#kili | interactions
coreofgold · 6 months
@fili-lionofdurin continued from here
Kili can think of all sorts of fun! "We can steal shopping carts and push it down a hill while we ride it." That's his favorite thing to do. It reminds him of the barrels.
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dwarvenstims · 11 days
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🗡 — kíli durin stimboard
🥧 — dagger, cozy and sweets theme
★ : ★ : ★ — ★ : O : ★ — ★ : ★ : ★
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kiliinstinct · 8 months
Oh hey, question for those who follow me, but would you like to see more content this year? More posts? More of anything? ME TOO! give me some direction- what would you like to see more of from me?
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" you're not very good at keeping conversation, are you ? " [ from eurydice ]
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"Aren't I?" it wasn't really a question he supposed. Once maybe he had been better at it, but times changed and he too often found himself lost in thought. Today it had been about the mysterious people that danced across his mind, but then when wasn't it about them? "Sorry, I used to be better... I think. I just... am not really with it at the moment" and it wasn't a good explanation, he knew that to. "Sorry, what were you saying?"
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kierancaz · 1 year
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misteriios · 9 months
✧.:°。 — starter for: @coreofgold // jeremiah & kili
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❝ have you done karaoke? ❞ jere asked, frowning. he loved karaoke, no matter if he wasn't a talented singer. what is most important is you have fun ❝ it's a pub that has a karaoke evening today, do you want to come? ❞
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lcngliive · 9 months
zoe & kili ( @coreofgold )
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"is that the best you have?" zoe asked as they raised a brow at the other before raising their own bow, hitting the middle of the target.
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infcinity · 1 year
bilbo & kili ( @coreofgold )
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at the sound of the bell above the door ringing, bilbo quickly wiped his hands, making their way back into the serving area of the cafe. it had been a relatively slow day, so he'd been busy making some new things to sell. "what can I get you-" their jaw dropped slightly, tears springing to his eyes at the sight of the other in front of them - someone that had died. "kili?"
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bcrncoldx · 1 year
@coreofgold (kili)
The iced latte dropped from her hand, hitting the pavement and spilling open. It was as if she had seen a ghost. No. She had seen a ghost. Was it? It couldn't be... Perhaps it was just a coincidence. Dís had heard that there were lookalikes in this place... people who shared faces without knowing why. And everyone knew what died didn't stay dead. Her experience at Halloween was enough to attest to that. But could this be her beloved boy? The one she had buried alongside his brother and uncle? Her foolish boy, too young to go on the quest but too stubborn to stay home with her. "K-Kili?" She called out, unsure if she was hoping to be right or wrong.
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dhampiravidi · 1 year
achilles: modern AU HCs
his favorite childhood memory is of his dad chasing him into the waves as a toddler while his mom laughed & watched.
(open to negotiation with writing partners) Kili had a kid with a summer fling of his when they were both in secondary school (age 16). He still keeps in touch & sends money, but they're not anything more than friends.
several gunshot wounds and an Achilles tendon tear were the physical trauma that led him to leave the Hellenic military after 5 years of service.
has a couple tattoos: 1 is of 2 fish (representing his estranged parents) circling his calf & hiding the scar from his tendon surgery, and 1 of an olive branch wrapping around his thumb.
his mom (Thekla) met his dad (Petros Vlahos) while she was a swimsuit model & he was a soldier on leave.
after his service, Kili feels like he has 2 options: music or something involving sports. He chooses music (he's played the guitar & sang for years) but his mom, who's always checking up on him from wherever she is, realizes he needs something fast-paced. Cue him becoming an actor specializing in fight scenes.
in the US, away from his traditional dad, he starts dressing in a more genderfluid way, wearing bralettes with open button-downs, getting his ears pierced, putting on eyeliner and light makeup...etc. He still identifies as a boy, but he comes out as pansexual (& to his close friends, polyamorous).
he keeps plenty of pictures of his current lover(s) on his phone because he tends to get a lil lonely while traveling, even when he's with the entourage he's used to.
even though he has no hard feelings towards his time in the military (despite his PTSD), he's kind of insecure when it comes to letting people outside his inner circle see the healed gunshot wounds on his torso.
he has a Spotify account for releasing music, under the name AGAP3. At first, it’s just a bunch of sappy, short poems set to guitar. But then he meets some music producer & he’s pushing out songs in both Greek and English. Most of them are just soft rock bits that only give him a small following. Only a few make it to Instagram or the charts. Kili's happy to be doing something he likes.
do not harass or bully anyone around him. That pokes & prods a bad temper that he inherited from his father. He's gotten better at restraining himself since the army, but he can still throw a punch.
chaotic good ♥ that is all
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signcfthetiimes · 2 months
❝ i have decided that i will no longer be thinking. not a single thought in this head, from this point onward. ❞ Kili for Samwise @violentdelightstheseviolentends
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"well that doesn't seem like a very practical way to go through life," samwise said to the other, frowning slightly at the comment. it reminded him of something merry and pippin would say. because sometimes it was as though the two shared a single thought and braincell. he still loved his friends very much, but they often didn't think things through. especially before their journey.
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coreofgold · 17 days
@youllalwaysbemyporcelain for anyone
"What is this?" Kili picked it up and spun it around. "It looks weird but cool."
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no-face-no-shame · 1 year
Me: haha I love these two characters who are brothers and are depicted to be close
Fandom: but what if they fucked
Me: how about NO
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fantasyinallforms · 11 months
Oh yeah, I think it's time to talk about Thorin's introduction scene in the first Hobbit movie because I've never seen a man fall in love so quickly. Now, first off, they really build up who Thorin is with the dramatics of everyone stopping when he knocks and Gandalf saying, "He's here." Then, we cut to the actual opening of the door. See the GIF below.
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Few things here. First, look at that confidence and swagger. Did he have to strike a pose when the door was opened? No, but he did because Thorin Oakenshield is nothing if not dramatic. He is also not blushing, nor does he look even vaguely surprised, just smirk and swagger. It's important to note he has not seen Bilbo at all yet. It's also important to note that in the next few seconds, he doesn't actually see Bilbo.
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Look at these GIFs. My man is doing anything but looking at Bilbo. He can hear Bilbo. He's fixing his coat and smiling at Kili. The movie makes it explicitly clear when the first time he gets a good look at Bilbo is. Take a look.
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Did you see it? The exact moment that he actually saw Bilbo. It's hard to miss, given his eyes grow like three times, and his pupils explode, but let's watch it in slow-mo and zoomed in anyway.
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His whole mouth is hanging open like a caught fish. This is the closest to immediate heart eyes I have seen in my life. He's even blushing! Go look at his cheeks in the first gif compared to this one. He looks like he just found the meaning of happiness. It doesn't even stop there because the next bit is just as fun.
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Thorin takes a full step forward like he's being yanked by a chain, and the look on his face isn't just curiosity he's starstruck. That's a genuine twinkle in those deep blues. Now don't get me wrong, Thorin goes on to insult Bilbo and dismiss him outright. What can I say, he's smoop, but he's about as emotionally constipated as it gets. Those insults, however, are a secondary reaction. It's very hard to fake a first reaction to something you're not expecting, and Gandalf told Thorin basically nothing about their soon-to-be burglar. This was his first genuine reaction to Bilbo, and it sets the stage for every interaction after it because if Thorin Oakenshield struggles with one thing from this point forward, it's keeping his eyes off of Bilbo Baggins.
More deep dives like this can be found by searching the pinned tag #deep dive on my page ❤️
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It had been a mistake to open the package, something he had now realised. Nothing had been making a lot of sense before, faces he knew, but no memories truly attached to them, now he seemed to know his own story, and it made even less sense. It was just confusing, a life he had no memory of living but clearly must have because he remembered the people there.
He just wanted to keep his head down, that was until he rounded the corner and almost straight into someone. "Sorry, I... you?" oh that was rude, he had to be loosing his mind. "Your from Middle Earth... aren't you?" and his headache was back.
@signcfthetiimes for Aragon
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sammispook · 1 year
My favorite things in the world are Bilbo Baggins going back in time with a chance to save Thorin, Fili, and Kili but he’s still 111 mentally. I think it’s hilarious because 50 yr old Bilbo v 111 yr old Bilbo are so different and I love seeing him interact with the company.
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