#king charles the II of spain
historyslittlebish · 4 months
King Charles the II of Spain Autopsy (Quick Facts)
Warning: Graphic description, gore-y
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Inbreeding was common in royal families in Europe and in the Spanish king's parents were first cousins. The Habsburg jaw was a common trait and got more and more severe the more inbreeding there was.
The deformation of the jaw made the tongue enlarged and made it hard to eat, swallow, and speak.
King Charles the II didn't learn to walk until 4-8 and even then could not walk very well and most likely could not speak until age 3-4. He was mentally retarded and had many health problems and diseases such as tuberculosis, measles, and smallpox (+more) but ended up surviving until the age of 38.
At autopsy is was noted and I quote (from Wikipedia if you wanna find it), "heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."
The fact he was alive was a miracle.
The inbreeding continued for centuries and made many have 'royal diseases' such and Hemophilia (seen in queen Victoria of England, Alexei Romanov, Lord Leopold Mountbatten, etc).
ps. feel free to fact check me!
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ifreakingloveroyals · 8 months
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Monarchs of most of Europe (as of 14 January 2024)
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steellegacy · 3 months
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Charles V (1500-1558) and Philip II (1527-1598). Kings of Spain by Antonio Arias Arias Fernández (1614-1684)
🏛️ Prado Museum. Madrid, Spain
Shown here on the left is Charles V (1500 – 1558) - head of the rising House of Habsburg. Holy Roman emperor, king of Spain as Charles I, Lord of the Netherlands as Charles II, King of Germany.
On the right is his son king Philip II (1527-1598) - he is resting his right hand on a globe that symbolizes the planetary extent of his possessions. The most powerful ruler of his time.
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Карл V и его сын Филипп II. Портрет работы Антонио Ариаса Фернандеса, 1639-1640
🏛️ Музей Прадо. Мадрид, Испания
Слева изображен Карл V (1500-1558) – из рода Габсбургов. Король Испании (Кастилии и Арагона) под именем Карлос I, герцог Нидерландский (Карл II), король Германии, Император Священной Римской империи.
Справа - его сын, король Испании Филипп II (1527-1598), опирающийся правой рукой на земной шар, символизирующий планетарные масштабы его владений. Самый могущественный европейский монарх своего времени.
#king #KingOfSpain #CharlesV #PhilipII #ФилиппII #КарлV #корольИспании
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marianadecarlos · 27 days
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Reading these comments show how uneducated people they are. Reading these comments makes me 😡😡. They accuse him of being evil and say that is a horrible person without researching about him. Insulted his family and appearance. These people blamed Carlos for Auto de Fe even though he hardly organized the event and the inquisition selects the people who gets executed. The numbers killed in the inquisition is not as many as we where led to believe it is all propaganda, record in the entire 400 years of confirmed executions, was about 3000. Compare these executions under the rule of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I. Speaking of Elizabeth she ordered priest to have their intestines ripped out alive and thrown into boiling oil. Auto de Fe is horrible but we should not judge it the way we do in modern standards. Beliefs and ethics back then is different compared to the modern era. Another thing I want to address is the comment about Don Juan. This person insist that Charles should abdicate. I bet this person does not know how politics work back then. 1. Charles can't do that because no one is going to agree to that idea. 2. He is illegitimate, illegitimate children taking the crown during this era was frowned upon.
About Eugenia I have a post about her in my blog you should check it out. If you want to know more about her and Charles side of the story.
There is one comment I have read in a video about him I forgot the title. It was a few months ago I believe. One user commented that Charles II of Spain is as evil as Elizabeth Bathory. This person is comparing him to a literal serial killer.
Charles is not evil! He created laws to protect natives because he felt bad for them. He appointed good ministers. He even apologized to his people for not knowing about their situation and tried everything to fix the problems of the empire. He loved Spain and did everything to preserve it. When he died all of Spain mourned him.
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thequilandpaperwriter · 6 months
Leonor to Catherine of Aragon. House of Borbón to House of Trastámara.
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cabiiefilms05 · 1 year
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It’s the fact that there actually is a collectors coin for Leonor’s birthday 😭😭 is 🇪🇸 or the original anon got a secret schedule from casareal? 😭😭 honestly I needed a good laugh today and that was hilarious to wake up to. Great work guys! All in all the coin looks really great!! Secondly here is my question, if you could meet any Spanish royal, from any period, could be Isabel of Castile or even Leonor, spend a week with them and ask all the questions you could…who would you pick? Let’s time travel just a bit. I think I would go with Isabel of Castile. Or I would see Charles, the last king of the Habsburgs in Spain before the house of Borbón. Would have liked to see how all that went down.
That is such a coincidence!!! Casa real has been feeding us a lot of good Leonor content lately and this whole thing is like the biggest coincidence like ever!
I think that I would definitely go back to see Catherine of Aragon and her sister Joanna and to give both of them a BIG BIG BIG hug because they honestly deserve it and I would definitely give Joanna some anxiety meds lol. Also seeing Charles II sounds fun too. He was one of the worst cases of inbreeding in the Hapsburgs and maybe in all of the royal history of Europe and I would love to see how he functions daily and to accurately see how messed up he was because he was REALLY messed up.
Thank you for asking and new chapters of WOTC are coming soon!
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winterhalters · 8 months
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K I N G S I D E, a tale of seven kings
first season 1514-1520. Claude and François finally get married, a vacant seat for Mary Tudor, Louise of Savoy's stubborness to keep her son in check. A new King arises, the New Order, François' quest for glory in Italy. Another crown, another campaign.
second season 1522-1530. The inheritance dispute that leads Bourbon to treason. The pursuit of the italian dream, Claude dies, all is lost in Pavia. Süleyman and the unthinkable alliance, captivity in Spain. The Ottoman fleet. Royal depression. The inheritance dispute that led Bourbon to treason. The ladies' peace, Henry VIII flinching, a price for two princes, a New wife for the King.
third season 1531-1537. Louise dies, tensions between François and Marguerite. The wedding of Catherine and Henri. The rise of Pisseleu, the battle at Court between Charles and Henri and their people. War between Diane and Montmorency. Placards and the anti-heterics frenzy, another war in Italy. Wedding and death of Madeleine.
fourth season 1539-1547. Mending tensions between France and Spain. A very stubborn niece. All eyes on Henri and Catherine's sterile womb. Death of Charles. The duel in Jarnac. The King is dead, long live. Diane de Poitier's absolute triumph over Anne de Pisseleu. The Guises make their move.
fifth season 1553-1559. Diane of France's not so typical royal wedding. Catherine giving birth to the twins, Chenonceau goes to Diane, the cordial hate between the two. Rohan VS Nemours. Montmorency mess and a remarriage for Diane of France. The death of Henri, everything falls down.
sixth season 1560-1564. François II barely hanging on, Catherine's almost giving up, Elisabeth married off, the Guise family's counterpower, Montemorency's political exile, the Amboise conspiracy, preparations for the grand tour.
seventh season 1565-1572. The end of the grand tour, encounter between the royal family and Elisabeth, queen of Spain. The rise of Charles IX, a new queen, Marie Touchet and her bastard boys. Catherine's plans to get a match for Marguerite. Rising tensions between Charles and Henri after Jarnac and Montcontour. Marguerite's nuptials amidst tensions and Coligny's attempted murder.
eighth season 1572-1575. Coligny and the Protestant leaders rallying the troops. The Saint Barthelemew Massacre and the promise of Marguerite to never forgive her family. Catherine finds out Anjou's possible involvement. A new king for Poland. Marguerite's toubled married life. Death of Charles IX. Henri's escape from Poland and slow return to France.
nineth season 1581-1584. Catherine's illusions shatter. New King, no heir. Marguerite returns to Paris. Louise shows some spine against the King's favorites. Quarelling with Anjou, tensions with Elizabethan England, Anjou's election and subsequent death and Catherine's anger. The Guise family veering off the road.
tenth season 1585-1589. The mounting war of the three Henris. All eyes on King Henri who has no sons, Catherine's political exile, the slow burning of the last Valois children. Hunting down Marguerite from stronghold to stronghold, ending with her house arrest in Usson. Assassination of the Guise brothers, the death of Catherine, Henri III breaks down in Diane's arms. Marguerite in exile, Diane the only "true" daughter of Catherine's, as she sets out to (successfully) pacify the kingdom on her own.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
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Three generations portraits of former, current and future European monarchs:
♔ Belgium: former King Albert II, King Philippe and Princess Elisabeth, the Duchess of Brabant
♔ Denmark: Queen Margrethe II, Crown Prince Frederik and Prince Christian 
♔ Luxembourg: Grand Duke Henri, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Prince Charles
♔ The Netherlands: former Queen Beatrix, King Willem-Alexander and Princess Catharina-Amalia, the Princess of Orange
♔ Norway: King Harald V, Crown Prince Haakon and Princess Ingrid-Alexandra
♔ Spain: former King Juan Carlos II, King Felipe XI and Leonor, the Princess of Asturias 
♔ Sweden: King Carl XI Gustaf, Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Estelle
♔ England: King Charles III, William, the Prince of Wales and Prince George of Wales
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"Bella gerunt alii, tu felix Austria nube!"
Day 6 of @spaus-week 's challenge
"Let others wage war, you, happy Austria, marry!" Was the political strategy of the Habsburgs, and marry did the House of Austria! Infamously, scandalously, sensationally. A mangled wreath of a family tree. We all know this horror story. And we all know the bitter end.
After Emperor Charles V&I divided his Spanish and Austrian inheritance ((also gained through his parents' and grandparents' marriages)) to his descendants and those of his younger brother Ferdinand I respectively, the Habsburg dynasty split into two branches. The Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs notoriously intermarried for generations, right up till Charles II of Spain whose heirless death in 1700 sparked the War of the Spanish Succession. The inbreeding and this informal Latin motto behind it has been blamed to hell and back for their implosion, for the physical ugliness that ran in this royal bloodline. But it is not to say the Habsburgs never went to war, nor that dynastic marriage was a political strategy unique to them! But they were, if anything, bloody successful at it seeing how they did rule half of Europe for 200 years, and then a lot of it in the Austrian line for another 200. Before anyone figured out inbreeding was bad it was considered a privilege to marry into the Habsburgs, with Louis XV claiming that Louis XVI's betrothal to Marie Antoinette was marrying the "Daughter of the Caesars", and Napoleon Bonaparte infamously ditching Josephine for Marie Louise. Charles II was a poor sod who took the fall and the mugs were wretched from the same ugly gene being passed around countless times*, but they did wear power and privilege well.
💅✨ Symbolism bc I'm a NERD and this my Category 10 autism event ✨💅 :
Charles V & Ferdinand I's joint portrait based on that propaganda woodcut, behind them the colours of the Habsburg flag.
The Spanish branch, comprising Charles V & I's descendants, is represented with a black background, and the Austrian branch, comprising Ferdinand I's descendants, gold, both colours pulled from their flag, a dynasty intertwined but split in two.
Round frames denote that the individual had no heirs.
Only the most influential ruler on both sides, the King of Spain and the Holy Roman Emperor, are represented as framed portraits, explaining Archduke Charles II's unframed depiction.
The unconventional placement of Charles II of Spain and Emperor Rudolf II's nameplates are a nod to their queerness: their intersexuality and bisexuality respectively.
Ferdinand III's portrait is lopsided because of the losses of the 30 Years War.
Cracks in Charles II's portrait: 🙃🙃🙃
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tercessketchfield · 10 months
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JUDITH OF BAVARIA (797-843) — Daughter of Count Welf I of Bavaria, Judith was a Carolingian Empress as the second wife of Louis I the Pious. Mother of Gisela and Charles the Bald, she foght for both her own influence at court and for the succession of her son over the claims of his elder half-brothers, the sons of Louis I from his first marriage. Charles became the Emperor in 875, after the death of Louis II, his nephew and a son of his half-brother Lothair / fancast: Annabel Scholey
MARIA OF AUSTRIA (1528-1603) — Daughter of Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, and Isabella of Portugal. She served as Regent of Spain both jointly with her husband, Maximilian (before their accession to the imperial throne), and in person, for her father, and brother, Philip II. Her children include two Holy Roman Emperors, Rudolf II and Matthias, over whom she held great influence, and queens consorts of Spain, and France / fancast: Olivia Cooke
EMPRESS MAUD (1102-1167) — Daughter of Henry I of England and Matilda of Scotland. Her first marriage to the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry V, gave her the title under which she came down into history, and was a source of great pride to Maud. Rightful heiress of Henry I, she confronted her cousin, King Stephen, in the civil war, known as the Anarchy, fighting ferociously for her rights. She failed in this for herself but won for her son Henry, who became king and established the Plantagenet dynasty in England / cast: Alison Pill in The Pillars of the Earth (2010)
MARIA THERESA (1717-1780) — She succeded her father Charles VI as the ruler of Habsburg monarchy in 1740, and devoutedly defended it against its enemies in the War of Austrian Succession and the Seven Year's War. Wife of the Holy Roman Emperor, Francis I, she was a forceful personality and a competent ruler herself, reigning first in her own right, and later, jointly with her son Empreror Joseph II. Her children include two Holy Romam Emperors (Joseph II and Leopold II), queens consorts of Naples ans Sicily, and France / cast: Marie-Luise Stockinger in Maria Theresia (2017)
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Hal Gates = Henry Avery
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So, I've seen the theory that Hal Gates = Henry Avery, and I laughed at it until I did the research.
And holy shit, it fits.
What made me start scratching my head was when I stumbled upon a second draft script for the pilot that is a little different from what aired. It straight up says that Hal Gates is in his 60s in Episode I/1715. For some reason, I figured him a bit younger, but since Mark Ryan was only 58 when the show started airing...it starts to make sense.
Henry Avery was (probably) born in 1659. He'd be 56 in 1715.
Short history: Henry (Hal?) Avery was a British-born sailor who spent some time in the Royal Navy as a master's mate, became a privateer, and then a pirate captain when the crew of his ship mutinied and elected him. Then he became the most successful pirate of his age, the "Arch Pirate," and the subject of the first-ever worldwide manhunt after only two years as a pirate captain.
Then he escaped with his loot around 1695, twenty years before Black Sails begins, never to be seen again.
But there are theories that he disappeared to New Providence Island.
(More on that below the cut). Isn't that fascinating? We don't know where Hal Gates comes from, but we know he's been around for quite awhile. He's the right age (practically spot on). Hornigold implies that Gates has been at sea for around 50 years, which would mean he first went to sea around 1665, give or take a little. The first mention of Every at sea is around 1671, but what's 5-6 years when you're rounding?
The Black Sails universe credits Avery/Every as one of the founders of the Nation of Thieves, saying "this is a place for free men," on New Providence Island. He's also the man who found Skeleton Island.
We know Hal Gates sailed on his crew and had his journals (his "prized possession," which he gave to Flint for safekeeping. Why give those to someone who was supposedly a minor member of his crew (someone who was "terrified Avery knew his name")? That doesn't add up very well. Why would Gates even have those journals?
"They say it started with a man named Henry Avery. Sailed into the port of Nassau, bribed the colonial governor to look past his sins, encamped his crew upon the beach, and thus began the pirate issue on New Providence Island." (Thomas Hamilton to James McGraw)
Avery vanishes into thin air, after supposedly giving Hal Gates his journals and leaving some of his crew on New Providence Island, including - presumably - Gates. Unless, of course, he is Hal "Gates." Then we've definitely seen him, the man who didn't really want to be a pirate captain until it was thrust upon him. That's a weird attitude, unless, of course, he's retired and is just going to see as a quartermaster because he missed the action?
More Avery/Every history beneath the cut.
Black Sails spells his name as Avery, though the common spelling is actually Every. So, what's his story?
Henry Every, also known as Henry Avery, Jack Avery, John Avery, Benjamin Bridgeman, or Long Ben, was the "Arch Pirate" or "King of Pirates" in his day.
He was probably born in Newton Ferrers, England (near Plymouth), in August 1659. His last name may have been spelled "Evarie" at this time.) Sometime between 1671 and 1689, he joined the Royal Navy under the name Henry Every and made it to the rank of master's mate before being discharged in 1690.
He also married to Dorothy Arther in 1690. Even in the navy, he was known as a family man, sending his money home instead of wasting it.
Then Every joined up with a new shipping company, and became first mate on a privateer warship, Charles II. The Spanish Expedition Shipping company was basically a bunch of English privateers who headed out to help Spain (then an English ally) hurt the French (never an English ally) in the West Indies. But Spain didn't deliver the promised letter of marque, failed to pay them, and left them sitting around as virtual prisoners. The crew of Charles II mutinied. Next you know, Every was unanimously elected captain and they changed the name of the ship to Fancy.
Over the next two years, Every and his crew embarked on a legendary series of raids that culminated in him commanding a squadron of pirate ships and taking a prize worth about £600,000 (about $135 million today). This was a 25 ship convoy owned by the Grand Mughal (Emperor), and it was the biggest prize ever taken by a pirate at the time.
The result? The first ever worldwide manhunt for one Henry Every. Britain's privy council and the East India Company offered a bounty of £1,000 (about $224,000 today) for his capture, plus a free pardon to informers.
It was due to his actions that Parliament declared pirates hostis humani generis ,or enemies of all mankind.
What happened to Every after this? What we know for sure is that he disappeared, forever to be the one pirate who got away scott free with his treasure. Sightings were reported for years, but none were reliable. Some say he died in poverty after squandering his treasure or being unable to sell it. But there's a strong theory that he disappeared in a place we all know very well: New Providence Island.
According to this theory, in Every and Fancy headed to St. Thomas and sold some of their treasure. Anchoring about 50 miles off New Providence Island, some of his men went to talk to the governor and ask leave for the crew to come to the island in exchange for hefty bribe. Their captain, "Henry Bridgeman" promised the governor a gift.
Every's crew spent months in the Bahamas and Fancy was stripped of everything valuable, ending up running aground and sinking, perhaps at the governor's orders. Eventually, the governor learned about the price on Every's head and put a warrant out for his arrest, but he seems to have tipped off the crew. Of 113 men, only 24 were captured (and 5 executed). Every was never seen again, having told his men multiple stories about where he intended to go.
And then he vanished, never to be seen again.
Unless he didn't.
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marianadecarlos · 28 days
hewwo ma amie !! i came as stated cus bourbon - habsburg infodump exchange
I would actually want a presentation about mariana de austria ... im a loser who doesnt know much about her ! i read about her when she got to spain and was confused about spanish (that was so real from her) but i dont know more cool stuff about her at all ... so feel free to tell me anything you find remarkable about her !
who is your favourite bourbon ? :3
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Thank you for this Question:
Queen Mariana of Austria is known as the Mother of Charles II of Spain and the niece/wife of Philip IV. She was Queen Regent when her husband Philip IV died and ruled on Carlos II's behalf until he was 14. Like Charles II, Queen Mariana was a victim of the classic “decline of Spain” paradigm. She is defined by 19th-century historians as “weak,” “unstable,” and “ignorant” but also “Machiavellian,” “scheming,” “with a German outlook” (meaning foreign), at times “melancholic” because she suffered from migraines, and was overly pious and uninterested in politics because she “dressed as a nun." She was accused of handing power over to her favorites; Jose Everardo Nithard and Fernando de Valenzuela. In reality, She was smart, strategic, strong, decisive, and seemingly tactile. Her favorites played a dominant role in her regency but her strong and decisive personality and her extensive and consistent participation in all aspects of government suggest otherwise. She faced two political crises during her regency the first was in 1669 resolved by her dismissal of Nithard; the second, between 1675 and 1677, ended with Valenzuela’s fall and her exile. There is evidence in state papers to prove that she did not surrender power to them. Speaking of Jose Everardo Nithard, He was Mariana's tutor, friend, and later her confessor. He was made inquisitor General. As for Valenzuela, Known as the palace elf, due to his influence and connections to people in high places. He married a woman who is part the queens valet. He provided Queen Mariana information about gossip and rumors that were circulating in Madrid. Valenzuela got more influencial overtime which created tension between him and the court. He was Mariana's protégé. Their friendship caused controversy and nasty rumors where made about them as a result. The worst one I believe was the rumor of Queen Mariana sleeping with Valenzuela. The fact that people actually believe that rumor makes me angry. Mariana was dressed as a nun because this is the type of dress worn by Habsburg widows. She made a few changes to the garb like having princely folds and lavish materials. Queen Mariana was exposed to the Spanish cultural traditions because Mariana's mother is Philip IV's sister. She was exposed to Italian culture because of two generations of italian empresses. Mariana both observed and participated in court ballets, rituals, and ceremonies; her dance master, Santo Ventura, was highly regarded. Boys received this kind of instruction as well. Leopold I, for example, was an avid consumer and practitioner of theater and music as emperor. At the age of seven, for example, Mariana publicly greeted her parents on their return from the Diet of Regensburg in 1641 by saluting her mother in the Spanish style and her father in Latin. When the fourteen-year-old performed a similar greeting in Trento, this time as queen of Spain, she had had at least seven years of practice. Queen Mariana was educated and spoke Latin, Spanish and German well. Judging by her education and her fleunt spanish, I doubt she struggled speaking spanish. I read somewhere that Queen Mariana as a child loves playing with dolls. She was cheerful, obedient, and lively girl. Her marriage to King Philip IV of Spain was always described as a terrible marriage because King Philip "cheated" on her, their different personalities, and massive age gap. In reality, They had an affectionate relationship and King Philip was loyal throughout their marriage. He described himself as a change man and would give Mariana everything she wanted. They did struggle financially though and at times could get caught in a series of arguments. I mean no marriage is perfect.
Gossip writer Barrioneuvo reports that one day The Queen asked for pastries and commented that she was not served for some days. She was told that the pastry cook would not supply the palace until a large outstanding bill had been paid. She removed a ring from her finger and ordered a servant to exchange it for pastries; Manuelillo de Gante told her to put the ring back on and gave the servant a copper to buy some tarts so that the Queen can finish her dinner.
Queen Mariana was the woman behind Castillio De San Marco, After a pirate attack in June 1668 roused Mariana into action. Queen Mariana was horrified receiving this news because the attack was so brutal. On March 11, 1669, the queen regent issued her decree ordering the viceroy of New Spain to send subsidies to the city. She also added funding for the building of a masonry fortification and additional soldiers. To oversee the project, she sent Don Manuel de Cendoya to St. Augustine as the new royal governor. Her judgement protected and spurred the city’s growth over the following decades. This growth even led to a later governor requesting the same regent queen for a new two-story, coquina Governor’s House in St. Augustine.
Mariana was a good mother-in-law to Marie Louise of Orleans. After the wedding of Marie Louise, Carlos introduced Marie Louise. Marie Louise bowed to her but Queen Mariana grabbed her hands and told her to stand; and said "Call me mother" with a smile.
Mariana in the year 1696 felt pain in her breast turns out she had breast cancer and she tries her best to hide it because she did not want Maria Anna of Nueburg to take over. The pain was unbearable that she asked the doctors to check her breast. When they examined the Queen they found a huge tumor in her breast. Their is no treatment for this and she was offered relics and prayers. When she died.
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Reports of miracles attributed to her quickly began to circulate. These miracles and her body’s reported “incorruptibility” three years after her death led to a beatification proceeding in the last years of Carlos’s reign. Mariana’s path to sainthood, however, came to an abrupt end when the new dynasty, the Bourbons, took power. Both the beatification proceedings in 1698 and its abandonment in 1702 were as politically motivated as everything else in her life had been
I won't give too much information on her regency because there is a book about it called Queen, Mother, and Stateswoman Mariana of Austria and the government of Spain by Silvia Z. Mitchell. This book is my source about her and the reason why I made this blog so her side of the story will be known. Other sources are from https://governorshouselibrary.wordpress.com/2022/09/22/mariana-de-austria-the-queen-behind-the-castillo-de-san-marcos/?fbclid=IwY2xjawE5D5UBHUpP8HVhtFboR9ZThC2j5LNDLj531pKjmVxtGQbf7A2yMOo2AuNxqEU3Qw
I like 4 bourbons, Philip V, Luis I, Fernando VI, and Carlos III. If I had to choose one it would be Carlos III because he modernized Spain and imposed great reforms.
Sorry I took so long to reply
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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───────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────────────
♔ UNITED KINGDOM┆ King Charles III → William, The Prince of Wales → Prince George of Wales
♔ SPAIN┆King Felipe VI → Princess Leonor, The Princess of Asturias
♔ BELGIUM┆ King Philippe → Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant
♔ SWEDEN ┆ King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden → Crown Princess Victoria, Duchess of Västergötland → Princess Estelle, Duchess of Östergötland
♔ DENMARK ┆ Queen Margrethe II → Crown Prince Frederik → Prince Christian
♔ NORWAY ┆ King Harald V of Norway → Crown Prince Haakon → Princess Ingrid Alexandra
♔ LUXEMBOURG ┆ Grand Duke Henri → Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume → Prince Charles
♔ NETHERLANDS┆ King Willem-Alexander → Princess Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange
♔ MONACO┆ Prince Albert II → Hereditary Prince Jacques, → Princess Gabriella, Countess of Carladès
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crownprincesses · 1 year
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Members of the foreign Royal Families attended the coronation of King Charles III in Westminster Abbey, London. || May 6th, 2023
King Philippe & Queen Mathilde of the Belgians 
Kinf Willem Alexander & Queen Maxima of the Netherlands 
Prince Albert II & Princess Charlene of Monaco 
King Felipe VI & Queen Letizia of Spain 
King Abdullah II & Queen Rania of Giordan 
Grand Duke Henri & Grud Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg 
King Carl XVI Gustav & Crown Princess Victoria
Crown Prince Haakon & Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway 
Crown Prince Frederik & Crown Princess Mary of Denmark 
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Sequel to this one in which we wondered about the heirs that didn't survive
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