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palakro · 5 months
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suzukiblu · 4 months
WIP excerpt for Jan behind the cut; mistaken identities and interdimensional refugees. ( chrono || non-chrono )
And they must have a Clark. Kon can’t imagine how they couldn’t. 
He can’t imagine how anywhere couldn’t, if it came to it. 
Yeah, that’s a healthy thought, Kon reflects resignedly as Alfred shuts the car door and goes around to the driver’s side to slip into his own seat. Alfred starts the engine and pulls out of his parking spot, and Jon nervously grips Kon’s sleeve. He twists his wrist to grab the kid’s hand, and immediately ends up with Jon pressed completely against his side and resuming his earlier sniffling buried against his bicep. It’s whatever, obviously; Kon figures if the kid cries on the suit a bit, he can just get it . . . dry-cleaned, he guesses? Probably this is a dry-cleaning thing? 
God, who knows, Tim got the damn thing for him. It might need to be cleaned by a hyper-specific radiation or fresh water from snowmelt on the Alps or a custom-designed spray from the Batcave, for all he friggin’ knows. 
“Hello, Mr. Kent,” Alfred says as soon as the aid workers on the street have directed the towncar out of the immediate area of the refugee camp, his voice wryly but politely amused, and Kon feels an immediate rush of relief. Thank fuck, yeah, okay. Not that he really thought Alfred of all people thought he was actually a version of Batman, just . . . yeah. Just–yeah. It’s a relief. “Dare I ask why you informed the aid workers that you were Master Bruce?” 
“I did not, but I winked at a pretty lady while wearing a very expensive suit and holding a traumatized kid, so apparently some assumptions were made,” Kon admits sheepishly, and Alfred’s mouth quirks in the rearview mirror. 
“Do tell,” he says. 
“Please tell me Batman isn't gonna pull the ‘no outside capes in Gotham’ card over this,” Kon says, dragging a hand through his hair and slightly wrecking the carefully slicked-back style he had it in. At this point, he does not care. “My Batman knew I was in town.” 
“Oh, did he?” Alfred asks, still seeming wryly amused. 
“Mine too!” Jon blurts, straightening up a little as he leans back a bit from Kon. He keeps a hand on his arm, but Kon figures that’s no surprise. He’s a pretty familiar face, considering. Like, double-familiar, in a sense. 
“Ah, yes,” Alfred says, glancing carefully at Jon in the rearview mirror. “I’m sorry, young man. May I inquire after your name?” 
Well, shit, Kon thinks as Jon wilts immediately and tightens his grip on his sleeve, then buries his face in his bicep again. Not ideal, probably. At least, explaining Jon as a person is probably gonna be a whole thing, and not a thing the local Batman is gonna be thrilled to hear. 
Could be worse, admittedly. Could be “oh, Lex Luthor cooked me up in a basement”. 
Yeahhhhh. Well, at least Alfred actually recognized him, so apparently he does exist here. So like, at least they’ve only got to get through one of those explanations. 
“Jon Kent,” Jon says quietly, and Alfred . . . pauses. Kon does not let himself wince or look guilty or anything even remotely similar. Look, he’d have forewarned them if he’d had the option, okay? 
“I see,” Alfred says carefully. “May I inquire, young Mr. Kent, as to who your father might happen to be?” 
“Clark Kent,” Jon says, his voice still quiet and grip on Kon’s sleeve probably at hydraulic-press levels by now. “And my mom's Lois Lane.” 
“Ah,” Alfred says. “Please don't take this question the wrong way, young man, but would you happen to be adopted?” 
“No,” Jon says, setting his jaw stubbornly. 
“I see,” Alfred says. Kon–sighs, for lack of a better idea, and just wraps his arm around Jon. 
“I got you, Jonno,” he says, trying to sound reassuring. He’s not as good at that as Clark is, which is immediately proven by Jon tearing up and just clinging to him, full super-strength and all. A less invulnerable version of him would definitely bruise. 
And literally any baseline human would get their fucking spine crushed.
“I’m not dangerous,” Jon mutters. “And I’m not gonna hurt anybody. You know I wouldn't, right? I–I know you haven't had me yet in your reality, but–” 
“–but I'm not bad, I wouldn't hurt anyone, I promise, you know you and Mom wouldn't ever have a kid who was bad!” Jon chokes past an almost-sob, and Kon’s stomach sinks like a rock. 
Okay. Jon does not, in fact, have a version of him in his reality. 
Also, apparently has some really concerning ideas about biological determinism and nature versus nurture and whatever else, but like, he’s like ten, that’s–normal, or whatever, that’s–
“Jon, kiddo, no, I’m not–” he tries, and then the car dashboard lights up with a low, melodious sound, and Alfred presses a button on the steering wheel. 
“Report,” Batman’s voice says neutrally from the speakers, and Kon immediately winces. 
Well, this is gonna go just great, isn’t it. 
“Well, it seems Batman doesn't yet have to worry about an interdimensional territory dispute,” Alfred informs him dryly. “Superman, however . . .” 
Fuck his entire fucking life, Kon thinks. 
So much for not having to give both of the awkward explanations. 
“. . . Kent,” Bruce says, sounding immediately exasperated and also way less “Batman”, which Kon wishes he could assume were a good sign. “Why the hell did you tell the aid workers you were me?”
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chocmoon-latte · 8 months
"Hancock has no regrets about becoming a ghoul"??
It baffles me when some people think Hancock has zero regrets about becoming a ghoul. Absolutely none at all apparently. Like yeah, he plays it up when you first meet him before he's a companion, but let's be real he plays up pretty much everything in regards to the whole "sexy king of the zombies" image he projects.
It takes travelling with you away from Goodneighbor to give him some time to be introspective for him to finally realize that him becoming a ghoul was just another escape route from himself again. He's got several lines of dialogue that literally reiterate this. It's a key point of his character:
Hell, running from myself is what made me into… into a damn Ghoul.
Well, I mean, I didn't always look this good. The drug that did this to me, that made me a Ghoul, I knew what it was going to do.
I just couldn't stand looking at the bastard I saw in the mirror anymore.
The coward who'd let all those Ghouls from Diamond City die. Who was too scared to protect his fellow drifters from Vic and his boys.
If I took it, I'd never have to look at him again. I could put that all behind me. I'd be free. Didn't seem like a choice at all. Turns out it was just me running from somethin' else in my life.
I mean, after reaching max affinity with you, he realizes that maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all (because he's finally got an honest friend he can be open with now). He now feels comfortable where he is - but to imply that he doesn't have at least the tiniest amount of regret? Heck, if you go onto romance him (or attempt to), he stops referring to himself as handsome and literally starts calling himself ugly, which naturally goes entirely against the image he projects:
Why don't we just agree to keep it friendly for now or till they find a cure for ugly? Heh.
You don't want to wake up to this mug every morning. Never wish that on anyone I cared for.
You sure you want to be stuck with this ugly mug?
(You could even say he implies it beforehand with another line of dialogue elsewhere in-game when he says "I'd be mad too if I was that ugly." But that's a stretch I guess.)
Combine that with the fact that 99% of ghouls don’t choose to become ghouls. Hancock did. But he didn't do it for a fun experience. He was already in a bad place when he became a ghoul. He didn't turn to be cool and edgy like he pretended he did when first getting to know him.
He lost his appearance, any connections to his old identity and old friends/people he might’ve been associated with (for better or worse), and in return gained hostility from bigots towards him for merely existing, from an overwhelming majority of the Commonwealth population that hates ghouls. There's the Institute and Brotherhood who want to kill anyone like him on top of that. Plenty of people out there who think he and other ghouls are monsters for just being alive.
Not only that, but something which adds onto this is the fact that he's a client of the Memory Den, and they're very selective with their customers. And what's the whole point of the Memory Den? Reliving past memories. Irma's terminal entry about Hancock, as well as the other two ghoul clients Kent and Daisy, all imply the memories they go back to relive are primarily from their human days. (The one on Hancock straight up says "if you thought he was handsome and dangerous now, you should've seen him before he turned ghoul.")
I genuinely refuse to believe that Hancock has never had any regret whatsoever about becoming a ghoul. The man who's spent a decent chunk of his life running from his own problems instead of confronting them, has NO regrets about taking a drug that alters his entire being and functionality on a biological level and will force him to outlive everyone he knows? This man is FULL of regrets!
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
The creation of the crown of the united empire, one that evokes all of the shiny hats of the various empires and respects their histories and cultural contributions is actually a bonding activity that Tim manipulated the planets into participating in to promote interspecies cooperation and understanding among disparate planets that previously had either only violent contact with one another or little to no contact with one another.
The creation of the crown is one of several such activities that Tim and his life partners have prompted in one way or the other because they'd rather that the people of the empire get along not just because they like their baby emperor and his consorts but also because they like and maybe even respect one another.
Another activity is a space version of the Great British Bake off with amateur bakers from all across the empire coming together to show off their skills. There is also a version for each individual planet. One of the judges in the empire bake off is Mary Berry, this is the true reason why she is no longer on earth's Great British Bake Off. If Kon and the Kent's relationship improves then Tim will have Ma Kent on the show either as a contestant or as a guest judge. Tim is currently on the fence about inviting Alfred as a guest judge or participant.
You're so right for this. Tim would need to find a way to allow planets (who may have differing feelings about each other) to socialize and bond. He's got trade routes set up between them, but he'll need to do more to help them along.
As someone who is learning about different planets, species, and customs, Tim will need to be careful when he learns about them. Because he doesn't know them, he may fall victim to generalization, stereotypes, and specieism if he isn't careful (which he probably is). Learning about the shit people say about the others is just as important as learning what's true. By learning about the stereotypes and other shit, he can have focuses campaigns to combat these perceptions.
I'm curious how he might invoke different customs/traditions/cultures into wider celebrations or events for the whole empire. Are there holidays from certain planets that he makes into empire-wide holidays? Does he add in certain traditions of each planet (like using purple sashes when celebrating a win) for his events?
I'm also curious about what other events he can add. Due to the species having different biology, it may not be wise or fair to have sport-like competitions. If so, he may have to divide sports into separate brackets (like the weight or age brackets of some sports, but this would be for different abilities (some may be able to breathe under water, be unable to life certain weights, have powers, etc).
MUSIC. Music competitions, concerts, etc. would be hella cool to see. There's gotta be a ton of variations and unique instruments
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stardewremixed · 3 months
Alex headcanons
Wanted to be a knight when he was a child. Horse and lance, sword and suit of armor. Shiny. Made one out of tinfoil, scraps of Evelyn's fabric, and a broom stick. Neighbor kids made fun of him. He didn't dress up again.
Joined a yoga class on a dare. Well actually because he saw a pretty girl through the window and straight up walked into the glass. The instructor made him take the class. Something about balance and coordination.
Almost thought about joining the army right outta high school. He barely passed and wasn't sure college was for him. But the thought of dying while his grandparents (his only relatives) still lived qnd didnt have anyone to take care of them was too unnerving. He didn't want to leave them all alone. Still likes war movies sometimes.
Conscientious about his scent. Keeps his pit hairs trimmed. Religious about showering after working out. Keeps a spare deodorant in his truck. Leaves a trail of cologne - clean, just-out-of-shower scent, not too weighty, a bit soapy, rainforest mist like.
Has helped Sam out with his community service before because this man weirdly loves digging fence posts.
Also loves carrying things - groceries for his grandma (or the pretty farmer), barrels of ale and whiskey, folding tables from festivals, tools up a ladder, etc. Both arms full. Things normal people can carry on multiple trips. Alex gets it all and doesn't break a sweat. Would carry the farmer too (if she'd let him - and you know he's carrying her bridal style on their wedding night).
Loves a challenging ropes course. Can rappel down a wall or a mountain side. Can complete a obstacle course faster than anyone else. Would give Kent a run for his money at army crawling. Absolutely goes nuts about hiking, bouldering, free climbing too. Would probably do spelunking too if... he wasn't a teeny but afraid of the dark... because...
Kept a nightlight in his room until he was a teenager. It's why he never did sleepovers with the other kids. That and he hit puberty early. Towering over grade schoolers was only cool for like a minute. But you can reach things on the top shelf, I guess.
Occasionally freelances for the Adventurer's Guild. Gives guided hiking tours up into the mountains above the Valley or secret woods for tourists. He would be enthusiastic too - swinging his arms and waving his hands around while telling stories and pointing out cool sights.
His hugs are big, and leave you feeling wrapped up, but in a good way. Like a cozy warm blanket. You feel safe and loved.
He's a cuddler... while you watch TV together, while you read books together (yes, he likes sports magazines and biographies of his heroes), and while you sleep. He's definitely the big spoon and makes you feel cherished. That's until he starts snoring... lightly. You'll have to nudge him to stop. And those arms do get... heavy. And he's definitely elbowed his companion in bed before.
He's a bit of a wimp when it comes to shots. It's why he would never get a tattoo or get his ears pierced. He doesn't like needles. (They might also remind him of his mom and her treatments when he was little).
He once posed for a campaign poster for a lumberjack festival. Lewis had little success. Only a dozen young girls showed up on the bus that day. No actual woodchoppers. Needless to say, Alex kills it in plaid. Think Brawny paper towel guy vibes without the facial hair.
Also did a modeling gig for Pierre once to sell some winter gear. Haley took the photos. Alex is a natural in front of the camera. Again, lots of female visitors... erm... customers to the town for a period of two days. He may or may not have autographed the ad for one of the ladies.
He's shouldered a lot of responsibility from a young age. His dad ran out on them. His mom was sick. His grandparents aren't the healthiest. Alex has picked up odd jobs since he was eight. Recycling bottlecaps. ♻️ Washing cars. Lemonade stand. 🍋
Delivering newspapers was one of his first real paying gigs. Granny gave him one of George's old newsboy caps. Alex wore it with pride. He's got an incredible swing for it. Also led him to be interested in baseball. He played three seasons in Little League as a pitcher before he became fascinated with gridball. 📰
It was actually Grandpa George who got him into gridball. Watching games together on TV, critiquing the players, talking technique. Male bonding stuff. He wants to take George to a pro game one day, proudly wheeling his Gramps into the stadium. 🏈
One of his first jobs as a young adult was at the local hospital. It's how he paid for his first apartment. He wheeled people up from their appointments to get picked up at curbside. Just like with his mom when he was a young teen. It felt like a good way to keep giving back even after she was gone. New moms. Dialysis patients. Kids with broken legs from falling off a skateboard ramp...
That's how he met Sam actually. (I like to think these two would be sort-of friends). Sam talked about music and boarding and surfing. Alex talked about the high school Alma Mater fight song and baseball and weightlifting.
Sam and Alex built an epic sandcastle village on the beach one year at the Luau. Both were bored. Vincent helped too. It was impressive... until high tide came in. Haley snapped a photo first at least.
Inspired by Grandpa George, he took a dance class. That's how he met Haley (when they were late teens). He was her favorite dance partner. He could actually lift her without dropping her. And he didn't step on his toes. He's actually pretty light on his feet. Tried tap dancing too but that wasn't as successful (or cool looking).
Named MVP for his high school gridball team. Would've gone on to play in uni but just didn't have the grades. And he needed to stay close for Granny and George. Still keeps his trophies from every sport he's ever played in his room.
Would challenge anyone to an arm wrestling contest any day. Has actually made some money at the Stardew Valley Fair this way. Out of towners might underestimate him. Amateurs! Shane is the only one who's come close to besting Alex and only then because he was drunk. Sober Shane might have stood a chance.
Bought George a big recliner with his very first paycheck from his adult job. Comfy cushions, high quality leather, great arm rests. George never sits in it because he had his mining accident shortly after and so it sits unused in a storage closest somewhere collecting dust. Still every once in a while, George wheels by and thinks about his grandson's thoughtfulness.
Will carry any of the Farmer's picked produce back to the bins, trekking across the fields, or will personally deliver products to Pierre's. By the armful. Corn, lettuce, bushels of broccoli, squash, grapes, tomatoes. He can carry 3 or 4 buckets at a time. Or by the basket. The big round baskets that the average person can only carry one at a time.
Likes the smell of freshly washed cars. And the air after it rains. New leather on a ball. Granny's freshly baked cookies.
Would literally be your shoulder to cry on. No seriously, people have. His mom before she passed. Evelyn after her frustrations with George. Haley after a boy she liked dumped her. Even Emily after one awkward moment as she was taking out the trash behind the Saloon and felt overwhelmed about a disturbing vision she had. He is always willing to comfort those he cares about.
Doesn't really cook but he can make a mean cheesy macaroni casserole. It's one of the few recipes he learned as a boy that has stuck with him.
Feels strongly about cheating in sports. And popping pills to make someone stronger. Especially because his mom was ill. He knows there are people out there who really need medicines. Illegal drugs are a disgrace to the profession.
Would absolutely spend his days fixing up the farmhouse, repairing the barn, sprucing the greenhouse, patching up the chicken coop while the farmer worked the fields and orchards and took care of livestock. I have this longstanding belief that Alex would make an excellent handyman in the Valley. Maybe it starts out as an apprenticeship with Robin. He's gifted with a sander, a wrench, a saw. And this man looks great in a backward cap, tight jeans, and a tool belt. He likes to feel useful, stay busy, and work with his hands. Painting your bedroom and repairing your shower leak would be his first projects once moving to the farm.
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choking-on-ice · 3 months
Superscienceshipping (because I've been going through the reblogs & it sounded nice) Incorrect quotes & something I cooked up at the end: Lex: Where are you going? Kara: To get MYSELF a gift cause somebody didn't get me one! Lex: I told you I did! Its coming here on Friday! Jimmy, knowing full well that Lex got Kara an engagement ring: eating popcorn (Seems OOC to me, but it's one of the better ones I got.) Lex: Where’s Kara? Jimmy: Around. Lex: Around? Lex: You don’t have any idea, do you? Kara, dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
Kara, holding out a cookie for Jimmy: Look! This ones a heart, that’s how I feel about you! Jimmy: *Ugly crying* Kara, holding out another cookie for Lex: This ones like Michigan, that’s how I feel about you! Lex, throwing their hands in the air: What does that mean?! (Presume this is recently after Lex's involvement with Task Force X comes to light. There's a lot of complicated emotions between the 3.)
And the thing I cooked up (Crack AU where Digital!Jor-El, the Kents & Brainiac are stuck awkwardly co-parenting Clark & Kara. Assume Brainiac got the Brain & MM to help make himself a custom organic body, & has chilled out significantly): Kara: "Father, can you please pass the salt?" Brainiac, Lex Jimmy : both reach for the salt at the same time Everyone at the dinner table: "..." (Brainiac is disappointed in half of his daughter's choice of partners. He approves of Lex for his intelligence, but doesn't really care much for Jimmy.) Now that I think of it, how would Brainac react to the Leauge of Lois Lanes & Mr Mxyzptlk? I have the mental image of him being interested in their stuff, & meeting other versions of himself. The other Brainiacs might consider him the Patti of their group.
Like fr I love this cookie scene so much lol, something about Lex having to deal with two people that basically communicate via shitpost 90% of the time is just *chefs kiss*
Also I take this "pass the salt" scene and raise you the exact same, but it's Monsieur Mallah, The Brain, Brainiac, and the Kents who watch as Kara, Lex, and all of Jimmy's pseudo father figures reach at the same time. (Kara gives daddy energy to me) ((also maybe Steve is there cuz I think his and Jimmy's relationship is heinous yet great))
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sarahowritesostucky · 7 months
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Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Word count: 2101
Tags: a/b/o, arranged marriage, domestic discipline, spanking, head of household, dom/sub elements, alpha Steve, beta Bucky, hurt/comfort, wedding night, alternate history, nobility/royalty au, Edwardian time period, m/f/m poly marriage, enemies to lovers
Summary: To save House Barnes from scandalous ruin, eldest son James must agree to a contracted marriage, accepting Lord Senator Steven Rogers as his Alpha, Husband, and Headship.
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To read previous parts of this series first, got to the story's masterlist
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12. A Sojourn in London
This Chapter: He imagines his life, spent stifled and serving Steve in mundane ways, watching some faceless omega inevitably claim all of Steve’s sexual interest and produce children for him while Bucky slowly goes insane from the boredom of an unimpressive, domestic life.
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Bucky and Steve might be high Society in America, part of the Senatorial ruling class, but they aren’t actual royalty. The Duke and Duchess of Kent however, are. And their living accommodations reflect it.
The carriage pulls through to the inner courtyard at Kensington Palace, and Steve offers his hand to help Bucky down. He takes his arm as they’re guided into the palace and shown the way to a grand ballroom. Bucky has to double check that his mouth is closed a few times as he looks around.
There are lots of other people, all just as finely or better dressed than Steve and Bucky are. Bucky catalogues the number of diamonds and other jewels that he can see adorning the heads and dripping from the throats of all the ladies, quickly deducing that, outside of the British Museum’s Crown Jewels exhibit, he’s never been surrounded by such wealth. “Jeez,” he mutters to Steve. “The Queen’s not making an appearance, is she?”
Steve chuckles and mutters back, “I don’t think so, Buck.”
Bucky smiles politely at the first two couples who come up to introduce themselves and chat. The Lady Cavendish is alpha and there with her beta husband. Another, Lord Barrows, is with both of his triad. The alphas both talk with Steve and eventually Bucky joins in. But the group gets quiet when he does. Lady Cavendish seems taken-aback. “My,” she says, looking unsure if she should be amused or annoyed. “You Americans certainly have relaxed manners.”
Bucky frowns, not understanding her meaning but pretty sure that he’s just been insulted. Steve’s hand comes out and pulls Bucky in against his side, almost possessively. “You’ll have to forgive my husband,” he says. “He’s never traveled enough to acquaint himself with European customs.”
Lord Barrows and his spouses smile and nod, and Bucky is left both confused and annoyed. He can’t help feeling that he’s being laughed at. “What?” he asks, peeved.
Steve squeezes him the tiniest bit tighter against his side at his tone. “It’s customary in British society for Spouses to wait on their Headship for invitation into the conversation,” he tells Bucky.
Bucky can tell from Steve’s tone that he’s trying to appear in-control to the other people. He can also definitely tell that Steve is waiting for him to blow up. Though he does feel indignation zip through him at hearing such antiquated nonsense, Bucky doesn’t say anything more than, “Oh.”
Steve seems relieved. His hold on Bucky relaxes. “That’s alright, darling. You didn’t know.”
Bucky wants to make a face at Steve calling him ‘darling’. It’s so obviously faked. Sure, Bucky understands that airs have to be put on at Society functions, but he’s not used to it with Steve. He doesn’t like it. “I’d be interested to know what other customs I’m ignorant of,” he muses, then pauses to look at the other two alphas. “That is, if I’ve been ‘invited into the conversation’?” He looks wide-eyed at Steve, pretending like he cares.
Steve’s lips quirk the barest amount, but he nods and says, “Of course.”
“Oh thank you, husband,” Bucky simpers. He doesn’t think the other guests are aware of how close he is to gagging. He looks back over to Lady Cavendish and her husband. “Well?” he asks. “What else should I know?”
“Your fashions are more liberal,” Lady Cavendish says. Now she looks mostly amused by Bucky, if also somewhat disapproving. She nods to her beta and says, “What do you think, Dear?”
Lord Cavendish perks up at his chance to speak. “Yes, I had noticed that.” His eyes run up and down Bucky’s outfit like he’s found several things lacking. It makes Bucky uncomfortable, and he has to fight not to squirm and look down at himself. “Your wrists are covered,” the other man notes. “No beta in London Society would be caught in public with such an ill-tailored jacket.”
Bucky flushes. “It’s not ill-tailored,” he snaps. He’d noticed after a turn of the ballroom that all the other married betas’ suits and dress sleeves don’t reach past their wrist bones, leaving their wedding wristbands on full display. “It’s what’s fashionable.”
Cavendish Shrugs. “In America, perhaps.”
“In the twentieth century!” Bucky scowls. “Christ. Get over yourself. Not everyone needs to advertise themselves like property.”
Lord Cavendish doesn’t say anything back to him, just stands there smugly at having gotten such a reaction out of Bucky. His wife, however, says, “Well I never,” as if that fully-encapsulates her disdain for Bucky’s attitude.
Maybe it does, because the next thing Bucky knows, Steve is gripping him by the back of the neck, jostling him in a classic scruff. Bucky’s mouth falls open at the domineering gesture, a surprised sound leaving him without his permission. The shock of the action outweighs any outrage he might otherwise feel. “I’m sorry,” Steve is apologizing to the group. “Please, do excuse us.”
The two other Headships titter as Steve steers Bucky away. Bucky goes red all the way to his ears, he’s sure of it. Steve has gotten him out into the hallway before Bucky can manage to react in any way, which is good news, because he’s not sure what he might have yelled at those people, if given the chance. He jerks out of Steve’s hold the second they’re alone in the hall. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” he yells, relieved when Steve lets him go. “Scruffing me? In front of a whole room full of people?!”
“Bucky, calm down.”
He glowers at Steve, feeling like his head is going to explode. “What the hell, Steve!”
Steve steps into his space, pressing him against the wall. “Lower. your. voice.”
Bucky would scream, if Steve hadn’t just Voiced the specific command to do the opposite at him. “How could you do that?” he hisses instead, feeling betrayed. “How? Are you trying to humiliate me?”
Steve shakes his head. “No. Of course not. It’s their custom, Buck. I couldn’t be seen to do nothing when you spoke to them like that. I told you: everything’s a lot more formal over here.”
Bucky growls. “You didn’t have to do that.” He hasn’t seen an adult, let alone an adult beta, be scruffed by their Headship in public in he doesn’t know how many years. It’s a demeaning, authoritative sort of thing. Bucky feels like crawling into the ground, knowing that a ballroom full of British Society just witnessed it being done to him. “I hate you,” he spits.
Steve sighs. “No, you don’t.”
“I do!”
“Shh!” Steve looks reproachfully at him. “I can’t let you disrespect our union in front of those people, Bucky.”
“I wasn’t!”
“To them, you were.” Steve looks pointedly at him. “And you know it, too. You were being rude.”
“So what?” Bucky snaps.
“Seriously?” Steve frowns at him. “Do you want me to have to discipline you? Because I will, if you keep this up in public.”
Someone nearby clears their throat, and both Steve and Bucky’s heads turn to see Lord Barrows standing there. “Sorry,” he says, not looking sorry at all. He steps over and pulls something from under his dress coat, handing it to Steve.
Bucky’s eyes widen when he sees what it is. “The fuck?” he breathes before he can help it. “You carry a cane on you?”
Barrows smiles at Bucky like he’s a misbehaving child, but he speaks to Steve. “It’s a switch. I thought you might need it.” His eyes flick over Bucky, then Back to Steve. “See you at the dinner table, yes?” He turns and starts walking away.
“Um, yeah,” Steve mutters. He waits until Barrows is gone before turning back to Bucky. He holds the switch between them, looking just as shocked as Bucky feels. “Well.”
Bucky’s belly flips at the implicit threat of the implement. He doesn’t like seeing it in Steve’s hand, wants to knock it to the floor. “Christ,” he mutters. “These people live in the fucking dark ages.”
“They’re strict.”
“Ya think?” Bucky scoffs.
“All Senatorial Households have canes,” Steve says. “Even your family must’ve.”
“Not as an amenity for dinner guests to use!” Bucky snatches the switch from Steve’s hand and holds it in front of his face. “You’d seriously hit me with this?”
“Senator?” Both Bucky and Steve’s heads whip up again. It’s Lady Cavendish this time. She looks distinctly interested in what she’s interrupted as she informs them, “Dinner is about to be served. Everyone is convening in the dining room.”
"Butt out!" Bucky snaps.
“Thank you,” Steve says. “We’ll be there presently.”
Lady Cavendish affords them one last, curious glance, then nods and hurries out of sight. Steve turns his attention back to Bucky. He looks very displeased. He holds out his hand. “Give me that. Now.”
Bucky gulps. Slowly, not wanting to, he gives the switch to Steve. He’s unable to tear his eyes away from the sight of Steve’s fingers curling around the handle. “Are you going to hit me?” he asks, surprised by how tiny his voice sounds when it comes out.
Steve sighs heavily. “No, Bucky. I’m not.” He sets the switch aside. “I’d never hurt you like that. Not for anything so minor.”
Privately, Bucky wonders what infraction would be serious enough in Steve’s book to warrant such a punishment. He decides against asking. “I don’t want to go back in there,” he says instead. “They’ll all think you were out here punishing me.”
Steve arches an eyebrow. “Nothing wrong with that.”
“Come on," he says, with a bit of a snicker. He takes Bucky's arm and guides him back out to the ballroom. “Try and act like a properly admonished Spouse now, would you?”
Bucky makes a low growling sound, but says nothing. They are only steps away from entering the dining room, after all.
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Dinner isn’t much better than the ballroom, unfortunately. The upside is that, once again, Bucky's not expected to participate in any of the conversation. So he can just focus on eating his—delicious, he must admit—food. The downside is that he has to wait for Steve to serve that food to him.
He's taken aback when he first notices it: the footmen bringing the courses out and setting them down only in front of the alphas. Bucky stares at a triad across the table as the Headship moves some of the food from her plate onto her beta’s plate, and then some onto her omega’s. Bucky flushes, suddenly remembering how that’d been one of the customs he’d observed when his father had brought him to a British state dinner when he was younger. Seeing it again, and especially with Steve sitting next to him as his Alpha, is oddly mortifying. Bucky has to wait while Steve is served his dish and the lid is pulled off. Steve looks over at him expectantly. “Well?”
“Seriously?” Bucky hisses. The other Spouses all have polite phrases that they use to ask their Alphas to be served. Steve smirks at Bucky as he waits for a response. “You’re enjoying this,” Bucky accuses, and the alpha shrugs.
“Maybe a little. Here.” He takes Bucky’s plate and gives him well over half the portion. “I’m not actually going to make you say it.”
Bucky grunts, angry but also a little bit pleased that Steve is ladling over most of the spinach puffs. I’d rather starve, is what he thinks, but out loud he says, “Well ... good.”
The rest of the dinner is spent in a similar, mildly-torturous fashion. Bucky sits quiet and pretty and lets Steve serve him each course, and he observes all of the Triads with their proper etiquette and rigidly defined roles, how insipidly all the beta and omega Spouses behave. He imagines his life, spent stifled and serving Steve in mundane ways, watching some faceless omega inevitably claim all of Steve’s sexual interest and produce children for him while Bucky slowly goes insane from the boredom of an unimpressive, domestic life.
When the Headship of the Triad directly across the table from them makes a rather obnoxious joke about omega suffrage—and Steve laughs along, mind you (Bucky doesn’t care if it's forced or not)—Bucky makes up his mind that he’s not going to let this happen to him. He’s not going to become one of those beta Spouses across the dining table, not going to resign himself to a life as an invisible Second who takes only what he's given and says 'thank you' for it.
Omegas and betas don’t have the right to divorce their Head of Household, but Alphas can choose to initiate the process if they wish. With the dowry to protect his family now permanently secured, Bucky makes a decision right then and there to do everything he can to drive Steve away.
If he can make Steve want a divorce, he’ll be free.
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theender36 · 6 months
Recently watched Superman: The Movie (1978) for the first time in well over a decade and it really is a great movie so I got some thoughts that I want to put somewhere before I forget.
The cold open of theater curtains showing a mockup of an old Superman serial featuring Action Comics is a great nod to the character's past. Then the title flying out of the old theater screen is a fantastic visual as well as a good transition to kickstart the credits sequence accompanied by the iconic music
The set design of Krypton is phenomenal; the glowing clothes, the crystalline look, and the streamlined technology feel alien and futuristic in a unique way, although it is a little odd that everything is so white except for Kal-El's baby blanket.
The trial of Zod, Ursa, and Non has the striking combination of visuals that are the trio being held in a spotlight by spinning rings and the stern Kryptonian judges' faces being projected onto the otherwise dark dome surrounding them
Marlon Brando keeps pronouncing it "Kryptin" for some reason. Like when I'm joking about watching "The Batmins"
Genuinely very sad goodbye scene from Kal's parents
Pretty much every wide shot in Kansas is super beautiful
As is the custom, Ma and Pa Kent bring Clark up right. I appreciate the moment where Clark tells Pa about how he gets so mad at bullies that he wants to tear them apart because first off, you can tell from how he says it that he knows it'd be wrong to do that. And second, Pa doesn't yell at him for having those feelings, he tries to help him deal with them.
Clark doesn't just bail on Martha to go find himself, and he makes sure she'll have help on the farm while he's gone
The sequence of the Fortress forming itself has amazing practical effects and editing
Maybe it was because I was watching the Blu Ray version with extra scenes but the abstract montage of crystal Jor-El teaching Clark about the universe and his abilities and giving life lessons ran a little long but it was cool
Clark is very much playing up his meek, clumsy identity but him being Reporter Clark Kent as a person is not totally an act. He makes sure half his paycheck goes to Ma back home because he wants to make sure she's taken care of and he tries to be polite and helpful around the office, which tracks with who he is at his core
I think Lex being a business tycoon/scientist is pretty integral to the character but I don't mind this version's "Napoleon of crime" shtick. I like that Gene Hackman's hair being a wig in-story is hinted at when Otis is poking around the spa and he finds a spare hairpiece
I know everyone knows this already but Christopher Reeves is a perfect casting choice and he does an amazing job at making Clark and Superman superficially different but obviously the same person at heart. Even when he says something a little corny as either one, there's so much sincerity to it
Clark feeling a little guilty about enjoying being a hero is on-brand. I like that Jor-El reflects Johnathan Kent by encouraging him but also giving guidance so he doesn't lose who he is.
The moment of Jor-El saying "I've sent them you. My only son." is veering very close to the common Superman-as-a-Jesus-allegory mistake but it's the only time in the entire movie I remember it doing that, so I can't harp on it too much
Lois is just a force of nature and the only reason Clark can keep up with her as Superman is because she's starstruck
This version of Superman and Lois are down just HORRENDOUS for each other
The flying date scene is great and I think the poorly-aged flying effect is countered by the nighttime background and the chemistry between the characters. That being said, the "can you read my mind" poem is just. What. Why is this
The scene of Lex, Ms. Teschmacher, and Otis attempting to tamper with the nukes and then having to do it again because Otis screwed up is so goofy I forgot they were villains
Great moment when Superman shows he can be intimidating by just staring down Otis.
I like that Superman is saved by Ms Teschmacher because she believes in him which is a surprise to Lex because he only believes in himself
Really great effects in the scenes of the destruction from the San Andreas fault
This shot is underrated
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The moments of Superman realizing Lois is dead have so much weight to them and are amazingly shot
I kind of wish they explored the consequences of him "interfering in history" because otherwise it is sort of just a convenient deus ex machina
Everything ends tied up very nicely (except the Zod squad but after two hours, nobody's thinking about that) and sometimes that's all a movie needs
It's astonishing really how much they manage to fit in this movie considering they give a lot of scenes more time than you'd expect
Overall, movie good.
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palakro · 5 months
Enhancing Health and Wellness: The Role of RO Water Purifiers
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining good health and wellness has become a top priority for individuals. With the rising pollution levels and the prevalence of water-borne diseases, ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water is crucial. This is where Palak RO play a vital role for RO water purifier. RO, which stands for Reverse Osmosis, is a technology that effectively removes impurities and contaminants from water, providing pure and healthy drinking water.
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breilobrealdi · 2 years
You asked for asks :)
Crushing, touch-starved Villain comes for a haircut and oblivious, sweet Hero is their hairdresser today.
[A/N: Hi! So sorry for the late reply, but here it is! Not sure if it is exactly what you were looking for, but hope you’ll like it. :) I’m trying to get back to writing as it is something that I had to leave for a little while as life got complicated, but I’m hoping to be back and have one or two posts a week. English is not my first language, so sorry in advance for possible mistakes. Have a wonderful day!! ]
Sometimes, everything felt a little too much. Oh, don't get him wrong, his purpose or resolution did not waver. HE was still very much driven to succeed, ready to do whatever was necessary. It was just...
The loneliness.
God. He knew the consequences of choosing this line of work, what it entailed. But his expectations did not prepare him for how harsh reality still was.
He could never trust anyone, never let his guard down. Not with strangers, not with anyone. Not even his henchmen, much less his so called allies.
He was so tired of it.
And that was dangerous. So, he tried to indulge himself with the less risky impulse he could think of: a haircut. He could get rid of the long locks that started to be annoying by blocking his eyes and always getting in the way, while establishing some mild social contact or interaction with other people outside of his circle.
And that's how he ended up at a hairdraisser's god knows where, with only a few other customers around. Thankfully, they were minding their own business while some relaxing music played in the background.
As soon as he opened the door, a small chime announced this arrival and a plain looking girl with a kind smile was instantly on him.
"Welcome! How may I help you?"
Something about her voice was strangely familiar, but it might just be the customer service tone.
"Hi, huh...", he took a second to clear his throat, suddenly feeling bashful. "I had an appointment."
"Of course. Mr... Kent, is it? Please follow me and we'll get started right away."
"Thank you."
As they went and he took his sit, he couldn't help and get tense while feeling her moving behind him, without being able to directly see her.
This was a bad idea.
He should have never come, what if she was some kind of spy and tried to attack him now? He had left himself unnecessarily vulnerable to any ind of--
"Careful now..."
She spoke softly just before warmth washed over him, wetting his hair and carefully avoiding his face.
"Is the temperature alright?"
"Perfect. Please feel free to close your eyes and let me know if there is anything you need or would like differently."
He hummed, slowly following her instructions, though still a bit unsure. This was an experiment, he reminded himself. Not following them would mean going against its purpose.
He went completely still the moment he felt her hands softly scratching his head.
That was... really nice, actually.
He took a deep breath, and started to relax for real this time.
This is something he could get used to.
His mind started drifting, blank, only concentrated in the delicate, precise touch of hers...
Before he knew it, he suddenly found himself looking at the ceiling blinking really fast, confused.
What did just happen?
Oh, god. 
Did he fall asleep?
A hand on his shoulder stopped his rushing thoughts dead on their track and he could see her not long after, smiling what he assumed was reassuringly to him.
Panic must have been obvious on his face, because she quickly said.
"No need to worry, sir. You may rest for a little longer while I finish."
He was almost certain they could hear him with how strong his heart was beating. He made an effort to keep a straight face as he answered.
"Thank you, I'll be in your care."
And allowed himself to drift again under her touch. Were others supposed to feel this warm? He couldn’t remember, but he couldn’t stop himself from melting.
Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. 
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loisinherlane · 1 year
Kon and Ma and Pa + 73?
kon + ma + pa / everyday america by sugarland
oh, woah, everyone's dreaming big oh, woah, but everyone's just getting by that's how it goes in everyday america
"Conner, load up the truck, will ya?" Pa asked, gesturing at the boxes of produce still sitting on the porch. Kon obliged before Pa got it in his head to try to do it himself when he'd already thrown his back out once this week.
The Kents had learned with Clark to be careful in when and what they said. Superhearing wasn't something that could be turned off, even when they wanted to. Ma and Pa had mastered the art of telling each other problems with a single look. Unfortunately, Kon was starting to learn that look as well.
If Pa couldn't work the farm, they couldn't get paid. If they couldn't get paid, Pa couldn't see the doctor. It was a catch-22 of farming. If things went south, they could maybe cash in on their crop insurance, but that didn't help them in the meantime. The farmer's market could tide them over for a little while, especially with Ma's bees churning out the local honey.
"I can run the stand today, Pa," Kon offered. "I think I've done it enough times."
"Yeah, and those baby blues pull in all the customers," Ma snorted. She was still placing last-minute labels on the honey jars.
"Nah, I can do it," Pa insisted. He groaned as his back creaked and moved towards the porch. "But you can tag along. Wouldn't kill you to learn a little more about work."
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harmonyckrs · 4 months
Act 1, Scene 4 of Twisted Veronaville: A Party at Max Capp-acity
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While Juliette was at the Monty Ranch, the other Capps were having an important meeting.
Consort: Thank you again for helping me plan this party.
Hermia: Of course, Grandpa!
Tybalt: We're honored to help.
Consort: It's been such a long time since we've had everyone over, so I hope the party goes well, and that none of those Montys try to sabotage it.
Tybalt: The guards are in place, Grandfather. There is no way any of those filthy Montys can get past them.
Consort: Good...and have either of you seen Juliette? She's been sneaking out an awful lot lately. It's not a good look for us if our heiress is getting into bad activities.
Tybalt: She's probably off mooching with her boyfriend.
Consort: Oh, Puck? Well, good for her. As long as she doesn't date one of those Montys, it's all good...maybe we can even arrange marriage for them, once they both turn eighteen!
Hermia: Um...
Consort: Oh, yes, it'll be beautiful! I can just imagine it already...and he'll be a perfect husband for her. I must begin planning this wedding as soon as I can.
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Hermia: Should we tell him that Puck isn't the one Juliette's dating?
Tybalt: He'll have a heart attack! Do you want another family member to die?
Hermia: No? I'm just concerned about the "arranged marriage" thing...
Tybalt: If you feel so strongly about it, tell your boyfriend. And it's not that big of a deal, anyway. Teen relationships don't last that long, anyway.
Hermia: Tybalt!
Tybalt: It's the truth! And you shouldn't be focusing on relationships, anyway. You should focus on studying hard and making sure you get into a good college, and then settling for whoever Grandpa sets you up wi-
Hermia: Look! Mercutio's outside!
Tybalt: WHERE?...Hermia? Where did you go?
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The days of the other Capps were going along as normal. Now that there was finally another gay man in Veronaville, Kent decided to try his hand at dating again.
Aktu: So...Kent, right? I like your hair.
Kent: It's a wig. I'm a Capp, so I have to come here in disguise or the Montys will start picking fights with me.
Aktu: Oh, sorry. We can go somewhere else, if you'd like.
Kent: I don't mind. Never cared much about the feud, anyway, and even if most of the Montys are my rivals, I did hear the food here was good.
Aktu: Interesting...do you know how the feud started, by the way?
Kent: Not really. My dad mentioned that Patrizio used to have a crush on my mother, but that was about it...
Aktu: Interesting...
Antonio: ...Is that Kent in a wig?
Patrizio: Definitely. Can't believe a Capp has the audacity to show his face here. Make sure to serve every other customer before him, even the ones that come after.
Antonio: I think he's on a date, though...shouldn't his date at least get food?
Patrizio: Oh, I thought that was a man.
Antonio: (I'm not explaining gay people to him again.) Let's just take care of the rest of the customers before rush hour.
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While Kent was on his date, Goneril had just returned home from a grocery shopping trip, unaware of the surprises waiting for her.
Goneril: Hal? Where did you get that telescope, sweetie?
Hal: Daddy's friend gave it to me. He said it would help me see the stars better!
Goneril: Daddy's friend?...
Hal: He and Daddy went to the master bedroom to jump on the bed and scream...I think.
Goneril: (Albany, this better not be what I think it is!)
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Goneril: HOLY SHIT!
Albany: Goneril, I can explain! He asked me and...why would it even matter to you, huh? This was an arranged marriage! You don't even like me! Pascal actually treats me RIGHT!
Pascal: Sorry, Ms. Capp...Albany, go clean yourself up. I'll handle this.
Goneril: You homewrecker! Did you even know who he was? Do you know who I AM?
Pascal: Yes, and yes. But do you know who you are?
Goneril: What is this weird philosophical shit you're trying to pull on me? I'm not listening to the man who fucked my marriage!
Pascal: A marriage that you never wanted but let control your life. You're a businesswoman with four kids, all of which you barely know. Is that really the life you wanted?
Goneril: Maybe I wanted four kids and a career at the same time!
Pascal: It's okay. We both know that the four kids was Albany's choice...but you still have the chance to take back control of your life and make the choices you want for yourself. Kent did it already, and you can too.
Goneril: (I could be the one living with Bianca instead of him...why was that the first thing my mind went to? What's wrong with me? This man just ruined my marriage! I shouldn't even be listening to him!)
Pascal: Farewell, Goneril. I have business to attend too, but I hope you can make the right choice.
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Regan: Who is this?
Cornwall: I can-
Pascal: I'm Pascal, the man ruining your marriage.
Regan: Cornwall, the agreement was you were supposed to tell me when you bring someone else home to sleep with.
Cornwall: Yeah, sorry. But he told me to keep it a secret, because he had a husband back home.
Pascal: ...Well, there goes my plan...what even was that agreement?
Cornwall: Why would we tell someone who said he wanted to ruin our marriage?
Pascal: It's a...joke! Haha. Wasn't it funny?
Regan: I think it's fine, Cornwall...we got married so Father could be happy. Lavender marriage, if you will.
Pascal: I see...I hope you can find a marriage that's fulfilling. Love is a hard thing to find these days. Don't give up your chance with her like I did with mine.
Regan: Huh? Didn't you say you had a husband?
Pascal: That was also...a joke. Goodbye!
Regan: (Man, that guy is weird...and what did he mean by that?)
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Bianca: So how was the date?
Kent: Your family "forgot" to serve us food. Aktu was really upset about that.
Bianca: Oh, I'm sorry...I'm sure you'll be able to find someone else.
Kent: Hm? No, you misunderstood. He got mad at the restaurant, not me. Not sure if there's going to be a second date, though...
Bianca: Oh, that's...better, I suppose. Sorry about that, though.
Kent: Eh, it's fine. Anything new happen to you today?
Bianca: Well, I was thinking of enrolling in Veronaville's "SFO" program. It's a program that provides housing for teens and children whose parents were killed from the feud. Are you okay with that?
Kent: Yeah, it's fine. How many of them are going to be here?
Bianca: Well, they assigned me a kid named Gabriella, but she said she wouldn't come unless if her five other siblings came with her. There's two teens, two children, and two toddlers
Kent: Oh, that's a lot...but I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle.
Bianca: Thanks! I'll contact them again and see if the six of them can move in tomorrow.
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And the next day, after everything that happened, the party at the Capp House finally began...the perfect moment for Ripp to make himself known.
Juliette: Who's that? Did Grandpa hire a musician?
Hermia: Don't think so, but he's really good!
Tybalt: What is this filth? This is improper music for the party!
Hermia: Lighten up, Tybalt. Let's go dance, shall we?
Tybalt: Hmph. Fine...I suppose.
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Romeo: Juliette! There you are. I've been looking for you the whole night! Where have you been?
Juliette: Watching the musician Grandpa hired. The guitarist? He's really good.
Ripp: Thank you!
Juliette/Romeo/Mercutio: AH!
Mercutio: That was a really good set, dude! Are you, like, a professional musician or something?
Ripp: I could be, one day.
Mercutio: Cool! So, like, where are you from? I don't think we've seen you around before.
Ripp: Oh, I just moved here recently.
Juliette: Great! So I'm guessing we'll be seeing more of you around, huh?
Romeo: Juliette...
Ripp: Yeah. I'd love to spend more time with you...
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Romeo: Back away from my girlfriend, bro!
Titania/Oberon: (Romeo and Juliette are dating? Good for them.)
Goneril/Regan: (Did that Monty just refer to Juliette as his girlfriend?)
Consort: You're dating a MONTY, Juliette?
Juliette: ROMEO!
Mercutio: Romeo, we gotta go! BYE!
Romeo: Bye, Juliette! Bye, Rib or whatever your name is! We'll see you at school!
Ripp: ...Sorry.
Tybalt: It's not your fault. Romeo ran his mouth, and honestly you'd be a better match for Juliette than he'd be.
Ripp: I appreciate that, but you've known me for two hours.
Tybalt: That's just how low I think of that Monty...do you have some extra time? I can introduce you to my other sister, Hermia...and I think Puck is here too. He's a friend of ours.
Ripp: Sure! That's be great.
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Tybalt: Ugh, not her too...
Ripp: Well she seems busy, so I should probably-
Tybalt: No. We can wait. It's not a problem.
Ripp: It's fine! I can talk to her later at school, and I think my aunt and uncle wouldn't want me here to late, anyway.
Tybalt: Okay. I'll walk you back home.
Ripp: You don't have to! They'll probably come here.
Tybalt: ...Oh.
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Tybalt: There you go again, Tybalt...messing things up like always.
Hermia: You okay, dude?
Tybalt: You done with your makeout session with Puck?
Hermia: Yeah. He went home with Oberon and Titania after the party. Are you, like, legit okay?
Tybalt: I was trying to talk to that new kid and it was super awkward.
Hermia: I'm sure he'll get over it. It's better than what you do with most people, you know?
Tybalt: What are you implying?
Hermia: Ah...don't worry about it. I'm going to go talk to Juliette about...um...girl things.
Hermia: ...Where did Juliette go?
Tybalt: Damn it! She must've snuck off again!
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beastie-bones · 1 year
Hihi! May i request a care package for a extremely dark brown wolf please? I'd love if there was 1 tea or coffee mix involved! I also ask if you avoid any tails/ears ( bought some recently ) and if you include any clothing that it has a plus size option! Thank you so much!
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Here you go anon, hope you like it! 🤎🐺
Links below ⬇️
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rhysbradley · 6 months
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Name: Rhys Thompson Bradley
Nicknames: None - just Rhys
Age: 38
Gender & pronouns: Male & he/him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Time in Wilmington: From the age of four to 18, then the age of 30 onwards
Occupation: Owner of TRIC
Neighbourhood: Masonboro
Relationship status: Single
Face claim: Theo James
Please read below for his introduction !!
TW: Death, pregnancy, abortion
Rhys was born in Kent, England and was raised by his single mother. She never mentioned his father, and that was absolutely fine until she grew very sick, very fast. She passed away when he was four, and that was when Rhys learnt who his father was.
He was a mayor of a town in the US (Wilmington) and he met Rhys' mom when visiting the UK for business. Robert Thompson had a one night stand that resulted in a bastard son, and he wanted nothing to do with him apart from send his mother money each month to make sure they were cared for.
That was until Rhys' mother grew sick, and she begged and pleaded Robert to take in Rhys so he didn't fall into the system. Begrudgingly, the guilt got to Robert and he agreed to care for his son. Rhys' mother passed away and he moved to Wimington, to live with his father and the rest of his 'family'.
His childhood was pretty bleak. His father barely tried to bond with Rhys, his stepmother barely acknowledge his existence, and he didn't feel any warmth towards his siblings. Trauma came again when Rhys was eight, and his father was found dead in the family home. Things for him became pretty miserable at this point, and he was like the quiet, weird kid in school who everyone knew was the black sheep of the Thompson family.
But then he went to high school and massively distanced himself from his half-siblings, and began to grow into his own person. Here he made friends for life (WCs????) and started to thrive. The second he turned 18, he left town to get away from the Thompson's.
He dabbled in jobs here and there in other States, then moved to Australia. He worked there for some time, then onto New Zealand, South East Asia, and across Europe. It wasn't until things came to a halt when he spent one hot and heavy week with a woman in Koh Samui and she fell pregnant.
He was STUNNED and panicked at the thought of becoming just like his dad, and so he was ready to give up everything for his child. However, the woman came to the decision to have an abortion, and Rhys supported her in this.
Absolutely horrified at who he was becoming, Rhys made the decision to return to Wilmington. He had decided he had grown enough as a person and pushed enough distance between himself and his family that they weren't going to bother him anymore (lol).
He decided to enrol in classes to get a business degree, and he now owns TRIC in Wrightville Beach
Anyone from an affluent family in Wilmington: Growing up a Thompson, Rhys probably met a bunch of other kids from affluent families in town because his dad and step-mom probably rubbed shoulders with them to try and get votes for Robert to become Mayor.
High school friends who turned friends for life: Now this one is a biggie. I HC'd that the friends Rhys made in high school pretty much became his family. This was a family HE chose, and they're still best friends now after all this time. He would do ANYTHING for these people. They're his rock, entirely.
High school sweetheart: I wouldn't say Rhys was 'popular' in high school, but he had a good solid circle of friends at this time. She would've never been introduced to his family because he hated them.
Regulars at TRIC: While Rhys is the owner, he actually spends a lot of time behind the bar serving drinks and talking to people. He likes to be hands on, and he likes his customers to feel they can trust him, and tell him if something is good or shit, and what he can do better on. Plus he loves talking shit to anyone all every day.
Exes: Rhys has definitely had a relationship or two since he returned to Wilmington when he was 30 (he's now 38). Tldr he pretty much has attachment issues because his mom died when he was four, and then his dad died when he was eight. Plus his step-mom is a bitch sooooo. He struggles with attachment to other people.
Hook ups: Because Rhys struggles to attach, he's pretty great at hook ups. He will sleep with you then leave before the morning. He won't leave his number (unless you're incredibly hot).
Friends with benefits: He won't necessarily sleep with a woman more than once, unless she's hella his vibe and is great in bed.
People he travelled with: Kinda niche connection because it means your character needed to have travelled the world a bit, but while Rhys is pretty independent, he would've loved having a travel buddy for a while.
People he met in other States between 18 - 20 years old: Before he left to travel, he hopped around States in the US to earn some money and to travel a little bit.
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apollo-gate · 2 years
RO reactions to someone flirting with them in a relationship stage with MC? And MC gets slightly jealous so they put an arm around the RO 's waist?
This is a new one
Alice: Was already getting irritated with the present asshole. She tried to do some deflating but it just didn't work. Then Alice feels your arm. It calms her then she glances at you. She doesn't need to know why. To her, she's always done it to other people. That is making them jealous and over-flirting with others for fun. But knowing your feeling this. Alice will want to make it up to you later. She has never been on the receiving end.
Helena: Is about to make a very very ugly remake to get rid of the person. Then feels your arm. It brings comfort. To her in a way she will never say. Will turn to you and pretend the other person doesn't exist. Also, use the opportunity to get the hell away from the person.
Lisa: Is really close to snarling at the jackass. She already told them to leave her alone. The glass is already beginning to crake. When your hand touches her fur she feels at ease. Then your body language shows so much to her. She feels her face heat up. And her tail starts to wag a little. She tries to stop it but that makes it worse.
Becca: Cant deny she flirted with the idiot to get your attention. By the time you finally head in her direction, she hid her grin. When you touch her. Her body shivers with excitement. She would never ruin this but if she needs to be a brat she will. Will be enjoying whatever she needs to see you smile.
Daniella: Is beyond uncomfortable. Wants to hide away from this person. What turned into a night of fun is now gone. Then your arm she feels safe. She would in the past hate this. But you've proven that you can accept her for who she is.
Vanessa: She's so used to people flirting and leering at her. After all, she knows how she looks especially in the dresses she wears. She's already looking for you. She sees your face. Then feels your arm. She knows what you're doing and it hurts her. She doesn't want anyone but you. She warps an arm around you and pulls you closer. She will make a point to tell you later that no one will ever draw her attention.
Azalea: They are in a way confused someone wants to flirt with them. But then again you did. But they don't need someone else. They have you. You can get them to smile. Even if humans have weird customs. Then again Thrallens have stranger customs than humans. They at this point are inside their mind. You draw them out of it. They start to warm under your touch. When your arm stays they get hot to the point it should burn. But you're allowed to touch them. They don't care whos around they snuggle into you. They already forgot the other person was there.
Kent: Small gatherings where he knows everyone he's ok. But where there more strangers he freezes up. No, he's not a people person and normally pushes people away with a look or just yells. Yelling was funny for him. Now he's dealing with a person who can't take a hint. When Kent feels your presence he's ok. Even better when you touch him. Then he sees a chance for you to leave.
Naamah: She is amused someone wants to try to get her attention. Only certain people have her undivided attention. You and her daughters. Sure the look is misleading to the person. But she feels your soul get closer. Oh, your. She can't help but smile. Before you can full toucher her. She says that she needs to leave as she needs to tend to her love. Will flick her wrist to the person. And will smile and bat her eyelashes at you.
Blaze: He's beyond annoyed. He thought about throwing food and drink at them. He wants to just go home with you. When you come over he smiles and can't wait to leave. You then wrap an arm around him. He gets happy beyond happy. He doesn't mind being shown he's yours because he is. Will then make eye contact and say that that can never beat you in any capacity.
Zero: He tried to communicate he was not interested. But they proceeded to get closer. Then you pop up and wrap an arm around him. He has to stop himself from reacting. He thinks of a way for the person to leave. So he sends a single to their phone and they leave. He's worried you're mad and starts to see if you are.
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
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The Royal House of Windsor: A Royal Look Back
Edward I, King of Windenburg and Brindleton Bay
REIGN: 1888 - 1941
The King who modernized the monarchy.
Prince Edward Charles was a regal figure who was never meant to be King. Second son of Albert II and Queen Adaline, Edward grew up in the shadows of his older brother, William, which offered him the opportunity to have a wider education and see more of the world outside of the palace.
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Queen Adaline with her sons, Windsor Vineyard
Edward and his brothers spent their childhood at Windsor Castle. After their mother died, the trio split their teenage years between Windsor Castle in Windenburg and Beaverdam in Brindleton Bay. 
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pictured above (L to R) Albert II, Prince William (later Edward I), Prince Phillip, Prince Edward (later Edward I), Windsor Castle
Their father, Albert II, was always off to war, and during their teen years were largely in the care of palace staff. Their aunts, Catherine, Princess Royal and the Duchess of Newsoms became second mothers and tried to care for them as much as possible.
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The (then) Duke and Duchess of Kent
During a state visit to Niregia with his father, Prince Edward met the equally young Princess Lara-Leigh. The two began to court shortly thereafter. The pair were betrothed 3 months later, Lara moved to Windenburg eight months later and the couple immediately married. On their wedding day, Albert II bestowed upon Edward the dukedom of Kent.
Upon the death of his father, his older brother William became King. Less than two years later, William abdicated the throne in order to wed his divorced fiancé; a union parliament denied.
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Coronation of Edward I and Queen Lara-Leigh
When Edward I and Queen Lara-Leigh’s reign began in 1888, the monarchy was in desperate need of saving. Bringing many of the royal customs and traditions from Nigeria to Windenburg, the Queen became instrumental in changing the image of the royal family. After years of chaos and debt following his brothers abdication, Queen Lara helped Edward I push the monarchy into the 19th century. Her Majesty helped foster the relationship between Edward I and his cousin, Princess Grace, who was wife of airplane inventor Burchette Gates Sr.
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pictured above (L to R) Burchette Gates Sr., Edward I, Burchette Gates Jr. cir. 1930, Buckingsim Palace
Edward I and Gate's relationship gave Windenburg the opportunity to be the first country with an international airport, opening it up for international travel, import and export.
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pictured above (L to R) Amelia, Princess Royal, Edward I, Prince Albert, Prince Edward (later Edward II) cir. 1932, Buckingsim Palace
Their Majesty’s had three children, Prince Edward (later Edward II); Amelia, Princess Royal; and Prince Albert, Duke of Hastings. Edward I and Queen Lara-Leigh created a lasting royal legacy along with acquiring much of the regalia and jewels of the crown the Royal Family is known for today.
A Royal Look Back Collection
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