#kind of for both of these yknow how it is with the undead
mantisgodsdomain · 2 months
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the house is established vi and tsm2 vi play a board game together who do you think is winning
The House Is Established Vi has approximately fifty seven years of experience in cheating at games and approximately zero years of experience with board games but it's very good at catching on to new things and will be DELIGHTED to play something new after a century of almost nothing being new so it mostly depends on how quickly tsm2 Vi can catch on to its sleight of hand and start cheating back
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snalz-artt · 1 year
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forgot to post this doodle SAY HELLO to the shittiest bbc ghosts/mcyt au ever conceived, thankyou @/luigra for helping hehe
i have A LOT to say so its going under the cut this is soso silly
basic bbc ghosts plot: A young woman inherits a huge mansion estate in england from a dubious familial connection and moves in with her husband. They plan to renovate the manor and guesthouses to make into a hotel/venue, but when she falls out a window and almost dies, she comes back to life with the ability to See Ghosts. With the house being very historic, there are quite a few interesting characters (the falling out the window thing might be their fault, actually). Hijinks ensue.
CLEO: Cleo is the Allison of the story, she inherits the house and falls out the window, now.. undead(?) they can see and interact with the cast of Ghosts they’re now stuck with. Making ZombieCleo one of the Alive characters was too funny, sorry.
SCOTT: Scott is Mike!! Cleo’s best friend/partner/chosen soulmate (like in double life), he Cannot see the ghosts but completely trusts they exist.
They get up to various antics as they try to renovate and market the place, usually while being hindered or helped by the ghosts. I haven’t thought of a good pun on the name Button House yet though..
The ghosts are not all from any specific series, but a selection of ghosts/dead characters from multiple mcyt sources ^^
JOE: Joseph Hills takes the role of Thomas Thorne. He is a dramatic regency era poet who mostly follows Cleo around, trying to impress her with his… unique poetry, that was considered before his time. Their ghost theming comes from Beetlejhost of course.
RANBOO: Ronald Booth is Pat, a 1980’s Scout Leader. To be honest, this is just because Ranboo is very associated with the 80’s aesthetic and can fit the silly yes-man subordinate role, and of course was a ghost on the dsmp (Boo).
BDUBS: Bdubs is Robin!! A caveman who lived on the land well before the house was built. He’s seen it all, which fits Bdubs’ storyteller theme!! This is also just a fun visual choice because instead of wearing animal furs he gets to wear a big mossy coat. He also talks in a quite a unique and funny way which could replace how Robin talks like. Yknow, a Caveman. There was also a tiny bit in.. last life? Where bdubs was a ghost? (We were running out of ghosts at this point.)
SLIME: Charles Slime is Humphrey Bone, a headless tudor nobleman!!! Slime has a pretty constant track record of dying dramatically in mcyt (dsmp, epic smp, slimecicle cinematic universe) hence getting to be a ghost here. He has a lot of comedy that i think fits pretty well with being a ghost and with the visual humour of having your body separate to your head <3
FLIPPA: Juanaflippa as Jemima!!! I had to get one of the Eggs in here, even if i dont know much about qsmp at this point its just too perfect for one of them to be Jemima, since we have Charlie why not have Juanaflippa ^^ This can fit the common bbc ghosts fanon of Humphrey being found family for Jemima, with Charlie and Flippa’s father-daughter relationship. Creepy little singing ghost girl!!!
QUACKITY/MEXICAN DREAM: Yeah ok we were really running out of mcyt ghosts at this point, if you dont know anything about the dsmp you would probably think im making this up- uh, quackity plays him, he died and became a very prominent dsmp ghost. He takes the role of Julian as a 90’s politician character (like quackity/md in el rapids etc) here. I GUESS.
GHOSTBUR: Im pretty sure that while alive Kitty didnt blow up a country or whatever but the innocent and kind character of ghostbur fits the role of Kitty pretty well, with both having poor/inaccurate memories of their lives and being very sweet. A georgian noblewoman! Instead of Kitty he’d be called Willy or something. That way one of the ghosts can still have an innuendo name. Thats important.
JIMMY: Jimmy (James) as Mary. A stuart era peasant who got burned in the witch trials. He could still have the power to make people smell smoke, i think it fits the canary thing a bit. AND SPOILERS FOR BBC GHOSTS, Mary being the First Ghost of the main group to get.. sucked away is just too perfect. While never explicitly being a Ghost, Jimmy has such a connection to death that i think im justified.
PIX: Pixie as Fanny!!! He used to own the house many years ago and is now a ghost that really wants it to be perfectly historically preserved. Pix was a ghost in empires s2 and an archeologist who wanted to preserve history of course, so this fits the really proper and old fashioned personality of Fanny pretty well. Also her love of animals fits pix having the ghost cat and the dodos…
SCHLATT: Schlatt as The Captain, a repressed gay ww2 Captain who never actually saw any combat. He can fit the leader role that the Captain does, especially the fact that he just assumes himself the leader, and the others kind of don't take him seriously. Schlatt was a ghost, Glatt, on the dsmp! He will be a bit less.. nice? Than the bbc ghosts captain, but could still have a good bit of development.
bonus convex as the plague ghosts, vex are kind of ghosty, right?
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
fcg using turn undead is not the problem in and of itself but that he didn’t even apologize for how it harmed laudna after the fact and then told her to “respect the gods” which is a pretty messed up thing to say to someone after you just did something to hurt them and who is clearly struggling with where she stands because of how the gods seem to view her. and if you still can’t understand why laudna has a problem with the gods you’re just dumbass and there’s no helping you at this point.
i’m very cognizant that for some people the issue is fcg’s “respect the gods”, however that explicitly wasn’t what i was addressing in my post. i was very specifically expressing frustration about people who have seemed to forgotten the aspect of cr where it is storytelling through the medium of a game. also, i’m not sure that it is super obvious that laudna is struggling with where she stands because of how the gods seem to view her. struggling with where she stands? yes absolutely, and she certainly brings up uncertainty wrt the morality of the gods, but i don’t know that fcg has any reason at all to believe that laudna is struggling right now because of the gods and not other concerns like her recent death, the impending apocalypse, and the emotional turmoil of the separation - something that fcg more than most has actually addressed. they did it in their clumsy, self-deprecating way, but fcg is one of the few who explicitly engaged with the unfairness between the experiences of team issylra and team wildemount during the split.
it is messed up that fcg tells her to respect the gods, but he didn’t harm laudna, they made her go running…. in the same direction she was already going. fcg also already had reason to believe it wouldn’t hurt laudna due to the last time they used turn undead. further, the episode was one that had very little downtime, it’s possible laudna (or, yknow, fearne, who in the text seemed to have more of a problem with it than laudna did) might bring it up. if she doesn’t, i won’t be shocked, but i’m sure i’ll see a bunch of posts demanding an apology from fcg. laudna is a very physical character based on how marisha plays her, when there are large issues in laudna’s psyche, she explains them while narrating battle actions or she moves a lot less such that we get moments like travis asking what laudna’s hands are doing. this was absent, and again, that might change next week and in that case i’ll continue to base my opinions on my viewing experience, not on the (badly formed) ad hominem arguments in my ask box from people who don’t even have the confidence to do so off anonymous.
in general, i’m really not sure where the argument that the gods seem to hold less favour for laudna than anyone else in bells hells came from, both in the show itself and in the fandom. she was given a resurrection using divine magic, she often echoes the gift pelor bestowed to whitestone with her form of dread. honestly, beyond fcg and orym, laudna probably makes the most reference/appeal to divinity that seems to be in good favour. i can see that laudna has critiques of the gods, and some of them seem to be fair ones if not typically irrelevant to the discussions at hand.
but, kind stranger, thank you so much. because now i can happily claim this crown you have bestowed upon me that i have wandered aimlessly looking for… for now months i’ve wondered how to categorize myself since i’ve questioned what exactly the specific issues that laudna has with the gods and now i know, i am a dumbass. i’m unsure what help i am beyond, as “having the wrong opinion” about the moral analysis a fictional character does of fictional gods doesn’t rank high on my concerns that i might ask for help about, but i appreciate the implied offer even though you ultimately rescinded it.
i really appreciate your charitableness and good faith here, it really orients me towards wanting to hear you out and persuades me to consider things I hadn’t previously (tonetag: sarcastic, if that hasn’t yet become apparent)
in general, anon, i find the choice you made here hilarious and i do have to thank you for making me laugh on a day that has been less than stellar. the absurdity of sending an ask with this tone to… change my opinion? scold me with all the bravery of your anonymous badge into agreeing with you over something as low stakes as… what i find annoying about fandom habits?
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mojaves · 9 months
hehehehe pick five questions u really wanna answer for alex <3
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
see the thing is he does NOT have to travel. ever. he generally just. materialises wherever he is needed at literally any point in the day. so realistically he Could do that for simple things like. running errands. thats literally all he would use it for he has nothing else to do actually. ANYWAY. the materialising at will thing takes a LOT of energy, especially if he does it very often, so while it would be kind of more convenient in the long run, he would much rather just spend hours or days driving to his destination whenever he gets the free time to do that. keeps his energy in check. makes him feel a little more Human again. yknow. getting stuck in traffic. needing to stop for gas. the little things. he needs that more often than he would ever like to admit.
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
he is Undead. sort of. thats like. the best way to describe it. kind of a ghost??? but also not really. he exists in the same way we exist. but he also exists on an entirely different plane of existence. on his days 'off' from work [walking people through the journey between life and death. simplest way to describe it] he is basically. stuck. in this plane of existence. not necessarily powerless, like i said before he can de/rematerialise at will which is very useful for getting out of. sticky situations. which he finds himself in a lot bc he's insane and sometimes forgets people can actually both see And perceive him in this reality so he cant just. steal whatever he wants from a store. he can also communicate telepathically/read minds - which is very useful for getting a sense of how someone feels when theyre dead so he knows how to deal w them. even though he is the same with literally everyone he encounters anyway regardless. he's an asshole <3 and i hate him. these also drain his energy but to a lesser extent. and he can and will use these to cause problems on purpose.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
triple shot espresso. black coffee. the more likely it is to make you feel like your head is about to explode the better. he thinks it's 'delicious'. but he may also be lying to himself. i couldnt tell you one way or the other.
😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved?
ambivert fits him best i think.... he thinks he prefers his time alone always and forever [and he DOES need to be alone sometimes] but his existence is a very lonely one and some company every now and again would do WONDERS for him. unfortunately he is very unpleasant to be around!!! he does NOT let people in he doesnt need to. they will be dead one day anyway. or theyre already dead. whats the point <333 [DUMBASS!!!!!!!!]
🤓 SMILING FACE WITH GLASSES — is your oc chatty or quiet? are they at ease in social situations, or are they more shy?
he is a Talker alright. to the point where he will NOT shut up. is he doing that to cause a distraction for more nefarious reasons??? is he doing it for his own entertainment just to annoy people???? is he doing it because he is so painfully desperate for contact and communication and connection with other people that he will go anywhere and talk to anyone to possibly have a chance at receiving it????? for even just a moment?????? who's to say!!! not me
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simonlynch · 9 months
I know you said I don't have to practice reblog karma if I'm reblogging directly from you, but!!
Recently, I've noticed you've really been exploring that undead/living relationship in your ships! Beetlejuice and Dracula being the main examples I can think of--they're both undead (from what I've gathered on Beetle's part), and it's interesting seeing how you shape your ship around that! I am quite behind on fics due to energy/work, but the ones I have read always stuck out for that "undead character in love with a living person" theme.
~ heart-of-aspiration 📖
gah ty sarah!! youre very sweet to send anyways ❤️
and yes!! you are very right. not to get too deep but i do believe ive come to the conclusion that i just kind of . have Commitment Issues™ when it comes to irl relationships; the idea of a "forever" scares me but it becomes much easier to explore for me when its fictional (which seems obvious) so i like to toy with the idea of what is forever and what can it mean for a relationship, yknow? especially if one half of it is quite literally undead (or immortal!)
i think i am also a fan of the 'experienced' undead/immortal being (who is actually very inexperienced in relationships) x 'naive' human (who has a good heart, actually, and can in turn share their sense of humanity with them and teach them to love) which. is somehow much less "two nickels" than i thought when it comes to themes in my ships . lets not unpack that okay?
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windypuddle · 2 years
ohhh i wanna know more abt ur swapstars au so bad hiiro souma friendship got me vibrating
oh goodness. thank you so much. i really like swapstars knights its making me Not Hate eichi. he’s just an idealistic guy who does nothing wrong. he and yuzuru kind of bonded over being left behind (sort of) by tori after he went to start his own band (they used to be friends or something idk stuco). 
when i do lives with my swapstars knights team i always put yuzuru as izumi because hes also a little bit of a bitch. tetora gets arashi’s spot for the Gender (i love gender dorm so much. havent decided what to do about dorms in swapstars yet though. i either keep them the same or reassign them based on place in  unit like oh koga and tatsumi dorm? you mean guy from undead and pathetic guy from alkaloid? right thatll be. *checks notes* natsume and tsumugi? oh my). souma usually goes in tsukasas spot for lives and hiiro as ritsu. and of course eichi as leo because hes the leader. was the leader. (why arent there any tsukasa center songs on engstars). anyway the first time i full comboed silent oath on expert was with this team but enough about that
Souma honestly would have joined akatsuki but. well.  he clashed with the other members (rinne and chiaki, at the time. can you blame him). so he joined knights. I think he and Hiiro fit really well because they’re both devoted and (occasionally a bit naive) good-hearted and they just fit really well in knights, yknow? and Tetora really likes the ideals associated with knights and like... how to be manly in the context of chivalry. like this guy Actually searched out and knows ancient codes of chivalry
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konu-d · 2 years
TLDR sometimes the crow forgets that newcomers exist in every franchise, All Rambles Lead to Rei Sakuma
So I've just realized that not everyone is aware or was able to catch the times when the wiki had English translations for all the Enstars stories from Basic to Music and EWKJASH IM GOING TO HAVE TO BE REAL CAREFUL WITH WHAT I SAY FROM HERE ON OUT WAHAHAH Wouldn't want to ruin the surprises for the newcomers
By surprises, of course I mean everything related to Rei Sakuma, this man. Has me in a VICE GRIP you do not understand UNDEAD was how I was introduced to this wacky absolutely off the rails franchise, and honestly I went in criticizing it. See, I was only shown the designs of the characters and nothing else; no context, no backstory, only the knowledge that this is an idol game much like UtaPri or IDOLISH7, both of which are franchises that I am up to now very much 50/50 about (Dunno they just never caught my interest as much, yknow?) A few people showed these character designs to me and I immediately started labelling; black hair and red eyes? That's probably the chuunibyou edgelord. Oh look, there's the token tan character that every anime and manga seems to like to have. Blonde and smirking? Casanova (derogatory). White hair and fangs; say no more that's the feral of the group.
I have a whole list of everything I said about all the groups on Enstars but because I play favorites, I'm focusing on UNDEAD.
So I said all that and kinda left the franchise alone for a while, let it all marinate for a bit, just enough that I wouldn't feel like I was being forced to consume the media, then I came back to it, I took a look at the characters then some of the stories.
And nothing prepared me for the backstory of the man that is Rei Sakuma, he. He is. Gods I have no words for this man, he leaves me speechless and it's not just because of how stunning he looks His childhood was enough, too many responsibilities placed on his child-sized shoulders, that he grew up to be some sort of rebel, a god/demon that looked down upon the humans of the world, lending a helping hand to those who needed it. He was always at the top, always at some sort of authority position, but because of his whole vampire thing he was labeled more of a 'demon' than a 'god'. (A concept that was picked up later by a certain other group that we know, led by the character most people gravitate to once they understand Rei) Then, he fell. You wouldn't think that demons ever fall but men, humans, mortals do, and for all he plays himself to be Rei Sakuma is still at his core very much a human; a kind soul wrapped in layers of darkness that he prides himself in. He lets the world see the demon who is bathed in sin and the monster who would tempt the lost lambs to his side, let them fall under his spell and kneel at his command, but those closest to him, those who know him, they see the man and there's something intimate about that. It's this hidden corner of everything Rei Sakuma is made of that draws some people even closer to him and lets them stand by his side; lets themself fall and become reborn, helping the demon king tempt more and more innocent souls (though they know that was never the case).
A part of what makes Rei so interesting to me as well is how his stage character developed. Oh yes, I've seen the sides of the fandom who think his suave, smooth, jazz demon self is his default self, and that will never fail to entertain me, because it's exactly what Rei would have wanted. There's no point in building his whole character on stage if it was just going to be a flimsy see-through film, right? He started out genuinely believing in his now-stage persona; prideful, demon king, in control, monster of the night who would devour you as soon as you let your guard down; then you look at his stories. You look at the events with him in them. You look at the stories of the characters closest to him and listen to the way they talk about him.
This man his whole self has always been about love
He loves the way a leader would love; he loves the way a god would love; he loves the way only a demon could show love; he plays himself to be the villain. He pushes others away in the hopes that they wouldn't be tainted by the darkness like he is, he creates scenarios where yes, at that moment, you'd hate him, but then you'd look back and you'd see, "Oh. He was helping me all along." and then you'd complain about how you wished he was more straight-forward about his help, which would never happen lol [That's spoilers.]
Just Being a ReiP brings me a sense of intimacy with the character that sometimes I wonder if I'm even allowed to have. Rei Sakuma is a Greek tragedy who broke the script and kept trudging forward, and though he no longer bears his wings, he keeps walking. He guides others to the light but leaves himself in the dark, leaves himself there for the next poor soul that might accidentally wander in and might need a guide. There's something so raw about seeing how someone rise, fall, and get back up again, an inexplicable pull that'll draw you to them like "How did you survive? How did you find the strength to keep going?" and all he answers is "Love."
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frosted-night · 3 years
Jack Frost Designs Review
Yes it’s finally his time. This is going to include his book designs including previous incarnations in said books. There are more movie concept designs than book so, let’s dig in shall we?
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This was in fact the first ever Jack Joyce designed while he came up with The Guardians Of Childhood. He even comes with his own backstory! (Which was cut. Sorry Joyce posts walls of text so it’s a girthy read.)
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So instead of a young mischievous trickster, we got a much more depressing story of Jack. (Jack by default is sad obviously) but this one... It kind of hits differently and almost reminds me of the story he crafted for Pitch. A dad who tried to defend his family but through tragic events was ripped from them and changed completely. Design wise, he’s a lot more tree than snow. There doesn’t exist a colored version of this so we’ll never know if he sported winter and dull dead leaf colors rather than grassy greens.This Jack has a weird presence to him, I can’t put my finger on it. Rating: 6/10 He’s really neat! Just a little too Autumn feeling rather than a blend of both Autumn and Winter.
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Nightlight feels like the baby evolution if Jack was a pokemon and that's what I’m gonna stick with. Below is a more recent version of him colored.
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In all honesty that one is easier on the eyes proportion wise because sometimes Joyce has ‘interesting’ anatomy choices but we aint going into that today. It’s interesting how his hair somehow looks shorter and longer than Jack’s at the same time. Could be because the longer strands float seamlessly but star boy hair physics what can ya do. It’s a little hard to tell what is his skin and what is his armor, so that is a casuality in making a character only have one or two colors in their color scheme. I love other artist’s depictions of Nightlight but the canon one feels a little weak color wise. Rating: 5/10 Sorry, get some better LEDs and then come back.
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Here we have a book Jack but I can’t entirely recall if this was used in the books or not. I digress. This design looks like him still wearing very Nightlight-esque armor/clothing and slowly growing into his new persona as Jack Frost. The intricacies are hard to make out but we’ll work with it. This one is very interesting to me because he very much looks like an older teen close to young adult. His hair looks very fluffy too. Not many complaints about this one but not much praise either.
Rating: 6/10 Not great but doesn’t stand out that much.
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Remember when I said Joyce had ‘interesting’ anatomy decisions? Jack looks like he has half a head here and it bothers me GREATLY. This is the adult Jack design he went with. Supposedly he likes the opera and he sure looks it. This! Exists!! Kind of wish it didn’t. The outfit is nice but it just doesn’t fit Jack as a whole. This just screams to me that it’s someone else with a similar-ish hairstyle.
Rating: 3/10 Guess he’d be the...Phantom Of The Opera. (I’ll go home and so should he.)
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And finally the final Jack. This is the one that almost exactly resembles the Jack we got in the movies(Probably because it was made after the movie but w/e) but just add a cape on him. I can’t really tell if hes got a hoodie and a cape, or just a cloak+hood on top of a sweatshirt. It isn’t too important because my thoughts on this one are obvious. Rating: 10/10 Edna Mode would have a field day with you boy.
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Joyce claims this is a design he drafted when Leonardo DiCaprio was considered to voice Jack and I can kind of see that with how his face is drawn here. This Jack looks a lot more like a warrior and less of that trickster look. I can’t say I’m a fan of the weird antenna his hood has but his sword is really cool looking.
Rating: 4/10 Nice bow and sword but it can’t save your fashion choices.
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This looks like a lanky 11-13 year old who would put rocks or slugs in my shoes and relish in my disgust. He has the exact look of a snot nose kid and I’m unsure how to feel about it.
His various hairstyles drafted here sort of make him softer looking or just more of a snot nose, no in between. Maybe even an Anime Protagonist.
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The top right one almost looks like Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon if you squint. It’ll be a little hard to rate them all as one individual but why not.
Rating: 5/10 I don’t hate them but they aren’t my cup of tea.
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Oh wait no it isn’t he looks like a 10 year old. Whatever don’t feed him after midnight. The staff’s design of not being shaped like a G is an interesting tidbit but the whole design looks like he’s really young or like a troll etc. This Jack looks like he thinks girls have cooties uses outdated slang.
Rating: 4/10 This is me being generous.
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It honestly looks like he hiked his pants up all the way to his chest. A late teen with horrid fashion choices once again. Not many other thoughts here.
Rating: 2/10 Get a sweater on or something.
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This is one is very interesting looking to me. His clothes looked a lot more leather based and very human-like. The tatters, tears and frays all make him look like he was a victim of an accident that never changed his clothes. It makes me wonder if this Jack had the same death as the final movie Jack or something else entirely. Either way, this one looks like hes a mid to late teen which really adds to my intrigue.
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This was another image that greatly resembled the design so I included it here. It almost looks like his skin is blue here which is pretty neat to me at least. He’s also got leaf motifs here, which from the first Jack design Joyce made, we can see a pattern here.
Rating: 8 /10 I was originally weirded out by his head but now its not so bad.
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This Jack is definitely dressed more like a nature boy rather than him having human influenced fashion and it’s an appealing touch. The tiny leaf sprouting from his staff is also kind of cute since the designers seemed to want to put leafs somewhere on his designs. His hairstyle is also very cute but it reminds me of Sasuke Uchiha in a sense. (Not a setback for me at least)
Rating: 7/10 13 year old Jack is going thru a phase.
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I thought this Jack didn’t show up again in story boards but I was wrong!
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They look a little different from each other but just similar enough to pair together, so bare with me. The first one obviously has looser pants, slightly longer sleeves and got his leaf motif going. This second Jack is a VERY green. It gives the impression that this Jack made his clothes out of plants and natural materials. Again I’m not wholly sure if greens fit his color scheme but they sure went for it for a while. I can’t say I’m a fan of it because it heavily reminds me of Peter Pan.
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However a very similar looking Jack could be found in this storyboard. It doesn’t look as green as the other storyboards made it out to be and looks more like dead grass. Which is a pretty nice touch.
Rating: 5/10 I don’t hate it but it just doesn’t vibe yknow.
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Speaking of a vibe...hoo this certainly has one.  This Jack isn’t old but certainly doesn’t look very young, maybe in the 20-30 range, thats just me. He has facial features that remind me of Pitch but resembles the Jack Frost of Santa Clause 3
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That being said, I wondered if him looking similar to Pitch was in the storyline of them being brothers.(Which was a scrapped thing, who knew.) He’s a bit more menacing in this design but certainly seems like he relishes in his work.
Rating: 4/10 I’d make it a lower score but I gotta give it props
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NOW THIS JACK IS KINDA INTERESTING. This one looks like he’s 16 and going through a grunge phase. He’s gonna play Nirvana loudly and not turn it down even if you tell him too. His staff itself has mini icicles hanging off of it and leafs look stuck to his shirt. Did you glue or staple those on Jack? His hair also looks much longer than his other designs and I kind of dig it( Shut up I’m bias.) I’m not wholly sure why else this design has stuck with me but it just has something about it that I just love. I wish there was a full body drawing of it.
(He also kinda has the same hair as the Jack Frost in Runescape but I wont go on about that hoo hoo)
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Rating: 9/10 *Bad Boy by Cascada plays in the distance*
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This one definitely feels like middleschooler trying to be in a band. His sticks just resemble drumsticks to me what can I say. I’m a big fan of his shoes and his color scheme screams a hibernating tree in winter. His hair also looks like it’s covered in frost rather than it being wholly white, which is very neat!! He looks like he wants to fight but has slight hesitance. Overall a very balanced Jack.
Rating: 8/10 He’s ready for band practice
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Not many thoughts here, I just found these tiny Jack designs cute. His hoodie being a jacket instead just adds to the charm of this one.
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No talk to him he angy.
Rating: 6/10 fun sized boi
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Now this Jack resembles the one earlier that dressed entirely in leather brown colors, however he clearly is different than that one. I’m gonna say it, he looks like a zombie or undead in this design and its pretty fucking gnarly. I don’t know whats going on with his hair but I’m gonna assume it’s just the wind making it look like that. He just has the vibe that he was once human but was turned into something else entirely. It isnt in uncanny territory but borders that. This version of Jack meeting Pitch and the others would have been *very* interesting. Rating: 7/10 Eat a twinkie Jack you’ll feel better.
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The final design! I can’t complain much about this one. The way his staff subtly has a G shape and a hexagon(his signature shape) is a wonderful touch. Additionally, the way the frost is gathered mostly where his hand is such an intricate detail. His signature hoodie is iconic at this point so I can’t bad mouth that either.(I can’t anyway because there's no complaints from me here.) Although, I never understood the leather straps that his pants had or their functions. I couldn’t find any colonial outfits that resembled Jack’s pants so its a total mystery to me at least.
And I can’t go on about this design until I mention the snowflake pattern in his eyes
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Pure beauty. It’s at a hue of blue that almost looks impossible to have, combined with the electric blue color of the snowflake in his eyes. The amount of detail in this movie amazes me to this day. Rating: One Great Blizzard <3/10
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a-snow-decahedron · 3 years
You should not have asked for cursed ideas because i have a bunch of them to share and curse people with
But the craziest of all of them, I need to say, is that, one day, for no reason at all, i said "what if sans and jevil were twins?"
And oh boy, (this is a damm rollercoaster im already warning u), i didn't stop there
I imagined half of this before chapter 2, and then i updated it after. Im going to say only the uptaded version
So, Sans (also Sans' name is "Boone" u need to know) and Jevil are twins, but Papyrus is gaster nephew. Also, gaster is actually "Aster" and his brother (papyrus' dad) is Wingdings, both of them are scientists, but WD is more important. Papyrus also has a twin whose name is ACTUALLY Sans. Papyrus family is made of humans, papyrus is a human, and he is from a universe called "unrelated" where monster and humans had a battle, but it end up in peace. One day WD invents a machine to travel between universes but he ends up dying in the experiments. Aster cries bc his brother is dead but improves the machine and travels to undertale world. Sadly, his body gets deformed, so monsters from ut cant tell he isnt one of them (this is before asriel is born). He comes back to his universe finally feeling he can be smth more than his brother shadow. Dont ask me how bc i didnt think that much but he becames he royal scientist using the name of his brother (wingdings gaster) while also working in having a new body in his own univers (oh yeah he also plans to make undyne the "great warrior" and injects determination on her eyes bc he belivee she is the only one who can survive bc she is already determined, she does, but the injected dt is now dormant inside of her body)
Evently he opens a portal to deltarune too, and learns about dark worlds. He is kind of going insane now and he meets with the titans (for reasons) who reveal that his world is a videogame and his existence doesnt matter. He makes some deals and he has powers now bam
He enters in contact with seven manlets (three being jevil, spamton and sans who is called boone) to make a new body later and also destroy his own universe (the gasters followers would be the versions of that world of the monsters we already know that have been destroyed) and idk makes holes in his nephews hands (like jesus himself) bc he didnt want to be alone with the holes then he jumps in the core and papyrus and sans try to escape his new followers by going through the machine and end up in the deltarune world, but they fall into a dark fountain somewhere and die, but like, not totally
They end up being selfaware amalgams that can shape shift lololol they meet BooneSans and Jevil who are kind of not fine at this point, and both trust in gaster, so papyrus and his twin tell them that gaster is actually not that trustful and will not give them freedom and they believe for some reason
Papyrus and twinSans decide they need to separate or else gaster is gonna take their undead corpse (did i mention they are kind of immortal now?), so the four of them make a plan
TwinSans gives BooneSans their soul (they can survive without it now), so he can swap places with them and go to the light world, but the game would crash if they stayed with the same names so they swapped names too
Sans (the skeleton one) makes a copy of the machine and they go to the light world pretending to be brothers bc papyrus shapeshift to a skeleton... Or so they thought. Sans didn't build it correctly and they end up in undertale world trapped :))
But like, the universes had a half reset bc the codes were too confused, so sans and papyrus notice they startes forgetting about their twins and the same goes to Jevil and Boone, so papyrus draws the "don't forget" thing and boone sings that one music yknow
Sans tries to talk to alphys (bc she is the scientist who replaced gaster she has to be good) so she can help him... But she isnt in the best conditions bc she just created flowey and the amalgamates- anyways they both fail but now gaster has alphys in his aim bc she is a WONDERFUL PIECE in his words or smth
Oh yeah also jevil fights wit spamton, they divorce, jevil is so sad that he doesn't notice gaster took papyrus twin and they die :( jevil eventually forgets about them, goes totally crazy, and then is locked up
Now we are in the same point of time in the games and papyrus is incapable of sleeping bc hes dead bam bam
But why would gaster want seven manlets? Well, i said it before, he wants to make a new body. After jumping in the core, hes shattered, and he gives a piece of him to each one of the manlets to eat. Eventually they will melt with only one body part left, he will take all of the body parts, make a new body, "enter" inside of it and ascends to [[HEAVEN]] (he will became god). He is obsessed with this bc the titans told him about us (the player) and he wants to be like us, he is putting the player in all of this adventures so WE can have fun
He is manipulating kris bc they are also under their brother, asriel, shadow so they can understand each other somehow idk
When you do a genocide route sans actually doesn't die bc you hit a ketchuo inside of him and he takes papyrus who also can't die and both go and, with the energy the player has provided, make the machine work and go to deltarune find their twins that they almost forgot about
Well, is an idea i like to make more and more nonsensical and illogical with time, bc it doesn't have any base on canon. I swear im not like this most of the times
Anyways, am i the ask from your dream?
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[Image description: A two panel comic showing a Tumblr Anonymous talking from their car to a fast food employee. In the first panel, the Tumblr Anon is speaking, their speech bubble extending to he top of the screen, implying that the text from the ask is what the character is saying. In the second panel the fast food employee holds a couple of plastic cups and is staring at the anon in shock. End of ID.]
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smolfailure · 4 years
but it's only half shitposts and there are actual Thoughts in there.
You don't need to have read the comic to understand because I tried not to spoil anything major, but it'd help if you knew basic stuff about classpects, SBURB and the hemospectrum.
disclaimer: i'm not a good pixel artist and this is my first actual sprites ever so please be kind to my weird pixels
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The Kids:
tommy, tubbo and fundy one of the kids because they're the kids in dream smp canon (with fundy being son of wilbur)
techno's there because i want to make a dave strider reference (haha get it because techno's name is also da-- *gets shot) and also because they are both coolguys except instead of using irony, techno has adhd
The Trolls:
Wilbur Soohte (fuschia)
?????? Ehrret (violet)
J????? Shlatt (purple)
Nihacu Niikki (indigo)
Skeppy Diamon (cerulean)
Quacki Tthiey (teal)
Philza Myncra (jade)
Dreame Wastkn (lime disguising as olive)
George Notfou (gold)
Sapphe Nahfpe (bronze)
Badboy Haelow (burgundy)
don't come at me saying only females are allowed to be jades and fuschias; gender is fake and this is an au
more of the AU and the talksprites are under the cut:
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Red
chaotic. the first person to be introduced.
when he gets introduced instead of the “Zoosmell Pooplord” bit, Tommy is initially going to be the name inputted but then backspaced it and decided that Tommyinnit was better and he was fuming until he’s named Tommy.
Gives me big Blood/Hope vibes. Blood because a lot of the conflict of the dream smp connected to someone breaking his trust or harming the things he cares about, Hope because a lot of the plot of the dream smp stems from Tommy starting shit based on his ideals and what he thinks is right.
the first to instigate fighting against the trolls
bbh contacts him once and tommy keeps cursing until he disconnects from frustration rip
wields Gunkind and his only strife weapon at the beginning is the Vlog gun. He has Gunkind as his strife specibus mainly because he looked up at schlatt and he imitates him.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Orange
it was his idea to play SBURB but only through Dream.
he talks to dream the most among the other trolls fwt stans getcha juice this is the rosemary of the session
dream’s the one giving him exposition about the game so that’s how he knows how to play SBURB.
wilbur trolls fundy once and instantly adopts him.
“You’re my son.” “How does that even work??” “I was one of the people who created your universe. It’s basically the same thing.”
Fundy relents anyway.
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Lunar sway: Derse. Types in: Pink
dave strider but dead-inside voice + rose lalonde english major vibes
he slices the text box when you try to name him "Dave " like in
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techno gives me time player vibes (contantly on the move. his skyblock series, his “stays in the pit” monologue,) but also rage vibes (anarchy,  the “theseus” monologue, political alignment is Chaos) alas i am not sure what class
uses Tridentkind and claims "it came from god"
 it was dream, he accidentally transportalized one of wilbur’s weapon while he testing the transportalizer.
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Lunar sway: Prospit. Types in: Green
the jade harley of this session. the only thing keeping them from going apeshit. where would they be without him.
but also jade harley in a sense that he seems nice and wholesome but also don’t fuck with them they can mess you up
Heart/Life vibes??? someone good at classpecting help
i put them in prospit bc of the "tubbo third eye" instead of tubbo having a sixth sense or smth, they see the future from the clouds of skaia when they sleep
wields Stress-relieverKind at some point
bonus: everyone’s actual hair colors
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Ideas about the Trolls
no i haven’t done their sprites yet bc it would take so much time and i’m not even sure if people wanna see more of this au skjdkdsakdfkl,, but i have Design Ideas.
events of the dsmp revolution are just a FLARP session drawing parallels to how the homestuck trolls had a FLARP session that spoiler alert: destroyed friendships. dtrio, eret, will are involved. eret betrays will's faction and wilbur's still Bitter over that.
on the context of alternia (highbloods and lowbloods) lmanburg and dreamsmp have their roles SWAPPED.  the emancipation theme thing is completely gone since highbloods are in more power than the lowbloods (the dream team) . 
wilbur made a faction called l’manburg because he wants a place where he and his fellow highbloods could make drugs vibe.they take a piece of land that was owned by the dream team. in normal circumstances, they shouldve stood down because lowbloods aren't supposed to start shit with highbloods (especially a group of highbloods that has the alternian heir among them)  but dream turned it into an activism thing about lowblood rights. the story plays as close as possible without tommy or tubbo in it (which is pretty hard ik but this is the best can do).
like in the dreamsmp revolution, dream kinda let wilbur do what he wants but this time he has more reason to because he’s in a lower caste. dream really only fought back when wilbur announced that he’d be building lmanburg on their land and calling it theirs.
eret betrays wilbur by supporting the lowbloods and wilbur and co. technically won but only because he finally called the drones in, as a reference to how lmanburg absolutely got crushed by the dream team in the smp but technically won. l’manburg keeps the piece of land and the dream team scatter away to find a new home.
wilbur soot's a fuschia because a) he's in a position that has a lot of power, b) yknow how he wrote a song about squids and his thing with sally… yeah.
eret's a violet because nobility!! dream looks down on him because he's ambivalent on fighting for lowblood rights when he's in a power to do so "you just sit there, and you look pretty that's it"
also like eridan he has a minor aesthetic mutation (herobrine eyes) that won't classify him as a mutant.
jschlatt is purple because it makes sense thematically because of the gamzee parallels (a. substance abuse b. if you know what happens in act 6, you know this already but spoiler alert, he ruins the main protagonists' lives) also he's a funnyman he deserves the clown caste
 quackity's a teal because he’s a law student. moving on--
 ok but for real it also makes sense thematically because he's the one who wrote the thing that tricked schlatt into agreeing also he gets manipulated by schlatt which also draws parallels to certain events in the comic
skeppy and bbh are BEST FRIENDS despite being highblood and lowblood respectively. initially, skeppy just wanted to bother bbh but they grew to be good friends in time. y’know like how they actually becane friends :D
philza minecraft is a jade because dad friend. also works thematically, because spoiler alert he gets to murder a seadweller for going batshit crazy. 
he also god tiers early. he dies fighting his quick undead denizen (haha baby zombie) but the consorts of his land carry him to his quest bed because he’s treated them all so well.
dream was initially going to be another caste but then i realized that means i have to make his hoodie something other than green which is unacceptable so its a good thing the fact that he's a lime works out
dream was the one who thought of playing sgrub in the first place- initially only planned to have gogy, sap, and bbh in the session but then realized that they four won't be enough so he invited more into his session
he’s also the first to go godtier ez clap blind speedrun not sure what classpect tho
the only reason why dream avoided being culled at birth for being a limeblood is because his rng is That Good. he quickly picked up the fact that he’s not supposed to exist and masqueraded as an oliveblood and kept mostly to himself to avoid suspicion.
george is still colorblind but he has lazer eyes along with it instead. dream lives with him in the same hive since being a mutant means dream doesn’t get a lusus of his own (dnf fans getcha juice “and they were roommates”) 
despite living in the same hive, he never really figures out that dream is a limeblood. possibly because a) he’s colorblind and when he sees dream bleeding he just sees yellow b) he’s just that fucking oblivious and it’s so valid of him.
sapnap’s a bronzeblood mainly because i know he’s the instigator of the pet war with tommy also because i associate him with the color orang in my mind so bronze it is
that’s the end of this long-ass post!! if you have other ideas PLEASE i want to hear them. i don’t know the other streamers i mentioned in here very well so if you have ideas that would be fitting to them like with classpect or lunar sway that would be GREAT. 
the only thing i’m confident about in here are the kids’ lunar sways. i’m not an expert in classpects and homestuck lore so there’s that too!! i just wanted to make this post because adhd means that the idea wouldn’t shut up until i finished it. This initially started as a single shitpost edit of tommyinnit talksprite but then the hiveswap 2 trailer came out and that means i have to combine my two hyperfixations.
also i have ideas about potential quadrants but idk how much of that is breaking some streamers’ boundaries about shipping (even the non romantic quads such as kismesistude, morallegiance and auspisticism) so i decided not to include it.
edit: apparently people want more so i made a discord server as a place to brainstorm!! please pm me to join!
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transphilza · 3 years
hello! im sorry i left you w that last message and then. vwooped. but it was all i could think about for a bit n then it did not come back. but i really like the phantom hybrid origin as being like a disease? bc i was struggling with some math that was like all hybrids are a mob plus human. so how would a phantom hybrid work? but i love that! it makes the hybrids having both sets of traits easier to explain agdhsh. easier on my head. also it depends on what you hc phil n wilburs relationship as but i like the idea that maybe wilbur found phil when he was really young? n so this elytrian boy stumbles across phils land n phils not the best maybe with kids right, but hes reacting to things that arent there, and he has deep cuts in sets on his back and chest and even his wings, and it doesnt take a genius to know what was after him. but phils not going to ask why, so he takes him in and while he used to be neglectful of how often he slept (phantoms, at this point for him, are more of a nuisance than anything else), as long as wilbur is in his care, however long he stays, there are bedtimes.
also the vampire thing was different ahdhsh! was mostly inspired by me reading vamp fics and finding things that i thought were kinda like. eugh. yknow? not calling anyone out ofc bc im sensitive to alot of stuff that vampaus kind of foster ig. but i was trying to worldbuild! mostly started out as me thinking abt wilbur as a vampire agdhshd. like yknow that one cwilbur design w the red glasses? i legit got excited thinking abt him w those except this time theyre to help disguise his eye color.
but like. okay so covens. are mostly built of a family of vampires that have been turned, but are not necessarily so! while some are strict abt only keeping members if theyve been turned by others in the group, there are a fair amount that have vampires that are unrelated to them, esp. if the stray has an ability or an affinity for something that the others dont. uhh i have so much more also. i wrote it out onto pages and filled like. 4 of them. front and back. a whole 1 of which is describing the eight schools of magic (the dnd part of the inspo >:)) and whether or not vampires have an inherent like. boost. for that school yknow? like they cant do divination at all, no matter any capability they mightve had for it in life bc theyre undead but if they can get the info they want through other unmagical means? bam. anyways sorry again for disappearing and then hitting you w a book agdhsvgsg
yoooo books!!! no worries at all i am always glad to hear your ideas
:( phil suddenly being more mindful of sleeping regularly oh my gosh
also woooaaaahh that’s so cool i love mixing it with magic too that’s so awesome!!!
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walterdecourceys · 4 years
happy belated holidays, @stubbornness-and-spite ! i was you secret santa & i've written a Thing !
gonna go ahead & tag @sanderssidesgiftxchange so that they see this
link to read on ao3
or read it under the cut:
“Hypothetically, what would I do if my attic was contaminated with ghosts?”
Logan adjusted his glasses and stared up at the man that had just walked into his office. “I’m sorry?”
“Ghosts. In my attic. What would you suggest?” The man fluffed up his dirty blonde hair and looked at Logan inquisitively.
“Sir, while I’d love to help you with your… ghosts, you can’t just storm in here without an appointment. Do you know the number of people we get in here every day? You’re probably holding up quite a few people who have been waiting for weeks to speak with me.”
“I’m not, actually! I talked to the lovely old ladies in the lobby, and told them my story and all, and they were nice enough to let me go first! They said that ‘if that man has any sense, he’ll give you the proper advice and send you on your way very quickly.’”
“Well I don’t know what kind of advice you want, sir. I don’t know what the problem is.”
“My attic is contaminated with ghosts,” the man repeated.
“Well yes, I heard that. Would you like to be more specific? How do you know about this infestation, what would you like me to do about it, do you think you know these ghosts…”
“I heard these very strange noises- and not like normal strange noises, like ‘oh that’s a weird noise but it’s probably just the neighbors’ strange- like properly strange. They sounded like children’s voices? Which was weird, because we don’t have children in our house and the two couples next to us don’t have children either, they live alone. Very sweet, though. One of them made cookies for me once, and they weren’t nearly as good as Patton’s but they were probably a close second. Don’t tell him I said that though. He gets very touchy about his ba-”
“While this all sounds very interesting, I would prefer if you stayed on topic, Mister…”
“Baker. Roman Baker.”
“Right. Well, Mister Baker, please focus on the topic at hand.”
“Of course.” Roman took a drink from his water bottle. “So, I checked with Patton- Patton is my husband- and he said that he had heard the children’s voices too, and it sounded like they were coming from the attic. So we went up to the attic, and we didn’t see anything, but the children’s voices were definitely stronger. There were three, I think? Yeah. Three. Anyways, I went downstairs to google what if means if there are children’s voices in your attic, and google said it meant ghosts, so then I googled what I should do about that, and google said to go to a professional who specializes in ghosts, so then I googled the nearest professional who specializes in ghosts, and-”
“I think I get the point, Mister Baker, thank you.”
“Um. You’re welcome?”
Logan took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead. “Alright. Here’s what I’m going to do, Mister Baker. I will go over to your house. I will check to see if there really are ghosts in your attic, and if so, I will help you deal with them. If not, I am going to leave your house and I am not coming back.”
“Yes, sir!” Roman gave him a mock salute. “I’ll show you to my house, it’s not a far walk.”
So that was how Logan ended up Roman’s attic, eating slightly melted chocolate chip cookies and talking to ghost children.
Roman’s apparently-not-technically-his-husband (“we don’t have plans to get married, we don’t want the fuss,” Patton had explained. “Roman’s just dramatic.”) was standing next to him, watching pretty much everything Logan did with awe. Roman was on Logan’s other side, not paying attention to Logan at all and instead flipping through what looked like an old family photo album.
Roman had actually ended up being correct: There were ghosts in his attic, and they were the ghosts of three children. Logan had performed his typical summoning spells and the ghosts were now visible and much easier to hear, but that didn’t mean they were easy to talk to. So far, the only thing that Logan had been able to figure out was that they had died together, and that one of them blamed their death on the other two (although the other two denied this vehemently). He hadn’t even been able to get their names.
The tallest ghost in room, as well as the most talkative one, was explaining in detail how it felt to die. Logan was mostly trying to tune this out- it was far to early to be having an existential crisis about this sort of thing. He was more focused on getting the other two to talk, although they didn’t seem to want to.
“Look, uh- what did you say your name was?”
“Look, Remus. I’m sure that dying feels very strange, and I understand that you want to tell me about it. But would you mind pausing your story for a moment so that I can talk to your other…. friends?”
“No? What do you mean, no?”
“I mean, JayJay and VeeVee don’t wanna talk! I’m talking for them.”
“....I see. How do you know what they want to say?”
“I don’t know 100% for sure, but I know that JayJay usually wants to say something like ‘I don’t trust you and I think you’re gonna try to kill us again,’ and then VeeVee says ‘you can’t die twice idiot,’ and then JayJay says-”
“Thank you, I think I get the picture.” Logan rubbed his head and then turned to Roman and Patton, who were watching him with concerned expressions. “I am going to have a brief meeting with my- colleagues- about this situation. Will you two be okay up in the attic until we come back?”
“Hey, we survived five years in here alone,” said the ghost in the purple hoodie. “We’ll probably be fine. Unless Jan tries to kill us.”
“I couldn’t kill you, we’re already dead!” protested the third ghost. “That’s not how dying works, you moron.”
“See, I was right,” Remus said cheerfully. “But yes, I think we will be okay!”
Logan nodded and headed downstairs, motioning for the other two to follow him.
“Look,” he said once they were all standing in the kitchen. “I don’t think these ghosts can easily be rehabilitated.”
“Re-ha-what? Isn’t rehabilitation for like…. yknow, criminals?” Patton chimed in from where he’s standing by the stove.
“No. Well yes, but that’s not what I meant here. Christ, you two don’t seem to know anything about ghosts. Anyway. In this business rehabilitation refers to moving the ghosts to an empty house or building where they can live in peace and not bother the living. However, judging by these ghosts’ deminor, and the fact that they’re children, I highly doubt that will be a possibility.”
“So what do you suggest we do, then?” Roman asked.
“Well. There’s always the option of, um.” Logan lowered his voice. “Killing the ghosts. Well not killing per se, but there are…. methods. To get rid of them.”
“That’s horrible!” Patton cried. “They’re kids!”
“I never said I liked it, Patton, just that it was a possibility.”
“Well is there anything else we could do? I don’t know if they’d like being in the attic forever… and oh no, what if we move? Or die? What’ll happen to them then? We can’t just-”
“Hey.” Roman placed a hand on Patton’s shoulder. “We’ll figure it out, kay?”
Patton smiled weakly back at his boyfriend, then looked back at Logan. “What do you suggest we do, then?”
Logan sighed. “I suppose there’s always the option of… fostering the ghosts.”
“Yes. A situation in which adult living beings help to take care of undead children. They don’t need to eat or sleep or… do anything, really, but they’re still children and still need parental guidance. If someone were to foster them, they’d check in on them daily, make sure they’re doing okay and have enough entertainment, that sort of thing.”
Patton’s eyes lit up. “Roman! We could be parents!”
“I- that does sound… really nice, actually.” Roman smiled. “Would you be helping us?” He asked, nodding at Logan.
Logan blinked. “What?”
“Will you be helping us to foster the ghosts?”
“I- I mean obviously, I’ll get you all set up with the papers and make sure everything’s set up-”
“That’s not what I meant. Will you be helping us take care of the ghosts?”
Logan paused, flustered. Roman wanted him to help? Hadn’t they just met?
Or, alternatively, Roman didn’t want him to help and was trying to figure out weather Logan felt the same way. Well if that was the case, good. Logan definitely didn’t want to have to deal with those annoying ghost children every day, or Roman and his bouncy boyfriend/fiance/person.
Right. He totally didn’t care about them. He totally didn’t think that they were cute. At all.
“I, uh. Only if you want me to, Mister- Roman.”
“I do want you to! But, ah. Only if it’s not a bother to you.”
“I do have, uh. Work, and things like that.” Logan pushed up his glasses. “But, I suppose…. I could always ask for some time off. To help you with your endeavors.”
Patton stifled a squeal. “Oh, you would? Thank you, that’d be really- really nice.”
“Yes. Well. I am known for being nice,” Logan joked. “Um, how about I start by coming over at 4 pm every Tuesday? To start, at least.”
Both Roman and Patton beamed. “That sounds lovely.”
So that was how Logan ended up taking care of three of the most stubborn ghost children he’d ever met.
He started, as he had promised he would, by coming over every at 4 PM every Tuesday. At first he just stayed for an hour before heading back to work. He’d come in, eat cookies and chat with Patton, then go upstairs and ask the ghosts how they were doing. Usually this last part lead to Logan storming out with a headache, but he got used to it.
The ghosts were actually quite sweet, once they started to trust Logan more. They were rather insightful, for seven year olds, even though they kept stopping every two seconds to argue with each other.
He taught all of them how to play chess, although only Janus seemed really into it. He asked them about their former families and lives (who were all dead now, unfortunately) and let Virgil cry on his shoulder. And when they were ready, he helped them find the skeletons of their old bodies and taught Remus about how to keep them safe and clean.
He really was starting to get attached to them, wasn’t he.
And there were… other reasons. That Logan kept staying longer. But those didn’t matter right now.
By the time a couple months had gone by Logan was coming over practically every day after work and spending hours at the house. It got to the point that he even slept over a few times, although only when it was absolutely necessary and he couldn’t drive home because it was too dark. Obviously.
He was starting to get closer to Patton and Roman as well. He learned that Patton worked at a bakery, but that he wanted to start up his own company. That Roman did acting at a local theater and was hoping to make it big in Broadway, although he mostly dismissed it as a silly dream. That they were actually quite excited about the ghosts, because they’d always wanted kids of their own. That they were both trans, something Logan was very excited to discover they had in common.
Unfortunately, Logan’s boss wasn’t a fan of how he was starting to spend his time. She told him that if he was going to keep spending his time, quote, “playing with bratty ghost children instead of exterminating them,” he would be fired, or at the very least demoted.
Obviously this was a bit of a problem.
Logan didn’t want to leave his job. It payed well, he liked the work, and his coworkers were friendly enough. But… honestly, if given the choice between staying with Roman, Patton and the ghosts and continuing to work… he’d choose the ghosts.
So he quit. Well, technically his boss called him in to her office to fire him, but he handed in his letter of resignation before she could say anything, so it was hard to tell who fired who, but the thought was still there.
He lived at his house for a while- there were enough ghosts in his neighborhood that necromancers were in high demand, even unemployed ones. But once Roman found out about his predicament he practically insisted that Logan move in with he and Patton, saying that there were far more ghosts in their town anyway and that they’d be honored to have him, really.
So he moved in with them. There were only two bedrooms, one for Patton and one for Roman (Roman had issues with touch, apparently) but that was okay because both Logan and Patton were willing to share a bed. The house was a bit small for three people plus ghosts, just in general, but no one ever seemed to mind sharing.
And so that was how it went, for a while. Logan lived with Roman and Patton, picking up odd jobs around the neighborhood and helping out Patton with his bakery. It was… good. Right. It felt like it was always supposed to be this way.
Which was why, when Roman and Patton asked to talk to him about something, he felt like he knew what is was going to be.
Which was why, when Roman and Patton admitted that they both had a crush on him, he knew that they were telling the truth. And he knew what they wanted.
They had barely even asked him “will you join our relationship” when Logan had said yes, and they were all laughing and smiling.
And when Patton and Roman both kissed him on the cheek, he knew that this was how he wanted to spend the rest of his life.
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b-listbadboy · 5 years
Castlevania Season 3 was disappointing
(Spoilers for Castlevania Season 3, if you haven’t seen it yet it’s out now on Netflix. I suggest watching that first before reading this review)
I won’t say it was an awful season by any stretch of the imagination but man was it a drag to get through.
Almost nothing of significance happens for the majority of the season and the things that did happen felt extremely off and weird. 10 episodes, 25 to 30 minutes each, and every single one except for the fucking TWO LAST EPISODES were spent dicking around with a mystery that had little to do with anything from season 2 beyond a really out there twist that I’m sort of iffy on. Top that off with a lackluster arguably stupid ending to leave us off on a needless cliffhanger, and that’s the magic remedy that will leave me feeling pretty damn frustrated.
The best parts, in my opinion, were with Isaac’s massive undead crusade he was waging throughout his journey for revenge, and Trevor and Syph’s interactions with each other as well as with the little villagers. Isaac’s arc going from a servant of Dracula to slowing evolving into the master of the damned felt genuine, intriguing, and badass! I really wish he was the next main villain instead as it makes sense thematically. He carries out Dracula’s nihilistic views of humanity in a similar but now more direct way and that can lead into something really intriguing. However, for some reason, this season left him and his whole journey on a back burner, and virtually everything else that is implemented into main villain role fell flat on its face execution wise.
For example; The new vampires of this season are Camilla’s three other empress sisters, and while they do have a plethora of personality at the very least, that kind of comes at a cost of the main threat being extremely diluted. We go from this hurting sympathetic undead overlord with the power of an anchent GOD, to a couple of wicked sassy sisters who just wanna eat people forever? It’s a bit lame of a progression from what we once had, we know Vampires like to eat people that’s nothing new or exciting. There’s no real twist to it besides it being “led by women in the dark ages” and granted that makes sense here since it IS the dark ages, but come on we literally just had arguably the BEST adaptation of friggin’ Dracula! This shouldn’t be all they got moving forward from that.
Now, I have ZERO issue with the main antagonists being female or even two of the four sisters (not by blood don’t worry) being a lesbian couple. I hate that I have to emphasize this, hell I often defend Cinder Fall in RWBY more than anyone in the fandom at all despite her issues as a complex and sometimes flat out badly written character. However, The four of them in this season have the most basic of plans that it seems arbitrary status quote fluff at best. It felt like just because it’s Castlevania, we HAVE to have the vampires as the villains. Even though in the games the Belmont’s were literally fighting werewolves, dragons, skeletons, and the GRIMM REAPER??
Therefore, the sense of urgency and tense calculating plans of ‘survival vs extinction’ is completely gone. And yknow in a way, I can kinda initially SEE that working in a sort of “Empire Strikes Back” esque plot. Yknow, with Alucard and the gang go around cleaning up Dracula’s leftover horde only for Isaac or even Camilla to have this huge vengeful comeback of dominance? But there’s no one exactly “striking back” or even taking any kind of immediate initiative after Dracula’s death. It’s been MONTHS after the whole event and no one seems like they really care about that world changing event from the last two season’s. Everything is fine and dandy, no one has a single worry in the world! How enthralling...I miss Godbrand 😑
Besides the plan the four empresses have as well as Issac’s revenge, which I hope will both be more explored in season 4, no one really has any goal to warrant THAT kind of length of a season. This is more of a Netflix problem that I have with most of their shows and it’s one of the reasons why I don’t like watching them. Almost every singe show Netflix produces now, feels the need to overstuff itself with needless filler that gets us really nowhere until the very end where it SUDDENLY all comes together. But because of the nature of binge watching and considering how Netflix wants to desperately keep their subscriptions in fear of intimidating competition, they make these shows 12 episodes long with HALF HOUR OR MORE amount of filler content that’s supposed to satisfy us cause it’s “cute”?! No, stop this shit! Granted, Castlevania wasn’t nearly AS bad as the live action shows, but honestly, what exactly was shown to us that couldn’t have been reduced to like 5 solidly paced episodes focused on one or two plot lines ONLY like before? It worked perfectly back then, why change what ain’t broke?
As much as I don’t like the immediate rush of Trevor and Syph’s out of nowhere sexual relationship, I didn’t overall mind it too much since they still somewhat felt consistent. Their characteristics play off very nicely with one another and it’s pretty easy to see the chemistry between the two....HOWEVER I’M STILL GONNA COMPLAIN ABOUT IT SO HERE WE GO!
I get that they were setting them up as an endgame ship of the series, there’s no denying that, but they start fucking for what feels like (to the audience) two days after and I think that’s a bit ridiculous! Even if Alucard states that it’s been at the very least a month worth of time since the events of Season 2, there’s no real physical signs showing that statement to be true. Hell, Trevor’s beard and hair remains the same despite a HUGE passage of time where it would naturally grow out to indicate said time passing by. But both him, Syph, Alucard, and damn near everyone else looks the exact same as last season. So for all I know it could have been like a week since Season 2 and that to me doesn’t feel exactly earned. The Season 2 finale didn’t explicitly leave off Trevor and Syph officially a couple, they felt more like partners in crime more than anything else. Not to say that there wasn’t any chemistry there to develope INTO a relationship GRADUALLY, but going from a little spark of interest to the immediate jump of them sleeping together naked all comfortably as if they’re a goddamn married couple is a STRETCH! Even Trevor himself thinks so too so don’t jump down my throat about not being immediately swooned by the shipping fanservice given to us. I don’t dislike them as a couple at all, in fact I think their dynamic is cute! However, I would have also liked to have this couple feel natural and earned. They most certainly do not feel earned this way, at least to me.
Oh god, then there’s this out of nowhere sexual tension between Alucard and his new two recruits from another region hinted at in the previous season? Mind you, Alucard was doing literally NOTHING throughout the entirety of Season 3. Yep, literally the ONE DUDE WHO BASICALLY KILLED DRACULA gets about fuck all story progression afterwards out of the three. But what they DO give him are these two new vampire hunting student’s who look identical to one another (no racial they just literally look like fraternal twins) so I assumed they were either siblings or a couple, which makes it REALLY WEIRD WHEN THEY BOTH FUCK ALUCARD OUT OF NOWHERE?! I’m NOT making this shit up I promise! What makes even less sense is that it was really just a ploy for them to steal the Belmont knowledge of killing vampires to show to their people who have been enslaved. Which of course ends with them being killed so it really makes this entire conflict in his character damn near pointless besides “sad vibes check”, but here’s the thing...why didn’t they just keep doing training with Alucard?? There were virtually no downsides to having him teach you how to kill Vampires to save your village from being enslaved, he was teaching you both very well and gave you like the eternal knowledge of how to kill literally EVERY MONSTER and even let you live in the castle FOR FREE, food and wine included! What was the turning point for them to want to kill him all of the sudden? Cause he’s a vampire?? THEY FUCKING KNEW THAT ALREADY!!! Why was is suddenly not a problem at first but then coincidentally a problem now? If they wanted to use this to somehow depict this notion of “Oh my dad/Dracula was right humans are the worst” mindset, trust me, it was better conveyed with Isaac. These twins side plot not only made no sense, but also felt unjustified for Alucard to be an emo boi. I get that it’s supposed to be symbolic of him going through the same issues that both of his parents went through, but none of that really showed how bad human’s are. Just that those two twins didn’t think things through apparently. So the point of Alucard having this odd character convenience shift feels by the numbers cliché, and most importantly CHEAP.
It really makes no sense to me why they’re adding so much of this filler for such a long time, especially with some of this filler being oddly sexual. I don’t mind honest depiction of sex between consenting adults of course, but it just felt so misplaced and awkward at parts where it showed itself. I felt like I was reading a mediocre fanfic of Castlevania instead of the actual show itself! Granted, Season 2 had somewhat of a similar dilemma but the lull in between was still showing the character specifically doing things to further the story along. Towards the end, it gave us a way more satisfactory closure of that saga with Dracula that felt natural and well earned. This season however, felt like they were scrambling with different ideas here and there and didn’t know which to go with. Alucard training new recruits in his castle, Trevor and Syph figuring out an estranged (and BORING/GENERIC) cult of Dracula’s plan, Camilla setting up an army with her fellow sisterhood of evil vampires to gain ultimate power, Hector surviving captivity by using his wit and charm, Isaac raising up the dead for revenge on his deceased master, a new character introducing an all new world to the lore of Castlevania as we know it, all of these interesting concepts and ideas that could easily make up for a good season alone! And instead of focusing on one or two ideas to develope into something natural, they ended up saying “FUCK IT! Fucking I dunno what to- WE’RE DOING ALL OF IT I DUNNO!” and mixed the whole thing in a blender of different flavors that don’t necessarily blend together well enough for a tasty satisfactory meal. It just ends up being a mesh of okay at best, and gross at worst.
IN CONCLUSION, Castlevania Season 3 had a rocky start, an okay middle, and a kind of cool end. There was definitely some cool and exciting ideas implemented in here, but not enough to warrant that lengthy amount of time that Netflix seems to love to give to most of their TV shows. Sometimes less is more, and all that shiny cool glitter isn’t necessarily going to turn out to be gold. I’ll give this season a 5/10. It’s not the worst I’ve ever seen but it certainly could’ve been a lot better.
P.S. “Who Do Ya Voodoo” from Dead Island is Isaac’s new theme song, you can’t convince me otherwise.
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farshores · 2 years
D, F, H and U for Tei, C, D, I and K for Otero, and E, L, T, and Y for Mei please!
Hoo, a whole list! Gonna put this under a read more since it gets a little long!
Daedra: Who is their patron? If they don’t worship anyone, then what’s their stance on Daedra worship in general?
Tei is a worshiper of Hircine, & currently the prince's champion! They really only vibe with him, not trusting others all too much. (Sithis doesn't count here, ik the game lists the artifact you get from it as a Daedric one, but we ignore that)
Faction: Is your character apart of any guilds?
Dark Brotherhood, Blades, & Companions!
Halfling: How do they view half-breeds?
Considering two of their children are both half-Argonian, no negative views!
Underground: What does your muse think of the Dwemer ruins? Do they steal anything from there?
Ooooh, Tei does not like Dwemer ruins all too much. Bad experiences involving a loss of eye n all, yknow? But they suck it up where they can because folks will pay a lot of money for what's scavenged there, Lucien especially.
Companions: Does your character have any close friends or traveling companions?
Pelath & Serana! Bran and Sceolang too if dogs count. Mei & Otero used to be the best buds a sibling could have, but Otero suddenly disappearing for a few years strained their relationship a bit.
Daedra: Who is their patron? If they don’t worship anyone, then what’s their stance on Daedra worship in general?
None! You could argue he was technically a part of Hircine's followers due to Tei's gift/curse being passed down, but that was lost after losing his soul during the whole VIGILANT debacle. Not that it bothers Otero, he despises Daedra & their worshipers - so not having to worry about being connected to Hircine was one of the few good things to come out of the whole event.
Inn: What does a typical visit to an inn entail for your character? What foods do they normally order?
Otero usually tends to avoid inns due to his melophobia. But before it developed, & also during his attempts at exposure therapy, Otero usually keeps inn visits sweet and simple. Order something filling for the night, whatever it may be, & a bed - maybe a bath if he has the time.
Kindness: Does your muse donate to any temples or help any beggars?
Oh absolutely! Otero is a pretty strict follower of Stendarr's precepts, & part of that includes donating to temples or those in need. He may be an unapproachable grump, but he truly does care for the people.
Education: Did they receive a formal education growing up, or did they learn a trade from their parent(s)?
More or less? Mei, alongside Otero, was more or less homeschooled/tutored, with Mei going to the College of Winterhold at 14 to assist in her magical talents, & later transferred to the Mages Guild in Shimmerene by Ancano's suggestion. Her main study is that of souls & soul gems!
Lich: How does your muse view necromancy and the undead?
I mean, Mei is a necromancer somewhat. So, she isn't too bothered by it.
Thalmor: What’s their opinion of ‘elven supremacy’ and the aldmeri dominion?
Kinda thinks it's stupid! Hell she & some other's her age bad mouth the group constantly where they can. That said, this doesn't mean some ideas pushed by the group didn't stick to her.
Ysgramor: Do they approve of his actions? Are they content with the way history has played out thus far?
Absolutely not. Mei can see why mer would be uncomfortable with him being revered the way he is & may or may not fall under the belief that Talos/Ysmir/Ysgramor/whoever the fuck should not be considered a god. Meaning she's not all that opposed to the 'banning' of him - though in her defense, he technically wasn't part of Nordic traditions in the first place.
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windypuddle · 2 years
Ensemble Stars!! > Bungou Stray Dogs, Part 5
i can’t believe it took me this long to make part 5, sorry. i have like 4 Lengthy Assignments/papers this weekend and ive only finished one. anyway.
this might be my favorite part actually. if you’ve been wondering where UNDEAD is...
[Bungou Stray Dogs manga spoilers below!!]
(continuation of my enstars as BSD au, previous posts below)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] and this is the last part!
The Hunting Dogs.
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first of all. if you havent heard of Saya-chan, the hunting dog’s mascot:
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(the right-side comic) in this house we appreciate saya-chan.
Leon is basically Saya-chan but they’ve just got this dog wandering around a military complex. One time Koga saw a new Leon plushie that got made and he started crying because he thought Leon had been turned into a plushie by an Ability.
Rei is the leader of the Hunting Dogs. (unlike in BSD canon no he is not involved with the Decay. totally separate and they are enemies. we like the hunting dogs in this au) He used to be the informal leader of the ragtag group of the Eccentrics, and was well known and feared on the streets. the government recruited him and started a new elite Ability user unit. (his ability is whatever Fukuchi’s ability is called that increase the effectiveness of a weapon x100. he’s also a vampire)
[enstarrie voice] nice light music club reference nerd
the twins are Rei’s second-in-command. their ability lets them instantaneously swap places at any moment; they’ve developed a strategy where they have totally different combat strengths, so they work together really well: Yuta is better at speed and stealth, where Hinata is strnger and more... distracting. in uniform, no one can tell them apart (except the other hunting dogs).
Koga heard of Rei, because everyone’s heard of Rei, and really looked up to him, and tried to get his attention through various dubiously legal stunts until they let him join the hunting dogs. He’s got Tecchou’s ability because it’s kind of similar to Fukuchi’s (which Rei has) and he’s got the whole thing of wanting to be like Rei. yknow. Leon is his dog first and foremost and the unofficial mascot second.
Adonis therefore gets Jouno’s ability which means I probably should have put them in the opposite places in the graphic but its too late for that. oh well. it still makes sense though and it’s fine because Adonis has a strong moral code like Tecchou and his motivation is protecting other and just. I have so many feelings about how Adonis is such a good and sweet guy and just genuinely A Good Person. ok?
i love plot. Kaoru as Tachihara was the third thing I came up with in this au (after wataei fyolai and rinne dazai). First of all they’re both my favorite characters. second of all they both have family stuff with loss and being compared to their older siblings. and third of all the ocean thing can connect him to Kanata so we sort of have the connection going on there. I’m thinking his ability instead of controlling metal is controlling water, and if he hadn’t joined the mafia as a spy well after Kanata left, they would have been partnered up in an instant.
as a fun little reference to the wan comic above I will throw in the fact that Kaoru adores Leon
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argonapricot · 7 years
All of them
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Right now? Japan. Just. You know. Because
sails: describe your perfect partner.
Someone with nice and positive energy, who is not super dependent on me but also values me a lot. Someone who has passions and hobbies! I’m usually attracted to how people animate themselves, rather than individual features? A violist musician, maybe. Someone who will listen to classical music with me, and share awesome non-classical jams with me! Someone who likes cats. Someone whose name starts with U.
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?
On average, none. For special events, or events that I am very anxious about, I might put on concealer/foundation. I kind of use the two interchangeably. And then maybe a Bit of eyeshadow and maybe a Bit of brown eyeliner, if I’m really feeling fancy. 
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?
A vampire? Seems easier to control. And also potentially less painful. And hotter. Also I wouldn’t get my period anymore because I’d be undead sign me up.
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?
Once upon a time my school orchestra was corralled into the most mortifying gig on a radio show recording session to ever happen. I don’t think we were even invited, our conductor just made us show up. Only only half the orchestra did and it was the worst. thing. to ever happen.
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
Oh god, I’ve had a lot of weird dreams. I feel like I’m currently blanking on the weirdest. Surely I’ve already told you some good ones?
waves: favourite season and why?
FALL because the weather is nice and the breeze is nice and the smell is nostalgic and the trees are beautiful and aaaa there’s nothing like an autumn breeze
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?
I mean. Yeah.
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.
You, me, the squad, a beach. Ideally featuring me beating Hannah at something.
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?
I mean possible as in “safe” or “legal” or “practical”? Like. Snow leopards are gorgeous and big cats can be pretty catlike but I don’t think they’d be very happy in closed quarters.
sunlight: least favourite song?
Clarissa’s stupid bear song on the piano
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
I don’t think I’d ever go through with it? Sometimes I’m just like “wow my skin sucks imagine getting fake skin that wouldn’t betray me like this”, but idk if that’s even possible. Other than that I’m… actually pretty happy with my facial features.
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?
I’ve been told that I have an Adorable Nose. I’ve also been complimented on my eyebrows, and also sometimes my eyes, but uh. I think the most Compelling part of my physical appearance is just like. The way I emote. Idk. Anyone care to cast a vote?
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?
As in… on myself? On other people? In the context of sexual attraction? I have my ears pierced, and other piercings can look really good on other people. So can tattoos! But I don’t really think I’m likely to get either.
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?
Um. I would be… a cream puff. Because I deflate easily.
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor?
I like both! For a living space of my own, maybe modern.
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
The opening sequence to the Uzuki Files
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?
Why can’t I be a rogue warrior mage tho. 
tropic: what is your least favourite thing about your appearance?
My skin! If it could just  be clear, all the time, I would feel honestly so much better about myself.
aquamarine: describe your dream date.
Oh gee, I don’t know. Nice weather, and maybe some nice pastries, and maybe outdoors somewhere with some nice conversation? And maybe some handholding or cuddling or little cheek kisses.
brine: gold or silver?
Depends on the application! But my Inner Aesthetic dictates silver.
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?
Uh. I mean I think that depends on the mood my personality is filtered through. 
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?
You! Also, elves. Also, nice weather.
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.
Uhh. Living in an apartment in Massachussetts with you and Emma while you two get graduate degrees in engineering and biology or somethings. I will be freelancing art and graphic design even though I will have been able to major in neither. Idk.
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?
Tall iced mocha with whipped cream. 
voyage: what are your favourite names?
We made a giant ass spreadsheet of our favorite names, I don’t know which to select for the purpose of this ask meme! Um. Nikolai, obviously. And……. I’ve always loved the name Lyla. 
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.
mkay so we have:
Riava - a wreck, a mess, stammers a bunch, very timid and wishy washy in the face of death and torture, has no legs,  a badass girlfriend who you hate. Possibly also in a relationship with the badass girlfriend’s twin brother Randy.
Ayra - a Badass Amazing CalmTM paladin knight lady with an overprotective streak and a lot of Really Cool Skillz. She works very hard and takes things very seriously, and doesn’t have time for boys. That aren’t her brother/adopted puppy Destian.
Caslyn - A lot more capable and level-headed than Riava, but also kind of a mess? Does magic and ships. Basically married to a lovey competent ship’s captain. Probably going to end up kicking Hannah’s crying rear-end.
Steph - a de-armadillo’d armadillo person who is good at quests and swords and Inner Conflict. Passed up an amazing and gr8 and not-evil sword Silverlight for the alternatively Super Evil And Powerful/Super Clueless And Convinced Tat My Mom Is Pregnant Darklight. What a wild ride
cerulean: do you believe in true love?
As in like, a predestined perfect love that happens automatically and sustains itself without effort? Nnnnah. All relationships take work and attention and trust. I believe in very complete, genuine love, but that doesn’t mean infallible or inevitable.
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
Either french, because it sounds Good and Nice and kind of already know my way around the language a little, or Korean because I spend a lot of time listening to people speak Korean and the rhythm is really different from English and the idea of being able to understand it is really attractive.
Or yknow. Elf languages.
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
A spandex kilt over purple overalls, idk????? I don’t know how Fashion.
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?
Introverted all the way. Which like. I wouldn’t say always makes me happy, because I suffer a lot, but I’m… kinda proud of it. Tis the way of my family.
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
Sometimes I eat raisins and pretend that the raisin box is a pack of cigarettes, and I’m, uh… smoking? Them? Eating some drugs? Don’t ask me how that works, I’m too lame.
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