#kids fanny pack
kraftymckrafterson · 10 months
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why did he do this (rhetorical) (profoundly affected)
#obviously referenced from start to finish. half second shots that kill#you go ''i was already Changed by the mere socked glasses flip / kick gifs. i'm ready'' but you are actually collapsed on the ground#raising my hand as one of the handful of randos who stood up suddenly these past few months like why yes i Will watch your films then#and also as [guy lecturing & emphatically pointing to laptop] i have to do everything myself the undereye coloring is a distinctive trait#fashion icon shit around here also i'm not kidding in the least#i want well another pair of glasses for one & graphic tees short shorts a fanny pack a calculator(?) buttonsy digital watch i completely do#also again with the adhd these flashbacks were beautiful. inspiring. revelatory. profound (cont.)#it's also occurring to me that i've watched a couple movies for the first time recently and it was like. man cmon#one horror one that was like. I Said Man Cmon. another non horror one that was just like an unending shrug#all the more appreciation like yeah hey a horror movie and also just a movie where it's like yes i'm completely along for the ride wahoo yay#raising my third hand as a correct opinions about media haver#corned beef#it#no time to be coy i was here three and greater than three years ago. and just nowadays; evidently:#reddie#online listicle video voice The Couple Of Dozen V Varied Moments From The IT Movies That Drew Blood (Mine)#whoever came up with this sequence i'm kissing on the mouth like my god. again: profound#the power of the rileable using their end of things as their plausible deniability. like oh god i hope he thinks i'm cool. ok asshole Enough#being the guy Just Standing There like fellas the boy you're in love with very insistently did this wyd (only caring abt literature)#adding a 50% pink overlay like it comes time to make these coloring choices & i put on a vivacious song to inspire having fun / being myself#great choice imo. now to slide right under that midnight est wire
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arunneronthird · 1 year
Have you seen the super sons movie?
If so what did you think?
have i seen it? i think ive learnt it by heart, here are some thoughts: first of all everyone go WATCH IT NOW
the animation is a bit wild but i do enjoy the expressions dearly, jon looks so freaking excited with batman
also, and i have proof that ive been obsessed with this since i watched it, the VOICE ACTING IS SO GOOD jon is voiced by an insanely good actor and he makes jon so fun, hes SO FUN
how can u pass up the opportunity to watch a movie with such lines as
- so, you have toilet powers
- youre hanging out with cosplay losers now?
- im an investigative reporter, asshole
- alright, justice dweebs, my friend here is about to kick your ass
literally 10/10 will watch again
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dozydawn · 8 months
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vampryn · 1 year
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put a listing up on etsy! its a little different from what i normally make, but i still think its cute :) follow my etsy for my future listings, ill be putting another themed vest up soon!
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
New TURTS described... Kinda long cause they are NEW baby. And I'm in detail noticing mode. Rip to Leo for being my measuring stick default to compare the others its just. [Gestures]. Also including the details u can kinda see but im backing up with the weapon full shots that are also out there.
[The Mutant Mayhem Turtles. The style has large smooth colours with extra line details on top that can "break" the lines. They have flat boxy plastron in yellow, and rounded carapaces that over hang their torsos in brown. The turtles have their eye masks and elbow, knee and wrist coverings in their colours. And also have their initials on their belts. Their weapons are chunky and dinged up. Each image has a coming soon water mark.]
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[ID: Leo in a even, bent knee stance, holding one katana with his arm across his body, and other fist at his hip. His sheathed sword has the word "RULEZ" scratched into the hilt. He smiles determinedly. Leo has a shoulder strap along with his belt.]
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[ID: Raph in a deeper, weight forward stance, sais gripped with the tines between his fingers, one arm bent in front, the other farther back. He scowls, teeth grit. He looks to be wider and stockier that Leo, and perhaps tinted a bit more yellow-green. His eye mask is a hood that covers the whole upper half of his head. He has a pouch on his belt and looks to have broken the buckle with his initial on it before.]
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[ID: Mikey mid jump, legs tucked up and arms up wielding his nunchaku (which have stickers on the handles) behind him. He smiles excitedly, and we can see he has braces. He looks to be the lithest of the bunch, and is tinted a darker cool tone green.]
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[ID: Donnie, also jumping, one leg bent one outstretched. He grips his bo staff in both hands, one high one low. It's carved with some angular shapes in the middle, and his name in katakana on the end. He also has stickers on it. He looks to be the lankiest of the bunch and is a warmer yellow green. His eye mask is a hood as well and he wears glasses. He has headphones around his neck, a fanny pack, and a phone tucked into his belt.]
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mumblelard · 1 year
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i didn't get the chairs put up before that storm last night so they got soaked. this morning, i was trying to dump the puddles out of the dents where the butts go, but boba wouldn't get out of the way. when i tried to move her, little punk juked me and jumped right in the puddle. she spent a minute cussing that chair, but i think all will be forgiven by this afternoon or when the world gets all hot and basky, whichever comes first
i had given away all my cameras, but i just got an old polaroid, basically for free, at an estate sale. it's had some film in it for a couple of weeks now, but i've been saving it for who knows what. that hoardy feeling is making my brain itchy so i am going to use it by the end of the week or else
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paperw0rmz · 1 year
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itsclippingbinch · 2 years
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Same Hat!
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yellowraincoat · 1 year
I literally paused on episode four for the day only to learn scrolling through here that there is no tourist Locklyle in the show.
Crying, screaming, throwing things at the wall
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cryptid-moose · 2 years
this is a CHUBBY OLD MAN not a TWINK!!!!! /pos
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who-knows73 · 1 year
Let Steve Harrington go back to his natural caretaker role in season 5 where he's not pissed off about it (with a side of breeding kink) and instead give the man a fanny pack
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worstsequence · 3 months
nothing can stop me from putting qtips in my ears not even the scrapes and blood and swelling and popping noise they make when i move my jaw ☝
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rosadababy0 · 4 months
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kraftymckrafterson · 10 months
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hyggehooligan · 10 months
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[Beads: Saltybox DIY original; rhe entire lyrics to the title track of SMASH]
[Shoes: Converse]
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