#kinesiology therapy tape
this-is-me19 · 1 year
Zebras and those with arthritis, please lend me your ears.
This is an amazing video for knuckle pain and has helped me so much! I swear by it.
Disclaimer: I am NOT affiliated with this company, person, or any products.
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Friendly advice: Don't get kinesio taped on sunburnt skin.
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ephysioneedsacademy · 2 months
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cosmicdream222 · 11 months
Welcome ✨
Call me Cosmic. she/her. Millennial.
I blog about manifesting, loa, reality shifting, the void, the multiverse, reiki, etc. If that isn’t your cup of tea, peace out 👽
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Affirmation & Subliminal Audios
✩ Self-concept & Void Concept
✩ Master Manifestor & Master Shifter
Original Posts
✩ The void explained in an old reiki book
✩ The void explained by a lucid dreaming instructor
✩ The Phase basics
✩ Testing unconscious beliefs w/kinesiology
✩ Representational systems & manifesting
✩ Askfirmations for void concept
✩ Master manifestor affirmation rampage/vaunt
✩ This one’s for the subliminal fans
✩ Our imaginations are extremely powerful
✩ It’s not your fault you’re struggling
Master Shifter Love Remix Series
✩ How shifting works (the whole package)
✩ Shifting is a law - so treat it like one
✩ Shifting is the least special thing in the world
✩ Shifting/manifesting is not your job
✩ You deserve everything you want
Book quotes & excerpts
✩ Just desire, intend & know it's possible
✩ The universe is a giant hologram
✩ You already have it all
Misc asks
✩ Sleep paralysis for manifestation
✩ Does Psych-k work for everyone?
✩ What are the hand/foot positions for Psych-k?
✩ If I manifest something, can others see it too?
✩ What is timeline therapy?
✩ A simple subconscious release technique
✩ How can I shift safely?
✩ How can I enter the void through astral projection?
✩ How do I change beliefs and assumptions quickly?
✩ How does EFT tapping help with manifesting?
✩ Resource: Links to IWIIGI Void state subs
✩ What are your personal spiritual/religious beliefs?
✩ How does holding your breath reprogram your mind?
✩ How do you make the aff tapes?
Aff tape feedback & successes
✩ 1
✩ 2
✩ 3
Updated 12/19/2023
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Health Update
RHEUMATOLOGY // Methotrexate injections once a week has been life changing. The vast majority of my symptoms (not the least of which are joint pain, chest pain, stomach pain & POTS) greatly improved within the first two doses. Unfortunately it started to lose its effectiveness after taking it for two months so my Rheumatologist added Enbrel. I do both injections at the same time. Methotrexate on my belly & Enbrel on my thigh. I’m on my second month of Enbrel and it’s definitely been effective. Besides the pain reduction and increased mobility I’m able to do more. I’m still exhausted but I’m doing like 5x as much as I was before methotrexate & Enbrel so it makes sense I would be tired. Methotrexate made me extra tired and a little icky the first couple days after taking it but Enbrel hasn’t had any side effects and has actually helped with the initial malaise from the methotrexate injections. The only side effect I really have from Enbrel is that it gives me so much more range of motion that the first two days after taking it I have to tape my hands or else I’ll hurt myself. I have EDS and don’t usually fully dislocate but since taking it I’ve dislocated my left elbow and my right wrist and all my fingers will hurt if I try to do any activity without taping the first two days. I put kinesiology tape on my knuckles and even just sleeping without it those first two days I will have hand pain from subluxing my fingers in my sleep.
SPEECH THERAPIST // I’m currently going to two speech therapists on a regular basis. My main concern is that I’ve slowly been losing the ability to speak over this last year. One of the speech therapist is helping me with my breathing & voice and the other is helping me with tongue & jaw issues. They both concluded that it’s EDS related which would make sense it got worse when I started methotrexate & Enbrel bc as mentioned above all my joints are looser since starting those medications. The main issue is the muscle tension caused by overcompensating for loose connective tissues. We are working overtime to loosen up the tension and strengthen the appropriate muscles. I should have less than 10 appointments with the voice specialist but I have to me once a week with the other speech therapist and that may take many months to rehab everything.
OTHER HEALTH // I’m really trying to take advantage of my new abilities. I’m pushing myself to eat and drink more. I’m trying to increase my walking with Mandana and after I finish up with the speech therapists I would like to get back into physical therapy / strength training. I’m grateful to finally be making progress after so many years of feeling stuck in my chronic illness with no way out.
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sunflower-petals · 10 months
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KT Tape
Here is a simple set of KT Tape, or kinesiology tape (click here to learn more about it).  We used it a lot at the physical therapy clinic I used to work at! It's very helpful for pain, especially if you're an athlete.
unisex teen through elder
tagged for all occults
tagged for all outfits except nude, sleep, situation, batuu, retail, career
disallowed for randoms
6 swatches for each color; 4 colors in each package
2 different packages; facepaint and skin detail
*You can have both in your game! I made both so you can use more than one swatch at a time! However, the skin details swatches will apply to every outfit!*
I think that's about it.  Feel free to message me with any questions! Have fun! :)
Download here!
@maxismatchccworld @mmoutfitters @sssvitlanz
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simslegacy5083 · 3 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9 Ep 102: Happy to Report
After Love Day Noemi entered her third and final trimester and couple returned to Dr. Valasquez’s office for their last therapy session.
Seeing the comfortable maternity ensemble Noemi was wearing and the pair’s attitude of relaxed intimacy filled their therapist with joy and a sense of accomplishment. It looked like some of her advice might have born fruit. She smiled, starting the session with a leading observation.
“The two of you look very happy today.”
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Luigi, unable to contain his excitement, kicked things off, exclaiming “we’re getting married!”.
As Noemi shyly held up her hand to show off the ring, he outlined for their therapist the lovely Love Day date his family had orchestrated for them and how after getting engaged he’d finally come to terms with the pregnancy and the new life it represented.
Dr. Velasquez offered congratulations. “I’m so happy for you both. That attitude seems very healthy and will set you up nicely for the birth.”
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She next turned to Noemi, who was trying to readjust herself into a more comfortable position on the small sofa.
“You look wonderful. Has the new wardrobe helped you feel better about your pregnant body?”
Noemi sighed. “After a lifetime spent eating healthy and exercising to keep in shape, seeing myself so thick and round in the mirror is still not fun. Lu helps a lot though. He’s always telling me I’m beautiful and desirable, and very good about proving his words through action!”
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“Another thing that helped a lot,” She continued, “was hearing that the baby was doing great at my last prenatal appointment. I might not love my new curves, but the most important thing is that my body is doing what it needs to do to nurture my little boy.”
“I could certainly do without the back pain I’ve been having, even if Lu’s a real sport about applying the kinesiology tape the midwife group told us to try.” He jumped in with a grin: “It’s fun. Artsy sort of. I bought extra because that stuff has some even more fun uses in the bedroom.”
Noemi chuckled. “And it’s handy in the robot lab too. Pretty much the only thing I can’t use it for is its original purpose, until I can return to the gym.”
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Dr. Velasquez said that was all good to hear, though she cautioned Noemi to work her way back into an exercise routine slowly.
“It will take time for your body to heal and bounce back after birth. For now, you could always get out for a nice walk, if it feels good. With summer right around the corner the weather should be perfect for relaxing strolls around the city.”
She turned back to Luigi “It sounds like you’ve been making good progress on helping and learning to put your loved ones first, do you agree?”
“As much as I can,” he admitted, “although I’m still focused on my finals and the big game. It does feel surprisingly great to take care of Noemi.” He reached over and squeezed her hand, wondering if the secret to Papa Jack’s dedication was his focus on enjoying the happiness of others.
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Luigi’s comment about finals led to a discussion of graduation and preparations for the little person that would be joining them shortly thereafter.
The couple told the doctor that they’d picked a name for their son and begun planning for his nursey but hadn’t set anything up yet.
They planned to be settled in Sulani before he was born, and getting ready for finals was taking up most of their spare time these days. After graduation they’d have time to get their ducks in a row, as neither of them intended to start work until after the baby was born.
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“Wait, you haven’t nailed down any of the logistics of your actual move yet?” Dr. Velasquez asked.
The sheepish look they both gave answered the question. “We wanted to, but we’ve been too busy to figure out the details.”
“I suggest you start lining up support for your move now.” the therapist said “Noemi will be in the home stretch at that point and not in a position to help as much as she might like. You’ll want to be ready for when the baby arrives, and you have a whole new set of circumstances to adjust to.”
“Your future selves will thank you for every bit of planning you do now.”
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With a glance at the clock the doctor continued “It looks like our final session is wrapping up, but please remember that I’m always available if you need to talk through anything in your new life as parents, professionals, and beachside homeowners.”
Luigi helped Noemi to her feet and they both thanked Dr. Velasquez for everything. This unexpected pregnancy had presented them with its fair share of challenges but working through their feelings and concerns with the help of a professional had made a huge difference.
They left her office that day nervous but excited for the future.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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lumine-no-hikari · 8 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #57
It is Valentine's Day in my part of the world! I cannot stress enough that my feelings for you are strictly platonic. But all the same, I'll wish you a happy Valentine's Day. And I hope you'll do your best to remember that your existence is one of the things that puts the necessary strength and courage in my bones so that I can, against all odds, rise up and face another day in this weird, sad, broken, but still beautiful world that I live in. As far as we of my world have been made aware, you have no interest in romantic or sexual relationships, right? So I hope that today, you'll take the time to reflect fondly upon the friendships you shared with Zack, Genesis, and Angeal. I hope that today, you'll reflect upon all the ways you are cared for and needed in both your world and in mine.
Today, my husbands and I went out to get lunch! It's nice that almost no one where we live seems too troubled by the fact that we are a trio. I got a burger that I thought would be good, but it had unexpected barbecue sauce on it (though barbecue-flavored things are very popular where I live, I strongly dislike that flavor for some reason…). I finished it anyway because the chef did his best (it's not his fault that I don't like barbecue sauce!) and I dislike wasting food even more than I dislike barbecue sauce.
But I got some fried green tomatoes that… I…!!! am…!!! …just now realizing!!! many hours after the fact…!!! that I didn't take a picture of for you!!! because fried green tomatoes are one of my favorite things and I scarfed it down before I thought to snap a photo, oh no!!! 😵
I'm very sorry. 😖 But I'll tell you what!!! Next time we go to this place (which will be soon, because it's very close to Physical Therapy, where I have to go once a week anyway because my cartilage is apparently made of freaking noodles, good grief…), I will make sure I take a good picture of the fried green tomatoes! Count on it!!
I did, however, think to take a picture of this place's weekly crème brûlée! It's a new flavor every week! This week, it was mixed berry! And oh my goodness, it was delicious!!! I wish I could have shared some with you!
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Physical Therapy came and went, and now I have fancy kinesiology tape applied to my ribs and collarbone, to try to keep the relevant bones in their sockets so that they don't wander around all stupid. Success is mixed, but it's better than nothing. I'll lie down on the floor on the Backpod before bed and hope that helps a little more.
And now, I am in Somerset, Pennsylvania! This is very unusual!! Because I live around 7 hours away by car! But we are here because one of my husbands (we'll call him J) is learning how to fly airplanes, and he wants to make a trip across the country in honor of his brother, who died. I'll give you additional context later. But: in order to make this trip, J needs his own airplane. A small airplane is CRAZY expensive, but he's been working hard and saving up. Recently, he found one that is at a reasonable(ish) price near Somerset. And so here we are, so that J can look it over and make sure it's not a rusted bucket of bolts that'll come undone as soon as we get off the ground!
My other husband (we'll call him M), who typically does not like to go very far from home, is at the house with the cats, holding the fort, so to speak! M is extremely introverted, so I'm sure that having the house to himself for a day or two will be very refreshing for him!
I have gone along with J, in part because I like seeing new places and new things, and also in part because someone has to make sure that J eats proper food and sleeps in an actual bed. I can trust him to drink water nowadays, but still, if left to his own devices, he'll likely sleep in the car and only eat bread, and then get upset and destabilized because he didn't sleep well and hasn't had a balanced meal. In addition, J has a tendency to spiral into anxiety and self-loathing if left by himself for too long. I'm not much different from him in that regard; for both of us, it stems from low self-esteem, but we're working on it!
M does not have either of these troubles; though he has social anxiety, his self-esteem is very much intact, and it's beautiful! I can also trust that M will sleep where it's comfy for him and eat when he's hungry. But M does not like to be away from home for very long, and his legs get very uncomfortable if they've gotta be cramped in the car for a long time. I do not mind being away from home, and I do not mind a long car trip. So I go in order to help keep J balanced, stable, and safe, and M makes sure everything at home is chill.
Like all humans, the three of us all have our weaknesses. But when we work together, we can cover each other's weaknesses with our strengths so that we can do together what would otherwise seem unimaginable as individuals! The three of us complement each other very nicely, and with our powers combined, we keep each other functional and sane! Hahaha! We do all struggle with our respective mental health issues, but our dynamic is healthy and based on mutual care and respect.
So… J and I have been in the car together for the last seven hours, talking about various things and looking at the various sights. It was awesome! But J had to do all the driving; he drives a car with a manual transmission. Between the dyspraxia making it difficult to coordinate the movements for that, and the rib injury making it difficult for me to use my right arm without a lot of pain, learning how to drive with a manual transmission just isn't in the cards for me right now. So when J drives, my role is usually to navigate and to take pictures when I can! I took a bunch, but I'm not sure how good they came out, given that they were taken in a moving vehicle by a dyspraxic weirdo; I suppose I'll let you be the judge, hm?
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J and I were still too full from lunch to stop and get anything more substantial than snacks. But guess what! You'll never guess, so I'll tell you!! I found snacks out here that we don't have where I live, up in New York State! Check 'em out:
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These are CHEESEBURGER FLAVORED SUNFLOWER SEEDS!!! And also PIZZA FLAVORED SUNFLOWER SEEDS!!! And chocolate cups filled with Jello pudding! And I was SO EXCITED!!! Because they looked novel and awesome!!! And!!! As it turns out!!! ALL THREE OF THESE THINGS TASTED LIKE DISAPPOINTMENT!!! Ahahahaha~!! 🤣
Ah well! Not all of the things we try can work out, right? 😁 It keeps things interesting! And now I never have to wonder about these things again! Because now I know!
Also, I was very much hoping that the cheeseburger flavored sunflower seeds might be a viable replacement for the cheeseburger flavored Doritos that used to exist a long time ago:
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They were SO GOOD!!! I have NO IDEA why they stopped making them!!! But now they are nothing but a distant memory, and the sunflower seeds cannot even begin to compare to them. Alas.
On the bright side, the tea-flavored gummies were absolutely delightful! I wish I could share them with you! I wish I could share lots of things with you. This continues to be a non-trivial source of grief for me. Ah well; I don't mind to carry it if it means that at very least I get to know that you exist (in a sense, anyway).
Anyhoot. I am at the place where we're gonna sleep now. J decided to take a picture of me, with my messy hair and weird rainbow socks (I never wear the same sock on each foot; this is on purpose!), as I composed today's letter to you! I'll send it along so that you can know I'm in one piece!
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I wonder what your socks look like. Do you have secret rainbow-colored socks under all your black clothing? It would be neat if you do! And it would be neat if you don't, too! 😄
In any case, if I gotta stay in one piece, then you gotta stay in one piece too, got it? Because if you disappear, lots of people (myself included) will never be the same, in the worst possible way. Please stay safe out there. Please remember that you're loved and come back to us. We'll be waiting for you. Or at very least, I will wait for you, as long as it takes you to turn yourself around.
I don't know what tomorrow is going to look like; it will be in an unfamiliar place and full of uncertainty. But one thing that is certain is that I will make the time to write to you. Count on it.
Your friend, Lumine
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pluralismajestatis · 3 months
Oh boy! Having CPTSD is great!
Ever since starting trauma therapy, we've struggled with insomnia and severe nightmares. There's been this background nagging whether the insomnia itself isn't just the nervous system never leaving fight/flight. We've particularly struggled with waking up into panic attack symptoms, or having our heart rate pick up into the hundreds when we fall into light sleep - particularly for naps. There seems to be long-term evidence of sleep losing its safety completely for us when we started tearing down the dissociative barriers.
Well! Tonight, boy, have we had confirmation. For the first time ever, had a full-scale night terror: in a half-dreaming state, engaged in life/death combat with our blanket, and evidently in the rush of it, attempted to escape bed but instead fell over the frame at the end and retreated. The impact was so painful that it triggered freeze state, and even in that state, lying down as flat and silent and unmoving as possible so that The Assaulter wouldn't see us or would think us dead, it was the combination of the recognisable symptoms of a full-blown panic attack that actually woke us up. Heart going 4000bpm, hyperventilation, etc. All easy enough to recognise, so, becoming aware, focusing on our breathing is the first and easy thing to do. Almost immediately, though, the awareness of holy SHIT what did we DO hits in with the pain. Arm, ribs, left index finger. The latter hurting so bad it honest to god might be broken. Can't bend it, the only thing we can do is rock back and forth and try not to scream. Lovely.
We stagger to the kitchen, grab a towel and an ice pack, eat a sedative because fuck that, and return to bed to listen to first some calming Sleep Stories and then guided sleep meditations from Calm, not sponsored, I just sincerely find this app so helpful for our mental health. Fell asleep.
Cue this morning! The finger is severely fucked. Going to the A&E tomorrow when it's not three hours away by bus, this definitely needs an x-ray. Something cronches if I straighten the finger, gently, with my other hand and it can't bear any weight or force, and by that I mean I can't press a mechanical keyboard's keys with it without feeling like the joint is loose. Totally fucked this thing up. Theory is that we, scrambling to escape from the bed, stumbled over the wooden frame and landed on the finger and ribs. There's a big old bruise on the ribs too but it's superficial at least.
Today's measures have been manifesting splints out of household objects. First, I used the miniature Frostmourne from a Lich King figure, but that bugger's got a sharp handle so it started digging into my skin over time. The kinesiology tape we got for our shoulder has been a godsend, though. Replacing the sword as a splint, I found a used piece of aluminum wire from our clay projects. And you know what. Holy shit. Damage photos underneath but this thing looks so solid. Such fashion. Wow.
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So yeah. Trauma is fun, I sure do love feeling safe about going to sleep every night, and tomorrow I'm gonna spend the whole day queueing up at the hospital. Joy!
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medtac12 · 2 years
Explaining Kinesiology Tape and Its Benefits
You may not have used a kinesiology tape before, but you've most likely seen kinesiology tapes on runners or athletes. These are the brightly colored strips commonly taped on their shoulders, calves, elbows, and knees. 
However, you need not be an athlete to benefit from kinesiology therapeutic tapes. Whether you’re a young adult experiencing muscle pain from long hours of sitting at work, or an older person suffering from joint disease, you may experience the relief these therapeutic tapes bring.
There are varieties of kinesiology tape in Australia today, but the first one came from Japan in the 1970s. And as research continues to back up its effectiveness, so does the number of people who use it worldwide — from highly profiled athletes to ordinary citizens with back and shoulder pain. 
What is Kinesiology Tape
Dr. Kenzo Kase, a Japanese chiropractor, developed KT tape in 1973 to reduce pain and discomfort while also assisting muscle recovery.  
KT tapes are made of cotton and elastic fibers stretching over twice their original length. This thin, flexible tape wraps around an injured body part. It does not restrict movements or fluid circulation. Some latest designs mimic the skin's elasticity and texture with the effect of a therapist's hand. You can apply it in hundreds of ways around afflicted muscles or tendons. 
The tape's water-and-sweat-proof adhesive lets it stay in place for three or four days. It stays in place even while you shower or work out. 
How It Works
So how does kinesiology tape relieve pain? 
Kinesiology taping believes in naturally healing muscles, not through surgery or medications. It assists in your body’s natural healing process by allowing circulation around your injured muscle or tendon. 
Studies believe KT tapes lift skin from bands of connective tissues. Accumulated lymphatic fluids cause swelling and pain, mostly in injured athletes. The tape provides relief as it slightly raises the skin and allows the movement of collected lymphatic tissues. Such causes decreased inflammation.
Upon KT taping, some also reported increased oxygen flow on muscles. The tape ensures muscles don’t overstretch or extend. KT tape also creates space in joints, minimizing joint irritation. 
Benefits of Kinesiology Tape
“Does kinesiology tape actually work?” Well, there has been evidence that KT tapes help with muscle and tendon rehabilitation and prevent subsequent injuries. 
Some more benefits of KT tapes are as follows:
Pain Management
KT tape’s gentle pressure help alleviate pain and eases discomfort. It also functions as a heat therapy tape. Some studies suggest that as the tape lifts the skin, the sensory nervous system delivers an alternative message to your brain, altering the pain pathway and lowering tension. 
Reduced Inflammation and Improved Fluid Circulation
As the pressure between the skin and the underlying tissues decreases, swelling goes down. Pressure is relieved from the injured body part. Inflammation begins to subside or die down as the fluids flow normally again. The change in pressure allows healthy blood and lymphatic fluid to circulate again, which on the surface, helps reduce swelling.
Support and Stability
KT tapes offer support to your weak zones. It’s most useful on fatigued or overused muscles that require both support and movement for restoration — such as kinesiology tape for knee. Kinesiology treatment also assists if you have Achilles tendonitis, IT band friction syndrome, or patellofemoral stress syndrome.
Enhanced Performance
These tapes help prevent further injury and thus improve performance. It supports unstable joints but not so much as to prompt dependence. It reawakens sleeping muscles like when you use kinesiology tape for your shoulder. The slight pressure drives them to function efficiently. Aside from this, the tape also promotes improved posture, which aids athletes in avoiding over-contracting, over-extending, or cramping their muscles.
How Kinesiology Tape Differs from Athletic Tape
Athletic tapes wrap tight around the injured areas, preventing the muscle or tendon from moving. This results in restricted motion and decreased circulation of blood and other fluids.  
KT tapes, on the other hand, don’t restrict movements but rather encourages them. It’s much more breathable and moves as you move.
When Should You Try Kinesiology Tape?
It’s best to consult your physical therapist before buying one for your sore muscles. They will help you with the proper application that specifically supports your problem.
It’s also important to remember the situations where KT tapes don’t apply. These include open wounds, active cancer growths, if you have fragile and sensitive skin, to aid diabetes, and more.
In Conclusion
The use of KT tapes is no longer limited to the athletic population. After all, they aren’t the only ones who experience muscle pain, swelling, or soreness. However, it’s important to note that KT tapes aren’t permanent solutions. 
Keep in mind that KT tapes work best when combined with therapy and guided by physical therapists.  
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americarept · 9 days
Injury Prevention: Preparing for Fall Sports Safely
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If you’re starting a sport in the fall, preparing your body for the season ahead is critical to keeping you strong and healthy.
Like many athletes during the summer months, you aren’t as physically active as you are when competing, which can make the return to fall sports more difficult. The old adage “If you don’t use it, you lose it” definitely rings true when it comes to muscle strength therapy and endurance.
Why Preparing for Fall Sports is Important
During the off-season, you may be free of games and competition. But it isn’t all leisure and vacation. After the end of each season, you’ll likely be involved in off-season training to stay in shape. This is important because if you go from no activity at all in the summer back to the normal routine during the fall, you can increase your risk of developing injuries.
But is training enough to get you ready for the upcoming season? Beyond staying active, you need a fall sports preparation routine that focuses on your readiness to get back out there and compete.
Tips for Fall Sports Preparation
Starting a new season requires lots of dedication and practice. Making sure you’re prepared for your sport can make all the difference in your athletic output and prevent potential injuries. Our team at AmeriCare Physical Therapy would like to share important tips to help you prepare for your athletic season this fall.
Undergo a Pre Fall Sports Evaluation
A pre-sports evaluation assesses the physical and mental health of athletes before they engage in training and/or sports.
A pre-fall sports evaluation is pretty much the same thing, except it ensures athletes are ready in terms of safety and health to take on a new season in the fall.
Take Steps for Injury Prevention
The team at AmeriCare Physical Therapy offers a broad range of therapies to help you protect your body from injury, both during off-season training and the fall sports season.
Cupping Therapy
At AmeriCare, cupping therapy is integral to our rehabilitation and performance enhancement care. Cupping therapy in Mountainside involves putting special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create a vacuum, with the aim to release tension and increase blood flow in muscles and fascia.
This enhanced blood flow helps to remove toxins that may lead to muscle cramps and dysfunction.
Other benefits of cupping therapy include:
Speeding up recovery time after intensive training
Increasing range of motion and muscle capacity
Promoting the healing of injuries
Reducing inflammation
Kinesio Taping
Another offering by AmeriCare Physical Therapy to help you prepare for the fall sports season is Kinesio taping.
This is a therapeutic taping technique that involves wrapping the muscles and surrounding tissues with kinesiology tape. This tape adheres to the skin, providing pressure and support to facilitate strength in the muscles and tissues. The result is the relief of pain and lymphatic drainage.
Lymphatic drainage allows the blood and other bodily fluids to move freely through and around the injured muscle, helping to cleanse and heal the inflammation caused by injury.
But the benefits of Kinesio taping go beyond promoting the healing process after an injury. The technique also keeps muscles and bones in a certain position to prevent sprains, breaks, or other injuries that can occur from training and competitive sports.
Kinesio tape is such a popular technique because it provides support, but doesn’t restrict range of motion, allowing you to maintain flexibility and comfort while exercising or competing.
Stretching Session
As an athlete, you’re likely no stranger to pain, whether you’ve been injured before or have experienced muscle soreness due to overuse. This pain can cause a loss of range of motion. At AmeriCare Physical Therapy, we offer stretching sessions to restore range of motion.
A regular stretching routine can also help prevent injuries. Whether you stretch after each training session or come to us for a stretching session, your muscles deserve a little TLC from working so hard. Stretching can help reduce the risk of injury during off-season training and the fall sports season by increasing flexibility.
Preparing for Fall Sports: How Can AmeriCare Help?
At AmeriCare Physical Therapy, our team of physical therapists has been dedicated to serving you with the goal to maximize your body’s potential.
Whether you need help preparing for fall sports, or are dealing with another challenge altogether, we’re here to listen to your needs and develop a therapy plan just for you.
Contact us to learn more about our services or book an appointment today.
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physiontonic · 10 days
Sports Injuries? Consult the Best Physiotherapist in DLF Phase 1
Sports injuries can be frustrating, keeping athletes sidelined for weeks or even months. However, with the right treatment, you can recover faster and return to your sport at your best. The best physiotherapist in DLF Phase 1 specializes in treating sports injuries and helping athletes recover quickly and effectively.
Whether you’re a professional athlete or someone who enjoys weekend sports, injuries are an inevitable part of an active lifestyle. Sprains, strains, ligament tears, and muscle injuries can occur during any physical activity. Physiotherapists are trained to assess these injuries and provide the necessary treatments to promote healing and prevent re-injury.
One of the major advantages of consulting a physiotherapist is that they tailor the treatment to the specific needs of athletes. This includes sport-specific rehabilitation exercises that improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Advanced techniques like manual therapy, electrotherapy, and kinesiology taping are often used to speed up recovery and enhance performance.
The physiotherapy experts in DLF Phase 1 also focus on injury prevention. They can guide you through proper warm-up techniques, stretches, and exercises that reduce the risk of future injuries. By addressing the underlying issues that caused the injury, they help athletes come back stronger and perform at their best.
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anvayaa-blog · 10 days
Personalized Physiotherapy Services in Bangalore: Tailoring Care to Your Needs
Personalized physiotherapy services in Bangalore have emerged as a cornerstone of effective healthcare, offering tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of individuals suffering from pain, injury, or chronic health conditions. As the city grows, so does the demand for specialized care that addresses the root causes of discomfort while considering each patient's lifestyle, health status, and specific challenges.
Why Personalized Physiotherapy Matters
Unlike a one-size-fits-all approach, personalized physiotherapy focuses on delivering targeted treatments based on a thorough assessment of each patient’s condition. Bangalore's top physiotherapists begin by understanding the patient’s medical history, mobility levels, and long-term health goals. This enables them to design treatment plans that maximize recovery, reduce pain, and prevent future injuries.
Whether it’s managing chronic conditions such as arthritis, sports injuries, or post-surgical rehabilitation, personalized physiotherapy ensures that the treatment aligns with the patient’s specific requirements. This approach improves outcomes by combining modern techniques with individual care strategies, making it more effective and sustainable in the long run.
Tailored Treatments for Specific Conditions
Bangalore's physiotherapy services cover a broad range of treatments, including manual therapy, exercise programs, and electrotherapy. These methods are customized to address various conditions such as:
Back and neck pain: Customized exercise regimens, stretching techniques, and posture correction can help relieve pain and restore mobility.
Sports injuries: Athletes in Bangalore can benefit from sport-specific rehabilitation plans, including strengthening exercises and preventive measures to avoid re-injury.
Post-operative care: Tailored rehabilitation programs following surgeries like knee or hip replacements are essential for faster recovery and restoring normal function.
Neurological disorders: Conditions like stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis require specialized physiotherapy care that focuses on improving motor skills and maintaining independence.
The Role of Advanced Techniques and Technology
Physiotherapy services in Bangalore are increasingly incorporating advanced technologies to further personalize care. Techniques like dry needling, kinesiology taping, and ultrasound therapy are often used to provide pain relief and promote healing. Additionally, real-time monitoring devices and apps allow physiotherapists to track patients’ progress and adjust treatments accordingly.
Convenient Home-Based Services
Recognizing the need for flexibility, many physiotherapists in Bangalore offer home-based services. This allows patients to receive customized care in the comfort of their homes, ensuring consistent treatment without the hassle of commuting, which is particularly beneficial for seniors or individuals with mobility issues.
In conclusion, personalized physiotherapy services in Bangalore provide an essential, patient-centric approach to healing and rehabilitation. By tailoring care to the unique needs of each individual, these services not only enhance recovery but also ensure long-term health and well-being.
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squarestoryspace · 25 days
Discover the Ultimate Chiropractic Care for Wellness and Performance in Red Bank
Are you looking for ways to enhance your physical well-being and boost your performance? Advanced chiropractic services might just be the answer. Nestled in the heart of Red Bank, NJ, chiropractic services offer a blend of traditional and innovative techniques designed to address a variety of health needs. From alleviating chronic pain to improving athletic performance, these services cater to everyone. In this blog post, we'll explore the myriad benefits of chiropractic care and why it's a crucial part of maintaining optimal health.
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The Evolution of Chiropractic Services in Red Bank, NJ
Chiropractic care has come a long way from its early days of spinal manipulation. Today's advanced chiropractic services in Red Bank NJ, utilize cutting-edge technologies and techniques to provide comprehensive care. Whether you're suffering from a sports injury or looking to improve your general wellness, these services offer tailored solutions. Techniques like spinal decompression, cold laser therapy, and advanced diagnostic tools are now commonplace in Red Bank's chiropractic clinics. These methods ensure patients receive the most effective treatment plans, customized to their specific needs.
Catering to Various Demographics
Advanced chiropractic services are not one-size-fits-all; they are tailored to meet the needs of different demographics. Sports professionals, for example, benefit immensely from specialized techniques that focus on injury prevention and recovery. Treatments like myofascial release and kinesiology taping help athletes maintain peak performance. On the other hand, those seeking general wellness can take advantage of services like spinal alignments and nutritional counseling. These treatments not only alleviate pain but also promote overall health and well-being, making chiropractic care a versatile solution for all.
Enhancing Community Health through Chiropractic Care
The importance of advanced chiropractic care extends beyond individual benefits; it contributes to the overall health of the community. By offering specialized treatments that cater to various needs, chiropractic services play a vital role in promoting public health. Whether it's helping athletes recover from injuries or assisting the elderly in managing chronic pain, these services make a significant difference. The presence of high-quality chiropractic care in Red Bank, NJ, underscores the community's commitment to health and wellness.
The Role of Nutrition in Chiropractic Care
Nutrition plays a crucial role in chiropractic care, and many clinics in Red Bank, NJ, offer nutritional counseling as part of their services. Proper nutrition supports the body's healing processes and enhances the effectiveness of chiropractic treatments. By understanding the nutritional needs of their patients, chiropractors can provide tailored advice, helping individuals achieve optimal health. From dietary supplements to balanced meal plans, nutritional counseling complements chiropractic care perfectly.
Pain Management and Relief
Chronic pain can significantly impact one's quality of life, making effective pain management crucial. Chiropractic services in Red Bank, NJ, offer various treatments aimed at alleviating pain and improving mobility. Spinal adjustments, for instance, are highly effective in relieving back and neck pain. Additionally, advanced techniques like cold laser therapy and electrical stimulation provide targeted pain relief, helping patients regain their quality of life.
Advanced Chiropractic Services
In conclusion, advanced chiropractic services NJ, offer a wealth of benefits for local residents and sports professionals alike. From cutting-edge techniques to comprehensive care plans, chiropractic care addresses a wide range of health needs. Whether you're seeking pain relief, improved athletic performance, or general wellness, these services provide tailored solutions. The convenience of local accessibility further enhances the value of chiropractic care, making it an essential part of the community's health and wellness landscape. Don't wait to experience these benefits for yourself; explore the advanced chiropractic services in Red Bank, NJ, and today and take the first step towards better health.
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futuroindia · 26 days
Kinetic and Spiral Tape Manufacturer in Korea | ATEX
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ATEX CO., LTD., is a leading kinetic and spiral tape manufacturer in South Korea and specializes in the production of high-quality, breathable materials that are comfortable to wear and water-resistant. These materials are also latex -free, making them ideal for anyone with sensitive skin.
ATEX Power Spiral Tape:
By applying cross-shaped tapes in a grid pattern to acupoints and controlling tension and relaxation throughout the body, Spiral Tape uses Oriental Medicine's balancing therapy to eliminate pain. When used properly, it reduces suffering and encourages exercise.
• Size: A (3×4-3mm), B (3×4-4mm), C (5×6-4mm)
• Quantity: 20 sheets/box
• Color: Beige
ATEX Kinetic Tapes:
Top-notch kinesiology therapeutic tapes are commonly associated with ATEX's SportsTex brand.
Athletes use these tapes extensively to improve performance, support their muscles and joints, and encourage quicker recovery following training or injuries.
Physiotherapists work with patients with various musculoskeletal problems to reduce inflammation, enhance mobility, and relieve pain.
People seeking pain relief use them to support posture, encourage relaxation, and address common aches and pains.
Essential Elements of SportsTex Kinetic Tapes:
1. Breathable and comfortable: Composed of premium cotton and spandex, these tapes feel soft against the skin and promote natural ventilation.
2. Water-resistant: Their adhesive hold remains effective in the shower or during intense workouts.
3. Hypoallergenic: Made with a latex-free acrylic adhesive, reducing the risk of irritation, even on sensitive skin.
4. Versatile applications: SportsTex tapes offer a wide range of sizes and colors, suitable for treating and supporting specific body parts and ailments.
If you are looking for details about Spiral tape Korea, you can find it on ATEX
Click here to contact ATEX
View more: Korean Manufacturer of Kinetic and Spiral Tape
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suggestionbyshikha · 1 month
Best physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon.( dr. pankaj sharma)
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Introduction to Dr. Pankaj Sharma and His Clinic
Dr. Pankaj Sharma is a renowned Best physiotherapist in Gurgaon, recognized for his expertise and dedication to patient care. His clinic, located in the heart of Gurgaon, is a state-of-the-art facility that caters to a wide range of physiotherapy needs. Whether you are dealing with chronic pain, recovering from surgery, or need rehabilitation for sports injuries, Dr. Sharma's clinic offers tailored treatments designed to provide relief and improve your quality of life. Patients benefit from a holistic approach that not only addresses symptoms but also the underlying causes of pain and discomfort.
Why Choose Dr. Pankaj Sharma's Physiotherapy Clinic?
Choosing the right physiotherapy clinic is crucial for effective treatment and long-term recovery. Dr. Pankaj Sharma’s clinic stands out for its commitment to personalized care. Each patient receives a customized treatment plan based on their unique condition, ensuring targeted and effective therapy. Dr. Sharma's approach is patient-centered, focusing on comprehensive assessments and evidence-based treatments. The clinic is equipped with the latest technology, enabling the use of advanced techniques that enhance recovery and reduce the risk of re-injury. With a friendly and supportive environment, patients feel comfortable and confident throughout their treatment journey.
Comprehensive Range of Physiotherapy Services
Dr. Pankaj Sharma’s clinic offers a wide array of the best physiotherapy services, addressing various conditions such as musculoskeletal pain, sports injuries, post-operative rehabilitation, and neurological disorders. The clinic specializes in manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, electrotherapy, and advanced techniques like dry needling and kinesiology taping. Each service is designed to alleviate pain, restore function, and improve mobility. Whether you need short-term pain relief or long-term rehabilitation, Dr. Sharma’s clinic provides comprehensive care that meets your specific needs. The clinic's multidisciplinary approach ensures that patients receive holistic care that promotes overall well-being.
Personalized Care and Advanced Treatment Techniques
At Dr. Pankaj Sharma’s clinic, personalized care is the cornerstone of every treatment plan. Understanding that each patient is unique, Dr. Sharma takes the time to conduct thorough assessments and discuss treatment options in detail. Advanced treatment techniques, such as ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, and spinal manipulation, are used to enhance recovery. These methods, combined with traditional physiotherapy practices, ensure that patients receive the most effective care possible. The clinic’s focus on continuous learning and innovation means that patients benefit from the latest advancements in physiotherapy, making it one of the best clinics in Gurgaon.
Patient Success Stories and Testimonials
The success of Dr. Pankaj Sharma’s clinic is reflected in the positive feedback from satisfied patients. Many have shared their stories of recovery and how Dr. Sharma’s expertise has made a significant difference in their lives. From athletes regaining their peak performance to elderly patients enjoying pain-free mobility, the testimonials highlight the clinic's effectiveness. These real-life experiences underscore the importance of choosing a clinic that combines knowledge, skill, and compassion. The patient-centered approach at Dr. Sharma’s clinic not only delivers results but also fosters a trusting relationship between the patient and the healthcare provider.
How to Book an Appointment
Booking an appointment at Dr. Pankaj Sharma’s physiotherapy clinic is a straightforward process. Patients can call the clinic directly or use the online booking system available on the clinic's website. The clinic offers flexible appointment slots to accommodate busy schedules, ensuring that patients can receive treatment at a time that suits them best. New patients are encouraged to bring their medical history and any relevant diagnostic reports for a comprehensive assessment. The clinic is conveniently located in Gurgaon, with ample parking and easy access for patients coming from different parts of the city.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What conditions does Dr. Pankaj Sharma’s clinic treat? A: The clinic treats a wide range of conditions, including back pain, neck pain, joint pain, sports injuries, and post-operative rehabilitation. Specialized services are available for neurological and pediatric conditions.
Q: Is physiotherapy covered by insurance? A: Many insurance plans cover physiotherapy, but coverage may vary. It is recommended to check with your insurance provider for specific details regarding your plan.
Q: How long does a typical physiotherapy session last? A: A standard physiotherapy session lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the treatment plan and the patient's condition.
This content brief and blog post provides a comprehensive overview of the best physiotherapy clinic in Gurgaon, led by Dr. Pankaj Sharma. The structured approach ensures that all aspects of the clinic's services, expertise, and patient care are highlighted effectively for Google My Business and other online platforms.
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