madam-whim · 1 year
The Stars Are Never Wrong
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Sapiarch Erilwe tilts her head as she watches the two mer walk towards her, hand in hand. She knows both of them, of course, though the last time she has met them, they were nothing more than little boys chasing each other through the palace gardens while Erilwe dealt with their parents.
Even among the Sapiarchs, who rarely ignore signs and portents, Erilwe is known for her skill and experience when it comes to deciphering the signs the constellations give her. As such, it falls to her to assist the nobility in finding suitable partners for their children, even if those children are far too young to even grasp the concept of marriage beyond what they can understand of their parents’ relationship, which is often very little.
It was that way with the two young nobles who now stand before her as well, and Erilwe can hardly say that she is surprised to see them again. She’s been waiting for them to pay her another visit, this time as grown mer, though she had rather expected to be called to Alinor rather than them coming to visit the College of Sapiarchs, and unannounced at that. That is quite uncommon indeed. Still, she gives the two of them a reassuring smile, hoping that it might settle their nerves a bit, although she doubts that it will. Couples are always nervous when they come to her, especially when it is a love match, and that is undoubtedly the case.
These two, however, look almost frightened, and that, Erilwe finds rather concerning. A certain degree of nervousness she can understand, but they look as if they are expecting her to separate them at once, which is frankly a ridiculous idea – she’s seen their stars before, when they were children, and although she was quite obviously unable to tell whether their relationship would ever be of a romantic nature, she knew even then that they would always be incredibly important to one another. Now that she sees them as adult mer – even if they are still quite young – she is quite tempted to describe them as destined for each other. Only rarely does she come to such a conclusion, but if it is indeed fitting for any couple, it would be Prince Naemon and Helcarion. And so they can hardly expect her to speak against their relationship, can they? She would understand, of course, if they were furious with her – she was responsible for Naemon’s rather awful first marriage, or at least she was the one to suggest Estre. But they do not seem the least bit angry, only tense and uncertain.
Despite all of their apparent discomfort, they look good together, she thinks. Content in their relationship. Like two people who trust each other deeply. She can see it in the way they lean into each other just the slightest bit, supporting one another and showing true affection instead of merely playing the role of a happy couple as it is often observed among the nobility. And trust and affection are the most important parts of a relationship, are they not? The two of them have everything the need. Now she simply has to do away with their concerns once and for all, Erilwe muses, and walks towards them. She owes them that much.
“Welcome, welcome!” she greets, gesturing for the pair to follow her across the courtyard and to her study, and they walk over to her after only a moment of hesitation. They are completely silent for the entire duration of their little walk to the study, where Erilwe usually takes her visitors when she has them. Once they arrive, she ushers the two mer inside and shuts the door behind them so that the other Sapiarchs will know not to disturb them. Tense as her guests are, she assumes they do not want an audience.
“Come, make yourselves comfortable,” she says, gesturing towards a rather comfortable sofa that she’s had brought in here some time ago for occasions just like this. “I will admit that I have been expecting to see you,” she states carefully when she takes a seat opposite them. “But perhaps not like this. I must assume nobody else knows you are here.” Now that they are alone and she does not have to keep up the cheerful act, she can speak more freely, and it seems that her assumption is correct when her guests do not deny it. Now she is truly beginning to worry. Helcarion’s face looks nearly as pale as his white hair, and Prince Naemon’s lips are pressed into a thin line. Neither of them look as if they wish to be here, and that is not quite what Erilwe usually expects of couples who come her hoping to find their relationship strengthened by the knowledge they are well-suited to one another. Has someone said something to them, challenged them in any way?
It’s Naemon who finally speaks first, despite looking rather like he wants to run. “If you were truly expecting us, I assume that you know why we are here as well,” he says coolly.
Erilwe frowns. That tone, clipped and carefully neutral so as to not give away any emotion, is not what she is used to dealing with in these settings. But then again … he does remind her very much of his mother, whose face resembled a nearly perfect mask whenever she was in public, never allowing her true feelings to show.
“I do,” she replies evenly. She knows perfectly well why they are here, after all. With Naemon being brother to the queen and Helcarion hailing from one of Alinor’s most influential families, their relationship will be under much scrutiny, and as rushed as their engagement seems to have been, a visit to the Sapiarchs seems like a wise course of action. It still doesn’t explain why they look so nervous, almost frightened. Surely they have to know this is nothing but a formality at this point, brought about by the fact that it will be Naemon’s second marriage? Or did someone dare to challenge their relationship? Erilwe does not doubt that some people might care a bit too much about the fact that the two young mer will no longer be available to the young women of suitable rank who were hoping to secure a match with one of them. But to voice such concerns out loud would be inappropriate at best.
Still, ever since that nasty series of events involving the Veiled Heritance, she cannot say she would be surprised, and so she resolves to do whatever she can to help.
“Would you like a cup of tea before I head to the archives and retrieve what we need?” she offers. She thinks she recalls perfectly where the star charts recorded on their respective birthdays are kept, but the archives can be a bit tricky at times, what with them moving along with the constellations.
The couple share a look, silently communicating in the way only people who’ve known each other for years do, and Helcarion shakes his head. “We do not wish to be rude,” he says, fighting to keep his voice from shaking. “But we would like to know as soon as possible. We’re … we are going to get married no matter what the stars have to say about it, no offense meant - “
“None taken,” Erilwe assures him quickly, and there’s the hint of a smile on Helcarion’s face when he continues.
“But we know what all this looks like, with us setting the date for the wedding so early, and we know that others will try and find out whatever they can, and there will be rumors, so … We would like to be the first to know what the stars have to say about us, before anyone else uses it against us.”
Erilwe freezes. Auri-el, she is such a fool not to consider the likeliest possible reason for their fear, and only now does she understand why they look so scared, why Naemon especially looks like he wants to run – they do not know about their stars at all! They are not here for confirmation of what they already know to be true, they are here hoping to receive good news.
“Oh dear,” she mutters, wide-eyed, “Your parents never told you, did they?”
“Told us what?” Naemon grinds out.
Erilwe shakes her head, smiling sadly, and stands.
“Wait here, you two. I shall go and fetch everything we may need, and I promise you, you will get all the information you require, but I am most definitely making tea first. I have a story to tell you, and do not worry, I am quite convinced you will like what it entails.”
“Oh dear.”
“What is it?” asks King Hidellith, who is standing closest to Erilwe, peering over her shoulder. If he were anyone else, she would remind him of the concept of personal space, but he is the king, and so she allows it. She has bigger things to worry about, anyway.
Erilwe can almost imagine the concerned looks the king shares with his wife and their two friends when he doesn’t find any clue as to what’s wrong within the charts in front of her. Those look perfectly normal, after all, if a little hard to understand for someone who hasn’t spent most of their life studying documents just like these. Still, she cannot bring herself to turn around yet, and so she stares resolutely at the records – the ones detailing the exact circumstances of the birth of two children, Prince Naemon and Helcarion.
The royal couple has been here before, and they have faced disappointment once already. Erilwe recalls that day with perfect clarity – the proud parents of a young princess coming to learn about their child’s future, and finding out it is so uncertain that it is hard to tell whether she even has one. The constellations had told Erilwe nothing back then, as if the stars had chosen to hide on the day of Ayrenn’s birth, obscuring her fate from view. There are records of that day, yes, but they offer no clues about her fate. (Or a possible husband, which is really why people come to Erilwe in the first place – to find suitable marriage candidates for their children early on, so that negotiations for a profitable engagement can begin as soon as they are old enough. Erilwe doesn’t necessarily condone that practice, but it’s how it has always been in Summerset’s high society. Bloodlines and status are everything, after all.)
And while she’s on that particular subject …
“It’s not like it was with your daughter,” she hurries to explain. “For neither one of the boys.”
“Then what is it that has you so worried?” High Kinlord Faevaral wonders. At least he sounds like a caring father instead of an angry noble, which is something.
He and his wife, High Kinlady – formerly General – Silrenisse, have joined the royal couple for this appointment – with them being such good friends and their son, Helcarion, being mere weeks older than Prince Naemon, it is hardly surprising that they would undertake the short journey from their estate just outside Alinor. They are here often enough anyway, because Naemon and Helcarion are almost attached at the hip. Erilwe has already seen the two little ones, barely six years old right now and already inseparable. If the stars are correct – and they always are – they will remain that way for centuries to come unless something goes horrendously wrong.
“Well,” Erilwe begins, “while I am able to find a few possible matches for Naemon and Helcarion both, there is … an issue.”
She can feel herself starting to sweat despite the palace being rather cool. Gods, this conversation is awkward at best, and it is quickly getting worse. There’s no sense in drawing this out, though.
“First of all, I would advise you that once they come of age, you should not attempt to marry either one of them off to a lady the other does not approve of,” she states. “That can only end in disaster. The stars are very clear on that much. As for everything else … I think it may be easiest to simply visualize it, with your permission.”
The king tilts his head, looking at her with a curious expression on his face. “Granted.”
“Thank you, your Majesty.” Erilwe takes a deep breath, and then summons just enough magicka to project the night sky onto the ceiling, a perfect image of the sky just as it was on the night of Helcarion’s birth. “These,” she explains, “are Helcarion’s stars. Do you see how the Ritual lights up?” She waits for the nobles to nod, and then makes the projection shift to match the young prince’s stars instead. “These are Naemon’s.”
She watches as the four parents focus their attention to the Lord, Naemon’s birthsign, which is now illuminating the ceiling.
“It all looks perfectly normal to me,” Silrenisse says hesitantly, “though I will admit I am hardly an expert on this.”
“I never said it was not,” Erilwe replies. “And what I am about to show you is, too, but it is rare. Please keep that in mind, yes?”
And then she summons the first set of stars again, layering them on top of each other.
The resulting burst of light is bright enough to make all of them avert their eyes for a moment, and only after a few moments does it become bearable to look up again.
“What was that?” High Kinlord Faevaral mutters, staring at the starlit ceiling above them.
Erilwe steels herself, not knowing what to expect from them next, but she answers truthfully. “That was a visual representation of the bond two people with perfectly matching stars might share. Your sons … have such a bond. They are connected in a way I have rarely, if ever, seen. The light we just saw, that intensity – that represents what someone well versed in reading the constellations would have taken away from looking at the charts as I have. As for what this means … Well, you must already be aware of how close your children are. Their bond will only become deeper as they grow up, to the point where they will never allow anything or anyone to separate them, or if they do, it may very well destroy them both.”
There’s a moment of utter silence following her statement, and Erilwe has just enough time to start worrying again before the queen speaks up.
“What, exactly, does that entail?” Tuinden inquires, watching the Sapiarch with her eyebrows raised but showing no emotion otherwise.
It is really her reaction Erilwe is afraid of, mostly. Yes, the High Kinlady could crush her with one hand and barely any effort, and both the king and the High Kinlord can be very intimidating indeed, but the queen is … more concerned with tradition and keeping up appearances than the others are. It’s not for her own sake that Erilwe worries, of course – she can hardly be blamed for the whims of the stars. But she is concerned for the boys, for their happiness, so she nearly pulls a face when she finally answers, but stops herself at the last moment. It won’t do to show how displeased she is at such a question.“For now? Nothing,” she says. “And then, later, we will see, I suppose. It entirely depends on some factors we simply cannot determine yet.”
Tuinden sighs wearily. “Factors like them preferring the company of males, you mean.”
“We cannot possibly know that yet, dear,” Hidellith cuts in, resting a hand on her shoulder. “They are six years old, there’s no telling what may happen in twenty more. They just might end up exactly the way they are now, as inseparable friends.”
Tuinden smiles weakly, and Erilwe watches with no small amount of surprise as the perfect facade gains some cracks at last. “I didn’t mean it like that, Sapiarch, please do not misunderstand me. I just … I want them to be happy,” the queen mutters, “and I’m worried that if even if they loved each other, they could never be together, not with all of this.”
The queen gestures all around them, but even without that, it’s easy to understand that by this, she means everything – the nobility as a whole, and the position the boys have been put in simply because they are highborn. They will likely be forced to marry well, and to marry women, simply because heirs are expected of them. It is that or renouncing their titles, and Erilwe imagines that neither option is very pleasant.
“No use in worrying over things we can’t control,” Silrenisse decides resolutely, “and I did get a valuable piece of knowledge from this. I know now that unless we allow ourselves to ruin things, my son will always have a loyal companion by his side. That is a rare thing indeed, for someone in his position, and I am content with that.”
Faevaral nods along with everything his wife says. “I wouldn’t worry, Tuinden. Our boys are smart. They’ll figure something out, should they need to.”
Tuinden’s smile is still brittle, and she’s more pale than she’d been earlier today. Erilwe expects that she will be worried for some time still, maybe even have some sleepless nights over it, but at least she seems somewhat comforted by the optimism the others are showing.
“I suppose they will,” she agrees, smoothing a hand over a wrinkle in her otherwise perfect dress. “And what kind of a mother would I be if I had no faith in my own child?”
The king nods approvingly, and so the matter is settled. “We thank you for your advice, Sapiarch, and for your insight,” he says then. “Now, I myself find the whole sifting through marriage candidates rather distasteful. But it is tradition,” he waves his hand around in what Erilwe thinks is a rather dismissive fashion, “so may we get it over with, despite already knowing better?”
Faevaral and Tuinden discreetly elbow him at nearly the same time without their faces even twitching, and Erilwe has to bite her tongue to keep herself from giggling. “Certainly, your Majesty,” she agrees, and turns back to her star charts.
And when the two couples leave, some time later, Erilwe finally allows herself to smile.
“They knew all along,” Helcarion mutters, wide-eyed. “Why didn’t they ever tell us?”
Next to him, Naemon laughs quietly and leans back into the cushions on the admittedly very comfortable sofa. It appears that the moment he learned about their star-blessed bond, all tension’s drained out of him. “Well, I, for one, cannot imagine my mother willingly providing me with that information, if only to spare me the pain of knowing. Though I admit that now her relief at seeing me with Estre makes a lot more sense. I always thought she seemed worried I would not want to marry.”
Erilwe winces along with the two of them at the mention of the name. “I do apologize for that one,” she grinds out, “I should have known better than to suggest her.”
“No apologies needed,” Naemon replies. “She was only a little bit older than I was when you suggested the match, and I don’t suppose she had plans to overthrow the crown when she was eight years old. You could not possibly have known.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Helcarion grumbles, sipping on his tea, but Erilwe can tell that he is at least mostly joking. And also an exceedingly good judge of character.
She carefully places her cup back on the side table. “In any case,” she says, “I do believe your parents kept it all secret to protect you. They would have told you, I believe, if you had fallen in love with each other earlier, but ...”
“But it was only me at first,” Helcarion sighs. “And so my parents didn’t say anything either.”
Naemon, who already has an arm wrapped around him – a display of affection that Estre would never have allowed, but that the prince obviously delights in, and isn’t that telling – pulls Helcarion closer and gently kisses his cheek. “Only because I was an unobservant fool.”
“And because I wasn’t brave enough to tell you the truth,” Helcarion admits. “I could have confessed at any time, or at least told you that Estre made me uncomfortable, and then a lot of unpleasant things could have been avoided. But you seemed happy with her, and that was what mattered most to me.”
Naemon shakes his head fondly, and Erilwe gets the suspicion that the two of them have had this particular conversation before, many times over. Still, they are undoubtedly very happy together, or else they would not even be contemplating marriage with the scrutiny it puts them under.
“I think,” she says, “that now, everything is as it should be, as the stars decreed. You were right to come to me for confirmation, and if anyone should dare to question your relationship, feel free to point them here. I shall endeavor to correct them. Trust me – I can demonstrate as I did for your parents, or I can give them a lecture on ascendants and their influence on relationships, or perhaps even include some interesting new theories that take the influence of Masser and Secunda into account, courtesy of a Khajiiti scholar I met just a few months ago ...”
“Thank you,” Naemon says, his smile clearly indicating he understands very well that she is offering to use her knowledge as their shield. “This means more to us than you know, after … everything.”
And it cannot be easy for them, Erilwe knows that. People talk, and there will likely be several attempts to tear them apart again – they are both too high in rank that their relationship could be overlooked, open as they now are about it, and people who protest the mere implications of going against tradition are far more numerous than Erilwe would like. There’s a fair number of them even among the Sapiarchs, enough that sometimes Erilwe would love nothing more than to run off and join the Psijics, if only she could find them.
But Helcarion and Naemon? They are choosing to face those challenges one at a time, and Erilwe is only too happy to help.
“Now,” she says, spreading the papers she’s brought from the archives across the table between her and the young couple. “Let us talk about these records, so that if anyone should ask intrusive questions, you will know how to discourage them or at least provide enough detail that it should throw most of them off. The rest, you send my way. You, Helcarion, were born in late Morning Star, under the sign of the Ritual, and Naemon, you’re a Lord sign, early First Seed. Given that you were both so close to being born under the sign of the Lover, that is one of the things linking you together. As for traits usually associated with your birthsigns ...”
Erilwe talks for what feels like an eternity, although it is likely no more than an hour. But when Helcarion and Naemon leave to return to Alinor, they do so with their heads held high, and Erilwe knows that they will be alright in the end. The stars, after all, are never wrong.
@tes-summer-fest Day 3: Starlit
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caliblorn · 1 year
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All I'm hearing is that he FUCKED Kinlady Tuinden. wow homebreaker smh
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ayrenn · 2 years
you mentioned something once about Ayrenn's mother being responsible for her disappearance...I'm super curious about your theory there and would love to hear you flesh it out a bit. Does it relate to the Tharns, and if so, what was the purpose of torture?
oh man, this references a theory i havent posted about in years.
but uh, we have like... three pieces of official lore on tuinden, thats it. like literally three pieces of lore on her.
shes ayrenns mum
glister vale was the summer home for her family that she hasnt visited since hidellith died
she was there when ayrenn returned to the isles from her disappearance, and was remarked as not really showing any strong outward emotion. its a very cold welcome back, to which its remarked on that the power in summerset is changing hands, and the people dont like it.
so we know virtually nothing of her character. we know more about ayrenn though, in that in her youth she was described as being an "awkward freckled waif" and that original lore states she disappeared when she was 8. (the book has been changed to say she was 18 now but like... these theories were crafted back when it was still 8)
i dont believe for a moment that an 8 year old just like... up and disappears out of nowhere. an 8 year old PRINCESS, mind you. so ive personally always been under the assumption that her disappearnce was covered up. but who the hell has the authority to cover that up besides members of the royal family themselves?
my personal theory is that tuinden did not believe ayrenn to be a capable enough heir to hidellith and so she had her taken away so that naemon could take her place. i dont think tuinden is someone who would have wanted ayrenn tortured though, i think the whole "tortured by tharns" thing was like.... an old, old, old draft about ayrenn that they unfortunately referenced in a video and thus sort of like. half-heartedly said in a later q and a did happen so they werent forced to retcon it lol.
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pentacass · 6 years
Character Development Asks - TES (Sielaire, Renn, Astaire, Alwinarwe) @spatialheather​
1.  Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with? [Sielaire]
Her brother, Virano, is younger than her by 9 years. Her sister, Rilenya, is younger by 20 years. Though she’s taken care of both and protects them fiercely, Virano is more of an independent loner, while Rilenya is closer to Sie.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? [Sielaire]
Her grandmother left this splendid model of a ship in their house, and though Sielaire didn’t exactly play with it, she spent quite some time fidgeting and poring over it. Her father noticed, so he bought a few sailor toys that she could move around in the ship and play pretend. (She was the dashing, courageous captain, of course. And she’s rescued plenty of princesses and cats from sea monsters.)
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?  [Sielaire]
When she was younger, ambition. It meant the person had a specific goal in life, something she lacked and sorely wanted. When she’s older though, she knows how ambition can often crash and burn without wisdom.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism? [Sielaire]
Self-criticism - it’s necessary in order to achieve Alaxon.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others? [Sielaire]
She’ll examine her own actions first, determine if she could’ve prevented it somehow. If it’s not her blame, she’ll look to others, but also recognises that sometimes there’s no blame to be had. Only circumstance.
2/3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother/father like? [Renn]
(I’m ignoring any datamined info on her mom, since Tuinden never appeared.) It was...good, in an Altmer way. Her parents gave her all she needed, and she never found her childhood lacking - in a material sense. Emotionally, she was more distant from her father than her mother, who stayed with her more often.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? [Renn]
Just enough, then one more layer on top. e.g. shirt and pants + jacket, dress + shawl/scarf
22. What does your character like in other people? [Renn]
Boldness, ingenuity, determination, and a touch of cheekiness.
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? [Renn]
Her first reaction is to be defensive - she’s spent too much time building herself up to be picked apart like that. But she bites her tongue, recognises there might be some truth hiding in the criticism, and listens. Whether she accepts it, however, depends on her own judgment.
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. [Astaire]
A quiet night in the palace. She’s lounging by the lit fireplace, lying on plump cushions as she reads a novel about lands far from Summerset. A cat or two are lying on the cushions with her as well. And she knows both her parents are in their bedroom opposite hers - Sie and Renn are safe, and just within reach.
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable. [Alwinarwe]
When her parents are trying to matchmake her - again - and she can’t just blow off her suitor with a few well-chosen words, knowing her family would object and make her life harder. It’ll be even worse if her suitor actually shows genuine interest - which is rare. 
Times like these, she sorely misses Ayrenn - her cousin has a gift for telling people to fuck off so subtly, they’d only reel long after she’s taken her leave.
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reneleijen · 3 years
"Lever uw bankpas en pincode in", sms'te cybercrimineel
“Lever uw bankpas en pincode in”, sms’te cybercrimineel
Begin 2022 staat verdachte R.T. (19, uit Amersfoort) terecht voor phishing en oplichting. De verdachte stuurde sms’jes naar klanten van ABN Amro. Vijftien rekeninghouders tuinden daar in – ondanks tientallen voorlichtingscampagnes – en tikten nietsvermoedend hun gegevens in, inclusief de pincode van de bankpas die zogenaamd vervangen moest worden. De oude bankpas moesten ze opsturen naar een…
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403: Gilriian Camoran born ** 418: Ralion, Emanir’s mother, born. ** 430: End of Cyrodillic rule over Valenwood; beginning of a nearly seventy-year period of instability: Camoran infighting, war with Elsweyr and Colovia.  430-500: almost two entire generations of this particular branch of Camorans are wiped out. ** 502: Aeradan claims the Camoran throne. **        War with Colovia drags on. 503: Ralion and Gilriian return to Haven. ** 505-520: Gilriian’s three children born. ** 514: Nidras born. ** 516: Emanir born. ** 520: Erthor born. ** 530: Calabenn born.** 534: Emanir relocates to Alinor via swan ship (iirc, these are usually reserved for Altmer royal use, which speaks to the amount of negotiating and politicking Ralion engaged in on her behalf.) She is now considered a member of Hidellith’s household, and receives the same training and education Altmer nobles are given. Accompanying her are two Spinners, who serve as additional tutors. ** 541: Ralion murdered ** 555: birth of Ayrenn, first child of Hidellith and Tuinden. 557: Naemon, second child of Hidellith and Tuiden, born * 573: Ayrenn disappears the same night she is meant to begin her studies as the future Queen. 575: Naemon, now heir, enters the Sapiarchs' Labyrinth. 580: Hidellith dies. Naemon prepares to succeed him; Ayrenn returns and claims the crown. 581: Formation of First Aldmeri Dominion, with Emanir sent to negotiate with Aeradan on Ayrenn’s behalf. In exchange for Valenwood joining the Dominion, Ayrenn crushes remaining Colovian forces attacking the borders.  582: Alliance War begins.
*extrapolation **my canon
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ayrenn · 5 years
i want to write a backstory for tuinden. and she’s basically going to be an amalgamation of other female leaders in series i like
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ayrenn · 4 years
in my tired brain all i can say is:
write about tuinden running through the halls of the alinor palace with ayrenn when she was young as a singular happy memory before the trauma came in 
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ayrenn · 5 years
this song now serves as my inspiration for tuinden
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ayrenn · 5 years
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: how much he genuinely cares for ayrenn despite all that she’s done. worst quality: HOW HE ENDS UP IN COLDHARBOUR LIKE WHATship them with: estre. i know the ship is quite unpopular but he genuinely cared for her and theres nothing to suggest she didnt care about him.brotp them with: tuinden. naemon is a mama’s boy.needs to stay away from: PELIDIL (and also ayrenn)misc. thoughts: naemon didnt deserve the end he got. his entire story revolves around being manipulated from so many sources. pelidil, ayrenn, altmeri society as a whole. and its beautifully tragic. 
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ayrenn · 5 years
talking about naemon, estre and ayrenn reminds me i need to write a story one day about tuinden, and just... put down all my headcanons about her
spoiler: i believe naemon was her favourite child and that she may have had something to do with ayrenns disappearance 
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ayrenn · 6 years
fun ayrenn facts nobody except me knows
1. galerion was the person who taught her magic, and she sees him as a father figure 2. part of why ayrenn wants the ruby throne is to remove the tharn family from power, as they were responsible for torturing her 3. ayrenn's eyes were originally just people she met when she worked as a smuggler 4. ayrenn's return to summerset was only possible because of krin ren-dro, the old leader of the eyes of the queen 5. her relationship with tuinden, her mother, is strained 6. she created the thalmor. the divine prosecution in summerset are basically the equivalent of the justiciars in skyrim 7. she holds a deep fascination for ayleids and specifically has parties scour old ayleidic ruins in search of artifacts.  8. she is in possession of the staff of magnus 9. she is also in possession of the crown of nenalata, which is the crown of king dynar, the last ayleid king. this is clearly symbolic 10. her favourite drink is bolte bitters 11. its pretty heavily implied that she doesn’t really care about raz, and is actually annoyed by him 12. ayrenn’s position of authority is not as great as one would think. she still has to take orders from urcelmo due to his position 13. she spends almost the entirety of the greenshade questline in her house, crying about naemon 14. she hates summerset and prefers to spend most of her time on auridon. 15. she had freckles when she was young 16. she’s 110% a champion of vaermina
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ayrenn · 6 years
also its a massive oversight that tuinden isnt in summerset. in fact, its an oversight that she isnt the proxy queen, and the proxy queen is ayrenns cousin instead
tuinden was alive when ayrenn returned.
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ayrenn · 6 years
hidellith: im getting ayrenn an indrik
tuinden: she's like 3 years old and indriks can be quite hostile. i dont feel like this is a good idea
hidellith: the castle staff are sick of her suplexing their pets. she needs something she cant do that to
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ayrenn · 7 years
“ As a substitute, her cousin, Alwinarwe, laws as regent, aided by means of Khajit undercover agent Razum-dar, Valsirenn of the Psijic Order, and Alchemy, a performer within the Area of Reveries. “
im sooooo intrigued by this. i have no idea what side of the family alwinarwe would be from. tuinden or hidellith. im assuming hidelliths side, as tuinden was originally from auridon. 
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ayrenn · 7 years
kinda obscure question but uhhh are ayrenn and naemon the only children in the family or are there more siblings that just weren't mentioned? i was under the impression of the former but a lot of different pages word it as if there's more of them. or is it just unknown and we can't say for certain whether they're the only ones or there's more? also, what was the fate of their mother? is she still alive? (or like the other info, kinda unknown...?)
from what we know of, theyve never had any other siblings. and given the fact that ayrenn is the heir, i would say tuinden and hidellith never had any other children. unless if they died when they were young.
and tuinden is alive as of two years ago in the current timeline of eso, yes. she was there when ayrenn returned to summerset. she didnt seem all too happy about ayrenns return from the way its described. 
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