#keep reading XD
nonsensetwo · 4 months
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This baby boy, I love him.
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weaselmcdiesel · 3 months
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Once there was a space cadet who rose through the ranks of a fleet of cosmic conquerors. His unmatched strength and overwhelming charisma quickly landed him a spot among the elites of their crew. One day, however, the cadet's heart of gold caused him to waver before a helpless enemy. Realizing the brutality of his race of conquerors, the cadet refused to partake in any more mindless killing. His crew quickly turned on him, ready to wipe him out of history for his insubordination to the empire. A magical cat oversaw the entire ordeal and used her powers to transport the dashing young man out of harms way. It wouldn't be long before the cat's cloaking magic would wear off and the empire would locate them. The pair knew their lives would be changed forever. With the cadet's legendary combat abilities and the cat's unwavering support, they would go forth as exiles into the cosmos, to build a new crew founded on the virtues of friendship.
Or at least, that's what karkat and nepeta were roleplaying about
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@priellan COME GET THE BOY!!! ✨
Some different ideas for how that could go down >:D And me picking something personally self indulgent again asdlfjsdLJSDGLDSJG I wanna see him with a Tangled rapunzel length hair braid... it would be so pretty...
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captainhysunstuff · 1 year
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Soichiro is worried about Light’s taste in men.  (Let’s assume that somehow Yotsuba was never involved with Kira junk in this reality, lol.)
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my comic i made
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scentedcandlecryptid · 10 months
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Impulse and Kid Flash racing in my comic/show crossover!
@givemewallywestorgivemedeath I think you mentioned these two racing in my main post, so this one's for you XDD
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astrodances · 2 months
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It wasn’t a ball where she’d be introduced as she entered, she’d just waltz in and find Scrooge and they’d hang out.
Well...may I present Glittering Goldie O'Gilt! ✨
I was completely inspired by @lettheladylead's own drawing for this chapter of running in circles, because her party design for Goldie, especially her hair + richer color palette, is just so dang pretty!! 😍💛 I knew I had to draw her for this - plus, the whole "cozy Christmas party gold glitter bokeh wonderment" vibe makes up for the "tragic winter wonderland" I drew her in here. 😅☺️
No-effects version under the cut!
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 1 year
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*sighs* precious baby version of night and his mentally drained brother/dad got me dropping everything for a quick doodle<333
au by @dreemurr-skelememer
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cuubism · 1 year
in an attempt to be more offline (absolute failure so far) i wrote the next installment of Nightingales by hand in an actual notebook. imagine that. behold, fanfic that's touched grass... or something.
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Dream has taken to leaving random books on Hob's nightstand. This is no abnormal occurrence, except that these aren't from Dream's infinite collection of books he's "currently reading," but rather seem to be left there for Hob.
Hob will finish a book, and within the hour it will disappear back to the Library, miraculously replaced by another. At first this suits Hob well enough. The cafe is only getting busier, and while Hob does love trawling through the Library's endless stacks in search of a new read, he'd rather spend his free time with Dream. Perhaps Dream is only trying to facilitate that through this method, or trying to make Hob happy by applying his knowledge in the area where it's vastly broader.
But then it starts to get weirder. Whereas before, Dream's selected books had been exactly to Hob's tastes--as they usually are, it is his specialty, after all--slowly they start to diverge.
First it's an epic tome about interstellar travel. Post-apocalypse, final earth survivors traveling light years to an untamed planet, and so on. Hob likes sci-fi well enough, but this particular one is getting a little too 2001: A Space Odyssey for his tastes, a little too abstract and philosophical. Perhaps one that Dream likes that he wanted to share?
Then comes the horror novel. And what horror. A man born and raised in underground rooms, who did not realize he was bereft of the sky until an attempted rescue caved in his tunnels and nearly suffocated him. Dragged from the soil, gasping, he had to cover his head lest he go blind.
'David had read of plants that grew upwards. Instead of the deep roots he'd touched all his life, they had stems, and leaves, and these went up, into another world. Birthed into cold fear, David thought.
He was one of those plants. He stretched long fingers up through the soil, gasping for breath. Warm earth parted and air greeted him, air chill and dry as he'd never tasted it. A searing pain in his unused eyes. He did not even have a word for the brutal shine that fell upon his face.
(Light, he would later think. Sunlight.)
No matter how hard he pressed his hands to his eyes it was not blocked out. He whimpered, and the same hands that had pulled him from the collapsed earth, hands painful in their kindness, laid a blanket over him, covering his head in warm darkness again. No, not a blanket. A jacket?
Another head peeked under the collar of the jacket, letting in a sliver of brightness before it was shut out again. Oh. His rescuer. His arms were bare; it was his jacket that David was wearing over his head.
"Hey," said his rescuer. His voice was warm as the soil. "You alright?"'
Perhaps it isn't horror, Hob thinks, only afterwards.
Then there's a book of love poems, though they're strange and hyper-modern, and Hob can't shake the odd sense that he shouldn't be reading them, that Dream has, somehow, snatched them out of a time yet to be.
He finally confronts Dream when he's left a relatively straightforward, if bland, romance of the type he hadn't thought either of them particularly went for. (Even Dream wouldn't be able to pull sex inspiration from it as he likes to do with his bodice rippers, the book isn't nearly spicy enough for his tastes.)
He marches back into the bedroom one morning, after several minutes of making coffee and mulling, and holds the book up in front of Dream's face. "Dream. What."
Dream looks up from where he's reclining in Hob's bed, several books scattered around him. "Did you not like it?"
"Did you?"
Dream hums, looking down again at his own book. "It has merits."
"Why, though. You keep giving me these books. Why?"
Dream continues studiously reading his book, though he isn't turning pages. So it isn't teasing, then. Nor even some lighthearted attempt to get Hob to expand his reading horizons. It's something deeper.
"Dream," Hob says, sitting on the side of the bed by his thigh. "Come on. Talk to me. What is it?"
"Page one-fifty-two," says Dream in a quiet voice, and it takes a second for Hob to realize he means the book Hob is still holding.
Hob hasn't managed to get that far in the book. He flips through it, anxiety building, more anxiety than he thinks a light, beachy romance is ever meant to produce.
He turns to the page, about three-quarters of the way through the book.
'Lacy had calculated it once. Across her entire career, she had written two million, five hundred twenty-two thousand, nine hundred and eighty-three words.'
Right. Hob remembers from the few chapters he'd managed to read that the protagonist is a writer.
'2.5 million words about romance. Who could possibly have so much to say on the topic? 2.5 million words of circling and circling the point. Not letting herself see it well enough to skewer it.
All those words came only to this: she wanted to marry him, and she didn't know what to do.'
Hob drops the book.
It tumbles to the floor in a flutter of bending pages, but he pays it no mind. He takes Dream's hands in his own, letting Dream's book fall closed on his knees. Dream looks up at him hesitantly, from under his eyelashes. You silly thing, Hob thinks, with heart-clenching fondness. I love you so.
All of it had been a message, in Dream's own oblique way. Borrowed metaphors from the vast catalog of his brain. That's how he connects: through the books that Hob knows are -- in some strange way -- a part of him.
He leans down to kiss Dream's knuckles, like he's bowing his head before a shrine. Then he looks up. Dream is watching him, expression somewhere between wary and awed.
"You don't have to know what to do about anything else," Hob says, "so long as you marry me."
Dream smiles tentatively, and tips his forehead against Hob's. He can be so strange and mysterious at times, but more often than not, when they're alone in their bedroom, he's like this: soft, wanting, just on the edge of shy, and that's the version of Dream Hob most wants to bundle up and away from the world. Even if he knows it's impossible, and not right besides; Dream can't just live in his bedroom, he has to live in his stories, and stories are out in the world. Hob can't help but want it anyway.
"I would like that," Dream says, smile soft. Hob kisses his cheek, body full of warm light.
He pulls Dream into a proper hug, tucking his face into his shoulder. He feels Dream's smile against his neck. The warm weight of him in his arms, in his bed.
So improbable to have snagged a thing such as Dream from the expanse of his existence, and cuddled him up in the cozy confines of his simple cafe. But as Dream had said. The door exists because Hob uses it. He met Dream because he went to his shop that day. He went to his shop that day because he was to meet Dream. Each improbability has a circular path.
Christ. He's thinking like that sci-fi novel Dream had given him.
Hob doesn't know what a marriage with a creature like Dream -- he still doesn't know what that is, exactly -- is meant to be like. It's uncharted space.
But he knows that he wants it. Wants Dream.
He holds his darling close and kisses the corner of his mouth. Dream's lips are sweet with happy tears.
"You will marry me, then?" he murmurs, more pleased repetition of the thought than a question.
Hob gets the book of infamous page one-fifty-two off the floor. Turns to page one-fifty-three. Finds the word he needs, swipes Dream's pen from the nightstand, circles it. Hands the book to him, open.
Dream touches the circled word with a reverent fingertip, and smiles.
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sweetestpopcorn · 5 months
I did not just read someone claim that Daemon would not kill Harwin because he was an invaluable member of the City Watch when b:sh was just a captain - not the Lord Commander unlike Harlose in Ryan's fanfiction - and moved to Dragonstone with Rhaenyra in 114 AC and became her sworn shield, so actually hadn't been a gold cloak for close to 6 years when he died. Like Me: 🤡 is this Jesus Christ of a Daemon in the room with us along with Harwin being an invaluable member of the Gold Cloaks?
Wherever Daemon and Laena's love story is, Harwin being invaluable to the Gold Cloaks and that mattering more to Daemon than his own interests and happiness might also be there.
If anyone finds those missing parts send them my way.
But don't worry y'all, this is about the books.
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omaano · 5 months
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"Cassian's face is a brittle thing, no person's eyes should shine as painfully tearful as his. Kino offers his hand and Cassian - bright as the sun, steady as a roc, fluid as water Cassian - accepts it with shaking fingers. He tells Kino everything."
Art for we're spitting off the edge of the world by Xenomorphic for the 2024 Star Wars Big Bang @swbigbang. It is an amazing Canon Divergence Fix-it fic from one of the most memorable moments of Andor onwards, with beautiful prose that fits the mood of the show so so well and will make you feel just as deeply for these characters. Please give it a read and heap some love on my team's amazing and hardworking author, they were such a delight to work with!❤️
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skyward-floored · 10 months
Here’s a list I made today of all my Incredibles au fics put in chronological order so it’s slightly easier to figure out what the heck is going on at any given moment!
Fics with numbers at the beginning are chapters from What does anyone in this family know about “normal?!” (which is a oneshot collection), and bolder fics are separate multichaps. You can also find the ao3 collection with all of these fics here.
52. Warriors gets his nickname
69. Time receives a card
1. Time, Sky, and Warriors bonding
Lost Time
51. Warriors catches up
34. Sky gets sick
37. Warriors and Artemis fight a villain
4. Malon’s powers
16. The first time Twilight turned into a wolf
66. Twilight plays a joke (and Warriors is skeptical)
55: Sky and Warriors explain
24. Time and Twilight play a song
48. Twilight kisses it better (and chases his tail)
20. The first time Legend turned invisible
50. Twilight doesn’t look both ways
18. Legend has a tantrum
31. Legend tries to fly
43. The first time Wind caused a breeze
Let us catch you
14. Wild finds himself very lost
28. Wind’s announcement
41. Wild has a nightmare
38. Legend gets his hair done
32. Baby Four
15. Wind testing out his powers
33. Wild and Legend argue
49. Legend gets a splinter
53. Hyrule makes some plans
2. Hyrule backstory
Let us find you
30. Hyrule’s scars
7. Hyrule adjusting
71. Sky babysits (and Wind hates peas)
70. Hyrule reads a book, and Four escapes a nap
46. Hyrule breaks a cup
47. Twilight reads a story
29. Aryll
5. Wolfie, Bunny Legend, and Hyrule shenanigans
11. Roadtrip
60. Wild and Hyrule get tucked in
68. Legend gets a fever
12. Oddities of Four
13. Wind and Warriors cause some chaos
35. Four and Sky make a house
23. Sky and Wind go for a fly
26. Talon and the grandkids
36. Four has some mood swings
61. Four has a nightmare
65. Time and Malon get a moment to themselves
8. Runaway
17. Wind quietly saves a civilian
6. Wolfie shenanigans
58. Warriors pushes himself too far
3. Movie night
27. Despair over Sky
9. Memories of Sky
[Movie events here]
59. Sky survives
Plane and simple
44. Split Four
10. Ravio & Legend
39. Marin
62. Glasses
63. Malon and the glasses
54. Time stops a theft
40. Spirit
56: Four stays split a little too long
42. No capes!
25. Warriors loses control
57. Legend sneaks out
22. Forced to fight Twilight
64. Four and Wind eat some fries
67. Dot gives Four a hand
45. Blades of the Yiga
19. Future Wild
72. Four and the triplets
21. Wild loses an arm
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cacodaemonia · 2 months
I was just reminded that some people claim Dune is a white savior narrative and either say that Paul's story is a classic hero's journey or that he's a villain like Anakin Skywalker. I have to assume that anyone who says this has never read the book, and couldn't possibly have been paying attention if they watched the movie. Because—damn. Way to completely misinterpret the ENTIRE premise of the story and its warnings to us all 🫠
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dizziesims · 2 months
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Home life while waiting for the baby to come c:
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ne-cocoa · 2 years
Swk you’re thinking too loudly! ー(°◇°〃)
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bereft-of-frogs · 3 months
I'm wondering if my longstanding refusal to watch the 2008 Clone Wars is contributing to my utter inability to comprehend all the 'star wars is RUINED' complaints.
if I can contentedly exist refusing to acknowledge the thing that 99% of the fandom considers to be essential canon, that makes up the majority of the fanworks, art, and posts, I think you can handle disregarding one self-contained, 8 episode series that takes place a hundred years before anything else if you really want to. I really think you're going to live.
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