klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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Night out
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kickassfu · 7 years
Tagged by the wonderful @klaroline-overdose thanks :P
1. What is your favorite place in the world? My room...?
2. Where do you hope to be in 10 years? Ha ha ha...who knows? I hope I’m happy...
3. Are you a pet person? Oh definitely, i love animals :3
4. What’s your zodiac sign and do you have any strong traits of it? Libra and hell yeah, i’m undecisive af lol and i like balance and justice so....
5. What would you like to get paid for / dream job? I don’t know??? Could I get paid to watch movies/tv shows, to read manga and fanfiction, to be on tumblr??? lol that’d be cool haha
6. Favorite poem / quote? I looooove quotes, so asking for a favorite is hard O.o I’m gonna go with, “Human beings are wretched things. They envy anyone who possesses even a little more than themselves. And yet, they despise them if they have nothing. Fear and loathing at the smallest distance.”
7. If you had the power to bring a character back from the dead but with memory loss, who would it be and how would it be? Wtf kinda question is this????? How dare you? Just one character? I...don’t know...I CAN’T ANSWER THIS!!!
8. Favorite Klaroline headcanon? Since they never had kids, they’re living the high life, travelling the world and having sex in every city.
9. What song/artist is currently your fave? I never have fave artists...so I’m gonna go with one of the songs I keep listening to Dan Stevens - Evermore
10. Do you like paintings? Do you have a favorite? I like every kind of art, so yeah I like paitings ^^ But no...I don’t think I have a favorite :3
11. This one is just because I’m obsessed with fanfiction Kol. Prompt: Klaus and Caroline post 5x11 in NOLA, no babies, no Hayley, no Cami, still on “We are not a couple, I hate you but sex is good”. Kol, Rebekah and Elijah are all alive and well. Caroline decides to sneak out the Mikaelsons manor, early in the morning after spending the night with Klaus, praying nobody would see her. She’s walking vamp speed to exit the place when Kol appears in front of the door she desperately wanted to open. Caroline is a bit messed up and her shirt is a little thread. What Kol says to her? LOL funny question hahaha what would Kol say...hmmm, “In a rush Caroline? Let me guess, my brother didn’t satisfy you enough so you were running to come find me to finish the job! Worry not, I am here and ready to please.” or something like that? xD
Anyway...I’m not tagging anyone nor making new questions haha 
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loveisalwayswise · 6 years
Tagged by @halfbloodduchess​. Thanks a lot, I loved answering these questions! :)
Favorite smell: Old books/new books, fresh fruits, a room that’s just been cleaned
First job: I was a cashier at a grocery store when I was 15.
Zodiac: Capricorn
Favorite pizza: I know I’m supposed to name something fancy, but my favorite pizza is pepperoni.
Favorite dog: Golden retriever, but I’ve never actually had a dog, so I don’t have a lot of information about the different types of dogs.
Favorite foot attire: Anything that’s comfortable, because I get blisters really easily on my feet. If wearing crocs was fashionable, I’d wear crocs all the time.
Favorite rollercoaster: The rollercoaster I’ve enjoyed the most was at Universal Studios, Orlando. It was in the Harry Potter section, and I think the seats for the rollercoaster were two dragons, but I can’t remember the name of the ride.
Favorite candy: Probably anything sour, or anything salty. I don’t usually enjoy something if it’s too sweet.
Favorite ice cream: Strawberry. Again, I know I’m supposed to say “coffee” or “chocolate” or “cookie dough”, but if I could, I’d only eat strawberry ice cream.
Pet peeve: Where do I start? Seriously, you have no idea how many pet peeves I have, so I’ll only name two. One: people who treat me like I’m five years old (mainly, my parents). Two: ignorance (and by that, I mean the kind of ignorance that leads to sexism, racism, homophobia or anything like that). So, since one of my big pet peeves is ignorance, you’ll probably understand why I can’t stand most of the planet.
What are you listening to: Right now, I’m listening to the All The Stars-Kendrick Lamar and Dynasty-MIIA, and these songs are nothing alike. Which can also be said for my general taste in music.
Color of your vehicle: I take the bus, so I don’t have a car.
Color of your eyes: It’s funny, because my eye color doesn’t have a name in English. In French, my eye color is “per”, which is an old French word to describe green-blue or green-grey eyes. My eyes are on the green-grey side of things.
Favorite holiday: Christmas, because it’s the one night of the year I can make my family play board games with me (they usually don’t want to play with me because I always win). However, I don’t celebrate a lot of holidays. Actually, Christmas is the only holiday I celebrate, and even then, it’s just me, my brother and my parents, so it’s not a big celebration.
Favorite day of the week: Saturdays. It’s the only day of the week when I allow myself to do absolutely nothing.
Night owl/day person: I’m a day person. I wake up at 6AM every morning like clockwork, and I like to go to bed at 10PM. However, I can stay awake as much as I want when I motivated. 
Tattoos: Don’t have any.
Like to cook: I like it, but I don’t love it. I think the only reason I like it is because my mother is such a great cook (seriously, she’s awesome), and she gives me a lot of tips.
Beer, wine, or neither: I don’t drink at all. I’ve never even taken a sip of alcohol. When people my age started drinking, I just remember thinking how boring they were when they were drunk. Since then, I’ve never wanted to drink.
Do you like vegetables?: Yes, but I prefer vegetables that aren’t cooked. For instance, I love carrots, but I can’t stand cooked carrots.
Do you wear glasses: I used to, but one year ago my vision was corrected (laser surgery). It was really expensive, but I’m glad to have done it, because I’m studying to become a chemical engineer, and you can’t wear contacts in a lab.
Favorite season: Winter
Tagging: @jedormis, @patsytr, @thatsun, @recklessnesspersonified, @dibblesendgame, @irrelevant5, @tatiebug95, @itsnotacrimetoloveyou, @klaroline-overdose, @jeymien, @bellarkegold and @mon-amour-eternel (only if you guys want to answer, of course. And if you do, don’t forget to tag me in the post! :D)
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thetourguidebarbie · 7 years
Klaroline nurse
15 minute fluff drabble requests to cheer me up from my garbage week! I’ll try to write some at work between tasks tomorrow as well (I’m almost caught up!). Mini-sequel requests welcome as well! They’re both doctors in this, but close enough, right?
“I don’t like him.”
“Well, excuse me if I don’t have all that much faith in your judgment.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Elena asked, looking up from her clipboard.
“You dated some guy you met in the ER after he overdosed on an upper he couldn’t even identify.”
“We’re broken up now.”
“Yeah, and you left him for his brother the illegal weapons dealer.”
Elena huffed. “It’s not illegal.”
Caroline raised her eyebrows, and Elena sighed, her nose wrinkling before she turned back to her paperwork. “Look, my sister works at Whitmore Hospital, which is where he transferred from, and she told me--”
“Do you really think I trust Tatia’s opinion? What happened? Did he turn her down for a quickie in the break room?”
Elena’s eyes flashed with anger. “Hey. That’s my sister.”
“Sorry,” Caroline muttered, glancing back down at her notes. Elena got on her nerves on the best of days, and she was feeling more than a little frazzled. 
Ever since Dr. Mikaelson moved to Mystic General two weeks before, Caroline had been on edge. They had barely exchanged a few words, only meeting quickly one morning at the coffeemaker where they’d introduced themselves. It was like the entire world fell away when they made eye contact, as though they were in a stupid romance novel, and it had unnerved her.
He still watched her out  of the corner of his eye when they passed in the hallways, and she tried not to blush, feeling a bit silly. She’d had her fair share of boyfriends, some fleeting presences and some more serious, but she was single now and liked the way Klaus’s eyes on her could make her heart skip a beat. She knew that she had the same effect on him, could see his eyes darken, heard his breath catch occasionally. It gave her a shot of confidence every time, a heady dose of excitement and anticipation, and she’d found herself craving it more and more every day.
Still, dating coworkers wasn’t the best idea, and she wasn’t about to mess up her career for a flash of dimples and a pretty accent.
She changed the subject, chatting with Elena for a few minutes about a television show they both watched before bidding her goodbye and walking quickly to the patient in room 301 that had been admitted the day before. She glanced at her clipboard again to review his information and bumped into a hard chest, a warm palm pressing against the small of her back to steady her. She glanced up and found Klaus’s eyes, his lips tipped up in a small smile. “Sorry.”
“Not a problem, love.”
She felt like she was caught in his gaze, hypnotized by it, and he smelled annoyingly good. She inhaled without thinking about it before suddenly pulling herself back to her senses and clearing her throat, stepping out of Klaus’s arms, suddenly feeling a bit cold.
“I have to go check on a patient,” she said quickly, moving to walk past him, but he reached out to catch her shoulder, his grip gentle.
“I was hoping you might be amenable to accompanying me to dinner after work today,” he said. 
Caroline bit her lip, glancing at him, and she found that the only word she could think of was a slightly breathy, “Sure.”
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Rules: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or as little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on: writing, art, gifsets, whatever.
Tagged by the fabulous @thetourguidebarbie thanks love this was fun
1. The new Mikaelson family chapter 20 for @katieb373: Klaus, Elijah, and Caroline fight werewolves to get klaus’ strength back plus more of Davina and Caroline’s friendship
2. My immortal love chapter 10 for @campbelldanielle: the Mikaelsons are back in Mystic Falls, and nobody is safe from them solving the problem at hand: how to make hybrids.
3. Secret sister chapter 6 for @mscaroline-forbes: Damon tries to talk Caroline into sitting down with Elena and talking out their issues but Caroline is so against it. Plus the aftermath of Stefan and Rebekah sleeping together.
4. Klaroline in Nola chapter 11 for @meagsnicole:With Klaus and Caroline as the new king and queen of Nola they have to figure out who will be loyal and who they should kill.
5. Vampires in storybrooke, for @lynyrdwrites and @justadearie: For Davina’s whole life she has had the same dream every night a brown haired woman putting a baby in an enchanted wardrobe and saying I love you to the baby. But soon after her twenty eight birthday her dream changes there is now a man in a black suit she never sees their faces. She only sees their clothes and hears their voices.
6. Changing history chapter 3 for @eloiselili: Picks up from where chapter two left off: Future Caroline, Klaus, and Hope are at the police station seeing Liz while past Klaus is calling his siblings. Past Mikaelsons meet future Mikaelsons.
7. Assassins in love for @thetourguidebarbie’s birthday: The Mikaelsons are the most dangerous, mysterious mob family in the world. Caroline has slithered her way into the Salvatore mob to find out if the Salvatore’s are still looking for them.
8. Kolvina Cinderella for @amyesme14: Davina’s father died when she was ten and since she has been living with her step mother and her snooty annoying daughters. The only bright light in Davina’s life is her secret admirer.
9. Tvd in New York chapter 6 for @delightfullysunny: Damon and Stefan are furious at Caroline and Klaus and refuse to talk to both of them. While everyone else tries to keep Katherine in the city.
10. Tvd Shadowhunters chapter 4 for @klaroline-overdose: the hunt for Elena and the mortal cup is on. They have twenty four hours to find Elena and the mortal cup and hand them over to the clave or Caroline is exiled from being a Shadowhunter.
11. How a granger and a Malfoy fell in love (still working on the title) for @puredramione and @salazars: Draco and Hermione’s older children Anya and Scorpius want to know how their parents met and why when other people find out who their parents are they are always surprised.
12. The second story in the Caroline stark series for @accidental-rambler: Caroline is tony Starks daughter and after New York both father and daughter are having ptsd.
13. Princess’s choice for @vermariess:It’s princess Rebekah’s twenty first birthday and everyone is at her ball. She has to dance with every eligible bachelor. In a room of full of eligible bachelors the one who just walked into the ballroom and refuses to give his name intrigues Rebekah.
14. Tell me a story for @beautyqueenforbes: Hope is laying in Klaus’ bed and Klaus is making sure she is safe Hope wants to hear a story so Klaus tells his daughter about a beautiful queen named Caroline and the king who fell in love with her.
15. Raising hope for @annievvv7: While rescuing Klaus from Marcel Hayley gets killed now the Mikaelsons have to figure out how to raise Hope Klaus turns to the one person he trusts.
16. Tvd turns human for @caritobear: Klaus, Elijah and Kol didn’t get there fast enough to to stop their mother from taking away their vampirism in 3x15
17. Tvd five year olds for @atraxi0703: A spell goes wrong and Caroline, Rebekah, Katherine and Elena get turned into five year olds. Klaus, Elijah, Stefan and Damon have to take care of them.
18. From geek to hot for @scarlet-fire1918: Caroline is a model and one of the editors in Chief of one of the biggest fashion magazines in the world and her father hires nerdy Klaus to be her assistant. Getting back to who you are
19. Take care of him for @misssophiachase: Klaus makes the witches mad and they retaliate by turning him into a frog. Rebekah calls/threatens Caroline to watch her amphibian brother.
20. One more night for @eloiselili: Klaus and Caroline have been together for two hundred years and Klaus gives her the greatest present ever one more night with her mom.
21. Caroline Forbes she can do anything for @klaroloverr: Caroline is extremely athletic she Surfs, snowboards, skateboards, and plays volleyball. Shes Practing for a volleyball competition on the beach when her back hand serve hits some one drawing.
22. I will always love you for @austennerdita2533 and @gooddame: Klaus and Caroline have had so many lives and in every live they find each other but in this life they can’t find each other until Caroline is in the hospital dying.
23. Freya meets Lucien for @frucienlover: when Lucien takes Klaus to his penthouse to tell him about the sire line war why is Freya dancing in Lucien’s penthouse and why is Lucien kissing her?
24. What is going on? For @k-o-l-v-i-n-a: Bonnie sees Kol alive and In the grill with Davina she hates Kol and tries to protect the town from him. She give Kol an aneurysm but Davina protecting her boyfriend fights Bonnie and when Bonnie’s magic collides with Davina’s magic it sends witch and original somewhere.
Everyone I mentioned is tagged.
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forevercaroline · 7 years
Revenge on Damon
For @klaroline-overdose @ehdsisjado and @caritobear Warning: there is mention of rape and torture. Not Damon or Elena friendly. Caroline has been living with Klaus for two centuries they are in their mansion In Paris which has a amazing view of the Effie towel. Caroline is sleeping she's snuggled into Klaus' side while he is sitting up in bed sketching her. Caroline starts to mumble " No get away from me." She starts to jerks away from him. Klaus looks down concern written all over his face. He doesn't know what is going on and tries to wake her up " My love wake up." Caroline still asleep starts screaming. Klaus lifts her off her side of the bed and into his lap he caresses her face " Caroline wake up." Caroline gasps awake and puts her hand over her heart and starts to cry. Klaus pulls her into his chest and runs his hands up and down her back trying to comfort her. " My love what's wrong what made you have such a horrible nightmare. You were screaming and yelling no get away from me." Caroline buries her head in his bare chest still crying she squeezes her arms around his waist " Memories." " What kind of memory would make you have a reaction like this." Caroline buries her head more into his chest. Over the past two centuries Klaus has told her everything about the last thousand years of his life and Caroline told him all about her life she only left out one thing. They don't keep secrets from each other. Caroline has never told anyone about what Damon did to her and starts to tear up. " It's alright I'm here you can tell me." Caroline cries " It's horrible." " You forget who your talking to I do horrible things all the time." Caroline looks into his eyes she still has tears in her eyes " Not like this." Klaus wants to know what memory she has to make her act this way" Caroline please tell me." Klaus gets her to stop crying and kisses her. Caroline takes a big breath and finally reveals what Damon did to her. " When I was human Damon compelled me, he raped me and drank from me. He came back to get Katherine out of the tomb she wasn't even in but he needed Bonnie's necklace so he made me his deliver girl and compelled me to be his girlfriend and at night he would rape and drink from me. Once I woke up and had dried blood on my neck I tried to sneak out of the room and I got to the door when Damon was in front of me I picked up a lamp and threw it at him he pushed me on the bed and drank from me. I was screaming he just put his hand over my mouth. Stefan tried to saved me by putting vervain in my drink so that night when Damon tried to kill me again he drank vervain. Stefan put him in the cell in the boarding house but he called me to get him out and because I was compelled I had to go." Klaus had no idea he swears the next time he sees Damon he's going to kill him. Klaus pulls her even more into his chest, Caroline's sitting in his lap her head on his shoulder. " My love I am so sorry he did that he will pay for what he did to you. Your right I never did anything that horrible." Caroline wipes her tears " When I turned all that he compelled me to forget came back." Klaus kisses her on the top of her head. Xxx Caroline wakes up the next morning she rolls over to kiss Klaus good morning and his side of the bed is empty and cold, she figures he is in his studio. She wraps one of the blankets around her she's only in one of his Henley's. She walks into his studio and it's empty. "Nik, Nik, Nik" "In the ballroom my love." Caroline walks in and Damon is being chained up by Klaus' hybrids. "What's going on why is Damon here?" Klaus is leaning on a table with a bunch of sharp objects on it. " After you fell back to sleep I told my hybrids to find Damon they did he and Elena were in Serbia. They were going to just take Damon but Elena was fighting them and you know how my hybrids don't care who they kill to get me what I want. So they snapped Elena's neck and threw her in one of the cells in the basement. He's here so he can pay for the crimes he committed against you." Caroline is leaning in the doorway with the blanket around her. " I got my revenge against him when I became a vampire I pushed him away from me with vampire strength when he touched me and said you suck. Also when he tried to kill my dad I fought him and threw him against the wall then through a window at the Lockwood's. " " Wouldn't you feel better with a real apology." " Yes but I knew he wouldn't give me one so I settled for you suck and throwing him through a window." Klaus picking up a knife to see how sharp it is "My love what have I told you." " I'm a queen, I'm beautiful, you love me, you don't know how you survived without me, I shouldn't wear clothes at all, I'm a vampire you don't settle if someone has something you want take it or kill them." "All true you are the most beautiful queen I've ever laid eyes on you do not deserve to be treated like how Damon has treated you. Not only is it wrong but you still have nightmares about it two centuries later." Caroline nods " Ok while you try to get a apology out of Damon I'm going to go talk to the prisoner in the cells." Xxx Caroline goes down to the basement and past the room the Mikaelsons keep all their old French weapons, rugs and things they have collected while living in France over the centuries. She goes through a door and in the sixth cell is her old friend Elena. She squats down in front of the cell " It's been a long time Elena." Elena who is scared for Damon and is confused as to why she is in this cell looks up at her old friend. " I should of known you had something to do with this. It all makes sense those guys that attacked us in Siberia work for Klaus and since you decided to run off and be with the enemy it was just a matter of time you tormented your friends like Klaus and his family did." Caroline can't believe what Elena is saying to her when she left Mystic Falls to join Klaus she left on good terms with everyone. " I didn't have to come down here but I did I wanted to see if you were ok. I left Mystic Falls because I knew my mom wouldn't want me settling for a normal human like everyone else was she wanted me to be myself a vampire. When I left I traveled the world for a year ending in New Orleans at Klaus door. He is the only person in my whole life including our friends that has ever put me first. When we were growing up and all through high school and college even when you were in the sleeping coma it was always about you. Do you remember the day of the Mikaelson ball we were in the grill talking about your favorite subject your feeling about the Salvatore's and how you never tell me anything. Rebekah came in warned me to be careful that is all well and good until you stab me in the back." Elena goes to open her mouth and Caroline speaks " I wasn't done. Then Rebekah says it's not all about you Elena get over yourself. She was right you are the most selfish and selfless person ever. You want both Salvatore's all to yourself. But to protect a love one you will die instead. You never once thought about my feeling but who would listen to a young neurotic control freak vampire. Klaus listens to me he respects my decisions he is over a thousand years old and he wants my options he wanted me to help him rule a city." Caroline goes to walk away when Elena calls out to her " Save Damon he doesn't deserve what Klaus is doing to him he hasn't done anything." Caroline turns around shock written all over her face. " No Damon deserve everything Klaus is doing to him. I wouldn't expect you to remember or even know what Damon did to me but Damon is a monster. I know you think Klaus is a monster but I have seen the proof that Klaus would never do the things Damon has done." Caroline has to leave before the tears she feels starting to form fall down her face. Xxx She goes upstairs and sees Klaus hitting Damon with a mace." Nik I can talk to you quickly please." Klaus looks back at Caroline who is shaking in the doorway " Of course." He hits Damon once more who has cuts across his body and a pile of blood below him. Klaus walks out into the hallway and Caroline drops the blanket around her and puts her arms around his waist his arms immediately go around her. " I love you." Klaus smiles down at her he lifts her head up and kisses her " I love you too. Now what did you want to tell me?" "I just wanted to hear you tell me you love me. Elena told me to save Damon and that he doesn't deserve what your doing to him and that he has done nothing wrong. It made me feel so insecure again. I'm not that same neurotic insecure control freak I was before i turned. I've changed so much and I've never had someone who loves me unconditionally and I just needed to hear you say it." Klaus squeezes his arms tightly around her " I love you so much my love you are the only one for me. I am yours and I will happily remind you of how much I love you anytime you want." Caroline squeezes her arms around his waist just savoring the moment. " I wish Rebekah and Kol were here they would love to play with Elena." Klaus laughs " Do you want to call them Rebekah's in Italy and Kol's in Saint Tropez with Davina." Caroline shakes her head. " One more thing why were you using a mace." " I found in the basement and it was originally a present to Kol but I asked him if I could borrow it and he said yes." Caroline leans up and kisses him " Have fun call me when he's ready to apologize. I'm going to start planning Freya's 230th birthday." Xxx Klaus goes back to Damon who has his head down and hanging from the ceiling " Are you ready to apologize?" "No we've moved on, your the only one who cares about it." Klaus smacks Damon across the face with Kol's mace " If you both have moved on then why was Caroline crying in my arms last night and having nightmares about what you did to her." "Use a different weapon." Klaus plunges a knife into Damon's carotid artery Damon yells out in pain. " Is this better." "It's a pretty good bet that your going to kill me right." Klaus nods " Then let me say goodbye to Elena she doesn't deserve to be locked up in a cell or listen to my pained yells." "Elena is a bad friend too. She always took Caroline for granted and then judged her when Caroline found love. Or when Caroline didn't like the man Elena choose to love. So no I will keep her in her cell but don't worry I will send down blood everyday and I won't send Kol or Rebekah down there until a day after your death." Damon pushes forward his body and spits in Klaus face who smacks him on top of the head with the mace. Blood is now running down Damon's face and shoulders dripping on the floor. " Do you have something to say Damon?" " Go to hell." Klaus leans forward "That's the same thing Elena said before I killed at the sacrifice. Maybe when I kill her again I should take her back to the quarry be symbolic. Or maybe I should kill you in front of her." "Stay away from Elena." Klaus smiles wickedly " Ray." Xxx Klaus' hybrid Ray comes into the room gripping Elena's arm tightly and pushes her towards Klaus. " Now Damon since you refuse to apologize and I'm losing my patience I've brought a little motivation." Klaus is holding Elena in front of him while Ray hands him a knife. Which Klaus runs the side of the knife down Elena's face who is trying to get out of his grip. " Where to begin." Klaus stabs her in the neck Elena screams, he take the knife out and stabs her in the stomach and brings the knife up " Choose Damon apologize or this knife will continue its way up to her heart." Damon looks at Elena who is yelling the pain is incredible. " Don't give him what he wants Damon." "Stop it." Klaus keeps pulling the knife up her chest it's nearing her heart. " Fine I'll apologize." Klaus smiles " My love can you come here." Xxx Caroline comes in jeans, a tank top with a pink sweater on. " Yes." Klaus gestures to Damon "Damon would like to say something to you." Damon still hanging from the ceiling looks up at Caroline who is standing next to Klaus who still has Elena in his grip and the knife is still in her chest. " I'm sorry for using you, raping you, abusing you, compelling you, trying to kill you a couple times, drinking from you, trying to kill your dad, saying you wouldn't make it as a vampire. I'm sorry." Caroline looks at Damon sincerely " Do you really mean it?" "Yes I'm truly sorry Caroline." Caroline nods she's waited for this day for a very long time. " I accept your apology." Xxx Damon looks at Elena who is still in klaus iron like grip " Let her go." Klaus lets go of Elena and when she goes to move Klaus slaps her head off her body falls to the ground and her head it's the wall. "Was killing Elena necessary?" "Yes she didn't appreciate you like this death is necessary too." Klaus picks up the mace and gets a good grip on the handle and swings it, it makes contact with Damon's head so hard that his head joins Elena's and his body goes limp. "Do you feel better my love?" " I do now let's get you cleaned up we have dinner reservations at 8." Caroline leans up and kisses him. She takes his bloody hands and drags him from the ballroom while his hybrids clean up the mess.
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mrslackles · 7 years
Tag game
Thanks for the tag, @ashleigh-jewitt-xx!
Answer 11 questions then ask another eleven, tagging eleven people to answer them! 
Have 3 wishes granted, what would they be?
That I never had to worry about money, that I could bring a fictional character to life to date and that I were taller.
2. What couldn’t you live without?
Water. Lip balm. TV.
3. Met a celebrity?
Only local ones. I really wanted to meet Sam and Cait from Outlander because they’re in my freaking city right now but it doesn’t seem the stars are aligning :(
4. Go back in time. Who would you like to spend a day with?
Jane Austen or Virginia Woolf. 
5. Watch TV or listen to music?
Watch TV.
6. Attend school at Hogwarts or live in Narnia?
Neither? Either sounds like too much excitement too often. No school. I’ll just stay home and chill, thanks 😁😁
7. Favourite book?
The Things That Keep Us Here by Carla Buckley. 
8. Live in any period of history, when would it be?
I wouldn’t want to have been born even a single decade before this one. The bullshit sexism and racism we still have to put up with in 2017 makes me not want to go back in the slightest. Give me the costumes of the 20s or, better yet, let me hop into the future.
9. Be bitten by a radioactive spider or a vampire?
Depends what I get out of each! If the implication is Spiderwoman vs being a vampire then... Spiderwoman, I think. Maybe it would help me get over my fear of heights and also then I wouldn’t have to learn how to drive 😁😁
10. Gone to Europe?
No, but I’d very much like to!
11. The Mikaelson and Salvatore siblings + Kiss, Marry or Kill? 
Kiss Damon
Marry Klaus
Kill Stefan
My questions
What was the freakiest dream you’ve ever had (that you remember)?
Where in the world would you rather be right now?
If you could swap one character from your favourite TV show to bring in another from a different show instead, who would they be and from which shows?
What are you currently obsessed with?
Did things work out with your last crush?
What do you wish you’d known in your last year of high school?
If you could create your own season, what would it be like?
What’s your favourite dessert?
Which character would you like to see gender swapped and why?
Who was the first character you fell in love with?
What’s your ideal breakfast?
Tagging (never 11 because I’m a rule-breaker): @kcer4life  @she-walked-away @eriberry89 @kjsama @say-hello-to-my-little-feels @klaroline-overdose and @jeweljessicajones
As usual, only do if you want and if I didn’t tag you but you’d like to answer my questions, consider yourself tagged! Tag me in your response so I can see your answers :)
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ofcamerasflashing · 3 years
RULES FOR 1x1 RPING ( If anyone wants to write with me and not a guide of suggestions thing ).
These are subject to change but as of right now,  I think this is a good starting point.
My writing partners must be +18.  I’m an adult myself  (age is about to change because birthday coming up) and have been for a few years.
Not into writing smut.  I’ve done it and have enjoyed writing it BUT for now I would like to have that door closed firmly and maybe revisit it in a year or so.
Fade to the black method used at this time.
Not a fan of 1 liners unless it is a text thread.  I tend to get bored easily with something really small.
Don’t ask me to join a group with your friends that has just started,  has been established, etc.  It feels really weird to come in and be the only one that doesn’t know anyone (Besides the person inviting).  If the group hasn’t started then maybe you could slide it in to me and I will at least check it out.
I have been writing in the TVD world for a long while so I like to keep things supernatural based.  Maybe a few OC x OC things but if we could do canon x oc?  That would be amazing too.
Caroline Forbes,  Hope Mikaelson,  Lizzie Saltzman,  Hayley Marshall,  Seylah Chelon,  Freya Mikaelson, etc are the characters I’ve played and are the most comfortable with in terms of tvd.
Elena Gilbert,  Vicki Donavan,  Josie Saltzman, Penelope Park,  etc are ones I would be willing to write if you wanted.
Stelena, Steroline, Klaroline,  Handon,  Hosie,  Hizzie, Posie (AU settings only),  Jandon, Mizzie, Rizzie, Klayley,  etc are okay ships for me for sure.
I have no real rules yet for oc x oc interactions or anything because I have not done ocs in a long time.  If you are interested in that let me know.
No gross yucky topics (You know the ones) will be written. 
As far as triggers go?  A lot of it is subjective on me and how I am doing at that moment in time.  Some days are harder than others but I am responsible for my own experience and might take a few days to reply back if it is a bad day.
Mania  (mostly when I am manic or in the way of making fun of it type deal),  unwanted touching,  sexual assault, drugs, drug overdose (mostly comes around during veterans day here in the united states) food can be an issue at times (but I will just not engage in conversations during that time. It really is the bigger questions of "did you eat today?" and things that put me on the spot that make me have anxiety as either way I can't win? so don't ask me that one PLEASE even if you mean well.). 
I’m mostly looking into writing on discord  (We would exchange discords) but I do have a tumblr or two for indie rping we could write on as well.
We don’t have to ship.  I love family bond type things as well  (I mean,  I play mothers of some of the main characters? So yeah.  We can have angsty mother/child threads.  Hope bringing Hayley back to life,  etc).
I love tupper bots,  like a set up that is kind of by verse, etc.  I have a guide on how I normally set mine up on my blog.
I have struggled with comprehension issues / spelling from a young age.  I’ve made great strides in my writing and have gotten so much better. ALWAYS LEARNING! EVERY DAY.
We all make mistakes when we write.  We all have times that a simple word can suddenly get mispelled, etc.  I won’t judge you so don’t judge me on this front.
If you want to tell me EVERY SO OFTEN about an error or something please do it gently. Don’t get aggressive with me over it or anything.
If you need a written sample of my writing just message me and I will link you to a reply or something that I have done.
Form for my partners to fill out for discord rp.  You can send this in an ask and I will not be publishing your ask just used as a way to send this instead of ims.  You can use the ims feature as well if you wanted as I do believe that is open as well.
Name / age / birthday (I like to say happy birthday to you ) * Optional on birthday.
discord information
any plots in mind that you have been itching to write? Put down a couple? Or we can just plot.
canon / oc ?  What kind of rp are you wanting to do?
ship?  What ship are we doing if anything?
What character do you want to play?
just on discord? Or do you want it to be both discord and tumblr based? If so,  I will ask for your blog to follow on the blog that we would be using (I have a Hope blog and a multi)
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lidiacervos · 8 years
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p e r s o n a l  moodboard
finally got around to doing this after @ohmycassian tagged me <3
I haven’t been on tumblr a ton lately so I’m not sure who has done this already, my bad if you have! : @redcoatblonde  @guerins  @jesskatethings @klarolineagainnaturally @klaroline-overdose
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kickassfu · 7 years
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gooddame · 6 years
Hey! Is there a page where I can read all your ff?? Thank you
Omg anon! This is the sweetest thing to wake up to! I am so touched!Short answer to that is my fan fiction page under the same name:https://m.fanfiction.net/u/4265703/gooddameAnd here on this site there should be a link on my blog page over on your left to my fic created by the amazing @klaroline-overdose!!
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Could u please do a kennett drabble. I literally can't find any fanfics/drabbles/oneshots of kennett and they're my otp 🙏🏽
Hey! I’ll absolutely can write you a drabble but I thought I’d give you some links to Kennett fanfiction. So if you’d like me to do a specific prompt inbox me again.x
So here’s my Kennett Fanfiction Tag and the link to my drabble series
This is a list of Kennett blogs you can follow (there aren’t many I’m afraid so a lot of these will be probably multi shippers of either Bamon Bonkai or both)
@tropical-wonderlight @pixieelea@klaroline-overdose @vermariess@ohanadoesntapplytoadam @fire-ismy-element @jordanjanellejoy @luanahensi@bonxkai-forever@absentmindeddreamer @bonniekolmikaelson @kennettshippersclub@bonkaikennett@taylormckessie @jerichofuckingbarrons @bansheeless-lydia @tinie-nyny @tanjamikaelson  @sh1krije @kennettshippersclub
These are some tumblr users with Kennett fanfiction tags/write Kennett fanfiction
@bonniebennettficrecs - http://bonniebennettficrecs.tumblr.com/tagged/kennett
@thetourguidebarbie - http://thetourguidebarbie.tumblr.com/tagged/Kennett
@fire-ismy-element is one of my absolute favorites - http://fire-ismy-element.tumblr.com/tagged/kennett-fanfiction
@kennettshippersclub - http://kennettshippersclub.tumblr.com/library
and here’s their tag for recent fic updates - http://kennettshippersclub.tumblr.com/tagged/fanfic%20update
@bonlijahkennett-blog bonlijahkennett-blog.tumblr.com/tagged/kennet-fanfiction
@klarolinefanfiction - http://klarolinefanfiction.tumblr.com/tagged/kennett
EDIT: @bitingangels - http://bitingangels.tumblr.com/Kennett
Here are some links to other blogs who have done Kennett fic recs
This is Fanfiction.net’s Kennett tag - https://www.fanfiction.net/tv/Vampire-Diaries/?&srt=1&r=10&c1=80793&c2=30841
Archive of Our Own - https://archiveofourown.org/tags/Bonnie%20Bennett*s*Kol%20Mikaelson/works
Tumblr - https://www.tumblr.com/search/kennett+fanfiction
And here are my general fic recs 
Enemies With Benefits by @thedeadmasqueradefanfics
The Arrangement by twitchytwain
The Deep Feelings by Tinie nyny 
Power by Fireismyelement
The Marriage by Fireismyelement 
His Witch by Fireismyelement
1994 Prison World by Fireismyelement
Blue Jeans by @klarogasms
Once Bitten Twice Shy by @thedeadmasqueradefanfics
Height Gap by Fireismyelement
Please if you’re a Kennett blog or you write Kennett fanfiction, reblog this post and add a link to your stuff whether it’s on here ff.net or Ao3.
Please also feel free to reblog with your own Kennett recs
Hope that helped.x
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lightwoodsdaddario · 8 years
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Eleven questions
Answer 11 questions then ask another eleven, tagging eleven people to answer them Tagged by the awesome @misssophiachase Tagging: @caritobear @scarlet-fire1918 @vermariess @katieb373 @austennerdita2533 @mscaroline-forbes @thecrooktomyassasin @isabellanagasaka @eloiselili @klaroline-overdose @delightfullysunny
1. Top five celebrities you’d sleep with if you could?
1. Alexander Skarsgård
2. Joseph Morgan
3. Daniel gillies
4. Nate Buzolic
5. Austin Amelio
2. Dream job?
Manicurist to the stars.
3. The Mikaelson siblings + Kiss, Marry or Kill? This is so hard I love them all. Kiss Kol, Marry Klaus, Kill Finn
4. If you could be any female character, who would it be? Sara lance or Caroline Forbes
5. If you could be Prime Minister/President/Queen for the day what would you do? That’s hard but I think I would try to pick up the pieces of the last president and assure the nation that I will be a much better president than the last.
6. If you could be any supernatural creature what would you be?
A hybrid best of both worlds
7. Most useful subject in real life that you’ve ever studied?
8. Who would you prefer to date? A musician, an actor, a model or an accountant?
An actor
9. What food can’t you live without?
10. Favourite book character?
11. Five favourite TV shows?
Prison break
Legends of tomorrow
The vampire diaries the good seasons
Grace and Frankie
My Eleven questions are:
1. Do/ did you ever post something that you were nervous or shy about?
2. If you could be any superhero or super villain who would you choose
3. Marvel or DC
4. Kolvina or Kennett
5. Kalijah or haylijah
6. Jimmy Fallon or jimmy kimmel
7. Favorite band
8. Favorite Disney princess
9. iPad or tablet
10. Worst character in Tvd/To
11. What is the song that gets stuck in your head the most.
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forevercaroline · 8 years
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Cover by the fabulous @klaroline-overdose
Third chapter in my tvd Shadowhunters story This chapter is for @caritobear who I left on a cliffhanger last chapter
“Let me go.”
Caroline gets thrown into one of the rooms at the institute. “Don’t let her leave this room she is under house arrest and don’t let anyone in.”
“You are out of your mind I didn’t do anything. If your going to put me on trial for whatever I didn’t do I want a lawyer.”
Cami doesn’t get why Caroline is so mad at her she’s just doing her job. “ Anything else before we lock you up and throw away the key.”
“When someone gets arrested they get one phone call and people are allowed to visit them am I allowed that.”
“You want to know if Klaus who is not your husband is allowed to visit you?”
“Him, my brothers, my family.”
“ Your marriage is invalid and his family isn’t your family anymore all you have is two brothers.”
It is taking all of Caroline’s control to not attack Cami. As Cami is leaving Caroline shouts at her “ You should know I’m a warrior its in my blood I will fight. You can’t keep me in here forever.”
Stefan and Rebekah were in their bedroom while everything was going on and Damon and Elena were trying to find Elena’s real parents but ended up in a alternate reality. When Damon gets back to this reality he finds he has several messages from Klaus saying get back to institute Caroline’s in trouble.
Damon runs into the institute when Stefans coming down the stairs “ Where’s Caroline?”
“ I don’t know I just woke up?”
Esther was talking to bonnie when she sees Damon “ Damon we need to talk where is the Gilbert girl and where is the cup?”
“ Mrs. Mikaelson it is always a pleasure seeing you but I can’t talk at the moment our sister is in trouble.”
Both brothers find Klaus “ What is going on?”
“Caroline’s been arrested for treason against the clave and they won’t let me see her because apparently our marriage is invalid.”
Klaus phone rings as Damon and Stefan are walking away “ Wait.”
When they locked Caroline in the room they never took her stele, or her phone.
“ I hate them all get me out of here this is pointless. They have guards in front of the door. They are putting me on trial for something I didn’t do. I want a lawyer get me Davina. I love you Nik. ”
“ I feel really sorry for those guards we all know Caroline is a fighter growing up with brothers and being a shadowhunter fighting is in her blood.”
“ We need to make sure she’s ok someone needs to get in there. They won’t let me in I’ve tried. I heard someone say they were going to strip her of her runes and sentence her to exile. If she does get sentenced to excile I will go with her not just because I love her and she’s my wife but she’s my parabatai, my best friend, we made a vow at our wedding to stick together always and forever though thick and thin. That’s why I fell in love with your sister I saw she was a fighter and I knew she was the one for me.”
“ I thought you fell in love with our sister when she broke your nose in kendo training.”
Klaus smiles at that memory they were ten when she broke his nose. They were sparring they had been sparring with each other since they were five. That day he didn’t block her attack quickly enough and her fist came in contact with his nose and broke it. Then a few days later he broke her hand by accident they were training. “No that’s when I knew she had to be parabatai.
Caroline is pacing the room they locked her in when she hears Damon and Stefan’s voices she bangs on the door. ” She isn’t allowed visitors.“
” She’s our sister we need to make sure she’s ok.“
” No visitors you’ll see her at the trial.“
” Fine don’t let us see our sister can you at least tell us what she is on trial for?“
” Treason.“
Kol and Esther are fighting over the whole Bonnie situation, Klaus is yelling at Cami over arresting Caroline and saying his marriage is invalid, Damon and Stefan are yelling at the guards to let them see Caroline, and Caroline is banging on the door yelling to let her go. Elijah and Freya are trying to stop the fighting but failing miserably.
The inquisitor Carol Lockwood, her guards, and a silent brother come walking through the portal door into the institute. ” What is going on? If this is how you run the New York Institute we are going to have to put someone else in charge?“
Everyone turns towards the inquisitor. Klaus steps forward ” If I may inquisitor-“
” -You may not leave us that goes for everyone.“
Carol turns towards Cami when everyone leaves ” I send you here to get the cup and you arrest someone and plan to marry another why?“
” She threatened to kill a member of the clave. His marriage is invalid in the eyes of the clave.“
"Well your upcoming nuptials to him better not get in the way of you prosecuting his possible wife.”
“ You have my word they won’t.”
“Good the trial begins this evening.”
“Can you get my stele back?”
Elijah looks down at his youngest brother then at everyone still bickering amongst each other “ Everyone stop.”
His family turns to look at him. “ Now we have several family problems all happening at the same time so we divide and conquer. Niklaus, Kol you will go with Damon, Stefan and Davina to Caroline’s trial. Rebekah you will help Henrik learn his runes so he doesn’t start another fire. And last mother we need to talk you, me and Freya.”
Everyone disperses to do their job Elijah assigned them to do.
Elijah and Freya are trying to get their mother to see reason on this Bonnie Bennett marriage situation. “ Mother you can’t force someone anyone least of all Kol to do something he doesn’t want to do.”
“It will help repair the Mikaelson name after the unsanctioned missions and helping the Gilbert girl destroyed our name. Bonnie’s family was almost as powerful as ours used to be but when we fell out of grace their family moved up.”
“ We understand why but Kol doesn’t want to do this he doesn’t remember Bonnie plus he’s already engaged.”
“ Yes to a downworlder and not just any downworlder but Davina Claire. She has been around for centuries. That will only destroy our name even more.”
“ We are all friends with Davina we even have a vampire friend. It it’s not like it used to be when you were growing up. The downworlders and this institute of Shadowhunters sometimes work together.”
Rebekah is holding up flashcards with runes on them for Henrik and he has to guess what they are.
“ Speed”
“Courage and Combat”
“ Nourishment”
“ Henrik you know this is the heat rune.”
Henrik smiles at his big sister “ That’s right.”
Rebekah pulls Henrik into her arms and starts tickling him “You little fire starter we should of started with the extinguished rune.”
The door to Caroline’s room opens and Caroline is ready to fight anyone that comes in. Cami walks in and the guards close the door Caroline glares at her. When Cami takes her stele out and traces a rune on her wrist and turns back into Klaus. Caroline throws her arms around him and kisses him. “ Nik.”
Klaus buries his face in her hair he kisses her neck. “ My love.”
“ I didn’t do anything our marriage is valid we have the runes to prove it. I didn’t commit treason. They can’t find the cup and they need something to do so they arrest me for ‘treason’.”
“ I know love I got your text Kol asked Davina and she said yes. Why haven’t you used your stele to get out of here?”
“ You didn’t just fall in love with me because I’m a fighter I also think every move out. They’re testing me. They didn’t take my stele and are waiting till I use it then accuse me of something else. So instead I will go along with there game but anyone tries to take me away from you, our family or try to de rune me I will fight.”
Klaus kisses her forehead “ My beautiful warrior. I have to go your brothers can’t distract Camille forever. I will see you at the trial it’s tonight. I love you and whatever the result is I will be with you.”
Caroline kisses him one last time “ I love you too.”
Klaus pulls out his stele and traces his glamour rune and turns back into Cami.
“Will I survive if I touch that?”
Davina went to law school in the mid 1900’s she never knew she would need it so much. With being the high witch of Manhattan she breaks up fights with other witches in the city, dealing with the accords and now she’s a lawyer.
She looks up at the judge for the trial Carol Lockwood. The that in question is the mortal sword and on the other side of the sword is silent brother Parker. “ If you tell the truth.”
Davina in black leather pants, purple tank top with black jacket, and sparkly purple heels puts her perfectly manicured long glittery purple nails on the handle of the sword which the ruby on the top glows and brother Parker telepathy says the courtroom oath in her head “ By the power of the sword do you swear to defend your client integrity and honesty.”
“ Yes”
Brother Parker bows while Davina removes her hands from the sword.
“ Make your case witch.”
Davina knows she’s not wanted here by the clave but Caroline wanted her and she’s friends with Caroline so she’s here for here. Plus she’s not the only downworlder at the trial. Enzo the leader of the New York City vampires is here.
Enzo has been Caroline’s friend since she was twelve. It was her first mission without an adult watching her. It was a routine mission kill a vampire not following the rules of the accord. Caroline was ready she found the vampire and was ready to kill it when it surprised her and flipped them over and tried to bite her. They were right outside the hotel Enzo lives at he saw the whole thing. He was going to kill the vampire himself but saw a Shadowhunter do it for him. When the vampire flipped them over and he saw how Caroline was struggling a little bit to not let the vampire bite her. He vamped down to them and killed the vampire. He helped Caroline up and they have been friends since. Caroline’s even saved his life too.
The whole institute is in the courtroom for the trial including all the Mikaelsons, Alaric, uncle Silas, Katherine and Lucien.
“My client Caroline Mikaelson is innocent on all charges. She never committed treason. Plus she has the runes to prove her marriage is real. I also have proof myself silent brother Parker was at the wedding he was the officiant. Both Caroline Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson have the marriage runes. Klaus wears his gold bracelet everyday and Caroline wears her pearl teardrop necklace everyday. This isn’t a case of treason and invalid marriage it a case of she has what I want.”
“ The marriage between Caroline Salvatore and Niklaus Mikaelson is valid.”
Klaus leans forward and puts his hand on her shoulder which she puts a hand on his hand and squeezes.
“ However I have here saying that Caroline threatened to kill another Shadowhunter and said Shadowhunter is apart of the clave.”
“ Caroline was upset she was just told her marriage was invalid and to make it valid said Shadowhunter is going to marry her husband. She was acting out of rage. And hasn’t everyone said something they regret out of rage.”
“I call to the stand Caroline Mikaelson.”
Caroline in a blue knee length dress sits next to Carol Lockwood.
Cami begins questioning her. “ So you deny threatening to kill me?”
“ I never actually said I’m going to kill you I started to say it but only said ki. Also your taking it out of context. In context it makes more sense. My husband and I were talking with his younger brother Henrik when John Gilbert walks into the institute. We push Henrik behind us and I throw one of my knifes at John Gilbert he catches it and pulls out his stele and traces a rune on his arm and de glamours as you. Who says our reaction time is a abysmal we need to talk. Then you tell us our marriage is invalid and to make it valid you will marry my husband. Then a couple minutes later you arrest me for treason.”
“ So you admit you attacked me.”
Caroline rolls her eyes “ I didn’t attack you. But you know what this whole trial isnt about me or you or anyone here it’s about the cup your sick of waiting for the cup and your afraid that the cup will fall into the Gilbert’s hands.”
“ Caroline I have to tell you everything you say will be taken inconsideration for the verdict.”
“ Good im done playing your game Camille. You’ve locked in a room and have not let me see my family and told me you were going to throw away the key. I’m done I’m going to say what I need to say and your going to listen. I don’t want the Gilbert’s to win I have been helping find the cup and fight demons.
Why would I commit treason against something I’ve been apart of my whole life I’ve been fighting since I was five. I remember the first rune I ever got the courage and combat rune I was so excited. After I got it I ran to my brothers and I showed them.
We have angel blood running through our veins but we also have mundane blood it’s ok to be scared. We’re all scared we don’t know where the cup is and the Gilbert’s are back and they could find the cup before us. When you think about it were no different than them we justify everything with Angel blood just like they do. We will end up turning on each other just like they did.”
Carol Lockwood has been listing to Caroline’s speech she always thought Caroline was a good fighter. “ Is that what you think that we are turning on you?”
“No offense inquisitor but the clave did falsely accuse me and put me on trial for something I didn’t do just because they can’t find the cup.”
Davina stands up to address the inquisitor “ I call to the stand Camille O'Connell.”
“ I don’t see how that could be relevant.”
“ We add that to the list of us because Caroline, Klaus, myself, the entire Mikaelson family, and the entire New York institute don’t see the relevant of this case let alone this trial.”
Cami goes to the witness chair and Davina starts questing her. “ I only have one question for you why are you prosecuting this case?”
“ She threat-”
“ -I don’t want to hear she threatened to kill me or attacked me, or their marriage is invalid. We’ve already discuss that so why are you pushing this trial.”
Cami looks up at Carol who looks at her “ Answer the question councilor.”
“ In Idris I grew up next to the Mikaelsons and across the street from the Salvatore’s. When we were five and we were allowed to train with everyone else it was always Klaus trains with Caroline and vise versa. Then they became parabatai and that sealed it they are supposed to train together fight together. Nobody wanted to train with me or become my parabatai. Not even my late fiancé. Then the clave took me in a made me envoy to the clave.”
“This is ridiculous.”
“ This case is ridiculous I see that now. I withdraw the charges.”
Caroline turns around and hugs Klaus so tight “It’s over my love your safe.”
Davina returns to the table and Caroline hugs her “ Thank you Davina your are truly the best lawyer/witch/best friend a girl could ask for.”
“ Your welcome and next time you come to the other side drinks are on me.”
Caroline returns to Klaus arms. While Davina flicks her hand and confetti starts falling over them.
Carol Lockwood hasn’t made her decree yet she starts banging her gavel “ Silence order in the courtroom silence.
Just because you withdrew the charges doesn’t mean it’s over. The defense was right we want the mortal cup. If you don’t get it to us in twenty four hours Caroline Mikaelson will be strip of her runes and sentenced to exile. And anyone who gets in our way of finding the cup will join her in exile.”
Klaus tightens his arms around his wife “ It will be ok. We will find Elena get the cup and you will be fine. If I personally have to drag her back here I will.”
Caroline nods “ Fight against Elena to decide whether or not I remain a Shadowhunter I am so in.”
Klaus kisses her. Everything could change in the next twenty four hours for them.
Caroline looks over at Cami “ You know if you would of just said you would of liked to spar with Klaus I would of said fine. You didn’t have to arrest me and make false accusations against me which by the way still mad about.”
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