#kent wine
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tiger-grace · 5 months ago
Superman: I haven’t seen you at the watchtower for a while. Where have you been the last few weeks, Batman?
Bruce: Rehab.
Superman, worriedly: Oh, I’m so sorry- I never knew you struggled with that. If you don’t mind me asking, what for?
Bruce, grimacing as he watches public footage of Signal and Red Hood starting a dumpster fire out of Pro-Joker merch: ..adoption.
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frownyalfred · 10 months ago
Bruce who's let himself be beaten down. Who's tamed back his own rage, his own feelings to keep the people he loves safe and finds himself face to face with someone who's seen the horrors he has and still wants to do good. Who thinks this is his best shot? And sure it starts out with the training because he can't let these kids die out there. Because there's a noose around his throat and a gilded cage with bars so thin that everyone around him can convince themselves they aren't there at all. But Bruce knows, Kal and Diana know. And they make sure that he's aware.
And then he sees this kid with powers he doesn't understand with a tragedy in his background who wants to do good and he can't let this pass him by.
Also him subtly telling them this is how you beat someone stronger than you, this is how you stand up against everything you think you know. This is how you look at the world and recognize when something is broken.
The moment when he has to tell them that even with training there will be a fight you can't win, this is how you tell, this is how you recognize it, this is how you determine the best choice.
This is how you run.
Knowing he never made it out, Kal's threats are still hanging over his head, tightening slowly around his throat. He's still walking a tightrope, might always be walking this tightrope. But the longer he walks the more the desperation threatens his balance. He knows he can't keep this up forever. It's just a matter of when he breaks, and how.
so this story ends with Bruce blowing the Watchtower out of the sky after helping Duke escape, right? he can't ever leave, and he's not dumb enough to keep trying. but killing himself, taking out the beating heart of the League once-past, that he can do. putting his hope in Duke's hand, knowing there's a strange sort of kinship between them, Gothamite to Gothamite. Duke diving out into the shadows of the world, hunting down Bruce's kids one by one and helping to free them from where Kal and Diana have sent them. and the Batkids slowly realizing that Kal's leverage is gone, but Bruce's legacy persists. it persists in all the kids that he trained, but this one especially!
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beeqisch · 1 year ago
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he stole my nye clothes smh
red hair ver so he can be just like me fr
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lunar-years · 1 year ago
royjamiekeeley take Phoebe to the glasgow willy wonka chocolate factory experience. Jamie was the one to book the tickets after seeing the online adverts, thinking it would be a fun surprise. After they arrive and the whole thing is such utter shit, Keeley pulls the ad up on her phone to "make sure this is it" and she and Roy see that basically every word is horrifyingly misspelt and the whole thing is complete AI gibberish. Keeley, gently, is all "oh, Jamie..." about it. Meanwhile Roy has stolen Phoebe's single designated jelly bean to lob it at Jamie's head. He also steals Jamie fourth-cup portion of lemonade. Someone recognizes Roy and Jamie and now the whole place is lined up to take pictures of their kids with the famous footballers, because at least that's something more worthy of their 35 pounds than the actual event. Between groups, Roy attempts to murder Jamie with his eyes for putting him through this torment, but he also can't say no to taking endless pictures and signing endless autographs because these are fucking kids. It's not their fault the event is rubbish and Roy's boyfriend is an idiot and put them there. Keeley is busy apologizing profusely to all the actors for her boyfriends' drawing attention away from their "really good, no seriously" performances. She also offers them advice on what to say to the press when they almost certainly come poking around.
Later, Phoebe tells her mother it was an incredible day. She got an absolutely mint picture with The Unknown and wants it framed.
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toxicroyjamie · 4 months ago
What do you think Roy drinks?
He generally seems to just drink reg beer, but we also see him drinking rosé and whiskey in season 2, and I like the idea of him being a secret booze snob. Like he actually has very refined and sophisticated taste, drops thousands of pounds on fine whiskey and wine every year, and as a rule won't drink anything younger than Jamie. He's been rich for a long time and I like to think he indulges in dumb rich people shit sometimes because he deserves it haha
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lefildariane · 6 months ago
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Superman (Richard Donner, 1978).
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weirdo-from-bonesborough · 1 year ago
Damian was reintroduced in 2006 as a nine year old, meaning he would have been 18 in 2015 when We Are Robin was published, in which Duke was 16.
Anyways au where the batfam ages in irl time and Damian is older than Duke my two years and constantly messing with him but also best friends
Cass is in her thirties at this point and just trying to focus on being Batman but somehow ended up a single mom to two high schoolers
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shamelesstragedyenjoyer · 1 year ago
I just had the most vivid dream where Batman found himself inadvertently ensnared by Ivy's pollen. The situation spiraled into a nightmarish ordeal as, in his altered state, he wielded Kryptonite against Superman in order to have his way with him.
Mind you, Sups wasn't affected by the spores. Ivy's plant based attacks are calqued on human biology so he felt none of the sexual urgue and just had to suffer through the pain of being litteraly split in two.
In the aftermath, Clark was left compounded by a profound disconnect to the reality of what happened. He's got this child-like naivety in the matters of intimacy, and doesn't really understand what went down. Not really. His perception of Batman as a paragon of self-discipline deepens his conviction that what happened couldn't be put on the sole back of the pollen. That he must've had a behavior that pushed the shorter man to believe he wanted it, too. Maybe it's something he said. Corruption always begins in the mouth. The tongue. The first poem in the world was "I Too Want To Eat."
The League is in its nascent stages, barely taking form, and he's reluctant to tell anyone. Tormented by his skewed perception that it was an act he performed with Batman rather than an assault on him, he refrains from disclosing what he thinks is his struggle with infidelity in his relationship with Lois, understanding the potential impact on the others' trust in him. He keeps quiet even as the memory sticks to his fingers like melted ice-cream. Beats inside his ribs like a second heart. Rather, he carries it's body from room to room. Heavier than iron it feels. Stains his hands wine-dark.
Meanwhile, Batman has retreated into the shadows, consumed by self-loathing and remorse. The fact that he became, by the single act of not dominating his lust, the antithesis of the very ideals he fights to uphold is a burden that seems all encompassing. He thought he knew hunger before this day. Found this kind of touch unbearable to witness. To want. Desire has always been ugly. Shaped like two hands wrapped around a throat.
Even so, he devoured someone else. Like a rotten dog, like an angel with teeth falling out it's gums. It's in his bones, aching, this fire. The dog that weeps after it kills is no better than the dog that doesn't. His guilt will not purify him.
It's desperate for redemption that he entertains the myriads of possibilities to right the wrongs of that fateful night, even to the point of contemplating altering the fabric of time itself.
As the days stretch into weeks, his absence raises concerns, and it's only out of the need to maintain his cover that he brings himself to the doors of Wayne Enterprises sporadically.
In the interim, Journalist! Lois and Witty! Jimmy embark into a relentless quest both in the shadows of Gotham and the bustling streets of Metropolis, hunting for the truth behind Clark's erratic behavior.
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madelinetess · 1 year ago
"Oi, Montlaur, get your ass in here!" Roy's voice rang through the locker room as all of the players were changing after practice.
Jan looked over Colin's head at his best friend confused, and Richard looked back with an equally dumbfounded expression. Everyone else in the room seemed to share the feeling. 
No one dared to speak up. That is until Jamie decided to be a prick as usual.
"Ooh! Someone's in trouble!" The Mancunian hollered "Whaddya do Dickie?"
"Not a clue. If it was about the jokes Jan and I made about your hair, Coach wouldn't have singled me out." Richard deadpanned quickly, sparing a glance at Jan before sticking his tongue out at Jamie who was already giving them both the finger.
After that the tension seemed to fizzle out and everyone except Richard got back to changing into their normal clothes. The Frenchman left all his things on the bench and went to talk with Roy still in his practice gear.
While everyone slowly trickled out of the changing room Jan stayed there waiting. Not only was he being a good friend, but he was also going to be the first person to, as the British say, get the tea, or as he would rather put it, hear the gossip.
After a while the Midfielder emerged from the coach's room smiling lightly. Jan stared at him expectantly, and once their eyes met Richard smiled devilishly.
"One of Roy’s yoga friends, Linda, finally got divorced and took the house, so all the yoga moms and coach Kent are going out to celebrate and one of the ideas was a wine tasting, so my expertise was called upon."
"We both know that's not entirely true, you may be an expert, but Roy wouldn't ask you just for that."
"He asked me to make a few calls. He knows I have contacts and get special treatment in at least a few places. He couldn't get a reservation anywhere at the last minute."
They both smirked while the Frenchman was changing.
"I assume you are going with them then?"
"And I assume you are coming with me?"
Jan didn't even have to reply, he just smiled and gathered his things to leave hand in hand with Richard. He knew that the shorter man will simply text him the details and that will be that.
It wasn't really a new development. They clicked immediately the first time Jan Maas stepped inside Richmond changing room and said something snide with the most unbothered look on his face right out the gate. They became fast friends and quickly started meeting up every Friday to discuss the latest gossip by a charcuterie board and a glass of fine wine (courtesy of Richard's collection). By the end of their first off season together they already had keys to each other's places and would often drop by unannounced just because.
They talked a little more before reaching the parking lot where they parted ways. Jan allowed himself one last glance at his friend walking away before getting in his car and driving off to his house.
About an hour later he heard his phone ping with a notification and just as he expected, it was from Richard. The contents though were sort of surprising. Instead of stating the time and the place the message simply said
Be there in 10
He left it with no answer as there was no need for one. The text was sent simply out of courtesy, because if Richard wanted to, he could have just barged in as if he owned the place. He never did though. Always politely informing the Dutchman before his arrival.
Few minutes later Jan heard the sound of his front door opening, after that there was shuffling as the Frenchman was searching for his slippers and finally muffled footsteps walking further into the house.
“Upstairs!” He shouted from his room and soon his friend joined him in his room. Richard was wearing the same outfit as that day back at Amsterdam, the black shirt and light pants. The sight paired with a pair of pink slippers with pink fuzz made Jan smile. The slippers were a gag gift he got from Colin, but became widely known as ‘Richard’s slippers’ because of a team meeting that took place at Jan’s house some time after he got them. More people showed up than it was expected, and Richard arriving late had the honour of being the one to wear the pink abomination.
“Is that what you’re wearing?” Said Richard pointing to the clothes Jan had prepared beforehand. It was just a dark pair of jeans and a nice looking t-shirt, but he thought those would both suit him and the ocasion.
“That was the plan”
“Anywhere else this would be acceptable, but this place is a bit fancier. Let me pick something for you.”
The shorter man got to his closet before Jan could even think about stopping him, and was already rummaging through it. In the span of five minutes Richard managed to find articles of clothing Jan has long ago deemed lost. In retrospect, he really should organise his wardrobe one of these days.
“Try these on” Laid in front of him on his bed was a beige turtleneck long sleeve and a pair of brown pants.
“Will this be fancy enough?”
“Should be, it’s better than what you prepared before.”
While Jan took the clothes and disappeared inside a bathroom Richard sat on his bed looking through messages on his phone.
“How are we getting there?”
“I’ll drive, I know the way. We’ll meet with Roy there.”
“Won’t we get drunk?”
“Not necessarily, but I’m also not planning on drinking there.”
“Why?” Jan was genuinely surprised.
“The good places are booked months in advance, the place where we’re going is not.”
Jan only hummed in agreement and walked back into his room. Richard put his phone back in his pocket and studied Jan for a good ten seconds.
“Turn around” The Frenchman demanded and Jan obliged. He spun around slowly showing the outfit from different angles. “You look good.”
The compliment for some reason sat heavy in the Dutchman’s heart, but the other man didn’t seem to notice anything. The taller man then took the golden pendant that Richard had gifted him for his last birthday, along with a Jo Nesbø book he was incredibly excited about, to complete the look. It was a simple rectangular one, but it had a tiny football and Jan’s initials engraved. 
“Shall we head out?”
Richard hummed in understanding and both men walked out the room, down the stairs and into the entrance hall where they exchanged the slippers for smart shoes and finally out the front doors and into Richard’s car. 
The way over was mainly spent on talking a little more and blasting Adele through the speakers.
The first time Jan caught the Frenchman listening to her songs he was surprised to say the least. But now that they know eachother better it makes perfect sense to him. Not that he would be able to explain it, but there is something very Richard-like in her music. 
Few years ago Jan would have never thought he would enjoy Adele songs as much as he does now, but as Richard sang along to the lyrics while tapping the steering wheel and driving at the same time he couldn't help but find the whole situation incredibly endearing. 
Once they got out they immediately clocked Coach Kent standing by the entrance surrounded by middle aged ladies, so they made their way over. After greeting everyone and some quick introductions the whole group made their way inside. Jan stayed behind to talk a little with Roy as Richard was talking to the staff and confirming their reservation. 
But he saw out of the corner of his eye as the hostess called for a sommelier to lead them to their designated area and seat them. As the waiter was escorting them to their seats he was animatedly talking about something with Richard and Jan felt his throat drying up slightly. The young man looked tall walking next to Richard, but not as tall as Jan, and that gave the Dutchman a weird sort of satisfaction.
Once they got seated the man left to bring their glasses and the first bottle of the night. Once he got back he started presenting the bottle he brought with himself. He also asked who the designated drivers were and explained to them how not to get drunk, but still enjoy their evening. After that he poured everyone their first glass. Richard, faithful to his word, refused the drink and explained to the sommelier that he would not be drinking tonight. No one seemed to notice though as everyone else was already immersed in the experience.
 Conversations flowed smoothly. Linda talked about all the renovations she was planning to do to the house now that it was all hers, she also showed everyone the pictures of a cat she was thinking of adopting which turned into everyone showing photos of their pets. There was Luna the Beagle, and Snowball the persian cat, but there was also a bunny called Carrots, which was short for Ms Dulcinea, Destroyer of Carrots and not an allusion to the Disney movie Zootopia, obviously named by one of the lady’s kids. Then of course the pictures of the kids had to be shown as Kathy or Sarah or whoever really remarked that the two footballers did not know their kids.
They were talking, drinking wine and overall having a great time, but the sommelier would often linger by Richard and talk to him about wine, so even if Jan wanted to, he couldn’t really butt in, because he didn’t know much about the subject. He did scoot closer to his friend though, so that he could hear what was being discussed. 
As the night went on the two footballers heard at least a few incredibly satisfying stories the yoga moms shared about Roy, but also told some of their own ones in return. They already went through four different bottles, each with a short presentation beforehand and with each new one Jan was getting more and more frustrated. The sommelier was annoying him by never leaving Richard alone, it was almost as if he was trying to flirt, but the worst thing seemed to be Richard not shooting it down. The most awful moment however came after the fourth bottle had been poured. The younger man was once again talking to his best friend, but the conversation seemed to be about something else.
“I only really drink red wine,” the sommelier said while leaning next to the Franchman. “And I was wondering what kinds of wines you drink. Is it white wine, red wine, both..?”
It was then that the Dutchman remembered the wine scene from some tv show that Colin had shown him once a long time ago that was using the exact same metaphor. He got angry, not only was this man shamelessly hitting on his best friend, but also doing it in such a lame and unoriginal way. Something inside him told him to get away before he made a scene. So he did. He got up and went in the direction of the restrooms. 
Once inside he looked at himself in the mirror. Why was he getting so worked up? He didn’t even know if Richard was into men. They never talked about labels. He himself was only out to Colin, as it was still quite new to him. But now as he looked at himself in the mirror and thought about another man standing too close to his best friend he felt green with envy. And it hit him, he wanted to be the one that people saw by Richard’s side, he wanted to have his hoodies stolen by the shorter man and listen to him belt Adele songs semi-badly.
The sound of the door opening made him look that way and he saw Richard walking in looking straight at him.
“Are you ok? You looked unwell back there.”
“I’m…” He wanted to say something, but decided against it just yet, and started again. “Promise me that we won’t stop being friends if I tell you something.”
“I promise, now spill it.”
“Do you like red wine..?” He didn’t mean to ask that, why did he ask that. There were a million better ways to start this conversation.
“Are you also making an allusion to the show Colin told us about?” Jan hung his head in shame but nodded.
“I saw the waiter flirting with you and I… Do you?”
“I’m French,” Richard walked up closer to him and leaned on the wall next to him. “Let’s say I care more about the wine itself than the label. What wine do you drink?”
“I just realised it today, but I think I really like this one wine from Cordon…” He was always so straightforward, why couldn’t he just say all this outright? Why was it so hard to be open about it all with Richard?
“Yeah? What year is the wine?” Richard kept on pushing and now stood facing him so close, that he had to look up slightly to look at Jan.
“And his name..?”
Jan leaned down and was now face to face with the shorter man. At the exact same moment as his hands found their way onto Richard's waist, Richard’s landed around his neck and they were kissing. They fit together perfectly and Jan was sure that Richard could taste the shitty wine on his tongue, but he didn’t seem to care as he eagerly returned the gesture.
Before this moment everything felt so complicated, but now, it was all so easy. Everyone else faded to the background and it was just Richard and him. No Roy, no yoga moms and especially no sommeliers. 
They broke apart but still looked at eachother hungrily, and Jan thought to himself that Richard may soon be changing his mind regarding labels, because he is not going to leave this thing between them unsaid.
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thetarttfuldickhead · 1 year ago
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mocksterling · 2 years ago
Do you know how Lex acts in the early seasons of Smallville? Imagine that version of his personality but in Young Justice.
Mans would be petty and start trying to push younger heroes and young villains together for kicks. I can see him saying that none of them are "Luthor worthy of love" and start trying to stop Kon and Miss Martian from dating. Meanwhile, Clark is just like, "Not this shit again."
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navybrat817 · 7 months ago
I've been seeing him a lot lately. I think you'd appreciate this
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A man who is truly aging like fine wine. Or whiskey. Both. My god. I don't consider myself a farm girl, but I'd live on a farm in Kansas with DILF!Clark Kent if he asked it of me.
Packing my bags we speak.
Love and thanks! ❤️
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frownyalfred · 2 years ago
I love borderline so much like it's such a creative concept and you're doing such an amazing job!!! I want to ask, I hope this isnt rude, and if so you can ignore this, but are you planning on adding any superbat to it? I was thinking that through the bond it's absolutely possible for the kids to find out if B is dating clark, or if he has feelings for him maybe even if nothing has happened between them? I'd love to read your thoughts about, even if it wont be included in the fic... like how would you approach that?
Thank you so much!!! Everyone is being so kind, the comments are really about to make me cry 😭
The way I’ve felt instinctively about adding superbat to this fic (because as y’all know, I love superbat but I also write Bruce & Clark platonically with equal vigor) is that it would have to be a sort of unrequited, unmentioned thing between them if it did happen.
I think where this fic could shine for them is in illuminating how deeply Bruce cares for Clark and trusts him as a sort-of equal.
The batkids will definitely call him out on those feelings eventually, but anything he’s had established with Clark (platonic or not) would likely be minimal before this fic takes place.
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kentavawine · 4 months ago
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kentavewiness · 5 months ago
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kharagpawnbrokers · 5 months ago
In addition to our diverse selection of wines, Kent Wine and Liquors also offers concierge service to our valued clients. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff are available to offer personalized wine recommendations and expert advice to help you choose the right wine for any occasion.
Whether you’re hosting a dinner party and need help selecting a wine pairing, or you simply want to explore new wines, our concierge service is there for you. We understand that everyone has different preferences and palates, and we’re here to help you find the perfect wine that suits your taste and budget.
So why wait? Visit us at Kent Wines and Liquors today and discover why we’re the go-to wine store for Williamsburg residents. With a diverse selection of wines and a concierge service dedicated to your wine needs, we’re sure to satisfy your thirst for excellence.
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