"시간이 조금한 더 필요해. 항���.” [I just need a little bit more time. Always.] // Roleplay Blog // New Kid on the block [Under Construction] // Very Diverse Verses // I am [21+], [left handed], [so very confused]
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Le Posh...

Archibald Isaac Thwaite
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❝ Yes, my parents own my freedom and I do afford the comfort of distance with obedient silence, but do not mistake our estrangement for a belief that I no longer belong to the peerage. Those of us actually born and bred in it all know the rules of our milieu but in my infinite kindness, I'll issue a reminder on the most fundamental one: This is a members-only club, one purpose-built to keep commoners out and you, baby, you just don't look like one of us. ❞
Age:: 18
Height:: 188 cm
Born in London, England, he spent most of his younger years further up in Scotland, more specifically Edinburgh where he picked up the accent. Until 6, he was kept in the family house where his grandmother oversaw every minute of his existence alongside his nanny and the plethora of private tutors he was assigned. Eventually he earned to be sent back to London, where his parents resided with his older brother but was absolutely gutted to leave a younger sister behind. However, the cohabitation was not pleasant and he jumped on every opportunity to be away from home, whether it was educational, time at friends' houses or holidays in different locations. Luckily for him, his parents possessed properties in several countries and took great pride in telling others where their sons had chosen to study or reside at the moment. As a result, Archie had resided for at least 2 months in over 20 countries and will gladly call any of those residence home rather than the family house.
Polyglot:: Scottish Gaelic was a matter of familiar pride so he had to learn from infancy. France being the nearest neighbour, French was an obvious choice. His parents required learning an asian language and gave him free rein in the choice but reserved themselves one veto, which was used on Bahasa Malayu. Not planning to give them the pleasure of learning Chinese as they clearly intended him to do, he chose Punjabi, eighth most spoken language in the world. He also picked up on some Spanish during his time in Latin America (and theoretically knows some High Valyrian strictly for fun).
Alignment:: Lawful Neutral.
Sexuality:: Bi-sexual but will eagerly choose to conform to heterosexuality because it's just easier'. [He's got some things to unlearn/unpack regarding sexuality for sure.]
Hobbies:: He plays the Viola, has been playing since his infancy. At first it irritated him but now it calms him, helps him think more clearly when the notes ring in the air. He likes pizzicato a lot, pinching the strings feels so satisfactory. That has given him a genuine love for classical music but though he always apply to join orchestras when possible, he'd much rather listen to the music than play it so he goes to performances and the opera quite a bit. He will also happily spends evening in jazz bars, soaking in the atmosphere, maybe sneaking in a cigarillo to share with his friends. Of course he plays Polo, it is the sport of nobility per excellence, requiring both horsemanship and strategic prowess. He plays Lacrosse as well because Football was simply too pedestrian in his parents' opinion but a team sport where he'd actually interact with common folks felt like a nice addition to his pedigree. Finally Sailing felt like a key to freedom so he learnt and will eagerly spend time on his own sports Catamaran or on the family's sailboat. More discreet about his enjoyment for poetry, whether it is Catullus, Lorenzo De' Medici or more contemporaries such as Verlaine or Poe, he has a keen interest in the work and finds the earnestness of the post-colonial movement particularly poignant.

Specie :: Varies on the verse.
The case of a mysterious beast: This verse is the origin of the idea for this OC. In it, Archie is very much mortal but has magical ancestries thus magical affinities to eventually develop once his specificities are evaluated.
To Be Added.

Personality:: Arch has the expected deep and soothing voice, with a peaceful sort of cadence but tends to sound more high-pitched when he is flustered or more growly when he gets angry. His voice, betrays his emotions far more than his face, being who he is, he mastered a great deal of self-control. However, he never really seems aloof, he paints on hints of emotions based on what he evaluates the situation requires. Sternness and deference are the usuals he adopts around family, except for his little sister with whom he will expresses mirth and match her cheekiness. Around his peers, he will showcase matching glibness and adopt the smug smirk, confidence radiating enough to erase some of the jerk aura he'd carry. He knows himself and thus carries himself alluring enough to draw eyes to him and has enough creativity and conversation to be outright seductive when he bothers. The seduction, he mostly uses as a tool, sometimes sheerly to distract himself, at others to obtain something from someone, rarely to make someone like/love him. He's terrible at that particularly. Usually the intensity of his own, often unaddressed, feelings hits him like a freight train so he constantly has to keep a tightly shut lid on his emotions. Not particularly of a curious nature, he will adopt a very laissez-faire approach to things, content to simply witness the natural cycle of things and not particularly seeking to better anything for anyone. Not even himself. He's stagnant in the way water is, will let his own wounds fester and his traumas unaddressed unless someone or something quite literally impulses change for him, builds a path for the water to actually run. That stagnancy also means he doesn't go out of his way to upset or harm others, but unless he has a reason to, he won't go out of his way to prevent it either. Sometimes the reason can be as simple as a fondness for wounded creatures or as petty as the fact that he doesn't like the person perpetrating harm or as vapid as an audience he'd be perceived as a heroic figure by. If asked if he was a good person, Archie would asked what he'd get out of being one. If asked if he was a bad one, he'd ask what he'd get out of being one. He merely meanders through his own existence as is, not particularly alit but rather bored, perhaps seeking for something, or someone, to put an end to his dispassion and ennui. Though social, Archibald doesn't particularly mind being alone, because he's understood that the real loneliness is living among all these kind people who only ask one to pretend. He'll do it well too, but the vapidity doesn't elude him. Not particularly one to showcase his academic achievements, Arch remains a smart young man, astute and dedicated to the work he undertakes. He likes to finish things, to see them through clearly and doesn't settle for any less than great. Good is achievable by far too many and perfect is a fool's errand, so he'll settle for great, for memorable, for exemplary. Less, would be disappointing, or so has his family taught him. Sadly all this reasoning does not save him from crippling Atelophobia. That's because he didn't learn how to lick love from knives, rather he found a way to satisfy the hand supposed to feed it from silver spoon, even if he had to settle for drops at a time and endure terrible droughts in between. Particularly patient, his night time at boarding school was originally spent keeping himself awake so as to train himself to see people move in the dark, to feel them move. It was almost necessary training to avoid waking up covered with tasteless, obnoxious drawings all over your face and taught him how to discreetly perceive others' presence. But coupled with his sharp ear and inability to put his defenses down, it made him a light sleeper on good days and an insomniac on bad ones. He always considered sleeping a bit of a waste of time anyway. It's all very counterproductive to lay down doing nothing but try to shut down his inner thoughts. Demons that whispered during the day, happened to shout at night...

Backstory:: As much as Archie's parents will boast about belonging to the peerage, they remain of fairly low nobility, barely above the outskirts allowed to new money. Their title wasn't bought though, it was acquired the good old fashioned way: inheritance from extended family and some won't let them forget that they're not actually from the main branch of the family. Arch's father also takes great pride in the fact that his own father served in the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers and that their first born son now is a Royal Air Force Firefighter after retiring in the Army where he served as a Team Medic for a Ranger Regiment. Well, someone oughta be the Golden Child. And though Arch's older brother, Elijah, isn't particularly mean with him and actually does bother to check up on his younger siblings, the younger brother mostly feels resentment and a deep longing for a bond that could've been. Perhaps that's why he pours so much of his love and support into their younger sister, Eupraxia or Peppy for most, Eps, for him. Eupraxia, quite literally named good conduct makes a point of misbehaving and skirting punishment by being able to cry on command and muster particularly convincing simulacras of heartfelt apologies. Archie loves her to bits though he, at times, envies her ability to be so much of herself and finds so much enjoyment in that. They don't see each other much anymore, not living together and him only visiting when his schedule will allows for it. That and being able to stomach the presence of his grandmother, his first tormentor. The old bitter hag well understood that physical harm had to remain as mark-free as possible but that mental torment was however boundless. She wasn't particularly creative with it, locking him in cellars, depriving him of food, smacking his fingertips with a wooden spoon. What particularly disappointed her was the fact that he wasn't afraid of the dark nor did he cry in front of her. He got well-adjusted real fast, much to her chagrin and the single memory of intimacy ever traded between them was a polite peck to her cheek expected of him as he left the residence join his parents in London. He remembers so well because she'd asked it of him after seeing him embrace his nanny teary-eyed. All he'd wanted to do was step on one of her well-shined shoes to have her crouch in pain and spit in her face, but instead he sniffled his aching away and complied to find a satisfied smile blossoming on the old woman's lips. She still isn't dead, after all those years, even though she's been old as long as he's known her. It truly is the good ones that leave first so she's likely to outlive him.
Leaving the first home he's known for London wasn't as unpleasant as he'd imagined. His parents were wholly uninvolved eager to throw money and occupations at him so they could brag about those in front of others. Familiarity with his mother extends to a hand running through his hair when he takes ill and his father clasping him on his shoulder after a good game of polo or after watching a good game of whatever sport currently holds their interest. They always had dinner all together though and Eppy was even brought to London when Elijah was in town. They'd even go to events all together, to be seen as a harmonious family. Then a soon as Archie's education began to directly influence what his future would look like though, it was time for boarding schools and immersive traveling experiences. So when thinking of London he mostly looses himself in what ifs, what if he'd dared reaching out for his mother's hand like Peppy does, what if he'd asked his father what brandy tasted like like Elijah had boldly done at fourteen, what if he'd told them what his grandmother had done to him? Would his mother have looked at him and smiled fondly like she does at Eppy? Would he have been invited to the men's club along with his brother? Would he just be happier now? Would he actually stop always running from everywhere and hiding from everyone?

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Never Meet Your Heroes (It honestly could've gone a lot worse)
[Or, a Bruce Banner x OC One-Shot.]
"You're..." The female blinked, slightly taken aback still by the veracity of small but so very impactful string of words she was about to pronounce. "You're Bruce Banner."
"Yes." The scientist replied, head faintly tilting to the side as a hint of fondness settled in his gaze. A young woman in STEMS, he assumed, earnestly surprised every time someone looked at him like that, with such genuine admiration, There was nothing awing about him. At least Bruce had always thought so, but then, then he'd met Tony and he'd met Peter and he'd done the symposiums at colleges. Just Bruce Banner. As a result, Bruce was trying, to be an inspiration. What a hubristic thought to have, but it was what he was trying to achieve wasn't it? To have a more positive impact. Nothing to feel guilty for and yet...
"Doctor?" The female spoke, leading the middle aged man to blink. "Elsewhere, were you?"
"Hardly." Bruce replied. "I don't need to wander much to get lost."
She chuckled. "Spending a little too much time in your own head will do that to you."
The corners of the male's lips lazily curled, eyes slanting ever so slightly as he seemed to grow more relaxed. More tired too, Judith noted, but less guarded. "Yes. Something like that." He replied, feeling slightly ashamed at the shallowness of his own thoughts, at their self-absorption really.
"Were you thinking about something you'd like to share with the class? Because trust me, your inner workings would be fascinating to me." Judith assured, eyes widening a little as her smile grew.
Infectious. That's what Bruce thought at first, her smile was infectious. But as soon as his own started to mirror hers, it faded, constructing ugly meanings to her innocuous words. "My... inner workings," The scientist gaze drooped, warmth receded as his features gained in neutrality. Bruce slumped ever so slightly as he went on: "as you said, shall not, ever, be government property." The 'not again' kept quiet but so very vehemently implied.
Judith blinked, taken aback by the sudden reaction. "I..." Her brows creased as her eyes wandered to escape his gaze, uncertain about how to end this conversation when it just... clicked. "Oh." Her eyes widened. "Oh no, oh no no." She raised a surrendering hand up. "I'm a scientist like you."
Bruce chuckled. "Trust me, you don't want to be like me. Spare yourself kid. The venue's going to get overcrowded soon for a formula that frankly should've died with Dr Erskine. There's nothing to better and trust me, I know what failure looks like, you don't want that."
"Kid." She echoed softly in a breathy but definitely unamused chuckle. "Okay first of all, Dr Banner you might be the only person who would sum up the Hulk to just a failure. Second, I trust a great many deal of people would love an army of Hulks, including Uncle Sam. And finally, I have no interest on formulating the next iteration of the super soldier serum. It doesn't take enhancement to make a great man and I trust the current Captain America is just that. Without it." She felt the need to clarify. "No, you see Dr, I, am of the school of social sciences."
"Oh." Bruce let out, both relieved and bored at the same time. "Politics then."
"Exactly." The female replied, nose scrunching up as her lips curled to reveal a sharp grin, her expression cocky. "And unapologetic about it too." She added, almost able to taste the distaste her interlocutor was now exuding. "I'm not even going to beg you for an introduction to Tony Stark or whatever Congressmen he has in his pockets, don't worry,"
"Tony doesn't do that anymore."
"Suuuuure." The female replied. "Regardless, Dr Banner I have little interest in 'making relations' or 'building a network'. At least not through you." Judith declared, her tone clearly portraying the sarcasm that came with the air quotes. "But I honestly cannot believe someone whose done so much multidisciplinary and field changing work would look down on social sciences."
"Politics." Bruce specified, now visibly miffed. "It's politics I frown upon, I don't look down on any science."
"Oh my apologies, how's that going down at dinner in between a couple pardoned war criminals and an arms dealer once labeled the merchant of death? Do you just pretend not to see politics or not to have any political alignment then, hm?" Judith chuckled, more in frustrated disbelief than amusement. "You don't even know what I do but you've already decided it's upsetting to you."
"There you are." Nick Fury spoke, approaching the pair. "I see you two have already met each other."
"Something like that, yes..." The woman answered, a now unimpressed if not slightly miffed gaze settling on a visibly shrinking Bruce.
The doctor's features however sobered, not betraying much emotion anymore. "I haven't caught her name yet though."
"What? You're the one who put her on our radar Dr Banner, you know her." Fury spoke, surprising the doctor.
"I don't believe so." Bruce replied. "I'd remember if I'd ever met..." His gaze trailed to the young woman, whose eyebrows had risen in a come hither look, lips pursed down. "her." He ultimately settled on. "Before." He added, clearing his throat.
"Not in person no, true." Judith admitted. "But we've exchanged prior. I believe you called my paper on the common foreign policy enforced by all nations during the Blip riveting, was it? Oh and perhaps, field—" "Forward. Field forward, yes." Bruce admitted, readjusting glasses that had hardly moved.
"Something about reading foreign policy and grand strategy in the excerpt and expecting a pro-military and authoritative stance but finding a—" "a creative multidisciplinary piece that makes best use of our current knowledge in radicalisation theory to critique said grand strategy's approach to civilian militias as well as both highlight a shift towards human security in times of urgency and encourage a greater anchoring of policies in the human security realm." He remembered his own words so very vividly. And so did she, apparently. Enough to quote them at him.
"Yes, something like that." The female acknowledged, lips lazily curling with as much fondness as satisfaction shining in her gaze.
"Ah." Bruce knew her name after all. "You're... You're Judith Fero."
"Herself." The young woman replied. "And I'm sure you'll be delighted to know that my M.A thesis, which I will be turning in soon further expands on that and is labeled 'Towards a communal grand strategy and foreign policy vision to approach extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional threats.' Shall I, perhaps, mail you a binded copy?"
"Please do." The good doctor said. "I'm sure it'll be just as, huh, riveting."
"Surely, to such an attentive reader." Judith shot back.
Fury, sensing the tension but caring little for it cut in: "You two done? I was hoping to speak to you about an offer." His gaze settled on the young researcher who blinked, evidently surprised.
"Run for the hills." Bruce immediately let out, earning himself an unamused glare.
"No, I don't think I will. The kid's old enough to make her own decisions. Lovely to meet you Dr Banner, true to the saying."
"Which is?" Bruce asked, brows faintly creasing. Was there even a saying about him? Hulk, more likely. But he hadn't heard anything, surely....
"Never meet your heroes." Her voice neatly interrupted his track of thoughts.
"Ah." The famed scientist let out. Yeah, that one had a fatalist universality to it. Well-known of all, no one ever intended to be the person proving it true yet, it just kept happening. So much for being an inspiration...
Judith: 1.
Bruce: 0. Feeling Guilty. Mostly.
Writing Excerpt
Thank you to @finickyfelix for the tag!!! :)
The rules: share an excerpt of your writing!
They locked eyes for a second longer, the Lord's brows furling in anger. "You don't have it in you," he taunted. "You can't-"
Cain flicked the barrel of his gun and pushed it closer to Mackenzie's temple. "Do you wanna bet on it?" he said.
"Cain," said Ley very slowly, "think very carefully about what you do next. Do you really think-"
"I know what I'm doing!" Cain snapped. "Sometimes in war, you have to make the difficult choice. And I'm more than willing to sacrifice her if it means my family can walk out of this alive."
"That's not what he means," Mackenzie said quietly.
Cain instinctively opened his mouth to tell her to shut up, but something held him back. Maybe it was her tone of voice, so soft, so unlike her usual snarl. Or maybe it was something within Cain himself, something that didn't want him to keep moving forward. Whatever it was, it made him pause, and then whisper - "What?"
"He's not going to trade my life for yours. He's not going to trade my life for anybody's."
She raised her eyes, and they glittered with something unnatural, a fire that only existed in her pupils.
"He doesn't care whether I die or not."
As you can tell, this is a bit of a tense moment :) I hope y'all like it ha. I'll very softly pass the tag along to: @rjcopeseethemald, @illarian-rambling, @eccaiia and anyone else who wants to join! Have fun!
#Timeline? What timeline?#Canon Compliance who?#No Beta#Bruce Banner#bruce banner x oc#Bruce Banner one-shot#one shot#Social vs Hard Sciences: The Eternal Squabble#How special do you actually have to be for your work to catch the attention of organisations pre-PhD cos I'm trynna see something#This trotted in my head so I wrote it#Idk man#I love Bruce Banner I guess#Judith Fero#oc#original character#Lemme know if I tagged wrong will happily fix#I just wanted to participate and break the autarcy a bit#Hope it's okay 😅
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Le Registre. [TheRegistry.]

reg-is-try || /ˈredʒ.ɪ.stri/ : a place where official records are kept.
Le Règlement [The Rules].
Right Here. ⁰
Les Muses [The Original Characters].
Le Puppy :: Judith Fero. ¹
Le Pretty Boy :: Samee Rostami. ²
Le Posh :: Archibald Thwaite. ³
Les Histoires [Ongoing Roleplays/Threads].
None so far :( ⁴

0 notes
Le Pretty Boy...

Samee Rostami
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❝ Do good people never get tired of being so blandly moral ? What's an infringement to your own rules but a byway ? ❞
Age:: 21 years old.
Height:: 183 cm.
Born in Tangers, Morroco. He was raised there alongside his siblings until the age of 9, when his parents disappeared in circumstances that remain unclear. Afterwards he was taken in by his aunt who was the wife of a diplomat so they moved around a bit.
Polyglot:: Arabic (both darija and literary), English, French, Elementary Turkish and Urdu, and the most basic Korean.
Alignment:: Chaotic Neutral.
Sexuality:: Bisexual who values intellect most.
Hobbies:: He's learnt to play poker quite young, with his father and his friends, they'd sit on a small terrace with mint tea and never bet anything but cigarets. His dad also considered football his second religion, Zidane a god amongst men, so football, not only playing it but knowing the players and the surrounding culture naturally became a hobby of his that he kept on as an homage to his gone old man. He learnt cooking along with his younger sisters because his aunt believed it was just as instructive for a guy than for a girl and saw no reason for him not to learn how to make a good kefta. On his own, he developped his taste for cooking and got interested in other cultures. He particularly enjoy latkes and quiches.

Specie:: Varies on the verse.
Riordanverse: Magician of the Fourteenth Nome, Follower of Toth.
TVD/TO: Witch with a specialisation as a clairvoyant. Much like Alexis, vampires drinking his blood are able to see bits of his visions with clarity and drinking directly from him helps him better forecast/prophesies someone's future. He is also, of course, capable of casting spells and making potions.
The Sandman (tv series): He had an accident and got stuck in a coma. After wandering beyond his own reveries and spending some time at Fiddler's Green, he started to explore more of the Dreaming, ending up in its ruler's castle, fairly confused because he hadn't ran into anybody else yet. He'd thought he was alone for a while after leaving his own dream behind. (Dead Boy Detectives Extension: He wakes up ultimately, able to see ghosts. Charles and Edwin are both wary of him because of the Monty debacle but he's just not sure who he is anymore and would appreciate their help figuring it out. He's been recommended by a ghost after a chat about his time wandering around Morpheus' realm, and how it was all he remembered now.)
Person of Interest: His number came up, as diplomats and their family do get assigned social security numbers in the U.S.A. Why did his number come up? He is to be abducted by a group of mercenaries paid by Algerian ultranationalists following some declarations of his uncle that have been interpreted as supporting the self-determination of Kabylia.
To Be Added.

Personality:: At first glance, Samee is beautiful, an appearance that marks, all sharp and full features. He knows that, and that makes him cunning. Born with his eyes on the prize, his aim in life is to succeed. Now success can take different meanings throughout time, but he always is working in order to achieve a certain goal. He is crafty, meticulous really, when it comes down to do securing something for himself, thinking two steps ahead to ensure his success. As a result, he merely sees deceit as just another tool and poorly handles criticism. But he doesn't like to listen to people telling him how to improve himself. He'd rather reflect on it on his own than hear someone else point out what he did wrong for him. Interestingly though, he isn't materialistic. He has little interest for ostentatious displays of wealth that he mostly finds gaudy. He doesn't care about what people have, he cares about what they seek to obtain, what they're willing to fight for. Their aims, their purpose. Fundamentally optimistic, he likes to see the glass as half-full and is looking for a way to fill it to the brim. That makes him the successful social animal, able to draw in people and keep them entertained. It also makes him a passionate young man who believes in what he does and work tenaciously with the faith of someone who knows they will succeed if they try hard enough. Greatly helped by his retentive memory, his observation skills are impeccable. He excels at analyzing/cold reading people, easily able to understand what's driving them and what they expect from him. This perhaps makes him a little jaded, growing up surrounded by people who either wanted something from him/his family or had to play pretend for a living. Now he does the same, masks his intentions in indolent smiles and polite niceties. Though they are few people he holds close, Adil does love fiercely. Passionate in all things, his emotions are often heightened, himself being very eager to feel them fully, to relish in them, good or bad.

Backstory:: To Be Written.
#oc#original character#roleplay muse#roleplay#roleplay character#tvd oc#the originals oc#the sandman oc#dead boy detectives oc#person of interest oc
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Le Puppy...

Judith Fero.
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❝ Why does it take a survivor to live? I don't want an existence sprinkled with great memorable moments, I want a good one. I'll make a good one. And I accept that it will be sprinkled with bad, heartbreaking memorable moments. That's how it should be anyways. ❞
Age:: 24 years old.
Height:: 169 cm.
Born in Benin. Raised in the South of France. Studying for her PhD in the U.S.A.
Polyglot:: Goun, French, English, Spanish and Archaic & Post-Cicero Latin.
Alignment:: Neutral Good.
Sexuality:: She cares little for gender but does need for a connection to form before any sort of sexual desire arises.
Hobbies:: Strong Swimmer since youth, Books were her home once so Literature holds a special place in her heart, Photography and Cinema she is newer to but she has been delving into it earnestly.
Trained in:: Kajukenbo, Nikkyu currently (brown belt with two stripes).

Specie :: Varies on the verse.
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals: Currently mortal. (But an unaware werewolf who hasn't killed anyone yet thus not triggered the curse. This way she can still be turned by a vampire if before the curse is triggered, probably killing the potential gene in the process)
Teen Wolf: Mortal. Substitute Teacher at Beacon Hills High.
Shadowhunters: Mundane-yet-Sighted in the employ of the Paris Institute formerly but now transferred to the New York Institute as a Intelligence Analyst so fully trained to protect herself.
MCU: Interning as an Intelligence Analyst for S.A.B.E.R, somehow, following a M.A Thesis labeled: "Towards a communal grand strategy and foreign policy vision to approach extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional threats." that Bruce Banner actually read and heavily critiqued which led to some interesting Twitter Exchanges. The subject of her current thesis being: "Exolinguistics as a tool of diplomacy and understanding extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional history and customs." Perhaps leading towards a typology of the currently known extraterrestrial and extra-dimensional nations/people/populations.
DC(CU, Series and) Comics: Mostly Broke Gothamite though currently writing for the international politics section of the Gotham Globe. Currently living in downtown Gotham and relatively near crime alley. (Former member of We Are Robin depending on the timeline.)
The Blacklist: She's an Intelligence Analyst newly transferred to the task force who happens to be related to a number through his daughter with whom she went to college with in London. Number 171: Yusuf Idowu, known as Ijapa (The Turtle in Yoruba). Head of one of the biggest drug cartel in Nigeria, moving mostly cocaine with growing importance in Europe, especially Southern Italy and the the Netherlands. He is stopping by the U.S.A as a neutral ground between him and some head of a Central American drug trafficking syndicate to hopefully begin a partnership. Ijapa's choice to increase foreign partnerships comes from a growing interest in establishing a certain hegemony in Nigeria, thus controlling the flow of drug in the Gulf of Guinea.
To Be Added.

Personality:: Not particularly eye catching, Judith carries a rather cold aura. She will deny having a resting bitch face but will admit that smiling doesn't come naturally to her. It's more so brought out of her, by people, by events. She makes herself irremarkable à la Clark Kent, camouflaging in what some would call 'basic' pieces of clothing and an inherent discretion. It's not that she can't make herself noticed if she so wills, no, she likes making herself a wallflower, quiet, forgettable. It allows her to leisurely observe others, she notices but only states so if she has a reason to. It makes her seem trustworthy to others too, capable of keeping secrets, of compartmentalising when it comes to her own emotions. Panic though, does silence her, takes away her voice and freezes her body for so very important seconds before she can get it back together. When interacting with others, she tends to be introverted though perfectly adequate in social settings, even drawing people to her, rarely out of her features but her achievements, her poise, her discourse, do stand out. She will happily entertain a heated conversation or trade barbs but has little interest in polite niceties and small talk at the coffee machine, rather quiet on the job. She consumes alcohol for the experience in terms of flavor, not particularly seeking the buzz and having a pretty good tolerance born out of downing a good chunk of shots in undergrad. Patient, she is able to enjoy the process of things, no matter how long and drawn out, no matter how frustrating on the moment. Curious, she is eager to learn, to pull things apart and get in there to figure it out but also to peek, to peep, to keep an open hear. She likes to have the in, to know what is happening in the room where it happens but pays little more than passing interest to what she believes is just gossip.
Backstory:: To Be Written.
#oc#original character#roleplay muse#roleplay#roleplay character#tvd oc#the originals oc#mcu oc#dc oc rp#the blacklist oc#shadowhunters oc#teen wolf oc
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Le Règlement. [TheRules]

1. Don't pick up the phone, you know he's only—just joking.
Please respect my time. I always try to respond in a timely manner and let someone know ahead if I will be busy. Furthermore, I totally welcome reminders if I do disappear on you(PM,inbox, all fine). However, please keep in mind that I am a fellow human being who also has to do things, some more pleasant than other, outside of roleplaying thus I can't always be available when you are. I am totally open to working out a schedule together if that helps.
I do not do incest. This extends to any form of it. If they're step-related, that's still family to me and a no. If they didn't know about their family ties prior, still gon' be a no from me.
All posts are open rp unless specified otherwise. So if someone is tagged, please do refrain from interacting but feel free to contact me via private message if you'd like to start something similar.
I am open to both playing and interacting with canon characters. I do like to follow canon, but I am open to some fanon/headcanons as long as it's shared with me ahead, i.e Thor x Bruce isn't canon but it does make more sense to than Bruce x Natasha though they've been canonically introduced in the MCU. I also do realize some world building will occur as we roleplay that will be of our making, of course.
Regarding intimacy between characters, personally the levels I am comfortable with will vary depending on whom I am exchanging with. As of currently, since this is a fresh start, I can't guarantee anything. But much like a screen going dark, time skips can do wonders. Courtship is all fine, but I'd have to get comfortable with my fellow roleplayer(s) before I ever envision anything more racy. The door isn't locked, but rather closer and to be opened. Perhaps ajar?
Length isn't a big trouble to me. I do appreciate something beyond the one-liner. However, I can easily do semi-literate to literate as well as I can do something more casual and quick-witted exchanges. Don't feel pressured, pace is to be found together.
In terms of trigger, I usually abide to the rule of canon typical violence and try to stay away from anything too toxic. I'm not opposed to some semi-toxic relationships with reasoning and development but I'm not too keen on darkness for the sake of it. The world is dim enough as is, no?
Personals may contact me if they do have a rp blog and wish to interact. They may also like but not reblog my content.
Please notify me if you drop a thread. If nothing comes, I will consider 21 days of absence as an abandon.
I am open to crossovers and AUs if we discuss a bit ahead. I just need to understand what's going on and what led you there.
I am 21+ so I'd rather we were in the same age range.
I mainly roleplay in English. If it can help our interactions though, I do speak english (B2), french (C2), Italian (B2) and Spanish (B1) but I have to admit I have never really roleplayed in those languages before beyond a couple sentences thrown in there.

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