mrdaddyskool · 8 months
2 days before my 51st birthday.
As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.~Psalm:42:1
As the deer penteth for the water, so my soul longeth after thee. David was seeking after the Lord, even though he was distressed and angry.
I came to know the Lord in 1994, when I was crying and catastrophising in an overseas training exercise. I asked that He helped me overcome a difficult period, and He did.
In work, I do have many situations of stress, but I had depended on my own strengths.
I had started to ask if I can have a girlfriend and wife, and I seeked my own while waiting. In 2002, He allowed me to have union with a lovely lady called Christyne. We went on to have 3 lovely children.
I had continued to study after ITE, as my elder sister helped me to appeal to polytechnic through mp. I was happily earning a meagre salary as a technician and was angry with my sister. However, in hindsight, she had helped me significantly as I begin to enjoy studying and become discipline. I later received my Diploma in Electrical Engineering, and soon after, got a Bachelor in Engineering Management. In 2012, I did a Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work. God had help me through many of my good and difficult periods in my studies, and relationships with peers and teachers.
My divorce in 2019 originated from work stress and negligent to my ex-wife needs. I was a workaholic, and have much fears and anxieties. Taking care of 3 children need financing, and work stress in student care and later social work took up time and energy, and me and ex-wife drifted apart.
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
God helped me navigated the next 4 years, the consequences of negligent to my ex-wife emotional and psychological needs. I was an angry and negligent husband, and no excuses can sugarcoat the truth. It impacted my children, and I do regret how much it hurt them.
Nights of staying awake, drinking and feeling grief and guilt. God sent angels, through Edward, Simon, Bak Chim, Adrian and breathrens from Duranno Father School. My dad allowed me lodging, mum sent me daily text messages of love and encouragement. Social workers from Care Corner Ctr for Coparenting, ex-colleagues from Sheng Hong Fsc, especially my ex-supervisor, Ai Lin, and Yin Ying, regularly checked in on me. Church brothers Sien Moon and Matthew too call me regularly. God was there, in my darkest days, waiting for His wayward prodigal son to see the light.
Family theraphy talks about family definition, characteristics, and identified 4 major stressors in a family:
- Death
- Divorce
- Disease
- Disasters
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
~Psalm 46:1
After, during and after my divorce, God is always there. He did not leave me behind. He led me to read His word, fellowship with His people, hear His Psalms, proverbs and songs, see His creations of strengths of people who see hope, and find joy, love and mercy. Praise the Lord, oh my soul, worship His Holy name.He is my refuge and strength.
I pray that I will be faithful, not only in good times, but also in challenging times. May I be a good steward, and may many seek to hear His Gospel and truth. Semper fidelis.
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imskipping · 6 months
chilchuck having to tell the party that hes worried about them and that he cares about them is sooo funny after its revealed hes a dad. you make a dad talk about his emotions??? you force him to say with words he cares?? torture for dads.
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Out with “you ready to rock n roll?” In with “EVERYBODY MOVEEEEENTT”
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tbwhittles · 2 years
Dadisms, Our Fathers Words of Wisdom | HubPages
Dadisms, Our Fathers Words of Wisdom | HubPages
As a child growing up my father always had these quirky little words of wisdom he used to say to me. Now as an adult I find myself using them with my children. Here are 5 of them. — Read on hubpages.com/education/10-Things-You-May-Not-Know-About-American-History
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fanfictionroxs · 4 months
Look loustat and armandaniel might be endgame, but Daniel will always call Lestat and Armand homewreckers for ruining his chances with Louis.
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mugentakeda · 7 months
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iroh swatting him back for no reason LMFAOOOO
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loidloid · 6 months
if endo doesnt show us a flashback of loid teaching anya how to ballroom dance…
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b-kip · 2 years
British Slang, Phrases and Idioms!
Finally getting this done! Special thanks to my Pa, because without him I wouldn’t know as much slang as I do LOL, we talk about this kind of thing on the regular, and he's my point of reference for this.
Remember, all of these phrases are very informal/casual, and the point of perspective is from England specifically, some of these words could mean something completely different to someone from a surrounding country. Some are moreso used by older people, while others are typical of a brit of any age. I’ll try my best to indicate as such!
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask! Whether it's in the replies, a DM or an actual tumblr ask! I may do another list/add to this list if I remember more later on. Of course, others are free to add on to this, offer corrections or clarifications, etc! :)
Warnings: Vulgar language, very very brief NSFW mentions
Anyway, Slang and Phrases under the cut!!
Berk: an insult, a stupid person. Might be more common with people who are older.
Bird(s): Woman/Women ("A couple of birds") - Can sometimes come off as a little sleazy, but not always. Depends on the way it's used. I'd say it's kind of mostly used in reference to women you aren't that familiar with? Can also be used to mean someone's girlfriend "That's X's bird," Used by all.
Bloke(s): A man/men. Again, I'd say it's mostly used in reference to a guy you aren't very familiar with, but it's not always the case. Used by all.
Bollocks: Nonesense, an exclamation used when you’re annoyed/disagree with something or someone. Used by all.
"That's a load of bollocks," / That's a load of bullshit
"Bollocks to it," / Fuck it
Typically used out of anger or exasperation, but can be used in a light-hearted and joking way.
Bollocking: A strong reprimand. Used by all.
Chops: Mouth or jaws, ("Hit him right in the chops,")
Lad: A guy, typically indicates youth. Used by all.
Lass: A girl, typically indicates youth. Used by all.
Muppet: Also an insult, meaning incompetent or foolish. Used by all.
Mard Arse: someone who is sulking. Used by all.
Can also become a verb - "Mardying"/ Or an adjective: “Mardy”
Telly: TV. Used by all.
Trolleys/Kecks/Knickers: Underwear. First two are likely used by older people, whereas knickers is more commonly used by all. Knickers also specifically alludes/refers to women's underwear.
Yank: An American (Used by Ghost in the first MW2) Can very much have a derogatory tone to it. Used by all.
Battered: of an object, damaged by age and repeated use. Of a person, injured by repeated blows/hits. Used by all.
Bonny: Pretty/Beautiful
Buzzing: Very excited and happy, probably moreso used by younger people
Chuffed: Extremely happy or proud. Used by all.
Daft: Foolish. Used by all.
Dire: Very poor quality (Can still be used to mean serious or urgent) Used by all.
Dodgy: Unreliable, potentially dangerous, dishonest Used by all.
Fancy: Want/Like. Used by all.
Flatter than a witch's tit: Extremely flat
Gutted: Disappointed/Devastated. Used by all ages.
Hammered: Very drunk. Used by all.
Jammy: Lucky, getting lucky without effort ("You jammy bastard.")
Knackered/Shattered: Tired, exhausted / Can also be used to describe something that is broken. Used by all.
Minging: Disgusting/Unpleasant.
Pissed/Pissed-up: Drunk (But can still be used to mean Pissed Off/Angry) Used by all.
Piss easy: Very easy. Used by all.
Piece of Piss: Very easy. Used by all.
Thick: Stupid, dumb (Can be extended into a simile Ex, "Thick as pig shit") Used by all.
Batter: strike repeatedly with hard blows, beat the shit out of someone. Used by all.
Collar/Collared: Seize/apprehend, or to stop someone in order to speak to them. Used by all.
Faff/Faffing about: Waste time, doing something (typically something useless) in a really disorganised or pedantic way. Used by all.
Kip: to sleep/nap (literally where my name comes from lmao) Ex. "I'm goin' kip," Used by all.
Leg-it/Legged it/Legging it: Run for it. Used by all.
Mouth/Mouthed/Mouthing Off: talk in a loud, unpleasant or rude/disrespectful way. Used by all.
Nick/Nicked: To steal. Used by all.
Scarper/Scarpered: Run away. Used by all.
Shag: To have sex with someone
Skive/Skived/Skiving: Avoid work or a particular duty by staying away or leaving early. Used by all.
Yank: Pull something very hard. Used by all.
Phrases and Idioms
All over the shop:
Can be used to mean "everywhere" ("You're getting it all over the shop!" / "You're getting it everywhere!")
Can also mean to describe something or someone as being in a disorganised or confused state. ("He was all over the shop,")
Used by all.
Armed to the teeth: Carrying a lot of weapons. Used by all.
Bastard: Can sometimes be used in a similar way to "Dammit!" - an expression of frustration. Used by all.
Can also be used like "damn" when referring to something in frustration. (Ex. "Close that damn door!" would be "Close that bastard door!")
Bastard can also be added after an adjective for added effect "Thievin' bastard," / "Mardy Bastard,"
Bastard in general is a very versatile word, it can be used as an insult but also can just be used to refer to someone generally. See it as a sort of replacement for "guy" in some aspects (but not all). ("Poor guy,"/"Poor bastard,")
Combining the above two, you can get the wonderful phrase "All over the bastard shop."
Bone to pick: Having a grievance with someone. In some cases may indicate reprimanding. Used by all.
Built like a brick shithouse: Describing someone who's very big and very strong. Used by all.
By the skin of one's teeth: By a narrow margin, only just, ("Hanging on by the skin of his teeth"/"Barely holding on") Used by all.
Cheers: Casual term for "Thanks" Used by all.
Christ on a bike: Used to indicate shock, surprise or exasperation, a more humerous take on "Jesus Christ" Used by all.
Fuck me: An exclamation used to indicate annoyance, exasperation and frustration. Can also be used to express surprise or disbelief (Kind of in the way you'd use "Jesus Christ") Used by all.
Gagging for it: sort of like "begging/asking for it" / really wanting something/tempting fate. Can be used in a taunting or threatening way. Used by all.
Ex. “He’s gagging for it.”
Give/Gave someone a seeing-to: Similar to battering someone. But can also mean fucking someone (often used humerously in that context). Used by all.
Have a laugh/Having a laugh: Also has two meanings depending on context, used by all.
1. Joking around, generally having fun with something
2. To express annoyance when you think someone is being unreasonable or unfair
Hell's Bells: an exclamation of annoyance or anger. Can be made into an angrier expression by throwing fuck in the middle. Ex. "Hell's fuckin' bells!" - I'd say used by all, but probably moreso older people.
I'll have ya: A threat, similar to "I'll get you," Severity of the threat depends on context, ranging from collaring someone, to beating the shit out of someone to straight up killing them. Can also be used in a joking way between friends. Used by all.
Innit: Short for "Isn't it" or "Ain't it" Used by all ages.
Pack it in: Stop it/Cut it out. Typically used in a frustrated way. Can be emphasised by adding fuck, ex. "Pack it the fuck in!" Used by all.
Pissing About: Wasting time. Used by all.
Pissing it down: Raining really hard. Used by all.
Piss(ing) Oneself Laughing: Laughing uncontrollably. Used by all.
Pissing Oneself: Very scared. Used by all.
Shaking like a shitting dog: To describe someone who's shaking a lot/shaking badly. More of a northern phrase, I think.
Shit/Shat me/you/them up: To scare someone/make them jump
Ta: Short, casual term for "Thank you" Used by all.
Take the piss/Taking the piss: Used by all, has a few meanings
1. Making fun of/mocking someone in a way that isn’t intended to be serious (teasing) (Sort of like “Fuck with,”)
2. To lie about something in a really obvious, sometimes outrageous way. (”What? Really?” “No, I’m taking the piss.”)
3. To describe someone who’s taking something for granted, taking liberties or being unfair.
Rhyming Slang
Tits-up: something going horribly wrong. Used by all. ("It's all going tits-up,")
Wind(ing) someone up: Similar to taking the piss, purposefully being annoying by making fun, teasing or playing practical jokes. ("Where's X?" "He's winding Y up.") May also be used in disbelief when you think someone is being unfair or dishonest ("Are you winding me up?") Used by all.
Wind up merchant: As above, a wind up merchant is someone who enjoys winding someone up, this name is often given in annoyance by the victim
Rhyming Slang gets its own section because it's a wide and wonderful topic. I can't put every possible option, but I'll pick a few favourites. I highly reccommend anyone who's interested to look into it more. Rhyming slang can also just be made up on the spot, and I'd say it's moreso used by older folk.
To use rhyming slang, you just use the phrase in the place of the actual word you're substituing out. Basically just like using synonyms.
Some rhyming slang can be shortened further into just a word.
Bell Ringers/Bellies: Fingers
Boat Race/Boat: Face
Brown Bread: Dead
Butcher's Hook/Butcher's/Butch: Look
Hank Marvin: Starving, hungry
Pat and Mick: Sick
Plates of Meat/Plates: Feet
Septic Tank/Septic: Yank (An American) 
Tea leaf: Thief
Two and eight: State (Describing someone who is dishevelled or upset.)
Depending on the situation, "fucking" can be turned into just "kin"
Ex. "Fucking Hell" can become "'kin 'ell!"
This also applies to "Fuck Off" which can just become "Koff"
Ex. "'koff with that shit,"
Depends on the situation honestly, sometimes the "fu" sound can be a lot more emphasised. The art of british swearing is a delicate one.
Insults can also be made out of pretty much anything, so long as it's put after "You absolute-"
Cunt can be a little divisive when used (some have no problem using it, others find it to be too abhorrent to use) but it's used pretty commonly.
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incendiums · 5 months
not a father-figure but worse { Siegbert & Henry
Reply to Siegbert's post:
"I promise, there is nothing to worry about. Mitama makes me incredibly happy." His father warned him to keep his close relationships secret, but Siegbert couldn't help it that time. "I don't believe we've met. I am Siegbert. What is your name?"
[Henry, Bloodthirsty and Heart Hungry]
"Oh, so Siegbert's your name, huh? Sounds reaaaaal fancy!" He whirled a knowledgeable finger, spouting steam out of his kettle. "I'm Henry, ahaha~ Been through a couple of knocks with Mitama in the past, but it was mostly 'cause I'm a little prone to bleeding. And death."
"What's your deal? Got a sword, a shield, and a duty too heavy? Got a curse on your family blood line?" He began to laundry list the usual pains of being alive. "I can help you with the latter, but the former? You'd be on your own."
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fandom-hoarder · 3 months
Sam rejecting The Elvis Burger and Dean going, "Y'know there are starving children out there."
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
Can I just say that Eddie calling the girls “bug” just kills me in the best way? 😭 It’s the cutest nickname.
Thank you! 🐞♥️
*squee* It gets me too! It’s just so sweet and I can always here him saying it so clearly! ‘Bug’ is actually his nickname for Livvy and ‘Mags’ for Maggie ♥️
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likeawildthing · 2 years
nothing brings me more joy as a single mom than when Dad Mode is activated
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youjustwaitsunshine · 2 years
being a restorer/conservator friend group is so funny, you cant go anywhere without someone taking an interest in some old stuff standing on the street. today we impulsively picked up a 1920s cupboard from the street that was supposed to be thrown away and carried it off back to uni to stash it until we have a better way to transport it, this weekend i'll help to pick up a 150 year old piano that was supposed to be thrown away, a few days ago we spent half an hour looking through some old books someone left on a window ledge,,
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bubmyg · 1 year
yoongi and his fucking tervis
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alwaysbethewest · 2 years
I was plotting the other day to write a scene where Frankie throws out his back and I sort of felt lowkey guilty about it (v normal, lol), only for Bella to really be like, yes so remember when you were lying on the ground to help your back—
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throwingmuses · 2 years
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drunk dadism #9 - on hacky sacks
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