#kori's fanfiction
chaotickori · 7 months
Karasuno's Second Fall - Ch 2:
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Rating: T Warnings: Car/Bus Crashes, Major Character Death, Graphic Depiction of Injury, Graphic Depiction of Death, Drowning Word Count: 2.8k AO3 [Ch: 1] ||| [Prev] | [Next]
Tsukishima wakes up in harrowing pain, his body feels like it is on fire, his ribs burn with each press of his heavy lungs. He sits up, a silent cry of pain passing between his lips as he struggles to bring in air. He violently coughs as he is finally able to breathe properly, he closes his eyes so he could focus on breathing before moving on to other things. He opens his eyes again and looks around, everything is blurry, which means he doesn’t have his glasses.
He feels around him hoping to find his glasses but all he can feel is a grainy substance, he looks down to where his hand is. He is surrounded by sand, when he looks around again he realizes that he is on some kind of beach, and it’s dark out, most likely night time. His mind begins to catch up, slow flashes of memories playing in his brain. He remembers the tumbling of the bus down the hill, the loud screams of his teammates. He can vaguely remember seeing Nishinoya being flung out of a window, but that is where his memory cuts out, everything else was muddy. 
He has to fight his brain so that he stays in the moment, he can’t panic, that isn’t going to help anything. He takes a few seconds to take deep breaths and ground himself, once he feels like he isn’t going to break down he begins to inspect his own body. His pain perception is a bit off due to the adrenaline rushing through him but it feels like he may have broken a rib. Though visually he could see that his right arm was mutilated, his shoulder was warped so that it contorted in places that it definitely wasn’t meant to.
That seems to be the worst of the injuries that he has, so he’ll just have to deal with it for now. Now that he has all of that figured out he scans the beach again, this time looking properly, with the small amount of vision he has he makes out the shape of a body laying a couple of feet away. He pushes himself up from the ground with his one good arm, groaning at the pain that lances through his body at movement. He does his best to push through it as he limps over to the person.
His movements are slow but determined, he knows that he has always acted like he hates his teammates but they wormed their way into his heart, and there's a chance one of them may be dead. He pauses in his tracks as that thought washes over him, one of his teammates might be dead . He picks up his pace at that thought, ignoring the pain that intensifies at his rapid movements.
The closer he got the more sure he was that this person did not make it, they were dead. Their body was disfigured, limbs facing directions that they shouldn’t, their waist bent at an angle that was unnatural for the human body. He has to fight the urge to collapse as he stands next to the body, he knows that if he collapses now he won’t be getting back up, and he has to go find the others, there has to be other survivors, oh god please let there be other survivors.  
He moves around the body so that he can hopefully get a clear look at who this is, or was . Tears well up in his eyes but he holds them back as he looks into the cold dead eyes of his best friend. He bends down so that he can close Tadashi’s eye’s, he doesn’t deserve to be found with terror filling his eyes, he deserves to look peaceful, at least in the only way that he can. 
Finally the severity of the situation, and his best friend's condition, hits him, he quickly turns away from the body as he loses the little food that was left in his system from after the match. It made him sick to think that was the way that his friend had to go out, not peacefully and in his sleep, like he deserved, but mangled from a bus crash. He stands up on shaky legs, wipes the bile off of the edge of his mouth before he turns to walk away from the body after one last once over.
Not being able to see made it difficult to navigate things, he has been walking for a bit of time, yet he hasn’t come across anything. At this point he can guess that he and Yamaguchi had been launched from the bus, the obvious reason being he didn’t wake up in the bus, the other being that there was somehow no evidence of it in a near radius. But, that wasn’t something that he needed to be focusing on at this moment.
He hears something quiet in the distance so he stops in his tracks trying to listen in closer. He is able to make out what he thinks is sobbing and a muffled voice, quickly he picks up his pace again, walking towards the voices. He attempts to fight through the pain, ignoring the deep ache that flares up in his lungs as he struggles to get the proper amount of air. He stumbles falling onto his knees, unable to catch himself with one arm he falls onto his mangled shoulder.
A pained cry leaves him followed by a fit of coughing as he tries to get air into his lungs. His ears ring as he continues his attempts to breathe properly, he is so occupied with that, that he doesn’t realize when the crying and talking he was hearing came to a stop. He can hear the crunching of sand through the ringing in his ears and then he is being lifted up so that his back is leaned up against a rock. The new position made it easier to get oxygen, the spots that were dancing in his vision begin to clear up.
He is able to make out two silhouette’s standing in front of him, his ears are still ringing so he can’t exactly tell what they’re saying when he sees their mouth move. As the ringing in his ears settles down he is finally able to hear some of what they are saying “...ima can you hear me? Stay with us, we can’t lose you too.” He groans as he brings his hands up to rub his eyes, when he brings them down the two people in front of him are finally in focus, at least as much as they can be without his glasses.
He squints so that he can get a better picture of the two in front of him, his voice is scratchy as he speaks, the difficulty breathing having done a number on them. “I can hear ya, Ennoshita? and Yachi? Is that you guys?” He can see and hear the relieved sigh that Ennoshita releases at the confirmation he wasn’t gonna pass out on them. “Yeah, it’s just the two of us, are you ok?” He gives a halfhearted shrug, hissing as pain shoots through his body at the movement.
Ennoshita reaches out with a panicked look on his face, hands just hovering like he was scared to touch him. Tsukishima lifts up his good hand to wave off his concern, “I’m fine, I’m not the biggest priority right now, It’s just a broken shoulder, and maybe a few broken ribs.” The second year throws his hands around in the air like he doesn’t know what to do, and his voice cracks when he speaks. “That isn’t as ok as you’re trying to make it sound.” 
The middle blocker sneers as he snaps at the others concern “Well I’m at least alive, not like some others whose bodies are mangled, almost past recognition, so, I would say that I. Am. Fine. ” He feels a bit of guilt creep into his consciousness when Yachi flinches at his voice. He looks off to the side and sighs, staring absently out at the ocean “Tadashi is dead, I found his body, it wasn’t pretty.”
He closes his eyes and does his best to ignore the choked sob he hears leave Yachi, he can’t get himself to look at her face. Ennoshita lets out a heavy, sad sigh at the news, a grimace paints his face as he remembers the scene he and Yachi had found. Kiyoko’s body bent over a rock, her torso obviously snapped in half, bones piercing through her skin. He needed to stop thinking about it, because if he thought about it he would puke.
The second year takes a second to gather himself before he talks, “We found Kiyoko, it wasn’t exactly pretty either, but for now we all just need to stick together, ok?” Tsukishima could feel another bit of his life crack away hearing that their team's other manager was dead, it didn’t make it any easier to hold himself together as Yachi began to sob even more.
The middle blocker looks back at Ennoshita, the other looks deeply tired, not just physically but like his soul was tired. He was the oldest of the three of them, which means he was responsible for all of them, and Tsukishima knew that the other could do that, but in this kind of situation, he knew it would take a toll on the other mentally, it would take a toll on anyone mentally.
The three of them had moved a little closer to the water, setting up the barest of camps there. They would have stayed farther inland but this is where it was most open, there weren’t as many rocks and almost no bits of glass from the bus. One of their team jackets that had made it through the fall without being torn to complete shreds is configured into a sling for Tsukishima’s arm. Said person is leaned up against a rock, sleeping, at least the best that he can in their current situations.
Yachi is lying next to him curled up with her head in his lap, also attempting to sleep a bit. Ennoshita is looking out at the ocean, periodically looking over at the other two to see if their condition has changed. As he is looking out at the water he thinks he sees something bobbing in the water. As he looks a little closer he starts to make out the shape of a body, before he could get a better look the form went under. Not about to take any chances, since that could be one of their teammates, he jumps up off the ground and runs out towards the water.
He quickly dives in, swimming towards the area that he saw the form go under. When he gets to where he thinks it was he takes a deep breath and pushes himself under the water. His eyes burn as the salty water scrapes at them, he frantically looks around in the dark water until he spots what is definitely a body sinking further down. He uses the little strength that he has to propel himself down, through the water to reach the person.
As he gets closer he reaches out his hand, ignoring the strain in his lungs, once he is close enough he grabs onto the person and begins his rapid ascent back to the top. He breaks through the surface of the water, taking in large gulps of air. When his brain catches up with his surroundings he can hear Yachi calling his name frantically, but he can’t worry about that. He pulls the person in his arms so that their head is above the water, and then begins to swim back to the shore.
When he hits the edge of the beach he stumbles up, pulling the body as far away from the water as he can, back to where the first years are. Once the body is lying there he drops to his knee’s shivers rack his body as his soaked clothes stick to his skin, his breaths come rapidly as he recovers from the panic, and strain of what he just did. He continues to focus on his breathing for a second, finally turning his attention towards the body when he hears Yachi gasp.
Hinata Shoyo was lying right next to him, possibly dead, his chest isn’t rising and there is no indication that he is breathing. Quickly he turns all of his attention towards the orange first year, he puts his ear to the other's mouth, and no breaths are hitting him. At this realization he promptly begins CPR, Yachi and Tsukishima watch next to him in horror as he performs a life saving procedure on their teammate. 
He fights off the bile that rises up his throat as he feels Hinata’s ribs crack under his hands. He continues for a few more minutes until finally his head falls to the side, water escaping out of his mouth with each contraction of his chest, Ennoshita stops the compressions as he watches the others chest begin to rise and fall on its own. He lays his head on Hinata’s chest, letting out a few grateful sobs, none of this feeling real. He felt Yachi’s arms around him, her head buried into his shoulder as she sobbed.
He lets out a few shaky breaths before sitting back up, he runs his fingers through Yachi’s hair before looking over at Tsukishima. The blonde’s eyebrows are furrowed as he stares at the short spikers limb body. Ennoshita goes to stand up to move towards the tall first year, but there is a heavy weight on his arm. He looks down to see that Yachi had fallen back asleep, he delicately pulls her off of him, laying her next to Hinata, who she quickly clings onto.
He smiles just the slightest bit at the scene, once he is sure that they are settled he stands up, moving to sit next to Tsukishima. He lets the two of them sit in silence for a bit before he speaks up “What’s on your mind?” The lanky first year glances over at him for a second before looking back over at the other first years. “Why us? Fate could have done this to truly anyone, but it chose us, Why?”
He lets his head fall back to rest against the rock as he answers, “I don’t know, and we probably will never know, but there could be various reasons. It could be that it believed everything was going too well for us, we made it to nationals for christ's sake, so it wanted to even out the score. It could have been out of spite, but we will most likely never know its intentions.” 
It probably wasn’t the answer the first year was looking for, but it was what caused him to break. Ennoshita keeps his eyes on the sky as he hears the other start crying, tears choking up his words. “I lost my best friend today, and we’ll probably lose many of the others, how are we meant to go on from this? I may never be able to play again , and I doubt Shoyo will just be able to bounce back from that .” His voice breaks after the question, and with his good arm he gestures between Hinata and the ocean when he talks about him.
Ennoshita bumps their good shoulders together, hoping to be able to comfort his teammate, even in this rough situation. “I can’t really answer your questions or concerns, but I know that if anything, we will all try to get through this together, for now, you should try to rest a bit, I’ll stay awake to keep an eye on everyone.” He can see that the other is about to protest but he cuts him off, “I'm fine, I don’t even think I could try to sleep right now, I’m too wound up.” Tsukishima lets out a quiet huff before he readjusts himself against the rock, letting his eyes slip shut.
Ennoshita sighs as he looks out at the ocean, watching as the current makes small waves that lap against the sand. Time passes as he looks out at the water, slowly the sun begins to rise off in the distance, lighting up the edges of the horizon. If it was any other situation he would actually be able to admire the beauty of it. 
He is broken out of his musings when he feels the weight of a hand on his shoulder. His brain reacts on a fear instinct as he is so on edge, his hands fly up to grab the wrist of the person, twisting and flipping them over himself onto the sand in front of him. The quick movements wake up Tsukishima next to him, but he doesn’t notice that, he is still focused on the form of the person he just flipped.
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whore-ibly-hot · 2 months
Yandere Boarding School Part 2, (Faculty)
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18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Multiple yanderes, non-con touching, dub-con, perverted thoughts, obsession, bullying, masturbation, aphrodisiacs, general perversion, dry-humping, voyeurism, controlling behaviors, typical yandere stuff, breeding, smoking, horny posting.
(AN: Part Two has been reuploaded after a takedown, godspeed @yanderereblogs for saving it! Mmmmmm, old men. Everyone pictured as a student is OF LEGAL AGE TUMBLR MODS HOP OFF MY DICK.
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Background: Thinking about a Headmasters Son or Daughter!Reader at a private boarding school. For a Fem!Reader, perhaps you're just visiting daddy for the season while he's running the school, or maybe you've been bad, and need more supervision. For a Masc!Reader, it could be the same case, however, with Ridgemoore Academy being an all male school, this makes it easier to imagine a world where reader is allowed in the school. Now, let's focus on the faculty...
◇ Mr. Joel Murphy, who teaches the majority of the 'life skills' classes at the school. The school being all-boys is very traditional, and teaches things like game hunting and orienteering, which is why they hired a manly-man like Joel. If only they knew what a bitter grump he is. An ex-sheriff of the nearby town, he decided to leave the force after realizing there was no real crime in the small, privileged town, and decided to take up an easy job at the school. Unfortunately, he realized his love for camping and hunting is warped into what he considers 'frilly shit for rich little boys'. He's gruff, barking out orders and easily been exasperated at the sheer incompetence of the boys.
"Shoot one quail, and these boys act like they killed a bear..."
He thought about retiring from yet another job, as living on the ritzy campus just doesn't feel like home to him, and lord knows he's not fond of his job. However, things change when you arrive. Whether you're a delinquent or a little more sweet and obedient, he likes you. If you're a delinquent, he likes seeing a little hell-raiser kick up some shit at the fancy school. If you're sweet or shy, he gets protective. Nice youngins' like you shouldn't be thrown in amongst these spoiled weasels.
He's sure to help you if you need it, a gentle hand on your back as his burly chest presses against your shoulder blades, adjusting your position against the butt of a rifle. Standing by while you're on hands and knees trying to light a fire, making sure none of the boys are trying to get a look at your assessts. Not that he isn't going to, but he justifies it to himself as just making sure your school shorts/skirt is regulation. He's protecting your modesty. After class hours, come to him with any issues, or shit, even his room. He'll put on some coffee and ask you to help him create a curriculum that 'reaches the kids', as your father instructed him to. It's cozy, the fancy school adnorments thrown away for medals and plaques, national parks posters and a few old family photos. He'll keep you tucked in on his warm couch while he strays from curriculum talk to stories of his time in the scouts and on the force. Tells you about how much he loves just... laying out under the stars with somebody special, to sit around a campfire with friends, then slyly ask is you've ever had somebody to do that with. He knows you're younger than him, and he struggles with the idea that you won't want him cause of it, so for now, he'll bask in the feeling of seeing you curled up in his room, keeping the idea of picking you up and having you accept his cock to himself. If you can get pregnant, his fists his cock to the thought of that too. He's not some horned up boy, he wants you in the long term.
He looooooves the yearly orienteering final, in which the students in the class are made to go on an actual camping trip. It's possible a tent will 'accidentally' go missing, leaving you to bunk with him. Don't worry, nothing bads gonna happen while you've got this burly bear of a man practically spooning you, warm gut from his dad-bod pressed against you as he tries his best to make sure he doesn't scare you.
"Sorry those damn boys left your tent back at the school, kiddo. I... wouldn't be suprised of one of them did it on purpose, little bastards." He grumbles, hoping you'll take the hint to separate yourself from those immature preps and stick to being with a man who can treat you right. "Remember that lesson from a couple weeks ago, on body heat? I know it's awkward, but we've only got one sleeping bag. You feel like you can trust this old man to keep you warm?" Unfortunately for his ego and trying to keep down his urges, the trees aren't going to be the only wood in the morning.
◇ Mr. Paul Burton, head of the arts department. He's so over this, a once decent artist who dabbled in pop art and theatre only to stop getting gigs and be black-listed after offending several more famous artists, calling their work 'sell-out chic', he's now a burn-out who smokes and ignores his students all class. He's passionate about art, but frankly he doesn't want tow aste his time teaching when he knows these rats are taking his class for easy credit. He's only teaching here to utilize the facilities and studios so he's not living in a van in the Walmart parking lot. A mix of hippie culture, live and let live and cynical burnout, he's so. Fucking. Done. But... maybe you change that for him.
You're interesting, a headmasters child who doesn't fit in to your fathers perfect mold? Maybe a rebellious student who goes against the grain of this perfect school. Or a blooming ray of sunshine in this dark den of privilege and conformist curriculum for the future lawyers of the world. Either way, he's found a new muse. See him after class.
He'll be thrilled if you're into art, let him guide you. Tell him your favorite artists and he'll tell you when he threw up on there shoes by accident in his hey-day. Gossip about a student you don't like, he'll listen while he smokes and tell you about how that guys mom hit on him. He loves to gossip, but he loves to watch you create more. The way your hands shape a vase or brush across a canvas light a fire in him he hasn't felt in a while. He's more willing to forgo the age gap between you, while it's never something he considered before, he knows he's not gonna let go of the one thing that makes him feel like he lives again. Besides, he's always been unconventional.
He'll have you stay after class, maybe he'll have you pose nude for a painting, assuring you it's fins, it's platonic, it's just for the love of art. He chooses and extra large canvas, it lets him paint while he relieves himself as you explain you're getting cold. He'll put on some artsy, silent, black and white film from the 30s, and while you watch and slowly realize it's pornographic, He'll grin to himself while he watches you flush. He'll ask you all sorts of questions about your thoughts on the film, the actors, what they're doing. He really wants to figure out how experienced you are. "What do you think of the composition? It's really carnal, you know?" He puts out his cigarette. "I'm glad I can show this to you, you'll actually appreciate it. You're not giggling like an idiot when some guys penis is out on the screen." He groans, thinking of his other students.
He does actually like one student, though they make an odd pair. Joseph's easily spooked and shy personality clashes with the brash older man's, but he's glad to have someone he can think of as a protege. Someone who loves art as much as him, but get isolated for it. He was doing a portfolio look over when Joseph accidentally turned in the wrong folder. Joseph feels like he might die as Mr. Burton, a man he admires, flips through nude pictures of the object of his affection, and at a distance no less. A part of him wants to rip it away, but he needs this scholarship.
"Please, please, sir! I-I'll never do it again, it was just a phase, I didn't mean for you to see-"
"They're good." Mr. Burton flips through the folder. "Real good. You could really get somewhere with these, maybe not in the fine art scene, but... tell you what." He adjusts his glasses and leans forward on his desk. "We'll do a special session, you and me, yeah? I'll get your friend here, and I'll vouch for your integrity so you can take some less-" he purses his lips. "Stalker-ish pics- Jesus, kid, is that taken from a tree?"
☆ Anatoli Sidorov, probably the best paid staff given how they got him here. He's a Russian coach for a former Olympic Russian swim team, and he joined the prestigious American school to escape shame after he 'resigned' post a doping scandal which he swears he wasn't involved in. (Whether he was or not is your choice.) Still, he's led the boys swim team and track team to nationals several times, and he's a legend among the wealthy benefactors of the school. He's outwardly very serious, hard on his team but respectful of them. He doesn't put up with any unruly or unsportsmanlike behavior from his boys, at least not what he can see. He's very nice deep down, intellectual and funny, though he still struggles with American humor and English.
He adores you when he meets you, milking about with the other students before class. You seem genuinely social, and wanting to fit in. The idea someone could be so welcoming warms his heart. Deep down, he misses his home, and he misses the friends he once had. You're warm, and he likes that. Not to mention, you're a looker. He's embarrassed, especially if you're male, seeing as he never considered swinging the other way, and much less with someone younger. But he can't help but stare when your pretty tits bounce as you run, or the way those jogging shorts hardly conceal your bulge. He even pulled you to the side one to scold you for not wearing regulation gym clothes, before realizing they were and awkwardly sending you back into class. That was a moment of self-reflection for him.
He's not necessarily outwardly softer to you, you might even think he doesn't like you, given that he has you stay late to run or jump rope, or constantly pulls you into time out mid-game. It's all for your own good, trust him. He doesn't like the way some of the boys were looking at you, and he could tell Evan was a only a play away from trying to practically hump you while trying to 'get the ball'. He's made Harrison, who he loves as a player, run laps for talking to you for only a few minutes. He hates feeling like a jealous boy, but he can't help it. You make him feel young.
He establishes a private locker room area for you, since you're the headmasters kid and not an official student. Besides, you're clearly being harassed by the others! So, he's got a nice little closet for you, with a not suspicious air freshener that's not a hidden camera, and a private key only you have access to. (Technically that's true, he just has a bypass key for himself.) He'll snatch a pair of boxers or some panties, slipping them into his track coat for later. Eventually, he'll tell you he's worried you aren't able to catch up to the others, given that you arrived later and started the gym curriculum later than the others. He'll start having extra 'make-up' workouts with you, starting with stretching. One leg uo on the bar, you'll have to excuses his cold hand running along your thigh, or stroking over your chest as him just admiring how your strength and flexibility is evolving. He relishes the feeling of your body on his, groping you under the guise of training and resisting the urge to just slip aside your gym shorts and veg you to take him.
"Little star, part 'dem a little, there ve go." He keeps your legs parted as he works you into a position on your back, against the rubber mats the tumbling team had laid out. He lays just over you, pushing your legs back a little further with his arms, just far away enough to keep you from noticing his hard on, but enough to lightly press it against the plush swell of your ass. Good, let's just- fuck- hold. Let's hold."
☆ Kory Koffman, English teacher and part time librarian! The school outs so much effort into sports, both admin and students seem to forget about him. Hell, the library is used so little they fired the librarian, and he took it upon himself to try and care for the building himself. He's a sweet, shy man, who just wants to share his passion for literature with others. However, unlike Mr. Burton, he was never popular or famous, so he's content to keep to himself, but the loneliness does get to him.
When you wandered into his library one day, maybe looking for a book or seeking refuge from a hoarde ofadmirers, he was happy to welcome you into his little safe haven. He'll give you some warm tea from the little coffee machine he has set up, and sit you down. Let him help you find a book, or tell you about his creative writing class? He'd let you join, even late in the semester! It's not a very full class.
For the first time in his life, he finds himself craving the attention of another, of someone else's company, other than his books. He hasn't felt that need for connection since he was a boy, after his momma passed. He'll do anything to keep you there, and if reading isn't your thing, much to his chagrin, he'll add a DVD section to the library, but only good films and classic for you! No Adam Sandler, those movies are to overstimulating for poor Mr. Koffman.
As his feelings turn romantic, he's ashamed. You're a student, and he's a lonely old man, you deserve someone better, someone your age. However, the thought of you being with any of the many students who mock him in the halls or disrupt his class, the thought of hand you over to those-those imbeciles, hurts him. He wants you, and he's ashamed at the way his trousers go tight when you bend over to get a fallen book, or when you hand him his glasses after he misplaced them (again), the fact he just stares at your finger prints for awhile and refuses to clean the lens. He's not had sex in a long, long time, but he finds himself masturbating more than he ever did when he was younger. He'll watch library security footage openly, moaning and whimpering at his desk with no fear anybody will stop in, no one ever does but you. He wants you as his spouse, you already make his library, his home away from home seem brighter, imagine what you could do for his actual apartment.
"Oh, hello! It's good to see you, it's been a bit." He's a little bitter at that last statement, but adjusts his glasses and continues. "Just remember to stop by often, okay? I'd really, really hate to impose the late policy on you..."
☆ Atticus Critch, the schools latin instructor and head sponsor of student body, (not to mention the man in charge of detention), is a strict disciplinarian. He takes no nonsense from anyone, and despises the behavioral pardons given to boys like Evan or Harrison simply because they are athletes. Peter is obviously his favorite, and when he catches wind of the ways the boys around campus are speaking about you, he decides to take it upon himself to remove the distraction, by having Carter trail you and give you detention for minor inconveniences. Carter isn't particularly thrilled at always having to send you to detention instead of extorting you to get his rocks off, but he's hoping maybe he'll get to 'monitor' detention one of these days.
Initially, Mr. Critch has you doing small tasks, writing lines or organizing things, but soon he starts to see the appeal. If you're a good student for the most part, he's determined to keep you good, and away from all the vermin in this school. If you're bad, he's had plenty of experience in taming brats. He's open with his sexual desires, it his growing affection for you that makes him struggle.
If you've stayed out too late and broke curfew, you can spend detention on your knees, suckling his cock into the late hours. Maybe you've been running around with Tyler. He'll make you lay down on his desk and deny you your climax over and over again, asking 'if not making you cum' is what that boy does to you, never fully satisfying you. He'll make you beg to finish, and to promise you'll be good from now on.
"Come on, repeat it. Tell me you'll be good now, that you won't bother with BOYS-" He annuciates with a thrust, "When you have a man right here, whose willing to take time out of his day to discipline you!" One the amorous session is over though, he definitely softens, trying to prove he's more than a boy in many ways, including good aftercare. He'll dress your limp form back up in your uniform and walk you get you a cup of water from the fountain. "Only ten minutes till your detention is over, dear. Just sit there, take some time to reflect on how you got here." His tone is demeaning, but as he pets your scalp, his touch is so feather-light. Don't expect is to last into the next day though.
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Danny never thought he would enjoy the sidekick/mentee lifestyle but Kori was really cool. She was a adult but she still listened to him and made intelligent, competent and compassionate choices that were genuinely in his best interest. Danny hadn't known adults like that existed.
Starfire was kinda wierd for a ghost though. Phantom couldn't seem to pin down what her obsession was but he guessed that was fine so long as "The Princess of Tamaran" didn't hurt anyone. Plus, not only was she a ghost, she was an alien ghost! Like from a whole other planet and everything!
Aka Starfire gets booted from the DC universe and wanders in to Dannys via Vlads ghost portal. Vlad attacks her and Starfire beats him up, destroying a lot of his visibly unethical stuff, ect. Danny has been her fan ever since.
She did clarify that she was an alien but Danny assumes she's an alien ghost due to her coming from the ghost zone and having some ghost like powers.
Misunderstandings ensue
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tarisilmarwen · 2 months
RobStar Week 2024, Day 5 - Date
(My Florida Man Flying Graysons agenda continues, also I may have been inspired by my own 10-year anniversary vacation. Enjoy!)
"Not that I don't appreciate Bruce doing this for us," said Dick, stirring his straw in the glass of cool bourbon sitting on the table in front of him, "but I'm still not sure about leaving the kids with him. At least, not for a whole week."
Kory nudged her own drink—an orange fruity cocktail—to the side and reached to take his hand. "Alfred has assured me that Jake and Mar'i are already having a wonderful time. The last message we exchanged I believe they were making batches of cookies."
Still agitated, Dick leaned back in the pool deck chair, making it creak underneath him. He tried to relax and enjoy the warm sea air, wafting over the top of the cruise ship as it prepared to cast off—seven days in the Western Caribbean, a full-expenses-paid trip gifted to them for their tenth anniversary—but anxious what-ifs still chased themselves around inside his head.
What if something happened while they were on vacation? What if some villain decided to attack the Manor, or target the kids for their connection to Bruce? What if Mar'i convinced Jake to sneak out on patrol with her, and what if they got hurt? What if—?
Kory squeezed his hand tighter, pinching with her Tamaranian strength, breaking him out of his thoughts.
Eyes on her and deliberately taking a long deep breath, Dick forced his anxieties away.
"Sorry," he said. "I'll stop spiraling now, I promise."
"Mmm?" Starfire prompted, with a tilt of her head.
Dick took another breath and verbalized his mental counterarguments.
"Mar'i and Jake will be fine. Bruce promised us he would keep them safe. He is not taking them on any missions or patrols and has shelved most of his active cases so that he's not too occupied to spend time with them. There are emergency procedures in place arranged with Alfred if anything happens to him while he's out on patrol. The Titans are on hand for anything else."
Kory smiled. "Feel better?"
His lips quirked. "Yeah, actually."
She squeezed his hand again, gentler this time.
They sat in comfortable silence a moment, watching the upper deck fill up with more guests, eager to watch the ship sail away from a good vantage point.
"Should we move to to prow or is this still a good spot for you?" Kory asked at length.
He had a few more sips of the bourbon in him and it was starting to put him in a better mood. "Let's go to the stern," he decided, standing and pulling her along by the hand. "We can usually spot dolphins trailing after the ship's wake."
Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Oh!" she gasped. "Yes please, I would love to see them!"
He smiled and paused so she could grab her drink and then they ambled on leisurely towards the back of the ship. The breeze picked up, warm and refreshing, promising clear summer weather and a hint of salty spray. It rustled the hem of Kory's long white skirt around her ankles, caught strands of her vibrant red hair, and whistled through Dick's scalp like a gentle caress.
He had to admit it; this was really nice.
They found a spot at the rail at almost the very back of the ship. The engines rumbled to life shortly, stirring excited flutters from the other guests as the wake churned white and they began slowly drifting away from the dock.
"What are you looking forward to the most, on this trip?" Kory asked him.
He thought for a moment, then replied, "I think the shore excursion to the historical downtown, when we reach Jamaica."
"That is a good one," Kory agreed.
She gave a coy smile that sent shivers through him, eyes glinting mischievously. "Let us just say I have illicit plans for us after dinner on formal night," she said, almost purring the words in his ear, leaning close.
Now he tingled with excitement, already imagining his wife wrapped in the slinky black number she'd brought along for the trip and then mentally undressing her.
"Are you ah..." he said, licking his dry lips, "...opposed to giving me a little preview? After we're fully away?"
"Indeed not," she murmured, lips nipping at his ear, skin so warm he forgot how to breathe for a second. "I for one am planning on thoroughly enjoying my time with my husband."
He tilted his head and captured her mouth in a searing kiss. Heat and passion flamed between them for a moment until Kory broke away with a happy gasp.
"Oh!" she cried, pointing off towards their wake. "There they are! Look!"
Dick couldn't even be mad about the interruption, grinning as he leaned arms on the railing, nursing his drink and watching dolphin fins break the surface of the water behind the ship.
He and Kory and the other guests oohed and aaahed appreciatively as the dolphins sent them off.
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faibleprompts · 2 months
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Daily Faible prompt!
I need DC to make a new Teen Titans show
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officiallykori · 7 months
Dating Rafe Cameron !! ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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imagine dating rafe chatters I would diee
xo Kori ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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Moodbaords !!
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comicgeek16 · 4 months
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It’s H.O.T off the press! The latest chapter and edition of The Hive is out! Read it while the gossip’s still steaming 🥵. Featuring Gotham’s very own teen heartthrob, Dick Grayson!
Thanks to everyone who’s sent reviews, likes, follows, and more! I appreciate it so much, you have no idea ✨. Season 1 is still uploading to Archive of our Own and fully on Fanfiction.net.
Season 2 is only on Fanfiction.net as of right now, but will soon be added to AOOO, so stay tuned! Speaking of Season 2, the latest episode/chapter just dropped , please give a like, follow, review if you can. Thanks so much!
- Comicgeek16
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idecidedtowriteig · 2 years
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Sweet Nothings
Gar Logan x Reader
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff (tiny bit of angst)
I do not write NSFW
His eyes were a dazzling honey brown, that you could just stare into for hours on end. His smile was ravishingly alluring, to you so at least, but you could see the others agree when they looked at him just the same– not much so as in love– but more so in delight. He cheered everyone up, and you were totally head over heels for him, not that you would admit it anyway– only in the deepest depths of your heart. Or so you thought– but Rachel had accidentally read your mind once– of how much you truly loved and appreciated Gar, so much so that they secretly shipped you and Gar together. 
It was hard for Rachel to not confess what they knew to you and squeal in glee about how cute you and Gar would be together. However, all Rachel had to do– was sit back, relax and wait for the magic of fate to happen (or so help her, Trigon). Fate decided to play its cards for once, and give Rachel, Y/n, and Gar the thing they had all been hoping for…
First it came with a handwritten note…
This had been after Y/n had a hard enough day that they broke down crying in front of everyone. Everything just seemed to go wrong that day, Red Hood and Crane (or the Craniac and Y/n liked to call him) attacked. Just everything seemed to fall apart– and no matter what Y/n did, they thought it was never good enough. But Gar thought it was enough. Dick thought it was enough, Rachel, Donna, Kori, and the others did too. The Titans’ all had each other's back. 
Dick did try to give some words of encouragement– but not without a bit of awkwardness- since it was hard for him to express his emotions himself. Kori gave a great pep talk, Blackfire had tried her best to cheer you up- in her own rigid stiff way– shared about how she conquered her enemies. Rachel talked some, trying to comfort you, but not really knowing how to do that best. Gar felt bad, and didn’t know what to do exactly, either…. So, he decided to leave you a note… 
“Dear Y/n,
I think you did great today, and so does the rest of the team.
 You are one of the sweetest people on this team, and it really 
hurt to see you cry today. I know the Titan's work can be hard,
 it also gets to my mind sometimes. The Jason thing does too, and it hurts how he just left us like that… 
But I want you to know, we’ve all got your back! 
P.S. Also, meet me in the Kitchen later (I'll text you when) I have a surprise!”
-BB (Gar) :)
9:00 PM
Beast Boy: I have the surprise ready! :) 
Y/n: I’m on my way :)
Y/n soon entered the kitchen looking around, when they saw a paper sack labeled, "Gotham's Custard & Ice Creamery”' in bold pink and blue letters. They let out a big smile, as Gar grinned happily, “Rachel told me this was your favorite place! And I was trying to find a way to cheer you up…” He blushes a little bit, eyes meeting yours, but then looking bashfully off to the side. 
You beamed in disbelief, “Gar…” you said, smiling and opening the sack to see your favorite ice cream flavor. You smile, “You didn’t have to!” You say hugging him on instinct. Gar smiles delightedly, hugging back, “Well, I knew you just had a hard day….” He laughs sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. 
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you….” He mumbles– but not incoherently to you. 
Then it came with a little trinket of your favorite animal….
You heard a soft knock on your door, soon opening it to see Gar holding a little trinket of your favorite animal. You smiled, wondering for a second why he brought it here, but happy to see him explain– or ramble about why. 
Gar beams happily, “So I saw this at an antique shop I passed by! And isn’t it the cutest thing? It was only 5 dollars and I thought it might make your day better. Plus I know it's your favorite animal, I couldn’t resist.” He laughs sheepishly, handing you the small trinket. 
You stared at it happily and hugged him, “Man, I’m really going to have to start buying you stuff too.” You tease. 
Gar smiles, “On the house?” He laughs. 
At last, it came with a beautiful red rose…
Gar smiles, holding out a rose, “Look at this! It almost matches the color of your– lips… Not to be weird or anything!– Anyway, it just looks… pretty like you…” He grins, handing the rose to you– you noticed he had cut off the thorns beforehand.  Gar smiles, “I uh– also have something to ask you. I’m sorry if this makes everything weird….” He laughs nervously. 
His face soon turns a light shade of pink as he gulps, then asks you confidently, “Y/n… will you go on a date with me? I mean, would you uhh… possibly?” You smiled at his cute antics and cupped his face gently with your hand, “Of course, Gar! You mean the world to me!” 
Rachel totally wasn’t watching you from the window and fangirling….. Totally not… 
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arellian · 1 year
My BBRae fics on AO3
Covert (complete) She thought that perhaps the feelings had always been there, in a way, and they were all like a snowball rolling down a hill, getting bigger until it finally came to rest precariously on a steep hillside, waiting for the moment Starfire’s giggling comment set it off like an avalanche. However, just because she had accepted the fact that she had a crush on the changeling didn’t mean that she was going to act on it. Nope, she planned on keeping that little morsel of information to herself. But avalanches are kind of hard to ignore, she realized. Everywhere she turned were complete whiteout conditions, and she felt herself slowly becoming buried under the weight of it all. And so she sat, back pressed against the cold steel of her bedroom door in the middle of the night, wondering just what the ever-loving hell her emotions had gotten her into.
Insomnia (work in progress) "Of all the things you choose in life, you don't get to choose what your nightmares are. You don't pick them; they pick you." -John Irving After spending several years in hiding, a formidable enemy of the Titans has resurfaced with a master plan and a major new advantage. They set their sights on a specific Titan, hell-bent on revenge, creating chaos and sowing discord in their wake. With the team on edge and every passing day bringing them closer to the breaking point, it's a race against time to figure out what's happening and to find a possible solution. What Dick Grayson wasn't prepared for though, was uncovering just how deep the rabbit hole went.
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litanyrobin · 1 year
The good brother | Tim Drake & Dick Grayson
Tim gets into a fight and then pierces his own ears. For some reason, that leads him to come out of the closet with his older brother.
Tim banged the spoon against the kitchen island and exhaled in exasperation.
"You're kidding," he suggested.
"Tim, listen to me, all I'm saying is that there is no need for you to engage in this behavior. I understand that it's Bruce's duty to talk about this with you, but I'm just trying to help you and save you an argument when he gets back...", Dick explained, with all the patience in the world and fiddling with the cereal on his plate. "We know you don't want to go to school, but it's only a few months, you've been through worse than having to study a little after so many years. You don't have to look to get expelled..."
"You're kidding," Tim sentenced. His own cereal no longer looked as appetizing as it had minutes before. He suddenly felt nauseous. "Dick, I'm not trying to get myself expelled. Agh, I don't know what they told you, but it's a misunderstanding... Shit, I wish Jason had gone in your place."
That seemed to stir something in Dick, who frowned and let his spoon slip from his hand.
"Oh, yeah? Right, because Jason would be very condescending if your principal called to say you beat up a student. Or since when are you guys that close?"
"For God's sake, Dick, that's not what this is about!" exclaimed Tim, bewildered. What the hell was wrong with his brother to be being so jealously childish? "Aren't you the one who keeps talking about family bonding? Shouldn't you be glad I'm getting along with Jason?"
Dick sighed and took a seat on the stool across from Tim.
"I-, yes, Tim, I'm glad. I just wish you didn't need to get away from one person to get along with another."
Tim felt his stomach contract as he came close to retching, luckily he managed to disguise it. He patted his chest once and then turned away from his breakfast, unable to continue eating. He wanted to tell his brother he was projecting, like when you walked away from me to get along with Damian, he wished he could add.
Instead, he said:
"That's not the point, Dick. What the hell, seriously, what's the matter with you today?"
"I'm sorry, Timmy, but you can't blame me for being appalled. Not after having to go to a meeting with your principal because you beat up a defenseless civilian for no reason or you telling me that you would have preferred Jason, of all people, to show up as your proxy, as if you didn't care if he went and made a fuss."
Tim pursed his lips and stared at the floor, he pushed himself away from the table and made the first move to stand up.
"First of all, I know how Jay is, but maybe you should stop and think for a second about how he would feel if he heard you have so little faith in him over something so trivial. Secondly, you could at least ask me why I hit him before you assume I didn't have a reason, don't you think?"
"Tim, I'm just trying to save you a hard time, better tell Bruce we talked this over already before he scolds you himself and decides to, I don't know, bench you. Your principal said you didn't want to explain yourself, what do you want me to believe if you won't even stand up for yourself? I know how good you are at self-punishment, little brother. I wouldn't be surprised if you felt you deserved your principal's scolding for what you did without even trying to defend yourself, but keeping secrets from us? If you did something I'd like to find out from you rather than, from your school, I thought you trusted me?"
Without standing and still staring at his shoes, his head between his outstretched arms, Tim bit his lower lip until it ached and he was sure he had broken the thinnest of skin. He squeezed his eyelids tightly shut and rocked his head.
"Do you listen to yourself? Maybe I have a reason for not wanting to justify myself in front of that decrepit old man, can't I?" he snorted, and soon felt his cereal want to slip down his throat again. "If you want... if you want me to trust you like the old days, maybe you have to earn it... again...", his voice wilted at last and he rose quickly from his chair. "I have nothing more to say."
He ran up to her room and into the bathroom to the side of her, stamping his knees hard on the floor and hugging the toilet to vomit.
His breakfast escaped with ease. Leaving all the anger he felt to be replaced by exhaustion.
He repeated to himself that it would be okay, after all it wasn't the first time Dick didn't want to hear it.
There was a time when Tim felt miserable. Everything around him seemed to fall apart. His family, his team; his whole life. The love of his life was gone, dead; his father was dead, gone. No one believed in him except an obsessive megalomaniac and the older brother he most admired had turned his back on him.
Tim hated his life. If he was honest with himself, he had hated it since he was a little boy, when he became accustomed to material things as tokens of affection, to a cold and lifeless house and later to a mentor who often reminded him that he was unwanted.
Tim hated himself. From the moment he convinced himself that he was selfish because there was hot food on his table, albeit in a boarding school; a mother who looked at him with love, even if she was not by his side every day; a teacher who became his replacement father who taught him to defend himself against the worst adversities in the world, even if against his will at first.
However, there was a light in his path. Something he had never had before: a big brother. A guide in adolescence, a backup in the world of heroes, a friend to hang out with and unconditional love along with great loyalty. He had a net to catch him when he fell. Literally.
Then that vanished. It was just words, a few actions, wrong choices and determined eyes, that drove him away. Strong choices he couldn't deal with.
Dick Grayson had not chosen him over others as he had always believed he would. As he had once chosen him over the orders of his own father and mentor. Dick Grayson had made the decision to protect another younger brother even when Tim was at his worst. And Tim still couldn't get over it.
He couldn't understand. What had he done wrong? Where had he gone wrong? Why did no one ever choose him?
Tim wanted to hate Dick Grayson.
Tim could not.
Dick had screwed up many times. Especially with Tim. Well, actually he had screwed things up many times with his friends, his father and his girlfriend, but mostly with his brothers. He'd once failed Jason by turning him down, then he'd failed Tim by passing him along, taking away everything he cared about at the worst time while convincing himself that you always had to choose the greater good over any one person. He believed that by choosing Damian he was saving lives without wanting to accept the collateral damage that would be Tim.
He was not at all remorseful. He loved his three brothers equally. He made tough decisions that only the man behind the dark knight's cowl could make. Now however, he was no longer Batman. He was just Dick Grayson again, the man behind the Nightwing mask. Big brother, not surrogate father. Not mentor, but friend. And he had to get his little brother back.
"Tim?" he knocked on his brother's bedroom door. No one answered. "Little brother? I know you're mad at me, but it'll be worse if we avoid the problem..."
It was strange that they did not go around the problem and instead confronted it when it came to family. Bats had bad habits stemming from the man who had raised them. Luckily, Dick's best friend had been raised as a bat herself and had a father who had taught her a different way than the Waynes.
Barbara counseled him on the phone and through communications during the patrol. And by counseling, Dick meant she yelled at him a little and scolded him. He deserved it, he had to admit. Barbara had learned the hard way the difficulties of mentoring after making blunders with Cassandra and less bad ones with Stephanie, but never so bad as to take them on a trip around the world believing themselves rejected and helpless. So Dick had decided to listen to her.
He and Tim needed to talk, urgently.
"Tim, come on, do it for me...please?" No answer again, but he heard a loud hissing sound from the other side of the door. "Tim?"
This time, Dick couldn't stand it any longer and decided to trespass on his little brother's privacy, ready to take the consequences.
"Shit, it's bleeding...", Tim's voice sounded from the bedroom bathroom.
Before, when he had just moved into the manor, Tim used to sleep in Dick's old room, which he himself had given to his younger brother. However, over the years, when Damian had just joined the family, Tim had opted for a larger one, one of the few that included an indoor bathroom, usually used by visitors in the older Wayne family days. Dick hadn't been affected, he too would have made that choice growing up, but he left home before deciding he needed more space in his own home rather than out of town.
"Tim, what's going on, why are you bleeding?" asked Dick, striding to the bathroom. His eyes met Tim's, who was looking at him in fright as he held a cotton ball to his ear.
"Dick? Why did you come in?"
"I wanted to talk to you... What's going on, why did you cut off your ear?"
His lip pulled upward, tempted to make a joke about Van Gogh. His concern won out.
"I didn't cut myself, I..." Dick watched as his brother swallowed spittle. "Nothing...?"
"Tim, I'm looking at you, what happened to you?"
Tim clicked his tongue. His older brother's brow furrowed and he folded his arms. Now somewhat annoyed.
"What happened, Timothy."
"What are you, Janet Drake?" scoffed the younger boy.
"No. I'm your older brother and I'm worried about you, can you explain to me what you were doing?"
"Now you're interested in listening to me? You're a hypocrite," Tim mumbled.
Dick ignored him when he noticed a glint in the boy's non-bleeding ear. The silver earring glowed in the lamplight and reflected in the mirror. Oh, by the gods. Dick groaned.
"Did you pierce your ear?" Tim frowned.
"You pierced both your ears," Dick corrected himself.
He wanted to die. This was going to be a disaster, worse than when he himself had tried to make a single earring to be fashionable next to his mullet. Bad times. Bruce was going to kill Tim and somehow the blame was going to fall on Dick because his younger brothers somehow always managed to make that happen.
Rule number four hundred and fifty-three, or something like that, no recognizable markings, no accessories. Nothing that could be held against you. Mullet, long hair? Despite what the girls thought, it was easy to grab during a fight. Same with earrings, if they didn't fall out they could still slit your ear with a simple tug. Tattoos? Visible or not, in a kidnapping they could help reveal their secret identities. That among other things.
All that according to Batman, of course.
Jason didn't give a shit, so said the tattoo on his arm. Dick had his rebellious age and his hair grew long enough to allow him to put it in a ponytail. Stephanie had a cape that covered her hair and used it as an excuse. And they all really liked to get in Batman's face.
Except Tim. He was the good guy in the story. The obedient boy.
The boy had finally entered his rebellious age and it was probably Dick's fault. No, it definitely was. He had encouraged him with his bad decisions to run away from home and travel the world, albeit for good reason. If he was getting horned after their little fight, just for scolding him a little, did that mean it was his fault too? On the other hand, Tim was acting weird, it wasn't like him to beat up kids at school and not want to explain himself to the authorities. Maybe he was just entering late adolescence.
Jeez, he should have let Bruce tell him off directly even though he would have ended up benching him. All for wanting to help his little brother. He was just being nosy.
"T? Are you still there?" Dick recognized Conner's voice from Tim's phone on the side of the sink.
"I'll call you back, Kon," and he quickly cut off, holding the absorbent cotton with one hand and putting the phone away with the other. His ear was no longer bleeding, so he threw the cotton in the trash and folded his arms. Now two earrings glistened in the artificial light in the bathroom.
Dick inhaled deeply.
"Listen, Tim, I don't want to keep butting in, but I want you to understand that I'm trying to help you. What do you think Bruce will say about all this? First you hit your partner, you refuse to talk to your principal, and then you put earrings in your ears, which I'm sure will be a problem at school and..."
"I don't even want to go to fucking school, what do I care what they think!" shouted Tim, his jaw clenched and his brow furiously furrowed.
Dick grimaced. He'd heard that one before, more times than he could count.
"Tim," he sighed.
"No, Tim nothing. Stop patronizing me, Dick! I'm practically an adult, even though they'd have me believe otherwise. I've done and seen more than anyone my age, I've saved your life, by the gods, and Bruce's too! I've seen people die in my arms! I'm not going to let them keep treating me like a baby off the field, I'm doing everything they ask me to do, damn it, then why won't anyone listen to me!"
"Tim, if this is about the school..."
"No, Dick, it's not! It's because you don't want to listen, because you keep accusing me of not knowing, not understanding and not wanting to listen when it's all of you who ignore me! I hate school, I hate being here! And sometimes I feel like I hate you!"
Before Dick could add anything above the initial shock, Tim had already left his room. It was the first time Dick had ever heard Tim talk as much as someone his own age. It was too shocking to even react. Gods, how he wished he had his dad here instead of with the stupid Justice League.
"Good talk," Dick muttered. "Shit, I'm an idiot." But he didn't know where he'd gone wrong.
Was it just Tim's rebellious age or was Dick still screwing him up as a big brother?
Tim's principal had called again. Luckily, Tim's earrings were not involved. As bad luck would have it, Dick was the only one available for the meeting and he acted as Tim's proxy most of the time anyway. Nevertheless, he didn't feel like going to listen to a decrepit old man complain about teenagers or fight with his younger brother without resolving their earlier conflict.
"Mr. Wayne," the older man greeted. Dick gave him a gala smile and shook his hand. Tim was sitting next to him with his arms crossed and his lip swollen and slightly purple. He, too, had a cut on his eyebrow and a slightly scratched cheek.
"Grayson-Wayne, please. I respect my origins and my upbringing at the same time," he explained charismatically. He was so tired, though. First he was going through meetings about Damian's bad behavior, albeit at another school, while Bruce was supposedly dead, and now he had to deal with his other younger brother who was apparently going through his rebellious age. One part of him was saying "finally!" but the other was sulking that his father should be dealing with this and not him.
"Of course. Mr. Grayson-Wayne, then, it's a pity we have to meet again under these circumstances, but your... pupil, he keeps getting into trouble. This time he hit one of our most outstanding athletes. The poor boy sprained his ankle due to a bad fall during his fight and now he won't be able to participate in the interscholastic basketball tournament," he said raising an eyebrow in disgust. "He will understand that his actions must be punished."
Dick sighed.
"I understand, sir, however, I would like to understand why this happened."
"Sure, we have Nathan's version of events, but Timothy still refuses to explain why he hit him in the first place..."
"I didn't hit him first!" exploded Tim. Dick was amazed, it was rare for his brother to reply in exasperation or be so quick to get carried away with his emotions. He was the analytical one, Jason the emotional one; Dick was both. The principal and Dick watched him waiting for the rest of his argument, but Tim sank back in his seat. "He... I was just talking to Conner and he... plus Jason said I had to defend myself!"
Dick snorted.
"Jason again? What, were the earrings his idea too or is it just you drawing attention to yourself, Timmy? Please, just explain..."
"Jason, your brother? What about Connor? Who is Connor and what does he have to do with any of this, Mr. Wayne? I don't remember any Connor at the school..." Spoke the older man over Dick.
The noise was annoying and Tim bit his injured lip making it bleed.
"Conner," Tim muttered, but did not respond.
"And if this is a fight on behalf of your friend, I'd like a better explanation, young man, or is this a matter of more than friends?" the director added in a serious tone.
Tim gritted his teeth. Dick looked at the director in amazement. How and why on earth did he come to that conclusion.
"Excuse me, but I don't think that...", Dick tried to accentuate.
"Forgive me, Mr. Grayson-Wayne, but I can't help but feel that this is all suspicious. I can't allow Mr. Drake-Wayne to maintain this aggressive behavior, plus with all these rumors circulating, I can't help but think this has to do with more than mere bravado..."
Tim turned white, Dick shared the nausea he saw coming in his brother.
"What rumors are you referring to?"
The director ignored Dick's question and stared at Timothy.
"Timothy, are you planning on giving us an answer? Did you get into a fight just because or are you being harassed? Because if this is about your sexuality, we can..."
But Tim ran off.
Dick's mind went blank.
No. Tim was so cheerful and perceptive, he was good-natured and made friends with everyone. No. Tim was so cheerful and perceptive, he was good-natured and made friends with everyone. Why would anyone harass him? And what did his sexuality have to do with anything? It all came at once, but Dick was a detective.
Oh, shit.
Tim ran.
Shit, that's why he wanted Jason to go to his appointments with the director. He understood, he would help him. He already knew his secret, he wouldn't judge. He needed to talk to him, to Conner, to whoever. He just needed to get away. Get out of school, out of Gotham, anywhere but with that damn old man who analyzed him and was too aware of what was going on in his school, up to date with every rumor, including the ones that said Tim was gay and he was being bullied for it, until he couldn't stand it anymore and fought back, like his older brother had suggested months before, like his boyfriend had offered to do for him. Away from Dick, who would no longer listen to him. Who would no longer understand him. From whom he wanted attention, but wasn't getting it as he wished.
Tim refused to cry. He felt ridiculous, behaving like a child, back to yelling at Dick as if he was to blame for everything, interjecting his body so that his brother would finally pay attention to him like in the old days.
He missed his big brother. Jason was cool, but maybe too cool. He wanted the brother who coddled him and made him feel warm, the one he could tell his most embarrassing secrets to and knew he wouldn't use them as blackmail. He wanted Dick Grayson back in his life, but he was only succeeding in pushing him away.
"Oh, Drake," someone spat behind him, just as he rested from his flight to the side of the gym, where he was sure Dick wouldn't find him quickly, at least the principal would slow him down with some stupid unnecessary chatter. Or who knows, maybe he'd bring him out of the closet with his older brother. Although he had practically just suggested it in front of a detective, which was the same thing. "You dared to show up, you piece of shit. Have you been expelled yet for what you did to me?"
Tim held his breath for three seconds to calm down and then turned to look at Nathan.
"You fell down, asshole. How it's my fault."
Nathan snorted.
"I can sue you for assault, you son of a bitch."
That was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard said. And his classmate loved to say idiotic things, especially about Tim.
"Give it a try. I'll be waiting for you."
Luckily for him, the boy's foot was bandaged with a thousand wraps of gauze and his body as sore as Tim's. He couldn't hit him, and Tim was already fighting back. He was holding back a lot, but he was no longer letting himself look like the poor gay nerd who was bullied at school.
"You fucking faggot!" snarled Nathan, clearly helpless at not being in a position to physically counterattack. "I'll make you sorry!"
"I've heard that so many times," snorted Dick Grayson in all his glory, crossing his arms from beside Tim and Nathan.
Tim's heart pounded hard in his chest. He wanted to cry with relief.
Nathan bit his lip and panicked, he seemed to think it for a moment, then walked silently back to the gym. Two against one and him injured, he wasn't that dumb apparently.
"Whew, that was too easy," Dick sighed. "I didn't want to hit a fifteen-year-old."
"Eighteen, bro. He's eighteen."
Dick dismissed it with his hand.
"It's all the same, you're still twelve."
Tim smiled and in a second was in Dick's arms. He sobbed a little without shedding tears.
"Sorry," he murmured against his older brother's chest. "And thank you."
"No," Dick sighed again for the umpteenth time and squeezed the boy in his arms. "You forgive me. I should have asked you to explain before I assumed." They broke the embrace, but were still close to each other. "Are they really bullying you, Tim? I'm sorry, but I heard what he said to you and... you know, I can put two and two together."
This was not how Tim wanted to come out of the closet. Or reveal that he was being bullied at school. Like, ever.
Tim wiped his wet eyes.
"Kon and I...," he slurped the snot out of his mouth.
"You don't need to tell me, little brother," Dick whispered.
"But I want to, Dick! I wanted, and I want, to tell you, but you weren't listening to me again."
Dick's heart shrank. It was true, he had gotten himself into this trust problem. He had shown Tim that he had other priorities, he hadn't let his little brother talk and had raised his voice to him without letting him answer. He loved Damian, but he had acted so much like a father to him that he had almost forgotten to be a big brother.
He was there to listen to his brother and support him, not to judge his decisions and try to guide him. They were to make mistakes together and let Bruce scold them. Laugh at their mistakes, repeat them because they were young and should learn from them. They had to have fun together, not tense the room every time they got together, avoid their stares and fighting when they tried to converse.
Dick should have been the one to suggest piercing his ears (because he looked great with rings!) instead of freaking out about it because it wasn't like his brother. They should joke about getting matching tattoos and helping him run away from home to party with his, apparently, boyfriend. Listen to him complain about school instead of scolding him for how he behaved in school.
Dick failed as a big brother since he tried to behave like a father, but his father had returned and it was time to get back on par with his little brothers.
"It's okay, Tim. Talk. I'll listen to you."
Tim felt like it had been a thousand years since he last drank a milkshake together with Dick. He was nothing short of exploding with excitement to spend time with his brother again, just the two of them as civilians, pretending they were normal brothers and spending time together while gossiping about their friends, i.e., other superheroes.
"Chocolate and marshmallows is not a milkshake, it's like, cold hot chocolate or something," Dick explained as he set Tim's glass in front of him and took a sip of his own milkshake.
"Yours has popcorn on it, Dick, you can't judge me."
"I guess."
Tim didn't know where to start, there was so much he wanted to vent to his big brother about that he didn't know where to begin. He wanted to yell at him, he wanted to hug him, cry and hit him, apologize and thank him.
Dick wins him.
"Can you let me get started?" quietly asked Dick, after downing his milkshake by half.
Tim nodded, trying to concentrate on his drink instead of the person in front of him.
"Look, I want to start by apologizing. I've been doing a lot of thinking and I never apologized for everything I implied while Bruce was, well, missing. I want to make something clear, Timmy. You should never let people pressure you to do things you don't want to do; not to confess to liking someone, not to accomplish missions you don't agree with, not to grow up when you're not ready and leave a stage you haven't outgrown," Tim felt his eyes getting wet, but he took a long sip of his milkshake and popped a marshmallow in his mouth, swallowing the urge to cry with that. "I shouldn't have taken Robin away from you like I did, Tim. I should have talked to you... You're my equal, gods, you're my brother, and even the stupid cowl didn't have to change that. I wanted you to be like Nightwing and Batgirl are to Batman, independent allies who don't dance to his tune; I wanted you to be more than my sidekick, but I did everything wrong. I'm sorry for that. I'm really sorry about that. And I don't think you did everything you did out of spite, I'm grateful you brought our dad back. I never thanked you either. I'm proud of you, little brother, and that you trusted me to catch you despite how badly I failed you."
Tim sniffled through his snot and let a tear fall, wiped it away quickly and laughed a watery laugh.
"I love you, Dick," he sobbed.
"Aw, I love you too, little brother. You're part of the best part of my life."
"Sorry for being a spoiled brat," Tim insisted.
"If I have to, I forgive you. Anyway, the earrings look great on you," he laughed. "And, if you'd told me you were being picked on, I'd have gone to bully those guys a lot sooner. Nightwing may be a hero first, but Dick Grayson is a loving brother before anything else."
Tim wiped the remnants of mucus on his lip with his sleeve and laughed again. Gods, he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so light next to Dick, not afraid of Damian coming along and hogging him or feeling angry at his brother's condescension. He was happy.
"I was so mad at you, I swear," Tim admitted. "I thought you wrote me off as a brat in his rebellious age and nothing more, unhappy with everything and everyone. I guess we just had to communicate, but gods, that's so hard in this family."
"It's okay, I guess I'm a little hard-headed too. Kori says it all the time, also that I'm a bit dramatic."
"A little? Sometimes I think you didn't tell me about Damian taking Robin just to make it more shocking on purpose."
Dick grimaced uncomfortably and finished drinking his milkshake.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that too. I think it was great for Damian to be Robin, but I forgot that it gave life to you as well. I should have planned it better. Although I think, now more than ever, little brother, maybe the time has come for you to find your own hero, hasn't it?"
"Mm," Tim sighed. "Yes. Anyway, I couldn't be Robin forever. Who I am is already a problem for another day. Maybe by the time I graduate. If I do graduate this time..."
"Don't talk nonsense," Dick rolled his eyes. "Third time's the charm."
There was something Tim didn't know how to bring up. It was easy with Jason, he manipulated the situation and confessed before Tim, but everything was different with Dick. Despite what the rumors said, he was sure that Dick was straight enough that he didn't quite understand Tim, after all, he had seen him talk to Kori and he was either too much in love or too straight; unlike Jason, who was very gay, especially after coming out to his younger brother; he was the tough guy but soft on the inside, very different from the outgoing lover that Dick was.
He did not know the extent of his older brother's good perception and intuition. "So...," Dick began. He snapped Tim out of his own thoughts. "Connor."
"Ugh, I hate that old man," Tim growled. Somehow, he felt more comfortable now. "I..." He knew Dick had told him he shouldn't tell him if he didn't want to, but he really wanted to. He just didn't know how. Dick's hopeful look encouraged him without pressuring him. "Conner is my best friend, like Wally and you," his brother nodded and waited. "But I love him like you love Kori," Tim said in a whisper. He swallowed audibly and exhaled all the air he'd been holding during his statement.
Gods, was that so hard?
"Then you must love him very much." Dick smiled so much that his eyes disappeared and his face flushed.
Tim smiled back and began swinging his feet under the reserved seat.
"Yes... Yes. I love Kon very much."
"And you are...?"
"Am I?" asked Tim curiously.
"Uhm, are you bi or...? I mean, you dated Steph and Ariana, but..."
Good. Tim had thought about it a lot actually. He loved Ariana so much, she was his first love, she was sweet, very pretty and she was fucking in love with him. He wasn't in love with her though. He loved her, he just didn't love her back enough to call it a mutual romance. Similar with Stephanie, just a little hotter... He loved her a ton, loved her as a best friend, however, he wasn't sexually attracted to her. And he tried so hard to convince himself that he was attracted to her, even though she was the one who forced the relationship a bit at first, because he grew to love her and wanted to have her around in almost every way. He just didn't... He couldn't reciprocate her in everything she wanted. In the end, not in love either.
But Conner was a lifeline he wanted to hold on to. He wanted to touch him, kiss him, love him, laugh with him, hold his hand and never let go. He wanted a future together, a forever.
"I... I think I'm gay, Dickie."
Then he began to laugh. Dick followed him.
"Point for Jay, I guess," he snorted. "He...?"
"Well, yeah. He knows, I'm sorry."
"No wonder they were so close, conspiring against me," Dick snorted.
"Wait, he told you?"
"Tell me what, that he's gay? No, no. It's more my gut... and his obvious crush on Roy when we were young, before the Joker and all that, you know. Unless he's bisexual or something else and I'm not aware of it. I doubt he's aroace, if you ask me: too much of a crush and romantic."
"Gods, let's not discuss their sexuality, please, ew." Dick's smile widened maniacally.
Oh. So Dick didn't know Roy and Jason were together. Interesting.
"By the way, are you as straight as you look?" Tim asked, raising an eyebrow and topping off his chocolate milkshake.
"Well, I had a stage of questioning whether I liked Wally, but I think it was because we got along too well and he reminded me a bit of Barbara. Of course, then there was Kori and my world was turned upside down by one girl," he admitted proudly. "Sorry, little brother, but Richard Grayson-Wayne is straight and cis. Don't be grossed out by me, please. Heterophobia and all that," he joked.
"You were already grossing me out anyway," Tim guffawed. He hoped no one, who didn't understand the sarcasm, heard them, besides the waitress who had just passed them and let out a small chuckle.
Finally Tim could breathe in peace. No more nausea, no more tears, no more frustration and helplessness. He could now talk to his brother like in the old days. At least for now.
"By the way, Dick, have you actually tried weed?"
Uh. Dick was in trouble.
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chaotickori · 8 months
{Kori's Masterlist}
Main/Person Blog: Creaticare
Fairy Tail Blog: fairy-tail-trash
Old Writing Blog: library-of-the-sun
Introduction Post
Ao3: ChaoticKori
╰┈➤ Multi-Chapter Fanfiction Post
╰┈➤ One-Shot Fanfiction Post
*I have no set posting schedule, so ya get updates randomly
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louscartridge · 2 years
dating rachel roth hdcns
rachel roth x gn reader
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a/n- ngl i kinda gave up on proof reading like half way through so my bad lol. also i say ‘or’ ‘you guys’ ‘whall’ (thats not a fucking word sky stop saying it stupid) ‘and’ and a shit ton of other words in this alot and im aware its annoying so once again. my bad.
cw- established relasionship, arguments, fluff, cuddling, using of ‘i love you’, rachel having a hard time expresing her emotions, reader has powers (breifly mentiond), jellousy, crying, jason and hank being asses, gar being your +1, fighting (titans), back scratches, idk is some 11 year old fr gonna come for me if i dont say evreything? fuck off.
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-on your first official date you guys watched old cartoons
-when it started getting late you switched to horror movies
- when you switched to horror, you watched them correctly. in the dark. no lights, other then what was coming from the tv.
-both yours and rachels favorite food, snacks and drinks were there
-rachel is really touch starved, so as soon as you guys started dating, she started being really touchy
-shes a very cuddly and physically affectionate person
-her favorite cuddling positions are; spooning, facing each other holding hands, and her laying on your lap whall you play with her hair
-she doesnt really know how to talk about how she feels about you, without her thinking it sounds ‘cheesy’ or something, so shell just stick to you and hope you get what shes saying without saying it (you do)
-despite that, she does say 'i love you' all the time
-speaking of which, she said 'i love you' first
-you guys were having an argument
-you were mad at jason cause he kept 'flirting' with rachel 
-she got mad because she felt like you didnt trust her
-"even if he was flirting with me, i wasent flirting with him! and you should trust me enough that i wouldnt and dont want him."
-she got worried that you were gonna leave
-"wait! no y/n dont go please i love you-"
-you were surprised she stated verbal affection
-you smiled and slowly walked towards her
-she was still crying
-you whispered "i love you too rachel" whall stroking her cheek bones with your thumbs and kissed her
-you spent the rest of the day cuddling eachother with a book, whispering 'i love you's and other reissuances 
-jason and hank would always nag you, gar, and rachel all the time 
-"wait whos dating who again?" - jason
-"i think theyre just all dating each other" - hank
-you guys didnt think it was the worrrst thing ever-
-both of you love to wear each others clothes
-when dick does the laundry, he sometimes doesnt know whos clothes are who
-"hey rach, is this yours or y/n's?" 
-"mhmm doesnt matter, itll end up being worn by both of us either way."
-you would match your hair color with each other sometimes
-sometimes with gar too
-adjusting rachels jewelry all the time
-when your holding hands sometimes youll realize that the clasp of her bracelet is in the front or something 
-"that tickles! what are you doing?"
-"im fixing your bracelet"
-youll do it with her necklaces too
-if shes cooking or just walking around the house or whenever you happen to notice it you walk up to her and turn her necklace so the clasp is in the back and/or the charm or whatever is in the middle.
-after a while she knows what your doing, so when you walk up to her, she just stops walking or whatever and looks at you with a slight smile on her face as you shift it
-on the subject of jewelry, she definitely gets you guys matching jewelry for your anniversary
-or your birthday 
-or if she sees them in the store or something and likes them shell suprise you with them.
-just walking around the mall whether its window shopping or you actually get stuff -your guys' second date was actually at the mall
-dick gave rachel money and told you guys to have a break and hang out -dick and the rest of the titans took care of any fights or anything that went down that day
-a few of your mall dates tho you guys had to be dragged away for a fight -gar 'third wheeling' alot
-although he says 'you guys are good with making me feel....less- more un-third wheely'
-back scratches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-whenever she has a rough day controlling her powers
-or you guys had a hard day with fighting as titans
-at the end of the day you would give each other back scratches
-music would be playing the entire time
-the two of you would alternate, taking turns sitting on the edge of the bed and getting back scratches
-you and rachel would end up falling asleep on each other
-you were at the edge of the bed and she was slumped against you, arms semi draped over your shoulders
-dick and kory are your guys' biggest shippers
-shipped you guys before you even got together
-forehead kisses. all.the.time.
-from both of you
-you love giving them
-she loves giving them
-whenever you guys are sitting on a couch or next to each other or something like that she likes to run her fingers up and down your spine
-in the beginning of your relationship you argued kinda often because she was scared she was gonna hurt you so she tried to push you away
-once she learned that you have powers too, she felt a little better
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ok im so sorry this is so much ill shut up now.
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swabsandcream · 1 year
Fatherly Love
Dick Grayson x Kory Anders x Mar’i Grayson
Summary: Dick takes a shot at doing Mar’i’s hair for the first time
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It was just like any other day in the Grayson household, but today the family needed to go run some errands. Dick had just got done getting ready when he decided to check on Mar’i and Kory, who should be close to being done as well. He found them in the bathroom, both appearing to be dressed and ready.
“Okay girls, are we ready to go?” Dick leaned against the doorway and watched as Kory gently combed through Mar’i’s coarse hair while they both stood in front of the mirror.
“Almost, I just want to give Mar’i a different hairstyle today. Maybe four big braids and some barrettes at the end, what do you think?” Kory looked down at Mar’i who gave her a nod of approval. 
As Dick continued admiring his favorite girls, he came to the sudden realization that he has never taken a turn with doing Mar’i’s hair. This has never been an issue, but as her father he felt like something as small as doing her hair was a way to bond with his little girl.  
“Braids sound simple enough. Babe, I want to try doing her hair this time if you don’t mind.” The girls turned and looked at Dick in unison as he stepped into the bathroom. 
“Daddy, do you even know how to braid?” Mar’i challenged her father, causing Kory to burst into laughter.
“Come on, it can’t be that hard. Just tell me what to do and I got the rest.” Dick stepped in Kory’s place behind Mar’i as she stood on the side of them, handing him the wide tooth comb. 
“So, you see how I parted her hair into four sections. All you need to do is braid each section down and put a barrette on the ends.” Dick listened to Kory as he started on one section. As per Kory’s instructions, Dick softly combed through their baby’s hair and set the comb down to start the braid. 
To their surprise, Dick was doing fairly well with the task, although he moved his fingers at a turtle’s pace, insisting that it’s the only way he could get the braids to be perfect. After a few minutes of encouraging words from his daughter and light teasing from his wife, he had finally finished. Mar’i observed her hair in the mirror, happy with the results. 
“I love it! Thank you, Daddy.” She turned away from the mirror towards her father, giving him a big hug around his waist.
“You look beautiful as ever. Thank you for trusting me my little princess.” Dick lifted his daughter off the ground, giving her a kiss on the cheek as he held her on his hip. They stepped out of the bathroom and Kory followed behind, enamored by her husband’s fatherly character. 
“Well, we better get going now before our favorite ice cream shop closes!” Kory announced, causing Mar’i and Dick to do a little dance as he carried her towards the door.
“Yay! Ice cream! Ice cream! We’re gonna get some ice cream!” The two chanted as they waited for Kory to grab her things and meet them at the door. 
In no time, the family of three were on the road, looking forward to spending another amazing day together. 
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
RobStar Week 2023, Day 2 - Carnival/Amusement Park
(Shhh, I know I'm late.)
Kory glanced aside at Dick knowingly as he switched the turn signal on, moving them towards the right lane of the highway.
He took his eyes off the road briefly, sending her a conspiratorial wink.
Grinning, Kory waited until they were about half a mile away from their exit, before calling back to the two children in the backseat, both slumped over and staring glumly out their windows, disappointed over the end of their trip.
"Mar'i? Jake? Can you look out the window to your right and tell me what you see?" she asked them, failing to hide the mischievous sparkle in her green eyes.
Mar'i was on the right side, and lifted her head from her chin curiously, sending a puzzled squint out the window as the sign for the exit came up.
They knew the moment she'd realized because an ear-splitting excited squeal at an unholy decible shook the car.
"IT'S WETZLEYWOOOOOORLD!" Mar'i shouted, fists clenched, bouncing in her seat.
"What's Wetzleyworld?" asked Jake, leaning over and straining to see.
"Oh my gosh, Jake, it's so fun! We came once when you and I were little, I think you were two, it's the most awesomest, funnest, coolest place ever!" She squealed again, the seatbelt straining to contain her as she floated a half-inch above her seat. "It's got bumper cars and rock climbing and rollercoasters and a Ferris wheel and-"
Dick and Kory smiled at each other from the front seats, pleased at having kept the impromptu visit a surprise for their little ones.
"Hope they still have the Whirl-a-Gig Tower," Dick commented, sliding the car neatly into the exit lane.
"Oh yes, that one was one of my favorites as well," Kory agreed, nodding. Her eyes pinched suddenly, skin wrinkling between her brows. "Did you hear they tore down the Sonic Splashdown?"
He glanced askance at her. "No!" he said, dismayed and in disbelief. "Aww man, we loved that one. It was the perfect cooldown ride for summer."
"I hear they have revamped it with a newer style. It will still be a water ride just... not as big," she hastened to inform him, not quite able to hide her own disappointment.
Dick gave a grumbling sigh. "Guess it can't be helped." He checked over with her, pulling them up to a stoplight. "You've got all our passes?"
She nodded, slipping her hand into the canvas bag in her lap and producing them, four slightly folded sheets of paper. "Indeed. We need to present these at the front gates, which will gain us admittance, and then we must report to the Customer Service booth to gain the laminated badges."
He reached over and squeezed her hand, warmly affectionate. "Thanks for handling that, Star," he told her gratefully. "I know it was a lot to handle on short notice."
Kory flipped a bit of her hair back proudly. "It was nothing," she declared. "I rather enjoyed talking to the service representative; she was very nice and helpful and is expecting a third child in May."
Dick chuckled. Leave it to his Starfire to make friends with a total stranger.
The light flipped to green and he released the brake, taking the turn into the drive that led to the main entrance.
The crowds were impressive, several groups of students, families, and youth groups in matching shirts scattered here and there, and dozens of individual families milling around as well. The noise of their talking was matched only by the noise of the amenities, roaring coasters rattling on their tracks, vendors hawking for players at the prize booths, popcorn and cotton candy machines going full steam. The park's kindly mascot, Wetzley the Walrus, twinkled round black eyes out from plushies, billboards, and signage.
Mar'i was already begging for a giant pink flamingo prize hanging above the baseball toss. Dick paid the extra fee and let Kory have the honors, watching her wind up and let a rip with just a touch of her alien strength.
Just a touch was all it took, toppling the whole stack of weighted bottles with a magnificent clatter. Kory beamed as the attendant handed her the flamingo, and Dick felt a rush of nostalgia and adoration; His wife had wanted the same stuffed prize years and years ago when they'd first come here, on what was technically their first date. Technically because they had still been in that weird awkward stage of, "We're just friends, we don't totally like each other at all, but I still really care about impressing you."
The asshole who had prevented him from even taking a turn at the game was no longer working that particular booth, he was satisfied to see.
Mar'i was making grabby hands with her fingers. "Can I hold it? Can I? Can I?"
Kory frowned. "I do not believe that is a good idea, Mar'i. It it much larger than you are, and we do not want to attract attention."
"Awwww!" Mar'i groaned in disappointment, dropping her hands.
"Besides," Dick said, coming up closer, "we're going to have them reserve it at the front for us. That way it won't get wet or dirty before we take it home."
Mar'i mumbled but accepted that logic. Jake, meanwhile, had spotted the carousel.
"MOMMY!" he squealed, pointed excitedly. "DADDY! THEY HAVE A SEAHORSE!"
"Yeah?" Dick responded, leaning down with hands on his knees, matching his son's excitement.
"Yes, see!"
"Well we'd better go ride it then," he urged, taking the flamingo as Kory passed it to him, handing it in turn to the park runner who had just been summoned to fetch the large prize to the front for safekeeping.
Jake was off like a rocket, his sister three steps behind him.
"Do not get too far ahead!" Kory called in worried warning, trying to keep up.
When all the coasters had been ridden at least once—and some of them twice—multiple snacks consumed, both children's faces painted with bright designs—Mar'i had gotten a swirling gold and silver configuration called Azure Princess and Jake had gotten the tusks and beady eyes of the ever-ubiquitous Wetzley—and everyone's calves and feet were thoroughly exhausted Dick finally called an end to the day.
Mar'i trudged along sleepily at his side, while Kory held a dozing Jake, his little arms draped around her shoulders.
"I am glad we could share this with them again," Kory said, as they made their way through the exit gate, picking up their flamingo on the way. She smiled in a way that made his heart flip inside him. "This is still my favorite place to come with you," she said, voice soft.
His cheeks heated and like that he was mentally fifteen again, gaping in awe at how pretty she was, how vibrant and full of life and endless enthusiasm.
"Yeah," was all he could say to agree.
Their hands found each other's as they walked across the parking lot, son and daughter and flamingo in tow, the orange light of sunset splashing across the sky.
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faibleprompts · 2 months
Under Starlit Skies
Dick x kory fanfiction based on yesterday's prompt:
Under the vast, starlit sky, Nightwing stood at the edge of the rooftop, the cool breeze tousling his dark hair. The city sprawled beneath him, a sea of twinkling lights, but tonight, his focus was solely on the figure beside him. Starfire, with her radiant orange skin glowing softly in the moonlight, was lost in thought, her vibrant green eyes reflecting the constellations above.
“Do you see that one?” she exclaimed, pointing towards a particularly bright star. “It reminds me of the time I flew with the winds of Tamaran, dancing among the stars. They felt so close, like I could reach out and touch them.”
Nightwing turned to her, a smile playing on his lips. “I can only imagine how beautiful that must have been. Earth has its charm, but I can see how it would be hard to compete with the skies of Tamaran.”
Starfire beamed, the warmth of her smile illuminating the night. “You must come with me one day. I want to show you the beauty of my home. The colors, the energy, the way the sun sets in a blaze of crimson and gold.”
He chuckled softly, feeling a warmth in his chest. “I’d love that. But for now, let’s enjoy this moment together.”
As they settled into a comfortable silence, the tension of their recent missions faded away. Starfire began recounting tales of her childhood adventures—of flying with her sister, of battles fought with honor, and of the lush landscapes that had been her playground. Nightwing listened intently, captivated not just by her words but by the passion that danced in her eyes.
“Tell me about your journey, Dick,” she urged, her gaze unwavering. “From Robin to Nightwing. What was it like?”
He took a deep breath, memories flooding back. “It was… complicated. I learned a lot, but I also lost a part of myself along the way. Leaving behind the Robin mantle was like shedding an old skin. It was time to grow.”
Starfire leaned closer, her curiosity piqued. “And now? Do you feel whole?”
“More than ever,” he replied, locking eyes with her. “Especially now, with you by my side.”
The air between them crackled with unspoken emotions, thickening the atmosphere. Nightwing reached out, brushing his fingers against hers, a simple yet electrifying connection.
Nightwing's heart raced as he reached into his utility belt, pulling out a small, carefully wrapped package. He glanced at Starfire, who was still gazing at the stars, her expression one of serene wonder. It was the perfect moment. With a soft smile, he approached her, the package hidden behind his back.
“Hey, Kori,” he called softly, waiting for her to turn toward him. When she did, he revealed the gift, presenting it with a flourish. “I have something for you.”
Starfire’s eyes widened, curiosity bubbling to the surface. “For me? What is it?” Her voice was filled with excitement, and Nightwing felt a surge of warmth at her enthusiasm.
“Open it and see,” he encouraged, his heart pounding in anticipation.
With delicate fingers, she unwrapped the gift, the paper falling away to reveal a small, intricately carved star. Its surface shimmered in the moonlight, catching the light in a way that reminded her of the stars above. “It’s beautiful!” she exclaimed, her voice a melody of delight.
“I thought you might like it,” he said, his tone sincere. “It’s a reminder of the stars you love so much. And it’s also a piece of Earth—something to keep with you when you’re away from here.”
Starfire held the star close to her heart, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “You always understand me, Dick. This means more than you know.”
Nightwing felt a swell of emotion at her words. “I just want you to know you’re not alone in this world. No matter where you go, I’ll always be here for you.”
As she looked up at him, the sincerity in her gaze made his breath hitch. “You have become my anchor, Nightwing. I cherish our bond.”
In that moment, the world around them faded away. The city lights dimmed, the cool breeze stilled, and all that mattered was the connection they shared. Nightwing took a step closer, his heart racing as he brushed his fingers against her glowing cheek.
“Can I show you something else?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
Starfire nodded, her pulse quickening with anticipation.
As the air between them thickened with unspoken emotions, Nightwing felt an irresistible pull toward Starfire. Her vibrant green eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and something deeper—something that mirrored his own longing. He could no longer ignore the magnetic force drawing him closer, igniting a fire within him that had been smoldering for far too long.
“Starfire,” he murmured, his voice low and husky, “I—”
Before he could finish, she leaned in, her breath mingling with his, warm and inviting. The world around them faded, leaving only the two of them suspended beneath the vast, starlit sky. Nightwing’s heart raced as he closed the distance, their lips meeting in a soft, tentative kiss.
It was electric. Time seemed to stretch, each second filled with a mixture of sweetness and urgency. Starfire melted into him, her hands finding their way to his shoulders, pulling him closer. Nightwing responded instinctively, wrapping his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss as their hearts synchronized in an unspoken rhythm.
Their surroundings blurred into insignificance—nothing mattered but this moment, this connection. The kiss was a blend of tenderness and passion, a promise of what lay beneath the surface of their friendship. Nightwing felt the warmth of her body against his, the softness of her lips igniting a fire in his chest that spread like wildfire.
When they finally pulled away, both breathless, Starfire’s cheeks flushed a radiant shade of crimson. “I did not know… I was waiting for you to make the first move,” she confessed, her voice a mixture of surprise and delight.
Nightwing chuckled softly, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “I guess we were both waiting for the right moment.”
Starfire’s gaze softened, her expression a blend of affection and awe. “You have made this night unforgettable, Nightwing. I feel so alive.”
He smiled, pulling her closer to him as they stood together, watching the stars twinkle above them.
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You stood on the roof with Commissioner Gordon. You held the files to your chest and were a mess of nerves. You could feel the tension brewing inside your bones but Jim stood casually, dragging puff after puff from his never-ending cigarette. 
"Commissioner-" A deep voice startled you and you yelped, hiding behind Gordon 
"Calm down, will you?" Jim chastised Batman, "She's still new-"
"The reports," Your shaky hand extended towards the sword-wielding Robin 
He snatched it from your hands, and you shrank back behind Jim. He flipped through the pages and made a sound. 
"This one isn't incompetent, Gordon," Robin commented, "Decent job, Doctor," He looked at you
"T-Thank you-" You swallowed 
"Red Robin would like some details on this case-" Batman handed you a USB
"Yes, sir-" You said shakily 
"Go back down, kid-" Jim told you and you didn't need to be told twice 
It didn't matter that you'd met the Batman before. He still scared the crap out of you.  "Nice to meet you," You nodded and quickly left 
"Are you crazy?" Jim stared at Bruce, "She's been in this city for five months- You can't have her running intel!" 
"She's competent," Robin added as he went through the file, "She'll run intel because she's qualified," 
"Just-" Jim's voice dropped as he stared at Batman, "Don't let her get hurt, okay?" 
"I never intend to," He answered in a low, gravelly voice.
Continues on AO3
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