#keep circulating the tapes etc etc
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i just want to thank you for compiling all the RWBY content out there. it inspired me to finally get the second server i got working and download all 254GB to store there. and under RAID 1 because you can never have too much redundancy. i even set up a jellyfin media server so i could watch it all on the go. seriously, thank you
never too much redundancy!! o7
i’ve had most of it either downloaded or languishing in “i’ll strip the DRM later” procrastination purgatory for a while so Recent Events have largely been a reason for me to consolidate and then upload and as long as i was doing that i figured i Might As Well just download all the behind the scenes stuff and chibi and etc. (<- vile completionist)
anyway. been enjoying watching my transfer quota fill up for the FIRST TIME EVER very exciting. (i’ve got a pro II account for the storage—for musical theater bootlegger reasons if u think 250 GB of rwby is a lot just know i have terabytes of bootlegs also bfkfhdhsbk—which gives me a transfer quota of 120 TB per month, which is an absurd amount. y’all have so far used 37% of it, as opposed to the <1% i normally use every month ❤️🤍🖤💛)
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Peter Greenaway, opening to Four American Composers
partially because of this, freely available on Ubuweb and YouTube

Time shifting
I wanted this but the original poster is transphobic
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Pangaea Deluxe: Live Miles in Japan, 1975 (Mixtape)
Over on Aquarium Drunkard, my buddy/bandmate Jeremy is guiding us all through the 50th anniversary of Miles Davis' legendary 1975 tour of Japan — from whence the megalithic Agharta and Pangaea emerged. There's a lot more music than just those two releases, and the Pangaea Deluxe mixtape cherrypicks two hours' worth of unbelievable highlights: "The finest, most far-reaching moments from the circulating tapes along with a deep whiff of heady experimentation that was edited from the officially released concert recordings."
Greg Tate: In the music we hear a patchwork assemblage of guitar and saxophone multiphonics riff over a logjam of percussion until squelched by more Gnostic organ and inaudible hand signals from Miles. What keeps this frenzied jungle boogie in sync are the systolic bass vamps of [Michael] Henderson, who by this time had assumed a dominant role in the band as the bass had in black pop, thanks to Larry Graham. Miles's horn work here is the finalized fusion of Stockhausen and Sly, scribbling blurbs of feline, funky sound which under scrutiny take on graphic shapes as wild and willed as New York subway graffiti.
Miles Davis: Music is strange. Why does it change so frequently? Is it because my life is always changing? My life could never be an open book, so there are many secrets in my music. People don't understand modes, Dorian mode, Phrygian mode, electronics, etc., just like they don't understand us. But it's okay, since they don't understand my music, they get surprised. Isn't it great that you can experience surprise through music?
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What is a First-aid Kit?
I have a friend who gave out first-aid kits for Christmas a few years ago, and that is *always* a good idea. At one point he asked if we had one in our home, and I said yes, but I feel it's necessary to define terms.
To me, a "First-aid Kit" is a portable container with first-aid items in it. It's something I put in the car when taking the kids to the park, or in with our camping gear.
At my house, if someone is injured, I don't grab a container.
I go to the cabinet in the bathroom and pull out the specific supplies that I need. My bathroom cabinet has most of the items I would want in an emergency. If someone asks me "where is your first aid kit?" My answer is to look in the bathroom cabinet for the items they need.
Here are my favorite first-aid supplies:
Band-aids in a variety of styles and sizes.
Gauze pads for situations where a band-aid won't get it done.
Medical tape: paper tape, waterproof tape, and that stuff that only sticks to itself.
Scissors, for both the tape and also for other cutting needs.
Triple antibiotic ointment (Neosporin or similar)
Antihistamine ointment/anti itch ointment
Mosquito bite treatment
Burn cream (Burn stuff is excellent)
Aloe gel
Sunburn treatment (lidocaine spray)
Painkillers in a variety of types
Allergy medications (Benadryl, etc)
Digestive medications (Alka seltzer, Pepto, Imodium, laxative, tums)
Cough syrup, throat spray, lozenges
Cold medicine (NyQuil/DayQuil, etc)
Gel ice pack (in the freezer)
Heating pad
I may have missed some items, but these are the things I keep "in stock" in my home at all times. They are not all in a single container.
I also have portable containers of various sizes for travel or if I need to drag it outside for some reason.
My portable first-aid kit will likely have:
Some kind of cleansing wipe
Hand sanitizer
Small scissors
Antibiotic cream
Antihistamine cream
Aloe gel
Cold pack (one-use disposable)
Painkillers and allergy meds
In my purse, I usually have bandaids, hand sanitizer and medicines.
I do like to keep a first aid kit in the car, but excessive heat can damage medications, adhesives, and ointments, so I try to stay on top of the usefulness of the items in that one.
Please feel free to circulate this list, and add things I may have forgotten.
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So I've read the doc and just have one question. Why do you expect to be wrong? You've looked at all the evidence and explained every anomaly, yet you say at the end you don't think you're right.
One thing for sure, though - if you aren't right, I'd like to know why Arei's hair is longer in the BDA. You mention it could be because it's wet, but the playground has good circulation. It should have dried by the time they discover her body
//Call it a lingering sense of doubt, I suppose.
//This is just what I see as the most plausible explanation, but our story still has a lot of elements left unexplained and secrets we haven't gotten to yet. Maybe something will come up that debunks this theory completely? But then again, it's just as possible I'm right and all this will come together.
//I just find it very strange that so many people seem fixated on something like a tiny roll of tape that was tucked behind a text box in one episode, rather than elements like Arei's suddenly longer hair, the prosopagnosia, the weird lack of either Arei or J in the second half of daily life, J's strange attitude throughout the trial, Teruko's internal dialogue, whatever Charles and Whit have been up to, etc.
//This is why I disagree with Eden or Levi being the killer or David being the new rival, because a lot of those elements really throw a wrench into these theories for me, yet nobody else really seems to talk about them or consider what they mean.
//I'm not trying to say I'm better or smarter than everyone else for doing so. I can only talk about what information was given to us in the story, and that information didn't include a lot of details for the murder. That makes me think something could come up that breaks this theory, and it may even prove that none of our theories were correct.
//There's just a lot we can't conclude without leaping to assumptions about character motivations, which I don't see as strong evidence because then you're stretching things to fit a theory rather than finding elements in the story that already do fit.
//In the end, it's just my personal theory and I've never been particularly good at making predictions, so if I'm wrong, I accept that I'm wrong.
//On the other hand, I feel like not enough people talk about those elements of Chapter 2 and just brush them aside. I want people to think about the things I've brought up, whether it's agreeing with my conclusions or coming up with their own and seeing if it still works.
//In the end, while we wait for the rest of Chapter 2, I'm keeping an open mind instead of assuming I'm right about everything. I like what Chapter 2 has done so far, and I really want to see what the answers are.
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just mentioned this in the tags but mystery science theater 3000 used to literally instruct fans to "keep circulating the tapes" in the credits of their actual episodes -- as in record the show and share it amongst their friends -- to retain audience interest, get new fans and make sure copies were preserved and existed in the event of issues with litigation executive meddling etc

(sorry for the tv tropes jumpscare but this has arguably the most comprehensive explanation of the thesis here)
People with most mainstream tastes imaginable should not open their mouth on how anti piracy they are btw. Yea no shit you can depend on legal sources to watch Marvel and listen to tswift and Maroon 5. Thank you so much for signing the petition to close that platform that was the only one i could download this 2008 romanian dungeon synth ep from
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figured I would crosspost that from main instead of making the original post in here, seemed more tasteful, but keep circulating the tapes etc etc
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Beware (Page 2)
What you will be dealing with almost everyday for the course of time while you are trapped in your family's house is poverty...stomach problems....liver failure....intestinal failure....verbal abuse.....physical abuse.....emotional abuse.....sexual harassment and sexual abuse.....puking more than necessary.....being falsely accused for things you haven't done.....battling different kinds of mental disorders and mental disabilities.....being blamed for everything that goes wrong.....poking their nose in your business rather than minding their own business as should.....taking personal things concerning yourself that you wish to keep private and blurting it out to everybody else.....having abdominal body pain that is so excruciating that you have to fall to the floor and to the point where it feels like you're dying.....everything you say and every conversation you have being audio recorded behind your back.....ransacking your belongings when you are asleep or when you are not around without your consent.....getting agitated and complaining or telling you no whenever you ask a relative who has a car to drive you where you would like to go.....being treated like a child while you are an adult.....your naked body being video taped whenever you shave, take a bath, use the toilet, change clothes or etc.......toxic poison and toxic substances being put in your food and in your beverages to make you sick and to damage the functioning of your bodily organs.......stealing things from you......making it seem like nothing you do is good enough......making it seem as if you don't know what you're talking about whenever you express a perspective or a belief that you have......your bones often popping out of place all by itself for a few seconds and popping itself back in place on its own even though you're not doing any kind of harsh movement that would trigger your bones to dislocate themselves......never believing a word that you say.......all of the teeth in your mouth feeling like they are going to fall out at certain moments even though you brush your teeth regularly......starting arguments with you over small pointless reasons that are not worth arguing about......gossiping and spreading lies about you that isn't true to the point where the lies start circulating around the town and strangers giving you weird looks in public or either mean hateful looks and sometimes laughing at you whenever you sit on a chair on your front porch and whenever you leave the house to go to the grocery store or somewhere else other than the grocery store......constantly rubbing your flaws, your embarrassing moments, and the mistakes you've made in your face at all times and humiliating you because of it or judging you as if you're not human and are supposed to be perfect...... always having nightmares a lot when you sleep, and the worst out of everything I listed is both seeing and hearing supernatural stuff that could scare and shock the crap out of you; such as smelling the scent of a banana but no one around you is eating a banana and there are no bananas anywhere in your house at the time while you're smelling it or hearing unfamiliar voices calling your name in other rooms of the house while you are home alone, and objects moving by themselves. Supernatural stuff like this is what I'm talking about; to be precise!! If you are born part angel and part human; these are most of the things that your psychotic demon family members will be doing to you as you slowly grow old and eventually die in that house as the years pass by; just like they did to me and to the other angels before my generation, so get ready because your turn is next. You're going to miss out on so many wonderful chances in life because you will be held captive and will be forced to experience nothing but bad luck and tragedy.
4th hidden fact -- There is a strong possibility that as soon as you reach a certain age; you will have either a temporary or a permanent out of body experience!! Your soul is going to be snatched out of your body by Satan and escorted to hell for 28 days, for less than 28 days, or for longer than 28 days. You will be roasted in fire....you will be screaming to the top of your lungs for someone to save you.... bugs will eat at your flesh after being thrown on you, and a whole lot of other sufferings that you don't even want to imagine! You might be rescued and you might not be rescued but it depends on god's choice and it depends on your relationship with him!! If he doesn't help you; your soul will remain in hell for eternity and your physical body is not going to ever be able to wake up again or regain consciousness! Your family will have to arrange your funeral and bury you in the ground.
5th hidden fact -- Everyone that you meet outside of your family is the family members of yours from the past centuries before you were born and the family members that you live with in the house that is used to imprison you!! They're all going to pose as your classmates, the teachers at your school, the other students that attend your school besides your classmates, the people who work at your school, your boss or your coworkers at your job, the people who approach you and seem interested in wanting to be your friend, every person who asks for your hand in marriage or asks you to be their girlfriend or boyfriend, every case manager that you have, every counselor or therapist that you have, every person who tries to have sex with you, every person who kisses you, every stranger who message you on social media over the internet, and the majority of the people living in every homeless shelter that you decide to go to! You can't even eat inside of a restaurant without them pretending to be other customers who are dining in while you are there!! Neither can you shop at a store without them pretending to be the other shoppers; including the cashiers as well. No matter where you go; you're always going to be surrounded by your family but you won't know that it's them; just like I didn't know. I think what helped me figure it out was the behavior of everyone that I met!! They were all acting, speaking, and treating me like my family members that I was living in the house with. Not one of them behaved differently or gave off a different vibe and that right there told me something wasn't right. No two or more people are just alike. Not even identical twins are the same!!!
6th hidden fact -- Your family and the devil will be sending sex demons to you, so if you're a woman and meet a guy or if you're a dude and meet a girl who makes sexual advances on you; do not fall for the temptation!! Just because they look like a guy or a girl and just because they come across as human; doesn't mean that they are. You must keep in mind that they are deformed malevolent entities that spiritually traveled from hell and shapeshifted into a person after they were summoned to appear into the world to find you and rape you. It could be Satan disguising himself as the person trying to have sex with you, it could be someone in your family that is already dead, or it could be a random stray demon that isn't a relative. Do not impregnate these monstrous females and do not let these monstrous guys impregnate you! Stay away from sex because child birth is what feeds the family generational curse! It's never going to end unless us angels stop reproducing and giving the demons the access to keep coming into our family every generation. The kids you have that are demons are going to attack you and attack the other kids that are not demons. We must stop letting them get away with hurting us, bamboozling us, and raping us!! Another thing you need to know is that right before they have sex with you; they are going to hypnotize you with their demonic powers. Your mind will be put under a trance and during this hypnotic state; your sense of rationalization is corrupted and tampered with. The hypnotizing spell feels like you are sleep and are awake at the same time. It's a calm relaxed feeling that numbs you and paralyze your ability to think correctly, your ability to make rational decisions, and your ability to defend yourself or to detect when something is wrong. They control your actions and your thought process until they're done having sex with you!
I am now closing out my speech!! I said what I had to say and I've done what god called me to do. Waking up the blind sheeps and aiding the lost is my job! Thank you for listening and good luck to you all on your hellish journey!! May the lord be with you because you are in deep shit but on the bright side; at least you won't be coming into this whole thing with a clueless mind; thanks to me! Bye bye

#the blogs of kira the snitch#the writings of kira the snitch#Kira The Snitch#Kira's blogs#“Beware” written by Kira The Snitch#“Beware” blog#family generational curse#family curse#cursed family#occult group#secret organization#secret society
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I'm gonna wax nostalgic for a bit because I've been craving tangible objects intensely for a while, but I miss going to music stores and just finding shit or making copies of stuff that other people let you borrow.
I have an mp3 music library that I keep on my phone and I'll throw that on shuffle while I work. I have mps from ripped CDs, Napster, later legit sources, etc.
I have a Led Zeppelin album twice. One is a clean version that I think Google Play replaced some files with when it album matched. The other is ripped from a CD that my dad recorded from an original print record he bought when the album came out using an aux cable and a laptop in '99. And I keep it because those pops and scratches feel like sitting in my living room on a Saturday morning with my ear pressed against the speakers because it was still early but I wanted to listen to the record.
I have Deadlock's "Wolves" because I was young and had some spending money and had no idea when I would have a chance to go back to the music store so I was definitely buying a CD before I left. I didn't even really like the album once I got it home and listened to it, but I spent money on it and, even when I had to cull CD tracks from older computers for space, I kept this album in circulation. It's grown on me since then.
My favorite album at the moment is one that I bought on cassette tape on a whim that I have since bought as mp3s because I was worried about killing the tape.
So yeah, I miss just... finding and sharing music.
The problem with kids these days is that they only have one source of getting new music recommendations (tiktok) whereas back in my day there was multiple (mtv, Guitar Hero, your friend's cool older brother)
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Slashers x GenderNeutral!Reader, who Kills with Them | Headcanons | NSFT
notes; GenderNeutral!Reader; Reader becomes a Killer; Murder; Strangulation; Stabbing; Cutting; Blood; Implied Sex; Arousal and Adrenaline; Guiding Hands.
Disclaimer: I don’t condone any of this; I don’t desire to kill anyone; I’m merely exploring this scenario because I find it interesting. This is purely just Fantasy/Fiction!
[My requests are OPEN, and if you’d like to make some, I’d be happy to receive them! Please be sure to read my Pinned Post BEFORE you send me anything. Thank you!]
Characters: Asa Emory/The Collector; Charles Lee Ray/Chucky (Human); Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull; Mark Hoffman.
Reblogs > Likes. Thank you!
Asa Emory/The Collector
You’re the one suggesting it and it intrigues him instantly – it also reminds him of why exactly he chose you
So, he arranges one of his victims on those metal tables and straps them down on it
Then, he’ll have you stand where he usually would, pretty much in the middle of this person as he stands behind you, so you are wedged between the victim on the table and Asa at your back
At first you’re overwhelmed and you’re not sure what you’re really supposed to do, despite watching The Collector so many times while he killed or mutilated these people
Thus, Asa gives you one of his knives from his belt and closes your fingers around the handle; then he keeps his hand around yours and guides you to the person’s body to make the first incision
Your hand is trembling a little and Asa steadies it; and after the sixth cut he’s merely holding onto your hand and your waist, just because he wants to, while you work on your own so perfectly
Of course, he’ll sometimes guide your hand to specific spots or angles it a certain way, but otherwise he’ll let you do everything on your own accord, while he’s rasping in your ear just how much he likes seeing you help him with his collection
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky
“Nothing like a strangulation to get the circulation going”, right? He’ll absolutely show you what it’s like to strangle someone to death!
Once he’s picked a victim, he’ll show you what to do first and then lets you try it yourself – it’s cruel on the poor person he captured, but you have to learn somehow
Fortunately, you’re a quick learner and are able to strangle the victim pretty well until they pass out and die, giving you a rush you’ve never felt before – it’s addictive
Thus, Chucky is happy to take you with him every time, even if you just end up watching him do it; it almost gives you the same kind of excitement
After a while, he also shows you how to use a knife to kill and you find it to be even better for you, albeit messy
For this, though, he’ll absolutely use the opportunity and guides the knife in your hand with his own, standing close behind you, murmuring to you exactly what he’s showing you to do, where to cut, etc.
You couldn’t possibly get home fast enough afterwards
Jesse Cromeans/Chromeskull
He’s reluctant to take you with him at first, but eventually he gives in
Makes you wear a mask as well, so that in case your head appears on the tape, you can’t be recognized
He’ll show you how to do it on one victim first and then lets you do your own work, however you prefer to go about it
Once you take his hunting knives in your hands, he can’t deny the stirring in his chest, the intimacy of it all
Then, when you slice into the other victim’s body relentlessly, steadily and cruelly just like he would, his desire for you only grows
He’s utterly impressed with you and you two watch the tape over and over again once the deed’s been done
It’s safe to say that he only leaves you at home when you say you want to stay in, otherwise he can’t stand not having you with him anymore
That’s when you two start alternating between inflicting pain on the victims, although the last slice is always Jesse’s – he has to be the one killing them
Mark Hoffman
You often help him with building and setting up the traps, and make sure it’s all completely functional and won’t be traced back to either of you
He really enjoys this extra time you two spend together through it and he’s once more assured that he made the right decision by being with you and letting you in on this
What he loves most is guiding your hands to screw something tight or test a mechanism
That’s when he just wraps his fingers around your hands or wrists and moves them the way he wants like you’re nothing but his puppet – you both enjoy it immensely
It’s almost addicting to him – this proximity and the intimacy that comes with all of it; he feels so much closer to you through setting up traps together than when you are actually intimate with each other, and he sometimes questions what that means for him
When he has to actually kill people to save face, he takes you with him once to show you how to do it quick and effectively, in case someone comes after you as well
Once again, he’ll stand behind you, one hand on your waist and the other around your own hand as he guides you to slit someone’s throat or stab them in the neck
The adrenaline rush and blood on you has you far more aroused than you’d ever expected – both of you
#tw murder#asa emory#asa emory x reader#the collector#the collector x reader#charles lee ray#charles lee ray x reader#chucky#chucky x reader#jesse cromeans#jesse cromeans x reader#chromeskull#chromeskull x reader#mark hoffman#mark hoffman x reader#slashers#slasher x reader#slasher x you#slasher character#slasher community#slasher fandom#slasher headcanons#slasher movies#the collection#child's play#laid to rest#saw#saw fandom#saw films#saw franchise
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Still ITV and still 1977 - this time it was Saturday November 26th on the Southern Television franchise covering south and south-east England. Andrew Gardner was delivering the afternoon news bulletin when the picture distorted and a buzzing overtook the audio feed at around 17:05/17:10. The picture then cleared up, with the news broadcast continuing and going on into a Bugs Bunny cartoon, while the audio feed delivered a message that was out of this world...
Although audio tapes of the event were definitely circulating in the immediate aftermath - LBC radio got their hands on a very clean sounding recording - nobody seems to know where they are now and so the actual wording of the message is disputed. (There is video footage up on youtube but I’m not 100% on whether it’s real or a recreation, possibly with one of those real audio recordings. Southern TV themselves had no tape of it, and didn’t know the signal had been interrupted until viewers phoned in.)
The various different transcripts suggest the voice wasn’t overly clear anyway. The alien supposedly delivering the message was named as Vrillon, Asteron, Gramaha, etc, by different listeners. Whatever his name, his warning that humanity was dooming itself with nuclear energy was sufficiently frightening to have hundreds if not thousands of calls clogging up ITV switchboards.
Southern was one of the only franchises in the UK open to a hoax of this kind, relying on a receiver at their Hannington transmitter rather than a direct landline. This meant that an intrusive signal wouldn't need to be particularly powerful to supersede that coming from the Rowridge transmitter on the Isle of Wight. Even so, in 1977 this would have taken a lot of specialist knowledge and equipment (6 flat bed trucks worth of batteries according to one engineer asked) to accomplish - making it all the more remarkable that those behind the incident have never been identified. My guess would be an industry insider with enough goodwill/clout for people to keep quiet.
Pulsar magazine (#5, 1978) suggested the culprits were a group who had prior experience: "On April 1st 1976 they broadcast banned records over the John Peel Radio 1 programme. On August 14th 1977 they took over radios 2 and 3 for three hours and transmitted a programme of music, made to appear as if it had come from an orbiting radio station called KSAT."
EUFOSG (Essex UFO Study Group) were more accepting that it might be a real ET...
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Sewing Your Own Face Mask (Or Wearing A Cloth Mask)
I’m gonna use this post to consolidate what I know about cloth face masks (making or wearing) because I am making myself crazy looking at different proposals and arguments and research. Under a cut so I can keep the post up-to-date without spreading misinfo.
Question: what’s the point of wearing a mask?
Masks of any kind do two things: prevent the wearer from inhaling germs, and prevent the wearer from exhaling germs.
Healthcare workers need masks that will prevent them from getting sick while they treat the sick: that’s why they’ve been desperate to collect N95 masks and face shields. If you’re not a healthcare worker, isolation and social distancing are better ways to avoid being exposed to germs than masking in public. Of course, not everybody can isolate right now -- people still gotta work, gotta buy groceries, gotta use public transit, etc. -- so going out in a mask is a decent compromise.
On the other hand, if you know or strongly suspect you’ve been exposed, wearing a mask can help you avoid infecting others. (This is how masking became a norm in Asian countries long before the coronavirus pandemic.) Again, carriers really shouldn’t be venturing out of isolation at all, but if you can’t avoid it, masking up can minimize the danger you pose to others.
As of 4/3, the Centers for Disease Control recommends that everyone wear a mask when they leave the house.
Update 6/1: As states “re-open,” requirements for face coverings in public may be dropped, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop wearing one. Especially if you’re attending a protest (crowds, lots of chanting/yelling), a mask can still keep you safe.
Question: how well do cloth masks work?
The evidence on this is pretty meh. The US Centers for Disease Control has said, “Any mask is better than no mask,” but studies have shown that cloth masks are strictly inferior to single-use medical masks when it comes to preventing the wearer from getting sick. Some reasons why:
Cloth masks are often made from materials that don’t trap tiny particles as effectively.This video explains how single-use masks work, and why woven material doesn’t work as well as the non-woven polymers that are normally used for medical masks.
Cloth masks absorb and retain moisture more than single-use masks, which reduces their efficacy over time. A study from India found that cloth masks and single-use masks both lose efficacy after two continuous hours, and another study in Vietnam found a single cloth mask worn throughout an eight-hour shift actually performed worse than single-use masks, and possibly even worse than no mask at all.
Cloth masks, depending on their design, may not fit snugly or smoothly, resulting in gaps that permit unfiltered air through. A recent study from Northeastern University in Boston found that pulling a nylon stocking over your mask-- not your whole head, we’re not robbing banks -- could significantly improve the effectiveness of any cloth mask, and even single-use surgical masks, by keeping everything snug.
A wonky mask might also cause you to touch your face more trying to adjust it, resulting in contamination.
Wearers may not be cleaning cloth masks effectively between uses, or may be cross-contaminating their hands when removing a used mask. See “How do I wear a cloth mask?” below.
So a cloth mask is a last resort when isolation isn’t an option and single-use masks aren’t available. As of 6/1, the US is still facing shortages of single-us PPE thanks to mismanagement by the Trump administration, and as states “re-open” the demand for masks will start to increase again.
Question: If cloth masks aren’t effective, why bother with them?
Some healthcare facilities have asked for donations of cloth masks in order to stretch their supply of single-use masks because, as stated above, we’re running out of supplies. Some other orgs (from nursing homes to animal shelters to police forces) have been asking for mask donations to conserve single-use masks for healthcare workers. For most people going out in our daily lives, a reusable cloth mask is more cost-effective than running through boxes of disposables, especially if we’re also doing what we can to avoid high-risk acitivies.
Question: What’s the best material to make a mask out of?
Research by Davies et al (2013) compared several different materials for DIY masking. Two factors are in play: how well does the material trap germ-sized particles, and how well can the wearer breath while wearing it? For example, vacuum bags are great for filtering tiny particles, but turned out to be uncomfortable and difficult to breath through, while woven silk was very breathable but a poor filter. (Some 3D printed masks that are currently circulating could give you fatal CO2 poisoning.)
The Davies papers’ recommendations were cotton knits (like a medium-weight t-shirt) or tightly woven cotton cloth (like a high thread-count pillowcase). More layers isn’t necessarily better, but most patterns in circulation use at least two. Some also incorporate a filter of some kind, either removable or sewn into the mask.
Knit fabric is tricky to sew, especially if you’re a beginner, but the trade-off is that a mask made with knit can achieve a snugger fit. Woven cloth is easier to work with, but the resulting mask may require more tailoring to avoid gaps. If you have a choice, use plain, light-colored fabrics so it’s easier to see stains or wet spots. (Also, frankly, a mask sanitized with bleach regularly won’t retain color for long.) Some hospitals are recommending using two fabric colors if you can, to ensure you can tell the “inside” and “outside” apart easily, but if you don’t have that much fabric laying around, use what you got.
To secure the mask, narrow (1/8 - 1/2 inch) elastic bands are common, but these can pull hair/rub skin. Woven elastic in this size is also getting hard to source, and may contain latex, which is an allergy risk. Consider instead making ties from bias tape or twill tape; narrow strips of sewn fabric; a clean shoelace; or narrow grosgrain ribbon (the kind with ridges).
Some mask designs include a pocket for inserting a separate filter, which improves their protective power. Good ideas for a filter:
Quilt batting or interfacing (Fusible interfacing may help make knits more workable, at the cost of their stretch.)
Extra layers of cloth
shop towels made from microfiber or “hydro-knit” material
Bad ideas for filters include vaccuum bags (not breathable, may contain fiberglass) and cut-up N95 masks (why???). And if you’re making masks primarily for personal use on short trips out, you probably don’t need a filter anyway, though Mueller and Fernandez (2020) found that cotton masks with a filter + a nylon stocking over the top actually approached the protective power of a single-use mask.
Question: What pattern should I use?
If you’re making masks for donation, use whatever pattern is requested. If you’re making them for personal use, or for donation to an org that hasn’t given any guidance, here are some ideas:
New: The Clover Mask is a hybrid of several of the designs below, designed by the MakeMasks.Org Slack. Intermediate difficulty.
Erin’s Mask, based on a design developed by Dr. Chen Xiaoting of Taiwan. Erin tweaked the pattern and converted it to US measurements for those of us allergic to metric. This mask has a pocket for a filter and can be made with either elastic or a fabric tie to secure. Intermediate difficulty.
Cynthia’s Mask does not have a filter pocket and uses twill tape or ribbon for tie-backs. Probably the easiest on the list.
John Hopkins Medicine has also produced a mask pattern pretty much the same as Cynthia’s. So has Kaiser Permanente, which also made a helpful video if you’re not used to making pleats.
The Aries 2.0 Mask is being produced en masse by volunteers in St. Louis, which is where I’m based. It’s more complicated than Cynthia’s mask, and has a filter pocket like Erin’s mask, using curved pieces instead of pleats to achieve a good fit. Intermediate difficulty.
Some additional options, which have been less popular than the above:
The Turban Project Mask has been promoted by Deaconess Medical Center in Evansville, Indiana. It uses elastic and has no filter pocket. Just as easy as Cynthia’s mask, but the ear loop design may be less comfortable and some people have reported shortages of elastic.
The A.B. Mask is designed to be worn over an N95 mask, to extend its lifespan, or by itself. It uses cloth ties. It’s the most complex pattern to sew on this list, with darts and seam binding, but was designed by a nurse.
The Fu Mask from Freesewing uses curved pieces like the Aries mask, but has no filter pocket, which makes me a little more leery of the big center seam.
The Olson Mask has a filter pocket and uses regular hair ties for fasteners.
If you don’t sew at all, this mask can be folded from one sheet of cut cloth. A silky scarf might not be optimal material (see above re: material types) but a cotton bandana or a “fat quarter” of quilting cotton is almost the same size. If you’re using cut fabric, you could just tape or whipstitch the raw edges so it’ll survive the washing machine.
There are a ton of Facebook groups, Discords, etc. with suggestions on how to tweak these masks for best fit or greater comfort. One common hack is putting a length of pip cleaner or floral wire in the upper seam, to help the mask conform around the bridge of your nose. Be cautious when washing a mask with a built-in wire, because it might rust; the Aries 2.0 mask has a sleeve so the wire can be removed for cleaning.
Question: how should I wear/clean a cloth mask?
Depending on the mask, you might secure the mask behind your head or over your ears, either with elastic bands or cloth ties. Make sure you’re breathing primarily though the mask, and not around the sides, even when you turn your head or talk. (This might require some tweaking of your pattern.) This NYT piece has illustrations of how the mask should sit -- over your nose and under your chin, snug to your cheeks on both sides. If you can’t click through, @theexoticvet has posted the images here.
(Note: an N95 mask can’t make a tight seal over facial hair, but a cloth mask doesn’t seal even on a smooth face. So don’t fret about your beard making your cloth mask useless -- just make sure it’s pulled snug all the way around.)
Studies suggest a fabric mask is useful for two hours, max, or until your breath makes it noticeably damp. When you remove the mask, grasp it by the ties, loops or edges. Don’t touch the part that covers your nose or mouth, because that’s where germs have accumulated. If there’s a removable filter inside, wash your hands thoroughly after removing it, and then wash the mask.
Research shows the novel coronavirus can persist ~24 hours on a cardboard surface, but not necessarily how long it survives on/in cloth. Also, leaving a potentially contaminated mask laying around is probably not a good idea. So, to clean your mask:
Hand-wash with hot water and soap, at a minimum.
Boiling the mask for ~10 minutes should kill just about anything, but don’t just drop it in the pot and forget it -- you should keep stirring/agitating the water so it thoroughly penetrates all layers.
Add 1 T (15 ml) of bleach to 1 gallon (3.8 L) of cold water and soak your mask for 15-30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with hot water. Over-bleaching will degrade the fabric and make the mask less effective.
If you have access to a washing machine and/or a tumble dryer with a “sanitize” setting, use that. Otherwise use the hottest settings each one has.
If you have to air-dry your mask, make sure it’s completely dry before you use it again.
Question: How can I make masks to donate?
As of 6/1, mask donations are ramping down as the supply chain for both conventional PPE and reusable masks has stabilized. Most people and orgs can now buy reusable masks if they want them. On the other hand, some people can’t afford to buy a mask, so homeless shelters, food pantries and crisis nurseries may still be taking donations. Activist groups planning protests may also be looking for masks to distribute at their events.
Donations are being coordinated on a Make Masks Slack channel, at #MasksNOW, or at RosieSews.org. You can also text “masks” to ResistBot (50409) to find out how to help get PPE to healthcare workers who need it. Also try a Facebook search for “Million Mask Mayday” + your state, as the original Million Mask Mayday site was overwhelmed.
Check one of these spots or contact a local org BEFORE you sew a bunch of stuff, to ensure you’re matching their needs. Just dropping off a bunch of masks off randomly to a group that doesn’t even need them isn’t helping anybody.
If you initiate contact with a facility or org, ask them a) are they taking donations, and b) do they have specific needs regarding size, materials, or construction.
Also ask about whether the masks need to be sanitized before donation (use one of the methods above) and how donations should be delivered in light of social distancing recommendations.
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NPCS linked to eloise calloway.
met in first year st judes
he’s a charmer, talks a big game and can make himself larger than life even though he isn’t. the reality is he’s from very humble roots and was raised by his single mother.
most people assume he’s rich because he’s in massive debt to keep up with the lifestyle but he can’t stop himself.
obviously not the most powerful but EASILY the most popular guy on campus with both guys and girls; extroverted people person with a great sense of humour.
on the hockey and football team and most 1st and 2nd years crush on him. (he’s a fifth year)
he & el met in first year and started dating. she was the one to break it off when she discovered he was cheating on her with her then bestie. (nobody can really decide if it’s true or not)
his darker side came out when they broke up. he has a serious fixation on eloise to the point where it’s very possessive - hence why she doesn’t date too much.
they’re not fwb but there is def sexual chemistry from time to time.
another fifth year and eloise’s ex-best friend who allegedly slept with hunter. she didn’t, but she wanted to.
“always the bridesmaid, never the bride” actually sums her up. mila has a tendency to be overshadowed when it came to her and el; eloise was the rich, talented, feminine one. mila was just mila.
she originally joined st judes as a swimmer but made the switch to acting when she saw how much more attention girls in that sector got.
she crushed on hunter all through his and el’s relationship and actually liked him first, but never told anyone so el didn’t know.
rumours about mila and hunter started to circulate when a sex tape got leaked with two people who looked suspiciously like them. the truth was, mila WAS the girl but the guy wasn’t hunter. however, mila saw the opportunity and took it. she got to el first and told her it was her and hunter.
now hunter & eloise are broken up, mila thought she’d be in with a shot but it’s been two years and he’s barely looked her way which makes her jealousy even stronger given she can’t even call el a friend anymore.
definition of “looks like could kill you, is a cinnamon roll.” she just wants love, ok.
the younger brother of hunter and the one who actually slept with mila
max doesn’t have the charm of his older brother and is rougher around the edges. he doesn’t try to hide that he’s working class and tbh, hates that hunter tries to be something he isn’t.
he DOES try to earn money for his mother, however, and to do that he’s become somewhat of an entrepreneur around campus. he knows st judes kids love drama and pissing people off...so, he charges people to do their dirty work: - want someone to kiss someone else’s gf? £50 - need someone to start a fight? £25 - need a stand in boyfriend? £30
he’s polyamorous and is strongly against the idea of closed, one-on-one romance because he thinks it’s too much pressure.
he is VERY aloof and doesn’t get too close to anyone in order to maintain his business...if you think you have a bond with him, think again.
eloise’s step-brother. her mother’s step-son from her new relationship.
he was diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder at thirteen. his mother doesn’t really know how to deal with it and it puts a lot of his personal relationships under stress.
what people don’t realise is he was exposed to a lot of domestic abuse from a young age; his mother used to hit his dad relentlessly, throw things at him, verbally abuse him etc. jordan felt helpless and had a weird sense of “toxic masculinity” where he hated his dad for not standing up to her.
he is VERY distrusting of women and doesn’t get along too well with eloise’s mother but tolerates her given they live under the same roof.
he’s 23; just 4 years younger than eloise.
eloise’s step-sister. her mother had ingrid AFTER her relationship with gerald. (basically; el’s mum had el with gerald, ingrid with a new man and then married a third time to jordan’s dad)
ingrid could never understand why SHE couldn’t go to the calloway on weekends and do all of the glamorous things eloise was doing. when she got old enough to understand, it made her massively insecure. she felt like she always had to compete with the calloway sisters to get eloise’s attention.
she’s OBSESSED with fame. she’s a make-up artist but also owns a stan account under a secret alias and indulges in pop culture as much as humanly possible.
eloise doesn’t really want ingrid to have anything to do with the girls. not because she hates her or likes her less but because anthea JUST about tolerates eloise, she’d ruin ingrid.
ingrid can come off as desperate and a bit of a poser. she just has a massive inferiority complex and never feels good enough.
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DAY 4418
Jalsa , Mumbai Apr 11/12, 2020 Sat/Sun 10:00 AM
Birthday - EF - Ilana Segev .. April 12, Sunday .. love and wishes to you from the entire Ef and wishes for safety and precaution and protection .. love Ef ❤️🌹
So the fault lies in the Ef for once .. hehehaha .. they insisted I bed before midnight and sleep for 9 hrs .. which is why this is coming to you so late ..rested and ready for the day .. the breaka’ has arrived and before I am reprimanded for allowing it to get cold .. I must attention it ..
So the mittens are off .. I mean the grips are off and the face receptive ..🤣🤣

.. grips ? yes the grips for gym .. taken them off so I can type faster .. off there now to get the circulation going and to be able to repair the thigh strain .. the whats it called .. errrmm .. yaaa .. hamstrings .. the memory plays tricks .. had to go to Mr Google to get it right .. yes the ‘hamstrings they’ take a nap when seated for long so need to keep getting up rapidly every 20 mins ,walk about, or get onto the standing table to write ..
Okay so while all this was being conveyed to you lot .. breaka’ is almost over .. quick brief consumption .. the ‘tulsi patta’ , the probiotic dose , the protein drink the almonds, the porridge, the tablets , the coconut water , the ‘aanvalaa’ juice, (Myrrh it is called in the language of this post) , the fruit banana .. and at the gym, Dates from considerate Ef of the Arab world .. and bites of the apple in between machine changes .. and lots of water too .. and the odd ‘elixir of life’ to keep the spirits up .. bit of breathing ‘pranayaam’ at the yoga mat .. wind up .. put the tv screens off, get all the news , switch off the music .. the new sounds from Apple .. on with the mask and walking back to desk to make some sound .. YES .. make some more sounds with verse with messages with campaigns ..
.. and .. ok see ya ..
No no .. got to say some more .. this is amusing ..🤣🤣
The blindness bit has been taken rather seriously .. by all .. Ef and the national news too .. sorry about that .. got be careful what I write here or anywhere .. it goes to the national ticker tape and boom .. !! before long a whole lot of remedies start pouring in ..
FACT is .. I have been watching the TV series on NetFlix called ‘PEAKY BLINDERS’ .. seen it any one ..? pretty darn good .. well for some of the viewers .. violence and gang wars and politics of the 1914-15′s England .. very well shot and acted .. WARNING above 18+ for its content and language and visuals , but the screenplay and content of how a small gypsy family rose to great heights .. the name of the gang is called Peaky Blinders .. GOT IT ..
BLINDERS .. !!! blind , blindness, AB going blind .. et all ..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
That is what it all was ..
Love you all .. stay safe and stay indoors .. its going to be a long wait .. but we shall fight it and overcome ..
off to the monitoring of the food and ration deliveries to the poor now .. shall be back later ..
.. today distributing PPE .. those preventive equipments to those that are working outside , the police, the doctors and nurses, the society workers, cleaners, delivery guys etc... giving out 1000 suits .. to all .. and giving some to my security staff as well because they stand outside ..
whatever best can be done for them is still too little but we must persevere ..

Amitabh Bachchan
... and yes .. a very Happy Easter ..

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Title: Heatwave
Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo
Pairing(s): MeloGhia / GhiaMelo
Summary: To say that Ghiaccio hates the heat would be something of an understatement. He can’t stand it. Can’t exist in it.
Notes: I read that Ghiaccio having problems with/hating the heat is a bit of a fan favorite in terms of headcanons, and, since I am heat intolerant, I thought I'd inflict something called dysautonomia on him.
Dysautonomia basically means the autonomic nervous system (heartbeat, breathing, etc...) doesn't functioning correctly. And one type of dysautonomia is POTS, or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. This can cause an increase in heart rate, lowered blood pressure, orthostatic intolerance (difficulty with standing, which is usually caused by an abrupt drop of blood pressure and a significantly elevated heart rate), heat intolerance, etc...
To say that Ghiaccio hates the heat would be something of an understatement. He can’t stand it. Can’t exist in it. Because the heat hates him just as much. It builds under his skin, while his blood collects in all the wrong places, apparently he’s too weak against gravity for his body to continue to circulate properly.
Every attempt at moving brings about a response wherein his heart pounds away painfully in his chest. It’s an attempt, on its part, to try to correct the problem, but it’s really only making it worse. The inner chambers of his heart squeeze too hard, and the bounding of his pulse can be felt through his clothes-- not that he’s wearing much more than a tank top and a pair of boxers at this point.
He’s tried to use White Album to keep the worst of it at bay, but he’s running out of energy. Partly because this particular wave of too-hot days has stretched on for nearly a week, and partly because his body is exhausting itself in its effort to recapture homeostasis.
Nausea bubbles up on his guts for the umpteenth time; a sure sign that all the blood in his body is being shunted away from anything deemed non-vital. He hasn’t eaten much of anything in days simply to avoid the repercussions of an underactive digestive system, and that certainly isn’t helping.
He knows he isn’t drinking enough water, either. Knows that it’s vital for someone like him, but he can’t bring himself to care when he’s splayed out on the cold floor of his bedroom with limbs spread in every direction. Every time the floor warms, he simply scoots to a new spot or rolls himself over until it becomes necessary to repeat the process all over again.
Being on the floor has the added bonus of reducing the amount of energy that goes into his body fighting gravity. If he were to try to stand right now, the dizziness would hit him so severely that he might not be able to catch himself before blacking out. All of his blood would rush down into his legs, and his brain would momentarily blip out on him. The last thing he needs is a concussion.
He’s too caught in his own thoughts to notice someone popping the door open (it should be locked anyways, but when has that ever stopped anyone in this godforsaken house?)
“Ah,” Melone says when he looks into the room and sets his eyes on Ghiaccio. He makes his way over to the sprawled man and peers down at him through a curtain of lavender hair, “Body being a bitch today?”
“You’re being a bitch today,” Ghiaccio snaps back, but there’s no heat to it.
“Aw,” Melone juts out his lower lip, “Now is that any way to talk to the one that brought you presents?”
“I don’t give a fuck, Mel, go away,” the nickname is the only thing that betrays his attempt at sound pissed. He isn’t really. Not at Melone, but he’s miserable and sick to his stomach and overheated and kind of over the whole living thing.
Melone pretends to consider the request-- it’s not one-- before grinning, “No. Don’t think so. Up with you! Wait, no. Don’t move.” He disappears out the door, though only just outside of it. He comes back a few seconds later with a massive duffel bag that only makes Ghiaccio groan. He has no idea what Melone is up to, but he can tell when Melone’s scheming, and that doesn’t always bode well for Ghiaccio.
Without asking, Melone settles down next to Ghiaccio on the floor, right in his next cold spot, and that gets Melone a glare that he, of course, ignores. “Relax, the internet said this’ll help.”
“The internet says all kinds of bullshit,” Ghiaccio mumbles with a roll of his eyes, but there’s no stopping Melone now.
At least not until he pulls a needle, and Ghiaccio suddenly finds the energy (adrenaline) to quickly sit up in an attempt to escape. His vision rapidly fades out, and it’s only Melone’s hands that stop him from hitting the ground.
“Have a little faith, Ghia!” Melone whines, but he’s still grinning.
“Whatever,” now Ghiaccio is losing patience with the man.
“The science is sound! You’re low on blood volume, and I’ve got a pretty easy fix for that. Plus some ice packs,” Melone resumes digging into the bag and pulls out several, soft freezer packs. Ghiaccio takes them with a little more eagerness than he means to let on, but Melone only smiles in response. A softer, more genuine thing that makes Ghiaccio’s heart flutter for an entirely different reason.
“How are you going to ‘fix’ my blood volume?”
“You’ll see,” Melone answers, earning himself a roll of the eyes from Ghiaccio.
It takes Melone awhile to set up whatever he’s doing, and Ghiaccio gives up figuring it out only a few minutes in. He’s gathered that it has to do with some sort of injection. Possibly more than one, given the tourniquet, but he doesn’t know enough about medical supplies to put any of the other pieces together. Instead, he closes his eyes and tries to focus on the feeling of the freezing sensation against his skin from where he’s stuck the packs against his stomach and legs. It’s both a relief and a comfort. Cold is an old, reliable friend and his only solace in times like these.
Eventually, Melone breaks him out of his daze to ask, “Ready?”
Melone wraps the tourniquet around Ghiaccio’s upper arm as he speaks, and Ghiaccio simply shrugs with his other shoulder. He doesn’t think he actually has much say in this. When Melone sets his mind to something, he’s going to follow it through, and that goes double for medical experiments. It’s not the first time Ghiaccio is on the receiving end, and he has to admit that it hasn’t ever gone too horribly for him in the past.
“Okay,” Melone grabs the needle again. He pops the cap off and holds it up to his good eye for a moment before he lowers it toward Ghiaccio’s elbow. “On three. One, two-”
“OW! Fuck you!”
“Three,” Melone smiles at him with a feigned sweetness, like he doesn’t know why Ghiaccio might want to pull the needle right back out of his arm and stick it between Melone’s eyes.
Melone doesn’t pay him the slightest bit of attention as he slides the needle out and leaves behind a small catheter. He screws something into the end of it and slaps tape over it. It’s then that Ghiaccio notices the bag of fluids already hung up on the nearest surface, which just happens to be his dresser.
“There,” Melone says when he finishes setting up everything to his liking, “That should do it.” He taps the bag with his pointer finger, “Saline. An easy and safe way to up your volume.”
Ghiaccio doesn’t particularly like the implication that there’s an unsafe way.
“Well, mostly. Technically this isn’t the most sterile environment, so you could get an infection, but I’ve done worse on the kitchen table on Pesci’s day to do dishes, sooo.” And there it is.
“Please stop talking,” Ghiaccio says with a groan and tries to push away the anxiety that’s building at the mere thought of sepsis.
“Aww, have a little faith. You’ll be fine, and this should make you feel a lot better. For at least a day or two, and maybe the heatwave will finally go away,” Melone beams at him before he starts to clean up his mess. He gathers it all up in a trash bag he must have brought with him, though that doesn’t exactly answer why the duffel bag is so large.
“What else do you have in there?” Ghiaccio asks against his better judgement. He still isn’t so sure about this saline thing, but his curiosity has always been a bit of a problem.
“Oh, more fluids, in case you need them, and some uh- well, let’s just say a snack for our resident pseudo-vampire. It has to stay cold until it’s… used, so I’ve got it in a cooler.”
Ghiaccio hums and as he processes the words. Seems he isn’t the only one suffering through the heat, though he has a feeling Risotto’s situation is more of a repercussion from his most recent hit. Then again, maybe the heat is getting to the man. It’s not often that Risotto’s left in a bad enough state where he needs Melone’s help. He usually has Prosciutto for that.
“I’m going to go take care of that, actually. You should be fine here for a bit. That bag will finish in about forty-five minutes, so just stay put,” Melone says like Ghiaccio has any intention of going anywhere, regardless of the ice and saline. He stands with the bag slung over his shoulder and glances between the door and Ghiaccio, obviously not wanting to leave, but knowing that he’s needed elsewhere.
“Go take care of Ris,” Ghiaccio mumbles in lieu of a thanks. He’ll repay Melone for his efforts later. When he’s feeling more human.
“Yes, sir!”
Ghiaccio groans and rolls his eyes, “Get the fuck out.”
Melone laughs and dashes for the door before Ghiaccio can hurtle a pointed chunk of ice directly at his head.
It’s barely twenty minutes-- and only half a bag later-- when Ghiaccio finds himself able to sit up without the world spinning.
“Huh,” is all he can say into the empty room. Leave it to Melone.
#meloghia#ghiamelo#ghiaccio#melone#jjba#jojo's bizarre adventure#vento aureo#golden wind#blitzwrites#blitz
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Quarantine rock, pt. III

Another long overdue update from the indoors. Hope you and yours are hanging in there - if nothing else, there’s no shortage of great music to keep you company. Here’s my take on some recent favorites.
C. Lavender, Myth of Equilibrium (Editions Mego)
Admittedly had not heard of C. Lavender until her collaborative cassette with Aaron Dilloway dropped earlier this year, but it’s safe to say that the tape was strong enough to blindly buy her new LP on Editions Mego. Myth of Equilibrium has been one of the best surprises from this year, drone at its core but opening up to something much more soothing over repeated listens, despite the jagged edges and tendency to embrace caustic noise. It came as no surprise to find out that C. Lavender embraces sound as a healing medium, as Myth of Equilibrium takes a deep, buzzing bass tone and twists and stretches it until individual packets of sound are weightless and ethereal. “Remedy Potion Extraction” is the most obvious example of this dark-to-light transformation C. Lavender excels at, but mostly the tracks present a satisfying puree of sound over shorter durations (”Engulf the Mystery,” “Dimly Lit Exit”). The brevity is a strength, and in that way C. Lavender reminds me of French duo Femme or even some of Tim Hecker’s work, but without the startling track-to-track transitions of the former or the diaphanous shroud of the latter. The bass keeps Myth of Equilibrium tangible and firmly grounded, and the rest of the sounds conjured by C. Lavender weave a very heady, very rich tapestry. The best respite from 2020 money can buy; soak it in. The LP is sold out from Editions Mego but those in the US can order it direct from C. Lavender for a very fair price.
Kobra, Confusione (Iron Lung)
Alright, I’m admittedly not a huge fan of the cover art for this record, but it’s an easy enough barrier to jump over when the music rips this hard. Kobra is from Italy, and they traffic in a mid-paced, pounding strain of punk that is right up my alley. Sounds like Una Bèstia Incontrolable meets Mecht Mensch to these ears: like the title track, which starts out like “Zombie” and then flips into a UBI-level groove, sax bleating and moaning on top of it all. This is punk through and through, the blown-out drums always there to remind you that this is presented by Iron Lung Records, but there’s a definite early post-punk/art-rock vibe present, too - check the groggy “Fogna” that opens up side B, which kinda sounds like Kobra doing their best impression of the Circle Jerks in Repo Man. The guitars don’t riff as much as they slash and chop, fragmented stabs landing among the onslaught of drums. The vocalist uses a menacing speak-scream (most effectively on ”Sogni Illusioni” and closer “C.P.D.M.”), and if I could speak or read Italian, I’m sure the lyrics would be intelligible amongst the din. Confusione is loaded with hits, but when the band clicks and all the parts come together, Kobra whips up a maelstrom; hard to deny the power of “Dentro Agli Schermi” (my favorite track) or “C.P.D.M.,” and though both of those tracks feature the saxophone, I’m glad the band wields that weapon sparingly for maximum effect. One of the most memorable and exciting punk releases of 2020, for sure, a formidable, brawny brew that’ll flex your pencil neck and have you involuntarily pogoing in no time. Highest recommendation! Confusione is sold out direct from Iron Lung, but Sorry State, Feel It, Grave Mistake, etc. all have it in stock.
Oily Boys, Cro Memory Grin (Cool Death)
The best musical news this year, hands-down: NEW OILY BOYS. Not only was an Oily Boys LP drop completely unexpected, I am completely steamrolled by this record every single time I drop the needle, from the opening “UGH!” on “Given” to the nearly nine minutes of caustic self-loathing on “GTrance.” There’s a definite metallic edge to the way Oily Boys approach punk, from the riffing to Drew Bennett’s brutally intense vocal performance, but while most punkers approach metal as a gimmick and end up sounding pretty tame, Oily Boys just sound absolutely mad - the 1-2 of “C.B.D.” into “My Sex Life,” especially the wild guitar theatrics on the latter, carry an intense, teeth-clenching physicality. If that was all Oily Boys did on this LP, it’d be a success, but the band throws curveballs and mid-tempo fits across Cro Memory Grin’s 13 tracks. “Heat Harmony” was the most jarring inclusion at first, relatively tuneful dark punk that could’ve been lifted from drummer Yuta Matsumura’s other band Orion. It definitely works, and the slightly softened approach of the band thankfully has no effect on Drew Bennett’s vocals. “Lizard Scheme” is another detour, swelling noise and Bennett’s barking (”Stupid is as stupid does, jazz boy!” is a choice lyric), reminiscent of Gutter Gods’ dizzying “Allan.” Probably the two most pummeling tracks here slow the tempos significantly and close out each side: “Stick Him,” my favorite track, and “GTrance,” the exhaustive closer. “Stick Him” is absolutely ferocious, the band emphasizing the quiet-loud dynamic with saxophone, the loud parts lurching into place like heavy machinery turning on, Bennett screaming the title with a violent ferocity. Where “Stick Him” is feral, the screed unleashed on “GTrance” by Bennett feels therapeutic, expelling every bit of toxic bile into the song without a break, and even if there is no resolution, the end result is a momentary peace, the same kind afforded by pushing to the full extent of one’s mental or physical abilities. That kinda seems like the point of Oily Boys, from the self-effacing name to the poisonous lyrical content to the absolutely ferocious performance: know your enemies, push back against the lowering boot of the world, fuck the rest. 2020′s best punk record, no contest, and maybe even the best record/soundtrack to the perfect storm of this year. Sick artwork/inserts on this LP, a nice job as usual from Cool Death. Cro Memory Grin is still available direct from them, and Goner still has it domestically.
Subdued, Over the Hills and Far Away (Roachleg)
With last year’s Bad Breeding LP still fresh and prescient as ever, and the political climate seemingly spiraling into reality TV while people mercilessly struggle and suffer all over, it seemed like scoping this new LP from the UK’s Subdued was more than appropriate. It’s reductive and maybe a little offensive to mention UK compatriots Bad Breeding in the first line of this review, but the similarities are hard to ignore: both bands create fiery politically-charged punk that flirts with metal and noise, delivered in screamed vocals with a heavy British accent. Subdued don’t fly off the rails as much as Bad Breeding; there’s more of a Crass/Rudimentary Peni vibe, with the emphasis on vocal delivery and riffs rather than conjuring a visceral tornado of noise. Sometimes the riffs can be a little clunky (particularly the end of “The Joke,” even though “Is hope the joke?” is a pretty powerful lyric), and for how much room the vocals are given, the lyrics can tread into oft-used clichés. Doesn’t make the message any less true, and I think the longer I spend with Over the Hills and Far Away, the more I come under its spell. “Problem of Evil” is probably the best song here, a near-perfect blend of deathrock, stomping riffs and barked vocals, and when it turns into the sprint of “No More,” Subdued are an undeniable force. Not sure if it just takes me until those two songs to warm up to Over the Hills, but the B-side of the LP seems to be more memorable - like the world-beating metallic riffs of the title track, or the frenetic guitar solo that finishes off “Call to Suffer.” There’s more than enough at play on Over the Hills to keep me coming back, and overall it’s a strong debut LP, and a great reason to check in with what Roachleg Records is bringing to the US punk scene. Cop the LP direct from Roachleg, and if you’re lucky you might have a chance at one of the limited-to-100 hand-screened covers. La Vida Es Un Mus put out the LP for the rest of the world, another solid co-sign for Subdued.
Aviador Dro, Nuclear, Sí 7″ (La Vida Es Un Mus) // Algara, Enamorados Del Control Total 7″ (La Vida Es Un Mus)
I don’t think these two 7″s have much in common other than the fact that they’re both put out by La Vida Es Un Mus, they’re both sung in Spanish and they’ve both been ruling my turntable this year. The Aviador Dro record is a reissue, one that came out last year, and it’s a gem: sci-fi keyboard punk from the '80s, the titular track one of the best songs I’ve ever heard, a slinking, funky beat driving the song into your brain forevermore. The B-side feels more edgy than the A-side but it’s all undeniably great; Paco did us all a favor by repressing this record, and continuing to keep it in print. Fast forward to 2020 for Algara’s 7″, their debut, which came out way back in pre-pandemic January. The cover art caught my eye, and the spindly, groovy drum-machine post-punk within is immediately addictive. The label says Crisis and Joy Division are in Algara’s musical DNA, and that sounds about right; the sound is spare, you can kinda dance to it, the bass lines carry the weight and the wiry guitars smear into each other (”Miedo a Perder”) or stitch single golden threads into the tapestry (”Dopamina y Producción”). Algara’s a 4-piece now, and they’ve got an LP coming soon on LVEUM, so 2021′s lookin’ bright. Both 7″s are mandatory, widely available from distros and direct from La Vida Es Un Mus. Scope the feature that Lulu’s wrote on Algara while you’re at it.
Saskia, Eeuwig Op Reis 7″ (Stroom)
The record collector sweat starts when you read about a 7″ reissued from a “highly intimate cassette” limited to ten or so copies in 1983, circulated only amongst friends and family. My eyes typically roll at such uncovered “gems” or whatever, but these two songs definitely deserve a wider audience. “My Lips Get Hot” splits the difference between the foggy late night atmosphere conjured by Chromatics and a breezy Balearic vibe, topped by sensual, high-pitched vocals that really drive the whole woozy, lovesick message home. The flip has the instrumental “You Left Your Soul Behind,” wherein said Balearic vibe is now at the forefront. It’s a strong track on its own, but kinda just serves as the comedown from “My Lips Get Hot” in this presentation. Stroom continues to unearth overlooked records with unnerving ease, and this Saskia 7″ might be the one that makes the label a more common name. One copy of this record is left at Stroom’s Bandcamp as of this writing - move quick.
Glen Schenau, “Jhumble” b/w “Jearnest” (self-released)
Glen Schenau is at the forefront of Brisbane’s experimental musical scene; he’s done time in Kitchen’s Floor, Bent and has even self-released a few things under his own name. The solo stuff I’ve checked by him was restless, frantic guitar and bass lines seemingly swimming against the current of his Bryan Ferry crooning. While there’s no denying that it was singular, it never really coalesced for me in the same way that this new 7″ does. That same restlessness is still at play here, obvious from the beginning strumming of “Jhumble,” and Schenau seems to still relish the vocal stylings of Ferry, though his vocals also remind me of some of the alterna-rock radio I was subjected to while working in a warehouse during summers between school. Normally that sort of vocal homage would send me running to the hills, but it really works here: the busy guitar line and the drums lock into an undeniable groove on “Jhumble,” and whatever Glen is singing, the melody is stuck in my head for days. “Jearnest” is my pick, the more difficult foil to “Jhumble”’s pop leanings. The sprightly guitar at the beginning is submerged into this rubbery goo, which eventually takes over the song while a whistle floats in to carry a melody over the tarry pit. Can’t say I’ve ever heard anything like it, but it doesn’t just float along on that claim; this is a highly potent brew served up on both sides of this single. Glen self-released this record and it’s limited to 150 copies; mine came with a hand-written note and drawing, which was a nice touch. High marks all around. I’ve got to echo Matt K.’s sentiments when he reviewed this record: “Seems like every Australian band gets their own album without much delay, so I have to ask: where the hell is Glen Schenau’s?!”
#C. Lavender#Kobra#Oily Boys#Subdued#Aviador Dro#Algara#Saskia#Glen Schenau#Editions Mego#Iron Lung Records#Cool Death Records#La Vida Es Un Mus#Roachleg#Stroom
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