#kill junkies
somanysurprises · 6 months
Difference of circumstance is a metaphysical injustice sometimes. Isn’t that easiest? To think the universe is out of order and well.. fucked, and that’s why you’re fucked? Which way I fly is hell? Myself am hell.. and in the lowest deep a lower deep still threatens to devours me opens wide.. making what I suffer seems heaven.. Lucifer
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 days
DCxDP Fanfic Idea: Petal to the Metal.
It's starts off simple enough.
Tucker realizes that, with the map from the Far Frozen, there was a chance they could find an earth similar to their own within the Infinite Realms. The only difference? It would be a few years ahead of their timeline.
If they happen to pop over there and gather "helpful" tips, like "What were the lottery winning numbers in 2008?" or "What companies were the best to invest in the early 2000s?" then who would be the wiser? It's not like they were stealing anything.
They just put one foot in front of the others at the starting line. Some may say cheating (Sam) but Tucker prefered to be prepared. It didn't take too long for Danny to agree.
A way to guarantee wealth? Sucess? Heck, they may even be able to "discover" cures for deadly illnesses. It would be rather selfish of them not to use the map for the greater good.
Sam chose to stay behind, stating she was already rich and didn't need to cheat into more gold. Tucker personally thought she didn't understand the common folk like the two boys.
The plan was simple. They had already located the suitable earth; they would go in, spend a weekend sightseeing (and gathering info), and then return home. As far as their parents knew, they were going to a concert in another state, having bought fake tickets and hotel rooms to sell them. It took a lot of begging on both sixteen year olds part but eventually neither parent had denied them the trp and off they went.
Danny had even attacked a miniature portal ray to their beat-up car, having taken inspiration from the time Jonny 13 had modified his bike back in the day. He had blown it up after helping the biker win back Kitty, but he hadn't forgotten about it.
They hoped that a car like their own wouldn't stand out too badly in 2020, praying that people would just assume them to bepoor. How different could cars be in such a short time anyway?
The bags were packed, the car was filled, Danny had set the miniature portal, and the two drove out of the city limits to fire it up. It required a lot of speed, since Tucker's plain toyota wasn't a space ship design to travel the death diminsion.
Danny had offered to drive, seeing as Tucker hated being behind the wheel on long road trips, and once his parents could see them- Mr. Foley didn't like his son lending his car to his friends. One never knows what could happen with teenagers- he had switch seat with Danny.
Danny, who has Fenton blood, had him put the petals to the metal and had no problems raising their speed to the one hundred needed for the miniature portal to work. The plan was perfect.
The plan fell apart when the portal opened in front of a clown about to put on a show for a large crowd. They ran him over with their car.
"Omg! You hit a clown!" Tucker screams watching the body roll off the windsheild.
Danny's grip on the stirring wheel was knuckle white but his eyes were narrowed in satisfication. "Good"
"No not good! This isn't Freakshow! That was a random clown doing a show and we killed him!" Tucker screams as Danny puts the car in reverse and runs him over again.
Outside the vechile people were screaming, lots of them pointing and one clear voice ran above the rest.
"They killed Joker!"
Danny reached down and flickered on his favoritedriving song as various people started to climb on the stage. Poeple dressed in strange clothing.
Was that a Bat?
"Hold on Tuck!" is his own warning before Tokyo Drift started blaring through the speakers as he slammed his foot on the petal again. They blew through some barrels of green liquid and drifted off the stage onto the road with Danny sining at the top of his lungs.
Tucker could barely hear himself scream as people jumped out fo the way unprepare for a Driving Fenton like Amity Park was.
Maybe Sam was right. This was a terrible idea.
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tennessoui · 9 months
Kit! I'm obsessed with your writing!
For the prompt list: 25!
(prompt list)
i don't think i've ever done this prompt/this combination!
25. librarian/avid reader au (sort of)
As a Jedi who rarely goes undercover, Obi-Wan is used to the occasional stare. Citizens of the Republic are all too often fascinated by the Jedi, and Obi-Wan knows he looks like a holo-perfect one. His choice of wardrobe rarely deviates from Jedi standard, and he’s been told he radiates the sort of complete inner peace that people associate with Jedi. It’s all very flattering and it mostly means that it is impossible for him not to be made as a Jedi the moment he steps out of the Temple.
So he’s rather used to the occasional stare from civilians. It’s almost to be expected.
He is much less used to that sort of attention within the Temple. 
Especially within the Archives, where general practice and observation of decorum demands that all who are present must keep their noses out of everyone else’s business. Jedi do not come to the Archives to chat. They come to research, to learn, to study.
They certainly do not come to the Archives to gawp at other more respectable Jedi.
Obi-Wan tries to convey this in the glare he sends across the cavernous reading room to the padawan currently watching him from between the stacks of datapads.
It must work because the padawan’s eyes widen and then he ducks out of sight, disappearing in a flash of lilac robes, the color of fabric denoting an Archival padawan.
He’s never drawn the ire of the Archival Jedi before, and he doesn’t quite understand what he could have done now. After all, he is waist-deep in a research project for Grandmaster Yoda—he is in the Archives almost every day of the week and makes a point to abide all of the Archive’s customs and rules.
When Obi-Wan leaves a few hours later, daily notes carefully tucked away in a bag and two datapads on loan, he checks with the droid that scans the serials on the ‘pads, but the droid has no record of Obi-Wan Kenobi possessing an overdue ‘pad or flimsi-book. 
It’s strange.
But then, padawans are strange creatures. Probably why Obi-Wan doesn’t think he’ll ever have one himself.
Three days later, he returns to the Archives, one datapad in his bag for return.
It’d looked promising on the shelf, a database containing different accounts of the oral history of Jedha, but upon further perusal, it had been useless to his needs. What Obi-Wan was researching—what he needed to find were descriptions of the earliest Jedi on Jedha. The growth of two factions inside that temple, told from an outsider’s point of view. 
What he needed to find was a description of the beginning of the Sith, and that was proving difficult.
He deposits the datapad at the droid’s counter, tapping his fingers along the surface for a moment in thought before he turns to stride deeper into the Archives. He supposes—there are planets outside of Jedha with histories heavy in Sith ideology. He does not have to start with Jedha, even if that’s where the Sith Order began.
He can pull a list of the most notorious Sith lords; he can note down their homeworlds, perhaps request Council permission to travel to those planets. To understand the past, one must understand the present too—or the nearer decades of history at the very least. 
It’s a place to start, anyway.
Two hours later, he has neatly copied down the names, titles, and homeworlds of six different Sith lords.
And then he runs into a problem. His search of the Sith Lord Plagueius results in a short missive from the database:
>> User: OWKenobi, ACCESS has been denied. Your activity has been flagged as SUSPICIOUS.
Obi-Wan’s eyebrows furrow, and he looks around himself, half wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same sort of problem.
But the group of Initiates closeby seem to be carrying along fine, giggling quietly to themselves as they pick at the keyboards in front of them.
Obi-Wan frowns and turns back to his own keyboard, deleting the name of the Sith lord and typing in another’s. Darth Feindan, a ruthless Sith who had lived close to five hundred years ago, known as the ghost of the Outer Rim and known for—
>> User: OWKenobi, ACCESS has been denied. Your activity has been flagged as SUSPICIOUS.
Alright. Fine. Darth Derritus. He had risen to power a thousand years before, because of—
>> User: OWKenobi, ACCESS has been denied. Your activity has been flagged as SUSPICIOUS.
“What?” Obi-Wan murmurs to himself, putting down his stylus finally to stare at the locked screen.
When he drags the cursor across the screen, a new message pops up.
User: OWKenobi, your account has been LOCKED. Please see SYSTEM ADMIN for SUPPORT.
He blows out a shocked, annoyed breath, standing from his desk. Alright. Obviously there’s been some sort of mistake, and Obi-Wan can sort of understand what’s happened. The Sith are not much of a threat to the Jedi Order in this day and age, but they’re still considered rather…taboo.
Obviously, his purely academic interest was flagged as suspicious because of the nature of some Jedi attitudes towards the remnants of the Sith. 
All he’ll have to do is talk with the Archival staff and get his access back. Perhaps Jocasta Nu is present today. He will tell her of the error, that he has been assigned a research project by the Grandmaster Yoda, and she will straighten things out.
Yes, she’ll handle it completely.
Only it’s not Master Nu behind the Archival desk when Obi-Wan approaches the front entrance.
It’s the same lilac-clad padawan that Obi-Wan had caught glaring at him all those days ago.
And to make matters worse, the boy is glaring at him again, watching him approach with his arms crossed over his chest.
Obi-Wan fights the urge to glare back. He is an accomplished Jedi Knight, and this is a youngling.
Well, not a youngling. He is obviously a senior padawan, braid long enough to reach past his shoulder and rest over his heart. Obi-Wan would put him at perhaps eighteen, perhaps twenty. There’s something still rather boyish about his features, despite the overall pleasantness of his dark eyes, soft lips, apparent cheekbones.
Though that just may be the childish scowl he’s wearing as Obi-Wan approaches. As soon as he gets to the counter, however, the boy drops his eyes to the book in front of him as if it’s suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. “Hello,” Obi-Wan says, because he is an accomplished Jedi Knight who is capable of keeping annoyance out of his tone. “I seem to have run into a problem with my research.”
“Oh?” The senior padawan says, sounding somehow both insouciant and insolent. Obi-Wan bites on his tongue so he cannot say any of the first five things that pop into his mind. “Yes,” he says instead. “The problem being that a system administrator seems to have locked me out of my account.”
The system administrator in question turns another page in his book. “What were you researching?” 
“Information that I as a Jedi Knight have the right to access,” Obi-Wan snaps, irritation seeping into his tone despite his best abilities. “Now can you please give me back my account permissions, padawan—” he breaks off and cranes his head to look at the nameplate on the desk.  “—Skywalker so that I can get back to work?”
Padawan Skywalker shuts his book with much more force than is required as he turns his face up to glare at Obi-Wan. “You’re researching the Dark Side.”
“I’m certainly trying my best to,” Obi-Wan replies drily. “It would go a lot faster if you would unlock my account.”
“Why are you researching the Dark side?” 
“Because I’m deliberating the benefits of Falling and would like to understand their position on universal healthcare for Dark side users before committing, padawan. Now, could—” “You’re not funny,” Padawan Skywalker says furiously, lips suddenly pinched white, taking his book and his bag and turning away.
Obi-Wan watches him go with his mouth open.
Well, he supposes that means he must put a pin in researching the Dark side for the moment.
Good thing he has just stumbled upon another subject worth investigating.
He feels rather sheepish the next day when he returns to the Archives with a cup of take-away caf in one hand and folded piece of flimsi in the other.
Thank the Force Padawan Skywalker is behind the front desk once more. 
Damn the Force that Padawan Skywalker is behind the front desk once more.
He’s leaning with his head on the palm of his hand, pushing his stylus around on a blank sheet of paper with the Force as his other fingers drum restlessly over the protective covers of the datapads near him.
“Does your master allow you to use the Force in such a needless way, padawan?” Obi-Wan is saying automatically before he can bite his own tongue off which really would have been preferable. Anakin Skywalker lets the stylus drop and glares up at him as if he thinks so as well. “What are you doing back here?” He says, an accusation.
Obi-Wan, because he may be more of a youngling than he gives himself credit for, says, “This is a public place.”
And Anakin Skywalker, who is every inch a nineteen year old child, sneers and replies, “Maybe for people with account access,” which really just makes Obi-Wan want to close his eyes and take several deep breaths and then pinch at the bridge of his nose.
But he cannot do that, because he’s holding a piece of flimsi paper in one hand and a cup of apology caf in the other one.
So instead he places the caf on the counter and pushes it closer to Anakin. “I didn’t recognize you,” he says before Anakin can decide to throw it at him or push it away or point out the sign at the entrance to the Archives that says, in very bold letters, NO FOOD OR DRINK PLEASE.
Thankfully, Obi-Wan’s words throw him off guard. “What?”
“Yesterday,” Obi-Wan says patiently. “I didn’t recognize you nor your name. I’m sorry, Anakin.”
Anakin blinks. For the first time in ten years, Obi-Wan is treated with the sight of the boy’s face without a glare or sneer or unpleasant expression. He’s all wide-eyed disbelief, slightly parted lips, dark eyelashes, darker brows, creased in confusion.
Obi-Wan suddenly and very intently misses the sneer. At least then the boy was too annoying to be considered attractive.
He’s much too young to be considered attractive now, Obi-Wan reminds himself rather pointedly. 
And he’s still annoying.
“It’s been ten years,” Anakin points out. His presence in the Force has turned rather…shy, akin to a blush as he reaches out and takes the caf from the counter, curling both hands around the cup. “And we never met.” “No,” Obi-Wan agrees. “But we should have. We would have shared the same master, if the Force were kinder.”
And they really should have—Obi-Wan had been Knighted at the age of twenty-three. Two years later, his old master went on a mission with his old master to Naboo. When they’d ended up on Tatooine instead, Qui-Gon Jinn had found a stray he’d wanted to adopt, a little boy from the desert. And when he’d been murdered only a few days later, Yan Dooku had stepped in and taken the boy as his padawan.
Up until he left the Order four years ago.
“Yeah, well,” Anakin mutters, shoulders falling down and in slightly. “It is what it is.”
The rumors are impossible to escape, and Obi-Wan admits that they’re…intriguing. That Dooku didn’t just leave the Order four years ago, but that he Fell. That he succumbed to the Dark Side after years of fighting against it. That studying the Dark had become a fevered pastime of his in the last few months before he Fell. Before he left.
Before he left his padawan behind.
“Lilac suits you,” Obi-Wan blurts out, wholly without meaning to. The boy had just looked so despondent for a moment, so pinned and small. 
He has not had an easy lot of it, one master dead at the hands of a Sith after only a few days in his company and the other giving him up after several years to become one.
No wonder he’d been so suspicious of Obi-Wan’s research. The poor boy probably sees the potential for Sith in everyone’s shadows. Obi-Wan knows he would, if it were his master who Fell.
“Um,” Anakin says, and his cheeks flame red. Obi-Wan’s own darken in response. “Thank you.” He darts his eyes from Obi-Wan’s face and then back, as if he doesn’t want to look away for long. “Master Nu took me on after my master—left. She says I could become an Archival Knight within a few years.”
“I’m glad to hear it, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says, and he finds that he means it. Despite the boy’s terrible customer service. “And speaking of the Archives, padawan, I thought you might like to see this.”
He unfolds the piece of flimsi with a flourish and places it down on the counter between them. Anakin glances down at it and then back up, as if checking to make sure Obi-Wan would like him to read it. 
Obi-Wan gives him an encouraging nod. Padawan Skywalker seems like the sort of padawan to thrive under encouragement.
“Please reinstate Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Archival account access, as I as Grandmaster of the Jedi Order have given him leave to research a topic of great importance to me: the nature and nurture of Dark side use on Jedha, coordinates….” Anakin trails off, and then looks up at Obi-Wan again, eyebrows furrowed. “Yoda doesn’t talk like this, everyone knows that. Put more effort in your counterfeiting, you should have, Knight Kenobi.”
“Grandmaster Yoda did not write that,” Obi-Wan corrects. “I did. However, he did sign it,” he gestures to the edge of the flimsi.
But Anakin does not look impressed. He also does not look like a boy who is about to give Obi-Wan access to his accounts. “How do I know you didn’t just forge his signature?” “Because that’s the imprint of his hand,” Obi-Wan says incredulously. “And I do not have claws.”
“It looks like a pigeon’s foot,” Anakin studies the flimsi for another second before pushing it away. “I’m sorry, I can’t accept this. It’s obviously a fake.”
Obi-Wan had watched Yoda dip his claws into the ink for the signature himself. His irritation comes rushing back in a tidal wave of rage. “What.” Padawan Skywalker shrugs and sips his caf. “Sorry, Knight Kenobi. Thank you for the caf though.” 
There’s a fucking smirk at the corner of his mouth. His eyes are fucking twinkling.
Obi-Wan has never wanted to strangle someone more. “You don’t deserve that caf,” he tells him lowly, grabbing up the flimsi and crinkling it in his fist.
“Oh?” Padawan Skywalker says. “Was it a bribe? I thought it was an apology for being a dick yesterday.”
It was both actually. 
“Padawan Skywalker,” Obi-Wan says, closing his eyes and exhaling through his nose, reaching for calm. “I need access to those texts on the Dark side for important research.” “Knight Kenobi,” Anakin says in the same tone. “I cannot give you access to those texts while your account is under investigation for suspicious activity. However there are other titles you may find useful that you can access while you wait for the Archival staff to conclude their investigation, and I would be happy to point you towards them, should you like.” Obi-Wan’s teeth ache from clenching his jaw so tightly. “Fine,” he snaps. “What do you have?” “Methods for Mindful Meditation by Master Muinollie comes to mind,” Anakin blinks up at him with a beatific smile. “It’s currently on loan to the crechèmaster, but I can put you on the waitlist. Think of it like an exercise in patience.”
Obi-Wan lets out an audible growl and turns away before he can do something stupid like throttle his grandmaster’s old padawan.
It's almost as tempting as the boy looks when he smiles.
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askarsjustsoswedish · 11 months
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Alexander Skarsgård - True Blood and Generation Kill Interview - The Independent Spirit Awards 2009, Santa Monica, Ca, 21 Feb ‘09. Y/T (x) Showbiz Junkies.
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do you think that what the doctor usually feels for companions, rather than romantic or sexual attraction, might just be idolisation?
#just thinknig abt how 13 calls river 'on eof the best people ive ever known'#which might just be her echoing yazs words bc that seems to be the only way she knows how to communicate#but it's also like the most open i can think of the doctor ever being wrt how they feel abt river#and thinking of 10 in the satan pit going i dont believe in god i believe in rose instead#and how much of an influence rose had on the doctor#maybe its less the companion does a doctor arc and more the doctor and the companion will inevitably grow toward each other#clara and the doctor matched in specific ways that just like maybe amplified them#they didnt like balance out they become More Them#did everything the way the other wouldve done who wouldve done it the way they wouldve done#feedback loop#13 mightve worried for the same with yaz honestly#they wouldve become something very different to 12 and clara i think but no less powerful#terrifying in different ways#maybe less 'i'll kill the world to get you back' and more 'i'll kill myself to get you back'#more inward-focused in that part of it while more outward focused in the like adventure parts#Helping People rather than 12claras adrenaline junkie adventure seeking#not that thasmin arent also adrenaline junkie adventure seeking and 12clara dont want to help#just like a slightly shifted focus#i think thasmin want to feel....important. useful. helpful. more than 12clara. i think 12clara are just looking for a good time in each oth#rs company more#but idk#anyway do you think the doctor idolised yaz back as much as yaz idolised her?#DO you think yaz idolised her?#i have a really hard time getting int he doctors head abt companions. like how they feel abt them Really#but like. idolisation would be a really fun one to add into 13s head i think#what if she wants to impress yaz just as much as yaz wants to impress her oh my god#('tell me youre impressed')
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hellomagicalsouls · 6 months
i had a dream about Klaus and Five fighting then five brought up Klaus being a junkie and thennnnn
Klaus brought up how Five is the reason every bad thing has happened to him. five LITERALLY did it to himself.
nobody pushed him out the door to go attempt to jump into the future infact everyone tried to stop him because they called after him.
five literally made his life the way it is because he's a stubborn bitch who thought he knew better
i woke up @ 4am after this dream and haven't slept since
also he called Klaus a junkie who has no idea what it's like being alone but Klaus literally was on the streets for like 12 years so he probably understands better than anyone
cause five and Klaus both probably had no food and had to eat out of dumpsters and do things they absolutely didn't want to do in order to survive
dream verse has it out for me honestly
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drowsyposses-queen · 1 year
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kodasea · 6 months
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Ring down below
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scarabies-real · 2 years
Don’t you just love the serotonin boost you get from watching the life leave a man’s eyes?
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The McDonald’s employee handing him Grian’s McFlurry order:
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acecroft · 6 months
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Come on. Just kill me… THE FOLLOWING 1.09
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somanysurprises · 6 months
Kill wife regret
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escespace · 14 days
Merlin: Someone has to prevent a murder and it's not going to be me
Lancelot: *resigned sigh* It's going to be me, right?
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macbethz · 6 months
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clixxx7 · 4 months
'The other day I got an ASBO order And I think it's well out of order All my neighbours throwin' a fit So I told them, "Suck my dick" And I told them, "I got the power" And I turned the music up louder All night 'til 6 in the morning Old bastards, they're just boring
You know me, I'm the bassline father Nobody can't tell me nada Then the police turned up and they took me We drove down to the nick and they booked me When they said they'd give me a caution If I didn't give them no distortion But I said, "Don't bother, I'm guilty" And my bassline's fuckin' filthy'
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thecatspirits · 3 days
Analysis of the queer coding of Eddie and Richie across all IT canon material (1986 novel, 1990 miniseries, and 2017 & 2019 films + possibly The World of IT, Official Character Spotify Playlists, and 11/22/63)
Analysis about my interpretation of the Losers Club fears in the 1986 IT novel and the changes made in the 2017 & 2019 films
General character analysis of each Losers Club member
Time-accurate music playlists for each Losers Club member for my IT AU called Birds of Passage
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bueris · 5 months
remembering how my old biology teacher had a whole speech about how dangerous the acids in the lab were and at the end of it he just dumped a considerable amount of it on his hand and everyone just watched the first layer of his skin schlop off before he washed it off
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