#khaos deity
laurel-and-key · 1 month
First there was Chaos,
the vast immeasurable abyss,
Outrageous as a sea, dark, wasteful, wild.
—Edith Hamilton, Mythology
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First meditation with Khaos, the vast void of space
Quick warnings: this is a pretty long post, but I'm using it as a way to record everything I remember happening during this meditation so it has things other than just what happened with Khaos! This is also actually originally written weeks ago, I just left it in my drafts for ages whoops.
Another note: I won't be using only she/her pronouns for Khaos in the future, although I don't think they give a singular fuck either way, I just am tired today and wanted to get this posted without having to edit it.
UPG disclaimer. Even the title is UPG, my personal associations with Khaos.
So, I had things to do and decided I wanted to have a proper chat with Loki about it. I started up my meditation music, grabbed whatever crystals felt right, and laid down.
One of the first things they did was hug me. I am someone who has issues with receiving love, and this caught me entirely off guard. Of course I go "wtf bitch you can't do that???" And he basically told me something along the lines of "fuck you I do what I want." (Note: Loki is deeply salty that I cannot remember their actual wording, as it did not have the boundary breaking "I hug you if I want no matter your thoughts on it" implications this wording does. Loki is big on boundaries being respected with me. I feel the need to write that down.)
But we chatted about a spell I was planning, and Loki- who promptly draped himself across a couple logs all dramatically- was very enthusiastic about helping. We went back and forth, I also brought up Apollo to say hello, and then I felt... someone on the edge of things. Apollo was pretty abruptly gone, which makes sense for reasons I'll explain in a moment.
Loki stepped beside me, and sort of had their arm over my shoulders in a distinctly protective manner. Thing is, nothing felt malicious, and I asked them why the hell they seemed so protective when I felt perfectly safe. They explained that I was safe, but "she's pretty fucking intimidating so you might need someone to keep you steady."
Enter Khaos. I realized it was her because instead of a humanoid, or even recognizable form, suddenly within the protected astral space I go when I meditate (I'll just call it "homespace" from now on) is this massive fucking orb of void.
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Except this is much bigger, and the orb I was met with was only... "half" of one. Like it'd been sliced, a few solid chunks cut out, like when a video game renders wrong and certain chunks won't load. I actively tried to imagine it as whole, to change it- it wouldn't budge. When I took the above screenshot as a reference, seeing how tiny my character was compared to the in-game thing that I compared Khaos to, it brought a whole new meaning to Loki's explanation as to why it was only half of an orb.
"She's trying not to scare you."
Loki assured me that they would be with me the whole time, that we were not leaving homespace and the orb was completely within the protection of homespace, and we walked in. It was pitch black, void all around, and I could see Loki as if he was lit up in the middle of day but that was it. Khaos came out of the void, sort of appearing out of the "wall" of darkness- being formed from it herself as if it were liquid. I asked her what she had to say.
She looked at me, just smiled, and said "good luck."
I admit, I laughed. I pointed out that THAT sounded ominous as hell. I knew what she meant- she was genuinely wishing me luck, since I have a lot of growth ahead of me and working with her is going to be a pretty big deal for me. But at the time, I couldn't help but laugh. Later, when I was recounting this to my mom, I got a very clear image of hands of darkness holding a bright orb of light. Offering it to me. It wasn't just wishing me luck. It was a gift.
Not long after that, I was suddenly made more aware of my physical body in the form of an ant crawling across me. I got the ant off of me, and went back- only to find that I couldn't just go back to the void we were standing in. Loki met me where we originally had started, and confirmed that I wasn't able to go into her space uninvited. I told them I couldn't go through the process of getting further into a meditative state and walking back into the void, and they said it was okay.
And I swear to you, I'm not fucking with you when I say this is exactly what was said next.
Me: "So... It's so interesting- Is the only way to talk to her to go into the void, be consumed by her energy entirely?"
Khaos, suddenly behind me: "Sort of, but not entirely no."
Me, finding out that my startle reflex is just as bad in the astral: "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST-"
Khaos: "No." (As in no, she's not Jesus. /Lh I just feel like it might not be clear!)
You guys. She wasn't even trying to be funny. I adore Khaos already I'm gonna have a fucking great time.
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Working with Chaos, the Primordial Void
Disclaimer: THIS IS ALL UPG! I am not an authority figure, this is just my personal experience.
It can be really difficult.
Mostly bc there's so little information about them out there. (Theoi is fine enough but it has its shortfalls)
And working with the embodiment of disorder and darkness is... tough sometimes.
But it is so rewarding.
Chaos has helped me accept change in my life, for better or worse. All things must transform and so I must change with it. They have seen me through some of the hardest times in my life, showing me that I can still affect positive change, despite all the negativity happening around me.
I am a person that likes order. I like when things are predictable and go as they have always gone. However, sometimes that order is detrimental. Chaos helped me see that some orders and habits are harmful more than helpful. By abandoning these and embracing the chaos as something new is made, I have made better decisions.
The other deities I honour are wonderful. They all bring something so unique to my life and to my practice. But it is Chaos I honour first in the morning and last at night. It is Chaos I think of first when I feel the wind or sit in the darkness. It is Chaos I call my Patron.
Glory to Chaos, the Void from which All Things were formed.
May we meet again.
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kitekki-khaos · 3 months
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The Not-A-Cult of Khaos Follower Robes!
For the Not-A-Cult of Khaos (which is distinctly cooler than the Cult of Cthulhu btw), we have three levels of follower, starting with the "Actually New" Initiate, the "Kitten's Calico", and finally The "Arbiter of Khaos", the highest tier of follower! 👁️
Woo! (I have no idea what I'm going to do with these lmao)
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bluemorfedbutterfly · 6 months
Important facts about Khaos, the primordial goddess
Some may think her name means literal chaos as we know it, but it had a slightly different meaning in Ancient Greece. It comes from the Greek word "Κάος," which means ''gap'' or ''chasm''. Therefore, Khaos is a ''gaping void''
According to Hesiod, the historian, Chaos was also considered a place much like Tartarus and Heavens.
No cult worshiped this deity, and no myths involve her directly.
Roman poet Ovid described her as a mix of elements, as a shapeless mass.
Khaos can be interpreted as both a 'thing' and a 'goddess.'
A theory that the universe started from Khaos, which is a void, and then moved towards order, producing other gods, resonates with modern thinking, especially with The Big Bang theory.
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tylermileslockett · 10 months
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Mount Olympus: Home of the Olympians
       The real-world Mount Olympus is the highest peak in Greece and is located between the borders of Thessaly and Macedonia. The kingdom of the gods sits high upon the mountain as a majestic, bronze Acropolis (fortified hill top citadel). In Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey we get our earliest references, where the peaks of Olympus are described as “rugged’ or “cloud-dark” and the acropolis described as “bronze-founded”  and “under golden clouds.” (Lattimore). The fortress sits below the great sky dome, within in a specific position upon the mountain, in the light, blue upper air of Aether. Below that was the middle air Khaos which enveloped mortals, and finally the lower, dark subterranean mists of Erebos.
Guarding the gates were the goddesses of Seasons, constellations, and time; the Horai. Within the fortress complex was Zeus’ grand palace, along with the lesser palaces of other Olympians, and a divine stable for many of the different gods’ immortal chariot horses. In the golden court, the Olympians held councils to decide mortals’ fates, and feast-hall style banquets; drinking sweet, magical Nectar from golden goblets and eating restorative Ambrosia to maintain immortality by sustaining the fluid within the gods veins; Ichor. Twenty golden tripod Automotons (programmed machines), ingeniously invented by the smith god Hephaestus, autonomously wheeled food and drink amongst the deities. 
Did I miss any fascinating info about Olympus? Please let me know below! And if you can share this image with your followers I'll be happy to send you over an automaton with a goblet of ambrosia to keep your ichor running clear!😁🤟❤️
Support my book kickstarter "Lockett Illustrated: Greek Gods and Heroes" coming in early 2024.
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rue-with-the-tarot · 2 months
I very much dislike when people insinuate that gods were solely invented by man, because that completely misses the mark when you take primordial gods into account. The Primordial Divinities are called that because they transcend time. Khaos exists as the literal body of the cosmos from which there was nothing, and then came everything. That means that they existed before creation itself. That dark nothingness we imagine the world to be before the Big Bang? That’s Khaos. Tiamat and Apsu, the bodies of saltwater and freshwater respectfully, come from a time so long ago that we cannot comprehend it. One could also argue that the vastness of the universe itself could’ve been relegated to their roles. But they existed back when it had rained for millions of years and all of earth was water, back at the start of all things. These are not just beings that were thought of for funsies. These beings are the embodiment, the limitation that we can conceive, of a force of universal power. Don’t even get me started on the deities of the sun, who has been here so long that they nurtured probable life on Mars that came and went long before we arrived. Yes, Mars, that lives in the habitable zone and had an atmosphere once akin to ours before the sun wore it down to nothing. The spirits of the stars, which are so far and unreachable that we can only ever live in the distant path for each other. The furthest star we can see with our naked eye is 16,000 light years away. Meaning when we look at it, the light we see is from the near end of the Ice Age. Of course we “made gods”, because we have long since noticed the unimaginable realities of our world, that could only ever be understood as divine in one way or another.
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sidthedollface2 · 7 months
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A Crown fit for a God
(Part 2)
(Part 1 here)
Pairing: Azriel x Fem Reader
Summary: An enemy threatens Velaris leaving Azriel to choose between his found family and a long lost friend. Can he juggle the two or will he fall for the enemy?
Ch Summary: After you threaten Velaris with war. Azriel is tasked to find you and bring you to the prison above the mountain. He shadows have other plans when they confront you.
word count: 2.6k
Series warnings: 18+ MDNI, angst, hurt/comfort,light smut, war, including injuries, fighting, sign language, no use of y/n, nicknames, magic, greek mythology, pining, jealousy, azriel with other women (sorry), reader with another man (get it friend ; )
A/n: I hope this Ch sheds a little light as to what reader is and about her powers. I'm a daydreamer not a writer so if you see any mistakes that's how I dreamt it. Lol
In the beginning there was Khaos. The first God in existence to precede creation. Khaos filled the space between, invoking darkness and shadow. Unable to witness her work, her intense desire to see flickered before her. Discovering her own spark, she flew towards it, the force of her wings igniting, leaving a trail of stardust; giving birth to the vast universe. From her own will khaos had created the primordial deities that would reign over the elements of the universe. And thus terra, sky, darkness, light, night and day were created.  
 From the very desires of the first primordial gods, Demi Gods emerged, living among mortals and immortals. Soon enough these half gods no longer wanted the responsibility of mortals. Thanatos and his sisters, the Gods of Death grew tired of being witness to so much violence and bloodshed. Leaving their duties caused a riot. No other God would carry the burden of their responsibilities on top of their own. Those loyal to the Divine fought in the war of Gods, neither side backing down regardless of how much blood had been spilled. Khaos wept as she witnessed her slain children. Fighting against her kin, tears streamed down her face as she slaughtered her very own. Devastated, she fell to her knees in defeat, between her sobs she whispered in the ancient tongue, “I bind myself to the darkness of death, overpowering my light within so long as my spark prevails through the moonless journey.” All fighting ceased as every God witnessed khaos, bringer of life, descend to the lands in the form of a falling star. The fates of two entwined. 
The house of wind was anxious, each door closed with a slam, rattling the photos that hung along the walls. The foundation, made from the mountain rock, shook and with it pieces of rubble and dust would float to the floors. Often the roaring would come back, leaving its inhabitants wide eyed and on edge. 
every member of the inner circle sat in Rhys office. The air thick with tension as Azriel explained his actions, why he blocked Cassian from hurting you, why he needed to be the one to search for you. Many questions left unanswered. How did you find Velaris? And what kind of ancient magic would allow you to pass through his wards so easily?
“Rhys, I know her! We were childhood friends!” Azriel pleads, “let me find her.” 
Elain’s eyes darted to Azriel, questioning his reason for his blatant lies. She knew he saw you once and never again. Yet she remained silent, a question for another day. 
Rhys sighed, leaning back in his chair. All eyes were on him as he stared at the map of Prythian that lay across his desk. He took a sip of his whiskey, considering his next move. One by one he informed them of their duties, sending every member away as soon as they received their mission.
Cassian was sent to Windhaven to ready the warriors and ensure their weapons were up to par for battle. Amren and Nesta were to stay in Velaris to survey and defend the city in case you returned. Mor was to revisit the courts that had scorched farmlands and buildings, to see if there were any more details that they overlooked. Elain wished to stay in Velaris and investigate the reason the house was slowly deteriorating. Rhys agreed. Finally he ordered Feyre to accompany Azriel in his search for you. 
Azriel ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, “No Rhys it has to be me alone. You can trust me.”
“After what I saw today, I’m not so sure where your mind is. I trust that you ‘ll do the right thing, but I don't agree with your current judgment so I’m sending Feyre with you.” 
Azriels shoulders slumped as he nodded in defeat. Feyre placed a gentle hand on his back, attempting to soothe his disappointment.
Feyre walked Azriel back to his room but before he entered she grabbed his arm moving him to face her. “ I have a friend I need to visit and he doesn't like when others tag along,” she whispered, hoping no one else would hear her. Azriel narrowed his eyes. “ So I hope you understand that I won't be joining you on your mission,” she winked, releasing her hold on him. Azriel just smirked, mouthing her a ‘thank you.’
Back in his room, Azriel cleared his desk of all the healer books he had meticulously studied.  All these years he’d been searching for a healer when in fact you were a God, at least according to Amren. He spent hours searching Death Gods and tracing back their lineage and none had the powers you possessed, the power in which made him search for you. The power to heal. “You've been at it for hours, come to bed honey,” Elains sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts. “None of this makes sense,” he said mostly to himself as he shook his head, ignoring Elains request.
She stood behind him, gently kneading his tense shoulders with her slim fingers. His back tensed at her touch, purely focused on his work. Determined to get him to bed, Elain rested her chin on his shoulder, angling her head towards his ear as she whispered seductively her desires. His eyes fluttered closed in frustration, as she placed wet kisses to the curve of his neck, humming at the taste of him. “Not tonight.” Coldly he shrugged her off, hating the pain she held in her eyes. Without a word Elain stepped away, leaving Azriel to drown in his work, drown in his thoughts of you. 
“And then I pushed through, you should have seen their faces,” you chuckled, recounting the events from Velaris to your dearest friend.  “No matter the job you always try to make it fun.” He replied, petting the hen that sat in his lap; a gift you had brought him for the delicious tea leaves he had acquired. 
You smile, enjoying his company that you often missed. Out of the corner of your eye, a wisp of shadow scurries into the darkness of the night, earning your full undivided attention. Nothing but silence is heard. “What was that?” you ask, turning back to the Suriel. “An invisible thread that weaves and winds, binding hearts two of a kind.” you gape at him, blinking your eyes rapidly, “I don't even want to know.” A chuckle rattles in his throat, “go before he finds you.” Without another word shimmer and darkness envelope you, winnowing you far from the Night Court.
Azriels shadows darted through the low grounds of the woods, swerving through a dense thicket of birch trees and rock formations, scouring each bush and body of water in search of you. Once they spotted you, they quickly returned to their master, curling around his ear ,whispering ‘Suriel.’  
Just as you winnowed away a blade launched itself toward the Suriel; flying through the air from a shroud of darkness, pinning his cloak to a tree. “Where is she?” he asks, tone impatient and demanding.
“Here, there, everywhere.”
Azriel pinches the space between his brows in annoyance. Shaking his head he asks another question, hoping for a straight answer.
“How do I find her?” 
“Evoke emotions without a single touch, no wings yet able to fly. To catch this God let her hear the cords of the night.” 
“I don’t…..these riddles. I don't understand.” Azriel paced in front of the Suriel, wracking his brain for any clues. 
“The touch of a memory will carry her to you.”
“Stop with the riddles!” Azriel fumed, teeth clenched tight as he stared the Suriel down. 
“Are you not a shadowsinger?” he replied, pulling out the blade that held his cloak to the tree. “I've answered your questions, whether you can decipher the meaning is no business of mine.” Finished with Azriels questioning, the Suriel made his way through the woods, hen in hand for a fresh slaughter. 
It had taken Azriel a few days to figure out the riddle. Repeating the words over and over, analyzing each term and its meaning. The line ‘hear the cords of the night’ was what led him to realize it was a song, but what song was what stumped him. He felt like a fool singing his favorite songs in the middle of the forest, belting it out with his whole chest.
He sang songs that made him teary eyed and even sang songs in the ancient tongue, but none of those had lured you to him. The Suriel mentioned ‘the touch of a memory,’  “oh Gods, I’m an idiot,” he said to himself. He only had one encounter with you, so it was easy to remember the events of that night, all these years he could never forget. He would never forget the song, the song he thinks is about you. His mother sang this song to him as a child and he wonders if she knew the dark power you possessed, was she singing to a God in hopes to answer her prayers, to lift her from the chains that held her down. 
The house of wind kindly provided warm tea and honey. It's eagerness to assist him piqued his curiosity. He would ask Elain about her findings another day. Soothing his vocal cords, a plan was formed to capture you and send you to the prison on top of the mountain.
You're the chaos of the night, 
A little girl lost in the woods
You're a folktale, the unexplainable
You're a bedtime story
The one that keeps the curtains closed
And I hope you're waiting for me
'Cause I can't make it on my own
I can't make it on my own.��
Azriel sang the words from his childhood, voice harmonious with a smooth baritone that held the memories from the past. He sang from the depths of his heart in hopes that the meaning behind his words would grace your ears and become a light in the dark. Guiding you towards his waiting arms.
Weathered leaves crunch under the weight of your relaxed body, grass floor cold and damp from the night. But the view of the stars in the Night Court were your favorite, they called to you as if saying 'stay.' Stars glitter like rare diamonds, and the crescent moon smiled brighter than the sun. The evening scent of mist and night felt familiar in the way that reminded you of home. It had been so long since you’ve been home, the thought of never returning grew closer and closer.
The midnight breeze caresses your skin, its gentle touch has your eyes closing, focusing on  the chirping of crickets and running water. A mellow voice sings the harmonious music of the night, its soft whisper tickles your ear like a past lover, luring you to follow the rich sound.
I hope you're waiting for me
Across your carpet of stars
You're the chaos of the night,
You're everything that we can't see
Chaos, you're the possibility.
Azriel ceases to sing once he spots you round a thick tree, his shadows excitedly rush towards you and Azriel curses under his breath at their eagerness. He observes as they affectionately coil around your neck, fluffing about in your hair before they trail down your arms. You giggle at their curiosity as they loop around your fingers, “you wanna play?” you ask, as you slowly move your fingers in awe at their closeness. They playfully bounce from one hand to the other, and you take that as a yes. Azriel is dumbfounded as he admires his shadows from afar. He has his arms crossed over his chest as he leans against a tree, his gaze slowly trails up the delicious curves of your body and he imagines what it would be like to lay with a God. He sees you smile and nod at whatever they’ve whispered in your ear and he fears you both are up to no good. As the shadows dance in a circle just a few feet in front of you, they rapidly circle around and around creating a whirlwind of darkness. Cautiously you near the edge of their tornado and zap one of the shadows, creating an orb of light within the vortex. You're mesmerized by the display in front of you. Your power bounces off the shadowed wisps like an elegant dance, the wisps gently stroke the flame of your power, careful to not get scorched.
With the blink of your eye the orb bursts, spraying the ground and trees with thousands of specs of glittering starlight. Azriel feels a jolt of electricity zip up his body, shaking him so hard he loses balance off the tree, quickly righting himself before you notice. His effort is too late, you've already spotted him.
“You're not a stalker are you?” you ask, voice playful and curious as you near him.
If you only knew, Azriel thinks with a smirk.
“No, but I can be. Nice party trick by the way.” Azriel pushes off the tree to meet you. The first thing you notice is his eyes, hazel and dreamy framed by long thick lashes. His nose is straight and a little too perfect for a warrior, you wonder if he’s ever been punched in the face before, or maybe he's just that good at fighting. His high cheekbones and strong jaw remind you of the many demi gods that have been sculpted throughout the years. You eye him up and down, taking in his stature and broad shoulders. He’s a little too handsome and in your experience these types of males are conceited snobs who only enjoy their own reflection and company. Meanwhile Azriel does the same, completely entranced by the sway of your hips and how your hair flows over the swell of your breasts. 
“They seemed friendly.” you respond, tipping your head to the shadows that have swirled around the both of you, appearing to close the distance between you.
Azriel shakes his head, “I meant in Velaris. You threaten my home, my friends and my High Lord and expect to get away with it? How did you get past the wards? And how did you find Velaris?” 
Before you could respond the ground shakes as a blast erupts creating a cloud of dust and forest debris. Instinctually Azriel pulls your body flush to his, shielding you from injury. Dark membranous wings curl around your body, cocooning you safely in his arms. Your hands find the planes of his toned chest as you peer up at him through your full lashes. You know what the blast was but the feeling of his body pressed against yours had your knees weak, and you couldn't break away. 
Azriels heart is ramming against his chest at the proximity, his gaze is locked on your brilliant eyes as he dares to cup the side of your cheek. Angling your face to meet his, your exposed collarbone catches his attention when a bargain tattoo vanishes before his eyes; breaking the trance you had him in.
“What did you bargain?” he urges, hands now tightly gripping your upper arms.
“Your worst nightmare.”
Azriel staggered back, paling in horror as he registered your words.
Only one creature carried that name.
Part 3
Taglist: @blackgirlmagicforever @going-through-shit
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laurel-and-key · 2 months
As the days go by, I feel myself gravitating ever more toward Khaos.
Funny thing: I have been trying for months to commune with the gods in nature—to feel their presence. Every morning I'm out walking or biking, I try to feel Zeus and Helios in the vault of the sky, or Artemis and Gaia in the earth. I don't quite feel them like I can feel Hekate.
But this morning? I felt Khaos—or what I believe is Khaos. It was a feeling so profound that I can't fully put it into words. I glimpsed sky and earth and civilization...and everything just clicked neatly into place.
I don't want to make assumptions just yet because this is still very new to me, but it was a beautiful moment nonetheless.
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evermore-grimoire · 2 years
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The Evermore Grimoire: Greek Mythology
Gaia (Γαῖα meaning ‘earth’) was the goddess of the earth and one of the primordial elemental deities born at the dawn of creation in Greek mythology. She was one of the first beings to emerge from Khaos at the creation of the Universe and was the mother of all Gods, Giants and mortal creatures who sprang from her. Gaia was also the prime opponent of the heavenly gods. First she rebelled against her husband Ouranós (god of the sky), then she assisted Zeus (king of the gods) in overthrowing Kronos (god of time). Eventually though, she became angry with Zeus for putting her Titan sons into Tartarus, by producing the tribe of Giants and Typheous to try and destroy and dethrone him, but she sadly failed at both attempts.
artwork by Yliade
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An intro to my blog; Witchcraft, tarot, and general unhinged energy.
Bare-bones/TL;DR: My name is Frog or Froggo, whichever you prefer, I use he/him pronouns and this is a blog dedicated primarily to my practice as a witch. I do tarot readings over on Ko-FI, as well as some on here that are donation-based (You tip if you want, but you don't have to.) Donation-based readings are temporary to promote the paid readings, and I'll be closing requests once I feel I have a decent amount of people interested (or if i find that it isn't working and I'm just instead giving free readings and no paid readings.) Send in an ask for a donation-based reading, or head on over to my Ko-Fi if you want more of a guarantee that I'll get to your reading/want your reading prioritized. Please check the bottom of this post for what readings I do/don't do before sending an ask.
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I go by Froggo or Frog
He/him pronouns
Trans, panromantic, polyamorous, and just generally queer.
Quiet sunshine and rainbows type of guy, until you get to know me and then suddenly I won't shush and I keep talking about psychological horror
interests outside of witchcraft include writing, Genshin Impact (I promise I don't associate with the fandom they scare me so bad), music, anime, and "weird miscellaneous facts."
My craft:
I've been practicing off and on for about four years, but I've been around witchcraft my whole life. I no longer consider myself a beginner, but I wouldn't consider myself a beacon of knowledge either lol. I know enough to be comfortable practicing on my own, and giving others a few resources. If I ever post something with inaccurate information, something that appropriates any closed practices, or something that is otherwise not advisable, PLEASE let me know!
My interests in witchcraft include Tarot/oracle cards, deity work, crystals, and working with dragons. (Although, that last one is very new to me so I have very little experience to share so far.)
My work as a witch has begun to shape out as involving things that others fear and reject. I personally find this hilarious considering that I used to be so scared of everything.
I work with Persephone, Hades, Medusa, my familiar, Loki, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Khaos. They appeared to me in that order, with Aphrodite and Khaos being fairly recent additions as I'm typing this. (5/12/24) Note that this is a list of EVERYONE I work with at all, and some of them (like Medusa) only rarely show up in my life currently while others are more active.
I have a sideblog about my work with dragons, @officially-other, but it's so heavy on UPG, identity talk, feelings, etc. that I keep it separate from this blog. It's brand new as of editing but I plan on it being completely transparent.
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Things to expect from me: An unreasonable amount of witchcraft memes, lots of fun little stories about my guides/deities and interactions with them, general stories about my craft. My asks are open, but I may not always have an answer to any questions! See the "not a beacon of knowledge" bullet point earlier.
DNI: Racists, misogynists, trans/homophobes, ableists, bigots of any kind, pɘdo, I feel like I'm forgetting something but overall just don't be an asshole okay??? Plz???? Thank you. 16+ minors are okay, below that you can follow and lurk just please don't start a proper conversation. (/lh, lighthearted)
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Yes I know this is a bit long. I don't require that you read this but I don't answer asks with problems that could be solved by just reading this. I am no longer doing readings for anon asks, so please be off anon. Paid readings and any Tumblr readings that tip/donate beforehand will be prioritized, but other than that please be patient- when I post readings, I often get a lot of asks that takes weeks to get through.
Readings I will do:
General readings
Love readings (PLEASE check that it doesn't fall under "won't do" first)
Readings with a specific deity or entity (Paid readings get channeled typing,)
Pretty much anything that isn't on the "wont" list. (I reserve the right to say 'no' if something is brought up that I'm uncomfortable with but didn't think to put below.)
Readings I wont do:
Physical health readings (go see a professional)
Anything that constitutes "mind reading" (instead of "how does [person] truly feel" try "what's left being unsaid" or "what do I need to know" type questions.)
Sexual readings
Readings on a voice chat/call (yet)
Deity Identification readings (just not confident in them)
future spouse readings for free (I will do them paid, I just do the free readings to promote + for fun, and future spouse readings aren't fun for me)
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royal-wren · 5 months
I'd say I don't know why I get put off by people who only see Khaos, the Hellenic deity by Ovid's definition of her as a general mix of fuckall without a goddess/deity there at all with consciousness. She's a goddess of air, of breathing/breathe/oxygen and carbon dioxide, the space between heaven and earth that all living things exist on. She's the mother of birds and goddess of fate as well so carrying on with a Roman writer's view that wasn't writing for religious purposes makes me look at everyone else like this
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kitekki-khaos · 5 months
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Gonna start trying to post more WIP pics cuz... why not.
Anyway, got the flats on this... half of a full piece. There's still a LOT left to go but we gettin there!
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h0bg0blin-meat · 5 months
All the basics of Greek myth
The gods/godesses their roles,ther relationship etc etc
Okay. So first of all we all know about the 12 Olympians, i.e., Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes. Hephaestus and either Hestia or Dionysus, plus Hades.
Now before these Olympians there were the Titans, which included Kronos, Rhea, Oceanus, Coeus, Japetos, Crius, Hyperion, Theia, Themis, Tethys, Phoebe, and Mnemosyne, all of whom came from the Primordials, Ouranos and Gaia.
Along with them the other primordial gods included Khaos, Tartarus, Erebus, Eros, Nyx, Aether, Hemera, Pontus and Ourea.
Now this is an extremely brief explanation of these three generations of deities. I’mma get into a little more detail into their relations by whipping out Hesiod’s Theogony/the Greek Creation Myth (cuz his version is considered the standard creation myth for this pantheon till date), which sums about everything up pretty well actually so… Kudos to our fellar.
So according to this myth, in the very beginning, there was only chaos, from which we get the personified and deified version of it called Khaos. But soon after Gaia, Eros and Tartarus pop up, and then Khaos creates two more deities, namely Erebus and Nyx, who then, together, proceed to create Hemera and Aether, while Gaia creates Ouranos to partner up with, and they both, again together, whip out
The male titans, namely Kronos, Coeus, Japetus, Crius and Hyperion.
The female titans, namely Rhea, Themis, Tethys, Phoebe and Mnemosyne.
Three cyclopses, namely Brontes, Steropes and Arges.
Three Hekatonchieres (monstrous giants of immense strength and power, each having fifty heads and a hundred arms), namely Briareos, Kottos and Gyges.
Now all of these three sets of kids have one common thing, hating on Ouranos, for some reason that gets later uncovered. The reason is mostly him kidnapping his monstrous-looking kids and hiding them in secret places under the Earth (which, here, is Gaia).
Gaia got sick of this shit and produced a sickle out of adamant and asked her kids to teach Ouranos a lesson, but among these kids, only Kronos stood up to do it and so he did. Hid inside Gaia and when Ouranos came to lay with his wife, his lil kid popped up and castrated him, his two little thingies falling into the ocean, leading it to foam, and from that foam was born our beloved Aphrodite. Sensational. From his blood arose the Erinyes (chthonic goddesses of vengeance), the Giants and the Meliai (nymphs of the ash tree).
Now Kronos had full control over the cosmos from Ouranos, and was producing kids (i.e., Hestia, Poseidon, Demeter, Hera and Hades. Zeus wasn’t born yet) with Rhea. But his dad and Gaia had prophesized that one of his own kids would overthrow him, and from there we get the famous Kronos-swallowing-his-kids myth. And ofc, Zeus gets saved from the swallowing thingy with the help of his mom and grandparents, and then raised in seclusion in a cave below Mount Aigaion in the city of Lyktos of Crete. Also Kronos doesn’t know about this cuz Rhea wrapped up a huge stone in baby’s clothes and gave it to him saying it was the last kid, aka, Zeus.
(Chiron is also one of Kronos’s kids, and hence Zeus’s half-brother, paternally cuz Kronos once turned himself into a horse to mate with the Oceanid nymph, and one of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, Philyra, who mated with him in the usual human-nymph form, and hence we get him as a centaur.)
After Zeus grew up fully, he forced Kronos (Gaia did something to help with this, like give him some kinda poison secretly to make him puke his kids out-) to release his siblings. He then released the Cyclopses (who were still trapped with the Hekatonchieres btw), and then gave him his signature thunderbolt. This is when the great war called the Titanomachy happened between the Titans and Zeus and his siblings, over the control of the cosmos. This war went on for years, and in the 10th year, Zeus even released the Hekatoncheires, who also helped him overthrow the titans. Zeus threw his thunderbolt at the previous generation of gods, hence defeating them and throwing them into Tartarus, thus ending the war.
There was another threat to him tho, and it was Typhon, son of Gaia and Tartarus. But Zeus defeated him too and threw him into Tartarus as well.
Then my mans got elected as the king of gods (as he should), and had his first wife Metis. But after knowing that he had the same fate as Kronos, i.e., a son of Metis would overthrow him, he swallowed his wife (while she was pregnant with Athena, and hence later on we see Zeus HIMSELF giving birth to a fully-grown Athena from his mind) and that’s how he ended the cycle of succession. Smart move but I need justice for Metis >:<
Now for the new generation of Olympians, i.e., Artemis, Apollo, Ares, Hermes, Dionysus and Hephaestus (also let’s add Persephone too), here’s how it goes. (Athena and Aphrodite were already covered above)
Apollo and Artemis were twin kids of Zeus’s 6th wife, Leto, who was the daughter of Coeus and Phoebe.
Persephone was born from the union of Zeus and Demeter. (there are other versions to this myth too)
Dionysus was born from the union of Zeus and Semele (a mortal woman), but he was again stitched to Zeus’s thigh to save him from Hera, who was deadlocked in killing him (cuz ofc Zeus cheated on her with another woman), and later births Dio himself. (there are other versions to this myth as well. For example, another myth says he was born from the union of Zeus and Persephone.)
Hermes was born from the union of Zeus and Maia (Atlas’s* daughter)
Ares, Hebe and Eileithyia were born from Zeus and Hera.
(*Atlas was one of the kids of Japetos and Clymene, who’s an Oceanid, and hence one of the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.)
Now I haven’t mention what these deities are the gods of, because even though they are known for maybe one of two things they govern over (like Athena for wisdom and war, or Apollo for sun and music), their designations are actually pretty broad, and this post is long enough so ykw I’mma ask you to check out theoi.com and the theogony section of Wikipedia for further info :)
Thanks for the ask I had fun writing this lmao. (Might’ve made errors or stuff so correct me in case yall spot any)
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Amaltheia Othonos
Avatar of Primordial Khaos | Devotee of Hera, Hellenic Queen of the Gods
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[Moodboard Created By Me | Images All Found On Bing]
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Name: Amaltheia Othonos
Amaltheia - "Tender Goddess" & The Name Of The Animal That Helped Raise & Feed Zeus In Greek Mythology
Othonos - "Wolf" & "Wealth"/Fortune"
Parentage: Irrelevant [None Related To The Godly World]
Pronouns: She/Her Pronouns But She/He Gender
Age: 17
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↳ Ever since Amaltheia was born, she's always bled gold instead of red.
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Ethnicity: Greek
Up until the beginning of the book, Amaltheia spent her life helping out the homeless. It didn't help that he was homeless, too, but at least she could say he did at least something normal.
She had been defending herself against someone that would eventually be known "The Gatsby"--after "The Great Gatsby" book & conspiracies created from it--at the beginning of the book when she unexpectedly teleported herself to Olympus after she backed herself into a corner and was too exhausted & panicked to fight her way out. This leads to general confusion because 1) no new god or deity has been fostered in hundreds of years and 2) mortals shouldn't be able to teleport to Olympus even if they had those powers without the assistance of Hermes--for technical and safety reasons.
Powers: Creation; Teleportation
Weapons: Tackling; Exhausted Spite; Inexhaustible Energy
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Characters That Inspired My Creation Of Her: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Logan Howlett, My Other OCs
Likes: The Sky, Wind, & Rain [it reminds her of endless freedom & little worry]; Having A Sense Of Purpose [Why She Chooses Lady Hera To Devote Herself To, Since They Are Similar]; Life [Yeah, It's Shitty, But Its Also Life. She Loves Being Alive]
Dislikes: Smell [Just Because You Get Used To It Doesn't Mean You Like It];
Enemies: "The Gatsby" [Original Name Currently Unknown]
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Fun Facts:
Lady Hera & Amaltheia are very similar in character--minus the whole "marriage" thing--which is why they bonded so well & will have so many scenes together as Amaltheia starts Attending to Lady Hera in the first part of the book. Lady Hera even comes to view Amaltheia as her own daughter at some point, which her other children took to instantly :)).
Amaltheia will have many moments with Lord Ares, Lady Hebe, Lord Hephaestus, and most of the other gods because of her relationship with Lady Hera & attending to Her needs
Why is she "Attending" to Lady Hera? Well, there are many reasons why she is one of Hera's main Attendees--the main of which is to provide her a space among Olympus to reside in so she does not have to return to her homelessness in the mortal realm. The Greek Gods are very welcoming but they are also Gods and have their own internal Hierarchies and Duties. They have systems in place so everyone among them must have a place that benefits and helps move along their systems. Why Lady Hera specifically? Ultimately, Amaltheia chose her because she knew her myths from her mom's lullabies and bedtime stories and because, as soon as she looked at The Queen, she felt a connection with Her and wanted to work with her. Other reasons include learning the ropes and keeping an eye on her, etc etc
As it was mentioned/implied before in both Amaltheia's Quote and Backstory, Amaltheia was born with full-on ichor--the blood of the gods--and is, technically (complicated), a god herself (see The Avatars of Primordial Khaos). This, as you may be able to tell, comes with powers (some of which Amaltheia already knew of):
The Ability To Transform: Amaltheia has the ability to transform matter in one form to another, as long as it is an equal exchange of matter necessary to transform the atoms into what she needs. This is one Amaltheia's known of and uses regularly to mend clothes (alongside the traditional way), get blankets, supplies, etc. She's tried to do money before but having unaccounted for money running around has always been tricky... but she's well-known among the homeless circles as someone who always has whatever you need. They assume it's because she's great at stealing--which is true--and finding clever ways of accounting for things--also true--but it's not just that. Amaltheia does it whenever she can get away with it.
The Ability To Teleport: Amaltheia has the ability to teleport just like any other deity could. She has unlimited access to things--as she is of The Creator & a deity without a specific Domain or Purpose (being a God/dess)--but is absolutely horrible at geography with how little education she has (she knows about the places from various stories she's heard among the shelters and news, but not where they are) and does not have the ability nor the experience to see the earth from above/feeling it through various powers/domains, like "proper" gods & other immortals do. The reason why she got to Olympus in the beginning of the book is out of sheer luck & panic + her ichor looking for safety among the numbers & itself.
Inexhaustible Energy: Amaltheia still can get exhausted because there are many different types of energies such as mental and spiritual that can drain & block the use of one's physical energy, but when available, she does have endless amounts of physical energy from her ichor & the source of its Energy being everywhere/always moving, so she can't ever get physically tired & can do physical labor for weeks if she can keep her mental energy up. Participates in a lot of physical contests for the money bc of that & then uses the money to give back to those around her because she's always got that safety net of her powers to rely on. The only thing is that she heavily struggles with her mental energy & has struggles like depression and insecurities :((
There are other feats within her that currently go either undiscovered by me, the author, or fall under those categories of Need.
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tylermileslockett · 2 years
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Mount Olympus: Home of the Olympians
The real-world Mount Olympus is the highest peak in Greece and is located between the borders of Thessaly and Macedonia. The kingdom of the gods sits high upon the mountain as a majestic, bronze Acropolis (fortified hill top citadel). In Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey we get our earliest references, where the peaks of Olympus are described as “rugged’ or “cloud-dark” and the acropolis described as “bronze-founded” and “under golden clouds.” (Lattimore). The fortress sits below the great sky dome, within in a specific position upon the mountain, in the light, blue upper air of Aether. Below that was the middle air Khaos which enveloped mortals, and finally the lower, dark subterranean mists of Erebos.
Guarding the gates were the goddesses of Seasons, constellations, and time; the Horai. Within the fortress complex was Zeus’ grand palace, along with the lesser palaces of other Olympians, and a divine stable for many of the different gods’ immortal chariot horses. In the golden court, the Olympians held councils to decide mortals’ fates, and feast-hall style banquets; drinking sweet, magical Nectar from golden goblets and eating restorative Ambrosia to maintain immortality by sustaining the fluid within the gods veins; Ichor. Twenty golden tripod Automotons (programmed machines), ingeniously invented by the smith god Hephaestus, autonomously wheeled food and drink amongst the deities.
Did I miss any fascinating info about Olympus? Please let me know below and ill send you an automaton with a golden goblet of Nectar!
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