#koga ayakashi
favficbirthdays · 5 months
Happy Birthday
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Koga Kitamikado (7th May)
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
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ikeprinces-stuff · 3 months
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Everyone around them loves and adores them?✅
Poster boy?✅
Red and black aesthetic?✅
Deceptively dark hair(took me a while to realise that their hair isn't black)?✅
Not very popular in the fandom?✅
Me loving them at first sight?✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅
Identity crisis?✅
Told the MC that it's okay to cry?✅
OVERPROTECTIVE in other routes and their own ofc?✅
Cheerful and warm like the sun but their past is darker than their hair?✅
Almost died in their routes?✅
Honestly, if I counted the things these two have in common, the list would be longer than I am...
If they meet one day, they'll be the best friends!! I have in mind to write a fanfic in which they interact with each other...
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shonenkun309 · 1 month
@randomf2p @blackmond11
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The one with the tail is the same son of a- Who impersonated my sweetheart Koga!!
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The moment I saw this character I was like-
And you-
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I dunnk who this man is but... Maybe Kage's papa??
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randomf2p · 1 month
📣 Mark your calendar SEPTEMBER 21st is gonna be a big day 📣
I also add the translation to the picture below👇
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sideblogofawriter · 24 days
Koga: ...And my dad never came back with the milk.
Aoi, eyeing Oji: At least he didn't come back without the milk.
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lost-khione · 11 months
Some Halloween headcanons for ARR
Dawn Faction
Gets invited to Halloween parties
Likes that he can attend them without having to wear a suit
He dresses up and covers his face with a mask so people don't recognize him easily
To his annoyance, Toichiro can still recognize him
Asks his maid to pack some candies for the kids who would swing by his house
Lets his wings out on full display since people would just think it's his costume
People stare because it looks so realistic (it is real *wink wink*)
Kids would ask to touch it to which he promptly replies, "No"
Kids have to shout to wake him up since he is usually found sleeping on the veranda instead of handing out the treats at Koga's house
Goes all out with his cooking to make sure there are a variety of sweets they can hand out
He tries to make Western sweets since it is a Western holiday - he also puts his art skills to use by designing them
Asks Yura to taste test for him. He is grateful to Yura despite his grumbling when Yura asks for more
Also decorates Raccord to give it the Halloween vibe
"Oji-san, lend me a hand!"
Also packs candies at his shop
Kuro helps him out with the packing
He displays books with spooky stories since they seem to be popular during this time
"Do I really have to wear this?"
Gets this soft look on his face when he hands out treats
Volunteers to help with packing candies at Raccord since he's got nothing better to do.
Works as the taste tester when Aoi tries to recreate Western sweets.
"Pray, Sir Aoi, this "cookie" tastes good! Can I have some more?"
Eats more than the candies that he packed.
On Halloween, he takes on his child form, dresses up and lines up with the kids to ask for treats.
Twilight Faction
Also gets invited to Halloween parties
Dresses up like a prince
Likes to annoy Koga since he can easily recognize him
Sticks to Koga since these types of parties do not require them to make their rounds
Still as polite as he can usually be when people approach him
Babysits Kogare since Kogare visits on Halloween
Packs candies with Kogare
"Kogare, hide your ears and tail." To which Kogare replies, "But why is Kuya-san allowed to show his wings?!"
The one who hands out the treats at Toichiro's manor since Kogare also makes his rounds to other houses
Helps out at Raccord and Kusanagi Books during candy packing
Also joins in on the fun when Aoi has new sweet samples
Performs in front of Raccord and Kusanagi Books on Halloween
He does it for the promotion of their Halloween show later that night
"If you like what you see, watch the show of Lorenzi Circus Troupe tonight and be whisked away to a night filled with mystery!"
Always seems to be busy 'entertaining' his customers so he barely helps Aoi with packing candies
He thought he could get away with not wearing a costume so the Raccord gang had to force him to wear something for Halloween
"Aoi-chan, 1 pack of candy for the young lady here"
Also helps out at Raccord since Yura is there
Makes tiny trinkets like jack-in-the-box and Chinese finger trap and drops them randomly inside the candy packs
Heaps wasabi on top of the sweets so he can eat the same thing as Yura
Holds back his laughter when he sees the children find themselves trapped in the Chinese finger trap.
"Do you need help with that?"
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moeblob · 1 year
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Played the prologue stuff and oops I love them!
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just-somehuman · 1 year
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quietbooklion · 15 hours
Looking forward to seeing what people think of Koga's sequel story. It's definitely not the same hearing about the story with spoilers as compared to playing it but I still want to know if the wait for the full release was worth it.
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: koga kitamikado | kuya | ginnojo | aoi | yura summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: referenced death (this will become a theme), talk of eating habits rating: sfw a/n: ah, my dear secretive babies are here~ you have no idea how much i've spent raging over the lack of communication in this game, but i still love these idiots. expect some of that lack of communication in later parts for them.
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ koga kitamikado ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an ushi-oni. living life as a half-ayakashi has been hard, especially as one so volatile. you're often found at the piers alone, with a scowl on your face. recently, strange things began to happen around you.
✿ you were 22, while koga was 24. it'd been 8 years since your mother died, and 8 years since koga's parents died. neither of you had quite been the same since, just in different ways.
✿ you'd been out, brooding at the piers, staring at the comings and goings of the ships. your father was... around, somewhere, waiting on an another shipment that was coming in. that was probably why koga was there, to buy whatever was coming in. and via whatever link that you shared, he noticed you and was drawn to talk to you. though you weren't particularly enthused about this fact.
✿ koga didn't really mean to keep showing up in your day-to-day life, but he was a client of your father's and a well-known figure around the capital. and every time your paths crossed he attempted to hold a conversation, which you eventually got tired of rebuking. it didn't take long after that for your onmyoji powers to manifest and his true nature to be revealed.
✿ koga thought you most interesting. something about him was drawn to you, not only due to how lonely you seemed. he didn't like seeing people be lonely in the first place, but you especially he never wanted to see unhappy. to his unfortune, you seemed to always be that. you, admittedly, found koga to be compelling. or at least your soul did. you on the other hand mostly found him increasingly annoying with his attempts to talk to you. that, added with the constant strangeness surrounding you... well, it made you a bit grumpy about him to say the least.
≿━━━━༺❀ kuya ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a futakuchi-onna. your mother had incited a deep seated love for food in you (despite your "small" appetite) which lead to you apprenticing at many restaurants around the capital.
✿ you were 22, as was kuya. you'd been apprenticing at various restaurants around the city for six years, two years prior to that your mother had died. kuya was freeloading at koga's, as expected.
✿ kuya and koga had reservations at a restaurant you were apprenticing at. you were assigned as their chef, which was a problem as you'd recently begun to feel hungry, which is when your ayakashi-form is the most prone to appearing. after several incidents of almost getting caught (and having to stuff your second mouth with a tablecloth), kuya spared you by insisting that they leave.
✿ you weren't actually certain if kuya had picked up on your... strangeness, but when he came by a second time (alone) and asked for you to serve him again you were fairly certain he had. he didn't pry into it though, and simply became a regular at the place and a couple of others you often worked at.
✿ kuya found you weird, mostly. but fascinating for the bits he was actually awake for. you were quiet, didn't try and disturb him, and besides your sometimes odd behaviour you were cute. and maybe he was inexplicably drawn to you, but who's to say to that. kuya was so so nice. you didn't know if he meant to be, but he was. his visits often allowed you to calm down your more base urges in privacy, as he spent most of his time sleeping while visiting, which made your life far more easier than it'd ever been. he truly entered your life at a perfect time.
≿━━━━༺❀ ginnojo ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a nure-onna. you were often found around the city helping around children and animals. you're pretty known around the capital for watching over all the children and protecting them.
✿ you were 26, around the same age as ginnojo would be if he was human. dragon's age so strangely. it'd been over two decades since your mother died.
✿ you'd been organizing a little reading nook in the park, where you would be reading for the younger kids and the older kids could find books that they liked. so, you were scouring every bookstore in the city until eventually you ended up at ginnojo's. it was a very strange visit, as ginnojo was far too nervous to actually talk to you the whole time, but you found the best books there so your search ended in success.
✿ after the first time, you started frequenting his shop as it had the best collection of books you'd come across. that, and they all seemed oddly impervious to all the rain that happened when you happened upon a bad mood. ginnojo however did not get any better at actually talking to you.
✿ ginnojo found you attractive. it was as simple as that. you were an attractive alpha, and he had no idea how to interact with any part of that. not to mention, something about you seemed familiar. he couldn't place it, but he was sure that it was important. that you were important. ginnojo was very cute. he barely said a word to you, but you could tell that at least. and he felt like a kindred spirit in some sense. you couldn't really put your finger on it, so you mostly dismissed it as a crush on a cute omega. but it did nag you a little bit.
≿━━━━༺❀ aoi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and a baku. after your mother's death, you were tasked with her duties to look after the city and their dreams, which made you appear rather lazy, though endearing to the general population.
✿ you were 17 at the time, a year older than aoi. your mother had died exactly a decade prior, while aoi had been in the capital for almost two years.
✿ you were sleeping at the river bank, though really you were "working". aoi came to the same river bank to sketch, noticed you, and decided to sketch you. that night, while you were working again, you happened upon a dream that featured... you. that's how the two of you became aware of each other, but it wasn't until the next day that the two of you actually met at the river bank.
✿ the two of you would often "meet up" at the river, where you would get on with your individual work. the two of you rarely talked, but seeing as you were sleeping most of the time it wasn't a surprise. but it was a nice routine, that neither of you wanted to break.
✿ aoi found you very vexing. but also pretty, which made you a rather effective muse for his work. but you were still asleep almost every time he saw you, which he absolutely hated. at first anyways. weirdly enough, after a while he didn't much mind anymore. something about aoi made his dreams in particular very appealing to you. after the first night, you realized you'd visited his dreams plenty of times before, even for non-nightmare purposes. his subconsciousness drew you to him for some reason.
≿━━━━༺❀ yura ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the only child of a famous art-dealer and an akurojin-no-hi. you were most known for your habit of walking around the city on rainy nights, something you inherited from your mother. you think so, anyways.
✿ you were a mere 20 years old, though often you felt like you were far older. being basically just a living soul, you were extremely close to your past lives. yura was over a thousand, though technically to him you'd already met a long time ago.
✿ you were on one of your usual walks, it was a night and it was raining. everyone who knew you was expecting it. what no one expected, not even you, was the compulsion to head for the mountains. there, you ended up at a temple, and the two twins there saw you and invited you inside. something made you take that offer, even though similar ones had been made a million times before and you'd accepted none.
✿ after that you often ended up at the shrine, sometimes unintentionally, sometimes not. sometimes it wasn't even during a rainy night. regardless, you ever only accepted yura's offers to come inside from the rain.
✿ yura realized right away who you were, someone he had loved so dearly in the past had come back to him. his dear alpha. you didn't recognize him, but just being near you was enough for him, feeling your warm flames. yura felt like home, strangely enough. you felt like you knew him, like you should know him. you concluded that it was your soul who knew him, and that was why you let him invite you inside. so, you let your soul guide you back to him whenever it desired.
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Koga Kitamikado (7th May)
Ayakashi: Romance Reborn
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ikeprinces-stuff · 2 months
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Leon's winning percentage in fighting is smaller than my exam grades if he went against Koga over there 🌚
I mean, Leon's charismatic personality can't win against KOGA'S ABNORMAL AYAKASHI POWERS INCLUDING AN UNCONTROLLABLE BERSERKER FORM, just saying...🤓
But I wish their fight ending up in a scenario like:
"haha you're good"
"you too."
"wanna have some steak?"
"is there gonna be Sake?"
". . . Well, I know just the right place-"
And somehow Jin joining them...
And then they're besties happily ever after 🥹❤️🖤
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shonenkun309 · 14 days
“No Shonen! Don't you dare to do another edit with Carnage Koga smiling-”
- My last brain cell, I think...
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randomf2p · 1 month
Koga x Futaba: Kagerou Daze
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sideblogofawriter · 5 months
Decided to give JP ARR a shot. I do not speak Japanese and neither does the on-screen translation app I downloaded but...
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...I'm having a blast ngl.
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the-bird-and-the-flute · 11 months
I've always wanted to do that. I was just waiting for marius rerun ^^
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it would be awesome if I could get a demon yoritomo/leon/kuchen card in the future. I'm not even bothering asking donuts that because I doubt they would give me a demon Gin and Rin =/
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