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okaydrawboy · 14 days ago
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Gaelic Kern, Irish Mercenary Warrior III
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waivyjellyfish · 9 months ago
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Mandatory purring
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bearbench-img · 1 month ago
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irish-dress-history · 2 years ago
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Irish warriors and poor men by Albrecht Dürer -1521
Painting depicting 2 gallowglass and 3 kerns. There is no evidence that Dürer ever went to Ireland, so this painting may be based on second-hand information. It is nevertheless a nice portrayal of some elements of 16th century Irish dress. The gallowglass on the left side of the painting wears a cotún, a type of quilted cloth armor. His square-toed shoes are probably English or continental fashion, not Irish. The kern in the center of the painting is wearing a brat (Irish mantle) that is probably trimmed with pile-woven wool. His shoes have the pointed toes and high backs that were common in historic Irish bróga. The 2 kerns to his left are both wearing a short jacket called an ionar. All 3 of the kerns have glib haircuts. The gallowglass and 2 of the kerns have a style of mustache called a crommeal. Both glibs and the crommeal were banned by the British crown in the 16th century as part of British colonialist efforts to eliminate Irish Gaelic culture.
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nablavii · 4 months ago
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So tonight's the nuclear night. Actually the Pair-Production topic took place in a Modern Physics course, but I needed it for the next nuclear reaction models. Anyways, have a good night!
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year ago
China’s MASSIVE Desert Project Is About To Change The World. This is the biggest solar power plant in the United States, located in Kern, California. The Solar Star Plant is over 8 square miles and has a generation capacity of 579 megawatts, powering around 255,000 homes. This is impressive, but about 6,500 miles away, in this remote desert, there's a solar facility that could dwarf it … and just about every other solar power plant on earth. And it’s not alone.
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pillfactory · 11 months ago
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happywebdesign · 11 months ago
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Ruben Wyttenbach
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okaydrawboy · 11 days ago
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Kern Mercenary concept
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waivyjellyfish · 9 months ago
How do the prisoners react to meeting the Dokuro family and finding out that Es isn’t human?
Sorry it took so long, real world catched me. And thank you for your question.
Well. Like a lot of normal people, I think. They was shocked. And it was difficult to understand it.
It’s kind of hard to react any other way, when right in front of your eyes a little girl(no) appears through a breach in the wall and easily blowing your 15-year-old warden's head. And then the warden recovers from that as if nothing had happened and drags you out of prison as if it were meant to, brushing questions aside like annoying flies with short "later".
I mean, yes, the Milgram prison is frankly strange, no windows, no doors, no calendar, and some strange thing in the form of a giant machine to extract memories, or strange, unpleasantly shrill mental walls that forbid physical aggression against the warden at first, and later against the other prisoners too. A strange warden with a mind of their own, who's always talking with a terribly clever horned rabbit. (Are these real horns or are they attached to the hat?) And with meaningful dialogue. But the only one side of the conversation can be heard, so who knows if they really hears the rabbit voice or they're got nuts long time ago. And the claim that this rabbit is the one who cooks all dish. Honestly, it sounds more like an excuse for not respecting kitchen hygiene than the truth.
All this is, undoubtedly, strange and resembles some sci-fi movie with elements of psychological horror. But not a fantasy.
And yeah. The warden themself is strange, but not so to suspect a monster in them. Everything can be explained, right?
Yeah, they're talking to the rabbit. It’s weird, but some people with pets do it too. The warden is obviously lonely. Don't you think?
Blood craving? Well, there are people who have a craving for blood, aren’t there?
Sharp teeth? Fuuta has that too.
Gender is unknown? Androgynes exist, dears.
Their bruises and wounds heals in an hour or two? Well the warden is 15, children are healing at a fairly rapid rate, and also there is a fairly balanced diet. So everything kind of fits together… (exept the fact that the swollen eye after Mikoto’s interrogation disappeared the next day. this is strange of course)
Sometimes they says with certainty something that people can’t do, like that it’s actually possible to cut something off for better regeneration or talking to the dead, or that metal is edible. Well, the kid has no memory of what happened with them before Milgram, only the prisoners, the talking rabbit and the books in their private room can connect them with outside world in some ways. They're very impressionable, poor child. And they seems to lack iron.
(As my friend jocked: -I thought you were neurodivergent. -Nah, I just isn't human)
So, of course, the prisoners were not prepared for it. Not for a very radical way of warden's regeneration, nor for a one-eyed(no) giant-girl with a tail, nor for a guy in his 30+ who looks like a 14-15-year-old girl. Not for the fact that a very small group who came after their child is going to smash the prison building brick by brick and catch everyone who was involved in it in less than two hours after they broke into the panopticon.
Talking about the future. Later, some of the prisoners even managed to integrate into the family, albeit a little voluntarily forced. But there is one thing. To join Dokuro, you have to take their crazy rhythm of life, which means a partial loss of human common sense. In addition, few people with a long connection with Dokuro remain ordinary people. Wanting to keep up with monsters is fraught with the fact that you can become a monster yourself, relative to your past self. And given their longevity and their work, it’s easier to change to not to die too quickly.
This family is stupid in everything, absolutely mad and at first glance has no brakes. The sense in their actions is very difficult to catch. The constant replenishment of the family by children picked up on worlds during work, the frequent reckless actions that would have led them to death, but not, hard training to go beyond. It’s exhausting. But it’s probably the most fascinating.
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emvisual · 1 year ago
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Un juego para diseñadores.
Es una web donde hay que ajustar el kerning de palabras random con diferentes tipografías. Se puede jugar en https://type.method.ac/#
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homunculusgirldick · 2 years ago
Ok, finished children of time. Adding that to the list of art that rearenged my brain.
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sadeanlesbian · 1 year ago
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submit to me now
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manueltorresart · 2 years ago
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I had my doubts about drawing Kern in my @criticalrole series. I ended doing it because I loved the two bouts he had against Grog, those were epic (also the aftermath of both of them, they're hilarious).
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mapas-fantasticos · 2 years ago
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Map of Kern from the book Bran Dents de Loup by Rémy Gratier De Saint Louis.
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csacskamacskamocska · 2 years ago
Nézem ezt az autistás sorozatot
mostanra már eléggé lehangolt a sok féligazság meg dramaturgiai elbaszás, szóval naggggyon nagggyon középszerű, de nem bírom abbahagyni, most már végignézem. Török sorozat. Nagyon más kultúra, ez még ebből az idealizált meséből is lejön. Nem élnék ott.
Kiderült, hogy a fiam is valami autistás sorozatot néz, úgyhogy versengtünk, hogy kinek a főszereplője jobb autista. :D Nem dőlt el, de az az egybiztos, hogy ebben a sorozatban mindenki zseniális, aki autistát játszik. Sajnos még 90 rész van belőle. Rémisztően hangzik mert már tényleg csak a forgatókönyvre figyelek, és kifejezetten következetlenek.
Múltkor megnéztem a Kernnel A kellékes c. darabot. Ühüm. A darab Kern András címet kellett volna kapjon. Én nem láttam mást. Csak ide, csak most, leírom: fogalmam sincs mi volt a darab vége, egy idő után elkalandozott a figyelmem és arra eszméltem, hogy tapsolni kell. Sosem fogom megtudni, hogy mi volt a csattanó, a vége jelenet, vagy egyáltalán volt-e valami, vagy Kern mondta, hogy na most már menjenek haza, hisz nincs ma előadás, jóccakát. Persze Kernt mindenhol dicsőítik, hogy hányféle darabból odarittyent egy kis monológot, egy jó anekdotát. És tulajdonképpen szórakoztató volt, csak... ez a mélység még mellig sem ér, nemhogy úszni kelljen. Na, ma csak ilyen mesélnivalók vannak. Az ünnep alatt kipihentem magam és kisimultam, mint a felfújt luftballon. Csak az hangolt le, hogy növesztettem egy irdatlan nagy mérges pattanást. Hülye tinédzser!
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