#knight vessel??? hello??
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shittybundaskenyer · 15 days ago
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My blood beats so alive, might tear right through my skin <- me while drawing this in a frenzy
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vmecha · 9 months ago
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newspringhope · 2 years ago
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Indie games do love their pale colored artificially made creations that suffered horribly and has a complicated relationship to their creator huh? 
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artnerd1123 · 1 year ago
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Dancin’ all alone in the mornin’ light.
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nonuggetshere · 2 years ago
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Put that beast in a funny outfit
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cr1msoncurtains · 1 year ago
The Knight is the Hello Kitty of trans people.
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monotone-artist · 1 year ago
i've almost forgotten how happy drawing inkwell makes me oh my god
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Hello everyone! Here's a quick Merlin au idea that I might flesh out later:
We know from the show that Merlin is "magic itself", so what if all magic had a form of consciousness or spirit as Emrys? In this au, Emrys has always existed as magic's consciousness and allows magic users to harness his power, but he lacks any physical form on account of being a spirit.
However, when Uther declares war on magic and starts the purge, Emrys knew that he had to act to stop Uther. So, he decides to make a vessel so that he can directly act in the physical world, instead of having to rely on the power of his followers.
Emrys's plan was to intertwine his soul with the newborn vessel's, which would allow him to become one with the vessel and keep his memories, powers, and spirit intact. But, something went wrong while Emrys was attaching himself to the vessel, and now Emrys was stuck in a mortal form without any of his memories as a spirit. And thus, Merlin was born.
Everything after that would go pretty much the same as canon up until the last season. As the golden age neared and Morgana grew stronger, the part of Emrys's spirit that resided outside of Merlin grew more and more insistent. What was left of Emrys's spirit knew that Merlin needed to regain his memories as Emrys and reunite with their spirit to achieve his true potential, but it seemed like nothing was working!
So, Emrys tried everything to get through to Merlin, but Merlin was too preoccupied with trying to keep Arthur alive to notice any of Emrys's subliminal messages.
After a while, Emrys tried reaching out to the Druids and even the Catha to see if they could perform a ritual to unlock Emrys's memories and spirit from within Merlin. Merlin eventually figures out the truth and readily agrees to the ritual, taking any power that he can get if it means that he can protect Arthur better.
However, Arthur and the knights catch wind of this and are horrified. To them, it looks like magic itself is trying to possess Merlin!
This all culminates with Arthur and the knights being too late to stop the ritual. They watch on in horror as Merlin's eyes are permanently stained gold, and his expression holds an uncharacteristic grimness.
Arthur knows, down to his core, that what he's looking at isn't Merlin, but rather magic itself wearing his best friend's skin and controlling his like a puppet. With tears in his eyes, Arthur turns his blade on what was once Merlin, knowing that Merlin himself wouldn't have wanted magic to lay waste to the world while wearing his face.
But Emrys just rolls his eyes at Arthur dramatics. Honestly, his memories of existing as an incorporeal spirit for millennia were kind of boring anyways.
Merlin gets a cool powerup, while Arthur thinks that he has to kill his best friend, who is possessed by the closest thing Camelot has to a devil: magic itself. Heartbreaking angst (from Arthur's POV) and mild irritation (from Merlin's POV) ensue!
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raddest-laddest · 9 months ago
PULL THE TRIGGER DUKE (kidding, i love my son)
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second attack! robbie by @raddest-laddest
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shentheauthor · 9 months ago
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Thoughts on vessel communication
Handwriting translation/ID:
Void telepathy!
No voice to cry suffering, but void beings can communicate!
[picture of Hornet and Ghost with a red X between them]
Hornet isn’t void, so she can’t “hear” the Vessels
[picture of Ghost and the Hollow Knight with a green check mark between them]
Ghost and THK are void, so they can “talk” to each other!
Things void beings can communicate:
- feelings
- images (takes concentration)
Things they can’t:
- actual words
[picture of Ghost and Broken Vessel as shades. There is a thought bubble that reads “hello” to ghost’s right. Underneath in red text, it says “doesn’t work” while pointing to the thought bubble. Underneath the picture is another picture of Ghost and Broken Vessel, this time with a thought bubble with a happy face indicating excitement. Underneath the bubble in green text, it says “yes!” With an arrow pointing toward the bubble.]
Page 2:
[image of the hollow knight with a thought bubble next to them. In orange text, the Radiance is screaming]
Thk let this [indicating the orange text] through their Void link (opening cutscene)
[there is a small doodle of Ghost saying “tf is goin’ on over there”]
(It was a call for help)
- every vessel got a lot of feelings blasted into their heads. [in orange text] anger, fear, hope, desperation, grief, hatred. Poor thk.
Void telepathy does work on other void beings
[picture of Ghost saying “wtf” to the Collector, who is sending their laughter and images of grubs through the void link]
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strawberrystepmom · 29 days ago
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royalty au - knight!dante x princess!reader. nsfw. cw: age gap, both reader and dante are consuming alcohol. established relationship, talk of masturbation with explicit details. screenshot thanks to jas over on pinterest <3 | wc: 1.7k, reading time: ~9 minutes
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“Tell me about the first time you ever stroked your cock to the thought of me, Ser Dante.”
There is no mistaking it, you are making a command and not making a request.
The man who stands between you and the rest of the world raises his eyebrows in surprise while shutting the door to your room behind him, mouth hanging half open. It’s a wonder he’s still shocked by the impish streak you keep hidden so well when in polite company. Does your father know you speak like this? Tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip while you tilt your head backward to appraise your protector from the side of your vision?
“Shall I repeat myself?” You ask, goblet brimming with what has to be wine given the rosy tint on your lips he can only faintly make out while closing the distance in your room. 
Large footsteps across the floor cause the heat in your face to flare, knowing how close you’ll be in just a moment's time.
“Could you at least say hello first? We’ve barely seen each other all day.”
Of course you could but abuse the power you wield over this man who is not only older than you but wiser is only half the fun, right? 
Giggling, you rise to your knees and turn to lean forwards over the back of the chaise in the corner of your quarters. The knight approaches you, out of his armor and in just a shirt and leather pants, arms folded over his chest and stands a head above you.
“Ah yes, where are my manners…”  Sipping your wine to clear your throat, you look up at him through your lashes. “Hello Ser Dante, the Devil of the Killing Fields. When was the first time you ever stroked yourself thinking of me?”
Despite himself, he chuckles and cups your cheek. Instinctively, he presses his thumb just beneath your lip but the touch only lasts the faintest moment while he appraises the situation. The wine carafe on your side table isn’t completely empty yet meaning you were planning on sharing but you’ve clearly already had your part of that share.
“You’re drunk.”
You pout in response, leaning into his touch. 
“No, I’m curious.”
Dropping his hand from your cheek, he lets his arms dangle at his sides while slowly rounding the chaise and joining you on it. You scoot across the furniture on your knees, deciding at the last minute not to crawl into his lap but to simply press your knees into the side of his thigh and sit beside him. 
“What piqued your curiosity during our time apart, hm?”
A silly half smile forms on your face and he smiles in like, reaching for where you always keep the wine without having to look. There’s no second vessel to drink from, no need, as Dante pours the carafe directly into his mouth. You reach to wipe a dribble of the dark liquid from the corner of his lip, drying the digit off on your skirt and looking up at him while feigning shyness.
“Well, oftentimes I find myself thinking of you in my private moments so I assumed you may have thought about me during yours in return.”
He knows you’re playing him. There’s nothing genuinely bashful about you or this admission yet he indulges just the same, big hand falling onto your thigh and squeezing it gently. “It’s awfully rude to assume something like that of a man as gallant as I am, your grace.”
Now you lean forward, pressing your face against his shoulder. That same old instinct to touch you kicks in and your protector wraps his arm around your back, pulling you against him so that the curve of your waist rests against the curve of your bicep. Blinking slowly, almost akin to that of that horrible pet cat of yours that you insist will start to like him someday, you wordlessly sip.
“Do you really want to know?”
Another blink, wordless. You nod and gaze up at him expectantly with your tipsy smile and your messy hair and that red stain across your mouth…
What kind of monster could ever deny you a thing?
“Do you remember that morning I brought you breakfast in place of Madeline?”
Furrowing your brows and pursing your lips, you ponder in an attempt to recall the exact date. It’s not uncommon that he brings you breakfast in place of your head maid, he’s perhaps a little too eager to be the first person you see before the sun has risen but you appear to recall the exact event he’s mentioning. Your face falls in real time, posture slowly folding you in on yourself.
Dante chuckles. You forget sly old dogs know how to play games too. 
“I was bringing you berries, as requested, and imagine my surprise upon flinging the door open to watch you wrestling with your bedsheets in an attempt to make yourself decent.” The moment vividly plays inside of your head now. Intense heat in your cheeks encourages you to look away from him, instead focusing on downing the dregs of your wine.  “But I knew, the second I caught a look at your face.” 
Reaching to lift your chin, he tilts your head up and your eyes meet his azure ones automatically. He takes another sip directly from the carafe in his fist, gaze never straying. Your eyes follow his throat when he swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing enticingly. He smirks.
“Your lips were just as they are now, pink and swollen. As though you’d been gnawing at them to keep yourself quiet.”
That thumb holding your chin in place makes its way to your lower lip, pressing against the fullness. He has seen you with your bottom lip tucked between your teeth on more occasions than he can count at this point, a cherished sight when paired with wide eyes that are nearly rolling back into your head.
Ah, what was he talking about again? Oh yeah.
“Your shift was off of your shoulders, so low I could nearly see your nipples. Hair? Tousled like that of a maiden who had a very interesting night although I knew you didn’t.”
Each breath you take feels heavy listening to him retell one of the most embarrassing days of your existence in such a manner - through his eyes. You are no stranger to erotic words in this familiar voice, often demanding that he read salacious novels to you simply to get under his skin, but this is different. 
He’s talking about you, the woman. Not you, bearer of future crown shaped burden. That warmth in your face travels through your body. It could be blamed on the wine yet you know better, the heat between your legs simmering warmly is all thanks to the man next to you and his coy mouth and gaze.
“Say, your highness, what were you doing before I walked in here?”
You look away, clearly embarrassed.
“Not whatever it is you’re thinking, I assure you.”
This answer is a bit too succinct. Dante simply chuckles, hauling you into his lap and pressing a steadying hand against your lower back while you situate yourself to straddle him. Now that you’re in place, he continues his story. 
His forehead falls against yours. “But what gave you away most of all was the scent of you.”
If the floor were to open up and swallow you beneath it right now, you don’t think you’d complain. The aching heat between your legs grows but the inferno beneath your cheeks, warming your entire face, is the more terrifying one. 
“Like the scent of a field of flowers on a breezy day, all I could smell was your cunt on your delicate little fingers.”
He reaches for your hand and presses it against his mouth, pressing shallow kisses across the digits. Before you can protest, he drags your fingers from his mouth to right beneath his nose and inhales sharply. Keen blue eyes stay locked on yours.
Looks like the lady has been caught.
Despite your embarrassment, you try to play it off by leaning in and pressing your chest against his. His hand that remains on the small of your back slides lower, toward the curve of your ass, and gently pats it. 
He won’t chide you yet, he has a story you’re clearly interested in hearing him finish first.
“That scent and your face were all I could think about for the rest of that day,” he kisses your fingers again, your pupils dilating. “The way you’d look if you were to graciously allow me to watch you testing how many of your own little fingers you could take inside of you.”
It takes two of yours to mimic the thickness of his index finger, he now knows. In all the time that has passed since that day, the one where he realized you were a woman and not nearly a glass case kept object, he’s learned just how you like to be touched and spoken to. Your blood runs hot and feverish still today, in front of him, where your warm core sits just above the forming bulge in his pants.
“That day no one could find me for an hour because I was tucked in the guardhall with my aching cock in hand envisioning you touching me instead.”
A choked pant escapes you, your dry throat mangling the noise that sounds somewhere between a whimper and a cough. Dante’s hand slides up your back and splays in the middle of it, pressing you against him while he finally collects you with a kiss. Wine steeped lips mingle, tongues dancing and separating in the same steps they’ve both taken dozens of times before. You breathe heavily against his mouth, reaching for your skirts to hike them up and over your legs.
“Ah ah, not so fast, my heart.” He tuts, holding your hands down with one of his. You squirm impatiently and he holds you in place, lifting one of your hands to his mouth yet again. “It’s your turn to tell me a tale.”
Now you whine, still squirming. Dante flexes his thigh beneath you out of pity. The firmness barely offers relief to sweet agony that only grows when he opens his mouth and pops one of your fingers inside, humming to himself while savoring the taste of lust remaining across your fingers. 
Removing your finger, he grins.
“Go on, no need to be shy. What were you doing before your brave knight so rudely interrupted you?”
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miyuka1709 · 26 days ago
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Royal AU : A Court of Voice and Vessel, by Neverpathia, Hello-universe-lovers (Mai), and Phos (idk their Tumblr)
I got dragged in invited to put my girls into this AU, so here they are.. finally in color.
Siella Cerin - Voice of the Smitten
Molly Todd Foxtail - Voice of the Opportunist
Siella is a Knight, and Molly is uh.. a scammer and a thief. And they are conventionally attractive anime girls. I'm probably gonna make another alternative outfit for Smitten in formal occasions without armor.
Not gonna spill anything for now, I'm waiting for Nev to finish the masterpost. I'm pretty sure it was developed and discussed fully in chats/discord... It's full of drama and chaos, that's for sure.
I'll come back and edit this once he posts it. In the meantime I have been graced with the honor of drawing Crown Prince Long Quiet.
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subaru-meteorlight · 2 months ago
I’m delusional about phaicae (hsr 3.0 spoilers)
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I loooooveee the trend of cae always comparing phainon to himself and pointing out how alike they are, it’s soo cute…. I’m really glad that the devs acknowledge the fact that they’re both kevins in a way - it gives me hope that they’ll do something interesting with the 2 of them. For the first screenshot I’m aware that for Stelle players the 4th option just doesn’t show up but I don’t know if the dialogue choice in the 2nd screenshot changes- I asked my friend to check but if anyone else can check it for me it’ll help a lot!
It makes me happy that the devs are playing around with it in game… there’s already so many parallels between the 2 of them I’m kind of delusional about it.
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The perfect hero, the perfect vessel for divinity- it matches well with cae who was made to hold the stellaron. The way they’re both bound by fate and exist to carry out their one duty, and are reduced to that one trait by other characters. And in phainon’s case, he himself is throwing himself into and leaning heavily into his hero role to give himself a purpose - vs caelus who tries to break out of this script by forging his own identity (insistence on using his galactic baseballer name), being more than just the stellaron’s host, consistent bizarre and unpredictable/rebellious behaviour just to prove his own free will
Anyway a bunch of phainon related things I wanna yap about and record somewhere:
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Ouuughg. I love his eyes soooo much. It’s perfect… so bright and blue… it’s so unique too, w the ring and yellow centre… I interpreted the ring as clock marks at first but more accurately they’re sun rays, esp with the yellow pupil- it really looks like a sun in the sky. I love it. The ring pattern is also reminiscent of kephale’s symbol- that speaks for itself. It sorta contrasts mydei’s eyes as well… phainon feels like the daytime sun while mydei gives the impression of a harsh sunset. I really like how the sun ray patterns are inverted, too- phainon has his ring that surrounds the centre while mydei seems more like sunlight radiating out from the centre. If that makes sense lol. I don’t even ship them hardcore but seeing red and blue next to each other activates my neurons in a special way (I’m insane) also I’m phaicae main but even I can admit the entire castrum kremnos map was us third wheeling their gay fucking rivalry. It’s so amazingly funny. Incredibly hilarious.
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We can also talk about this right. What the fuck. Hey. Why do you. Why do. Why are you. Why would you name yourself dark swordmaster. Hello. Phainon. Do you have something to share with the class. Hey. Of all names. Why would you call yourself dark swordmaster. Mr flawless hero deliverer and saviour of humanity. I’m watching you.
Besides that the whole battle dialogue was soooo fucking cute ARHHGHGG phainon and caelus doing their silly role playing goofing around mid battle 😭😭😭it’s so adorable, phainon was the one who initiates it and caelus plays along while mydei just gets pissed in the background leading to phainon talking over him. It’s comedic gold. Beautiful. I win. Even funnier is cae and phai having the same cn va so it just sounds like he’s talking to himself… actually listening to it again caelus does sound lighter and more joyful similar to high school kevin…. maybe the real kebin was the caelus along the way… ue
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His design is great I really love the combined knight/hero/prince theme… his eyes being bigger compared to other male models also gives this friendly open welcoming vibe it’s ouughhh. so cute. so youthful. I hope the horrors get to him. There’s really no better word to describe him than ouppy. The first time I saw his design the one thing that really stood out to me was the asymmetry of his shoulder guards giving a light/dark half n half look to it… it’s interesting. his arm guards/gloves also have the same inverted black/white asymmetry to it (reaching). Choker. That’s all I’ll say. Actually no sorry the choker has me in a trance. I was gaslit into it by my friend because he would NOT stop pointing out the choker. Now I can’t not pay attention to it. Anyway. The design of the choker itself is pretty unique too, I like how it’s a strap(?) instead of the typical solid band, and the sun tattoo under the strapped parts giving the impression of the sun peeking/bursting through the darkness.
Second pic: I’m insane. I used to stare at Kevin’s design for an extensive period of time and I did the same w phainon. I have their designs burnt into my retina. Apart from them literally having the same colour palette I do like how phainon’s design is mostly white vs Kevin’s black base. (One of) my fav parts of kevin’s design is the lopsided blue belt. It adds sooo much. u get me. (deranged) phainon also having a somewhat lopsided belt made me laugh a lil (a lot) when I first saw it. As a normal person does. The belt along the bottom of the coat too……. wow……. welcome back…….. those 2 are my fav design aspects on kebin it’s crazy that they brought back those 2 elements in particular. crazy. you can make an argument for the boob window being vaguely the same shape too w how phainon’s belt goes across the low v neck. I really like that element on phainon btw. lopsided belt cutting across the chest and breaking up the light colour of his neck. scratches my brain in a good way
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(From the verax leo statues) it’s sooo funny. he can’t get anything right 🔥 he really gives kicked puppy in these shots.
Misc: I went back to check Acheron’s trailer - the one with kevin’s voice - the eng va for kevin there is different compared to phainon’s eng va despite the jp/cn being the same. food for thought. Maybe union strike issues?
Future predictions: he’s obviously failing the nikador trial. Like no shit atp. I hope he has a catastrophic mental crash out from it. 🙏 3.1 probably big mydei focus as he accepts the coreflame. Excited for that… I do like what we’ve seen of mydei so far despite initially not caring from his design. Phainon better be 3.4 and not a late 3.7 like ppl are recently saying or else IM the one with the catastrophic crash out. Please. I hope we meet anaxa soon… I really wanna learn more abt him. Design wise- didn’t interest me at first. My interest in him solely hinges on the fact that he’s su, lol. On the surface he seems more like a haitham type…? Win for me, I love haitham… had the same process w haitham too- I liked him initially only cuz su but he ended up growing into a surprisingly high tier fav after I got to know him… I sorta have high hopes for anaxa too, I’m sure I’ll grow to love him too lol. Either way I can’t even pull any of these people. I need to lock the fuck in for e6 phainon. Tho- if I end up liking anaxa a lot I suppose I wouldn’t mind pulling him on debut- we’ll see how he is. Tangentially related: phainaxa pleaseeee please please please talk. please. Insane that kevinsu isn’t happy in ANY world. I remember the days of kaveh possibly being a kevin from his name but turns out he’s a new character - which I’m glad for, I absolutely love the kaveh we have now and wouldn’t trade him for the world - but holy shit dude. Back on topic: I hope phainon has the most disgustingly busted game breaking meta defining kit. like come on now. You have to. I’m not accepting anything less than stupid ridiculous numbers and scaling and game altering mechanically impossible unnecessarily bloated skill descriptions and all in game content gets centered around him for 7 months like firefly. It’s the least you can do.
Add-on: I hit the picture limit. You just gotta trust me on this one.
1) In the starting of the nameless faces op - the topless phainon- yeah. I watch it frame by frame on x0.25 spd as a normal person does but anyway what I wanna talk about is when phainon gathers the gold? Ichor? To splash on himself, the wounds that appear- those are definitely wounds, the direction it appears in doesn’t even match up to the flow of the way he splashed himself, isn’t that weird- the wounds bear an uncanny resemblance to nanook- it’s honestly way too close to be a simple coincidence. Food for thought!
2) the scene of Stelle changing into phainon as she turns around means sooooooo much to me. Sooo much. So much. Admittedly sorry I’m projecting caelus in this slot because wouldn’t that be so insane.
3) the ending where Stelle is praying(?) in the same hall that started the video, where soldiers were kneeling before phainon. I dunno there’s something there. Trust me on this. At the end of the story everything will be gone? Empty? Never existed? Take phainon’s place as hero? There’s something there.
4) the part w Stelle grabbing the quill and the arena collapsing in black and white goes crazy hard. I do think the overall amphoreus arc would be smth about rewriting the story/past - given the quill as a weapon - that’s genius btw, the weapon of remembrance is something that records and immortalises stories. I went off track. I mean to say, I feel the fact that the arena collapses to black and white has significance to it as opposed to it just getting destroyed in colour- gives a sense of time stopping, the fabric of reality itself collapsing, black ink on white paper being erased and rewritten- you get it.
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vulturereyy · 1 year ago
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New Hollow Knight OC (because I have a problem) Please say hello... to TYNE! (and Chk!)
I have had a long standing problem of never really being able to connect with vessel ocs myself. I LOVE other people's, and I love interacting with others' vessels, but I just never could make one 'click' for me. That's since changed with Tyne though I think, and their maskfly companion :)
Tyne is a very heavily root-influenced vessel, and during their journey from the abyss, they found themselves wandering through Greenpath. Due to the nature of their inherent god-magic, Tyne used to spread the white-bulbed plants that you see in the Queen's Gardens, which I HC are related to the White Lady. Unn took notice of WL's influence spreading into her lands, and went... None of that please-- and gently coaxed Tyne to the depths of her domain, where she could confine them.
Unn didn't have it in her to cull this little vessel, both as a life goddess and as a goddess uncertain of the political ramifications of murdering your allies' weird child. But she couldn't let them continue to spread WL's essence into greenpath either. So, Tyne grew up in the barrows of Greenpath, with Unn as more or less a maternal figure in their lives. They grew to have a great awareness and fondness for her nature, her green dreaming, and when they were able to form their own thoughts on the matter... Asked Unn if she could take away WL's influence. So they would stop hurting her greenpath.
Unn agreed, and burned away the White Lady's pale light with her own acid. Tyne's branches have been burned off to avoid them growing uncontrollably again, and their right 'eye socket' is the site in which Unn poured forth her magic into them. Their mask/shell is the warped texture of burned wood, though they still retain the pale coloration inherent to all vessels.
Once they were no longer propagating the White Lady's magic, Tyne was welcomed into Greenpath by Unn. They consider her their mother and patron goddess, and as such, Tyne stays within her greenpath, defending it from all who would see harm done to it.
They have a deep curiosity about animals and beasts, and often prefer them over people. Tyne's maskfly, Chk, is named so because 'Chk!' is one of the few audible sounds Tyne is able to produce to call it.
Tyne also has a mix of Unn's magic in their void abilities, and manifests thorn whips instead of tentacles, and can spit acid similar to an aspid.
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willowthewiisp · 9 months ago
Lore points in the dlc that piss me off and make no sense
The greater will going AWOL after sending the elden beast breaks so many lore points I'm inclined to just straight up disregard it altogether because it makes no sense. The beasts were given intelligence presumably by the greater will. The elden ring existed during the time of the beasts we know that because of farum azula and the elden ring depiction there. The greater will not being around during that time makes no sense. It would make much more sense that the greater will left during the beginning stages of marikas rule and most certainly cutting ties when the elden ring was broken. But to straight up say god wasn't there from day one is so...? Bad??? I can accept the mother of fingers making shit up after the greater will cut her off but there are things that only a god like the greater will can do. what about the eternal cities being banished underground by the greater will??? If GW wasn't around for that time who did it then? What could possibly have that kind of power. It just makes no sense?????
Also the outer god of rot being written out is so bad too because what the fuck did the blind swordsman seal under the lake of rot then??? Was that just bullshit? Malenia wasn't a candidate anymore because she was an empyrean being used as the vessel for the god of rot because it wanted to imprint its age of rot on the elden ring. It literally makes no sense if Romina is the creator of rot if she's not an outer god.
and another thing, if all the numens in the shaman village were supposedly killed off by the hornsent or maybe even sacrificed by Marika (who knows) who were the black knife assassins and how were they numens associated with Marika if supposedly they were gone.
Why is rellana in the land of shadow have I missed something.
Why is there one crucible knight here.
If Marika was so traumatized by the saint jars why did she fucking allow living jars and why did she allow the jars in general to feed the erdtree. I don't believe this whole narrative that Marika is a tragic baby hurt by the evil hornsent for a second. Her entire backstory and foundation reeks of white colonizer to the point I bet those fuckin numens came here and tried to start shit. Anyways.
I know this horse has been beaten to death already but why on earth would radahn agree to be a consort to a god who wants an age of peace if "war suited him". He held the stars in place to probably protect ranni (and sellia) but also to help the golden order because we know the golden order wasn't a big fan of reading the stars and shit. He was a huge fan of Godfrey, and saw his father as a hero and wore his red hair with honor ( in contrast to radagon who hated it). Look I have no idea if radahn is just as fucked up as miquella or not but you cannot deny him being this consort is bizarre and left field. I would have genuinely accepted godwyn of all people over radahn. Godwyn was a powerful warrior he defeated the dragons but he was also kind and compassionate because he befriended fortissax to the point that dragon bro was ride or die and allowed himself to be eaten alive by deathblight. Also hello miquella literally calls him lord brother. Godwyn being revived was literally miquellas big plan other than curing malenia. So why the fuck was radahn chosen??? It's not like godwyn was dead when miquella was born and shit???? Also?? If mohg had to be used it would make kind of sense that he was used for godwyn since they share the same mother and father rather than radahn who didn't share either Godfrey or Marika (yes I know radagon is Marika). It would have probably been easier for godwyn to sink into mohgs body since they shared actual blood.
If marika was so very traumatized and hated everything having to do with the crucible and the hornsent why the hell would she allow Godfrey to have crucible knights as well as other crucible vestiges.
There's more but I'm just flabbergasted by the lore direction in general. It's almost like two different writing teams are at work.
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xavalav · 12 days ago
hi, please tell me about The Character
okay so recently The Character for me has been the hollow knight from the titular game hollow knight. i loveeeeeeeee that freak,, it has so many fucking issues and i'm obsessed. i have typed out novels about that funky bugg in a discord server w my friends bc i have been rotating it in my microwave for like a month now. actually i'm gonna put a bunch of stuff under a readmore bc i have sooooo many thoughts and feelings abt the hollow knight and their whole deal. but if you would like a tl;dr this image is pretty much what you're going to get under the readmore.
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hello. welcome to it is 3am and i am exploding forever and ever abt buggs. i went through my discord to find screenshots of my rants bc they really encapsulate my thoughts and feelings abt that silly little thang
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the aftermath of thinking about buges until 5am:
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anyways these are all my rants bc i didn't wanna type them out again but holy shit. the hollow knight makes me froth at the mouth bc they are ultimately about devotion and deception and the suffocating lack of choice and personal freedom. and i like the pale king a lot too bc while there isn't a lot of concrete lore about him, he is the one who kicked the whole story off and gave the hollow knight sooooo many issues. i love the themes and i love the whole "no mind to think, no will to break, no voice to cry suffering" thing in reference to the vessels because i am of the opinion that none of the vessels were truly hollow and that the pale king's plan was always going to fail. it's the futility and the sunk cost fallacy and "no cost to great" of it all <3 and just. man. the hollow knight was doomed by the narrative the minute they made it to the top of that platform.
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here are sketches of my buggs that i've been doing too. i'm still fleshing out designs and details but they've been on da mind and i had to get them onto a page before they ate all my neurons
anyways. thank you for reading and looking at my long ass post with. soso much. and thank you for giving me an opportunity to go insaneo style about hollow knight bc i haven't gotten the chance to besides in private discords and reblog sprees. here's some funny silly messages:
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