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Insomnia by Vincenzo Lamolinara
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The Beauty of Moths
— by Pieter Cramer (1721–1776)
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Cute birds appreciation post
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Summoning a God by Calder Moore
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Redditor’s wife knitted a beautiful star chart shawl.
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The Good Wolf
Gouache on paper, 2020
by Kelly Louise Judd
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“The older I get, the more I realize the value of privacy, of cultivating your circle and only letting certain people in. You can be open, honest, and real while still understanding not everyone deserves a seat at the table of your life.”
— (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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you hear the beating of your heart you know the screaming’s gonna start
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“Depression can take away your self confidence, but it doesn’t take away your kindness. Some of the greatest people I’ve ever met, struggle with depression; and every one of them would give you the shirt right off their back.”
— William Chapman (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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A Simple “Fuck You” Curse
This simple curse will bad luck and mayhem into one’s life.
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What You’ll Need
The target’s name on a piece of paper
A black or gray candle (can be a scented candle)
A small bowl
A small plate or tea saucer
A paint brush or stick
Cayenne pepper
Chili powder
Lime juice
Onion juice
What To Do
Place your candle behind the bowl and light it.
Take your ingredients and put two tablespoons of each in the bowl.
Mix them together until you get a gross, mushy paste.
Take your stick or paint brush and dip it into the paste.
Take your brush/stick and write “Fuck You” over the target’s name, while doing so say/think every injustice they’ve done you.
Once you’ve finished writing “Fuck You” on their name place the paper on the dish/saucer and drip the wax over it to seal their fate.
End the ritual by blowing out the candle and disposing of everything properly.
Keep that piece of paper in a dark area of your home where it won’t see sunlight.
***To break the curse cleanse the paper in full moon water, try to keep it from tearing, and burn it after it dries.***
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Can’t remember what book I found this in but it’s a good reminder
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Update: thanks to @exobiologist who found the name of the book and authors. It’s ‘how to become a witch’ by Amber K. And Azrael arynn K.
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Don’t Want to Curse Anyone?
Some witches feel like it’s morally wrong to curse people.  And hey, that’s their right to feel that way.  But what happens when you feel the urge to curse someone?  What should you do?  I got some alternatives for you…
Bless everyone around them - No seriously.  You know that “Passive Aggressive Witch” post floating around where you bless everyone else around the person you wish to curse?  Make everyone else happy BUT them.
Glamour yourself - Make yourself irresistible.  Make yourself project the image of complete perfection and confidence that your enemy will either want to date you, be you, or befriend you.  Obviously you would reject their advances.  Everyone else will surround you, and they will be left out
Casual curses - Check out this post for casual curses that are minor inconveniences rather than serious harm done to your enemy
Casual blessings - Kill them with kindness
Ask your Deity for help - If you don’t want to extract revenge on your enemy, maybe ask your deity for help in smiting your enemy? 
If anyone can think of anymore, feel free to add on to this post.
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When hoodoo was created, most of the people using it did not have ready access to the best ingredients and often had to hide their practice. Consequently, a lot of what was used had to be things people could obtain. This is why hoodoo uses various roots, sticks, herbs, honey, sugar, and other household supplies readily available. There is no exception for dirt. Different kind of dirt is used for different kind of things but some examples include:
Dirt from the crossroads: used for many things including hexing/cursing, summoning certain spirits, opening roads, etc.
Dirt from a bank: Most commonly used in money work. I swear by bank dirt. It adds so much potency to money workings and every time I have used it I have gotten great results. Could also be used in works to get a loan, get approved for a house, relieve debt, etc.
Dirt from a church: This is usually used for works that have to do with cleansing, healing, or otherwise “holy” matters.
Graveyard dirt: A staple in hoodoo, used for many different things including curses, healing, ancestor work, goofer dust, hot foot powder, etc.
Some of these are examples of things that have been used traditionally and throughout hoodoo’s history. However, all types of folk magick utilize whatever you have.
I have in the past used dirt from a car dealership(to obtain a car), dirt from a red ant farm(defensive/hexing), dirt from a destroyed/abandoned building(defensive/hexing), and dirt from a specific apartment complex I wanted to live in. *not all of these are my ideas, but some of them are* 
Folk Magick is and was about using whatever you have around you, and often whatever cost less. Do not ever feel like you can’t do effective, life changing magick with twigs and leaves. You can. Our ancestors did, you can too.
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🌫Nightmare Hex🌫
This hex is intended for someone who has tormented your thoughts for days on end. The kind of person that leaves you haunted by their actions or words, crippling you with anxiety.
The recipient of the hex will experience multiple nightmares depicting their darkest horrors over a 30 day period.
You will need:
🌙 Black Candle
🌙 Salt
🌙 Thin paper
🌙 Black pen/marker
🌙 Mugwort tea
🌙 Teacup
🌙 Spoon, stick or water and heat-proof wand
🌙 Chalk
🌙 Boiling water (be careful)
🌙 Amethyst
The Spell
🔮 Light your candle
🔮 Draw a pentagram on the underside of your teacup using the chalk
🔮 Write your target’s name on a small piece of thin paper and place inside the cup
🔮 Pour boiling water into the teacup
🔮 Take the amethyst into your non-dominant hand, and with your dominant hand using your utensil of choice, stir the tea clockwise and chant the following spell until the paper disintegrates in the water:
I send the spirit of your malice
To haunt you in your sleep
Bestial, dark and callous
Now fear shall make you weep
🔮 Sprinkle salt into the tea in a circular motion
🔮 Pour melted black wax into the tea to blacken their dreams and complete the spell
🔮 Dispose of the tea at night, preferably near a place they fear or find unpleasant or close to where they reside
To undo the hex:
☁️ Place a piece of paper with their name inside a bag along with an amethyst and some salt
☁️ Place the bag under your pillow before you go to sleep
☁️ When you awake, the spell will be broken
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‘Red in Your Ledger’ Curse 📖
a curse to inflict all the pain a person has caused back on them, one item at a time. 
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📖 gather: a disposable notebook, red ink, matches, and a taglock
📖 write down an itemized list of everything awful the person has done to you, and anyone else you know they have hurt. fill the book if you must
📖 bind it with the tag lock inside. 
📖 chant three times:
you must know you have debts to pay and your scorned will collect one day
📖 burn the book. 
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Darkness Hex
Do not use this spell unless your intention is to cause complete havoc. There is no reversing the spell, so make sure that this is a last resort, and you will not regret doing it later.
When you begin this spell, think about all the pain and suffering this person has caused you (or someone close to you). Visualize chaos attacking them from all sides.
You will need a 9″ piece of black yarn.
Tie 3 separate knots as you chant the following:
“With this knot I seal this hex you will not sleep, you will not eat, you will not rest dark knots of anger, dark knots of hate This black cord with knots brings you your fate As I tie this second knot this makes two As complete black darkness falls over you Slander, chaos, evil too I send the darkness straight onto you With this third knot, yes I bind Complete horror and chaos into your mind Hex of anger, hex of hate Bring (SPEAK THE PERSON’S NAME) down, I will not wait. I have spoken it and so it shall be. I have spoken it and so mote it be!”
Douglas Hensley, A Book Of Magic Spells And Hexes
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