#ki rainbow high
angelcloudki · 2 years
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The Disney ily4ever fashion packs…are very good I love them very much…
Design credit: @/morimoriprincess on insta
Doll Credit: @/strawberry_doesartsometimes on insta
Doll Base: Daria
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whatsnewalycat · 4 months
Dave York x f!Reader
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Summary: Dave hypnotizes you.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 2.8k+
Warnings: hypnokink, not entirely good praxis of hypnosis, humiliation, implied infidelity, praise, smut, unprotected piv, D/s dynamic, dom dave, literal mind fucking so like a bit of body horror get into it
Notes: For @iamasaddie kinky May writing challenge. Prompt was hypnosis + Dave York. I found a lot of inspiration for this from a post in r/EroticHypnosis about mindfucking (can find again if anyone wants the link - lemme know!). Posting this in a hurry bc I am late to a thing so hopefully not tooooo many missed mistakes. OK THANK YOU FOR READING!!!
[ my masterlist ]
All your life you wished you could turn off your thoughts at will. 
Growing up, on those nights where your crowded head wouldn’t let you sleep, you would imagine twisting off the top of your skull like a jar lid and plopping your brain on the nightstand. It even worked sometimes, too, if you tried hard to convince yourself. When reminders of an upcoming math test or images of that cute boy in class crept into your purview, they had nowhere to go. They evaporated, and you slept. 
Dave says you’re too smart for your own good. Sometimes when you’re lost in thought, he tells you he wants to empty that pretty little head of yours. Not in a condescending way, although you can see how someone might interpret it like that. 
What he means is that he wants you to be with him when you’re with him. What he means is that he wants you to be present. Not thinking about the past or the future. Not reminding yourself of deadlines or analyzing the data stored in your brain or wondering what you mean to him exactly. 
The first time he suggested hypnosis, you balked. Even after he explained how it worked, you were hesitant enough for him to drop the subject. 
When he brought it up again, though, your skepticism swayed. You asked him for more details, so he dispensed the pros and cons and the step process. He could do it for you, he said. He knew how. He said he could rattle the bees from your buzzing honeycomb brain. All you had to do was trust him with this power. 
So you did. 
And you do. 
Your valiant beekeeper meets you at this hotel every other Tuesday night, except on holidays. This isn’t the only one-on-one time he dedicates to you, but it’s by far the most reliable. He doesn’t always hypnotize you, either. 
Regardless of whether he puts you in a trance or not, this standing date always starts the same. He slips you the keycard at some point throughout the day, only after he’s adorned it with a vase full of seasonal blooms and laid out something for you to wear. 
Tonight he left you lilacs and matching lingerie. Intricate floral appliqués embellish the pastel nightie he laid out on the bed. 
Opulence becomes you when you slip it on and pour a glass of champagne from the bottle Dave left to chill on ice. You mosey around the spacious high-end suite, sipping frosty bubbles as you admire the birds-eye view of downtown, the tall buildings and bustling city life all drenched in golden light from the setting sun. 
As the time nears eight o’clock, you empty your champagne flute and make yourself comfortable on the plush bed. Crystals hanging from the chandelier fragment soft white light into dazzling tiny spectrums, sparkling rainbow when the door to the suite opens, then closes. 
Dave enters the room with an air of authority that makes you straighten your spine and draw back your shoulders. After chucking off his jacket, he empties his pockets on the dresser and loosens his tie, then turns around to meet your gaze. 
His stern expression melts as he looks you over, seeming to appraise how your body fills out the lilac nightie. Heat sparks in the middle of you when he greets you, “Hey beautiful.” 
He approaches your side and takes a seat at the edge of the bed, rolling the sleeves of his dress shirt, “Comfortable?” 
Nodding, you sit up to pull him in for a kiss. His plush lips respond without hesitation, firm but generous as he slips a wide palm around your body and brings you even closer. 
When he pulls back, he asks, “Are you ready?” 
He cradles your jaw, searching your face with blatant admiration before separating his body from yours. You lay back into the soft embrace of the pillows and wiggle around until you find the sweet spot of comfort while Dave drags an armchair to your bedside and sits down. Once you’re both settled and still, he begins. 
“Close your eyes.” 
You close them. 
“Take a deep breath in…”
You take in air until you can’t. 
“…and slowly release it.” 
You exhale, rationing your metered breath through a straw-sized ‘o’ formed by your lips. 
“Good. Take a deep breath in… two three four… and slowly release it. Deep breath in… two three four… now slowly release it.”
Behind closed lids, you concentrate on the rhythmic ebb and flow of your lungs contracting and expanding. His warm voice surrounds you. Envelops you. 
“That’s it. Keep breathing just like this. Each time you inhale, draw the life from your breath, and exhale the rest. Notice how cleansing it feels to let it go. How the tension melts from your muscles every time you take a deep breath in…”
You inhale. 
“…two three four…” 
Hold it. 
“…and slowly release it.” 
Then exhale.
“Perfect. Keep doing that. Now imagine that every time you take a deep breath in, a warm wave washes over you… and as you slowly release it, the tide carries away tension, allowing your muscles to soften and relax…”
Each big lungful heats the tar holding your body together. You dissolve into the mattress as Dave’s deep, honeyed voice resonates through you. 
“Again, take a deep breath in as the warm wave of relaxation washes over you, two three four… and slowly release it as the tide carries away your tension, allowing your muscles to soften and relax. Concentrate on my voice. Recognize it as a touchstone. If your mind starts to wander, have it return to the touchstone, return to my voice, and relax even deeper.” 
Trees tower above you, stretching high into the pale blue sky. The moss-covered rock before you glows as he speaks. 
“Notice how relaxed you feel. Notice that every time the warm wave of relaxation washes over you, two three four… tension melts from your body as you allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into the sensation. Allow the relaxation to seep from your muscles into your bloodstream… to course through your veins and calm every cell in your body.
“Focus on your face. All those tiny little muscles in your forehead and around your eyes, notice how relaxed they are. Notice how the relaxation melts the muscles in your cheeks and jaw, letting your mouth go slack. You might feel as though you want to speak, but find yourself so relaxed that you can’t. That’s ok, because it feels good and safe to let the words dissolve on your tongue. Doesn’t it?” 
When you try to respond, your lips don’t move. This fact doesn’t bother you. It feels good and safe in the forest, staring up at the treetops. 
You realize you’re floating in a pond. You hear birds peacefully chirping and know it’s just you and them and the touchstone for a million miles. 
Everything feels profound, but simple. You are small and big like a speck of dust or a galaxy. You are safe. You are at peace. 
“Doesn’t it feel so good to relax, darling?” 
Your fingertips rest against the soft moss of the touchstone. 
“Yes, it does,” you tell it. 
It glows with a satisfactory hum that vibrates through you.  
“Perfect. Continue to focus on my voice. Soon, I will ask you to open your eyes, then close them. When you close your eyes, you’ll notice a warm wave of relaxation washing over you, turning knots into snarls and snarls into strands, every muscle in your body gently untangling as you allow them to go limp and heavy…”
You understand and follow his instructions. 
“Open your eyes and take a deep breath in, two three four… and slowly release it, closing your eyes, letting the warm wave wash over you and pull you in deeper. 
“Soon, I’ll ask you to open your eyes again. When you close them, you’ll notice the warm wave of relaxation wash over you even stronger than before, pulling you even deeper. 
“Open your eyes, two three four… and close your eyes, sinking deeper and deeper. Good job. We’ll do it one more time, and when you close your eyes and relax, sink as deep as you can, all the way to the bottom. Open your eyes, two three four… and close your eyes.” 
You’re lying in a meadow of wildflowers outside the forest, looking up at the serene blue sky. The earth beneath you is solid and brings you an immense sense of comfort. 
“I want you to think about desire. Think about that warm, lush longing inside you. Concentrate on how good this sensation feels in your body, pleasure swelling thick at the center of you.”
His voice surrounds you, but you don’t see its source. The soothing timbre resonates from the wildflowers and the earth and the sky, from everywhere and nowhere all at once like how you imagine God sounded to Old Testament prophets. 
You bring your focus to desire. It does feel good. Amazing, actually. Tangible like a glowing ball of heat between your thighs that throbs with each syllable he speaks. 
“Allow the sensation to grow. Let it stretch and pulse and heat your skin. Let your mind empty of everything except this arousal. When thoughts arise, you let them fall away and arousal fills the empty space. You’ll let this happen over and over again until your head is empty of everything but arousal. Do you understand? You can speak now, darling, go ahead and answer.” 
“Try it for me.” 
You acknowledge the cognitions that populate your mind. When you think about how you need to put gas in your car, you imagine the reminder dropping away, then imagine the warm wanting glow of desire branching up through your body to take its place. You think about a work project, but it loosens and falls into an abyss. Desire floods the space in its wake, a thick hot liquid that glows with light like lava, spreading to each new vacancy with ease as the thoughts drop from your consciousness. 
“How does it feel?” 
“Good,” you breathe, voice faint on your tingling tongue. 
“Do you like how it feels, being horny and mindless?” 
Your husband’s face appears, taking up your whole mind, then falls away. Rich, bubbling pleasure surges through you to fill the gap. You have to suppress a moan to respond. 
“I like it,” you nod, “Fuck, it feels amazing.” 
“Good girl. Now, you might notice something interesting happen when I ask you a question. You might notice that when I ask you a question, you’ll try to form a thought to answer. When you do this, you’ll feel my cock enter your mind. It’s bigger and harder than you’ve ever seen it, swollen and thick and so fucking ready for you, darling. When you try to form a thought, it pushes forward into the wet hot folds of your brain, severing the connections that typically allow you to think, preventing a response from forming. My cock pulls out, and slowly thrusts forward again, pushing out the thoughts, over and over for as long as you consider a response to my question. It becomes impossible to focus. You might notice that this penetration feels like it would in your pussy. My hard cock rutting in and out, sending waves of arousal through your body, fucking the thoughts from your head. Every time my cock moves, you’ll try to respond but cannot make yourself focus. It feels amazing. You give in to the sensation, allowing it to overtake you completely. When you’re fully saturated with arousal and nothing else, my cock pulls out of your mind.” 
Your skin feels static and warm when you imagine him pushing his smooth, throbbing length into your brain. A shaky whimper croaks in your throat. Your heart thuds heavy within your chest, circulating desire, warm and wet, to every cell in your body. 
“You might notice that when I ask you another question, any attempts at thought or sensations that come up except arousal will be fucked from your head until you surrender to the arousal. It feels good to be dominated in this way. To let pleasure consume your entire being.” 
Licking your lips, you nod to show you understand.  
“Now when I ask you a question, you’ll allow your subconscious to follow my instructions. Are you ready, darling?” 
“How was your day?” 
When you try to recall your day and formulate an answer, the tip of his cock pierces the equator of your brain, splitting the hemispheres. He drives forward slowly, steadily, making you moan as he stretches you apart and tears all those delicate tissues that generate thought. Still, you try. 
My day, how was my day…
He drags his cock out, then drives it deeper inside you. 
Day… how was…
Your nerve endings buzz as he pulls out, gooey arousal shines on the shaft of his thick cock. He plunges forward into the hot center of you. You work your hips and whine. You can’t remember what he asked. It doesn’t seem as important as the pleasure clinging to your insides as he fucks you, so you give up. 
His cock pulls out of your mind completely. 
“What’s the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?” 
You consider the question. The tip of him breaches your brain, forcing out forecasts and clouds and sunshine. Fragments return as you attempt to answer again. 
The weather tomorrow…
He pumps in and out of you, obliterating whatever it was he wanted to know. It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except the insatiable pleasure thrumming through you as he rubs against all your hungry nerves, giving them what they want. 
“Oh my god,” you hear yourself gasp. 
“How often do you think about fucking me?” 
Seeds of embarrassment sprout the tender beginnings of thought, then he fucks them out of your head until you’re rolling your hips, moaning and nodding for more. 
“Do you make yourself come when you think about fucking me?” 
Only a loading screen appears before he’s inside you again. His perfect, thick cock pumps you full of this throbbing heat. You wish it would never end. You want to feel this and only this forever. 
“That’s it, that’s my good girl. So horny and mindless for me. Letting my cock push deep and hard into the folds of your brain, fucking out all your thoughts, leaving your head empty to stuff you with arousal until you’re swollen and ripe, nothing else left but how fucking horny you are.” 
“Sssooooo fucking gooood,” you slur. 
“How would your husband feel if he saw you like this? In this hotel room, all dressed up in lingerie I bought for you, moaning and writhing on the bed?” 
A thought starts, and he pounds it out of you, merciless in its rhythm as each thrust pushes you higher and higher. Horny and mindless, that’s all you are. Nothing matters except this.
“Do you really think we’ll run away together? Do you really think I’d leave my wife for you?” 
A rotten sensation tingles in your chest before you feel him enter you from both ends, the cock in your mind working in tandem with the cock in your pussy. You choke out a moan and nod, body vibrating with a thick, hot sensation you can’t find the beginning or end of. 
“Fuck fuck fuck, holy fuck—” 
He groans, rolling his hips faster, fucking your entire being so hard and fast that you become pleasure itself. It’s everything and everywhere for eternity and you gladly accept this fact, wanting to forever exist in this moment. 
“That’s so good, darling. So fucking good. You want me to let you come, don’t you?” 
You nod frantically as the edges of you start to fray.
“Go ahead, come for me.” 
His permission completely unravels you, ripping away the last delicate thread holding you together. You sob as you fall apart into a thousand pieces. His hips stutter and he moans, giving you a few deep thrusts before pulling out. 
Your chest heaves as you try to catch your breath. You float in the peaceful pond, staring up at the towering treetops that kiss the sky. 
“Now in a minute, I’ll bring you back to your normal state. When I count to four and tell you to wake up, you’ll come out of the trance relaxed and refreshed. Your mind will feel spotless. You’ll know that I adore you and hold you close to my heart.”
You hear birds peacefully chirping. You know it’s just you and them and Dave for a million miles. You are small and big like a speck of dust or a galaxy. You are safe. You are at peace. 
“And one two three four… wake up.”
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jalapenokpoppers · 2 years
Enhypen's reaction to you putting your cold hands up his shirt.
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Fluff, crack.
Warnings: Reader puts their hands up enha’s shirt but there’s absolutely nothing sexual about it.
Gn!Reader x Bf!Enhypen
300< words.
Song rec: Rainbow, NCT DREAM.
•He jumps so hard.
•But he’s also concerned that you’re so cold.
•Pulls your hands out and holds them in his while scolding you.
•”I told you to bring gloves and you didn’t listen to me, stupid.”
•Blows on your hands and rubs on them.
•Might kiss them too.
•Let’s out a high pitched squeak noise that he later denies.
•”Don’t do thaaaat.” 
•Puts your hands in his pockets to warm them up.
•”If you’re cold, just tell me next time.”
•Buys you hand warmers next time you’re at the store.
•Ok so you all know this boy is TICKLISH.
•He jumps away from you so fast.
•”You’Re frEezinG y/N.”
•Like Heeseung, he’ll warm up your hands by rubbing them with his.
•”Layla needs to come here and warm you up.”
•Pulls your hands off of him.
•He’s kind of mad tbh.
•”Stop it.”
•You think you made him upset at first but then he pulls you into a hug.
•”You don’t have to put your frozen hands on me to let me know you’re cold.”
•He almost screams.
•He pouts.
•But he still gives you his jacket so you can put your hands in the pockets.
•Once your hands warm up a little he’ll hold your hand.
•The most unfazed.
•”Why are you putting your cold hands on my tummy?”
•He lets you keep them there if want.
•He really likes it when you back hug him and warm your hands up on his belly.
•Winces and pulls your hands off.
•”Why are you so cold?”
•He’s so extra about warming you up😂
•Blankets, hoodies and scarves to the point that you’re sweating.
•He pouts when you tell him to stop.
•”I’m just keeping you warm y/n 🫤.”
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serafilms · 8 months
just some of my fav content that kpop (boy) groups have put out (very specific!!!)
i spend many an hour on it (like actually just one hour) because i don’t want to work on my wips!!!
nct 127 hit the states: haechan x dallas
HAECHAN SILVER HAIR HAECHAN SILVER HAIR i will never shut up. this and purple and we go up brown/rainbow are his best looks idgaf. they’re just soo cute here and having so much fun and i can’t even believe how fun it looks :(( i wanna have a day like this
nct 127 hit the states: mark x vancouver
such a beautiful scenery and seeing mark be so happy in his hometown w the rest of 127 is so cute. taeil and jungwoo are so funny here too
boynextdoor pretty u cover
SLAYED! nothing more to say. i love bnd performances they ate down period.
beomgyu kids’ café on workman
the editing is so funny in this video PLS and the way the little girls all hated him but the boys were obsessed with him 😭 the café staff are so fun and nice too 👍 i love beomgyu sm
nct dream candy mv
no explanation required. once you candy you never stop candying. the cutest music video EVER i love it so much. nct dream mv’s always EAT. hello future, we go up, chewing gum, go, life is still going on (track video but still cute), hot sauce
txt lo$er=lover office attack version
so creative and fun and they look so good 😋
nct dream rooftop fight
so glad they actually did this bc i was waiting for it for so long 😭 they hyped it up for so many years did NOT disappoint. nct will never not be funny.
stray kids fancy cover
boynextdoor funnextdoor
i’m actually in the process of watching it rn but i’m actually so amazed at how genuine and funny they are?? usually a lot of groups (excluding survival show groups) take a while to warm up to the cameras and talk to them and be natural around them and their members in front of them, but you can really tell how comfortable bnd are with each other and even though they’re warming up the the cameras, they’re so cute about it and so natural and outgoing that it’s not awkward at all and so fun to watch! and on that note….
boynextdoor what? door!
they’re so funny omg also bc why are hybe editors so slay?? will never stop promoting bnd (+zb1!!! love riize too but they have sufficient hype tbh i need bnd appreciation!! 5th gen boy groups let’s gooooo)
zerobaseone zbtv
ok so this list actually isn’t specific anymore but can u blame me. they’re so funny in all of the episodes how am i to choose just one. zb1 are quite literally one of the absolute funniest groups I’ve ever seen. love them sm PLEASE stan before they disband 😞
eunchae star diary with sunghoon and heeseung
EUNCHAE !!!!! she’s so cute i love eunchae star diary 😭 this was more awkward than the jake ni-ki one tbh but it was really cute too 👍 and the way sunghoon kept trying to weasel out the tea from her like leave that girl alone hoon 😭😭
honourable mentions to the kyujin and hiyyih episodes too!! bc it’s so fun to see eunchae with her friends
en o’clock episode 12
the one where they did like the high up line training course thing idk what it’s called and they were wearing camo print like military ish stuff idk man but it’s so funny and their early days r so cute
en o’clock episodes 32 and 33
the irl among us episodes 😭😭
boys planet jelly pop
MY GODDDDDD JELLY POP ZHANG HAO I LOVE U SM. i wish he liked women and was 4 years younger and went to my uni. i purchased many zhang hao pc’s recently. jelly pop my #7 most played song in spotify. i watched it too many times. saved so many edits. ilysm king.
txt idol human theatre when they went to that house
the way the managers lifted taehyun out of the pool gets me every single time 😭😭😭
txt idol human theatre during blue hour era
my fav idol human theatre episode EVER. so funny and i love blue hour era sm‼️
stray kids family 3rd anniversary
skz with wigs will never not be iconic. and why did jeongin and felix lowkey devour acting elderly like???
to do x txt flying yoga episode 83
i love this episode so much actually omfg PLEASEE they’re so funny 😭 kpop idols doing any kind of strenuous movement exercise is my favourite content ever
to do x txt self defense episode 104
this one is CRIMINALLY underrated actually. wdym both parts don’t have 1 million views at least? can’t tell you how many times i had to rewind bc i was enjoying it so much 🫶🫶 i have plans to rewatch this soon so i also can learn some self defense moves.
run bts episode 55
this whole trip starts from ep 53 but them slapping each other’s asses and trying not to laugh is one of the funniest things i’ve ever watched actually,, this was one of the first run bts vids i watched on vlive and it brings me back when i see clips of it 😢
the nct show (nct 2020 but in 2022)
i love LOVE when nct all gets together :( nct 2018 and nct world 2.0 !!!! everything happens for a reason and sungchan and shotaro belong in riize but this video is so fun and they’re all so cute together!! field day episodes!!!!!! this and hybe game caterers fr
007” 00” the nct show
same as previous with extra emphasis on I LOVE THE 00 LINE HOKY FUCK. yangyang ❤️❤️❤️ i need to watch more wayv content i miss him
upper side dreamin’ halloween version behind the scenes
sunoo dancing to mama at the end is peak editing. enha vs ghosts let’s go!!! they’re all so cute and funny in this 🥳🥳 the way ni-ki abandoned the camera man bye 😭
txt magic island mv
words cannot express how much i miss the dream chapter: magic era. how i wish i could find a song that makes me feel the way run away and magic island do. the things i’d do to listen to that album for the first time omfg!!!! anyways this mv and the run away mv make me so emotional like 😭😭😭 also old bts txt lore used to be so confusing to me like i would spend soo so long trying to figure it out
anyways that’s it bc youtube search and sorting history filters are ass so i can’t find many more but i hope at least 1 person finds a new video to watch from this.
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floralbeautysweet · 2 months
Krystal Bailey in Craig of the Creek style
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الأمس رسمت كريستال بيلي، الفتاة الأمريكية الأفريقية المراهقة من رينيو هاي بأسلوب الفني كريغ من الجدول. إنها جميلة جداً!
ظهرت كريستال لأول مرة في الموسم الأول الحلقة 13: شوتيتغ ستار، التي بُثت في 19 مارس 2021، رئيسة تحرير مجلة رينبو هاي الرسمية التي تصدرت الغلاف الأمامي للمجلة الرسمية للقطة رينبو هاي التي تمنح الفتيات مقالاً خاصاً وغلافاً أمامياً.
Dün Rainbow High'dan genç bir Afro-Amerikan kız olan Krystal Bailey'i Craig'in Krallığı resmi tarzında çizdim. O kadar güzel ki!
Krystal ilk kez 19 Mart 2021'de yayınlanan Sezon 1 Bölüm 13: Parlayan Yıldız'da Rainbow High'ın resmi kedi dergisinin baş editörü olarak kızlara özel bir özellik ve ön kapak verdi.
Yesterday I drew Krystal Bailey, the teenage African-American girl from Rainbow High in Craig of the Creek art style. She’s so beautiful!
Krystal made her first appearance in Season 1 Episode 13: Shining Star, which aired in March 19th, 2021, editor-in-chief of the scene of Rainbow High’s Official Magazine giving of girls a feature article and the front cover, Who’s gonna get the spot.
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
Posted Cards Master List - 45.0
March 2023, 1st thru 20th
Dragonlark Pairen
Duel Tower
Earth Chant
Eda the Sun Magician
Evil★Twin’s Trouble Sunny
Expendable Dai
Fairy Archer Ingunar
Flip Frozen
Floowandereeze and the Dreaming Town
Floowandereeze and the Scary Sea
Floowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds
Flying Red Carp
Gaiarmor Dragonshell
Garden Rose Flora
Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill
Giant Beetrooper Invincible Atlas
Gizmek Arakami, the Hailbringer Hog
Gizmek Inaba, the Hopping Hare of Hakuto
Gizmek Naganaki, the Sunrise Signaler
Gizmek Taniguku, the Immobile Intellect
Glacier Aqua Madoor
Greater Polymerization
Guitar Gurnards Duonigis
Gunkan Suship Daily Special
Gunkan Suship Ikura
Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought
Gunkan Suship Shari
Gunkan Suship Shirauo
Gunkan Suship Shirauo-class Carrier
Gunkan Suship Uni
Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought
Gunkan Sushipyard Seaside Supper Spot
Heavenly Zephyr - Miradora
Heavy Beetrooper Mighty Neptune
Heritage of the Light
Hidden Springs of the Far East
High Ritual Art
Icy Breeze Refrain
Laundry Trap
Link Apple
Link into the VRAINS!
Live☆Twin Ki-sikil Frost
Live☆Twin Lil-la Treat
Live☆Twin Sunny’s Snitch
Lord of the Heavenly Prison
Machina Ruinforce
Machina Unclaspare
Magical Cylinders
Magikey Fiend - Transfurlmine
Magikey Locking
Magikey Spirit - Vepartu
Maginificent Magikey Mafteal
Maha Vailo, Light of the Heavens
Majestic Absorption
Majestic Mirage
Master's Diploman
Materiactor Gigaboros
Materiactor Gigadra
Mimicking Man-Eater Bug
Monster Assortment
Nibiru, the Primal Being
Night Sword Serpent
Paleozoic Cambroraster
Parametalfoes Fusion
Pendulum Treasure
Pharaonic Guardian Sphinx
Pot of Prosperity
Proof of Pruflas
Psychic Eraser Laser
Radiant Vouirescence
Rainbow Bridge of Salvation
Rank-Up-Magic Zexal Force
Ready Fusion
Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon
Reinforcement of the Army's Troops
Rilliona, the Wondrous Magistus Witch Wardrobe
Rokket Caliber
Roxrose Dragon
Ruddy Rose Dragon
Ruddy Rose Witch
Sacred Scrolls of the Gizmek Legend
Sacred Tree Beast, Hyperyton
Scrap Raptor
Shinobi Insect Hagakuremino
Slower Swallow
Small World
Soul Energy MAX!!!
Sprite's Blessing
Stained Glass of Light & Dark
Star Mine
Stardust Illumination
Stardust Synchron
Stardust Trail
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kuwdora · 1 year
heroics and guitar breaks Geralt/Jaskier Teen ~1300w modern with magic AU fluff and humor, age difference written for witcher flashfic challenge #75 for a nice rainbow prompt. I have have a few other silly ideas for this AU that hopefully I'll get around to, but in the meantime here is my soft flirty opening.
“I’m going to do it hard and fast,” Geralt said.
Jaskier mindlessly swiped through his phone. “Uh-huh,” he said, and he idly fingered the small hole in Priscilla’s rainbow’s leggings where she was pressed against him on the couch.
Keira barked out a laugh and Lambert snorted. Jaskier stopped swiping, his mind backtracking. He looked up sharply and wheezed in laughter when he registered what Geralt had said.
Geralt was facing the television, his shoulders squared and guitar strap arcing down his back. He had the perfect stance for Guitar Hero Revival. It looked eerily similar to one of his sword stances. Jaskier snapped a quick photo of Geralt’s ass.
He hadn’t realized Geralt had stepped up to do the track, his mind ambling back and forth as he made the adjustment to being back in town again. After Jaskier’s three-month tour across the Continent as part of his duties as Redania’s Poet Laureate, he was exhausted, but still excited to finally be back.
The day had been long, but started out brilliantly. Boozy brunch with Geralt and Shani, followed by meeting up Keira and Lambert downtown for the Pride parade, and everyone making their way to Priscilla’s flat afterwards. She had been conveniently located near the parade route, and she had a stocked liquor cabinet, snacks, a clean bathroom, and a flat screen TV. It was heavenly.
Jaskier scanned the song Geralt had queued. Bodyrocker’s I Like The Way. Tempo sped up by 4 times, adjusted to the hard difficulty setting. Geralt would run through the track so effortlessly. It was entirely rude how good Geralt was at video games, even after a lifetime of ambivalence. The man was better at pattern recognition than anyone Jaskier had ever met. Ciri had introduced him to Stardew Valley back in the day, and apparently Priscilla had also been feeding him a steady diet of old, text-based narrative games that Geralt had grown fond of, which Jaskier had insisted Geralt narrate for him during their idle times on the road.
But right now Geralt was about take the next high score by storm and Jaskier didn’t find himself upset at being outclassed with this kind of musical performance.
“Fast and hard, huh? Promises, promises,” he hummed.
“The song,” Geralt said deadpan, and the delivery made Jaskier flush uncontrollably.
“Keep it in your pants,” Lambert grumbled.
“I wouldn’t mind a show,” Keira said and took another drink from her champagne flute.
“It is why we’re here,” Priscilla said.
“You could pretend to stop hitting on my brother while I’m here you know,” Lambert said.
“You’re just sad Aiden’s late,” Keira said, cupping Lambert’s face roughly and kissed him on the nose.
“Wait, wait, you can’t start yet,” Jaskier said and got up from the couch.
“What?” Geralt asked, looking over his shoulder.
“You have to take off your shirt,” Jaskier said.
“Excellent idea,” Keira chimed in quickly.
Geralt rolled his eyes, but the corner of his mouth pulled upward with the hint of smile. Jaskier preened. He loved nothing more than showing Geralt off, so even with the small gathering like this with Priscilla and Keira at hand, Jaskier launched at the chance to play. He mimed removing his shirt and Geralt raised a snowy brow.
“It’ll bring you closer to the music,” Jaskier said.
“It’s true, it helps channel your inner rockstar,” Priscilla agreed.
“He can already do this song with his eyes closed,” Lambert said.
Jaskier flapped a dismissive hand and went to hold the guitar while Geralt removed his shirt. Priscilla whistled and Keira clapped.
“I’m going to get another beer,” Lambert said.
“You’re up next. I’m picking your song,” Keira said.
“Don’t pick any of that boyband shit,” Lambert said and Keira blew him a kiss.
Geralt traded his shirt for the guitar and Jaskier drank in the sight: Geralt’s chest and back deeply was scarred from beasts that Geralt had earned from hunting and ethically rescuing monsters over the years. Geralt’s white hair was pulled back loosely, and he hadn’t put enough sunscreen on that day because he cheeks were pink, adding depth to the age lines across his face. Geralt’s eyebrow hairs had started getting ridiculously long. Jaskier swiped a thumb across Geralt’s right eyebrow.
“Do you want to do sound check while you’re at it?” Geralt asked in a quiet, teasing rumble that made Jaskier’s heart twist.
Time was a funny thing. How had he only been fucking Geralt for 4 years, when he’d spent the better part of the last 15 chasing after the old witcher, sleeping in camper vans and slumming it across the Continent while Geralt worked through his contracts. Jaskier had known so little back then. Before he knew any better, witchers were villains from that old Herakles knock-off series that he used obsessively watch with his sisters. And after that day in the pub in Posada, listening to Geralt break down every single way Jaskier had been wrong about his song, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Geralt was an actual, real-life witcher. Sure Geralt wasn’t pumped full of mutagens, but the potions were real. So were his fighting skills, and his encyclopedia knowledge of monsters and curses.
These days Geralt looked every bit of a man in his late 60s, weathered by his trade and age. His tits sagged and the crevasses of lines grew deeper every year around his neck—and thankfully, Yennefer kept Geralt amply moisturized—but Geralt was still fit enough to take on a wyvern. Still intoxicating to watch. Geralt was more capable and honest than anyone Jaskier had ever met. Didn’t even matter that the man was more than twice Jaskier’s age. Geralt was witty and competent, and comfortable in what he liked, and what he needed. Jaskier admired how Geralt found ways to help people.
There was nothing in the world that made Jaskier’s heart sing when Geralt teased him.
Or when he laid his steady hands on Jaskier’s hips, pulling Jaskier into his lap. Geralt’s mouth was—
“Careful, you’re going to fuck him to death one of these days,” Keira said, a note of wistfulness in her voice.
“He’s already got his hip and knee replaced, he can take it,” Jaskier said without breaking his gaze. Geralt stared back, warm and fond.
“Remember,” Jaskier said and he stepped close, needlessly adjusting the guitar strap on Geralt’s bare shoulder and slowly tracing the guitar strap all the way down his back, “hard and fast. You get a perfect score.”
He pulled Geralt's hair free of the hair-tie and fluffed it until he was suitably disheveled.
“Promises,” Geralt murmured, low enough for Jaskier to hear the hunger in it. Oh, Jaskier was going to have a good night.
“Promises,” Jaskier repeated, the amusement and heat sitting heavy in his chest. He licked his lips and plopped down in the armchair instead of the couch. It gave him a better view of Geralt. Jaskier didn’t need to see the TV. Geralt would demolish the notes in perfect digital harmony and still carry on the flirty conversation with Keira and Priscilla. When Geralt had spent the better part of 50 years wrangling near-extinct monster species into safety, downing poisons and dodging claws larger than Jaskier’s head, Geralt using his reflexes to breeze through Guitar Hero was nothing.
The song began and Jaskier never wanted it to end.
Geralt’s fingers moved smoothly across the buttons and Jaskier loved the way Geralt physically leaned into the chorus. He actually looked like he was enjoying himself, his lips moving--not to the lyrics of the song, but he was keeping count of the beat. Geralt showed off even further, turning 180 degrees to play a few bars with his back facing the TV, earning him another set of whoops from Keira and Priscilla, with Lambert throwing popcorn at his brother. Jaskier didn’t even know when Geralt had time to memorize the song, unless he’d picked up a copy of the game while Jaskier was on tour.
He lost himself to the minute shift of Geralt’s hips and watched Geralt’s lazy smile broaden when he turned around again to face the TV, finishing out the last verse and chorus.
When the song was done, Geralt inclined his head at Jaskier an was clearly holding back a smile. “Any notes?”
Jaskier grinned.
also on ao3
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princemick · 2 years
sewis + nail polish :3
Lewis has always loved Seb's hands, someone on twitter once called them paws and another called them what was it 'aerodynamic' Lewis's doesn't remember exactly but he knows that he loves how they fit into his, how his one hand can cover both of his, how Seb plays with Lewis's fingers as they lay on the couch on sn off day, Rosco between them.
'can I paint your nails Seb?' he asks one night, its quiet and Pretty Woman is playing in the background Seb looks at him, head on Lewis's chest, laying between his legs, his eyes are so big and wide from this high up perspective, still so young, if you only saw his eyes you couldn't guess his age 'what colour?' Seb's lip quirks a little 'purple?' Lewis smiles and leans down, plants a soft kis right at Seb's hairline.
'purple would look pretty, I was thinking yellow maybe, or green' Seb smiles again even wider, eyes shining even brighter 'yeah those would be nice to, oh we could do rainbow too' his eyes sparkle as they leave Lewis's sight, Seb grabs for his phone, google is open with a nailpolish site open within seconds, Lewis points towards it 'oh I like that colour'
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Tyler Tae-Yang Lee (he/him)
Also Known As: Lee Taeyang, Tyler Lee, TY
Everyone who knows Tyler says he was practically born to be famous.
He is the son of Korean-Canadian actress Vivianne Ki-Sun Lee (who got her first big break in Del Sol in an Uncle Kaz film) and Japanese celebrity chef & television personality Toshiro Ichihara. He’s a member of the all-boy idol group Neon World Rainbow, but all the members are currently taking a break from performing together either to have more personal time or to pursue individual projects.
Tyler has just released his first album as a solo artist, performing under the stage name TY (and his fans are speculating whether this is short for Tyler or if it's the initials of his Korean name, Tae-Yang). Although music is Tyler's passion and his main career, he's also done some modelling and has made small forays into acting. He thinks he'd like to pursue acting a bit more seriously in future.
Tyler is an only child. He was unplanned and his father teasingly refers to him as "the happy accident". Both his parents adore him, and despite the fact that they never married and were in more of an on-again, off-again situationship than a relationship for several years, they did their best to co-parent. Tyler's mother was his primary caregiver, but he spent lots of time with his father growing up. Because Vivianne and Toshiro are friends, they decided they didn't need the courts to make a custody and access order. They shared custody as fairly as they could when Tyler was little, and then when he got older, he went back and forth between his parents' houses whenever he wanted. If anyone were to ask him, Tyler would say he's well-adjusted and had a happy, fun and very privileged childhood growing up in Del Sol Valley.
Tyler speaks four languages; English, Korean, Japanese and French. He's less fluent in French than in the other three, but he knows enough to have a fairly coherent conversation with any French-speaker he might meet.
He considers himself to be pansexual. He sees people as people, and doesn't put too much emphasis on gender or biological sex, preferring instead to judge people on their character and personality rather than on whatever label they may have. He does have his preferences, but he likes to keep an open mind and be receptive to any potential options. So far, he hasn't been particularly lucky in love, but there's still time. He's only twenty-six, after all.
Aside from performing, Tyler enjoys going home to Del Sol and spending time on the beach whenever he can, swimming and free-diving. He also enjoys going out dancing. Thanks to plenty of lessons from his father, he's a better than average cook, and likes to make meals to share with his friends.
His other favourite thing to do is shopping. He can spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes, shoes, jewelry and beauty products. He always wants to look as beautiful as possible, and for him, self-care isn't just exercising, eating healthy and getting lots of rest. He has an elaborate self-care routine at home, and don't even think of getting between this man and his regularly-scheduled spa days. ("Yes, I am high-maintenance, but I think you've got to be.")
His latest endeavour is to learn how to ride. And because he doesn't do anything by half-measures, he hasn't just bought a horse. He's bought a whole piece of land and a summer home as well.
Wait until he finds out that the experience is nothing like it looks on TV
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asbestieos · 2 years
Do you have any stuffed animals other then the nuis? I want to know for government reasons. /j
(In all seriousness I just like stuffed animals and I like talking about them)
OHOHO i have a few.. ill go through them in order from newest to oldest!!! ill put them under a readmore though because there are a few images and the post is very long otherwise!
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first we have MOBBU!! (ignore the bootleg wataeis!!) i got him about a month go on a shopping trip with my sister and her middle school bestie! i know hes not an animal but im mentioning him becos he my sweet <3
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next we have max plushie! max is from the Sam and Max franchise! hes basically a Vague Rabbit Creature. hes also canonically gay and in feral rabid love with his partner in detective and vigilante crimes, Sam! currently hes in desperate need of a bath. but really i think hes happy like this.. dirty and disgusting.
(i really should put him in the warsh though since i cuddled him constantly while sick with sinus infection weheh)
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next are these assorted kirbys + gengar! theyre from last year on hot topic trips with my beloved sister! i originally bought them for her but her bed over at her dorm isnt big enough to accommodate all of them so theyre for me for now >:33 peep tatsun pasha and my.. disassembled shelves GDHBDND
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good mention! the amongus plushie my bestie coworkers got for me! 🥹 i have really sweet memories associated with this one.. i started my job back in april 2022 and i was so girlslay, i was awarded partner of the quarter in i think.. july? august? i dont quite remember but it was during that very summer!! and my bestie coworkers bought this for me as a gift!!
its part of a inside joke bc when i was first hired, i would draw amonguses on all of our storage boxes in the back for funsies and write sweet notes to next people on shift dbdjfj.. i still remember the amongus rainbow we drew!!! omgg!! basically i drew an amongus on a blank order sticker and stuck it to the back of our front register self and colored it red i think? and over the next few days, my coworkers added their own amonguses and colored them to make a rainbow!! it was so so sweet and cute and made me fall in love with my job even more!!
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next we have.. Samhain!!! hes from when my coworkers took me out shopping at a local mall during halloween season! i saw him and immediately wanted to get him becos i love love love Trick R Treat and i love sammy. hes an animal technically. a creature. hes my sweet and i love him more than anything!!!!! <- ki dropped him into a puddle when ki took him with kiss during halloween trick or treating
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pikachu!!! this is from i think high school actually! maybe from a hot topic trip? as you can see her ears have flopped over and lost their stuffing and her arms are on the way.. hut its ok i still love her <3 also doubles as a backpack
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and finally!!! my oldest surviving stuffed animal, from my childhood, huge hello kitty plush!!!! she actually used to have a long black sharpie marker line going down her face on her left eye i think? my mom bleached and scrubbed it off her last year so shes super cute and comfy and happy now ^_^ shes also firm so sometimes i use her as a back rest whenever im sitting on my bed
teehe!! sorry for the ramblings and super long post! i had more but most of them were given away / donated sadly including my beloved beanie babies </3 wormy the inch worm you will always be in my heart.. but thank you for asking weheh i had fun reminiscing!!!!
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angelcloudki · 2 years
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~ These photos came out cute! ~
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agentcable · 9 months
Taxi Driver 2 Ep. 16
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Do-Ki enters Jangsan Correctional as an undercover prisoner. He fights through all the traps that Ha-Joon has set for him and saves Lee Si-Wan. Ha-Joon discovers his true identity and the Bishop's actions towards him since childhood.
Season 2 Episode 16 "They Lend It To Us, Right?"
The series is based on real-life heinous crimes committed in Korea and has received praise from viewers for its performances and storylines.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Episode 16 "They Lend It To Us, Right?"
The guards intervened before Ha-Joon could pull the trigger, claiming that it was the Bishop's orders. As a result of his misbehaviour, Ha-Joon was taken away and punished by being locked up in a solitary cell next to Do-Ki's. Meanwhile, Lee Si-Wan managed to escape and testify in court, causing significant damage to the organization.
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Do-Ki contacts Go-Eun and reveals his plan to stay in prison. He believes it's the Bishop's main base of operations. The Rainbow Taxi team is enlisted to take down the Bishop's business. Kyung-Koo and Jin-Eon steal high-value relics. Go-Eun obtains a client list from a finance company.
Upon learning of his failed business, the Bishop orders the guards to bring Do-Ki to the church. The Bishop's smile belies the gravity of his words. there, he calmly addresses him, warning that any attempt to escape will result in being shot by the warden's bullet. The Bishop reminds Do-Ki that his mother's life ended in vain and advises him not to follow the same path. Do-Ki's expression changes immediately at the mention of his mother, causing his face to flush with anger. Despite being tied up, he attempts to rush towards the Bishop. Suddenly, the Bishop surprises everyone by blowing a whistle, which sounds like a kettle whistling. The sound causes Do-Ki to fall to the ground and feel unbearable pain in his heart. Do-Ki is no longer the same.
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The Bishop's minions have also captured Go-Eun, Kyung-Koo and Jin-Eon. However, Sung-Chul, an unexpected visitor, arrives at the prison. This encounter provides Sung-Chul with an opportunity to reveal the truth that has been hidden from Ha-Joon his whole life. Ha-Joon learns that he is not an orphan abandoned by his parents, as he had always believed. The Bishop had actually tricked him into unknowingly killing his own father, who was, in fact, his biological father. This revelation leaves Ha-Joon shocked and confused. Sung-Chul later contacts Kim So-Yeon, a woman who helps him rescue the Rainbow Taxi members. They are all safely extracted.
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During the final showdown, the Bishop offers Ha-Joon a final opportunity to redeem himself by engaging in a duel with Do-Ki. Ultimately, Do-Ki emerges victorious. However, the Bishop considers Ha-Joon a "weak bastard" and points his gun at him. To everyone's surprise, Ha-Joon takes matters into his own hands and charges towards the Bishop. Despite being shot at multiple times, Ha-Joon's determination drives him forward, and he leaps towards the Bishop. The two individuals fell off the roof and hit the ground, causing their deaths. Finally, the battle has come to an end.
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A year later, on December 8, 2023, Do-Ki joined the army after a female soldier was sexually harassed and driven to suicide. The army attempted to cover up the incident, prompting Do-Ki to take matters into his own hands. Meanwhile, Go-Eun and the Rainbow Taxi team continued their mission of seeking justice, even in cases where the legal system fails.
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The Rainbow Taxi and Kim Do-Ki will be there to provide justice where the law fails.
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goddessgardener · 10 months
Favorite Fall Foliage
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” Albert Camus
After a dry and hot summer, I look forward to the warm days and cooler nights of autumn. Mostly, I get excited about the changing of the guard whereby the leaves on my many deciduous trees turn into a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors mimicking a glorious sunset.
This is the time of year when I want to decorate with orange, yellow, crimson, burgundy, and gold. Because of a combination of weather conditions, chemical processes, individual genetic traits, and physiological changes, trees change their colors. When the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, trees reduce the production of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the green pigment that is responsible for photosynthesis and in the fall, it breaks down and disappears from the leaves allowing other colors to surge to prominence. The yellow and orange hues that we see in leaves in autumn are always present but masked by the dominant green. When the chlorophyll disappears, the sunset or sunrise colors emerge.
Some trees, specifically maples and oaks, produce anthocyanin pigments. These pigments create blue, purple, and red in the leaves. As consumers, we are familiar with anthocyanins when we “eat the rainbow”, enjoying the antioxidant properties of berries, grapes, cherries, plums, pomegranates, red cabbage, eggplant, black beans, and of course, wine!
Species of trees that showcase a colorful changing of the guard in fall include Japanese Maple, Sugar Maple, Ginkgo Biloba, Red Oak, Liquidambar, Aspen, Crapemyrtle, Dogwood, Black Tupelo, Chinese Pistache, Sumac, Honeylocust, Hickory, and Beech. Several of these species grow in my garden, and by Thanksgiving they will have changed into their wondrous wardrobes before the branches shed their leaves for winter.
This year I joined the ranks of tourists who are dubbed “leaf peepers” because I traveled to the Great Lakes and Canada to witness the spectacular fall foliage displays. Of all the trees I admired, it was the glorious sugar maples that won my heart as they flaunted their brilliant yellow, red, orange, and burgundy leaves. Sugar maples boast an added benefit. The sap can be tapped and boiled to make a rich and delicious maple syrup. At the home of my cousin, Donnie, and his wife, I sampled two versions of this delectable syrup that they made from their backyard sugar maple tree. Holes in the tree trunk were a testament to the tapping. The sap must be boiled down to the correct consistency and the process is time-consuming. The syrup will be light, medium, or very dark depending on what month the harvesting is done. The flavors vary with the darkest syrup being the richest and most dense.
The vibrant colors of autumn are not only experienced in the changing of the leaves, but also in containers and beds planted with mums, dahlias, cannas, marigolds, petunias, roses, phlox, calibrachoas, salvias, sages, verbenas, impatiens, and coleus. 
It’s easy to design a beautiful combination by tucking several different species into a container filled with potting soil, allowing calibrachoas, verbenas, and petunias to spill over the sides.
As I wander my garden, I anticipate that every leaf will become a flower bursting with burgundy, maroon, bronze, gold, red, yellow, and orange. The color guard of autumn is majestic and worth the wait. Be a leaf peeper!
Happy Gardening! Happy Growing. Happy Thanksgiving!
Cynthia Brian’s Gardening Guide for November
ADD your carved pumpkins to your compost pile as it is high in nitrogen. Or break the pumpkins into pieces to feed the wildlife.
DEADHEAD perennials and roses to extend the blooming season.
RESEARCH the best spots to experience the changing of the color guard. Hike, bike, or drive to photograph the fall foliage.
SCATTER wildflower seeds for a surprise spring showcase.
DIVIDE perennials including dahlias, iris, and daylilies.
PLANT dark leafy greens such as kale, chard, and arugula in containers near the kitchen for easy harvesting.
FERTILIZE your entire landscape. For maximum absorption, fertilize immediately before it rains.
CHECK the stability of your trees. Contact a professional arborist to help with limb pruning.
BUY brilliant fall foliage trees and shrubs now at your local nursery so you’ll know what colors to expect when they are planted in your garden.
CONTINUE planting spring-blooming bulbs.
CREATE a cornucopia of fall colors in a basket with cut roses, dahlias, and tentacles of euphorbia
SOW cover crops such as clover, mustard, peas, brassicas, and alfalfa to enrich and protect the soil as well as suppress weeds and feed the birds.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: Be the Star You Are!® charity volunteers will once again collaborate for the Santa Day at 5A, December 2nd from 11am-2pm, 455 Moraga Rd. #F, Moraga. FREE crafts, holiday treats, plus a photo with Santa and his elf! More info: https://www.bethestaryouare.org/copy-of-events
For more gardening advice for all seasons, check out Growing with the Goddess Gardenerat https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/books. 
Raised in the vineyards of Napa County, Cynthia Brian is a New York Times best-selling author, actor, radio personality, speaker, media and writing coach as well as the Founder and Executive Director of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3. Tune into Cynthia’s StarStyle® Radio Broadcast at www.StarStyleRadio.com. Her newest children’s picture book, Family Forever,from the series, Stella Bella’s Barnyard Adventures is available now at https://www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store.
Hire Cynthia for writing projects, garden consults, and inspirational lectures. [email protected]  
 READ at Lamorinda Weekly: https://lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1719/Digging-Deep-with-Goddess-Gardener-Cynthia-Brian-Changing-color-guard.html
©2023 Cynthia Brian, StarStyle® Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved for Text and Photos.
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sb-sratss-obsession · 2 years
SWB-SRaTSS Music: Robot Anime Encyclopedia Volume 1
ROBOT ANIME TAIKAN JŌKAN [ロボットアニメ大鑑 上巻 “Robot Anime Encyclopedia Volume 1″]
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Label: King Record
Record number: KICA-3104
Released: Nov 26, 2009
Track Listing:
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Disc: 1
Groizer X [グロイザーX “Groizer X”]
01 Tobe! Groizer X [飛べ!グロイザーX “Fly! Groizer X”] 02 Go go Groizer X [ゴーゴー・グロイザーX “Go go Groizer X”]
Uchū senshi Baldios [宇宙戦士バルディオス “Space Warrior Baldios”]
03 Ashita ni Ikiro Baldios [あしたに生きろバルディオス “Live Tomorrow Baldios”] 04 Marin, inochi no tabi [マリン、いのちの旅 “Marin, Journey of Life”] 05 Tate! Baldios [立て!バルディオス “Stand up! Baldios0”] 06 Hoshizora no Niji [星空の虹 “Starry Rainbow”]
Ai no senshi Rainbowman [愛の戦士レインボーマン “Warrior of Love Rainbowman”]
07 Ai no senshi Rainbowman [愛の戦士レインボーマン “Warrior of Love Rainbowman”] 08 Aitsu no namae wa Rainbowman [あいつの名前はレインボーマン “His Name is Rainbowman”]
Psycho Armor Govarian [サイコアーマー ゴーバリアン “Psycho Armor Govarian”]
09 Kodoku no tabiji ~ LONELY JOURNEY ~ [孤独の旅路~LONELY JOURNEY~ “Lonely Journey ~LONELY JOURNEY~”] 10 Lullaby [ララバイ “Lullaby”] 11 It’s LOVE ~ soreha-ai ~ [It’s LOVE~それは愛~ “It’s LOVE ~It’s Love~”] 12 Yūhi no omoi [夕陽の想い “Thoughts of the setting sun”]
Seijūshi Bismark [星銃士ビスマルク “Star Warrior Bismark”]
13 Fushigi CALL ME [不思議CALL ME “Mystery CALL ME”] 14 Yume Ginga [夢銀河 “Galaxy Dream”]
Yamato Takeru [ヤマトタケル “Yamato Takeru”]
15 Flower of Desert [Flower of Desert “Flower of Desert”] 16 Twilight Songs [Twilight Songs “Twilight Songs”] 17 FLY HIGH [FLY HIGH “FLY HIGH”] 18 Far away -kimi to- [Far away-君と- “Far away -with you-”]
Disc: 2
Tetsujin 28-gō (Shin) [鉄人28号(新) “Iron Man No. 28 (New)”]
01 Taiyō no shisha Tetsujin 28-gō) [太陽の使者 鉄人28号) “Iron Man No. 28, Messenger of the Sun”] 02 Kibō ni mukatte <Shōtarō no theme>) [希望に向かって<正太郎のテーマ>) “Toward Hope <Shōtarō’s Theme>)”] 03 Muteki no Tetsujin 28-gō no uta <Tetsujin 28-gō ōen uta>) [無敵の鉄人28号の歌<鉄人28号応援歌>) “Invincible Iron Man No. 28 Song <Iron Man No. 28 Support Song>)”]
Roku Shin Gattai God Mars [六神合体ゴッドマーズ “Six God Combination God Mars”]
04 Uchū no ōja! God Mars [宇宙の王者!ゴッドマーズ “King of the Universe! God Mars”] 05 Ai no kinjitō [愛の金字塔 “Monument of Love”] 06 17-sai no densetsu [17才の伝説 “17-year-old legend”] 07 Ginga ni Hitori [銀河に一人 “Alone in the Galaxy”] 08 Senshi no uta [戦士の詩 “Warrior’s Poem”] 09 Lullaby Mars [ララバイ・マーズ “Lullaby Mars”]
Chō dendō robot Tetsujin 28-gō FX [超電動ロボ 鉄人28号FX “Super Electric Robo Iron Man No. 28 FX”]
10 Future Hero [フューチャー・ヒーロー “Future Hero”] 11 Bokura wa bōken-sha [僕らは冒険者 “We are Adventurers”] 12 Future Hero <New Version> [フューチャー・ヒーロー <New Version> “Future Hero”] 13 Get Your Dream [Get Your Dream “Get Your Dream”]
Tetsujin 28-gō (2004-nendo-ban) [鉄人28号(2004年度版) “Iron Man No. 28 (2004 version)”]
14 Tetsujin 28-gō [鉄人28号 “Iron Man No. 28”] 15 Susume Shōtarō [進め正太郎 “Advance Shōtarō”]
Bonus Track [ボーナストラック “Bonus Track”]
Ryūsei-ki Gakusaber [流星機ガクセイバー “Meteor Plane Gakusaber”]
16 Kurenai no ryūsei-ki [紅の流星機 “Crimson Meteor Machine”] 17 Yozora no hoshi ga mite iru [夜空の星が見ている “Stars in the Night Sky Are Watching”]
This double cd is a collection of popular themes from robot anime. Among its songs it has “Seijūshi Bismark” opening and ending.
Something else that can be of interest seems to be that, if you collect all the 3 double cds, you'll be able to put together a poster with all the robots on it.
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artificialqueens · 2 years
🙋‍♀️🖤🤍💛🌸 Love Profusion, 1/2 (Adorney) - Veronica
A/N: So, I began writing this fic to fill the ”protest” prompt, but because it’s me, it got longer and longer and now it’s two parts and the protest is in the second part. It’s coming, though!!
The other challenge I gave myself was to use as many of the pride prompts as I could. This one has joy, parade, party, first kiss, and lust. Also I’m back to my beta whore roots, so I have to thank @m8existing @artificialcandycane @winterboxx and @petitmonde
Summary: Courtney loves pride. Here’s why.
For as far back as Courtney could remember, pride was one huge party. Even when she was a kid, tagging along with her brother to whatever family-friendly events existed at both Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras and Brisbane pride (and, a little older, when he would sneak her into the clubs to watch his drag shows), it was a day of celebration and fun and rainbows. 
People, especially her more radical friends, liked to talk shit in recent years about pride becoming too “corporate,” but there was something secretly enchanting to her about walking into Target and seeing huge rainbow flag displays. She didn’t like to say it out loud, because she knew she’d lose cool points, but it was true. The fact that business saw them as a group worthy of financial exploitation, just like every other demographic? It felt good. And a big change from how she remembered her childhood, when kids would snicker and spit out the word “gay” as an all-emcompassing insult—and just because it usually had nothing to do with being gay, not really, it still stung. When her grandmother would ask her brother if his boyfriend was his “special friend” and the woman her aunt had been living with for 25 years was referred to by everyone in the family as her “roommate.” Whatever switch had occurred in society to make “gay” go from something secret to a successful marketing strategy—-she may have had issues with capitalism, but that switch made her feel great. 
So Courtney loved pride and everything about it: the dancing, the music, the general air of joy and camaraderie and freedom. She had her first kiss with a girl at one of those first Mardi Gras celebrations: she was 17, marching in the parade with a group of people from Vanity’s club. Covered in glitter from head to toe, a little dizzy and tired from the blazing sun, sparkly rainbow tinsel woven into her hair, sweating off the makeup that Vanity had so carefully applied that morning. It was near the end when she’d spotted April: a girl in cutoffs and a cute asymmetrical haircut, who she was certain she recognized. After a few seconds, she realized why: April had gone to her high school, and had graduated a few years back. She’d been incredibly popular—Wing Attack of their senior netball team, and house captain. Despite Courtney being in that same house, she knew there was no chance that April would remember her. If she did, it couldn’t have been favorable—an awkward pre-orthodontic kid in year 9. Regardless, she’d taken a deep breath and approached, happy to step into some shade for even a few seconds even if it ended awkwardly. 
“Hi, you probably don’t remember me, but-” 
“Courtney, right?” 
“Yes!” Courtney exclaimed, unable to hide the utter thrill of being recognized by a girl so cool, so badass, so…well, sexy. April gave her a wry grin and then reached into a cooler, pulling out a peach iced tea and offering it to Courtney. 
“Here, you could probably use this,” she said, and Courtney reached forward gratefully to take the icy-cold bottle. 
“Thank you so much!” 
“Anytime, Courtney,” April told her with a wink, and then Courtney was overcome by an urge to kiss her. 
If it had been any other time, any other place, she’d probably have fought it. But this was Mardi Gras, and so…what the hell, right? She stepped forward, taking April’s face in her hands, hesitating for just half a second so that April had time to pull away. But instead, she grinned even more, tilting her head and letting Courtney plant a soft, quick kiss against her mouth. 
It felt like her heart might burst from the sheer joy and excitement of it all, but Courtney managed to contain her glee enough to rejoin Vanity, who hadn’t moved ahead terribly far at all. 
Another year at Brisbane pride, when she’d grown even bolder, she’d spent the whole night making out with a stranger on the dance floor of The Beat in the wee hours of the morning. She never did catch the girl’s name, but would think of her occasionally on particularly wistful nights, and send out loving energy for her into the universe. 
She’d even met her girlfriend at pride, a few years after she moved to LA. Somehow, she’d gotten separated from Bianca and Willam, but instead of stressing, she’d begun wandering around the festival, stopping at any booth that looked interesting…sampling food, taking pamphlets, signing petitions, just absorbing the love and good vibes and community spirit as best she could. 
Adore was sitting at a fairly plain-looking table, with a banner that read “Mermaid Trans Femme Youth Support Network.” Her hair was dyed pink and aqua, and she had the most mesmerizing eyes that Courtney had ever seen, ocean-blue, framed by stunning winged eyeliner and colorful shadows applied with a masterful hand. And the most kissably full lips, the matte lipstick that Courtney could never pull off an enticing cherry red.
When Courtney realized, from the amused expression on Adore’s face, that she’d been staring slack-jawed at her for way too long, her cheeks immediately reddened. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m a bit pissed and I think I just…uh…” 
“It’s cool. I’m half in the bag myself,” Adore giggled, holding up a flask emblazoned with the trans flag. “So…do you want a flier?” 
“Oh, um…I’m not trans,” Courtney said, then immediately winced, worried that she’d put her foot in her mouth. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I mean-”
“I’ll try not to hold it against you,” she joked. “But, no, I was just thinking…’cause my number is on the bottom.” 
“Oh,” Courtney blinked a few times. Oh. 
The grin that spread across her face must have been unmistakable, because Adore smiled back, adding, “Or, in about 20 minutes, my shift here’s ending. Maybe you wanna hang for awhile?” 
“Okay!” Courtney exclaimed, not bothering to hide her eagerness at all. At the time, she would blame it on the alcohol, but looking back, it was probably just Adore. 
Adore, who would quickly prove to be just as charming and funny as she was beautiful. They spent the afternoon wandering around, talking about anything and everything under the sun. They realized that they were both singers, both recording under different indie labels, and although their styles were extremely different, they had a lot of overlap in the music they loved. They’d almost crossed paths before, too, a couple of times, since they had a few friends in common: maybe had been at the same party or club together. 
When Courtney realized that she’d heard some of Adore’s music, and pulled out her phone to prove that she had in fact favorited one of her songs a few months ago, she noticed the flood of messages from Bianca and Willam. 
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, just…my friends are raging because I haven’t answered their texts,” she said. 
“Blame me,” Adore said, with a flutter of lashes, the shimmery makeup around her eyes catching the evening light in a way that felt literally magical. 
“I plan to,” Courtney laughed, scrolling to the bottom, reading only the last two messages before shooting off her own. 
WILLAM: Ur so rude. We goin to head to Ds without u
COURTNEY: I’m sorry! I met this girl and
COURTNEY: She’s just so amazing! I’m gonna come find you, where are you?
WILLAM: Palihouse but we’re leaving soon. Be outside the lobby ASAP
Courtney looked up at Adore and asked, “Wanna come to a house party in the hills? We have to book it though.”
“Hell yeah!” Adore said, “Lead the way!”
Courtney took Adore’s hand and the two of them hurried down Santa Monica, dodging people, at one point nearly body-slamming some strung-out gogo boys. Turned out, Bianca and Willam took longer to make their way out of the Palihouse than they’d intended, so they had plenty of time to collapse on the curb outside and catch their breath. 
By then, Courtney was pretty much head over heels, falling harder every time Adore opened her mouth to speak. They pretty much ignored everyone else at the party (which Bianca would take issue with the next day but ultimately understand), so while most of the guests congregated around the pool and in the hot tub, they instead found a relatively quiet balcony off her home gym, sitting with a couple of beers, sharing a joint (well, Courtney took a few puffs, anyway), the conversation flowing well into the night. 
It wasn’t until much later when Courtney started to stress internally—was Adore even into her? They'd spent most of the day together. They’d talking about everything, including sex and the most intimate details what they liked in bed—and maybe Courtney was going through an exceptionally slutty phase, but usually by this point in a romantic interaction, she’d be sound asleep after multiple orgasms. Were they actually gonna do anything, or just talk about it? 
As usual, her lack of poker face must have given everything away, because the next thing she knew, Adore put a warm hand on her arm and asked, “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah!” Courtney insisted. “Sorry. I’m just, um…” 
“Yeah?” Adore drew closer, her head tilted, the glimmering rhinestones on her face dull compared to her eyes in the moonlight. 
“I…I really…like you…” she breathed. God, she sounded like an absolute wanker. 
“I like you too,” Adore said, one corner of her mouth turned up in a smile, her hand still against Courtney’s skin, fingers moving gently, giving her a rush of goosebumps. 
“I kind of…want to mess up your lipstick,” Courtney said, trying to salvage some dignity, if that was even possible at this point. “If that’s chill.” 
“It’s totally chill,” Adore said, her long lashes fluttering. “I was kind of hoping for that all day.” 
“Oh.” Courtney bit her lip, suddenly shy. “Well, then…okay…here goes…” 
“Are you gonna narrate the whole time?” Adore teased, and Courtney tried to give her a cross look, but the giddiness she felt at being so close was taking over, not letting any negative emotions through. Her Look ended up just being the same dumb grin she’d had all day, but with her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Adore giggled, eyes still locked on hers, cherry lips parting slightly as Coutney closed the distance between them. 
She waited until the very last second to close her eyes, wanting to revel in her beautiful face for as long as possible. Her lips were exactly as velvety-soft and plush as they looked, and for a second Courtney thought she might literally swoon. 
What had begun soft and a bit tentative soon turned heated, tongues tangling together, both of them growing breathless. Adore’s fingers slid around Courtney’s waist, sending tingles all up and down her spine. When they finally parted, Courtney was panting, experiencing a high better than any drug. If Courtney wasn’t in love before that kiss, she was a goner now. 
By the look of the lipstick smeared over Adore’s face, she could bet that half of it was now on hers, and instead of being self-conscious about it, she felt a strange sense of pride. 
“Wow…” Adore sighed. 
“Yeah.” Courtney rested a forehead against hers, chest heaving. “You are so beautiful.” 
“Me? Have you looked in a mirror?” Adore asked, eyes shining. 
“Yeah, you,” Courtney repeated. “You’re like…a goddess.” 
“I…” Adore seemed all out of witty retorts, simply looking down as her cheeks darkened. 
“I’m serious.” Courtney tilted her chin up, placed another soft kiss against the corner of her mouth before adding, “Dead serious.” 
Adore leaned back in the lounge chair with a coy smirk, an impish look in her eyes. She still had one hand on Courtney’s waist, index finger hooking into her belt loop and pulling her closer. Courtney climbed on top of her, grinning like a loon, as she straddled her on her hands and knees. 
For a moment, as they gazed into each other’s eyes, it was like time stopped. The cute smile on Adore’s face faded, and she swallowed hard, then bit her lip. 
“Are you okay?” Courtney whispered. She lifted one hand to stroke Adore’s smooth round cheek. 
“Yeah. Just kind of…hoping I can live up to that last kiss.” 
“I guess we can try our best, right?” Courtney asked. 
Adore nodded, fingers digging a little deeper into Courtney’s waist. 
‘Live up to’ was an understatement—their second kiss was incredible. The way Adore held her, the way she whimpered softly when Courtney used her teeth to tug ever so gently on her bottom lip. The way her hips arched up, breathing growing ragged as her body molded against Courtney’s. Even the air, heady with flowers and the sounds of the party below, music drifting up to them in the breeze, made things more magical.  
Courtney was a little drunk and stoned, to be sure, but mostly she was high on Adore. Her taste, her scent, the softness of her skin, the rhythm of her hips—everything about her was utterly intoxicating. She stifled a broken moan as Adore’s hands slid up under her skirt, fingers kneading into her ass. 
She lost her wits rapidly, completely forgetting where she was as they panted into each others’ open mouths. When one of her hands moved across Adore’s breast, she made a sound—a desperate, broken moan that Courtney felt deep in her core, making her entire body tingle and ache. She circled the stiff nipple with her thumb, and Adore threw back her head, making that glorious sound again. Fuck.
“You like that, baby?” Courtney whispered, and Adore leveled a glassy-eyed gaze at her, eyes burning with lust, pupils fully dilated to the point where her blue eyes looked black. 
It was only one word, but it was enough to tell Courtney where the night might possibly be going, snapping her into sobriety for a second to ask, “Do you…want to go inside?” 
Darienne was cool, but even so, she would probably prefer that they not fuck in full sight of her neighbors. Adore nodded, chest heaving, each breath straining against the buttons on her top that Courtney couldn’t wait to tear open. 
If you asked Courtney later, even the next day, she would admit that she had no actual memory of how they managed to find Darienne’s guest room on the top floor, because she was pretty sure she didn’t know that room existed before that night. But necessity, as they say, is the mother of invention, and Courtney’s aching need for Adore’s bare skin against hers was bordering on life or death at that point. 
Once inside, they were like a couple of ravenous beasts, tearing each other’s clothes off before they even got to the bed. Courtney pushed Adore backwards by her hips, knocking her off balance as she toppled onto the bed, never letting go, taking Courtney with her. 
They rolled around breathlessly, getting tangled in the covers until Courtney had the wherewithal to shove them aside. Remembering her earlier response, Courtney kissed a wet trail down her jaw, neck and throat to her chest, then sucked a nipple into her mouth, her hand kneading Adore’s other tit gently as she writhed and moaned. 
“God, fuck, keep…keep doing that,” Adore panted out. 
“Mmm,” Courtney hummed, and Adore immediately let out another moan. 
“Courtney…fuck…” Adore’s hips were rolling furiously, her thighs clamped around Courtney’s narrow hips like a vice, both of them grinding like their lives depended on it. They still had their panties on, and it was becoming painfully obvious that the thin cotton barrier wasn’t doing much. Courtney’s had been soaked through for ages, and now that Adore’s cutoff shorts were flung aside, she found herself wanting to explore her even more, to discover every part of her beautiful body, sliding her hands down. “Wait-” 
Courtney stopped, looking up at her. “Are you alright?” 
“Yeah, I just, um…I probably can’t get hard right now, but-”
“Okay. Do you still want to-” 
“Yeah! I mean, yeah,” Adore panted. “Keep going. Please” 
Courtney continued to kiss down her chest and belly, hooking her fingers into the side of her panties. Even though Adore had told her earlier what she liked, and confirmed it just then, Courtney paused before sliding her panties down to ask, “Is this okay?” 
After a vigorous nod of consent, Courtney continued, sliding them down, finally seeing all of her. She ran her hands gently up Adore’s thighs before slowly taking her soft dick into her mouth, swirling her tongue around, watching her hands turn to fists as she clutched at the sheets. 
“Is this good?” Courtney murmured, and Adore arched and moaned, a strangled ‘yes’ just barely discernible. She hummed against her again, and the writhing in response gave her all the motivation she needed to keep going. She reached up to toy with her tits, alternating between licking and then gently sucking her dick until Adore came with a series of broken moans. Courtney pressed hot, wet kisses up her body until they were once again face to face. 
“Jesus Christ,” Adore said. 
“Wow, forgot my name already?” Courtney quipped, pretending to be offended, and Adore chuckled weakly, running a hand through her hair. 
“You fuckin’ nerd.”
Courtney giggled, snuggling up against her, face tucked into her neck, inhaling her scent as Adore traced lazy patterns on her sweaty naked back. Courtney almost didn’t notice when her hips began to move again, rutting against Adore’s thigh as if her body had a mind of its own. Adore noticed, though, a sleepy smile spreading across her face. 
“Let me help you,” Adore whispered, fingers teasing the edge of Courtney’s panties. 
“Yes,” Courtney nodded emphatically, raising her hips just enough to let Adore’s hand inside. 
“God, you’re so wet,” Adore breathed, and all Courtney could manage was a whimper of agreement as long, graceful fingers found her clit. 
She was already close, and it seemed like within seconds of Adore toying gently with her—first tapping lightly and then rubbing circles and figure eights—she was coming with a gasp, body shuddering with pleasure before every muscle turned to liquid. She melted against Adore’s body, trying to catch her breath. 
Her eyelids felt heavy as she searched for Adore’s lips in the dark room. They hadn’t bothered to turn on a light, and blackout shades effectively kept out the lights from the party downstairs. It was like a perfect little cocoon, nothing but body heat and shared breath. 
They must have dozed off, because the next thing Courtney knew, she was roused awake by Adore shifting away from her. She lifted her head and rubbed her eyes, immediately disturbed by the loss of her touch.
“Sorry, did I wake you?” Adore whispered. She was half out of the bed, legs swung over the side. 
“Where are you going?” Courtney asked, trying to keep the panic and disappointment out of her voice. They’d only known each other twelve hours, so she certainly had no right to be this clingy, this upset at the idea of Adore leaving her. She reached for anyway, though, adding a pathetic, “Don’t go.”
“No, I just…I haven’t had a cigarette all day and I kind of wanted…” Adore trailed off, looking at Courtney’s anxious face, eyes then drifting down to her outstretched arm. “Or…I guess I’ve been trying to quit anyway.” 
A happy grin spread across Courtney’s face as Adore crawled back towards her. 
(Months later, Adore would joke to their friends that Courtney “made” her quit smoking, which Courtney adamantly denied, explaining, “I just didn’t want you to leave…”) 
Courtney wrapped her arms around Adore’s warm body, nuzzling against her, thrilled to have her back. If she’d been more awake (and sober), she might have been concerned at how obsessed she was with this girl already. But since she was still rocking a healthy buzz, all she felt was contentment and happiness. 
“We do have to find another way to solve my whole oral fixation though,” Adore mused. “Any ideas?” 
Courtney lifted her head, giving her a wicked smirk. “As a matter of fact…” 
Sometimes Courtney marveled at how easy it was with Adore; their lives seemed to blend together almost seamlessly. They skipped the casual dating phase completely, and soon enough, they were all but living together, with Adore sleeping over Courtney’s place almost every night. Courtney met Adore’s family, getting the necessary stamp of approval from her mother, and even their careers benefitted: Courtney’s manager recommended a much better booking agent for Adore, and one of Adore’s producer friends recruited Courtney to join a fledgling podcast company, something she took to like a pro. 
Courtney’s friends loved Adore right away, and Adore’s friends welcomed Courtney with loving, open arms. Maybe more importantly, they all liked each other, and pretty soon every party, every brunch, was a happy mix of people from both of their lives, to the point where they sometimes forgot who met who first. While Courtney was packing to visit her family in Australia for Christmas, the thought of separation weighing heavily on both their minds, Adore bit the bullet. 
She took Courtney’s hand and blurted out, “We should move in together!” 
“I mean…do you want to move in together?” she revised, giving those puppy eyes that Courtney could never say no to, even if she wanted to. 
“Yes!” she exclaimed, jumping into Adore’s lap and smothering her face with kisses. “Yes, I would love that! I love you…” 
It was beautifully fitting that pride was their anniversary. In 2014, they celebrated one year together, marching in the parade with Adore’s trans support group, both of them decked out in mermaid finery.
(“GAG,” Bianca said when Courtney told her the concept, but she’d relented and made their costumes anyway the second Adore batted one lash.) 
In 2015, Adore was finally starting to see real money from her music, getting bigger and better gigs—and even a mini-tour across the Pacific Northwest in March and April. Courtney’s podcast had taken off too, and before looking for a nicer apartment, they opted for an extra-opulent pride month. First, they did LA pride with all of their friends as usual and then, 2 weeks later, they flew to San Francisco to do it all again. In a wonderful and magical coincidence, they happened to be strolling around the Castro, fingers laced together, when they heard screams and cheers from Midnight Sun. They ducked into the historic bar to find a jubilant celebration underway: the Supreme Court had just handed down the landmark decision to make same-sex marriage the law of the land. 
In the midst of the crying, the hugging, the squeals of delight, Courtney managed to get her arms around Adore, hugging her waist from behind, forehead pressed to her shoulder. Adore sighed happily and turned around, tipping Courtney’s chin up for a slow, lazy kiss. 
“This is fucking cool, huh?” Adore said, once they separated. 
“Really fucking cool,” Courtney agreed, arms still securely around her waist, heart light and happy. She was surprised, actually, how incredible she felt. A handful of states, as well as a bunch of countries, already had gay marriage. For awhile now, it hadn’t felt to Courtney like an urgent fight—at least not the most important fight, when plenty of places had much bigger battles, and when her own girlfriend’s identity was constantly being vilified. 
But it really was magical, causing tears to well up in her eyes and filling her with hope that she didn’t even know she was missing. 
“So…” she said, biting back a happy grin. “What do you think? Wanna get married?” 
“You mean like now?” Adore said, taken aback. 
“Not like today,” Courtney countered, suddenly worried that she’d come on too strong. But they’d been together for two years—and living together for the majority of that time, she reasoned with herself. It’s not like this was an insane, out-of-the-blue discussion. 
“Okay good,” Adore breathed, looking a bit too relieved for Courtney’s taste. 
She scrunched up her face, saying, “Wow, thanks.” 
“No! I just mean because like, I feel like we’re too young to even think about that!” Adore said. 
“I’m 31,” Courtney reminded her, “And you’re 27.” 
“Exactly! Infants!” Adore gave her a lopsided smile. The kind that usually charmed the pants off her. But today somehow, it was losing its luster. “Do you really want to be a child bride?” 
Courtney rolled her eyes. “Nevermind, Adore. Forget I said anything about it-”
“Don’t be mad,” she implored. 
“I’m not mad,” Courtney said. And she wasn’t. It wasn’t as if she was dying to get married; she’d just gotten caught up in the moment. A triumphant, wonderful moment that she was determined to still enjoy. 
“Well…” Adore twirled a lock of fading lavender hair, biting her lip. “I do think…like, hypothetically, that if I was gonna get married…” 
Courtney looked back up at her, a breath catching in her throat as her eyes met Adore’s. 
“...I’d definitely want it to be to you.” 
“Yeah?” Courtney felt any residual irritation dissolve as a smile pulled on the corner of her mouth. 
“Fuck yeah.” 
Courtney leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on her lips. “Me too. Hypothetically.” 
She let the conversation go, for now, simply enjoying the magical day. After all, it was pride, and Courtney wasn’t about to let anything ruin it, especially not a non-argument like that.
The next year, Adore was on tour during all of May and June. Courtney flew to Austin to surprise her for an early anniversary celebration, and Adore responded by pulling her up onstage to join them for a few numbers, much to the delight of the crowd. 
Afterwards, in the hotel, Courtney emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing but her favorite strap-on and a smirk.
“Hey,” she said, leaning against the doorframe. 
Adore sat up in bed, her eyes widening with delight. “Hiii.” 
Courtney giggled, lashes fluttering, and sauntered forward. “Ready for some fun?” 
“Always!” Adore simpered at her, head tilted. 
Before they met, Courtney hadn’t been that interested in dildo play. She’d always had plenty of great sex without any toys whatsoever, and if she was gonna get (or give) technological help, nothing beat a simple vibrator. 
When Adore suggested the strap, at first Courtney had been a little offended. Was she not capable of pleasuring her girlfriend without a dick? She figured that wearing it would make her feel like an imposter, like she was trying to be a man. Like she’d be proving fucking Freud and his stupid theory about penis envy right. 
She could not have been more wrong. 
First of all, the dildo they’d chosen while wandering through the Pleasure Chest looked nothing like a dick. It was pink and purple, sparkly, and glowed in the dark. It was ribbed, and came with both a removable bullet vibrator and piece on the end that pressed against her own clit when she used it.
Most important, it made Adore tremble with pleasure, allowed her to fuck her girlfriend silly while her hands stayed free to roam around her body. She could look into her eyes or kiss her while she came, and that was the best fucking part. 
There was also, somehow, an energy shift in the room when the dildo appeared. It made even the laziest kisses, the most delicate cuddling, feel more charged. So even as they kissed, as Courtney removed her clothes, worshiping every part of her with her mouth, her hands, she knew that Adore’s attention was always at least partly fixated on the strap between her legs, eyes dilating every time she gazed down at her.
Eventually, Courtney knelt over her on the bed, barely touching her, as she squirmed and panted heavily below. She then trailed one finger up her thigh, parting her legs with zero effort. She let her eyes travel up and down Adore’s body, leaning over slowly as Adore whimpered, knowing what was coming. She tormented her for a few more seconds until finally sucking one erect nipple into her mouth. 
“Fuck,” Adore groaned, arching up, hands threading into Courtney’s hair. In no time at all, she was writhing and begging for more. 
After giving her an indulgent smile, Courtney leaned over and growled, “Turn over,” directly into her ear. 
Adore complied immediately, with a whimper and zero hesitation. Courtney pushed her hair out of the way, kissing the back of neck, hands wandering over her body, squeezing her perfectly round ass. Her mouth traveled down her spine. 
Courtney lubed her up generously, feeling flutters of her own cunt pulsing beneath the strap as Adore pushed her ass up, letting Courtney stretch her as she panted into the pillow. She was so needy, so desperate, that Courtney was tempted to take her like this, from behind, face buried in her hair, hands reaching around to toy with her perfect tits. It would be good, Courtney knew, but what she really wanted was to look into her eyes. 
However, that didn’t stop her from teasing, from pressing the dildo against her as she ran her slippery-with-lube hands all over her body, fingers circling her nipples, one hand reaching down to her girldick to stroke her, Adore’s whimpers growing more pleading, more urgent, with every second. 
“Baby, you feel so fucking good,” Courtney whispered into her neck, then tapped on her hip gently. 
That was all it took for her to flip back over eagerly, drawing her legs back. Courtney smiled at the sight, then gave her a deep, wet kiss, tongue plunging into her mouth, teasing her hole with just the very tip of the dildo. 
“Fuck me, please,” Adore begged, fingers digging into Courtney’s shoulders. 
“You sure you’re ready?” Courtney teased, knowing full well exactly how ready she was. 
Adore’s response was a choked whimper, which turned into a satisfied moan as Courtney pushed the dildo slowly inside her, pressing kisses to her open mouth. Before she even began to roll her hips, Adore was arching up against her. She shifted her weight to bear down, slowing the rhythm, every thrust of her hips met with increasingly desperate whimpers. 
As Courtney trailed her fingers up Adore’s body, thumbs circling her nipples, her whimpers turned to moans. 
“I love you so much,” Courtney said. 
“Love you,” Adore echoed, head thrown back , eyes squeezed shut. 
“Are you gonna come for me, baby?” Courtney asked. 
“Uh huh…fuck…” 
Adore’s nails raked down Courtney’s back and dug into her ass, making her shiver as she picked up the pace, fucking her deep and hard, swallowing her moans with open-mouthed kisses. Courtney wasn’t sure who came first, but her hips kept moving until they’d both collapsed in a sweaty, satisfied heap, sheets tangled beneath them. 
“You’re so beautiful,” Courtney murmured, before pressing a kiss to Adore’s temple, arms still wrapped around her waist. As hot and sweaty as she was, she didn’t want to let go. Ever.
Courtney loved pride for many reasons, but that year, that pride in Austin, would always go down as one of her favorites. Especially considering what came next. 
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byntagewrites · 3 years
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Ni-ki - Scenery Pt 4
“It’s weird how two completely different people with eventful paths can meet like this”
Song Recommendations: Rainbow Connections by Kermit the frog and Knight by Maddox ( 마독스 )
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Idol-NI-KI x Fem-Reader (she/her)
“It’s not that hard” the girl stated. They both wanted to escape their homes by sneaking out the window, but the boy wasn’t taking any risks. “Hey I’m probably worth millions of dollars, if I break anything we will have to settle an approbation” he tightly held onto the ledge that stood two feet from his window. It was probably a five feet down since the boy was already over six foot. The girl sighed, “I’ll catch you”.
“You? Catch me? Not to be rude, I’m a pretty big person. You’re small next to me” he stated. The girl sighed, “Aren’t you a dancer? Why don’t you do those tricks to get down here?” Suddenly the boy gained the idea to get down. “Okay I’m gonna stretch out my leg, I’ll try to go as down as possible and you reach me as high as possible” it didn’t make any sense towards the girl. “What?”
“On the count of three! One! Two! Three” The boy lowered himself the most he could. The girl was in the flustered state and didn’t use the right amount adrenaline to do the work. The boy let go of the ledge and that’s when the girl ended catching him, barely. The big body of the boy ended up being too much for the girl. When she had him, she felt herself going down. The boy with his quick reflexes caught himself from falling, since he was quick to notice that they were gonna fall. On the other hand the girl landed on her butt, a throbbing pain from the ground. The girl groan when she landed. Standing tall the boy reached out a hand to help her up. “My sincere apologies to your gluteus” he definitely didn’t fill the sentence with sincerity. With annoyed eyes, she takes the large hand that belonged to the boy and stands up. “I told you that I was to big for you” he grind. The girl looked up at the boy, she was only below his shoulders, “I’m actually pretty tall for a female you know, its just you’re too tall compare to me”
“Still taller” he teased. The girl was quick to notice that he was enjoying it. “You do know that taller people are likely to die first?” she defended. With a dumbfounded look, the girl took her opportunity to change the subject. She looks through the small gap between their houses to the tree who covered the back. “Where are we escaping to” she asked. Back to present, the boy spoke, “Depending on it...want to go to take a walk or to this really nice hidden place?”
“The hidden place seems more fun” she grinned. He checks his surroundings one more time, “Okay follow me” he motioned. He sneaked through the back, which lead to a road with other homes. The girl followed him as he crossed the road. Turning right there was a bridge that she remembered passing when she was younger. Right under the bridge was a stream of water. The boy went behind the bridge and climbed down rocks. You look down, and you remembered you were wearing a dress. It was at your knee length but the situation made you uncomfortable. The boy studied the girl and noticed how she tucked down her dress as she tried to climb down. He took off the blazer he was wearing and handed it to her, “You can cover up, and i’ll turn around so you can get down comfortably”.
She was left flabbergasted, but acted quickly so he wouldn’t have to wait long for her. She covered herself and cautiously went down. She jumps onto the ground and brushed her dress since she got some dirt on it. She took off the blazer and did the same. “Here you go, thank you” she held out the blazer. The boy turns around, his head turning sideways, “Meh you can carry it, my hands are tired”. She scoffed, “Real charmer hmm. I mean it’s a pretty blazer”.
“Come now on, let’s not wait for the grass to grow” he started walking through the thin cement that was under the bridge. For a few minutes they kept walking through the thin line. The girl had to look down when she was walking trying to make sure she doesn’t slip. Caught into not falling she didn’t notice that the boy stopped in his track. This made her bump her head by his upper back. The boy looked back at her, “You’re a lot clumsier than I thought”.
“I’ve done worse” she comments. She studies where the walking led to. They were surrounded by trees above, and the way of the bridge was blocked by wall. The wall was covered by vines. The boy walked by the wall, “What are you doin-”
She pause as he put his hand through the vines, lifting them up. He gave her an inviting stare and she gave in. As she went through the vines, there was a dark tunnel, light wasn’t far either. She was so in awed that she didn’t see where she was stepping. Putting her right foot forward, she fell herself fall, but felt a hand hold her up. “Careful, we don’t want you to get hurt” he stated. If it weren’t for the dark tunnel he would’ve definitely noticed how her face flushed. On other side, the boy couldn’t help but feel his ears warm up. He enjoyed the feeling of her hand in his, everything was new to him. Both reached the light that peaked through other pair of vines. With his arm he lifted enough of them so both can pass through. The girl gasped at the scenery.
The stream that followed them since their walk, and now has found its body of water. the ground was made out of stones, they led a passage by the water. it was decent amount of space, their were bushes that gave it’s barrier. Verdant one can say. And there was two wooden chairs that stood in the middle. However what made it enduring was the tall cherry blossom trees that conserved nature’s gift from the world. “You like it?” he asked the inattentive girl. It took a moment for her to snap out, but soon answered back, “I don’t think my words can explain how remarkable this is”.
No words, no actions, no euphonious sound could’ve describe the scenery. Was a kid seeing they got a puppy for their birthday or a person winning the lottery? A flare was felt within the heart of the girl. “Hey you good, it looks like you just ate a handful of sweets?” the boy questioned. The girl nodded, she was to distracted by her surroundings. “Why don’t you sit down?” he offered. The girl sat on one of the wooden chairs and the boy followed. “I’m guessing by the looks that you have, that you really loved this”he grinned. “I don’t just love it, have you ever watched the movie Soul?” she asked. He nodded, looking back on the times his member watched movies with him. “There’s that spark they talk about, maybe this was my spark” she blabbed out. He had to admit, he enjoyed the way she held everything with excitement. It made him long for the energy she gave off.
“How did you find this place?” now her attention was fully on the boy next to her. “I don’t really know, I just remember coming here with my sister. We did everything here, geez even she got proposed to here” he looked back at the times when they came here young. “Propose? That must’ve been nice, I would definitely say yes if my significant other propose to me here” she smiled. He wanted to see more of her, get to know her, know what her dislikes and likes. He promised himself that before he leaves he will make sure to become close to her. Another zephyr danced with the trees, which made the cherry blossom trees release their livid memory. A petal landed on the right side of the girl’s head. He reached over his hand but pause as he saw the figure under him stare at him. He then built up the courage to throw off the petal. The girl under him blushed, matching with the cherry blossom trees. When the petal is gone the boy put his hand down and meets eyes with the girl. They were both within the frame, neither said anything for minute. The boy sighed, “Let’s get closer to each other...”
part one
part two
part three
i apologize for the wait, guess who got dumped two weeks ago :)
When sour by olivia rodrigo is your only comfort music. I’ve been trying to heal from this but hEY IM ACTUALLY DOINV PRETTY WELL, I ACCEPTED IT, AND IVE BEEN USING ITZY to FAKE MY CONFIDENCE :p
but hey idk if y’all remember but i had an audition, let’s just say i got my results back and achieved something great! Don’t cancel me for choosing Rainbow connection by kermit the frog yall just not ready for that masterpiece
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