#keep it up jrod
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aestheticvoyage2024 · 5 months ago
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Day 265c: Saturday September 21, 2024 - "Take Me Out To The Ball Game"
I was motivated to not let this fun baseball season get into the books without updating my Bucket List Boneyard to be back in line with "visit all the MLB Stadiums". - I didnt need to carry the "all but one" moniker into another offseason. It was the Covid Year when this gem was built, and while the old Choctaw Stadium wasnt all that bad when I was there ten years ago, once inside I understood the upgrade - a retractable roof for those hot texas day games and built with a feel of a lot of seats right on top of the field. And the place was full and vibing tonight with the Mariners in town. I bought out the 3rd row in Section 314 for all of Spencer's kids and Grammee and had a grand old time answering a million why questions for this clan whose first sport is futbol. Everyone settled and the game rolling, I cut away for a 5th inning food stroll, and my chance to take in the whole stadium. And I efficiently explored it all while keeping an eye on the scoreboard (a Mariners lost would be helpful to the Tigers playoff chances).
I found the famed Boomstick and stood in the line that led right past a window of the feets long hot dog and piled on toppings. I got intimidated and though I had invested all that time for my big MLB ballpark moment, I thought about how I would feel tomorrow on the plane and bowed out. When William gets bigger and bigger I told myself. I'll definitely need some support for that one.
The place is beautiful and well settled up. It feels like a Texas Stadium. They even had the Six Shooter dancing girls. Whats not to love. Even though the Mariners won, there was plenty to cheer and talk about with over 25 hits and even a leadoff homerun by JRod. We all moseyed our way out, ice cream collectible helmets in tow feeling really good about a fun time at the ballpark. Globe Life is definitely one of the best ballparks in baseball. "How Do you know?" "Because Ive been to them all." Even if I didnt eat a boomstick.
And while I roll back up my own Bucket List Boneyard, William will now have his own headstart with ballgames in 11 Stadiums (Red Sox, Tigers, Brewers, Cardinals, Padres, Diamondbacks, Rangers, Twins, Athletics, Angels, and Dodgers). I really think this one will be memorable though - not just for the ice cream in the helmet, or for the frightful tumble into row 2; but because it was spent with family, a lot of happy family. Having a good time together. Nothing better than baseball for that.
Song: Aaron Watson - Freight Train
Quote: “Andre Dawson has a bruised knee and is listed as day-to-day. (Pause.) Aren’t we all?” ~Vin Scully
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missjackil · 4 years ago
My Walker 1x03 Opinion
Bobble Head
Okay, so here we are with episode 3 and it was another good episode. I say this while still maintaining the fact that the only characters I like are Cordell and Augie. No one is a bad actor, Im not saying that, and Mickie is more tollerable now than she was in the pilot. The other characters I feel like just want to make Cordell feel worse than he does already. And I am so.over.dead.emily.
The stake out at the beginning was fun, I liked Walker’s boots up on the dashboard, though I dont know how Jared did that with his mile long legs! 
Not a fan at all of Hoyt, I kinda wanted to punch him throughout the whole episode. Theres nothing worse than that friend you can’t trust, coming around your work and your family. I didn’t like Mom gushing over him, nor him being kinda flirty with Stella. I did like the convo between Dad and Mickey while Dad skipped dinner. 
Poor drunk Augie! I feel bad for him yet Im glad Walker tortured him parentally about it. Stella wasnt too insufferable in this episode. She stilll bugs me but she sure is better than Claire Novak 😣 
I have so much to say about this episode and where the show seems to be leading, and Im trying hard not to ramble, but it’s not working LOL. I know Im sounding too critical about a show I also claim to enjoy, but let me first say that this show isnt a show I would normally choose to watch, but neither is SPN. I stuck with SPN early on when I wasnt really hooked on the show itself, because I loved Sam and Dean and loved watching their interactions, but by mid season 2 I was hooked on the show as well. I am watching Walker because i love Jared, and Cordell is an interesting character. Im not a big fan of family drama, but I think Walker is very good for a show for that genre. 
There are things about Walker (as a show) that I dont really like. I dont like how they had Jared and Gen play themselves 17 years in the past. They’re both gorgeous, not saying they aren’t but they dont pass for 20ish. Lets be honest. Maybe due to covid they couldnt hire actors to play younger versions like SPN always did, but it would have been better for that story to have been spoken, as opposed to trying to pass off 40 yr olds as 20yr olds without even make up or hair changes (they didnt even cover Jared’s grays!). Kind of like putting 300+lbs on the back of a horse with a injured leg and have it run a full gallop. 
These things dont ruin the show for me, but a “Do you think Im stupid?” light goes on in my head. Like dont assume your audience doesn;’t notice or care about such things. 
On the positive side, I love the use of music on this show. I love how they used the Fleetwood Mac song Tusk in this episode! I love that song and its on my playlist, so it made me turn the volume up! The ad for the song they had on in the beginning was great too! I hope they do that often and other shows start doing it too. Its much better than trying to look up a song when you dont know the title or artist.
Also this show should really be titled “Walker And Outfits He Looks Smokin’ Hot In” but Im beginning to think Jared told a fib when he said he’s been shirtless more on Walker this first season, than he was in all 15 seasons of SPN combined, because I have not seen this illusive shirtless Walker yet hmmmm, but the season is still young!
I wonder if the red Mustang is Jared’s car? I know he’s said his first car was an old Mustang and he still has it. Does anyone know the answer? Also, now I want to know why he likes the name Stella so much that he names a car and his firstborn the same name?
Ok so wrapping up, I did enjoy this episode. Cordell is less angsty and his personality is really coming out and I like it. He’s confidently cocky, baddass but not mean, he has a great dry sense of humor and a warm soft spot. Hmm... Dean is that you in Sam’s vessle? No wonder he has short hair now LOL
The show will be on hiatus after episode 5, not sure for how long but i hope it’s a good cliff hanger. 
So Bobble Head earned a 7.5/10 from me. I think Im seeing a trend here lol Cordell is a very interesting character, I hope other characters become more interesting as we go.
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years ago
Someone please tell Jrod that I expect a post about male modesty to be on my desk by Sunday night.
I know fundie men get more passes for things than fundie women but men in leggings (basically?) has got to have her clutching her pearls, (if she even keeps up with the Bateses)
Idk if this is just an unknown bit of info amongst the seculars, or if it's just a running inside joke amongst snarkers, but fundamentalists don't give a flying shit about male modesty lol. They will say they do when you ask them as a secular person or as a 10 yr old girl in Sunday School wondering why the rules are so unfair, but it's a front literally no one gives a care.
Sure Jill Rod is a weirdo who just doesn't buy any of her children swim clothes so they have to swim in stuff they'd wear to church, but she wouldn't even think to shame the Bates boys for 'immodesty' bc in my experience that doesn't exist for men. Modesty Shame exists in Christian fundamentalism for the sole purpose of oppressing women, every iteration of it that I've experienced has followed that basic rule, and Jill cares enough about her standing in the fundie community to not even try to take a hit at the sons of anyone 'above' her.
Call girls 'sluttish' and you'll get a round of applause from like minded weirdos, but apply the same term to boys and you'll be speaking with the elders soon lolol.
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thefundiemuseum · 3 years ago
2022 Q2 Fundie Happenings
@duggardata has returned! This post was originally born out of their absence... but I got such a positive response on the last one, I'm gonna keep it up.
What’s been happening in fundieland for the last 3 months? Here’s a list of notable events and funny things. Feel free to add anything that I’ve missed. It's roughly in chronological order.
Derick Dillard passes the Arkansas bar and gets a job. Jill + Derick are moving.
Jackson Duggar goes to ALERT.
Nathan + Nurie announce Baby #2. N2 will be 13 months younger than Nehemiah. It’s not quite as fast as JRod’s rate, but it’s close. (I was really rooting for Nurie to take after the Keller women and have ~2 years between kids. But I’m also super curious to see how this name scheme plays out. I’m a sucker for ridiculous baby names.)
Jill Rodrigues wishes Janessa a happy 4th birthday in the saddest ever birthday post--by asking everyone to pray that she gets pregnant again.
Gabby Patton, friend of the Duggars, has a vow renewal after 5 1/2 years of marriage. Her bridesmaids include Joy-Anna, Abbie, and Anna Duggar. As more photos of the renewal come out, pregnancy speculation ensues. 
Esther Bates is spotted in a borrowed “Mama” t-shirt. Speculation ensues.
Carlin + Evan go one (1) day without posting on social, and people start checking in to make sure nothing bad happened.
Jedidiah + Katey welcome Truett Oliver Duggar, the first announced boy grandDuggar in several years. However, the fact that nobody has made a big deal about him being a boy only fuels the speculation that Siren had a son.
Esther + John Shrader announce Shrader-Keller #13. They were overdue for a pregnancy. I suspect this will be their last. (I'm hoping for a girl because I'm really digging their theme of using Greek virtue names. It’s wacky.)
The Mother's Day Babygeddon. Tori + Bobby, Nathan + Esther, and John David + Abbie announce pregnancies on Mother's Day.
Carver Bowers is spotted hanging out with Johannah Duggar yet again. Speculation ensues, and I hate it, because she’s a minor.
Lawson + Tiffany get married. They’ve been trying so hard to make a spectacle out of their relationship for social media that I seriously considered not including it in the list, just to be contrary. JD + Abbie, Joy, plus the unmarried adult Duggar kids, are seen in Cali for the wedding. 
Josh Duggar’s sentencing briefs are filed, including several letters written on his behalf by family and friends. Michelle Duggar dots the i in her name with a heart in her signature.
Josh Duggar is sentenced to 151 months in prison.
Carlin Stewart has a mystery illness that causes seizures or similarly scary episodes. Carlin + Evan are in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation where they get lambasted for posting about her illness, but people also want the deets.
Nathan + Nurie’s baby #2 is a boy! Jill posts about how Kaylee + Jonathan are happy because they hope to have the first girl (after they’re married). 
Joe + Kendra possibly spotted in public with a newborn. Speculation ensues.
Nathan + Esther are having a girl named Kenna Joy.
Josiah + Lauren are spotted at church, possibly with a baby carrier in front of them, but it’s hard to tell. Speculation ensues.
Anna Duggar posts on Instagram that she’s road tripping “to see her bestie,” presumably Josh at his new prison. It’s the 14-year anniversary of her engagement to Josh. The whole thing is a little too sad to be snarkable (in this blogger’s opinion, anyway).
Josh Duggar is transferred to federal prison.
David + Hannah (Reber) Keller announce their first pregnancy.
Mitchel + Bryn Bontrager have their third baby, Brynleigh Noelle. I cannot overstate how much I hate this name.
Jill Rodrigues attends a Plexus convention and gives us a deluge of social media posts about it. 
Please tell me what I missed--I’ve been too busy to scour fundie socials the last several weeks. 
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fundiebabynamebible · 3 years ago
Are u ok? You have been quiet xx
Yes, sorry I've been a little quiet. It has been sooooooooo beautiful here in the UK the past few days so I've been soaking up some sun and getting some reading time in. You have to appreciate the warm weather whilst it's here in England because we don't always get hot summers like this. I've already read 22 book this year.
I've been keeping up with fundie news e.g. JRod's mum's health issues
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quiver-full-of-sims · 4 years ago
One Year Anniversary! 🎉🤩💕🎊
Friends! One year ago, I started posting about Henry Bob and Kaylie Rowan. :’) It has been a wild ride from the beginning, but I couldn’t be happier with where we’ve ended up!
I‘ve learned so much since I started to play the Rowans. (I now know how to talk like a real JRod!) I’ve also made new friends, created my own poses for the first time, and spent more time than I ever expected to looking at modest clothing inspiration.
Due to not posting over the summer of 2020, I’m still playing generation one, but even that is an accomplishment for me! 😂 As of today, I have 210 posts on here and nearly 220 followers. It’s crazy that I’ve been able to stick with the Rowans for so long, and even crazier that so many of you seem to appreciate my strange sims! Thank you to everyone who has followed, liked and commented ♥️
Because I’m too lazy to create real content 😬 In celebration of this important milestone, I’ve decided to give all my sims secular makeovers! The couples are getting photo-studio portraits, and the toddlers, children, and teens are getting yearbook photos. Keep an eye out for that either today or tomorrow.
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sims-and-counting · 4 years ago
An Unexpected Surprise...
I am SO excited because I found out I’m EXPECTING! I thought I would plan a special reveal for Carson, but I was so thrilled I had to tell him right away before he left for work! Carson is MORE excited than me if that were possible! He’s hoping for a boy, and I am as well because it will be so SWEET to see Carson train up a little boy to be just like him!
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My pregnancy seems to be going by so FAST (but not fast enough! I can’t wait to meet this little gift from the Lord!)! I’ve been keeping busy cooking and cleaning and getting our new house in order while Carson works on his career. He’s hoping to be elected as a representative of Willow Creek soon! Even though I hope this one is a boy, I do so want a girl SOON so she can help me with the housework! We will share the most PRECIOUS bond!
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(Ngl, I very much modelled Gracie after how I think Kendra would be if she were more active on social media, with a little bit of Claire’s sass thrown in - and JRod’s errant capitalization, of course!).
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keepingupwithfundies · 5 years ago
Do you think if the Rodriguii were to get the game and notoriety JRod seems to crave they would end up getting makeovers a la the Bates or do you think they'd stick to the same older style but with just more quality fashion?
Honestly, I think right now the Rodrigues family aesthetic will stay the same. I think Nurie will keep it through her marriage. I could see one of the younger Rod daughters marrying into a more modern family and changing their looks, but I think that’s what it would take to see any change. I also don’t think we’ll ever see a Rodrigues lady in “sluttish” pants, but I’ve been surprised before (see, e.g., Jill Dillard’s nose ring). 
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fundiemental-shitposts · 5 years ago
New to these parts.
Been lurking off and on in Duggarland/Batestopia since approximately 2013/2014 but really dove into it about a month ago. Primary focus of this blog’s going to be the Duggar and Bates families, but I’m definitely not gonna shy away from pulling in the Rodrigues clan (esp. JRod) or Plath crew on occasion.
It’s been about two years since my last big dive in, tbh, but I’ve been by once in a blue moon which is why and how I know about the train wreck that’s Jill on top of the more “household names” in the community.
Wasn’t all that interested in trying to keep up regularly til I stumbled on the more...interesting corners of Reddit’s snark communities and found them a tad harsh in a lot of cases, but also having a “wait, who the hell is Kendra?” moment, and seeing the premiere of Welcome to Plathville recently confirmed my gut instinct to start this blog.
So yeah. Here I am. And now I’ll stop talking and go back to posting what happens when my last two brain cells fixate on fundamentalist Christianity.
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throwrocksatboys · 6 years ago
Precious Timmy leaves college!!
Well well well. Looks like Jrods ignorance and stupidity have struck again. While Precious Timmy managed to finish his first semester at college DEBT FREE*, he learned that as he progresses further into his schooling, further into flying planes, that the cost of his education will increase! Imagine that!! 🙄 Apparently she had no idea that future semesters, where he would actually be flying and thus have to pay for fuel, would cost more money.
So Timothy is leaving. He is instead going to fucking Oshkosh to study at Fox Valley Tech. (Yeah that’s not going to turn out well for him. The women all wear pants there. Among many other things. But. Okay) So look out Wisconsin. I’ll keep you in my thoughts.
Anyhow, apparently he’s going to train with a Christian pilot while going to school. There’s no actual program for this. He’s literally going to school and then working with some pilot on the side. He’s no longer going to flight school. He won’t be coming home for holidays or anything anymore bc he doesn’t live there anymore. He’s been kicked out and must survive on his own now.
Where Jrod once sang the praises of Moody Aviation, she now speaks of them with scorn, telling an obviously made up story about a professor telling Precious Timmy he was reading the wrong version of the bible and that he (the professor) threw his copy of that version in the trash. Gotta love that Christian persecution story. Gotta make sure Precious Timmy has his own to tell 🙄
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pickledchickenetti · 5 years ago
Why were you harsh on Krista? I searched her name but I’m not finding the posts. She seems controversial from the way people talk about her. Is she like JRod?
You can find archives of any of my posts where I mention Krista by name here. I think there were one or two where I referenced something she said but didn’t mention her name, so they wouldn’t show up in those results. 
When Krista was active here, her posts often came across in a way that it felt like she was presenting her beliefs as what’s right for everyone. (It’s hard to say how much my opinion on that was colored by the fact that most evangelicals believe that what’s right for them is what’s right for everyone.) I, and many others, have spoken up about how some of the things she’s said have been downright offensive, and even if she says she was only speaking for herself, her tone and phrasing suggest otherwise. 
One post in particular that stirred up a lot of controversy was the one where she essentially said that even if you divorce an abuser, she doesn’t believe in remarriage as you’re still spiritually married to that person. When called out, she said she was only answering for how she personally would feel if she were in that situation, but it’s impossible to know how you’d feel in that situation and I agree with the criticisms that it’s morally wrong to suggest an abuse victim should be spiritually chained to their abuser for life. 
I personally have been hard on her regarding her posts about LGBTQ issues. She frequently spoke out on her opinion that same-sex marriage should be legal, but refused to give a straight answer on whether or not she believed it was sinful. I discussed this in-depth in this post; the posts of hers that are linked in it are gone since her blog is but you can still get the gist of it. We’ve talked about this privately, but even in private she wasn’t really willing to give an answer either way. I would have respected her wishes to keep it private if she had, but I don’t feel there’s anything wrong with saying that she hasn’t. She obviously doesn’t owe me an answer or an explanation, but if we were friends in person it’s definitely something that would make me keep her at arm’s length. 
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hot-fucking-box · 2 years ago
17 Questions, tagged by @bloodfeathur Thanks for the tag!
Nickname- Jrod
Height- I honestly don't know
Last thing googled- Game leaks game awards 2022
Song stuck in my Head - Freaky T - Tia Corine
No. Of Followers- 1,173
Amount of Sleep- Not Enough (like 6hours yesterday)
Lucky #- 8
Dream Job- TV writer or toy tester like on Big
Wearing- Black hoodie. Black Joggers
Movies/books that summarize me- I'll say Cowboy Bebop movie. I like the thought of escapism in space set to smooth jazz.
Favorite Song- Ivy by Frank Ocean is up there
Favorite Instrument- Saxophone too
Aesthetic- Urban Abandoncore
Favorite Author- Trying to read more Bell Hooks
Favorite Animal Sound- The puppy when he groans or sighs like he's had a rough day
Random- I get anxiety thinking about which mutuals to tag so I'll just skip that, but feel free to keep it going
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assassins creed black flag cheats mod NHN+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Can eliminate waves, or make permanent huge waves. Makes Edward and the Jackdaw invincible. Turns enemies into Rabbids. Both Edward and the Jackdaw have unlimited Ammunition. Unlockable Cheats In Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag ; Shiver Me Timbers, Complete 80 Abstergo Challenges, Turns all enemies into target dummies. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. Log In Sign Up. Charge Ram PS4 Defeat all four legendary ships for a powerful ramming attack. Contributed By: NKTactical. Contributed By: chaotix Unlockable Cheats PS4 If you finish enough Abstergo challenges - as below - you will unlock the named cheats. They can be found in the Cheats option in the Abstergo Challenges menu. We will also give a description of the cheats below. Note: You cannot earn Trophies or save the game while these are in use. Contributed By: Anonymous , jrod Note: You cannot save the game while these are in use. Contributed By: Anonymous. Note: You cannot earn Achievements or save the game while these are in use. Unlockable Cheats If you finish enough Abstergo challenges - as below - you will unlock the named cheats. Unlocks for 20 Uplay Points. Unlocks for 40 Uplay Points. Contributed By: Whiteburst. Contributed By: M4s3. Once completed and outside of a mission, open your pause menu Esc key for PC users , choose Progress Tracker, select Sequence 2, Memory 3, and start a replay of that same mission. Play the mission normally until you reach the point after an obvious cut-scene that displays an optional objective to pickpocket the three Templars. Once at that point, pickpocket the three Templars for an average of - Reales. Once pick-pocketed, immediately pause the game and choose Reload. Reload from last checkpoint. The game will allow you to keep the Reales you earned and pickpocket the Templars again. Repeat the above steps until you have , or more Reales. Note: The game developers prevent you from farming any more than , Reales on your person using this tactic, so to maximize profit, don't begin farming until you've spent all your previous money to get as much as you can out of it. Contributed By: kirbyarm. Craft the outfit. Collecting the 16 Mayan Stones that you get from finishing each of the Mayan Stelae missions, followed by opening up the secret door in Tulum. Collect the 5 keys from finishing each of the 16 Templar Hunt missions, followed by opening up the locked gate at the home in great iguana cove. Finish 20 Abstergo Challenges - Causes Edward to repeat extremely cheesy and cliche pirate speak. Finish 40 Abstergo Challenges - Causes your wanted level to max out and stay there until otherwise deactivated. Finish 80 Abstergo Challenges - Morphs the enemies into Rabbid Rabbit?.. I don't even know. Play Assassin's Creed 4 Singleplayer in Edward's authentic pirate outfit. Slay your enemies with the Blades of Toledo in Singleplayer, and unlock exclusive Multiplayer Profile items. Unlocks for: 30 Uplay Coins.
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fundiebabynamebible · 4 years ago
Were the Plaths stricter then the Duggar’s? Because it seems like they were strict to them all but the daughter they gave up on. I have a feeling with that black heart tattoo Kim called her that
I feel like some fundie families just saw the Duggars on TV/read about them and tightened their current rules/created new ones in order to try and impress them. Jrod is particularly guilty of being a Duggar humper.
However, I wouldn't say that the Plath rules are stricter than the Duggars'. I will take Lydia wearing pants as an example. Whilst it appears that Kim and Barry are comfortable with her wearing pants around the house, the Duggars always wear shirts/dresses when they're at the big house.
I'm sure Jim Bob would have a few things to say about the older Plath kids breaking away from the cult. He would say that Kim and Barry weren't strict enough, and I'm sure an eyebrow or seven would be raised at Micah and Moriah moving out unmarried. Micah's modelling career would earn several Nike's. Jim Bob's empire ensures job opportunities for his kids and keeps them 'safely' under the umbrella of the cult, hence no reason for them to need to stray to find work in the outside world.
So to answer your question; I wouldn't say the Plaths are stricter than the Duggars. I could go on and on but I already feel this answer is too long.
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quiver-full-of-sims · 4 years ago
Part 1. 1.Feel free to reuse wedding aesthetics, even actual decorations if you can. Jessa Duggar used some things from Jill's wedding. All fundie weddings look the same tbh. 2. I'm an ambitious player, all my OG characters are in the same town and I play each and everyone of them, generation after generation, usually around 2 sim days at a time for each. It's hard to keep up with each storyline, but in Sims 2 I used to write descriptions under each photo and add them to the family album.
3. If you change POV, try giving the heir and their spouse their individual personalities/aesthetic a while before you make the switch, so you don't end up channeling JRod again. 4. I'd be happy if you picked one of the younger kids as heir because I really want to see up and close the courtships of all the kids (especially from Kaylie POV).
Thank you for the feedback, Anon! I will definitely keep this in mind! 😊
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usatrip2022 · 3 years ago
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Dates: 3-5/02
Whistle stop trip to LA.
We headed from Yellowstone to LA having had to repurchase and reroute flights because of a massive ice storm hitting the east coast. The bonus of this was jarrod got a little layover in Las Vegas or lost wages and I got an additional day to fly solo in LA. The weather was considerably warmer than the -28C we had had in Yellowstone so I took advantage and did the day hike over the Hollywood sign where you are treated to panoramic views of the mammoth city below.
The view of the Hollywood sign from the trail is famously rubbish so I decided to hike beyond and go behind the sign, then crossing over the ridge to the “wisdom tree” - a single tree that survived the bushfire blaze, and down and out the other side. It was about a 20 mile walk which I hadn’t intended and took all day, but getting lost in the incredibly affluent and bougie houses of Hollywood hills was quite the experience. And I thought Sydney properties were exxy - wow!
After this we hired our car which got us quite a few looks and laughs in the city of Porsche, Lamborghini and Teslas - a dinky smart car. $25 for about 300 miles of fuel - deal!
The next morning we headed to the Hollywood walk of fame (or shame depending on what you read). The street was lined for kilometres of stars as well as a beautiful tribute of cement foot and hand imprints from people dated right back to Brando and the likes in the mid 40s. We also saw them laying and prepping a new Hollywood Star with all the fanfare for Andy Cohen which was happening at 11am that day.
After this we drove to universal studios, the main reason for this trip. We were so lucky to get two tickets to Kelly Clarkson day time show (one of Jarrod’s faves). Up until this point she hasn’t had an audience due to Covid and on this occasion they welcomed 30 people in, socially distanced, masked, vaxxed, tested - the whole shabang. We were the only guys there which made sense since she was interviewing sex pot Channing Tatum about his new film Dog. Perhaps this was also why were put on the front row, right next to a lesbian couple who too had gotten engaged #diverse.
It was so interesting seeing the inner workings of the production, when they mess up, when they’re divas, when they’re down to earth and how the film crew navigates all of this. We started by recording a load of canned reactions which (since we were one of the first audiences) they will use in future episodes. Reactions of excitement, different levels of applause, sadness and so on equipping the show for whatever story the future stars bring. When asked not to be understated , Jrod and I felt we had been granted full permission to go big gay, leaping into one another’s arms over the theoretical offer of a giveaway toaster!
Both Kelly and Channing (look at me - first name basis - what a twat) were super lovely and seemed very real on and off camera. Whilst their conversation felt very natural, being instructed when to laugh, gasp, scratch our arses and applause did not. They specify they do not want an idle and passive audience - you’re there to perform to keep the energy of the interview. Three hours of trying to suck your stomach in whilst looking ecstatic was a challenge!
What was even more fortunate about this show was Kelly decided to perform a song. Sitting so close to her and her incredible band was such a treat though she decided she was too tired to nail this new cover and would do it to an empty studio at the end of the day. Tickets were free, and the whole experience was really alien to us - one which we won’t forget.
That evening we continued our fickle basic hoe behaviour and went celeb spotting in LA. A beautiful white picket fence restaurant called the Ivy in West Hollywood tends to be a bit of an institution for A listers so we headed there to see if we could gawp at any. Such a cute place with amazing cocktails we got spotted idling towards the toilet (a tactic they must be well used to) so we abandoned that plan. We ended up talking to two awesome people both hugely successful in their own right. One does all the make up for many stars including one of the recent Oscar nominated films with Nicole Kidman; the likes of Beyoncé, Madonna, Adele, Celine, Streisand, Mariah, Channing, and Oprah. The other was a hilariously sassy and incredible woman who looked about 25 - she later said she was 57 and in her words “you don’t age in LA ;)”. She was professionally known as the foot nanny and again worked amongst all of these people - most notable being lauded as one of Oprah’s top ten favourite people on her show. What was interesting once I had stopped being like an over zealous puppy - hearing their stories, photos etc, was how genuinely nonchalant about it they all were.
Evidently LA is rife with this sort of thing, daily sightings and many people successful in Hollywood in their own right. We understand they’re all just people with celebrity and Hollywood being a fickle and poor yardstick for a true set of values especially after a pandemic where the heroes have been the tireless medical staff and scientists. That being said, it was cool nonetheless to compartmentalise and be a child for the evening whilst experiencing these anecdotes about people you’ve only grown up with in two dimensions.
What’s more is hearing how much they have worked, the pressure with which they deal and their sacrifices to become who they are and to provide the service they do - once you strip back their divadom and stop rolling the eyes at the remuneration and lifestyle, it must be quite an odd and vulnerable existence. Also interestingly was how Damone said the stars are very vulnerable and down to earth before they are made up into the image and persona they become. Exposing their flaws whilst trusting and needing someone such as a talented make up artist brings out their human colours. Though we took a lot of this with a pinch of salt, again it was quite refreshing to hear.
All this being said, the really fucked thing about LA, I suppose like most major cities, was the juxtaposition between this world and the world of the crime, homelessness and poverty (flashback to the 4th minute of arrival - passport and laptop swipe). I don’t think I’ve been anywhere where the divide is so cavernous and having been such fickle tourists in one dimension (buying into the hysteria we all have come to hate about Hollywood), the other more prominent part was just how shitty that polarising existence was. Homeless people lying on top of the Hollywood stars of fame for example. I cannot imagine how frustrating this whole Hollywood thing must be for them, with the looming reminder of the sign constantly up above.
Jarrod is now off home for a final week of downtime with his family and I’m off on a little solo wandering around some damned cold places - Chicago, Niagara Falls and parts of Ontario, Canada since they’ve reopened their border.
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