#a-z shoulder treatment course
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ephysioneedsacademy ¡ 6 months ago
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deepspacenova ¡ 3 months ago
Zayne’s insomnia + Sylus being the perfect cure HCs
Zayne x Sylus (x Reader)
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Reader is third wheeling in like, this whole list (but somehow I feel like many of us won’t mind). Inspired by the replies in this post with @leighsartworks216 where we spiraled about Zayne + Sylus… dynamics that made my brain go into full HC mode.
[I also have some HCs for Zayne x Caleb (x Reader) if you, too have the same need to be sandwiched between these men as I. ]
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Sylus taking care of day to day Onychinus business when he starts to notice traces of Zayne around the house at night: a medical tome left open on the coffee table, a glass of ice water (but mostly ice) on the counter, one of Zayne's rings on the end table;
Pretty sure he understands, Sylus ventures out of his office more often. Each time he sees Zayne, he looks more exhausted but the one time Sylus raises a brow at him, he’s brushed off with an, "I'm fine.";
Sylus, of course, takes it as a challenge and makes it his mission to become the biggest tease. I mean, he's king of pushing the limits of your self control, so Zayne’s cinder block wall exterior is the ultimate challenge and he’s set on tearing that shit down brick by fucking brick;
It starts with touches. Brushing Zayne's hand, playfully squeezing the back of Zayne’s neck when he walk past him on a business call, using his evol to pull Zayne's books, phone, snacks out of his hands;
But then there's Sylus' words. And when it comes to those, Zayne's a goner. He's used to you being forward in your affections with him but he can't help but clear his throat at Sylus' double entendres and flirty quips, or feel heat in his abdomen when Sylus uses his drawling rasp;
"You’re always so tense, Z. Want me to loosen you up?";
"Those medical texts aren't doing anything to put you to sleep. Maybe you need something that penetrates deeper... into that overactive mind of yours.";
"I know you're the doctor, but maybe you need someone else to prescribe your... treatment tonight.";
It’s not long before it becomes a subconscious thing for Zayne — seeking out Sylus whenever he jolts awake at night. Zayne's very adamant that it’s because he doesn’t want to disturb you in bed though (sure baby boy);
But there's something about Sylus’ ruthless teasing and the mind games they play that has him tired out within an hour of even the worst of his nightmares;
And he'd never admit it out loud but sometimes, Zayne falls back asleep imagining the satisfaction he'd get from finally silencing the Onychinus leader's teasing by stuffing his cock down his throat;
Of course Sylus can tell when Zayne’s frustration and tension finally snaps. His new favorite thing is seeing Zayne try to resist him before he gives up and crawls back into bed;
Sylus knows exactly how to wear him down. Sometimes, it’s pulling the book from Zayne's hand with his evol, only to say "Careful, doctor. Grabbing it like that might get you into trouble,” when Zayne reaches over to snatch it back;
Sometimes he sneaks up behind Zayne, kissing the back of his neck while his Evol tugs Zayne's hips back against him;
Cut to Zayne, pants pulled down to his ankles, legs over Sylus's shoulder, getting the best fuckin blow job of his life. Sylus holding onto his thighs, refusing to let the doctor hesitate to squeeze around his head. Zayne's hand in Sylus's hair, pulling and tugging and trying to keep some semblance of control;
Zayne throwing his head back against the couch, breath choked in his throat, hand tight in Sylus's hair to keep his nose pressed to his stomach, but then Sylus pulls off of him. It's frustrating, it draws unexpected noises from him. And Sylus just smirks and says he promised to tire him out, kissing all up his hip and legs; (credit to @leighsartworks216 for these pieces of genius).
On particularly bad nights, Zayne goes to the balcony to catch his breath and some cold air to calm himself down. One night Sylus, effortlessly smug with the phone at his ear, at work, uses his evol to force Zayne to his knees. "Handle it today," he says to the person on the phone, "you know how I like to put men in their place.";
Speaking of, Sylus loooves edging Zayne. Leaving him a panting, writhing mess, pulling away just when Zayne’s hand tightens in his hair or his breath hitches in his throat. “I said I’d tire you out, but I never said I’d make it easy.”;
For a guy who doesn't say much, Zayne's vocal and very demanding in the heat of the moment - which wakes you up sometimes.
Knowing all about Sylus' scheme to tire Zayne out, you love sliding into bed hand pressed to his chest, "Doctor Zayne, your heart is racing, maybe we need to do some tests?" Sylus chuckles darkly, watching Zayne’s eyes flutter between both of you. The idea of you both teaming up to tire him out finally makes Zayne’s control slip;
The best time of day is twilight, a few hours before you and Zayne start the day, as Sylus is ending his. The three of you fall into bed, Zayne's body is exhausted and his mind is quiet. Barely keeping his eyes open when his fingers twine with yours. Sylus pulls you close from behind, his hand on top of both of yours. Sylus smirks at both of you, proud of himself. "The only nightmare you two are allowed to have is me."
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jungwnies ¡ 2 years ago
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syn ' a-z safe for work for enhypen's jake pairing ' bf!jake x gn!reader
very much clearly he's my bias >.>
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a ⋆ affection - how affectionate are they?
guys guys guys
he is so affectionate
words cannot even explain it
he is so physical
and he is so verbal
always tells you how much he loves you
and he will always tell you how much he loves you
it's nothing new
he loves showing you and telling you how much he cares and loves you
b ⋆ bonding - how often do they bond with you?
even when he's away
he's always bonding with you
it's just who he is
building connections with you 24/7
c ⋆ communication - do they keep in touch with you when they're away?
yes of course
he always texts you
always calls you
texts you good morning
and goodnight
and promises he'll be back soon
and he definitely is back soon
d ⋆ dates - how often do they set up a date for you two?
honestly not all the time
when he has time for you
he would much rather prefer it at home
and in an intimate setting
he loves being cuddled up with you
i can't even tbh
e ⋆ essential - what is the thing that is important to them?
obviously layla
and you
and his family
god he values those around him so much
he will do anything for them
even though he gets annoyed or mad sometimes
nothing will change how much he cares about the people in his life
his heart is big okay he has a BIG HEART 😭
f ⋆ friends - how did the friendship start?
honestly i can see you guys as school friends
like you guys some of the same classes
but in one specific class you guys are seated next to each other
and you guys get super close because you're forced to do projects together and stuff
and from there you guys just started talking about other people in school and eventually talking about your own drama
and the friendship blossomed from so much innocence
so sweet ugh
he's that best friend every high schooler wants bro
g ⋆ gross - what is the thing he hates in your relationship?
he hates when you guys are ignoring each other
he's one to talk things out but when he's super upset he likes to distance himself
but he hates that
he hates not being able to talk to you about something when you guys are arguing
and especially when you guys were just friends
whenever you would beef he would be so sad
because he always had so much to tell you :c
h ⋆ hugs - do they like hugs? how do they feel?
he loves them omg?
his hugs are so big and comforting
the way his arms wrap around your torso
the way he nuzzles his head into the crook of your shoulder?
it's just so comforting and sweet
you can never get enough
always kisses you when you guys hug too
even if it's just a kiss on the top of the head
or a real kiss
okay anyways
i ⋆ intercourse - how are they during intercourse?
i think jake knows what he's doing
like when it comes to the actual
but when it comes to foreplay
he's a little confused ???
he's good with his mouth too
but that's for another time >>>
j ⋆ jealousy - how jealous do they get?
he's so jealous
he holds you closer
kisses you longer
literally side-eyes anyone who glances at you
but he's not too crazy
he sulks about it sometimes
it's so cute LMFAO
k ⋆ kiss - how good are they at kissing?
like i said
he's good with his mouth
so obviously
he's good at kissing
l ⋆ love - how do they show their love to you?
physical touch
and quality time
you have no idea how much this boy
loves spending time with you
it's definitely one of his love languages
he will give anything up just to have time with you
m ⋆ mad - how often do you argue?
not often to be honest
he doesn't like arguing with you
but when you guys do argue
its usually quickly resolved
but there are those few times where it goes on
and turns into silent treatment
n ⋆ naughty - how do they deal with you annoying them?
he just does
he thinks you're cute
too cute to get annoyed with
plus he's annoying too
he's very clingy
o ⋆ open - how often do they open up to you?
he's so open with you
you are literally his best friend
so obviously he is always spilling tea with you
and telling you all his problems
you're his rock
p ⋆ pet names - how are they with pet names?
prince(ss), babe, baby, sweetie, love
big on baby, prince(ss), and love though
he loves using those on you
and when you call him pretty & baby
it makes his knees buckle
q ⋆ quiet - silent treatment?
sometimes he does give it to you
and sometimes you give it to him
but it makes him so sad
like he will really cry about this
he hates it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
r ⋆ ramble - how often do they talk about you to others?
not often to be honest
he just talks about your dates and stuff
but he doesn't brag
he's not a bragger
except for that one time you-
s ⋆ soft - how soft are they to you?
oh he's so soft
he's the softest bro
literally golden retriever energy
t ⋆ think - what reminds them of you?
music will always trigger
memories for him
memories he has with you
makes him miss you so so so much
u ⋆ unhappy - what makes them break if you break up with them?
i think like i said the memories he has with you
every good and happy moment is shared with you
and the fact you were able to bond with layla too?
the way that would break him
cus layla would whine whenever she had a whiff of your perfume /cologne
the way it lingers in his house :c
v ⋆ vacation - how are they with long distance relationships?
he’s not the best
but he’s not the worst
i think he is really good at maintaining that connection with you
he’s a great texter when it comes to you
w ⋆ wholesome - the sweetest thing they ever did to you?
when he didn’t tell you he was coming home from tour a whole day early
and surprised you at home after your shift
with your favorite food
your favorite snacks/candy
just the sweetest boy
and he brought layla over 😟
x ⋆ extra headcanon
jake was very scared you wouldn’t like layla
or layla wouldn’t like you
but when he saw layla immediately get attached to you
he basically was ready to commit to you
literally get down on one knee and marry you bro
y ⋆ young and beautiful - (how long does it last?)
i feel like a lot of his relationships tend to be short lived
but some are also really long
i think once he matures and grows up he starts to be more into the long term relationships
z ⋆ zzz - how do they sleep with you?
he loves having you on his chest
or he loves being the little spoon
he feels so safe in your arms
he falls asleep almost immediately with you
kisses you goodnight always
and while he’s nuzzled up in your neck leaves the softest kisses all over
and whispers sweet nothings in your ear until you are he falls asleep :(
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2022 Š jungwnies thanks for reading! reblogs & likes are appreciated!
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mythicalmagical-monkeyman ¡ 3 months ago
Le gays, nothing new lmao. Undercut, you know the drill. @murkystarlight
Cyborg Cooper only he mentally dies while thinking about the technicalities and freaks out to Mateo about it
Additional Tags:
Izzie and Z- Blob are there briefly. headcanons, Cyborg Cooper. Mateo’s a good boyfriend. Cooper’s sparky, literally. mental crisis. Author wrote this on a whim. Dream world setting. Comfort. No beta we die mentally. Aged-Up Character(s)
With a yawn, Mateo swung his feet over the side of his bed and swiveled his head around to take in the landing. 
Unlike usual the landing was mostly quiet and the only others in sight were Izzie and Cooper who were sitting over by the trunk of the Marlowbaconkiller, the treehouse tree. So fight them they had been annoying baby teens when they had named the poor tree.
Z-Blob landed with a squish as he jumped up onto Mateo’s shoulder and nuzzled into the teen’s cheek with a gooey head bump. Mateo leaned into it until Z-Blob popped back to simply go on to stand on his shoulder and Mateo got up. 
Lazily the two made their way over to the tree. 
As Mateo drew closer he took in how Izzie was scribbling notes aggressively in a notebook while leaning against the front of the tree trunk while Cooper leaned up against the side, staring down in dismay at his hands. 
Mateo tilted his head to the side, “Alright what’s Cooper having a mental crisis about this time?” 
Izzie abruptly looked up before drawing out a long, “Uhhhhhhhh,” she then leaned over to glance around the side of the tree before turning back to Mateo, “it’s probably … better just to ask him about it yourself.” 
Mateo pressed his lips into a thin line but with an audible pop he let his mouth fall back open as he muttered, “Oh that’s not concerning.” 
Z-Blob hopped down from Mateo’s shoulder to join Izzie in whatever she was doing as Mateo walked the short distance over to Cooper. 
“Hey,” Mateo greeted, waving his hand slightly. 
His boyfriend let out a deranged, “EHH,” in greeting as he continued to stare at his hands. 
Ah, “So it’s that type of night?” Mateo guessed as he crouched in front of Cooper, “What happened this time?” 
Cooper shakily held up his hands, the pair of them cybernetic and metal thanks to a bit of dream crafting, though Mateo knew Cooper’s entire right arm up to his collarbone was metallic whereas only everything below the wrist on his other hand had been given the same treatment.    
“ Do I technically have hands?” Cooper asked, his voice half hysterical. 
Mateo blinked, and took a small second to think of how to respond, “That’s… silly frijoles, of course you have hands. They’re right here,” 
Mateo carefully grabbed Cooper’s hands in his own, wrapping them from the sides and bringing them up to his mouth so he could kiss his knuckles. 
“No, no, but like they’re cyborg replacements,” Cooper insisted, his voice sounding hushed yet panicked as he pulled his hand a little ways from Mateo, “ I dream crafted these! THEY’RE NOT MY REAL HANDS! Nothing’s under thesssse-” 
“Coop how’d you even begin to think about thi-“Mateo cut himself off as he heard snickering from his side and slowly turned away to see Izzie shaking with badly hidden laughter, “SERIOUSLY!?” 
“What!?” Izzie crowed back, her tone sounding like she was only trying to half defend herself, “I was curious,”
“Oh my gaw Izzie,” 
“HEY LISTEN THE THOUGHTS WERE TOO STRONG-“ Izzie yelled, scooting over to hide herself more behind the tree. 
Mateo simply shook his head with a sigh, “Izzie-“ 
“She’s right, she’s right, she’s right though!! ” Cooper hissed, and Mateo turned back towards him as the blond started to squirm a little, “ They’re not my hands Mateo, they’re inserts and I can take them off! There’s nothing under them, they’re full cybernetic robot hands!!! ‘TEO! ‘TEO DO YOU UNDERSTAND-“ 
Before Mateo could quite register what was happening, Cooper had grabbed him by the shirt collar and begun to shake him. 
“Hey, hey!” Mateo grabbed his boyfriend by the shoulders only to adjust his hands to the sides of Cooper’s ribcage when Cooper winced, “Quit shaking me!” 
Cooper quickly cooled it but still vibrated slightly like he wanted to keep shaking something. Without thinking much about it, Mateo sat down and gently dragged Cooper forward so he could pull him into his lap. Cooper knelt, straddling Mateo’s lap, and wrapping his arms around the other’s neck as well. Slowly they started to rock, back and forth, as Mateo nuzzled his face into Cooper’s shoulder he tried to find where flesh turned to metal so he could plant a few kisses along the fissure while rubbing his fingers up Cooper’s spine.
When Cooper finally settled, Mateo pulled back, loosening the blond's grip around his neck so that his wrists rested on Mateo’s shoulders.   
Though it was such a small tick, such a small movement yet all Mateo noticed was Cooper’s eyes flicking away, not daring to look at him directly so Mateo reached up and took Cooper’s hands in his own again. He laced their fingers together, the metal cold and rough but Mateo knew that for all the danger they could possess they’d never hurt him.
“Alright Coop,” Mateo stated as squeezed the blond’s hands, “Cooper look at me ‘kay.” 
Slowly Cooper looked at him, almost shyly like he was scared but Mateo greeted him with a soft smile. 
“These are your real hands ok, they might be different now, they might be damaged and changed, but they’re still your hands.” The tenseness seemed to ease from Cooper’s shoulders as Mateo went on, “They’re an extension of you and everything they do, they’ve saved people, saved me , they’re a part of you just as much as the rest of you is. But most importantly they’re still you.”   
Hesitantly Cooper shook his head as he tried to protest, “Bu-but my… my lightning, it comes from them not from me, they aren’t a part of me-?” Cooper’s voice picked up at the end like he was almost stuck between trying to prove to Mateo that his lightning wasn’t his and like he was still questioning his existence. 
So his lightning was also part of the problem, hu. Mateo wouldn’t lie when he said he hadn’t quite grasped the idea of how Cooper was able to summon up sparks of red electricity that he could use shock people or fry the circuitry of something but he figured it probably wouldn’t be horrible if he made a jump to try and guess at where it came from. 
“Your lightning doesn’t come from these,” Mateo let go of Cooper’s right hand so he could place the back of his hand up against where his heart would be, “it comes from this-“ 
Cooper quick jumped in to correct him, “That’s not how electricity works-“ 
“Shhh, I’m trying to make a point you doof, but listen. This is all you,” he let Cooper’s other hand drop so he could gesture to the blond in full, “they’re you ‘kay? Even if it doesn’t seem like it.” 
Cooper glanced down at his hands and adjusted them to hold them a little higher so that he could safely summon up a little spark of electricity that crackled along his fingers before reaching the tips and dying out. He shook his hands out after that and lurched forward to tackle Mateo into a hug. 
The pair fell back onto the ground with a small “oof” where Mateo returned the hug tightly.  
“You good now?” Mateo asked as he felt Cooper start to wiggle a little. 
“Mph, give me a minute,” 
“Alright, but then we’re talking about when the last time you slept before this was,” 
Cooper let out a scream which slowly dissolved into a laugh, “AHHHHHHHAHA, NO!” 
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justahopelessaromantic ¡ 1 year ago
It's not even light out (but you've somewhere to be)
Fandom: The Cuphead Show AU: Canon Divergence AU Ships: Cupcest (tho its written ambiguously enough you could read it as platonic too) Summary: "The moment I said it / The moment I opened my mouth / Lead in your eyelids / Bulldozed the life out of me" (An AU where Mugman doesn't allow himself to be rescued by Cuphead so easily.)
You are flickering, leisurely (Very little to do today), banging into your container every now and then. You flutter under the winds of the slamming door, knocking the points of your flames against your brick confines. They dig, into the crevices and warming the plaster.
It's so rubbery and fitting to the touch, you wonder if the only reason it doesn’t melt, giving the bricks way to toppling over and snuffing you out, is because of some enchanting property of sorts. You’ll have to ask the smiles on the floor planks if the magic comes from you or the furnace (Always good to learn about your heritage!).
By the time you upright yourself, the travelers inviting the breeze in are already hanging up their keys and comically large souvenirs on the hooks, along with their gloves.
As if the old man’s heart hasn’t suffered enough close calls.
The smiles have a tendency to lay by the radio and listen along to his shows, snapping at his loafers just to burst out into creeks and giggles as he groans, scratches, and stretches only to find his new shoe shine gnawed clean off. You scold them for wasting the nickel he must’ve spent on that and they recap each episode as if none of them caught you peeking out from your opening every once and a while (someone’s gotta make sure they don’t scuff each other up too bad). Though you’d snuff your flame before you bother to remember a single line of that “action-packed” drivel (They expect you to buy dragons that live lifetimes in forests without burning the whole place down? Preposterous!), not everything goes over your head.
Apparently (and you are paraphrasing here), once the gloves…“come off”, so to speak, “it” is, in some way or sort (again, you do want to stress that this is paraphrasing)...“going down”.
The sight of Elder Kettle’s snores flying right over their own heads, bubbling milk splattering a few of the z’s, does not assure you otherwise.
“I can’t just believe you. The gall, the absolute nerve of you to embarrass me like that!”
“Oh, I’m sorry! I’ll try for a more cordial entrance next time I save your butt from the clutches of the devil himself!”
Those last two words generate an actual blast of wind, a few straight lines indicating its direction. You sink back into the cracks of the logs for protection. Being a magical talking fireplace and all with no real ability to spread to the other room, you can only pray to whatever god or animator is listening that the storm brewing here be weak enough not to put you out.
“You know darn well that’s not what I’m talking about, young man!”
“Oh, goodness me, of course not!” The red one (26 episodes just isn’t enough time to care enough to learn their names, alright?) presses a bare hand to his chest, throwing his head over his shoulder. You’re surprised the damn thing doesn’t go flying across the room with how dramatic he’s being.
Somewhere under his breath, the blue one spits a similar sentiment through pursed lips. As always, he’s trying to keep this argument somewhat civilized, though there’s only so much prodding at the insecurities a man can take. Oh, sure, the red one can backtrack as much as he wants, insisting that those southern belle-like tendencies suit his brother “far better than any ol’ dame around these parts!”, but the blue one’s smarter than that. He knows a brotherly lie when he sees one.
If he didn’t, they wouldn’t be having this fight.
“I’m sure you’ve some perfectly reasonable reason for playing the silent treatment all the way to the fair, just to nag me with the pettiest arguments I’ve ever heard, aaaaall the way home, as if you haven’t been pulling this crap since we was stumbling around in diapers, and crushin’ each other with those toy pianos!”
“Telling you to quit risking your soul at carnival games is one of the least petty-”
“I’m sure. Absolutely, positively, sure! That you’re standing here, nagging me, instead’a planning out how much time we have to play kick the can before bedtime on your maticuleress little chart, because you-
“Actually, I believe you’ll find it's pronounced ‘meticulous’-”
“You quit changin’ the subject!”
“I am not!”
“Are too!”
“Are not!”
“Are too!”
You are unsure how much more of this you can take.
“Fine! You wanna know why I’m so furiously belligerent with you tonight-”
“Oh, here he goes, folks!” You’re hiding away in the furnace, who the hell is he talking to- “Whipping out the big boy words so he can feel so much smarter and wiser and respon-”
“It’s because you didn’t learn jack-[BLEEP]”
Silence sorta settles onto the room somewhere. You wish the fight hadn’t moved the blue one out of your sight by this point. This entire night has been a headache, and a nightmare, and a fire-extinguishing hazard, but this…
Well, you’re almost curious now.
“...But…But, I apologized, a-and everything! You saw me!”
“I saw you make a fool out of me on an impulse.” 
“You said you weren’t going back with me unless I said I was sorry and I proved to you that I learned my lesson, and I-”
“You…took my hands,” The blue one clamps both hands around the others. You wonder about when the last time they’d held hands like this, porcelain against porcelain. ”Got down on your knees,” The red one winces. The shove must’ve irritated the already blooming bruises. “And said that the day you stopped looking out for me is the day you land in hell for good!”
You suppose he must not be very strong, physically speaking. The red one looks so much more pained as he’s slighted by his own words of love and devotion.
“We were getting chased by the monster that’s been after your hide for the past…however long! And you had to go…implyin’ things!”
“...Things you got no right implyin’.”
“...That’s the part you’re worried about?” You are not buying that shaky grin. Neither is the blue one.
“...Lucifer himself, caring about that sorta thing?”
The force of the crack is enough to blow you out.
By the time their grandfather lights you again, the two are in timeout, facing the ends of the wall. The right side of the red one’s mouth is lined with a sharp crack and specks of dust.
You cannot see the blue one’s hand. You can’t see his face, either.
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becrystalamazed ¡ 2 months ago
So! Itopia series 3 has emotionally ruined me. There better be a series 4 or I will never recover.
I’ll put my thoughts under the cut to avoid spoilers, except for this one - Alys Hunter is canonically bisexual.
Firstly they don’t have English subtitles for episode 6 yet, but there are Welsh subtitles on Clic, so I went through and google-translated it line by line.
I love how Lwsi’s central desire in all the  series is to be normal. Series one: get a Z to be normal. Series two: help out around the shelter to be normal. Series 3: hide her identity to be normal.
Gutted they didn’t tell us which course Lwsi was doing. It looked like some kind of maths or science by Izzy's coursework
I am very sure that the set for Lwsi’s accommodation is the same set they used for the Hunter house but repainted.
I love how the second Alys doesn’t have to be responsible for anyone she immediately vanishes off to the middle of nowhere and stays there.
Also, Alys and Sara as a couple recontextualises a lot of their actions in series 2. Of course Alys immediately latched onto Sara, she had a crush. Of course Sara followed Alys all the way into Itopia and back to the school, she also had a crush. Sara didn’t decide to stay after watching Alys and Lwsi’s sisterly bond, she stayed after watching Alys. Although, dating the girl who reminds you of your dead best friend has got to be rough. Brian Hunter seems to approve though.
As much as I hate to admit it, Zac getting the illegal Amber treatment is also very him. He’s always been very insecure, especially with what he can bring to a relationship, and with the long-distance strain something was going to give. At least he had the sense to immediately download the patch. That being said if I was Lwsi I would have dumped him on the spot. Also, why does he spend so much time crouching in shady alleyways?
As for the teens, I thought they were cool. Nansi has hypersensitive hearing she needs an aid for, she’s just like me for real for real. And I don’t normally like characters like Freddie, but somehow he managed to be my favourite. It really seems like he just wants to be friends with the others but they're not getting it. Also every time Mr Rhys told Ash he was disappointed in him specifically I wanted to throttle him. Can’t you see that boy’s self esteem is hanging on by a thread and that thread is meeting others too-high expectations?
I thought the Nansi-Ash-Eli love triangle was a bit silly, although it makes a nice juxtaposition to the borderline eugenic-y and eventually eco-fascist conflicts in the wider narrative.
It’s also nothing that a bit of polyamory can’t fix. Freddie should join too.
I also wish that we could have had flashbacks to Ash and Nansi being infected, to reinforce the idea that Ambers never really get over their past as Zeds.
Also - if your fusebox blows that many times in a row, you’ve got a fire hazard somewhere. You don’t just keep switching it on again.
Also Mums! We had a mother and a child running away from some Zeds, we have Freddie who’s a caregiver for his mum and we even got what I think is a picture of Zac with his mum. Do we have any mums with names or speaking roles? Still no. But it’s progress(!)
I love Itopia’s commitment to naming the background characters. All the classmates get names, even though only one of them is actually named in dialogue. And they get full names too! Ems was Emyr Miller, Izzy is Isobelle Grant.
The prime minister being an Amber is a nice call back to the news indents of Prosiect Z saying there were rumours that the prime minister is a Zed.
The Zero movie was a fun touch. Of course Zac, zombie movie fan and Zero's actual boyfriend, keeps a poster above his bed even though Lwsi doesn't want to see it.
I loved the parallels between Freddie trying to talk Ash into getting the patch and Eli trying to talk Nansi out of it. They really are the angels and devils on the shoulders.
I liked the little touch of Jen’s blog - Lwsi Hunter was my best friend. Nice callback to her.
The Alys and Lwsi dynamics this series were spectacular. Alys almost drops everything to get to Lwsi when she hears about the Zeds, but Sara talks her out of it, point out that Lwsi has proven herself capable many times over. Meanwhile Lwsi nearly drops everything to warn Alys and spends most of the time wishing Alys was with her. And the pep talk Alys gave Lwsi was wonderful.
I don’t want to talk about it but I have to. Alys got infected. Her plot armour finally ran out. She wasn’t even sacrificing herself for someone. And then Sara had to walk away with that heartbroken - heartbreaking - look on her face (which honestly did the most to sell me on their relationship). And she was the one in the white van to save the kids in Alys’ place. How could they do this to me!?! The infection music into the Prosiect Z theme was just salt in the wound.
Also, the little detail of Sara carefully stopping the car before answering the phone. She’s not losing anyone else today. Not after Heledd. Not after Alys.
My knee jerk reaction to the evil, all powerful eco-fascist AI Aliza was dislike. But with the whispering in the Amber’s heads thing - oh she has great potential. I’m so excited to see how she’s used. She’s the product of the remnants of the Itopia network. And you know who was the second to last person to have access to the Itopia network? Nina. She’s still out there, somewhere, and I refuse to let my guard down.
But, fun fact! Aliza is called Aliza in the subtitles and Eliza in the credits! We once again have a character with two ways to spell their name! Zayn/Zane lives!
In conclusion, I loved this series, it broke my heart and I desperately want a series 4. Not just to resolve the Alys cliffhanger, but because they’ve started some legitimately interesting plot threads.
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buterccup ¡ 2 years ago
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A/N: You guys are so sweet!! Thank you for the support on the first part of Gen z! Reader series/ Daffodil series, it seriously means a lot! And since I saw someone ask for KĂśnig I decided to add him too, our baby deserves some love too! And again if anyone has codename ideas please tell me because I am still considering changing Daffodil to something else!
Warnings: Dark humour, Suicide jokes, simping, swearing, mentions of parents leaving the reader, basically gen z stuff, usual CoD violence, wholesome family stuff,
Character(s): Soap, Gaz, John, Ghost, Price, kĂśnig x Gn! reader (Mention of Laswell and Graves)
Codename: Daffodil
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
It had been a couple months since you joined the task force and met your boys and they are happy you are with them, and despite being thick-skinned and having a very fucked humour you can get emotional at times.
One time you got upset over something and hugged the closes person to you.
It was Ghost.
And surprisingly he didn't mind, he understood that you were still young and needed comfort. So he gave you comfort that he never got properly when he was younger.
But once you told Ghost that you loved him which caught him off guard and made him stay away from you for a bit to process what you said.
Of course you told him you loved him through texts but hearing you say it was a whole other story.
The others get this treatment too.
Even if you're not upset you'll randomly say that you love them, which they find sweet but they all were caught off guard at first by the sudden burst of affection.
But they got used to it!
But there was one thing they weren't getting used to, your jokes.
Price swears he can feel himself get grey hair every time he hears one of your 'jokes'.
They even came up with a very...odd name for them: "Dil Humour"
When they first started saying the little inside joke you looked at them like they said something horrible.
"Excuse me?? Dil humour????"
"You know ill but instead of ill it's dil from Daffodil- No?.."
To say the least you were not impressed and you were sure Price came up with it.
But you still loved them anyways.
Even with that ugly hat.
You swear he committed a war crime by just wearing it but he lets you wear it just to spite you. Aw.
You made a Spotify playlist for all your boys and continuously added songs to them until you're ready to share it with them.
One time Gaz caught you adding songs to Soap's playlist and tried to peek over your shoulder.
"What are you doing."
"Your mom"
"Never mind.."
And you may or may not have made one for KĂśnig.
I mean who could blame you?!
When you first saw the man you were in the mess hall eating with your boys, sitting in between Ghost and Soap, minding your own business until you saw the newest love of your life.
You started to choke while slamming the table with a red ass face.
And you bet that Ghost was the first one to slam his hand onto your back while Soap sat wide-eyed at what just happened.
Before any of your boys could say anything you were looking around like a hawk and getting up to talk to KĂśnig.
To say the least your boys were in shock and stayed that way until you came back minutes later with a huge smile on your face.
"Shh..." (🧼)
"I got a new bae!"
"Oh yeah?" (🧼)
"Fucking what." (💀)
(that one unas anus moment)
And after a while you started sending KĂśnig so many heart locket gifs of him and a lot of bear memes.
You don't what it is about the guy but he is GIVING bear.
Anyways you love this man to pieces and will always try your best to control yourself and not say any suicide jokes around him.
But you can control yourself so much.
The first ever time KĂśnig heard you threaten to shoot yourself his eyes widened.
The poor thing was worried for you since all he's ever seen of you was sunshine and memes.
He would just place his hands on your shoulders and make you look him in the eyes as he asks if you're okay and if you ever need to talk you can always go to him.
You sometimes go training with him too and you couldn't stop fawning over how strong he was in your head.
And speaking of training, you also go train with your boys too.
There was one time, Soap was doing push ups and he thought it would be fun to have you sit on his back.
And who were you to say no to that.
Although sometimes you go to the 141 group chat and send memes.
Gaz is always the first to respond.
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Gaz: Where did you find this??
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Foap: Daffo this isn't funny
Price: Kid
Gaz: Aren't you two supposed to be training
Price: Where are you both
Baby gril: Is that me?
Soap or whoever is training you always end up finding you when you send jokes like those and make you work extra hard during train with him which makes you cry internally.
Speaking AGAIN of your humour one time you were fighting off one of the enemies and he landed quite a hard punch on you, cutting your cheek in the progress, but once the boys showed up the guy was dead and most of his blood was on your hands. Literally and figuratively.
There was no way of telling which one of the boys came up to you first but they definitely kept asking about your cheek.
"Are you sure you're okay soldier?"
"Yeah I'm sure, my dad hit harder anyway-"
They weren't happy with what you said, especially Price
Your boys will never forget the day when they found out that you couldn't drive.
At first everything was a blur, it was during a mission and you all had to fall back, and you somehow got into the driver's seat while Price, Ghost and Soap were in the back while Gaz got in the passenger's seat.
Ghost would have a bullet in his arm while Price and Soap shouted at you to go.
You floored it.
The sudden action made Soap hit his head against the car wall while Gaz and Price were yelling at you to stop.
They vowed they would never let you drive again until someone teaches you.
You were just bored one day so you beelined your way to Gaz's room and slammed yourself onto his bed.
Of course Gaz was shocked once he saw you enter his room but soon got on with whatever he was doing.
And just like Price, he would never tell you to get out of his room unless it was super important and would just talk with you about random things and let you vent to him.
Somehow you always end up getting all sentimental and it's just really sweet in the end.
Soap sings in the shower.
And Lord have mercy if you hear him you will ALWAYS join in and vice versa.
You two are a power duo.
There was this one time you convinced Ghost and Price to go catfishing with you on a dating app with your phone.
Their names were Gina and Fraincesca and it was very chaotic.
One time one of the people that matched with them started texting your phone during a meeting with Laswell and Graves and since it was going nowhere you checked one of the messages to see a voice message and then-
"Hey baby gorl."
"I'm going to actually kill myself, I will shoot myself right now it's not funny, I have a letter under my bed guys Imma go-"
Soap and Gaz still won't let you live properly after that no matter how much Price and Laswell tell them to stop.
Meanwhile Ghost and Grave would just act like nothing happened.
But even after what happened and the relentless teasing Soap and Gaz would do they still cared.
Live, Love, Laugh guys.
Requests: Closed
(Part 3 coming soon and also a one-shot!)
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shiny-jr ¡ 3 years ago
Can you do the whole alphabet for Leona? Pretty please 🙏
Warning: Yandere thing. Gender-neutral reader.
Characters: Leona Kingscholar.
Note: FINALLY. Finished this stupid lion’s part. This was the one I was stuck on. Not even gonna check it. I’m sick of looking at it. 
Letters: A - Z
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☀ Affection. How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
     ☼ Leona is pretty laid back when it comes to affections. He won’t smother you or overwhelm you, but if you linger around, you’ll be able to notice the differences in how he treats you compared to others. For example, he won’t ever tell you to scram. If there’s a few people around him, he will eventually get annoyed, telling all of them to beat it. Except you, you stay. You’ll be able to pester him but he won’t snap. If you poke and prod at him, his tail will merely brush past you, but he doesn’t stop you. He has a lot of patience for you, usually someone who’s been bothering him for this long would have been torn to shreds long ago. Quality time seems to be his love language. He isn’t extremely touchy, he’s doesn’t know how to voice his emotions through words, and he’s not exactly a serviceable person. You can chat for hours upon hours, and he’ll merely lay there and listen, his ear twitching occasionally and his green-eyed gaze glancing over to you every few minutes. Sometimes even chuckling if you’re being clumsy or endearing.
     ☼ You might think he’s not listening but... he is. Proven by how over one hour into your chat, you mentioned one of your belongings breaking, and the next day he casually hands you a new one of higher quality. When in public, he’s always with you and is touching you somehow, usually with an arm around your shoulder. When he doesn’t like how someone is looking at you, he’ll pull you closer to his side and direct his glare at them until he scares them off. When you’re both alone back at the dorm, he demands to know how you’ll reward him for actually attending all his classes today. He’s not initiating anything without your permission. But once you allow it, you might up regretting it, because Kingscholar demands tribute. 
☀ Blood. How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
     ☼ Oh, very. And for the smallest reasons too. Of course, if he knows you don’t like witnessing violence, he’ll hold back whenever your eyes on him. But when you’re not around? It’s not good. Some guy bumped into you in the hallway and didn’t apologize? You need to hold back Leona from sucker punching him. Someone was insulting you? Grab the Savanaclaw dorm leader before he can tear him to shreds. It’s that bad. He becomes a lot more prone to violence when you’re involved, but at the same time you can easy quell his anger and convince him to not harm anyone. Offenders just have to pray that they’re on your good side in order to be spared from Leona. 
☀ Cruelty. How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them? 
     ☼ Honestly, there’s hardly any difference. Kidnapping really isn’t needed either. After all, he is the second prince of the Afterglow Savana. Maybe he casually demanded offered you to stay with him at his family’s royal abode during the long summer break. Ever since then, your requests to leave have been snuffed out. 
    ☼ Out of everyone here from the servants, to the familiar nobles, to his little prince nephew, even his king brother and queen sister-in-law, he can’t stand any of them. You’re the only one he actually likes, the only one who’s company he’ll willingly seek out like a cat that pretends they’re not interested but it’s obvious they are with how they always linger around you. Really, he doesn’t treat you any differently than normal. 
    ☼ I hate to say it, but I do believe there would be a difference in treatment based on your gender. It’s been made clear that Leona learned from his culture back home that females were the strongest and should be respected. Compare that to the college he attends, that has an all male student body where he’s feared and has gotten into fights. I believe that if you’re a female, he’ll be much gentler and he’s much more likely to listen to your commands and input. However, if you’re male, he’s more likely to brush off your commands when you try to hold him back from doing something or treat you a little rougher when he pulls you towards him.
☀ Darling. Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will? 
     ☼ The first thing that came to mind is hurting others. This was already mentioned though. It really depends though. If someone committed such a huge offense or crime against you, Leona is more than willing to hurt the aggressor, whether you want to or not and whether you are there to witness it or not. But this has to be a huge offense where he won’t even listen to you. Something like the aggressor planning to fatally injure you, or someone attempting to sever your relationship. When it reaches that point, even you won’t be able to stop him. It’s best you look away for your own good. Watching him use his sharpened nails to make bloody wounds and cruel sand magic to cause their limbs to turn to dust, is a sickening sight. 
☀ Exposed. How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? 
     ☼ Leona is actually very closed off. Yes, he may express a bit of affection here and there with you, but it’s difficult for him to actually open up and offer what else lies beneath his cold exterior. Perhaps deep down part of him is afraid that in your eyes, like how everyone else sees him, you’ll think he isn’t good enough. There’s a chance that you don’t like him, that you somehow like his elder brother far better, like how every other damned person does. But when you do prefer Leona over others and you praise his efforts, that really strokes his ego, and bit by bit he does begin to open up. 
    ☼ Once he does open up, you see his smile more, and his laugh becomes more common. And he seems less grumpy? Although he will still snap and grumble with others, but overall it’s just that he seems... happier? It’s hard to tell sometimes, but it’s way more obvious around you. Like those thoughts that constantly tormented him and sent him into depression since childhood are no longer as eminent as they used to be. Still, there is that bit of paranoia always lingering in the back of his mind. Should you one day say or do something that indicates he’s no longer number one in your books, those arrogant grins and fun teasing become less and less common. And he immediately becomes closed off once again. 
☀ Fight. How would they feel if their darling fought back? 
     ☼ Honestly? Amused. So, you finally got sick of staying here? Is turning your back on him really how you plan on paying him back, after he let you stay in his family’s home? Rest assured, he’s not letting you go. Even if you fight and scream, he really doesn’t give a damn. Although it probably won’t reach to that extent because of the circumstances. You may be upset and try to leave, but he’s already got a plan in mind to stop you, and he doesn’t have to even lift a finger. His elder brother, Farena, approaches you with a wide grin and thanks you for loving his little brother through flaws and all; the queen gives you a warm hug and reveals she’s delighted that you’ve helped Leona be better; and even the little prince Cheka beams and proudly calls you auntie/uncle! Not only does the royal family believe you’ll stay with Leona Kingscholar, but the entirety of the Afterglow Savana rejoices now that the demanding frightening second prince finally found a significant other that could change him for the better! Surely you don’t plan to walk out now, right?
☀ Game. Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape? 
     ☟ No, at least not initially, but it can become a game of cat and mouse if you keep insisting on trying to leave or avoid him. Part of him is offended when you do make the effort to reject him or try to leave, but like mentioned before, the other half is amused by your courage. After his plan begins, he watches as your determination to go home becomes weaker as you become visibly conflicted on what to do when his family confronts you and reveals how happy they are that you two are together. Oh, and you know what else is entertaining for him? You obviously trying to avoid him but he easily tracks you down and corners you, smirking down at your frown. 
☀ Hell. What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? 
     ☟ Perhaps his aloofness that could quickly become clinginess silent attachment is enough to constantly throw you off. Or perhaps because he can be so arrogant and prideful, easily jealous, and quick to fights, not to mention how difficult it is to get him to reveal his feelings. There were so many little things about him that led to bad experiences. And like mentioned multiple times before, the worst of all his negative traits was how willingly he would become violent. 
     ☼ Although he won’t actually harm you, he will threaten you if he deems it necessary (they’re empty promises). And his threats are very vivid and convincing. You’ve heard him terrorize anyone he deems as threats, usually scaring them off with words alone. However, it’s a very different thing when those words are directed towards you. It’s much more frightening when he has you trapped and he’s glowering down at you with those green predator-like eyes in an unwavering gaze. His words are like venom, but they’re much harsher as they escape past his sharp teeth, as if he truly means each word he says about plotting to do you harm. The descriptions vary from describing how he’ll dig his claws into your abdomen so all you feel is a world of pain where your only thought is him, or even threatening to activate his unique magic and demonstrating by turning a piece of your hair to sand just to scare you. Of course in those moments, you can only believe that he’ll go through with his word, which is what makes it so horrifying. 
☀ Ideals. What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? 
     ☼ Honestly, Leona isn’t quite certain about his future. That dream of being king will never be fulfilled no matter how hard he works for it or what he does. So for now, he’ll stay at his family’s ancestral home doing whatever he pleases. Hm? Kids? What’s the point? He needs no heir and he isn’t too fond of taking care of little brats, based off his own experience when he’s forced to spend time with Cheka. But... well, he isn’t opposed to the idea either. Someone should go on to carry his name and illustrious bloodline. 
     ☼ Whatever happens, you better stick by his side. That’s all Leona is certain about, that he plans to have you with him. Whether he stay at his family’s home or aims for something larger than the crown, he expects you to remain loyal just as he’ll stay loyal to you. 
☀ Jealousy. Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? 
     ☼ Oh, he gets very jealous, but people know better than to upset the second prince. As if he wasn’t already a bit snappy before, this just worsens things. But people in the palace were already used to being cautious around him, so they just take extra steps to be even more careful. Yes, he can and will lash out, but as mentioned before, he’ll hold back only for you and should you actually make the effort to express that you don’t want him to do something rash. It’s easy to tell that he’s envious when he’s glowering at the other person and dragging you closer to his side, maybe even saying a few hurtful or vaguely threatening remarks to them. That’s his way of “coping” when it doesn’t turn to violence. And he remains moody until you comfort him somehow, whether it be by words or something as simple as patting his side and remaining in his arms. 
☀ Kisses. How do they act around or with their darling? 
     ☼ A lot softer, but only in private. Should anyone ever see the way he acts with you when alone, no one would ever believe them if they lived to tell the tale. Leona does have a habit of teasing you, laughing at your flustered state and simply smiling in content as you talk about anything and everything. If prompted, he’ll even talk more and tell about his various experiences and memories. Sometimes if he’s desiring some form of physical affection, he’ll rest his head over yours or his tail will flick over to you more often. Never directly asking you for affection, but it’s obvious that is what he wants. In public, he’s not so open to doing the same thing as in private. Yes, he’ll continue to keep close with an arm around you, but there’s much less laughing, less smiling, and overall less talking too. 
☀ Love letters. How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? 
     ☼ Honestly, casually before increasing his advances once he knows he has you hooked. It’s undeniable, Leona is attractive and he can be charismatic if he puts some effort into it. Not to mention he’s a prince, he has wealth to spend without a care in the world. He’s better at giving gifts than having heart-to-heart conversations. You notice that he’s more passive and attentive when it’s just you in his presence, you catch glimpses of his confident smirk with mirth glimmering in his green eyes, he’s actually not actually sleeping but rather lazing about as he listens to your voice. Once he knows you’re interested or have spent a considerably large amount of time together, he’ll be more touchy, but they’re casual touches and more time is spent together. It all happens so quickly and so smoothly, it’s jarring. When you one day jokingly ask if he likes you or something, he cracks one eye open and responds in the most nonchalant manner, “Yeah.” You’re stunned as Leona merely smirks once again and chuckles at your attempt to embarrass him that backfired. 
☀ Mask. Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else? 
     ☼ As we all know Leona is violent. And as mentioned before, he is quick to violence when it involves you. Yes, his colors vary greatly. Everyone knows to be cautious and never disrespect the second prince, it’s as if they’re walking on glass. One wrong step means hurt. But you? He likes it when you’re snappy and talk back, he finds it amusing to bicker back and forth. He won’t mind if you try hitting him, in fact he thinks your puny attempts are funny. If you make a move on him or even try to flirt with him? Oh god. Do you know how many have attempted to win him over, only for him to lash out at them until they were crying? But you? You can pull him towards you by his waist and he’ll merely grin down at you, impatiently waiting to see if you’ll make the first move. If not, then he’ll take the initiative. 
☀ Naughty. How would they punish their darling? 
     ☼ It really depends. If you’re being straight up ungrateful or bratty so much so that it’s getting on his nerves, he can easily take away the gifts and other objects. At least until the behavior is changed. There’s no need to restrict your freedom, his family is covering that when they make sure you stay within the kingdom and sometimes confined to the palace for your safety. He never hurts you, although you may think he will by his threats. But he only threatens you in dire situations. 
☀ Oppression. How many rights would they take away from their darling? 
     ☼ Mentioned above. He’ll take away your things, and he won’t have to keep you contained since it’s already being done. That should be enough to give you time to reconsider whatever you had done to upset him. Of course, he’d rather not have to, but clearly if you’re so stubborn as to refuse him at practically every turn, then you leave him little to no choice. He hopes you learn this time, so this won’t have to happen again. 
☀ Patience. How patient are they with their darling? 
     ☼ Way more patient than he is with anyone else. He tolerates Cheka and his family, even if he gets annoyed at them and tends to try and avoid them. But with you, he’ll gladly accept your company. Most of your attempts at rejecting or fighting back against small gestures are entertaining in his eyes. Although there does come a point where his patience dwindles, when you continue with the antics again and again non-stop. Still, it takes a lot before that point. For a while, all your attempts against him do absolutely nothing. It’s shocking, because you had no idea that Leona could be so tolerant. But perhaps it should’ve been expected. After all, lions are experts at patiently bidding their time in hiding before they pounce on their poor unsuspecting victim. 
☀ Quit. If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? 
     ☼ If you ever express to Leona your desire to leave, he’ll pause before merely laughing at your words. When he turns to you, he has this confident grin as he replies, “Okay.” Because he knows you can’t leave. He doesn’t have to remind you why. Would you still go knowing you’ll disappoint not only his family and those in the palace, but also the rest of the kingdom? They had such high hopes in you. Maybe his family might be more willing to go, but if it were up to the nobles, they’d much rather force you to stay to keep the second prince happy. And he and you both know you cannot escape the kingdom on your own in secret, not when members of the special forces of the Afterglow Savana, composed of powerful and formidable female warriors, are tasked with guarding not only nobles and the royal family but also you. It’s why Leona answered the way he did, and he’ll wait for you to come back defeated and with no way out. 
☀ Regret. Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go? 
     ☟ No. You will find no guilt here. Others may normally feel at least the tiniest bit of guilt later, but not Leona. His reasoning is, he has no reason to feel guilty. He never abducted you, you came on your own choice, and it is circumstance that prohibits your leave. There is no leaving, he will not make any effort to help you walk away from him.
☀ Stigma. What brought about this side of them?
     ☟ Like all other characters with this same question, I believe it depends on the au. 
☀ Tears. How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? 
     ☼ Uncertain. Leona is not the type of person you should go to for comfort. Actually, there’s a chance he may accidentally make you cry because of his sometimes harsh words, although they’re never extremely harsh to you. There are two types of reactions from him. If he was the cause of your distress, he’ll frown and feel guilt. He’ll remain with you, grumbling what sounded like an apology and comforting words as he holds your head under his chin. He’s gifting you a little more later as compensation. On the other hand, he’ll have a much different reaction should someone else have caused this distress. May the great seven have mercy on whoever caused you this much distress. It’s terrifying how Leona’s eyes darken and he immediately exits the room, vanishing for at least an hour or longer. When he gets back, he’s not letting you out of his arms as he’s seating you somewhere comfortable and listening to you as you calm down. If you pay close attention, you may notice that the palace staff is one servant short. 
☀ Unique. Would they do anything different from the classic yandere? 
     ☼ One thing that is different is that Leona has everything so well planned out. While the huge majority of yanderes would stress over the mere thought of their significant others leaving, he doesn’t have that same worry. It’s because he’s so confident in the situation he has them trapped in. It’s almost sad really, it’s like a little mouse being confined in a den and cornered by a lion. 
☀ Vice. What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
     ☼ This weakness is not directly seen in Leona, it’s actually in others. The royal family truly does love the arrogant and cold second prince, even if he is standoffish and doesn’t willingly spend much time with them. It’s why they were overjoyed when they realized he was actually happy with you, he had finally found someone for himself! However, they are kind, much kinder than Leona. If you could truly talk to them, without the intervention of Leona or the nobles attempting to get you to stay for the second prince, they may just allow you to go. Whether Leona likes it or not. And once you’re out, run. 
☀ Wit’s end. Would they ever hurt their darling? 
     ☼ On purpose? No. Especially if you’re a female, he’d be extra cautious. You’re much more likely to be hurt on accident, perhaps when he’s angry and nearly lashing out at others. When you get too close, that’s when it may happen. 
☀ Xoanon. How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
     ☼ You may not realize it, but Leona does respect you. Much more than he probably respects anyone else. Not only does he like you, but he admires and adores you. You’re probably the closest person to reaching his closed off heart, much closer than even his own brother Farena. And yes, he would much rather put effort into winning you over instead of you being stubborn and constantly rejecting his advances while you’re contained to the savana. Even if it takes a little longer than he would’ve wanted, he’ll spend that time charming you so that there will be no fuss later. 
☀ Yearn. How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? 
     ☼ Let’s give him a little longer than most times so far. Let’s say five months at most. Mostly because he knows these things take time. Hell, it’ll take time for him to fully open up, so he’s not going to expect the same from you right away. Oh, but the longer it goes on, the more he wants to just get it done and over with. Are you blind or are you just that oblivious to his attempts? 
☀ Zenith. Would they ever break their darling?
     ☼ This is another yandere that won’t ever break you on purpose, but there is a very slim chance that it may happen accidentally. It’s not very likely to happen, but a slim chance is still a chance. The second prince may not express it well, but he just wants you to be content only with him though. If he could have it entirely his way, he’d make sure you’d see no one else but him. Ah, but he doesn’t want to break you, so he won’t be doing that.
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beneathstarryskies ¡ 4 years ago
I sincerely loved that Madara SFW post (even though I wasn't the one who requested it) 🥰🥰 I'm really just... curious about either Itachi's or Indra's SFW habits 👀 would it be possible to have that alphabet post on either one (of your choice, of course!) Thank you so muuuuch!!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Itachi is very affectionate in private, but not so much in public. In public he will always hold your hand, and soothe his thumb along your knuckles. That’s as far as it goes though, he’ll be a blushing mess if you kiss him in public. When you’re together at home, he will kiss you sweetly every chance he gets. He always wants to have his hands on you somehow. Itachi loves playing with your hair and nuzzling into it to (discreetly) sniff you.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Itachi would be a very good best friend, but he’s definitely the best friend who won’t admit that’s what’s going on. He acts like it’s just a coincidence that he’s always the first person to offer support when you need help or that he wants to hang out a lot. He’ll get a bit embarrassed when someone points out the closeness between you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
There’s nothing he loves more than holding you in his arms. He’s not even picky about the position. He will just pull you as close as he can in whatever position is comfy for you both, usually hooking his legs around your to keep you close.
He prefers to be the big spoon because he likes to feel protective of you. However, at times he wants to be held close. He’ll curl up against your chest, and might accidentally let out a purring sound if you start playing with his hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Itachi loves the idea of settling down, and certainly daydreams about it a lot. He’s just not super invested in the idea, because he doesn’t see why anyone would want to settle down with him with his past. That being said, he’d make an excellent husband. He cooks and cleans, and is very good at it. Most of the time he’ll take care of all the chores without you asking, and if you express feeling guilty he’ll give some vague reply like “it’s the least I could do.”
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Itachi is at his core a very kind man, but he’s also pragmatic. He’ll break things off as smoothly as possible, going above and beyond to spare your feelings. He doesn’t want you to despair too much over him.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Itachi has no issue at all with commitment. He is more than open to being with you for the rest of his life, but he would keep those feelings close to his chest. Itachi would want to play it safe, especially at first. He’d likely have those strong feelings for you very early on (because nobody simps like an Uchiha.)
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Itachi is extremely gentle with you, especially physically. Sometimes when he reaches out to touch you, it’s as though he’s scared you’ll break or disappear like a mirage. He gets better with this as you become more comfortable with your relationship, but he’s always going to maintain a certain tenderness.
Emotionally, he’s similarly careful in how he handles you. Although at times when he tries to offer advice, he can come off as harsh. He’ll always make sure you know these aren’t his intentions. Usually he is right in his advice.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Itachi gives very warm, intimate hugs. One hand will rest on your lower back while the other is between your shoulders. His face will nuzzle against you. You can literally feel him just relax in your arms. He loves hugs, and wants them a lot.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’s going to want to say it very quickly, but he’ll keep it to himself for a long time. Definitely Itachi would develop a deep love for you very quickly. He’s gonna wait for you to say it first, most likely.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Itachi isn’t a very jealous person. He wouldn’t be with you if he didn’t trust you implicitly. Sometimes if he feels insecure, it can present itself as jealousy. He’ll get to thinking about how you deserve someone with less emotional baggage, and then maybe see you with a friend and it just burns him up inside. As soon as you look at him and your eyes light up with love and adoration, he’ll forget all about it though.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Itachi is a very slow, precise, but very passionate kisser. Every kiss on your mouth is an attempt to channel all of his feelings for you through the gesture. He is very prone to kissing you anywhere his lips can reach. His favorite place to kiss you (besides your lips) is your forehead or temple. Just a sweet kiss to remind you that he’s there for you always. When holding his hand, he’ll often lift your hand to kiss your hand, sometimes even taking the time to kiss each of your fingertips.
Itachi likes being kissed anywhere. He’s just so grateful for your love, but is also a little bit needy. He wants to be peppered in kisses everywhere. His lips, his whole face, chest, hands, all of it. He just craves affection.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
A little awkward at first, but he warms up pretty quickly. He is very careful with children and treats them with a lot of gentleness. He doesn’t want to repeat the mistakes he made with Sasuke.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Itachi is always going to be awake first. If it’s not too early in the morning, he’ll usually curl himself into you for some lazy snuggles. He’ll wake you up by peppering soft kisses on your face.
If he wakes up very early (maybe because of a nightmare) he’ll usually sneak away. He’ll have coffee and breakfast ready for you when he wakes up. The two of you will talk over breakfast, sometimes he’ll tell you about what has him up so early. Usually, he prefers to listen to you talk about what your plans are for the day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Itachi adores quiet nights with you. He’s happy just to be around you even if you’re both doing your own things. He likes to lay on the sofa with his head in your lap while he reads, and your fingers twirl through his hair while you either read along with him or watch television.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It will take Itachi a while to reveal things about himself. He wants to know he can trust you completely before he begins opening up to you. That being said he will take his time revealing things to you. Preferring to open up a little at a time so as to not bog you down with too much at once.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He’s not very easily angered, especially not with you. Itachi is more likely to pull the whole “not mad, but disappointed.” If he is angry with you, he does tend to fall into the silent treatment. Not so much as a way to punish you, rather to avoid saying things he might regret.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Itachi remembers everything.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first time you kissed him. It was sort of out of the blue. When you pulled away your cheeks were so flushed and your eyes were blown so wide while you stammered out an apology. He just pulls you back in for another kiss, because he finally knew that you cared for him as much as he did you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is very protective, and would die for you without question. However, he doesn’t want you protecting him. He would never allow you to put yourself in harm’s way for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would put a lot of effort into planning out romantic dates to celebrate special occasions. He will be as extravagant as possible for every single date, anniversary, and birthday. But Itachi is also in it for everyday things as well. You truly are partners in life.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Itachi’s worst habit is drawing into himself when he feels overwhelmed or depressed. He’ll pull away from you and isolate himself. Sometimes even recoiling if you try to reach out. He requires a lot of patience and understanding with this.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s not overly vain about anything except his hair. He takes very good care of it, and is very proud of how healthy it is.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely. Itachi felt so hopeless before you came into his life. The thought of losing you is enough to drive him insane.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Itachi is a wonderful cook, and loves to prepare meals for you. He also sees it as a way of taking care of you, and he is very nurturing.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Itachi likes things being clean and tidy. He wouldn’t like the house being overly messy. He will happily help you keep things clean if you’re not good at it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Itachi has terrible sleep habits. He often will go long periods without sleep to avoid his nightmares, and then when he does finally sleep he just crashes anywhere out of exhaustion. You’ve found him a lot on the couch or even sitting at the kitchen table with his head down.
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ephysioneedsacademy ¡ 7 months ago
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authorjoydragon ¡ 4 years ago
Could you please do 95 + Zutara 🥰
Of course dear Izze 😌
95- "No, you're sick. You're not doing chores until you're better." Zutara
Katara sniffled as she poked the needle through Sokka’s pants. She absently watched the stitch pattern form as her hands mindlessly mended the tear.
She looked up slowly, meeting Zuko’s concerned gaze. “Yes? Do you need me to sew something?”
Zuko stared at her. “Are you sick?”
“Of course not.” Katara rolled her eyes and looked back down to her work. But Zuko didn’t leave. She glanced back up at him. “Do you need something? Breakfast is on the fire, go eat.”
“You’re sick.” He stated persistently.
Katara flinched as the needle poked her finger; she hissed and drew her finger away. Zuko grabbed it and held it up to his face. “See? You’re even making mistakes.”
She huffed, “Because you were distracting me—” She interrupted herself with a squeal as Zuko put her finger in his mouth.
Her face flushed red. “Z-Zuko… contrary to popular belief, that actually does not help stop bleeding…”
He pulled away, perplexed, “It doesn’t?”
“No. It’s actually unsanitary. You’re putting more bacteria in the wound.”
Zuko dropped her hand and crossed his arms, blushing slightly. “Oh. Sorry.”
Katara shook her head. He was silly, but he was trying to be helpful. “This is a much more effective treatment for open wounds.”
She grinned as she released her water skin and quickly healed the small wound. Zuko’s face flushed redder as he realized she could have just healed herself in the first place. She giggled at him and patted his leg. “Thanks for the help, though.”
As she reached for her needlework again, Zuko snatched it out of her lap. “No, you’re still sick. You’re not doing any more chores until you’re better.”
Katara frowned at him. “Zuko, I’m not—”
“I heard you coughing and sneezing all night and this morning! I know you’re sick!” Zuko held the pants out of her reach. “Just go back to bed!”
She was almost tempted to tackle him and pry the pants from his grasp, but she’d probably just end up stabbing them both with the needle.
“Zuko, you’re being—" Katara started angrily before she sneezed.
Zuko raised an unimpressed eyebrow at her. She sighed and let her shoulders stoop a little in defeat. “Okay, fine. I’m sick.”
“Thank you.” He nodded smugly. “Now go sleep or I will drag you to your bed and make you.”
Katara raised her eyebrows teasingly. “Drag me to bed, huh?”
Zuko’s face slowly brightened, all the way to his ears. He began stuttering and Katara laughed as steam seemed to come off the top of his head.
“Ah, see? I feel better already.”
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enochianribs ¡ 4 years ago
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p r o j e c t l a z a r u s (outlast au) pt 1.
Dean, a supernatural investigative reporter, receives an anonymous tip that something terrible has happened at what is supposed to be the long abandoned Novak Institute. As things quickly go south, Dean finds himself trapped within the rotting halls, pushed further and further in even as he tries to escape. What he discovers underneath the mountain may very well be the death of him.
read on ao3 here | or under the cut.
 The tip was anonymous but he’d followed it in good faith. If the lead was anything he’d hoped for, he’d have the story of his lifetime.       If    it was good. A huge if, but he was getting about that desperate for a big break, especially since he was still competing with Henriksen and Ash. Half of the time he couldn’t figure out where the fuck they were getting such gold mine stories. The bastards.
 He parked the Impala outside the gate, a tick of paranoia etching itself in his spine that someone would see him and yank the story out from under him. He debated covering Baby with branches and then realized that there was literally      no one     around. Outside of the sound of dry leaves blowing across the cracking blacktop and the breeze rustling the dying aspens, there was not a sound.
 Feeling stupid, he grabbed his small duffel bag and double checked its contents: his video camera (getting a little outdated with all the new tech but he’d bet his life on its durability), his flip phone (yeah, yeah, he knows), the first aid kit (he always brought it with when he went into abandoned buildings after stepping on that rusty nail that one time), a flashlight, the EMF detector (made it himself), and the switchblade (stolen from his father).
 The tools of the trade, if your trade was being insane and stupid and reporting on old urban legends and ghosts and demonic possessions and shit. Y’know, normal stuff. The kinda job you could tell someone about on the first date.
 With the contents all accounted for, Dean locked Baby up, shoved his keys into the bag and took a deep breath.
     Show time.  
 Beyond the crumbling brick wall towered the Institute in all of its fading glory, its architecture dated and magnificent even as the clay tile roofing broke and shattered at its base, creating a minefield of broken pieces sharp enough to dig through the tread of his boot if he wasn't careful. The hedges were overgrown and misshapen, and most of the exterior windows were broken. Dean could only assume from local teenagers trashing the place. It must have been beautiful back in the day, a hidden gem among the peaks. Fuckin’ kids.
 According to an old newspaper article, the Novak Institute was closed down in 1982 for financial reasons and had been avoided by every sensible local like it was cursed ever since. It was founded in the early 1880s by a man named Charles Shurley with a simple goal: fund and research miracle cures. The stuff of angels, as the word of mouth story went. After his death in 1930, his wealthy in-laws took over and kept his goal in mind as they expanded into even more experimental treatments for all kinds of medical and psychological ailments.
 Folks from around the world came to be healed, and the Novaks—   Shurley’s in-laws—  were damn      good    at it. They sought to push the boundaries between modern, traditional, and experimental medicine and frequently did so successfully.
 In 1970, a woman by the name of Naomi Novak took over the Institute, and (though it had always been a private facility for the wealthy to turn about their health for the better) she privatized the institution completely. Within a year it became a family owned research facility. Rumor was that members of the Novak family suffered from a mysterious condition, one that they kept behind closed doors and drawn curtains and that she was hellbent on finding the fix for it.
 From there Dean took every tale he'd scrounged up from the small mountain town down the road with a grain of salt. Urban legends all started somewhere, but along the way they lost the truth, and that was usually where the scary stuff kicked in.
 Still, the story went that it had been the wrong direction for the family to take, and they immediately stumbled into financial struggles that eventually dragged the entire thing down around them. In '82 they closed their doors, for good.
 Except, two days ago Dean received an encrypted email. Sent out in mass, he suspected. The contents of the email was straight up bizzare— since he'd received it, he'd kept a printed copy tucked into his back pocket, folded up and folded up again until the creases wore thin and threatened to tear.
It was in the mountain. They told me not to look. I did anyway. She told me not to look. By the time I send this, it will be too late. The Novak Institute needs to be burned to the ground. Don’t look. Just light the match and let it go.     
Dean’s issue was always the same.      Of course     he was gonna look. That was kinda his whole job—  stick his nose where it shouldn’t go and see what bit it. In fact, he      wanted     something to bite. That would be his big break. He just had to haul ass the other direction the second something chomped down and pray that he caught it on camera.
So here he was, sticking his nose where it shouldn’t be.
To the left of the main doors sat an armoured convoy. Its doors were closed, and it looked surprisingly free from rust, if it has been sitting there for a couple of decades.
 The model of the car was somewhat new, Dean realized.
 "Huh," He stopped in front of it, swiping a finger along its hood. Inspecting the pad for dust, it came away blank. His finger barely left a trail. The vehicle was spotless. It couldn't have been sitting there longer than a day with the way the wind swept dust across the open courtyard. "Weird."
 The convoy should have been his first red flag, so scarlet it must have been dyed fresh with blood. It wasn't.
 Dean pulled one of the ornate handles on the front door, but it didn't give an inch. They were made of a solid piece of wood, heavy duty. There was something vaguely fortified about the place. Hospitals had welcoming doors, encouraging people to come and get better. These, Dean could tell by the massive iron hinges they hung from, were bolted shut from the inside.
 Dean tried the other handle just in case. Nothing. He sighed, and tugged out his phone. 4:10 PM. One bar of signal that kept flashing in and out of existence. In October, the sun would be going down soon…and he was only supposed to be checking it out today. His plan was to come back at sunrise for a full day of sunlight and investigation.
 Down the expanse of shattered windows, a piece of glass skittered out across the cobblestone. His head jerked up and instinctually, he called out a inquisitive "Hello?"
 No one answered, but he heard, with straining ears, what sounded like footsteps shuffling further into the building.
 What if someone had beat him here? He hadn't been the only person the email was sent to. There was a chance that coming back tomorrow meant he lost the story to someone else. Henriksen would never let him hear the end of that. Dean had boasted that he had something      big,    had left in the middle of the night to get here before anyone else. No, he was not going to let Henriksen win another bet against Ash.
 Almost drowned out by the sound of the continued breeze, Dean heard a door slam shut inside the Institute. A stone sank past the bottom of his stomach down to the floor. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and the insidious feeling that someone was watching him crept around his psyche until he had no choice but to look back over his shoulder. The courtyard remained the same: desolate, abandoned.
 "Fuck it."
 He should've pulled his switchblade out, just in case, but he settled on the flashlight, fingers wrapping around it tightly. The light was really starting to die beyond the snowy backdrop, warm sunlight fading into a sickly orange glow that bathed everything in sight.
 "Just one room." Dean muttered to himself, and shouldered the bag, brandishing the flashlight with a grimace.
 This was a stupid idea.
 Like a statuette too close to the end of a table, Dean hoisted himself carefully over the edge of broken glass and hopped into the room blind. Darkness greeted him, enveloped him in an unknown that would consume him and spit a cracked reflection back out. All it would take was a little push in the wrong direction to send him toppling to the floor.
 The halls of Novak Institute were filled with hands just itching for something to break.
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queenjunoking ¡ 4 years ago
Wolf Taming pt 39
CW: Noncon - Shock Collar - Pain - Petplay
I knocked at the door and waited for a response. Miss Eos had decided to take a nap after her late night phone call and told me to wake her up once Callidora was about to reach her final mile. Jude had sent me an alert on my tablet and I hurried as fast as I was capable of to Miss Eos’s room to wake her.
After a few rounds of knocking I decided I needed to risk punishment and just enter the room. The punishment for failing to follow through on her orders would be much worse than the one I might get for entering her room without permission.
“Miss Eos?” I hobbled across the room and lightly touched her shoulder.
She sat up, took a deep breath, and glared at me. “Whatever happened to knocking, Mimi?”
“I-I I’m sorry, Miss Eos.” I tried my best to stay strong. Miss Eos always seemed to have a soft spot for me despite everything she did to me. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t afraid of her getting angry at me. “I tried knocking but you didn’t respond. You said to wake you when Callidora reached her last mile. I-I didn’t want you to miss it.”
She picked up her phone, probably to check the time. It was three in the morning. She was on her final mile in little over six hours. Not a marathon pace under normal circumstances, but given her circumstances it was fairly impressive. Most ponies tended to start collapsing early on and their shoes actively worked against them. I knew that feeling better than anyone, the only thing worse than the hoof boots were the ballet boots I was locked in.
She stood up, went behind a screen, and began to get changed into her formal riding gear. It was important to reinforce Callidora’s place. Miss Eos was a rider and Callidora was a pony. “Did she require the harness to finish her run?”
I scrolled through my tablet to check Jude’s logs. “Yes, Miss Eos. Though fairly late. Over 97 percent of our new ponies require the harness set up to keep them on their feet by the fifteenth mile. Callidora managed to make it to mile 22 before she collapsed the first time. It puts her in our racehorse category.”
“And Z was going to waste this potential by making her a puppy.” Miss Eos laughed as she came out from behind the changing screen.
“It seems especially impressive given the speed increase you ordered around mile sixteen. Even after the harness cables were attached to keep her up, Jude kept the treadmill going at three miles over the standard speed.” I stood at attention as Miss Eos passed me and went into the hallway. I tried my best to follow her, but even after all this time I couldn’t move fast enough to keep up with other people and soon lost sight of her.
I sighed and decided to do some of my maid duties. I wanted to see what was going to happen, but walking in late would just make things weird. I’d probably see Callidora doing training in the yard soon enough anyway.
Hopefully Callidora would put Miss Eos in a good mood. It had been awhile since we had a real winner and if Callidora played her cards right she would be cared for very well. Her own spacious stall, good food, and attention. The best ponies got a personal stablehand to take care of them. It was nicer than most slaves would ever get, myself included.
I couldn’t imagine anyone willingly jeopardizing such luxury.
I quietly walked into the barn, passing stablehands that stopped what they were doing to bow as I was passing. I couldn’t help but smile at the obedience on display. I was once told the idea of using slaves as stablehands was a bad idea. Giving slaves such an important job was a bad idea. They’d sabotage the operations. They’d try to escape or rebel if I let them congregate.
But I did it anyway and it allowed my operation to expand quickly. The stablehands were given an amount of freedom but more or less had a gun to their head. Any mistake or signs of rebellion were harshly punished. They could be replaced. If they acted out they would most likely find themselves in a worse position. I chose stablehands from slaves not fit to be ponies or cows which gave them limited alternative use. I usually sold them off to one of the families that made them into various useful objects. A combination of drugs and restraints could make anyone something as nice as an artful cup holder or as unfortunate as an urinal. Eitherway, I couldn’t imagine anyone being able to spend the rest of their life like that, it's why I suggested they behave during introductions.
I made my way to the exercise room and knocked on the door quietly before I walked in. The treadmills faced away from the door so Callidora couldn’t see me. I could see her though and it was quite the sight.
Her body glistened in sweat, the evidence of her long hard run. Her ass was still a bright red from being at the end of Jude’s crop the entire night. I could see her legs were shaking. The new pony’s legs always shook like newborn fawns when they were finished with their runs. None of them were ever prepared for a marathon like they had experienced.
I watched her stumble, but the cables attached to her harness from the ceiling caught her. I heard her make an angry noise when the cables went taut. I didn’t want the ponies to rely on the harnesses to keep them up, so when the cables became taut they got a shock so they’d get their weight off of them.
She was breathing hard, but I could still tell that there was determination in her. To prove she couldn’t be controlled she had to show she wasn’t weak. All that did was show us that she was a prize though. It was always amusing to see a slave play right into your hands.
Jude looked up at me and was about to greet me, but I held a finger to my lips. She nodded and turned back to Callidora. I approached her as well, standing to the side of the treadmill. Her blinders didn’t allow her to see me, but she knew someone was standing next to her. She tried to turn her head to look at me and Jude corrected her with a swap from the crop. Ponies needed to keep their minds on the task at hand, not distractions. The blinders were there to help with this, not to make her look around.
Callidora grumbled unhappily from the swat, but kept looking forward. She stumbled one more time and got another shock before she made it to the end. The treadmill slowed to a stop and her legs were shaking non-stop.
“Jude, disconnect the current so Callidora can use the harness to take weight off her legs.” Jude walked to the other end of the room and pushed a few buttons before giving me a thumbs up. “You can rest now, Callidora.”
The mare ignored me and continued to try and stay on her feet. I grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at me. “Hello Callidora. My name is Mistress Eos. I am your new owner. You know longer have to worry about Z and her incompetence. You just completed your first marathon and I am extremely impressed. You’re going to do well here.”
Callidora tried to say something through the gag. She seemed unable to stop running her mouth even when she couldn’t use it. I undid some of the pieces of her tack, allowing for the bit to be removed while leaving the rest of the headpiece on.
“B…” Callidora was breathing hard and stretching out her jaw. Her voice failed her on whatever she was trying to say.
“I’m letting you talk right now. It’s a small gift. Think wisely about what you want to tell me.” I smiled and stroked her hair. It was a nice length, but I was going to want it longer for a much nicer ponytail.
“Bitch.” She spat the word at me, anger in her eyes.
“Adorable.” I grabbed the crop and hit her leg with it. She crumpled, if it wasn’t for the cables she’d have collapsed on the floor. “I’m sure you think you’re very strong. I know you think you can take anything we can dish out after spending time with Z. As much as I hate to admit it, she was very talented at breaking things like you.”
“Is she now?” She spoke between breaths. “She didn’t seem very talented at much aside from pushing a button on a shock collar.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “I like that fiery spirit of yours, Callidora. I think we’d get along very well if you just let yourself enjoy your time here.”
“I think you should go fuck yourself.” She spat the words out again.
“Oh Callidora.” I stroked her hair again as I spoke. “You’re never going to escape from here. You are a slave in the Society. An organization like ours doesn’t stay around for hundreds of years because slaves escape. Z wanted you for a pet. It’s a waste of your talents. You’re a runner. You want challenges. This is the perfect position for you. Tonight was harsh, but its trial by fire. Your daily routines will be easier than this.”
“And if I refuse?”
I couldn’t help but smile at that question. I walked away from Callidora and approached Jude. “Have Callidora taken to one of the bigger stalls. Give her the full works, muscle massage, bath, food and water. Let her get a few hours of sleep.”
“Of course, Miss Eos.” Jude nodded and left the room to go get some more stablehands to assist in transporting Callidora.
I took another look at her just hanging from the ceiling over the treadmill. “You’ll get to see some of the nicer things you’ll get to experience if you work with me. The treatment the best of our racehorses get. Later this afternoon you’ll get to go on a tour of the grounds. You’ll learn then what might happen to you if you refuse. It’s only fair I give you all the information available before you make a decision you’ll regret.”
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hallospaceboyy ¡ 5 years ago
Could I perhaps request a reader/zelda smutty angst? I was thinking readers ex wife shows up wanting her back. Zelda is pissed and threatens them to see them off then dicks down reader with a strap to remind them who they belong to but in a loving way.... That's a lot so appreciate if it's too much to get into one 😂
Warning for smut, use of strap on
A.N: Thank u for this request cause I never get bored of writing Zelda using a strap on lol. P.S Proud of my editing of this picture cause it was dark af lmao
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You blanch immediately when you open the door and Rachel is stood there - your ex wife. You cling to the door handle for support, and immediately feel Zelda's warmth envelope you, her arm about your waist to steady you.
“Hello, Y/N.” Rachel drawls, and you feel sick to your stomach. Even after everything she did, she has this air of cockiness, a confidence that radiates from her as if you'd still fall to your knees at her feet even now. Instead you press yourself closer to Zelda, and Rachel eyes the both of you. She looks envious, and that makes you feel a little smug.
“Rachel.” You reply curtly, and Zelda squeezes you in reassurance. “Why are you here?”
“I want you back. I made a mistake, baby.”
You grimace at hearing her call you that, and you can feel Zelda stiffen beside you, obviously just as shocked as you that she so brazenly came out with this right here, in front of Zelda, your girlfriend.
You eye the redhead in the doorway - for of course she's a redhead, always did have a soft spot for flame red hair and pale skin – and clench your teeth in anger, seething at the audacity of the woman.
“I haven't been your baby for a long time, Rachel. I think it's best you leave.”
A shadow falls over Rachel's face, and she tries to step toward you, but Zelda releases you immediately and blocks her path, and you really look at her for the first time, see the fire in her eyes, her mouth set in a thin line, and you know you certainly wouldn’t want to be the person on the receiving end of her wrath.
“You've been asked to leave. I suggest you do so.” Zelda snaps.
“You're really settling for this second rate version of me, baby? You really can do better.” Rachel's eyes never leave Zelda's, a smirk playing at her lips, and you reach for Zelda's hand, suddenly worried it's going to get ugly.
“There’s nothing second rate about my Zelda. She's a thousand times the woman you’ll ever be, and she treats me better. She manages to keep her legs closed when I’m not around, for a start.”
Rachel glares at you over Zelda's shoulder, and you merely raise a brow at her, feeling brave with Zelda there with you, fearless. Zelda steps closer to her, her face inches from hers, a smug smile on her face now, although her eyes are still as hard as stone.
“If you care for her at all, you'll leave, now. Y/N is happy, she has a home with us, and I love her dearly. If you ever try to ruin that for her, I will tear you limb from limb.” Zelda grazes a single finger down her cheek and Rachel flinches away. “I’ll savour every scream.”
Rachel backs away from Zelda, and she chuckles, delighting in the look of fear in the woman’s face. She looks at you one final time, meets your eyes over Zelda's shoulder, before turning and stomping off in her heels. Zelda flicks her wrist when the woman reaches the bottom of the steps, and Rachel falls to her knees in the dirt, and you cover your mouth to suppress the laugh rising within you.
You grasp Zelda's hand and pull her inside, closing the door behind her and pressing her against it. You gaze lovingly into her eyes, and there are butterflies in your stomach, thinking of how protective she was of you, her shamelessly professing her love for you. It’s so very unlike Zelda, always so private, and your heart swells with pride and adoration.
“I love you too, by the way.” You murmur, brushing your lips against hers, and she chuckles.
“I know you do.” Her hands glide down to your ass and squeeze the soft flesh firmly, and you gasp against her lips.
“I want to make you feel good, darling. I want to fuck you so hard, remind you that you’re mine and I love that you’re mine.” She whispers, gripping your ass harder and pulling your body flush against hers. You release a breathy moan, eyes fluttering closed as you feel a throb of arousal between your thighs. Zelda has always been extremely good at that – making you impossibly wet with words and words alone.
“Then fuck me.”
Zelda growls and picks you up, and you wrap your legs around her waist, squeaking in surprise when you feel the rush in your abdomen as she teleports you both to the bedroom. She lowers you to the mattress and crawls on top of you, and you're both already frantically shedding each other of clothes, tearing them from your bodies, suddenly desperate for each other, for hot skin on hot skin. You whine when Zelda tugs off your bra and immediately begins biting and sucking at the swell of your breasts, leaving delicate purple marks in her wake before tugging on your nipple with her teeth.
“Z-Zelds.” You whimper, fisting a hand in her hair and pulling gently, delighting in the soft groan she releases. You lift your hips and push your underwear down your legs, the only garment left on your body, and Zelda chuckles at your alacrity, your desperation. She pulls away from you, and your eyes rove her body, left only in a black satin bra and matching thong, and you bite your lip and squirm when she removes the bra, freeing her pert breasts, and you lick your lips.
You surge forwards and wrap your arms around her waist, taking a nipple into her mouth and sucking hard, and Zelda groans, arching her back against you. You feel something hard press to your thigh, and you whine against her, glancing down to see the strap now attached to her hips as you kiss across her chest to give her other breast the same treatment. She gently pushes you backwards, and you pull her with you, mouth still firmly attached to her nipple, flicking your tongue over it.
Zelda just watches you for a moment, stroking your hair, and you gaze up at her, smirking as you suck on her pebbled nipple.
“Such a good girl.” Zelda murmurs, and then the toy is pressed to your entrance and you gasp, pulling away to arch your back and buck your hips, needing her to fill you, to fuck you.
“Show me who I belong to.” You claw at her back and Zelda moans, pushing the tip into you, but she doesn't go any further, grins at you and raises a brow when you growl in frustration.
“Tell me who you belong to.” She quips, and you roll your eyes.
“I belong,” You nip at her bottom lip and she chuckles. “To Zelda Phiona Spellman.” Your hands claw at her ass, and you spread your legs as wide as you can before pulling her hips to meet yours, the toy entering you to the hilt. You breath heavily, wrapping your legs around her waist to still her, just rocking with her for a second and gazing into her eyes, letting yourself adjust to the girth of the toy filling you.
“You like it when I fill you up, my love?” Zelda breathes as she kisses the corner of your lips, and you grin.
“Mm.” You release her hips then, and she pulls almost entirely out of you, before thrusting hard, her hips slapping against you. She rests her hands on your calves and presses your legs to your torso, and you cry out as she thrusts into you again, delighting in the new depths she can reach in the position.
Zelda sits up on her knees, pressing firmly on your calves to keep you in place as she finds a steady rhythm, pounding into you, and you see stars with each thrust, waves of hot pleasure coursing through you. You keep your eyes trained on her despite your heavy lids, watching the way her breasts bounce with each thrust, her breaths growing more erratic as she watches you come apart beneath her.
“I-I love you, Zelds.” You moan breathily, and Zelda presses her thumb to your clit, grinning when you tilt your head back and cry out loudly at the firm pressure on your sensitive bud.
“I love you, my darling.” She rubs at your clit in hard, fast circles as she fucks you relentlessly with the strap, and your whining and moaning is constant, and loud as the pressure coils within you, your orgasm fast approaching. “Come for me. I want to watch you come apart.”
You groan loudly, her words as well as her fast thrusts pushing you over the edge, and you writhe against the sheets, clasping at them with whitened knuckles.
“Fuck fuck fuck Zelda!” You're glad it’s only the two of you home, because the entire house would have heard you crying out her name, and Zelda laughs, and you force your eyes open to see her watching you intently, eyes alight, a broad grin on her face.
You whine, your body relaxing as the intense orgasm is replaced by the aftershocks, and Zelda slows her movements, still rubbing gently at your clit, and you roll your hips, breathing heavily.
“You look so beautiful when you come for me.” She murmurs, and then she stops, pulling herself from you and quickly waving the toy away before collapsing on top of you, pressing kisses to your damp forehead, your cheeks, and you giggle, embracing her and holding her close.
“Well, you look beautiful when you’re fucking me, so it’s a win win.”
Zelda laughs, planting a kiss to your lips before pulling away to look at you.
“Are you okay? I never really asked. It must have been hard seeing her again.”
“I'm more than okay, Zelds. I have you. I don’t feel anything for her anymore. Except maybe contempt. Now let's not talk about my ex wife after sex. It's odd.”
“Mm, right. Sorry.” The redhead chuckles, nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck.
“I have a proposition for you.” You stroke her back and press a kiss to her shoulder, and Zelda hums.
“What's that, love?”
“Sit on my face.” You murmur, and you smirk as Zelda shudders against you, looking at you with dark eyes and parted lips, eyebrows raised.
“Well, I certainly won't deny you that.” She laughs, already pulling away and hurriedly pulling her underwear off before crawling up your body.
“Oh Zelds. So very selfless, it must be exhausting.”
“Shut up, you little minx.” She lowers her soaked core to your mouth, and you do shut up, except for delighted moans as you lick at her hungrily, watching the redhead come apart above you as she grinds against your tongue.
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zuffer-weird-girl ¡ 5 years ago
SFW ALPHABET Chronostasis/ Kurono Hari
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Not very much when around people, but behind close doors? Oh boi, he is always peppering your head, cheeks, lips with kisses.
He is both a man of action and words so go ahead and enjoy yourself with our blockhead ^^
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
Hari is dense with relationships, he might like you but damn is hard fro him to make the first move so you might need to straight up tell this idiot that you like him and kiss him.
Apreciate his shock face. Seriously apreciate! IS RARE TO SEE HIM SHOCKED SO APRECIATED IT AND KISS HIM MORE!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes of course he does LOVE IT!
Kurono doesn't mind being either big spoon or little spoon if they can still be chest to chest with you. But he does enjoy when he is sitting with your head rested on his chest as he carres your arm and hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He is a bit hesitant since all of his life on the Yakusa and being Overhaul's right hand man but he does wish secretly to have a cozy lifestyle with you as long as you guys taste some adrenaline from time to time.
Kurono is amazing at cooking and cleaning but sorry, you aren't escaping the house chores.
Cmon this guy already work his ass off to the Hassaikai GIVE HIM A BREAK!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He really wouldn't like to break up. But if is needed or you or him messed up BADLY them he would, begrudily tell you to leave him.
He would try to fix things, but if you betrayal his trust than its game over. It's hard to get him to loose up, so no. Not ever seing or hearing of him again... unless I dunno if he is oN JAIL-!
F = FiancĂŠ(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Difficult topic.
Marriage does scary him a bit, but he is not oppose to it. He doesn't though want you to get hurt by his affiliations with the mafia but still would do everything to protect you and his possible babies ^^
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
If you manage to break his walls then surprise surprise HE iS A SoFTiE-!
His hugs are magical! His kisses leave you on cloud nine and it's just feel so right! So loveable and soft and warm oh god all of him is perfect (is kurono simping hours)
He would listen to every problem you have without a complain and ping! Comfort hugs and food and kisses TAKE HIS KISSES!
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
As stated before. It feels just right.
You would feel secure on his arms and all warm, surely you wont feel cold. He likes to prop his chin on your head and just enjoy the feeling of you on him as his arms cling onto your waist or shoulders.
Is quite frequent quick hugs from behind and rarely cuddle sections since he doesn't like much staying still when you are around, he might enjoy what he has until Overhaul is requesting his presence again.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
If you were friends before he is fast enough to saythe three magical words. For real, he might even say before you.
But if you two weren't friends and are only meeting now it might take a little while longer, not longer than Chisaki but still-!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Soft, magical, right and most important, addictive.
He likes kissing ever part of you and enjoys the same treatment.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
PRETTY GOOD (despite what happened to Eri-)
Children actually feel more at ease with him. One time you two were walking and a baby was crying non stop until he passed bye and waved at the kid. He even holded for a bit and the toddler was actually giggling!
10/10 for papa Hari
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Soft, on his days off mostly because if not he is only kissing your cheek and storming off.
He will hug you tightly while staring at the ceiling, if you start to kiss him he would chuckle a bit before pinning you to the bed to show how glorious his body is as he looks down at you like you are his whole world.
"My turn~"
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Poor man will just collapse in you and groan how much his back and legs are in pain and just how much he is tired.
Rub his back or give him a little massage and he becomes potty in your arms. Might be grumpy about how he is suppose to be taking care of you instead of the other way around but just kiss him to make this dumbass to shut up.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Oof! This one is just as a hard head as Overhaul!
It will take a lot of time for him to be open to you, I guess it would take 2 to 3 years to at least spill the tea for you.
It would feel like a weight left his shoulders after it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Pretty difficult with this one. He likes to talk things out instead of yelling so it would take a lot for him to be angry.
Like hurt yourself for a stupid reason at the point of go to the hospital. He is furious more at himself though relax.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He is the worst with numbers and dates, but little things like what kind of food you like or even that little detail you talked about one of your favorite clothes.
Asides from dates, he is the best of remembering things.
And he marks dates on his calendar to not forget anymore because of you so win win.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you guys made your first mischief together.
It can be anything, is just so hilarious to him but still loveable when you both exchanged glances at the exact same time before running from being yelled at. Hand in hand even.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Not much just when necessary. Subsconciously wrap a hand on your waist if someone is looking.
If they so much dare to flirt with you and you uncomfortable he just show a part of his gun hidden on his waist, one glare at them is enough to scare the poor soul away but he still growls like a damn wolf a "back off."
Just protecting his emotional state leave him at ease since this man is clearly overworked. He would just roll his eyes with a smirk before grabbing on your shoulder gently.
"Is not necessary love, I swear."
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
You are his everything, he doesn't want to lose you because of how much he works so he puts a lot of time on making dinner bu the light of the moon and candles.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Bitting his nails, spacing out, put work sometimes before you because he thinks is for the best and for your protection, and way more importantly and worrying:
Problem of hearing due to the much sounds of gunshots it currently will damage his eating so might be alert to that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Not much sincee this bastard knows he is quite good looking but still has a bit of insecurity due to his quirk where is located on his hair.
Got teased a lot as a child and even as a teenager from it...
Your looks are the same thing as perfection for him, so he doesn't bother with it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He feels at ease with you, more at peace and loved so of course he would feel incomplete, especially where he lives and what he has to deal with...
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Knows more shit about guns then actually of himself holy shit, and gets all giddy and happy if he has the chance of seing and using a new gun and gushes to you about.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
They wouldn't like if you put others before yourself neither when you brush off a injury as if was nothing.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Ding ding here is the thing: he doesn't do much of sleep. He has chronic insonia (lol) but still gets to rest and just take a little nap only if you are with him and are on his room.
Either alone or in another place he wont be able to.
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glitteryhellhole ¡ 4 years ago
Doc being Doc 2/?
In which father-son conversation happens after the emotional rollercoaster of 10K getting anthrax, mercying Cassandra and then guest starring on the Sketchy & Skeezy Show.
Fandom: Z nation  Word count: approx 890 Warnings: Discussion of death, Doc-typical drug use Nothing NSFW but my blog is 18+ so interact at your own discretion
10K is pulling faces at his own reflection in his goggles, poking at the mark on his jaw where the anthrax blisters aren't quite healed yet.
“I wouldn't worry too much.” Doc sits down on the ground beside him. “The ladies dig a guy with battle scars. The ones you haven't seen die, anyway.”
10K says nothing.
“What, did I touch a sore spot?”
This earns him an eye roll.
Doc takes a big sip from his water bottle. “For real though. I know what's on your mind. We can talk about it if you want.”
10K scrunches up his nose, scratching under his chin. “I think its starting to get stubbly under here.” He tilts the goggles. “Yeah. A little bit.”
“Beards are pretty good hiding places you know.” Doc settles himself more comfortably on the dusty ground, knowing the kid will open up when he's ready.
It doesn't take long. “I knew you'd come find me. I appreciate it.”
Doc chuckles. “Don't know why you'd need to count on me. You'll survive anything.”
“Yeah but.” 10K places the goggles back on his head, and rubs a hand through his hair which sticks up at several different angles. “You're always there. Everyone else was ready to leave me. It feels nice.”
Doc ruffles the boy's hair, managing to flatten a few strands momentarily. “You're family to me. We don't leave each other behind.”
“I didn't want to feel anything.” The words come tumbling out unrehearsed, as 10K stares resolutely at nothing. “With Cassandra. It was just like my Dad. I didn't care whether I'd ever feel happy again,  nothing mattered anymore. Except having a mission.”
“We've all got feelings. I know you try to bury yours under the number but you can't force yourself to not have a good heart anymore.”
Doc watches 10K blink slowly, which he does when he's trying to process a compliment.
There's a rustling sound and an ancient, half-eaten packet Of biscuits drops onto the ground in front of them.
“Dinner is served.” Warren announces. She clocks 10K's stare and raises an eyebrow at Doc, who nods. She knows to leave them for a while, and retreats.
“Hey.” He nudges the kid's shoulder with his, and reaches for the biscuits. “You must be hungry.”
“Is it really okay?” 10K asks, his fingers twitching as he hugs his knees to his chin. “To feel again. I don't wanna be distracted, but I don't wanna shut anyone out either.”
Doc mulls this over as he chews a stale cookie. “I worked with addicts for a long time after I stopped being one. Some of 'em wanted to numb the pain any way they could. Others said that they didn't feel anything at all and they'd do anything to be happy, or even sad, just something.”
10K reaches slowly for a biscuit. “I'm not an addict. I'm not sure what I am.”
“Human.” he states simply in reply.
They eat their way down to the bottom of the packet in silence, but its companionable. Doc has picked up by now that 10K isn't always great at verbal communication- in the societal aspect at least. Actually, he always says exactly what he means to say, and that's something of a blessing.  His facial expressions give away a lot too, and body language. Others might not pick up on it but Doc spent most of his pre-Z life doing this.
What would he diagnose, if this were his patient? Obviously he isn't qualified to do that as a counsellor, but in many cases a loosely-applied label would make it easier for him to give the most appropriate treatment, without the client worrying about being put in a box for the rest of their life. PTSD would be the first option. Though the “post” is a bit defunct when every single day there is a new narrow escape, a new grotesque corpse, a new horror being committed. And perhaps the word “disorder” is wrong too- as though there's a socially acceptable way of adapting to this shit stain of a world, and any other is maladaptive.
“I dunno.” He says aloud. “Keep counting. Keep working on growing that stubble. Keep kicking ass. Or stop. You won't find your answers out here, they're inside you.”
“Thanks.” 10K gives a lop-sided smile. Now that he's eaten, he's beginning to succumb to exhaustion. Big shadows under eyes too young and too kind to have seen what they've seen.
“And of course I came looking for ya I don't know what I'd do without you, kid.”
Warren's voice interrupts their moment. “Time to move! We ride for as long as we can and then continue on foot.”
Doc makes a bit of a show of struggling to stand. “Hey, any seats in the back? My back's kicking up a stink from all that rowing.”
“Sure thing, old timer. She winks. “Murphy, you go in the trailer with Vasquez. Keep your hood up.”
They haven't been on the road for long before 10K is claimed by sleep. Doc watches the little facial twitches, fluttering eyelids, that indicate troublesome dreams. Perhaps a little Z-weed would help that. But only a little. Don't want the kid whiting out when there's stuff to shoot.
“Man,” He says quietly to himself, “This parenting thing don't get easier.”
<<< I really did not mean for this to end up as an angst fest. There will likely be a follow-up where Doc gives a lesson in self-medication and shenanigans ensue
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