#kisame hcs
luxscape · 1 year
🍰 for kinktober for Maito Gai, Kisame, and Madara because I know you love him. Please and thank you ;)
i do. i love all three of these men
🍰 just a sweet fantasy
Maito Gai
Unsurprisingly, a large number of Gai’s fantasies revolve around something related to athletics!
The most recurrent one, the one he’s just fixated on, is hooking up in the middle of sparring with someone.  The imagined progression of it all really gets Gai going: a slow build from dodging one another’s blows, taking the light impacts of blocking, until finally, maybe the blows are beginning to take a turn for the tougher, so he grabs their fist and whirls them into a fiery kiss...... yeah, that really does it for him.
The ideal setting for the aforementioned spar-hookup is on a gym mat in front of a giant wall mirror. Gai, the freak that he is, wants to watch every second of the action. He wants to get a burn on that mat, he wants you both to feel it afterwards.
Body worship kink, his favorite dirty talk is always praise! Gai is a giving partner and the bedroom is no exception, but he really gets off on receiving that praise. Gai loves to be ridden, fingers exploring his muscles, as his partner whispers and moans of how perfect his sculpted body is. That sensation of fingers digging into him, you gripping him everywhere, telling him how perfect it all is.... euphoric!
He is into body worship but only through submission.  When Kisame envisions a lover lying in wait for him, it makes his breath catch in his throat a little bit.  It’s hot, to think someone wants him, wants to be touched and devoured by him—the vulnerability of submission or desire, it drives Kisame to verbal praise. To keep him fantasizing of you, simply be genuine in your need for him.
In that same vein, Kisame loves the organic spontaneity of sex with a regular partner. The thrill lies in the unpredictability. He is an opportunistic exhibitionist—if the mood strikes, he pounces. Common sites include beside bodies of water and bathhouses. Something about nudity and natural progression...
Circling back around to point one, Kisame's fantasies are consumed with themes of dominance and submission. He can respond well to initiation, but he prefers to lead. If Kisame asked you to get down and suck him off while he recorded, chances are he won't even watch the footage right away—it's the way you don't even hesitate, the way you take him all the way in without question, that's what he wants. You're in for such praise during filming, but watching the video is an entirely different type of excitement. He just wants to see that you'll do it.
In the same way I said Kisame likes to dominate? That's Madara to the maximum, baby! He just wants to see that you'll do it. You had better do it, if it's come to the point where he is asking. Madara is dominant without ethics or morality. If you're with him, you're with him because you knew the type of man he was. And if that's the case, you already know fully well that you're going to get down and suck.
He's not going to praise you. You're doing what you're supposed to do for him, and so what if you're good at it? Everything he has is supposed to be the best—including you, and anything you provide to him. When you take every inch of Madara without complaint, he's going to thrust his last into you, and kiss you good night from behind. There is your "thanks."
When he wakes up stiff and agitated, it's hardly ever a sex dream and almost always a violent dream. He fights constantly, even when he is supposed to be resting. Aggressive morning romps with Madara is not uncommon.
Bondage KING. The ultimate form of submission in Madara's mind comes in the form of rope suspension. He doesn't even impose painful sensations, he just teases and observes. Greater than vows exchanged at an altar, is a hogtied and suspended pose. A partner that would allow him to do that, he considers loyal and obedient and nothing gets his dick harder than those two adjectives.
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snuggleboots · 9 months
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₊˚♡˚₊ The Akatsuki, communicating their love ₊˚♡˚₊
₊˚♡˚₊ feat. Itachi, Kisame, Kakuzu, and Hidan ₊˚♡˚₊
Tags: Fluff, mishmash of random headcanons, general cutesy relationship stuff.
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♡ Kisame communicates his love in various ways, but it's always most sincere in the little things he does. If you're both walking up a flight of stairs, he'll always walk behind, just so he can steal a kiss without having to lean down a bit to reach you. Usually, he'll follow that up with a stupid little, 'How's it feel to be the tall one for once?'
♡ He's a man who likes to sleep in, but when you're sleeping with him, it's his god-given duty to wake you up with some combination of stupid, sleepy shenanigans. It typically starts with some needlessly aggressive cuddling while he's waking up, which becomes a smattering of kisses and little nips dealt wherever he can reach, and eventually develops into... either cackling over your groggy irritation or moving into a little extra lovin', if you feel up to it.
♡ Cuteness aggression is a real thing, and it's his curse. If your tongue pokes out just a little bit when you're thinking hard or focused on something, if you flex your toes like a little cat when you stretch, or purse your lips when you're frustrated - he's gonna bite you. Always does. He can't help it, he gets the impulse to squish you, bite you, pinch, or bully you a little bit when you're minding your business, doing things that he finds objectively precious. You make his teeth itch when he catches you off guard, and you flash him those big eyes, and- UGH.
♡ Now, he isn't the perfect listener by any means, but Kisame is very attentive when tiffs happen in the relationship. He listens with the full intention to learn and solve the problem, and if things get a bit heated he'll calm himself down and ask you to back up and explain why you're upset. He doesn't make a habit of taking himself too seriously, which really helps him navigate rough patches well.
♡ Your personal space is his preferred space. You're stretched out, reading a book or resting your eyes? It doesn't matter where you're hanging out, that's still just as good as an invitation in his books. When he saunters on over and nonchalantly plonks his entire body weight on top of you, he doesn't even have the courtesy to say sorry for the disturbance. Nope, he's on a mission, hooking his arms around your waist and just burying his face in your belly. You're warm, you smell so nice, and he's livin' large on cloud nine, which means you're stuck there until he's decided he's had his fill for a bit.
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♡ Itachi's a man with simple wants and simple displays of love. If your days are busy and he's tucking into bed before you are, he'll cosy up on your side to keep it warm until you're ready to join him for the night. It's a little silly, a little cute, watching a man like him streeeetch right out when you meander into the bedroom, and unceremoniously shimmy back over to his side before settling in and promptly passing out. That is, however, a quiet little token of his affection.
♡ He's perceptive about things you don't enjoy doing, and especially things you tend to stress about. Without so much as mentioning it, he'll tend to the little things like that just to take them off your plate. If you're sick or in pain, Itachi is more than content to take care of you. Sorry, it's a small facet of who he is, to tend to the very few people he cares about. The man also cooks, and pretty damned well at that. His breakfasts are a cure-all when you're feeling like absolute garbage.
♡ There is such a thing as an 'Uchiha pout', and he weaponizes it for petty reasons and to ridiculous extents. He isn't always just some stone-faced caricature of a stoic, and it's brilliantly displayed when you deny his simple requests, such as relaxing after a long day, curled up on the couch with him when he's having a low-energy, no spoons left kind of day.
♡ Yes, he wants to settle his weight into your side and just be - or better yet, rest his head on your shoulder and soak up some easy, effortless affection until he's feeling a bit better. (Please card your fingers through his hair, he won't nod off again, really-) If you really have the audacity to say no - and he will call it that - you're going to see him purse his lips, pinch his brows and angle his face away from you like some kind of disappointed housecat. 'You make me lonely', he'll halfheartedly mumble, because it's a guilt trip that works and he's fully aware of that fact. No, he does not feel bad about it, either.
♡ Kakuzu's 'love language' exists in subtle acts of service and physical touch, generally shared in private. No, he's not going to say he loves you, but he can show you that your presence doesn't irritate the part of his brain that makes him want to shove his fist through someone's skull.
♡ When the seasons turn and you inevitably wind up freezing cold every goddamn night, he's content to settle beside you on the couch and tuck your chilly feet under his leg while he unwinds with a good book. There's no need to fill the silence, just let it be and enjoy the moment. You're cosy, he's relatively happy, and for all intents and purposes, you two are set to have a wonderful, quiet night.
♡ And since Kakuzu's a habitual early riser, you're typically still snoring long after he's up and ready for the day. When it's time for him to get up and get dressed, he'll flop his blanket - because he sure as hell doesn't share one - over your head before he turns on the light to get dressed. When he's done and the light's out he'll pull it down and be on his way without having disturbed your sleep.
♡ On the odd time that you're waking up with him, he'll slip by while you're getting dressed and steal a kiss to your shoulder.
♡ When his nail polish is chipped and it's time to reapply, he'll let you do it. For one, it's less for him to do, but! It's also a little token of trust on his part to toss you the polish, plop his hand in your lap, and grumble something like, 'Don't paint my damn fingers this time'. You probably still manage to flood his cuticles, which he will grumble about, but it's the thought that counts.
♡ Hidan's love can sometimes be compared to that of a fat, obnoxious housecat. If he's off-duty when you're trying to enjoy some free time, he is firmly wedged up your ass because he likes attention and you actually listen to him when he talks about... whatever's bouncing around in his head.
♡ Lounging on the couch when he's just coming in from a month on the road? Haha, sucks to be you actually, because he's instantly ripping through the living room at terminal velocity, with full intentions of divebombing your sorry ass before you have the chance to scramble up and evade him. You're still wheezing from impact, and this guy's already launching into a tirade about every little gripe he's had about his mission. 'Kakuzu was a dick, the ration bars taste like shit, the coil broke on my scythe and, and, and...'
♡ Hidan loves a good late-night hangout, so he's usually around to burn time with you when you can't sleep. Even when you don't feel like talking, he always fills the silence himself by chatting your ear off about whatever comes to mind. Sometimes it's just life stuff, other times it's his interests - and often, he'll animorph into a used cars salesman for Jashinism. You expect it, he loves that you actually listen and engage with him.
♡ 'You only get to die if you lived, no matter how great or shitty your life was, get it? Seeing the end is a privilege', he'll mutter into the lip of a half-full mug. When you're tired at the table, jolting upright after accidentally dozing off for the fifth time during his proselytizing, Hidan will slide you a cup of something that'll keep you fucking wired for the night. It's not to be a dick, obviously, but you're listening! And this is important shit! 'Diseased, crippled, or fuckin'... broke; at the end of the day, you're alive, and your pain's recognised by Lord Jashin. Suffering is a gift imparted, that only the living receive, and...' something something Jashin is great, and you should probably definitely convert.
♡ He's claimed half of your bed, and sleeping with him fucking sucks. He sleeps like a starfish and steals the blankets, and you're not waking him up unless you feel like investing some serious effort into doing so. He snores, and on the nights that he winds up sleeping half on top of you, you have to deal with the fact that he drools like a dog and sleeps with his mouth hanging open. You don't wanna deal with that? Tough shit, you're comfy, and somehow your bed is just waaaaay better than his. Okay? Okay.
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theheirofthesharingan · 6 months
Are there any silly or interesting Itachi/Sasuke/other character headcanons you've always wanted to share?
Some of these will be Modern-AUish, some canon compliant, and some Akatsuki AU.
Whenever Sasuke sees something that's interesting to (only) him as a child he rushes to Itachi to share it. Itachi is his go-to person whenever he wants to share something. Itachi sometimes lets Sasuke's excitement slide because he's too busy/too tired, and little Sasuke is infuriated. He expresses his fury in form of stomping his feet, walking around the house with a pout. He keeps yelling in front of Itachi's room that no one loves him and genuinely looks sad. No one understands why Sasuke is acting so weird until Itachi picks on it and gives Sasuke some treat. It's super easy to please him.
Itachi is a bad cook. Sasuke is even worse. That's why whenever their parents aren't home, Itachi cooks and Sasuke waits instead of helping him. One time when Sasuke "helped", it almost invited disaster. Itachi swore to never let Sasuke in since then. Sasuke is super salty because what he did at 12 shouldn't be held against him, right? Itachi won't listen. Their parents have no idea about it. So, whenever Itachi cooks something in his millionth attempt, certain that he made the dish perfect, Sasuke always shoots him down with "I've had better". Though later at night he sneaks into the kitchen to finish the rest, because why not.
Sasuke likes to hang out with Madara, but he's always been scared of the old man. Sasuke says he looks good only when he's not speaking or smiling. He always hides behind Itachi whenever Madara is visiting them. Itachi often uses it against Sasuke when he won't let him finish his work. "Go to sleep, Sasuke, or Madara uncle will come." It's an inside joke and Madara is definitely not pleased because he loves kids. He doesn't want to be the bad guy in Sasuke's eyes.
Both the brothers love to go on long cycle rides, especially in summers.
Naruto and Sasuke have a lot of sleepovers. Whenever Sasuke has to go to Naruto's house, Itachi drops him there. And when Naruto has to come to Sasuke's house, they want Itachi to tell them horror stories. Not overly keen on scaring them both, he tries to evade, but Naruto wouldn't listen. To set the mood, all the lights are kept off, and as soon as Itachi starts, Naruto hides himself in covers, and Sasuke rolls his eyes. Although later at night neither Naruto nor Sasuke want to go out alone to pee. Sasuke is just as scared as Naruto. He just doesn't want to show.
Minato and Kushina love both the brothers. Because of them their families are super close as well. Occasionally, Minato would take all the three kids to some other city/fun place, and come home super exhausted, because Naruto and Sasuke are a menace.
When they're kids, and Mikoto and Fugaku have to leave for a few hours, Kakashi and Yamato have to babysit them. Kakashi hates it because he'd rather be reading his books, but Yamato loves spending time with them. He loves to spoil both the kids. Sasuke just ends up pulling Yamato's hair and also tries to pull Kakashi's mask. But he can't.
Itachi has a Danzo plushie, decorated with red marks and is beaten down badly as if Itachi likes to punch it every time he's mad. Mikoto is horrified because since when her sweet child become this violent. Fugaku gives Itachi a treat when he learns this. Sasuke just likes to pull Danzo plushie's ears because they're fun to him.
Sasuke hates Shisui and Izumi at home. They steal the time he can spend with his nii-san. But when Itachi is not home, Shisui takes Sasuke with him and they train and Shisui deliberately loses his matches. Sasuke tells everything to Itachi with glee that he defeated Shisui when they trained together. Sasuke grudgingly admits to himself only that he likes spending time with Shisui too, but he won't ever feed Shisui's ego, because his nii-san is still the best.
Kisame is another person Sasuke is scared of. But he gets to like him. If anything, if ever Sasuke is mad at his brother, Kisame sides with Sasuke, and tells his brother how terrible of a big brother Itachi is. One day, Sasuke spent exactly 30 minutes complaining about Itachi to Kisame. And obviously, Kisame lectured Itachi that evening.
Being Itachi's little brother, Sasuke is the unofficial member of the Akatsuki. He has his own tiny Akatsuki robe. He doesn't understand why he doesn't get "dangerous" missions like his brother does. They tell him he's the most important person in the Akatsuki, so he must get special treatment. They keep all the gory shit out of his knowledge.
Sasuke really, really dislikes Kakuzu. He also finds Hidan weird. He wants to protect his brother from Deidara because Deidara just seems like he's obsessed with his brother. Itachi must be protected from him.
The people Sasuke loves in the Akatsuki after his brother are Konan and Sasori. Sasori makes puppets/toys for him (without all the blood and stuff) and gifts them to Sasuke. Konan is like a mom to him. In Itachi's absence she takes care of Sasuke.
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 5 months
Itachi and Kisame nail polish headcanons
he was super on board from day one, like yes hello fellow villains, I too am a fellow villain, if this is how we aim to distinguish ourselves from other ninja, by all means
he didn't get it right from the start, but he practiced A Lot, and figured out what works and what doesn't, because painting your nails is a skill, just like making perfect eggs for your little brother
and it was only a matter of time until Itachi was able to perfect every aspect of the thing
it's an absolute mystery how it happens but his one coat lasts for ages on his nails, Itachi is the second slowest at using up a whole bottle after Kakuzu, who silently appreciates this
Deidara's reaction to Itachi's flawless mani: "being careful not to flood your cuticles is overrated, un"
he rather likes the color, it's soothing, he's glad he wasn't assigned red to match his sharingan, it would look a bit too much like blood, and he doesn't need any reminder of the blood on his hands, thank you very much shfjfsfdsfs
and it's actually a fun activity, it's challenging enough to demand complete focus even when you're good at it, Itachi learned fast that you make a mess if you let your mind wander, so it provides a small but much needed break for his overactive brain
in a better world Itachi would have liked to discover this fun little thing in a different way and maybe Sasuke would have liked to learn to do his nails too, red probably - this is a world where red means tomatoes, not blood - and he could already imagine his lil bro asking him to teach him better clean-up skills and--
that was too much polish.
"we all have to do what?? ... okay :D this is fine :D"
nothing wrong with it in general, but... that color, why so intense, why not a blue that matches his skin, does purple even look right on him? does anything??
so he procrastinates, acts like he forgot, or he lost his bottle, but it always reappears like magic before Kakuzu can hold him accountable lmao
as soon as Itachi realizes the truth though, that alarm goes off in his head that puts him in unstoppable mode. his mission? make Kisame understand that there's nothing wrong with how he looks
so Itachi asks Kisame to let him do his nails too. for practice. there's always more room for practice. and it's such a powerful shade of purple, it suits Kisame perfectly, it looks great on him
Kisame tries to deflect the compliment, but then Itachi shows him purple flowers by the shore, and how beautiful that looks, and, ... okay. okay.
and that's how Kisame ends up with perfectly polished fingernails and toenails that he's proud of
it's an unspoken thing, the same way that Kisame says he's tired when it's very obvious that Itachi should rest but he'll never say so himself, and it's obvious to both of them what game they're playing
it's a peaceful ritual, they talk about all kinds of things, get to know each other, read between the lines, so on, so forth, and at least for a short while they can both pretend all is well
after a while Itachi shows signs of his health worsening, and then it's Kisame's turn to practice - "if you keep doing stuff for other people, they don't get to practice doing it themselves, don't you agree, Itachi-san? :D :D" and there's no way around it, Itachi lets Kisame do his nails
by now Kisame learned what to do just by watching Itachi do it so many times, if he gets polish on Itachi's fingers he knows how to clean it up properly too so they look exactly as if Itachi had done them himself
Kisame is sure that every "mistake" Itachi ever made was just to show him how to fix it but shh that's part of the secretly taking care of each other game
after Itachi's gone Kisame doesn't really wanna talk about it, but sometimes when he thinks no one's looking he checks his mani and he's like, "yep, Itachi-san was right, this color looks great on me" and grins because what else can he do lmao, what else can he do
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not-so-terrible · 1 year
So Kisame's often considered the fourth most powerful Akatsuki member, but the top three are pretty unanimously Obito, Pain and Itachi. And with Kisame's motto being survival of the fittest and MO being taking out the weakest links, it’s fascinating to see him end up as one of the most well connected members of the Akatsuki. And since the top three never openly get to clash, technically speaking, he stays loyal to all of them. He's; 
- Working broadly for Pain, Akatsuki's open leader, who wants to create peace through traumatising the world through a cycle of war
- Working secretly for Obito, Akatsuki's real leader (and by proxy, Madara and Zetsu, Akatsuki's real-real leaders), who wants to create peace through trapping the world in a dream realm
- Working day-to-day for/with Itachi, the Akatsuki's biggest name, most powerful field member, and a secret double agent, who wants to create peace through becoming the most powerful shinobi that's ever lived,  and through using that power 'as much as he wants', 'lead the world to subjugation'
So either Kisame is the ninja equivalent of the minions, or the dojutsu wielding top three of the Akatsuki all looked to him and went 'yup, he's Henchman Shaped'
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effeminateboyninja · 1 year
akatsuki music hcs
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
I can’t listen to a song without making it about characters so here’s some headcanons for what kind of music each of the Akatsuki characters would like/listen to
more here:
konoha 13 | jonin sensei | sand siblings |
Pain/Nagato - TOOL // Opeth // Nirvana // Swallow the Sun // Daylight Dies // The Foreshadowing // Alice in Chains // Mad Season
Konan - The Cure // Echo & the Bunnymen // Bauhaus // Siouxsie and the Banshees // Timber Timbre // Mitski
Kisame - The Rolling Stones // The Doors // The Animals // Judas Priest // Black Sabbath // Led Zeppelin // Dio // Ghost
Itachi - Radiohead // Manchester Orchestra // Duster // waveform* // sssense // kees. // Beach House
Deidara - 3OH!3 // Cobra Starship // Panic! at the Disco // Mäneskin // Teenage Disaster // Afourteen // Danny Brown // Cxrpse
Sasori - silence // white noise
Hidan - Nine Inch Nails // Korn // Rob Zombie // Orgy // Skinny Puppy // Sister Machine Gun // PIG // Skold
Kakuzu - the steady hum of his money counter
Tobi - Aqua // 100 gecs // Jimmy Buffet // NSYNC // Crazy Frog // the Cats soundtrack // PSY // Kidz Bop Kids
BONUS: Orochimaru - a notice from the medical malpractice board read aloud // the wet, gurgling, nubile sounds of a lab engineered fetus taking it’s first breaths (1hr loop) // Slayyyter
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"Fiercely loyal to her nation, she killed her teammates to prevent info being spread, which she later came to regret. After finding out her mentor was directly selling secrets of her nation, she killed him, and fully believed the world was full of liars. Eventually joined a criminal organization called the Akatsuki under the guidance of a certain Madara, was extremely close friends with Itachi Uchiha, and became so loyal again that she killed herself to prevent spreading info. She views herself as worthless and horrible for her crimes and regrets it in the end." - @araccoonthatlikesmurder
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Bet you Itachi is like a disney princess whrn around animals. Like, sure, he's an s-rank rogue ninja, but the animals absolutely love him.
This also goes for shark men.
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princeofuchiha · 3 days
I love going through my saved docs every few months bc I get to read stories I forgot existed. Especially fun is guessing what the title could possibly mean considering I never label anything properly. "The three bis and their traumatized little guy" and it's just a fic about the first three hokages trying to do damage control from beyond the grave by becoming psudo dads/teachers to Itachi. Why. Would I label it that. Why did I think I would know what the fuck I was on about.
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nardo-headcanons · 4 months
Yandere Deidara and Kisame HCs? 👀 Maybe also how they react if someone is pestering their darling in front of them?
a/n: this took me a while lol. Here's a little warning in beforehand that these behaviors are pretty toxic IRL and should only be enjoyed in the realm of fiction! TW for toxic/abusive/possessive behavior, mention of murder
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Yandere!Deidara Headcanons
I can see Deidara becoming a yandere for his darling out of a sense of entitlement. Being related to the Tsuchikage family has its perks; he was spoiled rotten as a kid.
His darling is his, and his alone, simply because of the fact he can have them. Bonus points if you show interest in his artistic endeavors.
But do not be mistaken. Despite his motivations not being as deep and psychological as others, it doesn't make him less persistent and protective.
He has had access to the earth country's best education and knows about complex physics, chemistry and pyrotechnics. As someone who develops and detonates bombs for a living, he knows how to defuse (hehe) situations like these.
He's pretty chill at first, though if the pestering gets more and more annoying, he will casually evelop the asshole daring to pester you in a kibaku nendo caterpillar and threaten to blow it up if they don't leave you alone.
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Yandere!Kisame Headcanons
After being seen (and treated as) a monster by everyone around him, having you treat him with the basic human decency and respect is enough to make him swoon over his darling.
Fiercely protective, he would gut anyone and everyone alive who would even dare to put his beloved darling in danger.
Kisame would never force himself on you and instead treats you with the same affection and love he gets (and hopes to continue getting) from you. Despite his reputation as a brutal fighter, you only get to see his gentleman, polite side.
When he sees his darling getting pestered by some hooligan, he would watch from afar at first, letting you deal with the situation.
Upon the realization that you're in need of assistence, he will swoop right in, gently asking you to turn away and close your eyes so you won't have to witness what he is about to do.
Once you have turned away, he starts outright massacring the aggressor(s) until they are left as a bloody pulp to be fed to his sharks.
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uchihaxitachi · 5 months
Random Itachi HCs that give me life:
Coffee maniac - would rather chug down espressos on espressos than ever touch alcohol. However, recently he discovered that Matcha exists and he's become that aesthetic Matcha-loving dude. Still, when he wants to enjoy things, he would make himself a disgustingly sweetened frappe and sip it while thinking about 'things'.
He loves to think> but sometimes he gets exhausted because of the constant strain of thoughts enveloping his head so he discovers meditation. Itachi's mind is always a series of, "okay, now what?" ever since he was a kid because he wants his achievements to define him. (Typical achievement validation whore this dude is)
Probably has an inkling of rings and bracelets, which he wears when he's not wearing his Akatsuki robe. He hates it when his nails are not painted so, he sits and paints them every other day to make sure nothing's chipped TwT my cutie <3
He has engraved his Akatsuki ring like a locket that opens, and there is a tiny, tiny photograph of his family. Whenever there are sad Itachi hours, he just smiles and looks at them adoringly.
He remembers Sasuke's birthdays and has cut Sasuke's birthday cake like an old sap all by himself. Sasuke's dinosaur is the only thing that is sitting in front of him when he wishes his little brother a very happy birthday. Secretly wishes he could become stronger sooner so Itachi could at least, see him in person again.
Itachi knows he's beautiful, missions require traveling and sometimes due to Kisame's abnormal appearances; Itachi had to turn on his manipulative boy-charm switch to let them both stay in the inns late at night. Kisame hated it and has resolved to pay extra instead XDD whenever that happens.
Itachi cuts his own hair, I think sometimes he wishes to cut them as short as Shisui's hair and maybe has done so, his hair grew back in 2 years max because Uchiha genes= nice hair anyway. That was his own way of saying goodbye to Shisui.
Itachi and nightmares, several times he dreams of the Uchiha massacre not happening, and Fugaku understanding and letting things go. He wakes up and wipes that stray tear from his eyes more often than he wishes.
Itachi has touched himself out of the sheer curiosity of how it feels. I am pretty sure he was le virgin for a long time ;) while he did enjoy how it felt, the overbearing feelings of responsibility and looming things one after another don't let him indulge in self-pleasure.
Itachi has read icha-icha because he wanted to understand Jiraiya. Bad choice. Did he finish every volume though? Yes
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My little hc is that when Itachi and Kisame would go to other villages where they weren’t considered missing-nin, Kisame would go to a bar and get drinks. Itachi doesn’t drink because he’s underage and he doesn’t like being drunk but Kisame tries nevertheless with the : “you killed your entire clan and you refuse to do anything illegal after that?!” Itachi would ignore him and leave and wait outside.
Idk. After itachi turns 21, I think he would be the kind of person who never drinks but also doesn’t get drunk very easily (like you can’t tell if he’s drunk or not because he just acts the same). He’s just generally polite and would just refuse any drink offered to him because he doesn’t want to forget lol
I just wanted to share with someone. It’s fine if you don’t respond to this but thank you for reading :)).
I agree. Itachi doesn't drink. And he has a good control over his emotions, so despite drinking he's not letting it get into his head. Kisame often grumbles and rolls his eyes because he likes to have fun occasionally and Itachi is always so serious. Itachi gets on his nerves sometimes because he refuses to indulge in anything that could make him feel better. Although, Itachi ends up drinking sometimes when he's trying to forget the worse days of his life. And he gets drunk a lot at that time, not remembering a single thing he did or said the night before.
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nail-art-no-jutsu · 4 months
Gonna repost this from my inactive writing blog cause it's Itachi's bday! 🍡🎂🍡
I have this hc that Itachi wouldn't want to fall in love with someone he thinks has done nothing wrong in their life, cause they'd be too good for him, but... do people like that even exist?
🍡 Itachi x reader, Kisame & reader friendship 🦈
imagine you're a temporary travel companion of Itachi and Kisame, because you have a personal grudge against someone they're on a mission to kill, you're helping them track the person down
you fell for Itachi's classic beauty the moment you met him, and you've been trying to get to know him better, he's just your type, but... you're probably not his... right? he's so quiet around you, so reserved, so professional...
that's what you thought, until Kisame pulled you aside and informed you that "I don't know know if you've noticed, but my partner here is so in love with you it's ridiculous!"
wait, what? so that time when he didn't want to pry into your past, it wasn't out of lack of interest, quite the contrary, he was giving you space? out of love?
and when he didn't let you join him in that fight, it wasn't because he thought you were weak, he just didn't want you to get hurt, or worse, get blood on your hands?
the thing is, Kisame says, Itachi will never make the first move, he's willing to be content with just watching you with his sharingan on when you're not looking
and it was kind of entertaining for a while, but it's not funny anymore, it's clear now that Itachi is denying himself your attention as yet another form of self-punishment for, oh just some stuff he's not proud of, you know?... so, if you reciprocate Itachi's feelings, you had better do something about it
oh... so that's how it is. okay then. of course you'll do something about it, and you know exactly what...
that night, as Itachi prepares to stand guard, you say you don't feel like sleeping either and keep him company
you summon all your courage and begin to tell him about your past, including things you regret, good things you didn't do, bad things you couldn't prevent
basically you try to explain, as subtly as you can, that just because you got screwed over by this person all three of you are after, it doesn't mean your hands are completely clean...
Itachi listens patiently and concludes that you must know, then, what it's like to carry the weight of your past wherever you go
and you do, you really do - but you also know that you can't get anything done if you don't put it down sometimes too
you ask Itachi what he'd like to do if he could put his burden down for just a bit
he looks into your eyes, and parts his lips just a little but no answer comes out
"I would let myself be loved", you say, and focus on his lips and nothing else, no looking into his eyes, that just makes him think too much, all he needs to know right now is how much you want him
and he kisses you
it's sudden, intense, full of the passion he had been trying to suppress all this time, and you're more than ready to match it
now that he started he seems to never want it to end, and neither do you, every small break is followed by another kiss, and another, and another, and
Itachi's embrace is protective, desperate, like he's acutely aware that he could lose you as easily as he found you
when you part his eyes are still closed for a moment, his lips still parted, his cheeks flushed, you love this look on him, and you can't wait to see him completely undone
but for now it seems that all he wants to do is just hold you again, you can even feel his heartbeat calm down as you're pressed against him
"Did Kisame have any part in this?" Itachi asks.
"If I said yes... what would you do?"
"Heh. I would have to thank him."
you chuckle, and Itachi plants a kiss on your forehead
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imagineakatsuki · 3 months
Heya! Could you do some hc's for the akatsuki with an S/O who has a stalker ex? Like 100% creepy ex
Pein/Nagato: He would be very worried about his s/o after they tell him. For his peace of mind, he would have at least one of his bodies accompanying his s/o at all times until he could discreetly eliminate the ex.
Konan: She would ask her s/o for any and all details they have of their ex, which she then uses to track them down (with the help of Nagato’s paths, of course). Nothing escapes the Rinnegan, especially if the ex is creeping around Ame.
Deidara: He would be loudly annoyed (“WHAT?! How long has this been going on??”) and would be stuck like glue to his s/o from then on, always looking around suspiciously whenever they’re in a new location.
Sasori: He is pretty irritated that this ex has escaped his notice for so long and would immediately make a plan to kill them. He would ask his spies to inform him if they find the ex before he does so he can personally correct this small oversight.
Itachi: He reassures his s/o by telling them that they’re safe with him and not to worry about their ex anymore (because he already figured it out before his s/o told him and “took care of the threat” when he realized their nefarious intentions).
Kisame: He has a sharp smile on his face and, although his joke making fun of the ex is said in a light-hearted tone, the glint in his eye promises nothing but a bloody end via Samehada as soon as he can get their hands on them.
Hidan: Immediately disappears to find the ex and comes back home to his s/o all bloody and victorious.
Kakuzu: He would be annoyed that his s/o didn’t tell him sooner, because then this problem could have been solved ages ago, but offers to get rid of the ex.
Obito: He definitely already caught the ex and is currently still torturing them in Kamui after he found all of the creepy evidence they kept of them stalking his s/o.
Zetsu: He was already aware of the ex following his s/o (and Zetsu by extension) around so he ate them, perceiving them to be an enemy that could leak his important secrets. It was just a bonus that they were also threatening his s/o.
Admin S
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kankuroplease · 1 month
I understand your reaction with Sasuke x mei, but how do you like sakura x kisame, don’t they have the same age gap?🤔
I don’t care about age gaps, they happen and it’s not always predatory. I care about the context and familiarity behind the relationships within the story. So Two reasons,
1. Sakura and Kisame never actually met or got to know each other while Sakura was underage, meaning any interactions between the two is all HCs and imagination. It gets rid of the idea that Sakura only likes someone for their looks because Kisame (even though I think he’s handsome) is considered a “freak of nature” and it would show she’s actually able to move on from a childhood crush. Kisame also would be getting a strong and caring partner, so this ship gets the green light. A wins a win
2. Sasuke and Mei did meet and didn’t really get to know each other, BUT shipping them makes this odd af comment even more problematic for me
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It reinforces that Sasuke attracts people because of his looks and looks only, which we all know he isn’t into whatsoever.
It also negatively indicates that Mei was seriously flirting with a minor and might have actually been considering him a potential suitor because she’s portrayed as marriage obsessed. Meaning, she would indeed manipulate him to her advantage.
Even if I wanted to play devils advocate; neither one would actually get anything positive from this ship. These ships are not the same despite having the same age gap.
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dira333 · 10 months
Life flashes by - Kisame x reader
A/N: Don't look at me, I blame this set of HC's - @wing-ed-thing
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There are moments when your whole life flashes by.
As a Shinobi, these moments either happen frequently or only once. And then you’re dead.
So far, you’ve been lucky, always coming back from your missions to share a drink with your friends - you might have had to postpone that drink once or twice until you were able to walk on your own, but that’s neither here nor there.
This time, however, might be different.
A black and red coat moves in the wind. There’s that usual tingle rushing over your skin. Your teammates might be better at Ninjutsu than you, but their mediocre Genjutsu skills will be no match for the Genjutsu you expect to hit any moment.
But, don’t Akatsuki members usually travel in pairs?
You jump back, a giant sword splitting the ground where you stood just a moment ago.
“You’re fast.” A gravely voice calls out. Are you imagining that or is there laughter in his voice? “I like that.”
You charge, call out for your teammates even though you’re not the team leader. Which is a bunch of bullshit, because said team lead is already long gone, eyes glazed over as he’s caught in a Genjutsu.
“Scramble.” You yell to the other remaining member. “Don’t let him catch you in a Genjutsu.” 
You don’t get another word out after that, too busy to deflect each stroke of the massive sword the guy in front of you is wielding.
He’s got a good arm, a better aim, and an almost manic grin on his face.
“You’re holding up good.” He declares, cocks his head to the side as he slides back. “You into Taijutsu?”
You huff as you slide back, use the short break to unseal a bigger weapon. “Cool sword you have there.” You call back. “Compensating for something?”
He laughs, loud and carefree. “I like you.” He declares. “You’re fun.”
“Fun enough to tell me what you’re doing here?” You ask, eyeing him a bit closer. Now that he’s not constantly moving, you can fully see his headband. He’s a former Nin of Kirigakure. His skin has a blueish tint, but his eyes, teeth, and the gill-like structure on his cheeks make him look even more like a shark.
“Did you bond too closely with a Shark?” You ask, sidestepping when he lunges forward. “Or are you into cosmetic surgery?”
“You think I’m good looking?” He asks, trying to swipe your feet out from under you. You jump and swing your own longsword down at him. He moves just in time, but you cut off the tiniest part of his sleeve, the fabric tumbling to the ground.
To a bystander, it would look like you’re about to beat him, but you know better. He’s trying to fool you. For all his fishy complexion, the guy fights like a cat. He likes playing with his food.
You’ve long lost sight of the street you’d been on when you met his partner. Your team is either dead or thinks that of you.
Without backup, this is going to be a hard fight to win.
And while you’re not one to lose hope, you’re not about flirting to get away easier.
“Well, how would you know that I’m into that sort of thing.” You throw back just as you swipe for his head. He blocks it, grinning widely back at you.
“Really? Well, what do you say? We get out of here and have some fun?”
You’re about to respond when a voice calls out from somewhere behind the trees.
“Kisame. Finish this.”
Kisame grunts in response, which reveals his name to you. When he swings his sword this time, you move back in time, but your feet hit a stray root and you lose your balance.
It’s such a stupid mistake, one that will surely cost you your life.
You tumble to the ground and throw up your sword to block his. Your right elbow awkwardly hits the ground and you cry out without really meaning too, managing to roll over and jump up just in time to deflect another stroke of his sword. Your right arm is pretty much useless now, but you refuse to give up. A few more moves and you’re cornered against a tree. Your left arm shakes with the full weight of your weapon and blood is running down your right arm where he’s now managed to cut you. Your own headband lies somewhere close, cut off by another close strike of his sword. Your hair falls around your head like a halo and you’re panting.
“You’re tried already?” You ask him when he moves slowly toward you. “I could keep going like this all day.”
He grins. One more stroke and your own sword is on the ground, his body and his sword caching you in. You move to grab a Kunai, unwilling to give up, but he’s faster.
His face is so close, you can feel his breath ghost over you. 
“You need to work on your balance.” He says, his eyes moving over you. “That was a stupid mistake.”
You snort. “Thanks. I’m going to take it into account when I get back to training later.”
His grin widens. “Really?”
“Sure.” You try to cross your arms, but it’s impossible, not just because your right arm won’t move, but because he’s so close now, he’s almost pressed against you.
This, this is the moment you should see your life flash before you. 
You’ve been close to death before, but never like this. Kisame looks like he’s not done playing, eyeing you like he’s waiting for something.
“How thick is your head?” You ask.
He grunts in surprise.
“Why’d you ask?”
“If I headbut you, I could get out of this.” You tell him, your feet already moving you into position. He throws back his head and laughs, just as loud and carefree as he did before.
“You’re really something.” He says when he looks back at you again. You’re just about to do it, when he moves instead. Kisame leans in, ghosts his lip over your jaw so quickly and almost… gently, almost like the thought of a kiss instead of the true gesture, and then he steps back again.
“Keep up the training.” He says, putting his sword away as if you’d been doing just that. Training. “I don’t want it to be boring when I come back for you.”
You stay there, frozen against the tree, until he’s long gone. The ghost of his kiss still tickles your jaw.
Did that really just happen?
The next time you meet Kisame, half a year has passed. 
You’d been promoted to a Jonin - finally - even though some voices still don’t believe that you really fought Kisame Hoshigaki and came back alive.
You don’t think they’d believe you more if you told them about the kiss, so you keep that a secret.
This time, you’re alone, no teammate in sight, when a distinctly blue hand grabs your arm and pulls you from the street into the shrubbery.
You fight for about an hour, a back and forth of hits and strokes, until your top is barely hanging onto you, and his coat is shed into a million pieces.
He’s grinning, 
“You worked on your balance.” He declares, ramming his sword into the ground. “And your stamina?”
“Fuck you.” You spit out, but there’s no venom behind it. You’re still fighting the smile pulling at your lips. “My stamina was always this good.”
Kisame smirks. 
“Really?” He asks and there’s something dangerous in his voice now. You don’t dare to lower your sword. 
“Do I get to leave today?” You ask, masking the thrill in your body with an almost bored voice. “Or do you have plans?”
“Oh, I have plans allright.” Kisame snorts, “There’s a river close by.”
You furrow your brows. “What’s that supposed to mea-” You halt, frozen in surprise when he pulls off his shirt with one fluid motion and flings it into your direction.
You’re used to Shinobi bodies. Trained abs and strong arms. Usually, those muscles are covered in scars, but Kisame’s skin is a milky blue, unmarred in every place you can see.
Kisame clears his throat pointedly and your eyes snap up to his. The grin is wearing tells you that he’s not only caught you staring, he’s watched you do it the whole entire time.
“You coming?” He asks and moves, away from you and the scene of your fighting.
If anyone in Konoha asks - but you doubt they will - you did not skinny dip with a Rogue Nin instead of completing your mission.
If anyone asks, you got pulled into a Genjutsu, unable to free yourself for multiple hours. Your top is shredded? Well, that must have happened while you were under the influence of said Genjutsu.
You will never tell - not that anyone in Konoha would believe you - but you’d never known that swimming could be as thrilling as you’ve learned today.
The cold water is invigorating and fighting in it is both difficult and easy at the same time.
A punch that would break your bone on land feels almost like a caress, but the swift movements you’re used to are reduced to a slow drag as water pushes back against your every muscle.
The best thing, however, is laying there in the cold water after the fight, letting it run over your warm muscles, well aware that Kisame is right next to you, just as naked as you, but completely careless as he tells you about the seven swordsmen of the mist like it’s a tale told to children. One of his hands is curled around your wrist as if to keep you from being drawn away.
At some point, you fall asleep. When you wake up, your head rests comfortably on his chest. You feel safe.
There’s almost a Routine to it now, one you’re not exactly proud of, but still unwilling to stop.
You don’t know how he does it, but he finds you, every single time your mission takes you away from Konoha.
There’s a certain threshold you must pass to make him appear, it seems, because if the mission doesn’t take you out far enough, you come back home without the usual gift of new cuts and bruises he usually brings with him.
You don’t know if anyone suspects anything. You’re not some famous Jonin - like Kakashi nor do you have some wild reputation - like Kakashi. Now that Kisame has layed off of killing your team members - that had been quite the discussion but you made it through - you seemingly run under the radar.
Until Genma fucking Shiranui decides to change that.
“Your fighting style is weird.” He points out one day. It’s all downhill from that.
“You know, there’s nothing wrong about being picky.” He comments when you shoot down some poor Chunin who thinks you’d love to date anyone just because you’re apparently single. Well, you are single, kind off. Kisame and you never discussed that kind of thing in between fighting and kissing and… skinny dipping.
“I agree.” You answer curtly. “Nothing wrong about being picky.”
“Mhm… But you know, most picky people don’t sneak off every time they’re on a mission outside of Konoha. Only to come back…” He makes a gesture that looks vaguely vulgar and you glare at him.
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“Yeah, well… Iwashi saw something….”
“Iwashi should keep away from the Sake.” You point out. “In case you haven’t noticed, he does see a lot of things that aren’t there.”
You leave after that, adamant about getting some distance between you and Genma. Only to be put on the same team with him two days later. And your mission takes you almost all the way to Kirigakure. 
It’s not a good idea to sneak away. Not when Genma’s obviously keeping an eye on you.
But you don’t doubt that Kisame’s going to find you anyway and this way you will at least keep your teammates alive. Even if some of them - Genma - don’t deserve it.
“Before we fight.” You say when you notice his Chakra Signature, “We have to talk.”
“Oh, do we?” He pulls Samehada from his back and twirls it around. “Can’t we talk while we fight?”
“This is important. Well, it’s important to me.” Your voice is thick with an emotion you don’t want to think about. Is it fear? You’re not sure.
Kisame’s quiet for a moment, eyeing his sword in the dim light before he rams it into the ground and takes the few steps necessary to pull you close.
“You’re important to me.” He says and digs his nose into your hair. “What’s bothering you?”
“I think we have to stop this.” You mumble into his chest, the wide collar of his coat tickling your cheeks. “Some of Konoha’s finest are onto us.”
His arms tighten around you. “So kill them and get it over with.”
You snort. “It’s not that easy, Kisame. I can’t just go around and kill others. That would make me a Rogue.”
“You made yourself a Rogue that day you kissed me.” He points out. You can’t see his grin, but you can hear it in his voice. He sounds so self-satisfied, you dig your fingers into your side.
“I know I can’t eat my cake and have it too, but do you have to point it out like that?”
“What do you wanna do?” He asks instead, voice a little rougher. You know that sound. It usually only comes out when he tells you about his past in Kirigakure or when he kisses you before you have to leave.
You sigh. “I think… if we don’t meet as often, we could… I don’t know, fly under the radar?”
“Or… and hear me out here… You could leave. I have a safe house not far from here. I built it before joining the Akatsuki. It’s a little secluded and we’d have a pretty calm life, but if we want, we can go up to the village and do some missions. It’d just be us and the pups if we want some. Or just us and the sea, training when we want to, missions when we need the exercise.”
You swallow thickly. It sounds too good to be true. It is too good to be true.
“I’m… I’ll… I’ll think about it, okay?” You offer and he nods into your hair.
For a long moment, no one speaks. But Kisame isn’t one for staying quiet and he pulls away first.
Without much flourish, he pulls the ring he’s always been wearing from his finger. He weighs it in his hand for a moment before he takes your hand and puts the ring on your thumb, the only finger it will fit on.
“If you encounter any Akatsuki members, this will tell them that you belong to me. I can tell you how to find my house and I’ll lay off. If you want to see me again, you’ll have to find me this time.”
There’s a thick lump in your throat that keeps you from speaking, so you nod and nod, forcing yourself to memorize his explanations until you feel certain that you will be able to find his house with your eyes closed. There’s no open water nearby and by now, you’ve spent so much time away from the others, you fear that Genma’s probably already looking for you. There’s no time for a last fight, or a last chance to feel the thrill of swimming with him.
Live in Konoha is different when there’s no distraction.
Training is so much duller without being able to look forward to a fight with Kisame. Comparing the safe practices of Konoha to the thrill of almost dying is unfair, but you can’t help yourself.
You’re not willing to part with your old life, but you’re not willing to like it either, it seems.
At some point, you even force yourself to go on a date, but you’re miserable the entire time and the guy doesn’t even notice it, asking when he can see you again when all you want is to gauge his eyes out or at least do something about his non-stop talking.
When a new mission takes you away from Konoha, you know Kisame will not show up. He hasn’t done that for the last three missions and you know him enough to know that he’ll stick to his word.
But you still find yourself packing most of your belongings into scrolls. Just in case, you tell yourself, as you write letters to the few friends you have. Just in case.
Kisame doesn’t show up. But Kirigakure does, in a way you hadn’t expected.
The boy is roughly five years old, Kunai ready even though he’s outnumbered.
“I won’t go back.” He calls out. You’re not sure what he means, but you don’t like the way Iwashi eyes him. 
“What a freak.” Aoi mutters to your left. His lips are curled in disdain.
The boy’s skin has the slightest grey tint. It could be malnourishment or something else, you’re not sure, but his eyes are what tells him apart. They’re big and purple, but their form is clearly animalistic, reminding you of… Kisame.
You swallow thickly as your mind races. 
When the first Kunai goes flying, the boy isn’t the one who’s throwing it. Aoi is.
You move on instinct, dodge the Kunai with your own. Behind your back, you can feel the boy quivering.
“What are you doing?” You hiss. “He’s a kid.”
“He’s from Kirigakure.” Aoi dismisses. “Only dead Kiri-nin are good Kiri-nin. You should know that.”
Iwashi eyes you from the side.
“Is this about your affair?” He asks, voice dripping with hatred. “Because if so, keep the kid and leave. We don’t want people like you in Konoha.”
The words are out before you realize it, but you know they’re the truth.
“If Konoha consists of people like you, I don’t want to be part of that.” You reach behind your back, hand open and offering. To your surprise, the boy takes your hand.
You’re gone before Iwashi or Aoi can mutter another comment.
Only when you’re miles away, do you dare to stop and get to know your new companion.
By the time Kisame finds you, you’ve made yourself a home in his house.
He’d not been home for some time when you arrived, leaving you and Shizuma
to clean up his mess. 
Like you’ve grown to know him, Kisame’s stealthy in his approach.
One moment you’re in the kitchen making dinner, the next he’s standing behind you, teeth bared at your throat.
Shizuma squeaks behind you as you giggle.
“You’re scaring the kid, babe.” You say and Kisame snorts and kisses your skin instead of biting it.
“What’s up with that anyway.” He mumbles into your neck, quiet enough that Shizuma might not be able to catch it.
“Met him on my last mission as a Konoha Nin. He was abused so badly, he ran away. Good thing he happened to run into me.”
Kisame halts and turns, eyes Shizuma who’s trying to hide behind the table.
“Can you swim, kid?”
“Show me.”
“Don’t throw him in!” Your words fall on deaf ears.
The Hoshigaki house is just a few meters away from where the water licks at the shore. Shizuma has barely made two steps out from the house before Kisame grabs him, pulls him up, and on his shoulder to squint at him.
“You don’t weigh enough.” He tells the kid matter-of-factly. “You got to eat more.”
“Yessir!” Shizuma squeaks out just seconds before Kisame flings him into the water. He follows suit a moment later and you huff, turn back to take the pot from the stove only to follow the boys into the water. You suppose Dinner can wait a bit longer.
About one year later…
Kisame’s snoring so loudly that the Dock shakes beneath him. The Sun is on its way to its resting place, its golden light caressing your husband’s face as it says goodbye.
Shizuma’s made himself a home on Kisame’s chest, curled into a ball that has significantly grown in size - and weight - over the last year. 
The only reason you’re not enjoying the last rays of sunshine with the boys is the squirming ball of energy in your arms.
You bite into your daughter's ear as if you’re going to eat it. She stills for almost a second before she starts moving again. Her hands find the necklace you’re wearing and she eagerly stuffs it into her mouth. If Kisame is any indication, you’ll have to lay off wearing it as soon as her teeth come in, but for now, you don’t have to worry about that yet.
“Do you want to see Dada?” You ask and walk down the small patch of grass between the house and the dock. 
Kisame’s snoring falters when you approach. He lazily blinks up at you, not bothering to move when he knows you’re capable of molding yourself around him.
“What’s the pup doing?” He asks, voice hoarse with sleep as he lifts one arm to tease his daughter. She bites down on his thumb the second it comes close to her mouth and you’re once again glad that she’s not yet in possession of a set of teeth.
“Did you find something?” You ask, eyeing the full bag that’s sitting next to his legs.
“Hmm…” He presses his pointer finger against the little one’s cheek until she releases his thumb with a wet ‘pop’. “The big guy found some cool shells he wanted to give you. Tuckered out the moment we got out.”
“You’ve been at it for hours,” you point out, heart picking up speed when Kisame smiles proudly, his other hand coming down to ruffle Shizuma’s hair.
“He’s a beast,” his voice is filled with fondness, the same he has for his daughter. And for you.
There’s a comfortable silence between you as you watch the Sun set completely. Shizuma is still asleep when Kisame gets up and lifts the boy with ease. 
“Let’s get inside,” He commands. “It’s getting cold.”
“Yessir.” You tease and he pulls you in by your arm to press a kiss against your mouth.
“You happy?” He asks roughly when he follows you back to the house, his free hand squeezing your hip.
“Always.” You answer and it’s the truth.
There are moments when your whole life flashes by.
And while you don’t want it to end anytime soon, it never looked better, flashing by.
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