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I really love looking back at this public art workshop/collaboration I led, making giant mobiles for the reopening of the @mingeimuseum in 2021. I made the larger structures & shapes hung from trees & guided ink painting, shape cutting and hanging, assisted by museum volunteers. #publicart #jessicalingfindley #mommyartist #giantmobile #communityart #artworkshop #sandiego #sandiegoartist #californiaartist #installationart #outdoorart #postcovidart #kidsworkshop #artcommission #balboapark #balboaparkartist (at Mingei International Museum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoxetWOulyj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Online Graphics Design and Animation Workshop for Kids
Dear Parent, This Christmas, Let your kids explore their creativity and let hem transcend in the world of Digital Arts and Computer Graphics. We take your kids on a creative journey and aim to enhance their creativity by prompting them to create their own "Creatives" that help them to learn the basics and advanced concepts of Media and Entertainment Industry.
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Our final project has been completed. We have held the Kids Workshop which was one of two main goals we were given from our client. It was a full-on success as 23 out 30 students gave us the feedback that they will try Scratch at home by themselves! And most importantly more girls than boys said that they will try it out once more!
However, we did realize that the presentation and the introduction to Scratch should definitely be done in Dutch if the students are Dutch too! Nevertheless, we believe that we have brought this last task to a successful end. We thoroughly enjoyed creating a session that allows children to explore and find their interest in coding and the field of Data Science.
Now on to the last task for Premium! The mentor and client meeting as well as the finalization of the report!
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#Workshop #kids Make your own Gingerbread House Card #kidsworkshop #christmasactivities #Saturday #december #kidsactivities at @goodwood_road @goodwoodlibraries #satdyongoody https://www.instagram.com/p/CmQC4olvTmU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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A R T Y. G I F T S If you are looking for a unique and special gift for family or friends this Christmas why not consider something a little arty? Even though shipping of artwork isn’t possible until the new year, doesn’t mean you can’t buy something art based for Christmas. Using the link in my bio you can either buy a gift voucher or a paint making workshop. •The art voucher’s can be used in my shop or (if you email me) can be used towards a commission. •The workshops are available for both adults and children. They could make a lovely joint gift to do together. I might be relaxing in Scotland but that doesn’t mean you can’t grab an art gift from afar. What do you think? A good gifting option? #artvoucher #giftvoucher #artgifts #artygifts #artworkshop #adultsworkshop #kidsworkshop #paintmaking #artpresents #holidaymodeon #buyfromartists #shopsmall #shopdirect #specialgifts (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmPBzqrotE3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Crafts workshops at Art Elixir are the most loved by all the kids. Visit More https://artelixir.in/
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THE GLAC STUDIO TEGNECAMP 2022 I SØNDERBORG TIL BØRNE MELLEM 5 - 10 ÅR UGE 26 ELLER 31 https://www.theglacstudio.dk/summer_camp_2022/ #summercamp2022 #creativeworkshop #kunstworkshop #børneogunge #kreativsommerskole #sønderborg #creativebusiness #kidsworkshop #kidsactivities #kidscamp #artworkshop (at Sønderborg, Denmark) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeMM04CNUg8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Painting by Cyane, 11 years old. Art workshops for kids and adults at The Little Workshop. Ateliers artistiques pour enfants et adultes à The Little Workshop. Info/Resa: 0666698689 #ateliersenfants #kidsworkshop #childrenworkshop #creativity (à The Little Workshop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdQjvikjIjq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🔔復課啦!想小朋友假期過得充實啲,寓學習於玩樂,興趣自然更大🤹🏻♀️ 我地去咗 @mr.english.education 嘅cooking class "Let's Cook" workshop👩🏻🍳,課程由外藉英語導師教授,小班教學,每堂1.5 hrs,適合3至12歲小朋友參加(分4個階段),每堂一齊整唔同嘅食物,將STEM融入學習,同時會教授同課堂內容相關嘅英語👩🏻🏫 全英語學習環境有效提升英語能力🔠,仲可以同其他小朋友互動,喺日常返學以外都可以有群體學習☀️ 今堂係一齊整cheesecake,👩🏻🍳跟住導師嘅指示step by step制作,過程亦可以訓練手仔靈活性,由壓餅底到mix cream cheese 都可以自己動手做,輕易完成🧁 課室外面仲有間小商店Monster Mart🛒,原來小朋友上完堂都會有Monster Dollar🔴🟠🟢,儲起佢去Monster Mart就可以換到唔同禮物🎁,🧃飲品🍬糖果🍿零食、甚至圖書📚同玩具🪀都有,全部都係小朋友嘅至愛🥳🥳🥳 更多課程資料🔍 https://www.mrenglish.com.hk/lets-cook #MrEnglish #TheMonsterLab #Cooking #Letscook #DIY #DIYworkshop #kidsworkshop #stem #steam #science #TKO #Thelohas #lohaspark https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc5SidZBSPf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Slime School is in session from 11am till 5pm. Pop by and learn how to make neon sand slime. #asmr #asmrslime #slime #slimeschool #slimeplay #slimetutorial #slimemaking #kidscraft #activity #workshop #kidsactivities #kidsworkshop (at Taurus Crafts, Lydney Forest Of Dean)
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Cheltenham Paint Festival 🎨🙌🏻❤️🤘🏻👩🏼🎨👨🏼🎨☀️💗 Customise a tee for £6 at the Brewery Car Park with China Bambi - Sizes for all ages! #Cheltenham #cheltenhampaintfestival #art #thingstodoincheltenham #potd #workshop #cheltenhamworkshop #graffiti #paintfestival #kidsworkshop #designer #getinvolved #cheltenhamfestival #cheltenhamwomeninbusiness #cheltenhamlife #hardwickcampus #cheltenhamfestival2018 #cheltenhamstyle (at Cheltenham, Gloucestershire) https://www.instagram.com/p/BngxemPAk58/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xry0ieixvkbu
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#Screenprinting workshop 👉 @3rdrailprintspace Cut out fun shapes and press them onto your own tote bag, or screen print a Peckham themed design in our drop in kids workshop for @peckhamfestival £10.00 a go, come and find us in the community hub in the Bussey Building 18th & 19th September 11am - 6pm. . . . #3rdrailprintspace #peckhamlevels #peckham #peckhamfestival2021 #peckhamfestival #discoverlondon #kidsworkshop #peoplemakepeckham #madeinpeckham (at 3rd Rail Print Space) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTz1dtXITDJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Nauli Purification for kids (3 hour Certificate workshop) @YogaWithSAMARTH ✓Teach your kid to self purify entire digestive & nervous🧠 system ✓How to acquire control over Sometic nervous system with Nauli ✓Improve immunity with effective traditional method of Nauli & Angisaar ✓Effective squeezing of lungs 🫁 with practice of Nauli expells impurities from bronchie ✓Gift your kids this ancient self purification technique to keep their body at the best condition Investment ₹2000 Time Saturday Morning 7 to 8 30 Sunday morning 7 to 8 30 Place Exhale Yoga School, Vastrapur ExhaleYogaSchool.com #nauli #ExhaleYogaSchool #kidsyoga #kidsworkshop #yogaworkshop #YogaWithSamarth #yogaahmedabad #naulikriya #yogatutorials #yogaforimmunity #shatkarma #kidsyogachallenge (at Exhale Yoga School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTTy_rWMp2P/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Pls join us for a exiting #storytelling #sessions on #zoom with #state #award #winner #artist Sh. Avadhesh Kumar Karn #story #storyteller #mithila_sharing #mithilapainting #yellow_spoons #kids #kidsworkshop #kidspainting # https://www.instagram.com/p/COEuf9kF7u5/?igshid=ogcq09w7h9qr
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Join us for a Ramdan inspired doll making workshop this Friday! We invite you to join us for this special workshop, part of The Jameel Arts Center’s Family Night. Head to @jameelartscentre for all the details. Seats are limited so register quickly. #jameelartscentre #RamadanAtTheJameel #artjameel #mydubai #familynight #ramadannights #contemporaryart #dubai #visitdubai #artcentre #kidsworkshop #dubaikids #createandconnect #creativekids #creativeworkshops #childrensworkshop #learning #storytelling #stargazing #skymapping #upcycling #guitarmaking #lunarcalendar #lanternmaking #crafts #libraryreading #dollmaking #childrensreading (at Dubai, United Arab Emirates) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN6seN5Bm9r/?igshid=5a5up1gpku6z
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Family workshop fun - wild imagination runs riot, adults and kids get creative together... fancy having some creative time with your kids? We have another session coming up in June.. check website (see bio) for details #southwarkforfree #creativeminds #creativehands #creativehearts #jewellerymaking #kidsworkshop #familyworkshop #pewtercasting #havesomefun (at Flux Jewellery School)
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