#kidnapping princess clary
lurafita · 8 months
The dragon keeps kidnapping the princess because the kingdom keeps sending out that one specific knight to bring her back. The dragon is shy and awkward and how else is he supposed to flirt with the knight???
The princess being Clary, and dragon Alec actually kidnapped her on accident (the first time), because she was hiding in a barrell that he grabbed or something.
And the princess is annoying and there is the exit, if she could please just leave, please and thank you and good riddance.
But then there is this man. This beautiful, gorgeous, sparkly, magical man. Who has come to bring the princess home. And he would like to avoid a fight, because dragons are so rare already and he really isn't a fan of unnecessary blood shed, and would this sack of jewels possibly compensate for letting the princess Clarissa go? And Alec, mighty powerful dragon he might be, is tongue tied and awkward and so smitten! And he just nods, because yes yes, take the annoying princess, and no, he doesn't want to fight the man either. Oh, the jewels are pretty, but not as pretty as the man. And Alec is still trying to come up with the right words. Suave, charming, just something that might make the man want to stay a bit and … oh. they are gone. And actually the sun is starting to set. Apparently Alec has been tongue tied for quite some time… He didn't even get the name of the sparkly, magical, gorgeous man… … He will have to kidnap the annoying princess again if he wants another chance at talking to the man, won't he?
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margareturtle · 4 months
Wdym TWP isn’t gonna be a princess diaries au where Kieran kidnaps Kit to teach him the etiquette and politics of faerie so that he is able to take on his role as first heir and unite the courts against the big bad so Kit has a full faerie makeover (eyeliner, puffy shirt, leather pants, and all) by the time he reunites with Ty. Ty was sent to find and protect the first heir by the scholomance and so when he reunited with Kit he has to figure out how he fits into the Life of the New Kit.
Meanwhile Ash has finally got the guts to runaway from home (his mom thinks he was kidnapped again) so Ash goes with Janus into New York one day and then splits from him around the institute where he bumps into Dru and Thais (who were leaving after visiting the institute after the Academy) and so they steal a car (Dru has just learned to drive) and go on the run roadtripping across America to LA. Ash gets to have all the great American road trip experiences. Until The Seelie Queen’s people finally catch up with them to bring Ash home to marry his betrothed.
And who is his betrothed? None other than our Kitstopher Herondale. Because the Seelie Queen know that to save faerie they need to unite the courts but she isn’t gonna give up any power without gaining some, so she only agrees to align the Seelie Court with High King Kit but only if her son Ash gets to become High Queen.
So Ash and Kit are going to get married, only two certain Blackthorns have objections to this. (Dru is in faerie now too bc when the Seelie Queens soldiers came for Ash, Ash said he would go peacefully as long as she left Dru and Thais alone) but ofc Dru&Thais are attached to Ash now so they followed him back to faerie soon after. Ash and Kit are allowed to invite their mortal family. It’s the second Herondale-Morgenstern wedding of the year after Jace & Clary’s.
Ash & Kit have their enemies to bromance arc during the betrothal period and they are willing to do this for the sake of faerie (even if their hearts belong to a Blackthorn). Kieran is a proud father.
Only the marriage gets interrupted before the vows because Janus has killed the Seelie Queen and then Jaime suddenly appears out of nowhere and kills Janus.
So suddenly Ash become Queen of Seelie and he’s will to work with Kit & Kieran to save faerie and the shadow world.
And they all live happily ever after
Kit abdicates as High King as soon as he can to follow Ty around the globe uncovering supernatural mysteries with him. He makes Ash his heir so Dru and Ash become High King and High Queen of Faerie and in Ash’s place Helen becomes Queen of Seelie.
And if twp isn’t exactly like this …
Then what’s the point??
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mariskila · 1 month
Okay heres my 2 cents of what I expect of TWP (The Wicked Powers) be:
01: Janus will join the Cohort. He is the perfect person to be the head example of the movement. He is literally Jace (and Jace being a all time hero as is), but one that lived in a world full of demons controlled by Sebastian. The one who "suffered" in Sebastian hands. The same Sebastian that everybody believes that his evil came because of the demon blood Valentine put in him. He will make a story of his suffering, about how tragic his life is, about how everybody died because of demon blood. And that will make him quickly rise thru the Cohort. BUT he doesn't believe in the movement as is, his only goal is the benefits he can have, the power he can have (for then, completing his other plans)
02: Ash will be on Janus side for a while. After all, Janus was the only person in Ash's life who didn't treat him as shitty.
03: Janus will kidnap Clary. Being locked in Idris would be a perfect location to put Clary. Nobody can enter there. Nobody has information about what is happening inside. Nobody but Livvy. As we seen in "Ghosts of the Shadow Market" ("The Lost World" story) we can see that she has some powers. And she could hear inside Idris wards. Her power may grow.
04: Ty will be in a investigation and needs Kit help. As we know, Kit is the only other person who can see Livvy. And if Livvy is the key for a investigation, it can be only something Livvy can do. And Ty needing Kit help in a investigation is already confirmed by the author.
05: Double church! That's it. If we have 2 Jaces, why not 2 Churchs?
06: All Princes of Hell will be united. As we seen also in "The Lost Book of the White", Sammael call all the Princes of Hell to a meeting, for then to united to a common goal. And this goal may be putting a end in the war between Angels and Demons all together. To finale try to work together for their win.
07: The book tittles is NOT what you expect! The already announced tittles are "The Last King of Faerie","The Last Prince of Hell" and "The Last Shadowhunter". The saga name being "The Wicked Powers". When we see all this information, the first thing that come to mind is who is the most powerful Faerie, Prince of Hell and Shadowhunter; and what will happen to then. But in reality I believe that those tittles are about power-play in political ambiance. The first being about Ash-Kit (Seelie Queen-King Kieran) and all political mess that is Faerie courts is in the moment. The second is about all Prince of Hell united and all the drama is in the middle of that (as for example, if some warlocks will join then? In what side vampires and werewolves will be? Lucifer?). And the third, all the situation about Cohort and the Clave being out of Idris and all that mess being solved, at same time that Seelie/Unseelie is as mess, all Princes of Hell are together and as usual, Shadowhunters without any other help from the Angels.
08: Emma dies. Based on this snippet, I believe that is about Emma dying. It could have been in the original "The Dark Artifices" saga, after all, is a post from 10 years ago. But there is another snippet from 10 years ago that is accepted being a Kitty one. So who knows (link here, kitty one)
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09: Tessa dies. I got the spidey sense from this part at "Clockwork Princess". It would be a good resource to be Ithuriel to fight some Prince of Hell.
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Also this part of "Wedding" an extra from The Mortal Instruments:
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okayclaryfray · 1 year
Alert!! : This may contain spoilers for the TWP (The Wicked Powers) Shadowhunter series by Cassandra Clare. Read at your own risk.
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Dru loves dancing and so while she dances Kit decides to climb his favorite tree and Ty collects lizards while Ash peacefully drinks tea with Janus. Then Dru and Kit become parabatai but Kit had promised the tree he loved very much that they'd be parabatai, so that in order for the tree not to feel left out, Kit gives Ash some seeds. Ash chokes on them and so Ty puts a lizard in his mouth to save his life. Then Ash becomes a lizard man and tries to kidnap Dru, but mistakes Ty for her, so he kidnaps Ty. Then Kit and Janus go to save Ty, and drag the new Ash lizard princess along to the long awaited Clace wedding. Kit kisses Ty, and shocked, Princess Lizard Ash stumbles and accidentally kisses Clary. Everyone starts panicking for another Clebastian plot line, though not sibling x sibling but aunt x nephew. But then Dru starts showing off her dancing moves and everyone gets distracted and starts cheering and dancing and forgets about the incident and Kit grabs the microphone as if to make a speech but starts making "your mom" jokes instead. Then while eating wedding cake Janus gets reminded he failed to kill all these people having fun, so he throws a tantrum. The end.
I really hope we'll get another TSC series, and I'm really positive about it, because I feel like we were left with a cliffhanger. I'm so excited for this!!! Cassie slayed this one.
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lqvesoph · 3 years
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Age: 21 (born in 2000)
Job: Actress (Model, Singer)
Parents: Scarlett Johansson, Ryan Reynolds
Family Situation: Parents divorced but friends. You love your step-siblings and your step-mum Blake and step-dad Colin, no hatred between any of you
Friends: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Timothée Chalamet, Hailee Steinfeld, Millie Bobby Brown, Johnny Orlando, Chase Atlantic, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Taylor Swift, Sadie Sink, Joshua Bassett
Spiderman 4
• Action / Adventure
Staring: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Y/N Johansson, Jacob Batalon, Timothée Chalamet
Impossible Love (2021)
• Romance / Action
Kat Stones' family are spies. She loves her job but one day comes a mission she is definitely not a fan of. Nathan Jones. As they're both the best young spies, they have to go on a mission where they pretend to be dating. But what happens if Nate turns out to be someone else than he pretends to be. And is actually the son of the boss of the opposite organization? What complicates the situation even more is that he was actually falling in love with Kat just like she did
Staring: Y/N Johansson, Scarlett Johansson, Dylan O'Brien
Temptress (2022)
• Action / Romance
Cleo Lopez. Pretty. Hot. An. Assassin.
Aiden Rodriguez. Pretty. Hot. An Assassin.
You'd think they'd get along but their families are enemies. Both in the same business of selling weapons in the underground life of New York.
They grew up hating each other but crossed each others way a few times, with not so beautiful outcomes, hence the knife wound on his stomach or the shot wound of her thigh.
Cleo and Aiden both get handed a list of people to kill, strange that they meet during this more than once. Aiden threatens Cleo if she doesn't stay out of his way and keeps killing his people, he will kill her, same way around. Until they find out they were both handed the same list and discover something about the whole weapon business is wrong. The curious people they are, they can't stand not knowing and want to find out from who the lists come from. All this while running from the mafia and the police. So to protect themselves, they stay together.
Staring: Y/N Johansson, Tom Holland, Harrison Osterfield (Aiden's best friend)
Twilight (2012)
• Fantasy / Romance
Bella is enjoying her new life as a superpowered vampire and mother to daughter Renesmee. But family happiness is threatened again soon: Vampire Irina is convinced that a child like Renesmee could endanger the Volturi's power. As the Vampire Lords prepare to destroy this threat, Bella and the Cullens rally all allies to win the looming battle - and protect their family
Staring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Y/N Johansson (Renesmee)
Shadowhunters (2016 - 2019) (3 Seasons)
• Romance / Fantasy
On her 18th birthday, Clary Fray, a normal teenager, discovers that she is a shadowhunter, a hybrid of human and angel who is supposed to fight demons. When her mother is kidnapped, Clary finds herself in a world unknown to her: Together with the experienced shadowhunter Jace Wayland and her best friend Simon, she tries to fulfill her destiny and to find her mother.
Staring: Y/N Johansson, Dominic Sherwood
Ice Princess (2017 - 2020) (2 Seasons)
• Drama / Romance
Gracie's on her way to become America's number 1 ice skating Olympic star. But after a drastic fall she's scared to go back on the ice. Her skating career seems to be over when Natasha, an older russian woman sees her skate and offers to train her with her nephew Jonas. Gracie's sceptical, mostly because Jonas Cooper is an absolute asshole but her best friend Kaya convinces her to take the chance.
Staring: Y/N Johansson, Timothée Chalamet, Sadie Sink, Blake Lively
Euphoria (2019 -) (On Going)
• Drama
Euphoria follows the troubled life of 17-year-old Rue, a drug addict fresh from rehab with no plans to stay clean. She meets and becomes friends with the new student Jules Vaughn after her withdrawal. The series focuses on the themes of friendship, sexuality, identity, trauma, drugs and love of the predominantly underage characters.
Staring: Y/N Johansson, Zendaya
Our Dark Secret (Disney TV Show) (2015 - 2017) (3 Seasons)
• Fantasy
Lily and Lia Cooper, the perfect pair of twins for everyone. The two are pretty, long brown hair, green eyes, perfect cheekbones. Both successful in school and Lily is freshly in a relationship with Noah. They seem perfect inside and out.
But they keep a dark secret. They are vampires.
Nevertheless, the two try to live a reasonably normal life until Chloe, another vampire, comes to town. The twins and their friends are thrown into chaos and it becomes more and more difficult to keep their secret.
Their friends become suspicious and find out about their dark secret. But that isn't the worst because what if a dark power occupies one of them?
Staring: Y/N Johansson (Lily), Cameron Boyce (Noah), Zendaya (Lia), Hailee Steinfeld (Chloe), Olivia Rodrigo (their friend)
Cameo's / Mini Roles:
• Captian America: Civil War (2016)
• Deadpool (2016)
• K.C. Undercover (2017)
• Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
• Stranger Things (2019)
• Avengers: Endgame (2019)
this is an upcoming tomholland x actress!reader kind of one shot series which i am VERY excited about!! this is basically my dr hahaha
I have no idea what I'm gonna call it yet, so if you have any ideas let me know <3
lemme know if you want to be tagged
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khorapodcast · 4 years
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[ID: A digital poster for the Khora Podcast. The top says "Trenchcoat  & Co. Productions" with the Khora logo surrounded in laurels in the  center. Below is the episode title, "Witch, Traitor, Slayer of Heroes"  in classical style font. Below the title says: "Written by Celeste Lang.  Starring MQ Quinlan, Kit MacNeil, Kat Hawthorne. Created by A.L.  Emmet." Medea stands in the center holding an amphora that emits light  from the inside. She has brown hair, pale skin, and golden eyes. She  looks at the viewer seriously. She wears a flowy dress with a high  golden collar and bracelets. Behind her is the silhouette of a chimera, a  beast with the heads of a goat, lion, and snake. The wall behind her  has an ornate pattern on the top and bottom and is styled as a Greek  vase. The poster was designed and drawn by Clary Cheung and Hayan Lee. End ID]
The epic begins. Featuring a disgraced Princess, a desperate hero, and a ferocious beast many would consider just a legend.
The first episode of Khôra, Witch, Traitor, Slayer of Heroes is out NOW on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Youtube, Stitcher, RadioPublic, and Google Podcasts! If you listen to the episode and want to share anything, tag your posts with #khora podcast.
You can find this episode’s transcript here, and content warnings under the cut.
Content Warnings: guns, references to murder, kidnapping, loud noises, animal death, simulated sensory overload.
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ancient-myth-daily · 3 years
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Procris and Cephalus
(painting by Henrietta Rae, 1852-1928)
Procris and Cephalus is a myth about a relationship that has a lot of trust issues.  
There are many versions of the story by different people, Pherecydes, multiple Ovid versions, Apollodorus and others.  Procris is also in Boccaccio’s 14th century “De Mulieribus Claris” which was an early notable book that just had biographies of historical and mythical women.  
Since there are SO MANY versions, all similar but not quite the same, I am going to tell two separate versions below the cut, one having the Pherecydes/earlier Ovid plot, and the second having the later plot.  
tws: r*pe, death
Procris was a princess of Athens, the third daughter of six of Erechtheus and Praxithea, a naiad.  Procris, by different ways in different myths, acquired the mything hunting dog Laelaps.  He is not central to this myth, but I tell the story of the dog here.  
She married an Aeolian Prince called Cephalus of Phocis.  His father was Deion and his mother was Diomede, and and he was the gradnson of Aeolus, who founded the area they ruled.  
First Myth Version:
In this version, Cephalus and Procris get married.  Cephalus wants to “test” Procris - never a good sign - so he stays away from home for EIGHT YEARS.  Why... he literally does this for no reason than to “test” her.  That’s almost a decade.  As someone in a LDR, this really makes no sense to me.  
When he returns after that extended period of time, he comes backed disguised and succeeds in seducing her.  Then, they get in an argument.  Cephalus really manufactured this problem for himself.  Luckily, I guess, they reconcile and remain being married to each other, which at this point seems like a really bad idea.  
Cephalus is not the only one with insane trust issues though.  Cephalus is always away hunting and now Procris suspects that he is cheating on her.  I find it kind of funny that Procris can trust him for 8 years without seeing him, but has issues as soon as he gets back.  When he is out hunting, Cephalus gets hot one day and calls for, depending on the version, Aura (a breeze) or Nephele (a cloud) to come cool him down.  These are actually names of minor nature goddesses/nymphs, but Cephalus was just talking about cooler weather.  
However, either a meddling person overhears him say that, and tells Procris.  She gets very angry and thinks that Cephalus is cheating on her.  She hides in the bushes in the woods to spy on him so that she can be sure.  She watches him sit down and look exhausted and cry out for the breeze, and realizes that he is, in fact, faithful.  Overjoyed, Procris runs out of the bushes to him, but he hears the rustling, thinks she is a wild animal, and shoots her with an arrow.  Then, she dies.  
Second Myth Version:
In this version, they get married, and Cephalus does not test her.  When he is out hunting one early morning, the goddess of the dawn, Eos, falls in love with him and kidnaps him.  Then end up having a son called Phaethon (not the same one as the sun of Helios).  It is not explicitly said that this is rape, but like... he was literally “seized” and she is a goddess, so...
Anyway, Cephalus still loves Procris, and pines for her.  Eos doesn’t like this, but she lets him go see her, only after telling him that she had been unfaithful all this time.  Similarly to the first version, Cephalus goes home in disguise ends up believing she has been unfaithful.  
Procris is very upset and flees to join Artemis’ women for a short while.  She eventually returns, and brings back a spear for Caephalus as well as the dog that is destined to always catch what it is hunting, Laelaps.  
This version then ends the same way, with Procris learning of him calling out to “Aura” and getting accidentally killed.  
I hope this was an interesting myth that you haven’t heard before!  Which version do you like better?  I personally like the first one better, because I don’t like the Eos in the second version at all.  
There are some other versions too that change some details but I thought these would be the most interesting two.  
My next few posts will be about the other daughters of Erectheus and Praxithea.  They all have actually feature in myths, which is cool, and I’ll be writing about them in “chronological” order of when their myths happen.  
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TSC but it's incorrect quotes.
Jem: Hey, Will, what's up?
Will: Well, I'm sitting in a pool of my own blood.
Jem: Is it... your own?
Will: Oh, yeah, probably.
Jem: Where is it coming from?
Will: Probably the stab wound.
Will: Oh, yeah definitely.
Kit: I wrote a song called I'm Late For My Final Exam and it's just three minutes of me screaming.
Emma: Look upon the filed which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and see that it is barren.
Will: Do you ever wonder how an author would describe you in a novel? Like, not only your appearance, but also your little habits and stuff. I wanna know how I'd be described.
Gabriel: Bet it would be something like "so here's this asshole."
Will: Honestly, fuck you, Gabriel.
Kit: I mixed up Donkey Kong with King Kong and accidentally said Kinky Kong to my parents.
Izzy: Who is that weirdo on TV? He's running downtown with eight dogs.
Sebastian: Be warned, I can kill you.
Jace: Be warned, I can die.
Jace: Excuse me, who made Alec the boss of the group.
Clary: You did.
Simon: You said, "Alec should be the boss."
Izzy: And then you said, "lets vote," and it was unanimous.
Magnus: And then you made him this plaque that says, "Boss of us."
Magnus: And put little sparkles all over it.
Jace:... all valid points.
Simon: What are you guys talking about? I'm like the backbone of this family.
Jace: You're more like the appendix of this family, no one knows what you're here for.
Alec: Also prone to explode at any given moment.
Jace: And a real pain to remove.
Simon: Fuck you guys.
Emma: What's your problem?
Cristina: He keeps using common phrases incorrectly.
Kieran: Oh, cry me a table, Cristina.
Cecily: If a guy calls you "princess" in a condescending manner, assert your newly appointed royal status and have him beheaded.
Will: I could get killed.
Will: Or even worse. Jem could give me a lecture on responsibility again.
Dru: What color are Emma's eyes?
Julian: The warm chestnut of well-worn leather when the sun comes out after days of rain.
Dru: What?
Julian: I said brown.
Gabriel: Hello, Will, make anyone cry today?
Will: Sadly, no, but it's only 4:30.
Will: Rubbing alcohol is for outside wounds. Drinking alcohol is for inside wounds.
Matthew: Cheers! I'll drink to that.
James: What are you going to bring to dinner?
Matthew: My negative attitude and sparkling personality.
Tessa: You're late.
Kit: Listen, I just spent twenty minutes in a standoff with the biggest cockroach I have ever seen, so that's where I'm at... mentally.
Julian: I told you to stop doing that with the knives.
Dru, with knives taped to her hands: But Wolverine has-
Julian: I said stop.
Aline: The only thing that seems to motivate you guys is pancakes.
Tavvy: Pancakes?
Ty: I love pancakes!
Dru: Do we have maple syrup?
Julian: I'll go buy some.
Emma: Where are they?
Jace: And once again, Jace and Magnus save the day!
Alec: You didn't do anything.
Alec: It was all Magnus.
Jace: We're a package deal. Everyone knows that.
Tessa: How can one man have so many enemies?
Will: I'm a people person who talks shit and drinks.
Matthew: You're my best friend, but I'd fuck you if you asked.
James: What?
Matthew: What?
Lucie, from across the room: HE SAID HE'D FUCK YOU IF YOU ASKED!
Matthew: What if we kidnap-
James: No.
Matthew: Steal-
James: No.
Matthew: Blow up-
James: Not even a little.
Matthew: You're no fun.
Julian: We need to distract the enemies.
Emma: Right, I can do that.
Julian: What are you going to do?
Emma: I'm gonna kill them all.
Emma: That ought to distract them.
Mark: I have a sword!
*two minutes later*
Mark: I have lost the sword.
Kit: My friendship with Dru is over.
Ty: What?
Kit: She stole my fries.
Kit: Baking yeast has alcohol in it, but you can't get drunk off eating bread.
Kit: Trust me, I've tried.
Kit: I know you think my judgment is clouded because I like Ty a little bit-
Jem: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Kit: That was our joint tombstone.
Jem: My mistake.
Clary, through the door: Are you decent?
Jace: Not morally, but I'm wearing pants if that's what you're asking.
Kit: Ty, let's play 20 questions!
Ty: Okay, what's your favorite color.
Kit: Aces. My turn, do you like boys?
Julian, coming to bail the group out of jail: I hate you sometimes, you know.
Emma: Welcome to the club! You are one of 53 members. We make t-shirts and have meetings every Wednesday at 4.
Julian: What?
Mark: We would meet earlier, but Kit gets out of school at 3.
Jace, to Izzy and Simon at their wedding party: Alright, everyone, Saturday is the big day! A lot of us thought this day would never come. I may have been one of those people.
Izzy: I may have also been one of those people.
Simon: Wait, are we talking about our wedding?
Izzy: Yes.
Simon: Oh, yes, I was also one of those people.
Emma: Julian and I slept together.
Cristina: And?
Emma: ... I thought you would be a little more surprised.
Cristina: Oh, sorry.
Cristina, in a shocked voice: AND?!
Ty: The dishes aren't in alphabetical order!!!!
Kit: Excuse my language, but what the F U C K does that mean?
Lucie: We shouldn't complain.
Matthew: I'm gonna complain anyways.
Dru: Kit? Are you alive? Knock once for yes, twice for no.
Kit: *pauses, then knocks twice*
Dru: What do we do? Kit's dead!
Will: Do you know....? Do you KNOW what it's like to be AFRAID of YOURSELF?!
Tessa, thinking of all the money she blew on a scam: Geez, man, I sure do-
Clary: Simon, you've got a lot to offer Izzy. You're funny, you're smart-
Magnus: You're creative, you've got style...
Jace: Oh, did you want me to say something?
Jace: You have brown hair, your name is Simon.
Simon: Thanks, Jace.
Will: I've done a lot of dumb shit.
Tessa: I witnessed the dumb shit.
Cecily: I remember the dumb shit.
Magnus: I joined you in the dumb shit.
Jem: I tried to stop you from doing the dumb shit!
Jace: Okay, so-
Alec: No. Don't you dare! Stop. Stop. I don't wanna hear it. I have been cleaning up your messes for way too long and now I'm aging prematurely. You are driving me steadily insane. So I don't wanna hear it. Go away. I'll be dead next month at this rate. Leave me alone.
Jace: I was just gonna ask you if you wanted toast...
Alec: Oh, well. No thank you.
Jace: Good, because I blew up the toaster and now one of the plants is on fire.
Kit: If you are about to be stabbed, just say, "I have too much swagger for the dagger," and they will leave you alone.
Dru: Or stab you a hundred more times.
Jem: I did.
Will:-ss you and buy you more. You haven't been eating enough.
James: A waiter could literally murder me and I'd still tip 20%
Matthew: I would actually tip more if they murdered me, that's great customer service.
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official-impravidus · 4 years
Last Updated: August 5, 2024
Hook, Line, Sinker - The 355, Mermaid!Graciela/Pirate!Marie
who is that girl i see, staring straight back at me? - Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Transfem!Sinbad/Genderfluid!Yunan
The Destruction of Sakiyama Youji - sweet pool, Mita/Sakiyama, inspired by "The Creation of Adam"
i’d rather die than see you suffer - 3rd Life Grian goes back to Hermitcraft
reunion at the observatory - Sebastian Smythe (Glee)!Barry (The Flash) & Santana, ColdFlash
like father like son - William Clayton (Arrow)/Michael Snart (The Flash)
Dichotomous Trio - Barry Allen (The Flash), Sebastian Smythe (Glee), and Chris Stewart (A Mother's Nightmare) are triplets
[CONFIDENTIAL] - Tess Tyler (Camp Rock)/Tim Drake (Batman)
the ci and the cia - Peter POV Neal Caffrey (White Collar)!Bryce/Chuck (Chuck)
so a vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire, vampire, and human get kidnapped— - Shadowhunters x My Babysitter’s a Vampire x Carmilla x I Kissed A Vampire x Teen Wolf
sometimes what is, is meant to be - Dean Winchester, Steve Harrington, Stiles Stilinski, Jason Todd, and TommyInnit are HYDRA supersoldiers + Evan Buckley (in progress)
Welcome to the Neighborhood! - Chase (Lab Rats)/Kaz (Mighty Med) College Neighbors AU
rum and coke (minus the rum) - Natalie (Next To Normal) meets Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
facing the monsters of the past - Myra!Clary (Shadowhunters), Myra/Ryan/Skylar (Girl VS Monster) (in progress)
can’t salt and burn a ghost without a body - Ghostbur (Dream SMP) goes into Supernatural
who wants to be God when they could be a firefighter? - Jack Kline (Supernatural) is Evan Buckley (9-1-1)
ghosts and guilt - Lex Foster (Black Friday)/Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf) (in progress)
Out - Outsider POV of Sean time-traveling from post-movie
repercussions of a rainy day - Athelina/Rowan sickfic
Prom Queen - Fix-It
kiss your pain away - Bryce/Chuck fluff and first kiss
penelope wants another kitty - Penemily 5+1 Domestic Fluff and Banter
Poison - Evie/Dark!Mal
making up for lost moments - Rose in the Eleventh Hour, Rose/11
bad at being bad - Fix-It AU, Billy/Penny
Tyson Monroe is dating an actual Fairytale Princess - Tyson Outsider POV of Morgan being a daughter of Andalasia
Ratfish Chat - the Ratfish characters in an actual group chat
to love is to be loved - Charlie Amnesia
you took my life with you (took my world with you) - Richie and Patty mourn together
clogging the timeline - Losers on Twitter
two in one shampoo - Emmett and Elle Wedding Planning
cherry chocolate cake - Nate Heywood/Ray Palmer
Solstice - Kara/Lena, Kryptonian culture
Feeling the Spark - Voltage, Garrison & Tess First Meeting
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat - Cassandra, Julia, Anya, Mattie, Found Family, Post-Canon
Study Date - Merlin & Morgan, Merthur
The Life Swap - Adrien and Marinette Swap Lives (ABANDONED)
Exposed - Truth Akuma Identity Reveal
Snowed In A Supermarket - Accidental Baby Acquisition Snowed In Identity Reveal
Blast From the Future - Emma Agreste Time Travels to the Past (ABANDONED)
The Day After - Outsider POV of Post-Reveal Adrienette
Protector - Adrien (Miraculous Ladybug) is TommyInnit (Dream SMP)
Itch - post-canon Max character study
Beds and Hot Showers - Post-Canon
sonata - David Character Study
Good night, my darlings. - Cosmo/Don/Kathy
a future we’ll never have - Owen/Curt post torture fluff
Push - Post-Canon Clint Character Study
all i wanted was you - The Trail To Oregon! Titty Mitty/Cornwallis
what it means to be wanted - Little White Lie Post-Canon Fix-It, Trans!Tanya & Kevin
haunted by a past long gone - Keys (Free Guy) is Steve Harrington (Stranger Things)
Steve’s Kids - Steve Harrington (Stranger Things) in 9-1-1
A Day in the Life of Steve Harrington - Outsider POV of Steve (in progress)
Convalescence - Post-Cage!Sam Outsider POV 5+1
Dean Winchester, loving husband and father - Four times people think Cas and Jack are Dean's wife and toddler.
Are we there yet? - 1000 words of Plotless Sibling Bickering
sam winchester isn’t an idiot - Sam POV of Destiel Time Travelers
Expectations - Dean Character Study featuring Destiel
sweet - Jess/Sam Character Study and Fluff
Syncopated Soliloquies - Human!Cas and Angel!Dean Role Reversal (ABANDONED)
Facade - No Supernatural AU, Serial Killer!John, Destiel
she is (and will be) so loved - Melissa/Chris/Peter, Pregnancy
awesome - Stiles has Frontotemporal Dementia
wonderment - Ariel/Eric Post-Canon Fluff
Go Tonight - Fix It, Kelly lives
What Could Have Been - Pre-Travelers Canon Rewrite (in progress)
trust - Bucky Barnes is Victor’s dad
rewrite, revitalize, rival - Yuuri and Yuri Time Travel (in progress)
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masterwcrk · 3 years
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the old guard (repost, re-tooled). fandom verse.
verse: ☆ ❛ not meant to be alone ❜ || verse. ( au. — the old guard ) sub-verse: ☆ ❛ like from the ashes (1813) ❜ || verse. ( au. — the old guard ) status: ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, interaction by request canon: netflix's the old guard location: various, thread dependent age range: 16-26, thread dependent. note: alternate plotting available for old guard canon & oc muses! (especially Andy & Quynh)
she always remembers things out of order. sometimes it’s the crash of the waves on a distance Grecian shore as her ship careens down into darkness & the water swallows her whole. sometimes it’s being burned at the stake after running from an arranged marriage.
it never lasts but more than an instant - each of those lifetimes cut short by the snap of the threads of fate. there’s only ever the single constant across each of her lifetimes; the motley band of immortals that always seem to find her, or whose path she seems to continually wander into in each & every lifetime.
perhaps another constant is her art. in each lifetime, she finds a new medium or finds a way to refresh another. in this lifetime? it's finally time to return to a classic. Clary works as an artist & travels wherever her feet take her - retracing timeworn paths in the hopes of finding that one missing piece that will spark the return of her memory one more time, so the cycle can start anew.
her first lifetime, long ago in the 13th century BCE, had started her down this path - originally traded as a slave in the greco-roman empire, clary won her freedom & came into service at the temples to take up the mantle of pythia. she would spend several lifetimes in service to the temples as an oracle, each time being reborn & re-installed in the temples while her tenure stretched across the expanse of the ancient world. when her time as the orator of the gods came to a close in 393 CE, she was set free into time, unanchored this time. (1300 BCE until 393 CE.)
she would resurface later in the 6th century, marrying Arthur & overseeing the installation of the round table. She would go on to give him two sons - Amr, & Mordred, but Amr dies tragically of pneumonia. her husband dies, & she lives long enough to see her youngest crowned as his successor before passing away, herself. (500- 540s CE)
The next time the immortals would dream of her wouldn't be until the late 700s, & this time she would taken on a very different incarnation. as the Götaland princess Aslaug, the third wife of the viking hero Ragnar Lothbrok, she's kept her mantle of that of an oracle, becoming one of the legendary völva that guided her people & her husband to victory. she would die at the hands of his first wife, Lagertha, at the age of forty one after bearing her husband four children. she was survived by two of her sons, & a grandson. (770s-810s CE.)
her fourth arc begins under the reign of King Henry VIII in the early 1500s. there, she would rise in the ranks of the nobility, keeping a careful balance to stay involved, but out of the way so as to not raise suspicion for the gift of prophecy still running through her veins. It was during this time that her memories started to come back more slowly, & later. Where as the dreams had started just days before her sixteenth birthday in previous lifetimes, this time they held off but only enough that she didn't think anything of it. (early 1500s - mid 1500s).
her fifth arc took her out of her comfort zone, living the life as a pirate under the name Anne Bonny & exploring the seven seas as she enjoyed a level of freedom she hadn't had in centuries. like her previous lifetime, the dreams started up again later - making her 20 before she dipped her toes into the world of her well-loved immortals, much less remembered their faces & names.
the 1800s would see her sixth incarnation, returning to familiar ground in regency london as the daughter of the contentious & regrettably deceased LORD MORGENSTERN. 
(see: like from the ashes verse for more info. 1797 until 1830s).
her final arc brings her to the modern era, where she works as an artist in Manhattan. when in previous lifetimes they had dreamed of her starting on her sixteenth birthday, this time a full decade has already passed. she's well established in the art community for her breathtakingly realistic renderings of historical sites, as well as her knack for predicting where important art-related historical artifacts might present themselves. her memories are tenuous at best, & slow to return, & it's not until a chance encounter with someone thought long-gone that everything starts to fall back into place.
a typical note, I generally accept the canon of Quynh kidnapping one of the immortals as outlined in Forces Multiplied, but on my case I either list it as Clary & Booker, or Clary instead of Booker, with her dying via drowning before the rest of the immortals get there. this is typically what kickstarts her true immortality instead of her cycle of reincarnation. I’m open to alternate plotting for this, however! this verse is just a guideline. 
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i would commit certain crimes for disney to start including their tv show properties in kingdom hearts
I know, right? There’s actually some really good shows they could pull from, but I know Nomura will never do it. Since I think he’s said somewhere--maybe when KH1 was first coming out?--that they really had no desire to pull anything from the Disney Channel. Probably because they’re seen as lesser. But IDK. That might not so much be the case anymore. 
Especially since Disney owns so much now. Like, they have Marvel so we could arguably get Agents of Shield because of that. And they own Fox, so they could maaaaaaaaaaaaybe use some of those shows if they wanted: Dark Angel, Tru Calling, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series, Firefly, Dollhouse, etc.
And even Freeform--that used to be ABC family, which Disney owns--has some contenders. Like Kyle XY... and I actually have enjoyed Stitchers from what I’ve seen of it. And Shadowhunters... I have a rough relationship with (because I’m biased with my love for the source material), but I have to admit parts of it are of course great, because (in my opinion) the book series they got the stuff from is great. And I don’t hate all the changes they made. While I think people championing Shadowhunters--and tearing apart TMI--for having Clary and Isabelle be friends from the get-go is a bit silly (since that way we miss the character development it took them to get there from the books. Though I guess that’s the thing: people think the fact that Clary and Isabelle didn’t like each other at first, because they were taught by society to see other girls as an enemy is “toxic”), I can of course also appreciate having great Clary and Izzy friendship from day one.
There’s also ABC itself, that did things like Once Upon a Time and Alias. Lost, too. Oh, man. I could perhaps see Nomura wanting to change his rule about not including TV shows, just for that (as Japan loved Lost, and I can see why. Actually, come to think of it, Japan also loved Dark Angel).
And even Disney Channel... I think some of them could work, like Phil of the Future, perhaps, since that already has some fantastical elements to it (time travel). Wizards of Waverly Place, too, etc. And I of course want Kim Possible, and have for ages, and Gargoyles, and W.I.T.C.H, Phineas and Ferb (at least a Perry the Platypus Summon), Dave the Barbarian, and probably many more that I’m forgetting.
And even the ones that don’t have a fantastical element... Cinderella doesn’t that much either, for example (save for the Fairy Godmother, which still isn’t much), but they threw Unversed in there and mostly had it work. Do that with other things, too.
I also wouldn��t mind Disney Channel references (though, again: I know it’ll never happen, since I don’t think Nomura has watched many Disney Channel things, if any). Like--for the most part--you probably couldn’t have The Proud Family in Kingdom Hearts. They could, however, have Proud Snacks referenced and that could be fun. Perhaps Sora is one of the few freaks in the world, who actually likes them.
I didn’t mention it... but Disney Channel Original Movies--at least some of them--could probably work, too. Like that Upside Down Magic movie that just came out, Halloween Town, etc.
Again... I know most of this will probably never happen, though. And it’s sort of a shame, because there’s actually some potential here. And it would keep them from wearing out proper Disney movies too fast... or from using the same movie over and over again.
And some fun things can be done with it! (And I know I’m enjoying doing it in my story.) Like, imagine Raven Baxter from That’s So Raven got kidnapped from her world--like the Disney Princesses/Princesses of Heart did in KH1--because the Master of Master decides that her ability to see the future is actually stronger than his.
...This is some of the crazy crossover stuff I want in Kingdom Hearts, tbh. That makes use of the old promise “You never know who you’ll run into next”.
Edit: Now that I think about it, it’s been revealed that Square Enix has tried to include Gargoyles in Kingdom Hearts before. So maybe this idea about Disney Channel shows being an automatic no-go for Kingdom Hearts is just a rumor.
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lurafita · 4 months
Is anyone even surprised anymore when I write something with dragons?
Prince Johnathan (Jace) of Herondale embarks on a journey to slay the dread dragon, that has kidnapped the princess Clarissa of Morgenstern.
His best friend prince Alexander (Alec) of Lightwood is right by his side, to help his brother in all but blood rescue the princess, so that Jace might win her hand in marriage, and be pronounced worthy of the throne.
Except when they get to the dwelling the dread dragon is rumored to be holed up, the supposed to be captive princess is angrily shouting at them to take a hike and not to dare lay a finger on her uncle Magnus.
Jace, trying to flirt: "Sooo, would you like to go on a walk with me?" Clary, crossing her arms in front of her: "I'm not going anywhere with you. You attacked Magnus with a sword!" Jace: "I thought he was an evil dragon who had kidnapped you! And he is fine!" Magnus, snorting: "Not that I'm not grateful for your stupidity, but what did you think a tiny little human sword would do to a massive dragon, other than piss them off?" Jace: "Hey! I'm not stupid! Every tale about knights and dragons has the honorable knights slaying the evil dragon with naught but their trusty swords. How was I supposed to know that your skin is too thick to be pierced by normal steel?" Alec: "Common sense would have been a start. I told you we needed to do some recon first, before just running at the dragon with our swords held high." Magnus: "Gathering intelligence is always a good idea when facing a new situation. Would you like to get to know the terrain a little more, Alexander?" Alec, smiling: "I would love to." Jace: "Sooo-" Clary: "No. You tried to kill my uncle." Jace: "Fuck my life."
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affcgato-archived · 4 years
get to know the blogger !
can be used for RP  and  non-RP blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen.
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1. first name: monroe 2. strange fact about yourself: a friend of mine is a published crime fiction writer, & named a murder victim after me. 3. top 3 physical things you find attractive on a person: hands, eyes, & that way you see people just melt when they finally realize they can relax around you.  4. a food you could eat forever and not get bored of: usually, pizza, but lately sweet potatoes. 5. a food you hate: veal 6. guilty pleasure: musical scores from movies or video games. 7. what do you sleep in: a t-shirt, if anything. 8. serious relationships or flings: serious 💞 9. if you could go back in the past and change one thing about your life, what would it be: there’s a few very minor tweaks I might make that I can’t see any major impact to my over all life, but honestly, I’m happy where I am so I wouldn’t want to risk that. 10. are you an affectionate person: I didn’t used to be, but now I am very much an affectionate person with friends. I’m also very physically affectionate, which is probably the biggest thing I warn friends about when meeting them offline because if you’re touch adverse, I respect tf out of that, but I will definitely need to know ahead of time. 11. a movie you could watch over and over again: the shallows, demonic, the silence. 12. favourite book: a little princess - frances hodgeson burnett. 13. you have the opportunity to keep any animal as a pet, what would you choose: a savannah cat. 14. top 5 fictional ships (if you’re a rp blog, you can use your own ships as well): jace/alec, magnus/andrew, frostiron, kylo/clary, hux/clary, & asajj/clary. yes that six, don’t @ me lmao 15. pie or cake: pie 16. favourite scent: chamomile & bergamot, black tea in general, & balsam. 17. celebrity crush: none really 18. if you could travel anywhere, where would you go: kidnapping @sithroyal​ & dropping in one @cxpt​. but unrelated to specific people, I so badly want to go to the Maldives. 19. introvert or extrovert: INTJ, the most introverted of the introverts. 20. do you scare easily: yes & I’ve been told it’s adorable. 21. iphone or android: my entire life is owned by apple so I’ve given up even considering otherwise. 22. do you play any video games: sometimes, but it’s not a huge thing anymore 23. dream job: diplomat. 24. what would you do with a million dollars: pay off all debt, buy a condo somewhere centrally located to all the things I want in my life, & also pay off my mom’s mortgage so I can claim that house & the surrounding land as my own eventually. 25. fictional characters you hate: nah 26. fandom that you were once apart of but aren’t any longer: I’m still in all my fandoms tbh.
tagged by: @sithroyal​ tagging: @cxpt​ @aestheticdriven​ @induro​ @fedumora​ @ofhomeland​ @cvldthief​ @urorvili​ @sprrcw​ @vanhlsng​ @oxtaiiiled​
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Havensdale Holidays <3
Part 1 - IC
  Who is your fave/s character of your own?
I have a bit of a list which I'll share but my #1 fave character of my own is Hailie Tyler. She survived a 1.0 Gossip Girl roleplay as an OC before being integrated into Havens. I love her gothy bi princess vibes with all my soul. The rest, in no particular order, are: Tessa, Stella, Paul, Ian, Jenny, Jess, Joey, Karen, Greg, Faye, Danny, Clary, Carrie, Amara & Andy.
  Who is your fave/s character of someone else’s?
OH WELL. Let's do this! My faves from y'all are Rachel, Claire, Charvi, Brianna, Maggie, Shelley, Leila, Maddie, Eleanor, Faith, Selena, Bonnie, Ruby, Juliette, Dexter, Vanessa, Katriel, Matt TO NAME A FEW...
   Fave interaction between your character and someone else’s?
I love every Greg and Juliette argument ever, they have been sincerely epic. ALSO, every convo that Mark and Ian have- especially their flashback where Ian is drunk and just met Ava, it's so fucking cute. That one Joey & Rachel para where he finds out she's a witch and she finds out he torched his gym, that's really emo.
   A ship you love?
Um, I love literally EVERY ship!!!!!! Gronnie, Fesse, Avian, Chana, Tayfred, Lulu & Andy, JESS AND GWEN TBH LOL HI, Olian, FAITH X DANNY, Carloex, Canny, VANTESSA to name a FEW. No one has to be this extra too.
  A crackship/rare pair you love?
Crackship/rare pairs I love include tbh romantic Ruby & Jess???? I'd swoon. Shelly & Cole??? I love them??? Claire Knighton marry every lady in Havens club. I love Ian and Shelley too hi. RACHEL AND JENNY WOW CHEF'S KISS.
  A plot/concept of your own and/or someone else’s you love?
I loved Ian almost turning off his humanity when he tried to bring Mark back BUT DIDN'T during hihghosts. Faye's car accident/amnesia fgreuihdjiks. UM JESS TURNING HER HUMANITY OFF THAT WAS MY FAVE. I've loved every Mark/Evelyn interaction when he's had his memory back!!! LEILA'S WHOLE HIGH SCHOOL JOURNEY TO BEING P-O-P-U-L-A-R. Um ???? Charlotte being turned into a werewolf to avoid death ???? Fave. OH the Karen / Charlie kidnapping shenanigans jesus. Rachel x Keith x Thomas MAGIC SHENANIGANS rip Keith. I could go on, I could go on. 
Part 2 - Not-So Secret Santa
Lauren!!! @foxy-vanessa Omg I'm literally still going on about how darn happy I am that Lauren joined this RP!!! She's brought so much fgruehidjks I love all her characters, especially her ladies lovin' ladies like hi, I'm swooning. My goal is to have all my gals flirt with her gals always. I love to read her writing so much and gosh???? I know she does angst SO WELL but that Vantessa fluff!!!! It literally makes me melt like I lit had to take Tessa for this (and now she's one of my fave charas). Basically, I hinted that Vanessa + Tessa were romantically into each other in bio and Lauren picked it up RIGHT AWAY and I was like !!!! yesss you get me. I love her OCs, I love her for taking iconic characters. I love all our connections. I love her beautiful aesthetics!!!!!! I'm just soo happy she's here <3333
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jcmorgenstern · 5 years
Hey kid wanna cry Remember that kiss between Clary and 'Sebastian' in s2, after Clary says that Jonathan deserves to be saved? How desperate that kiss was. Now knowing the that for years Jonathan was clinging to the idea that somewhere out there theres a person who will save him, who will not hurt and abandon him puts the whole scene in different perspective 😢
you’re very right and you should fucknig say it anon!!
I’m trying to get over my annoyance with how much they’ve fucked Jonathan’s storyline (and my god, the timeline)–the demon clary kills in s1 at the EARLIEST appears at the most 2 months ago, which means Jonathan only learned she existed 2 months ago max. He then, in that time, made a deal with Azazel to get out of hell, walked to Paris, kidnapped Sebastian at a cafe, moved to New York, rented an apartment, knew enough about the goings on at the institute to steal the sword (Genuinely blanking on how he got the Cup to summon Azazel–i knew at one point but rn im anxious and caffeinated), summoned Azazel, infiltrated the Institute….like this is fucking insane on so many levels, and now he can’t even find a sword? ??? ?? ? ? ? like damn need me that kind of motivation on my finals
(also im pre sure aline mentions sebastian dissapeared more than two months ago but lmao what’s consistency)
I actually really liked the prince/princess thing, because it flips the very gendered script by having Jonathan wish for Clary to save him. and Clary IS that figure–she goes to insane lengths to protect and save Jace. I don’t think Clary’s horror at realizing she could have but didn’t save Jonathan is her being like “oh damn im a woman therefore it’s my job,” it’s that being powerless or failing to save a life is one of her worst fears, and she’s upset that yet another family member is “lost” to her. Her entire arc is unified by the theme of finding and wanting to keep her family and loved ones (both family by blood or by familial love) safe. It’s also a callback to the books (a thread that is completely dropped) where she writes a comic about a dark prince that she interprets to be “Sebastian.”
When Jonathan calls “you were supposed to be my princess” after her, he doesn’t mean “I was supposed to carry u away at the altar and we’d make babies in heterosexual union,” he means “you were supposed to be my knight in shining armor and rescue me from the dragon/evil stepmother.” In the context of the story as it’s told–Jonathan as Rapunzel (or Fiona LMAOO) in the tower crying for help, and Clary the knight with the sword only the chosen one can wield riding to his rescue–I feel that meaning is fairly obvious if you understand his character beyond “ew incest lol.”
To put it more academically: in the terms of a feminist reading of the fairytale, Jonathan understands himself not as Clary’s possessor, but the “princess” she as the (traditionally male) knight rescuer is entitled to after the rescue. It may actually deliberately echo the book line where Clary asks Jonathan “who do you belong to.” The script of Jonathan as the hyperagressive, masculine aggressor stalking the (artificially) agency-less woman is complicated by his dual role as the traditionally female victim of abuse waiting to be rescued by the traditional male rescuer. In just a quick few minutes we get a whole different dynamic where we realize Jonathan doesn’t feel he is entitled to her–from his (warped) point of view, he feels she is entitled to him. Jonathan views the act of receiving love in terms of his usefulness or how his identity/abilities/whatever can be exploited by whoever loves him (see: his speech to her about Valentine)–his confusion about why she doesn’t “want” him is because well, she defended him once as anon says, she saved him by giving him hope, she must love him–why won’t she take what’s hers?
This is the dynamic I’m fascinated by–I’ve always read Jonathan as an oddly feminized villain considering his other position as a hyperaggressive rapist–if I were to go full batshit on yall I’d bust out a “queer-coded men presented as often ineffectual rapists” reading but. ill leave that for another time.  or never. I feel the books made that reading very available by sexualizing his abuse by revealing his whip scars in a situation where he takes his shirt off and Clary is uncomfortably thirsty (and the audience is VERY comfortably thirsty). It’s also very surface-level and never really brought up again–something else you’d expect from a presentation of a female character’s abuse.
The show complicates it by presenting the product of Jonathan’s abuse as something to be reviled and horrific, but also kind of pathetically comedic. A male victim of abuse that actually lets the effects show is clearly something to be othered, pathologized, made into something charred and inhuman. The power and agency expected of a male character is restored to him in his rebirth, when the narrative invites you to consider whether he really could change; as that agency is slowly stripped away through imprisonment, a botched matricide attempt, implied (past) sexual assault, it’s paired with his implied descent into irredeemabe villainhood.
I fully realize I’ve jumped so far off the deep end I may as well have started burrowing into the ground of that metaphorical pool, but I think Jonathan’s dual status as feminized victim and masculinized rapist explains why some female fans find Jonathan deeply and fundamentally abhorrent and others find him sympathetic and relatable. Both, I think, are legitimate readings and reactions made available by the text–it’s a question not of whether people think rape is okay or not, but which of his dual gendered positions each person find more salient.
(I’d also argue the same could be said of Jace–do you see him as the typical heterosexual male jock, or the sensitive victim of abuse who struggles with his mental health? Honestly, this model applies to so many other characters–Tony Stark, for example, or Loki). I think it’s important as fans to appreciate, no matter your position or reading of a character, the alternate readings available–I understand why people hate Jonathan and are deeply uncomfortable with him, even if I don’t feel the same way. I don’t take Jonathan hate as a personal attack against my reading specifically, but against the person’s own particular interpretation of him. (I do often get annoyed if people deny the possibility of alternate readings, and probably get pissy in general, but shh).
anyway tldr this was actually just top/bottom discourse in disguise JONATHAN MORGENSTERN IS A BOTTOM thanks for coming to my TED talk haha gotcha
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malfoysdarkprincess · 7 years
Wrongful Jealousy- Jace Herondale Imagine
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Requested- by anon Word Count- 970 Pairing- Jace Herondale x Reader (ft. Clary Fairchild, Izzy and Alec Lightwood)
A/N: Sorry it’s terribly late, this week hasn’t been too kind for my writing brain. New imagine coming soon :)
No matter how much she denied it, she was beyond jealous. A fire burned behind her eyes, her fist breaking the pencil in her hand. Alec’s head snapped up, eyes darting to the broken pencil in Y/N’s hand. She didn’t seem to notice the damage she caused, her eyes fixated on the sight in front of her. Clary, the new golden girl, had her hands on Jace’s chest and was laughing at something he said and he didn’t seem to mind. Alec cleared his throat, causing Y/N to return to reality.
She turned to him with a puzzled expression which contorted to a pained one. She looked at her hand to see three cuts to were the broken wood had split her skin. She unclasped the pencil and inspected her hand. “Are you okay?” Alec questioned. His face hinted more amusement than concern. Her bottom lip caught between her lips as she nodded her head. Her gaze returned to the two shadowhunters in front of her.
Alec followed her gaze and couldn’t help but to allow a chuckle pass his lips. “By the angel! Is Y/N… jealous?” he joked. She dropped her gaze from the sight to Alec, who silently had made his way next to her. Her back snapped straight, her eyes narrowing at the eldest Lightwood. Her breath became shaky in that last second, her cheeks tinted to a darker shade.
“M-me? Jealous? No way!” she laughed, it was an attempt to hide her jealously. She felt Alec’s bore into the side of her head. Fingertips grazed against Y/N’s shoulder and when she turned around, she was greeted with the face of Isabelle.
“Oh Y/N, you are so jealous” she whispered in her ear. Alec snorted and Y/N allowed a breath of air escape her throat. She rolled her eyes at her parabatai and flicked her eyes back to her boyfriend. Lately, he’s been so busy with Clary. Y/N did understand though, her mother was kidnapped by Valentine but she still felt a pang at her chest. Her body crumbled with insecurity every time she saw the two of them together, laughing and smiling at each other.  
She abruptly stood up, and mumbled something along the lines of her not being jealous. She heard the quiet laughter of the Lightwood siblings but didn’t react. She wanted to let off some steam. She had walked to the training room, setting up a boxing bag in the centre. Y/N punched the bag repeatedly, the bag shaking with the force of her punches. She was so intoxicated by anger and jealously that she didn’t notice Jace leaning against the door.
Jace didn’t see her leave, he only noticed when Clary was called over by Mayrse. He walked over to the Lightwood siblings, confusion lingered in his head. “Where’s Y/N?” He questioned. Alec smirked and Izzy giggled. “What?” he further questioned.
“Well when you were talking to Clary, Y/N broke a pencil just by the sight of you two. She’s gone to the training room I presume. I think your girlfriend might be jealous” Alec stifled a laugh. Jace looked at Izzy for confirmation, by which she nodded her head. “You have been hanging out with Clary a bit much to her distaste. Maybe you should talk to her,” Alec advised. Jace swallowed the growing lump in his throat. He turned and headed toward the training room, finding her instantly.
There she was. Y/N continued to punch the boxing bag over and over, with such force he thought for sure it was going to break. “Easy there princess, we can’t be breaking the bag. Other people might want to use it,” he winked. She only grunted in response, but started to calm herself down. “Not only that, your foot isn’t in the right place,” he waltzed over and pushed her foot with his.
“Shouldn’t you be with Clarissa?” she asked, putting her arm ontop of the bag for support. He raised an eyebrow at her, confused by her question. “Well I mean, you’re meant to be teaching her the ways of a shadowhunter? Although, doesn’t look like that because looks like both of you are having a date instead of tutoring,” she said, sarcasm dripping with every word. Jace tried so hard to stifle his laugh, but it pushed past his lips, amusement plastered on his face.
“Oh Y/N, jealously isn’t your best look,” he mused. She cursed. She ran her hand through her hair, her cheeks tinting with a dark shade of red.
“I am not jealous. Whatever Alec or Isabelle said I am not. I’m only saying” she defended herself. She went to walk past him, clearly embarrassed, but he grabbed her wrist. He pushed her back into his chest, his head resting on her shoulder. Her heart thumped wildly against her ribcage. She always got this feeling when he got intimate with her, it was if he touched her for the first time.
“That’s a lie, you know, when you get jealous you bottom lip tends to be between your teeth” he pointed out. She pursed her lips, hands grazing over his. “I’m sorry I’ve been with Clary a lot recently. She’s really nice and she’s going through a bad time. You know how much I love you.” He kissed her neck, slowly rocking them both.
“I’m sorry, I just- I’ve barely been with you since Clary came. I missed you...” she trailed off. Y/N turned around, facing him and wrapping her hands around his neck. He smiled at her and kissed her. Their lips met softly, her nose squishing against his. They pulled apart, Y/N placing her love-induced head on his shoulder.
“How about tonight, just you and me? No Clary, no missions. Just us… Deal?” she smiled at his offer. She kissed his cheek and giggled.
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