#kling thing
depechemolde · 3 months
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blacktales · 4 months
The most dangerous gay man I've ever seen
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And this little lovely penguin neighbor
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wellenklavier · 2 years
does computerworld 2 instill a deep and powerful melancholy in anyone else or
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kajaono · 17 days
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Mir ist nie aufgefallen, dass das Känguru kein definiertes Geschlecht hat! Non binary Icon!
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i don't know why it's so edgy but it made me laugh so here's some young dads trying to be cool Runway Gen 3: looks higher quality than Kling, but the price you pay for this is a little less movement and a lower adherence to your written prompt, but maybe a more specific understanding of certain moves? I dunno, really hard to experiment with and pinpoint such things. Thankfully, it almost never completely fails like Luma does (though it's REALLY common to have faces be completely immobile)...but the other price you pay is lots of cash, I think it's about twice as expensive as Luma and wow Luma is expensive. At first I thought, well realistically, $100 a month for "unlimited" is better value than anything else. But that's not unlimited credits, that's unlimited access to slow generations, and based off the Reddit, people are mad about how slow it is, and it gets throttled terribly during peak hours. Also it has the most intentionally deceptive credit system. Runway has the highest moderation of any of the three, and I can't even imagine how infuriating it would be to pay $100+ and then get banned. There's already a hilarious amount of people regretting paying for a full year upfront. I'm sure there will be more, but remember you're basically paying to be a beta tester. It can and will change at any point, and you don't own shit. Buy a nice big meal for a real gainer.
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wosostories · 2 months
Heath Sisters PT 4 (USWNT x Teen!Reader)
USWNT X Teen!Reader
Reader and Tobin spend some more time with the team.
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Part 4
As soon as the hotel room door closes Y/N wraps her arms around her sister and buries her head into her chest. 
“It’s ok Kid. It’s going to be ok.” 
“They were really loud.”
“I know.”
“Can we finish our nap now? Please.” Y/N's voice strained as she tried to keep herself from crying. 
“Ya kid we can. I’m sorry today has been so overwhelming for you.” Y/N just shook her head and curled up next to Tobin on the bed. 
It wasn’t too long after that Y/N was asleep again. Tobin, however, couldn’t fall back asleep. The only thing running through her mind was how she was going to get through the next two weeks without someone finding out about their pasts.
It was another hour later that Y/N started to stir. Calling out to her sister in the midst of a nightmare. “Toby… Toby. Make them stop. Please, make them stop. Toby…”
“It’s ok it’s ok. No one here is going to hurt you. You aren’t there anymore, I’ve got you.” Tobin pulled her sister into her lap and rested her head against her chest stroking her hair in hopes to calm her down. Tobin started rocking her when tears started streaking down her face. 
It took another few minutes for Y/N to open her eyes and willingly curl in further to her sister. 
“You want to talk about it?”
“No, how long till dinner?”
“About half an hour, we should start getting ready soon.”
Y/N nods against her sister, “A few more minutes?”
Tobin sits up and gathers her sister in her arms, “Whatever you want Y/N. Whatever you want.”
The sisters spend another 10 minutes snuggled into each other. Tobin sighs, “Come on kid, let's get ready for dinner. We don’t want to be late. Remember what they said earlier, you get all the good stuff if you get there first.”  
The sisters make their way out of bed and spend the next few minutes cleaning themselves up. 
“Do you think they’re going to yell again?” Y/N asks. 
“I don’t think so. They should have settled down at this point.” Y/N nods. They head down to the meal room. There are already a few members of the staff there when they arrive, but none of the team members. 
“I knew I made the right decision bringing you into the squad.” Jill commented following the sisters into the meal room. They gave her a confused look. Jill chuckled, “You are going to be the only one of the girls here on time, which confuses me to no end seeing as they all love food.” 
Jill continues to walk into the room and joins more of the training staff at their table. Tobin and Y/N make their way to one of the open tables and wait for the rest of the team and dinner to be served. The next one of the girls came in 5 minutes after dinner was supposed to start. It took another 10 minutes for the entire team to show up. As soon as the last two showed up, Kelley and Sonny, dinner was brought out. 
They ended up sitting with a couple of the more veteran players Krieger, Kilng, Becky, Abby, A rod, and Cheney. 
“Ah come on, I wanted to sit with the newbie.” Kelley complained as she finally made her way into the room. 
“Well then you should have been on time. Now sit down so we can eat.” Her captain told her. She grumbled her way to her own seat. 
“Have you gotten settled?” Kling asks them.
“Oh, uh ya. The rooms really nice. Had a great nap.” Tobin replies. 
“How about you Y/N? How are you settling in? You figured out your luggage situation yet?” 
“What luggage situation?” Becky asked. 
“Oh, the airport lost Y/N’s bag and sent it to florida. It wouldn’t arrive here in time before we went back so we just had them send it back home.”
“So Y/N doesn’t have any clothes?” 
“She’s got her soccer gear and she can just wear some of my stuff. It’s only a couple of weeks. So I guess you can say that we’ve got it all sorted.” 
“Two weeks is a long time to not have any clothes. We’ll have some time tomorrow after morning practice to go to the store. We can take the rental car coach won’t mind.” 
“No, that's ok.” Y/N just sits picking at her dinner as the older girls around her talk. The other girls at the table could tell that that conversation was over, and wanted to change topics quickly. 
“So Y/N your sister said you're a forward right?” Y/N nods. “What soccer player do you look up to the most?” A Rod questions.
“Toby. Who else?” 
“Ok I should have seen that one coming. Then who is your second favorite?”
“But you said she was your first favorite?” Cheney buts in. 
“No Tobin is the player I look up to the most, and my second favorite player.” Tobin chuckled at the serious tone her sister took on. 
“Ok so who’s your favorite player?” A Rod tries again. 
“I… don’t think I can say.”
“Why not?” Y/N doesn’t respond. “Are they someone on the team?” She blushes and looks down, but still doesn’t say anything.
“Holy shit it is. Now you have to tell us.” Abby demands. Y/N blushes even harder and shakes her head. “We won’t tell them. Unless it’s someone at this table.”
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skirtmag · 3 months
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5000 Posts and 18 000 followers later, I am dumbfounded by the way this page has grown and has inspired many people to stay true to themselves and continuously explore the beauty of everyday life. I have accomplished many dreams and goals set for this Tumblr and have had the opportunity to engage with an awe-inspiring community of people online. However, all good things have to come to an end and Skirtmag has been superb towards me. I am so thankful and grateful to everyone who has interacted with Skirtmag and is following the page. I will truly always be inspired by the heroes of Skirtmag and its community, but it is time to make room for new adventures, in the words of Elin Kling. This is not goodbye, but rather the beginning of a journey into another creative bracket of the world Skirtmag comes from. The spirit of the Skirtmag woman will live on, and I hope you all continue to identify her in the world and in yourselves. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the creation of beautiful ideas. Merci Infinitely!!! Loads of love and à bientôt 
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iifishizzleii · 4 months
könig & gaz - first meet
rare ship alert lmao. unedited :]
könig, who’s sent by kortac (much to his displeasure) on a co-op with task force 141.
he doesn’t like how they work, how their attention will divert from the mission the moment it comes to protecting civilians.
if there’s a chance that innocent lives can be saved, könig will do what he can. but, he won’t compromise a mission over a few lives, because what’s war without sacrifice? (not that their sacrifice means anything in the end, but to be fair, if you see a group of military men rushing one way, why wouldn’t you run the other way?) he has a job, and it’s a job that pays him to take lives. not save them.
the 141, on the other hand, work like they are. and it’s fucking annoying because they suddenly have a conscious for the lives they’re taking, as if the soldiers they’d killed in the field weren’t civilians in gear— as if they weren’t men who were someone’s husband, son, or father. but what does könig know? he’s just a colonel who’s been on the field longer than even price.
(the truth is, könig wasn’t raised knowing the value of human life. his father hated his mother, and his mother hated that he looked like his father. when he was diagnosed with social anxiety, it was just a label to the skin-crawling feeling he got whenever somebody stared at him for too long, the fraying to his nerves when the voices around him made the ones in his head scream louder. people had never done könig any good in his life. so, what did they deserve from him?)
he was forced to a briefing with the 141, and they were as insufferable as he remembered. price, with his unintelligible bear grunting that had könig leaning left because the hearing in his right ear had dulled, and the odor of cigarettes and stress that always followed him. ghost, who‘s staring was like a dissection he felt tugging at every nerve, dull eyes watching könig from across the table in a way that made the taller man want to peel out his eyes. soap, the blabbering bastard that never knew how to sit still without brushing up cozy against the masked lieutenant. all three of them were ripe for early retirement by könig’s hand, testing him with every indirect jab and comment made at the expense of their former enemy. then, a fourth man könig hadn’t bothered sparing any attention for asks price and question, and he turns.
his name was gaz. that’s what könig was told, at least, though he doubted it was the brit’s real name. not that he gave a shit. and ‘gaz’ was no older than thirty five.
he stood to price’s right, staring down at the map on the table with a sharp focus könig noticed. and while they weren’t many things on this Earth he enjoyed, one thing könig could appreciate was a weapon that was as lethal as it was transfixing.
he has big, brown eyes that swam with emotion, something könig’s bitter heart wouldn’t know a thing about. full, tanned cupid bow lips twisted into a thoughtful frown as price and laswell discussed their plans for the mission. his skin was copper, unlike the pale complexions könig was accustomed to seeing on Al Mazrah and Ashika Island. he has thick brows and sharp nose, and when he folds his arms across his chest, his biceps bulge under the grey-blue button up shirt he wears. the curve of his ass and muscled thighs are hugged by his tactical cargo pants.
he wasn’t stocky like soap, nor was he as intimidatingly huge as price or ghost. it was anything larger in size, after all, that people’s attention naturally gravitated to. könig would know. and between the four of them, gaz sits directly in the middle of being physically dominating. and it’s that which interests könig, because while any other less experienced man would chalk gaz’s size up to his skill, he knew better. gaz had every good of a chance of killing him as the rest of the men did. maybe even more, now that könig was aware of how his presence effected the group, and how easily gaz could use to his advantage.
“hübsche klinge,” könig muttered under his breath.
but, awareness seemed to lose meaning as he watched the young man across the room, dark eyes trailing up the thin fabric stretched across gaz’s stomach before lowering to watch his narrow hips as shifts to face price.
then soap cracks a joke and könig would have condemned him for it, unused to such easy going attitude while prepping for a mission, but the sight of gaz’s lips uncurling into a the barest hints of grin make könig freeze. he’s a grown man for christ’s sake, a force of nature feared by enemies and revered by allies. not even the sight of a his own family’s mangled corpses could sway him.
yet, watching that small grin on gaz’s face bloom into a full smile, an exasperated but amused laugh escaping plush lips at soap’s joke, has könig tightening his fists at his side, tracking the way gaz’s eyes crinkle in the corner from the stretch of his smile, his arms unfolding just to refold them oppositely.
könig decides at that moment that out of all the 141, gaz would be the biggest hindrance.
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imhyperfixatingrn · 2 months
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I'm like 20k words deep in this thing that was supposed to be "just a one shot", kling myself rn-
I hate hideduo I hate them sm
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aasherstarr · 22 days
not the kling and elu thing but birdia and nono bc they deserve a happy ending
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did a lot of experimentation and studying here
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an0ther1 · 3 months
Hit a wall with the book I’m writing (editing really) and needed a distraction, which lead to this. Could be something longer, but I needed to get something out to feel like I was getting anything done.
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Hot For Teacher
Jessie’s worried about her older, veteran teammate, and others have noticed something is off with the tall blonde striker, but “she’s fine”, until she isn’t.
“Someone’s hot for Teacher.”
“Huh?” Jessie jumped. “No! Wha- I-” She stammered.
“You’re starring J. Again.” Sophie said matter of factly. “I get it. She’s hot. If girls were my thing I’d stare too. Hell, I do sometimes anyway.” She shrugged.
“I wasn’t-” Jessie sighed. “Yes I was staring. But it’s not- It wasn’t- Does she seem off to you?”
“Kasin? Yeah, she’s always off. It’s kind of her thing.”
“No, not- She’s been acting weird for her. Quiet.” Jessie looked back across the field to the player in question.
“Kinda. She hasn’t shown me a picture of Kevin all week.” Sophie started juggling the ball at her feet. “Ask Kling. They live in the same building. Maybe she knows something.”
An assistant coach somewhere blew a whistle before calling out instructions to break into 3 groups for ladder passes. Jessie watched as Kasin slowly made her way towards one of the ladders laid out on the ground without saying anything or acknowledging anyone. The Canadian followed. No one would question her watching Kasin if they were in the same group.
“Samba first time through. One touch pass every other square. Go.” The coach called out and players started rotating through the lines. The samba step, as they called it, was a routine ladder sequence they did often so it didn’t take long for everyone to run through it.
“Cha Cha pass next. Go.” Again everyone got through the lines quickly as this was another familiar one for them.
“This next one I’ll demonstrate.” The coach said as they stepped to the end of a ladder. “No name yet, I’m interested to see what you all come up with for this one.” The team laughed as the coach began to slowly go through the steps of the next sequences. “We’ll go through 2 times with no passing so you can get comfortable with it. Then we’ll do 3 times through with a pass on the 2 square. Got it?” They looked around as everyone nodded and a few mumbled yeahs were heard throughout the group. “Alright, go!”
The players on every ladder went through the steps in slow motion, trying to get their feet to catch up to their brains on the more advanced steps. The second run through only went a hair faster before they started the 3rd and balls were introduced. Jessie watched on as Hina got her foot tangled in the ladder and tumbled over at the same time Kelli did the same on the ladder next to the them, both players landing on the turf side by side. The entire team doubled over in laughter as the pair themselves rolled around in a fit of giggles. Everyone except Kasin.
Jessie was really worried now. Kasin was the team goofball. Was the one that named all of ladder drills after dance steps because she literally danced as she did them while singing whatever song she decided best matched the movement. And where she usually would have jumped on Kelli for her lack of rhythm to be able to get through this drill, or given Hina a hard time about being able to dance through an entire team on the pitch but then be taken out by a piece of rope laying flat on the ground, the older player just stood there, staring off at nothing.
Jessie caught Sophie’s eye as the players on the ground got back to their feet, the other player taking a quick glance at Kasin before looking back at the Canadian. Jessie watched as Soph leaned over and said something to Meghan and both players seemed to have a conversation while stealing glances at the woman standing in front of Jessie.
“I looked good, yeah?” Hina laughed as her hands landed on Jessie’s shoulders from behind.
“So good Hina. The way you fell next to Kelli looked like you two had practiced it before hand.” Jessie answered.
“I perfect this time.”
Jessie glanced over her shoulder. “Just don’t hurt yourself.” A push in the back was the response she got.
After ladders, midfielders were sent off to work in a group and the strikers and defenders were sent to the other end of the field to work together, so Jessie had to push Kasin to the back of her mind. And she managed to do so until the end of practice. But as she was helping pick up cones, she couldn’t help watching the tall blonde. Kasin was moving slower than she usually did, she wasn't laughing, dancing, or doing any of her usual antics that always had her teammates snorting in laughter. Jessie couldn’t be the only one who noticed it. It was such a stark contrast, like day to night, that the others had to be worried as well.
“She said she’s fine.” Jessie spun around quickly at Meghan’s words. “I asked her on Tuesday. And for the record, Kevin is fine. He was bouncing all over the place on his walk this morning when Kasin took him out. So whatever has her acting like this has nothing to do with him. But I agree, something is up, I just don’t know what. Her parents were at the game last week and they seemed fine, and she hasn’t been dating anyone that I know of and haven’t seen anyone. Not that I stalk her, just same building and all.” Kling laughed as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Others have noticed too, right?” Jessie kicked a ball towards a pile that the equipment manager was collecting.
“Yeah. Sinc made her have dinner with her the other night. Sounded like Kas tried to shrug her off, but Sinc wasn’t having it. I mean, they’ve played together for almost a decade, so if anyone is going to make Kas do anything it’s her. And from what she told me, Kas basically told her everything was fine when Sinc questioned her.” Kling stopped before they got too close to the rest of the team that was milling about. “Whatever is going on with her, I don’t think she is going to tell any of us that have been her friends for so long.”
Jessie gave her teammate a confused look before asking. “Why do you say that?”
“She’s never been good at opening up to us, Me and Sinc. ”
“But that still doesn’t make sense, you two have known her the longest, haven’t you?” Jessie was still confused.
“Yeah. But she’s always been like that. She dated Sonnett for two years, and Sonnett broke up with her when she got traded. Kas never told anyone. We all found out from Linsday like 2 months later.”
This was Jessie’s first year with the Thorns, so she really didn’t know that much about a lot of her teammates, with the exception of the ones she also played with on the Canadian National team. She furrowed her brow. “She didn’t tell anyone when her relationship of 2 years ended?”
“Nope.” Meghan shook her head as she looked over at her long time friend and teammate. “And she actually was acting a lot like this during that time. But like I said, she hasn’t been dating anyone that I know of.”
“She was like this for 2 months and nobody knew why?” Jessie was dumbfounded.
“She kept saying she was fine. Not much we could do if she wouldn’t talk to us.” Meghan shrugged. “We won’t let that happen again though. Whatever is going on, Snic will make sure she talks to someone if she won’t talk to one of us.”
“I hope so. I don’t like seeing her like this.” Jessie said softly as she watched the topic of conversation slowly wander off the field and into the tunnel. If her eyes hadn’t been glued to the tall blonde, she might have noticed the questioning look Meghan was giving her.
“Whatever is going on, I think we all just need to put in the extra effort to make sure she knows we care and are here for her the way she does for everyone else. So I need to get going. There is a pretty lady at home making me dinner, and I was going to make Teacher walk home from school with me and force her to join.” Meghan chuckled.
Jessie laughed too. “That’s a good one.”
“I thought so. Alright, make sure you rest up tonight, we gotta stick it to Shittle tomorrow!” Meghan said as she started to jog away.
“Will do!”
“Jessie, your first home rivalry game against the Seattle Reign ends in a 4-0 victory. How does this compare to a North London Derby in the WSL?” A reporter asked.
“Honestly? I’m not sure I have ever experienced anything like this. There is no doubt the Rivitors are the greatest fan base in the NWSL, but I wouldn’t hesitate to call them one of the best in all of women’s football, if not THE best. This atmosphere is everything you want in a rivalry. It’s absolutely incredible. It’s what we needed after a slow start to the season. We’re coming together, our passes are connecting, it just feels really good.” Jess answered with a wide smile.
“The team scored 4 goals, but it feels like it should have been a lot more. Kasin Teacher by the looks of it should have had a hat trick in the first half alone, but didn’t make it on the score sheet herself. Is there still some work to be done in terms of finishing?” Another reporter in the room questioned.
“I think the score line not being higher is a credit to Dickey. How she saved any of Teach’s shots in the first half, I don’t know. I thought for sure they were all going in. So for us to get 4 in when Dickey was having a day like she was, I think says a lot about how well we’re playing as a team right now.” Jess said as she continued to smile, but this presser could finish at any time.
“Alright, that’s all the questions for Fleming. Thanks Jess.” The Thorns Media liaison signaled to the players relief.
Jessie didn’t hate doing media stuff, but she certainly wasn’t one of the few people that enjoyed it. She stood up from the table and exited the room, more than ready for a shower. She had been the last interviewee, so when she made it to the locker room, there were only a handful of girls still getting ready to leave.
After grabbing her toiletries, she was in and out of the shower in under 5, and by the sounds of it, everyone had left. Wrapped in just a towel, she scurried to her locker and started throwing on her clothes. She had just pulled a clean sports bra over her head when a noise behind her startled her.
“Geezus Teach, you scared the shit out of me.” She said as she looked over her shoulder, seeing the other woman seated in front of her own locker in the corner. She went back to pulling her sports bra into place. “I thought everyone was gone. You got plans tonight?” She asked, but after several seconds got no response. She picked up her shirt as she asked again. “Doing anything tonight Kasin?” As she turned around to face the other woman, that’s when she noticed Kasin was still in her full kit, cleats and all. “Kasin?” She started towards the woman. “Teacher, can you hear me?” Kasin was completely unresponsive, staring off into nothing. As Jessie got closer she could see that the blonde was shaking slightly and she was breathing a lot faster than she should be when the game had ended over an hour ago.
Jessie had seen various teammates over the years in similar states, and had experienced it herself a time or two. She quickly crouched down in front of the striker and took her hands in her own. “Kasin, can you hear me?” She started rubbing Kasin’s palms with her thumbs. “You’re okay, I got you. Can you feel this?” She rubbed a little harder. The hands she was holding flexed slightly in her grasp. “Good, good. Focus on that feeling. Now-” She took one of Kasin’s hands and placed it flat against her own chest. “Can you match your breathing with mine?” She took a deep breath. “Can you feel that?” She couldn’t be sure, but it looked like Kasin nodded. “Just slow and steady, okay? I’m right here with you.” After several breaths the other woman’s breathing began to slow. “You’re doing really good Kase.”
Jessie took a second to glance around the locker room, there wasn’t anyone else here, and the woman in front of her still had a blank stare on her face. She dropped the hand that wasn’t on her chest, and placed her now free hand on Kasin’s thigh. “Can you feel that Kase?” She asked as she slowly rubbed the woman’s leg.
“Yeah.” Kasin said faintly.
“That’s good. That’s really good. Can you smell anything?” Jessie asked next.
There was a long silence before the older woman responded. “You’re bodywash.”
“Yeah? Great. Okay. Umm-” She was struggling to think what to ask her next when she saw a single tear start to roll down Kasin’s cheek.
“Hey. Hey Kasin, you’re alright.” Without thinking she reached up and wiped it away. “You’re okay.” She said softer, keeping her hand where it was on the side of the woman’s face.
“I’m not.” Kasin choked out as another tear fell. “I’m not okay.” She continued just above a whisper.
“You will be. I’m right here.” Jessie tilted Kasin’s head so they were eye to eye. And finally, finally, it looked like there was life in them. “I’ve got you.”
**let me know what you think. Should there be more?**
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lemonisherelol · 4 months
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And I’m back! Heyy! Hii! Hello!! How’s it going? :3
Today i wanted to show y’all my art! Some are old but Ye! And I’m so sorry if it took a while, yes I’m doing ok. I’m trynna get some treatment the best I can lol
So let’s talk, so i planned to make a couple rang Videos on Tiktok, S4n1c_k1dxd or Lemon !! [#1 Kim n Mr. X simp] (might saw me anywhere lol). The first things I would love to make is Hazbin Hotel rant, basically me reviewing it and talking about it, bc I had a bad interaction with some fans. And then, a redesign video! It’ll take me a while now since I’m focusing on my health. But!! I did redesigned helluva boss characters! I’ll show whenever I’m done with Fizzarolli and Barbie! Then next, before showing it I’ll talk about an AU! My friends came up with the designs/lore while me and my boyfriend make the concepts! (He makes the hellborns while I make the imps!)
That’s about it, But hey! I watched new pretty blood episode! I did see Eluca’s sister but i didn’t expect her to be all different- But got to see my bbg Kling again!!
Someone requested to draw Bradley, I also wanted to say that I love Bradley so much, he and Johnny being inspired from each other is CRAZY!
I also made SlimYin, but i made it my own way! I wasn’t sure about the current design though-
I also wanted to show some of my sonas, (both in 7 and 8 drawings!) :3
I also wanted to show more pretty blood art and naughty bear art! Lastly, Slendytubbies! (My slendy ocs are all males btw)
I hope to see you soon! :).
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bigmack2go · 23 days
Die drei Fragezeichen as things me and my friends have said part one
Bob: Ach, Milliadär, Millionär, keine Ahnung! Ist ja auch nicht wirklich wichtig jetzt.
Just: Naja🤓☝🏼 wenn man darüber nachdenkt, dass eine Million gerade mal ein ACHZIGSTEL der deutschen Bevölkerung ist, und Deutschland ein eher kleines land ist, während eine Milliarde ein ein ganzes SIEBTEL der gesamten Menschheit ist, ist das schon ein ganz schöner unterschied…
Peter: hast du grade ein „ganzes siebtel“ gesagt
Peter: ich hab heute den letzten Termin bei meiner Therapeutin die ich seid fünf Jahren habe
Peter: ich hab es geschafft sie während dieser ganzen Zeit nicht einmal zu siezen oder zu duzen, oder rauszufinden ob ich sie siezen oder duzen soll
Peter: und ich hab es auch nicht vor. 😌☺️😆
Peter (erzählt was): […] aber es war shabbat desshalb—-
Irgendjemand: warte mal ich dachte du bist Christ
Peter: stöhnt so laut wie es die Menschheit in den nächsten Jahrhunderten nicht mehr hören wird und in den letzten Jahrhunderten noch nicht gehört hat
Bob: denkt ihr Mark-Uwe Kling hat seine ‚falsch-zugeordneten Zitate‘ von Tumblrs incorrect quotes inspiriert?
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kit-the-dreamer · 11 months
Day 3: Favorite Levels
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Among others, these levels will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart ♡
Sadly, I don't find myself with the time to draw all my favorite levels, but I'll leave a quick list of them here (they are not ordered in any specific way, btw)
Into The Heart of The Negativitron ♡
Fowl Play
Bora Bora Island (and probably every single level of Ima-Taka) ♡
Afterlight? Aferdark? (I can't remember the exact name of the level, but it was a platformer. I'll do some research later...) ♡
Hotel Aqua (just in multiplayer mode tho ;w;)
Kling Klong
Skateboard Freefall ♡
Skateboard Extreme (community levels)
Probably most of them have to do with good memories, but I do enjoy playing them every now and then (on my own bc servers died and I don't have PS Plus ;-;)
So, a bit of context of why I enjoy these two levels so much:
Bora Bora Island: When I introduced LBP to my sister, she wasn't very fond of it because she got stressed easily when confronted by an enemy. However, when water started being a thing, she would accept my invitation to play UNDER ONE CONDITION: the level must have water. She has always liked water in videogames for some reason, so I always searched for those type of levels. Sadly, most of them were Shark Survivals, and she was kind of scared of those, so that was a big no. We stumbled upon many crappy levels, ngl, but we had fun nonetheless, but when we found Bora Bora Island, we both fell in love with it. It was a chill, amazing level to play. We sometimes even roleplayed on that level, creating our own characters and plotlines, but I'm not gonna talk abt those because they're pretty cringe xd. It was mostly about two friends spending time together <3. It was cute sometimes, ngl.
Fowl Play: This level was also picked as a favorite due to my sister. This was one of the levels that had actual dangers and enemies that she enjoyed. Yeah, she sometimes got stressed, but would ask me to play it each time we booted LBP2. I remember it being the first level we played each time we entered the game, at least for a period of time. It was like a sort of ritual, haha. I did enjoy this level because I was finally able to enjoy some adrenaline with my sister, who always preferred more calmed and easier levels. This was fun, very fun.
I wish I could play ''Fowl Play'' again tho, that's my sis' favorite according to what she told me this morning. I would go ask her ''Wanna play the Chicken level?", as we called it bc we never actually learned the name of the level xd (As a fun fact, I had to look it up on YT to know what was it called)
We used to have so much fun <3
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zangtangimpersonator · 2 months
if you were curious to know what the most expensive thing you can do on Kling looks like, this is it. Um,
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writingakanatorior101 · 5 months
Reaching over the line (see what I did there)
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Summary: Linette needs a groundbreaking interveiw to pass her psych class which she is very desperatly failing. Luckyl Reacher is here to lend a hand.
Warning: Age gap , penetration , pyschology, neither of them understand themeselves
Also this is only a chapter of the story the full fic is Wattpad @SaturdaysLattes
Smut under line
The sun peaked through my dorms curtains the beams of sunlight hit the fluffy white rug of my small dorm. The whole place may be 19ft, since my dorm was a single I had a bathroom and a little portable stove and mini fridge. I normally dont eat when I wake up I just keep my minifiridge stalked with ICE caffine drinks the blueberry ones are my favorite but there are some rasberry ones in there. Its about 5:30 now I pulled an all nighter 3 days in a row so thats probaly why I woke so late. Which means I have about two hours before Reacher gets here for this interveiw. 
I want my mind to drift anywhere but this interveiw. Fuck anxiety shakes the thought of this interveiw might kill me. Looking around the dorm is already pretty clean. The only thing the isnt clean is me and my thoughts about him. 
I wish I could just throw my brain away when he's around or comes into my mind. The thoughts about him are henious sinful even. I feel guilt when I look at him, is my attraction to him even justfided is it because he is older. Is it representation of lack of something. God why did I need to be a fucking psychology major. 
The mirror on the wall tells me I need to shower very desperately. Dark circles under my eyes portrays my lifestyle of the last three days. My hair even though its short it greasy and loosing volume. Sad to think the middle aged man I'm obbsesed with saw me in such gremlin like state. Turning the shower on I can feel water pour all over my body. How does Reacher live , where is here from? How many questions can I get away with asking him in this interveiw. Yeah theres the prompt Smothers handed out to us with questions like "How was your childhood" or "What do you fear the most" but I feel like asking him anything is so personal. He feels so personal to me and I dont even know him. 
By now steams fooging up my glass if the waters not burning I just dont feel clean. I already know what I want to ask him. 
"Do you have kids"
"Do you have a wife"
"Do you know its impossible for me to be around you and not feel like a whore"
I might have to refrain from that last one. Its insane it really is I have interveiwed tones of people for pyschology the words pour out of me in interveiws, yet im lucky if I dont freeze during this one.  Inch by inch I can feel the water bringing me back to life from the past three days and just for one moment everything was right there was no smother no hot middle aged man who flusters me it was just the warmth. But you know what they say about moments their fleeting. 
I fall agisnt the cold stone wall of my shower. It was perfect maybe Margrave isn't bad when this murder thing blows over I'll consider staying after college. Reaching for the shower handle, I turn  off the shower. 
The air when I step out of the shower is cold making me want to crawl back in and desperatley kling to heat. Luckily I keep the heater on all year around in the dorm but it never feels warm enough. Right now it should be about six right. So wheres my phone to prove that. Looking down at the counter its not there or on the top of the toilet so I must have left it on my bed. 
Then there he was and there I was
Naked with only a towl on my head.
Most people would have left or coverd their eyes maybe turned around. Reachers face was red. His eyes just went to my face. Then lower and lower. There was water running down my body left over from the show.  A moisture emerged between my legs. I didn't even hear him come him he didn't make a peep. "Im sorry, I thought you would come out in clothes or something!" He turned away from me towards a wall. Before he did I notice the throbbing bulge in his pants he was definatley blessed so to speak. While still be turned around he moved his hands over his crotch most likely to hide the massive boner.
Was he attracted to me I mean yeah put any naked girl in front of a man and he'll get hard but he was babying me last night treating me like I couldn't care for myself. So I may have just changed this whole perception of myself. 
Of course hiding a boner doesn't help when a 6'6 man is wearing grey sweatpants and white shirt. "Umm could you go to the hall for a second, your standing right in front of my bra and underwear drawer."
By now my face is porbaly also red. My nipples perked up from the air, I have no idea how much he saw, it was only for a secound but I felt like the whole of me was exposed now. There was no point putting clothes on he just saw the most intimate part of me. "Yeah I'll be out in the hallway." He utterd before slyly shutting the door so no one out there would see me.
What in the world do I wear now. I dont really have time to plan an outfit. Why in the fuck did he show up so early also. Its 6 'o clock I should have another hour and 30 minuites left. No matter how many clothes I sift through I feel like nothing will suffice for the fact that this man saw me bear ass naked. So its a free for all I guess.
I reach for black lace underwear and mesh up bra. Camo yoga pants and a new york dark blue crew neck. No bother trying I guess. I'm sure he will understand the lack of a cute outfit. I make my way torwards the door. Thats when it occurs to me whats on the actual list of questions. The top of list Smothers gave us is fine light stuff even its the bottom that scares me.
See in psychology we belive that what attracts you to a person says more about you. For example if a man likes blondes and only dates them theres a chance he belives sterotypes more than the rest of the population. This works for anyone with a fetish or something along thoes lines. 
But getting him to admit something like that to me is going to be challenge, like I said though he did already approve the list I might throw a few in myself if I'm feeling bolder.
I poke my head out the door. "Its ready now if you still want to do this." All I hear behind me is movment from him then the door closing behind me. "Again" he starts "I'm sorry, I showed up early because I just wanted to get it out of the way best way to handle things that make your nervous."
I left out a soft giggle. "Aww this makes big Reacher nerovous." It then occurs to me that making fun of this man who three times the size of the average person isn't a good idea. "Thoes aren't lightweight questions."
I turn to meet his eyes. Still that ligth crimson blue they were last time. "I know, thats why I ask them, and to be honest" I pull a chair out and sit down and offer him the one infront of me "I need someone who has a handle on their damage and at the same time I can unraval." 
A chuckle leaves him. "Your not going to unreaval anything here." He sounds so sure thats normally a good sign I'm going to suceed. "Thats for me to decide not you Reacher." 
"Like when you cant decide when to stop drinking caffeine and as for that list of questions I dont even awnser thoes when I'm blackout drunk."
I dont blame him for being afraid to answer most would be. Hell he's  seen me naked and now he is telling me about childhood tramua. We might as well be a couple.
God do I love a good puzzle of a man. "Good thing your painfully sober Reacher or should I say Jack." 
His breath changes. "How do you know my first name?" 
"Its public knowlege now on the police record."
"Anyway Jack lets start. Where and how were you raised."
Time passed during our interveiw. The things I learned about him during that time explained everything the protective nature , how he knew I was watching him it even partly explained his lifestyle. I had a seperate paper for the assigment other than the tape recorder I just set out so it could seem more causal it gets people to spill more anyway. 
Apparently Reacher was rasied on a Military base well multiple Military bases and later joined the military himself and did tours in Iraq. I was 5 years old when that war ended. Looking ta him for a moment I relaize how different he was than I am. I felt domestic in his prescnece this man has seen the worst of the worst. He's unlike anyone I have ever interveiw so his anwsers are by nature going to be better. I look down at my paper it has follow up notes with psychology terms all over it and certain sentences he says that I belive mean something. 
"When this is over can I see the paper?" I look down this is a very alarming paper looking at it now its like a diagnosis and conspiracy theories of everything that I percive to be wrong with him. Its like handing someone on big insult. 
"Do you wanna see the paper Reacher, its not a nice paper."
"Well this interveiws about me so I'm sure its not."
"Tell you what when this is over you can have the orgianl copy." 
"On to my next question, now I dont belive you have the ablity to be one but what do you think makes a serial killer Mr.Reacher?"
His face is blank he knew this question was coming I just dont think he thought I was ballsy enough to ask it. 
"I guess someone with a motive to kill and a lack of remorse for what they do." His face was darker now he showed multiple signs of being in deeper thought. "No I dont think I have the ability to be a serial killer Linette, I already know what your about to ask. Things still keep me up at night to this day and I most definaltey have guilt." 
A smile makes it way onto my lips "Well that takes away questions 23 and 24 I guess." 
"Why do you do this?" he says. "Your sitting in your dorm room with a man you chased down to suceed when you know the odds are stacked agisnt you, I looked into Dr.Smothers he has done this to other female students." 
I take my glasses off and set them on the desk. "Well Reacher from what you told me you have hunted many people down and the odds are always agisnt you, so you tell me why do I do this."
There it was agian that tenison from yesterday in the diner. It felt more serious than him putting his hand on my shoulder no I knew who I was sitting in front of now and I think he was getting nervous because he knew that to. 
"Ok next question, something we learned in class that a what a man is attracted to in a women wether thats her looks or personality it says a lot. It also means something how he pursues her."
He shifts in his seat whcich tells me I'm getting closer to what I need. "First my military tramua now I'm talking about my love life." I look down at the paper pretending not to the notice the reason Mr. Jack Reacher had to cross his legs. One very big reason, the same reason I have to the tensions simply that strong. Not to mention the little naked scene earlier didn't help. 
The sun is gone now the sky is painted black and all thats on in my small dorm is my salt lamp and thoes little sunset lamp things you see all over TikTok. This was no mood for a professional interveiw. In a normal setting we would be at a real desk not my small table off of a amazon. There would be brighter lights we would be in better clothing and there definalty wouldn't be a lavender diffuser on the table. 
Because of how comforting my enviorment is he probaly feels right at home. This is nothing like an investigation. Watching him shift in his seat trying to move the his so called "probelm" around so its not noticeable. Theres prominat veins on the side of his neck. I have cracked him but not in the way I wanted to. It doesn't work when your also attracted to the interveiwee. I have my legs in a criss cross now. I have tried to put on a relaxed front as long as possible. We both know how eachother feels that whats making this so hard. 
"I guess tell me why you pursue the women you do". 
"Their drive I guess, the ablity to see things through no matter what happens. Like hunters." Like hunters he added that on pourpose. When people use sentances like that it indicates the thought that they might feel targeted or in turn are trying to target you. That definatley didn't help the wetness growing in between my thighs. That fucker he did that shit on pourpose. "Well that expailns all the loose ends you have for a love life Reacher."
"Excuse me" He's undressing me with his eyes now. Whats worse is he doesn't need to imagine he already knows what there. I needed to say anything to de buff this situation so we dont end up rolling on my bed. Not that I dont want to that would be lovely. But it doesn't look good when your aiming to be a professional psychologist. 
I shift my foucus back to the present moment. "Well you adimited earlier that you dont stay places for long am I too asume that you mantian celibacy." 
"You think I just sleep with women thats ins-"
"Yes" I cut him off.
"I can see that there is no signs that women comforts you regulary just yourself."
"I dont really have time to do that what my job Linette."
"Self proclaimed job but I dont think you can handle solid commitment."
"Are you gonna tie me up and throw tomatoes at me next?"
"I'll let the rest of the town do that."
"Do you always show this much respect to the people you interveiw or this just for me."
The wetness isn't going away. The cat and mouse game is making it worse. For christ sakes does this man know what he is doing. For all I know he could be luring me in. All the task is now is finish the interveiw and keep my clothes on(which I already failed) and dont end up on top of him.
"How about I grab your water or tea. Take a break look over the list of questions again." 
"That fine I'll have tea" He says, I walk behind him to my very tiny kitchen all I really is Lipton packets and sugar and a kettle my neighbor from the bronx gave me when I lived in New York her name was Frances she had a british accent she was quiet sweet. 
I simply set the pot on the stove and left the tea bag in there just like she taught me. One of the worst things about Reacher is I cant hear his movements the bastards as queit as a mouse even though he is the size of a damn race horse. 
I feel something poking at the curve of my ass though. I could see his hands on both sides of the counter and I could feel the heat from his body on my back. "Did you do it on pourpose, inviting me here is there something else you want?"
His hands travled from the counter down to my hips pulling me closer to his member. I can feel everything through thoes grey sweatpants he had  two veins that run down his member and whats even worse is the tip its pointed directly at my entrance with a feeling big enough to rip me apart. The pressure from his hands grabbing  on my hips were almost lifting me off the ground. "Tell me you want something from me Linette and not that this is just and interveiw please pretty girl"
His breathe in my ear isn't making this any better. I can feel the redness on my face growing. The wetness now is horrible I cant think anymore. I try to push my hips back to relive it, trying to push his shaft further into my walls. A moan escapes my lips and I cup my mouth. Reacher lets out a chuckle. "Baby your gonna hurt yourself. Let me." He grabs my hand from my mouth "its ok dont worry about being loud." 
"These need to come off though, I wanna see that ass again. It was perfect the first time I saw it." 
His calloused hands moved under my crewneck to the top of my leggings. His hands god his fucking hands. So rough so perfect.
"Reacher I dont know if we should I want to but this is supposed to be professional."
My leggings were now to my knees. "This is about as professional as its gonna get babe." He tops that sentanc off with an ass slap. A yelp comes form me "Im sorry I didn-"
"Your making noise already, this is gonna be a long night for you." I couldn't see it and only found out later that there was a huge hand print on my ass from him. "Are you gonna be good for me tonight, gonna try to take all of me." 
I felt another slap on my ass this time "Awnser me baby or I'll leave you like this all wet." He got closer to my ear "you would proably need your fingers to fix this, my cock wont be able to stuff you full." 
"You gonna take all of me tonight." "Yes, yes sir."
The words barley came out everything felt like a haze. Then I felt air agisnt my heat and my black lace underwear at my ankles. "Such pretty underwear where were these when you came out of the shower. My little girl likes walking around naked like a whore."
I grip the marble counter. We should have interveiw in public maybe then I could keep my dinigty not that I would trade this for anything though. This man is goin to make me insane and I'm perfectly fine with that.  
"Look at that pretty little cunt , so pink just like I remember." Im going to hate him when he's gone I know it. "Can you count to ten for me smart girl." He reaches to the counter and grabbed my hand and held in a way to sweet for the present situation. "You gonna be a brave girl and try to take me. Its gonna take practice princess"
I feel him hold my hand gentley and caresses my thumb. "You can always tell me to stop ok princess I wont be mad." Thats when I feel it something large poking at my back. I couldn't see it but I know it has a curve I could feel the veins more now he had one very prominant one directly lined up with my heat. Reacher pulled my hips back a little into his shaft I could feel his balls on my upper thigh this man was hung like a fucking horse. "Start conuting smart girl, thats an order."
Being completly honest I wouldn't being lying if some part of me wasn't scared but the other part is extermely excited. This time the words one came to me because I knew them by heart. "One" I breathe waiting for the impalement "Two" I wait a little bit more he is still holding my hand with one hand on my ass. "Three" My hand feel that he was holding and he put it on the base of his member. "Four" The tip ran down my clit. "Five ahh" I reached back for him again and felt pain that can only be descirbed as ripping. I'm not a virgin it shouldn't have hurt that much. For a moment I see an array of colors. "Your doing great Lin" He leans to where he is folded on top of me his hand still on my hip continues pulling me back onto him. "Theres just a little bit more of me to go ok."
Fuck that wasn't all of him my legs are shaking and tears are welling up in my eyes. "It its hurts." 
"It wont in a couple minuites babe I promise." I didnt kniw it was antomically impossible for a man to be this size. What the fuck did they feed him as a kid. "Keep counting princess." His tone was more demanding now the pressure coming from in between my hips was going to breake me. I breathe in "Six" and out his legnth slowy begins to move I can feel the tip hitting my cervix. "Seven" the only holding me up right now was his hand on my left hip. "Ah-h eight" 
"I'm almost there two more number pretty girl." This man needs to seriously invest in some fucking lube. "Nine" I begin to make try to push my hips back on him. He stands up straighter and firm so I can steady myself. Reacher lets out a gasp "Brave girl,  maybe you need to be a soldier like me huh?"
"Ten" He pushed the last inch in for me forcefully. "Lets see if you can walk in the morning while I'm still here. Hold the counter for tightly ok brave girl." My feet leave the tile and he now holding me off the ground by my hips. With both hands on my hips I can feel the starting of the thrust. "So tigth princess so beautiful why has no one came and swpet you up yet."
Each thrust felt like a rope tightneing around me. It felt like fireworks the grand fucking fanalie. "Your gonna make it hard to leave sweetie."
God knew Reacher felt stupid. He has been thinking about Linette since the diner. He was so  enamored her this tiny little thing had been watching him and didn't know until the last second. People who trained for years couldn't get past Reacher so why could she. So much younger than him to god and so pretty and untained. Yes he knew she wasn't gonna be able to walk tommrow and she was thankful for him. Deep in the back of his head he wonderd why he wanted to baby her so much the girl is smarter than any kid her age. Fuck she could rival him. But she still needed someone to take care of her. He had a plan she can be so much more than she is now.  
The thrust were getting more agressive now, is he mad at me? The moans slipping in array of a hot mess. "Cry for me princess, show me how good I make you feel." Sudenly I felt release not the one like last night no this was real release. The tenison left and part me was filled that I didn't even know existed. "Did my pretty girl finish." 
I can feel my eyes widening theres a warmth in my womb from Reacher. Thick hot ropes shot through me. Balls where shoved to my ass and he was bent over me. We dont have any fucking protection does he relazie what he just did. "Sorry sweetie your so tight it gets hard to pull at fast when you feel that good."
"Jack we didnt use a condom and Im not on birth control." I turn to grab his arm even though he is still holding me up. "Dont worry your not fertile until next week, then I'll wear one." Was this man tracking my menstrating cycle. How the fuck does he find this stuff out. 
He pulls out of me and lies me on my bed. Thats when it occured to me that my tape reccorder is still on. "Umm so Im going to have to cut like half the interveiw." I can see Reacher over there lingering my the kettle and now pouring in into two cups. "Why is that" he turned to me "You got some key information out me, dont get me started on that paper." Was he for real? "Umm it includes us fucking!" 
He smiles to himself pour sugar in his tea. "I turned it off when I asked you to make tea."  A moment of silence lingers for a second. All I feel is warmth being wrapped up in my comforter. I feel like one big burritto. "You big bastard." 
He sets the tea on my nightstand. "You my friend had a kettle like that she actually works with my she is a P.I" 
I pause for a moment this man just railed me infact I may not be able to walk tommrow and he is talking about a godforsaken kettle. "Yeah I actually got it from my neighbor in New York, she taught me how to use it to her name was frances pretty cool lady if you ask me."
"Hmm" he smiles to himself "small world." As if I could casually know any whackjobs that he does. I lay my head back and glance at my bra and underwear on the floor. I took off my bra after Reacher layed me down and decided to swaddle me in my comforter. Now Im just one big naked burrito. 
My bed shifts next to me again how is this bastard to quiet when he is garguatuan. "You need to sleep well tonight so you can heal for the morning Linette." He digs himself under the blanket and pulls me to his chest. I had no idea this man could be not a prick not to mention cuddling. I try to wrap my legs around but now that the aftershock of sex was gone and the in between of my legs hurt. "Ahh it never hurt like this before." 
"Im sorry it will be gone in a few days".
"A few days!!" "I feel like a virgin"
I glance over at him with his head on my pillow laughing. I snuggle my head cloes to his chest , so warm so safe. 
"Goodnight Reacher thank you for the interveiw."
He puts his hand on my head and pets my hair 
"Good night Lenny'
He pepperd my forehead with a kiss and the slumber took me.
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