#korean langblrs feel free to ask me for more of these!!
manasseh · 5 months
'덜' vs. '미만' 차이 파악하기
// difference between 덜 vs. 미만
@zzzzzestforlife asked me about the difference between '덜' and '미만' in Korean! Both can be translated as 'less', but they're not used in the same way! Wanted to properly write it out this time :)
I thought for a bit about how to explain the difference logically, but let me give some general examples first -
덜 :
덜 매워 - it's less spicy (than / compared to before OR to this other thing) 덜 개진대 - its gonna be less loud (than / compared to now)
[ Bonus: It can also be used to mean 'less than fully', although that's not really relevant rn - 덜 익은 과일 - unripe fruit 덜 깨웠어 - half asleep / not fully awake ]
You can use 덜 after N-보다 to mean 'less than' compared to something else or to how it was before. 작년보다 덜 팔렸어요 - we sold less than last year 1000₩보다도 덜 줬어 - they gave me (an amount) even less than 1000₩
미만 :
Basically the '<' symbol. 40 이상 45 미만 - >40 but <45 *45 미만이면 45가 포함 안 돼요 - *It's under (<) and not including (≤)
It's usually some variation of COUNTNOUN + 미만. Some common usage with examples I've come accross recently:
가우량이 평균 미만 - below average rainfall 1년 중 6개월 미만 - less than 6 months of the year 15세 미만 입장불가 - no admission under 15 years of age 80점 미만 - a score under 80 points
"10장 미만은 안된다고?" - "They said it shouldn't be under 10 (pages)?" (my peers, confused about assignment criteria) "순간 집중력 1분 미만.." - "attention span of under a minute..." (under a fellow uni student's post)
[ Bonus: You can also use it with people. Usually in slang, meaning either 'shorter than x person,' or more commonly 'not living up to / not as good as x person' 현지미만은 다 조용히 - anyone whose not Hyunji shut up 현지 미만 잡 / 역시 현지 미만 잡컷 / 현진 미만은 다 별로 - anyone less than Hyunji is a loser / is nothing to me ]
Now to actually explain the difference in words!!
덜 is used to indicate a lesser amount, degree, or intensity in comparison to something else or changed from before.
미만 on the other hand isn't comparing as such, just more directly about the idea of being under a certain threshold, like, simply about the subject being in that range less than a specific number or value.
[ Bonus : This example from before : "I was given less than 1000₩" where the English translation could be the same for both -
"1000₩보다 덜 줬어," can mean that something was given less than 1000₩, comparing the amount given with the desired or expected amount. "1000₩미만 줬어" 'they gave me an amount under 1000'. no comparison, that's just how much was given.
Both in one sentence for good measure: 이번 달 평균 강수량은 작년보다 덜 내렸지만, 예상한 양의 50mm 미만이에요. - The average rainfall this month was less than (compared to) last year, but it is (a given amount in a range) below the expected 50mm. ]
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(Re)introduction post
I seem to be gaining a lot of new followers atm (migrants from langtwt, I’m guessing! In that case: hello and welcome to langblr!) SO here’s a little bit about me and my blog!
About Me
I mostly go by Victoria online and it's what I prefer
In my 30s (yes I am a Real Adult with at least some of my shit figured out)
UK born and raised (East Midlands), although I'm moving to Japan soon!
I currently teach English as a foreign language on italki to students of all ages (current age range is something like 5-60), but will be teaching at an Eikaiwa from January
I'm also an aerialist (pole and hoop), which I teach and perform, a stilt-walker and fire performer (you can go visit my sideblog @jo-jenova if you're interested)
I'm also a fan of gymnastics, dance, writing (fantasy/sci fi/general fiction), baking, buying and owning books (and occasionally reading them), vikings (not in a weird white supremacist way), corvids, cats, Star Trek and, of course, linguistics
I’m currently awaiting an ADHD and autism assessment. I’m 99.9% sure I have ADHD and have pretty much no doubts that I’ll get a diagnosis (autism I’m less convinced of, but we’ll see what the experts say)
My native language is English (British - close to modern RP)
I also speak Norwegian and it is my main love/target language. This year I took the official B2/C1 exams and got C1. I write bokmål and speak a variety of Oslo dialect.
I'm also learning Japanese (current level: not quite N5). My goal is to reach a comfortable N5 level before I go there.
I largely understand Scots (more written than spoken), Danish (more written than spoken) and Swedish.
Languages I love and have some experience with but am not learning right now include: Finnish, Icelandic, Ukrainian, Tswana, Spanish
Wishlist: Korean, Cornish, Irish, Old Norse, Old English, Chinese
I can speak/understand a bit of French because I learned it for like 12 years but I've forgotten most of it (I do appear to be dabbling in it a little again though whoops lol)
I post primarily about Norwegian, Japanese, other Nordic languages, Celtic languages (Scots included as an honorary member) and linguistics, but occasionally I'll post about other things too.
About My Blog
My blog focuses primarily on my own personal language journey. I'm not really about aesthetics (you might get an aesthetic picture once in a blue moon) or pretending to be more advanced than I am. I mostly try to reflect where I am.
Sometimes this means I come across as bragging when I’m proud of myself or attention-seeking when I’m feeling down. That’s not my intention; I mostly just aim to be honest with myself and everyone else.
I post language logs once a week. These are so I can keep a track of what I've been doing and how I feel from week-to-week. They're not to show off how much I did or make anyone feel like they should be doing more. But if they make you feel that way and need to unfollow me because of that, then I understand.
Other things I post may include vocabulary lists, grammar posts, things related to linguistics, challenges and links to things related to my target languages that I find interesting.
I don’t do drama or discourse. I feel no obligation to respond to inflammatory asks and usually delete anything that I think is contentious. This is a language blog and it’s pretty rare that I deviate from that (I have a side blog for all my non-languagey stuff). But of course you can ask me questions about me and my life!
My blog is absolutely a safe space for people from all walks of life regardless of sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, colour, religion, size, IQ, background etc. If you consider that to be an issue, then you know where the unfollow button is.
I’m kinda terrible at replying to messages, so please don’t take it personally if I never respond to you.
My ask box is always open and anon is always on, so please feel free to send me any questions you have! (But uhh like I say I’m bad at replying sometimes so please just give me a nudge because honestly I may have just forgotten)
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langsknowing · 2 years
intro time
Hi! I'm Ada and here is my langblr. I'm coming back to tumblr after a few years so I wanted to make intro post. Some info about me:
27 years old, polish, living in Wroclaw.
i have bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
trying to make my life more organise to have more control over my disorders.
self-studying languages. Interested in neurobiology, pedagogy, andragogy and lingustics.
native polish. knows english, spanish, italian and catalan but i had a very hard 2 years and i'm coming back so i don't know what level i'm on.
main goals for 2022 - preparing for dele c1 and cea, italian b2, catalan b2. Kind of year of returning.
i started learning a loooot of languages - dutch, hindi, korean, french and so on.
i have a daugher, she's 8 years old.
i love unicorns, bookshops and stationary.
also football, volleyball and formula1. Feel free to ask my anything and dm me :)
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2cool4skoolmp4 · 3 years
## About me ig ?? ##
Hey, guys ! I'm Tori <3 I decided to create this langblr/studyblr (is that what you call it ??) To help me with keeping up with my korean studies and to maybe get into contact with other students so we can help each other !!
Here are some basic info about me:
- I'm brazilian
- This is not my very first tumblr account but it's my very first time trying to actually have an active blog about something !! Pls be patient since I will probably make some mistakes as to how to use the app lol
- I'm a high schooler so pls don't send any inappropriate stuff to me ty :)
- My pronouns are she/they (i do have a preference for she but you can use they it's fine) n I'm black
- I have learned english by myself and now started self studying korean not only for fun but because I'm applying for GKS-U next year
About this acc:
- I plan to post study plans, tips, notes, free study material I find on the internet, etc here but mostly me using 방탄소년단 lyrics to learn vocab + grammar !!
- Please be aware that I'm a student and I'm not fluent in korean at all, I will be sharing things that I'm leaning here but remember that I can make mistakes !! If you see any of them feel free to correct me
- If you want you can feel free to send me an ask <3 I will answer to the best of my abilities
- Rather than screenshoting my blogs if you wanna share them pls just link the original post, thanks !! Those are my study notes n I work really hard on them so pls pls don't claim them as your own
- As I stated before, I'm a newbie here on tumblr so my blogs won't be pretty for a while—but I will be trying to make them at least appealing lol— pls be kind about the aesthetics :) if you know any tutorials that will make my blog look better or be more efficient don't hesitate to tell me !!!
And I think that's all !! lol let's all have fun during our studies <3 !!
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hd-learns-korean · 4 years
Musical Monday: Week 5!
Hey all! I hope everyone is doing Ok. Today I’m back with another musical Monday. This song is another recommendation and I think it’s great! Thank you so much for the fab song choice! 🥳
Song: New by Yves (Loona) 
Genre: Definite K-pop
My thoughts on the song: What a great summer bop is all I can say! Just the jam I was looking for. (God I sound so old!🤦‍♀️ )
Tumblr media
 Just a note: I’ve used a few more Naver dictionary examples in this post  - Reason for this is because I know that I’m a langblr and I’m not a native speaker of Korean, so for study posts I wanna make sure that I at least get a couple of things right. Also you will be able to spot my own example sentences A MILE OFF! I mean I think if I said my own examples in real life I’d for sure get laughed at! 😅 
So if you spots any mistakes lemme know so I can fix ‘em! Thanks guys! 
Ok everybody Lets get this study train started! Hoot Hoot! 
👀뜨다 – 1.)To open one’s eyes/ to be awakened 2.) to hear/ to catch/ to understand
����Present Tense:  떠, 떠요, 뜹니다
⏰Past Tense: 떴어, 떴어요, 떴습니다
🔮Future Tense: 뜰 거야, 뜰 거예요, 뜰 겁니다
👀👀바라보다 1.) to look/ to watch/ to stare 2.) to hope
🎁Present Tense: 바라봐, 바라봐요, 바라봅니다
⏰Past Tense: 바라봤어, 바라봤어요, 바라봤습니다
🔮Future Tense: 바라볼 거야, 바라볼 거예요, 바라볼 겁니다
하늘을 바라보다 to look up at the sky
✨😎눈부시다 1.) dazzling/ glaring/ blinding 2.) be brilliant/ be gorgeous
🎁Present Tense:  눈부십니다,  눈부셔요, 눈부셔, 
⏰Past Tense: 눈부셨어, 눈부셨어요, 눈부셨습니다
🔮Future Tense: 눈부시겠어,  눈부시겠어요,  눈부시겠습니다
Examples from Naver:
눈부신 태양 the glaring sun
눈부신 재능 splendid talents
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️다가가다 to approach/ to go near 2.) to get close/ to become close
🎁Present Tense: 다가가, 다가가요, 다가갑니다
⏰Past Tense: 다가갔어, 다가갔어요, 다가갔습니다
🔮Future Tense: 다가갈 거야, 다가갈 거예요, 다가갈 겁니다
Examples I found on Naver: 
다가가 말하다 approach and speak
창가로 다가가다 approach the window seat
💫되다 1.) to become 2.) to change into 3.) to reach/ attain/ pass 4.) measure/ total/ amount to 5.) be done/ be completed 6.) consist of/ be composed of 7.) be enough/ be sufficient 8.) run out of 9.) grow
🎁Present Tense: 돼, 돼요, 됩니다
⏰Past Tense: 됐어, 됐어요, 됐습니다
🔮Future Tense: 될 거야, 될 거예요, 될 겁니다
Examples: I found these on Naver
2에 3을 더하면 5가 된다 two and three makes five
요리가 다 되었다 cooking is done
물질은 원자로 되어 있다 matter is composed of atoms
백 원만 있으면 됩니다 a hundred won will be enough
연료가 다 되었다 the gasoline (fuel) has run out
버릇이 되다 grow into a habit
부자가 되다 become rich
봄이 되었다 spring has come
🎨물들다 – 1.) to be dyed/ to be tinged 2.) to be influenced/ to be affected
Examples I found on Naver: 
그녀의 두 뺨이 붉게 물들었다 her cheeks turned red.
악에 물들다 be infatuated with evil
습관에 물들다 fall into a habit.
🥤채우다 1.) to fill up/ pack up 2/) serve out/ meet/ make/ fulfil
🎁Present Tense: 채워, 채워요, 채웁니다
⏰Past Tense: 채웠어, 채웠어여, 채웠습니다
🔮Future Tense: 채울 거야, 채울 거예요, 채울 겁니다 
Examples I found on Naver:
병에 물을 채우다 fill up a bottle with water
빈칸을 채우다 fill in the blanks
계약 기간을 채우다 see one’s contract through
🙅‍♀️🙅‍♂️💰초라하다 to be shabby/ poor/ humble 2.) to be insignificant/ pathetic
Examples I found on Naver
초라한 옷 shabby clothes
초라하게 살다 to be badly off
🍨달콤하다 1.) sweet 2.) honeyed/ sugared
Examples I found on Naver: 
맛이 달콤하다 to taste sweet
달콤한 말 sweet talk
달콤하게 말하다 talk in a wheedling tone
달콤한 말에 넘어가다 fall for somebody’s sweet talk
달콤한 미소 a sweet smile
🌺🌼🌻피어나다 1.) To bloom 2.) to rekindle, burn again 3.) come back to life 4.) Get better
Examples I found on naver: 
꽃이 피어나다 flowers bloom
My example: 봄과 여름에서 꽃이 피어나다. Flowers bloom in spring and summer.
⬅➡다르다 different/ dissimilar
Examples I found on naver: 
다른 방법은 없다 there’s no other choice
약간 다르다 slightly different/ somewhat different
완전히 다르다 completely different
다른 different, dissimilar, unlike anything else
🔦비추다 1.) shine a light 2.) reflected 3.) compare with/ check with 4.) drop a hint
🎁Present Tense:비춰, 비춰요, 비춥니다
⏰Past Tense: 비췄어, 비췄어요, 비췄습니다
🔮Future Tense: 비출 거야, 비출 거예요, 비출 겁니다
Examples I found on Naver: 
불빛이 비추다 the light shines
햇볕이 비추다 the sun shines
촛불을 비추다 light a candle
속마음을 비추다 show one’s innermost thoughts
🤷‍♀️묻다 1.) ask/inquire 2.) blame
🎁Present Tense: 물어/ 묻어, 물어요/묻어요, 묻습니다
⏰Past Tense: 물었어/ 묻었어, 물었어요/ 묻었어요, 물었습니다/ 묻었습니다
🔮Future Tense: 물을 거야/ 묻을 거야, 물을 거예요/ 묻을 거예요, 물을 겁니다/ 묻을 겁니다. 
Side note grammar form: ~에게 묻다 ask me ….
My own examples:
미나 씨, 도움이 필요하면 저에게 물어보세요. Mina if you need any help, ask me.
🥶차갑다 1.)cold/ chilly/ icy 2.) be cold- hearted
🎁Present Tense: 차가워, 차가워요, 차갑습니다
⏰Past Tense: 차가웠어, 차가웠어요, 차가웠습니다 
🔮Future Tense: 차가울 거야, 차가울 거예요, 차가울 겁니다
Examples I found on Naver: 
커피가 차갑게 식었다 the coffee has turned cold
그는 나의 질문에 차갑게 대답했다 he answered my questions coldly
얼음처럼 차가운 as cold as ice
차가운 눈으로 쳐다보다 look at a person coldly
날씨가 차갑다 the weather is cold
차갑게 굴다 behave coldly
🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️뛰다 1.) run/ dash 2.) Jump/ skip/ hop 3.) soar/ skyrocket
🎁Present Tense: 뛰어, 뛰어요, 뜁니다
⏰Past Tense: 뛰었어, 뛰었어요, 뛰었습니다
🔮Future Tense: 뛸 거야, 뛸 거예여, 뛸 겁니다
Examples I found on Naver: 
전속력으로 뛰다 run as fast as one can go
최근에 휘발�� 가격이 많이 뛰었다 The price of petrol has shot up recently.
기뻐서 뛰다 jump for joy
🤝닿다 1.) touch/ reach/ brush 2.) arrive/ get 3.) connections with a person
🎁Present Tense: 닿아, 닿아요, 닿습니다
⏰Past Tense: 닿았어, 닿았어요, 닿았습니다
🔮Future Tense: 닿을 거야, 닿을 거예요, 닿을 겁니다
Examples I found on Naver: 
천장에 닿다 reach to the ceiling
서울에 닿다 arrive in Seoul
손에 닿다 reach one’s hand
표면에 닿다 touch a surface
🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️뻗다 1.) Reach 2.) stretch 3.) expand 4.) informal meaning ‘knocked out’ / sprawl out
🎁Present Tense: 뻗어, 뻗어요, 뻗습니다
⏰Past Tense: 뻗었어, 뻗었어요, 뻗었습니다
🔮Future Tense: 뻗��� 거야, 뻗을 거예요, 뻗을 겁니다
다들 술에 취해 뻗어 있었다 Everyone was drunk and out of it/ everyone was sprawled out drunk. (Sounds like a good old English work party then?!) 
하늘로 뻗다 stretch out into the sky.
🥰맘 1.) personality 2.) mind 3. )feeling
Examples I found on Naver
맘이 넓다. Have a broad heart
맘이 좋다 I feel good
고운 맘 a tender heart
미안한 맘 feeling sorry
맘이 무겁다 to have a heavy heart
맘이 불안하다 to feel uneasy
맘을 가라앉히다 settle one’s mind
맘을 풀다. Blow one’s mind
My own examples:
‘부장님의 말 듣기후에, 저는 맘이 불안했습니다.’ After listening to the manager, I felt uneasy.
좋은 뉴스를 듣기후에, 저는 지금 맘을 가라앉히 수 있어요. After listening to the good news, I can calm down now.
내 남자친구는 고운 맘 있어요. My boyfriend has a sweet heart.
🤏겨우 1.) barely/ narrowly 2.) only, just, nearly, no more, at most
Examples I found on Naver:
겨우겨우 살아가다 barely make ends meet/ keep the wolf from the door
이제 겨우 7시다 it’s only seven o’clock
겨우 달아나다 barely escape
겨우 달래다. Barely appease
😘😏유혹 Temptation/ lure/ allurement
Examples I found on Naver: 
유혹적인 제의 an inviting/ seductive offer
유혹을 견디다 resist temptation
유혹에서 벗어나다 free oneself from temptation
🖐👏🤟짓 1.) act 2.) motion/ wave/ gesture
Examples I found on Naver: 
바보 같은 짓 하지 마라 don’t act like a fool
손짓 a wave
눈짓 a look
🔝위 1.)  top 2.) superior authority
Examples I found on Naver: 
위를 보세요 look above (you)
그 책은 선반 위에 있다 the book is on the shelf
저는 위에서 시키는 대로 했을 뿐입니다 I only follow orders from above/ I just did what they told me to do.
위에 above/ over
맨 위의 the uppermost
🤏🤏점점 gradually/ increasingly
Examples I found on Naver:
점점 더 워지다 be getting hotter
길은 점점 험해졌다 the road became steeper and steeper
점점 희미해지다 fade away
⏰그때 1.) that time/ those days 2.) at the time
Examples I found on Naver: 
좋아요, 그럼 그때 봐요 okay, I’ll see you then.
마침 그때 just at the moment
그때까지 by that time/ theretofore
처럼 like/ as though/ as if
I found these examples on Naver
돈을 물처럼 쓰다 spend money like water
평소처럼 as usual
그는 억만장자나 된 것처럼 말한다 he talks as if he’s a billionaire
너처럼 just like you
🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️듯 – a  noun that indicates the speakers guess
I found these examples on Naver
알 듯 말 듯 like I know or not
사실인 듯 이야기하다 speak as if it were true
할 듯 말 듯 like it’s going to do
공기 1.) air 2.) atmosphere
Examples I found on Naver: 
공기를 들이마시다 breathe in/ inhale
공기의 aerial
상큼한 공기 cool crisp air
오염된 공기 polluted air
💖심장 1.) heart 2.) nerve/ cheek/ guts
Examples I found on Naver: 
심장이 빠르게 뛰었다 my heart was pounding
심장의 cardiac
심장이 강하다 be bold/ be cheeky
심장이 약하다 be timid/ faint-hearted
👸🤴당당히 1.) fairly, squarely, grandly, bravely 2.) in a dignified manner/ with pomp and glory
당당히 행동하다 act with confidence
기세가 당당하다 be in high – spirits
⏰순간 A moment / an instant
Examples I found on Naver: 
감동적인 순간 a touching moment
겁나는 순간 a scary moment
긴장된 순간 a tense moment
재미있는 순간 a funny moment
짧은 순간 a brief moment
순간적인 momentary
🌞태양 the sun
태양의 solar
🌋🔥타버린 burnt – out
🧭새벽녘 around dawn/ towards dawn
🔍거울 mirror
Examples I found on Naver:
손거울 hand mirror
전신거울 full-size mirror
백미러 rearview mirror
거울을 보다 Look into a mirror
My examples: 오늘은 시장에서 예쁜 손거울이 샀어요. I bought a pretty hand mirror at the market today.
😁얼굴 Face
Example I found on Naver: 
얼굴을 씻다 wash own face
얼굴을 찡그리다 grimace/ frown/scowl
각진 얼굴 angular shaped face
계란형 얼굴 oval shaped face
둥근 얼굴 round shaped face
My examples: 그 배우는 정말 각진 얼굴이 있지! 그는 광대뼈들은 칼 같아요!   The actor has such an angular face! His cheekbones are like knives! (Sorry, sorry I know my examples are kinda out there...but daymn this imaginary actor sounds SHARP!) 
🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️누구 1.) who 2.) somebody’s 3.) I
Examples I found on Naver: 
누구 차례입니까? Whose turn is it?
누구 놀리니? Are you kidding me?
누구 앞에서 함부로 입을 놀려? You have no idea who you're talking to (A little bit of a sass mouth *snap snap*)
There we go guys another weeks study list completed! I hope you guys had fun reading it and find it helpful for studying with. Just a heads up though, I’m still a beginner so my translations may be a little rusty! Thank God for Naver dictionary and it’s plentiful examples! Also for all the words I break down here, I recommend searching for them on the Naver dictionary cos there a ton more examples and example sentences. 
I have also used Verbix to help find the verb conjugations. 
Right I’m off now to sing this song again  into my wooden spoon and pretend I’m in a 노래방. (I’m so sorry neighbours! Please forgive me for my horrendous singing!) 😅
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Happy Studying! x 
Gifs: are not created by me. All credit should go to the original creators. I just found the gifs on tumblr. 
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etto-etto · 5 years
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・Name: Raya ・Nickname: mango ・Pronouns: she/her ・MBTI: INFJ ・Location: Western WA ・Native language: English ・Target languages:
JAPANESE | As of this week I started studying grammar from Genki 2! Since starting out last year I feel like I’ve been making some pretty good and steady progress, and learning the grammar is probably the part that makes Japanese the most fun for me. I started learning primarily because I wanted to read certain books and manga, but also because I’d love to watch more dramas and films that aren’t subbed in English---and I still do. But recently my motivation has been more fired up by wanting to communicate better with my Japanese Twitter moots. 💛
GERMAN | Best not to ask! ha ha. German is just a genuine struggle that I refuse to give up on. I studied German for a year at college, but I was dumber than heck with a lack of study skills and was more focused on my nursing pre-reqs. Afterward, I threw out all of my notes (why??!!) and didn’t practice for several years. I finally picked it back up as self-study last year, but the progress is slow and bumpy. ATM I am reworking through my old textbook while using Nicos Weg as listening and vocab practice. I find German particularly difficult, and I’m frustrated by what I perceive as a lack of progress, but to give up would feel gutting. I hope my persistence pays off someday, and that I’ll be able to read and watch content in Deutsch with the skill of an intermediate. My DE langblr is @vollzeit-kaffee
KOREAN |  Hey, I just started this week! 🇰🇷👋 I’m learning with one of my Twitter friends, and we’ll be working through TTMIK Level 1 soon. For now it’s all about hangul (until my textbook arrives!). I don’t think I’ll make a langblr for this, but for anyone who wants to keep tabs on my progress:  I will probably keep a study log with resources I find and use at my WP blog. I don’t have any specific language goals or motivations, but I’ve wanted to learn for a while and I think it will be lots of fun to see our progress grow together. 
Other: ・ I am on school hiatus for various reasons, but I hope to apply and be accepted into the nursing program within the next two years. otherwise I have to re-take A&P, yikes! ATM, I am most interested in trauma and OR (operating room) nursing.
・ as a fun fact: I used to want to be an English lit major and had aspirations of becoming a writer and loveloveloved to read. 
・ I still love reading, but I don’t have as much time these days. I’m a big fan of fantasy and sci-fi. Feel free to add me on GR if you want.
・ I’m not a great baker or cook, but I like finding new recipes to try! I usually share my endeavors on instagram. You’re welcome to add me on IG; I just usually don’t share mine publicly.
・ I’m an ATLA and Grishaverse nerd. Sailor Moon and FMA(:B) to a lesser extent, but still a nerd. 
・ I have eclectic taste that knows no borders, but I’ve always enjoyed watching Asian dramas. Especially Korean and Japanese! My top two favorites gotta be Misaeng and Juhan Shuttai.
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leggomylino · 5 years
A random 한국어 lesson bc I gotta practice somehow
...Maybe I’ll make a langblr honestly :00 that would probably be super useful for meeting people to practice with!
Anyway, I gotta practice somehow so feel free to ignore this, but if you’ve ever wanted to learn even a tiny bit of Korean I’m gonna probs start randomly posting mini lessons on what I’ve learned and break them down to be as fast and basic and easy to understand as possible! So without further ado here we go:
BUT FIRST!! DISCLAIMER!!!! I am by no means fluent AT ALL, I’m a LONG WAY from there. I can read and pronounce most of the sounds and I know some basic sentence structure and vocab, that’s it. I’ve just made it past TTMIK’s Level One course and I started Level Two the other day, there are like Ten levels and over a hundred (maybe two hundred) lessons so I’m very much still a beginner and have much to learn. But I’ve gotten a lot of mutuals who have told me they want to learn Korean as well but simply don’t have the time or don’t know where to start, so this is not only for myself to review but to help them get a leg to stand on. If you are fluent or a fellow student and see that I’ve made a mistake or have something to add, please by all means call me out on it and let me know! I feel pretty good about reviewing level one like crazy but everyone makes mistakes 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ll be sure to fact check before posting each time as well!
Okay now on to the mini lesson! I think I’ll go in order and we’ll start with Lesson One, Level One:
안녕하세요! -> Hi/Hello/Good Afternoon/How are you?
This, as many kpop and culture fans know, is the standard greeting when you want to say hello. c: 안녕 means “peace/health/well-being” and “하세요” means “please do/you do?” so together it’s sort of like saying “are you well?” To me it’s always sounded like “peace be with you”. 💓 (romanization: an-nyeong-ha-se-yo)
Note: Korean has a lot of nasal sounds that aren’t in the English language, and the best way I can describe it is that it’s sort of like speaking through your nose a bit? Ask me if you need a pronunciation guide, it took me some getting used to and I’m still working on it in some ways myself teehee ^^”)
감사합니다 -> Thank you
감사 on its own means “appreciation, thankfulness, and gratitude”, and you can use it by itself (but you should only do so with close friends/family and in situations of *age appropriation). 합니다 means “I do” or “I am doing” in polite, formal korean (or 존댓말); together it expresses thankfulness in the most common and universally safe form. (Romanization: gam-sa-ham-ni-da) ✨
Note: In Korean, while there are a few different ways to directly say “you,” it’s not used in the same way as it is in English and in most cases it’s quite rude to say outright. In most cases, saying “I” or “you,” “he” or “she” is omitted because it’s easy to guess who you’re talking to or about based on context. This sounds a bit confusing and I was honestly a bit alarmed at first myself, but once you study the language more it starts to make sense and you realize “wow it really is easy to guess who we’re talking about.”
I will also be adding the Sample Conversations included at the end of each lesson for reference! With translations, of course:
A: 안녕하세요. (Hello.)
B: 안녕하세요. (Hello.)
A: 여기요. (Here you go. “여기” (yeo-gi) means “here,” and when holding out an object it can easily be translated as “here you go” or “here you are”. The extra 요 (yo) on the end is thrown on to be polite. Most standard polite sentences will end with 요, and you can remove it if you want to sound more casual (at your own risk! This is for friends and family with *age appropriateness only!!))
B: 감사합니다. (Thank you.)
* Age Appropriation refers to the heirarchy within the culture. You should only speak 반말 (ban-mal), or casual language, with people that are the same age or younger than you once ages have been established. Otherwise it’s best and safest to speak 존댓말 (jon-daen-mal), or polite/formal language. There are also some situations where you may need to use an even more formal level (such as when speaking to elders), but the safest universal bet is to just stick to 존댓말. In other words, when in doubt, smack a 요 on the end! This works for most of the language, with a few exceptions I’m sure 😂😅
Alright! That’s it for now! 감사합니다 여러분! (yeo-reo-bun = everyone) 💓
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kimminstudying · 5 years
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Note: I’m pretty sure I made this list last summer and since school finally over I figured I would reflect on these and see how well I did and how I could improve. Linked below is the original post that has all of the goals I will be talking about, but since I write them down here I’m sure you don’t need to read it to understand what I am talking about, but I put it there just in case. This is just a review of my goals from last year, I will create a separate post for my new goals for this summer and next year. 
The Original Post
⊳ Money
Goal #1: Work towards saving more of your paychecks ✓
I did a good job of saving money, but I went back and forth as time went on. During the summer I would spend money at work during my breaks but I was making way more than I am currently during the school year. I would still spend money like I was when I was making more, but when I learned that I got better at budgeting my cash. 
Now that I have a car and have a monthly bill for it as well as gas, I am getting better at saving the money I need for the said bill. 
I plan on moving out within the year so I need to save up as much as I possibly can. I am moving out with two of my best friends, if all goes as planned, we will be splitting rent and bills between the three of us. 
Goal #2: Put half of checking into a savings account on payday ✖ I did this for a while, but then I saw that it wasn’t really helping me as much as I thought it would. I would end up having like $6 in my checking account before payday comes so I didn’t see a point in just transferring $3 when I was going to get more of it, so what I did was estimate how much money I would need for the week and then put the rest in savings. If I knew I was going out or had bills to pay during that week, I would leave that money in the account. This proved to work way better for me than what I had originally planned to do. 
What I ended up doing was creating a separate savings account for my new house/apartment so I had an emergency account and a moving out account. I would only use my emergency account for things like bills, unpredicted expenses, or big purchases such as a new laptop for school and blogging. But I keep it at $500, just in case I needed it. Right now it’s at like $450 since I needed to pay my car bill and I didn’t work much this week, but what I do is I rebuild it as fast as possible and hopefully, I do not need to take more money out of it.
When I am rebuilding my emergency fund, not as much or no money goes into my “moving out” account, so I am more motivated to save money so I can get both accounts back in order. I am going back to my old job this summer, since it is seasonal work, and I know I am going to be working close to 40 hours a week since I will be 18 they would work me as much as possible, which I like since it’s a job I love with wonderful coworkers. Not to mention we get so many gift cards it’s not even funny. We all love free money. 
*Update: My family has encouraged me to stay home while I am studying at a college that I am commuting to. My father said he won’t charge me rent as long as he can afford to keep me at home and even if he does it won’t be more than $100 a month which he and I agreed on for a price. That account is now for saving up for a new car. 
Goal #3: Have a spending limit when going out ✓
This goes along with what I was saying before about leaving money in my checking account if I have plans to spend it. I like planning my week out and so I tell my friends if they want to make plans they need to do it a few days in advance so I can see if I don’t have work or scheduled time to study, since I am the “nerd” if my group, all of my friends respect how I plan things. 
They also respect when I tell them I don’t have money to go out. Sometimes I’d rather save my money than use it on movie tickets, of course with the occasional splurge here and there on a new pair of shoes or a delicious dinner. When times get like that, we all agree to do something else that is either really cheap or free, such as having a sleepover or going to the park. 
Goal #4: Establish an “okay amount” to spend daily on coffee, breakfast, etc. ✖
I also did this for a little while, putting away $15 every check to get coffee in the morning before school. Since saving money is a learning experience, I’m messing up now rather than ten or twenty years from now. Doing this put be at risk for developing bad spending habits, $3-$4 a day adds up way faster than you think, the next thing you know you’re spending over $50 in a month for morning coffee runs. Now I’m not saying I never go to buy food and coffee before or after school, sometimes it’s great to treat yourself by doing so. Typically, I buy creamers and coffee grounds to make at home and sometimes I’ll buy a bundle of bananas to last me the week. I saw that not only did it save me money, it also saved me about a half hour in the morning. Meaning a half hour more of sleep. 
While my coffee brews I walk my dog for a few minutes so she can go to the bathroom before everyone else in the house wakes up, and I start my car so it can run a bit before I leave. This is especially good since where I live the weather is unpredictable and it can frost over my windows at any time. If I catch this early enough I can defrost my windows before I go to school.
For about a month I would do something called “Fuck it Friday” where I bought coffee, snacks, whatever I wanted since I get paid every Friday. I saw that when I did this, I would just end up spending the amount I typically would in a whole week in one day, so I quickly stopped doing that and I plan on going back to making coffee at home. Goal #5: Add spare change to change dispenser in car ✖
I don’t use cash that often, which means I don’t really get change, but when I do have some lying around, it normally goes right into a bank I have in my room. When I have change in my car, I do tend to put it into the dispenser but then I’ll sometimes use it to give to the people asking for spare change or to buy a piece of candy at the store.
⊳ Languages
Goal #1: Take review notes of language material learned over the summer ✓
I did a really good job over the summer with posting a lot here, at least in my opinion, but when the school year started I posted a little less. In my first semester, I had a bit more time to post multiple times a week for multiple blogs, but when the second semester hit I began to prioritize my schooling over languages and blogs. I started to post at least once a week, but I noticed my language learning for Korean and Italian has gone down a lot because of it.
I take French in school so I practice it every day, and there are so many French posts I have drafted I’m in love. During the summer I worked more on Italian and Korean since my French was already way way way better, and I knew I would be taking it as a class during the school year.  Goal #2: Listen to podcasts in the halls instead of music ✖
I really was going to do this, but right as summer ended I lost my apple headphones and I was not going to spend thirty dollars or so to get new ones, so I just didn’t have podcasts. I have my old phone, which is a Samsung, for music so I just used that with regular headphones.
Even when I got apple headphones from my dad’s fiancee, I still didn’t really listen to podcasts. I think it’s because I don’t want to start a new one or a new audio lesson if I am just walking three minutes to my next class. When I go back to my old job, however, that’ll change. It’s part of a program with my school for getting students into the workforce, so there is a bus that provides us with transport. I have a 45-minute ride there and an over 2-hour long ride back. No excuses to not listen to a podcast or two!
Goal #3: Mondly/Duolingo and Lingodeer during breakfast/as a part of your morning routine ✖
I used to be really good at doing these daily, but then I lost motivation. Even before I would never have a long streak, but I would just try to do it as often as possible to make up for it. There was a time where I didn’t even look at these apps for over a month, but I didn’t notice much of a change in my language comprehension. But I want to get back into it since I don’t have a lot of time now to sit down and do a couple of grammar lessons.  Goal #4: Post weekly to studyblr/langblr for Italian and Korean review notes of what you studied over the summer. ✓
Again, I feel like I did a better job with this during the summer and my first semester of this year. I have several vocab lists saved just in case I don’t feel like studying but I need to do my weekly post. There are some times when I’ll be really motivated for no reason and just make like twelve vocab lists and I draft them for future use.
⊳ Health/Lifestyle
Goal # 1: Wake up at 6am ✓
Waking up early does not equal productivity, I learned that the hard way. I wake up that early for school, but during the weekends or on breaks I wake up normally at 8-9am if I don’t have to work that morning, which I rarely do since I work the night shift (typically around 1-12am I work). 
Goal # 2: Go to bed at 10pm - 11pm ✖
If I am not working I go to bed at around 11pm at the latest, but there are some nights I get home at around 11:30 so I don’t sleep until 1-2am. This is usually weekends so I don’t have an issue since in my state it’s illegal to work minors after 10pm on a school night and 11pm on a weekend. 
But now that I’m 18 and it’s summer, I can anticipate a lot of overnight shifts or longer hours! I’m not complaining, I’d rather work at night than in the daytime anyway. 
Goal # 3: 5-minute workouts or 10-minute abs in the morning and evening or after school  ✖ Hahaha, I never did this. I’m never gonna do this.   Goal # 4: Floss more ✖ Not happening either, that’s too much man. It’s not that big in my life to floss, even if my dentist tells me to do it more. I have no cavities, no gum issues, so I’m good. Goal # 5: Take your medicines daily ✓ This I’ll admit, I need to do more. Sometimes I’ll go a few days without my meds, but it’s not important that I take them daily, since they are “as needed” medicines. I should take them at least every other day, but I am getting better at that.  Goal # 6: Morning and Nightly Skin Care Routine ✓ I started off slow by only doing my routine in the morning and then occasionally going a nightly routine. My skin is really sensitive so this worked for me, putting on too much product would either make my skin too dry or too oily. If the weather is affecting my skin, I’ll add on an extra moisturizer if need be. 
Basically, I only do a night time routine when I get home from work or school late and my face feels really gross. Since I shower at night I wash my face with a gentle cleanser in the shower. That’s usually it. 
Goal # 7: Face mask while you study ✓   Doing facemasks too often also negatively affects my skin as well. I normally do one when I’m with my friends or when my skin really needs it. 
Goal # 8: Drink more water ✖
Again, I need to do this way more often than I do. I think this is mainly because the water fountains at my school are utterly disgusting. I don’t know if it’s because our school is under construction, but it’s always been gross if I remember correctly. 
⊳ School
Goal #1: SAT Fee Waiver ✓ 
THIS SAVES LIVES. At my school, if you have free or reduced lunch, you get fee waivers for all sorts of things. AP Exams, Applications, even SAT Exams. You only get two for the SAT so you need to use them wisely. Most students don’t even know that their school offers fee waivers that either cover costs completely or reduce the fee. Make sure you ask, it doesn’t do any harm!
Goal #2: October SAT  ✓
I took the October SAT and got a 1050, which is way over than what the school I wish to go to is asking for. Then I retook the exam in June since I had one more waiver left, and I got a 1080. Now the college I want to go to has a 960 SAT Average and I needed at least a 500 on the Math and English portions to be exempt from the entrance exams.
Goal #3: Research application deadlines ✓ My school was a big help with this, especially since I’m starting at community college for my first two years. I’m accepted as a student and have already selected my classes, but there were some issues with my FASFA that I still need to resolve.  Goal #4: Check scholarship board ✓ My school was also a big help with this as well, they print out all the available scholarships for that month, the criteria, AND the due dates! All I had to do was complete the applications, no fishing for free money. 
Goal #5: Study at least 15 minutes a day ✓
I was strong with this with my first semester classes, since I enjoyed the work and had daily tasks I needed to do for one of the classes. When the second semester came, things changed. Most of my classes are easy, no homework and very little classwork that I got done early. All but AP Calc. 
The way my teacher is, he doesn’t grade the problem sets he assigns. He’ll give us class participation points if we are working in class, but the problems are mainly for our own benefit. I don’t let myself not do the problems just because I won’t get a grade I’m struggling in that class now and I do all that I can to bring my grade up, but it’s not really doing much. If this is the only class I fail, then I’m glad it's AP Calculus AB and not English or something. I don’t need calc to graduate or to still obtain scholarships, it was an extra class I regret taking. 
⊳ Misc.
Goal #1: Watch more Netflix when stressed ✓ I found that I’m not much of a TV or Show person unless it’s a really good show that I get hooked on. I’d much rather destress by having time to myself and browsing social media for hours.  Goal #2: Take your time with everything ✓ This allowed me to get better with time management, taking things slow, thinking carefully, and making myself okay with the idea of rescheduling plans. Goal #3: Think before you speak/act ✓ Doing this made me do things I was glad I did and knew I would never do if I hadn’t thought it out. I became the friend who would do and say the things everyone else was afraid of.  Goal #4: Try listening to others about their day ✓ This kind of went along with the goals #2 and #3 but this also worked out for me and I feel it made me somewhat of a better person??? Yea, just listen to people when they talk to you and ask them questions. Let them know you care about them, you don’t know how much it could raise their spirits.  Goal #5: Attend Coalition meeting (every third Friday) ✖ As much as I wanted to, I could not attend meetings. I didn’t have an adult representative from my school to escort me and possibly other students, therefore I could not attend meetings. 
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bts-studyblr · 5 years
a (long) life update
<it’s 2:24 am and i’m too lazy to go back and fix any errors so let’s hope 2 am me didn’t make an grammer mistakes (she probs did tho so sorry in advance)>
oof i don’t know where to start. ig i can start with apologizing for not updating for like months oops but this past year has definitely been very busy and different but very amazing. i started college last year and this past year has been me getting use to this new life style and basically growing up and adulting.
with college tho, i realized that i didn’t have the amount of free time that i needed to do all the things i want to do. this is the reason i haven’t updated at all, i never had time to study korean or spanish or make a “cute” notes so i never felt like i had any content to post. and one might think that squeezing in some time for korean everyday (or every other day) is not that bad and ur not completely wrong but the thing is i discovered a huge flaw about myself in the past year. and it’s that i want to do EVERYTHING. like i just don’t want to learn many languages (like korean, spanish, japanese, and asl) but i also want to improve my art, learn to dance, learn to play the ukulele and piano and many more things. i cant seem to focus on one or two things and try to do them all. this gives me little time to practice every thing and i eventually give up on all of them bc i see no improvement. i’ve realized this summer that even though it will break my heart, i need to put some of hobbies on hold for now and i need to focus on one or two.
what does this mean for this blog? don’t worry, i plan on coming back on here soon and start updating way more!! i also plan on posting on studygram too! sadly tho, i will being taking a break from languages for now. but for dw to all those who followed me for the langblr side of my blog, i will still reblog language related post to help u guys with ur studies <3 i just won’t be learning along side with u guys :( i will still be posting studyblr related post about my college classes once i start my second year this sept again!! my major is comp sci so expect some comp sci related post!! i will also have updates on the hobbies i decided to focus on for rn! so what hobbies did i decided to keep u ask? first i want to focus on my art. i want to learn and improve many art mediums!! my first year of college, i started to dance and i would like to continue learning so that’s the second hobby i will focus on! the last hobby is not so much as a hobby where i am trying to improve but just a hobby i want to do more of for fun, which is reading. for the past year i have had the WORSE reading slump, and luckily this summer i have got out of it (thanks to readathons, bless them) and i would like to continue this. i will probs replace my youtube and netflix time with reading instead! so expect lots of reading updates!!
this ended up longer than i thought lol i had a lot to say. putting some things on hold is making me feel like i failed but i know this is for the best. so if u guys ever feel overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to take a step back and take things more slowly. love u guys and i wish u all the best!!
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stuclyblrs · 6 years
hi, would you have any tips on getting started with chinese? i would love to have a tutor and i think that would be the best way of learning but im completely broke, so which other ways would be good? i know its super difficult and im a complete beginner so i have no idea about pronunciation or symbols or anything so i need a good place to start. Thanks!
你好! so sorry about the late reply!! i started studying chinese with classes at uni so im not 100% the best person to ask about self-studying but i’ll do my best !!!
first learn pinyin and tones
pinyin actually isnt as hard as it seems tbh tones on the other hand are something i struggle a lot with even after a semester of college level chinese so dedicate a lot of time to this !! i recommend this playlist by yoyo chinese/yangyang chen. the first several videos cover tones which is followed by pinyin itself. i also recommend this video by her as more pinyin review (its very lengthy so i recommend watching it in chunks) and this video by her for tone practice. she also has a pinyin chart which is soooooo helpful! it has audio recordings of each syllable w/ the 4 tones + quick videos for the harder syllables (strongly recommend her youtube channel in general)
writing/learning characters
this basically comes down to practice practice practice !!! when ever you learn a new character look up the stroke order and only write it that way. it will make your characters look nicer and if you write the same way every time you’ll build muscle memory making it much easier to remember (writing characters that you’ve studied will come naturally this way) i use this website to look up stroke order for each character (you can look up the rules for stroke order but tbh i dont understand them so i just look up for each character). i suggest learning the 40 most common radicals first. understanding these will make learning meanings of new characters easier.
in terms of actually practicing i strongly do not recommend flashcards. i think flashcards are great for vocab in any other language but not chinese. they’ll help you recognize characters and associate them with meaning and pronunciation but when you go to write you’ll blank out (if you only look at the pinyin/meaning side and write the characters i think they’re okay but its kind of a lot of work) when i learn new words, i would write out about two lines worth of the character over and over again (i usually used printer paper rather than lined cause some characters are big and its kind of a squeeze - many people use hanzi grids to write). once i did that for every character in the lesson, i would write out the dialogue once or twice. after this i would look at the pinyin for the dialogue (covering the characters) and write it out again a few times until i made sure that i remembered every character. i like doing this because it ensure that i actually know the character and then im learning it in context rather than just knowing meaning. i also then look at the dialogue and write the whole thing in pinyin (covering the pinyin and looking at the characters) just to make sure i remember that too!
for self studying i think getting a textbook and following it is one of the best ways to learn. it will have vocab and grammar that goes with it and will allow you to stick to a more precise learning schedule rather than getting lost on what you should study and what order to learn things. there are a lot of different books so i would look at ones that interest you and read reviews/watch video reviews on youtube to determine which is the best to use
the only textbook ive used is integrated chinese since thats what we used in class and i believe its a very popular one to use but i havent used anything else so i dont have anything to compare it to. there is a pdf of the third version here (dont think there are major differences between the third and fourth tho) i have seen people say that its not super good w/out a teacher but idk :// i feel like how my professor taught class wasnt completely based on the book - more her taking the vocab/grammar in each lesson and then making her own explanations/lessons based on that
other textbooks that i have pdfs on (have never used so cant give opinion on)
modern mandarin chinese grammar and a workbook (original post)
folder with a lot of stuff (original post)
another folder with a lot of books (original post)
helpful apps
pleco - dictionary app that includes simplified and traditional, example sentences and audio recordings of the words
hellotalk - im using this for korean rn and have had a general positive experience with it ! you can talk to native speakers learning english w/ the chat function and post “moments” publicly for others to correct. its super easy to correct sentences w/in the app (some people have had issues w/ this app in terms of people only contacting them to try and date but i havent encountered that yet) i used the moments feature a lot to post scripts and other writings for class so someone can look over it before i handed it in :^)
chineseskill - i actually havent used this yet but pretty much every chinese langblr recommends it! chinese duolingo essentially
some various other things that might be helpful for studying !
if ur interested my general tag for chinese, vocab, and grammar
favorite blogs @liu-anhuaming and @langblog
making a langblr/studyblr !! its fun, theres lots of resources, vocab lists, other people learning on here and making ur own posts is helpful in seeing where you lack some understanding about certain topics and for learning new vocab 
listen to music and watch tv shows/movies! its good for listening practice and lets you learn more in context
reading practice site - has different levels, you can hover over words for instant translation, and there is an explanation of more complex grammar
masterposts that i like (x) (x)
i hope this is helpful and if you have any more questions please feel free to message me again. good luck with your studies 加油!
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wenstudies-blog · 6 years
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hello i’m xiwen and I decided i’d make a langblr/studyblr to help keep me motivated and on track! here’s a little bit about myself!
– basic info xiwen (熙雯) esfj-a fifteen 9th grade australian
– learning japanese (B1) mandarin (A1) korean (A1) + more to come
– interests/hobbies photography reading + writing graphic design kpop/cpop/jpop kdramas/cdramas
feel free to msg me/send an ask in any language i’m learning or just english, have a wonderful day!
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vanteslens · 7 years
how i’m learning korean masterpost ✨
* most of these are english-korean but i also use an amino app community to learn korean from brazilian-portuguese (my mother language). i will put these two in the end of the post since majority of people who follows me speaks english.
안녕하세요 여러분! let’s learn korean together 💜
1. apps that i’m using but i’ll link more apps: (from google play)
LingoDeer app // im going to be honest with you: the only downside this app have is that it’s only english so you have to know english to learn. i really love this app and i can’t believe it’s free because all the feautures are so good! you can learn not only writing, listening but also speaking! imo i took off the romanization after learning the alphabet and it’s been life changing.
Drops app // i like this but there’s a major downside: you have to wait 10 hours to play 5 minutes (it isn’t cumulative, this is for free version) but you can get extra minutes if you go everyday. then why i like it? i can learn in my mother tongue and the app is VERY visual. i believe that using images are very good to learn a new language because instead of translate the word in my head, i associate with a situation so the thinking process feels faster (imo).
Duolingo app // who doesn’t know duolingo?? now there’s a beta version of korean. this time i’ll also ask you guys to use the desktop version (on computer) because there’s a lot of tips for each level(?) and it makes more easy. since it’s a beta version, i felt like it needs more development (as in take things more easily idk if it was just me but it was too much to learn in little levels and less visual stuff?? compare it w the french/spanish that you will understand better what i said). anyway it’s also very good esp the tips!! 
Korean Word Search // i love this game! esp because it doesn’t “translate” the words. i know you must be looking at me like i’m crazy but listen... there’s a lot of subjects and you can use hangul or romatization but i always use hangul. then i choose animal for example, so i’ll find the word and instead of translating as a word, it shows a pic of that animal. as i said on the drops app, i love when it’s more visual and helps me to fix new words while having fun. the downside is that the app doesn’t “read” the word do you’ll have to search how to pronounce it.
KOKO & KOKO Letter // i like this app because the learning is around a situation so it can be about “greetings” , “hotel” or even “health” “how to order food” “recommended souvenir” which i believe that it’s very helpful if you want to visit south korea. i like themed situations, sound fun to learn as if you were in this situation. some people reported that the pronounce is bugged but they updated it so i guess it’s better now (i never had problems w it). the letter version is very helpful to know how to pronounce each korean syllable / jamo (aka like syllables blocks). i use it to search how to pronounce a new jamo  but the downside is that this app is very limited even tho it helps me a lot sometimes.
Eggbun app // it’s very good! also it have in built hangul keyboard which makes even more efficient to learn (imo). however it’s very few stuff you can learn for free. if you have money, this one you can bet your money on. 
+ Tinycards app which isn’t about learning languages yet you can make your own flashcards for free.
those above are the ones i use on my phone but you can see more here:
Free Apps For Learning Korean by @koreanstudytips
2. websites but mostly tumblrs:
@koreanstudytips // @h-eonno // @vocabwithbts // @miharusblog // @iamlearningkorean // @study-korean // @myhangulangblr // @bulletproof-korean // @hangulstudy // @19tc // those are the ones i follow that is about learning korean (i hope you guys don’t mind being tagged)
this post have all the bts translation updates by @bts-fc // i like to test my skills with their translation posts
@bangtanbighit i love this blog translation page esp the fansign stuff is so funny!
korean online keyboard
i tag #korean to hangul / cultural stuff i rb here and i track #korean language  #korean langblr #korean study #korean learning on tumblr search.
3. youtubers!! finally the last topic
sweetandtastyTV // i love the word of the week series and tons of good content! 
Talk To Me In Korean // name self explanatory haha
Conversational Korean // to visual learners like myself
bellow it’s more random content than actual class:
데이브 The World of Dave // i like his videos and he made a video w a brazilian youtuber i follow and it was so funny, that’s how i found his channel amshgdh
Korean Unnie 한국언니 // she made a lyrics breakdown of jungkook version of the stylish tomato song asjdhsgdf  
WooLara Company // i love her so much! she have a brazilian boyfriend so she speaks korean, english and portuguese what a queen
Liah Yoo 리아유 // i love her skin care tips! my fav skin care youtuber!
ssin 씬님 & PONY Syndrome // makeup 💅💄
The SCOOP 더스쿱 // you love art attack?? then this is for you!
EJ recipe 이제이레시피 & HANSE 한세  &  ARIKITCHEN (아리키친) // food, food, food. the last one made bt21 themed cookies.
that’s all! i hope you like it! 💜 안녕히 계세요 여러분! 
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shallotstudies-blog · 7 years
- Introductions -
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Hello! ☆
I’m Aysha ^^. I thought, for my first post, it would be a good idea to introduce myself to this lovely community and share the above picture of a small lonely cloud friend as an offering. I’ve been following the studyblr/langblr community for a couple years now and I’ve found it to be a great source of much needed motivation. So now, here I am, hoping you all accept me as one of your own. 🙏🏽
Just to get some basic formalities out of the way, here’s a bit about me:
I’m 18, born in the cold winters of February ’99.
I live in the north of England (almost Scotland, let’s be real).
I’m in my first year of university and I study psychology.
Also, disclaimer: my handwriting sucks. 
I think I’d like to work towards becoming a clinical psychologist.
Perhaps even specialise in addiction, who knows?
Either way, it’s going to be a long road as far as I can tell, and I think it’d be cool to document and share it in this way. I’ll try to include all the ups and downs and the mundane in-betweens. I also might eventually adopt a cat, so there’s a thing to look forward to * fingers crossed *. 
Hobbies & Interests:
Languages! I love languages. To simplify things, some languages that float through my head with varying degrees of fluency include: Bengali, Korean, Arabic and a bit of Hindi. 
Reading, my favourite pastime.
Being a plant mum.
All the teas.
Some Small Personal Goals for the Rest of this Semester:
My driving test is coming up, so I’m hoping I pass the first time around. 
I’d like to volunteer at a mental health related organisation.
Do my best on my assignments.
Meditate more often.
Make progress with Korean especially.
Make more plant friends.
🍀 🍀 🍀
And, I guess that’s it from me. Feel free to send me an ask or a message 🌷. Like/reblog if you’d like, so I can follow you – I’d love to make some new studyblr friends ( ^_^ )人(^O^). I hope you’re all having a lovely day and I wish you well in all your endeavours╰(*´︶`*)╯♡.
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flashstudiess · 7 years
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hi there! my name is Lana and I am new to studyblr so I thought I’d make an intro post.
I am 16 and I am starting my second year of art high school. My education system is different from pretty much almost any so I don’t really know how to explain much about that but feel free to ask me if you want.
I love learning languages, I know Slovene, English, German and I will start studying French in September. I also know a little Japanese and Korean.
As i do go to an art school I am also very interested in art, I mostly draw people, usually with just a pencil.
I decided to join this community to learn new things and get inspired.
I start school on September 1st so don’t expect any original content until then.
Here are some of my favourite studyblr blogs:
 @kiyoko-studies @birdkostudies @studywithinspo @cielstudies @studyblr @ahrtstudy and I’ve seen a lot more amazing blogs but hadn’t had time to follow them or remember them so this is it for now.
I am also looking for French langblr blogs so if you are one reblog or like this and I will check out your blog.
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Hey there! I’m Netty (they/them), and I’ve decided to finally make a studyblr (after months of thinking about it but not actually doing it). The new school year started for me yesterday, so I thought that I should probably get started before the workload hits. (It’s probably going to end up as a combination studyblr/langblr/fitblr.)
A little bit about me:
I’m an A Level student in England, doing Psychology, Maths, German and Computer Science.
I love learning languages, and I’m currently learning German, Japanese, Korean and Latin.
I don’t have an actual desk. I use the top shelf of a bookcase or the table in the living room.
I share a room with my brothers, aged 15 and 8. We have bunk beds.
I’m not sure yet what I want to study at university, but I definitely want to do a joint major with Linguistics and something else (probably Psychology or a language).
I’m a long-distance runner! I run 3-5 days a week, usually 5km or 10km but sometimes I do more. I usually do a couple of half marathons a month and I did my first marathon in July!
I do speed skating. I’m not competing yet as I’ve not been doing it for long, but I’m really enjoying it because it’s such an adrenaline rush.
I used to do archery competitively, but now I just do it for fun. I injured my wrist a couple of years back and I can’t keep up the amount of training I was doing anymore.
I have several forms of synaesthesia, including grapheme-colour, sound-colour, lexical-gustatory and mirror touch.
I love anime and manga. Like, I’ve watched over 200 anime since I started and I keep a spreadsheet tracking what I’ve watched. I also have charts showing which genres I watch most frequently and I sometimes use these to figure out what to watch next. I never give up on a show that I’ve started, even if it’s awful.
As you can see from my URL and icon, my favourite anime and manga is BNHA. Ojiro is one of my favourite characters ever and he deserves more screen time. I have very detailed headcanons about all the characters’ sexualities and gender identities, feel free to ask me about them.
I’ve got a dog and a cat and I’m allergic to both.
I have several long term health problems including anaemia, low blood pressure, chronic insomnia and epilepsy, so if I’m offline for more than a couple of days I’m probably in hospital.
I’m a vegan (before anyone comments, this is not the cause of my anaemia and I was on iron supplements long before I went vegan).
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prideandpen · 7 years
Thank you so much for tagging me @minkys-studies! I didn’t think I’d get to do this one because I don’t have a ton of langblr friends. (also you’re learning Korean! That’s so exciting! Feel free to message me if you want, maybe we could be study buddies? Or at very least I might be able to point you in the direction of some resources for learning the Hangul)
1. What language/s are/have you studied? Spanish in high school. I tried really hard with French for a while, and I gave Danish a larger chance than I really should have because it really just didn’t go well from the beginning. A few others too, but those are the ones I put the most effort into. (and still didn’t succeed with.) And of course now I’m studying Korean.
2. How long have you been studying? I studied Spanish in school for 3 and a half years. It wasn’t a good fit for me.
Korean I’ve been studying for about 6-7 months now. I’m not as far as I’d like to be yet.
3. Did you learn through class or self-study (or both)? I was/am self study for everything but Spanish (seriously though I shouldn’t even count Spanish in this, I only remember a few sentences.)
4. Why did you decide to learn this language? Learning Korean started as what I assumed would be a passing interest and then I just loved it. It’s a beautiful language, and so expressive. I wish I knew how to explain what it’s like to fall in love with a language. If I ever figure it out I’ll let you know. But that’s why I decided to keep going with it. I fell in love with it.
5. What was a major highlight/milestone in studying this language? Learning through context. Some super simple words/phrases were ones I picked up through watching kdramas. The word for ‘so’ and to ask someone if they’re okay. to ask someone if they’re hurt. Being able to understand parts of a language without actively trying to learn it when you’re not far into the language is such a rush. That and recognizing words/phrases better than the subtitles picked them up. That was the moment I knew that I could really learn this language and do well at it, because I understood a scene better than the subs 
6. What was the hardest thing about studying the language? Vocab. I’m not good with memorization, I find it a little dull being repetitive all the time. so I need ton find ways to challenge myself with it because I get complacent. That and learning the ‘y’ sound characters in the Hangul. I still sometimes mix them up.
7. What resources did you find most useful for studying this language? -There was a comic floating around on Tumblr that got me started with the Hangul that was pretty good (though there was some confusion when I moved on to other sources) -Talk to me in Korean was a big help -Naver dictionary, is obviously esential because it’s a Korean based dictionary rather than an english one. Though still definitely not 100% accurate. I’ve had some entertaining translations -HowToStudyKorean.com is my favorite though. it doesn’t have audio posts which sucks. but the explanations for how the grammar works is really in depth and is a great help in actually understanding the language. -kdramas and kpop (especially music videos that include english subs)
8. Any top tips for studying this language? Recognize that the grammar is so different from English, and that direct translations are going to cause you more harm than good in the long run if you take them seriously.
9. What’s your next major language goal? Vocabulary for sure. I really can’t move past these basic sentence structures without upping my word bank. But I need to find a good method for it. Also learning the proper strokes for how to write the Hangul might be a good idea. Because I can write it pretty well, I just know I’m not doing it the way I’m supposed to.
10. Anything we can do in the Tumblr community to get you there? Be supportive! Ask me how my language studies are going, interact with my language posts. Your positivity about my studies helps me to stay positive about them.  Tell me what you do to memorize vocabulary words and prevent it from feeling boring and repetitive (because my adhd brain just cannot with the repetitive) Seriously for the love of god please someone tell me how to vocabulary other than just flash cards and/or memrise Tags tags! @elphabun, @boothewriter, @presh-s, @whoknowswhatisgoingon, @milktealangblr, @quipsterlotte-studies, @theonejlove, @writerintraining-us (sorry if I tagged anyone not studying a language I was struggling to remember which of my mutuals were language learners and which weren't)
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