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rememberdonnie25 · 5 years ago
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ONWARD HEADCANON: Just like Barley, Laurel keeps to herself when upset/angry, resorting to blasting loud music instead. Wilden learned early on that a sure fire way to get her to open up during a fight was by dancing along to the music she was playing (in the most ridiculous way possible).
So when Barley started blasting music in Guinevere while pulling off the expressway, Wilden felt the vibrations from the music [and after realizing his sons were no longer in the vehicle], sensed they might be arguing and so...began dancing.
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inkyturtle · 7 years ago
#20 #69 Leo/Mikey
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Okay so this one took the most amount of thought to make work, which is probably why I wanted to doodle it first.
Stick with me because this turns into a stereotypical shounen series super quick.
Mikey, Donnie, and Raph are students at [some fucking] Highschool, and they have this new History teacher, Mr. Hamato who is like super fucking lame.
Anyway one day after school Raph realizes he left something in his locker that could get him in deep shit if it got found (idk/c what. Booze, weed, a switchblade. You make the call) and convinces Donnie and Mikey to come break into the school with him to get it.
It just so happens Mr. Hamato hasn’t gone home yet, and before he could leave and somehow after the janitor leaves ninjas fucking attack.
Turns out he’s the last member of a dead clan, and he moved to America at some point to start a new life as a high school History Teacher. Or something. But the rival clan is like ‘we want everyone in this clan dead’ so they hunt him down to kill him
Anyway the boys catch him switching into his sick-ass ninja gear (which he has with him for some reason) and he’s like ‘oh fuck not only do my students know I’m a ninja now but also they’re a liability GET THE FUCK DOWN KIDS’.
And Donnie and Raph do, but Mikey’s like ‘holy shit ninjas this is so awesome’ and decides he wants to fight them too. I mean, how often can you say ‘I got to fight ninjas’ in a bar years down the line? Never, that’s when. He’s not gonna waste this opportunity.
And then this scene happens.
And then it turns out Mikey is some sort of idiot savant when it comes to ninjitsu or some shit. So then Mr. Hamato (who they learn is named Leonardo despite coming from Japan) decides to take Mikey under his wing and tutor him in his clan’s ancient fighting techniques or whatever. Maybe Donnie and Raph down the line, in exchange for keeping it a secret. Then they all bond and it probably gets gay or something I dunno.
If this sounds stupid it’s because it is. I kinda love it though.
Also Leo is calling Mikey ‘Simoni’ because I made it his last name in this, after the painter Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni.
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victorluvsalice · 7 years ago
Gaston Sings “Me” by keepmeposted25 
I originally heard this song in a joke video made with some “When Curiosity Met Insanity” art (Reginald naturally was singing it to Alice) and thought it was hilarious -- but when Nebby first told me about her recent Beauty And The Beast Valice AU, I immediately thought of this song as just the kind of thing Bumby would sing to his reluctant love interest. Lizzie of course fits perfectly into poor Belle’s role, but I could see Victor in there too from the crossover. (Maybe the two of them sharing “can you believe this asshole?” looks.)
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dragonprincess68 · 8 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yibqqzEm6s0)
Love how this video has my OTP (RapunzelXEugene) and couples that ended up together in the end. Credit goes to keepmeposted25 on YouTube.
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flynnieg · 11 years ago
I was tagged by maccyd-e-e
Rules: 1. Always Post the Rules 
2. Answer the questions the person tagged you and write 11 new ones
 3. Tag 11 new people and link them to the post
 4. Let them know you tagged them
1. Funniest experience of your life?
Oooo! Hard one. I can't narrow it down, but if I had to pick one time my sides were really splitting, it would be when my friend and I were drinking milk and then our eyes met and we just started cracking up! We were so weird.
2. Who do you want to see in concert?
Really, I just want to see Idina Menzel sing live, but if I had to pick someone who does concerts, I'd do Lady Gaga, because she puts on such a cool performance!
3. Favorite Musical?
GOSH, STOP ASKING DIFFICULT QUESTIONS. Would Frozen count? If not, Wicked. I think those two would be somewhat tied for me.
4. Would you rather eat a used bandaid or put the used bandaid on your own cut?
(At first, I was like, what's a "bandaid?")
Um, probably the used bandaid on my cut.
5. What are you hungry for?
6. What can you not sleep with or without?
I've had a baby blanket since I was little, and I sleep near that every night.
7. How do you cut open a pomegranate?
I rip it open with my bare hands like Tarzan! Or, you know, with a knife.
8. If your eyes could reflect your personality, what color would they be, and why? 
9. Do you roleplay?
10. If so, roleplay with me sometime?
11. Hobbies?
I love to read, write, watch movies (particularly Disney), sing songs (not very well) and eat!
My Questions: 
1) When were you the most scared?
2) Favorite Disney character? (can pick more than one)
3) Favorite Disney song?
4) If you had a power to make anything shoot out of your hands, what would that thing be?
5) If you could pick a catchphrase for yourself, what would it be?
6) If you could pick a theme song for yourself, what would it be? (Already existent song)
7) What is your ideal breakfast?
8) What's the longest you've gone without sleep?
9) Have you ever had your heart broken?
10) If you could snuggle with one fictional character, who would it be?
People I tagged:
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psychgifs · 12 years ago
You probably don't take requests, but if you could ever find/post GIFs from the episode, "Last Night Gus", I'd be forever happy. :]
We actually do take requests! And you can find gifs from that ep here.
For future reference, please check the tags page prior to asking.
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rememberdonnie25 · 7 years ago
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Me trying to start a conversation
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rememberdonnie25 · 7 years ago
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My Renet cosplay
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rememberdonnie25 · 7 years ago
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When you get sent to bed without dessert... For the lovely, @inkyturtle (Based on her servant au turts)
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rememberdonnie25 · 7 years ago
“Gee, I can’t think of what to work on next!”
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rememberdonnie25 · 7 years ago
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Donnie the Time Turtle
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rememberdonnie25 · 7 years ago
TMNT singing headcanon
DONNIE: Good singer but doesn’t like singing in front of anyone. Likes to sing or hum quietly when he works MIKEY: Good singer. Probably the best singer of all the brothers. Most definitely NOT shy about it LEO: Likes to sing but is a little tone-deaf. Sings in the shower RAPH: Very rarely sings, prefers to drum, so it’s hard to say whether or not he’s a good singer
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inkyturtle · 7 years ago
1A or 3A Raph/Don :D
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Here you go friend!
I meant to do all of these really quickly, but my sleep problems are slowing me down. Hopefully next time I pop in I can get at least two posted instead of just one every day gosh darn it.
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rememberdonnie25 · 7 years ago
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rememberdonnie25 · 8 years ago
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rememberdonnie25 · 8 years ago
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My April cosplay
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