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jualrumahkostmalang · 1 month ago
Income Auto-Pilot 0821-4212-5500 Dijual Kost Kosan Dekat Kampus Universitas Negeri Malang UM
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Income Auto-Pilot 0821-4212-5500 Dijual Rumah Kos Malang Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza
Hubungi Kami KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282142125500, Dijual Rumah Kos Malang Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza, Rumah Kost Dijual Di Batu Malang, Jual Rumah Hunian Malang Dekat Kampus Universitas Ma Chung, Jual Rumah Hunian Malang Dekat Kampus Universitas Katolik Widya Karya, Jual Rumah Hunian Malang Dekat Kampus Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi Unitri, Jual Rumah Hunian Malang Dekat Kampus IKIP Budi Utomo, Jual Rumah Hunian Malang Dekat Kampus Institut Pertanian Malang IPM, Jual Rumah Hunian Malang Dekat Kampus Institut Sains dan Teknologi Palapa ISTP, Jual Rumah Hunian Malang Dekat Kampus Institut Teknologi Nasional ITN
Temukan Hunian, Rumah Kost, Rumah Villa yang Ideal di Tomoland Malang https://www.grahaagungmalang.id/? Apakah Anda sedang mencari hunian, Villa dan Rumah Kost yang nyaman dan strategis di Malang? Tomoland Malang - Tomoland Malang adalah pilihan yang sempurna! Terletak di Malang dengan akses mudah ke berbagai tempat dan fasilitas lengkap, properti ini menawarkan kenyamanan dan peluang investasi yang menguntungkan.
PT. Tomoland adalah Deceloper Perumahan yang Profesional, Terpercaya, Tepat Waktu dan Berkualitas Berlokasi di Malang, beroperasi sejak tahun 2029. Selamat lebih dari satu dekade, PT Tomoland telah berhasil menyelesaikan 11 Lokasi Proyek. Dengan Total lebih dari 2.000 unit terbangun.
Gajayana Inside (Sold Out)
- Landungsari Inside (Sold Out)
- Sigura-Gura Inside (Sold Out)
- Joyoagung 3 (Sold Out)
- Skyview (Sold Out)
- Graha Agung Merjosari
- Graha Agung Sigura-Gura
- Graha Agung Highland Dau
Rumah Toko
- Ruumah Kost
- Rumha Hunian
- Rumah Villa
Lokasi Graha Agung Highland Dau yang Strategis:
1 menit ke UIN - Universitas Islam Malang 3 Kedokteran: Dekat dengan kampus ternama
- 2 menit ke Pondok Ar-Rohmah
- 2 menit Pasar Tradisional Dau
- 3 menit ke Kampus UMM : Akses mudah untuk mahasiswa dan staf.
- 4 menit Rumah sakit UMM :
- 7 menit ke Mall Dinoyo : Belanja dan hiburan dalam satu tempat
- 7 menit ke Predator Funpark Batu
- 7 menit ke Jatimpark 3
- 9 menit ke Alun Alun Batu
Graha Agung Highland Malang adalah pilihan tepat bagi Anda yang menginginkan hunian, Villa dan Rumah Kost nyaman serta strategis di Malang. Dengan berbagai fasilitas lengkap dan lokasi yang mendukung, kehidupan Anda akan semakin mudah dan menyenangkan.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan penawaran spesial, hubungi kami di Income Auto-Pilot 0821-4212-5500 atau kunjungi website kami di https://grahaagunghighland.id.
Alamat Kantor:
Jl. Chili, Joyogrand Blok Graha Utama A01 NO.146,
Merjosari, Kec. Lowokwaru,
Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144
Di Graha Agung Highland Malang, kami menawarkan properti berkualitas yang cocok untuk investasi Anda. Hubungi Kami Sekarang! Customer Service: Income Auto-Pilot 0821-4212-5500
Website: www.grahaagungmalang.id Hunian, Villa, Rumah Kost Graha Agung Highland Malang ideal untuk masa depan yang cerah dan stabil!
#DijualRumahKosMalangDekatMallGajahMadaPlaza, #RumahKostDijualDiBatuMalang, #JualRumahHunianMalangDekatKampusUniversitasMaChung, #JualRumahHunianMalangDekatKampusUniversitasKatolikWidyaKarya, #JualRumahHunianMalangDekatKampusUniversitasTribhuwanaTunggadewiUnitri, #JualRumahHunianMalangDekatKampusIKIPBudiUtomo, #JualRumahHunianMalangDekatKampusInstitutPertanianMalangIPM, #JualRumahHunianMalangDekatKampusInstitutSainsdanTeknologiPalapaISTP, #JualRumahHunianMalangDekatKampusInstitutTeknologiNasionalITN
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rumahhuniandijualmalang · 2 months ago
0821-4212-5500 Solusi Tepat Investasi, Jual Rumah Kos Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza
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0821-4212-5500 #1 Solusi Tepat Investasi Aset Rumah Kost, Jual Rumah Kos Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza
Download Brosur KLIK http://wa.me/6282142125500, Jual Rumah Kos Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza, Rumah Kost Dijual Mewah Dekat Stiki, Investasi Rumah Kost Mewah Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Alkitab Nusantara Stan Malang, Investasi Rumah Kost Mewah Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Elohim Sttela, Investasi Rumah Kost Mewah Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Satyabhakti Stt Sati, Investasi Rumah Kost Mewah Dekat Seminari Alkitab Asia Tenggara Malang Seabs, Investasi Rumah Kost Mewah Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bahrul Ulum Lab Ii Batu, Investasi Rumah Kost Mewah Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Stab Kertarajasa, Investasi Rumah Kost Mewah Dekat Stt Institut Injili Indonesia Batu I-3
Graha Agung Luxury Kos Sigura-Gura: Jual Rumah Kost Murah Malang untuk Passive Income Stabil dan Aman!
Apakah Anda sedang mencari peluang investasi dengan passive income yang stabil dan aman? Inilah saatnya Anda mempertimbangkan Graha Agung Luxury Kos di Sigura-gura, Malang, tempat rumah kost dijual dengan fasilitas setara hotel dan lokasi strategis. Rumah kost ini berada di samping Kampus Brawijaya dan universitas ternama lainnya, memberikan jaminan penyewa penuh serta keuntungan berlipat!
Mengapa Graha Agung Luxury Kos Adalah Pilihan Terbaik untuk Jual Rumah Kost Murah Malang?
Lokasi Super Strategis Berada di jantung Kota Malang dan hanya beberapa detik dari berbagai kampus besar seperti Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Negeri Malang, UIN, dan ITN, properti ini menawarkan kemudahan akses untuk para mahasiswa yang selalu meningkat tiap tahunnya. Dengan 330.000 mahasiswa baru yang banjiri Malang setiap tahun, permintaan rumah kost dijual semakin tinggi.
48 detik ke Universitas Brawijaya dan Universitas Negeri Malang.
- 43 detik ke UIN dan ITN.
- 58 detik ke pusat perbelanjaan Transmart.
- 10 detik ke pusat kuliner, laundry, dan berbagai fasilitas penting lainnya.
2. Fasilitas Setara Hotel Graha Agung Luxury Kos Sigura-Gura menawarkan kenyamanan maksimal dengan fasilitas premium yang memanjakan penghuni sekaligus meningkatkan daya tarik properti Anda sebagai investasi. Beberapa fasilitas unggulan di antaranya:
One Gate System untuk keamanan penghuni.
- Co-Working Space yang cocok untuk mahasiswa maupun pekerja remote.
- Kolam Renang dan Jogging Track untuk relaksasi dan olahraga.
- Cafe & Rest- untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari tanpa harus keluar area.
- Minimarket dan Masjid 2 lantai sebagai pelengkap.
- ROW Jalan 10 meter memberikan kenyamanan akses.
3. Sewa Kelola Otomatis dengan Garansi Penghuni Penuh Anda tidak perlu repot mengurus penyewa. Dengan manajemen profesional dari Graha Agung, properti rumah kos Malang dijual ini akan selalu terisi penuh. Anda hanya tinggal menerima hasil sewanya setiap bulan tanpa perlu terlibat dalam pengelolaan harian.
4. Free Furnish Custom Investasi ini semakin menguntungkan dengan berbagai fasilitas gratis untuk setiap unit kost, termasuk:
Tempat tidur yang nyaman.
- Meja, kursi, laci, dan almari.
- Smart TV, water heater, dan AC. Semua ini disediakan untuk memaksimalkan kenyamanan penghuni dan meningkatkan daya tarik sewa kost Anda!
Potensi Pendapatan dari Graha Agung Luxury Kos
Investasi di rumah kos Malang dijual ini menjanjikan pendapatan yang stabil dengan potensi omset besar:
Sewa 1 kamar kost per bulan: Rp 2.000.000 - Rp 3.000.000.
- Dengan 13 kamar, Anda bisa memperoleh omset bulanan antara Rp 26.000.000 hingga Rp 39.000.000.
- Dalam satu tahun, potensi omset mencapai Rp 312.000.000 hingga Rp 468.000.000 dengan garansi income dari manajemen kelola kos.
Keuntungan Investasi di Rumah Kost Malang Dijual
Selain potensi pendapatan yang tinggi, ada beberapa alasan mengapa properti ini sangat cocok sebagai aset investasi Anda:
Lokasi di pusat kota yang strategis dan selalu dicari oleh mahasiswa.
- Pertumbuhan jumlah mahasiswa yang terus meningkat setiap tahun, menjamin permintaan tinggi untuk rumah kost.
- Manajemen profesional yang mengurus semua operasional properti, sehingga Anda hanya tinggal menikmati hasilnya.
- Pasive income stabil dan aman dengan garansi penghuni penuh.
Promo Khusus Bulan Ini!
Untuk bulan ini, Graha Agung Luxury Kos menawarkan prom- khusus yang semakin menambah nilai investasi Anda, seperti:
Free tempat tidur lengkap.
- Free meja, kursi, laci, almari.
- Free Smart TV, water heater, dan AC di setiap kamar!
Jika Anda sedang mencari jual rumah kost murah Malang yang menjanjikan passive income dan dikelola secara profesional, Graha Agung Luxury Kos adalah jawabannya. Dengan lokasi yang tak tertandingi di samping Kampus Brawijaya, fasilitas mewah, dan garansi penghuni penuh, investasi ini menjamin cuan yang terus mengalir tanpa harus repot mengurus operasional sehari-hari.
Segera ambil keputusan cerdas untuk masa depan finansial Anda dengan rumah kost dijual di Graha Agung Luxury Kos Sigura-Gura! Smart people take smart investment.
#JualRumahKosDekatMallGajahMadaPlaza, #RumahKostDijualMewahDekatStiki, #InvestasiRumahKostMewahDekatSekolahTinggiAlkitabNusantaraStanMalang, #InvestasiRumahKostMewahDekatSekolahTinggiTeologiElohimSttela, #InvestasiRumahKostMewahDekatSekolahTinggiTeologiSatyabhaktiSttSati, #InvestasiRumahKostMewahDekatSeminariAlkitabAsiaTenggaraMalangSeabs, #InvestasiRumahKostMewahDekatSekolahTinggiIlmuKesehatanBahrulUlumLabIiBatu, #InvestasiRumahKostMewahDekatSekolahTinggiAgamaBuddhaStabKertarajasa, #InvestasiRumahKostMewahDekatSttInstitutInjiliIndonesiaBatuI-3
0 notes
jualperumahanmalangkota · 3 months ago
Income Auto-Pilot 0821-4212-5500 Jual Kost Kosan Dekat Kampus Universitas Negeri Malang UM
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Income Auto-Pilot 0821-4212-5500 Jual Rumah Kos Malang Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza
Hubungi Kami KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282142125500, Jual Rumah Kos Malang Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza, Jual Rumah Malang Dau, Dijual Rumah Kost Putra Malang Dekat Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pemnas Indonesia, Dijual Rumah Kost Putra Malang Dekat Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Koperasi Malang, Dijual Rumah Kost Putra Malang Dekat Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum STIH Sunan Giri, Dijual Rumah Kost Putra Malang Dekat Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Perikanan STIP Malang, Dijual Rumah Kost Putra Malang Dekat Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Budi Utomo, Dijual Rumah Kost Putra Malang Dekat Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Stikma Internasional, Dijual Rumah Kost Putra Malang Dekat Kampus Sekolah Tinggi Sosial Politik Waskita Darma
Temukan Hunian, Rumah Kost, Rumah Villa yang Ideal di Tomoland Malang https://www.grahaagungmalang.id/? Apakah Anda sedang mencari hunian, Villa dan Rumah Kost yang nyaman dan strategis di Malang? Tomoland Malang - Tomoland Malang adalah pilihan yang sempurna! Terletak di Malang dengan akses mudah ke berbagai tempat dan fasilitas lengkap, properti ini menawarkan kenyamanan dan peluang investasi yang menguntungkan.
PT. Tomoland adalah Deceloper Perumahan yang Profesional, Terpercaya, Tepat Waktu dan Berkualitas Berlokasi di Malang, beroperasi sejak tahun 2029. Selamat lebih dari satu dekade, PT Tomoland telah berhasil menyelesaikan 11 Lokasi Proyek. Dengan Total lebih dari 2.000 unit terbangun.
Gajayana Inside (Sold Out)
- Landungsari Inside (Sold Out)
- Sigura-Gura Inside (Sold Out)
- Joyoagung 3 (Sold Out)
- Skyview (Sold Out)
- Graha Agung Merjosari
- Graha Agung Sigura-Gura
- Graha Agung Highland Dau
Rumah Toko
- Ruumah Kost
- Rumha Hunian
- Rumah Villa
Lokasi Graha Agung Highland Dau yang Strategis:
1 menit ke UIN - Universitas Islam Malang 3 Kedokteran: Dekat dengan kampus ternama
- 2 menit ke Pondok Ar-Rohmah
- 2 menit Pasar Tradisional Dau
- 3 menit ke Kampus UMM : Akses mudah untuk mahasiswa dan staf.
- 4 menit Rumah sakit UMM :
- 7 menit ke Mall Dinoyo : Belanja dan hiburan dalam satu tempat
- 7 menit ke Predator Funpark Batu
- 7 menit ke Jatimpark 3
- 9 menit ke Alun Alun Batu
Graha Agung Highland Malang adalah pilihan tepat bagi Anda yang menginginkan hunian, Villa dan Rumah Kost nyaman serta strategis di Malang. Dengan berbagai fasilitas lengkap dan lokasi yang mendukung, kehidupan Anda akan semakin mudah dan menyenangkan.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan penawaran spesial, hubungi kami di Income Auto-Pilot 0821-4212-5500 atau kunjungi website kami di https://grahaagunghighland.id.
Alamat Kantor:
Jl. Chili, Joyogrand Blok Graha Utama A01 NO.146,
Merjosari, Kec. Lowokwaru,
Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144
Di Graha Agung Highland Malang, kami menawarkan properti berkualitas yang cocok untuk investasi Anda. Hubungi Kami Sekarang! Customer Service: Income Auto-Pilot 0821-4212-5500
Website: www.grahaagungmalang.id Hunian, Villa, Rumah Kost Graha Agung Highland Malang ideal untuk masa depan yang cerah dan stabil!
#JualRumahKosMalangDekatMallGajahMadaPlaza, #JualRumahMalangDau, #DijualRumahKostPutraMalangDekatKampusSekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomiPemnasIndonesia, #DijualRumahKostPutraMalangDekatKampusSekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomiKoperasiMalang, #DijualRumahKostPutraMalangDekatKampusSekolahTinggiIlmuHukumSTIHSunanGiri, #DijualRumahKostPutraMalangDekatKampusSekolahTinggiIlmuPerikananSTIPMalang, #DijualRumahKostPutraMalangDekatKampusSekolahTinggiTeknikBudiUtomo, #DijualRumahKostPutraMalangDekatKampusSekolahTinggiTeknologiStikmaInternasional, #DijualRumahKostPutraMalangDekatKampusSekolahTinggiSosialPolitikWaskitaDarma
0 notes
angeltism · 9 months ago
ohh the reason my stomach was hurting so bad (and still kinda is) is probably because I've been bleeding from my gums a lot. and blood irritates your stomach. ohhhhhhhh
1 note · View note
pikahlua · 11 months ago
MHA Chapter 413 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline AFOとOFA精神の共鳴が見せるものとは⁉︎ ���ール・フォー・ワンとワン・フォー・オールせいしんのきょうめいがみせるものとは⁉︎ OORU FOO WAN to WAN FOO OORU seishin no kyoumei ga misero mono to wa!? The resonance between the spirit of One For All and All For One reveals [what]!?
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1 師 マスター MASUTAA (kanji: shi) Master,
2 悲しそうな子が かなしそうなこが kanashisou na ko ga a child who seems sad
3 いたよ ita yo was there.
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1 ーーィト! --ITO! "--ight!"
2 オールマイト‼︎ OORU MAITO!! "All Might!!"
3 寝たら死ぬぞ‼︎意識を保て‼︎ ねたらしぬぞ‼︎いしきをたもて‼︎ netara shinu zo!! ishiki wo tamote!! "If you sleep, you're die!! Keep conscious!!"
4 …! "...!"
5 通信機がなくて状況がわからんが つうしんきがなくてじょうきょうがわからんが tsuushinki ga nakute joukyou ga wakaran ga "I don't have a communication device so I don't know what's going on, but"
6 恐らく緑谷がまだ戦っている! おそらくみどりやがまだたたかっている! osoraku Midoriya ga mada tatakatte iru! "Midoriya is probably still fighting!"
7 夢…? ゆめ…? yume...? A dream...?
8 いや…この感覚は… いや…このかんかくは… iya...kono kankaku wa... No...this sensation...
9 あの時と同じー…‼︎ あのときとおなじー…‼︎ ano toki to onaji-...!! It's the same at that time-...!!
10 遠く離れている筈なのに とおくはなれているはずなのに tooku hanarete iru hazu nanoni Even though it should be far away,
11 OFAを感じる ワン・フォー・オールをかんじる WAN FOO OORU wo kanjiru I feel One For All.
12 "意志"が流れ込んでくる "いし"がながれこんでくる "ishi" ga nagarekonde kuru Its "will" is flowing back [into me].
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1 紡がれてきた力が… つむがれてきたちからが… tsumugarete kita chikara ga... The power that has been spun...
2 解れる ほつれる hotsureru will be unraveled.
tagline No.413 鉛の塊 堀越耕平 ナンバー413 なまりのかたまり ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 413  namari no katamari   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 413 A Lump of Lead  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 何だ今のは なんだいまのは nanda ima no wa What was the just now?
2 何故今アレが脳裏に過った なぜいまアレがのうりによぎった naze ima ARE ga nouri ni yogitta Why did that pass through my mind just now?
3-4 おまえは完全に消滅した筈だ おまえはかんぜんにしょうめつしたはずだ omae wa kanzen ni shoumetsu shita hazu da You must have been completely extinguished.
5 人が人を助ける限り ひとがひとをたすけるかぎり hito ga hito wo tasukeru kagiri So long as people help people,
6 英雄の意志を継いだ誰かがー えいゆうのいしをついだだれかがー eiyuu no ishi wo tsuida dareka ga- someone who inherits the will of heroes-
7 消滅して尚 しょうめつしてなお shoumetsu shite nao Even though it was extinguished,
8 残り火の如く…! のこりびのごとく…! nokoribi no gotoku...! [it lingers] like an ember...!
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1 づ dzu "Dgh"
2 ハッ HA "Hah"
3 ーーッ "--"
4 …! "...!"
5 君は きみは kimi wa You
6 ヒーローになれる HIIROO ni nareru can become a hero.
7 どういう…ことですか… dou iu...koto desu ka... "What do...you mean..."
8 ワン・フォー・オールを手放せって…なんですか⁉︎ ワン・フォー・オールをてばなせって…なんですか⁉︎ WAN FOO OORU wo tebanase tte...nan desu ka!? "Let go of One For All...what [does that mean]!?"
9 二代目…‼︎ にだいめ…‼︎ nidaime...!! "Second...!!"
10 心を荒げるな奴に聞かれる こころをあらげるなやつにきかれる kokoro wo arageruna yatsu ni kikareru "Don't worry yourself [or] he'll question [us]." (Note: I think Kudou is basically saying "Play it cool or else Tomura will catch on.")
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1 死柄木の中にあった鉛のような黒い塊…あれは しがらきのなかにあったなまりのようなくろいかたまり…あれは Shigaraki no naka ni atta namari no you na kuroi katamari...are wa Inside Shigaraki [is a] lead-like black lump...that is
2 奴の中にあった幾つ��の小さな怒りや不満……記憶… やつのなかにあったいくつものちいさないかりやふまん……きおく… yatsu no naka ni atta ikutsumo no chiisa na ikari ya fuman......kioku... the many small angers inside him......memories...
3 それらが引き寄せられ一つに集約されたものだ それらがひきよせられひとつにしゅうやくされたものだ sorera ga hikiyoserare hitotsu ni shouyaku sareta mono da Those are all drawn together and consolidated into [that] one thing.
4 いわば奴の決意そのもの憎悪で固められた精神 いわばやつのけついそのものぞうおでかためられたせいしん iwaba yatsu no ketsui sono mono zouo de katamerareta seishin So to speak, his determination itself is a spirit fortified with hatred.
5 だが dagaBut,
6-7 八木が隙を見つけた やぎがすきをみつけた Yagi ga suki wo mitsuketa Yagi found an opening.
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1 あれは恐らく あれはおそらく are wa osoraku That is probably
2 スターアンドストライプとの戦闘でついた残り傷 スターアンドストライプとのせんとうでついたのこりきず SUTAA ANDO SUTORAIPU to no sentou de tsuita nokori kizu a gash left over from the battle with Star and Stripe.
3 再生の"個性"でも癒し切れぬ肉体ではなく精神の傷 さいせいの"こせい"でもいやしきれぬにくたいではなくせいしんのきず saisei no "kosei" demo iyashi kirenu nikutai de wa naku seishin no kizu Even the Regeneration quirk cannot heal the wounds of the spirit as it's not the body.
4 それと sore to "And then"
5 ワン・フォー・オールが… WAN FOO OORU ga... "One For All..."
6 どういう…… dou iu...... "what do you mean......"
7 AFOを飲み込んだ死柄木は強くなりすぎだ……このまま力比べを続けても勝ち目はない オール・フォー・ワンをのみこんだしがらきはつよくなりすぎだ……このままちからくらべをつづけてもかちめはない OORU FOO WAN wo nomikonda Shigaraki wa tsuyoku nari sugi da......kono mama chikara kurabe wo tsudzuketemo kachime wa nai "[By] swallowing All For One, Shigaraki has become too strong...... At this rate, if we continute to compete by strength, there will be no chance of winning."
8 だから裡から攻める だからうちからせめる dakara uchi kara semeru "So we'll attack from the inside."
9-10 ワン・フォー・オールを譲渡という形で傷にぶつける ワン・フォー・オールをじょうとというかたちできずにぶつける WAN FOO OORU wo jouto to iu katachi de kizu ni butsukeru "[We'll] strike* the gash in the form of transfering One For All." (*Note: This particular word for "strike" evokes imagery almost like "bust through," "smash through.")
11 傷をこじ開け きずをこじあけ kizu wo kojiake "[We'll] pry open the gash
12 奴の精神を直接叩く やつのせいしんをちょくせつたたく yatsu no seishin wo chokusetsu tataku "and strike his spirit directly."
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1 "譲渡"して… "じょうと"して… "jouto" shite... "Transfer it..."
2 "ぶつける"……? "butsukeru"......? "and strike......?"
3 待って言ってる事がよくわかんない! まっていってることがよくわかんない! matte itteru koto ga yoku wakannai! "Wait, I don't really understand what you're saying!"
4 渡したら…使われるだけだ! わたしたら…つかわれるだけだ! watashitara...tsukawareru dake da! "If you hand [us] over...[we'll] just be used!"
5 四ノ森さんのように取り込まれるだけだ! しのもりさんのようにとりこまれるだけだ! Shinomori-san no you ni torikomareru dake da! "We'll just be captured like Mr. Shinomori!"
6 "譲渡"の解釈を拡げるんだ "じょうと"のかいしゃくをひろげるんだ "jouto" no kaishaku wo hirogerunda "Expand your interpretation of 'transfer.'"
7 わからんか wakaran ka "Don't you understand?"
8 イメージで修練? イメージでしゅうれん? IMEEJI de shuuren? "Training through visualiation?"
9 ーーーああ… ---aa... "---Yes..."
10 なら…わかりやすいのがいるだろう nara...wakari yasui no ga iru darou "In that case...there's one [person] who'll make it easy to understand."
11 あの幼馴染はおまえにどうやってものを渡すかな あのおさななじみはおまえにどうやってものをわたすかな ano osananajimi wa omae ni dou yatte mono wo watasu ka na "How does that childhood friend [of yours] hand over things to you?"
small text 信じ難いや しんじがたいや shinji gatai ya "It's difficult to believe."
12 渡し方によっては怪我もするし わたしかたによってはけがもするし watashikata ni yotte wa kega mo suru shi "Depending on how you hand it over, you may get injured,"
13 物自体が壊れもする ものじたいがこわれもする mono jitai ga koware mo suru "or the item itself may be broken."
14 これをOFAで実行するだが… これをワン・フォー・オールでじっこうするだが… kore wo WAN FOO OORU de jikkou suru daga... "You'll implement this with One For All, but..."
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1 確証はないだからまず俺で試す かくしょうはないだからまずおれでためす kakushou wa nai dakara mazu ore de tamesu "I'm not certain [about it], so I'll test it with myself first."
2 さっきは四ノ森さんだけが奪われた さっきはしのもりさんだけがうばわれた sakki wa Shinomori-san dake ga ubawareta "Earlier, only Mr. Shinomori was stolen."
3 一部だけ奪われるなら…一部だけの譲渡もシステムとして可能な筈だ いちぶだけうばわれるなら…いちぶだけのじょうともシステムとしてかのうなはずだ ichibu dake ubawareru nara...ichibu dake no jouto mo SHISUTEMU to shite kanou na hazu da "If only one portion was stolen...it should also be possible to transfer only one portion as a system."
4 俺たちはOFAに取り込まれた因子 おれたちはワン・フォー・オールにとりこまれたいんし ore-tachi wa WAN FOO OORU ni torikomareta inshi "We are factors taken into One For All."
5 OFAの一部……そして ワン・フォー・オールのいちぶ……そして WAN FOO OORU no ichibu......soshite "[Individual] parts of One For All...and"
6 強化された特別な因子 きょうかされたとくべつないんし kyouka sareta tokubetsu na inshi "strengthened special factors."
7 俺が砕け散る程に強く"渡せ"ば おれがくだけちるほどにつよく"わたせ"ば ore ga kudake chiru hodo ni tsuyoku "watase"ba "If you hand me over so strongly that I shatter to pieces,"
8 力が渡ることなく攻撃ができる ちからがわたることなくこうげきができる chikara ga wataru koto naku kougeki ga dekiru "I can attack without the power passing over [to him]." (Note: I believe Kudou is saying "If you send me over strongly enough to break me as a factor, I can attack Tomura without him being able to use my quirk.")
9 試すって…!なら「煙幕」を! ためすって…!なら「おれ」を! tamesu tte...! nara 「ore (kanji: enmaku)」 wo! "Test it, you say...! Then [send] me (read as: Smokescreen)!"
10 俺が今一番使い所ないでしょ おれがいまいちばんつかいどころないでしょ ore ga ima ichiban tsukai dokoro nai desho "I'm the one who has the least use, right?"
11 いや iya "No,"
12 俺からだ おれからだ ore kara da "it's from me." (Note: I think Kudou is saying "No, it was my suggestion, so I should be the one we test this on.")
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1 でも"変速"はこの戦いの要だ!失敗したら死柄木に"変速"が でも"へんそく"はこのたたかいのかなめだ!しっぱいしたらしがらきに"へんそく"が demo "hensoku" wa kono tatakai no kaname da! shippai shitara Shigaraki ni "hensoku" ga "But Gear Shift is key in this battle! If it fails, Shigaraki will [have]Gear Shift!"
2 今 いま ima "Right now,"
3 動けなければ死ぬ うごけなければしぬ ugokenakereba shinu "[whoever] can't move will die."
4 "変速"を手放せば反動も手放せる "おれ"をてばなせばはんどうもてばなせる "ore (kanji: hensoku)" wo tebanaseba handou mo tebanaseru "If he can let go of me (read as: Gear Shift), he can let go of the recoil."
5 そして万が一奴が使ったとしても今の反動状態がそのまま渡ることになる そしてまんがいちやつがつかったとしてもいまのはんどうじょうたいがそのままわたることになる soshite man ga ichi yatsu ga tsukatta to shitemo ima no handou joutai ga sono mama wataru koto ni naru "And even if by any chance that guy used it, the current state of the recoil would pass over [to him] as it is now."
6 リーダー…俺はずっとあなたに従ってきた…けれど今回はリスクが高すぎる リーダー…おれはずっとあなたにしたがってきた…けれどこんかいはリスクがたかすぎる RIIDAA...ore wa zutto anata ni shitagatte kita...keredo konkai wa RISUKU ga taka sugiru "Leader...I've always followed you...but this time the risk is too high."
7 だから賭けだよ だからかけだよ dakara kake da yo "That's why it's a bet."
8 俺たちは過酷な時代を生きた おれたちはかこくなじだいをいきた ore-tachi wa kakoku na jidai wo ikita "We lived in a harsh era."
9 仕方がないと…無情な決断も重ねてきた しかたがないと…むじょうなけつだんもかさ���てきた shikata ga nai to...mujou na ketsudan mo kasanete kita Literal. "[I thought] there was no choice... I piled up heartless decisions." Contextual. "[I thought] there was no choice... I made decision after heartless decision."
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1 今 最も過酷な状況にあって いま もっともかこくなじょうきょうにあって ima motto mo kakoku na joukyou ni atte Right now, [he is] is in the harshest situation,
2 それでも尚心を諦めないこの少年が それでもなおこころをあきらめないこのしょうねんが sore demo nao kokoro wo akiramenai kono shounen ga yet still, this boy will not give up on [his] heart. (Note: The "his" is ambiguous. This phrase literally reads as "this boy will not give up on heart.")
3 正しいのだと信じたい ただしいのだとしんじたい tadashii no da to shinjitai I want to believe that he is right*. (*Note: This word "right" can mean both "correct" and "righteous, just.")
4 オールマイトにここまでして貰えて オールマイトにここまでしてもらえて OORU MAITO ni koko made shite moraete For All Might to do all of this for me,
5 恵まれすぎてる… めぐまれすぎてる… megumare sugiteru... I'm too blessed...
6 づ… dzu... "Ddh..."
7 ふぐ…! fugu...! "Ngh...!"
8 …この期に及んで… …このごにおよんで… ...kono go ni oyonde... "...Up to this phase..."
9 力が惜しいとか…死の恐怖じゃない… ちからがおしいとか…しのきょうふじゃない… chikara ga oshii toka...shi no kyoufu ja nai... "it's not that the power is precious [to him]...and it's not the fear of death."
10 どれだけ強大な使���を帯びてても… どれだけきょうだいなしめいをおびてても… dore dake kyoudai na shimei wo obitetemo... "No matter how powerful the mission with which he is entrusted..."
11 俊典…! としのり…! Toshinori...! "Toshinori...!"
12 この子はいつまで経っても…… このこはいつまでたっても…… kono ko wa itsu made tattemo...... "For this child, no matter how much time passes......"
13 この子にとってOFAは… このこにとってワン・フォー・オールは… kono ko ni totte WAN FOO OORU wa... "to this child, One For All is..."
14 肝に銘じておきな きもにめいじておきな kimo ni meijite oki na Keep this in mind:
15 これは君自身が勝ち取った力だ これはきみじしんがかちとったちからだ kore wa kimi jishin ga kachitotta chikara da this is a power you have won yourself.
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1 憧れのヒーローがくれた宝物なんだよ あこがれのヒーローがくれたたからものなんだよ akogare no HIIROO ga kureta takaramono nanda yo ...a treasure given to him by the hero he admires.
3 何をごちゃごちゃと話してる なにをごちゃごちゃとはなしてる nani wo gochagocha to hanashiteru "What gripes are you talking about?"
4 万縄あんたはなるべく小僧の側に ばんじょうあんたはなるべくこぞうのそばに Banjou anta wa narubeku kozou no soba ni "Banjou, you [stay] by the boy's side as much as possible."
5 黒鞭が生命線だ くろむちがせいめいせんだ kuro muchi ga seimeisen da "Black Whip is the lifeline."
6 頼んだ たのんだ tanonda "[I'm] counting on you."
7 ああ aa "Right,"
8 マイヒーロー MAI HIIROO "my hero."
9 あとはお前だどうする緑谷出久‼︎ あとはおまえだどうするみどりやいずく‼︎ ato wa omae da dou suru Midoriya Izuku!! "The rest is up to you, Izuku Midoriya!!"
10 ……やります‼︎ ......yarimasu!! "......I'll do it!!"
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1 …とても ...totemo "...You don't really"
2 腱や筋肉を内から直接補強… けんやきんにくをうちからちょくせつほきょう… ken ya kinniku wo uchi kara chokusetsu hokyou… Direct reinforcement of your tendons and muscles from within…
3 肌から透けて見える黒鞭が物語ってる はだからすけてみえるそれがものがたってる hada kara sukete mieru sore (kanji: kuro muchi) ga monogatatteru That (read as: Black Whip) that’s transparently visible through your skin tells the story.
4 ヒーローには見えねえな ヒーローにはみえねえな HIIROO ni wa mienee na "look like a hero."
tagline 動かぬ身体に黒鞭を打つ‼︎ うごかぬからだにくろむちをうつ‼︎ ugokanu karada ni kuro muchi wo utsu!! With a body that won't move, strike with Black Whip!!
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ace-detectiv3 · 2 months ago
nikkori chousatai ohakonbanchiwa how are you? kyou mo kyou tote saikou desu oo~ wandahooi! tansaku! korekushon! tankyuu! E・G・A・O shokun hai! wareware wa sekai no egao o chousa suru! hai taichou ore ni meian ga kyakka tte mada nani mo itte nai nda ga? moo tooniikaaku are da hora kanabun wa ikken ni shikazu? aa hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu da nee sore sore! tsumari mushitori? (osore) chigau tte taichou! nani nani~ (nanda?) teian ga arimasu zehi kikasete hoshii mono da na toriaezu toriaezu? toriaezu shuppatsu shiyou noopuran de un! chotto matte e? shuppatsu shinkou! chotto matte tte! tabijitaku kuraisasero~! suu jitsu go jaa mochimono chekku o hajimemaasu mazu wa kihon no! pa! papa pasupooto motta? haai! ki! kiki kigae wasureta! e~ mo! mobairu batterii motta? haai ko! kokorozashi wa motta? mochiron! nakama ga ite watashi ga iru shikamo futsuu janai dare no koto kana? bokura ni wa fukanou o kanou ni kaeru nanika ga aru sa nikkorikorikorikori koriandaa achira mo kochira mo senkyakubanrai! kimi no egao mo korekushon sasete iieeiieiiei ie~ otona mo kodomo mo kankeinee ze kore zo ichiryuu no enta~↓ teime~n↑ watashi datte itsuka yume o kanaete yaru tte (we can do it) kono nikkori ni furete motto mune fukuramimashita to sa good! hai chuumooku nikkori chousatai daitai ocha no kosaisa~i tamotsu chousa no teisai imada! aku o tekken seisai! bishi! chousa houkoku sono ichi egao wa densen shimasu obaka mo densen shimasu yada~ meccha kowa shokun hai taihen desu zenzen deeta ga taritemasen toriaezu toriaezu? toriaezu mata chindouchuu da naa (danaa) omae ga iu na~! suu jitsu go jaa mochimono chekku hajimemaasu son ja itsumono! pa! papa pasupooto motta? haai! ki! papa pantsu wasuretaa uaa! e~ mo! mobairu batterii motta? haai ko! kokorozashi wa motta? mochiron! okunigara toka rounyakunan'nyo wa anma shi kankei nai waarudowaido da ze kocchi no sekai mo madamada suteta mon janai nante ne♪ nikkorikorikorikori orikou-san in kya mo you kya mo uerukamu uerukamu kimi no egao ga chousa taishou sa iieeiieiiei ie~ fijikaru mentaru tootaru OK kikime batsugun no enta~↓ teime~n↑ watashi datte itsuka yume o kanaete yaru tte (we can do it) kono nikkori ni furete motto mune fukuramimashita to sa sono shonbori o nikkori ni henkan uchira ni makasero make your smile (Fu~) age no toki datte sage no toki datte kakimazechatte supaisu datte kanpeki da nani ga? nikkorikorikorikori orikou-chan otona mo kodomo mo netsuretsu kangei! mochi wareware mo chousa taishou da! Run away uei uei ue~i watashi datte itsuka yume o kanaete yaru tte (we can do it) kono nikkori ni furete motto mune fukuramimashita to sa
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fishyishy · 4 months ago
A3! Song Translation - Ticket
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From "us" to "me", we have chosen to connect now
from "now" to the "future",
until the day when
we can paint over the continuation of our dreams
with new stage directions,
Will you keep trying your best?
A song of joy for us who are setting off on a journey, here again,
As I looked forward, there was only one path in front of me
An intersection that appears like a
a surprise attack, a detour, the spring buds
I can't just keep nodding,
there is surely no mistake in this question without an answer,
Each one of us held on tightly to a brand new ticket,
proudly held it up
From "us" to "me", we chose to
connect from "now" to the "future",
(Soar high),
If there are still doubts in your heart,
accept it as a part of you
Let's celebrate the continuation of
this unforgettable season together,
To the you who was stretching yourself with
dreams that can't be held,
Have any of them come true, even just a little?
You'll probably laugh and say "there's still a long way to go "
But that's okay,
I just wanted to know the right answer,
pretending to be clever,
It felt unbearable, like something was wrong with me
I took a deep breath,
As I throw away the usual, I take my first step forward,
Smiling as I say, "I'm off"
The flowers sing to inspire us as we set out on the road from here,
Don't be afraid,
I'm just being spoiled by the moments you've been waiting
If you keep relying on the present,
you'll be laughed at in the future, asking yourself
"What are you doing?"
I'll come back the during the season where cherry blossoms fall throughout the sky
There are things here that won't change
To the new me and the new you
Nothing can stop the bell that has began to ring for a new beginning
(We are)
We'll bloom here no matter how many times,
from "us" to "me" from the now to the future
We have chosen to connect
(Soar high),
If there are still doubts in your heart,
accept it as a part of you
Let's celebrate the continuation of
this unforgettable season together,
With your usual smile, can you still see your dreams?
Bokura kara boku-e
ima kara mirai i e
tsunagu koto o no erabe ta
bokura yo ima
ko yume no tsuzuki o
arata na to kaki de
nuritsubuseru sono hi made
ganbatte miru kai
Tabidatsu bokura e
yorokobi no uta o
mata koko de
Mae no muku, me no mae ni wa
hitotsu no michi
sore shika nakatta
Fuiuchichi no yō ni arawareru
kōsaten michikusa haru no tsubomi
Unazui tte bakari mo i rare nai sa
kotae no nai toi ni
machigai nante kitto nakutte
boku tachi o
sorezore ga nigitta
makototsu shin na CHIKETTO
hokorashige ni kazashi ta
Bokura wa kara boku e
ima kara mirai de
tsunagu koto o erabeta
bokura no yō ima
Kokoro no doko ka ni mayō ni aru nara
sore mo subete jibun da to
mitome shimae
Wasu rare nu kisetsu no tsuzuki o
bokura de iwao u
Mochi kire nai kurai no yume o
dae te ha senobi o shi te ta kun e
sukoshi wa kanatsu no kai ?
Madamada to waraudarou
Soredo ī sa
Sekai bakari o hoshi gatte
Kashikoku yatsu ta furi
iwakan bakari da
Rashiku mo nai to i
ki wo sutta
itsumo wo nagesute te
fumidasu saishou no ippo
Itte rai masu, to warau
Koko kara doko ka e
fumidasu bokura o
furuitata seru you ni
hana wa utau
Osoreru na
Kun ga matsu ima ni
amae te bakari ja
ano goro ni warawareru zo
nani yatte n da, tte
Sakura mau kisetsu no goro ni wa
Kaette kuru yo
Kawaranai mono ga koko ni aru kara
Atarashii boku to
Atarashii kimi ni
arata na makuake o
Naridashi taberu o
yameru mono wa nai
(Bokura wa)
nani do demo bokura wa koko de saku kara
bokura kara boku-e
ima kara mirai e
tsunagu koto o erabe ta
bokura-yō ima
kokoro no doko ka ni
mayoi-i ga aru nara
sore mo subete jibun da to
mitomete te shimae
wasu rare nu kisetsu no tsuzuki o
bokura de iwao u
Itsumo no egao de, yume wa mada mie masu ka?
*msg for kanji
*ahhh citron is the one that sings the "To the you who was stretching yourself with...." part and that just makes me so !! 🥹🥹
*i wish i could make out a lot more of their voices but its just so...!
*especially when sakuya goes "With your usual smile, can you still see your dreams?" at the end...ojqhfeuaiuodj he sso precious
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adnaae · 3 months ago
"Završiću našu priču s jednim 'moglo je biti, ali nije.' I ko zna kroz par godina kad sretnemo se, pričaćemo o nama kroz šalu, možda, mada ni jednom ni drugom neće biti smešno u dubini duša. A onda jednog jutra shvatićeš kao i ja da oni što se bude na drugoj strani kreveta nisu mi. I više neće biti smešno, već tužno. Nedostajaće mi ona tvoja druga strana mene da upotpuni mozaik moje životne priče…"
Ðorđe Balašević
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maphel-n-doodles · 2 years ago
Izuna acting cute vs grumpy mada? ๑(◕‿◕)๑
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Izuna is cute but in the way cats are cute right before they rip your curtains out of the wall.
support me on ko-fi!
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nije-mi-nista · 1 year ago
Drugi put kada sam bila hospitalizovana, od prvog do poslednjeg dana, družila sam se sa jednom devojkom. Bila je malo starije od mene, ali je brinula o meni kao da mi je majka. Pričala sam i sa ostalima, brinula je i ona o ostalima, ali smo se ipak izdvajale nas dve. Za svo vreme tamo nijednom nije forsirala razgovor i bila u čudu zvanom "kakve ti probleme imaš sa 18, šta je to toliko strašno pa si u ludnici završila?". Ko god bi me to pitao, ona bi počela da vrišti na njega. Ta moja drugarica imala je plave oči, plavlje od bilo kakvog neba. Pušila je nenormalno mnogo, ali čim bi videla nekog drugog da pali, odmah bi sve pobacala kroz prozor. Kada god sam se rastužila pošto sam daleko od kuće ili zbog nečeg drugog, bila je tu sve dok mi ne izmami osmeh i prosto je bilo nemoguće ne na smejati se kada i ona to uradi. Imala je zavijena oba zgloba ruke mada nikada nije pričala zbog čega je to uradila. Trudila se svim srcem da izvuče dobro iz svakoga, ali je to tako teško sada. Nikada nije povisila ton ni na koga. Svaku prepreku je sama prevazilazila. Sklapala je i sklapala sve ostale, dok se ona lomila na hiljadu komadića. Volela je život, ali on nije voleo nju. Rekla bih vam pitajte je, ali nje već odavno nema... stoga meni morate verovati na reč.
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gatohuesito · 3 months ago
"twintails until age 20" lyrics in english + romanization ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
english lyrics ✮⋆˙
Hey? do you remember? i still cant forgive you, that day (darling) your words were really mean. Its very important, you see? im starting to hate everything of you.. It makes me feel so jealous, but i dont wanna be rejected! You are very unnantentive, and always make me feel like this... Do you get it? Dont say 20 its the limit to wear twintails! i dont want you to decide for me! Until im a grandma, want to this forever ♡ If you really love me more than what i love myself... Then love me like how i am! ♡ Hey? are you listening to me? you still dont understand? Even if it was a joke, i just cant ignore (please tell me) what happened... For you it , the little and rubbish things, but for me, means the whole universe! Disgarding the girls in the streets, your words cant affect me, my hair is up as always and bouncy, didnt you notice? ♡ Dont say 20 its the limit to wear twintails! Dont tell me what to do! Even in our date number 9000, ill wear them tightly ♡ If you really love me, i want you to love me for what all i am ♡ Hey, yesterday, i had a weird dream... I was walking besides you, with my twintails, and for reason you had ones too... ♡ Why was everyone wearing twintails? Even the sumo fighters on tv, and the yorkshire dogs on their walks... Hehe, surely even god had twintails too ♡ Twintails, twintails, you wear twintails too Twintails, twintails, i want you to do them for me! ♡ Twintails, twintails, I`ll have twintails tomorrow! Twintails, twintails, i want you to look at them! ♡ Twintails, twintails, even this night ill wear twintails! Twintails, twintails, i want you to understand! ♡ Twintails, twintails, until i die, ill wear twintails Twintails, twintails, i want you to love me too! For ever, i wanna protect them ♡
romanized/romaji lyrics ✮⋆˙
nee?♡ oboeteru? mada yurusenai ano hi no anata no (Darling?) mushinkei na kotoba taisetsu na koto da yo, hora, kidzuiteru? Anata no subete wo Kirai ni natte shimaisou! Watashi datte futaku sarete Kirawaretai wake ja nai no Jun sugiru anata ga itsumo sou saseru no yo! Wakatten no? Nee twintail wa hatachi made Tte anata ga kimenaide Obaachan ni naru toki made Zutto kou shite itai no yo! Koi shiteru to iu nara ne motto watashi ga, suki na watashi no koto Aishite hoshii no Nee? Kikoeteru? Mada wakaranai? joke no tsumori demo... (Please tell me) Misugosenai koto yo Anata ni wa sasai na koto ga Watashi no sekai no subete na no! Uchuu no mukou yo Chimata no onna no ko tachi mo Anata no kotoba kurai ja Tayutau ushiro kami zenzen hikarenai no! Kidzuiten no? Nee ♡ Twintail wa hatachi made Tte anata wa iwanaide♡ Kyuusenkaime no Date demo ne Gyutto musunde itai no yo Aishiteru to iu nara ne zutto watashi ga suki na subete no koto Mitomete hoshii no♡ Nee, kinou no yoru ne Sunao na yume wo mita no Watashi wa itsumo to kawarazu twintail de Tonari ni aruku anata mo Nazedaka twintail na no terebi ni utsuru osumousan mo Osanpochuu no yorkshire terrier mo Minna twintail Fufuu, Kitto Kamisama mo twintailda to omou no! Twintail, twintail♡ Anata mo twintail Twintail,Musunde hoshii no♡ Twintail, twintail♡ Ashita mo twintail Twintail, Nagamete hoshii no♡ Twintail, twintail♡ Koyoi mo twintail Twintail, Hodoite hoshii no♡ Twintail, twintail♡ Shinu made twintail Twintail, Aishite hoshii no♡ Isshou mamotte itai no♡
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ʚɞ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
thats all !! i could have done a spanish one, bt im kinda lazy X3 this is my first time posting, so feedback its appreciated ♡
listen to the song ::
spotify https://open.spotify.com/intl-es/track/3Hy9Bd638DaYoVY3ayj06X?si=3894611adea94fb9
youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8rbEdXwQ_c
youtube music: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=e8rbEdXwQ_c&list=OLAK5uy_mja7QsJfqyf01bkGvVXhrHHTvllUw5Enc
if yall have ideas let me know ! ;3 byee !
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rumahhuniandijualmalang · 2 months ago
0821-4212-5500 Solusi Tepat Investasi, Jual Rumah Kos Kosan Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza
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0821-4212-5500 #1 Solusi Tepat Investasi Aset Rumah Kost, Jual Rumah Kos Kosan Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza
Download Brosur KLIK http://wa.me/6282142125500, Jual Rumah Kos Kosan Dekat Mall Gajah Mada Plaza, Rumah Kost Dijual Murah Dekat Stiki, Jual Rumah Kost Cepat Dapat Passive Income Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Stie Malangkucecwara, Jual Rumah Kost Cepat Dapat Passive Income Dekat Stmik Ppkia Pradnya Paramita Stimata, Jual Rumah Kost Cepat Dapat Passive Income Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Stt Rri Malang, Jual Rumah Kost Cepat Dapat Passive Income Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Ma�had Staima Aly Al-Hikam, Jual Rumah Kost Cepat Dapat Passive Income Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Stp Ipi Malang, Jual Rumah Kost Cepat Dapat Passive Income Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Theologi Stt Salem, Jual Rumah Kost Cepat Dapat Passive Income Dekat Sekolah Tinggi Pendidikan Agama Kristen Stipak Duta Harapan
Graha Agung Luxury Kos Sigura-Gura: Jual Rumah Kost Murah Malang untuk Passive Income Stabil dan Aman!
Apakah Anda sedang mencari peluang investasi dengan passive income yang stabil dan aman? Inilah saatnya Anda mempertimbangkan Graha Agung Luxury Kos di Sigura-gura, Malang, tempat rumah kost dijual dengan fasilitas setara hotel dan lokasi strategis. Rumah kost ini berada di samping Kampus Brawijaya dan universitas ternama lainnya, memberikan jaminan penyewa penuh serta keuntungan berlipat!
Mengapa Graha Agung Luxury Kos Adalah Pilihan Terbaik untuk Jual Rumah Kost Murah Malang?
Lokasi Super Strategis Berada di jantung Kota Malang dan hanya beberapa detik dari berbagai kampus besar seperti Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Negeri Malang, UIN, dan ITN, properti ini menawarkan kemudahan akses untuk para mahasiswa yang selalu meningkat tiap tahunnya. Dengan 330.000 mahasiswa baru yang banjiri Malang setiap tahun, permintaan rumah kost dijual semakin tinggi.
48 detik ke Universitas Brawijaya dan Universitas Negeri Malang.
- 43 detik ke UIN dan ITN.
- 58 detik ke pusat perbelanjaan Transmart.
- 10 detik ke pusat kuliner, laundry, dan berbagai fasilitas penting lainnya.
2. Fasilitas Setara Hotel Graha Agung Luxury Kos Sigura-Gura menawarkan kenyamanan maksimal dengan fasilitas premium yang memanjakan penghuni sekaligus meningkatkan daya tarik properti Anda sebagai investasi. Beberapa fasilitas unggulan di antaranya:
One Gate System untuk keamanan penghuni.
- Co-Working Space yang cocok untuk mahasiswa maupun pekerja remote.
- Kolam Renang dan Jogging Track untuk relaksasi dan olahraga.
- Cafe & Rest- untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari tanpa harus keluar area.
- Minimarket dan Masjid 2 lantai sebagai pelengkap.
- ROW Jalan 10 meter memberikan kenyamanan akses.
3. Sewa Kelola Otomatis dengan Garansi Penghuni Penuh Anda tidak perlu repot mengurus penyewa. Dengan manajemen profesional dari Graha Agung, properti rumah kos Malang dijual ini akan selalu terisi penuh. Anda hanya tinggal menerima hasil sewanya setiap bulan tanpa perlu terlibat dalam pengelolaan harian.
4. Free Furnish Custom Investasi ini semakin menguntungkan dengan berbagai fasilitas gratis untuk setiap unit kost, termasuk:
Tempat tidur yang nyaman.
- Meja, kursi, laci, dan almari.
- Smart TV, water heater, dan AC. Semua ini disediakan untuk memaksimalkan kenyamanan penghuni dan meningkatkan daya tarik sewa kost Anda!
Potensi Pendapatan dari Graha Agung Luxury Kos
Investasi di rumah kos Malang dijual ini menjanjikan pendapatan yang stabil dengan potensi omset besar:
Sewa 1 kamar kost per bulan: Rp 2.000.000 - Rp 3.000.000.
- Dengan 13 kamar, Anda bisa memperoleh omset bulanan antara Rp 26.000.000 hingga Rp 39.000.000.
- Dalam satu tahun, potensi omset mencapai Rp 312.000.000 hingga Rp 468.000.000 dengan garansi income dari manajemen kelola kos.
Keuntungan Investasi di Rumah Kost Malang Dijual
Selain potensi pendapatan yang tinggi, ada beberapa alasan mengapa properti ini sangat cocok sebagai aset investasi Anda:
Lokasi di pusat kota yang strategis dan selalu dicari oleh mahasiswa.
- Pertumbuhan jumlah mahasiswa yang terus meningkat setiap tahun, menjamin permintaan tinggi untuk rumah kost.
- Manajemen profesional yang mengurus semua operasional properti, sehingga Anda hanya tinggal menikmati hasilnya.
- Pasive income stabil dan aman dengan garansi penghuni penuh.
Promo Khusus Bulan Ini!
Untuk bulan ini, Graha Agung Luxury Kos menawarkan prom- khusus yang semakin menambah nilai investasi Anda, seperti:
Free tempat tidur lengkap.
- Free meja, kursi, laci, almari.
- Free Smart TV, water heater, dan AC di setiap kamar!
Jika Anda sedang mencari jual rumah kost murah Malang yang menjanjikan passive income dan dikelola secara profesional, Graha Agung Luxury Kos adalah jawabannya. Dengan lokasi yang tak tertandingi di samping Kampus Brawijaya, fasilitas mewah, dan garansi penghuni penuh, investasi ini menjamin cuan yang terus mengalir tanpa harus repot mengurus operasional sehari-hari.
Segera ambil keputusan cerdas untuk masa depan finansial Anda dengan rumah kost dijual di Graha Agung Luxury Kos Sigura-Gura! Smart people take smart investment.
#JualRumahKosKosanDekatMallGajahMadaPlaza, #RumahKostDijualMurahDekatStiki, #JualRumahKostCepatDapatPassiveIncomeDekatSekolahTinggiIlmuEkonomiStieMalangkucecwara, #JualRumahKostCepatDapatPassiveIncomeDekatStmikPpkiaPradnyaParamitaStimata, #JualRumahKostCepatDapatPassiveIncomeDekatSekolahTinggiTeknikSttRriMalang, #JualRumahKostCepatDapatPassiveIncomeDekatSekolahTinggiAgamaIslamMa�hadStaimaAlyAl-Hikam, #JualRumahKostCepatDapatPassiveIncomeDekatSekolahTinggiPastoralStpIpiMalang, #JualRumahKostCepatDapatPassiveIncomeDekatSekolahTinggiTheologiSttSalem, #JualRumahKostCepatDapatPassiveIncomeDekatSekolahTinggiPendidikanAgamaKristenStipakDutaHarapan
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devil-in-lovee · 1 year ago
Ti si bila moje najljepse ljeto, sjecas se koliko sam bio ponosan sto sam imao tebe, koliko sam te samo volio to je znao i moj najbolji drug, nekada nas kum a sada ko zna cij. A onda je izasla ona najljepsa pjesma „Moje leto“ koju smo pjevusili i ako nismo znali pjevati, kada smo plesali po kisi uz tu nasu pjesmu, ali voljeli smo se, bilo je stvarno. Uvijek sam mislio kako ces ti biti ona zena koju cu ja ozeniti, zena koja ce mi roditi djecu, ali nista nije islo kako smo planirali. Bili smo djeca ali nikada vise nisam volio kao tebe, ti si bila moj prvi jaki osjecaj. I sada 10 godina poslije ja cu postati otac, dobit cu sina. Zamisli ja kao otac, smirio sam se nakon tebe, ona je divna dala mi je srce na dlanu, voli me mozda cak i vise od tebe, ali me nikada nije gledala kao ti. Sjecas se onih sitnica koje sam radio za tebe? Otvarao ti vrata, uvijek imao buket ruza za tebe, drzao tvoju jaknu da je mozes lakse obuci, ili izmicao stolicu. Onaj romanticni ja koji je pravio budalu od sebe samo da tebi izmami osmijeh na lice, i onda kada si me pitala sta ako vise ne budem zaljubljena u tebe? A ja sam ti rekao kako si uspjela jednom da se zaljubis i da ces uspjeti opet, da cu ja naci 1001 nacin da se ti opet zaljubis u mene, a ona je ostala uskracena te paznje, tih sitnica koje sam nekada za tebe radio. Ostala je uskracena samo za to sto se zaljubila u covjeka koji nema duse a ni srca da voli, covjeka cije si srce ti slomila prije 10 godina, valjda sam se opekao jednom i to mi je bilo dovoljno i za deset zivota, mada bih opet sve dao samo da jos jednom drhtim od straha da te ne izgubim.
Ig: Pisac_u_tami_
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supergenial · 7 months ago
(translation+lyrics) 月影の魔女サフィラ by Ariabl'eyeS
Well it's time to go over this 2024 Ariabl'eyeS album, Moonlight Witch Safira. Once again we have the now standard lineup of Luna, Ruru and Risa Yuzuki, with Suzuha Yumi doing background choruses.
Pretty cool album. The dual vocal song nageki no l'adieu is pretty great but surprisingly not my favorite this time around, instead it's both of Luna's solo songs, particularly kibou he youranka. The speed-change halfway into it surprised me the first time and still hypes me up every time I hear it. You can bet I go all out when this plays on my car. As for the story, well it's hard to tell where it's going at the moment. So far it's giving Vampire Bride vibes, what with two besties(🗿) being separated due to their inhumanity, but who knows how it will play out. I think there's still a lot of info missing.
Anyway, lyrics down below the cut, see you all next time!
Composer for all tracks: リゼ
The forest trembles, as bloody footsteps go through it with a white breath that pierces the darkness. A pitiful and absurd breed of man and wolf that by no means should exist. A beast resembling a human, not even worthy of being called a monster. Unable to withstand it all It flees knowing that there’s no hope for survival if it’s caught.
The forest trembles Bringing forth the witch at once
月影の魔女 (Tsukikage no majo, Moonlight Witch) Vocals: Ruru
Yamiyo wo surinukeru shikkoku no kage wo nabikase Senketsu no ashioto mori no oku fukaku hibiku
Pitch black shadows graze the darkness of the night Bloody footsteps echo through the depths of the forest
Kanshisha wa tsuranari shinnyuusha ni me wo hikarase Itetsuku kaze wa mata oikaesu you ni fubuku
The guards are caught up by the light reflected on the intruder’s eyes As the freezing wind blows like a blizzard
Mori ga sawameku Majo ni tsutae yo ima sugu ni
The forest trembles Bringing forth the witch
Kakenuketa hoshizora wo tadori gunjou wo shiro ni somete Egaku iro wa hakanaki negai hitosuji no hikari he Hikitsuru ashi ni izanawarete kurayami samayou Semete hitoyo wo to taorekonde kuchibiru kamishimete chikatta
Led by the starlit sky as the blue is dyed in white The colors drawn plead towards a sliver of light Dragging it’s feet wandering through the darkness Collapsing and swearing as it bites its lips
Mori ga sawameku Majo ni tsutae yo ima sugu ni
The forest trembles Bringing forth the witch
Tsutsumareta shizukesa no naka de kikoeru dareka no kotoba Kaze wa yande sasayaku mune wa naze ga atatakakute Kakenuketa hoshizora wo meguri watashi wa tayutau Tojikaketa me ni utsurishi kage wa tsuki no you ni kagayaku hitomi de
Enveloped by silence yet someone’s words can be heard A whisper that stops the wind and somehow feels warm I waver as the starry sky revolves above me Beyond shut eyelids, her eyes shine as the moon does
希望へ揺盤歌 (Kibou he no Youranka, Lullaby to Hope) Vocals: Luna
Saa nemure koyoi dake wa Kedakaki chi wo hiku yuusha no ko Sono kizu wa iyashite agemashou Saa kaketeyuke
Now let’s have you rest just for this night Child of the hero with the noble blood I’ll heal your wounds And now let’s set forth
Akumu wo minai yoru wa koremade ichido mo nakatta no ni Kanjirareru sono nukumori no naka tsutsumikomareru no Kasuka na utagoe wa naze ka sabishisou ni hibiita Kakemeguru chikara yadosu hikari tenohira de tsunagaru
I've yet to have a single night without nightmares But I can feel the warmth of an embrace That resounding voice sings with such sadness So powerful and all encompassing, and holding my hand
Mezameru to tsuki no you na hitomi no kanojo 「koko wa mamorareta mori no oku mou otte wa kurenaiwa」 Naze sore wo?
Upon awakening, the girl with eyes resembling the moon said “Within the forest’s protection, no one will chase after you” And why is that?
Kako wa fuhen no mono dakara miru koto ga dekiru no Anata ga umare ikita sono akashi wo tenohira ni utsushite Mada te ni nokoru nukumori wa anata no akashi Kono mahou ni michibikarete zutto kurushimazu ni ikite yukeru no?
As the past is unchangeable, I can observe it I can see it through the scars you’ve endured since your birth Yet what warmth remains in your hands is the proof you’ve endured it Perhaps with this magic you’ll be able to live without suffering?
Itoshiki anata ni kibou to natsukete Mou kurushimanai kara Futari nara
With much love I’ll name you after hope (Speranza) Hoping you won’t suffer any more Together the two of us
Kako wa fuhen no mono dakara miru koto ga dekiru no Anata ga umare ikita sono akashi wo tenohira ni utsushite Shitataru namida koraete yasashisa ni furete Itami sae wasurete shimau hodo no atataka na yoru wa sugite
As the past is unchangeable, I can observe it I can see it through the scars you’ve endured since your birth Holding back tears as you finally feel kindness With enough warmth to even forget the pain and make it through the night
硝子の瞳 (Garasu no hitomi, Glass Pupils) Vocals: Risa Yuzuki
Hi no ataranai shikkoku no mori ni Aojiroku ukabu usuakari Utsushidasareru ugokanu tokei Toki wa yami wo samayotte
A pitch black forest, unreachable by sunlight Only a faint pale light can be seen Lighting up an unmoving clock As time itself wanders through the darkness
Majo wa negau Kono sekai ni zetsubousenu you ni
The witch prays For a world that won’t fall to despair
Superantsa wa itsushika hito to nari Mahou no oshie wo majo ni kouta Korekara saki towa ni futari Yorisoi ikiteyuku no sono tame no sube wo
Speranza eventually grew And asked to learn magic from the witch The two shall live together from now on And those skills would bring them closer
Hi no ataranai shikkoku no mori ni Aojiroku ukabu usuakari Utsushi dasareru matataku hoshi wa Kirameku garasu saiku no you de
A pitch black forest, unreachable by sunlight Only a faint pale light can be seen Reflected upon those twinkling eyes As shiny as glassworks
Majo wa negau Itsuka dareka wo aiseru you ni
The witch prays To one day love someone
Superantsa anata ni wa mada nemuru Anata dake no chikara ga aru no yo Sore wa toki ni uragiru kara Hitsuyou na toki ni hitsuyou na dake
Speranza, slumbering within you There’s a power that’s only yours So that it doesn’t betray you Use it only when necessary
Mune no uchi ni himete oitene Zutto futari dake no yakusoku dakara
So keep it hidden close to your heart That is a promise between us two
嘆きのラデュー (Nageki no L'Adieu, Sorrowful Farewell) Vocals: Ruru, Luna
Yodonda yami wo nukereba yasashii hizashi ga furisosogu Kousakushiteku kanjou takanaru omoi kakaeta mama
Gentle sunlight pours through the stale darkness Emotions intertwine, carrying upbeat thoughts
Surechigau hitonami ni waraumono wa mou inai Hayaru kimochi osaerezu ni kakeru tsutaetakute
Yet in the passing crowd there are no laughing faces And my restless thoughts drive me to run back to you
Mitashita wain kakaete hikari afureru machi nukereba Yami ni idakareta mori hayaku anata ni todoketakute
I go through the bright town carrying wine I want to bring it to you in the forest as soon as possible
Tsunagu himitsu no doa koko ni aru hazu nano ni Kieteiru to kitsuku anata no kaori ga
I’m certain the hidden door was around here Yet it is now gone, as is your scent
Hashitte mo hashitte mo tadoritsukenai shirube ni Ugomeku shousou anata wa mienakute Afuredasu namida sae iroaseteyuku hodo ni Aa Subete wo nomikomu sarigiwa no kotoba wo kurikaeshite
I run and run unable to reach the symbol Impatience tortures me as I’m unable to see you My overflowing tears fade all color away I try to process it all remembering your words
Fui ni ochita tegami wa wakare no kotoba Ikiba no nai omoi osaerezu ni atemonaku kakenuketa
And suddenly a letter tells me your parting words So I run aimlessly unable to control myself
Togabito wa yami no naka nigerarenu sadame na no yo Anata wa hi abite hito to shite ikiru no yo Aishite aisarete shiawase wo tsukamu no yo Anata to watashi no towa no yakusoku ne sayounara
A sinner in the darkness running away from fate You must bask in sunlight and live as a human To love and be loved, that’s how you must grasp happiness Let that be our promise for eternity. Farewell.
終わりなき悪夢 (Owarinaki Akumu, Never Ending Nightmare) Vocals: Luna
Mou dare no koto mo kizutsukenai Hikari tozasareta yami ni chikatta Me wo tojireba mata kikoeru koe ni Obieru hitobito no me tsukisasaru
I won’t hurt anyone anymore I swore within the darkness away from light But if I close my eyes I can still hear them The frightened people with their piercing gaze
Yogoto miru owarinaki yume Ano hi ni mita akumu dake
Every night I see it, that never ending dream All I ever see since that day is a nightmare
Dokomade kita darou mayoikonda mori no oku Me ni yakitsuku hi ni juujika wa ukabu
Everywhere I go, I’m still lost in those woods A cross rises up among the flames in my eyes
Mou nidoto ayamachi wa okasanu you ni tobira shime Fukai yami no soko shizuka ni kagi kaketa
I’ve shut that door, I’ll never sin again Locking away the depths of the profound darkness
Also someone did an updated tiermaker! Now I don't have to look up the old one lmao
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pikahlua · 2 years ago
MHA Chapter 379 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 黒霧起動後セントラル病院 くろぎりきどうごセントラルびょういん Kurogiri kidougo SENTORARU byouin Central Hospital after Kurogiri’s start-up
2 怪我人を中へ‼︎ けがにんをなかへ‼︎ keganin wo naka e!! “Get the injured inside!!”
tagline 時は少しだけ遡り ときはすこしだけさかのぼり toki wa sukoshi dake sakanobori Going back in time just a little
3 急げ雨が強くなってきた! いそげあめがつよくなってきた! isoge ame ga tsuyoku natte kita! “Hurry, the rain is getting stronger!”
4 ああ!敵味方関係なくだ! ああ!てきみかたかんけいなくだ! aa! teki mikata kankei naku da! “Yeah! Ally or enemy, it doesn’t matter!”
5 待ちなさい! まちなさい! machinasai! “Wait!”
6 動いてはダメだ!傷が開けば生死に関わるよ‼︎ うごいてはダメだ!きずがひらけばせいしにかかわるよ‼︎ ugoite wa DAME da! kizu ga hirakeba seishi ni kakawaru yo!! “It’s bad for you to move! If your wounds open, it will be a matter of life and death!!”
7 うるせえ……‼︎ urusee......!! “Shut up......!!”
8 敵の位置を教えろ てきのいちをおしえろ teki no ichi wo oshiero “Tell me the enemy’s position.”
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1 …言わせるな君は脱獄囚だ …いわせるなきみはだつごくしゅうだ ...iwaseruna kimi wa datsugokushuu da “Don’t make me say that you’re an escaped prisoner.”
2 緑谷出久に… みどりやいずくに… Midoriya Izuku ni... “Izuku Midoriya...”
3 頼まれたんだ…! たのまれたんだ…! tanomaretanda...! “asked of me...!”
4 僕らと一緒に戦って下さい ぼくらといっしょにたたかってください bokura to issho ni tatakatte kudasai “Please fight together with us.”
5 一緒に戦ってって… いっしょにたたかってって… issho ni tatakatte tte... “Fight together...”
6 頼まれてンだ…‼︎ たのまれてンだ…‼︎ tanomareteNda...!! “[That’s what] he asked of me...!!”
7 行かせろ責任は俺が取る いかせろせきにんはおれがとる ikasero sekinin wa ore ga toru “Let her go, I’ll take responsibility.”
8 しかし…! shikashi...! “But...!”
9 こいつで戦況を確認できる雄英の位置や敵のポジション等… こいつでせんきょうをかくにんできるゆうえいのいちやてきのポジションなど… koitsu de senkyou wo kakunin dekiru yuuei no ichi ya teki no POJISHON nado... “With this you can check on the battle status, such as UA’s location, the enemy’s position...”
10 レディ・ナガン REDI NAGAN “Lady Nagant,”
11 この総力戦は最終的に このそうりょくせんはさいしゅうてきに kono souryokusen wa saishuuteki ni “this all-out war will eventually”
12 緑谷出久を信じる戦いになる みどりやいずくをしんじるたたかいになる Midoriya Izuku wo shinjiru tatakai ni naru “become a battle of believing in Izuku Midoriya.” (Note: I would probably contextually read lines 11-12 as something like “This all-out war will come down to us trusting in Izuku Midoriya.”)
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1 あんたがあの子を想い動くなら あんたがあのこをおもいうごくなら anta ga ano ko wo omoi ugoku nara If you move [based on] your feelings about that kid,
2 俺があんたを信じる おれがあんたをしんじる ore ga anta wo shinjiru I'll believe in you.
3 まだ…あと一発…‼︎ まだ…あといっぱつ…‼︎ mada...ato ippatsu...!! Not yet... One more shot...!!
4 一発でも多く‼︎ いっぱつでもおおく‼︎ ippatsu demo ooku!! Even one shot is a lot!!
5 灰色の空 はいいろのそら haiiro no sora A gray sky.
6 黒く塗れて光を信じられなくなった私に くろくまみれてひかりをしんじられなくなったわたしに kuroku mamirete hikari wo shinjirarenaku natta watashi ni When I was covered in black and couldn’t believe in the light, (Note: Colloquially, “black” here means “dark/darkness.”)
7 おまえと後輩くんは思い出させてくれた おまえとこうはいくんはおもいださせてくれた omae to kouhai-kun wa omoi dasasete kureta you and my junior reminded me. (Note: Hawks is the “junior.”)
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1 あの頃の思いを あのころのおもいを ano koro no omoi wo My feelings of those days,
2 煌めく憧憬を きらめくしょうけいを kirameku shoukei wo [my] twinkling admiration,
3 生きた意味を いきたいみを ikita imi wo the reason I lived,
4 緑谷出久に届けろ みどりやいずくにとどけろ Midoriya Izuku ni todokero deliver them to Izuku Midoriya,
5 レディ・ナガン‼︎ REDI NAGAN!! Lady Nagant!!
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1 ンンンナガアアアン‼︎ NNNNAGAAAAN!! “Nnnnagaaaant!!”
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1 使い捨てのゴミが‼︎ つかいすてのゴミが‼︎ tsukai sute no GOMI ga!! “You disposable garbage!!”
2 同胞殺しが被害者ぶって正���面か⁉︎流れるままの弱者が! どうほうごろしがひがいしゃぶってせいぎづらか⁉︎ながれるままのじゃくしゃが! douhougoroshi ga higaisha butte seigi dzura ka!? nagareru mama no jakusha ga! “The one who murdered her own plays victim and wears the face of justice!”
3 ハハッ!感情と繋がりを利用する筈が ハハッ!かんじょうとつながりをりようするはずが HAHA! kanjou to tsunagari wo riyou suru hazu ga “Haha! To use [others’] emotions and relationships...”
4 見苦しいな!いい加減その手をどけてよ みぐるしいな!いいかげんそのてをどけてよ migurushii na! ii kagen sono te wo dokete yo “How unsightly! Get your sloppy hands out of the way!”
5 あんたが俺を育てたのもそうだ あんたがおれをそだてたのもそうだ anta ga ore wo sodateta no mo sou da “That’s the same way you raised me.”
6 志村ーーーオールマイトとの繋がりを使った嫌がらせだ しむらーーーオールマイトとのつながりをつかったいやがらせだ Shimura--- OORU MAITO to no tsunagari wo tsukatta iyagarase da “You used his connection with Shimura to harass All Might.”
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1 あんたはそのまま俺の心と身体を乗っ取る計画を進めた あんたはそのままおれのこころとからだをのっとるけいかくをすすめた anta wa sono mama ore no kokoro to karada wo nottoru keikaku wo susumeta “You proceeded like that with the plan to take over my mind and body.”
2 俺の憎しみを取り込んでOFAを手に���れようとした おれのにくしみをとりこんでワン・フォー・オールをてにいれようとした ore no nikushimi wo torikonde WAN FOO OORU wo te ni ire you to shita “You took in my hated to try to get One For All in your hands.”
3 俺は混ざり合って おれはまざりあって ore wa mazari atte “I mixed together with”
4 あんたの一部になった あんたのいちぶになった anta no ichibu ni natta “and became a part of you.”
5 でもね先生 でもねせんせい demo ne sensei “But Teacher,”
6 俺はそれが嫌だったから おれはそれがいやだったから ore wa sore ga iya datta kara “because I despised that,”
7 "原点"は心の奥底に隠したんだ "ぼく"はこころのおくそこにかくしたんだ “boku (kanji: genten)” wa kokoro no okusoko ni kakushitanda “I (read as: my origin) hid deep inside my heart.” (Note: First, I’m guessing that the reading is “boku” because the furigana for “bo” is illegible. It could be “kaku” like on the next page, which means “[my] character.” Second, his potential use of “boku” here would be because he’s referring to his “Tenko” self--“boku” was Tenko’s “I” pronoun. Third, the kanji for “boku/kaku” is “genten,” which means “origin.” In other words, if he’s saying “boku” Tomura is calling Tenko his origin, and that’s what he hid somewhere deep inside his heart.)
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1 あんたが気付かないように"原点"は内側から自身を取り戻していった あんたがきづかないように"かく"はうちがわからじしんをとりもどしていった anta ga kidzukanai you ni “kaku (kanji: genten)” wa uchigawa kara jishin wo torimodoshite itta “So that you wouldn’t notice, I regained my character (read as: origin) from the inside.”
2 "原点"が歩んできた道程を "おれ"があゆんできたどうていを “ore (kanji: genten)” ga ayunde kita doutei wo “[I regained] the journey I (read as: origin) have walked.” (Note: Tomura switches to his normal “ore” pronoun here.)
3 〜〜〜黒霧ィ‼︎ 〜〜〜くろぎりィ‼︎ ~~~KurogiriI!! “~~~Kurogirii!!”
4 体の自由が効かん!何ボケッとしてる僕をAFOの元へ転送しろ‼︎ からだのじゆうがきかん!なにボケッとしてるぼくをオール・フォー・ワンのもとへてんそうしろ‼︎ karada no jiyuu ga kikan! nani BOKE tto shiteru boku wo OORU FOO WAN no moto e tensou shiro! “[My] freedom in this body isn’t working well! Transfer this foolishly-acting ‘me’ to where All For One is!” (Note: This is AFO trying to take control again, as he’s using the “boku” pronoun.)
5 ……ア……シシ… ......A......SHISHI... “......ah......Shi-Shi-...”
6 俺…ガッ守…違う………シガラキ…シ…ヨ… おれ…ガッまも…ちがう………シガラキ…シ…ヨ… ore...GA mamo...chigau.........SHIGARAKI...SHI...YO... “I...will protec-...no.........Shigaraki...I...will...”
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1 誰…ドコ… だれ…ドコ… dare...DOKO... “Who...where...”
2 ……シ… ......SHI... “......Shi-...”
3 友ダ…チ… ともダ…チ… tomoDA...CHI... “Frie...nds...”
4 俺はOFAなんていらない おれはわん・フォー・オールなんていらない ore wa WAN FOO OORU nante iranai “I don’t need One For All.”
5 全てを支配してたつもりか⁉︎ すべてをしはいしてたつもりか⁉︎ subete wo shihai shiteta tsumori ka!? “Did you think you were in control of everything!?”
6-7 駒にはならない…! こまにはならない…! koma ni wa naranai...! “I won’t become [your] pawn...!”
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1 俺の心は奴等のように おれのこころはやつらのように ore no kokoro wa yatsura no you ni “My heart is like theirs.”
2 遷ろいはしない うつろいはしない utsuroi wa shinai “It won’t fade away.”
3 この世の目に映るもの全てが このよのめにうつるものすべてが kono yo no me ni utsuru mono subete ga “All things visible to this world”
4 あの家の原因だ あのいえのげんいんだ ano ie no gen’in da “are the cause of that house.” (Note: Contextually, you can read this as “Everything in this world created that house.”)
5 死柄木弔 の望みはただ一つ 志村転弧 おれののぞみはただ一つ ore (kanji: Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko) no nozomi wa tada hitotsu “I (read as both: Tomura Shigaraki, Tenko Shimura) have only one wish:”
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1 あの家から連なる全ての崩壊だ あのいえからつらなるすべてのほうかいだ ano ie kara tsuranaru subete no houkai da “The decay of everything extending from that house.”
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1 それだけが俺を救うんだヒーロー それだけがおれをすくうんだヒーロー sore dake ga ore wo sukuunda HIIROO “Only that will save me, hero.”
2 少年⁉︎ しょうねん⁉︎ shounen!? “Young lad!?”
3 死柄木が"個性"を自由に使えるようになった以上 しがらきが"こせい"をじゆうにつかえるようになったいじょう Shigaraki ga “kosei” wo jiyuu ni tsukaeru you ni natta ijou Now that Shigaraki can use his quirks freely,
4 "棺"の上では戦えない "ひつぎ"のうえではたたかえない “hitsugi” no ue de wa tatakaenai we can’t fight on the “coffin.”
5 緑谷くん‼︎ みどりやくん‼︎ Midoriya-kun!! “Midoriya-kun!!”
6 そうはさせない sou wa sasenai “I won’t let you do that,”
7 ーーでも…! ---demo...! “---but...!”
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1 泣いていた君を見なかった事にはしない ないていたきみをみなかったことにはしない naite ita kimi wo minakatta koto ni wa shinai “I won’t pretend I didn’t see you crying.”
tagline 死闘は新たなステージへ…‼︎ しとうはあらたなステージへ…‼︎ shitou wa aratana SUTEEJI e...!! The battle to the death [moves] to a new stage...!!
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belog-grada-crna-princeza · 9 months ago
Nisam se oprostila.
Ne volim se opraštati na rastancima, ne umem. Kraj nije kraj ako se ne izgovori. Bila sam i još sam tip da ću čuvati prazne kutijice - kremica, vitamina, poklona... (Možda je do podznaka u ribama.) Čuvam sve rođendanske čestitke koje sam ikad dobila po fiokama. Čuvam obeleživać za knjige koji mi je napravila drugarica iz detinjstva.  Portrete koje je slikao jedan dečko koji je bio zaljubljen u mene u drugom srednje. Papir na kom mi je jedna devojka napisala samo reči "sve okej"... Čuvam i ono što ne slutiš da čuvam; kutiju cigareta koju sam popušila sama na klupi posle prvog raskida, iglu od prve tetovaže, maramicu koju sam našla u džepu džempera osobe koje više nema. Čuvam tajne ljudi od kojih bih da ih sretnem na ulici pobegla; ali reči koje su mi govorili u mraku idu sa mnom u grob. Fraze koje sam naučila od nekih poput kojih se nadam da nikad neću biti. Nade i snove kojih ću se tvrdoglavo odreći pred svakim ko me pita. 
Tata me je naučio da je loša sreća reći "zbogom", pa uvek umesto te reči kažem prosto: vidimo se. (Kada sam poslednji put videla babu sa mamine strane i deku sa tatine, dvoje ljudi koje sam najviše u životu volela, te dve reči su bile poslednje što sam im izgovorila.) Verujem u vidimo se, nikako u zbogom. 
I tebe čuvam. Čuvam naše prepiske tokom godina, čuvam popunjenu svesku u kojoj si me sa svakom stranicom neprimetno menjala u neku novu, u glavi tvoje rečenice na sve što vidim, čujem, doživim. Tvoju bezgraničnu empatiju prema meni zbog koje sam naučila koji se zidovi stavljaju i kada, kako da kažem, a ne samo pomislim reči koje posle sanjam noćima, mada još uvek učim... Da verujem svom osećaju i ničijem više, zbog čega sam ti i izgovorila to svoje čuveno: vidimo se. Reči koje nikada nisam mislila da ću izgovoriti baš tebi, a uvek sam znala da nećeš biti sa mnom zauvek i od same sebe krila svest o tome.
A lažem. Da je bilo svesno, da sam znala šta izgovaram jer retroaktivno uvek pričam priče koje su mi poput pojasa za spasavanje u mojim burama, o kojima ti uostalom najviše znaš. Lažem jer lepše zvuči, a ja sam romantik i poeta, kad sam velikodušna prema sebi, a ti si me učila da to budem. Kada nisam tada sam obična kukavica i lažov i neko sa hroničnom potrebom da beži, šalim se ponekad da sam životinja - bila bih noj. Nisam te nikad pitala koja životinja ti misliš da bih bila, ali koja god da je, želim da sam ta.
Vuk dlaku menja, a ćud nikad(?). Bila si ubeđena da je moja dlaka loša, a ćud dobra, a ja ubeđena u suprotno. Pitam se da li si ostala pri istom stavu, ali neću te pitati. Nijedan odgovor ne bih podnela.
Naučile smo obe ponešto, nadam se, u stvari jesmo jer to je neminovno. Naučila sam, nažalost i ono što nikako nisam želela da znam. Nisam naučila da se opraštam i nikad neću.
Vidimo se...
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