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dengadangalak · 11 months ago
günessatiyüksel https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4-uYqNsj01/
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donjives · 2 years ago
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Pružamo Vam priliku da se prvi pripremite za letnju sezonu otvorenih haljina i da rezervišete svoje BYE BRA proizvode! BYE BRA je svetski lider u segmentu samolepljivog veša i ultimativnih tajnih rešenja. BYE BRA samolepljivi proizvodi su: odobreni od strane dermatologa, neiritantni i hipoalergeni. Oslobodite svoju ženstvenost uz samolepljivi grudnjak, trake i razna druga rešenja za lifting i obilkovanje!!! 📍Battini veš i čarape Beograd, Požeška 138a ☎️ 011/3556274 👉 intimo.rs 👈 👉 vescarape.rs 👈 @seksives @vescarape #donjives #zenskives #korset #carape #čarape #svadba #zenidba #vencanje #vencanice #vencanica #popust #snizenje #akcija #mlada #zenskagarderoba #prodajagarderobe #prodaja #prodajaonline #butik #krpice #beograd #novisad #subotica #nis #mladenovac #pirot #sremskamitrovica #backapalanka #sabac #kragujevac (presso Battini Intimo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSdF_UMpe0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mohairmaster · 2 months ago
Mohaireena: Pink Intermezzo
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gubbanarkist · 8 months ago
Hittade en bunt gamla nummer av Pilgrim, inklusive det första numret från 1994. Det är så otroligt bra
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cloudpleaser · 1 year ago
 via  Gridllr.com   —  take back control of your Likes!
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amf korsets in marquis style no. 1
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celana korset wanita murah, cari celana korset wanita, celana dalam korset wanita, harga korset celana wanita, korset celana untuk wanita
Bahan Body Nylon Spandex, tidak gampang melar, sangat nyaman dipakai setiap hari Terdapat 4 tulangan di bagian atas korset
One Size (Estimasi BB 48 Kg – 80 Kg) Panjang Korset 49cm Lingkar PInggang 66 – 100 CM Lingkar paha MAX 60 cm Material: Nylon + spandex
Memberikan efek ‘SLIM’ atau langsing secara maksimal
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thespiritofvexation · 2 days ago
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Thåström live report 27/2:
After having watched a ridiculous amount of live videos of this man it felt surreal to finally see him live LIVE!
He is smaller irl (meaning he's just a guy-sized) than he appears in photos. I guess it's his insane charisma that make him seem larger than life
Very mixed crowd of people in terms of age which was fun to see. Ran into both a 19 y/o (f) co-worker and a 60 y/o (m) co-worker there! Also spotted one or two Ebba Grön and Imperiet T-shirts...
He started with Magiskt oändligt which set the tone for the whole show. Instead of going in full force he seem more interested in building atmosphere these days. Something he managed to accomplish, eternally magic indeed!
He's done some setlist changes during the tour and while I'm superhappy I got to hear Papperstunna väggar it seems he scrapped two (boring) songs for that one? Not OK, add something else or keep one of the boring ones!
I said before that if he didn't appear sufficiently miserable I would throw stuff at him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it even though he was uncharacteristically jolly. I confess I caved...
For instance during Jeffrey Lee Pierce he started laughing and gushing about the lightshow "Fantastic!", like sir this is a dark and tragic story this is no time for childlike wonder! You should know this, you wrote it
But to be fair he was right (as always) the lightshow WAS fantastic (as always)!
And he's absolutely mesmerising to watch with all his thåström-isms and signature poses in the light and smoke. Unbothered and so authentic yet fully aware, fascinating!
Centralmassivet - Idc that he's trying to gaslight us into thinking he doesn't write political texts anymore, yes we do be needing a miracle and yes it would be nice if it came right about NOW!
True to his habit of name-dropping random music genres he introduced Old Point Bar as "tonight's Boogie Woogie"...?
Det årets kallaste kväll - I have no words. A fav from the new album and live it's mindblowing. Tried to find a live video that reflected what I felt but I guess you just had to be there...
...And on that note, get you a bassist who also play the saxophone! I mean holy shit
I was pretty sure I was going to tear up at some point but didn't expect Flyktsoda to be the song to break me.
Often times when you watch these older legendary artists you sort of politely listen to their new stuff but what you're really after is the older stuff. And then you get a little sad because they can't sing the older stuff like they used to. But when people say this man just keeps getting better it's not just fanbehaviour. He really is that good still and some of the best stuff is from his latest album. He's got a very promising career ahead of him!
Don't get me wrong, he could definitely not sing Flyktsoda the way he used to, but back then he also couldn't sing it the way he does now. His voice isn't deteriorating, it just keeps evolving is what I'm saying.
Sidenote - I love his voice (all of them) so much it's going to give me tinnitus because I just cannot not turn up the volume to max and drown myself in it.
Re thåström-isms I also said I was going to riot if the mic stand remained standing for the whole show. It swayed precariously at many times but managed to somehow defy both gravity and abuse, until finally during the climax of Södra korset, he casually and unceremoniously kicked it over, then he smiled slightly and looked very pleased with himself. I too was very pleased.
He finished with Alla vill till himlen and I think he actually got the lyrics right? Amazing, it only took him 35 years!
Only took a few photos at the start to prove I was there and kinda regret not taking more, I probably won't get this close to the stage next time in Stockholm! Then again I'm glad I didn't let things like that distract me from the music.
TLDR: I saw Sweden's only true rockstar and greatest live artist and was not disappointed!
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seawave-1 · 30 days ago
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Gothic Illusions - February 2025 by DJ SeaWave
Gothic / New Wave / Dark Wave / Post Punk / Gothic Rock / Gothic Metal / Dark Electro / EBM / Industrial compilation by D.J. SeaWave (Gal Gur-Arie)
Cover Model: Madeleine Le Roy Photo by: Martin Black Outfit: AMF Korsets
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tasteoftaboo · 4 months ago
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With Thenia and Lisavandalism
AMF Korsets
Better people become subscribers: https://patreon.com/taste_of_taboo?utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink
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ponyboy82 · 11 months ago
Glædelig Påske alle sammen.
Kongens konge og herrernes herre Jesus kristus er i sandhed genopstandne.
Tak almægtige konge og herrer, for dit dyrebare offer på korset, så jeg/I kan/kunne gå fri, tak fordi at du besejrede døden, så vi ikke skal frygte døden.
Tak fordi at selvom du hang og led i smerter på korset, så så du os med Kærligheds øjne.
Som du sagde til din mor "Se jeg gør alting nyt"
Selv på korset havde/ har du nok Kærlighed til at frelse.
Tak herre Jesus.
Jeg kan ikke tak nok for alt det du har givet, alt det du har gjort og gør.
Evigt tak og taknemmelighed skal du havde.
Happy Easter everyone.
The King of kings and Lord of lords Jesus Christ is truly resurrected.
Thank you almighty king and lords, for your precious sacrifice on the cross so that I/you can/could go free, thank you for defeating death so that we do not have to fear death.
Thank you that even though you hung and suffered in pain on the cross, you saw us with the eyes of Love.
As you said to your mother "Look I'm making everything new"
Even on the cross you had/have enough Love to save.
Thank you Lord Jesus.
I cannot thank you enough for all that you have given, all that you have done and are doing.
You must have eternal thanks and gratitude.
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donjives · 2 years ago
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Love&Bra moda Push up Veličine 2, 3 i 4 Cena komplet je 3600 dinara 📍Battini veš i čarape Beograd, Požeška 138a ☎️ 011/3556274 👉 intimo.rs 👈 👉 vescarape.rs 👈 @seksives @vescarape #donjives #zenskives #korset #carape #čarape #svadba #zenidba #vencanje #vencanice #vencanica #popust #snizenje #akcija #mlada #zenskagarderoba #prodajagarderobe #prodaja #prodajaonline #butik #krpice #beograd #novisad #subotica #nis #mladenovac #pirot #sremskamitrovica #backapalanka #sabac #kragujevac (presso Battini Intimo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBGtXKsCN_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fetznerdeathrecords · 3 months ago
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Hatskrømt - Nekroterrorist
Black Metal from Ålesund, Norway
Hailing from the mountains of western Norway, HATSKRØMT is the one man black metal act by the eponymous vocalist of Blodknoke. Presenting an authentic blend of True Norwegian Black Metal, black ambient and dungeon synth, HATSKRØMT keeps the tradition alive. This entry in the Hatskrømt discography, sees a turn to an unexpected orchestral sound. Still raw as ever — the music utilizes the powers and timbres of a chamber orchestra, yielding results reminiscent of old horror movies and the gothic sources for their inspiration.
1. Atomvinter 00:41 2. Geitebrud 01:57 3. Misantropisk Dødskultus 01:36 4. Vend Korset Om i Hans Nærvær 03:23 5. Den Syvende Undergang 03:17 6. Vansiret og Halvdød 02:33 7. Hatets Vår 00:45
Release date: December 5th, 2024
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garagedansdisco · 10 months ago
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Joakim Thåström making a guest appearance to sing Södra Korset on the final show of First Aid Kit's Palomino tour, march 2023 (x)
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milksockets · 1 year ago
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amf korsets in marquis style no. 1
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blackswaneuroparedux · 2 years ago
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Dette landet Harald berget med sin kjemperad, dette landet Håkon verget, medens Øyvind kvad; Olav på det landet malet korset med sitt blod, fra dets høye Sverre talet Roma midt imot.
Bønder sine økser brynte hvor en hær dro frem; Tordenskjold langs kysten lynte, så den lystes hjem. Kvinner selv stod opp og strede som de vare menn; andre kunne bare grede, men det kom igjen!
Visstnok var vi ikke mange, men vi strakk dog til, da vi prøvdes noen gange, og det stod på spill; ti vi heller landet brente enn det kom til fall; husker bare hva som hendte ned på Fredrikshald!
Hårde tider har vi døyet, ble til sist forstøtt; men i verste nød blåøyet frihet ble oss født. Det gav faderkraft å bære hungersnød og krig, det gav døden selv sin ære — og det gav forlik.
- Ja, vi elsker dette landet - Yes, we love this country (1864)
Yes, we love this country as it rises forth, rugged, weathered, over the water, with the thousands of homes, love, love it and think of our father and mother and the saga-night that lays dreams upon our earth
Norwegian man in house and cabin, thank your great God! The country he wanted to protect, although things looked dark. All the fights fathers have fought, and the mothers have wept, the Lord has quietly eased so we won our rights.
Yes, we love this country as it rises forth, rugged, weathered, above the sea, with those thousand homes. And as the fathers' struggle has raised it from need to victory, even we, when it is demanded, for its peace will encamp (for defence).
There’s no real proper translation of the song traditonally sung to celebrate Norway’s Constitution Day on 17 May.
‘Ja vi elsker’ has a long history as a nationalist song and a song of protest. In the last days of the Norway-Sweden union, Swedish socialists sang the song in support of the Norwegian right to leave the union.
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During World War II, Norwegian resistance members used the song. It had originally been used by Nazi collaborators as a propaganda song, but the regime eventually banned its use because of its connection to the resistance.
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson began to write the lyrics of what he intended to be a patriotic song around 1859. An accompanying melody was written by his cousin Rikard Nordraak sometime during the winter of 1863-1864. The song's first public performance took place on 17 May 1864, to mark the 50th anniversary of the Norwegian constitution.
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Over many decades, Ja vi elsker eventually replaced Sønner av Norge (Sons of Norway) as the de-facto national song, but both were used for long periods of time until the early 20th century. In December 2019, Norway officially adopted Ja vi elsker as the official national anthem.
While Ja vi elsker is commonly heard at sporting events and on the constitution day, there are other national songs used in various situations. Sønner av Norge had the title of national song for many decades. Since 2011, Ole Paus' Mitt lille land has been referred to as a “new national song” and it was used several times in connection with the 2011 terror attacks.
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There is also an unofficial Royal anthem known as Kongesangen, or the King's song. It is played alongside Ja vi elsker on 17 May. Brits will instantly recognise it as the melody is the same as the British national anthem, God Save the Queen.
Gratulerer med dagen!
17 May: Happy Constitution Day Norway!
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esters-notepad · 11 months ago
Vad ljus över griften!
Han lever, o fröjd!
Fullkomnad är skriften,
o salighets höjd!
Från himmelen hälsad,
han framgår i glans,
och världen är frälsad,
och segern är hans.
Bortvältad är stenen och inseglet bräckt,
och vakten har flytt för hans andes fläkt,
och avgrunden bävar.
Här var mellan ljuset
och mörkret en strid,
dock segrade ljuset
för evig tid.
Nedstörtad är döden
och tron står opp
bland jordiska öden
med himmelskt hopp.
I sörjande kvinnor, vem söken I här?
Den levande ej bland de döda är:
Uppstånden är Jesus.
Så himlen med jorden
försonade sig,
så graven är vorden
till glädjen en stig.
I huvu'n, som böjdens
vid korsets fot,
upplyftens och fröjdens
trots världens hot.
Kom, skingrade hjord, till din herde igen:
Han lever, han lever och följer dig än
osynlig från himlen.
Nu stormen, o tider!
Hans kyrka står fast.
Som ljuset sig sprider
hans lära med hast.
Ut gå i all världen
hans sändningabud
och vittna bland svärden
och bålen om Gud
och vittna om honom, o tröst i all nöd,
som, död för vår synd, blev genom sin död
en förstling till livet.
I fromma, vi klagen,
vi misströsten I?
Hur fort är båd' dagen
och natten förbi!
Snart jorden upplåter
sin famn till er ro,
snart uppstån i åter
likt kornen som gro.
Han själv, som dem sådde, skall komma till slut
och samla in skörden, men skilja förut
ogräset från vetet.
-Frans Michael Franzén
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