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naikaz · 6 years ago
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Guys! We are having yard sale at #funfitfest. So for those who want to sell your wearable/useable stuff, you can take up a space at the yard sale. And those who don't, please come and visit us over. You may find stuffs from clothes & shoes, books, toys, accessories and even food & drinks. Come with your family & friends and have a good time selling & buying. Please contact Nabs at 017 319 0491 or Kian at 017 469 8110. Hurry up! We only have limited space. #yogacommunity #yogacommunitykl #yogastudio #communitybrand #yogafestival #yotiw2shahalam #yogaonethatiwant #projekhurrah #fitness #yardsalekl #diyworkshop #communityfitness #hurrahyotiw2bringyoutogether https://www.instagram.com/p/B1hUwzcpXqc/?igshid=142og0g5x2vae
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naturallyhm · 6 years ago
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DIY Clay Mask is now in session!!! #diyworkshop #diy #naturallyhm #naturallyhandmade #vegan #veganskincare #diyveganskincare #merekamakerspace #memes (at Publika) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ICczRH1rP/?igshid=y4qyibz63b22
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kargo-kulte · 6 years ago
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Après une semaine de pause et de ride, nous vous attendons au shop dès demain 20/08✌🏻 _ ⚒ L’atelier est prêt à accueillir vos déboires estivaux dès 9h30 ☕️ Le perco au rdv aussi à 9h30 💈 Mr @kawieckibarbershop dès 14h30 _ 📷 @frederic_duperray_fotografie _ #kargokulte #motoisthemotto #bikesandbuddies #custommotorcycles #igerslyon #eventlyon #motoandcoffee #lyon7 #motorcyclelifestyle #coffeebar #diyworkshop #lyoncoffeeshop #lyonnais #diymoto #lyonfood #coffeeshoplyon #coffeehouse #barmotard (à Lyon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1W6qSAIK3c/?igshid=wrpplsbrirjg
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makerbazar · 2 years ago
Elevate your electronics game with advanced 3 pin rotatory shaft potentiometer.
Visit Website - 👉 https://makerbazar.in/
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in-aller-welt · 3 years ago
Workshop: Natur & Alltag @AGB (2022)
Kleine Einblicke in unseren Workshop heute im Rahmen der Sonntagsöffnung in der Amerika Gedenkbibliothek ☀️
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Unter dem Titel experimentelle Gestaltung mit Materialien aus Natur & Alltag standen eine vielfältige Auswahl von Rinde, getrockneten Blüten bis hin zu Milchkartons und gebrauchten Briefumschlägen zum kreativen kombinieren bereit! 🌿🎨🚀
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Ziel war es, einen bewussteren Umgang mit Materialien zu schaffen, die sonst im Müll landen würden. Diese Ressourcen bieten tolle Möglichkeiten als Gestaltungselement oder als Grundlage dieser :) kombiniert mit tollen Materialien aus der Natur können tolle abwechslungsreiche Kompositionen entstehen ☀️
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Abgerundet wurde das Angebot von einer Auswahl an Stempeln, Farben, Tape, Stiften und collagier-Material. Auch haben wir nun endlich einen ersten Aufschlag gemacht, was unsere Sammlung an Ideen, Experimenten, Techniken und vieles weitere zur Inspiration dient! :)
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… auch Namensschilder haben wir & damit diese stabil bleiben haben wir die Verpackung von Shampoo benutzt.
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Wir danken allen teilnehmenden Personen für das gezeigte Interesse — es war sehr schön mit Euch! Vielen Dank auch an die AGB sowie das Orga-Team für die Einladung ☀️
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aminn613 · 3 years ago
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🔔復課啦!想小朋友假期過得充實啲,寓學習於玩樂,興趣自然更大🤹🏻‍♀️ 我地去咗 @mr.english.education 嘅cooking class "Let's Cook" workshop👩🏻‍🍳,課程由外藉英語導師教授,小班教學,每堂1.5 hrs,適合3至12歲小朋友參加(分4個階段),每堂一齊整唔同嘅食物,將STEM融入學習,同時會教授同課堂內容相關嘅英語👩🏻‍🏫 全英語學習環境有效提升英語能力🔠,仲可以同其他小朋友互動,喺日常返學以外都可以有群體學習☀️ 今堂係一齊整cheesecake,👩🏻‍🍳跟住導師嘅指示step by step制作,過程亦可以訓練手仔靈活性,由壓餅底到mix cream cheese 都可以自己動手做‍,輕易完成🧁 課室外面仲有間小商店Monster Mart🛒,原來小朋友上完堂都會有Monster Dollar🔴🟠🟢,儲起佢去Monster Mart就可以換到唔同禮物🎁,🧃飲品🍬糖果🍿零食、甚至圖書📚同玩具🪀都有,全部都係小朋友��至愛🥳🥳🥳 更多課程資料🔍 https://www.mrenglish.com.hk/lets-cook #MrEnglish #TheMonsterLab #Cooking #Letscook #DIY #DIYworkshop #kidsworkshop #stem #steam #science #TKO #Thelohas #lohaspark https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc5SidZBSPf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gracedefined · 4 years ago
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I can't wait to DIY with you using our thieves products!!! Did you grab your sample box? Only 8 left 😉 R150 secures your spot and includes your sample box + door - door courier! 🤩 #cleaningproducts #cleaninghacks #cleaningdiy #diyproject #livediy #diyworkshop #lowtoxliving #naturalliving #naturalproducts https://www.instagram.com/p/CRbBjGMBCFP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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frolleinfine · 5 years ago
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Das Atelier ist eingerichtet. Da freut sich sogar das Strichmännchen. #baldistessoweit #neueröffnung #atelier #lafine #frolleinfine #diyworkshop #designatelier #design #grafikdesign #grafik (hier: Eilbek, Hamburg, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFNRmHPo1tK/?igshid=vu9qr8ocpsqf
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eliseheatherdesigns-blog · 7 years ago
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New workshop date for Toowoomba. Tickets for sale at eliseheatherdesigns.etsy.com #eliseheatherdesigns #ehd #modernbohemian #etsyau #etsyseller #macramewallhanging #macramelove #bohemianstyle #modernmacrame #diyworkshop #macrameworkshop #macrameclass #toowoombareagion #modernmacrame #darlingdowns #toowoombareagion #toowoomba
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ariamarliart · 4 years ago
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It’s almost time to celebrate LOVE 💕!! . Have some fun this Valentines w/ some sangria + your loved one and have some fun! . For my locals I’ll be hosting an Alcohol Ink Workshop over at @artcellar_kidzart in Wellington. Join us for a guided step by step class on alcohol ink basics and choose from different items like a mini planter, mug, wine or skinny tumbler. Leave with a sealed finished product! I will help you create a one of a kind beautiful + functional Item! ☝🏼 Seats are limited so reserve early 💕 . LINK to reserve in my Bio 👆🏼 . #alcoholink #alcoholinkart #art #fluidart #abstractart #resinart #alcoholinkartist #resin #alcoholinks #alcoholinkpainting #diyworkshop #artistsoninstagram #abstract #epoxyresin #resinartist #handmade #love #alcoholinkartwork #fluidartwork #epoxy #inkart #fluidpainting #artcellar #artwork #wellington #fluidartist #ink #abstractpainting https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ_Xr8ALkz4/?igshid=1ltobgvwp0a4r
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urbanrusticdiy · 5 years ago
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Pick your province! #diyworkshop #newfoundland #novascotiahome (at Urban Rustic DIY Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9T56B7HZAf/?igshid=75cd24qi8x6r
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naturallyhm · 5 years ago
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Our next workshop! Come learn Honey & Oatmeal Cold Processed Soap available at https://www.craftiviti.com/product/workshop-honey-cold-process-soap-9-august-2020/ . . Pure honey is a powerful antioxidant that’s great for achieving youthful and glowing skin. Join this workshop to create your own all-natural soap with this amazing ingredient + other skin-loving raw materials like shea butter and oatmeal! . . What you’ll take home: . 500+/- grams of freshly made soap 1 x 6 Cavity Beehive Soap Mold 1 x Long Spout Measuring Jug 1 x Comprehensive Instructional Booklet 1 x 10% Craftiviti voucher and other goodies . . You will… . Make soap from scratch using natural ingredients Learn about cold process soap theory and lye safety Understand the Do’s and Don’t’s of making honey soaps Have a comprehensive understanding session on how to use soap calculators and formulate your own recipes Learn how to use the additives calculator (ie: honey, oatmeal) for each soap formulation Understand the before and after care of cold process soap Learn soap painting techniques Review soaping techniques which are simplified for Intermediate & Advanced Soapers . . DM us today! . . #workshop #veganskincare #coldprocessedsoap #diyworkshop #kl #naturallyhm https://www.instagram.com/p/CC7jNuqlvfO/?igshid=5ggg5amf248r
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kargo-kulte · 6 years ago
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🇮🇹🛵♥️ Puisqu’on vous dit que tous les 2 roues sont les bienvenus chez @kargokulte ! Pour réserver un créneau dans notre self-garage 🛠 : 📞 04 37 66 32 16 _ 📷 @kargokulte _ #lambretta #scooterclublyonnais #igerslyon #coffeeandmotorcycles #diyworkshop #motoshop #diymotorcycle #repairshop #motorepair #doityourself #selfgarage #motolyon #motorcyclelifestyle #kargokulte #facomtools #facommunaute #facom (à Kargo Kulte) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv-KCvugoJS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4teqvl5gis6k
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frameworksberlin · 7 years ago
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ein großes Dankeschön an diese tolle Gruppe, wir hatten einen sehr lustigen Nachmittag und am Ende wunderbare einzigartige Bilderrahmen. neue Termine gibt's ab Januar, Anmeldung bei uns im Laden oder unter www.frameworksberlin.com #geschenkideen #weihnachtsgeschenke #diyworkshop #handcrafted #giftideas #interiordesign #selfmadegift
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FINALLY getting a chance to go through the images from the with It is so fun t… FINALLY getting an opportunity to undergo the photographs from the #comemixclass with @mintandlovely! It's so enjoyable to relive such a enjoyable night although @juneandjae's pics. Cannot anticipate the following one!! #diyworkshop #ispydiystudio
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greenoriginhandmade · 6 years ago
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Student's work: Cold Process Soap 学生作品: 冷制皂 . 📸 Chye Imn . 👉To learn more about Green Origin upcoming soap making workshop 马上点击以下链接了解更多详情和报名吧: . ➡️ 冷制皂基础课程 (FULL) Basic Cold Process Soap ♨8/9/2019, 星期日, 1:30 pm - 6:30 pm https://tinyurl.com/cpsoapws . ➡️ 花卉透明皂工作坊 Floral Soap Making Workshop ♨9/9/2019, 星期一, 9 am - 11 am ♨16/9/2019, 星期一, 10 am - 12 pm ♨16/9/2019, 星期一, 1:30 pm - 3 :30 pm https://tinyurl.com/floralsoapworkshop . . . #indiebeauty #cpsoapworkshop #透明皂课程 #冷制皂课程 #皂基皂课程 #石碱 #greenoriginhandmade #madewithgreenorigin #penangsoapworkshop #soapdesignworkshop #soapworkrshop #cpsoapworkshop #冷制皂 #soapworkrshop #soapmaking #whattodoinpenang #diysoap #diycraft #diyworkshop #handmadelove #handmademania #handmadesoap #soapgifts #cleanbeauty #greenbeauty #soapart #soaping #soapdesign #槟城手工皂课程 #槟城手工皂工作坊(在 Green Origin) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1p9fyunBOa/?igshid=10uphx4fveif2
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