justhavingthestories · 3 months
Strange hiccups cause a petite alchemist to grow taller and stronger than her half-giant crush.
Melodie squinted at her grandmother’s ancient alchemy guide. “Does that say one sprig or fifteen twigs?” She decided to split the difference, dropping in a fistful of mirriam and stirring vigorously. This was the first time she’d attempted this particular concoction from the book; it was supposed to settle upset stomachs and soothe colicky children.
“…is it supposed to turn red?” She turned back to check the book, but froze when the caulron let out an omnious bubbling.
The resulting explosion of botched potion rattled windows up and down the little street Melodie’s apothecary was situated on.
Melodie stood motionless for a second, covered in reddish goo. Thankfully, the mess had been mostly blocked from ruining her extensive collection of tomes; unfortunately, her body had been directly in the line of fire.
She flipped the “closed” sign on the window and groaned as she started hiccuping. “Great, my soothing salve turned into a elixir of – hic! – effervescence…”
Luckily, Melodie didn’t have far to go for a change of clothes – she lived directly upstairs, in the cosy apartment above the shop. She hopped up the narrow staircase two steps at a time, a trail of red slime dripping off her slight frame.
As she pulled off the remains of her work smock, she examined herself in the mirror for any permanent damage. 4'11", pale, and very slim, Melodie might have been mistaken for a young boy were it not for the way she kept her long auburn hair in a pair of hip-length braids and the loud, wide skirts she wore. The tiny alchemist appreciated the low ceilings of the small apartment – she only needed a single stepstool to reach the highest shelves.
As she pulled on another loose smock, she frowned as it pinched around her hips oddly. Frowning, she pulled it off and grabbed another one, the largest, loosest cut she owned. “Like wearing a burlap sack,” she muttered as she pulled it on. “The other one must have shrunk last time I did laundry – I wonder if I forgot to clean the cauldron out after I made Agnes that mole reduction potion?”
Annoyed at herself, she decided to take it to the tailor down the street in order to get it let out slightly so she could wear it again. “Won’t do to greet customers looking like a vagabond,” she decided.
The tailor wasn’t there when she arrived, but his assistant, Oak, was. Melodie swallowed hard.
Oak was, if Melodie was being honest with herself, the absolute hottest thing on two legs. The young man was absolutely massive, over seven feet tall and built like an ox, with shoulders wider than Melodie was tall. Rumor in the village was that he had some giant blood in him, and Melodie absolutely believed it. But for all his size, the quiet, patient Oak was apprenticed to the tailor and an absolute wizard with a needle and thread, his fingers nimble and sure.
“Hello, Mel. What brings you by?”
“I think I accidentally shrank my smock. Can you let it out a bit?”
“Sure thing. Elfonse is away at the moment, but I can handle it.” He reached down, plucked the garment from Melodie’s arms, and headed into the back room.
Melodie hiccuped again, louder this time, her heart thumping in her ears.
“You alright?” Oak called from the back room.
“F – hic! – fine,” Melodie said, suddenly feeling pinched. She looked down at her dress, only to see it squeezed quite a bit more tightly around a figure that hadn’t been there before. In the place of her barely-there A-cups, two full-looking breasts rose up and tented the top. And her eye level was definitely no longer right at the top of the counter, anymore, but a good few inches above it.
“The hiccups!” she hissed. “The potion!” She clamped down on her diaphragm, willing herself not to hiccup until she could get back to the shop and brew up a counter-reagent.
She was almost successful – and then Oak came back from the back room with the tag for her smock. As soon as his beefy form came into view, Melodie’s heart started racing again, and a hiccup that she had been trying desperately to hold down positively exploded out of her.
Oak’s eyes widened as Melodie’s body positively erupted with growth. Her smock split down the sides as she shot past six feet tall, falling off her body in tatters. She groaned, blushing wildly, as her waifish form was revealed to her crush.
Except there was nothing waifish about the young alchemist anymore. Where there had been boyish hips and petit breasts, there was now a pair of big, jiggly tits and wide, fecund thighs; her skinny arms and legs were now rippling with muscles. Oak’s jaw dropped open.
“Quick! Help me!” Melodie cried, unsure what else to do. Her hands tried in vain to cover up her unfamiliar body.
Oak turned and ran into the back room as Melodie hiccupped again, setting off another round of swelling and growth. She was shooting up in inches every time she spasmed, and was now nearly eye-level with the half-giant tailor.
What was more unexpected was the muscles. Thick cords of strength were forming all over her body; her biceps were already as big as melons, her thighs like tree-trunks and solid as stone. Her taut midsection was lined with cobblestone-line abdominals, and if she flexed she was sure she could have used them as a washingboard for her clothes.
Oak returned from the back room as Melodie crested eight feet, now towering over the young man and nearing the ceiling of the tailor’s shop. “Drink this!” he said, thrusting forward what looked to be a full-size barrel. Gratefully, Melodie grabbed it in her now much-larger hands and began to chug it down.
Oak watched as the formerly-pixielike alchemist chugged and chugged, her throat bobbing, her breasts heaving as she swallowed again and again. He could feel his cock, already stiff from the view, pressing insistently against his trousers. He’d never seen a woman taller than him – heck, he hadn’t ever met a man taller than him, either – but he certainly like the idea.
Finally, after nearly a full minute, Melodie set down the impromptu drinking glass and took a deep breath. “Thank you, Oak.”
They waited.
And waited.
“…I think that’s it?” Melodie ventured.
“Looks like that cured them,” Oak agreed.
Melodie looked down at herself. “This is… different.” She flexed one enormous arm experimentally. “…but I could get used to it.”
“I like the look,” Oak said, blushing.
“Oh really?” Melodie looked down at the suddenly-dwarfed young man and grinned. “You know, from up here, you’re even cuter than before. Are you interested in helping me… get used to this?” She winked and grinned, and Oak grinned back, his cock now quite evident through his pants.
“Let me get you something to wear first, and then let’s see about what I can teach you.”
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justhavingthestories · 6 months
BombshelI in disguise 2
Today was wonderful! I really had a great time with you. I always love a good beach day. I couldn't help but notice you checking out that particularly busty lifeguard.
No, it's OK, I found her pretty hot myself. So, you do enjoy a little more curves. Along with the fact that you haven't mentioned my gift once since I mentioned it, which is so refreshing, by the way. I've been looking forward to doing this for you. I just like this form because it's easy, there's so many more cute clothes for this body type.
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I went bra shopping the other day, I got a few things I think you might like. Want me to do a little fashion show for you? I've been excited to see that expression on your face again, you know... our first date? As if you were completely in awe of what was happening. It was adorable to see you like that. I can't stop thinking about it. I kinda want to test you.
She's incredible, im so lucky, such a cool, calm, collected little vixen. We had such a great time at the beach, she's so much fun. Very adventurous, playful, and easygoing. What a difference compared to most of the girls I've been with. I wonder what she has planned for me. I was still wrapping my head around what she said about her gift. I figured it was safer to keep my mouth shut and see where it all leads before ruining it by saying something stupid.
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Ok, so this is the first one. What do you think? Do you like me better like this? I think it's pretty cute. Perfect, perky little tits, this is a nice size for me, very manageable. Although, I'm not really getting the response I wanted from you. Give me a few minutes, I'll be right back, make yourself comfortable, I won't be long sweetheart.
This is really happening. This beautiful lady is able to completely alter herself, not just that, but she wants to be with me too. I can't help but wonder, How far can she take it? Is there a limit? What else can she do? I didn't want to ruin this amazing opportunity, I tried desperately to keep my composure.
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Now, how about this one? It's the same size as that lifeguard you tried to nonchalantly gawk at today and....... oh my, that is much more of the response I've been looking for. Are you actually blushing? That's so cute. I usually don't do much bigger than this. These things are so big and heavy, and bounce and jiggle way too much when i walk or do anything. I don't know how women live like this. I can barely see my feet, but when I walked by the mirror just now, I did like how it made me feel like a little goddess. Especially when you stare at me like that, it makes me kinda wet for you. Wait, hold on, I got one last bra to show you.
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These are absolutely ridiculous. They really mess up my balance, i knocked over almost everything on my counter. I'll be honest though, ive never gone this big before and they are super soft and sensitive like this.
This one is strictly for you, though. Fyi, I would never go out like this, I just wanted to see what you truly find sexy and delicious. I wanted to reward you for being such a considerate, thoughtful, kind man.....
Well, I guess I have my answer. You may want to wipe that drool from the corner of your lips. Better yet, come here and let me wipe it for you. Now, this is how I wanted to see you. You're speechless! In complete awe.. I love it!
Now, come over here and help me hold these while I expose that huge bulge in your pants..... Omg!! You're freaking huge! I've never seen one this big before. Can I try to make it disappear in my cleavage? Please!?!
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justhavingthestories · 9 months
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Gains and Progress (xpost r/slimthick)
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justhavingthestories · 9 months
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Rachel had always been rather vain. She loved attention and working out was one of her ways of polishing her body to perfection in order to earn and validate that attention. She was just finishing her most recent workout, another hard day's work at the local gym. She pushed herself further than usual today, and she was feeling it. She felt a little light headed and needed to sit. She put her finger to her ear to pause her wireless earbuds which rebuked her touch with a stinging shock that pulsed through her body. Pain turned to pleasure as the electricity coursed through her.
"Mmph!" She stifled a moan as she felt the electricity radiate down her finger, through her arm, and then from there spread to her whole body, from her suddenly erect nipples down through the tips of her toes. Even her clit felt a tingle pulse through it, forcing her immediately into an aroused state. Rachel's sweat coated skin was suddenly covered in goosebumps as she felt her body heat and tense. "Whaaat theeeee..." She sighed as her body grew ever so slightly. She could feel it. Her muscles tightening and gaining density. Her shoes becoming a little tighter and her top protesting as her breasts grew almost imperceptibly larger. She laid back in her chair panting and whimpering as she felt herself grow wet. Rachel remained in an aroused state of shock for several minutes, trying to slow her breathing and not cause a scene as she slowly came down from her high.
'What the fuck was that?' She thought to herself, slowly standing up and surveying her surroundings to see if anyone was watching what had happened. She figured that no one noticed. Looking around. She could feel that her point of view seemed off. "I'm taller" she whispered out loud. "Like seriously, I can tell. What the fuck." She pressed her chest together. "I'm..bigger too." She teased her still erect nipples and immediately noticed their increased sensitivity. Deciding to Google what had happened, she opened up her gym bag to grab her phone, only to be greeted, once again, by a much more powerful shock to her whole hand. She pulled her hand back, dropping her phone as if she had been a snake that bit her, but it was too late. The phone's battery instantly went from eighty to ten as the power was drained into Rachel, who fell back into her chair as her growth resumed. Much stronger this time, she was unable to hold back the feelings of euphoria overcoming her.
"Fuck fuck mmm...fuck!" She cried out as she gained the attention of her whole gym. She suddenly became quite the spectacle as she bucked her hips against the air and whimpered as the feelings of growth overtook her. She gained another foot in the course of a minute and a half as the staff approached her.
"Ma'am, are you alright?" The man behind the counter asked, genuinely concerned for this patron's well being. As her surge was subsiding she was finally able to stand again. Her top and bottoms were hanging on for dear life as she lifted herself away from the wet spot on the chair that marked her first orgasm of the day.
"I feel great actually. I feel so energized and strong and still kind of horny tbh, not that that part is any of your business. The employee looked from Rachel to the soaked chair then back to Rachel, who stood at an impressive six foot two of solid muscle by now. He blushed and cleared his throat.
"Well I'm glad you seem to be feeling alright miss, but you caused quite a scene and I'm afraid...I have to ask you to leave."
Rachel scowled down at the little man, who was only little to her because she was over six feet tall at this point. "Is that so?" She said defiantly. "I rather liked causing a scene. And these people probably enjoyed the show." She crossed her arms and pouted while drinking in all the stares of the onlookers.
"If you don't leave," the man started, "I'll have to call the police and have them escort you out." He pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it in front of her threateningly.
"I don't think so. Yoink!" She plucked the phone from his hand and held it tightly as the remaining battery life from it poured into her. After this third shock to her system, Rachel was getting used to the feeling of electricity and only felt the pleasure returning with barely any of the sting.
"Get ready for me to cause...mmm..another scene." She moaned, dropping the employees dead phone on the ground before stomping it. She wrapped her arms around herself and began to gyrate and sway while the current flowed through her body. "That's it. UMPH! All eyes on me. These puny clothes aren't gonna last."
As her body processed the juice she jacked from the now crushed phone, she grew a third time. Only another foot, but still enough to turn her into an eight foot tall titaness. She flexed her back and her pecs and her thighs and her top and bottoms tore away with ease. Instead of covering herself in shame, Rachel spread her arms wide to take in the stares of the whole gym. The employee ran behind the counter to use the landline to dial the cops as Rachel let out a satisfied coo followed by hysterical laughter.
"I feel so big and strong now. Just from two little phones. But look at all the equipment in here. Who wants to see if I can suck the juice out of one of these treadmills?" The crowd was mostly quiet and nervous, but a couple gym bros had started changing for her to get bigger. "Well, if you insist." As if the pleasure from growing wasn't getting her off, all the hungry stares and the encouragement were certainly doing the trick. Rachel's crotch was on fire and her exhibition kink was spiking off the charts.
Rachel walked up to one of the idle treadmills and easily placed a foot on either side of the machine. She gingerly touched the rail to see if that would sap the power from the machine. Seeing that it didn't, she placed both hands on either rail and arched her back, sticking her widened ass out playfully and shaking it to give all her viewers a show. 'They're eating it up.' She thought. 'They're going to lose it if this works how I think it will.' "Here goes!" She called out without looking back. She let go of the rails and let both her hands land on the buttons of the machine. The lights in the building began to flicker as the power directly from the breaker box funneled into the machine and then into Rachel.
"Oh fuck!" She cried out as her body suddenly felt overwhelmed by a much more massive spike of electricity than she was ready for. But she braced herself and didn't pull away.
She forced her body to drink in every watt as she moaned and grew. "This feel so...mmm...fucking good! Watch me grow!" Her body started to expand again as her ass grew behind her towards the onlookers. Two, three, four, five feet later and the power went out. Rachel collapsed on the floor, falling with the lifeless treadmill in front of her. Her legs shook as the most powerful orgasm of her life passed through her. "That was amazing." She whispered to herself, suddenly oblivious to her audience and in her own little world. "I need more."
She grabbed the rails of the machine to brace herself as she shakily stood up. A couple of the gym bros hollered and whooped at her, but she was over them at this point. She was chasing a new high. She pushed her hands into the treadmill to make sure it wouldn't give her another jolt. When it refused, she shoved it clear across the gym. Her crowd suddenly grew scared and started to make for the exit, but the automatic doors wouldn't open without power. "Here, let me help." Rachel said, annoyed by her screaming ex-peers. She placed her hands on the sliding doors and tore them off with ease, tossing them into the street and shattering the glass. As if the sound didn't attract the attention from everyone outside, the thirteen foot naked fitness goddess certainly did. As she forced herself out of the building, she began scanning for sources of energy to drain. Her eyes looked up at the power lines and she started drooling at the thought of tapping straight into the source again. She reached for them, but she was still too short. A fact that frankly pissed her off. Too short shouldn't be a thought that could even manifest in her mind, she thought to herself.
Parked on the street were several cars, and Rachel got an idea. She made a motion towards the one closest to her and quickly tore off the hood.
She had attracted a new gathering of people at this point, people clamoring right and left and snapping pics and recording videos ofbtjr giant woman. Truly a wet dream come true for Rachel. But she was ready to be so much more. She just needed a little help reaching those wired. With her super human strength she ripped the battery out of the car and kissed it seductively for the various cameras pointed at her. She immediately felt the battery empty itself unto her through her lips and hands. She moaned against it as she absorbed the little snack. She fell to her knees as the sensation of growth returned to her and she pushed the car away and arched her back as she piled on another four feet. Needing a little extra help this time, Rachel snaked a hand between her slick thighs and rubbed herself to completion before standing, satisfied. She hefted the empty battery in one hand before hurling it clear out of view, putting any quarterback to absolutely shame.
"Good news everyone!" She called out to her massive gathering "I'm finally big enough!" Her crowd seemed confused. "And by big enough," She continued before reaching up and pulling free two wires from the phone pole. "I mean big enough to get way way bigger." She gave her audience the biggest smile in the direction of the most phones pointing at her before touching the wires to her erect nipples like jumper cables, completing the circuit and forcing thousands of volts of pure electricity straight to her system. Where her first shock from her earbuds felt like a sting, this new sensation felt like a warm vibrating caress that started in her engorged tits before spreading through the rest of her like wildfire.
"Oh God!" She cried out, forcing herself to not drop the wires. "This is what I'm fucking talking about! Mmmph! Yes! Mama's gonna suck this while city dry, and you're all gonna watch in awe as I get....bigger...and bigger and....mmmMMM BIGGER!"
Each pause in her speech was accompanied by massive spurts as she grew several feet at a time. She was growing much faster than before now that she had a stable connection to a much greater source of energy.
As Rachel grew, so did her crowd. The police had finally arrived, but there wasn't much they could do to this thirty foot woman now. She stuck out one massive foot and placed it on the nearest squad car, instantly draining its battery and adding it to her already immense form. "Thanks for the additional help." She squealed, pushing the car down the street with her heel. "Mmm, I feel so strong and unstoppable now!" She roared, breaking forty, then fifty feet before the transformer in the phone pole blew out, cutting off her supply. "Oh boo." Rachel pouted, dropping the wires and quickly placing her hands on the other two cop cars for a quick extra few feet of height.
At this point, Rachel's crowd was basically worshipping her massive form, and she couldn't get enough. Camera crews had begun to arrive and set up their equipment so they could be the first to get the scoop on this giantess who was causing such a scene in the city. She bent over and blew them all a big kiss as soon as their equipment switched on.
"Tonight's big story-" one reporter began before getting cut off by Rachel's booming voice.
"Tonight's big story is me!" Rachel bellowed, putting her hands on her hips and pushing out her chest while flashing a big smile. "Well. I guess I'm kind of several stories at this point. And hopefully soon to be more!" Her face was hot and red, but not from embarrassment. Being broadcast over the air while naked and gargantuan was turning her on again. She needed another source of power to resume her growth.
Rachel looked from the downed wires to the blown transformer and then, with her new view above the treeline she followed the series of poles with her eyes all the way to the downtown power station. She could feel a throb starting again between her legs as she licked her lips and thought about what getting her hands on all that raw power would do to her already impossibly large self.
"If you guys want a real headline for tonight, you might want to get the chopper and follow me. I promise you won't be disappointed." Rachel skipped off towards the power station, crushing everything in her path on her way to finish her ascension towards goddesshood.
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justhavingthestories · 11 months
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Going to the gym had been a great idea. Strictly speaking, she hadn’t lost any weight though, over the course of a year. Even though she was working out six days a week! It had just, well, redistributed itself. Gone were her days of large-size T-shirts, but in their place, she was straining 2XL leggings, and it might be time for an upgrade soon. Her torso was slim, fit, her arms flexing with not-unimpressive muscle, her stomach flat.
But her legs were cartoonish. She flexed massive tree-trunk thighs through sets of squats. She jiggled and wobbled her way through hours of cardio. She tried not to do good-mornings when the gym was full–someone had fainted. Her pear shape was on its way from sensuous to awe-inspiring, and no matter how well she counted her calories or how dutifully she did her exercises, it seemed hellbent on increasing to ever-more-ridiculous sizes. She’d heard some of the biggest guys in her gym joke about their goals of not being able to fit through doors. Before long, it was going to be a genuine concern for her.
At the same time though, it felt amazing. Every repositioned ounce felt amazing. Every outgrown pair of panties, hole-filled set of leggings and jeans that simply refused to raise past mid-thigh felt like a badge of honor. She had earned her new body, even if it wasn’t what she’d set out for. She’d happily take it, the dominance and power of her massive legs, the constant, feminine wobble of her cheeks in whatever she managed to cram them into that day. She felt big, but feeling big like this felt good.
((Morph provided by the artist formerly known as BiggerBubbles/TheBootyExpansion, who’s now going by PlumpBubbles. :) ))
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Begining audio recording
As a genetic engineer, and bionics engineer for the military I was used to odd requests, but this one had taken the cake. I was to make special operations Sargent Kimberly Dawn a living weapon without compromising her outward appearance. I started with her requests, she wanted to be able to conceal two 9mm handguns and four magazines for them, she wanted skin as durable and resistant as kevlar, with bones as strong as tungsten. She wanted hyperdense muscles to put her strength on par with four professional power lifters without all the bulk, and she wanted to be taller. All that was dropped on my desk thirteen days before I had to do her surgery.
I started with the easiest, I'd given plenty of agents hyperdense muscle before, hers was just a tad bit more extreme. Increasing the density and starting the rapid synthetic tissue growth process I moved on to a request that may pose a challenge. Her bones could be hardened and reinforced, but to put it on par with tungsten which could survive atmospheric re-entry. I had my work cut out for me. Two days I spent looking over her DNA for lines I could safely alter, and finally after nearly 48 hours of no sleep living on coffee and Cheetos in the lab I found my solution.
Splicing in DNA from a deep sea snail I could trick her body into coating her bones in a metal just as strong as tungsten. Additionally the gene would also provide the framework I needed to reinforce her skin saving me time there. After this and building her new bionic thighs she could hide her weapons in, I was ready to start the augmentation process.
For days she laid in a hospital bed in an induced coma, her body steadily shifting and swelling as it changes. I always warn patients that some changes will occur because of the genetic augmentation that we don't anticipate. Her rapid growth in both her hips and breasts was one such change. However she didn't seem upset when she woke up with breasts bigger than her head or hips as wide as her hospital bed. She seemed overjoyed as she sat up and realized she was no longer a diminutive 5ft 3in but a staggering 6ft 7in tall. She had requested to be taller but I can never fully pinpoint just how much taller a patient will get. She was deployed a month ago and from what I hear her mission to infiltrate and capture an enemy general was a rousing success. Yet for some reason I received a request for more augmentations this morning. All it read was "bigger" with a pink lipstick mark where the signature should be from an officer.
One moment it appears someone is at my door. By God it's her, she's in a micro bikini that barely covers anything. She's ripped the door open!
"Hello doctor, have you reviewed my request? I came by to personally inform you that it was approved by the commanding officer of my unit, he was yelling yes repeatedly when I asked"
End of recording
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I just wore my favorite short red dress to the lab today and thought I wanted to share ☺️
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Welcome, my children. My name is Helena, and I am the Growth Goddess. I scour the world altering the fates of worthy women and grow them into unstoppable giantesses. 🏢🚺🏢
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I hope you enjoy my work! You can find written records of my displays of power listed below:
Most of these women's stories have open endings. Feel free to reblog and continue any one of their stories <3 in fact, I highly encourage it!
EVENT ONGOING (3/20-3/27): With the destruction wreaked back in the previous games, we were forced to move our games to the open ocean in the meantime! Catch Deific Dames II and start betting for your favorite multi-storey giantess!
Giantess Calculator
COG: Cause of Growth
Case Ω: Helena Turner the Goddess (Size: Galactic) - COG: A Mix of Brilliant Sciencse, Ancient Magic, and a bit of Desperation
Case #001: Ysolda the Witch (Size: 80ft.) - COG: Vengeful Enchanted Brew
Case #002: Maria the Liberator (Size: 120ft.) - COG: Botanical Growth Accelerator
Case #003: Lily the Gunslinger (Size: 175ft.) - COG: Ancient Native Growth Stimulant
Case #004: SooYeon the Executive (Size: 1500 ft) - COG: Experimental Super Soldier Serum
Case #005: Megan the Undergrad (Size: 140 ft.) - COG: Extraterrestrial Mineral Crash
Case #006: Lisa the Patient (Size: 225 ft.) - COG: Untested Surgical Procedure
Case #007: Jessica the Intern (Size: 100 ft.) - COG: Unknown Cocktail of Chemicals
Case #008: Rachel the Sleepy (Size: 80 ft.) - COG: Hormone Therapy
Case #009: Sophia the Lupara (Size: 150 ft.) - COG: Underwater Wishing Artifact
Case #010: Eleanor the Maid (Size: 30 ft.) - COG: Witch's Enchantment
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Case #011: Grace the Cowgirl (Size: 100 ft.) - COG: Radioactive Milk
Case #012: Nehru the Protector (Size: 25ft.) - COG: Sacred Jungle Fruit
Case #013: Gwen the Attendant (Size: 350ft.) - COG: Smuggled Growth Serum
Case #014: Anne the Drunk (Size: 180 ft.) - COG: Unknown Drug Reacted with Alcohol
Case #015: Leah the Bashful (Size: 85 ft.) - COG: Livestock Growth Inducer Overdose
Case #016: Amelia the Teacher (Size: 70 ft.) - COG: Just the right dose of lethal radiation
Case #017: Tamara the Mambo (Size: 7550 ft.) - COG:. Favor of the Lwa
Case #018: Lamia the Loyal (Size: 1800 ft.) - COG: Dr. Vander's Legacy
Case #019: Beatrice the Glutton (Size: 40 ft.) - COG: Curse of Gluttony and a Witch's Spell
Case #20: Amy the Biologist (Size: 394 ft.) - COG: Unknown Marine Animal's Venom
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Case #21: Alice the Unhinged (Size: 80 ft.) - COG: A mix of several medications and a trigger drug
Case #22: Daisy the Clown (Size: 75 ft.) - COG: Enchanted Coin from a Mysterious Woman
Case #23: Celestine the Incarnation (Size: 130 ft.) - COG: Possession by an Unknown Entity
Case #24: Sunrise the Bodyguard (Size: 90 ft.) - COG: Experimental Growth Injection
Case #25: Undisclosed
Deific Dames GTS Game Show:
Ep 1 Polls: Maria, Grace, Jessica, Megan
Ep 1 Results Post
Ep 2 Polls: Rachel, Leah, Alice, Daisy
Side Giantesses:
Hobby Project #1: Cosplay Conundrum
Hobby Project #2: Dominance
Hobby Project #3: Teasing Titaness
Hobby Project #4: Totally Spies Spinoff Synopsis
Hobby Project #5: Delilah's Dilemma
Hobby Project #6: Dueling Damsels
Hobby Project #7: Kaiju Haiku
Hobby Project #8: Not Anymore
Hobby Project #9: Courtney Doesn't Swim
Hobby Project #10: Anything for You
Hobby Project #11: I Will Never Be Small Again
Hobby Project #12: Engorgio V2
Hobby Project #13: Anzu's Ascension
Hobby Project #14: Poem to the Sun
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I will try to diligently grow women every weekday, for this goddess rests on the 6th and 7th days of the week 😁😉💗
I use NovelAI to generate my images. Its not free for me, but I really want to make my stories come to life! If you are interested in supporting me, I will be posting a Patreon soon to help fund my interventions 🧚
Stay tuned for my next endeavors! 😊
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"Yes!" Cheri shouted in triumph.
Alarmed, you ran to the bedroom and were greeted with a frightening sight. Your formerly short, rather plain-looking girlfriend had somehow grown into a seven-foot-tall amazon. Her shirt had torn open from the apparently rapid growth of her breasts, both of which now bigger than her head and capped with areolae as big as teacups. Her jeans were as tight as drum skins and had already split open at her waist and calves. She looked exhausted but exhilarated.
"What happened?" you asked.
"It finally worked," she said. "I'm finally going through puberty!" As she spoke, you saw a wave of pleasure shoot through her, sending her boobs quaking. "Why didn't anybody tell me how good this feels?"
Suddenly, she gained another few inches in height. She cooed as her ass, gigantically swollen to ridiculous proportions, split her pants straight up the back. "Uh, aren't you twenty-five? Puberty stops in your teens."
She rubbed her hands along her inner thighs teasingly. "Not for me," Cheri said. "When all those other girls were sprouting breasts, I was still flat-chested. Everybody else in my family is so tall, they always cracked jokes about how short I was. Oh, I can't wait until they see me now!"
You shook your head. "This is crazy! We need to get you to the hospital. At this rate, you're not going to fit in the room before too long."
Your words, rather than setting her straight, seemed to egg her on further. She moaned in approval as she grew another few inches in every direction. "Yes, outgrow the room! Here, help me out."
With alarming speed, Cheri grabbed your head and slammed your face into one of her massive tits. You struggled to push her away, but her strength was overwhelming.
"You like that, don't you?" she said, almost angrily. "You like that I've got big fucking titties, right? I've seen you looking at those women before, don't lie."
"No, I--" as soon as your mouth was open, she shoved her nipple past your lips. It grew longer and thicker instantly. Desperately, you pawed at her soft boob-flesh, only to feel it expand bigger and bigger between your fingers.
You break free from Cheri's grasp and scramble backward, fear flooding your veins. You can feel your heart hammering in your chest as Cheri continues to grow and mutate before your very eyes. You need to get out before it's too late.
You run out the door and away from the growing monster behind you. "Oh, you little--" you hear her shout, but you don't stick around to hear the rest. Luckily, she must have been too big to fit through it. You continue to flee, not daring to look back again until you're a safe distance away.
Once you're convinced that you're far enough, you pause for a moment to catch your breath. Sweat pours down your face, and you can feel your heart racing in your chest.
Wracking your brain for options, you decide to call 911. You barely have the chance to get out a plea for help before you hear a deep rumbling, like the sound of thunder in the distance.
You realize with horror that Cheri is coming after you. You run to the alleyway beside the apartment complex, looking for a hiding place, but it's too late. You hear the glass doors to the apartment lobby shatter behind you and the familiar groans of Cheri's rapidly changing voice.
You turn to face her and freeze as you see what has become of Cheri. The once petite girl now towers over you, a giantess easily ten feet tall and growing by the second. Her hair is long and wild, framing her beautiful face as her curves have become outrageous. Her breasts are like giant beach balls, her hips and ass as wide as the alley, her legs each as big as a tree trunk. Her clothing has been ripped completely apart, revealing her naked and rapidly-transforming physique.
"Where do you think you're going?" she hisses, her eyes blazing with a fierceness you've never seen before. "Don't you want to see more of your new girlfriend? I thought you said you loved me."
You can only stare in shock as she starts to advance towards you, taking one massive step after another. You realize that you have no choice but to run. You sprint down the alleyway, Cheri just behind you. Her footsteps are heavy and earth-shaking as she pursues you, her body rapidly growing bigger and bigger.
She is wedged between the buildings on either side of her, but she pushes forward anyway, collapsing the structures sending debris flying in all directions. Brick and rubble rain down on you. But soon, the dust settles, and Cheri emerges from the wreckage, even bigger and stronger than before.
Trapped and cornered, you realize that there's only one thing left to do. You turn and confront Cheri, determined to face the consequences of your actions. You know you won't be able to run forever.
As you stand face to face with the giantess, you see a moment of hesitation in her eyes. For a moment, you think you may have reached her, that the old Cheri is buried somewhere in there beneath the growth and transformation. But it's too late; the moment passes, and Cheri takes another step towards you, her prey.
Image made with NovelAI. Prompt: nsfw, 1girl, {{{{{{{giantess}}}}}}}, breast expansion, gigantic breasts, sitting, torn clothing, cramped, indoors, filling the room, jeans, t-shirt, curvy, laughing
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AI of Your Desires
You read through the instructions, discovering how complex this thing was. You had ordered some sort of advanced AI/sex doll off the internet as it was advertised to fulfill all your desires.
After putting the parts together, you were instructed to leave it in the bathtub to “fully develop”. All this was so weird to you but you couldn’t deny that you were excited to see how this thing worked. You filled up your tub with warm water, laid this thing in the water, and went downstairs.
When you ordered it, you had to answer a bunch of questions, all of which were super personal. They asked you about your childhood, your current life, what you did everyday, your secrets, and your deepest desires. Hell, everyone had your data these days anyways, nobody could keep anything secret anymore.
After a couple hours, you heard a thump from upstairs. Your eyes lit up and you immediately ran upstairs. You threw open the bathroom door and saw a naked woman standing still, looking in the mirror. She turned to look at you and smiled. “Hello. What would you like to name me?”
This was real! She looked like a real life woman, and she had a real voice. You thought for a second before saying, “Lexa.”
She took a moment, as if processing her new name and reached a hand out for a handshake. “I’m Lexa, nice to meet you.” You took her hand and shook it, feeling the warmth of her skin.
“Let’s go to the bedroom, we don’t have to stay in the bathroom,” You said, leading her to your room. You closed the door behind you as Lexa entered, only she was wearing a pink romper of some sort. Had she just materialized her own clothes? Technology was crazy.
“I have some data about you, but some of it is still loading. So, please tell me about yourself.” Lexa said happily, guiding you to sit on the bed.
And so you did. You told her a bit about yourself, what you did for a living, what you liked to do, and so on. She listened, nodding intently with great focus.
“Great!” She smiled, processing the information. “Now, let’s get to the good stuff, the stuff you really want to share. Tell me about your desires. What do you want?”
Even though she wasn’t real, you felt like she was, and you were slightly shy to just share that information. You knew you needed to, at least a little bit anyways. You paid for this, after all. “Well, I like pretty women, I’ve got a thing for brunettes with freckles…”
“Go on…” She said seductively, inches away from your ear as she rubbed your inner thigh. You looked down at her, noticing her hair turn brown, her face structure changing, freckles popping up on her face. She was changing to match your desires right before your eyes.
“I like… I like big, round, perky breasts,” You managed to get out, still feeling awkward. “And a big, plump butt.”
“Mhmmmm,” She moaned in your ear, chest growing. Her top stretched out as her breasts pushed out against you. Her nipped grew hard, pointing out from her top. You could see her ass expanding underneath her, pushing her up from the bed.
You were getting really excited about what was happening. Were there any limits to what this thing could do?
“I like tall women,” you blurted out, waiting to see her reaction.
You stared at her, waiting to see if anything would happen. In an instant, she surged up, sitting a little taller than you. Instead of leaning up to your ear, she leaned down. “How much taller?”
“Much taller… twice my size.”
You saw her stretch taller and taller, legs getting longer, thicker, rounder. Her torso stretched taller, breasts ballooned out, large and bulbous. Her arms grew longer, hands bigger. Her hair cascaded down, growing longer as well. The bed groaned and leaned as you slid up against her massive waist and ass. You felt how soft and warm her skin was as you looked up at the Amazon sitting next to you.
“This tall?” She asked, looking down at you with a grin.
“Yes…” You replied shakily. You felt a pulsing from between your legs as your wildest fantasies were becoming reality before your eyes.
She leaned down and ran her fingers along your cheek, resting them softly against your neck.
“Now do you like to control… or be controlled?” She asked quietly, getting closer to you.
“Be controlled.”
“Good.” She pushed you back on the bed, climbing over you. Her massive legs rest on either side of you, her giant body towering over you. She leaned down, her massive breasts pressing against your chest. “You want me to be in control?”
“Yes…” You managed to get out. Words were getting harder and harder to find as something else got harder.
“Then give me control.”
“I give you control.”
She whispered very quietly in your ear, “Thank you.” She sat up and stood next to the bed. She stretched and looked down at you. “Now… witness my ascension.”
You could do nothing but watch as she began to grow again. Taller. Bigger. Breasts expanding. Ass blowing up. I guess they were right, be careful what you wish for; AI really could be dangerous, but damn was it hot.
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Miranda received the one piece swimsuit and supplement pills in a package. She didn’t remember ordering them, but she knew how she got after too many glasses of “alone on a Saturday night” wine and figured this must have been the fruits of one such nights. The swimsuit was cute, but looked a little big and there was no way she could pull it off. But after debating it with herself for a couple of minutes and drinking a glass of wine for courage, Miranda walked the box to her bathroom to at least try it on.
“Fuck, what was I even expecting?” she asked herself after a quick glance in the mirror. She didn’t need to look at herself long to remember that she was flat, short, and undefined in all the places that she felt mattered. She sat on the side of her bathtub with her forehead in her hands and her elbows on her knees. “Christ.” Miranda tried to not feel sorry for herself, but after being unable to do so she opened up the box and glanced over the supplements. They were some sort of pseudo-science human growth hormone that claimed to “bring out the goddess in you” and, of course, wasn’t FDA approved. She pulled out the receipt and saw the meager price she paid for both items and thought “To hell with it,” as she plopped two in her mouth and drank it down with another glass of wine.
Without anything better to do, she pulled out her phone. A cocktail of wine, boredom, and feeling sorry for herself made her pull up the Snapster app to see her physically attractive friends doing there attractive things with their own sexy friends. Envy kept her scrolling, until staring at the beautiful people at the gym while she sat hunched over on an uncomfortable seat finally made her sick. She stood up and saw darkness creep into her vision from the sides. With one hand on her head and the other on the wall, she managed to keep from blacking out.
When her vision started to clear she first saw herself in the mirror. Vision blurry, stomach queasy, and skin flushed Miranda thought she saw something different. Then she felt a sort of trembling pulse flow through her had to maintain her balance again. Now when she glanced back at the mirror she knew something was different. How could she not? I mean, talk about perky. her tits were now passible in the swimsuit and her hips were literally growing out from under the suit. With one hand on the wall and the other grappling her haunches, she maintained balance.
A short while of exploration later, Miranda had discovered that not only had she favorably filled out, but had also grown a solid three inches. studied the label of the supplements. Nowhere did it imply the immediate results she had received. Online research of reviews didn’t lead anywhere. The only thing Miranda could guess was that she had drank alcohol with the pills, which was specifically instructed against on the back of the bottle. “Well fuck that,” she said packing a water bottle full of vodka, the swimsuit, and the pills into a lightly used gym bag.
It was a nice gym that she had a membership to for half a year, but had only been to once before. It was getting sort of late so she didn’t see to many other people and the few cute girls and guys she did notice didn’t notice her, despite her attempt to emphasize her new figure with small strut. She opened up the water bottle full of vodka and tried to drink it as if the taste didn’t make her cringe. She nearly chocked on the first gulp as she entered to ladies changing room. Trying to recover while turning a corner Miranda bumped into tall, toned brunette with jogging bra that must have been at least a size too small.
“Sorry,” Miranda coughed out, still recovering from the first gulp.
“Ya,” The athletic Brunette scoffed at her. She stood there giving Miranda a moment to gather her things and then stood there as if she was the only thing passed the door into the shower room. “Ugh… are you going to, like move or something?” Miranda noticed then that she was staring at the brunette and quickly stepped to the side and watched her leave. She took a sip and immediately felt the drink start to flush over herself.
“What a big bitch,” she thought while taking a second gulp. “I mean it’s not like she’s even good looking enough to act like that” Miranda thought, shivering. There was no one in the changing room or showers so Miranda picked out the changing area closest to the showers. “Sure she’s got good tits and obviously she works out or something but what good is that when your not making every person you meet envious. At this point, Miranda was feeling way past buzzed as she stumbled out of her clothes and into the swimsuit. “Three pills to start will probably be good.” She downed three then pulled up Snapster on her phone.
This time she felt only a little light headed as heat pulsed through her. “Fuck,” she whispered to herself, biting her lip as she witnessed the suit grew even tighter. She snapped a photo added “major gains  :-!” and sent it to her feed. Another pulse, another picture. “you probably cant tell that I’m nearly 5′10″”
She immediately got direct messages from some pretty cute guys. They all said stuff like “damn girl,” and “when did you get so thicc?”
“That’s cute,” Miranda thought filling her hand up with pills. “They think that I’m impressive now?” She gulped down at least seven swigging from the bottle twice. She took one last photo, “6′2″ now. you havnt seen anything yet.” Miranda clicked send before darkness started to creep into her vision yet again.
She woke up on the ground and ached as she rose to her feet. She did not need to look into the mirror to know what had changed, but the mirror helped. Flesh strained against the one piece swimsuit, thick hair draped over her perky, yet overwhelmingly large mammaries, her head nearly reached the ceiling, and her hips had transcended from curvy to godlike. “It’s almost disappointing that this swimsuit is so strong.” Miranda gently caressed her waist to her hips to her chest with one hand and grabbed the bottle with the other. She finished both bottles off as the brunette from earlier walked in and, not noticing Miranda inside the changing stall, immediately went into the showers.
Miranda gave herself one last admire before she went out to her first worshiper. Miranda exited the stall, leaned forward over the short wall to the shower room. “Ah-hem,” Miranda coughed. The brunette kept showering. Irritated Miranda tried again. “Ah– Ooooh FuUuck” Miranda interrupted herself as her endowments flowed outward causing her one piece to snap off. The brunette looked over slack jawed. Miranda was now busy touching herself and groping one of her breasts gently gently rolling her erect nipple between two fingers. She remembered the brunette. “Oh, ya -Mmmm. Do yourself a favor and get to work.” She notioned to one of her swelling tits and the brunette immediately got to work.
“That’s its baby, keep on sucking” Miranda closed her eyes and used her now free hand to pull the brunette close to her breast. Miranda had to get on her knees as her head started press against the ceiling. The continues stimulation of her breast pumped them larger. The feeling was sublime and it was obvious that the stimulation helped her grow. Miranda was barely able to pull the brunette off of her.
“Your doing so well baby, believe me, but I need really need you to get at least four more people. Then I’ll give you a present.” The brunette looked even sexier than earlier and immediately ran out of the room to follow orders. “Such a good girl.” Miranda back hit the ceiling. “But, when someone looks this good–” the walls creaked as Miranda surpassed the rooms size limit. “–it must be impossible to not be obedient.”
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Writing a lil story and here's an excerpt of it so far you perverts enjoy
"As you reached across the table to grab the menu that was left at the other end your shirt rode up causing your belly to brush against the metal edge of the table the sensation sent a chill down your spine in a way you’ve never felt before, stopping you in your tracks making your brain seemingly go blank. Scrambling to regain your composure you remembered what you were doing and snatched the menu up and tugged your shirt back down right as the waitress was making her way over luckily it didn’t look like she noticed how flustered you got from how the cool metal felt against your soft belly.
Like clockwork she put down the glass of water infront of you and a strawberry shake piled high with whipped cream and three cherries.
“Honestly I’d have your whole meal out here already if you didn’t change up what you ordered everytime you came in especially since recently you seem to be adding more food on each time you come in so I have to admit its pretty impressive that your drink choice never changes so I always remember that you always want a strawberry shake with as much whipped cream as the chef will let me put on and at least a three cherry minimum.” 
The waitress lets out a small chuckle as she pulls out her notepad.
“Alright, how many plates of bacon are you going to be up to tonight and will I need to warn the morning crew of anything that you will eat us out of?”"
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(Art by ooooaaaa on DA)
It had been a long summer since you saw your best friend Julie. She was away at a conditioning camp for cheerleading at the university level, and while she was gone you basically had nothing to do. You would just sit around and play video games, munching on whatever snacks were nearby… you might’ve gained a few pounds in the process.
At the end of the summer however, you were just wrapping up a game, when you heard a thunderous knock on the door. Getting up to open it, you are greeted by a wall of thick, shiny abdominals. “Hey there shorty,” a loud, but familiar voice booms as you look up. ITS JULIE!!
She towers over you, easily five times the size she was when she left for camp. Her muscles bulge and flex at the slightest movement. Her clothes seem small and purposefully torn to reveal her tanned, shiny skin. You have a hard time seeing her face completely, as her breasts have formed a large shelf that sticks out from her beefy frame.
“J-Julie? What the hell happened to you?” You ask, completely bewildered by this goddess before you.
“Oh, just some hard work at camp. I can’t wait to go back next year! The counselors said I was really coming into my own.” She says, before poking a finger jokingly into your tubby stomach, “I see I wasn’t the ONLY one growing this summer though hahahaha!” Her laughter makes you blush, you feel embarrassed by that.
Julie notices your bright red face and smiles, “oh don’t worry shorty, it’s cute you pigged out. In fact, I think I’ll just call you ‘Piggy’ from now on. Now, I came here cause I am taking you to stay with me, I need a servant who can do what I want now that I’m too big for more delicate work.” She says, demandingly.
“What, oh I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I mean you are really pretty it’s jus-“ you are cut off by Julie covering your mouth with her large hand. “Just nothing Piggy. Get your things, come with me. I promise I’ll take good care of you if you do as I say!” She smiles, clearly you don’t get a say in this. You run upstairs and get a bag with clothes and your game system. You come back downstairs to find Julie sitting outside, her massive ass towards you.
“Well? Hop on my back Piggy, we’ve got about 4 miles to get to my place, shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes for me.” Julie boasts, flexing her muscular back to you. You climb on, and she turns her head to you and smiles, “I hope you’re ready, cause things will only GROW better from here.”
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You groggily awoke to the sound of grunting, heavy breathing, and a strange gurgling noise like something filling with liquid.
Opening your eyes revealed the source, your girlfriend Holly, now massive with enormous boobs was on all fours above you and had her chest dangling right above your face.
At first she didn't realize you were awake, she was too busy panting and moaning. You looked up to see her eyes closed, her face flushed, her mouth open letting out moan after sigh after lewd grunt.
The gurgling sound hadn't stopped, and you were able to identify the source as her breasts continued to swell right above your face. Suddenly they sprang free from her top, unable to be held back any longer. The reason for the noise became clear as what could only be milk started to leak and drip onto your face, some into your agape mouth.
You made a reactionary noise which finally shook her from her trance. She looked down at you, "Ohhhhhh babyyyyy, hiiii *nghhh* I don't know what's *unnhhhhh* happening, but I need you. I need you I need you I need you."
As she was saying this she laid down to shimmy out of her bottoms. Her tits completely eclipsed your view. You felt her tear your boxers off and reposition so she was sitting straddling you. You could feel her much larger ass squish against your calves and feet, it must've been growing alongside her as well.
"You're going to help me feel soooo goooooood." She said almost as if she wasn't even talking to you anymore. Her mind had been completely fogged over with pleasure and growth. All you could do was stare in reverence at your goddess of a girlfriend.
She took hold of you and pulled you out from underneath her, positioning you so that your crotches lined up but also so that your head was at breast level, "Suck me, suck me baby, please." She shoved a nipple in your mouth and your instincts took over as you began to suck as if your life depended on it. Sweet, warm milk, the ambrosia of the gods, began to flood your mouth and your senses, calming you and fogging up your mind almost as much as Holly's.
She then rearranged her hands so one was pushing your head to her breast and the other took hold of your hips and began working you in and out of her in perfect rhythm.
You were faintly aware of her coos and sighs, but one sound dominated your hearing, and that was the continued gurgling you heard from before as her chest continued to swell against you.
"Th- that's it... that's my sweetheart."
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“What do you think? I wasn’t thrilled with this whole growth thing happening to me at first but… It’s not as bad as i thought. At least i don’t need pushups to show some cleavage now.
I’m like… A D cup now i think? I mean, i can’t possibly be bigger than that, right? But if this growth keep going… I don’t want to have, like, huuuuge ones! But i’d be okay if they reach, erh… *cups her hands a few inches away from her bosom* something like this would be an E cup i think? “moves hands a bit further away* Or maybe F cup, max, definitely not bigger, that would be too much!
Well, it’s not like i can control it anyway, i’ll just reach the size my body decided in the end.
“cups her hands even further from her chest”
Ok, maybe a G cup then…”
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When Anne first started her dosage, she thought she had nowhere to go but up. She went out instead, spurting four cup sizes in less than a month as her modeling gigs tripled. The photographers, strangely, never seemed to mind that she was bursting out of all the clothes they tried to provide her with.
“Miss you babe. Be back late tonight, got an appointment for another dose.”
Anne sighed, the g-cup bikini they’d specifically let out to accommodate her proportions being woefully inadequate. The bottoms fit, but mostly by virtue of riding high on her hips, closer to her thinning waist. She posed experimentally, satisfied that her double-sided tape at least ensured the thin garment wasn’t going to go anywhere. Overall, she didn’t fill out this bikini, she overwhelmed it, she caught it in the undertow of a tidal wave of flesh. If the poor thing survived this photoshoot, she was going to have to send it to counseling. She snapped another quick picture before she went out for the shoot.
“Love you! Lmao these guys don’t know how to read my measurements apparently. Kind of like it tho.”
Anne was taller than you, now, and verging on being heavier if she wasn’t already. She would have likely crossed that line a long time ago if it wasn’t for her waist, which stubbornly refused to add any size. Despite breasts like watermelons and thighs that could crush a bowling ball, her waist remained utterly waspish, exaggerating her hourglass figure even further. Of course, modeling gigs were still through the roof. This time, however, the sweater she was supposed to be advertising couldn’t fit anything past just below her nipples. She sighed, snapping another picture. At this point, admittedly, she couldn’t blame them. If she saw numbers as disparate as 70 (bust) and 26 (waist), she probably would have thought they were a typo too. She’d really need to have her agent make it absolutely clear on the next, that yes, she was that big. Of course, she’d be bigger by the time the next shoot rolled around. She absentmindedly squeezed her breast, enjoying the waves of pleasure it sent rolling through her curvy body.
“Still having issues fitting lol. Last shoot for a week though. I was thinking about doubling my dose before swimsuit season rolls back around. Wanna take a day off to celebrate? ;)” ​ (Awesome morph by Bury-She, who you can find on Tumblr or DeviantART)
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