#whoooo its finally done
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insertsomthinawesome · 2 years ago
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I’ll keep coming back o7 Trigun stampede. Absolutely floored by this show and all the heart and effort put into it. Its incredibly and full of love. I’m so excited to see what Studio Orange does with the rest of the series! I was really proud of this one, so I’m going to include more zoom shots beneath the cut!! -NO ROMANCE INCLUDED-
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jazlynriddle · 1 month ago
Let's Go, Together
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What if Anne arrived a little later in the catacombs? What if she didn’t see Sebastian kill Solomon? What if she wasn't overcome with rage, piled upon grief? You watch helplessly instead, as the twins go to meet fate, hand in hand.
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Warnings: Death, major character death, angst, depression, suicide, bittersweet, tragedy. Like, my partner read this and went "this is some Romeo/Juliet-esque shit right here", seriously, don't read this unless you're ready for the possibility of crying.
You can also read on AO3!
So, this is probably the shortest oneshot I've ever written, I'll explain in the notes where it came from, but this came out super damn smooth, like, bam, under two hours and barely any editing needed. Getting this out was like the smoothest diarrhoea ever, complete with painful cramping.
And, whoooo! It’s finally come, the day that my notes are actually longer than the fic itself. Aha ha ha… goddamnit. Though, I’ll admit that that’s because half the notes are me ranting about the argument that got this churned out to begin with. So, I apologise to anyone who came in thinking the fic is 5k words, half of that is notes and they wouldn't fit in the notes category. I'm sorry! OTL
Also, fuck me, I only have a week left before my deadline and the next chapter of It's My Own Design is still only half done- ToT Being in an argument makes it hard for me to regulate and get into my writing, it's already over but I'm still feeling its effects... sigh hopefully getting this out will make me feel better...
You watch as the wand falls from Sebastian's fingers, he's staring at his hand like it's betrayed him. You're about to speak, to ask him what the ever-loving fuck. When the Inferi nearby swipe at you and you can't simply continue watching his stunned form.
“Sebastian, look out!” You shout, casting Incendio at the Inferi around you, the flames licking across the hems of your robes. “Snap out of it!”
This isn't the time to be horrified. Not yet, anyway. Not while the living dead continue to attack, uncaring of the absolute shit show of a disaster that has taken place here.
You spare a moment to cast a Confringo at one of the skeletons coming up behind Sebastian, but he takes a blow from another, which jostles him from his stupor, and he finally seems aware of his surroundings again. You kick his wand to him, Inferi first, you can slap him later.
He quickly scoops up his wand and resumes fighting. Without Solomon attacking you alongside the Inferi, without Sebastian being distracted trying to solo Solomon, the two of you sweep up the remaining Inferi with your usual efficiency and teamwork.
All too soon, the cavern is quiet once more, save the panting from you and he. Charred bones litter the floor, covering almost every square inch, but you have no interest in them, because Sebastian has gone still, staring at his uncle's body once again.
“Sebastian... what have you done...” You breathe, you don't know what to do, how to react, nothing could have prepared you for this. For him to do this.
Sure, Solomon had been coming at you with terrifying anger, even hung you in the air and petrified you - as the Inferi slashed at you - threw Confringos at you, ignored your pleas for him to stop, to stop making things worse. But this... the Killing Curse, you're not sure whether Sebastian was trying to protect you or just taking his anger towards Solomon too far.
Maybe it was both? You pray it was both. His outburst on the mountain still feels uncomfortable, even if he apologised for it. If you pissed him off enough, would he kill you too? You watch Sebastian sink to his knees by his uncle's body, reaching out with shaky fingers to touch the hardening skin.
“U- uncle?” He murmurs faintly, and you know the answer. He wouldn’t have. Sebastian is just as shaken by his actions as you are.
You have to mean it.
You swallow, yeah, you'd meant it too, when you threatened to abandon Sebastian, when he was being a prick on the mountain. Didn't mean you wouldn't have felt awful about it afterwards, if he made you feel like you had to, if he pushed you into that corner. Didn't mean you wouldn't hate the consequences, didn't mean you wouldn't miss having your friend by your side, as you fought against Ranrok. Alone.
You take a step towards him, but you don't know what to say, and the sound seems to jostle him from his daze.
“In- inferi.” Sebastian mutters, pushing himself to his feet unsteadily and taking several steps back, turning away from the body with a hand over his mouth. He looks like he's seconds from vomiting. “We- we can say the Inferi did- did- this.”
“Sebastian...” You frown, he's doing it again, closing his feelings off and trying to think with his brain alone.
“Please-” He gasps, knowing that you're about to... actually, you're not sure what you're about to say or do, but whatever it is, you don't get to.
“Sebastian?” Anne's voice reaches your ears, and both you and Sebastian stare at the doorway, in varying degrees of horror.
“A- Anne-” Sebastian moves, as though wanting to cover Solomon's body from her view, even though he must know he cannot possibly do so in time.
You see her expression change the moment she spots Solomon. With wide eyes, she staggers towards him, slowly at first, disbelief on her face, and then she's running, stumbling and falling mere steps away. Sebastian quickly darts forward to catch her, but she throws his arms off and collapses to the floor, dragging herself across the stone to kneel by Solomon's cold corpse.
“No- no no no- Uncle?” Anne touches Solomon's face frantically. “Please, uncle-”
“He's- he's gone.” Sebastian pleads, practically begging her to stop. To stop making him regret what he's done. “Anne-”
“Why- how-” Anne gasps, tears spilling from her eyes in rivers as she clings to the man's body.
“I- Inferi- they- they got him.” Sebastian answers, giving you an entreating stare, like you were a deity that he was praying to for salvation.
You are at a loss for words, there hasn't been enough time for you to decide if you will go along with his lie. And it is a lie, an outright lie. He's told many half-truths, used misleading language and implied things that weren't true, kept secrets - just as you have - but this is his first baldfaced lie.
“Why-” Anne continues before you can decide, turning to look at Sebastian. “Why did you do this? Any of this...”
“I-” Sebastian stammers, you've never seen him so speechless.
“I'm not worth this.” Anne sobs and Sebastian immediately kneels, grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her.
“You are!” He declares, it sounds like a demand and a plea in one, and he's crying now too, more desperately than you ever imagined the cocky boy could. “You are! I- please, Anne, I can't live without you.”
He touches her face gently, tenderly, despair dripping from every word. “You can't say that. I- I need you. You are worth it. You... you have to be.”
He's hanging off her shoulders now, sobbing harder than even she had been, and she watches him with empty eyes.
Defeated, resignation in the slump of her shoulders, in the flatness of her expression. It hurts to watch.
She slowly raises her hand to touch his wet cheek, speaking gently. “You need to let me die.”
“No!” Sebastian practically screams, grabbing his head between his hands and you instinctively raise your wand. He's going completely off the rails, and you're worried about what could happen, what he might do, but he only continues wailing. “I can't, I need you! Anne, I can't live without you! Don't leave me, please, please stay, just- just stay... I'll do anything...”
He grasps her hand, gazing into her face, his eyes red and frenzied, and she swallows, before closing her eyes in acceptance and sorrow.
“I know... but I can't.” Anne whispers, and before his face can harden into anger, she touches his cheek with a sad smile. “So... let's go. Together.”
His entire body freezes, and you freeze too. Surely, she can't be suggesting-
“I can't- I can't let you hurt anyone else, but I understand now.” Anne gives a bitter laugh. “I was wrong to think I could just... set you free.”
He chokes on a sob, placing his hand over hers.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Sebastian. It's okay.” She smiles beseechingly. “I know you don't mean to, and you would hurt too, wouldn't you? If anyone else gets hurt. If Ominis or...”
Anne gives you a glance and you jolt in place. She was serious!?
Incredulous, your eyes flicker to Sebastian, who is also staring at you now. He's wearing a complicated expression, and you're not sure which you see, fear, relief or regret. Perhaps it's all of the above.
Your heart clenches, was that why he didn't tell you when he was going to test the relic? Because he didn't want you or Ominis getting hurt if it went wrong? Because he wasn't willing to sacrifice anyone beyond himself? Was that why he seemed so eager to show you that he'd mastered the relic without a sacrifice?
Was that why his control over the relic hadn't been complete? He was so clever, it would be Sebastian who'd manage to make the relic work halfway, without even paying the price for its services.
Anne turns back to Sebastian, her voice firm. “So, come with me. I won't leave you behind to suffer.”
He returns his gaze to her, eyes wide - like a lost child - and she presses a kiss to his forehead. “We can find a quiet peaceful place, we'll spend our last days there, and then we can go. Together.”
Stop. You want to say, you want to step forward, to stop this madness, but something holds you in place. Is it shock? Is it fear? Is it because... you can't see any other option either?
Sebastian stares into her eyes, and you watch. It's like watching the most beautiful, serene, and tranquil... horror play, enacted before your very eyes. A small smile of relief spreads across Sebastian's face, and he nods.
Anne leans forward to press their foreheads together and the twins close their eyes.
“Born together...” Sebastian whispers, like a prayer.
“Live together...” Anne's smile and voice are tight and watery.
“Die together.” Sebastian breathes and something in you snaps.
“Wai-” You step forward, the word barely out of your mouth, as the kneeling twins and Solomon's body vanish with the crack of apparition, and you shout. “No!”
But the cavern is empty now, nothing but you in a sea of bones, as your shout echoes down the hollow tunnels.
You stand in shock for several moments, before panic sets in and you scramble for the doors, bones clattering loudly as you kick them out of the way. You barely manage to reach the exit without stepping on a fibula and twisting yours.
The cold evening air hits your face when you emerge from the catacomb. It's bracing, but you have no time to enjoy the fresh breeze.
With a single deep breath, you take off towards Feldcroft at a sprint, if they leave the village, you don't know where they might go. You're desperate to stop them, wishing you could apparate too. You barrel through bushes, leap over rocks, stumble as you run.
The dimly lit hillside stretches out before you, and it was only a matter of time before you tripped over something. The dirt hurts, grains lodging themselves under your fingernails, but you push yourself up with trembling arms and throw yourself forward again.
The sound of them disapparating replays in your ears on repeat. The blissful smile on Sebastian's face, the peace on Anne's, flashing through your mind.
Tears bead in your eyes, and you pray to any celestial being listening that that will not be your last image of them. You feel like the pain in your chest may never fade if it is.
You're out of breath when you arrive at the Sallow residence, and you cast your gaze about frantically, hoping to see them, but all you find is Ominis, leaning against the rock fence behind the cottage. The blind boy is bathed in the last rays of the setting sun, staring distantly with something clutched in his hand, and you rush over.
“Ominis! Have you seen Anne and Sebastian!?” You gasp out without much thought, before your eyes settle on what seems to be a freshly dug mound on the ground near him, and a tombstone that reads ‘Solomon Sallow’. A sinking feeling bears down on your shoulders, settling heavy in your gut.
A bitter, hysterical laugh, almost painful in its grief, rips from Ominis’ throat. “No... but they- goodbye... they said goodbye.”
His cheeks bear streaks of tears and he whispers brokenly. “I- I couldn't stop them...”
No pit in your stomach has ever hurt this much, you cover your mouth and stumble to the side, catching yourself on the same fence. You want to vomit, your heart hurts, they hadn’t even said goodbye to you.
“Sebastian- Sebastian gave me this...” Ominis murmurs, holding out the item in his hand, a rolled-up note. “For you-”
His words choke in his throat, and you take the parchment with trembling fingers, you feel like the same lump is in your throat, as you unroll it to read.
I'm sorry, I wish I could say goodbye to you. But I know you wouldn't let me go. So, this must suffice. Our time together has been short, but I have cherished every moment, and you will always have my gratitude for being by my side.
I have no right to ask anything of you. After everything, you would be well within your rights to hate me. You and Ominis believed in me, and I let you both down.
But please, please take care of Ominis for me? And for Anne. Don't let him be alone. I don't want him to follow us. You know how to talk to him, better than I ever did. Be there for him, like you were for me.
Please. Humour my selfishness, just one last time.
Your friend, Sebastian Sallow
P.S. Help me burn Salazar's journal too. I no longer need it, and Ominis was right. I did end up regretting it.
Your knees hit the floor and your fist slams against stone. Pain shoots up your arm, but it doesn't compare to the pain in your heart. That fucking prick. That selfish - selfless - fucking idiot.
You hear a sob leave Ominis and he slides down to sit beside you, his expression is the most broken you've ever seen. More than in the Scriptorium, where he'd seemed more afraid than anything else. Now, he looks as though a stiff breeze could rip him apart.
You lean into him and wrap your arms around him, letting him cry into your shoulder, as you do his. Taking comfort from each other, and mourning the tragic twins who'd come to mean so much to the two of you. Those two bright souls, searing in their intensity - in their love - burning everything they touched, and then burning out like a wisp on the wind.
Alright. Alright, Sebastian. I'll try my best.
You never see them again, but you can't forget how powerful and beautiful love can be, and how painful a curse it can also be.
Maybe, hopefully, they are finally at peace.
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I tried to write this from the perspective of the average player rather than my own, because I know there's a lot of people who didn't react the same way I did during the game, and I wanted to sort of guide the brain (of anyone who relates to this response), to the conclusions I came to after analysing the game.
The reason I have Sebastian willing to burn the book and express regret is because he buried Solomon himself this time, not Anne alone. So, he had more time to feel the weight of his actions, that's one of the things I find frustrating, I've seen people go “Sebastian didn't say he regrets it until we threatened to turn him in” and I'm like, yeah, because he didn't get to face what he'd done, Anne's intervention allowed him to look away from what he'd done and distract himself. To wrap himself in the blanket of his righteousness. Thus, it was only when the social consequence became undeniable, when his actions irrevocably damaged his bond with Anne, that he was forced to face it.
For example, if a kid was recklessly grabbing a cup and it spilled everywhere, the correct thing to do is tell them that they should be more careful next time and then have the kid clean it (with your guidance, of course). The wrong things to do are; scold the child with “what's wrong with you, you are so impatient, look what you've done, you stupid kid”, or shoo the kid away and clean it yourself. One is hurtful, and the other doesn't teach the kid to take responsibility and give them a means of repenting and fixing the mistake.
Solomon repeatedly does BOTH those wrong things every single time we see him interact with Sebastian!
One of the arguments (for Sebastian being evil) that I hate the most is the, “you have to mean it, so Sebastian meant to Avada Solomon, and meant to cast the Cruciatus, he eeeevil.” Like, really? You've never done something that you were sure of in the moment and then regretted later? Seriously? Never said something hurtful, kicked a chair, broke a pencil, threw a tantrum? You sure meant it then, does that mean you can't regret it? Does that mean it didn't hurt to do it? Come on.
I was recently in an argument with someone who tried to tell me that mistakes aren't choices, saying that, “tripping on a rock, or dropping a cup is a mistake. Sebastian made a choice, not a mistake”. I'm just like, you're describing an accident, if you drop a cup, that's by accident. Mistakes are wrong/misguided choices, choices you regret, choices you want to take back. It's in the damn dictionary!
People make mistakes when under extreme stress. Case in point, Ominis. Cruciatus, big oof, 100% not his fault, but he did mean it. I just think that anyone who judges Sebastian but says Ominis is an angel doesn't understand that torture isn't always ripping off fingernails or stabbing eyeballs. The type of torture Sebastian was experiencing was equally as cruel as Ominis got from his family. Just because Sebastian's torturer is reality itself (plus his uncle salting the wound), doesn't make it any less painful or devastating.
Another one is, “Sebastian manipulated MC into helping him and lied about his goals.” Like, when? Sure, he's been evasive, he's lied by omission, been misleading, but those were always in order to advance steps on the way to the goal, his goal was very plain from the beginning and never changes. “Cure Anne. Consequences? Who cares? If she dies, I might as well die too, then nothing matters.” That's why he's so reckless, it's despair and depression. Like, Sebastian could be an unreliable narrator regarding the way Solomon treats him, but he didn’t need to do shit to make me disapprove of Solomon’s behaviour, the man earned that on his own.
You can even say that this is the exact scenario that the Ominis in my other fic, Heavy Is The Crown, was so terrified of. Sebastian just doesn't have much to live for besides Anne and Ominis.
I will admit though, that Anne's maturity and balls have been cranked up a tad for this fic, she's more insightful and willing to face Sebastian's desperation rather than running away from the reality that, whether she likes it or not, even if it's not her fault, her death will ruin him, and she can choose to do something about it, or leave him to drown without her.
In this ending, she gives Sebastian relief, she offers him permission to stop. To give up, to stop trying, to stop fighting, to stop swimming against the current, to let it carry him down the stream, shatter his body against the rocks and obediently sink to the bottom. Permission to stop acting strong, to stop trying to convince others and himself that he's strong enough to carry a dying girl on that tiny 15-year-old back. It's a relief, it's freedom, it's her saying he can say, “I've done enough.” and she won't be disappointed that he can't move on, she's accepted it.
I actually believe in euthanasia, as it is done in the Netherlands, there's just so many things that are worse than death. The person I argued with tried to convince me that murder is the greatest sin, and I'm like, I can list a million things I'd rather be murdered, than be inflicted with, you lucky sweet summer child. I congratulated them on never having reached Sebastian's desperation and they seemed to be offended, but I meant it. I would love to believe that murder is the worst sin.
Then again, this person I was arguing with also said they'd rather lock up and punish someone who regrets and is ready to repent, than for anyone to “get away with it”.
I think it's also frustrating that some people seem to think that Sebastian doesn't care about Ominis because he keeps throwing us at Ominis, but I think he's hurt that Ominis listens to a stranger over him. It's because Sebastian cares about Ominis more than his own pride, that Sebastian says “you know what, I can't figure out what Ominis needs, but I want him to get it. So, if you can do it, please, even if it hurts me to ask you to do something I wish I could do. Talk to him for me because I don't know how to do it without hurting him.”
In the game, Sebastian shows signs of being bitter about not being able to communicate properly with Ominis, and it's one of the reasons he's ready to die with Anne in this fic. Sebastian doesn't feel needed by Ominis, Sebastian mistakenly thinks that Ominis is angry that “being friends with Sebastian” means that Ominis still has to think about Dark Arts. Sebastian doesn't have a reason to stay.
And that's why I prefer legalised euthanasia, going through multiple doctors, years of evaluations, lawyers and hoops before being approved and being able to back out any time. It's better than suicide since there's professionals to make sure that you've tried every option. Without legal euthanasia, people are more likely to attempt suicide alone, and when it's based off misinformation, like Sebastian's mistaken belief that he isn't needed.
In Heavy Is The Crown, Ominis gets his head out of his ass and takes action to prevent Sebastian from falling to suicide, but in this alternate path, Ominis continues his modus operandi of just feeling sorry for himself when something he doesn't want to happen happens. Which, obviously is NOT his fault. That's his default modus operandi because of his abuse and disempowerment in his home and school, because his family influence is so broad.
Also, um, I feel like I should just say, you're welcome to interpret Sebastian and Anne's love in this fic however you wish, but I personally did not write it with incestual romance in mind. Just... making that clear. The Reader/Ominis is a bit more intentional and I do think of this as a bit of pre-ship between Ominis and MC, but you can also see that as platonic, of course!
I'm just gonna rant about the person I was arguing with for a bit. You can skip this, but if you want to know where this fic came from, feel free to read the painful experience that led to it.
One of the most horrifying things that person said was “if a woman who had been assaulted and became afraid of men afterwards or if someone had a bad experience with a black person, and retaliated against the next black person who approached them aggressively, they should be blamed for choosing to react violently.” Like, I'll grant that these people with bias resulting from bad experiences should not be in charge of making laws and they need therapy, but blame them for a fear response? Wtf-
I begged them to try to understand why people make mistakes or overreact and take their experiences into account and have compassion, if they want to prevent tragedies and treat the root of problems, and they said I was insulting them as uncompassionate. They pulled a “I've suffered too, but I didn't become a murderer” line too, why do they always pull that one? Just because you can, doesn't mean everyone else can! We are not all equal in experience, support, background, and physical/chemical make up!
I pointed out their misquotes of lines that weren't in the game, like, they said Anne said the “Inferi were heading to the town”, which... no, Anne calls Feldcroft a hamlet, not a town and that line just doesn't exist! And they said Ominis approved of Anne getting Solomon and said, “I completely forgot, Anne's going to get Solomon.” but what he actually said was “I was so worried about Sebastian. I didn't even realise - Anne's gone to get Solomon.” Completely different meaning! I was like “please play the game again, you're hallucinating” and they called that an ad hominem.
They said there's a special Rehab Azkaban for minors that has no dementors (since when!?) where kids get to leave unharmed (That's some amazing Just World Fallacy, this is a country with slavery, legal racism and no lawyers!), right after saying that Sebastian would be an adult at almost-16 during that time, so this mythical minor-rehab-Azkaban wouldn't take Sebastian anyway! They even say Inferi can't leave their gravesite without being controlled, and then, that Sebastian failed to control the Inferi contradicting their assertion that Inferi were heading to the hamlet. And then they say I'm insulting them by saying they're being contradictory and illogical. Oh, and when I pointed that out, they said the relic was controlling the Inferi not Sebastian, like, controlling them to do what!? By that logic, I can say the gun killed that guy, not me. Wtf-
Then they said it's dangerous and unhealthy to draw conclusions about someone based on how they interact with a fictional character, (even though they said they would rather lock away anyone who isn't “sufficiently repentant” irl too, which sounds good until you realise that they don't think Sebastian was repentant) and that fictional topics should stay in fiction. Like, wtf, fiction is meant to allow us to share and simulate situations, explore, and practice emotions safely so we can learn from the experience and grow as a person, and face reality wiser. I feel like this person would say Star Trek isn't political and shouldn't be compared to real world politics.
God, that was such an awful conversation, they picked a fight with me over a 2 year old thread, refused to leave me alone when I said I'd rather not fight and continued spamming me, said I'm an unpleasant person to converse with (then leave me alone, Jesus), then they accused me of liking my own posts too, and when I went and liked some to show that the 1 like wasn't myself, because, look, I liked it and it's now 2, they said that's evidence that I... was indeed liking my own posts. Like wtf? They say I'm a bad debater, and yeah. You're right, I'm not here to debate. I'm a teacher. So, if you insist on bothering me, what you get is a lecture!
And then two other people came in to pile on me, calling me nasty, an awful person and insufferable without telling me what I've done that is so “nasty”, and refusing to answer when I asked how they would rather I phrase my replies. At least when I say someone is awful, I say why, and it's pretty much only when someone tells me they want to make already suffering people suffer more. Those supporters said they didn't see any wrong quotes or wrong info from the person I argued with, and I am so confused. I feel like I'm the crazy one. What is going on, how can you two agree with this person when they are concerningly saying a 15-year-old is old enough to be treated like an adult!? Then they say I’m rude for saying that has concerning implications of the paedophilic kind. Sorry, but that's where your double standard logically leads.
Then they started mocking my "books" and laughing with each other, yeesh, what is this comically middle school bullying of the nerdy autistic kid shit? And mate, if you think 1k words make a book, I have bad news for you.
Look, we raised the age of adulthood for a reason! We have juvenile court for a reason! We raised the minimum working age for a reason! Children do not yearn for the mines! We abolished “guilty until proven innocent” for a reason! We take dangerous things/info out of reach of kids, not keep them in the easily broken-into Restricted Section! We don't just judge radicalised kids and lock them up in a torture chamber with dementors, we figure out how it happened and understand it, to prevent it from happening again.  We rehabilitate them and offer them compassion, dignity and support. Hell, it's usually depression causing the problems and you want to throw the kid in depression central? Even if you think there's a non-Azkaban rehab, mental hospitals in the 1890s were also torture chambers!
Who decides who is unsaveable and who isn't!? Who is repentant and who isn't!? This person decided on their own that Sebastian will 100% kill again, when the person he killed in the heat of battle- when Solomon attacked Sebastian emotionally for years and then physically. They even said that Sebastian blamed Anne for leaving him when Sebastian explicitly said, “I can't blame her. I couldn't really blame any of you if you gave up on me entirely. You all believed in me. And I let you all down.”
I tried so hard to get them to realise that there was nothing Sebastian could have done to convince them he'd changed and was worthy of a second chance, that they'd already judged him, closed the possibility in their mind and given him a task that was impossible, because they'd already decided that he was unsaveable. That they are more fixated on punishment than reform. That they simply want justice without compassion.
They gave him an exam with a pass grade of 130/100. He has no chance and that's not fair. (Which ironically, was the same thing they did to me with the "likes" thing, they seemed to think I was pissed about that because I cared about... honestly, I don't know, I don't see what the point of that would have been, but the thing that actually pissed me off was that there was no way to convince them that I didn't like my own replies. Even though I have zero reason to do such a thing and have proven it by actively using my one like to bring it to 2.)
But they literally went, “I'm done reading your essays, I'm right and you're wrong.” I can never get over how painful that is, to face a person who slams the door in my face after I spent so much effort trying to reach them sincerely and honestly. Called insufferable because I refuse to bend my principles, my belief that everyone deserves mercy and a second chance. I plead for kindness, and they get angry instead and say I'm, “nauseatingly full of yourself” and “talking down on people”.
I'm on my knees bro- I'm not talking down on you, I am begging you, for the people around you, the children you say you are in charge of caring for. You don't know how painful it is to not be believed when you are trying to change. When you know you've made a mistake you can't take back, and you want to repent and make up for it, but nobody believes you or gives you the chance to. To be accused of crocodile tears or purposely fucking up or not trying.
To just be punished, made an example of, and hung out to dry as a child. To be given up on, betrayed by those you thought you could count on. To realise your best was never enough, could never have been enough. That you were doomed to fail from the start, and nobody cares that that was your best.
I know those people wouldn't even read this, but you who are reading please understand that, in the face of all that…
Death is preferable.
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trappedinafantasy37 · 6 months ago
Alright! It is finally time to face the Elder Brain and end this run. For a little disclaimer, I did complete this run just a few days before Patch 7. I just have posting paralysis and shit sits in my drafts forever before I post things.
Shadowheart tried to dominate the Elder Brain. But, her plan was an abysmal failure.
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And doomsday has arrived for the city of Baldur's Gate.
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Pro tip: before walking into the apocalypse, make sure your pet illithid is well fed. Locally sourced brains are the preferred nutrition, but store bought is fine.
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Despite the apocalyptic scenario she finds herself in, Minthara is enjoying herself and having a grand old time. Definitely the kind of person who thrives in chaos and is her most calm when shit hits the fan.
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At the beginning of this all, Shadowheart was alone, trying to navigate the dangers by herself. She felt that she did not need any allies as they would be nothing but liabilities. But Minthara was the one who, ironically, pulled her out of the darkness and gave her the push she needed to step away from Shar. She never could have made it this far without her.
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A failed Sharran, a drow, and an illithid walk into a bar...
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Meet my friends!
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Now this is what I call some quality gameplay! No one can attack you if they can't see you. And even if they could see you, you've evoked the "you can't touch me" rules!
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In a final act of desperation, the nether brain pleads for its life, trying to entice Shadowheart into becoming Absolute. Of course, Minthara wants Shadowheart to take the brain and they can rule the world as gods. Sadly, Shadowheart has turned into a helpless do-gooder and destroyed the brain. Lame.
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Yay! They saved the city and Minthara unintentionally did a good thing! Now, she wants to get shitfaced so she can forget the awful experience of being a hero against her will.
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So, Shadowheart sleeps and Minthara trances, right? Meaning Minthara wakes up long before Shadowheart does. Therefore, Minthara has spent at least 4 hours just sitting here, staring at Shadowheart and waiting for her to wake up. I mean, I would do the same thing too...
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Babygurl, it is just me and you here. Who the hell do you think I've been partying with without you? Who are you so afraid of? Who are you trying to poison?
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You know, Withers could have just visited the evil lesbians in Baldur's Gate instead of throwing this lavish and extravagant party in the middle of nowhere.
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Whoooo boi! This has probably been the longest it has taken me to ever complete a run in Baldur's Gate. Not because it was difficult, but because I was fighting burn-out at the same time, and, well, life stuff happened. But now with Patch 7 being here, I can finally download and install some mods to bring back that spark and replay Daedra and maybe complete that Karlach origin that I keep putting off. This will probably be the last time I do a Shadowheart origin as I have already done it three times and I miss her as a companion.
This is my first duo run and I have had a lot of fun with it. Knowing that I only had two companions and limited resources really made me approach combat and scenarios more tactfully and prepare in advance. It also provided me with some really good RP reasons to make some not so morally good decisions. This was a run that started off with Shadowheart making evil decisions out of necessity and survival, but then her selectively choosing to be good and to be better as she knows she has the power to be better. And having a powerhouse like Minthara at her side certainly gave her the confidence. Of course, Minthara had to get dragged through all this character development, grumbling and bitching about it the entire time. Although, I do not think she learned the same lessons as Shadowheart did as she is still up to her same old drow shenanigans.
This entire run was completely inspired by a random Shadowthara gifset I came across months ago and I knew I just had to do it. Shadowheart and Minthara have very quickly become one of my favorite ships and is my second favorite ship for Minthara specifically. I always knew that Shadowheart and Minthara had some overlap in their stories, but I didn't realize just how much they did overlap. I feel most people probably would have had Shadowheart go the DJ route with Minthara (and would be the canon route if Shadowheart only had Minthara by her side). So I went the opposite direction and found a good RP motivator to make Shadowheart reject Shar instead. To be honest, I think Minthara and Selunite Shadowheart mesh better together than DJ Shadowheart (although DJ Shaodwheart and Minthara are delicious in their own way).
Now that the run is completely over, I will get to my final wrap up in the next coming days. I will also polish out the chapters I have already written for my Shadowheart fic and start getting it published. And for all those who have followed me through this run when you really didn't have to:
Thank you!
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< Orin |
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kimjimagery · 6 months ago
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This story base off of some stripes I read from "Goomer"
And this popped into my head. And a story!
One too Many
By KimJ
The night club was thick with the scent of beer and smoke and perfume everyone was partying and having a good time. Goomer, sat on the bar stool, swayed like a drunken pendulum, his laughter echoing off the walls. He gripped his half-empty glass, its contents sloshing precariously with every movement.
“Another round, Op? On the house, eh?” Goomer slurred, his words a muddled mess.
Op, his friend, sighed. “Goomer, buddy, you’ve had enough.” Op’s voice was firm, but laced with concern. “You’re done for the night.”
Goomer, however, was lost in his own universe, a universe of flickering lights and distorted faces. “No, no, Op. We’re just getting started.” He hiccupped, "One more, just one more, for the road, eh?"
Op shook his head. “Goomer, it’s time to go I’ll walk ya back to the hotel.”
“Hotel? That place is boring. We gotta have fun tonight, Op. Whoooo!” Goomer’s voice rose an octave, drawing curious glances from other patrons.
Op, knowing enough was enough, paid the tab and helped Goomer down from the stool.
They stepped out into the cool night air, The neon signs of the street reflected in Goomer’s glazed eyes. He swayed like a willow in a strong wind, his limbs flailing drunkenly talking gibberish.
Op stifled a groan, his patience wearing thin it was amusing to hear Goomer dunk talk but now it was getting annoying and concerning. He wrapped his arm around Goomer, urging him towards their destination.
"Where are we going?" Goomer ask while hiccupping.
“I’m taking ya Home.” Op answered
"Home," Goomer mumbled, "home" He looked around the dimly lit city, the aliens bystanders that walk by staring at him with the look of pity and amusement that had become his daily reality. "Never thought I'd be… be this far out. Never thought I'd miss… miss Earth so much."
Op looked at Goomer puzzled. Goomer just went from being so jolly to this moment of sorrow, so quick.
"Earth… Earth was a good place," Goomer croaked, his voice a raspy whisper. "Used to think I'd be… be back there soon. But every day… every day it feels further away."
Goomer clutched at Op's arm, his grip tight, his voice trembling.
"What am I doing here, Op? What am I… what am I doing on this… this planet?"
Op didn't answer. He just kept walking, guiding Goomer through the streets. He'd learned that silence was often the best response to Goomer's drunken rambling.
"My ship... my ship's been down for weeks," Goomer continued, his voice barely a murmur. "No comms... can't get a message back to… to headquarters. They think... they think I've just… just disappeared. And maybe I have… maybe I… I don't... I don't fit in here, Op."
Goomer mumbled, his voice a low hum against Op’s shoulder. They trudged down the sidewalk, Op navigating the uneven terrain with a practiced ease. He was Goomer’s anchor, a silent guardian against the drunken chaos.
Every few steps, Goomer would lose his balance, his legs a tangled mess of limbs. He’d laugh and cried, a loud, echoing sound that sent a shiver down Op’s spine. He’d point at things, imaginary figures in the night, and recount tales of his past, tales that were a jumbled mess of truth and drunken delusion.
Goomer’s voice became sadder as he rambled on but the Goomer went to a quite sobbing. Op, weary but determined, would simply steer him back on course, his silence a constant in the storm of Goomer’s intoxication.
As they neared the hotel Goomer was staying at , the silence became heavier. Op felt a pang of guilt; he knew he should be angry, should be frustrated by Goomer’s recklessness, but all he felt was a tired affection and pity. Especially when he look back at Goomer eyes red and tears streaming down his face.
He helped Goomer to the elevator, navigating the hallways with a practiced ease. He finally reached Goomer’s room, his weary body aching.
“Goomer, you okay? Can you open the door?” Op asked, concern creeping into his voice.
Goomer, with a drunken grin, reached for his key. “I’m fine, Op. See? I can do it!” He fumbled with the key, his movements clumsy and slow missing the keyhole ever time.
Op took the key, his patience finally snapping. “Goomer, for God’s sake, let me do it.” He unlocked the door, his frustration giving way to a resigned sigh.
He guided Goomer inside, and helped Goomer out of his clothes, a task that took more effort than he thought it would. He laid Goomer on the bed, covering him with a blanket. Goomer’s head slumped down on the pillow, his breathing slow. For a moment, Goomer looked up at Op with eyes filled with an unfathomable sadness.
“Goomer,” Op said, his voice softer now, “you know you can’t keep doing this, right?”
Goomer opened his eyes, a hazy in the flickering light. He looked at Op, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.
“I know, Op. I know. I just… I just need to have some fun.”
Goomer's eyes closed, “I just.. need to… Earth… I miss Earth…"
Op shock him head, he knew Goomer wasn't just seeking fun. He was using alcohol to hide his loneliness and home sickness. He set a chair down beside Goomer, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Just get some sleep.”
Goomer looked up at him, his eyes a mixture of sadness and gratitude. "Thanks, Op. Thanks for being my friend…"
As Op sat by the bed, watching Goomer drift off to sleep, he felt a pang of sadness. He knew Goomer was struggling. He knew he was scared. But it was also becoming evident that Goomer was choosing to wallow in his despair, using drinks and partying as a crutch and a shield against the harsh realities of this new world and this plant Earth he so desperately missed.
Goomer was clearly having a hard time adjusting to this plant’s costumes so Op’s going to have to work harder to help Goomer with his new life here. He would help him find his way, help him find his place.
He knew that the morning would bring regret, hangover, and maybe even a vague memory of what he said last night. But he also knew that Goomer would be okay, because he had Op, a friend who wouldn't let him fall too far. That’s when Op made a promising to himself to help Goomer though this so he can fit in this new world better.
And first on the list is giving Goomer a shower once he wakes up, he reeks of alcohol, help him with the hangover, then arrange a date with Elma.
Op introduce him to Elma when he came to this plant, so Goomer at lest two people looking out for him even if Goomer was a bit squeamish around her. Maybe more time with her could help.
Art © Kim J
Characters © Nacho Moreno & Ricardo Martinez
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cobaltaris · 2 years ago
Aris Media 2023 #22: Spider-Man (2002 Film)
if you remember my Spider-Man PS4 blog - peep the #Aris Media 2023 tag yall, hope it works lol - then yeah, I did wanna fully watch the Raimi Spider-Man movies next because i was webbed hooked on the red guy, and, as a terminally online neurodivergent autistic probably ADHD having sheep
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this was like a top-tier film but in both the ironic and unironic sense, holy shit. Tobey Maguire is a treasure and carries the whole film! the first half is such a delight because his deadpan deliveries for every single thing is delightful. i would protect him??
like, every scene in this movie just unleashed a visceral reaction from me - EVERY TIME PETER DOES THE FUCKIN WEB SWINGING HE JUST SHOUTS WHOOOO-HOOO AND THATS THE FUNNIEST SHIT I STG
honestly it kinda helps that Willem Defoe has just as batshit a performance as Green Goblin? something of a scientist himself, one could say. like, when they cut to that fuckin military base and he just BLOWS IT UP to that sudden cut with the graduation ceremony? I WAS ROLLING I'M SORRY HE'S SUCH A FUCKING HAM
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i mean yea the story outside that was pretty nice and effective! nothing mindblowing but i felt for Peter and MJ, Harry was legit interesting to see play out with Norman, the Uncle Ben stuff worked too i think, and Aunt May?
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damn girl let out a fat one
climax was kinda weak tbh i didnt really feel much, second half in general was cool but i feel like they could've done more with the final encounter? idk this film is just S tier its just peak, this dumb film is gonna infest my brain for 3 weeks, THREE MORE WEEKS OF PLAYTIIIME
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walterdecourceys · 4 years ago
happy belated holidays, @stubbornness-and-spite ! i was you secret santa & i've written a Thing !
gonna go ahead & tag @sanderssidesgiftxchange so that they see this
link to read on ao3
or read it under the cut:
“Hypothetically, what would I do if my attic was contaminated with ghosts?”
Logan adjusted his glasses and stared up at the man that had just walked into his office. “I’m sorry?”
“Ghosts. In my attic. What would you suggest?” The man fluffed up his dirty blonde hair and looked at Logan inquisitively.
“Sir, while I’d love to help you with your… ghosts, you can’t just storm in here without an appointment. Do you know the number of people we get in here every day? You’re probably holding up quite a few people who have been waiting for weeks to speak with me.”
“I’m not, actually! I talked to the lovely old ladies in the lobby, and told them my story and all, and they were nice enough to let me go first! They said that ‘if that man has any sense, he’ll give you the proper advice and send you on your way very quickly.’”
“Well I don’t know what kind of advice you want, sir. I don’t know what the problem is.”
“My attic is contaminated with ghosts,” the man repeated.
“Well yes, I heard that. Would you like to be more specific? How do you know about this infestation, what would you like me to do about it, do you think you know these ghosts…”
“I heard these very strange noises- and not like normal strange noises, like ‘oh that’s a weird noise but it’s probably just the neighbors’ strange- like properly strange. They sounded like children’s voices? Which was weird, because we don’t have children in our house and the two couples next to us don’t have children either, they live alone. Very sweet, though. One of them made cookies for me once, and they weren’t nearly as good as Patton’s but they were probably a close second. Don’t tell him I said that though. He gets very touchy about his ba-”
“While this all sounds very interesting, I would prefer if you stayed on topic, Mister…”
“Baker. Roman Baker.”
“Right. Well, Mister Baker, please focus on the topic at hand.”
“Of course.” Roman took a drink from his water bottle. “So, I checked with Patton- Patton is my husband- and he said that he had heard the children’s voices too, and it sounded like they were coming from the attic. So we went up to the attic, and we didn’t see anything, but the children’s voices were definitely stronger. There were three, I think? Yeah. Three. Anyways, I went downstairs to google what if means if there are children’s voices in your attic, and google said it meant ghosts, so then I googled what I should do about that, and google said to go to a professional who specializes in ghosts, so then I googled the nearest professional who specializes in ghosts, and-”
“I think I get the point, Mister Baker, thank you.”
“Um. You’re welcome?”
Logan took off his glasses and rubbed his forehead. “Alright. Here’s what I’m going to do, Mister Baker. I will go over to your house. I will check to see if there really are ghosts in your attic, and if so, I will help you deal with them. If not, I am going to leave your house and I am not coming back.”
“Yes, sir!” Roman gave him a mock salute. “I’ll show you to my house, it’s not a far walk.”
So that was how Logan ended up Roman’s attic, eating slightly melted chocolate chip cookies and talking to ghost children.
Roman’s apparently-not-technically-his-husband (“we don’t have plans to get married, we don’t want the fuss,” Patton had explained. “Roman’s just dramatic.”) was standing next to him, watching pretty much everything Logan did with awe. Roman was on Logan’s other side, not paying attention to Logan at all and instead flipping through what looked like an old family photo album.
Roman had actually ended up being correct: There were ghosts in his attic, and they were the ghosts of three children. Logan had performed his typical summoning spells and the ghosts were now visible and much easier to hear, but that didn’t mean they were easy to talk to. So far, the only thing that Logan had been able to figure out was that they had died together, and that one of them blamed their death on the other two (although the other two denied this vehemently). He hadn’t even been able to get their names.
The tallest ghost in room, as well as the most talkative one, was explaining in detail how it felt to die. Logan was mostly trying to tune this out- it was far to early to be having an existential crisis about this sort of thing. He was more focused on getting the other two to talk, although they didn’t seem to want to.
“Look, uh- what did you say your name was?”
“Look, Remus. I’m sure that dying feels very strange, and I understand that you want to tell me about it. But would you mind pausing your story for a moment so that I can talk to your other…. friends?”
“No? What do you mean, no?”
“I mean, JayJay and VeeVee don’t wanna talk! I’m talking for them.”
“....I see. How do you know what they want to say?”
“I don’t know 100% for sure, but I know that JayJay usually wants to say something like ‘I don’t trust you and I think you’re gonna try to kill us again,’ and then VeeVee says ‘you can’t die twice idiot,’ and then JayJay says-”
“Thank you, I think I get the picture.” Logan rubbed his head and then turned to Roman and Patton, who were watching him with concerned expressions. “I am going to have a brief meeting with my- colleagues- about this situation. Will you two be okay up in the attic until we come back?”
“Hey, we survived five years in here alone,” said the ghost in the purple hoodie. “We’ll probably be fine. Unless Jan tries to kill us.”
“I couldn’t kill you, we’re already dead!” protested the third ghost. “That’s not how dying works, you moron.”
“See, I was right,” Remus said cheerfully. “But yes, I think we will be okay!”
Logan nodded and headed downstairs, motioning for the other two to follow him.
“Look,” he said once they were all standing in the kitchen. “I don’t think these ghosts can easily be rehabilitated.”
“Re-ha-what? Isn’t rehabilitation for like…. yknow, criminals?” Patton chimed in from where he’s standing by the stove.
“No. Well yes, but that’s not what I meant here. Christ, you two don’t seem to know anything about ghosts. Anyway. In this business rehabilitation refers to moving the ghosts to an empty house or building where they can live in peace and not bother the living. However, judging by these ghosts’ deminor, and the fact that they’re children, I highly doubt that will be a possibility.”
“So what do you suggest we do, then?” Roman asked.
“Well. There’s always the option of, um.” Logan lowered his voice. “Killing the ghosts. Well not killing per se, but there are…. methods. To get rid of them.”
“That’s horrible!” Patton cried. “They’re kids!”
“I never said I liked it, Patton, just that it was a possibility.”
“Well is there anything else we could do? I don’t know if they’d like being in the attic forever… and oh no, what if we move? Or die? What’ll happen to them then? We can’t just-”
“Hey.” Roman placed a hand on Patton’s shoulder. “We’ll figure it out, kay?”
Patton smiled weakly back at his boyfriend, then looked back at Logan. “What do you suggest we do, then?”
Logan sighed. “I suppose there’s always the option of… fostering the ghosts.”
“Yes. A situation in which adult living beings help to take care of undead children. They don’t need to eat or sleep or… do anything, really, but they’re still children and still need parental guidance. If someone were to foster them, they’d check in on them daily, make sure they’re doing okay and have enough entertainment, that sort of thing.”
Patton’s eyes lit up. “Roman! We could be parents!”
“I- that does sound… really nice, actually.” Roman smiled. “Would you be helping us?” He asked, nodding at Logan.
Logan blinked. “What?”
“Will you be helping us to foster the ghosts?”
“I- I mean obviously, I’ll get you all set up with the papers and make sure everything’s set up-”
“That’s not what I meant. Will you be helping us take care of the ghosts?”
Logan paused, flustered. Roman wanted him to help? Hadn’t they just met?
Or, alternatively, Roman didn’t want him to help and was trying to figure out weather Logan felt the same way. Well if that was the case, good. Logan definitely didn’t want to have to deal with those annoying ghost children every day, or Roman and his bouncy boyfriend/fiance/person.
Right. He totally didn’t care about them. He totally didn’t think that they were cute. At all.
“I, uh. Only if you want me to, Mister- Roman.”
“I do want you to! But, ah. Only if it’s not a bother to you.”
“I do have, uh. Work, and things like that.” Logan pushed up his glasses. “But, I suppose…. I could always ask for some time off. To help you with your endeavors.”
Patton stifled a squeal. “Oh, you would? Thank you, that’d be really- really nice.”
“Yes. Well. I am known for being nice,” Logan joked. “Um, how about I start by coming over at 4 pm every Tuesday? To start, at least.”
Both Roman and Patton beamed. “That sounds lovely.”
So that was how Logan ended up taking care of three of the most stubborn ghost children he’d ever met.
He started, as he had promised he would, by coming over every at 4 PM every Tuesday. At first he just stayed for an hour before heading back to work. He’d come in, eat cookies and chat with Patton, then go upstairs and ask the ghosts how they were doing. Usually this last part lead to Logan storming out with a headache, but he got used to it.
The ghosts were actually quite sweet, once they started to trust Logan more. They were rather insightful, for seven year olds, even though they kept stopping every two seconds to argue with each other.
He taught all of them how to play chess, although only Janus seemed really into it. He asked them about their former families and lives (who were all dead now, unfortunately) and let Virgil cry on his shoulder. And when they were ready, he helped them find the skeletons of their old bodies and taught Remus about how to keep them safe and clean.
He really was starting to get attached to them, wasn’t he.
And there were… other reasons. That Logan kept staying longer. But those didn’t matter right now.
By the time a couple months had gone by Logan was coming over practically every day after work and spending hours at the house. It got to the point that he even slept over a few times, although only when it was absolutely necessary and he couldn’t drive home because it was too dark. Obviously.
He was starting to get closer to Patton and Roman as well. He learned that Patton worked at a bakery, but that he wanted to start up his own company. That Roman did acting at a local theater and was hoping to make it big in Broadway, although he mostly dismissed it as a silly dream. That they were actually quite excited about the ghosts, because they’d always wanted kids of their own. That they were both trans, something Logan was very excited to discover they had in common.
Unfortunately, Logan’s boss wasn’t a fan of how he was starting to spend his time. She told him that if he was going to keep spending his time, quote, “playing with bratty ghost children instead of exterminating them,” he would be fired, or at the very least demoted.
Obviously this was a bit of a problem.
Logan didn’t want to leave his job. It payed well, he liked the work, and his coworkers were friendly enough. But… honestly, if given the choice between staying with Roman, Patton and the ghosts and continuing to work… he’d choose the ghosts.
So he quit. Well, technically his boss called him in to her office to fire him, but he handed in his letter of resignation before she could say anything, so it was hard to tell who fired who, but the thought was still there.
He lived at his house for a while- there were enough ghosts in his neighborhood that necromancers were in high demand, even unemployed ones. But once Roman found out about his predicament he practically insisted that Logan move in with he and Patton, saying that there were far more ghosts in their town anyway and that they’d be honored to have him, really.
So he moved in with them. There were only two bedrooms, one for Patton and one for Roman (Roman had issues with touch, apparently) but that was okay because both Logan and Patton were willing to share a bed. The house was a bit small for three people plus ghosts, just in general, but no one ever seemed to mind sharing.
And so that was how it went, for a while. Logan lived with Roman and Patton, picking up odd jobs around the neighborhood and helping out Patton with his bakery. It was… good. Right. It felt like it was always supposed to be this way.
Which was why, when Roman and Patton asked to talk to him about something, he felt like he knew what is was going to be.
Which was why, when Roman and Patton admitted that they both had a crush on him, he knew that they were telling the truth. And he knew what they wanted.
They had barely even asked him “will you join our relationship” when Logan had said yes, and they were all laughing and smiling.
And when Patton and Roman both kissed him on the cheek, he knew that this was how he wanted to spend the rest of his life.
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🪶 Being Karasuno's Manager🪶
🏐 Training Camp Edition Pt. 1🏐
Part 1
With interruptions from Karasuno, Nekoma, Fukurodani, Shiratorizawa, Inarizaki and Seijoh
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Karasuno featuring Shiratorizawa, Seijoh, Nekoma, Inarizaki, and Fukurodani x Female Manager
Part 1 🏐 Part 2 🏐 Part 3 🏐 Part 4
Warnings: long AF, Swearing
AN: This is going to be multi-part because it's so long 😅 but don't worry, I won't leave you hanging 😏
✨️Please Like, Comment and Reblog to show Support ✨️
Welp it's finally happened 👏🏻
The gangs all here 🙌🏻
The "gang" as in arguably the 6 most ridiculous... 🤔
No... chaotic? Unstable? Interesting!
The 6 most interesting teams around 🤗
Anyways the gangs all here for a impromptu summer training camp 🏕
It's a party... for literally everyone but the managers 🤣
Because there is only 5 of you... dear God you are horribly outnumbered
Fukurodani had two managers and Karasuno has 3
Including the ever popular YN
That's you 😉
And when I mean popular I mean POPULAR
First off, you know how to do your job and you are efficient 👏🏻
Secondly, the way you cheer and praise is beyond compare
Who needs a cheering section when YN exists?
Finally you are not only the most adorable thing to ever walk this planet but you are H. O. T. H O T 👏🏻
Karasuno, Seijoh and Shiratorizawa have all been privy to your gorgeousness daily and at tournaments
Nekoma, Fukurodani and Inarizaki have yet to experience the attraction that is YN LN
But it does not take long for these boys to discover it for themselves
From day one, you're doomed 🤣
The moment you step off the bus, it's like the atmosphere changes and every looks right at you 👁
Like these dummies are oblivious to pretty much everything but the moment a female manager enters the chat
All bets are off 😑
"Damn Karasuno has THREE managers?"- Atsumu
"We could have three managers to if you two idiots weren't on the team"- Suna
But Atsumu and Inarizaki aren't the only one staring
"Hey hey HEY- 😳" -Bokuto says, stopping right in front of you
Akaashi is smirking because he knows its going to be a great camp 😏
"Stop gawking Bokuto!"- Kuroo, who is also gawking
"Speak for yourself Romeo"- Kenma, who is playing his video game, ignoring everyone
"Hey look it's Karasuno's #10 and YN IS HERE"- Tendou, pointing directly at you
"Hello YN"- Ushijima 😐
Suna and Kunimi both whip out their phones and make eye contact 👀
It's about to be the start of a beautiful friendship 🥰
"Seriously YN"- Daichi, blaming you for literally breathing
You stand there gaping at him 🧍‍♂️ 👁👄👁
"I've literally done nothing!"- you
"Not entirely true YN"- Suga
Where is Iwaizumi with one of those volleyballs when you need him?
Anyways, you manage to move past the awkward first encounters
Too bad for you, "awkward" and "encounters" are the theme of this trip 😅
First off, practice matches are utterly ridiculous
Not only because of Hinata, Kags, Tanaka, Noya, Yamamoto, Lev, Tendou, Oikawa and the Miya Twins
But mainly because of the captains
Pls ✋️ tell me they aren't in a permanent pissing match for who is the best 😅
Daichi and Kuroo are SO petty
Bokuto and Oikawa just always want to be the best
Kita and Ushijima are constantly having silent staring contests 🤦‍♀️
It's a literal nightmare
And guess in charge of facilitating that nightmare 🙃
Literally Kiyoko threw you under the bus with this one
"I need a volunteer to take notes during captain meetings"- Coach Nekomata
"YN can do it"- Kiyoko
"Hey thanks YN" Yukie, manager from Fukurodani says
"Wait... what?"- you 😃
Oikawa will grab you by the wrist and haul you with them before you can even object
"I've got it handled Oikawa"- Daichi, grabbing you back and yanking you away
Dear God 🤦‍♀️
During the meetings, it's pure chaos
Mostly because Oikawa and Bokuto argue the entire time
And because you accomplish absolutely nothing on your "to discuss" list 🙄
"Ok so we need to talk about rotations- whose playing who?"- you, trying to get the meeting started
"I don't care as long as the teams with more managers let their managers help us less fortunate teams out"- Kuroo
Daichi's neck snaps to Kuroo
"Over my dead body will any of our managers be helping you"- Daichi
"YN you can help us"- Bokuto
"You already have two managers"- Oikawa
"We will trade for YN"- Bokuto
"I say we flip a coin for YN"- Kita
"That's fair"- Ushijima 😐
You've barely started and you've already lost control 🤣
Dead God stop this YN
"Ok since we've accomplished nothing here, I think we need mediation"- you, going to stand up to get a coach
Ukai enters the chat
"Tell Daichi to tell YN that she can help out other teams"- Oikawa
"YN is our manager and we need all three!"- Daichi
"What do you need three for? YN is perfectly capable for helping out multiple teams"- Kita
"I've seen YN's efficiency first hand and she is very capable"- Ushijima 😐
Ukai is actually getting a migraine 😒
"Did you accomplish anything YN?"- Ukai
"Does it look like I did?"- you
Pls Ukai is already regretting this camp 🤣
After an hour, it is decided that you will rotate through the teams to help with things such as towels and water bottle filling
"Each day, YN will be with a different team"- Ukai
"Except Fukurodani"- Kuroo
"What the hell? I want YN too!"- Bokuto, freaking so mad 😠
"You already have two managers!"- Oikawa
"So what? YN wants to watch me do line shots right YN?"- Bokuto
"Umm I mean I can see you do line shots from anywhere Bo"- You
Pls YN you are going to make him cry 🥺
"Fine... FINE! YN you will help Bokuto during individual training, how's that?"- Ukai, trying desperately to just get this over with 🤣
"WHY DOES BOKUTO GET YN ALL TO HIMSELF"- Kuroo and Oikawa in tandem
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ there is legit no pleasing any of them
"Guys! Please I promise I'll help everyone now can we just move on before we give coach a migraine"- you
"Too late YN"- Ukai, smoking his 10th cigarette 🤣
After the meetings, the captains return to their teams
Daichi is SO mad 🤣🤚🏻
"Dacihi are you ok?"- you
Daichi 👉🏻😡😤 IM FINE YN-
Bokuto is so ready to blaze through these games so he can have you to himself
Akaashi is going to be so freaking happy 🤣
Kuroo and Oikawa are already planning how they can monopolize your time
Ushijima and Kita are just thankful for the help 😅
Seriously they think you're cute but like, any help they can get is so appreciated
Nevertheless you resign yourself to your fate and stride forwards YN
I mean, how bad can it really be?
The answer is VERY bad 😅
So let's start Day 1 off strong shall we 👀
Not sure if I would consider Oikawa "strong" but Iwaizumi is 😏
And arguably looking at Iwaizumi, Makki and Mattsun is going to be the best part of being Seijoh's Manager
Please Oikawa literally drags you away to present you to Seijoh like a trophy 🏆
"This is YN my our manager for the day"- Oikawa
"I'm sorry in advance YN"- Iwaizumi
"No worries! Do you want me to fill up water bottles for you guys?"- you
"YN come watch me serve!"- Oikawa
"Uhh Oikawa I can watch you serve after"- you, being perfectly reasonable
"BUT YN-CHAN 😭"- Oikawa
"Shut up shittykawa! You are ruining this"- Iwaizumi throwing a cannon volleyball at Oikawa
You watch in horror as Oikawa falls to the floor
Pls you are basically holding back the laugher 🤣
"Omg is he ok?"- You
"Don't worry YN, this happens daily. I'm pretty sure his head is use to it by now"- Makki
"Here we will help you fill up water bottles"- Mattsun, grabbing your hand and pulling you to the fountains
Please these boys are so happy you exist 😭
During their practice match with Karasuno, Oikawa will always take jabs whenever he can
"Karasuno is looking pretty stiff must be because they are nervous to be playing us"- Oikawa 💅
"Or its because you keep bothering their manager"- Kunimi
"I'm not bother YN! YN I'm not bothering you right?"- Oikawa
"Yep"- you, short and to the point 🙄
Please we shouldn't give Oikawa an inch to work with
Unfortunately that mentality doesn't always work
Oikawa is up to serve and his powerful serve lands a service Ace right one the end line
"HOLY CRAP OIKAWA THAT WAS AN AMAZING SHOT"- you, screaming and jumping up and down
Be careful YN 😶
Too late 🤣
Karasuno is furious at how excited you are 😤
Daichi, Noya and Asahi are ready to receive anything
Iwaizumi, Mattsun and Makki are so freaking jealous pls 🤚🏻
They will work 10 times harder for even an ounce of YN's praise 😫
After the match, you finish up your time with Seijoh
"Thanks for having me as your manager guys! I had so much fun"- you 🤗
Please you give them all a hug and holy crap they all die 😢
No way are they ready to let you go YN
Unfortunately for you, duty calls and it's now indidual training time 🏐
The second the coach's announce the practice games are over
You are practically mauled by Bokuto
Akaashi is rolling his eyes
Kuroo, Lev, Tsukki and Hinata are all ready to roll
Daichi told Tsukki and Hinata to keep an eye on you
Hinata was all for it
Tsukki could care less because he knows you can handle yourself 💅
"Why are you even here?!?" Bokuto, mad that anyone but you and Akaashi are practicing with him
"We are playing 3 on 3 Bokuto. You didn't really think you'd get YN all to yourself did you"- Kuroo 😼
"Then why is Akaashi here?"- Tsukki
"To make sure Bokuto doesn't kill YN"- Akaashi
This is getting out of hand YN, stop it
"Bokuto come on sweetie! You have to show me those line shots remember"- you
Pls YN Bokuto forget anyone existed when you called him "sweetie"
He's ready to propose on the spot
At practice, Bokuto will literally pull out all the stops
"Yes Bokuto! You are so awesome!"- you 😍
Everyone let's Bokuto have his fun until Hinata 🎇unintentionally 🎇 ruins it 🤣
We all know he's been working on his receiving and when he pulls off a wicked receive, you lose your ever loving MIND 🤯
"HINATA OH MY GOD YOU DID IT! THAT RECEIVE WAS SPECTACULAR" you, screaming and celebrating your teammates victory
Akaashi is just like 👁➖️👁
He knows what's coming 😅
"It wasn't that great of a receive"- Bokuto, now murmering to himself
Literally him 👇🏻
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Kuroo is smirking because Bokuto is all fired up now
"I'll show him how a receive is done"- Bokuto
"Stay calm Bokuto"- Akaashi
"I AM CALM"- Bokuto
I couldn't resist using it 😭
However, as we've all learned countless times, Bokuto is not calm 😅
His liners go out of bounds, his serves are long and his receives are way off
Omg we are gonna need you anytime now YN
"Bokuto hey, what's wrong?"- you, consoling a now deflated horned owl
"I- I just want to impress you YN"- Bokuto 🥺
Oh sweet bby 😭
"Bokuto you are one of the best aces I know! And I fully believe Hinata and Tsukki are better because of your spikes! So think of it as your making them strong opponents which means you are not only making me happy but also them!"- YN coming in withe the save
Bokuto's eyes widen 😳
"I mean my blocks are better mostly because of Kuroos help"- Tsukki
Please shot daggers at him YN 🤦‍♀️
"YN please stop helping"- Kuroo
"YN how much money would I have to pay you to come to our games?"- Akaashi
"That's if we make it to nationals"- Tsukki
"Shut up sucky-shima!"- Hinata
"Now now kids let's play nice. We all know YN is going to come watch Nekoma play at Nationals"- kuroo
"That's is if you make it to nationals"- Atsumu, entering the gym with Suna and Osamu on his heels
"Tsumu what are you doing here 😡"- Bokuto
"Just here to to fetch YN. She's our manager now"- Atsumu
"You said she was your manager just a second ago"- Suna
"Will you shut up! Come on YN"- Atsumu, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the door
"Hey wait! I get YN for individual practice!"- Bokuto, grabbing your other hand
"Didn't you read the contract?"- Atsumu
"Whats a contract?"- Bokuto
"Atsumu there's no contract and you know it" - Kuroo
"Kita said and I quote 'YN is our manager on day 2'"- Atsumu
"And it's still day 1"- Akaashi
"Techincally, day 1 was over after practice matches"- Osamu, now siding with his brother
Please Suna is recording it for insurance purposes 😭
Akaashi rolls his eyes and goes to fetch Bokuto
"I'll be back tomorrow Bokuto! I promise!"- You
"But- I'll miss you YN"- The freaking angel 🥺
"Oh bby I'll miss you too!"- please YN give him a hug 🫂
He doesn't want to let go
Akaashi and Kuroo have to pry him off 🤣
"Finally! Come on YN"- Atsumu grabs you and drags you with him to the dinning hall
Day 2 is going to be an adventure 😅
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years ago
ever since that johan post you made months ago ive been trying to find a place to watch it but it was No Where
OH you’re right it is on netflix now!!! i saw the announcement a while back but i guess they didn’t officially put it on their international services until recently. i’m so excited for everyone who hasn’t seen it yet, monster is in my top five favorite anime. i really can’t describe the experience of watching it… it feels very human at its core. how grounded it is in reality elevates the psychological thriller aspects. i cannot recommend it enough! monster is criminally underrated. such a memorable cast of characters that we can all see a little of ourselves in each of too.
johan’s eerie introduction in the earlier episodes still haunts me to this day. it’s so well done. the second his silhouette appeared on the screen, i knew he was a character i was going to love. i think anyone here interested in the characters i write would like him. how he calmly and softly dissects the people he’s around is a big inspiration to how i do dialogue. it gets under your skin and stays there. johan’s JP voice is perfect for him and unlike anything else i’ve heard.
please give monster a shot everyone!! i promise you won’t regret it.
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thiefbird · 2 years ago
IT’S FRIDAY!!! Welcome to DWC! Let’s see ❛ you were dead, i saw you die. ❜ from the hit 'em where it hurts sentence starters - for any two characters you deem most appropriate. :) Happy writing.
Whoooo filling a very old prompt is such a good feeling! I've never written Loghain before, so con-crit is especially welcomed!
Preslash Killian Amell and Loghain Mac Tir, immediately following the slaying of the Archdemon!
It was done. The Archdemon was dead; the darkspawn were already dispersing. The young mage had managed to strike a killing blow.
And Loghain was alive.
When Warden Riordan had explained the final sacrifice a Warden must make, he had been convinced that, somehow, Amell had already known. That the reason for his own recruitment had been to deal that final, deadly blow. He had accepted his fate in that moment. Welcomed it, even - to die to save his country, the whole of Thedas, was an honor he had not expected. His daughter would mourn him, though few others would, but she would mourn a hero, not a traitor. It was a kinder fate than he deserved, a kinder fate than he had thought awaited him.
But no. Amell had insisted he must strike the blow himself, had tried in vain to get Riordan to stand down and not even attempt it first. Loghain hadn't thought the man suicidal, but there was no other explanation.
It was a pity; he was a powerful mage, and a better strategist. The Wardens were better for his leadership, and now they would have to reac out to Weisshaupt. Likely accept an envoy from Orlais.
Maker take him, why couldn't he have let him fight the dragon?
Amell's companions were all looking to him, now, as were the leaders of his allies - dwarves, elves, mages. Even the armies of Redcliffe. All awaiting his orders, as the final Warde standing. He was the commander of the armies of Fereldan. He should be able to give orders. He should not be stood frozen, staring at the spot where th Archdemon fell.
Eventually, he managed to force himself into action, as was his duty. He rallied Amell's mourning companions, and mobilized surviving troops to clear out what remained of the hoarde. He purposefully ignored the tightening in his chest as the assassin and bard clung together, holding each other against sobs. He had no right to mourn alongside them. If he'd had his way, the boy would have been dead a year prior.
Orders given, Loghain took it upon himself to retrieve Amell's body. It was his duty. The golem and the Qunari accompanied him, to assisting shifting the piles of rubble formed by the Archdemon's death throes. As they approached its corpse, he noted distantly the need to harvest it for scales and bone; they could outfit nearly an entire platoon in weapons and armor from it.
He caught a shard of Warde blues under the creature's massive wing and pushed ahead. He wrestled the appendage free and lifted it with surprising ease, the joints still lax enough tat he could fold it.
Andraste's breath, he looked... so young. He was so young, younger than he and Maric were, when Maric claimed the throne. And yet he'd ended the Blight in barely a year, when veteran Wardens had taken near twelve.
Lying there in the dirt, he looked remarkably unshattered, pale and fragile, but almost asleep instead of dead.
The golem took hold of the wing, and Loghain knelt in the dust, made tacky with spilt vlood, and lifted the young man easily into his arms before standing. He was still warm; over a hour later, he'd have expected him to be cold and stiff.
Stars, the boy was breathing. "Golem! By the - fetch the healer! The Warden lives!"
The next hours was a blur of relief and rejoicing as the spirit healer - Wynne, he remembered as the urgency passed - worked her magics. Amell's companions huddled close around the tent, eagerly awaiting news, and Loghain stood near, unwilling to intrude on their celebration but equally loathe to leave. Finally, Wynne emerged from the tent, exhausted and drained but triumphant.
"He is awake, as much as I would like to insist otherwise. Do not overwhelm him." This last part was directed at the bard and the Crow specifically.
Another hour or more passed, and Loghain remained tethered to the tent, never moving more than a dozen or so paces from it as he directed rescue and recon efforts. Eventually, the Qunari approached him. "The mage asks for you," he stated firmly, apparently not particularly enthused by this, though Loghain had frankly yet to see the man enthused about anything.
He nodded. "I shall attend to him immediately. Thank you, serah."
He took a moment to finish dispensing orders before turning back to the hospital tent. He ducked his head to enter, and blinked for a moment in the gloom. Amell was propped upright by an unlikely pile of pillows, as pale and wan as he'd looked lying in the dust beneath the Archdemon.
"Commander Mac Tir," he managed before coughing, his voice weak and dry. "Thank you."
"Maker take me..." Loghain muttered. He'd bee the one to find him alive, and even he could hardly believe the young man still breathed.
Amell cracked a tired grin. "He tried to take me, at the very least."
Loghain dropped heavily into a chair placed by the head of the bed, head in his hands. "You were dead, boy. I saw you die," he whispered.
"I'm sorry..." Amell reached a shaking, bandaged hand towards him. "I did not know if it could work. I couldn't get anyone's hopes up without reason."
"Is the Archdemon truly slain? Riordan insisted there was no other way." He lifted his head and took Amell's hand in his, in hopes of convincing himself of his life. Amell squeezed it for a brief moment, though even that little effort seemed to drain him.
"It is, though I am sworn to secrecy on the specifics. The Blight is ended, with as few lives lost as could be managed." His blood-redeyes, that had so disturbed Loghain once, fluttered shut.
"Then I shall not press. The Maker has shone on us this day; I will not question His gifts."
Amell chuckled hoarsely, some joke Loghan was not in on. "He works His gifts in mysterious ways," he mumbled cryptically, half to himself.
Loghain waited a few moments, in case the mage had anything else to say. "I will let you rest, serah," he said eventually, uncertain Amell was still awake. "There is much to be done, and I doubt my new son-in-law is up to the task of arranging it."
He made to stand, but froze as Amell grasped almost frantically at his wrist.
"Stay. Please." At Loghain's confused look, he flushed slightly, looking away. "You won't be able to, yet, but Wardens can sense the Taint. In darkspawn, and in our fellow Wardens." He paused to cough. "Helps with the nightmares; Alistair and I shared a tent for it. Just...stay."
Loghain relaxed back into the chair, flattered and flustered in equal measure. "Of course, serah. As long as you wish of me."
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alatismeni-theitsa · 3 years ago
Greek Colonization…
I feel like there should be more of a narrative about colonization, but I hate that it would always be used against us. As if modern Greeks are guilty for 3,000 year old crimes… Things can and should be said about modern Greeks in Africa or the Americas, and the effects that they had. Guess what, pretty much every culture has done terrible things, but you don’t see westerners appropriating Arab culture bc the slave trade (well they still do appropriate it, they just don’t justify it). It’s all hypocrisy! Attention should be paid to the ugly parts of Greek history, but that doesn’t mean that we’re less deserving of our own culture or stories.
The Medea is an amazing play and it highlights the terrible experiences that came from Greek colonization. The rape of Cassandra is another that highlights the actions in Troy and how they’re not good either. We should have more stories highlighting that, but it will always be equated with modern slavery and Western European racism.
People just need to get over their fetishization of Ancient Greece and acknowledge that they’re only saying this shit to defend their own interests and not for any moral reason.
I’m of Asia Minor Greek descent. Genetic testing has shown that we are related to the Anatolians that were colonized. It was our ancestors that were victims, but that doesn’t make us less Greek now. Colonization did have harmful effects, but it’s not black and white. We became Greeks. The Persians destroyed Miletus and the coastal Greek civilizations. The Latin peoples destroyed Constantinople and Byzantine Greek civilization. The Turks made us slaves, second class citizens, and finally forced us out of our homeland. The Turks then spent every effort they had to profit off of our culture while still discriminating against Greeks living in their boarders. When we went to Greece, we were seen as Turks and were discriminated against. Those who fled west were discriminated against further (my family included). However, all of the while, maintaining a Greek identity and pride. All of this to show, Greek colonization was 3000 years ago, but those colonized peoples should not be used as an excuse. We are them, we felt the pain and we grew from it.
It is not and never will be a reason for our culture and history to be free real estate for anyone who wants it. Not even to mention that they don’t even understand what it all looks like since Ancient Greeks were extremely homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, etc. They want our aesthetics and will no everything to excuse their use of them
Thank you!! Also when we say "get over it, this was too long ago" we are actually talking about colonizations and wars happening literally millennia ego. Are the Italians themselves angry because of this ancient colonization? Are the Iranians salty because we beat them in some battles 2.000+ years ago, and we because they kind of conquered us in the end? No. Is it relevant in their/our lives? No. Then whoooo the fuck gives these internet people the right to be pissed about it?
*In fact it's the Grecoitalian (Griko) culture and language that are endangered TODAY in Italy and South Italians are seen as less educated sometimes and face bigotry. It is the Christian Greeks that faced centuries of oppression in Iran after the Arab invasion which was much more recent than the Persian wars or the Greek colonization of Italian grounds. And yeah Italians brought a largely culturally Greek-Orthodox empire to its knees with the crusade. Imagine if we were pissed about that today 🤦
Some people of the "New" world just need to learn how to view ancient peoples
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alltheficsiwant · 2 years ago
Here We Go Again | Part Seven
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Part SEVEN | Starcourt Mall
Summary: After the battle in the cabin, they regroup and deal with their losses. Now that there is an actual monster on the lose they had to create a new plan and inform the others. Will they succeed or will they not?
Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence and panic attacks. There are reckless driving here too. If these are triggering to you, please read this with CAUTION. There is also a lot of cursing. (Don't go Steve Rogers on me and say "Language!")
Words: 4.9k
Pairings: Eddie Munson x Reader ; Nancy Wheeler x Jonathan Byers
Author's Note: Hello guuuuys! I have finished the story and had done the mass update on my Ao3. So I will be doing it here too. :) So, don't freak out when you Part Seven to Eight plus the Epilogue uploaded in the next days. :) Any whoooo! I hope you guys like this. Any inappropriate things that are not in accordance to the 80's of America, that's on me. Let's just imagine its there okay? Tee-hee. This is unedited. I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar error. Enjoy! - J xxx
Part Six | Prequel | Masterlist | Part EIGHT
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Pain was the last thing you remember and then nothing.
You feel like you're floating. You don’t feel your body or anything else. Nothing.
So this is what it feels like to be dead? God, you could already know the fit Steve would throw. You promised him you would be safe. You guess that having the eyes of a fucking interdimensional monster on you makes it really unsafe. After all, you are not Eleven.
Gosh, you hope Eleven was fine. You really do because you sacrificed your life for this. That would have been enough time to— what is that damn smell?
Your eyes shot open as you gasped. Your eyes blinded momentarily before it cleared. You sat up as you looked around.
“Oh thank God,” A hand refocused you to look and your eyes landed on a worried Eddie. 
“E-Eds–” You were cut off and he crashed his lips against yours. You were thoroughly confused. You were supposed to be dead? Nonetheless, your body automatically reacted to having Eddie near. You melted against him as you shakily reached for his hand that cupped your face. Then he pulled back as his face now contorted anger.
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?!” He gritted out to you. You looked at him dazed. He just kissed you and now he’s angry? “Why did you have to be some kind of Hero?”
“H-Hero? Wait, Eds I’m—” You looked around again and expected to see that you are in a cabin but you are in a grocery store? How did you get here? “I’m sorry?” You only offered as you looked around confused.
Eddie sighed as he leaned down to lay his forehead against yours. “Don’t do that again okay? Don’t play hero, you are not allowed to do that to me again sweetheart,” 
“Wait,” You stopped short, not completely answering him as you looked around once again. “Where’s El? Is she okay? What happened—”
“Thank God you’re awake,” You and Eddie looked up to see Nancy walking towards you with supplies on her arms.”How did you wake her up?” 
She stopped right before the two of you as she laid out gauzes, bottle of waters and some kind of ointment.
“Ammonia,” Eddie lifted a can of it and the cloth he used. You looked at them before you asked the same question.
“She’s fine. Nancy was able to shoot the monster in the face. Lucas managed to cut the tentacles on El. You on the other hand, let go for a moment but luckily—”
“I was just on time. The moment I shot it, it let go of you. It scratched your leg—” You finally looked down on yourself and gasped at the wound on it. You finally started to feel the pain on your legs. “--- but Eleven had it worst,” Nancy finished. You gritted your teeth as she poured water over it not caring about the blood that spilled over the floor in mix with the water.
“You are not allowed to do that again okay?” Eddie sternly said as you looked back at him as Nancy bandaged you up. You only nodded.
“He’s right.” Nancy mumbled as she finished up and you looked at her. “You are not allowed to play the hero. Okay?” 
“Okay, I’m sorry. At that time–” Suddenly you realize something. “How did we get here? Where’s the monster?”
“After Nancy shot it, Eleven split the monster slightly in half,” Eddie explained as you winced at the mental image. “She was quite angry when she saw you unconscious. You hit your head pretty— sorry— hard,”
You winced as you now feel the soreness at your left temple. You must have landed abruptly. Nancy pulled out an ice pack out of nowhere and you gently laid it against the bump. You offered her a grateful smile. Then you remembered your bike.
“How did we fit in the car?” You asked, baffled. Nancy’s car cannot fit another two people. After all the kids are growing now and with an addition of an unconscious person it would be too much of a fit.
“We didn’t. I had to ride the bike with Nancy. We let Jonathan drive the car,”  Eddie explained. “We might have left the helmets,” Eddie trailed off but you shook your head.
“Doesn’t matter, as long as everyone is safe.” You told them but then you turned to Nancy. The image of the monster finally registered inside your head now that your head is back on track. “Nancy, the monster, it looked quite familiar.”
“Because it is,” Nancy said before you can ask. Jonathan showed up with supplies in his arms.
“Hey, you’re awake.” He greeted as he stood beside Nancy.
“Jonathan, what does that thing look like to you?” Nancy turned to him and Jonathan furrowed his brows for a moment before it registered.
“Like that thing in the hospital but bigger,” Jonathan said.
“Exactly,” You exclaimed as you looked between them. 
“It's a lot bigger, to be more exact,” Nancy then took a deep breath. You can see her mind processing it. “The one in the hospital came from Tom and Bruce that merged into one right?”
“Right,” You agreed as you followed her train of thought. Not liking the feeling where the conversation is going.
“And Driscoll— she kept saying she needed to go back to the source—”
“Wait– are you saying Driscoll is in there?” Eddie was the one who spoke this time. A horrified look on his face, just like the one he had on before you let go of his hand at the cabin. 
“Maybe?” Nancy said unsure but you already know judging by the expression in her face. Driscoll and the rest might be in there already. “Maybe even Heather or Janet or God knows who else it corrupted.”
Nancy then sharply exhaled as she ran a hand over her face. Eddie’s hold on you tightened a bit as the feeling of being helpless came over all of you.
You four barely escaped the monster that was formed by the two flayed. How about a dozen of them and that big? Eleven can’t fight something that big even though she is quite powerful herself.
“I don’t know how we’re gonna kill things but if we do—” Nancy started as she looked at all of you before her eyes landed on Jonathan.
“We kill all the flayed.” Jonathan finished for her.
“And we end this,” Eddie added as you looked back at them apprehensively.
“So, the flayed, it's a lost cause? We cannot save them at all?” You asked and Nancy nodded. You closed your eyes at that.
Well shit. That is just great fucking news.
“Look, All I know is we need El.” Nancy said as she looked up at all of you. “She’s our only hope on this,”
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You watched as Max executed the first aid on El. It was a nasty open wound and it was a good thing someone is knowledgeable enough to heal it. You sat beside El with Mike on the other side. She was clutching on to your hand as Max carefully did her job.
“Hey,” You spoke softly to her trying to distract her from the pain. El looked at you. “Sorry for scaring you,” 
El then looked angry for a minute before she shook her head. “Don’t do that again. Promise me,”
You sighed as you looked at her as you ran a hand over her head. “El,” you trailed off.
You knew despite everything. You would do it over again, even if its Max or even if its Jonathan or Lucas or anyone in the group. If you can do something about it. You will.
Because, they were family. You never really had a picture perfect one. Your mother has been absent and somewhere Godknows where. Your father, despite being there, cannot for the life of him become a proper father to you. He was absent all the time. It was always has been you then you came back to Hawkins.
Steve, hell even your Uncle Harold and Aunt. Then Eddie, Wayne and the rest of the gang. They become a family and if there is one thing you learned about them.
They might whine or be outrageously stubborn but they never leave anyone behind. They also stuck together and wouldn’t hesitate to risk their lives for each other. They wouldn’t even hesitate to fight your battles with you. 
So yeah, you would do the same for them. You are attached here at Hawkins for good. Its just your like, there is an added bonus of being misunderstood and in need of a therapy bad boy plus interdimensional monsters that prey on teens and children. Really, he should have attacked the adults instead but he really has to choose the one with minimal resources?
You heard your name being called out and you snapped out of your thoughts as you looked down at El.
“Friends don’t lie.” El whispered to you. “Promise me?”
“El, if friends don’t lie. You know I can’t promise you that,” You told her but before she can say anything, a crackle can be heard. Mike scrambled towards the walkie talkie on the floor.
Dustin’s voice came through in a short burst.
“Trapped—- secret Russian—-- the goddamn Russians—- I need—-- gate—-get us—-- Nancy—-- Mike!” Then it was cut off.
“What?! Dustin! Dustin I can’t— shit!” He exclaimed. Your eyes widened at that as you looked over Eddie.
“Steve.” You both said at the same time.
“What is going on?” Nancy asked.
“Dustin called and he was talking about the—”
“Russian,” You cut Mike off as they all looked at you. Though you looked at Eddie instead of continuing. He sighed as he scratched the back of his head.
“Yesterday or is it the other day?” Eddie mumbled as he pursde his lips. “Anyway, Dustin intercepted a Russian communication when he returned here from the Summer from this devices he calls C-cell—”
“Cerebro,” Lucas offered and Eddie snapped his fingers to point at him. 
“Yes, that’s right. It was an absurd name but I’ve gone with it. I was at the Scoops Ahoy when he enlisted—”
“Eddie,” You warned him. Knowing full well, he is just rambling. Eddie nodded at that.
“Right, straight to the point,” Eddie mumbled. “Turns out the Starcourt Mall is a cover for a secret Russian Base underground and before we left for the hospital to Nancy. I was about to join them but she pulled me away. Maybe that is where they are,”
 “Starcourt Mall,” You breathed out.
“And he mentioned the gate—” El started.
“What if it's just great instead of a gate?” Max reasoned but Mike shook his head.
“No, we’re sure it's the gate.” El said.
“Well, that explains how the Mind Flayer is still alive. They might be attempting to reopen it,” Mike reasoned.
“What for?” Lucas asked.
“You know Russia. They like anything that can be considered a weapon,” Eddie reasoned.
“Shit that sounded bad,” Lucas mumbled.
“We are losing track here,” Nancy interrupted them. “We just need to shut the gate again,”
“That’s right and kill the monster,” You added as you looked at them.
“We should gather those fireworks. That would be useful,” Lucas said.
“Good idea, come on everyone. We need to get a move on,” Nancy said and with that the rest of the gang started to gather the fireworks in a cart. Eddie helped you stand as he started to guide you towards the front of the store.
“Do you think Steve is okay?” You asked him quietly.
“Knowing Harrington, he would be alive. He isn’t an easy kill. Dustin’s with him and Robin,” Eddie said and you can’t help but shake your head.
“At least I have something over him to nag about if he learned about the cabin,” You tried to joke and you looked at Eddie who looked back at you with a disgruntled expression. “Too soon?”
“Yes, too soon and I don’t want you joking about risking your life ever again. You got it?” Eddie said sternly as you nodded. You just leaned your head against his shoulder as you waited for the others. Then you heard Max and Lucas bickering to each other about his plan of backup with the fireworks. While the rest of you followed them outside.
“You’ll ride in the car—-”
“No, I can ride the bike—-”
“You just hit your head to the floor Sweetheart. I’d rather have sat on a car instead of an unstable bike,” Eddie reasoned and you were about to argue but then Nancy also agreed with Eddie.
“We also need someone to ride with Eddie on his back,” Nancy said as she looked around the group. “Any volunteers?” 
The boys except Mike and Max raised their hands. Nancy contemplated for a while before it was Eddie who finally picked one.
“I’ll pick Red. Sorry boys,” Eddie mused and the two groaned out. You giggled at that as Max celebrated and stuck her tongue out at them.
“B-but,” Lucas started to reason but you jumped in to explain.
“Max has rode my bike numerous times. She knows what to do. It's dangerous for inexperienced riders if Eddie is the driver,” You told them as you slip inside the backseat. Eddie looked back at you as if he was offended. “What? You are a reckless driver.”
“Thank you sweetheart for the vote of confidence,” He just murmured as he shook his head with a fond smile. “Come on Red, let’s take the lead,”
“See you there!”
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The mall was closed by the time you guys arrived. You actually had been to the mall numerous times but the path you chose led you on the side you never came in. You saw motorbikes parked at the front as if it was a show. Then you realized an automobile shop is also at the mall. You looked at the dirt motorbikes appreciatively. They are old versions of the bikes but still appealing. Until Eddie tugged you away from it
You and the rest of the group slinked quietly and hid especially when you heard noises of men speaking in Russian.
“Shit, it’s really the Russians,” You heard one of the boys say in a hushed tone but you ignored them as you tried to look around. You then saw the stairs that lead to the second floor. You caught El’s attention and pointed up at the balcony overlooking the food court.
She nodded as she slowly broke off with the group and towards the stairs. You instructed the group too and you guys followed her.
It was a good thing they are only roaming around the ground floor. All of you reached the balcony and watched with bated breath as they approached one of the counters.
“Shit that might be Dustin and the others,” Eddie cursed quietly. You looked around until your eyes landed over the car displayed in the middle. You nudged El and pointed at it.
“Distract and then throw it at them,” You told her and she nodded. You watched in fascination as the Russian’s jumped and looked behind as El made the alarm in the car sound.
All of you waited as El slowly stood up while you guys stood behind her. The Russian’s slowly looked up to see El.
“Now El!” You shouted and she didn’t hesitate to throw the car towards them. Effectively knocking them out. When it settled, all of you looked around just in time for Steve, Robin, Dustin and a little kid that looked to be Lucas’ sister popped out behind a counter. 
You can’t help but sigh in relief when you see them. Immediately the group scrambled to go down. 
“Steve!” You exclaimed and you ran to him. Ignoring the pain on your leg as you flung yourself to him. Steve effectively caught you.
“Oh God Squirt,” He said and then you pulled away as you looked at his face with a wince. 
“They fucked you up?” You asked. Steve sighed.
“Gosh, it's an epic tale— what happened to you?” He finally noticed the bruise that is probably forming at the side of your temple and then his eyes trailed down towards your leg. “What—”
“---It’s their fault,” You heard the kid say as you turned to look at them. Steve’s question momentarily unanswered as he let go of you and sheepishly looked at them.
“True. Yeah. Totally true. It’s absolutely our fault.” He admitted and this time you looked at him with raised eyebrows. It actually left the group a little bit speechless.
“I don’t understand what happened to the car.” Robin said as she looked around with wide eyes.
“El has superpowers,” Dustin replied as if that would help. Well, it was the truth.
“I’m sorry?” Robin asked.
“Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. Come on catch up,” He hastily replied and you slapped his arm in his rude tone. “That’s El?!” Erica, apparently that’s her name, said and Robin looked around more confused.
“Whose El?”
“It’s Jane, her other name is El,” Nancy supplied. “How did she get roped into this?” Nancy turned to Steve and then Dustin.
“She cracked the top secret code.” Dustin supplied again as if it would explain everything. Yet the group just looked at him confused.
“Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians in the first place,” Steve explained.
“Russians? Are they really Russians?” Jonathan asked.
“Yes! The Russians.” He waved his hand in the direction of the people that knocked out El.
“Holy shit, they are real,” Max mumbled with wide eyes. 
“It appears you have an idea what is going on?” Dustin asked. “You heard my code red,”
“Actually, we didn’t. I couldn’t understand a thing you were saying. If it wasn’t for Steve’s Cousin–”
“I have a name Mike,” you scolded him, but the kid continued. 
“---and Eddie, we got to understand it.”
“Goddamn low battery,” Dustin exclaimed.
“How many times do I have to tell you with the low battery?” Steve scolded and you looked at him with an affronted face. Steve saw you and he looked away. “What?”
You just shook your head at him. 
“Well, everything worked out didn’t it?” Dustin said sarcastically. 
“Worked out? We almost died!” Erica exclaimed and that made your eyes widened at Steve. Who lifted his hand immediately in surrender.
“I’m already beaten up, please don’t add into it,” Steve said but then his face changed. “Well, you looked like you’ve been in the same situation,” He pointed at your bruise. The distant bickering of the other long gone as you focused on Steve.
“She risked her life Steve,” Eddie said and now Steve looked at you, affronted.
“What did you do?” Steve asked. You opened and closed your mouth like a fish trying to find words on how to explain your situation. Knowing all too well, you have nothing to say.
“She threw herself in front of a monster. Nearly killing herself if it wasn’t for Nancy,” Eddie told you and you looked at him.
“Eddie,” You warned him but he just met your gaze head on. You sighed. 
“That was stupid,” Steve said as he crossed his arms. “That was really stupid Squirt. I told you to be safe and you go and play Hero?!”
“You did it too!” You can’t help but say that.
“It’s different!”
Before Steve can argue more, all of you heard a thud and turned to see El slumped on the floor.
“El!” Mike shouted as the group moved towards her. He turned her around and looked at her as she whimpered weakly. Her face grew paler by the minutes. “What’s wrong?”
“M-my leg,” She breathed out.
“Her leg, okay okay,” Jonathan and Nancy who was near it started to unwrap the bandage Max did. “Get that off,” Jonatahn continued to instruct. As soon as they peeled it away, they all gasped.
It looked infected from your vantage point but it looks to be moving?
El started to whimper and shake as it continued to move inside her leg. You watched horrified at it. Mike started to panic as he frantically called out to El but the young girl only whimpered and groaned out in pain.
“We have to do something!” You yelled as you looked down as something continued to move inside El’s leg.
“What is that?!”
“There is something in there!” Mike exclaimed as they all looked around completely at shock and at a loss.
“Keep her talking. Keep her awake okay?” Jonathan suddenly said before he took off. Mike continues to talk to her trying desperately to keep her focused and awake but she is starting to lose consciousness.
“She’s going into shock,” Nancy said and you kneeled before her head as you forced her head to look at you.
“Look at me El. That’s it. Focus on my voice,” you told her as she looked at it. “You have to stay awake. We have a lot of plans, remember? Me and Eddie are planning to hold a camping trip for the group. You said you wanted to experience things the normal way?”
“Y-yes,” El replied.
“Then you have to stay awake and after all of this shit show. We will go there. I promise you can ride the bike this time,” You told her and El smiled before she nodded.
 Jonathan finally returned with a knife that looked to be heated. He kneeled back to the ground and looked at El.
“Okay, El. It's gonna hurt like hell.” He told her.
“Okay!” El said as Mike hauled her to sit up a bit and leaned against him.
“Need you to stay still for me. Good,” Jonathan mumbled as he steadied her leg as he put on clear gloves. “Here I need you to bite on this to help,” He offered a wooden spoon which you quickly took as you helped El bite on it.
Finally, Jonathan lifted the knife towards her leg. He paused for a moment before he finally plunged it to open the wound. El screamed through the wooden spoon as he cluttered the knife to the ground. Everybody watched in pain as El screamed and Jonathan slowly inserted his finger inside hoping to remove whatever it was moving.
Though it seems like Jonathan is struggling as El continues to shout in pain.
“God damn it!” He exclaimed as he fought to pull it out.
“No! Stop it! Stop!” El finally screamed as she removed the wooden spoon. You stopped Jonathan with a hand on his shoulder as he looked up. “I-I can do it.”
“El,” You trailed off as she sat up fully. She reached out her hand towards her wound and then concentrated. She whimpered for a moment and then screamed. Just screamed.
You covered your ears at it and before you knew it, the glasses around all of you exploded at the same time El managed to pull out the piece of the monster inside her. She threw it away after. You all watched the tiny thing crawl away before it got squashed by a pair of boots. All of you looked up just in time for Hopper, Joyce and a man with glasses and shorts beside them.
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Dustin and the rest decided to catch the adults up of what is going on and the adventure that the individual groups took. They scolded you and the others but what is done and done. Now they had to infiltrate the Russian base to close the gate while everybody tried to be safe and away from Billy. 
At first, Dustin insisted that their help was needed and Hopper told them that they can do that in a safe distance using the walkie talkies. Dustin explained that the walkie talkie itself cannot suffice since it's too deep underground. The signal won’t be reaching it.
“Then what do you need?” Hopper asked exasperatedly at Dustin.
“A car and a talkie. I have a device already set up, we just need to get there fast.”
“Maybe a bike will do,” You offered and they looked at you.
“Isn’t that slower?” Dustin offered confusion.
“A motorbike Dustin,” You told him. “Specifically, a dirt bike,” You told them as you remembered them parked just outside.
“Isn’t that dangerous? Can a car be as good—”
“Dirt bikes are faster and you happen to have someone who is licensed professionally for it,”
“Your license is professional?!”
“You can actually do professional racing?!” 
Eddie and Steve exclaimed at the same time. Yes, you can now that you mentioned it. A year later after your regular license, you applied for it. You thought you could make it through that profession but the shit show happened and then you came into Hawkins and it was just gone.
Your priorities have changed. You glanced at Eddie and Steve. You don’t want to be shipped off somewhere to ride a motorbike for a living alone. You have a found family now. You have them. So, yes, your priorities have changed.
“I trust you to transport these kids. It's probably safer there,” Hopper reasoned. “Give us a head start then. Okay people, we have a plan, let's do it.”
After that, everybody dispersed, probably preparing and saying their goodbyes. You will be transporting Dustin behind your back while Steve will be using the car the adults came in to drive behind just in case. Nancy and the rest would be driving back somewhere to hide from Billy. At least until Hopper, Joyce and Murray managed to close the gate.
You and Eddie were tasked to get the dirt bike. You can’t help the excitement as you neared it. 
“Stop drooling,” Eddie mused at you as he neared it with a bold cutter in hand. It was chained and these bikes are manually and literally kicked start. 
“Shut up,” you only said as you picked up two helmets. Once black and one white. “This is sick,” You told him as you admired the black one. 
“This is as good as compensation for the one that was left behind at the cabin, yes?” You lifted the helmets as Eddie shook his head. 
“Are you actually committing theft right now?” Eddie asked as he pulled the dirt bike and out the road. 
“Not really, I’ll leave a few bucks behind. I will apply for the family and friends discount,” You joked as you neared him. He kicked the stand and turned towards you as he watched you silently.
“You never told me that you planned on doing this motorbike professionally,” He mused as you looked over the bike to see if there was anything wrong.
“I forgot about it to be honest. Trauma can do that,” you told him as you stood up and looked at him. “Besides, my priorities change. Now come on—” you threw the white helmet at him. “Let’s ride this to the front,”
You excitedly rode the bike and kicked the stand. You and Eddie chose the smaller one instead of the bigger ones. Obviously, you won’t be able to reach it. You stepped your right foot on the starter and it only took two kicks before the engine roared to life.
“Oh look, it's fully tanked. Lucky us,” you told him as you looked at Eddie whose visors are open as he looked at you with an undetermined expression. You tilted your head at him. “Eddie?”
“You looked so hot doing that,” he breathed out and you only laughed.
“Come on!”
You drove quickly to the front where Dustin is waiting while Steve, Robin and Erica are already in the car. 
“Woah, that is cool,” Dustin breathed out as all of them looked at you. Eddie hopped off and offered his helmet to Dustin who put it on quickly.
He then turned to the car and whistled.
“What a car,” He commented.
“I know right?” Steve can’t help but agree as he tapped the dashboard. “I heard from Hopper they kind of stole it. I was hoping we could keep it eventually you know,” He wiggled his brows.
“I can do some work on this,” Eddie mused.
“Hey– why are we suddenly planning to commit forgery and theft?” Robin cut the two of them off.
“Forgery? That only applies to documents. Are you sure you are a highschooler?” Erica mused at her with a raised brow.
Meanwhile Dustin shakily rode behind you. 
“Ugh, how am I supposed to—”
You just took his arms and wrapped it around your waist. “Hold tight,” That is all you said to him as your hand clutched the bars.
You revved up that bike that made the other four look at you.
“Hey Dustin, don’t get too handsy now with my girl,” Eddie teased while Dustin just ignored him. He was trembling a bit, a first timer’s fear. You can handle that. You patted Dustin’s hand in comfort. 
You lifted your visors. “Stop teasing the kid, baby,” You scolded him. Eddie just blew you a kiss which you answered with a roll of your eyes. You turned and looked at Steve.
“See you up top?”
“Yeah, be careful! We still need to go back here to help with Nancy and everyone,” You nodded as you pulled down your visor.
Taking a deep breath as you focus on the road ahead. You want this over with and with that in mind you took off. Not knowing that the chaos is just minutes away from you.
To be continued...
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wanou-dorm · 2 years ago
Flynn but as different Birds 1
Flynn belongs @fumikomiyasaki This has been running through my Mind So I will use my Bird Knowledge and Critical thinking to interpret Flynn as different bird ,
…. you next Rubina just as Soon as Figure what birds Your next.
This Wouldn’t Change anything but he would be notably Taller
Extra Feathers on the Face on the Bridge of his Nose ( It’s literally the only way to Tell a Crow and a Raven apart
Slightly Smarter ,.. only Slightly
hes Cawing sounds more like Croaking
Every Corvid would be the Same yes Even Blue Jays
Yes Even pokemon like Honch
Owl (great Horn ) - Favorite Birb(it’s actually Barn owl but Owls)
Thank Lord Jesus You are not a Barn Owl No one need to hear Banshees Screeches When your Angry . Bro chill
He looks Plump but It’s Really all Just Feathers please believe him
okay Hes kinda Plump but its mostly Feathers
In other News you can’t hear him now. Great for what he Dose .
Extend Whoooo
I would say he’s Smarter but Owl are Actually Considered dumb by bird strandard (cause Raven and Crows) so ever so slightly stupider still smart and Cunning cause it’s Flynn
Owls are just Cat birds susceptible him to do Dumb Cat Stuff
hes Always Staring
Can’t forget Stolas Paralles
Can forget Turn his Head like An owl , creepy
Secertary Bird-
I can already here someone saying “step on Me please!!”
finally he can Kick people with those Legs - I mean he could before but now he can kill people .. not like he’d want too
He’ll probably Still use a Dagger
he’s probably Model , on the Side along with Acting
Snakes ( and Jamil ) Beware
Luscious Eyelashs
he’s Probably look More Feminine .. to his advantage probably
comes with Eyeliner
Puffin ( third favorite Birb)
He’s be more Baby face than he already is
In addition to Flying he can also Swim which would help him.
I feel like he’d torelate being made fun of they are called clowns of the sea or be less tolerant
Did mention he Be seen as a fucking Adorable he’s definitely not getting the Roles he Prefers .
“Sick “ dance moves
I Would done the Chicken god from Wily Beast and Wicked creature but I’ve just been given a finely written letter saying Chose Another Touhou Bird so Instead it’s
Utsuho Reiuji ( Touhou)
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Arsene with the Power of Nuclear Fusion …
I imagine he’s Still Smart un like Okuu who is incredibly Dumb, But I Imagine he’s more over confident and paranoid
… Hoshi’s Going to going to Field day When he mentions his Third Leg cause Yatagarsu
He unfortunately would have still have Voices his Head but now one is an actual God .
This Dose Impile that Flynn Ate part of A Yatagarsu but with his Backstory he could’ve Stolen it or Found it Somewhere And since Nano is Human it doesn’t effect him but Flynn being a Bird made him a perfect Vessel
I kinda What to see what his Overblot would Like it cause Okuu and her Power strangely make since Flynn is going through a Meltdown .
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housamo-side-blog-2 · 4 years ago
April Fools epilogue of part 3
 Horkeu Kamui: My Hero...
Dorm Room
Harumo:  All right, you remember the plan, ?
“Yes, i know the plan”
Harumo: Okay, but if i really DID have amnesia, then..
 “ i know,......i’l use it”.....
{End of Flashback}
After falling in a state of unconcousness, you were rushed to the medical facility of The Ikebukuro Guild, there, you can find all sorts of bandages,healing ointments, medical machinery, and other necessities that specializes in healing severe injuries due to the level of intensity each fight provided to the Bersekers body’s as they would come in everyday after a match, there you lay on one of their hospital beds and next to your bed is Kengo who’s recuperating due to the number of punishment he recieved from the bloody exchange. 
Shiro:  Harumo....
Snow:  Do not worry, the doctor informed me that they are okay now, they just need rest. 
Shiro:  I see, Thank you very much Snow, 
Snow:  Then.. I will take my leave, My darling Master summons me. 
Snow takes a short bow and leaves, after that, the rest of the Summoners arrived with a bundle of snacks.
Ryota:  Shiro, we’re here.. and i’ve brought snacks for all of us. the food here looks really delicious.they have different kinds of roasted meat and they even have popcorn.
Moritaka:   How are they doing Shiro?.
Shiro:  Snow said they’re fine, they just need some rest.
Ryota:  Phew thank goodness.
Shiro:  Thats a lot of snacks you bought Ryota, are you sure you can finish those?
Ryota:  Don’t worry, im always going to share my food and...also for Harumo and Kengo when they wake up. and when they do im going to surprise them with a yummy treat right in their mouths.
Toji:  Lets hope they don’t choke from it. 
Kengo:  raaa.aa..aaaa
Kengo finally opens his eyes and looks around to see everyone.
Kengo:  Hey guys.
Shiro:  Kengo! 
Ryota:  Hooray you’re finally awake!
Moritaka:  I’ve got goosebumps from that fight just now Kengo, that was amazing!
Toji:  Im glad you’re awake Takabushi.
Kengo:  Yeah, yeah, looks like Harumo is still out. 
Ryota:  Don’t worry, They’l  come around sooner.
Kengo;  Yeah, they always do.
Shiro:  How are you feeling now?
Kengo:   Uhh,.....ow!... just a slight back pain is all. 
Shiro:   I see
Harumo:  MMMMMM, Uraghhhh, 
You open your eyes and the first thing you see is the light ceiling facing directly at you. tilting your head and see everyone looking at you in relief and happiness.
Ryota moves in to hug you while in bed, not worrying about the pain that you felt when you moved your body to hug Ryota back. 
Harumo:  Hey guys!, 
Shiro:  im happy that you’re fine now Harumo, how are you feeling? 
Harumo:  I feel like my body was thrown back in forth. 
Kengo:  Hey partner, when we were fighting Macan, you summoned your sacred artifact. 
Ryota:  Oh yeah they did, so this means you remember everything? 
Harumo:   Hmmm, Owww! my head..... ohhh..
Moritaka: Hey.. Take it easy there my friend,  you’re still resting.
Harumo:   Well.... the only thing i remember is calling out my sword and then...all of sudden, i was holding two swords?
Kengo:  Hold on, you can only summon one sword. 
Toji:  You guys probably didn’t notice this, when Harumo had summoned his sacred artifact a mysterious blue sword flew across the audience and made its way towards Harumo, 
Ryota:  Then, someone must have helped them, but who.
Horkeu Kamui:   That will be me. 
Everyone was surprised by the sudden appearance of a muscular wolf, with a sword on his side, 
Harumo:   Check out those muscles! 
Kengo:  Hey Kamui, how’s it hangin.
Horkeu Kamui:   My Hero.. you have awaken, im glad that you’re okay. 
Harumo:  My hero?,,,,whoooo, i love the sound of that.
Horkeu Kamui:   ahh, ....im pleased that you think so..My Hero..
Moritaka:  Horkeu Kamui !, It is an honor to meet you again.
Horkeu Kamui:  Likewise Moritaka, are you training hard? 
Moritaka:  Indeed i am, i train everyday to improve my skills to become a magnificient warrior. 
Horkeu Kamui:  Im happy to hear that, also Kengo Takabushi.
Kengo: Yeah what is it?
Horkeu Kamui: Thank you for protecting my hero!, im eternally grateful for your protection on him.
Kengo: Yeah yeah, whatever.
A sudden punch landed on Kengo’s head.
Kengo: What the hell was that for!
Shiro: You idiot ! Can’t you be a little bit nicer in responding to those kind sentences.
Kengo: What do you want me to say then, AHHHH!
Shiro: Im terribly! sorry for his rudeness, please forgive him, uhm sorry, but would you mind telling us your name?
Horkeu Kamui: My name is Horkeu Kamui, i vowed to protect my beloved Hero, whom im his sheath and shield. 
Moritaka: Im amazed! Harumo, when did this all happen?
Harumo: I don’t remember him, but i would love to be his student.
Horkeu Kamui:  What?, my hero, do you not know me?
Shiro:  Allow me to shed light on the problem. 
Shiro explains briefly to Horkeu Kamui the unseeable situation that has happen to his beloved Hero. and 
Horkeu Kamui:  I see... My Hero...im terribly sorry.
Harumo:  MMMM, There’s nothing to be sorry about, also...Thank you.
Horkeu Kamui:  F-For what?
Harumo:  You’re the one who gave me that sword remember,. i recognized you when i heard your voice back then. 
Horkue Kamui:  i see... then, how would you regain your memories then?
Harumo:  I don’t know, Shiro said If we go to places that i’ve been to, it might make me remember something.
Horkeu Kamui:   I see,..then, can i do this then?
Harumo:  Huh?, what do you mean.
Horkeu Kamui:  This...
Everyting turned white in an instant, as the lone wolf, known for being a teacher and guide for his students, kissed his beloved hero’s forehead, the onlookers could only look in shock as they could not have imagined someone as Horkeu Kamui would do such a bold move infront of people, The LUCKY BASTARD! could only sit frozen in place as he tries to process what transpired, 
Horkeu Kamui:   If you regain your memories again, if you remember this moment, then, i hope you remember my words. 
He whispered to your ear, unabling the shocked audience to hear what his gonna say to your ear.
“I Love you”
Moritaka’s ears twitch in shocked, because his hearing is much more powerful than it his to regular humans, as soon as he hears it, Moritaka could only watch and hear what transpired infront of him. even though his blushing from what he’d heard from the wolf.
Horkeu Kamui:   Well, I’ll be going now, i need to train. I pray for your success conquest my beloved hero. 
Harumo:  Y-yeah, i hope your training goes well, see you soon Horkeu Kamui!
The lone wolf waiked towards the exit, but you could clearly see a smile appeared on his face as he waiked out, and after that.
Ryota:  OH MY GOSH!, He just kissed Harumo! 
Kengo:   We clearly saw it infront of us Ryota, 
Shiro:   I-i-im .....
Toji:   Motoori?, hey, hey are you okay?
Ryota:   Whoah!, Shiro turned white all of a sudden. are you okay.
Moritaka:   Im, im also speechless of what just transpired !
Harumo:   Yahooo!, score one for Harumo!.
You are overflowing with joy from the bold move he’d done, Shiro is having a breakdown sorta from the event just now, Everyone else is shocked in belief.
Horkeu Kamui is waiking on the dark halls remembering the match that nearly cost his beloved hero’s life, 
Horkue Kamui:  .......
With each step is a scenario from the match, especially the part where his hero almost got devoured, this image keeps on repeating on his mind, as he waiks he remembers it, he remembers when he could’t do anything to save him, even though he was present, Anger, sadness, rage filled him as he punched a pillar out of rage, 
Horkeu Kamui:   Why,....why didn’t i do it?..They was there infront of me as i stood there doing nothing.... i don’t deserve to be called his shield, 
Feeling hopeless and sad in his thoughts,....he suddenly remembered what his hero said to him. 
“Thank you”
Horkeu Kamui:   *GASP*
Those words reminded him the time where he was training a hero before he appeared, as a picture of him and his student eating together, in the night sky, inside the little hut where they train, 
Horkeu Kamui:   Lets eat, Hero. 
Hero:  All right! finally meal time!, im gotta be skin and bones if i don’t eat soon, so, THANK YOU FOR THE FOOD!
He quickly eats whats on his bowl and picks up several pieces of meat infront of the table in a flash to satisfy his hunger and to replenish his spirit.
Horkeu Kamui:   Don’t eat very quickly, or you might choke while eating.
Hero:   *nam* *nam* sorry Sensei, im just really hungry.
Horkeu Kamui:   I know, but take things slowly, 
Hero:   Okay...
The night sky passes by as both of them have finish eating and went outside to look at the stars above, listening to the crickets calming sound, fires providing illumination in the entire village making it visible from a mile away  as two onlookers look from the hill. 
Hero:   Wow! the village looks really lively from up here. 
Horkeu Kamui:  Yes, it does. 
Hero:  S-sensei, can i say something.
Horkeu Kamui:   What is it? 
Hero:   Do you remember the time when my village was destroyed.?
Horkeu Kamui:   Why do you ask that?
Hero:   Don’t you remember,   you were the one that saved me.
 Horkeu Kamui:   And why do you say that? 
Hero:  The things is, Sensei..
His student takes a long deep breath and his teacher is waiting for his answer to his questions. 
Horkeu Kamui:  You really are just like him, Harumo... i can’t believe i forgot my other students as well, hmp, I thought they will be angry at me for leading them to their deaths, however,
Horkeu Kamui:  All of them had the exact same expression as you are, as they went on to fight their enemies,   i fought alongside with them, and even when they are in the brink of death, they never looked at me with rage and hatred, but  satisfaction and peace were what i saw when they took their last breaths, over and over, 
Horkeu Kamui:   I thought i was a cursed, that i will drive every student that i have, to their painful deaths.
But thats not the case anymore, every hero that i forged, chose the path of becoming a hero, they didn't complain to me, they didn't even quit, they instead went on to fight their enemies head on with no regrets.
 I can't believe i didn't realize it sooner, or maybe it was faith that today i will finally get an answer. Hmp, My Heroes....Thank you all, and most especially.
Horkeu Kamui: Thank you.... Harumo...... My Beloved Hero..
He stared from the second floor glass wall and looking at the group whom is taking care of his precious hero. as they waik towards the undiscovered land of Tokyo in the orange sky.
.HARUMO:  WHAT THE ?!.....
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nightwingshero · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @joeyhxdson thank you, slasher in crime! 
Tagging: @tomexraider @pd3 @xbaebsae @faithchel @risenlucifer @simonxriley @fzzziiiieee @mollybegger-blog @smithandrogers @fromathelastoveritaserum @ja-crispea @dieguzguz @finefeatheredgamer @shallow-gravy @mackie-hattwie @trialandseed and anyone else who wants to!
Yeah, I was super disappointed when I realized it was Tuesday, my week isn’t halfway over...bummer. Anyway! I’m back with that Peaky Blinder stuff, sorry no John and Wren stuff as of right now. But hopefully soon!!! I’m stuck on a chapter and I’m having too much fun with Dahlia and Alfie, the thots! This is two parts of the same chapter I’m working on. It’s slowly coming together, whoooo. 
“Tsk.” Billy swung his attention my way at the sound and we regarded each other coolly. I crossed my legs, holding my head high as I glared at him.
His smirked widened. “Dahlia Strong.”
“Billy.” I sneered. Ollie looked over, eyeing me with a hint of shock. I know I have to be careful, but the rage I feel at seeing him is hard to keep under wraps. All the times his men jumped our Peaky boys, the times they stole from us.
“It’s been a minute, ain’t it?” he mocked. “The Shelby queen-to-be descending from her throne in Birmingham to run around here in London, eh? Funny, I expected you in feathers.”
“Head baker, Billy?” I asked, my voice ice. “Shall I write that down for you? Put a little star next to it?”
“Rule number one. The distinction between bread and rum, that is not discussed! Rule number two.” He paused, finally making it back to the front, his eyes continuing their scan. “Anything, right, that your superior officer says to you,” My eyes widen a bit as he turns just enough to point back at me. “or any of your other superior officers say to you, yeah? Not discussed!” I glance at Tommy, but he’s looking forward. I swallow, trying to understand what Alfie had just done. That he had just referred to me as superior. A sneer on Billy’s face made that much clear.
“Rule number three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, I don’t care…or the rest of your fucking miserable, measly lives, yeah? Because I, like you, am also a complete fucking sodomite.” I raise my brow at his words but say nothing of the shock of his bluntness. “Jewish women. You do not go anywhere near them, because Jewish women for you are off the fucking menu. Right. And she,” he turns, pointing to me again and I can’t fucking breathe, unsure of how to take this. “Is off fucking limits. You don’t fuckin’ touch her, right. I think that’s fair.” He nodded, glancing at Billy and holding his gaze. I’m too in shock to enjoy the stare down, my mind is reeling. One second, I’m asked to sit because of their views, and the next he’s calling himself a sodomite. Then, with his very next breath, he is defending the women of his culture, and me at the same time. Finally, Billy relents, looking away, and I’m suddenly in awe of this man.
“Hmm…” Alfie hums, turning away from Billy to look at Tommy. “All right, that’s it then. Oh…forgive me. I interrupted you.”
At that, I almost laugh in complete disbelief and from the absolute ridiculousness of Alfie Solomons. I hate it, deep down I despise it, but I have a newfound respect for this man. Even though he doesn’t spare me a look or say a word as he walks past me to return to his original spot. I fight the smile, but I feel the shift. He hasn’t said a word, and I don’t dare look at him, even though I feel his eyes, but I feel as if something as changed. I swallow as Tommy takes back over control.
“Pick him up.” He tells Buddy, and him and another man began to drag the unconscious man out. Tommy walks over to Billy, and I smirk a little to see that his pride had indeed been wounded. “Get them out of here and make this fucking work.” Tommy threated lowly, just loud enough for me to hear and I see Billy’s jaw tick as he turned away and began yelling at the men
“Don’t fucking wait!” he screamed as he rounded the men, pointing them towards the exit. “You better be fucking soldiers! You’re a fucking disgrace! Go!”
Tommy pulled out another cigarette, placing it in his mouth and lighting it as I approached him. “You’re a bloody idiot, Tommy.” I whispered as Billy rushed the men out, throwing me scolding glare. Ollie scurried away, approaching Alfie and spoke in a language I didn’t recognize. We glanced at them just as Alfie did from his seat across the room. Ollie looked uneasy, but it was Alfie’s look that made me hesitate.
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keijitranslates · 6 years ago
[KH side story translation] TOTAL ECLIPSE
When I close my eyes to go to sleep, I start to hear the sound of waves. Then all I see is a deep blue, and I can eventually start to make out the blue sky and sea. I’m on the shore, looking at that sky and sea. I’m in one of my very precious memories, memories that I can only see in dreams now.
Sora runs up like he always does, kicking up sand as he approaches.
You’re the one being lame and just laying on the ground when we came all the way out here, Sora complains, pouting.
…nah, nothing really.
Sora grabs his knees and sits down.
I mean, Riku, all you do lately is sit and look at the ocean.
Wakka and Selphie can be heard yelling as they play in the distance.
You know the ocean’s never going to change no matter how long you look at it, right?
Sora tilts his head.
What are you two doing?
A smile appears on Sora’s face.
It’s Kairi.
Ah, you’re doing nothing, are you?
Kairi sits next to Sora.
Nothing sure is boring, huh? Sora says to Kairi.
I think it’s nice to sit and look at the ocean every once in a while.
Sora pouts again.
Hey, Riku, wanna do the usual?
Sora turns around toward Riku.
A beach race! It’s been forever! I think the last time we did that was…
 If I were to keep losing like Sora does, would I keep on trying until I win?
Sora does a little jump.
I’ll be the referee, Kairi says.
If I win, I’m captain! Sora proclaims.
We’re trying to build a raft right now.
In order to go somewhere that isn’t here – to go somewhere else, beyond the sea.
And if you win…
Sora tries to continue, but then he physically stops in his tracks.
Huh? Wha, wait a minute…
Sora gets flustered.
The two who have shared the fruit of that tree shall be tied together for eternity.
 Ready? On your marks!
Kairi’s voice echoes over the beach.
3, 2, 1…go!
Sora had opted to run along the beach route.
He practically ran for his life.
That drawing in the cave.
 Sora looks like he is running behind.
Someday I might lose to him.
 Sora is still behind me.
He finally jumps up from the ground and touches the paopu tree.
Then Kairi is staring at Sora.
Sora runs in a daze.
That’s definitely why I can’t beat Sora.
 Whoooo! I did it! Sora yells, falling down on the beach.
He then puffs his cheeks, sulking.
Uh, a-about that thing you said… Sora asked.
Kairi runs up to “the two”.
Congratulations, Sora!
Sora answers by raising a fist.
What were you two talking about? Where are you going?
Kairi tilts her head a little.
And you won’t beat me next time, either! Sora shouts.
On the cliff. The horizon.
There’s no way I can lose to Sora.
I’m jealous of him.
I can’t desperately push myself like he did back there, and I can’t smile like him either.
Why am I the only one who’s a year older?
If Sora weren’t here – or if Kairi weren’t here – I’d probably get along fine with whoever was here.
But this world is so cruel that I dream of both a world without Sora and a separate world without Kairi.
Is this wind coming from the sea?
Or is it coming from the sky?
The sea and the sky in front of me are the same as always – and this world will never change.
The blue of the sea and the sky is burning into my eyes.
I wanted to be pulled out of this unchanging world.
 The door will soon open.
 Suddenly, I hear a voice from somewhere, among the cries of the seagulls and the sound of the waves.
The door will soon open.
I have heard this voice before.
Yes – I know whose voice this is.
 You understand the darkness within you, don’t you?
 The voice I can hear from the darkness within my heart – Ansem’s voice.
Then why won’t you submit to it? Just go ahead and destroy Sora, or Kairi.
I can’t see the blue anymore. I can no longer see the sky and sea I remember fondly.
Riku’s upper body jerks up in response.
“Are you OK? It looked like you were having a terrible nightmare.”
The King – Mickey – was looking over him with concern, draped in a black coat.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry to make you worry, Mickey.”
Riku manages a stiff smile. He’d had a dream, a dream about the home world he missed.
“Ansem is still in your heart, isn’t he?”
“…seems like it.”
Riku hangs his head.
He could still detect Ansem’s smell. But he’d known that when he left the castle.
It was already three days since they’d left Castle Oblivion. Every night, he was struck with the same kind of nightmare. The beginning was different every time, but the ending was always the same. He hears Ansem’s voice, and he jerks awake.
Is the world of dreams a dark interval between light and darkness - an interval that allows an erratic existence like Ansem to appear with its own intent?
The dream itself was a message conveying the reality that Ansem – darkness – was still buried in his heart, and it was enough to make Riku want to wallow in despair.
But Mickey had once said - “even in the deepest darkness, you’ll always find a light”.
“Are you sleeping OK?”
Mickey peeks in at Riku’s face, which was covered by a hood, worried.
“Of course.”
“Are you sure?”
“Ouch. Guess you don’t even trust me.” Riku sneers.
Mickey shakes his head, responding to the sentiment, then smiles.
“Of course I believe you! But even I can’t go all the way into a dream to help you.”
“Sorry, Mickey.”
Riku looks down just a little bit.
“Why are you apologizing? You haven’t done anything wrong.”
Mickey’s words leave Riku even more dejected.
Haven’t done anything wrong? Really? But I’ve thought about a world without Sora, and a world without Kairi. I’ve actually hurt both of them. And you’re trying to tell me I haven’t done anything wrong?
“I called the darkness inside of you.”
Riku shudders in response to the sudden voice. He had to make sure Mickey wouldn’t notice.
“I am you. You are me. We are darkness.”
I want to shout “that’s not true!”. But I don’t. I know that I have darkness in my heart. That’s why I decided to live with the darkness. I won’t lose to the darkness in my heart.
After all, I may have dreamed up a world without Sora, and a world without Kairi, but in the end, I couldn’t get rid of either Sora or Kairi. That’s because they’re my precious friends.
“It’s nothing, Mickey. Let’s sleep a little more,” Riku says, smiling at him.
“Good idea.”
Mickey lies down on his side.
“Submit to me, Riku.”
I mustn’t submit. And I can’t stay so close to Mickey anymore. It isn’t right to worry him so much. My heart feels like it would break if I was by somebody’s side any longer. I must fight the Ansem in my heart all by myself.
I’ll be OK. After all, I know that the light won’t ever give up on me. Even if I descend to the deepest darkness, light will reach me. I also have many friends I’m important to.
So, I won’t be defeated. Everything will turn out fine.
Riku fixes his eyes on Mickey, who was just falling asleep beside him.
“Sorry, Mickey,” he whispers, standing up.
Setting himself on the twilight path, the road toward dawn, Riku begins to walk alone.
(Because I feel a bit bad just posting something so long without this, you can find the novel at the following link!  It has a lot of other short stories that aren’t quite as interesting but still fun to read if you know Japanese, and of course some Shiro Amano illustrations - though none for this story in particular: https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4757521529)
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happypledis · 5 years ago
whoa so bighit is officially majority shareholder of pledis I. Did not expect this to happen. Is this the first time someone other than Han sung soo has been majority shareholder?? Also just how are you feeling about it
Whoooo super late but help anon, I am here to finally answer this.
Personally I had heard about it soooo many times by the time it was officially announced (the news sources had gossiped about it many times before it was a done deal) 
I honestly felt like: 
1. it was still fake this time despite the proof and statements 
2. oh no I hope Certain Fandoms™️ don’t hate on Other Certain Fandoms™️ for this (and alas my fears...are still not assuaged)
3. hm... will this change anything at all, actually?
4. hilarious that svt mvs being uploaded on a label’s channel is no longer detestable in the people’s carats’s eyes, this time around (look I’m going on hiatus anyway I’m just gonna come out and say it lol, no one can @ me now)
Hm for the second question, I’m pretty sure Han Sungsoo was always majority stockholder by like... 1%, but I’m not sure anymore. Regardless, majority was Pledis with its own stock, then like, the 2 Japanese companies tied to Nu’est’s JPN activity days. 
Lastly how do I feel now?
I don’ t really know. it’s kinda just, okay, it happened, and I don’t know what to think. I’d have more to say when I see actual like... changes occurring?
But really I just think insults and arguing like twitter loves to engage in is the stupidest thing ever
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