#kim plath
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fundieshaderoom · 10 months ago
Great BreakDown of a February Olivia Plath Interview
Olivia grew up believing that California was an evil place.
The interviewer pointed out that the show started with the older Plath children wanting to move away from the strict religious upbringing but now it seems that only Olivia is still wanting that distance. Olivia specifically notes that Moriah mostly dresses and eats different rather digging deep into family dysfunction and other more meaningful beliefs.
Olivia watched the first 3 seasons and stopped at season 4 because she felt that was a dark time and did not stand by some of her actions. It would have been a hard rewatch for her.
Olivia realized she was dissatisfied with life at age 14 or 15 but did not know why. She then realized she had no deep emotional connections. Around that time, she cut her hair to her shoulders and began wearing eyeliner (which was a no-no in her home). At 16 or 17, she apologized to her father and the church via a spoken letter.
Olivia met Ethan at a family conference. Years later, Ethan wrote a letter to Olivia's father. Olivia's father then called Kim (note: not Barry!) to discuss. The two families agreed that Ethan and Olivia could talk on Skype for one hour every three months.
Olivia has been dating! It is hard for her to get past the first date. She has been struggling with shame due to growing up in purity culture.
In regards to the statement Ethan made about how Olivia should be making 3 meals a day, more was said but cut out due to TLC avoiding politics. Olivia now asks men right off the bat if they cook.
The interviewer was confused when first watch the show. He did not understand why such a "pure" family would want reality tv fame. He then asked how Ethan and Olivia were approached with the idea.
Kim invited TLC to film Olivia and Ethan's wedding without asking because she knew Olivia would say no. It was not shown on the show, because to release, it required Ethan and Olivia's consent too. Ethan and Olivia then made a list of requirements to join the TV show. At this time, Olivia and Ethan could not see the siblings. In order to do the show, seeing the kids was added to the list.
Olivia will be in Season 6. She wants viewers to see what happens when someone actually walks away from the fundie lifestyle.
Olivia loves the TLC crew.
Olivia talks about the initial separation she had with Ethan. Ethan agreed they could live in 3 different places in 3 years.
Ethan agreed to marriage counseling during the first separation. He went to three sessions and then quit.
Olivia said Ethan said if his hypothetical son came out as gay, he would disown him. Olivia is strongly opposed to that.
Ethan tried to get her back during the divorce process but Olivia was not interested. They did not have any relationship at this point.
The Plaths allegedly had a party when they found out about the divorce.
Ethan is still very close with Nathan Meggs, Olivia's brother. Ethan heavily leaned on Nathan during the divorce, which affect Olivia's relationship with her brother.
Olivia still has a relationship with Ethan's extended family in Minnesota.
Olivia is willing to have a conversation with some Plaths to connect the storylines. Olivia said, "if this turns into a circus, I'm walking away" (quoting Moriah's song about her lol).
Olivia said WTP was not producer driven, rather "cast-members" drove the narratives of each season.
Olivia said 2023 was a tough year. In March, she split from Ethan. In May, her younger brother died unexpectedly and she had to see the Meggs family with whom she's estranged. In this February 2024 interview, she says she now has peace.
Olivia had not seen her family of origin in years, specifically her parents. Her parents have blocked her and all other siblings who have left the fold. She has not been able to talk to her youngest siblings, even her brother who died.
Lydia Meggs helped Olivia through their brother's death and funeral.
She is looking for a man who is okay for it to not be a forever thing.
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snowithv · 1 month ago
talvez algum dia eu vá rastejar de volta para casa, espancado, derrotado. mas não enquanto eu puder fazer histórias do meu coração partido, beleza da tristeza.
─── sylvia plath
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everychingoes · 2 years ago
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mary oliver, from october
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rm, everythingoes (trans. doolsetbangtan)
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fyodor dostoyevsky, from the brothers karamazov
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yumi sakugawa (source)
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ocean vuong, from on earth we're briefly gorgeous
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sylvia plath, from the bell jar
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bernadette mayer, from the way to keep going in antarctica
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ada limón, from dead stars
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rainer maria rilke, from letters to a young poet
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mary oliver, from moments
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asoftepiloguemylove · 2 years ago
hey, i've seen your post on being the eldest sibling and having to be the mother of your siblings against your own will. i was wondering if i could request for a webweave related to this but having to grow up? kind of like mxmtoon's almost home, "i was just a kid dreams were looking big and then i had to grow up" tysm!!
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i hope you're doing okay <33
Mitski Class of 2013 // Sleeping At Last Eight // Sylvia Plath The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath // mxmtoon almost home // 나의 아저씨 My Mister (2018) dir. 김원석 Kim Won-seok // Bill Hader on Andy Muschietti's direction during It Chapter Two (2019) // Mitski First Love / Late Spring // Warsan Shire Backwards // Li-Young Lee // The Florida Project (2017) dir. Sean Baker // Lorde Ribs
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prettylittlegirlblogger · 1 year ago
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Lana Del Rey BTS for skims ‼️
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thislifeisfleeting-blog · 1 year ago
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“Cheers for spring; for life; for a growing soul.” Sylvia Plath
1. Kim Addonizio, from ‘New Year’s Day’, Wild Nights: New and Selected Poems
2. Mary Oliver, from ‘Hum Hum’, A Thousand Mornings
3. Unknown
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g-prs · 2 years ago
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E ver y s t r a n ger ma k e s me f e e l s a fer
An d eve r y pe r s o n s e em s mo re be a u
t i ful
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ur-mag · 2 years ago
Olivia Plath Sets Record Straight on Kim Plath's Credit Card Fraud | In Trend Today
Olivia Plath Sets Record Straight on Kim Plath’s Credit Card Fraud Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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metamorphesque · 2 years ago
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spring 2023: still life
mitski (pink in the night), kathy beekman, nayirrah waheed, alejandra pizarnik, kim cogan, emily palermo, felix vallotton, tatheve, sylvia plath, leonardo cremonini, nicole krauss, anaïs nin, c. michael dudash, mitski (last words of a shooting star)
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rose-maidenn · 7 months ago
Astro observations 1
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Tropical + Sidereal
If you have mercury sextile venus as a women your voice gives you an upper hand in your career , example Sofia Vergara being famous for her acting as well as her unique voice , lana del rey for her vocal range , Rihanna , Kim Kardashian memes lol .
If as a man you have mercury sextile venus it shows up as an upper hand in your thoughts and creativity , often times men with this placement are very soft spoken and understanding , in a dark way they could be manipulative as well . They mostly create a world of wonders for themselves and have distinct contributions towards art or way of life . Eg : Walt Disney , Ewan Mcgregor in big fish
Scorpio men give high school bad boy vibes , their upper body might be larger then their lower body , fellas don't skip leg day
Wanna start content creation or wanna be a singer , check your moon sign , a popstar might become popular based on the emphasis on either vocal range, lyricism, performance (credits to the instagram reel i watched lol i lost the link ) eg : scorpio women embody the performer persona most strongly , for example: Beyonce , Miley Cyrus , Lady gaga etc (vedic - Vishakha)
Cancer sun women mostly embody the trashy girl aesthetic.
Though widely considered meek , the cancer sun embodies a badass feministic yet kind vibe to them eg : Princess Diana , Selena Gomez , MIA, Frida Kahlo , often turn out to be revolutionaries and make changes in their own fields .
Pluto in the 5th is an amazing placement for fashion designers or in the field of marketing in the field , eg: Coco chanel , Miuccia Prada , Donatella Versace etc . 5th is the house of creativity and pluto being in it bring something out of the ordinary to make the person famous.
Pluto in 5th might also suffer from a turbulent childhood often with home relocation or absent parents
Mercury in 9th might be forced to grow up earlier , these people embody wisdom beyond years, often time resulting in void eg : Drew Barrymore, Mila Kunis lying about her age to get roles , Brooke shields .
Mercury in 9th is also a good placement for writers, eg : Sylvia plath , Agatha Christie, Emily Bronte .
Purva Bhadrapada women are very activist and stand for what they believe in , they make really good points in an debate👏
Punarvasu sun will give you fuller lips . Mostly downturned
Gemini men often have a wild chemistry with Sagittarius men 😭😂 the gemini man either admires the Sagittarius or hates them , like a frenemy vibe .
Libra men have the rake energy they flirt with everyone but they also make you feel like you're the only girl 😭 tf
Moon conjunct Saturn is said to give a bad relationship with mother but I have observed that if it is in the 12 th house it actually gives a good relationship, as there's more understanding .
As a jupiterian myself I won't advise to dye your hair blonde if you have prominent jupiter ,it makes me even more delusional. I would recommend brown for grounding and inviting creativity in your life .
Idk mars dom men are too good to me I like them so much, I've seen that in other cases as well so I will say jup dom 🤝 mars dom.
Rahu doms are underdogs yall , mostly people underestimate them until one day they put all their energy into something and prove themselves .
Uttara Ashadha girls act as they're stupid but they're observing so much , they might have really captivating eyes , puppy eyes if I say .
If two people have asc-moon synastry , they love each other and loathe each other because of their similarities , their is also a tendency of copying the others gestures or fashion .
Ketu doms push people away and then say they're lonely , it takes a lot to understand the inner rich world of ketu doms , which I think venus doms get to a degree.
Rohini people have a certain liking towards the metal of gold , and it will bring you auspiciousness if you buy them gold.
That's all for today hope yall enjoyed , I think you can read both observations interchangeably hehe I tried a new format hope yall like it . Dm me if you want to book a chart reading or an astrology reading 🫶
Thank you for reading
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fundieshaderoom · 4 days ago
Veronica Peters talks major shit on Kim Plath's name
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cogmented · 8 days ago
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The Secret History, Donna Tart // The Voice, Anaïs Nin // unknown //The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath // Accumulator Seriali - part 29, paperiaarre // Catharsis - definition poem, becklemania // ISSUE #13, mapicccubito // Aloud (20/365), unknown? // Today - The Smashing Pumpkins // Kissing God Goodbye, June Jordan // The Slightest Bit of Abandonment, My Little Hawk // Slaying the Beast, Claire Kim // The Destructive Character, Walter Benjamin // An Ideal Husband, Oscar Wilde // Unfinished Duet, Richard Siken
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architect-of-the-last-act · 19 days ago
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Part II. On Spring Cleaning, the Lingering Frost
or alternatively: No weight is heavier than regret.
+ Spring follows the harshness of Winter. Though seen as a 'soft' season, it is associated with rebirth—bloody flesh transforming into itself, skin rupturing at the seams. A renewal of sorts. Soft it may seem, Spring is simply as kind as the winter allows it to be. ... In this life, how many ghosts haunt these halls? How many will you allow? Maybe it's time for an upheaval. Such is the role of Spring.
Part I | Part III | Part IV
authors below:
Illustrations from A Stepmother’s Märchen | Unknown | Spring Equinox, Jeanette Winterson | The Years, Virginia Woolf | We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Shirley Jackson | South London Forever, Florence & The Machine | a letter, Germaine de Staël (translated by Kathleen Jameson-Cemper) | West Wind, Mary Oliver | Letters From Medea, Salma Deera | tumblr post, @/inelegancies | Simon vs the Homo Sapiens Agenda, Becky Albertalli | Japanese Breakfast | The Letters Of Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath | Vincenzo Bellini | I, Carrion (Icarian), Hozier | I Don’t Smoke, Mitski | The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller | When the Sun Loves the Moon, Reinaeiry | Soul Mates, Lang Leav | a letter, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry | This Is How You Lose The Time War, Amal El-Mohtar | Circe, Madeline Miller | a letter, Friedrich Nietzsche | Daily Haiku on Love, Tyler Knott Gregson | Ivy, Frank Ocean | The Vow | Annabel Lee, Edgar Allan Poe | Mind Over Matter, Young the Giant | Great Expectations, Charles Dickens | I, Carrion (Icarian), Hozier | The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller | This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald | Light, Sleeping at Last | Thought Catalog, Kim Quindlen | Jay Vespertine | Unknown | Light, Sleeping at Last | City of Bones, Cassandra Clare | James Joyce | Night Walk, Franz Wright | Unknown
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floridakilo · 2 years ago
inspired by @candiedspit post but list of poems that have influenced my writing
howl by allen ginsberg
magdalene: the addict by marie howe
a soliloquy would imply that the stage is empty by michael wasson
fleurs du mal by charles baudelaire
the wasteland by t.s. eliot
narcotic winter by danielle shutt
1994 by ginger bronson
poppies in july by sylvia plath
persephone writes a poem by karese burrows
mayakovsky by frank o'hara
love poem without a drop of hyperbole in it by traci brimhall
heartland by lisel mueller
for desire by kim addonizio
tessa dipietro by lana del rey
speeches for dr. frankenstein by margaret atwood
where flesh circulates by william s. burroughs
the sleazebag speaks by jasmine ledesma
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catslvrr · 1 year ago
one too many years
kim minji x fem!reader | one shot
Synopsis: Minji comes back into your life after 3 years and asks you to take her on a drive, for old time’s sake. There’s a lot of feelings involved.
Contains: cursing
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You were fourteen when you first met Minji.
It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. You had seen her around, since you practically shared all the same classes, but never had the chance to interact one-on-one. She was merely a passing thought — that pretty girl who sat in the top ranks alongside you.
It was when the two of you had been paired up for a science project — something about a presentation on the digestive system, that you finally got to know each other. But not necessarily in a good way. You didn’t leave the best first impression after the first conversation.
You weren’t a hardworking person. But you weren’t stupid either. Growing up, you were used to being one of the smartest in the room. Teachers would always praise you for being naturally intelligent and academically gifted. You would do the bare minimum, leaving everything to the last minute, and yet always somehow end up with almost perfect scores.
You grew complacent, cruising through school with no worries in the world. So when you first started working with Minji, and she rambled on about meetups and splitting tasks and deadlines, you couldn’t help but internally scoff.
Minji pulled you out of your thoughts with a tap on the arm. “Are you even listening to me?”
“Huh?” You reflexively closed the MonkeyType tab.
“I asked what parts you wanted to cover,” she narrowed her eyes at you.
“Oh,” you waved dismissively. “Just give me what you don’t wanna do, and I’ll send you the stuff the day before it’s due.”
“What?” Minji scowled. “That’s way too late. I won’t even have time to proofread it and make the presentation pretty.”
“Two days?” You suggested with a half-smile.
She ran her fingers through her hair as she let out a sigh. “Three.”
“Okay, boss!” You grinned, opening up MonkeyType again and aggressively typing away, trying to beat your WPM record. “Done deal.”
Minji stared at you for a few seconds longer before huffing and turning to her laptop, starting her research.
(The two of you passed with flying colors, to no one’s surprise (except Minji’s), and that was when any grudges that Minji held against you flew out the window. Because if there was one thing Minji cared about, it was her grades.)
And that was how the two of you officially forged your friendship — Minji would always force you to be partners for any collaborative projects that came up, and you didn’t have anyone else to partner up with anyway. 
You slumped back in your chair and balanced yourself on its hind legs, looking around the room in boredom. Everyone else seemed to be actually doing their work. Something about researching a famous author.
“Hey,” you bumped Minji’s knee with yours under the table.
She ignored you for a few minutes until she couldn’t stand the constant nudging. She stomped her foot on yours.
“What do you want?” She hissed under her breath.
“What’re you doing?” You leaned towards her, obnoxiously peering over her shoulder to scan the document she had opened. It was a bunch of gibberish, to you anyway, but it had a nice color coding system at least.
“Researching Sylvia Plath,” she muttered. “Something that you should also be doing right now.”
“You know I’ll get it done,” you smiled cheekily, casually draping your arm on her chair.
Minji chose not to reply. You watched her type up an analysis of one of Plath’s texts, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in your foot.
“…Have you ever tested your words per minute?”
She gave you a side-eye. “What’s that?”
You bit back a smile. You knew how competitive she was. “It’s just a measure of how fast you can type. Think the average is around 80 or something.”
You could practically see her ears perk up at the word ‘average’.
“Is that what you do every lesson?”
“Most of the time. Or I’m playing Octagon.”
“Am I meant to know what Octagon is?”
“I’ll introduce it to you next time.” You shifted Minji’s chair closer to yours and dragged your laptop to her. “Here, try it out. You just have to type the words on the screen for 15 seconds straight. The words are random.”
“Is that it?” She furrowed her eyebrows.
You nodded. “You can type whenever. The timer starts as soon as you type.”
You watched as she began furiously typing, almost poking holes through the keys. Your eyes flitted around the room, checking to see if anyone noticed Minji assaulting her keyboard.
“Damn,” you whistled as the final score showed up. “Not bad.”
“100 and it’s my first time,” Minji proudly beamed and cracked her knuckles. “I’m above average.”
“Alright, relax,” you laughed softly. “Don’t get too ahead of yourself, hotshot.”
“What’s your record?” She eyed you suspiciously.
You tried to hide your smirk as you shrugged nonchalantly. “Oh, nothing much. Just a measly 160.”
“What?” Her face dropped. “No way.”
“Yes way,” you nodded smugly. You successfully set the bait, now all you needed to do is reel it in. “There’s actually a website where we can ‘race’ against each other.”
Minji opened a new tab and swiveled her laptop in your direction, a doubtful look on her face. You smiled victoriously as you clicked your way to TypeRacer. Caught her.
The two of you spent the rest of the lesson racing against each other, Minji grumbling every time she lost (which was every round).
It was something else — watching Minji slowly unravel and open up to you. When you were expecting her to start homework early in class, she would ask you to get on TypeRacer instead. The two of you spent time playing other games too: Lavaboy and Watergirl, Tetris, Cool Math Games, and Octagon, of course.
Unfortunately, you still had to do work. There was an unspoken compromise that you could only get her to play games after you had finished the assigned work, so you actually ended up not procrastinating and finishing everything early for once (and in record time, too).
Becoming friends with Minji was easy. Seeing each other every day, you naturally grew closer and talked about everything under the sun. And eventually the two of you became inseparable. The two of you became known to be attached to the hip, never one without the other. You were proud of this, proud to be associated with such a good person, and you hoped Minji felt the same.
(Internally, you were surprised that Minji would choose to continue being friends with you outside of classes. There were better classmates out there. Regardless, you were grateful for the opportunity.)
You grew up together. You were there when she broke down in the bathroom after her speech on climate change because she thought she bombed it (she didn’t). You were there when she discovered the Harvard Reference Generator for the first time (she had written bibliographies by hand before this, which was absolutely mind-boggling to you).
Likewise, she was there when you were panicking at 5am because you hadn’t finished your history research paper on the Indo-China war that was due in two hours. She was there when you accidentally fell asleep in the library and almost missed the next class.
There was no better person to call a best friend. So it wasn’t much of a surprise that falling in love with Minji was even easier. There was no dramatic realization, no lightbulb moment where you suddenly stopped in your tracks and felt the world flip on your head as you thought Fuck, I like Minji.
It was quieter, creeping up on you, as if it was always there. As if it had already been written in fate. You do remember the first time you consciously admitted it though, cementing it in your heart.
Both of you were 15 by then. It was a languid Tuesday afternoon, and you were doodling random shapes as the teacher droned on about erosion and longshore drift. You lazily smiled as you observed Minji — the sharp slope of her nose, the crinkle in between her eyebrows, her tongue slightly poking out as she diligently wrote down notes.
Feeling your gaze on her, Minji turned to you and quirked her eyebrow, nudging you as she wrote ‘What are you staring at?’ on the margin of her notes. You shrugged innocently and looked away with a smile and burning ears.
She’s pretty, you thought. I like her.
Young love — it was naive and innocent. You would do stupid things to get Minji’s attention, like leaving your collar messy or ruffling your hair just so she would fix it. You remember making playlists with her in mind so you could zone out and daydream about her. You cherished these moments. You weren’t one to want, but you wanted Minji.
To you, Minji was the highlight of your high school experience. From sharing Airpods in class and queuing airhorn sounds to watch her jump in her seat when it blasted out of nowhere, to inviting yourself to her Google documents so that you could change the font to be unreadable and the color to a blinding neon pink, to receiving her Airdrops of cute puppy photos, to accidentally downloading viruses from trying to watch anime on illegal streaming websites, to taking Photobooth pictures of each other sleeping. 
And this was enough for you. Habits were hard to break, and your longstanding tendency of procrastinating didn’t appear out of nowhere. It was rooted deeply in the fear of failure — you were so used to being good at everything on your first try, or without having to try at all, that you were scared that if you did try, and failed, people’s perception of you would change.
So procrastination was a way for you to control this fear; it provided a scapegoat, for if you ever failed, you could blame it on a lack of time rather than your own shortcomings.
This fear translated to your feelings for Minji too. You had never liked anyone else before, and you were terrified of failure, the unknown possibilities that came with confessing. You would rather swallow down your feelings and bury them deep within your chest than have to face rejection and lose your best friend.
(And it wasn’t like you thought you had a chance either. She had always been the smarter one, the kinder one, the more responsible one out of the two of you.)
And so you let the feelings fester in silence, all the way up to graduation. It wasn’t easy to hide your feelings, but it wasn’t hard either. You resorted to teasing Minji like you always did, and seeing her happy was enough. She stayed focused on her studies and continued to excel in all her classes. 
Your job was just to be there for her, to be the one to help her relax and find respite from studying.
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You were both 18 when you graduated high school. Minji was going away for university, somewhere far away where you couldn’t follow. You weren’t shocked — you always knew Minji was greater than this place. That’s how it always was in your head: she would go on to find success while you stayed behind in the shadows, cheering her on.
You had a plethora of things to thank Minji for. She never let you fall behind. Even if her kicks on your shin left bruises, at least it got you to stop playing Minecraft on your laptop and attempt to be productive.
It was embarrassing to admit that one of your biggest motivations to study and try was to be considered worthy as Minji’s friend. Not that you would admit it to anyone. You made it to graduation, and that’s what mattered.
You never liked saying goodbye to Minji, but you knew she would do well wherever she went. This goodbye wasn’t like the others, where you knew you could go to sleep with the promise that the two of you would meet at the school gates the next day.
It was more definitive.
You let out a long exhale as you leaned against the school gate, waiting for Minji to finish speaking to teachers, friends, and family who were congratulating her.
You watched as students filed out, chatting animatedly and taking photos together. You probably weren’t going to remember any of them. You plopped a lollipop in your mouth. It was strawberry-flavored, just how Minji liked it.
You smiled as you saw Minji coming out.
“Hey, Miss Popular,” you teased. “Done greeting all your fans?”
She rolled her eyes. “Are we going to get ice cream?”
“Yeah,” you pushed yourself off the gate and started walking to your car. “I thought that ceremony was never going to end. Tell me why every speaker kept yapping on and on.”
“Right,” she groaned. “I was trying my hardest not to fall asleep.”
The two of you walked in silence for a while before Minji broke it. “How do you feel?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “The same, I guess. How about you?”
“Scared,” she admitted. “University seems like such a big change.”
“Yeah,” you said. You had been trying not to think about it. “You’ll be leaving in a few weeks, right?”
She bit her lip as she nodded. You both got in the car.
“Have you packed?”
“I’m about halfway done. It’s harder than I thought,” she complained sulkily. “I want to take everything with me.”
“Does everything include me?” You asked cheekily as you started the car, passing Minji your phone to pick a song.
“Absolutely not,” she deadpanned. “You would be the last thing I’d bring.”
“Liar. I’m way better than whoever you’re getting as a roommate.”
“Are we talking about the same person? I’ve literally seen the state of your room… it’s like a landfill in there.”
“No it’s not,” you said defensively. “It may be a little messy, but everything has its own place. It’s organized in its own way.”
“Sure,” she chuckled. “You keep telling yourself that.”
You pulled up to the place. You took a while to parallel park (Minji laughing at you while recording didn’t help), but you got it eventually. It was a quaint little store, and the two of you were regulars. You both got hooked after discovering this place when you got lost trying to find where you parked for a shopping trip.
You smiled when you heard the familiar chiming of the bell as you opened the door, the air-conditioning hitting you in the face. You chucked your lollipop stick in the bin. The store owner, a middle-aged woman from the area, looked up and waved in recognition.
She was sweet, sometimes giving you both an extra scoop or toppings if you showed her good test results (which was all the time). The only issue you had with her was that she kept trying to set Minji up with her son who was almost graduating from university.
“The usual?” She asked, already preparing your cups.
“Yes, please,” Minji answered with a polite smile.
You both sat down after collecting the ice cream with thank you’s and the payment (this one was on you). Minji would always get the cheesecake flavor (which you never understood and adamantly refused to try), while you would settle for the classic chocolate. Sometimes, if you felt adventurous, you would ask for pistachio.
“It’s hard to believe that this might be the last time I eat here for a while,” Minji said.
“I know,” you pouted. “The poor store is gonna lose so much money now that you’re gone.”
You winced as she kicked you under the table. You mentally noted to get your shin x-rayed at some point.
“You're so annoying,” she grunted. “Can’t you be sentimental for once?”
You were sentimental. Especially when it came to Minji. You just weren’t the type to show it. That was one of the differences between the two of you — Minji was straightforward and self-assured, never having trouble voicing her feelings. You, on the other hand, preferred to mask your emotions with humor and deflections, saying a lot without really saying much.
You liked that about Minji. It was definitely jarring when you were first getting to know each other, but you learned to appreciate her bluntness and honesty. It meant you didn’t have to overthink as much.
“I am sentimental!”
“You literally gave me a card that just said ‘HBD’ on it for my birthday. Actually, it wasn’t even a card! It was a post-it note.”
“That is sentimental…”
Minji glared at you.
“Okay,” you huffed, folding your arms. “Maybe it’s not. But it’s the thought that counts.”
“If you’re so thoughtful,” she tilted her head. “You wouldn’t mind helping me clean and pack, right?”
You regret not getting a parting gift for Minji when she left. Her departure was bittersweet, like all departures tend to be, with tearful promises to keep in touch. You never ended up confessing, and so you tucked away your feelings in the locked box that held all of your memories with Minji — the one you kept hidden in your closet, filled with birthday letters from her, polaroids, receipts and other miscellaneous collectibles from your time spent together.
The hardest part was watching her cry as she said goodbye, both to her family and friends. She had always been more of the crier between the two of you. You remember her pulling you in for a hug, her arms wrapped tightly around you as her tears stained your hoodie.
“I’ll miss you,” she sniffled. “Keep in touch, okay?”
“I’ll miss you too,” you mumbled, barely audible over the chatter in the crowded airport. “You’ll do great, just like you always do.”
She pulled back with a sad smile. “Thank you, Y/n. I’ll try to come back soon.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
You held back your tears on the drive home, only allowing yourself to cry when you reached the comfort of your bed.
You weren’t one to welcome change. You enjoyed the stability that routine brought. Minji leaving was a change that left a gaping hole nothing could fill. You always preferred solitude, but the loneliness that was gnawing at you because of Minji’s absence was hard to adapt to.
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‘Keeping in touch’ never really works out the way you want it to. The first few months were fine, the two of you consistently Facetiming and texting as you both settled into uni life. Then as months went by, texts were less frequent, especially during exam season.
By the time you were both 20, communication was sparse between the two of you. The two of you were never avid texters anyway. You did chat from time to time, making small talk, or talking when there was something to talk about, like birthdays or a memory popping up on Snapchat.
Small talk with her wasn’t really small talk though. You savored every conversation, clinging onto past memories and what she made you feel. 
It wasn’t really the same. Both of you knew this. You never held it against Minji, though. Watching her Instagram stories with her new friends and posts of her adventures brought you happiness. You hoped she was happy too.
But on the melancholic nights when you went out on drives to ease the emptiness, coasting through the sleeping streets with nothing but the moon to guide the way, you felt Minji’s ghost in the passenger seat. And if you tried hard enough, you could almost feel her presence, imagine her soft laughter.
You would always wonder if she was also thinking of you when she lay in bed at night, when she opened up a new document, or when she went and ate ice cream with her friends.
When the ache in your chest was too much to bear, you would roll down the window, find solace in the wind blowing against your face, and turn up the volume of your playlist to drown out your own thoughts. You felt silly for yearning for someone who was miles away now, both literally and metaphorically.
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You were 21 when you met Minji again. It was the end of the year, so anyone who left was finding their way back home for the Christmas break. You knew she was coming back, you saw the stories of her packing and the pre-flight pictures.
This was the first time she was coming back — she couldn’t make it the previous three years. You didn’t know why, because you didn’t ask. You didn’t know if you still had a place to ask.
She texted you and asked to hang out. It didn’t really come to fruition until one unsuspecting Friday night. You were playing a parkour map on Minecraft when you received a call notification from her. You almost dropped your phone when you saw it.
“Y/n, hey.”
You wiped the sweat off your palms. It had been a while since you last heard her voice.
“Did you need something? It’s almost midnight…”
You heard her scoff over the phone. “Don’t act like you go to sleep early.”
“I’m not! It’s just, you know, pretty random for you to call out of nowhere. Especially at this time.”
There was a short pause. You set your phone on your lap as you continued to make your way through the parkour map, distinctly tasting the strawberry flavor of the lollipop more now, for some reason. You knew why.
“Are you seriously playing Minecraft right now?”
You stopped. “…Maybe. How'd you know?”
“I can hear you smashing the space button,” she laughed, sounding almost fond. “You haven’t changed a bit.”
You cleared your throat to fight the embarrassment. “Anyways. What’s up?”
“Oh, right. I know it sounds crazy, but do you wanna go on a drive?”
“Right now?”
“Yeah. For old time’s sake, you know. And I miss you.”
“Um,” you got off your bed and opened your closet. “Sure.”
“You’re driving by the way.”
You rolled your eyes. “Thanks for letting me offer.”
You grabbed a familiar hoodie. It was Minji’s. You remembered Minji stealing your hoodie, and giving one of hers to you as a peace offering. You both agreed that the swapped hoodies were a better fit for each other. You decided to wear another one.
“I’ll pick you up in 15?”
“See you soon!”
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“Wow,” Minji said as you pulled up in her driveway. “New car?”
She was still so pretty. You temporarily discarded the lollipop stick in the cup holder before popping your head out of the window. “Get in, loser.”
“I kinda miss your old one,” she clicked her seatbelt in as you started to reverse out.
“You sure about that?” You asked incredulously. “The air conditioning didn’t work half of the time. And the window on your side couldn’t fully roll down.”
Minji shrugged. “Still held a lot of memories.”
You both smiled as you reflected on the many nights spent in the old junk: belting your hearts out on highways, feasting on fast food in empty parking lots, sitting on the hood at lookouts that flaunted the city’s charms. You put on your playlist that you always had on loop whenever you thought about her.
“Speaking of memories,” she continued. “I see you still have this little guy.”
She poked the bobblehead of a monkey wearing sunglasses. It bobbled. She bought it on a whim at one of those quirky souvenir stores because the two of you were both born in the year of the monkey. Little Guy had been here for a while, since your old car. 
“New car felt pretty empty,” you said. “I couldn’t live with the guilt of throwing him out.”
What you didn’t say: I have a bad habit of hoarding anything that reminds me of you.
“That’s good to hear,” she grinned, reaching into her pocket. “Because I bought him a friend!”
You glanced at Minji in amusement while the light was still red. She carefully placed the new bobblehead next to Little Guy. It was another monkey one, slightly taller than the original, and it was posing with a peace sign.
“Where’d you find that?”
“Pure coincidence,” she explained. “I was out shopping with my friends one day and I saw it. I knew I had to get it.”
You tried to focus on the road as thoughts began racing through your head. She still thought about you. That was good to know.
You bit your lip as there was another lull in the conversation. There would always be so much to say back then.
“I can't believe it’s been three years,” is what you settled for.
“Yeah,” Minji’s eyes softened. “It has.”
You tightened your grip around the gear stick. “How are things over there?”
“Really good,” she answered. “Besides university. That’s always a pain in the ass, no matter where you are.”
“That’s good to hear,” you said. And you truly meant it.
“I get homesick a lot, though,” she confessed. “I miss the food, my room, everything. You should visit one day.”
“Maybe,” you pursed your lips. “I’m super broke after buying the new car, though.”
“Do you still do the tutoring thing?”
“Yeah. It’s relatively easy and brings the money in.”
“I still can't believe you willingly tutor math.”
“And I still can't believe you don’t tutor. You’re so much smarter than me.”
“That’s not true,” she frowned. “But, I’m glad you bought the new car. So I don’t have to drive.”
You sighed in mock frustration. “Three years and you’re still a passenger princess.”
She only laughed in response. “Enough about me. How have you been?”
“I’ve been good. Just living life.”
Heat washed over you as you felt Minji’s intent gaze on you. There was always something so compelling about her, the fact that she could disarm you easily and make you feel unguarded. 
“Uni sucks,” you continued hesitantly. “I’m still procrastinating. And playing Minecraft during my lectures.”
“I was wrong,” she said with a hint of a smile. “You’ve changed.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “I have?”
She tilted her head slightly, still studying you. “You seem more… withdrawn. And grown-up. Weary, even.”
“I’m the same as I always was,” you said, but you weren’t too sure who you were trying to convince. Maybe spending all this time alone along with the inevitability of growing up did change you.
“I’m still amazing at typing. None of my friends have beat my record yet.”
“Of course you still brag about that,” Minji rolled her eyes.
She turned to face the window again, watching the scenery that rushed past.
“But, my point still stands. You have changed. Since when was I the one to lead the conversation?” She asked playfully, but you knew there was some truth behind it.
Younger you would jump at the opportunity to hang out with Minji and talk her ears off. When the two of you started to grow apart due to the long distance, you subconsciously stopped initiating conversation. You just wanted to quell your feelings and move on as soon as possible. It worked, for the most part, you think. 
Until tonight, that is. Seeing her again after all these years fostered emotions you weren’t sure you wanted to face. You’d never tell Minji any of this, though.
“You’ve changed too,” you said. “You look older. Hag.”
“Rude,” she scoffed and pinched your hand on the gear stick.
“I’m joking,” you continued with a faint tug on your lips. “You carry yourself lighter now. But you still have that maturity about you.”
She leaned back in satisfaction at your response, humming in acknowledgement.
“By the way, did you have a destination in mind?” You blurted out. “Cause I’m just driving mindlessly, if that’s okay with you.”
“That’s fine,” she murmured, her gaze lingering on you. She could always read you like a book. You hoped that these years changed that. She could probably feel the nervousness and awkwardness radiating off you.
You welcomed the silence as you tapped on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the current song, processing what was happening. Minji was here, in the car, with you now. Just like how it used to be. A different car now, though. And a different her. A different you, too. You had missed her so much, but now that she was here, you didn’t know how to feel or what to say.
You took a last-minute turn, deciding to drive on a path that you knew all too well, one you could practically drive with your eyes closed.
(Pass by the park where you would force Minji to push you on the swing. Keep driving straight until you reach that one flickering street lamp, then turn right. Continue driving, cross three roundabouts, then turn left on the fourth, driving onto a rocky road.)
Minji smiled as she recognized the destination.
You parked the car and the both of you hopped out, feet on the gravelly surface. You had walked on this ground so many times now that it was basically ingrained into your feet. The two of you sat on the hood of your car. It was a bit chilly, but the hood was still warm from the engine.
Minji breathed out deeply. “This view never gets old.”
“No,” you murmured in agreement. “No, it doesn’t.”
“Did you still come here?” She turned to look at you. “When I was gone, I mean.”
The two of you continued to take in the view, both lost in your own thoughts.
You always wished you could capture a moment in time, especially the moments with Minji: the light fluttering in your chest, the quiet intimacy you two shared. This moment was no different.
Nostalgia was a deceiving thing. You had dreamt of this moment so many times — meeting Minji again. That it would be like the polaroids you kept at home, give you peace of mind, provide you with some sort of comfort. It was silly of you to think that, too idyllic and quixotic. Maybe it was a good thing that you’re not as optimistic anymore.
You could barely contain your shock when the next words came out of Minji’s mouth.
“I loved you, you know.”
You swallowed down the hope that started to rise in your chest like water. You didn’t want to drown in the feelings you had suppressed long ago.
“I loved you too,” you said warily, slightly confused. “You were my best friend.”
The use of past tense left a bitter taste in your mouth. But you were afraid she had moved on, found new friends and found a home in them.
Minji smiled wryly. “I meant that romantically. As in more than best friends.”
You took in a sharp breath. You wanted to cry. All those years I spent wanting, you thought, and she loved me too.
“You loved me?” You whispered in disbelief, wringing your hands together.
There was an unreadable look on her face. “You say that like it’s hard.”
Isn’t it? You wanted to say. What could you possibly have loved? The tight squeeze on your chest was persistent, uncompromising to your pain.
“I loved you too,” you said quietly. You had always thought confessing would lift the weight off your shoulders, free your heart from the burden of hiding. You never felt more hopeless than in this moment, though. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“How could I?” Minji replied as she sagged her shoulders, her voice small. “I was so sure you only saw me as a friend. You were always teasing, so I didn’t know if you were seriously flirting or not. And you’re not the emotional type… I couldn’t tell how you felt about me.”
“I’m sorry,” you exhaled shakily. “You seemed so focused on your grades and your work, I thought I never stood a chance.”
“You don’t need to apologize. We were both stupid,” she shook her head with a chuckle. “I can’t believe teasing was your only way of showing affection. I think tonight’s the first time I’ve heard you say ‘I love you’.”
You never wanted to say it, because you felt guilty that it meant something else to you than it did to her (or you thought it did). You wanted to give your younger self a kick in the shin.
Minji’s eyes were glassy, shining with unhushed tears, and you wanted to reach out to her. Your hands were resting on the hood of the car, only centimeters apart. If you were brave enough, you would inch your finger closer, ever so slightly, to brush against hers.
But you were never courageous.
You felt like you were suddenly 14 again, staring at your laptop screen, staying up late to finish your Sylvia Plath research task, reading an excerpt from The Bell Jar. You had stared at the fig that held the possibility of you being Minji’s for so long, never daring to believe it, and watched it die. And the way your heart plummeted now was the fig dropping at your feet.
You tried to not let the quiver in your voice show. “Do you think things would be different now if one of us confessed back then?”
“Of course it would be,” Minji smiled ruefully. “But there’s no point in thinking about it too much. What’s done is done.”
She was right — what-ifs were a dangerous rabbit hole to find yourself in. You didn’t know which was more paralyzing: the fear of ‘what if Minji rejects me’ from back then, or the regret of ‘what if I had confessed’ now. It’s always so easy to berate yourself for making the wrong choice once you know the outcome.
Then, as an afterthought, she added, “I wonder how the younger versions of us would react to us now. I don't think they'd recognize us."
You laughed softly. “No, they wouldn't."
The two of you spent a few more minutes in silence.
“You’ll be leaving again in a few weeks, right?”
“Yeah,” she checked her phone, hopping off the hood. “We should head back. It’s almost 2am.”
There was so much left unsaid. But if you had learned one thing from tonight, it was that things were different now. This is how things were meant to end. Sometimes, things just don’t work out, and you just have to learn to live with it.
You should’ve realized how stuck you were in the past, your mind refusing to accept the fact that everything has changed. And that everything will continue to change.
There was a certain sense of freedom in the conversation on the way home, like the two of you knew that you wouldn’t get something like this again. You reminisced and laughed about the good old times, and you think that this was enough. This is what you needed. 
Letting go can be a beautiful thing as much as it is painful. And love isn’t something you ever stop doing, or feeling, it’s always present in whatever fig you choose to grab, and it transforms into what it wills. You’ve chosen yours, and Minji’s chosen hers. You’ll always love her, just not how you used to.
“Thanks for the ride,” Minji clumsily pulled you in for a hug (it was a bit cramped because you were both in the car). “Take care of Little Guy and Big Guy.”
There weren’t any promises to keep in touch this time, and that was okay. If you were to ever see each other again, then nature will take its due course.
“Enjoy your time back here, Miss Popular,” you smiled. “I’ll see you when I see you.”
You watched Minji exit the car. There was a fleeting spark of hope as she lingered at the door, but you quickly shut it down. You weren’t the kids you used to be. But maybe in another lifetime, things would end up differently.
Your eyes followed her as she walked to the front door, waving at you before entering the house and closing the door behind her. You waited until you saw her bedroom light turn on through the window.
You started the drive back home and turned up the music, deciding to take the long way.
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179 notes · View notes
minuseyes · 4 months ago
Do you have any favorite artists, fashion designers, photographers, or poets?
nothing too interesting comes to mind. mainstream picks, Sylvia Plath, Richard Siken, Francis Bacon, Kim Noble. my real favorite photographers and artists are random Tumblr users I find on occasion. blogs that last posted in 2013 and have seven of their own terminated URLs in their description.
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