#king hidellith
madam-whim · 1 year
The Stars Are Never Wrong
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Sapiarch Erilwe tilts her head as she watches the two mer walk towards her, hand in hand. She knows both of them, of course, though the last time she has met them, they were nothing more than little boys chasing each other through the palace gardens while Erilwe dealt with their parents.
Even among the Sapiarchs, who rarely ignore signs and portents, Erilwe is known for her skill and experience when it comes to deciphering the signs the constellations give her. As such, it falls to her to assist the nobility in finding suitable partners for their children, even if those children are far too young to even grasp the concept of marriage beyond what they can understand of their parents’ relationship, which is often very little.
It was that way with the two young nobles who now stand before her as well, and Erilwe can hardly say that she is surprised to see them again. She’s been waiting for them to pay her another visit, this time as grown mer, though she had rather expected to be called to Alinor rather than them coming to visit the College of Sapiarchs, and unannounced at that. That is quite uncommon indeed. Still, she gives the two of them a reassuring smile, hoping that it might settle their nerves a bit, although she doubts that it will. Couples are always nervous when they come to her, especially when it is a love match, and that is undoubtedly the case.
These two, however, look almost frightened, and that, Erilwe finds rather concerning. A certain degree of nervousness she can understand, but they look as if they are expecting her to separate them at once, which is frankly a ridiculous idea – she’s seen their stars before, when they were children, and although she was quite obviously unable to tell whether their relationship would ever be of a romantic nature, she knew even then that they would always be incredibly important to one another. Now that she sees them as adult mer – even if they are still quite young – she is quite tempted to describe them as destined for each other. Only rarely does she come to such a conclusion, but if it is indeed fitting for any couple, it would be Prince Naemon and Helcarion. And so they can hardly expect her to speak against their relationship, can they? She would understand, of course, if they were furious with her – she was responsible for Naemon’s rather awful first marriage, or at least she was the one to suggest Estre. But they do not seem the least bit angry, only tense and uncertain.
Despite all of their apparent discomfort, they look good together, she thinks. Content in their relationship. Like two people who trust each other deeply. She can see it in the way they lean into each other just the slightest bit, supporting one another and showing true affection instead of merely playing the role of a happy couple as it is often observed among the nobility. And trust and affection are the most important parts of a relationship, are they not? The two of them have everything the need. Now she simply has to do away with their concerns once and for all, Erilwe muses, and walks towards them. She owes them that much.
“Welcome, welcome!” she greets, gesturing for the pair to follow her across the courtyard and to her study, and they walk over to her after only a moment of hesitation. They are completely silent for the entire duration of their little walk to the study, where Erilwe usually takes her visitors when she has them. Once they arrive, she ushers the two mer inside and shuts the door behind them so that the other Sapiarchs will know not to disturb them. Tense as her guests are, she assumes they do not want an audience.
“Come, make yourselves comfortable,” she says, gesturing towards a rather comfortable sofa that she’s had brought in here some time ago for occasions just like this. “I will admit that I have been expecting to see you,” she states carefully when she takes a seat opposite them. “But perhaps not like this. I must assume nobody else knows you are here.” Now that they are alone and she does not have to keep up the cheerful act, she can speak more freely, and it seems that her assumption is correct when her guests do not deny it. Now she is truly beginning to worry. Helcarion’s face looks nearly as pale as his white hair, and Prince Naemon’s lips are pressed into a thin line. Neither of them look as if they wish to be here, and that is not quite what Erilwe usually expects of couples who come her hoping to find their relationship strengthened by the knowledge they are well-suited to one another. Has someone said something to them, challenged them in any way?
It’s Naemon who finally speaks first, despite looking rather like he wants to run. “If you were truly expecting us, I assume that you know why we are here as well,” he says coolly.
Erilwe frowns. That tone, clipped and carefully neutral so as to not give away any emotion, is not what she is used to dealing with in these settings. But then again … he does remind her very much of his mother, whose face resembled a nearly perfect mask whenever she was in public, never allowing her true feelings to show.
“I do,” she replies evenly. She knows perfectly well why they are here, after all. With Naemon being brother to the queen and Helcarion hailing from one of Alinor’s most influential families, their relationship will be under much scrutiny, and as rushed as their engagement seems to have been, a visit to the Sapiarchs seems like a wise course of action. It still doesn’t explain why they look so nervous, almost frightened. Surely they have to know this is nothing but a formality at this point, brought about by the fact that it will be Naemon’s second marriage? Or did someone dare to challenge their relationship? Erilwe does not doubt that some people might care a bit too much about the fact that the two young mer will no longer be available to the young women of suitable rank who were hoping to secure a match with one of them. But to voice such concerns out loud would be inappropriate at best.
Still, ever since that nasty series of events involving the Veiled Heritance, she cannot say she would be surprised, and so she resolves to do whatever she can to help.
“Would you like a cup of tea before I head to the archives and retrieve what we need?” she offers. She thinks she recalls perfectly where the star charts recorded on their respective birthdays are kept, but the archives can be a bit tricky at times, what with them moving along with the constellations.
The couple share a look, silently communicating in the way only people who’ve known each other for years do, and Helcarion shakes his head. “We do not wish to be rude,” he says, fighting to keep his voice from shaking. “But we would like to know as soon as possible. We’re … we are going to get married no matter what the stars have to say about it, no offense meant - “
“None taken,” Erilwe assures him quickly, and there’s the hint of a smile on Helcarion’s face when he continues.
“But we know what all this looks like, with us setting the date for the wedding so early, and we know that others will try and find out whatever they can, and there will be rumors, so … We would like to be the first to know what the stars have to say about us, before anyone else uses it against us.”
Erilwe freezes. Auri-el, she is such a fool not to consider the likeliest possible reason for their fear, and only now does she understand why they look so scared, why Naemon especially looks like he wants to run – they do not know about their stars at all! They are not here for confirmation of what they already know to be true, they are here hoping to receive good news.
“Oh dear,” she mutters, wide-eyed, “Your parents never told you, did they?”
“Told us what?” Naemon grinds out.
Erilwe shakes her head, smiling sadly, and stands.
“Wait here, you two. I shall go and fetch everything we may need, and I promise you, you will get all the information you require, but I am most definitely making tea first. I have a story to tell you, and do not worry, I am quite convinced you will like what it entails.”
“Oh dear.”
“What is it?” asks King Hidellith, who is standing closest to Erilwe, peering over her shoulder. If he were anyone else, she would remind him of the concept of personal space, but he is the king, and so she allows it. She has bigger things to worry about, anyway.
Erilwe can almost imagine the concerned looks the king shares with his wife and their two friends when he doesn’t find any clue as to what’s wrong within the charts in front of her. Those look perfectly normal, after all, if a little hard to understand for someone who hasn’t spent most of their life studying documents just like these. Still, she cannot bring herself to turn around yet, and so she stares resolutely at the records – the ones detailing the exact circumstances of the birth of two children, Prince Naemon and Helcarion.
The royal couple has been here before, and they have faced disappointment once already. Erilwe recalls that day with perfect clarity – the proud parents of a young princess coming to learn about their child’s future, and finding out it is so uncertain that it is hard to tell whether she even has one. The constellations had told Erilwe nothing back then, as if the stars had chosen to hide on the day of Ayrenn’s birth, obscuring her fate from view. There are records of that day, yes, but they offer no clues about her fate. (Or a possible husband, which is really why people come to Erilwe in the first place – to find suitable marriage candidates for their children early on, so that negotiations for a profitable engagement can begin as soon as they are old enough. Erilwe doesn’t necessarily condone that practice, but it’s how it has always been in Summerset’s high society. Bloodlines and status are everything, after all.)
And while she’s on that particular subject …
“It’s not like it was with your daughter,” she hurries to explain. “For neither one of the boys.”
“Then what is it that has you so worried?” High Kinlord Faevaral wonders. At least he sounds like a caring father instead of an angry noble, which is something.
He and his wife, High Kinlady – formerly General – Silrenisse, have joined the royal couple for this appointment – with them being such good friends and their son, Helcarion, being mere weeks older than Prince Naemon, it is hardly surprising that they would undertake the short journey from their estate just outside Alinor. They are here often enough anyway, because Naemon and Helcarion are almost attached at the hip. Erilwe has already seen the two little ones, barely six years old right now and already inseparable. If the stars are correct – and they always are – they will remain that way for centuries to come unless something goes horrendously wrong.
“Well,” Erilwe begins, “while I am able to find a few possible matches for Naemon and Helcarion both, there is … an issue.”
She can feel herself starting to sweat despite the palace being rather cool. Gods, this conversation is awkward at best, and it is quickly getting worse. There’s no sense in drawing this out, though.
“First of all, I would advise you that once they come of age, you should not attempt to marry either one of them off to a lady the other does not approve of,” she states. “That can only end in disaster. The stars are very clear on that much. As for everything else … I think it may be easiest to simply visualize it, with your permission.”
The king tilts his head, looking at her with a curious expression on his face. “Granted.”
“Thank you, your Majesty.” Erilwe takes a deep breath, and then summons just enough magicka to project the night sky onto the ceiling, a perfect image of the sky just as it was on the night of Helcarion’s birth. “These,” she explains, “are Helcarion’s stars. Do you see how the Ritual lights up?” She waits for the nobles to nod, and then makes the projection shift to match the young prince’s stars instead. “These are Naemon’s.”
She watches as the four parents focus their attention to the Lord, Naemon’s birthsign, which is now illuminating the ceiling.
“It all looks perfectly normal to me,” Silrenisse says hesitantly, “though I will admit I am hardly an expert on this.”
“I never said it was not,” Erilwe replies. “And what I am about to show you is, too, but it is rare. Please keep that in mind, yes?”
And then she summons the first set of stars again, layering them on top of each other.
The resulting burst of light is bright enough to make all of them avert their eyes for a moment, and only after a few moments does it become bearable to look up again.
“What was that?” High Kinlord Faevaral mutters, staring at the starlit ceiling above them.
Erilwe steels herself, not knowing what to expect from them next, but she answers truthfully. “That was a visual representation of the bond two people with perfectly matching stars might share. Your sons … have such a bond. They are connected in a way I have rarely, if ever, seen. The light we just saw, that intensity – that represents what someone well versed in reading the constellations would have taken away from looking at the charts as I have. As for what this means … Well, you must already be aware of how close your children are. Their bond will only become deeper as they grow up, to the point where they will never allow anything or anyone to separate them, or if they do, it may very well destroy them both.”
There’s a moment of utter silence following her statement, and Erilwe has just enough time to start worrying again before the queen speaks up.
“What, exactly, does that entail?” Tuinden inquires, watching the Sapiarch with her eyebrows raised but showing no emotion otherwise.
It is really her reaction Erilwe is afraid of, mostly. Yes, the High Kinlady could crush her with one hand and barely any effort, and both the king and the High Kinlord can be very intimidating indeed, but the queen is … more concerned with tradition and keeping up appearances than the others are. It’s not for her own sake that Erilwe worries, of course – she can hardly be blamed for the whims of the stars. But she is concerned for the boys, for their happiness, so she nearly pulls a face when she finally answers, but stops herself at the last moment. It won’t do to show how displeased she is at such a question.“For now? Nothing,” she says. “And then, later, we will see, I suppose. It entirely depends on some factors we simply cannot determine yet.”
Tuinden sighs wearily. “Factors like them preferring the company of males, you mean.”
“We cannot possibly know that yet, dear,” Hidellith cuts in, resting a hand on her shoulder. “They are six years old, there’s no telling what may happen in twenty more. They just might end up exactly the way they are now, as inseparable friends.”
Tuinden smiles weakly, and Erilwe watches with no small amount of surprise as the perfect facade gains some cracks at last. “I didn’t mean it like that, Sapiarch, please do not misunderstand me. I just … I want them to be happy,” the queen mutters, “and I’m worried that if even if they loved each other, they could never be together, not with all of this.”
The queen gestures all around them, but even without that, it’s easy to understand that by this, she means everything – the nobility as a whole, and the position the boys have been put in simply because they are highborn. They will likely be forced to marry well, and to marry women, simply because heirs are expected of them. It is that or renouncing their titles, and Erilwe imagines that neither option is very pleasant.
“No use in worrying over things we can’t control,” Silrenisse decides resolutely, “and I did get a valuable piece of knowledge from this. I know now that unless we allow ourselves to ruin things, my son will always have a loyal companion by his side. That is a rare thing indeed, for someone in his position, and I am content with that.”
Faevaral nods along with everything his wife says. “I wouldn’t worry, Tuinden. Our boys are smart. They’ll figure something out, should they need to.”
Tuinden’s smile is still brittle, and she’s more pale than she’d been earlier today. Erilwe expects that she will be worried for some time still, maybe even have some sleepless nights over it, but at least she seems somewhat comforted by the optimism the others are showing.
“I suppose they will,” she agrees, smoothing a hand over a wrinkle in her otherwise perfect dress. “And what kind of a mother would I be if I had no faith in my own child?”
The king nods approvingly, and so the matter is settled. “We thank you for your advice, Sapiarch, and for your insight,” he says then. “Now, I myself find the whole sifting through marriage candidates rather distasteful. But it is tradition,” he waves his hand around in what Erilwe thinks is a rather dismissive fashion, “so may we get it over with, despite already knowing better?”
Faevaral and Tuinden discreetly elbow him at nearly the same time without their faces even twitching, and Erilwe has to bite her tongue to keep herself from giggling. “Certainly, your Majesty,” she agrees, and turns back to her star charts.
And when the two couples leave, some time later, Erilwe finally allows herself to smile.
“They knew all along,” Helcarion mutters, wide-eyed. “Why didn’t they ever tell us?”
Next to him, Naemon laughs quietly and leans back into the cushions on the admittedly very comfortable sofa. It appears that the moment he learned about their star-blessed bond, all tension’s drained out of him. “Well, I, for one, cannot imagine my mother willingly providing me with that information, if only to spare me the pain of knowing. Though I admit that now her relief at seeing me with Estre makes a lot more sense. I always thought she seemed worried I would not want to marry.”
Erilwe winces along with the two of them at the mention of the name. “I do apologize for that one,” she grinds out, “I should have known better than to suggest her.”
“No apologies needed,” Naemon replies. “She was only a little bit older than I was when you suggested the match, and I don’t suppose she had plans to overthrow the crown when she was eight years old. You could not possibly have known.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Helcarion grumbles, sipping on his tea, but Erilwe can tell that he is at least mostly joking. And also an exceedingly good judge of character.
She carefully places her cup back on the side table. “In any case,” she says, “I do believe your parents kept it all secret to protect you. They would have told you, I believe, if you had fallen in love with each other earlier, but ...”
“But it was only me at first,” Helcarion sighs. “And so my parents didn’t say anything either.”
Naemon, who already has an arm wrapped around him – a display of affection that Estre would never have allowed, but that the prince obviously delights in, and isn’t that telling – pulls Helcarion closer and gently kisses his cheek. “Only because I was an unobservant fool.”
“And because I wasn’t brave enough to tell you the truth,” Helcarion admits. “I could have confessed at any time, or at least told you that Estre made me uncomfortable, and then a lot of unpleasant things could have been avoided. But you seemed happy with her, and that was what mattered most to me.”
Naemon shakes his head fondly, and Erilwe gets the suspicion that the two of them have had this particular conversation before, many times over. Still, they are undoubtedly very happy together, or else they would not even be contemplating marriage with the scrutiny it puts them under.
“I think,” she says, “that now, everything is as it should be, as the stars decreed. You were right to come to me for confirmation, and if anyone should dare to question your relationship, feel free to point them here. I shall endeavor to correct them. Trust me – I can demonstrate as I did for your parents, or I can give them a lecture on ascendants and their influence on relationships, or perhaps even include some interesting new theories that take the influence of Masser and Secunda into account, courtesy of a Khajiiti scholar I met just a few months ago ...”
“Thank you,” Naemon says, his smile clearly indicating he understands very well that she is offering to use her knowledge as their shield. “This means more to us than you know, after … everything.”
And it cannot be easy for them, Erilwe knows that. People talk, and there will likely be several attempts to tear them apart again – they are both too high in rank that their relationship could be overlooked, open as they now are about it, and people who protest the mere implications of going against tradition are far more numerous than Erilwe would like. There’s a fair number of them even among the Sapiarchs, enough that sometimes Erilwe would love nothing more than to run off and join the Psijics, if only she could find them.
But Helcarion and Naemon? They are choosing to face those challenges one at a time, and Erilwe is only too happy to help.
“Now,” she says, spreading the papers she’s brought from the archives across the table between her and the young couple. “Let us talk about these records, so that if anyone should ask intrusive questions, you will know how to discourage them or at least provide enough detail that it should throw most of them off. The rest, you send my way. You, Helcarion, were born in late Morning Star, under the sign of the Ritual, and Naemon, you’re a Lord sign, early First Seed. Given that you were both so close to being born under the sign of the Lover, that is one of the things linking you together. As for traits usually associated with your birthsigns ...”
Erilwe talks for what feels like an eternity, although it is likely no more than an hour. But when Helcarion and Naemon leave to return to Alinor, they do so with their heads held high, and Erilwe knows that they will be alright in the end. The stars, after all, are never wrong.
@tes-summer-fest Day 3: Starlit
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soullessbullshit · 3 years
Smol Ayrenn: Hey, Papa? Why's the sky look like that?
Hidellith: Oh, that's a rainbow. They show up every so often. Plus, they've become a symbol of people who are proud of who they are.
Smol Ayrenn: I'm pwoud of myself! Can I have one?
Hidellith: Yeah, sure.
Smol Ayrenn: Yay!
[several years later, in present day...]
Ayrenn: So, anyway, that was a sign.
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thetamrieliclibrary · 4 years
Pocket Guide to the Empire, Third Edition: Pyandonea
It was once believed that the Maormer of Pyandonea were originally exiles from the Summerset Isles, but while it is likely they came from similar Aldmeri ancestors, they certainly did not come from Summerset. Translations of tapestries in the Crystal Tower tell the tale of a far older enmity. The Maormer were likely separated from the ancient Aldmer not in Summerset, but in their original homeland of Aldmeris.
Orgnum, their leader and self-styled "King," according to the legend was a phenomenally wealthy Aldmer nobleman, who used his finances to launch a rebellion against the powers of the land. He and his followers were banished for this to a place separated from Aldmeris by an impenetrable mist, Pyandonea, "The Veil of Mist". This boundary proved so effective that the followers of Orgnum never again disturbed their former countrymen. The new Aldmeri homeland of summerset, however, was not so lucky.
For much of Summerset's history, the Maormer have launched attacks against their sister child of Aldmeris. Every one of these battles have been led by Orgnum himself who it seems is not only immortal but grows more youthful by the century. No historian, to the knowledge of the staff of the Imperial Geographic Society, has counted the number of wars and number of strategies employed against Summerset, but somehow each has proved, no matter how ingenious, an ultimate failure.
One attack in particular is worthy of mention as it gives us our only glimpse into the actual landscape of Pyandonea. In the year 2E 486, a small Maormeri fleet was sighted off the coast of Alinor, and King Hidellith ordered his navy to give chase. The navy followed the ships through uncharted waters, into an ambush in Pyandonea itself. Most of the Alinori navy was destroyed, but a single warship returned to Summerset to describe the land as a "sea jungle". Massive plateaus spilling over with vegetation form mazes around valleys of ocean. Waving tendrils of kelp trap all but the Maormer's own ships, and provide a well-camouflaged home for the sea serpents that are Orgnum's guards and occasional mounts. Mist storms spill over the land, further disorienting one's views. That even one ship survived the visit is a testament to the maritime genius of the Altmer.
The last documented appearance of the Maormer was in 3E 110 in the War of the Isle. The storm brewed by the Psijic of Artaeum, it was said, so annihilated Orgnum's fleet that he was never again able to muster together enough of a force to dare another battle. The mists to the south reveal nothing to corroborate or refute this belief, but one can hope.
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storytellersys · 4 years
so Numb by Linkin Park is a system-wide callout post, simply because we’ve all got Issues with one (1) parent.
for me (Pyrrha) it’s my dad. fuck that asshole. he left mom and I when I was a baby and only turned up once I started winning tournaments. I think he got the message that he was unwelcome after I pinned him to a wall by his clip-on tie.
(no, my father is not Jacques Schnee, although “shitty dads wearing clip-on ties” is... well, if I had a nickel for every shitty dad in my universe whose defining wardrobe characteristic was clip-on ties, I’d have two nickels. which is not a lot of money but it’s weird that it happened twice.)
for R, it’s her mom/the body mom. we have. Issues. with her mom. she has gotten better since the body turned 18 but she still is far too overcontrolling and I for one am A) rather wary and B) endlessly grateful for my own excellent mom. back in my world. where everyone thinks I’m dead and they aren’t exactly wrong. yay.
for Hornet, it’s her dad. for those of you unfamiliar with her canon, the Pale King has canonically: murdered millions of his own children for not being “pure” (IE: perfectly emotionless), thoroughly traumatized the one he thought was pure into never expressing anything and still being rather fucked up today, and then there’s Hornet who is the weird half-sibling who honestly got the best treatment and still mostly got ignored. she would very much like to stab him. (plus side: she has like. four moms at this point. she’s collecting them.)
and for Ayrenn, it’s also her dad. there is a very good reason why she fled the country after her mom (the queen’s) death, and a very good reason why it was shortly before she was supposed to start training formally as the heir to the throne, and it all ties back to dearly detested King Hidellith. (am I spelling that right? Ayrenn says I’m spelling it right, good enough for me.) dude was a control freak to end all control freaks. it is a very, very, very good thing that Ayrenn’s dad and Hornet’s dad have never met. mine is just a deadbeat pretending to be more than a hopeless loser. and R’s (the body dad) is actually the fucking best.
this was not supposed to become an entire rant but I guess it did, whoops. I’m tired. and slightly dreading the new episode of RWBY for obvious THOSE ARE MY FRIENDS reasons. 
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tesworldthink · 5 years
Pyandonea / Пиандонея
Pyandonea is the island-continent located far south of the Summerset Isles and is home to the elusive Maormer. The island chain is covered mostly in dense rainforest and has been described as "a playground for the southern water spirits."[1] 
Political information
Head of State - King Era(s) - First Era-Third Era
In the year 2E 486, a small Maormeri fleet was sighted off the coast of Alinor, and King Hidellith ordered his navy to give chase. The navy followed the ships through uncharted waters, into an ambush in Pyandonea itself. Most of the Alinor navy was destroyed, but a single warship returned to Summerset to describe the land as a "sea jungle." Massive plateaus spilling over with vegetation form mazes around valleys of ocean. Waving tendrils of kelp trap all but the Maormer's own ships, and provide a well-camouflaged home for the sea serpents that are Orgnum's guards and occasional mounts. Mist storms spill over the land, further disorienting one's views. That even one ship survived is a testament to the maritime genius of the Altmer.[2]
History and politics
It was once believed that the Maormer of Pyandonea were originally exiled from the Summerset Isle. However, translations of tapestries in the Crystal Tower tell the tale of how the Maormer were likely separated in their original homeland of Aldmeris. According to the legend, Orgnum was a phenomenally wealthy Aldmer nobleman, who used his finances to launch a rebellion against the powers of the land. He and his followers were banished for this to a place separated from Aldmeris by an impenetrable mist, Pyandonea, "The Veil of Mist." This boundary proved so effective that the followers of Orgnum never again disturbed their former countrymen in Aldmeris.[2]
The Maormer were relentless in their drive to conquer Summerset, and there is scarcely a year throughout the First or Second Eras when they did not ravage the coastlines of the Altmer.[3] Every attack launched by the Maormer against Summerset has been led by Orgnum himself, and despite the number of wars and strategies employed by the Maormer, each of these attacks has proved to be an ultimate failure.[2]
The Second Aldmeri Dominion made allies of the Maormer,[4] although the Dominion allowed the kings of Colovia to eliminate Maormer outposts that had been established along the western coast of the mainland.[3]
The last documented appearance of the Maormer was in 3E 110 in the War of the Isle.[2] The united alliance of the kings of Summerset and Antiochus,[5] combining the Imperial fleet and the royal navies of Summerset Isle, together with the magical powers of the Psijic Order, succeeded in destroying the Pyandonean invading armada.[6] It was said that the storm brewed by the Psijic of Artaeum so annihilated Orgnum's fleet that he was never again able to muster together enough of a force to dare another battle.[2]
The mysterious southern continent from the globe in The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall is often speculated to be Pyandonea.
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TES: II Daggerfall Globe
Пиандонея, (что переводится как «Покров тумана») по другой версии перевода Пьяндонея, (ориг. Pyandonea) — это архипелаг к юго-западу от Тамриэля, родина маормеров. Пиандонея полностью покрыта густым тропическим лесом и является любимым местом южных водяных духов.[1]
В 2Э 486 близ берегов Алинора была замечена небольшая флотилия маормеров. Король Хиделит велел своим военно-морским силам начать преследование. В погоне за судами противника альтмеры заплыли в неизведанные воды и попали в засаду в самой Пиандонее. Большая часть алинорского флота была разгромлена, но один корабль вернулся, чтобы описать увиденную землю, как «морские джунгли». Массивные плато, покрытые растительностью, образовывали лабиринты в пучинах океана. Вьющиеся нити водорослей захватывали в плен всё, кроме судов маормеров, в водорослях же прятались морские змеи, служившие Оргнуму стражей и, порой, ездовыми животными. Облака тумана висели над поверхностью, окончательно лишая возможности ориентироваться. Тот факт, что корабль, хоть и один, пережил это путешествие, уже служит доказательством мореходного искусства альтмеров.[2]
История и политика
Маормеры редко появляются в Империи, так как давно были изгнаны альтмерами. Правит ими бессмертный король Оргнум. Говорят даже, что он и есть сам Змеиный Бог Сатакал.
Когда-то считалось, что маормеры переселились в Пиандонею с островов Саммерсет. Однако, хотя они и ведут происхождение от тех же альдмерских предков, они определённо не являются выходцами с Саммерсета. Из перевода текстов на гобеленах Кристальной башни стало ясно, что вражда зародилась куда раньше. Отделение маормеров от альдмеров произошло, вероятно, не в Саммерсете, а на их древней родине — Альдмерис.[2]
По легенде, их лидер Оргнум, провозгласивший себя королём, принадлежал к альдмерской знати и был исключительно богат. Он использовал свои финансовые возможности для организации мятежа против существовавших порядков, за что вместе со своими приверженцами был сослан в место, отделённое от Альдмерис непроницаемым туманом, Пиандонею, «Покров тумана». Это препятствие оказалось столь эффективным, что последователи Оргнума никогда более не беспокоили своих бывших сограждан. Новая родина альтмеров — архипелаг Саммерсет, однако, оказалась не столь удачлива.[2]
На протяжении большей части истории Саммерсета маормеры предпринимали атаки против родичей по Альдмерис. Неизменно во главе нападавших оказывался сам Оргнум, похоже, не просто обретший бессмертие, а становящийся моложе с каждым столетием. Никто из историков, по сведениям Императорского географического общества, не привёл числа кампаний и числа стратегий, использованных против Саммерсета, однако как бы они ни были хитроумны, все заканчивались неудачей.
Последнее задокументированное появление маормеров относится к Островной войне 110-го года Третьей эры. Как говорят, шторм, сотворённый псиджиками Артейума, нанёс такой ущерб флоту Оргнума, что ему не удалось более собрать сил, достаточных для новой битвы.[3][4] Туманы на юге не позволяют подтвердить или опровергнуть эту гипотезу, но можно надеяться, что это предположение верно.
Таинственный южный континент на глобусе в The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall является Пиандонеей.
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pentacass · 6 years
Some Sielaire notes cos I can't stop thinking about the trailer (yesimobsessedshut)
She has 3 new scars on her face: corner of the eye, nose bridge, right side of bottom lip. She certainly has more on her body. Assuming Altmer 'Perfection' includes physical appearance as well, it subjects her to a few stares and whispers. But she's used to it, and doesn’t care. (Even if she does worry over this superficiality herself from time to time.)
What she really does care about, is what it says about her skill. A good warrior has scars to prove they survived. An excellent warrior carries little scars because few are able to even touch them. Ayrenn likes to say it's a silly notion, that accidents happen, that warriors have to be good before they're excellent, but Sie doesn't buy it. Most of the time.
(They also represent her trauma of course, but I've beaten that horse half to death already, so pass.)
Sie often carries an amulet of Auri-El on her - she carried it every day during the Alliance War. (Assuming the amulet that fell with her in the trailer was hers, not fallen from somewhere above the cliff, the gryphon, or from the sky like some god-given gift.)
She's a devout of Auri-El, even if she doesn't voice it often. (She rarely voices much of anything tbh) When she was younger and still drifting from place to place, she often prayed at the Monastery of Serene Harmony in Shimmerene, hoping she'd receive some kind of direction from the Divine.
And she does, in a way - it was after she'd finished her prayers one day, that she stepped out of the monastery to find a large crowd gathered in the city square, where a herald is proclaiming the birth of Princess Ayrenn, firstborn of King Hidellith.
She and Raz have a pretty good relationship with each other - professionally and personally. Both are devoted to the Queen and would lay down their lives for her, and they commiserate over how the Queen loves making their job tougher sometimes. Like, 'We love her, but damn if she doesn't make us wanna pull our hair out."
Raz enjoys teasing Sie. e.g. since she loves cats, he likes calling Sie his 'lanky fur-less sister'. "Hey, we even have the same hair colour!" “No, we do not.”
Whenever Sie loses track of Ayrenn and can't find her, Raz would be her top choice to check with - if he's around, that is.
"Oh, the Queen is lying naked in bed, covered in aromatic oils, with two silken scarves draped strategically over her body.” “......What.” “Hey, Raz is just passing on the message. Go check, if you'd like.”
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ustrinamor · 6 years
OK so I finally decided who’s going on the Elder Scrolls multi and who isn’t after going back and forth for hours over this. Here’s the official list and a brief description:
Daeris Urzara - Imperial assassin and Daedric spawn who sometimes does heroic things; my og elder scrolls bab that I’m bringing back
Kaeri Nightshade - she already has a blog but I’m moving her to the multi
B’Dorah - redguard Ash’abah warrioress and Vestige in ESO verses; honorable bab who puts up a tough front but is really soft and shy and has no idea how to behave in other parts of Tamriel bc being part of an isolated nomadic tribe doesn’t give you much experience elsewhere
Eofstre Reachbood - nordic battlemage that looks like fire and acts like ice; just wants to go home to her daughter but wants to make the world safer for her first and also live up to her family legacy as warriors and investigate her father’s exile
Honora Bloodthorn - Reachwoman mage that was recently betrothed to the leader of a different clan and is not really that upset that her husband was killed like a month after their wedding so while she’s like “wow I should get revenge” she’s also of the mind “eh do I really feel like it?”; really doesn’t care much about anything, she just wants to live her life without being bossed around by her great-great-great grandmother who is a literal hag
Cathanwe Thromorin - high elf Welkynar Gryphon Knight in training; friendly and somewhat air-headed and just wants to help everyone and succeed in her training and dreams of becoming a hero, though she’s a but clumsy and makes a mess of things she’s just trying her best okay
Syvenia - a sea elf and former pirate that defected from her father’s crew when she was a teenager after he killed her brother to keep him from exposing her father’s war crimes; she took the documents herself and went to Summerset to expose her father to King Hidellith in fear the Maormer king would turn a blind eye and was granted asylum in return; now she is a fisherwoman and supplies the Gryphons of Cloudrest with food in return for protection and lodging
Nocturnal - canon character
Naryu Virian - canon character
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nxtheromoved · 3 years
Temporary Bio / Stats / Verses
A Maormer in Altmer lands is a strange find, but Syvenia doesn't care for the attention she attracts. Her quiet, secluded life as a fisherwoman with her adoptive parents is like living in the Alinor palace compared to her childhood as a pirate. Though she would like to continue her peaceful existance, she seems to be getting caught up in other peoples' problems a lot recently. Particularly that of the Psijics.
Name: Syvenia Nickname(s)/Alias(s): "Vee"(by Cathanwe) Title(s): none Age: 43 (appears to be in her late 20's by human standards) Race: Maormer Birth Date: 27th of First Seed, 2E 539 Birth Sign: Aries Nationality: Pyandonean Summerset Isles Orientation: asexual lesbian Gender: demigirl Class: storm mage Occupation: fishmonger Hair: silvery white; short bob that reaches jaw Eyes: clear and milky white like all Maormer Height: 5"5 Weight: 153 lbs Body Type: lean pear-shape; almost a straight figure with a small chest and narrow shoulders that make her hips look wider; only has muscle definition in her arms, the rest of her body is soft and undefined Faceclaim: tbd Voiceclaim: tbd
Positive Traits: Content, Resourceful, Honest, Gentle, Fair, Tolerant, Respectful
Neutral Traits: Curious, Independent, Unpredictable, Competitive, Reserved, Emotional
Negative Traits: Hot-headed, Unfriendly, Charmless, Untrusting, Fickle, Impulsive, Insecure
Syvenia was the last born of five children to the infamous Maormer pirate captain Sevoro Silver-Fang. Her father was a deceptively cruel man, but as his only daughter and his favorite child, Syvenia rarely got to experience to worst of him for herself. She believed in her father and looked up to him, until he proved all the stories she’d heard about him right. Hidden behind his piracy, Sevoro committed heinous war crimes that the Maormer king turned a blind eye to. Syvenia’s eldest brother and closest confidante, Makor, had discovered his father’s illicit hobbies and was planning on turning him in to the Altmer king. Sevoro learned of his intent and drowned him; an act Syvenia witnessed. Only thirteen years of age, she deserted her father’s crew and stole a boat to make her way to Alinor with the incriminating documents she found in her brother’s room.
King Hidellith of the Altmer offered her asylum and citizenship in return for her actions and placed her in the care of an old Altmer couple that lived on a modest estate on the coast near Ebon Stadmont and the road to Cloudrest. The couple were kind to her and taught her their trade: fishing. It was a peaceful living, though Syvenia was always haunted by what had happened between her father and brother. When the old couple were too old to carry on their trade, Syvenia took over their business and continued to earn a living for them. Her primary job was taking fish to the Welkynar in Cloudrest. The Gryphon Knights alone bought enough fish to cover all of the family’s expenses with a decent surplus.
In her free time, Syvenia practiced honing her magical talents; something that came in handy when a sea sload sorceress invaded Cloudrest and wiped out most of the Gryphon Knights. She joined the Welkynar Olorime and her apprentice Cathanwe in defeated the sorceress, and afterward she agreed to assist the order in rebuilding (in exchange for compensation, of course). Eventually the two women were drawn in to the Psijic Order’s efforts to dispel the sea sload threat the Daedric patrons that encouraged their schemes. Syvenia’s magic impressed them, so after the enemies’ defeat, she was initiated into the order.
Skyrim Verse
Syvenia is the daughter of a Maormer pirate captain. She became trapped in Skyrim due to a shipwreck that claimed the life of her father, his crew, and her siblings. Since she could find no sailor at any port in Skyrim that would dare sail her to Pyandonea, she's taken up work as a fishmonger in hopes to one day pay for a ship she can sail back home.
Oblivion Verse
Syvenia's pirate father gifted her a ship for her most recent birthday and sent her away for a year to see how wealthy she could become on her own; a practice common among Maormer pirates when determining an heir out of multiple children. A week after she docked in Cyrodil, the Oblivion Crisis broke out. Instead of retreating home, Syvenia saw opportunity. Her ship makes trips up and down the Niben River, taking advantage of any job or opportunity they can find between Leyawiin and the Imperial City. With the way things are going, the Oblivion Crisis has all but ensured that she'll be named her father's heir.
Dragon Age Verse
Syvenia belongs to a sea-faring clan of Dalish elves known as Clan Maormer. They are fairly isolationist and even tend to keep away from other clans, among which they are controversial for their overall abandonment of the Dalish religion. In the beginning of the Dragon Age, they took full control of an island called Pyandonea off the coast of Rivain and have since created their own thriving society. They no longer consider themselves Dalish, believing they've become something new entirely. Now, they simply call themselves the Maormer, and they protect their home with their mastery of the sea.
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naernon · 6 years
im playing the summerset main questline, and!!!! the sapiarch’s labyrinth!!! HOLY SHIT!! I KNOW THE SAPIARCHS TRAIN THE HEIRS TO THE THRONE BUT REMEMBER??
Prince Naemon: Tradition! Whenever a new monarch takes the throne, there are endless rituals and ceremonies. I myself was more than halfway through the eighty-eight days of liturgical chanting required to take the throne. Then my dear sister returned. Hero: You were going to take the throne before the Queen returned? Prince Naemon: Oh yes. When our father King Hidellith, may he reign in glory, passed away she was slated to begin the ceremonies. But then she left. Just... poof. Gone, before she even entered the Sapiarch's Labyrinth. Hero: Is that another ceremonial duty? Prince Naemon: Just so. And so it fell to me to spend the requisite three thousand five hundred and fifty-five days studying Altmeri custom and ceremoniarchy. Ahem. But I digress.
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madam-whim · 4 years
70 and 92 for helcarion 🥺
Thank you for asking!  70: That’s not an easy question, because there are lots of things I love about him and most of them I didn’t give him on purpose. Visually, I love his tired look combined with the fact that he always tries to smile anyway, and I guess this also shows how strong he is - despite everything he’s lost, and despite the nightmares that he gets because of this, he still manages to remain kind and friendly, and he doesn’t give up. He’s a badass with a really cute smile.
92: Helcarion had a really nice and sheltered childhood! His father was close friends with King Hidellith, and they were both extremely excited when their wives got pregnant nearly at the same time, because it meant their children would grow up together. So Helcarion grew up around Naemon (and Ayrenn of course, before she vanished). However, Helcarion was not quite as good at remembering all the rules and traditions as Naemon was, and court life turned out to be rather stifling. Also, Helcarion was never great with people who think themselves above others, and some of the noble children he grew up around were raised to think that way (probably including Estre, but she always had her own reasons for disliking Helcarion). However, it soon turned out that he was far better at magic than at being a noble. He started his healer training during his teenage years and while he and Naemon still remained friends, they had less and less time to spend together and eventually drifted apart because of that. That being said, Helcarion still had very loving parents who always supported him, and he never had problems making friends, so it was, all in all, a happy childhood.
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tesworldthink · 5 years
Maormer’s / Маормеры
"The Maormer are native to the island kingdom of Pyandonea, an archipelago in the southern ocean. Their ruler, King Orgnum, is said to be immortal."―Serpent's Grotto Loading Screen[src]
The Maormer, also known as Tropical Elves,[1] Sea Elves,[2] Fish Elves,[2] or Pyandoneans,[3]are a race of Mer that live on the continent Pyandonea, far south of the Summerset Isles,[1] after migrating there from the legendary continent Aldmeris as Aldmer in the Merethic Era. 
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Ambassador Ulondil, a Maormer
Maormer are especially distinguished by their skin and eyes. Their eyes are clear and milky-white.[3]Maormer's skin is entirely pale and colorless, as though their flesh is made of white limpid jelly. Their skin also has strange, chameleon-like properties, comparable to that of the forest coupling skills of the Wood Elves.
King Orgnum is the Maormer ruler of Pyandonea. Orgnum is a deathless wizard who it seems is not only immortal, but grows more youthful by the century,[1][4] and he is said to be the Serpent God Satakal.[1] The Maormer practice a powerful form of snake magic, and with this they have tamed the sea serpents of their island for use as steeds and warbeasts.[1] These sea serpents serve as King Orgnum's guards and occasional mounts.[4]
Maormeri ships are described as insectoid in appearance, with membranous sails and a rugged chitin hull, flying a markedly alien flag.[3] Waving tendrils of kelp trap all but the Maormer's own ships in the uncharted waters of Pyandonea.[4].
"Like the High Elves, the Sea Elves also came from Old Aldmeris. But where the Altmer settled in the paradise of Summerset, the Maormer ended up in low, marshy, and insect-infested Pyandonea—and the Sea Elves have never forgiven the High Elves for it."―Stormwarden Undercroft Loading Screen[src]
Translations of tapestries in the Crystal Tower are the most reliable origin story for the Maormer, and tell the tale of how the Maormer were likely separated in their original homeland of Aldmeris. According to this story, Orgnum was a massively rich Aldmer nobleman, who used his wealth to rebel against the governments and powers of Aldmeris. He and his followers were exilled from Aldmeris, to a place where they could not take such actions again, via impenetrable mist, Pyandonea, "The Veil of Mist." This proved successful, as they never assaulted Aldmeris again, and became the Maormer.[4]
First & Second Era
The Maormer were relentless in their drive to conquer Summerset, and there is scarcely a year throughout the First or Second Era when they did not ravage the coastlines of the Altmer.[5] Every attack launched by the Maormer against Summerset has been led by Orgnum himself, and despite the number of wars and strategies employed by the Maormer, each of these attacks has proved to be an ultimate failure.[4]
In the year 2E 486, a small Maormeri fleet was sighted off the coast of Alinor, and King Hidellith ordered his navy to give chase. The navy followed the ships through uncharted waters, into an ambush in Pyandonea itself. Most of the Alinori navy was destroyed, but a single warship returned to Summerset, a testament to the maritime genius of the Altmer.[4]
During the Three Banners War in 2E 582, the Maormer had some form of control over the Elsweyr island Khenarthi's Roost, under a treaty they agreed to with the city of Mistral. Ulondil, the Maormer ambassador of the island, along with his followers, later went on to betray the agreement. The Sea Vipers, a powerful faction of Maormer, was known to have also led attacks against the First Aldmeri Dominion throughout many of its controlled territories.[6]
The Second Aldmeri Dominion made allies of the Maormer,[7] although the Dominion allowed the kings of Colovia to eliminate Maormer outposts that had been established along the western coast of the mainland.[5]
Third Era
The last documented appearance of the Maormer was the War of the Isle in the year 3E 110.[4] The united alliance of the kings of Summerset, Antiochus Septim, and the Psijic Order, combining the Imperial fleet, the royal navies of Summerset, and the Psijic's magical powers, succeeded in destroying the Pyandonean invading armada.[8][9] It was said that the storm brewed by the Psijic of Artaeum so annihilated Orgnum's fleet that he was never again able to muster together enough of a force to dare another battle.[4]
Known Maormer
Angalmo – A respected geographer who detailed Tempest Island
Irinwe – Sea Viper captain
Aryaamo – Embassy clerk
Heculon – Admiral who wrote the Maormer Memo
Ohmanil – Commodore on Tempest Island
Orgnum – King of the Maormer and Pyandonea
Uldor – Powerful, centuries old wizard
Ulondil – Ambassador to Khenarthi's Roost
Valaran – Storm Mage on Tempest Island
Yalorasse – The Speaker on Tempest Island
Zyklos – Sea Viper at Khenarthi's Roost, performs a ritual to create another storm
Маормеры (ориг. Maormer), также известные как морские эльфы или тропические эльфы — раса меров, проживающая на континенте Пиандонея.
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Точная причина отделения этого народа неизвестна. Одни учёные считают, что маормеры были изгнаны с островов Саммерсет в наказание, тогда как сюжеты гобеленов Кристальной башниповествуют о том, что маормеры отделились от основной группы альдмери ещё на Альдмерисе.
По легенде, их лидер Оргнум, провозгласивший себя королём, принадлежал к альдмерской знати и был исключительно богат. Он использовал свои финансовые возможности для организации мятежа против существовавших порядков, за что вместе со своими приверженцами был сослан в место, отделённое от Альдмериса непроницаемым туманом, Пиандонею, «Завеса тумана».
В любом случае маормеры ушли, но так и не оставили своих родичей. На протяжении всей истории, с момента разделения (за исключением Четвёртой эры), флот маормеров опустошал побережья южной части Тамриэля. К сожалению, никто из историков, по сведениям Императорского географического общества, не привёл числа кампаний и числа стратегий, использованных морскими эльфами против Саммерсета, однако как бы они ни были хитроумны, все походы заканчивались неудачей.
Альтмеры также предпринимали попытки покорения Пиандонеи. Один случай стоит упомянуть особо, поскольку лишь эта история даёт некие сведения о реальном облике этого континента. В 2Э 486 близ берегов Алинора была замечена небольшая флотилия маормеров. Король Хайделлит велел своим военно-морским силам начать преследование. В погоне за судами противника альтмеры заплыли в неизведанные воды и попали в засаду в самой Пиандонее. Бо́льшая часть алинорского флота была разгромлена (вернулся лишь один корабль).
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Большую роль тропические эльфы сыграли в период Войны Альянсов, когда один из их флотов, легендарные «Морские гадюки», активно опустошал прибрежные земли, принадлежащие Первому Альдмерскому Доминиону.
И всё же, несмотря на многовековые разногласия, две расы порой могли договориться. Маормеры были союзниками Второго Альдмерского Доминиона. Хотя следует отметить, что Доминион не препятствовал коловианским царям устранять форпосты морских эльфов, которые были установлены вдоль западного побережья материка.
Последние документальные сведения о маормерах относятся к 3Э 110 и Войне Островов. Буря, вызванная псиджиками из Артеума, нанесла такой ущерб флоту Оргнума, что ему никогда больше не удалось собрать вместе достаточное количество сил, чтобы решиться на ещё одну битву. Туманы на юге не позволяют подтвердить или опровергнуть это утверждение, но можно надеяться, что оно верное.
Внешний вид
Люди на борту были не просто бледными, они были абсолютно бесцветными, как будто бы их плоть была сделана из какой-то белой прозрачной желеподобной субстанции, но её уже предупредили об этом. Когда появился король и его переводчик, она посмотрела им прямо в глаза и протянула руку. Король издал какие-то звуки — Королева-Волчица, том 4
Маормеры обладают пустыми, белыми глазами, и странной кожей, подобной таковой у хамелеонов, что создаёт впечатление, как будто бы их плоть сделана из какой-то белой прозрачной желеподобной субстанции. Эта непроизвольно проявляющаяся способность сродни умению босмеров сливаться с лесом. В остальном тропические эльфы напоминают альтмеров (в том числе и характером).
Потема стояла на пирсе и смотрела, как причаливает корабль из Пиандонеи. Ей уже приходилось видеть так много кораблей из разных провинций Тамриэля на фоне серых волн Скайрима, что и этот не показался необычным. Судно обликом напоминало насекомое: перепончатые паруса и хитиновый корпус, но подобные, если не идентичные, уже прибывали из Морровинда. Нет, если бы не флаг, который был определённо чужим, она не отличила бы этот корабль от пары десятков других, стоящих в гавани. Когда до её лица долетели солёные брызги, она подняла руку, чтобы поприветствовать посетителей из другой островной империи — Королева-Волчица, том 4
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Тотем маормеров
Маормеры являются великолепными мореходами. Их флот считается одним из лучших и вполне успешно подтверждает это.
Кроме того, тропические эльфы, как и все меры, являются непревзойдёнными магами. Они особенно искусны в магии Разрушения (а если конкретнее — шока), и, кроме того, являются единственными практиками редкой змеиной магии. Эта магия прочно влилась в жизнь расы. Так некоторые маормеры освоили искусство верховой езды на «небольших» змеях, в то время как более крупные и менее послушные животные используются для поддержки флота. Кроме того, отдельные личности этого народа были мастерами-некромантами.
У маормеров имеется собственный язык, хотя судить о их культуре в целом достаточно сложно, так как ни предметов быта, ни архитектуры жители Тамриэля практически не видели. Вполне возможно, что морские эльфы могут являться приверженцами старых альдмерских традиций (правда, подтверждается это только стилем используемой ими брони и оружия).
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«Морские гадюки» (на заднем плане) атакуют корабль Первого Альдмерского Доминиона
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naernon · 7 years
queen ayrenn and naemon’s ages (esp. the queen’s) fuck me up really bad because im trying to figure out how old i want my younger, elven OCs to be and like. so 100 is an adult elf right? magic aside. 200 is old, 300 is very old, etc. (at least that’s what i’ve seen most so i’ll stick with it)
let’s place 100 in elven years at like? 30-50 in human. so a 50 year old elf would be a young adult. but she’s... around 28 and naemon is even younger. that.. that means that she is a teen and he is essentially a child.... right?
that sounds... so extreme. did king hidellith pass of old age or perhaps did he die a bit too early? how soon after doing all the rituals does the heir take the throne? say hidellith didn’t die and naemon completed everything required. i suspect naemon would wait till hidellith’s passing in order to take it, of course, or whenever hidellith could... resign. but naemon wasn’t even done yet. almost, but not yet.
i like where they went with the uncertainty that an elf as young as ayrenn is leading but it just does not sound right. if ayrenn is considered too young to lead by a lot of people then how would it be if naemon took the throne???!?? i guess they had no other options, anyways, but it would make it bit more sense if hidellith’s death was unexpected.
but anywyas. im not making much sense. i digress. uh. ok my point was that it’s just throwing me off A LOT because i’m making my thalmor dragonborn a young adult so my mind places him in his 30s, maybe. but for a lot of reasons, there’s no way that he’d be older than ayrenn. appearance, personality, demeanor-- he’s not entirely mature at all. i’d say he’d be about naemon’s age but naemon’s age is EXTREMELY YOUNG so like i have 0 idea
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