#kent removal company
hilogisticz12 · 8 months
Hilogisticz Removals
Hi Everyone I'm HENRY IK owner of Hilogisticz Removals based in, London, United Kingdom. Hilogisticz is a reliable removal service, we provide House Removal, Office Removal, and House Removal services at an affordable rate in London, Essex, Kent, and Canterbury Areas. 
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vansandhands · 1 year
Top Moving Mistakes to Avoid | Tips for a Smooth Move
Website: www.vansandhands.com
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Moving under stress can lead to common moving mistakes that cost money, time, and sanity. To avoid common moving mistakes, it's crucial to have a plan before starting any major tasks. Here are seven common mistakes to avoid:
Doing everything by yourself: DIYing your move can be more time-consuming and risky than hiring professionals. Be honest with yourself about your move and how much work you can put into it. Opt for professional help if you have heavy belongings.
Not packing early: Packing up a house is the most time-consuming task, so be realistic when allotting time. Decluttering your home before packing can result in higher transportation costs.
Not maintaining a moving checklist: A customised and prioritised checklist helps organize each stage of the move, prevents time loss, and motivates you.
Not getting the right insurance: Before hiring a moving company or office movers, ensure your belongings are covered in transit and your moving company is fully insured.
Not observing moving day safety: Be proactive and employ safety measures, such as proper moving equipment, clear exit paths, keeping children and pets away, and dressing appropriately for the day of the move. By following these checklists, you can ensure a smooth and stress-free moving experience.
A moving checklist is essential for a hassle-free move, avoiding mistakes like last-minute packing, lack of clear planning, and not packing essentials. Keep essentials in one place, underestimate packing boxes, and label boxes. Use local supermarkets or online for used ones, stock up on masking tape, and stock up on bubble wrap. Leave boxes unlabelled, measure doorways, and inform people about your new address. Use a checklist to ensure everything is organized and double-check before wrapping up. Contact a moving specialist for more moving advice.
Read The Top 7 Moving Mistakes to Avoid, to save yourself these common moving mistakes.
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superbat-love · 9 days
Clark stared miserably at his plate, seated across from his latest potential marriage prospect, the Omega son of Obs-Tinate, the CEO of Tinate, one of Krypton’s largest pharmaceutical companies.
"So, what do you do for fun?" the Omega asked Clark.
“I read a lot. Right now, I’m going through a book called ‘The Life and Death of Earth’. It’s fascinating—Earth’s culture and history really interest me. I also write under the pseudonym Clark Kent,” Clark replied.
"Oh, you’re a writer. Anyway, you’ll be inheriting your parents' research company, right?" the Omega said, clearly uninterested. Before Clark could respond, a waiter approached the table.
“Welcome to Gotham, esteemed Omega consorts and gentle Alphas. I’m Dick, your waiter for tonight,” the young man said with a playful smile. “First up, we have the hors d'oeuvre, a Gotham specialty.” He elegantly placed the dish on the table.
“Wait a minute, these snacks are cold. I want them reheated,” Obs-Tinate complained.
The waiter looked confused. “Sir, they’re meant to be served cold.”
“I don’t care, they should be hot!” Obs snapped.
Jor-El, Clark’s father, offered the waiter an apologetic smile. “Could you ask the chef if he can make an exception?”
Dick gave a small bow and removed the dish, taking it back to the kitchen.
A minute later, a large, imposing man stormed out of the kitchen. The occupants of the table shrank back as he stomped toward them, his expression furious.
“What do you mean, you want them reheated? Why should I change Alfred’s recipe to suit your unrefined Alpha palate?” the man growled into Obs-Tinate’s terrified face.
“B-Back off, you... you gargantuan Omega!” the CEO stammered, his voice shaking. His son whimpered, trying to hide behind his father.
“Mr. Butcher!” Clark cried out, recognizing the furious man.
The man’s glare shifted to Clark, his eyes narrowing. “You’re that Alpha who’s always loitering outside my butcher shop. Are you stalking me?”
“It’s Kal-El! I didn’t know you worked as a chef here,” Clark said, eyes wide. “Is this your night job?”
“It’s not. In fact, I was never here, and you never saw me.” The man turned, quickly making his way back toward the kitchen.
Clark stood up from the table, ignoring his parents' concerned glances, and hurried after him. “Wait! Can I at least get your name?”
“Damn persistent Alpha,” the man muttered. He stopped and glanced over his shoulder. “Fine. If I tell you my name, Mr. Floppy Bow, will you leave me alone?”
Clark nodded eagerly, his heart racing. He yelped when the man suddenly grabbed his bowtie and tugged him close.
“Call me Bruce,” the man murmured in his ear, his breath warm against Clark’s skin. He released him with a wink and disappeared into the kitchen. Clark caught a glimpse of Dick giving Bruce two thumbs up just before the doors swung shut behind him.
The Ugly Omega AU
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stephensmithuk · 4 months
The Sign of Four: The Strange Story of Jonathan Small (Part One of Two)
I will split this in two parts as I've got a lot to cover here.
CW for discussions of nasty prison conditions.
The depth of the Thames is about 6.5 metres at low tide in Woolwich, near to the Plumstead Marshes as they were then. However, the river has strong currents and very little visibility, so it would be a risky operation even with 2024 diving technology for some rather small objects.
The rupee originally was a silver coin dating back to ancient times in India, becoming something of a standard currency during the Mughal period. The East India Company introduced paper rupees and while there was an attempt by the British to move their territory to the pound sterling, they soon gave up, minting their own rupees with the British monarch's head on. The currency was also non-decimal. India retained the currency post-independence and went decimal as well.
Mangrove trees are very common in equatorial coastline regions - they can remove salt from the water, which would kill many other trees.
Prisoners set to the Andaman Islands penal colony were forced to work nine to ten hours a day to construct the new settlement, while in chains. Cuts from poisonous plants and friction ulcers from the chains would often get infected, resulting in death.
The convict huts on Ross Island were two-storey affairs, with the bottom as a kitchen and took area, the prisoners sleeping on the upper floor. Designed this way as an anti-malaria measure, they however leaked and the prisoners themselves were constantly damp from the rainfall, offering them little protection from the mosquitoes in any event.
Ague is an obsolete term for malaria; adults experience chills and fever in cycles.
The British would conduct experiments with quinine as a malaria treatment by force-feeding it to the prisoners. This caused severe side effects.
The British would make use of locals as warders, who wore sashes and carried canes. I'd imagine they could probably be quite brutal.
Pershoe is a small town on the River Avon near Worcester. It has a railway station with an hourly service to London, taking just under two hours today.
"Chapel-going" in this context means that the people attended a non-conformist church i.e. not one part of the Church of England.
"Taking the Queen's/King's shilling" was a historical term for joining the armed forces - for the army this was officially voluntary, but sailors could be forcibly recruited, being known as "press-ganged" until 1815. You would be given the shilling upon initial enlistment or tricked into taking it via it being slipped into your opaque beer. You would return the shilling on your formal attestation and then receive a bounty which could be pretty substantial in terms of the average wage, although a good amount of that would then be spent on your uniform. Some enlisted, deserted and then reenlisted multiple times to get multiple payments. The practice officially stopped in 1879, but the slang term remains.
The 3rd Buffs refers to the latter 3rd Battalion, Buffs (East Kent Regiment), a militia battalion that existed from 1760 to 1953, although it effectively was finished in 1919. However, in reality, they did not go to India to deal with the rebellion, instead staying in Great Britain to cover for the regular regiments who did.
The British never formally adopted the Prussian "goose step" instead going for the similar, but less high-kicking, slow march.
The musket would possibly have been the muzzle-loaded Enfield P53, a mass-produced weapon developed at the Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield. It was itself was the trigger of the Indian Rebellion in 1857 due to the grease used in the cartridges. They would also be heavily used in the American Civil War on both sides, especially the Confederate one as they smuggled a lot of them, with only the Springfield Model 1861 being more widely used. As a result, they are highly sought after by re-enactors. The British used them until 1867, when they switched to the breech-loading Snider-Enfield, many of the P53s being converted.
The crocodile would likely have been a gharial, which mainly eat fish. Hunting and loss of habitat has reduced their numbers massively, with the species considered "Critically Endangered" by the IUCN.
"Coolie" is a term today considered offensive that was used to describe low-wage Indian or Chinese labourers who were sent around the world, basically to replace emancipated slaves. Indentured labourers, basically - something the US banned (except as a riminal punishment) along with slavery in 1865. In theory they were volunteers on a contract with rights and wages, however abuses were rife. Indentured labour would finally be banned in British colonies in 1917.
Indigo is a natural dark blue dye extracted from plants of the Indigofera genus; India produced a lot of it. Today, the dye (which makes blue jeans blue) is mostly produced synthetically.
I have covered the "Indian Mutiny" as the British called it here in my post on "The Crooked Man".
The Agra Fort dates back to 1530 and at 94 acres, it was pretty huge by any standards. Today, much of it is open to tourists (foreigners pay 650 rupees, Indians 50), although there are parts that remain in use by the Indian Army and are not for public access.
"Rajah" meaning king, referred to the many local Hindu monarchs in the Indian subcontinent; there were also Maharajahs or "great kings", who the British promoted loyal rajahs to the rank of. The Muslim equivalent was Nawab. However, a variety of other terms existed. The East India Company and the Raj that succeeded them used these local rulers to rule about a half their territory and a third of the population indirectly, albeit under quite a bit of influence from colonial officials. These rulers were vassals to the British monarch; they would collect taxes and enforce justice locally, although many of the states were pretty small (a handful of towns in some cases) and so they contracted this out to the British. As long as they remained loyal, they could get away with nearly anything.
562 of these rulers were present at the time of Indian independence in 1947. Effectively abandoned by the British (Louis Mountbatten, the last Viceroy, sending out contradictory messages), nearly all of them were persuaded to accede to the new India, where the nationalists were not keen on them, with promises they could keep their autonomy if they joined, but if not, India would not help them with any rebellions. Hyderabad, the wealthiest of the states, resisted and was annexed by force. The ruler of Jammu and Kashmir joined India in exchange for support against invading Pakistani forces, resulting in a war. A ceasefire agreement was reached at the beginning of 1949, with India controlling about two-thirds of the territory; the ceasefire line, with minor adjustments after two further wars in 1965 and 1971, would become known as the Line of Control, a dotted line on the map that is the de facto border and one of the tensest disputed frontiers on the planet.
India and Pakistan initially allowed the princely rulers to retain their autonomy, but this ended in 1956. In 1971 and 1972 respectively, their remaining powers and government funding were abolished.
Many of the former rulers ended up in a much humbler position, others retained strong local influence and a lot of wealth. The Nizam of Hyderbad, Mir Osman Ali Khan was allowed to keep his personal wealth and title after the annexation in 1948 - he had been the richest man in the world during his rule and used a 184-carat diamond as a paperweight, at least until he realised its actual value. The current "pretender", Azhmet Jah, has worked as a cameraman and filmmaker in Hollywood, including with Steven Spielberg.
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: DC, MCU
Title: Did She Run Away?
Series: Wheres My Love (2/??)
Character(s): Peter Parker, The avengers, Talia Al Ghul, Connor Kent, Jon Kent
Request: No
Genre: Fluff, Angst
TW: None
A/N: Reader used to be superman’s sidekick . When I through New York in here, if y’all didn’t expect this to be a DC, Marvel cross over idk what to say
(Y/S/N) = Your superhero name
(N/N) = Nickname
(S/W) = signature weapon
December 1st, 2019
Almost two years that’s how long you had been here, in New York city. You were living with your friend Peter Parker and his aunt May. It had hit the news quickly that (Y/S/N) had moved from crime fighting in Gotham, Bludhaven, and Metropolis. To fighting crime in New York city, you hadn’t had a run in with the avengers, the rip off justice league as you called them, or heroes that were affiliated with them yet.
That would change tonight though. Since you decided to suit up about two months into your stay into New York, you had only gone after minor thugs. Which you found patrolling, which you were doing at the moment. When a familiar spider-boy who wore bright red decided you need company.
He swung down landing in front of you, before he could say anything you spoke. “What you want?” You asked.
“I thought you would like some company,” he replied, he stuck out his hand. “Spiderman,” he told you.
You rolled your eyes before taking his hand, “(Y/S/N),” You replied. You two began talking for awhile, getting to each other without revealing anything about your secret identities. You too had moved so you were sitting on the side of building with your legs dangling off the edge.
“So what’s it like working for superman?” He asked.
You shook your head, “I didn’t work for him, sure I was his sidekick but there no power dynamic. I would boss him around sometimes, he would do the same to me. He’s my mentor but he was also so much more then that,” You replied.
He placed a hand on your shoulder, “It must have been hard leaving. I don’t what I would do if I had to leave behind black widow or Iron man,” You gave him a sad smile, and nodded.
“Why’d you leave?” He asked. You froze, you hadn’t told anyone not Peter not May. The only people who knew were the ones back in Gotham and Metropolis. He must have noticed your reaction to the question because he quickly told you, that you didn’t have to tell him.
“No, I’ll tell you. It’s fine,” you replied.
“You sure? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,”
“It’s fine,” you assured him, you took a deep breathe. “My robin died,” you told him.
He tilted his head much like a confused puppy would, “Huh? Your bird died?” He asked.
You laughed and shook your head, “No, Batman’s sidekicks are called Robins. Mine died, he was killed by the Joker. It was couple of years ago but I never got over it, I spent months reviewing the footage from Batman’s suit from that night,” your voice cracked, “Trying to figure out if someway, somehow he wasn’t dead. But I just found myself watching my baby die, over and over again.
I did it until realized he was gone, that he wasn’t coming back. So I started visiting his grave, telling him everything that he was missing. I thought I was okay, I really did. Then one night I found myself fighting the joker. And were there, at the warehouse or what remained of it.
And he started things and I just remembered how mad, I was,” tears rolled down your face, “Mad that this sick son of a bitch was alive, but my baby bird was dead. Then I just snapped and I almost killed him and I just remember thinking that was I wanted to do it. I want him dead, I was gonna kill. If Nightwing and Orphan hadn’t shown up, I would have killed him,” You looked over at spiderman, “I’m not a murder,” you told him.
He shook his head, “Your not a murder (M/N).”
He removed his masking, revealing that he was Peter. “I figured it out, while you were talking,” the brunette explained.
“Can we go back your apartment?” You asked.
Peter nodded, “let’s go,”
March 2nd, 2020 (There is no COVID)
As the elevator went up heading to the top floor, where currently the Avengers resided, so did your nervous. Peter must have sense this because he placed a hand your shoulder, “Relax, everything is gonna be okay,” he told you.
You scoffed, “Telling people to relax doesn’t really make them relax,” You replied, “Besides this like meeting the Justice League all over again,”
“But it’s the avengers this time,”
You shook your head, “Still. Do you know how bad I embarrassed myself the first time, I met the Justice League?”
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Peter replied.
“It was that bad!” You exclaimed, “I fell into the fucking pool of Justice!” You looked over at Peter and noticed he was trying not to laugh, which earned him a small shove. “Asshole, don’t laugh!”
“I wasn’t laughing at you,” He replied, “Pool of Justice?”
You bit your lip trying to stop yourself from laughing as well because you knew if you laughed, Morpheus would strike you down then and there. “Yeah…the justice league isn’t the best at name things,”
“Then I feel really bad for there children,” Peter laughed.
You shook your head, “Surprisingly there kids have good names, well the ones who didn’t name themselves or had names before they got there,”
“Named themselves? Names before they got there?” Peter asked.
“Well sure the justice league treats there sidekicks and refers to them as there kids but most of them aren’t. Like my buddy Dick, he might be Bruce’s son but Bruce didn’t name him.
Dick’s parents did and so did my parents. And as for naming themselves, sometimes there sidekicks are manmade. Like my brother, Conner. He was made to be a clone of Clark and Lex Luther, he escaped the lab though and he needed clothes. So he stole them from one of the guards and the name on the outfit was Connor,” You explained.
Before Peter could respond the elevator door opened signaling you were on the avengers floor. “You ready?” Peter asked, you nodded. The two of you exited the elevator and walked down a small hallway that took you to living room.
Where a butch of people sat you recognized them all right off the bat. There was Black Widow or Natasha Romanoff, Iron Man or Tony Stark, The god of thunder or Thor, Hawkeye or Clit Barton, Bruce Banner or the Hulk, and Steve Rogers aka Captain America.
They all smiled at you, “You must be (M/N) Kent,” Tony smiled at you.
“I am indeed,” You smiled back.
Natasha patted the space next to her, “come sit down,” she told the two of you. You both did as you were told.
“We’ve heard a lot about you from Peter,” Clit told you.
“Good things, I hope you,” you replied.
“Really good things,” Steve assured you. You spent the next hour or so getting to know them all. It was nice, you laughed a lot this much since Jason died.
“How’d you end up with, Superman and superwomen?” Thor asked.
“My parents dropped me off outside, Superman’s house. Apparently they were work buddies with his Superwomen and they couldn’t take care of me. I was two, they left a note with my name and I haven’t seen them since. But it’s okay because Superman and Superwomen raised me as there kid. There my family,” You explained.
“So why’d you leave, Metropolis and Gotham? If all the family you’ve ever known was there?” Tony asked, “Get tired of the Justice League up your ass?”
You shook your head, “The love of my life died,” you told them. You felt the whole rooms atmosphere change.
“I’m so sorry, what happened? If you don’t mind me asking,” Natasha asked.
“It’s okay,” you replied, “He was murder by the Joker and years later I thought,” You shook your head, “I didn’t think, I knew I was okay. Then I’m back at what remained of the warehouse, he was killed, fighting the Joker and I almost killed him. I was lucky two of my friends were in the area because they pulled me off of him and at that moment I knew I couldn’t stay,” you explained.
“I’m so sorry,” Tony replied, “I wouldn’t know what to do if Pepper died, especially if I found myself fighting the person who did years later,”
“It was hard,” You replied.
“Well, on a happier note,” Bruce spoke up, “we don’t usually summon people to the Avengers tower, you’re aware of that correct?” Bruce asked, you nodded.
“Well were thinking about giving you an opportunity, to work with us. You know this business way better then a lot of us do, and we could use that,” He explained.
You lit up, “Really?”
Bruce nodded, “You could teach a lot of us some things and some of us have been in this game for years.”
“I’ll try my best,” You replied.
“So you in?” Peter asked.
“Of course,” you smiled.
August 23rd, 2021
You sighed as you unlocked the door to your apartment, yes your apartment. You moved out of May’s and Peter’s a couple moths ago. Finally having enough money to buy your own, which you were very happy about. You loved Peter but after a night a patrol all you wanted to do was go to sleep, which was with him that was not so easy.
As you entered the apartment you were quick to realize that the Tv and the light in the living room were on. This set you on alert, you pulled your (S/W) out and slowly made your way to living room. As you got closer you heard a laugh, one you had heard so much that you almost immediately knew who had broken into your apartment.
You rolled your eyes, as your entered the living room. “Con-” you cut yourself off. Curled up, asleep next to Connor on the couch looked like a mini-boy version of Louis Lane who couldn’t have been more then four years old. “Whose that?” You whispered.
“(M/N), meet our younger brother, Jon,” He smiled at you.
You were very skeptical, “Is this another clone?” You asked.
Connor shook his head. “So Clark and Louis…,” you didn’t finish the sentence.
Connor nodded once more, “Yep, they had sex. I wonder how that would work, I always-,” you grimaced and cut your brother off.
“Connor!” You exclaimed, “I don’t wanna think about my mother and father figure having sex!” Your shouting cause Jon to stir next to Connor, immediately opening his eyes.
He blinked a couple times before looking around eyes landing on you. “(M/N)?” He asked. You smiled and nodded, getting down on your knees in front of your baby brother.
“Hello, Honey,” you smiled.
Before Jon could respond Connor spoke up, “You know, Bruce had another kid,” Connor told you.
“Really?” You asked not taking your eyes off of Jon.
“Mhm, he’s an Al Ghul,” This caught you off guard, you turned Connor wide eyed.
“Yep, I know,” Connor replied.
“Holy shit!” You exclaimed.
“Hey! Watch your mouth in front of Jon!” Connor scolded you.
You put your hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry,” you replied.
“You better, do you know how much of a bad mouth Dick, Stephanie, and Tim have?” You watched as Jon visible lit up at those names and quickly looked around.
“Dick?” Jon asked, you shook your head.
“He’s not here buddy,” you turned Connor, “he can’t be more then four, when did Louis have him?” You asked.
“She was three months at the time you left.”
You couldn’t believe it, Clark and Louis probably knew but they didn’t tell you. Hell they didn’t even tell you he was born. You were anger but also hurt, Connor could tell. He could always, he placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m really sorry (N/N),” he told you.
“How could they not tell me?” You asked.
“I don’t know, maybe they thought you’d come straight home,” Connor suggested, but you both knew it wasn’t true.
“I can’t believe it!” You exclaimed. “I’m just much as there kid your two are,” you gestured to Connor and Jon, “I didn’t know my parents, Clark and Louis were the only I had. How could they not tell me?” You felt tears burn your eyes and at this moment you didn’t care, you let them fall freely.
Connor weakly smiled at you, he moved off the couch and sat down on your right. He took your hand into his, you could tell he was fighting back tears. You two had always been close, doing everything together. So when one broke down, the other was very close to following because you didn’t like seeing each other like that.
You didn’t like seeing each other in pain, or sad, or sick. “(M/N), Clark and Louis aren’t good people. You always looked up to them, so I never wanted to tell you but there not. Heck once Jon’s old enough, and Clark doesn’t need me around to take care of his son. I’m gonna grandma and grandpa, I’m not gonna be welcome at home anymore.
I’m gonna be superboy, he is. Because he was kid Louis and Clark wanted,” You watched as the tears fell down your brother’s face, “Not some clone made of him and his arch enemy, not some random kid left on his door step. He’s gonna be the golden boy, the golden child and were gonna be left behind like we never exist,” Connor told you.
You didn’t wanna believe it but deep down, you knew it was true. There was no avoiding it. “Do you ever wish you lived with Lex, instead of Clark?” You asked.
Connor nodded, “Because he even the small times I see him because I have too. Because as much as Clark and Louis want to deny it i’m his kid too. He treats me better then either of them did, he might be asshole sometimes and supervillain but he’s good dad. You ever wonder, what it would be like if you parents kept you?”
You nodded, “Everyday. I wonder what it would like. If they take me back now, even with how fucked I am,” Connor squeezed your hand.
“You not fucked up,” He told you.
You shook your head, “I am! Connor, I am! I couldn’t take care of myself before Jason died, I can hardly do it now. Hell i tried to kill the Joker. I’m having nightmares about the Lazarus Pit and Jason crawling out of his grave. Even though I know it’s gone, and so is he. I’m fucked Connor,”
He shook his head, as he pulled you into a hug. “I love you so much,” he told you, “Your brother, and trust me your not fucked. Clark, Louis, the
joker, and everyone else is,” you felt an extra pair of arms wrap around you and looked to see Jon.
He smiled at you, “I love you too,” he told you.
You couldn’t help but smile as well, “I love you too, Jon. I love the both of you,” you told them.
“Now I have two awesome brothers!” Jon exclaimed. Your smile grew even wider at that.
February 1st, 2022
You, Peter, and Nat were building away from were the other avengers. There was group of people who had landed on Avengers and tower and Friday classified them as threat. The group of people, they brown robes and on the back of them was a symbol one you had seen before.
You knew it but you couldn’t remember where it was from. You remembered it being from a league of some sort, you watched as leader of the group, a women, looked around and as your eyes laid on her you realized who she was, Talia Al Ghul.
“Shit!” you exclaimed. You moved from the building you were on to the Avengers tower. Nat and Peter’s called your name but you didn’t care, as you cared about was making sure Tony, who blasted was currently pointed at Talia, didn’t do something that would cause a war behind the league and the avengers.
You landed in front of Talia seconds before Tony was about to shoot, “Stop!” You exclaimed.
“Good of you finally show up,” Talia told you, you just rolled your eyes
“(Y/S/N), what are you doing?” Tony asked.
“You can’t hurt her, you’ll start a war behind the league and the avengers and believe me that is the last thing y’all need,” You explained.
“A war?” Steve asked.
“The league is a very power power group,” you turned from your friend toward Talia, “What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Can’t I visit my son’s boyfriend?” She asked.
You cocked your eyebrow at her, “Huh?”
Talia just rolled her eyes, “Jason, my son?”
You couldn’t help but be more confused, “Since when is Jason your son?” You asked.
“Since a couple months ago,” she replied.
“Talia, Jason died. He’s been died for years,” you replied.
Talia just smiled at you, “Oh (M/N), he’s alive,” you froze, “And you know it. You’ve been having dreams of him and the Lazarus Pit,”
You shook your head, “No.” You simply said, “Jason died years ago, The Lazarus pit was destroyed years before that by the Justice League,” You exclaimed.
“Yes, but I rebuilt it. I need someone to take of Damien,” She replied.
“So you brought my boyfriend back to life?!” You screamed.
Talia frowned at you, “I thought you would be happy,”
“Oh i’m thrilled!” You stomped your foot, “So fucking thrilled, do you know how dangerous that is? Talia, sure he can protect Damian but he is gonna have urges cause by Lazarus. He’s gonna be so unbelievably anger at Bruce, the Joker, Dick! Everyone!” You exclaimed. Then you remembered, Damian was in Gotham, “Is he..,” You didn’t finish the sentence, you didn’t have too.
“He is,”
“Talia,“ you whispered.
“I didn’t know,” she replied, “You need to stop before he does,” she told you.
“What do you mean?” You asked.
“Your connected to him. You can stop him, you can help him,” Talia replied. One of the assassins whispered something to her and she frowned, “I have to go but you need to stop him.”
Before you could speak they were gone you just stared at where they once were. “(M/N)?” Tony asked.
You turned around and noticed Nat and Peter had now joined the other avengers, “I have to go home, I have to go back to Gotham,” you replied.
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Bark, Bite & Break Bones - Tyler Galpin x Van Helsing!reader | Part.4
Summary: Things seem to go better between you and Tyler, as you both realize how alike you are. Maybe this could get you past the sarcastic weird friendship status? Ajax definitely thinks so. A tragic turn of events during the Poe cup lead to a yelling session, where some harsh words are not regretted. 
Warnings: angst, smut (characters are between 17 and 18), swearing, name-calling, physical assault (bullying), attempted drowning, mention of blood, implied removal of teeth
A/N: Let’s be honest, the whole plot of this long-ass chapter (8630 words, what the actual fuck) is to get to the smexy smoochie times. I regret absolutely nothing lmao. 
[Masterlist] [Prologue] [Part.1] [Part.2] [Part.3]
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Two weeks after the nightly confrontation, Principal Weems called you in her office. For the briefest moment, you thought that someone had talked about what happened in the forest then in the school corridors, but then you remembered that none of them had any interest in doing that. Plus, Kent was a coward, and Divina was not smart enough to take such a risk without compromising herself. So this summons in the middle of your Outcasts history class maybe wasn’t such a big deal? Gathering your belongings you excused yourself to the teacher before making your way out of the classroom. You caught Tyler’s gaze on the way, shrugging lightly at him to say it was probably nothing. 
Ever since that attack and the unexpected heart to heart – another one – around a cup of coffee, you and Tyler had grown closer. The flirting and sarcasm was still here of course, you both enjoyed that too much to ever let it down, but there was beginning to have something…more. More glances to the other when no one looked, just to make sure that everything was okay; more attention from you during the therapy sessions, carefully listening to Tyler gradually opening up about how he felt, whether it be anger toward his dad and Laurel, sadness, regrets or no about what he had done, how he felt at Nevermore. You were secretly glad the shameless flirt didn’t change, it helped you keep some distance between the two of you. Because even if you started to actually appreciate Tyler’s company (aside from the fact he was the only company you had at Nevermore), you had to remind yourself that he was still a menace; he was capable of losing his shit and your job was precisely to make sure it won’t happen, no matter how friendly you were to each other. 
Tyler was right, you were using sarcasm and flirting to deflect every single one of your problems rather than facing them; this was no different, but you could feel your will falter more and more. Being both considered as monsters being outcasts had gotten you closer than you could have imagined. And it was kind of nice to have someone actually starting to care about you, even if you spent most of the time pushing it away.
Knocking on the office door, you entered after Weem’s invitation to come in. 
“You wanted to see me ma’am?” you asked flatly, internally glad there was no school board to welcome you this time. 
Twice a month or so, the school board called you to the principal’s office, requiring regular updates on the Hyde situation. Both your bitterness and their habit to be haughty never helped those meetings to have a semblance of civility, and it often ended up in half-hidden threats and snapping. 
Larissa Weems nodded – noting the lack of sarcastic greeting you were known for – and invited you to sit on one of the chairs in front of her desk. 
“Indeed, Miss Van Helsing. How are things going for you at Nevermore?”
The memory of the students and their baseball balls flashed behind your eyes – as did the lingering ache of the now almost faded bruise on your cheek – but you shrugged, “Not so different from last time,” you simply said. Calling those fuckers out would only bring you more problems. 
She nodded in understanding, “What about Mr Galpin? Any progress so far?” 
You frowned, “Shouldn’t you be asking Dr.Fern that?”
“I’d like to have your view on this situation.” 
For a moment, you were tempted to pour all of your sarcasm to that wonderful occasion to spit on that cocky asshole. But that’s what you would have done a few months ago; now, you weren’t so keen about that, much to your own surprise. 
“He’s trying,” you conceded in a softer tone than usual, “he only wants to graduate without much trouble, make amends and then go on his merry way. I truly think he’s genuine with that.” 
Principal Weems didn’t hide her surprise and her eyebrows rose high, “Is that the Van Helsing or the student talking here?”
“Does it matter?” you shrugged, “for once I can say something good about a creature I’m hunting, don’t make me look like the villain, Principal Weems.”
She cleared her throat, not gracing you with any other answer on the matter; which meant you were right. “That’s good news then. I assume you’re keeping a close eye on him still?” 
You nodded, “Ajax’s helping too. Although the two of them are now more at ease with each other, he’s still on alert.”. It was Weems’ turn to nod this time, then you raised an eyebrow, “Why are you asking, thought? I thought last week’s meeting with the board had reassured you enough.” 
It had been a vast joke, that meeting. At your bruise on cheek and knuckles, and the cut above your eyebrow, the board had been suspicious and had asked you for explanation; no doubt looking for every reason to point out one of your faults. Snarky as ever you had casually explained you had tripped on a root and fell during one of your morning runs; before daring them to prove that if they didn’t believe you. 
“It’s merely personal curiosity,” she acknowledged flatly, linking her hands over her desk, “now, about why I made you come here: you’re aware that the Poe cup is to take place in a few days, right?”. At the nod of your head, the principal carried on, “Due to some…daring behavior last year, we’ve decided to increase the security during the race.”
“I thought the point of this cup was to have no rules?” you pointed out. 
“Indeed, but the security of the students is a sensitive subject as you can imagine,” she said gravely, “some parents are more…concerned about it this year.”
There was no need to explain why; a murderous Hyde and a Van Helsing at the school had to make more than a parent worry. “Yet you keep the Poe cup this year. Why, for the sake of tradition?”
“This is not the subject here,” she brushed off casually, “I’m asking you to give a hand to the race’s security this year.” 
A dumbfounded scoffed left your lips, “In what honor would I do that?” 
Weems gave you a scowl, “It could help you look less menacing and more willing to redeem yourself, miss Van Helsing. It’s in your best interest to help us here.”
“I don’t want to look less menacing,” you snarled, “I’ve already agreed to help you with Tyler, that should be enough for the judge and the board.” 
“You’re not making things easier for you, Y/N.”
“Is that a threat?” you dared, cocking your head to the side. Weems glared at you for a second, but then shook her head. 
“It's advice,” she articulated, “and I truly think you should take it before I’m ordering you to do it.” 
Huffing in annoyance, you crossed your arms, “Fine, I’ll do your stupid security work. What am I tasked with?” 
Hiding her satisfied smile, the principal laid a map of the Nevermore lake on her desk, “You’ll have to patrol around the lake. Last year some other students had joined the race by the outer shores, we want to make sure nothing shady’s going on in those areas.” 
“Sounds simple enough,” you nodded, “what about Tyler? Should I bring him with me?” 
Weems leaned back in her seat, “Ajax Petropolus isn’t competing this year, he’ll be asked to watch over him in the crowd. Where the school board and I can keep an eye on him.” 
“Perfect,” you said sharply, getting up and grabbing your bag, “guess I’ll be free of him for a day, lucky me.”
Weems didn’t add anything as you exited her office. On your way to your next class, you received a text. 
Up for a coffee break? 
Without thinking, you grinned and typed back an answer. 
Look who’s asking me on a date now. Hope this isn’t your attempt to poison me, pretty boy 
Haven’t found something stronger than your sarcasm yet. 10 minutes in the quad? 
Make it 5 and I might even go easy on you at fencing practice 
Come to think of it, maybe you’d miss Tyler if you happened to leave him for a day in the end. 
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The day of the Poe cup, you were glad to be allowed to dress in your civil clothes and not in the awful Nevermore uniform. Technically, everyone was allowed to, but you had never cherished the classical shirt/jeans combo this much. Arriving on the race grounds with Tyler, you gazed at the gathering teams this year.  The elaborate costumes were a sight to see, but it didn’t cover for the hateful looks thrown in your direction as soon as you both arrived at the tents area. 
“So you’re telling me you’re letting me in this while you go on a sunday walk? Any chances I can tag along?” 
You playfully rolled your eyes at Tyler’s words, “Ajax will be with you, relax.”
“How much do you think I have to bribe him to stone everyone?” he joked and you laughed lightly at that. 
On your right side, a group of teenagers exited a tent dressed as grim reapers, their black and white makeup making them look like deadly pandas. Among them, Ajax was there in his normal clothes, trading jokes and encouraging his friends. When they passed next to you, you recognized Xavier and other boys of his dorms; you simply nodded at him when his eyes met yours, before warily glancing at Tyler. The tension between the two of them hadn’t disappeared, but at the very least they seemed civil toward each other. Maybe their shared friendship with Ajax had something to do with it. 
“What are they?” you asked the Gorgon as he stayed with Tyler and you, giving one last cheer to his best friend’s team. 
“The reapers,” he pointed out proudly, “they drew The City in the Sea this year, something along the lines of Death sitting on a throne or something.” 
Glancing at Tyler, he shrugged in indication he had no clue either. Edgar Allan Poe’s poems weren’t something you were experts at. 
“Guess it’s my cue,” you mumbled, catching a glimpse of Principal Weems tapping on her watch while watching in your direction, “you boys are going to be fine?”
They both nodded, the awkwardness of their first interactions almost completely gone by now. Crossing past Tyler, you whispered in his ear: 
“Text me if the board decides to be a little too friendly with you, those guys are absolute shitheads.”
“Awww, you do care,” he cooed
Rolling your eyes in amusement you shoved him playfully, “Don’t make me regret this, pretty boy.” 
As you made your way away from the crowd, the two teenagers gazed at you until you disappeared from their gaze. Noticing the way Tyler’s eyes lingered a little bit longer, Ajax let out a low whistle. 
“So, what’s the deal between you two?”
A confused frown took place on Tyler’s face, who turned to his roommate, “What?”
“I mean,” he tried, awkwardly gesturing to where you had previously stood, “there’s a lot of sexual tension here, and you’re like, always flirting but aren’t you supposed to be enemies or something?”  
The Hyde shrugged, “Guess so. She’s also ready to bite my head off any moment.”
Instead of proving a point, the argument only seemed to go in Ajax’s direction, “See, exactly what I was saying. You’re bound to fuck, bro.” 
Tyler tried to repress a smirk. “Didn’t know my roommate was that much into gossip,” he chuckled, while the both of them tried to find a good spot to watch the race. 
“I’m not,” defended the Gorgon, "but Enid is.”
Following the direction Ajax pointed at, Tyler’s eyes switched to where the Ophelia team stood, dressed in sort of zombie brides, torn veils and fancily stained long sleeved white tops – except for Wednesday who sticked out in her black outfit. 
“She has a shit ton theories going on about you two,” chimed Ajax, waving at the werewolf when she gave him a smile. 
Tyler let out an almost nervous snort, “I’d be curious to hear them.”  
The teams started to gather near their respective canoe, meaning the race was about to start soon. As he and Ajax tried to get a good view of the lake, Tyler caught the sight of a familiar face among one of the teams. Dressed as a weird raven, Kent had a shifty gaze, almost looking nervous. The memory it brought back to his mind made Tyler frown slightly. 
“Hey,” he called out to Ajax, “do you know anything about what happened two years ago?” 
“ ‘bout what?” said the Gorgon mind-asbently, struggling to open the coke can he had brought with him. 
“About the accident with Y/N.” 
The Gorgon choked on his drink, coughing awkwardly a few times before clearing his throat. 
“W-well, I know what everyone else knows, nothing much.”
“It’ll be enough,” insisted Tyler, “so, what happened?” 
His roommate scratched his neck nervously, “Well, you see, when Y/N arrived at Nevermore she wasn’t uh– not many people like her y’know? Being a Van Helsing and all that. But to be honest, she didn’t make any fuss or anything really, like, she just laid low and all.”
Tyler frowned slightly, “So what’s the problem?”
Taking a look around them, Ajax lowered his voice, “There was that student, Jeremiah. A vampire guy, from a rich family, old blood and everything. Kind of a jerk, but never did anything that bad, he just played the tough guy.”
For some reason, Tyler doubted that. Still, he let Ajax continue the story. 
“Jeremiah and his friends tried to humiliate her, because well, pride I guess, but she never fought back to not get expelled, everyone knew she was ready to tear them apart tho.” 
“None of the teachers said anything?” 
Ajax shrugged, “There was no evidence technically, just a random student’s feud. Until…”
The beanie boy gulped slowly, “Well- there was a night, everyone was getting to their dorm just before the lights extinction, and then…then we heard a detonation and a scream coming from the quad–”, he took a deep breath before carrying on, “and when coach Vlad arrived well…that wasn’t really a pretty sight from what I’ve heard.”
The mere mention of it sent a cold chill down his spine; Ajax had never seen Jeremiah’s face after the attack clearly, but the rumors had made up for the missing pieces. 
“He- he had half of his face burned and…and he missed some teeth from what I’ve heard. Took quite the beat up, him and his buddies, but Jeremiah had it the worst, couldn’t leave the hospital for two whole months.” 
Tyler hummed pensively, “Okay, but has it to do with Y/N?” 
“Jeremiah’s buddy told everyone what happened before the attack, like how she harassed them because they were vampires and all, and besides, the corner of the quad they were attacked was booby-trapped.”
“Booby trapped?” repeated Tyler with a raise of his eyebrows. 
“An artisanal explosive device was put there, just for them,” explained the Gorgon. At his roommate’s still perplexed look, he insisted, “the bomb was concentrated with silver dust and hydrochloric acid according to the investigation, which is the most effective weapon against vampires, it has to be Y/N.”
“Okay but how can everyone be so sure?” 
Ajax gave him a surprisingly sympathetic smile – yeah, Tyler cared about you even if he didn’t admit it. “She confessed everything,” he said, making Tyler’s eyes widen even more, “admitted everything the second your dad suspected her, explained how she placed the bomb and lured Jeremiah and the other to the quad. Never confessed ripping out his teeth though.”
“What?” articulated Tyler. 
Drowning the last of his soda, Ajax coughed awkwardly again, “Jeremiah lost his canines, no one knows why. Heard that his family got a mage forging an amulet to dissimulate his scarred face, but I don’t think the teeth grew again. But hey,” he added hurriedly, “you can’t tell anyone I told you that okay? Those are kinda confidential information, officially it’s been an accident.”
“What do you mean?” asked Tyler, completely missing out Weem’s speech for the opening of the cup. 
Ajax scratched his neck nervously “Well, you see Jeremiah was an important member of the Nightshades and I kinda owe my place to his departure.”
“The Nightshades? What is that, a boy’s band?” snorted Tyler. 
“Nah bro, we’re a secret student society, but this stays between us okay?”. The Hyde gave him an amused nod. “His family unenrolled him from Nevermore after that, claiming he needed to be transferred into another hospital. The official announcement of the school mentioned an accident, but the Nightshades got word of the police report thanks to Yoko. Vampires solidarity or something.”
Suddenly, something clicked in Tyler’s mind, “Wait, Yoko’s a nightshade?”
A horn resonated loudly, cheers erupting at the beginning of the race. 
“Uh-uh, she and Bianca are kinda leading us now. Why?” 
Tyler’s eyes flickered to the canoe, clumsily getting on the lake under their team’s efforts. Neither the blue-eyed siren nor the vampire were anywhere to be seen. 
“Do they compete in the race this year?” he hurriedly asked the Gorgon. 
“Uh, don’t think so, why?”
Tyler couldn’t answer him. But something suddenly felt very, very wrong. 
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Strolling on the lake’s surroundings, you were internally grateful for this gateway. You weren’t too fond of big crowds, if avoiding the wheering students was a possibility you were glad to take it. 
Scanning the shores with your eyes, you looked out for any suspicious object or presence. Usually you would have been impressed by any attempt of cheating, but given you were there as a security guard today, well guess you were the buzzkill. The echo of a foghorn made you whip around briefly in reflex, the boats starting to hurry on the water. 
That’s when it happened. 
A bubbling sound erupted from the lake and before you could turn your head in its direction, something sprung from the water, gripping your ankle and tugging harshly at it. The sudden attack made you lose your balance and you crashed on the muddy shore ground with a yelp. Your head hit the ground and dizziness overcame your senses for a few seconds; enough for the unknown gripping strength to tug on your leg, sending a shrill of pain through your muscles as they tried to pull you into the water. Violently kicking your legs, you tried to get yourself free of this grip, swearing loudly with everything you had. The sound of quick footsteps reached your ears, and through your blurry mind you thought that someone had heard you and came to help. Hands grasped your and your head shot up, ready to thank whoever had come. But at the sight of a familiar dark binocular and sour face, all your hopes vanished instantly. 
A hard punch from the vampire sent you on the ground again, falling limply backwards at the border of the water. The same force that had tried to bring you into the lake broke from the surface again, and it was only when it pushed your head under the water you realized it was hands. The cold splash of the water against your face made the dizziness vanish on the spot, instead replaced by the struggling of your lungs trying to breathe. The unforgiving pressure of the grip on your neck didn’t allow you to move the slightest and you started to panic even more. Despite the muddy waters, you recognized the cerulean eyes glaring at you from the depths of the lake. Bianca. 
Lungs starting to burn, you trashed your limbs, trying to get out of here the quickest way possible. Plunging your left hand on the water you clumsily scrabbled out to the siren’s face, and as soon as you felt it you dug your nails into her cheek with all of your strength. Bianca let out a wail and the pain thankfully made her let go of your neck; emerging it from the water you took a loud breath, filling your aching lungs. But your relief was short-lived as a hit on your back made you fall inward again, and a new hand pushed your head under the water again. 
“What do you think you’re doing, bitch?” seethed Yoko, her hand gripping on your head and maintaining it immersed. When your left arm tried to reach for something again, she pressed one of her knees between your scapulas, eliciting a muffled wail from you as she gripped your rebellious arm. “Don’t fucking move,” she growled and twisted your arm painfully. 
Black dots started to fill your vision and it became harder to stay conscious. Water started to fill your lungs no matter how hard you tried to breathe, and the piercing pain on your arm wasn’t bearable anymore. Yoko vampire’s strength bent it so hard, you could feel your articulations almost popping under its pressure. 
Then without warning, your head was pulled out of the water again, making you gasp. 
“What are you doing?” you heard Yoko scream at the siren.
“The race had begun, someone could see us!” Bianca argued. Their voices sounded so far away from you.
“This is our best chance to make her pay,” assured the vampire, and their argument gave you the opportunity to try to snuggle out. “Where do you think you’re doing?” roared Yoko when she felt you move against her, and in her furious rage she didn’t notice pressing your left arm behind your back even harder. A snap echoed and a blood curdling wail left your mouth.
The echo of your cry resonated through the lake, getting to the intrigued participants on their boats. Hearing the shouts, a few of them turned their heads in your direction. The throbbing pain on your twisted shoulder and arm made your mind dizzy, everything around you happening in slow motion. You vaguely heard a splash – maybe Bianca fled? – and a curse from above you, then the pressure on your back suddenly disappeared. It took you a solid minute to realize both of your attackers were gone, and by the time you managed to recompose your spirits and look up, two of the canoes were now paddling in your direction, concerned and shouting voices calling out for you. At least, to whoever they thought you were, there was no way any Nevermore student would have come to help a Van Helsing. Although you did recognize Enid’s voice among the shouting. 
Struggling to get up, you managed to get into a sitting position clumsily and then the hardest part was done. Before any of the boats coasted a surge of adrenaline made you jump on your feet, and without looking back you ran away to the dorms. 
Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and you tried to clutch your left arm close to you to tune down the throbbing pain. Shouts echoed behind you but thankfully no one seemed to follow you. Leaving the Poe cup into a confused mess, you didn’t even think about the consequences. For now, all you needed was to run, and lay low. This was what a wounded animal usually did when they weren’t feeling safe anywhere; and you should know, because it was everything you were at that moment. So you ran. 
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Less than twenty minutes later, after finally reaching your dorm, you had slammed the door of your room in anger. Good news was, no one seemed to have noticed your absence – or no action had been taken yet, either way you were glad of it. 
Hunched over on your desk you swore between gritted teeth, trying to reach the back of your shirt with your trembling right hand. The faintest move made a shot of pain rise immediately within all your left side, striking you like hot iron and making you swallow the pathetic whimpers that had dared to try to escape your throat. Internally you cringed for the hundredth time at your own stupidity; how could have you been so dumb and let yourself be cornered like that? God, you almost wanted to cry in shame. 
At the price of an incommensurable effort and weird contortions, you finally managed to tug your shirt over your head while carefully trying not to move your limp left arm and shoulder; the gesture still wrenched a muffled cry of pain out of you. Slumping on your desk, you let out a ragged breath with the ruined shirt in hand, exhausted by the mere action of pulling it out. 
A knock on the door suddenly echoed in your room, immediately bringing a snarl on your already wincing face, “Go the fuck away!” you shouted to the unknown intruder, but your voice came out more like a rasp than anything menacing. 
Indeed, the threat fell out empty because the door swung open anyway, revealing a panicked Tyler. He looked absolutely feral with panicked concern, his hair slightly disheveled and ragged breathing like he had run. He still looked in better shape than you did though, even if it wasn’t hard right now. With your left arm limp and the bruises scattering around your upper body to your hips, added to the scratch marks and mud the ground left on your right cheek, disheveled hair and fresh cuts all over your hands, you looked like you just had crawled yourself out of Hell. Maybe it would have been more pleasant. 
You didn’t even mind Tyler’s eyes checking you out for any injuries as you were only in your bra and dirty jeans – frankly you were too tired to care. 
“Wh’t ‘re you doing h’re?” you mumbled, trying to push down the throbbing pain coursing through your body. 
“Checking on you,” he answered, closing the door behind him before rushing to your side,�� “fuck what happened out there, you disappeared and Enid told us something happened, are you alright?” 
A hand came to hold your arm but you hissed in pain as soon as he touched it and slapped his hand away.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” you barked, and despite you best judgement you cowered away by reflex. 
Tyler’s eyes widened, taken aback by the wounded animal behavior that definitely wasn’t yours. He took a step back, raising both of his hands in a peaceful gesture, “I’m not going to hurt you I promise,” he uttered softly; he caught your shifty gaze and the way you cradled your left arm close to you, “your arm?” he asked slowly. 
You held his gaze for a few seconds, eyes burning with anger and tortuous ache that poisoned your limbs. Swallowing down another threat, you finally nodded reluctantly. “Shoulder,” you muttered in defeat, “it’s dislocated.” 
Tyler almost choked on his own air, as the realization of how violent the fight must have been for you to end up in such a state sinked in him; before he could add something, you gestured him to help you with your good hand. 
“Help me up,” you breathed out weakly, and he rushed to support you without a word. Clumsily maneuvering the two of you to your bathroom, you tugged off him in front of the door. 
“Where’s your first aid kit?” he asked, eyes searching inside of the small room while you stood at the entrance. He didn’t notice you positioning yourself so that your bad shoulder faced the wall. 
“Won’t need it,” you grumbled and gripped the door frame for support. 
Tyler turned around to protest but he barely had time to open his mouth in horror with the realization of what happened; taking a deep breath you slammed your shoulder against the wall in one sharp, strong hit. A loud ‘plop’ echoed as your dislocated shoulder fell in place again and a strangled cry of pain escaped your lips, fingers gripping hard on the door frame. 
You let out a low moan. “Motherfucker,” you swore under your breath, rotating your shoulder articulations slowly, feeling it coming to life again. The ache still stung like a bitch, but at least it would wear off within the next few minutes. 
Tyler still looked slightly terrified by what just happened, “How- are you okay?” he urged, finally reconnecting to reality. 
“I’ll be fine,” you groaned. 
Brushing past him you grabbed a towel, wetting it before swiping it over your face to remove the mud and blood. At least nothing on your face seemed to be broken, but the marks would remain for at least a week. 
“Are you sure?” pressed Tyler from behind, and you huffed in annoyance, anger boiling in your veins once more. 
“Yes I’m sure! For fuck’s sake Tyler I had worse I can take care of myself, I don’t need your fucking pity!”
The anger lash out took him off-guard, and a flash of hurt even passed in his eyes. You hadn’t snapped at him like that for a long time, it was like you were back to the first time you both met. But since then things had gone better, smoother between the two of you – even with the occasional flirting and sarcastic comments. The sudden hatred directed toward him hurt Tyler. 
“I just want to help you,” he tried to explain calmly but you wouldn’t hear any of it and pushed him out of your bathroom forcefully. 
“I don’t want your bloody help, fuck! How many times do I have to tell you this?” you yelled at him, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. 
This time he scoffed and his eyes turned dark, “What? he sneered, “because I’m a monster? And I thought we were past this, sweetheart.”
“Get. The fuck. Out,” you snarled, trembling with anger. He didn’t listen to you. 
“Y/N Van Helsing needs no one, that’s true,” he taunted with a provocative smirk, approaching closer to you in the exact opposite of what you had asked him, “she’s all big and bad and doesn’t need anyone, right? How does that sound, doll?”
“Don’t,” you warned him between your teeth. 
“Funny, I thought all of this flirting would have been to use me. Guess you’re just a slut then, mmh?”
“Watch your fucking tone Tyler.”
It didn’t stop him. Now your back was almost touching the wall, trapped between it and the menacing looming figure of Tyler. He hovered over you, gazing intently with cold eyes; a mix of hurted anger, bitterness and playfulness in them. “You’re just a prideful cold-hearted bitch in the end,” he spat, “always pushing away help because you think you’re so fucking better than us, uh?”
“You know nothing about me,” you snarled bitterly, but he carried on anyway. 
“Thinking you can play smart with everyone but cowering that when anyone’s proposing their help,” he mused, “why that doll, uh?”
“BECAUSE I’VE NEVER HAD ANY,” you roared at him, the last string of self-control finally snapping. 
For a second, everything fell silent in the room. The tension that had been built up was so close to breaking, but none of you even dared to release the slightest breath, faces mere inches from each other’s. Like who would dare to tear apart the deafening silence and who would break under all of this unforgiving pressure that had been growing and growing for weeks. Tyler’s eyes had widened slightly at your outburst; when they glanced ever so slightly to your parted lips, you lost it. 
Grabbing his neck, you crashed his lips against yours, unable to hold it any longer. All the flirting and resulting tension had reached their breaking point as much as your self-control to his cocky comments, pretty face and soft heart. 
A groan immediately muffled by your lips escaped his, and the kiss turned into a heated clash of teeth, tongues and asserting dominance. Fuck the Poe cup, fuck Bianca and Yokok, fuck his pity; fuck him. Nothing else mattered but the rough pull of his lips against yours and the feeling of his body pinning you against the wall. Tyler’s hand roamed over your hips, gripping them tightly and pulling you flush against him. It didn’t take long for you to moan against his mouth and your hand got loose in his hair, giving a harsh tug on his curly strands. This elicited a grunt mixed with a laugh from him, as he pulled back from your lips ever so slightly. 
“Careful sweetheart,” he teased in a hushed tone, “you’re on thin ice there.” 
As an answer, you tugged on his roots again and a low moan of both pleasure and pain erupted from his mouth. Ghosting your lips over the column of his now exposed throat, you playfully licked a long stripe over his jugular, “Make me,” you taunted before sinking your teeth at the base of his throat. 
A soft whimper escaped and Tyler’s grip on your hips became even tighter. The rough surface of his calloused hands roamed over your naked back, kneading on every curve and scars. You didn’t stop sucking on the soft skin of his neck when you felt the claps of your bra getting loosened, pressing yourself harder against him instead and gasping softly when you instinctively rolled your hips against his. Burying his face against your neck, Tyler tried to refrain himself from moaning. But when you did that again, pressing your clothed core against his, one of his hands left your lips to grip the side of your face and harshly brought your lips back on his, muffling those pretty sounds. The delicious feeling of the hard swelling in his pants made you grin and you teasingly bit on his lower lip. Looking up at him from beneath your lashes, the sight of his flustered face, the faint blush on his cheeks bringing out his freckles and scars, and the animalistic hungry look in his eyes was the hottest thing you had seen for a long time, you almost moaned on the spot. The feeling of his hips bucking into you in reflex sent a thrill straight to your throbbing core, you could already feel yourself getting wet. Letting go of his abused lip, you captured his mouth into a quick heated kiss before trailing open-mouthed kisses on his jaw, knuckles turning white as your hands gripped his neck and back – which wasn’t so unpleasant to him, judging by the soft groans he let out. He tried to mirror your actions, hands caressing and gripping your bare back, roaming on every inch of skin under them. 
At the tracing of his fingertips on the rough and irregular surface on your right scapula, you groaned a little, slightly parting yourself away from him for a split of a second. But the immediate loss of contact elicited a frustrated grunt for Tyler and his hands roughly landed on your ass, bringing you back flush against him, grinding against your clothed heated core. Moaning under his touch, you couldn’t help but grin at the ever growing swell you felt against your thigh as his head was once again buried in your neck; his breath was ragged, febrile with raw desire. Gasping lightly at his grip on your ass, you leaned up to whisper in his ear: 
“Who’s a slut now, pretty boy?” 
The usual flirty nickname sent a rush of blood straight down his dick; it only made you grin even harder. A dark chuckle escaped his lips and he lifted his head up, lips teasingly brushing against yours. 
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, doll,” he grinned lazily, squeezing your butcheeks. 
Cocking your head to the side, you mirrored his expression and stuck your tongue out, licking your lips tantalizingly slowly, “Who said I didn’t want to finish you, tiger?”. 
A spark of desire flashed behind his blown out pupils at your words as your hand traveled down his chest, nails raking on his skin over the fabric. Then without a warning your hand disappeared between the two of you, and you popped open the button of his jeans eliciting a choked-on low moan from Tyler when you palmed his length through his boxers. 
“The question is,” you whispered in his ear, relishing how he shivered under your gripping touch, “can you finish me, lover boy?”
Out of the sudden your hand was ripped off his jeans and your back slammed against the wall, wrists pinned on each side of your head. Tyler’s gaze burned hungrily with desire, your words having pulled off all the restraints out of the window. He looked absolutely feral, and that sent a rush of excitement right down your spine – and to your core. 
“Can’t say I didn’t warn you sweetheart,” he chuckled darkly. 
You moaned shamelessly, rolling one of your shoulders to make one of the straps of your bra fall over your shoulder. Tyler’s eyes hungrily trailed down and followed as the previously unclipped fabric fell and revealed your naked breast. You couldn’t help but feel your lips stretch into a delighted grin, the previous events of the day long gone in your mind now. 
“Big words but no action so far,” you teased him, playfully eyeing his raging boner under his jeans, “need a hand with that?” 
Letting go of your wrists one after the other, Tyler chuckled and hooked his fingers on your hoop belts, tugging you flush against him, “I’d rather have you using  your mouth, doll.” 
Tossing your bra somewhere in the room you gave him a flirtatious smirk, “It’ll depend on how you’ll be using yours, lover boy.”
Tyler flashed you a feral grin before ducking to your chest and captured one of your nipples in his mouth. The sweet kisses of his tongue against your bundle made you sigh, head rolling against the wall. Your unused hands clumsily tried to fiddle with the zipper of his pants but a long moan escaped your throat when he cupped both of your breasts, one thumb circling the unattended nipple teasingly while he busied his tongue twirling around the other. You felt yourself getting even more wet in arousal, the sensation of his lips dancing over your chest being frustratingly pleasant. When you tried to roll your hips again to gain some friction, his hand grabbed them, steadying roughly. 
Tyler looked up from your chest, teasingly lapping on one of your erect nipples, “Eager now, doll?”
Glaring at him, you tried to not sound as needy as you were, “Stop teasing.”
With a grin he let go of your breasts and dropped on his knees, trailing kisses down your belly, nipping at the soft skin under your belly button. Helping him with the zipper of your jeans, both of your hands covered his, guiding him when he started to tug your pants down, his thumbs hooked on the side of your panties to pull them down at the same time. Your breath hitched a little when your pants fell on the floor, leaving you completely bare in front of Tyler. The sight of your pussy, so wet with arousal and so his to take was so fucking hot to him, and he felt his dick twitch painfully in his pants. He glanced up playfully at you, and you felt your cheeks heat a little at his silent question. 
Are you this wet for me sweetheart? 
Without breaking eye contact with you, he helped you pull your pants off completely, raising one of your legs then the other before tossing the piece of fabric away. His left hand stayed on your leg, caressing your inner thigh surprisingly softly before diving in and giving one hard, quick lick on your glistening cunt. A long moan erupted from your throat and your head rolled against the wall, back arching on the brick. It didn’t take more to Tyler to start ravishing your pussy, licking and nipping at it like a starved man. 
“Fu-uck!” you moaned hotly, not caring how loud you were, “just there– ah!” 
The sudden contact of his tongue around your clit cut the air from your lungs for an instant, before you let another long moan. Hands firmly gripping on your thighs, Tyler smirked to himself, thrusting his tongue deeper to your hot center, juices dripping down his chin. A strong stroke of his tongue made you buck your hips into his mouth, your right hand flying to his hair, grasping for your dear life through ragged breath. Your grip on the back of his head hardened, pushing him closer to your dripping cunt, his nose bumping against your clit and making your eyes flutter in pleasure. 
“Don’t anh– don’t stop,” you whimpered in a lust-filled wavering voice, “shit I’m coming, I’m–”
White flashed behind your eyelids as a wave of pleasure crashed within you, setting the blood in your veins on fire as you let out a loud high-pitched cry. The grinding of your hips didn’t slow down, chasing your own release at an erratic pace between greedy whines. Your other hand blindly searched for the door frame on your left, trying to get some grounding through the earth-shattering orgasm Tyler’s restless tongue was blessing you with. The strong grip on your shivering tights prevented your buckling knees from collapsing under you. 
With one final strangled cry, the high of your orgasm finally started to wear off, leaving you panting against the wall and legs quivering. But Tyler didn’t seem to be one doing things halfway, and he carried on his ministrations, kitten licks on your abused cunt to help you through the remainder of the orgasm. 
Loosening your grip on his head you ran your fingers through his hair as you tried to regain your breath, “Good boy,” you cooed, gently petting his hair, “you did so good, lover boy.” 
Tyler chuckled, dropping one last sloppy kiss on your pussy before trailing up, getting up slowly to capture your lips with his. You opened your lips to his, tasting your own juices as his tongue curled around yours. His hand snuck around your hips, keeping you close – and taking the opportunity to playfully squeeze your butcheek. An amused chuckle left your lips, wits returning as your mind became less lust-clouded. 
“Not bad, tiger,” you grinned, pressing another peck on his lips. “But you’re still awfully overdressed.”
That made him chuckle too, but before he could sass something back you were already tugging his shirt over his head, throwing it on the pile of your own clothes. Crashing your lips against Tyler’s in another heated kiss, you pushed him backward, maneuvering the two of you in your bed’s direction. Although it was a rather clumsy attempt, because you two became quickly entrapped into another surge of pleasure, your gestures became hurried again and fingers fumbling with Tyler’s pants. When the back of your knees hit your bed, you reluctantly let go of Tyler to lay down on your mattress. The freckled boy used this to shove down his pants, taking his boxer along. His cock sprung free, angry red and leaking with precum hitting against his stomach. Eyeing him shamelessly you bit your lip in appreciation. So there weren’t any more scars under his shirt, but what he got was definitely better.
“Like what you see?” teased Tyler, climbing on the bed, hovering above you. 
“Looks promising, lover boy,” you grinned, fisting the hair at the base of his neck to bring him down to a kiss. 
“Condoms?” he asked between lips biting and heated kisses. 
“I have an implant,” you breathed out, trying to fight the urge to slam his hips against yours, “you’re clean?”. He nodded and you gave him a roguish smile, “Then what are you waiting for, tiger?”
Tyler grinned and dove on your lips, ravishing them with the same passion he had sweetly tortured your cunt before. The tip of his cock nudged against your entrance, coating your juices. But the impatience and horniness grew stronger and without any warning you locked your legs with Tyler’s and flipped him over. His back crashed into the mattress and his eyes widened for a moment; but then he grinned at your naked figure straddling him, hovering him in a sensual vision. 
“Well, here we go again sweetheart,” he mused, “I’m starting to think you like to be on top of me.”
Sliding a hand between your bodies you gripped his hard cock, giving it a playful yet harsh enough stroke to elicit a pained moan from him, “Don’t worry lover boy, you’ll like me on top of you too,” you purred in his ear.
Lining yourself with his length you latched his lips between yours in a bruising kiss before lowering yourself on him, moaning loudly against his mouth at the delicious stretch. Tyler’s hand gripped your hips tightly, knuckles turning white as he threw his head back in pleasure, eyelids half closed. The feeling of your wet pussy sucking him made his eyes roll at the back of his head, a deep guttural moan breaking from his lips. Pressing your chest against his you spread your legs further, taking him even deeper until his pubic bone hit your clit, making you swore hotly in his ear. 
 “Fuck,” you whispered feverishly while gripping his shoulder, “you’re so big, filling me so well lover boy.” 
The praise made his cock twitch inside of you, and a low rumble echoed from his chest before he bucked his hips up, tearing up a high pitched whimper from you. That made the both of you snap. Circling your hips, you started to ride him at an unforgiving pace, clenching your walls around Tyler’s dick and moaning shamelessly in his ear. Under you Tyler was a trembling mess, bucking his hips upward to meet yours, his low moans vibrating and sending shivers to your nipples pressed his chest. His cock pressed deep inside you on that sweet spot that made you see stars and you let out a muffled cry in ecstasy. 
Tyler grinned between pants, “Getting enough of my cock now, sweetheart? Riding as if your life depends on it like the slut you are.” 
A merciless grind of your hips made him choke on his words. The hand that had been resting on the back of his neck slid on his throat and you squeezed, angling up his face to you. The pressure on his windpipe was enough to make his breath short, but not enough to be dangerous; the edging and power play sent a rush of blood directly to his dick and a pornographic moan left his lips. This, combined with his the utterly fucked up expression draped over his face, bruised lips parted and cheeks flushed, sent a shiver down your spine and you felt getting even wetter than you already possibly were, milking Tyler’s cock messily. 
A sharp buck of his hips slightly changed the angle and his length hit deep, sending a hot wave of pleasure in you again. Grounding your knees on the mattress you started to bounce on his cock, not even recognizing your own voice anymore in the mix of moans and groans filling the room. The hand around Tyler’s throat squeezed even harder, just as your pussy walls clenched around his throbbing length, feeling the familiar heat building in the pit of your stomach. 
“I’m close,” you moaned loudly, not caring if anyone heard, “I’m so fucking close, Tyler–”
“Come on doll,” he rasped seductively in your ear, “come all over my cock, give me that pretty pussy of yours.” 
Whimpering almost pathetically, you continued bouncing on his abused length, chasing after your release erratically. Tyler slid his thumb between your bodies, finding your clit and flicking it. Seconds later, you were bucking your hips on his cock brutally, milking it as your second orgasm crashed through you. Tyler held you close as you rode through your orgasm, kneading on your flesh – no doubt leaving marks. A soft cry broke through your lips, hips stilling for a second before bucking lazily against his still hard length. 
Two firm hands gripped your back and you suddenly found yourself flipped over again, hitting the mattress with force. Hand still around his throat you gazed at Tyler through your lashes, heavy with lusted haze. With a sharp thrust of his hip he entered back into you, eliciting a raw moan from you. 
“I’m not finished with you yet, doll,” he grinned teasingly before starting to buck against you, thrusting harshly without mercy. 
Your head rolled on the side over your pillow, surrendering to the hot burning pleasure of Tyler’s pounding on your aching core. Letting go of his throat, your hand slid over his jaw, caressing his scared cheek with your thumb and making him look at you. His brown eyes gazed into your glossy lust-filled ones, taking in your panting and blissful expression like it was the most beautiful art composition in the world. Your thumb rolled over his lower lip, and he couldn’t help but nipping playfully at it. 
Throwing one of your legs across his hip, you dug your heel on his back, bringing him closer to him to help him get his own release, no matter how hard he was already pounding into you. Hiding his face in your neck, Tyler’s ragged breath mixed with moans and his cock twitched painfully inside you, feeling himself getting close to cumming. Feeling it too, you arched your back, pressing yourself even closer against his hard body. 
“That’s it, give it to me,” you chanted, “fill me with your cum, tiger.”
A low groan escaped his lips, muffled against your neck and his hips gave a couple of harsh thrusts before releasing himself in you. Moaning hotly in your ear he spilled in your cunt, hot ropes of cum filling you as you held him close, legs crossed behind his thighs. Cradling his sweaty body against yours, you felt him give a few more lazy thrusts, before half collapsing on top of you. 
Ragged breath and softly tuned down whimpers filled the room, the contact of your naked skins on each other helping you match the other’s calming heartbeat. After a solid minute of silence, you slightly rolled on the side, gesturing to Tyler to get off of you; his body was starting to weigh on your ribcage. Getting the message, he carefully rolled over, making you both hiss slightly when he pulled his softening length out of you. 
Falling on your back you let out a long sigh, closing your eyes for a second and draping your arm over them. The pleasing ache in your body slowly mixed with the exhaustion sinking in, and every inch of your body felt heavy like bricks. 
Next to you, the mattress dipped awkwardly and Tyler pondered if he should go away right now. A hand clumsily searching for his own blindly answered him, and he looked at you in surprise. 
An arm still draped over your eyes, you mumbled, “Stay.”
The very brief second of hesitation vanished out of his mind the moment he saw a single, glossy tear rolling down your cheek. 
“Please,” you rasped weakly. 
The sight made his heart squeeze painfully. He thought he had seen all the sides of you today, but he had never seen you being this vulnerable. So he slid back next to you, and pulled the duvet over the both of you. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised in a whisper, caressing the hand holding his. 
For the first time, you were glad you weren’t alone right now.
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A/N: I said what I’ve said, and I’m not taking anything back lmao; yes post Hyde!Tyler had a praising kink and a thing for dirty talk, fight me on this krkrkrkr
Also, did I search for Edgar Allan Poe’s poems to find new teams for the Poe cup? Absolutely. Here how I pictured the teams: Annabel Lee (1849) = about his wife, so I made Ophelia Hall’s girls dress as corpse bride The city in the sea (1831) = about Death sitting on a strange throne, thought that grim reapers outfits could suit former Jesters aka Xavier’s team Evening star (1827) = a makeup with blue foundation and little stars would be SO PRETTY and even if she’s not competing in this chapter I could picturing it fitting Bianca perfectly, so the other girl’s dorm The raven (1845) = self explanatory, the second boys’ dorm dressed as ravens
Thanks everyone for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part ♥ Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
@igotanidea​ @officerrrfriendly​ @beggingforxavierthorpe​ @aliciahlewis​ @stresseyzesty​ @katiemrty​ @leightonsteele​ @black-swan-blog27​ @mooniesthings​
Usernames unfound by Tumblr: 
Plz tell me if I’ve forgotten you in the taglist (or if you wanna join!)
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puppiesandnightlock · 9 months
Link: A Robin's Song (Chapter 4)
Summary: found here
Damian was hit in the face with banners, posters, and flyers littering the school grounds the moment he’d walked in.
“Here we go.” He sighed, preparing himself for two months of watching cheesy promposals, disgusting amounts of PDA, rejections, and annoying phrases that only served as a reminder to his nonexistent love life.
A few months had passed by, Jon and Haisley still going strong, although in Damian’s opinion, he and Jon were not.
Sure, although they considered each other best friends still, and talked at least once every day, they’d done less together. Jon was always out with Haisley, Damian taking care of his siblings and his job more so now that his father was working longer hours to keep up with the rent, despite the fact that Damian’s online presence was covering at least half of their bills and groceries.
Incidentally, Damian's Robin persona had grown big to where he was being offered contracts and agents. He denied each of them saying he already had an agent, but thank you.
(Tim preened when he found out that he was the agent Damian had.)
Robin had done a few covers, the past three hit singles having left people demanding more. His most popular video that wasn't one of his original songs was one where Jason had wrangled him into performing a duet song with him from a musical.
There hadn't been much inspiration lately, which surprisingly counted as a win. Less need for venting, less emotions killing him inside. However, as previously mentioned, kept his relationship with Jon a bit more strained. He’d gotten more used to avoiding Haisley during lunch, unfortunately meaning he was avoiding Jon, too. 
He’d met some people while “in hiding” as his brother called it, a red-haired boy named Colin who’d saved him from being spotted by a teacher during lunch and they’d found that they had gym together, a person who went Akira who frequented the library and was always willing to be silent company or recommend some books, coincidentally in his AP Lit, and most recently, a girl called Skylar in his Art class who’s saved him from embarrassment when he left his sketchbook in the class, opened to a page full of doodles of Jon.
There was still hope held out that they would grow as close as they were before, although the Kent that frequented the house more now was Kon, as he, Tim, and Bart Allen, who was one of Tim’s 4 closest friends, would go to the elementary school to pick up Dick, Jason, and Bart’s little cousin/sort of brother, Wally.
It was one rainy night that it finally did happen, a football game that he’d taken a rain-check on due to Duke being out and his father on the late shift. 
Jason, Cass and Steph were fully asleep, a feat to behold. Tim had been ordered to bed, technology confiscated, but knowing his brother, he would have some way of finding more. 
Dick was up with a warm cup of milk with some honey and cinnamon due to a nightmare, curled up with Damian.
“You should go to bed, little bird.” he pulled the empty cup from the five year old’s grasp. 
“W’nna wait for Daddy…” the child argued, although he was on the brink of falling to sleep’s clutches. 
“Daddy will be there when you wake up.” Damian assured him, carrying him to the shared room at the end of the hall.
Despite the protests, he fell asleep before he was even in bed. His older brother smiled softly, brushing the hair to the side and kissing his forehead. Jason was asleep in the bed next to his, one arm hanging off the bed and clutching a book. 
Damian removed it and bookmarked the page, giving him a good night kiss as well. He did the same with the rest of his siblings, exiting the oldest children’s room as a knock on the door came.
 He went to answer it, expecting Duke. Instead he was met with a tearful Jon, soaking wet from the rain and the tears on his face.
The paint on his cheeks from the game was smeared, and he was still wearing his football jersey, but none of the padding, and he was panting slightly.
Damian deduced he’d run directly from the locker rooms to his house, and he ushered him inside without a second thought.
“D-Damian-” He choked out, stumbling inside and falling into the shorter boy’s arms.
“Hey, hey.” He soothed. “What’s going on?” 
“H-Haisley-” the heart-broken look on his face split Damian in two, causing him to lead him to the couch and sit him down.
He let him change into some of his oversized clothes, oversized for him meaning it’d fit Jon perfect, if not a bit snug. 
 Water had already been boiling for tea, so he got out a cup for jon. He stood behind the boy and held a towel, running it through the raven curls in an attempt to dry them.
The sobs had quieted to sniffles, and the hair was no longer dripping, so Damian sat next to him, his own cup of tea in hand. 
“So.” He said, blunt, but gentle. “You gonna tell me what’s up or did you just come here to mope?”
Jon’s voice was rusty from the disuse and crying, so his first few words were slightly broken.
“I-uh, I had a fight with Haisley. Our…first. Bad one, I mean.”
Damian’s expressions morphed into sympathy, scooting closer to let the older boy lean on him. 
“What was it about?”
He hesitated, then spoke, Damian’s hand running through the damp curls as Jon leaned on his shoulder.
“I didn’t notice a cheerleader was flirting with me, and I just kept speaking to her normally, you know, and by the time I did notice, she’d gotten too close. Haisley saw the whole thing and i thought she had come to help me, cause she took me away, but she started yelling at me-”
His voice cracked. “She’d seen the whole thing and said that I was too trusting and a pushover. I-is that true, D? I mean, i’m not the smartest and this was proof that i’m stupid enough to trust anyone-”
“Jon, stop.”
 This whole time he grew increasingly more annoyed at Haisley for this, it hadn’t been Jon’s fault, and nothing had warranted the reaction and words she’d said. It was normal to be a little pissed, but that’s sorted out by communication, not harsh phrasing.
“You aren't stupid, and you didn't do anything wrong. It’s not your fault that you didn't catch on early, and if Haisley likes you like she says she does, she’d understand that. You should talk it out, both of you. I have a feeling that you didn't get a word in edgewise.”
He’d come close to crying again, but had refrained, leaning into Damian’s warmth. They stayed like that until the rain let up, Jon hugging him tightly before he left the Wayne’s.
“Thanks, D.”
It gave him a surge of some unexpected emotion, the way the other boy watched him with such reverence in his eyes. 
It felt wrong, this joy, the spark of…hope. 
He shouldn’t have been feeling like this, not for someone who was happily in a relationship. 
But is he really happy? His mind taunted temptingly. How much more can you take? How much more can Haisley hurt him?
He shook his head, shoving the dark thoughts back.
He would not surrender to his own urges so easily, and he would never if it meant hurting Jon.
On Monday, two days after Jon had come to the Waynes, Damian had stuck by his friend, Jon avoiding Haisley at all costs. 
This kept up throughout the week, until Jon had gone to her with his tail between his legs, something that Damian had firmly advised against, seeing as she was the one who jumped to blame. 
This was only the beginning of the downfall, arguments getting louder, happening more frequently, and towards the end, Jon fighting back. Damian had had the unpleasant experience of sitting in the middle of one, although he loved watching Jon fight back when she went too far.
Many times, they would end up on the Waynes front porch, or the Kents backyard, Jon leaning on Damian for comfort. 
It was one of these nights where they watched the stars spread across the sky, Jon’s head in Damian’s lap. 
He could pretend, for a minute, that this was real, that all of this here was for them two. These moments were savored, the small touches and honeyed words. 
“Hey, Dami.”
Damian paused in playing with his curls, responding with a simple, “Hey, Jon.”
“You know about prom coming up? You gonna go?”
Damian paused. “Dunno.”
“Can I tell you something?”
“You can always tell me anything, you know that.”
“I don’t think I want to take Haisley to prom. I…I don’t even know how much longer we’re gonna last, the way these things are going.”
Something absolutely explodes in him, overwhelming his person with hope and excitement and disgust. 
Disgust at himself for this. 
“I see.” he settled on. Jon must have seen the emotions battle across his face because he turned a kicked puppy expression to him.
“You…don’t think I’m a bad person for this, do you?” his voice was shaky, perhaps on the verge of tears. 
Damian was quick to soothe him, jumping in with an “I could never.”
“You deserve happiness, and if you feel like she’s hurting you, or you don’t feel that way anymore, you have to tell her. Especially if you don’t feel that way, because that could end up hurting the both of you.”
It was silent, the older boy absorbing his words. Then he smiled.
Just a small one, enough to see the pearly whites peak from soft pink lips. It was one that held the world to Damian, and however small, it made his heart skip a beat.
He wanted that smile to be directed towards him forever, to burn it into his memory along with all of his favorite memories of the boy. 
It would stay forever, even if they wouldn’t.
After all, everything breaks at sometime, even the things created from the best and built to last.
“Thank you, D. Say, if I do ask Haisley, would you still come? To prom, I mean. Just cause she’s gonna wanna be with her girls and i’d like my company, maybe we can even find you a date!”
Damian paused, snapping out of the haze. 
“I could find a group to go with, if you would like me to. I do have friends besides you, you know.” He teased lightly. 
“Of course.” He stuck his tongue out at him. “But I’m still your number one boy.”
“Always.” Damian said, without hesitation, however the admission might have seemed.
 He supposed it was possible that it could have been too blunt, as Jon’s pale complexion sported splotches of pink after, his blue eyes avoiding his gaze. 
“It’s getting late. I should go.” He stood, shaking out his hair from where Damian had been toying with it.  “See you tomorrow, D. Thank you for…all of it.”
“Of course” He stood as well, watching as Jon stuck his hands in his pockets and made his way up the street, watching until he turned the corner and disappeared. 
With a  quiet sigh, he walked back inside, shedding his day clothes for sweats  and a loose top. 
However tempting it might have been for them, his siblings said nothing as he settled on the couch between his two youngest brothers, scribbling words mindlessly.
He had half a song when he retired for the night, burning in shame as he read the cheerful, wanting words on the page. There was half a mind to tear it out, shred it into pieces. Guilt tore into him, the scribbles feeling as though he was exploiting what Jon had told him and wrapping it up in pretty paper to serve it to the masses.  But another part, the one he despised and was repulsed by on a daily basis, told him to keep it. 
Indecisive, and acting much like a child, he shoved it under his bed, the page burning a hole in his pillow the rest of the night.
It was back to the same old thing the next day, Jon and Haisley making up and going on as if nothing had happened. 
It was times like these that Damian would feel actual concern, more than usual. If this cycle of pain continued, surely he would have to step in. 
He ranted about this to Colin in P.E, who’d shrugged, and then Skyler in Art who had seen many similar things in her own friends, and now to Akira during lunch. They watched him pace, whisper-scream because it was a library and then slump in a beanbag chair.
“ Why do I love him?” He whispered, surprising even himself. He turned to Akira with a plea. They raised an eyebrow at him, bookmarking a page and saying gently. 
“This is the first time in the twenty rants you’ve gone on this month that you’ve told me you love him. That means something. I know what, but I'm not going to tell you.”
“Because this is the part of the story where the main character has to figure their own way out with only the cryptid words of the friend?” Damian asked, voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Yes, actually. And my cryptid wisdom for you has probably been yelled at you by everyone else you talked to today. It’s to tell him. And at the very least, do something with yourself that helps you. I don’t wanna hear the ‘but my best friend’ bullshit, just say it, and if you’re as good as friends as you say you are, he’ll let it go and y’all will go on with your normal life.”
Akira stuck their nose back into the book, letting Damian mull over the words that he’d been plagued with the whole day. They weren’t wrong, Colin had said the same thing at the beginning of sprints and Skylar had recounted past experiences.
His siblings had been drilling this into him for the past two years and it had never seemed in any way possible, but now it might even be necessary. 
He got up as the bell rang, departing to his next class. 
He deduced that if Jon didn’t ask Haisley, and they actually did break up, there was no rule against him taking Jon. 
If he was ever going to tell him, it would be that week of prom. There was a month left, and as Damian entered his house, he ran for his bed and pulled out the half-finished song. 
This was it. If he was truly going through with this, it would be on his terms, through his preferred medium. 
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 7 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes-Chapter 24
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor, Ruby Arias, Oliver Queen, John Stewart, Diana Prince, Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Alfred Pennyworth, Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Lucy Lane, Damian Wayne, Felicity Smoak, Streaky the Supercat, Martha Kent, Selina Kyle, Talia Al Ghul, Lucius Fox, Maggie Sawyer, Alex Danvers, Jason Todd, Otis Graves, Lex Luthor
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Lillian sighed as she watched the clock at Noonan’s gradually tick away the time. She felt a sudden squeeze of her hand. She looked to the seat next to her at the restaurant to see Martha smiling back at her. 
“Everything is going to be okay. The worst that can happen is that Amanda won’t tell us anything and send us on our way.”
Lillian gave her a soft smile. She reached down and kissed Martha’s hand and said, “I’m more concerned that she will rat us out to Lex more so anything else.”
Martha raised an eyebrow and asked, “Is that why you suggested meeting at Noonan’s instead of the office?”
Lillian sighed and said, “Lex is lax with watching over me, but you can never be too careful. Both Amanda and I frequent this restaurant enough that it wouldn’t be unusual for us to bump into each other and have a few words.”
Martha looked at Lillian baffled and asked, “Wait? You guys see each other here often?”
Lillian leaned back in her chair and said, “Yes. Amanda and I are usually around here late morning or early afternoon. However, we tend to avoid each other.” Lillian shook her head and sighed. She continued, “Amanda and I used to be best friends in college. We came up with the idea of Cadmus during our senior year as a capstone project. We thought that there should not only be an organization that studies the extraterrestrial lifeforms that were already on Earth but also learn how to coexist with each other. I focused more on the business side of things whereas Amanda worked towards networking and getting funding. Everything went well until Zod came into the picture several years ago.”
Martha winced and said, “I hate that name with a passion.”
“You are not alone in that sentiment. It reshaped Amanda’s perception of aliens as a whole. She viewed every one of them as a threat and that they needed to be removed from Earth. Lex provided her with options to achieve that and in return, she provided him funding to support his research efforts on the subject. I objected to all of this, but she still pushed me out. Fortunately, enough people from Cadmus didn’t like Amanda’s new direction and decided to come with me as I formed my own company.”
“If you think she has so much hatred against aliens, why do you think she would talk to us.”
Lillian leaned her head back and stared up at the ceiling thoughtfully. 
“There have been rumors of Leviathan changing direction for a while now. They have always been anti-alien, but their choices in political candidates have been interesting to say to least.”
Martha looked at her quizzically and asked, “How so?”
“Well, the candidates they have supported so far are pro-alien rights and making reforms to help aliens become citizens. It is a complete 180. Lex wasn’t willing to cooperate with their changes so he was cut off. Amanda has used funding from Leviathan in the past. I am curious to see if she followed the road Lex took in regards to them, or if she fell in line to their new policy. If she did, we may be able to get something out of her.”
Martha nodded and said, “I like that particular theory. Hopefully, it doesn’t take that long to get information out of her. I have so much to do to prepare for tonight.” 
Lillian smirked and asked, “Worried about meeting the children I see?”
Martha pouted which caused Lillian to smile. She loved teasing Martha just a tiny bit. 
Lillian caressed Martha’s face and said, “You don’t have to worry. Sam, Lena, and Ruby will adore you as much as I do.”
Martha looked down while twiddling her thumbs and said, “Well, Lena has kind of avoided me with everything with Clark. I just worried that she might…”
Lillian kissed Martha’s hand which caused her to blush.
“Lena is more than okay with everything. All three girls are happy that I have put myself back out there.”
Martha smiled and said, “Still, I want to make a good impression and make sure that everything goes smoothly.”
Lillian smiled and said, “It will darling. I am just as eager to meet Kara. I have never seen Lena this happy before. It is like she is floating on cloud nine everyday.”
Martha chuckled and said, “I am not surprised. Kara is a bundle of sunshine that will brighten anyone’s day. I just wished that some of that would rub off on Clark. He used to be so optimistic, but now….”
Lillian squeezed Martha’s hand and said, “Hopefully this stuff with Lex will give us insight into Clark. I don’t have any proof, but I am willing to bet money that Lex has something to do with Clark’s behavioral changes.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he did,” said a woman’s voice. 
Lillian and Martha nearly jumped out of their seats. They turned to see a black woman of medium build and short black hair staring at them. She had on a blue business suit. Lillian quickly change her expression to surprise to passive. 
The woman smirked and said, “You are losing your touch Lillian. It is nice to see that I can still take you by surprise.” 
The woman pulled up a chair and sat down with them. 
Lillian sighed and said, “It is nice to see you too, Amanda.”
Amanda smirked while she turned towards Martha and said, “I am assuming that since you brought Superman’s mother that you are wondering about if Lex had anything in store for him.”
Martha looked at her startled and asked, “How….”
Amanda chuckled and said, “Lex wasn’t very subtle about his infatuation with your son.”
Martha glared at the woman while gripping the table until her knuckles went white. 
Martha growled, “Yet you help a mad man hurt my son over and over again.”
Amanda sighed  while leaning back in her chair and said, “Would you believe me if I told you it was never my attention that he got hurt?”
Martha scoffed and said, “Don’t insult my intelligence.”
Amanda chuckled and said, “Well, I did want your son neutralized after the events with Zod.”
Martha winced at that statement. 
Amanda sighed and said, “And before you say anything, I realized that your son was being controlled by Zod. However, that fight between them caused over 200 people to die. Most had the nuance of separating Superman from that. He was drugged after all. However, your son isn’t normal. What if he is drugged or mind controlled again? Who is there to stop him. The Justice League was barely able to contain him the last time. We need measures in place for if that were to occur.”
Read the rest on AO3
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beantothemax · 6 months
Anyway hello.. Inbox fic jumpscare
Why, oh, why did it have to be pirates!? Obviously she knew the reason, no normal people would go to the Dread isle, but she still wished it could have been a team of non bandits.
The pirates had not done anything so far, but she still hid beneath the stairs on the deck. It was a small, cozy space. Most importantly, she was hidden behind some barrels and was difficult to spot. She sat there for hours, staring out at the gorgeous sapphire colored sea while people spoke and laughed above her.
"Where's Lyn?" Hector asked.
She wanted to groan, but didn't in fear of being found.
"I don't know, I think she's hiding cause she's sea sick," Matthew replied.
Wildly incorrect but a rather funny answer and she involuntarily snorted.
"Lyn?" Hector asked.
He peered through the space between the steps, smiling when their eyes met.
"What're you doing down there?"
"N-nothing! Leave me be!" she hissed.
Hector didn't care for what she said though and removed a barrel that hid her so well.
"Hiya Lyn!" he laughed.
"If you're gonna sit here too, at least put the barrel back," she grumbled.
"Okay," and he did as told, sitting comfortably beside her, "So... Kent said you're hiding here because you're scared."
"He did?"
"So you are scared?"
She rolled her eyes but muttered in the affirmative.
"He said you don't like criminals because some killed your parents," Hector said, uncharacteristically soft.
She tensed at the mention of her parents and moved further away from him, but that was hardly half a foot, given the tiny space they sat in.
He put a careful hand on her shoulder, "I- uh, my parents died of a plague. For months afterwards, I was a clean freak and bathed so much I got rashes. I know it's not the same, but I get why you're so scared."
She wanted to cry just thinking of them and she wished Hector would stop trying to sympathethize with her. She wanted to be alone and deal with her feelings alone, but she couldn't muster a single word.
"...I know you're scared to sail with bandits and I'm sorry there were no other options. If it'll make you feel any safer, I can stay by your side and make sure they don't try to hurt you," he said, so strangely sweet and calm that for a moment, she doubted whether it was truly Hector that spoke.
For so long, she didn't know what to say. Most others had dismissed her and a few even called her dramatic, but now one of the people in the company that she disliked most offered such a considerate kindness that all she could do was cry.
Hesitantly, he wrapped an arm around her. She eagerly hugged him back, unintentionally soaking his shoulder with tears. They sat there for a long time, holding each other while Lyn cried and cried, and for the first time since they boarded the ship the previous day, she fell asleep.
He carefully picked her up and brought her to a spare hammock where he let her sleep. He nearly left, but recalled his offer to protect her. She might wake up and he might not be there. He could lose her trust so easily...
And admittedly, she had grown on him. He wanted her to feel safe.
THANK YOU????? OH MY GOSH????? PIE ON GOING TO DIE??????,,,,????.?.?.?.?.?
lyn not wanting to board a pirate ship since her family were killed by criminals is a REALLY intriguing lil plot point that I like a lot and this whole fic just!!!!!!!! emphasized it!!!!!!! a!!!!!!
her not seeking comfort but recieving it anyways in Hector!!!!!!! and him going through a similar experience and promising to stay with her and a!!!!!!!!!!!!! pie this is so lovely what the heck!!!!!!!!!!!!
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blankdblank · 1 year
Eclipse Buddy
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Oc approaches Superman off to the side for a moment of somewhat privacy at end of Justice League meeting wrapping up their latest day in the office. “Oh, and there’s going to be a solar eclipse tomorrow.”
“...Good, to know...Hope you enjoy it.” Superman says and says good day, flying off uncertain of why they brought it up to him like that.
Oc when Superman is gone turns to the others and says, “Now guys, don’t forget, tomorrow is the Solar eclipse and Superman is not going to be available, so plan accordingly if you get a call for help message.” The group as oc leaves with a grin chat quietly amongst themselves, curious about how they had missed Supes was a solar system fan.
 For the first time in his entire life Clark Kent woke up feeling just awful. Spending the first hour of his day checking for possible hidden Kryptonite pockets hidden inside his home before eating and heading off to work, not feeling like he slept or ate at all. Barely able to need to fake being weak or a clutz today. Still he expected someone to call as he learned of various troubles across the country the rest of the team seemed to be buddying up to take on. Not a single one messaging him at all, until he got one from Aquaman to meet up in the park.
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Blanket, pillows, snacks and beer for the both of them around a matching set of eclipse glasses with his teammate who watched the caped hero arrive on the public bus as it was a bit hard for him to fly at the moment. “Hey buddy, figured you might want some company. Been a while since I got up to anything like stargazing,” heavily Superman plopped down and crossed his legs accepting the beer Aquaman had removed the metal top to it and offered to him. “But I figure if you’re a big star buff be nice to have some company with it and all.” Aquaman grinned at him in opening his own beer he tapped to the bottom of Superman’s, the latter who just blinked at his teammate a moment then took a curious sip to not be rude. “So, you always take eclipses and all that off? Hear something’s set to go down with the color of the moon in a couple months when the sun gets blocked off its path, must be excited about that.”
“I, what? Who said I take eclipses off?”
“Oc, said not to forget you were taking off for the eclipse. So, what’s your favorite moon color, actually caught it turn this purple color once when I was helping my dad on his boat, I was six, I think. Couldn’t have been older than nine.”
“I, I mean I like it when it turns orange,” Superman answered and contained his absolute bewilderment at this topic he held in to not spoil the fun his teammate seemed to be having for the few hours they spent watching the eclipse come on and pass by.
The next day Superman floats up behind Oc when they are alone and with direct eye contact in a flat tone, to be direct but not outwardly rude, he asked, “Oc, why did you tell the team I am an avid fan of Astronomy? And more importantly, why did you tell them not to contact me yesterday?”
“Because of the eclipse,” oc answered plainly and his brows arched up. “I never said you were an Astronomy fan.���
“Oc, I’m going to ask you again, why did you tell the team-?”
“Because of the eclipse.” Oc repeated and he inadvertently began to lean in out of irritation at the lack of an answer he could decipher. “You said it yourself that one time about your ice fortress dad in the North Pole, he said you get your strength from the red sun.”
“Oc,” he repeated and felt his brow twitch at his determination.
Only making oc reach up and tug him down closer to their face by the base of his cape around his neck, “An eclipse is the absence of the sun. The giant red star that grants Superman his strength according to his ice fortress of a father.” His lips parted as it dawned on him and Oc nods, “Faster than a speeding bullet but you still haven’t upgraded the dialup in the noggin.” Oc lets go of his cape and pats him on the cheek twice in their turn to walk away to get back to their pre meeting tasks and he straightens up again.
Saying to himself, “That’s what was wrong with me…” only to follow after oc asking, “What do you suppose is going to go down with that moon thing in a couple months? We’ve got some plans in the works for that ring of shape shifters.”
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to-the-stars8 · 2 years
Affairs and Letters
Jason Todd x Female!Reader Regency AU! AO3 Chapters
Summary; Secure in your position in the Kent household you are more than happy in your station in life. Yet, when the Wayne family enters the town, you are entranced by the second eldest son, Mr. Jason Todd. Between keeping your reputation intact as a  polite young lady and dabbling into the follies of love, you’re caught in a scandalous affair that threatens the very thing you are trying to protect.
Part I
The social hierarchy of life, as you came to learn, was superficial. It was an easy ladder to climb and an even easier task to keep up an appearance to have climbed it. You were skilled in many things that made you appear that you were brought up well—that you were brought up far above the station put in. Lady Kent, the mistress of the household you worked for, was not without a compliment to you, as well as suspicion. When asked about your background, you attempted to remain as obscure as possible so as not to throw the light sway you had in the household. 
You were very skilled in your job, which made it impossible to remove you from the home when Jon, the child you were to look after, grew too old to be nannied. From a young age you were employed to care for little Jonathan Kent, the youngest child of the Kent family, and sometime between his start of attending lessons with his tutors, you managed your way into other positions. 
In some cases you were Lady Kent’s handmaid, picking up the slack that Ms. Lang, the one who really held the title, left behind. Then, there were times when Sir Kent utilized your skills in finance, using you as secretary to double-check that the house and property were in order. Sometimes you would be on loan to Sir Kent’s lady mother, Mrs. Kent, who often just required your company since she was frequently by herself. 
While this afforded you great care in the house, it also left you in an odd position that not many—if any—had found themselves in before. You were too high in the household to dine with the other servants like the head butler Mr. White or Ms. Lang, and, on some occasions where guests were involved, too low to dine with the rest of the family. 
Fortunately, with this odd, lonesome position was freedom. You could attend parties with the Kents and be able to socialize on your own as long as you were able to get permission from Sir and Lady Kent, which their desire and love for you in the home seldom let them say no. 
You were careful with this freedom of yours, knowing if you drew too near the line it would break completely, and you would be turned away from the home. So, most often, you took the liberty of acting as a nanny to Jon at the parties they attended to ease your need for conversation. One evening, as the need for a different face to talk to had started to sprout in your mind, Mr. White entered the drawing room with a letter. 
Sir Kent, sitting with his wife on the sofa opposite you and Jon, took the letter from him. For a few seconds, he was silent, and you attempted to ease your wanting to know of its contents by pointing out to Jon that you had taken his knight. 
“Hm,” Sir Kent said. “Ms. Thompkins has invited us, and you,” He paused to smile and nod at you, “To a ball, she is hosting.”
“How wonderful,” Lady Kent exclaimed. “I have been longing for a ball!”
“I am afraid we cannot go, my dear,” Said Sir Kent. “We will have to leave town that week for business.”
Lady Kent groaned, “My darling, can we not put it off for once?”
“I find myself not willing to budge on the subject, my love.”
You felt disappointment rise in your chest that you would miss it, but kept it to yourself. Then, Sir Kent turned back to you and Jon. “Connor and Jon can go in our stead. You will attend with them? To keep an eye on the two of them, it will be Jon’s first ball without us present.”
“Of course, Sir, if you wish,” You said as politely as you could. “I am most thankful for the opportunity.”
Lady Kent peered over at the letter in her husband’s hand, reading it on fully before gasping aloud. “And the Waynes will be there. You left that out on purpose, Sir Kent!”
He smiled. “I did, indeed, my dear. It is of no matter if we meet them on the day of the ball or at a later date. I have already called on Mr. Wayne to join us for dinner one evening.”
Lady Kent seemed ecstatic by the news, saying that Mr. Wayne had beautiful daughters that could be married off to either of their sons. You and Sir Kent exchanged a knowing glance that would more than likely never happen, yet it would appease her to believe it. 
The rest of the afternoon went without interruption, except for the usual visit from Barbara Gordon, a friend of yours for many years who lived with her father not far from the Kents. Barbara came over with the latest knowledge of the ball and the new acquaintances in town. From the limited knowledge she had, she could tell that Mr. Wayne was an extremely wealthy man with kindness not usually found with his type of old money. He was agreeable through and through, she had assured you. 
“And,” Barbara said as the two of you took a turn about the gardens. “He has five sons and two daughters. His two eldest sons are still unmarried, though they are well past the age of needing a wife.”
“Let us hope they are handsome and remain single, Barbara, for your fortunes may be turning up soon,” You giggled. 
She smiled in return. “And yours, too, my friend! Do not forget that I said two sons.”
You shook your head. “And risk such a nice station I have been put in? Incredibly inane, dear Barbara.”
“Take my advice, my dear,” said she. “It will be well worth the follies of love when you have ten times your salary and mistress of a great estate.”
It would not, but you dared not disagree with Barbara for she was more than willing to fight her point till it seemed to be useless. It would be likely that one of them would catch your fancy, though it would be mute since there were so many eligible young ladies in Gotham.
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vansandhands · 1 year
A Guide to Handling Fragile Items While Moving
Website: www.vansandhands.com
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Moving homes can be challenging, especially when dealing with delicate items. To ensure the safety of your belongings, it is essential to be prepared in advance and choose the best packaging material. Essential packing materials include quality cardboard boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, labels, rope or bungee cords, corrugated inserts, and packing peanuts. Sturdy blankets or bedding can be used to protect fragile items before packing.
Packing glassware, ceramics, and tableware using packing paper and bubble wrap is crucial for easy handling and less room for shifting. Use the original box and remove cables, leads, and accessories for electronics. Wrap them in bubble wrap and place them in a different bag or box.
Packing electrical goods like toasters, computer equipment, and kitchen appliances is also essential. Pack them into smaller boxes and wrap them in protective layers to avoid damage. Dismantle furniture and wrap any fragile furniture to prevent scratches or dents during moving.
To pack fragile items correctly, follow these tips: avoid using thicker boxes, use smaller packing boxes, secure the bottom with extra strips of tape, layer the heaviest items on the bottom, use delicate packing materials, wrap each item separately, use dividers for glassware and stemware, fill hollow articles with packing paper, use plenty of packing tape, clearly label fragile items, and take your time when packing.
Hiring a moving company in Kent, such as Vans and Hands, can ensure the safety and security of your valuable possessions during your move: Trust Vans and Hands for reliable and expert handling of your delicate belongings. Read Handling Fragile Items: Expert Advice for Safe Move, here.
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litanyrobin · 2 years
The sky was getting dark
After got engage, Tim and Kon steal a motorcycle.
The sky was getting dark (Tim Drake/Kon-El Conner Kent) by anyrobin in AO3
Tim inhales deeply the icy air that hits his bare face carelessly as he moves down the road clinging to the soft, cold leather jacket that wraps around the strong back of his companion, who drives the motorcycle they are riding.
On the back of the garment, which he holds tightly, there are large, carelessly embroidered white letters that are assiduously illuminated by the dazzling lights of vehicles overtaking on the side of the road, making the inscription "Ndivil" on the garment absolutely clear.
Tim smiles to himself as he notices the strange situation they find themselves in, as if they were the protagonists of a romantic movie, making their most wonderful utopias come true, escaping from the world to focus solely on their happiness, side by side. However, that's not their real situation, not even close. It's just him and his boyfriend doing a prank, the biggest one of all. The last one.
Hours earlier, they had parked their car in a passing tent on the way to the border, near the forests and mountains; they stopped halfway through their car trip with the intention of eating something to regain energy and unwind their legs.
"Then I'll have a tea, a medium latte with two sugars and the cream, and two servings of pancakes," the tall boy asked the cashier, with a smiling Tim clutching his arm, glad that his boyfriend ordered what he liked without the need to ask first.
They went together to a table away from the critical and prying eyes of families and truckers who stopped by to eat as well and sat facing each other to make the company less invasive and more enjoyable. Facing each other, they could chat more easily and would not miss any of the other's details.
"Thanks for this, Kon, it will do us good," Tim mentioned, playing with the ring on his ring finger.
Conner, who had just removed his leather jacket, smiled at him shaking out his own blackish hair, and then pointed to the ring on his finger.
"You don't have to be thankful, think of this as an early honeymoon. You needed to detach yourself from all the wedding preparations and so did I, plus your stupid business at Wayne Enterprises and the bats. The trip is for the greater good. I was desperate to get you away from all those hoarding vampires, though."
Tim nodded leaning back on the cushioning behind him and inhaled deeply, losing himself for a moment in the details of the varnished wood of the ceiling. The restaurant they were in was cozy, different from the cold or pompous places in the city; he liked the countryside, the sound of the wind beating in the groves and the wooden houses that looked like cabins. Conner, his fiancé (he loved how the word sounded on his lips), knew all that, so he was doing him the favor of getting him out of the city environment for a few days before continuing preparations for their wedding in less than a month. They were both tired of all the paperwork and organization, so they had run away without telling anyone and forgetting everything they still had to do. They knew they could be easily tracked, but at least they were trying.
Tim loved that about his boyfriend: his spontaneity. He felt that he could wake up one day feeling tired of the monotony of their lives and it would only take one look at Kon for him to understand how he felt and fly him away from it all to put it back together again.
He was fantastic, that's why he had not hesitated for a moment to say "I do" when he proposed to her; although in reality Conner had not even managed to formulate the proposal when Tim was already accepting. The detective saw a ring between his fingers and hadn't even had to think about it, to his luck he got the purpose of that ring right, otherwise it would have been embarrassing.
"Do you think it will take us long to get there? I appreciate you agreeing to ride in your car and not just fly," asked Tim with the cup of latte in his hands. He inhaled the steam coming off of it and smiled taking a sip.
"Three more hours, maybe, it's a long trip."
"But it'll be worth it," he mused with the cup pressed to his lips. Kon smiled at him, enraptured by the tranquility Tim conveyed.
Sometimes his boyfriend was explosive and sizzling, but at other times (rare, really) he was the most passive being his eyes had ever seen and he adored that duality.
They finished their breakfast in complete quiet, deaf to the constant murmuring around them and the sound of cars parking on the other side of the wall. They paid the bill ready to end their little tryst once and for all and continue their journey to the cabin in the mountains that Tim had rented at the last minute the night before.
They walked out holding hands, sporting the gleaming pair of white gold rings on their intertwined fingers and with wide smiles on their faces that they were sure no one and nothing could erase from them.
However, after walking a few steps in the direction of where they had left the car parked, they realized something.
The vehicle was missing.
They looked at each other at the same time, puzzled because they both remembered having parked in that specific place, but there was definitely no car there. They began to scan every part of the parking lot, trying to remember exactly the path they had taken from the store to the car and back, hoping to find the whereabouts of the vehicle, but to no avail.
Their car had been stolen.
"Shit. Kon..." called Tim, tightening his grip on his hands.
"Yes?" he asked, swallowing saliva.
"Where are the car keys?"
Conner immediately patted his pockets, trying to make them jingle and thus find the object his boyfriend was asking for. He was absolutely sure that he had taken them out after parking and put them in his jacket, but no matter how hard he looked for them, he couldn't find them. He knew then, by chance, that he had left them inside the vehicle before leaving.
"They must have fallen into the seat when I got out of it to get out of the car," Conner lamented, smacking his forehead.
Tim remained undaunted and nodded slowly.
"Kon-El, Conner Kent..." he called again.
"Yes?" he repeated.
"I know we're not married yet," he said, "but I already want a divorce."
Conner had intended to laugh, but for a moment he questioned the falsity in his fiancé's words. Even though he would be angry if Tim lost the car in the middle of nowhere, it was no time to joke about it.
He looked around the parking lot again, fluctuating between his options to get out of the situation. They didn't have the car, nor its keys and much less all the belongings they had left inside it, so he didn't have many alternatives to get out of that situation, but he needed to fix the mess he had just got into, otherwise, he would have to resign himself to ruin his early honeymoon and maybe have to delay the wedding because of the loss of his car, which was not exactly second hand and even less a cheap one, since he had insisted that they pay for it themselves without any financing related to Wayne. It may not have been the latest model or anything exclusive, but it had cost him a lot of effort and years of work on the farm and saved allowances, as well as a lot of money. She'd acquired it so he could go on normal dates with his -now- fiancé and lost it in the blink of an eye. Idiot.
"And what are we supposed to do now? ", Tim said quietly and then let out a sigh. He wasn't angry, maybe annoyed, but mostly disappointed. He was looking forward to the trip and all his happiness had been interrupted in a matter of seconds.
Feeling even more pressured by the tone of voice in his partner's words, Kon grabbed him by the wrist on impulse (untwisting their joined hands) and pulled him towards him to start running in the direction of the opposite side of the parking lot.
"What are you doing?" questioned Tim with a frown.
"Just follow me. "
Tim allowed the opponent to continue dragging him to where a young man was parking his motorcycle, but what happened seconds later he could not have foreseen.
In one swift movement, Conner rammed the guy from the side, pushing him to the ground, and when he fell he snatched the keys of the vehicle which he held between his fingers. He did not hesitate before jumping on the motorcycle and dragging Tim with him to help him quickly climb on his back, making him hold on to his leather jacket tightly and then simply start the engine and start the motorcycle.
"Sorry, but it's an emergency," said Conner already behind the wheel of the vehicle, backing it up so he could get underway. "We'll get it back to you right away, I promise! "
"Are you crazy!", Tim exclaimed with his hands clutched tightly around his boyfriend's waist, straining not to choke on the air that was crashing against his face due to the speed with which his boyfriend was already moving down the road. "They're going to...!" he moaned. "They're going to take us to prison! I'll have to lock myself up in it! Why didn't you just fly?"
"I can't hear you!", Conner shouted without taking his eyes off the road. He was thankful that they were traveling on an uncrowded route and not having to watch out for hitting someone else while moving so fast, but he slowed down anyway after a couple of minutes when he made sure there was no way the guy they had just taken the bike from was chasing them or checking his features to file a report with the local police. "You were saying?"
Tim leaned his forehead against Conner's back and squeezed his eyes shut so that the air would stop making them sting, swallowed hard the little saliva accumulated in his mouth cavity and shook his head waiting for his boyfriend to feel it.
"Fuck the super audition- you're crazy, Kon!"
The named only laughed, more focused on getting through a curve. Tim squeezed his waist tightly, still fearful that something was going to happen to them.
"Let's get the one who stole from us!" jocularly shouted Conner. "We are the unstoppable duo!"
Tim wanted to hit him and yell back that they weren't in a movie and that they had gotten themselves into a gigantic mess by taking a stranger's motorcycle, but he didn't want to be the voice of conscience in that situation and tried hard to get used to the adrenaline sensation caused by crossing the road at a dangerous speed and without any protection. He would definitely not commit such a madness with anyone else but Conner, he was sure; so he would try to enjoy it for as long as it lasted, until they were caught or had no choice but to return without their car and face the consequences of their actions.
A few hours have passed since they escaped from the restaurant on a motorcycle that doesn't belong to them and Tim has already gotten used to the speed, the cold and the strange situation they are in. He no longer feels the same fear as some time before and imagines what he is living as an experience that he will mention during his wedding ceremony as the greatest folly that Conner led him to commit... Or the most civil one.
He feels warm, satisfied, and even fulfilled with the feat they have accomplished. He no longer thinks about the consequences or the future (referring to their robbery), but is dedicated to living the adventure they are undertaking.
"It's useless," he hears Conner say as he slows the vehicle and leans over to park on the side of the road that is arranged as a lookout into the woods.
When Conner turns off the motorcycle and gets off it amid frustrated huffs, Tim mimics his actions, only he wears a painted-on grin he's not willing to wipe off for the world and hangs on the taller man's arm to get him to lift his head and stop shaking his hair angrily.
"It's not pointless, it's exciting," says Tim. "I like to have some extreme fun where we don't have to make sure no one gets hurt. Well, except the poor guy we took the bike from."
"But there's no sign of our car," Conner snorts, but Tim nudges him in the ribs and shrugs.
"Hey, stop worrying, okay? It's not your fault. Besides, we have a nice replacement bike now."
Conner lets out a dry laugh that makes Tim frown and separate from him. The optimistic demeanor the boy had at the beginning of his prank has completely disappeared as he didn't get the desired results, making Tim feel annoyed out of nowhere, because he was the one who had gotten them into that bigger mess than the initial problem, to begin with, and he doesn't like it when he behaves inconsistently. They had already started with that, now they had to finish it.
"Conner Kent, look at me," he demands.
"Timothy Drake, I'm looking at you," Conner replies with a weariness that he tries to disguise with jocularity. He tries to ignore the fact that Tim hasn't called him "Kon," which is typical of him when he starts to get angry.
"I don't want you to look like a punished child, do you hear me? We've been through this and we're going all the way," he declares solemnly. "We've been through worse, and I've put up with a lot more bullshit from you, so don't even think I'm going to let you put your head down over something as stupid as not finding a puny car in the middle of nowhere. I repeat, did you hear that right?"
Conner's face reddens from anger and embarrassment, for if he didn't look like a scolded child moments before, now Tim has left him looking like one, and it bothers him that he is behaving this way, as if assuming that he has already put his head down and plans to give up on his quest. He feels ridiculed and as if his boyfriend has lost hope in him.
"I heard right," he states, with a frown. "I don't need you to tell me things over and over again, I'm not a child, Tim!"
Tim purses his lips, self-conscious at his fiancé's response. He himself had not expected to hear himself like this, his intention was not to come across as squeamish or paternal, he just wanted to raise his spirit, but apparently, his words had backfired.
"Maybe Clark was right and it's too soon to get married? ", muses Conner suddenly, turning around and walking to the railing of the unusual gazebo. He wants to lose himself for a while watching the endless trees, but the sound of Tim approaching from behind prevents him. He knows his comment was over the line, but the frustration of the situation comes crashing down on him and out of nowhere all his worries are weighing on his shoulders.
"Why are you bringing it up now?" asks Tim with a clear tone of indignation in his voice.
Such an adventure, with both of them escaping on a stolen motorcycle in search of something they can hardly find, shortly after getting married and after feeling like the kings of the world, should serve to strengthen their relationship, to reaffirm their feelings for each other? However, suddenly, doubts invade Conner and make Tim tremble, because there is the possibility that this prank only made his boyfriend realize that he did not want to do dangerous deeds with him, that he would not want him in the bad things too; that he did not want to marry him.
"Forget it."
"No, Conner, tell me why."
Conner sighs and turns to look at it, leaning on the railing and with the lights of some passing cars being his only illumination, besides the moon that begins to be seen in the still clear firmament.
"Look at us, honey, we're still young and irresponsible... We take a bike and run around as if we were a couple of kids with no conscience of our actions. A step as big as getting married.... Maybe we are not ready yet. "
Tim angered, clenches the ring tightly in his hand and angrily denies it.
"Speak for yourself, because I am," states Tim. "We've been through horrible things, fought worse battles. I lost you once, Conner! So now what, you're going to use age as an excuse? We're grown-ups now, Conner! My parents got married at seventeen and didn't stop to think about their ages because they were sure they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. They were sure of their love, aren't you sure of ours, Conner?"
Conner clenches his fists and looks at the certainty in his boyfriend's eyes. Tim comes across as convinced of everything he says, no hesitation of any kind and no trace of doubt; it makes him feel embarrassed and foolish. An idiot for even mentioning the idea of postponing their wedding. He had just gotten angry because he felt he was treated like a coward, yet now he does act like one.
He is sure that he loves Tim, has no doubt that he wants to give the rest of his life to him, and yet he made such a foolish comment. Conner was convinced when he bought the pair of engagement rings they both wear on their ring fingers, and he finds no reason not to be convinced then too, because when he sees Tim he knows there is no one else in the world for him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... It's not like that, I love you. I got carried away. "
"I love you too, Kon," Tim declares, relaxing his shoulders; "but we can't always be arguing about things like this. Don't mention doubts you don't have or you'll create misunderstandings that can ruin everything, okay? And don't take it as a scolding, take it as a suggestion."
Conner nods and smiles stretching his arm towards his boyfriend, when Tim takes it, he pulls him to his chest to hug him tenderly. Tim tries to hide his own smile, but holds his arms lovingly around his chest anyway.
"Oh, and about the age thing    We're nowhere near thirty, insecure baby, no kidding. Seven years of dating hasn't been enough for you?" "I'm never satisfied if it's about you, T. I want it all from you, love."
"That's so cliché," Tim says feigning a retch. "Sometimes I get sick of your cheesy comments."
"Oh, yeah?" Tim nods. "Well, as long as we're being honest... I don't like the yellow shirt you bought for me, I'll look like a duckling at the altar!"
The shorter one jumps up in surprise and immediately separates from his boyfriend, looking indignant in front of him.
"You can't complain! You bought a white suit for me and I didn't refuse, now you quietly dress up as a duckling!"
"But it's different! ", Conner appeals. "Have you seen yourself in white? It's not because I want to accomplish something stupid like you playing the bride in your equivalent of a dress that color, but it's just that in white you look."
"Wow?" Conner nods with a smile and he smiles too. "I always look wow, Kon. It's part of my nature."
They both laugh together until the sky begins to darken. Neither of them has noticed, but the day has almost completely passed (not yet approaching the night) and they continue chatting as if nothing had happened until Conner gets ready to walk to the motorcycle again and return to his last stop to assume the consequences of taking someone else's vehicle without permission and return empty-handed -without his car. The only motivation he has left to return is that he knows he will do it with his boyfriend holding his hand and receiving the penalty with him, because this adventure belongs to both of them, and they will both get to the end of it.
Tim watches his boyfriend approach the motorcycle and his eyes suddenly lose sight of the inscription on his jacket as it is suddenly illuminated by the headlights of a speeding car.
"What's up?" asks Conner already on the bike.
"What does Ndivil mean?"
Tim recalls, then, his freshman year in college when he and Conner had decided to start attending together in San Francisco in certain quiet times, when he would hear talk in the hallways about a sophomore "Ndivil"- so-called because of the embroidery on his jacket, a new design for his civilian version that Tim never asked about - who was described as haughty and bold, someone manly and tough looking, but also funny and charming to those who suited him...The typical bad boy stereotype that made a girl or two drool in the movies. Although of course, Tim had not taken long to show how in love they were and disprove all that, because his Kon was not arrogant or daring, yes charming and funny, but above all affectionate and even shy and awkward. He was six feet and so much of pure sweetness that Tim had managed to hoard just for him.
"Ah, that," he says, smiling. "It's Kryptonian. It has several meanings like any name, but I like it for one in particular: 'he who shines'; isn't that cool? "
Tim gives a disappointed pout, as he was hoping to find an interesting story behind it all. Some amusing anecdote or something much more profound and far-fetched than a simple search for meanings on the internet.
Without answering him, Tim climbs up behind Conner and hooks his arms around the taller man's waist, leaning on his back to wait for him to depart.
Conner starts the engine, but before he even makes a move, he decides to speak:
"What is it?"
"Do you know why I no longer introduce myself as Ndivil?"
Tim raises his head from his hiding place and looks at the back of his opponent's head as if he could give him understanding that he is listening to him, but Conner doesn't catch his signal and instead waits a few seconds before speaking again.
"For when I'm with you, the only one who shines out of the two of us is you. "
Tim smiles, touched by the cheesy words of his boyfriend, who never fails to speed up his heartbeat and make him feel moved. Anyway, it doesn't take him long to give him a push, making the bike wobble, and let out a giggle.
"Don't be silly, Kon," he muses settling back in. "When we're together we both glow. "
"I guess you're right," Conner agrees with a smile and starts the motorcycle, moving along the same road they had been riding hours before.
Now, Tim again inhales deeply the cold air that blows against his face as he moves along the road holding on to Conner's jacket; he no longer takes the time to analyze the embroidery on it and instead, he is with his eyes closed recapitulating every second of the day he had spent walking the streets clinging to the back of his partner's back. This time he is not getting carried away with the feeling of living a romantic movie, because he is convinced that his life together with Conner is better than any good movie cliché, and he has just repeated to himself that in reality that would not be his last prank, since Kon and he have a whole life ahead of them to keep making mistakes together, but he is sure that each one of them will be as unforgettable an experience as having stolen a motorcycle in the middle of their anticipated honeymoon.
Tim is about to start dozing off, leaning against his boyfriend's warm back, when under the darkening sky and with the moon slowly beginning to creep in-he spots a familiar gray car ahead. His car.
"Kon, stop!"
By the time night falls completely, neither of them is still on the road; neither of them nor the vehicle that belonged to them. Instead, on the side of the road, the motorcycle that accompanied them throughout their impromptu adventure is parked, with its keys hidden behind the front wheel and a makeshift sign on it with "Thanks for the favor" written on it.
And when the sun rises again, they are already sharing a bed in the cabin they had prepared, laughing at their mischief and kissing slowly until they lose track of time again and continue to give each other their love. Both ready to seal before all those feelings the following month through a simple word:
"I do."
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trendingreportz · 7 hours
Water Softener Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Water Softener Market Overview:
According to a study on hard water conducted by the United States Geological Survey, 85% of all states in the U.S. are supplied with hard water. Hard water has a high concentration of minerals and salts that forms the core of Water supply in this region. It has a detrimental effect on health and negatively impacts household activities such as cleaning, dishwashing, and laundering. Hard water often forms a white ring composed out of salts around most of the products and the salts in it can even penetrate into sweat composition. Inadvertently, most countries in the world are facing this problem and relying on the water softener market for a feasible solution for this persistent issue. The water softener market has therefore earned a massive amount of revenue in 2018 which has been evaluated at $7.2 billion. Both commercial, and residential places, utilize water in various kinds of activities ranging from menial to large scale tasks, which is why this market has found its application in every nook and corner of the world. During the forecast period 2019-2025, the water softener market has been evaluated to expand at a standard CAGR of 6.80%. Since, North American water bodies are more or less filled with hard water, the water softener market is the strongest in this region with a country-wide share [PN9] of 36% in 2018.
The water softener market is segmented on the basis of type, into salt-based water softener and salt-free water softener. While salt-free water softeners only focus on assuring that the salts do not adhere to the pipes, salt-based water softeners completely absorb the salts rendering soft and pure water for utilization. The latter application segment is more popular amongst consumers and has been evaluated to rise with a CAGR of 6.60% through to 2025.
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Water Softener Market Growth Drivers:
Ø Health Impact of Hard Water
Hard water can have detrimental effects on human health. The salts present in this particular kind of water easily results in the development of kidney stones which is a severe health issue. According to the findings of National Centre for Biotechnology Information, an increased magnesium intake from hard water results in cerebrovascular mortality. Several other conducive health issues resulting from consumption of hard water include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and others. This has resulted in high demand for water softeners from both commercial as well as residential buildings lest the health of everyone gets affected.
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Water Softener Market Companies:
Honeywell International Co., one of the leading companies in the world providing solutions for smart homes and efficient lifestyles have invented a water softener called KaltechSoft. This machine uses process automation and can regulate its water softening on the basis of consumer requirements.
Some of the other key companies include Culligan International Company, General Electric Company, Whirlpool Corporation, Honeywell International, 3M Company, Kent RO Systems Ltd, Unilever, Pentair plc, A.O. Smith Water Technologies, Evoqua Water Technologies LLC, and Ion Exchange (India) Ltd.
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Water Softener Market Trends:
Water softeners often utilize sodium for removing minerals and other salts from hard water which can be extremely harmful to not just environment but to people’s health. People who are put on a low sodium diet are often at a disadvantage as excessive sodium gets added to their diets. Owing to technological advancement and scientific research, the water softener market has recently been disrupted by aluminum based water softeners that do not use sodium for conversion into soft water. Using simple chemistry, aluminum is able to remove all the excessive impurities from hard water, thus conserving the environment by lowering sodium usage. 
Water Softener Market Research Scope
The base year of the study is 2018, with forecast done up to 2025. The study presents a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape, taking into account the market shares of the leading companies. It also provides information on unit shipments. These provide the key market participants with the necessary business intelligence and help them understand the future of the Water Softener Market. The assessment includes the forecast, an overview of the competitive structure, the market shares of the competitors, as well as the market trends, market demands, market drivers, market challenges, and product analysis. The market drivers and restraints have been assessed to fathom their impact over the forecast period. This report further identifies the key opportunities for growth while also detailing the key challenges and possible threats. The key areas of focus include the types of segments in the water softener market and their specific applications in different areas.
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Water Softener Market Report: Industry Coverage
The water softener market can be segmented on the basis of product type, type, and application. Based on product type, the market can be divided into Catalytic softeners, and Electro-magnetic. By type, the market can be fragmented into salt-free and salt-based. And on the basis of application, the market can be divided into residential, industrial, and commercial.
The Water Softener Market report also analyzes the major geographic regions for the market as well as the major countries for the market in these regions. The regions and countries covered in the study include:
•           North America: The U.S., Canada, Mexico
•           South America: Brazil, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica
•           Europe: The U.K., Germany, Italy, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Denmark
•           APAC: China, Japan, Australia, South Korea, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Hong Kong
•           Middle East and Africa: Israel, South Africa, Saudi Arabia
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Best Interstate Moving Companies in Australia
When planning a move across state lines in Australia, choosing the right moving company can make all the difference. Best Interstate Moving Companies An effective interstate move involves not only transporting your belongings safely but also providing a seamless experience throughout the process. Here’s a rundown of some of the best interstate moving companies in Australia that you can trust for your next big move.
1. Australian Express Removals
Website: australianexpressremovals.com.au
Australian Express Removals is renowned for its exceptional customer service and reliability. They offer a range of services, including packing, storage, and transportation, making them a one-stop shop for all your moving needs. Their team of experienced professionals ensures that your belongings are handled with care and arrive at your new destination safely.
Why Choose Australian Express Removals?
Comprehensive Services: From packing materials to transportation, they cover all aspects of moving.
Competitive Pricing: They offer affordable rates without compromising on quality.
Insurance Options: Peace of mind with insurance options for your belongings during the move.
2. Kent Removals & Storage
With over 70 years of experience, Kent Removals & Storage has established itself as a trusted name in the moving industry. They offer tailored moving solutions that cater to both residential and commercial clients. Kent’s extensive network ensures that no matter where you are moving, they can assist you.
Why Choose Kent Removals & Storage?
Expertise: Their long history in the industry guarantees knowledgeable staff.
Storage Facilities: They provide secure storage solutions if you need extra time before moving into your new place.
Customer-Centric Approach: Kent is known for its exceptional customer service, making your move as stress-free as possible.
3. Crown Relocations
Crown Relocations specializes in both domestic and international moves, making them a versatile option for anyone looking to relocate. They provide personalized services that include pre-move consultations, packing, and settling-in services to ensure a smooth transition.
Why Choose Crown Relocations?
Global Presence: Ideal for those moving overseas or needing international shipping services.
Tailored Solutions: Customizable moving plans that fit your specific needs.
Full-Service Offering: They handle everything from packing to unpacking, so you can focus on settling in.
4. Allied Pickfords
Allied Pickfords is another well-known name in the moving industry, boasting a reputation for quality service and professionalism. They offer a wide range of moving services, including specialized packing for fragile items and vehicles.
Why Choose Allied Pickfords?
Wide Network: A large network means they can handle moves of any size, from small apartments to large homes.
Innovative Technology: Use of modern technology for tracking your shipment and optimizing the moving process.
Experienced Staff: Trained professionals who understand the complexities of interstate moving.
Choosing the right interstate moving company can save you time, stress, and money. Each of these companies offers unique services that cater to different needs, so it’s essential to consider what you require for your move. Best Interstate Moving Companies Whether you go with Australian Express Removals, Kent Removals & Storage, Crown Relocations, or Allied Pickfords, you can rest assured that your belongings will be in good hands.
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3rtechnology · 1 month
How to Dispose of Your Old Electronics Responsibly
Electronic gadgets usually get outdated very fast in the changing nature of the modern technological world. This has had a way of leaving most of us at sea at how to ditch old gizmos. Electronic gadgets are responsible for causing harm to the environment and human health due to their improper disposal. 
Why Responsible Disposal Matters
Environmental Impact: Electronics have toxic materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium. If not properly disposed of, they contaminate the soil and water, damaging the local wildlife and ecosystems.
Health Risks: Toxic materials sometimes have health hazards, especially for children and pregnant women.
Resource Conservation: Most electronic components can be recycled or put into use again, bringing the conservation of valuable resources, and hence there is less need for fresh mining and manufacturing.
Responsible Disposal Methods
Recycle: Most communities have electronic waste recycling programs. Many of these programs provide curbside pickup or drop-off locations. Check your local government website or contact your waste management company for details.
Donate: If your electronics still work, consider donating them to charities or non-profit organizations that can repurpose your equipment. Many schools and community centers are always looking for computers and other electronic devices.
Sale or Trade: If your electronics are still in good condition and you want to make money out of them, put them up for sale or trade locally or online.
Take to a Specialized Recycling Facility: For the larger or more complex electronic devices, you may have to take them to specialized facilities that can handle such products. In these facilities, you will find both the equipment and personnel necessary for dealing with hazardous materials safely and effectively.
Tips for Preparing Your Electronics for Disposal
Delete all personal information: Before you dispose of your electronic equipment, make sure of deletion or destruction of personal data; this includes documents, photos, and passwords. This will help protect your private life from being known by another person.
Remove Batteries: Most batteries have harmful substances and must be handled separately. Most electronic shops and vendors who sell batteries have callous battery collection and recycling programs.
Check for Local Regulations: Some local regulations may prohibit the disposal of certain electronic items in your regular trash. Be sure to check your local laws and regulations to avoid fines.
By following these guidelines, you can make sure that your old electronics are disposed of responsibly and help to ensure a healthier planet.
3R Technology
8002 S 208th St E105, Kent, WA 98032, United States
(206) 582-7100
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