#kaz creates
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cracked-crown · 11 months ago
I haven’t been religious, Not in a very long time. But you always were.
Part of me hopes that you've been right. And now you’re up there, Dancing with the stars.
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luckylolabug · 5 months ago
Pt. 4 of ???? of that stupid "if the Crows had Twitter" thing from AGES ago that I haven't added to so. Here. Have a Wylan centric edition. <3 Also updated some PFPs so.
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lilyflower52 · 3 months ago
The crows in an orchestra!!
I play cello, and it only made sense to combine my greatest loves.
Jesper: Jesper is a bass. Most of the basses I've met have had a kind of obnoxious energy. They are nice but incredibly annoying. It feels right for Jesper. He was also the easiest to come up with. He's licked his rosin before because he wanted to see how it tasted.
Wylan: He's a violinist and an overachiever. He learns the music perfectly and upstages everyone. He always gets first chair. He practices 30 hours a day.
Inej: She's a viola! They usually aren't seen as the most important but the second they mess up it throws everyone off. Think what could have happened in th ice court heist if Inej didn't make it up that incinerator. She could never mess up, she's too perfect.
Nina: CELLIST. She's big and loud and way too much- which is exactly what most cellos are, in music at least. Someone called her instrument a guitar once and she threatened to bash them in the head with it. She's always salty that she doesn't get the melody (me too 😭)
Kaz: He plays both Violin and Cello. He takes ridiculously good care of his instruments. Once someone tried to grab his bow without asking and he stabbed them. He plays cello very aggressively, and he is a fan of deep, dramatic melodies. I can picture him playing winter by Vivaldi.
Mattias: He's the only one I couldn't see being an orchestra kid. I think he joined Choir. Nina despises him for this decision, but all of the choir kids are just happy to have someone with a deep voice.
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bitchthefuck1 · 2 years ago
I feel like people sometimes have a tendency to paint Inej as a little too wide-eyed and borderline naive and I feel like that's such a misread and disservice to her character, because her faith and hope for a better future isn't some misguided assumption that everything will be okay or that the world isn't so bad. She knows exactly how bad things can be and exactly what kind of evil people are capable of, and she's saying "fuck you, you can take my autonomy and my childhood and maybe I'll never see my family or home again, but I will literally die before I let make me think that the shit I've been through is all there is. The beauty and love I experienced was real and valuable and nothing you do or say will make me let go of that or believe it's not possible for me to have again," and it is genuinely the most incredible and real thing in those books.
Inej has fought tooth and nail for every ounce of goodness she has and she'll keep wringing it out of the world because those things are real and possible no matter what, and there's nothing naive about it.
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barrel-crow-n · 11 months ago
Obviously, we know that Inej knows Kaz best but really, even she doesn't know him - or at least, doesn't understand many parts to him.
"He just lets go" about a boy who has never let anything go. Who, since he was nine years old, has been unhealthily obsessed with Pekka and taking him down. Who was still obsessed with this revenge eight years later. Who hears his dead brother's voice in his head - cruelly egging him on on this maddened quest for vengeance. Who remembered every single last detail of the Hertzoon con; who killed eveyone involved.
People criticise this line, and rightfully because it's plain wrong, but it goes to show how isolated Kaz is and that even with the person he trusts most, he still holds many cards close to his chest. He still hasn't shed his armour completely - not even with Inej.
Inej also doesn't understand Kaz's language. She knows the signals he has established with her for moves and attacks but, funnily enough, it's only ever Matthias that truly reads Kaz (understanding his micro expressions and how he cares about Inej). She understands that she is trusted because he takes off his gloves - but even then doesn't seem to understand the extent; Kaz strips in front of her, as a show of trust - that he's willing to expose himself to her, but she doesn't understand that this is what he is trying to convey. I highly doubt this is a way of wooing Inej. At least, that that was the main reason. He was being vulnerable with her, showing his underbelly.
Kaz cannot say he cares, but he also can't seem to show it either - not in a conventional way, anyway. He carries Inej to the Ferolind despite it causing him pain, he yanks out the eye of the man who stabbed her. He says "I protect my investments." And that sounds completely dickish, but Kaz doesn't show appreciation. Ever. Inej doesn't understand that "I protect my investments" means "I want to look after you because you mean a lot to me" because that's what it means!!! In Kaz's language. "Protect" -> Look after, take care of, defend. "Investments" -> Very important to him, more valuable over time (liking her more and more as times goes on). "I protect my investments" isn't the stupid, asshole line Nina and a lot of people read it as. It's Kaz's kinda mean, not betraying how much it means to him, round about way of showing he cares. He won't say it outright because living in the Barrel has taught him that that is dangerous.
This is shown again when he says "I would come for you. And if I couldn't walk I'd crawl to you. And no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out, knives drawn, pistols blazing, because that's what we do, we never stop fighting." He can't say a simple "I care about you." but he can say all that. Why? Because he ties his care to violence. Protection. Causing harm to defend Inej. (Strooooong dog motifs for Kaz btw - the people of the Barrel were spot on with the rabid dog nickname)
And it links to how all the characters are always saying "ohh he's so mysterious, I don't know anything about him, where he came from, or what his motives are" when Kaz is literally openly saying everything.
He doesn't not speak of his trauma or his feelings! He talks about them all the time! He just isnt straightforward.
"Barrel boys don't have parents, they're born in the harbours and crawl out of the canals."
"My mother is Ketterdam, she birthed me in the harbour."
He's literally talking about being "dead" (thrown on the Reaper's Barge), how that affected him (traumatised him so bad he feels like he is no longer the same boy, that he was reborn as something else - a monster), about having to crawl out of the harbour, wet and weak from fever. He openly admits he's an orphan. He talks about it! Just in a cryptic way. A way no one understands.
It's like he's crying out, with people not far, but no one hears him. Like he's still on the Barge, making a futile attempt to cry out "I'm still alive." The Barge still has that hold on him. It's a manifestation of the trauma. It's the same way the flashbacks taking him back to that miserable night. A prison that he can't seem to ever be free from.
When he tells Inej "Tell Jesper he's missed around the Slat." he's doing it again, just more blatantly and more obvious, so that she picks up on it this time. He's showing her his language! Telling her to read into what he is saying! He's saying that he misses Jesper in his detached, cryptic way.
And this is so important with everything Kaz says. Reading between the lines - that's how you start to understand him. We get a cheat sheet by seeing his internal thoughts, but his dramatic talk is the olive branch for outsiders.
When Inej is asking him to open up, she isn't asking that he should share his problems and vulnerabilities like she believes she is saying. She's asking him to be more direct. And that's the difficult part for Kaz.
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suuho · 4 months ago
by the way, i think it is a wonderful thing to be a fan of something, to admire different kinds of art and artists, and i do think that it is a fundamentally human characteristic that connects people, and changes them for the better. the idea that someone has created something that resonates with you, and that you get to love and cherish and engage with, is at the core of humanity, and community, and human-kind, and brings us all together. it is a necessity to live, even, and i think that is a beautiful thing.
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lunarthecorvus · 10 months ago
I've realised that I don't post about my love for the Dregs side characters. So here is my rankings of them
Anika (I love her so much, she's just amazing and could definitely easily beat me (she is very muscly in my mind), definitely has multiple weapon on her at all time, to me she favours brass knuckles).
Specht (He's sweetheart and is just a teddy bear but is also rough because he's part of a gang obviously ajsh, he cares for Kaz and Inej especially Inej).
Pim (In my mind, he's so in love with Anika. He looks like he's scary and could kill you (he definitely could), but he can be a softie)
Rotty (he is close friends with Pim and is a typical barrel gang member, good (explicit) sense of humour).
Keeg (I don't see him much in fics, so I don't have a formed opinion of him, but I see him as nice).
Reoder (I think I read a fic with him where he was not a great person, so he fell down in my rankings from the start. His vibe can be nice sometimes).
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eatmarcus · 8 months ago
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good enough
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brb thinking about movies and music that kazzy kaz would like
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lesbiansanemi · 10 months ago
Fetch me the “girl help! I’m having creation ideas above my skill level” post
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fishparasite · 11 months ago
i've been saying shit like "next time ill try to improve my time management skills" since i was about eight years old maybe we should all just accept that i cannot manage my time well and this is something i simply cannot improve. i'm still gonna keep on writing it in reflections though
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cracked-crown · 11 months ago
You made my father A better man.
And without you...
I don’t know how To fill those shoes.
But then again? I’m not even certain That you’d want me to.
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kazutoes · 1 year ago
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the social network fanart in 2024? more likely than you think
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readwithlivvy · 2 years ago
the shadow and bone show is pure fan service and i am LIVING for it
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barrel-crow-n · 11 months ago
When it comes to loving your brother, the scale starts with Kaz and ends in Azula.
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pangirl-fangirl · 2 years ago
I Can See You (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault) is so Kanej coded
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