo ubaeba iijan.”
Übel “Wait a minute. Why do you need to order me to do that? You could just take the Stille from me while I couldn’t move.”
Yūberu “Shikaini zenshin osamete-naito muri nanoka. Taninzu aiteni tsukawanai wakeda.”
Übel “So you need to keep my entire body in view. No wonder you don’t use it against multiple targets.”
Viaberu “Meo nerai-yagattana…”
Wirbel “You were aiming for my eyes.”
Yūberu “Goritekina handan desho.”
Übel “That’s the logical choice, isn’t it?”
Viaberu “Iiya. Orega omaeno tachiba dattara korosu tameni kubio nerau. Sorede tatakaiwa owaridakarana. Omaeniwa sorega dekita hazuda. Senjodemo onaji-yona koto’o shita yatsurawa itaze. Soitsurawa zen’in koroshio tanoshimu hentai datta. Omaewa kokode koroshite-oku bekidana.”
Wirbel “No. If I were you, I’d go for the kill and attack the neck. That would end the fight. You should’ve been able to do that. There were people on the battlefield who did similar things. They were all perverts who enjoyed killing. I guess I should kill you now.”
Yūberu “Onna kodomo’o koroshita koto aruno?”
Übel “Have you ever killed women and children before?”
Viaberu “Neeto omotten-noka?”
Wirbel “You think I haven’t?”
Yūberu “Fūn. Donna jigokuo mite-kitano?”
Übel “Huh. What hells have you seen?”
Viaberu “Jikan-kasegika? Iidaro. Notte-yaruyo. Orera Hokubu Mahotaiwa tai-mazoku senmonno yoheidaga, yuji-niwa kunidoshino sensoni datte doin sareru. Hitottenowa, hitono yowai bubun’o yōku shitteru. Sensoni onna kodomo’o karidasu-nante, akumano shogyowa mezurashii kotodemo nandemo nee. Jigoku nankaja nai. Kitano hateja nichijoda.”
Wirbel “Trying to buy time? Fine. I’ll play along. The Northern Magic Corps are mercenaries who specialize in fighting demons, but in times of need, we’re mobilized to fight in wars between nations. People know exactly what makes other people weak. The fiendish act of sending women and children to war wasn’t uncommon. It wasn’t hell. It’s commonplace in the far north.”
Yūberu “So. Mo iiyo.”
Übel “I see. I’ve heard enough.”
Yūberu “Korosanaino? Watashiwane, sono hitoga tokuito suru mahowa jinseiya ningen-seini ookiku kakawatte-iruto omotteiru. Aiteno ugokio fujiru kono mahowa marude, korosu-madeno yuyo’o hoshigatteru mitaida.”
Übel “You’re not going to kill me? I think the magic a person specializes in is strongly related to their life and nature. A spell that binds your opponent feels like a way to delay killing them.”
Yūberu “Sokka. Jikan-kasegini nottanomo sonotameka. Odoroitayo. Toni ryotewa chide somatte-irunoni, mada ningende aritaito omotte-irunda.”
Übel “I see. That’s why you let me buy time, too. Your hands are already drenched in blood, and yet you still want to remain human.”
Viaberu “Soda. Korewa korosu kakugono tameno jikanda. Demona Jo-chan. Orewa tamerai okusurukotowa attemo, hitsuyona koroshiwa zenbu yatte-kitaze.”
Wirbel “That’s right. I use this time to prepare myself to kill. But you know, miss… Though I may hesitate, I’ve always killed everyone I had to.”
Viaberu “Jaana Jo-chan.”
Wirbel “Later, miss.”
Ferun “Ugokanaide kudasai.”
Fern “Don’t move.”
Viaberu “Jodan daro… Ērega yararetano-kayo?
Wirbel “You’re kidding, right? You beat Ehre?”
Viaberu (Mattaku kehaiga shinakatta.)
Wirbel (I didn’t sense her at all.)
Viaberu “Odoroitaze. Maryokuo kanzenni kesennoka. Shutireo toraetanowa omaedana.”
Wirbel “I’m surprised. You can completely conceal your mana? You must be the one who captured the Stille.”
Yūberu “Unga yokatta dakedayo. Guzen, Shutireno negurao mitsukete, sonokowa torio tsukamaeru maho’o shisho-kara osowatte-ita. Antawa nandemo tsukamae-rareru-noni, yoppodo unga warukatta mitaidane.”
Übel “We just got lucky. We happened upon a Stille’s roost, and her master had taught her a spell that captures a bird. And you’ve got a spell that binds anything, so I guess you just got really unlucky.”
Viaberu “Mattaku daze. Tsuitenee. Ēreto tatakatte-itana. Aitsuwa doshita?”
Wirbel “Seriously. I’ve got no luck. You were fighting Ehre. What happened to her?”
Ferun “Koroshi-mashita.”
Fern “I killed her.”
Viaberu “Dai-ichiji-shikenno gokaku-jokenwa kyono nichibotsu-madeni Shutireo hoyushite-irukototo, pātīmenbāga zen’in sorotte-irukoto. Ore-tachino make dana. Hikasete morauze.”
Wirbel “The conditions for passing the first test are possessing a Stille by sunset tonight and having all your party members present. We lost. I’m getting out of here.”
Yūberu “Watashio korosunja nakattano?”
Übel “I thought you were going to kill me.”
Viaberu “Fugokakuga kakutei shitanda. Mo fuyona koroshida. Jaana.”
Wirbel “I’ve already failed the test. Killing you would be unnecessary. Later.”
Viaberu “Betsuni senakao nerattatte kamawanaize. Fuyona koroshiga hitsuyona koroshini modoru-dakeda.”
Wirbel “You can attack me from behind if you want. You’ll just be turning an unnecessary kill back into a necessary one.”
Ferun “Yūberu-sama.”
Fern “Ms.Übel.”
Yūberu “…Wakatteruyo. Uso jozu jan.”
Übel “I know. You’re a good liar.”
Ferun “Imano uchini Ranto-samano engoni mukai-masho.”
Fern “We should go to assist Mr.Land while we can.”
Yūberu “Daijobu desho. Ano megane-kun sotona kuwase-mono dayo.”
Übel “That four-eyes will be fine. He’s quite the pretender.”
Sharufu “Shobu ari dana.”
Scharf “It’s over.”
Ranto “Sugoine. Kore. Kotetsuni kaeta musuno kaben’o seikakuni ayatsutte bogyo’o kaikugutta. Demo kore garyu desho. Garyuno hitotte, kisoga orosokani natteiru kotoga ooindayone.”
Land “This is impressive. You turned countless petals into metal and controlled them precisely to slip them through my defenses. But this is your own invention, isn’t it? Spells like that often neglect the fundamentals.”
Ranto “Bokuwasa, shiranai aiteto tatakau maeni kanarazu yosumio suru-yoni shiteiru. Kimino jakutenwa yoku wakattayo. Tabun bokuno kachida.”
Land “I always watch and wait when fighting an opponent I don’t know. I know exactly what your weaknesses are. I’ll probably win.”
Sharufu “Jozetsu dana. Kiki-udeo tsubusarete do katsu tsumorida? Kofuku-shinaino-nara, tsugiwa kubio kiri-otosu.”
Scharf “Talkative, aren’t you? How do you intend to win when I’ve ruined your dominant arm?
If you won’t surrender, then I’ll take your head off.”
Ranto “Dakara, korewa tatakau maeno yosumi nandatte. Kimi, maryoku-tanchi nigate desho.”
Land “I told you, I’m still observing you before the battle begins. You’re not very good at detecting mana, aren’t you?”
Sharufu “Gen’ei maho…!!”
Scharf “Illusion magic.”
Ranto “Jittaiwa arukara seikaku-niwa bokuno bunshin kana.”
Land “It has substance, so strictly speaking, it’s more like a clone.”
Sharufu “……Itsukara…”
Scharf “How long―”
Ranto “Saisho-karadayo. Dai-ichiji-shikenga hajimatta tokikara. Bokuwa tanin’o shinjite-inai karane.”
Land “Since the beginning, when the first test started. I don’t trust other people.”
Viaberu “Naniga koroshitada. Ano kuso-onna, heizento uso tsuki-yagatte.”
Wirbel “Killed her, my ass. That bitch lied like it was nothing.”
Viaberu “Oi, okiro Ēre.”
Wirbel “Wake up, Ehre.”
Ēre “Ūn…”
Viaberu “Maryokugire kayo. Dasseena. Maho-gakkono shuseki daro.”
Wirbel “Out of mana? Pathetic. Didn’t you graduate at the top of your class?”
Ēre “…Ippan kogeki-mahono butsuryode oshikiraretawa. Sabaki-kirenakatta. Shinjite naidesho.”
Ehre “She overwhelmed me with ordinary offensive magic. I couldn’t block them all. You don’t believe me, do you?”
Viaberu “Iiya. Baka-mitaini shomen-kara tatakai-yagatte. Omaenara katenee shobuja nakatta hazuda.”
Wirbel “No, I do. Why’d you attack her head-on like an idiot? It’s not like you couldn’t have won.”
Viaberu (Daga ippan kogeki-maho dakede korehodono geitoga dekiruto shitara, ano onnawa sotona bakemon dana.)
Wirbel (But if she could pull off this stunt with ordinary offensive magic alone, she must be one nasty monster.)
Viaberu “Ikuzo. Sharufuto goryu suru.”
Wirbel “Let’s go. We’ll meet up with Scharf.”
Ēre “Matteyo. Arukenain-dakedo.”
Ehre “Wait. I can’t walk.”
Viaberu “Shikata neena.”
Wirbel “Oh, fine.”
Ēre “Chotto. Mono-mitaini hakobu tsumori? Onbu shite.”
Ehre “Are you really going to float me there like an object? Carry me on your back!”
Viaberu “Nande orega konna koto…”
Wirbel “Why am I doing this?”
Ēre “Sharufuno hannowa chikaino?”
Ehre “Do you sense Scharf nearby?”
Viaberu “Ano shigemino muko-gawada.”
Wirbel “He’s on the other side of those bushes.”
Viaberu “Oi, Sharufu. Ēreo hakobuno tetsudatte…”
Wirbel “Hey, Scharf. Help me carry…”
シャルフ「ヴィアベル… おんぶしてくれ… 痺れて動けん…」
Sharufu “Viaberu… Onbu shitekure… Shibirete ugoken…”
Scharf “Wirbel, carry me on your back. I feel numb and can’t move.”
Viaberu “Kuso. Majide nan-nandayo…”
Wirbel “Damn it, Seriously, what the hell is going on?”
Ēre “…Kono oto nani kashira?”
Ehre “What’s this sound?”
Viaberu “Amaoto daro. Kekkaino sotode amega furi-hajimetanda. Marude oreno imano shinkyo daze. Ato ni-san-jikanmo sureba nichibotsu. Dai-ichiji-shiken shuryoda. Sento-funo ni-mei. Konna jokyoja, Shutirewa mo ubaenee. Ore-tachino fugokakuwa kakutei dana.”
Wirbel “Probably the rain. It’s started raining outside the barrier. It’s like my current mental state. The sun will set in two or three more hours. The first test will end. Two of us are out of the fight. We can’t steal anyone’s Stille like this. We’re going to fail.”
Ēre “Sore-nanoni watashi-tachio tasukete kurerunda. Yasashii-none.”
Ehre “But you’re helping us anyway. You’re a nice guy.”
Viaberu “Kokode omaerao sutetettemo iindaze.”
Wirbel “I don’t mind ditching you two here, you know.”
Sharufu “Misutenaide…”
Scharf “Please don’t abandon us.”
Viaberu “Nakunja neeyo. Otokodaro.”
Wirbel “Don’t cry. You’re a man, aren’t you?”
Ēre “Sono yasashisaga anataga mazokuto tatakau riyu nanokashira? Anatawa watashino muramo sukutte kuretawa.”
Ehre “Is that kindness the reason you fight demons? You saved my village, too.”
Viaberu “Bakaga. Yasashisa-nankade inochi hareruka. Ningenwa yokubono tameni tatakaun-dayo. Oreno baaiwa shita-gokoroda. Kokyoni sukina yatsuga itanda. Imakara chodo niju-kyu-nenmae. Kitagawa-shokokuno mazokuno ugokiga kappatsuka shite, soitsuwa ikka sorotte chuoni nigete icchimatta. Orewa bakana gakidena. Kakko tsuke-chimattanda.”
Wirbel “Are you stupid? I couldn’t risk my life for kindness. People fight for their own desires. In my case, I had ulterior motives. I was in love with a girl from my hometown. Exactly 29 years ago, the demon activity in the northern lands increased. She and her entire family fled to the central lands. I was a dumb kid. I decided to show off for her.”
Osanai Viaberu “Kusottarena mazoku-domowa, orega zen’in bukkoroshite-yaru. Dakara, sontokiwa kono murani kaette-koi.”
Young Wirbel “I’ll kill all those shitty demons. When I do, come back to this village.”
Viaberu “Yottsuka itsutsuno gakino korono hanashida. Mo kaomo namaemo oboecha inee.”
Wirbel “I was only four or five years old. I don’t even remember her face or name anymore.”
Ēre “Baka mitaine.”
Ehre “What an idiot.”
Viaberu “Aa. Baka mitaida.”
Wirbel “Yeah, I’m an idiot.
Viaberu “…Kaeriwa mata kairoka. Ore, funayoi hideen-dayona…”
Wirbel “Are we sailing back home again? I get seasick easily.”
エーレ「私のお爺ちゃん紹介しようか?一級魔法使いだから陸路で… …ねぇ、ヴィアベル。」
Ēre “Watashino ojiichan shokai shiyoka? Ikkyu-mahotsukai dakara rikurode… …Nee, Viaberu.”
Ehre “Want me to introduce you to my grandpa? Since he’s a first-class mage, we can travel by land to… Hey, Wirbel.”
Viaberu “Doshita?”
Wirbel “What is it?”
Ēre “Are.”
Ehre “Look.”
Viaberu “Fuzakeyagatte. Imamadeno kurowa nandattanda. Tsukiga mawatte kunnoga ososugindayo.”
Wirbel “You can’t be serious. What was all that effort for? Took long enough for luck to go my way.”
Kanne “Furīren. Anoko, sakkikara nanimo shite-konai-kedo…”
Kanne “Frieren, she’s not doing anything.”
デンケン(エルフか… 優秀な魔法使いだな。ラオフェンの魔法なぞ一度見せれば二度は通じんだろう。)
Denken (Erufuka… Yushuna mahotsukai dana. Raofenno maho-nazo ichido misereba nidowa tsujin-daro.)
Denken (An elf, huh? She’s a skilled mage. I doubt Laufen’s magic would work a second time now that she’s seen it.)
Denken “Daga sono ichidode jubun. Korewa koroshiai dewa nai.”
Denken “But just once was enough. We’re not trying to kill each other here.”
Kanne “…Kieta?”
Kanne “She vanished?”
Ravīne “Furīren!! Shutirega…”
Lawine “Frieren, the Stille…”
Furīren “…Toraretaka. Fūn. Omoshiroi mahoda.”
Frieren “She took it, huh? That’s an interesting spell.”
Zenze “Kokowa amedemo kaiteki-dana.”
Sense “It’s comfortable inside the barrier even when it’s raining.
Genau “Soieba dai-niji-shikenno shikenkanwa omae dattana. Zenze.”
Genau “Come to think of it, aren’t you the proctor for the second test, Sense?”
Zenze “Konkaimo yubona jukenshao nanninmo shinaseta mitaija naika. Genau.”
Sense “Looks like you killed a few promising test-takers again, Genau.”
Genau “Warawaseru. Yubona yatsuwa kono teidodewa shinan’yo. Soreni ikkyu-mahotsukai niwa soredakeno kachiga aru. Omaemo sorewa wakatte-iru hazuda.”
Genau “Don’t make me laugh. No promising test-taker would die from this. Besides, first-class mages simply have that much worth. You should know that.”
Zenze “Soreni-shitemo hitoga warui. Mahotsukaino shikenni, maryoku-tanchiga tsuyo-shinai emono’o erabuda-nante. Tsukamae-rareruka dokawa un-makase. Korewa sodatsu-senni misekaketa taijin-senda.”
Sense “Either way, choosing a target immune to mana detection for a mage test wasn’t nice. Whether or not they’ll catch one comes down to luck. This is a battle masquerading as a competition.”
Genau “Unmo jitsuryokuno Uchida. Soreni un-igaide Shutireo tsukamaeta renchumo iruyoda. Ato san-jikande nichibotsuda. Gekika suruzo. Taijin-senga.”
Genau “Luck is a skill. And some test-takers seem to have captured a Stille without relying on luck. The sun will set in three hours. The battle will grow more intense.”
Zenze “Darega kachi-agaruto omou?”
Sense “Who do you think will survive?”
Genau “San-bunno-ichiwa nokoru-daro. Sono nakani Denkenwa kakujitsuni iru. Yatsuno jitsuryokuwa ikkyu-mahotsukaito kurabetemo sonshokuwa nai.”
Genau “A third will remain. Denken will be among them. His skill is comparable to a first-class mage’s.”
Zenze “Tomito kenryokuni shika kyomino nai gorotaiga nande imasara konna shikenni. Mokutekiwa yappari ‘tokken’?”
Sense “What’s an old man only interested in wealth and political power doing getting certified now? Is he doing it for the privilege after all?”
Genau “Saana. Ano jiisanmo mo toshida. Omou tokoro demo aruno-darosa.”
“Who knows? He’s getting up there in years. I’m sure he’s got something on his mind.”
Furīren “Nee, imano koga tsukatta mahottesa. Jiruvēa desho. Minamigawa-shokokuno sangaku-minzokuni tsutawaru minkan-mahoda.”
Frieren “The spell that girl used was Jilwer, wasn’t it? That’s a folk spell used by a mountain tribe in the southern lands.”
Denken “Aa. Soda.”
Denken “That’s right.”
Kanne “Jiruvēa tte?”
Kanne “What’s a Jilwer?”
Ravīne “Kosokude ido-suru maho.”
Lawine “A spell that allows you to move at high speed.”
Furīren “Dattara futariwa sonomama kakurete itahoga yokattato omouyo. Anoko dake Shutireo motte nigereba ii.”
Frieren “Then the two of you should’ve remained hidden. She could’ve simply taken the Stille on her own.”
Denken “Raofenwa mada mijuku-mono dena. Maryokuno konsekio nokoshi-sugita. Omaenara yoini tsuiseki dekiru hazuda. Furīren.”
Denken “Laufen is still inexperienced. She left too many traces of mana behind. You could have easily followed her, Frieren.”
Denken “Genni omaewa washirao wazurawa-shiku omotte-oru.”
Denken “You must really find our presence troublesome.”
Furīren “Maane.
Frieren “Well, yes. You know who I am?”
Denken “Washirano sedaide sono nao shiranu mahotsukai-nado inai. Chokusetsu kono mede mirunowa hajimete-daga, hitome mite kakushin shita. Omaewa yusha-ikkono mahotsukai, Furīren da.”
Denken “There isn’t a mage of our generation who doesn’t know that name. It’s my first time seeing you with my own eyes, but I knew who you were as soon as I saw you. You are Frieren, the mage from the party of heroes.”
Kanne “……Yumei nano?”
Kanne “Is she famous?”
Ravīne “Densetsu-tekina mahotsukaida. Moshika-shitara towa omotte-itaga… Erufutte majide toshi toraneen-dana.”
Lawine “She’s a legendary mage. I knew it might be possible, but… I guess elves really don’t age.”
Furīren “Kekkyoku dodoto idonde-kurunda. Watashi-tachino koto’o zutto kagi-mawatte-itadesho. Motto hikyona tede kurukato omotte-ita.”
Frieren “You’re challenging me rather openly. You’ve been sniffing around us this whole time, haven’t you? I was expecting something underhanded.”
Rihitā “Iya, Jubun hikyosa. Denkenga omaeno ashidomeo shiteiru aidani, orega socchino gaki futari dochirakao korosu.”
Richter “This is plenty underhanded. While Denken keeps you busy, I’ll kill one of those two kids.”
Furīren “Naruhodo. Pātī menbā ga kakete gokaku-joken’o mitasenaku-nareba, kocchiwa hikazaruo enai wakeda.”
Frieren “I see. If we can’t pass because we’re lacking a party member, we’ll be forced to back off.”
Ravīne “Omoshiree. Yatte-miroyo.”
Lawine “Interesting. Try me.”
Kanne “Ravīne, koitsu tsuyoiyo.”
Kanne “Lawine, he’s strong.”
Ravīne “Shitteruyo.”
Lawine “I know.”
Denken “Yamero Rihitā. Washirawa ashidomega dekireba sorede ii. Kateru shobuda.”
Denken “Don’t, Richter. All we need to do is keep them busy. We can win this fight.”
Rihitā “Denken. Orewa antawa motto mujihide reitetsuna ningendato omotte-itan-dagana. Kyutei-mahotsukai daro. Seitekio keshita kotodatte ichidoya nidoja nai hazuda.”
Richter “Denken, I thought you were a more merciless and cold man. You’re an imperial mage, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ve killed political enemies more than a couple of times.”
Denken “Ikkyu-mahotsukaini hitojinino kachiga arutowa omoen dakeda.”
Denken “I simply don’t believe being a first-class mage is worth killing someone.”
Furīren “Soredakewa do-iken kana. Ikkyu-mahotsukai nante tadano shogoda. Sorehodono kachiga arutowa omoenai.”
Frieren “I can agree with that. ‘First-class mage’ is just a title. It’s not that valuable.”
Rihitā “Akireta monodana. Masaka ‘tokken’mo shirazuni shikenni idonda-noka?”
Richter “You can’t be serious. You mean you took this test without knowing the privilege that title grants?”
Furīren “Tokken?”
Frieren “Privilege?”
Rihitā “Han-seiki-ijo-maeni totsujoto shite rekishino omote-butaini araware, jinruino mahotsukaino chotenni kunrinshita, Tairiku Maho Kyokaino soshisha, dai-mahotsukai Zērie wa――Mao-gun tono nagai senkano jidaino, senren sareta mahotsukaio imadani oimotomete-iru.”
Richter “More than fifty years ago, the great mage and founder of the Continental Magic Association, Serie, suddenly appeared to reign over humanity’s magic. She’s still searching for mages refined during the long war against the Demon King.”
Rihitā “Dakara kanojowa ikkyu-mahotsukaino zani tsuita mononi tokken’o ataeru koto’o yakusoku shita. Hitotsu-dake nozonda maho’o sazukeru tona.”
Richter “So she promised to grant a special privilege to anyone who achieved the rank of first-class mage. She will grant them any one spell they desire.”
Rihitā “Zēriewa jinruino rekishijono hobo subeteno maho’o morasuru, ikeru madosho. Kono chijode zenchi-zenno-no Megami-samani mottomo chikai mahotsukaida. Kyomanno tomio erukotomo, taibyo’o iyasukotomo, zetsudaina chikarao teni irerukotodatte dekiru. Nozonda mahoga sazuke-rareruto iukotowa, mahotsukaini totte negaiga kanauni hitoshii kotoda.”
Richter “Serie is a living grimoire who knows nearly every spell in humanity’s history. She’s the closest mage in our world to the all-knowing and all-powerful Goddess. You could acquire massive wealth, cure the gravest of diseases, or gain overwhelming power. For mages, to gain whatever spell they want is equivalent to having a wish granted.”
Rihitā “Hitottenowa tanjundena. Okagede imaya ikkyu-mahotsukaiwa jingaio utagau-hodono bakemono-zoroida. Sore-hodono kachiga arundayo.”
Richter “People are simple. So modern first-class mages are all monsters who barely seem human. It’s that valuable a privilege.”
Furīren “So.”
Frieren “I see.”
Denken “Baka-baka-shii.”
Denken “This is nonsense.”
Rihitā “Denken. Anta-mitaini tokken-nante do-demo iitte-hoga shosuhada. Hajimeruzo. Denken, soitsuo ippun ashidome shiro. Soredake areba futari-tomo koroseru.”
Richter “Denken, people like you who don’t care about the privilege are the minority. Let’s begin. Denken, keep her busy for one minute. That’s enough time for me to kill the two of them.”
Denken “Nandomo iwaseruna, Rihitā. Takaga gaki futarida. Tatta san-jikan nekashi-tsukeru-dake. Gakino omori-kurai dekirudaro.”
Denken “Don’t make me say it again, Richter. They’re just kids. We’re simply going to put them to sleep for three hours. You can handle looking after some children, can’t you?”
Rihitā “Denken.”
Richter “Denken.”
Denken “Koitsuwa washiga tataki-tsubusu. Sorede yokaro.”
Denken “I’ll crush her. That should be enough.”
Rihitā “Oiborega. Barugranto!”
Richter “You old fart. Bargland.”
Denken “Wakai yatsuwa kekki sakande ikanna.”
Denken “The young are too hot-blooded.”
(Continue to Episode 21)
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emiliokosoku · 6 years
S T A N D. album coming soon. LINK IN BIO. . . . #celshade #emiliokosoku #kosoku #_kosoku_ #music #electronic #vaporwave #soundcloud #spotify #bandcamp #trap #dj #gaming #sonic #sonicheroes #robotnik #dragonslair #arcade #jojosbizarreadventure #sonicthehedgehog #trapmusic #playstation #nintendo #sega #segagenesis #segadreamcast #segasaturn
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zachbiller · 3 years
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redsamuraiii · 2 years
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Funny thing is, she actually seem to consider it until he says it’s a joke. 😂
Kousoku Sentai Turboranger Ep 14
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holy-cucumber01 · 3 years
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Chou Kousoku Galvion
Genre : sci-fi, adventure, mecha
Аnime series : 22 duration 25 min
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red-xy · 5 years
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Black School Rules
feat. Shori Sato, Kaito Takahashi
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Cookie Run Kindom AU:
New Age Hero Cookies
In this version of cookie run kingdom the Thunder Witch makes her own kind of cookies, from the method of how they were baked to the secret key ingredient that was used to bring them to life.
It was told that the Witches used what is called Life Powder to bring cookies to life, it also theorized as one of the key ingredients that contained within the Soul Jam of the Ancient Heroes, but for the Cookies of the Thunder Witch's case, they were not made with such ingredients. Instead they were made with Fi Essence, an essence that closely resembles flames. Rather than Soul Jam, the New Age Heroes have Soul Drops, just like the Cookies, they contain Fi essence.
Soul Drop functions similarly to Soul Jam, one feature being able to stay crispy and fresh for a long period of time and almost complete immunity to crumbling. However, it is also noticed that it specifically only appears and takes form when the Cookie has realized their hope. The Cookies' creator stated this as well, only when they have realized their hope, will their Soul Drops appear.
If one were to ask when in the crk story timeline were they created, they created prior to the events of Cookie Odessey, meaning Soul Drops came first before the founding of Magic Candies. As for when they appear in the story, we'll ge to that in the end
Now with that out of the way, There are three New Age Hero Cookies:
Mirror Glaze Cookie
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- Priority Position >>> Middle
- Type: 🪄 Magic
- Skill: One's True Self -- projects a barrage of mirrors towards enemies (attacks Cookies first) and lowers the opposing teams damage resistance, opponent with the highest DEF will be inflicted with Reflection. Reflection inflicts reflective damage as well as reduced damage resistance.
First Cookie made by the Thunder Witch, as her name suggests she was made with mirror glaze frosting, a frosting so shiny you can see your own reflection in it. Mirror Glaze Cookie was bestowed with the gift to be able to see the content of Cookies' hearts, the Thunder Witch calls her gift Reflection for it reveals a Cookie's true intentions and possibly a Cookie's self. The Cookie was given the mission learn the laws of every existing kingdom in Earthbread.
Pomegranate Choco Cookie
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- Priority Position: >>> Middle
- Type: ⏫ Support
- Skill: Ongaku no Sakkaku -- Pomegranate Choco Cookie infuses her Pomegranate Magic with her shamisen playing. Music played by Pomegranate Choco Cookie's shamisen deals DMG and creates illusions that reduces the opponents' DEF and debuff resistance. In addition, Cookie allies receive healing over time proportional to Pomegranate Choco Cookie's CRIT%
Funny enough, The Thunder Witch created this Cookie out of spite towards a crimson priestess Cookie named Pomegranate Cookie. Pomegranate Choco Cookie is a traveling shamisen player who came across the village that the spited Cookie in question once called home, there she practiced Pomegranate Magic under the watchful eyes of the priestesses. Wielding her instrument, Pomegranate Choco Cookie vowed to clear the name of Pomegranate Magic and restore its honor.
As said in her story and skill, Pomegranate Choco Cookie was bestowed with the gift of music. As time passes she was able use it create illusions.
Vanilla Bean Cookie
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- Priority Position: >>> Front
- Type: 🗡️ Ambush
- Skill: Kosoku no Jutsu Sword Art -- Vanilla Bean Cookie performs her bladework that was inspired by a certain clan, unleashing a flurry of slashes dealing DMG (attacks Cookies first), her last strike stuns opponents for 5 seconds. While performing her skill, Vanilla Bean Cookie becomes immune to interrupting effects.
The Thunder Witch wanted to create a Vanillian as her third Cookie. Inspired by the versatility of the vanilla flavor, the Thunder Witch created a cookie as versatile as the ingredient itself, and with that, Vanilla Bean Cookie was born. The cookie threw herself in various professions, trained under the Hollyberry knights and nobles and eventually ended up studying at the renowned Paladin Academy of the Créme Republic. The jack of all trades they call this Cookie.
fun facts about the new age heroes:
Mirror Glaze Cookie is the founder of mirror magic, apparently said magic is used also as a form of communication as well as transportation via network of mirrors.
Mirror Glaze Cookie started her law studies in a city beyond Earthbread and the Republic, where technology is on par with or pehaps maybe even more advanced than said republic.
Pomegranate Choco Cookie has a mysterious affinity with ghosts and frost spirits, she would sometimes ask them for help from both domestic tasks and in dangers.
Vanilla Bean Cookie actually trained under a well renowned Clan, specifically the eldest daughter, thanks to the Thunder Witch's persuasion and connections to the clan. This clan is not found anywhere in Earthbread nor in the Republic, implying that the clan is located beyond these lands.
and soooo that's that! Now as promised I will tell when in the story would these cookies appear, timeline wise:
as stated Mirror Glaze is the first Cookie created, though this may be the case, she will actually come to Earthbread last. as she appears a month after the events of episode 14 in crk.
Pomegranate Choco is the second to be created and is probably the first to arrive in Earthbread. She would likely make an appearance in episode 5 in crk, where she temporarily resides and will join GingerBrave and his friends on their journey.
Vanilla Bean is the third to be created and second to arrive in Earthbread, she begins her journey in Parfaedia Institute where she learns magic as well as physics (idk if they teach such a subject in the institute in the game, but in this AU, they do) but left a few days after her graduation. She is present in the events of episode 11 and 12 but is not mentioned. She makes her official appearance in Cookie Odessey chapter 2.
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kureiko · 5 years
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stationpic01 · 4 years
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2017.5.28 Kosoku-Kobe Station 阪神電気鉄道 神戸高速線 高速神戸駅
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bunnymajo · 4 years
Magical Girl Shows the were Direct-to-Video 
Genmu Senki Leda
Dream Hunter REM
Devil Hunter Yohko
New Cutey Honey*
Makeruna! Makendo
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy*
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna
Rakusho! Hyper Doll
Mahoutsukai Tai
Shamanic Princess
Chou Kosoku GranDoll
Puni Puni Poemi
Nurse Witch Komugi*
Papillon Rose
Tenbatsu Angel Rabbie
Re Cutey Honey*
Otogi-Jushi Akazukin
Majokko Tsukune-chan
Dai Mahou Touge
School Days: Magical Heart Kokoro-chan*
Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
Time Paladin Sakura*
Magical Star Kanon 100%*
Zetsumetsu Kigu Shoujo: Amazing Twins
*= spin-off or reboot of an already existing property
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warau-okami · 5 years
Why so many Japanese children refuse to go to school
By Alessia Cerantola BBC World Service
In Japan, more and more children are refusing to go to school, a phenomenon called "futoko". As the numbers keep rising, people are asking if it's a reflection of the school system, rather than a problem with the pupils themselves.
Ten-year-old Yuta Ito waited until the annual Golden Week holiday last spring to tell his parents how he was feeling - on a family day out he confessed that he no longer wanted to go to school.
For months he had been attending his primary school with great reluctance, often refusing to go at all. He was being bullied and kept fighting with his classmates.
His parents then had three choices: get Yuta to attend school counselling in the hope things would improve, home-school him, or send him to a free school. They chose the last option.
Now Yuta spends his school days doing whatever he wants - and he's much happier.
Yuta is one of Japan's many futoko, defined by Japan's education ministry as children who don't go to school for more than 30 days, for reasons unrelated to health or finances.
The term has been variously translated as absenteeism, truancy, school phobia or school refusal.
Attitudes to futoko have changed over the decades. Until 1992 school refusal - then called tokokyoshi, meaning resistance - was considered a type of mental illness. But in 1997 the terminology changed to the more neutral futoko, meaning non-attendance.
On 17 October, the government announced that absenteeism among elementary and junior high school students had hit a record high, with 164,528 children absent for 30 days or more during 2018, up from 144,031 in 2017.
The free school movement started in Japan in the 1980s, in response to the growing number of futoko. They're alternative schools that operate on principles of freedom and individuality.
They're an accepted alternative to compulsory education, along with home-schooling, but won't give children a recognised qualification.
The number of students attending free or alternative schools instead of regular schools has shot up over the years, from 7,424 in 1992 to 20,346 in 2017.
Dropping out of school can have long-term consequences, and there is a high risk that young people can withdraw from society entirely and shut themselves away in their rooms - a phenomenon known as hikikomori.
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More worrying still is the number of pupils who take their own lives. In 2018, the number of school suicides was the highest in 30 years, with 332 cases.
In 2016 the rising number of student suicides led the Japanese government to pass a suicide prevention act with special recommendations for schools.
So why are so many children avoiding school in Japan?
Family circumstances, personal issues with friends, and bullying are among the main causes, according to a survey by the ministry of education.
In general, the dropouts reported that they didn't get along with other students, or sometimes with the teachers.
That was also the case for Tomoe Morihashi.
"I didn't feel comfortable with many people," says the 12-year-old. "School life was painful."
Tomoe suffered from selective mutism, which affected her whenever she was out in public.
"I couldn't speak outside my home or away from my family," she says.
And she found it hard to obey the rigid set of rules that govern Japanese schools.
"Tights must not be coloured, hair must not be dyed, the colour of hair elastics is fixed, and they must not be worn on the wrist," she says.
Many schools in Japan control every aspect of their pupils' appearance, forcing pupils to dye their brown hair black, or not allowing pupils to wear tights or coats, even in cold weather. In some cases they even decide on the colour of pupils' underwear.
Strict school rules were introduced in the 1970s and 1980s in response to violence and bullying. They relaxed in the 1990s but have become more severe recently.
These regulations are known as "black school rules", reflecting a popular term used to describe companies that exploit their workers.
Now Tomoe, like Yuta, attends Tamagawa Free School in Tokyo where students don't need to wear a uniform and are free to choose their own activities, according to a plan agreed between the school, parents and pupils. They are encouraged to follow their individual skills and interests.
There are rooms with computers for Japanese and maths classes and a library with books and mangas (Japanese comic books).
The atmosphere is very informal, like a big family. Students meet in common spaces to chat and play together.
"The purpose of this school is to develop people's social skills," says Takashi Yoshikawa, the head of the school.
Whether it's through exercising, playing games or studying, the important thing is to learn not to panic when they're in a large group.
The school recently moved to a larger space, and about 10 children attend every day.
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Mr Yoshikawa opened his first free school in 2010, in a three-storey apartment in Tokyo's residential neighbourhood of Fuchu.
"I expected students over 15 years old, but actually those who came were only seven or eight years old," he says. "Most were silent with selective mutism, and at school they didn't do anything."
Mr Yoshikawa believes that communication problems are at the root of most students' school refusal.
His own journey into education was unusual. He quit his job as a "salary man" in a Japanese company in his early 40s, when he decided he wasn't interested in climbing the career ladder. His father was a doctor, and like him, he wanted to serve his community, so he became a social worker and foster father.
The experience opened his eyes to the problems children face. He realised how many students suffered because they were poor, or victims of domestic abuse, and how much this affected their performance at school.
Part of the challenge pupils face is the big class sizes, says Prof Ryo Uchida, an education expert at Nagoya University.
"In classrooms with about 40 students who have to spend a year together, many things can happen," he says.
Prof Uchida says comradeship is the key ingredient to surviving life in Japan because the population density is so high - if you don't get along and co-ordinate with others, you won't survive. This not only applies to schools, but also to public transport and other public spaces, all of which are overcrowded.
But for many students this need to conform is a problem. They don't feel comfortable in overcrowded classrooms where they have to do everything together with their classmates in a small space.
"Feeling uncomfortable in such a situation is normal," says Prof Uchida.
What's more, in Japan, children stay in the same class from year to year, so if problems occur, going to school can become painful.
"In that sense, the support provided for example by free schools is very meaningful," Prof Uchida says. "In free schools, they care less about the group and they tend to value the thoughts and feelings of each single student."
But although free schools are providing an alternative, the problems within the education system itself remain an issue. For Prof Uchida, not developing students' diversity is a violation of their human rights - and many agree.
Criticism of "black school rules" and the Japanese school environment is increasing nationwide. In a recent column the Tokyo Shimbun newspaper described them as a violation of human rights and an obstacle to student diversity.
In August, the campaign group "Black kosoku o nakuso! Project" [Let's get rid of black school rules!] submitted an online petition to the education ministry signed by more than 60,000 people, asking for an investigation into unreasonable school rules. Osaka Prefecture ordered all of its high schools to review their rules, with about 40% of schools making changes.
Prof Uchida says the education ministry now appears to accept absenteeism not as an anomaly, but a trend. He sees this as a tacit admission that futoko children are not the problem but that they are reacting to an education system that is failing to provide a welcoming environment.
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emiliokosoku · 6 years
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#photography #memphisphotographer #memphisphotographer #memphisartist #emiliokosoku #kosoku #choose901 #art #naturalhair
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