#karen chung
magsmapsmtl · 1 year
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Set fire to the rain
The Arts & The Craft | May 11, 2018 | Karen Chung • HYRE • Bea Di Vinci • Har Leen
It’s Asian Pacific American Heritage Month! At least it is in the US… BECAUSE THAT’S WHERE I AM BUT LET’S NOT TALK ABOUT IT.
You can take the girl out of MTL but you can’t take the MTL out of the girl. As some of you might know, I am a co-founder and co-curator of the new Lux Magna festival, which had its inaugural edition this past January (and we’re already excited for the next one!). As an artist, curating was a dream, because not only do I have the quantity of artist friends to choose from, but I had the quality and diversity to match. Here are some of the standout performances you missed at Lux Magna:
Karen Chung, a shy book lover with a soulful voice and her sweet ukulele (she can sing in 2 languages, and her songs vary from heartbreak to dairy products. Also her songs are certified BOPS and I need an album now!
HYRE, a friend-shaped rock-ballad bean who also works for Rock Camp for Girls and Gender Non-Conforming Youth. (They premiered an unnamed song on live radio and I was the one to baptize it, huehuehue)
Bea di Vinci, a.k.a. Renaissance Bae, a multimedia artist, poet, as well as activist, who has risen in the ranks in hip-hop battles, as well as the organized Rap Battles for Social Justice (recently having been honorably mentioned in Cult MTL’s Best of 2018 reader’s poll.)
Har Leen, a spoken word artist who actually made her festival debut at Lux Magna, but is always up to something in the community as an educator as well as contributor to the South Asian Women’s Community Centre. (She’s fun at parties. I’m not being quippy, I literally met her at my good friend’s wholesome birthday party.)
This month, do yourself a favor and honor the Asian women and queer folk in your life, especially the artists. As demonstrated by Hua Li climbing the ranks in the MTL hip-hop scene, they’ve got the fire to warm– and to burn. Careful which side you end up on 😉
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permanentlyblueforyou · 6 months
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briefcasejuice · 2 years
𝐢𝐢. daredevil headcanons!
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a giant list of comic, live action, etc. daredevil headcanons i've been growing in a twitter thread since late august. > part 𝐢. | masterlist
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matt's the kind of person that speaks through their yawns; like he’d be mid-sentence and yawn, he doesn't wait for it to be over till he starts talking again.
matt has auditory hallucinations of his dad's voice when he's sleep deprived and his dad's is the only face he dreams about.
matt texts with full punctuation proper caps and everything, foggy texts with full punctuation but uses a lot of shortenings and emojis, karen doesn't have auto capitalization on but uses full punctuations and cute emojis; she’s a white heart user.
matt soothes a hand over his beard (or chin if he’s going clean shaven) when he's thinking (the way charlie cox does in interviews).
foggy played the acoustic guitar in college (to get girls of course).
foggy has one those dad phone cases with the flap that goes over the screen. matt would've gotten one but it's annoying to handle as a blind person.
matt talks in his sleep; sometimes it's cases he's working on, sometimes it's random phrases like, “gotta keep you safe”, “he's behind there” and other times it's just stupid stuff related to whatever dream he’s having.
every time matt's ‘dead’ or missing, foggy quotes thurgood marshall to himself whenever he misses him, is in a situation where he would usually ask matt for advice or just needs a little support.
matt picks up a lot of foggy's speech patterns and doesn't even notice it (autism).
even though matt wears his glasses a lot, if you've known him long enough you can tell he'd been crying because his nose goes temporarily red for a day after he has a really good cry.
foggy has an extensive dad joke notebook. matt actually learned to read ink with his fingers by stealing jokes from the book.
matt used to hang out with an older stray cat when he was younger, before he was blinded and after he was blinded, for every cat he met, he pictured them as that childhood cat.
matt takes whatever foggy hands him almost on instinct and it’s lead to some really funny scenarios like matt holding all of foggy's belonging in his arms in the middle of a colombia courtyard because foggy can't find something in his bag. he also gets this ultra serious look on his face whenever he takes the items like foggy's trusting him with the world.
matt's definitely the type of guy to stand in the living room listening to news on the television for 40 mins — dad style.
matt, foggy and kirsten listen to abba; they’re huge fans.
matt is a certified dark chocolate guy, karen is a milk chocolate gal, foggy will have any kind.
you tell mike and matt apart by which one has smile lines around his eyes.
the reason matt keeps changing the shape of his glasses is because he keeps losing them. whether it be around the city or just random shenanigans of putting it down and forgetting about it.
mike says, “matt jumpscare” whenever matt enters a room he's in.
before stick found matt, mike taught him how to do spinning tricks with his cane. after stick found him, matt became super good at it and taught mike some new tricks. mike noticed the sudden uptake in skill but didn't comment on it cause matt was already good at everything plus at least he was learning cool new stuff out of it.
matt hates lollipops; it's just sucking on your own saliva to him and he doesn't want to be tasting himself (in this context).
both matt and mike have really distinct laughs; matt's is very sudden, enunciated and his head gets thrown back while mike's is like a snort-giggle before he full of laughs and he bites his lip on a smile at the end of it.
sam's workplace once handed out father's day mugs but he doesn't... y’know so he passed it onto matt. matt didn't know it said ‘happy father's day! best dad ever!’ until mike used it. matt had gotten upset because it's his favourite mug and mike was like, “matt, what the fuck, why's your favourite mug the father's day mug?” and matt goes, “the what mug?”
definitely unrelated but after that, matt started buying things for sam which sam thought was really random but it was usually just items matt came across in stores that reminded him of sam.
both matt and mike mimic/mock people with a whiny voice to make fun of them. foggy hates it ‘cause they do it to him (affectionately) the most.
matt uses mike and (or) foggy as sensory anchors.
mike used to be so annoyed at having to 'drag his brother around' after matt was blinded but soon, he got used to it and was really jealous when matt started gravitating towards foggy and trusting foggy to lead him.
matt dreams about mike sometimes which can get really funny because even as adults, mike still has the same 9 year old face in his dreams.
mike got pretty good as acting for matt early on because they'd switch places a lot; it only got more complicated when matt was blinded and suddenly they had to worry about a lot of things only matt could or would need to do. in soule's run mike (spawns) begins existing with an identical pair of matt's glasses — i like to think it's a product of that. matt buys two lots of pairs of the same glasses for a multitude of reasons but one of them's always set apart for mike, not just only in case he needs to act as him but also because they actually take a weird sort of pride in being twins.
matt and foggy would go to ihop in their pjs after doing unintentional all nighters in college.
foggy’s tackled matt into a hug while he had an injury multiple times before and it hurt but matt dare not say it did ‘cause foggy’ll feel bad then order him to stay home.
matt has a slight lisp.
matt and karen like dark chocolate, foggy likes milk and dark (in that order) but will eat whatever's there.
foggy used to say 'dude' a lot when he was younger; brett and matt still make fun of him for it.
karen goes as rapunzel for halloween every year.
matt obviously didn't know they were getting the nelson and murdock sign in 1.09 so: foggy and karen would whisper in foggy's office about ordering it and where to hide it once it gets here etc., matt knew of course he just couldn't let them know he knew because it would ruin the surprise for them.
emergency ice packs (& other medical supplies, lollipops included) in the office.
foggy mimic/mocks people with a whiny voice to make fun of them.
buying silk sheets was one of those 'when i get my first paycheck!' type promises for matt until he met stick who drilled it into his head that he didn't need nor deserve that kind of comfort and he went for a futon (canon). after elektra, when he started forcibly growing older because of the trauma their relationship left behind and the corrupted closure of his father's death he started dreaming like that again and did indeed buy silk sheets with his first paycheck from landman and zack; granted, it was most of his paycheck.
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gloombeauty · 4 months
Why did The Vampire's Wife go under?
Because the dresses were too expenses.
It's as simple as that.
Who has $2,000 to spend on one dress? Not to mention, every single rich celebrity wore The Vampire's Wife dresses. You would think with all the famous people wearing these dresses, the line was doing great. Not so.
Another issue was the sizes. For years it only went up to a size 14, when the average woman is a size 16. They finally went up to a size 18 after many years of begging.
This reminds me of when Alexa Chung clothing line had to close shop. The sizes were too small and who had $600 to spend on a pair of pants?
The Vampire's Wife dresses wasn't for everyone. It was for the tall and slender and rich.
A shame because The Vampire's Wife had some really stunning dresses that looked gorgeous on Karen, Alexa, Princess Kate and Florence.
It's sad Susie Cave had to close shop, especially since having The Vampire's Wife was a healing business for her after having lost her son. Maybe she can open up another clothing line that wouldn't cost so much and would go up to a size 24?
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artfulfashion · 1 year
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Karen Gillan for Architectural Digest Magazine May 2023 photographed by Justin Chung
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usaigi · 1 year
Danny: Why do people keep confusing Sam [Chung] and I? His suit is black, mine's green, he has black hair, mine's yellow and we look nothing alike!
Colleen, once again needing to explain racism: Oh honey.
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rabbitcruiser · 5 months
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World Art Day
World Art Day is celebrated every year on April 15. All around the world, people have their definitions for what they consider to be art. Different cultures have different tastes and styles. This holiday is used as an opportunity to promote the development of art. It encourages people to take the time to notice the beautiful things around them. With our busy schedules, people don’t always have the time to go to art galleries. A yearly reminder about beauty helps people relax and just enjoy experiencing the world. It shares knowledge, sparks curiosity, and leads to very interesting conversations.
History of World Art Day
World Art Day was declared on April 15 at the General Assembly of the International Association of Art. The first celebration was in 2012. The date was chosen to honor the birthday of the famous Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci represents tolerance, world peace, freedom of expression, and multiculturalism. The first world art day was supported by all the International Association of Art (I.A.A.) national committees. There were 150 artists from countries all over the world to ensure inclusion. There were conferences and special museum hours. Outdoor art exhibitions were held to display paintings, prints, sculptures, videos, and more.
Art comes in different forms and categories. Art can be architecture, music, painting, sculpting, dance, or literature. Cinema is also considered art. It is a way for people to express themselves through creativity. True art is simply an expression of emotion. It represents the artist’s view of the world and how they feel about it. Art communicates how similar we can be and also how different. People get their meanings of art when they experience it. Their perceptions are usually based on their personal experiences in life.
World Art Day is a great reminder to help people notice the beauty around them. It reminds people to express themselves fully. We are all full of emotions and should be allowed to show them without fear. The goal is to facilitate the sustainable development of art. With enough support, artists can continue to portray beauty.
World Art Day timeline
1948 The I.A.A. is Born
The International Association of Art is founded in Beirut.
1954 The I.A.A. Becomes Independent
The International Association of Art becomes an independent organization and a UNESCO partner.
2012 World Art Day is Founded
The first World Art Day takes place in Guadalajara on April 15.
2013 World Art Day is Held in South Africa
World Art Day is celebrated by Mbombela municipal art museum in South Africa
World Art Day FAQs
Can anyone create art?
Anything that was created from the imagination as an expression of emotion is considered art. Art can be made by anyone.
Is cooking an art?
Cooking can be considered an art form. A cake, for example, can be considered a beautiful work of art.
Which cities are known for art?
Cities like Rome, Paris, Vienna, and Jerusalem are well-known for their arts and culture. Florence, Mexico City, Venice, London, Barcelona, and Lagos are also known for art.
World Art Day Activities
Create some art
Visit an art museum
Watch a great movie
You can get in touch with your creative side. You can write, draw, paint or take photographs.
There are many art museums and galleries that you can visit. They carry many beautiful art pieces that you can buy or just enjoy looking at.
Movies are considered to be a form of art. Enjoy a classic movie that tells a great story.
5 Fascinating Facts About Art
Art comes from the imagination
Art is a career field
Art can be a performance
Art helps the mind
Art is emotional
Humans use their creative skills and imagination to create something that others can see
Art has professional applications like fashion design, jewelry design, architecture, and wood crafts.
Performance arts include music, dance, and theater.
Art improves hand-eye coordination, strengthens focus, and teaches problem-solving.
Art can help people express complex feelings and emotions.
Why We Love World Art Day
Art is universal
Art is good for the health
Art opens the mind
Art can be understood by people all over the world. It has no language or border barriers.
Art is known to help increase motivation, build self-esteem, and improve holistic health.
Art helps people to see the world from a different point of view. It helps them get a new perspective.
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Karen Gillan, Sabrina, Jamie Chung, Cara Santana, and Danielle Bernstein at Jonathan Simkhai NYFW 2017 🖤
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have Black Mask 1996
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achungarchive · 2 years
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Alexa Chung and Karen Elson outside of Proenza Schouler during New York Fashion Week (2023)
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ginger-grimm · 1 month
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Ginnifer Goodwin as Snow White Jessy Schram & Dania Ramirez as Ella (Cinderalla) Sarah Bolger as Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) JoAnna Garcia Swisher as Ariel Emilie de Ravin as Belle Karen David as Jasmine Jamie Chung as Mulan Mekia Cox as Tiana Alexandra Metz & Meegan Warner as Rapunzel Amy Manson as Merida Georgina Haig as Elsa Elizabeth Lail as Anna
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obsessioncollector · 28 days
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Hi friends! Inspired by @librarycards I wanted to make a post celebrating Women in Translation Month! Anglophone readers generally pay embarrassingly little attention to works in other languages, and that's even more true when it comes to literature by women, so I will jump at any chance to promote my faves 🥰 Here are some recs from 9 different languages! Also, I wrote this on my phone, so apologies for any typos or errors!
1. Trieste by Daša Drndić, trans. Ellen Elias-Bursać (Croatian): An all-time favorite. Much of Drndić's work interrogates the legacy of atrocities in Europe, particularly eastern Europe. Trieste is a haunting contemplative novel centered on an elderly Italian Jewish woman whose family converted to Catholicism during the Mussolini era and were complicit in the fascist violence surrounding them in order to protect themselves.
2. Cursed Bunny by Bora Chung, trans. Anton Hur (Korean): A collection of short stories that are difficult to classify by genre–speculative fiction in the broadest sense. The first story is about a monster in a woman's toilet, which sounds impossible to pull off in a serious, thought-provoking manner, but Chung does so easily—these are the kind of stories that are hard to explain the brilliance of secondhand.
3. Sweet Days of Discipline by Fleur Jaeggy, trans. Tim Parks (Italian; Jaeggy is Swiss): Another all time favorite! The cold, sterile homoerotic girls' boarding school novella of your dreams.
4. Toddler-Hunting and Other Stories by Taeko Kono, trans. Lucy North (Japanese): I think I read this in one sitting. Incredibly unsettling—these stories will stay with you. They often focus on the unspoken psychosexual fantasies underscoring mundane daily life.
5. The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector, trans. Katrina Dodson (Brazilian Portuguese): I think Lispector is the best known writer here, so she might not need much of an introduction. But what a legend! And this collection is so diverse—it's fascinating to see the evolution of Lispector's work.
6. Our Lady of the Nile by Scholastique Mukasonga, trans. Melanie L. Mauthner (French; Mukasonga is Rwandan): Give her the Nobel! Mukasonga's books, at least the ones available in English, are generally quite short but so impactful. Our Lady of the Nile is a collection of interrelated short stories set at a Catholic girls' boarding school in Rwanda in the years before the Rwandan genocide. These stories are fascinating on many levels, but perhaps the most haunting element is seeing how ethnic hatred intensifies over time—none of these girls would consider themselves particularly hateful or prejudiced, but they easily justify atrocities in the end.
7. Extracting the Stone of Madness: Poems 1962-1972 by Alejandra Pizarnik, trans. Yvette Siegert (Spanish; Pizarnik was Argentinian): Does anyone remember when my url was @/pizarnikpdf... probably not but worth mentioning to emphasize how much I love her <3 Reading Pizarnik is so revelatory for me; she articulates things I didn't even realize I felt until I read her words.
8. Flight and Metamorphosis: Poems by Nelly Sachs, trans. Joshua Weiner (German): Sachs actually won the Nobel in the 1960s, so it's surprising that she's not better known in the Anglosphere. Her poems are cryptic and surreal, yet deeply evocative. Worth mentioning that this volume is bilingual, so you can read the original German too if you're interested.
9. Frontier by Can Xue, trans. Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping (Chinese): Can Xue is another difficult-to-classify writer in terms of genre. Her short stories are often very abstract and can be puzzling at first. I think Frontier is a great place to start with her because these stories are interconnected, which makes them a bit more accessible.
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karengillandaily · 1 year
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KAREN GILLAN photographed by Justin Chung for ARCHITECTURAL DIGEST // April 2023 
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lesbicosmos · 10 months
i made a list of all the people i could think of that had multiple roles in the whoniverse and damn this show rly likes reusing cast members
peter capaldi
12th doctor
caecilius (4x02: the fires of pompeii)
john frobisher (torchwood: children of earth)
karen gillan
amy pond
soothsayer (4x02: the fires of pompeii)
freema agyeman
martha jones
adeola oshodi (2x12: army of ghosts)
eve myles
gwen cooper
gwyneth (1x03: the unquiet dead)
anjli mohindra
rani chandra (sja)
queen of the skithra (12x04: nikola tesla's night of terror)
julian bleach
the ghostmaker (torchwood 2x10: from out of the rain)
the nightmare man (sja 4x01/02: the nightmare man)
mark gatiss
richard lazarus (3x06: the lazarus experiment)
danny boy (5x03: victory of the daleks)
gantok (6x13: the wedding of river song)
captain lethbridge-stewart (2017 special: twice upon a time)
david bradley
solomon (7x02: dinosaurs on a spaceship)
first doctor (2017 special: twice upon a time)
bradley walsh
graham o'brien
elijah spellman (sja 2x03/04: the day of the clown)
dan starkey
several other sontarans
ian the elf (2014 special: last christmas)
chipo chung
chantho (3x11: utopia)
fortune teller (4x11: turn left)
miriam margolyes
beep the meep (voice) (the star beast)
leef apple glyn slitheen-blathereen (voice) (sja 3x06: the gift)
adjoa andoh
sister jatt (2x01: new earth)
francine jones
vinette robinson
abi lerner (3x07: 42)
rosa parks (11x03: rosa)
alexander armstrong
reg arwell (2011 special: the doctor, the widow and the wardrobe)
mr smith (voice) (sja)
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deep breath I've got thoughts about the daredevil show because I think they have the opportunity to do the most daredevil thing possible and I really really want them to do it. (edit: this post is about sam chung/blindspot by the way, sorry to anyone who reblogged it thinking it was about like. spiderman or whatever)
the thing about daredevil is that a lot of his really good stories (at least in my opinion) are tragedies. karen page's death. elektra's death. that whole thing where he has a great life being out as matt murdock And daredevil but it's actually shit and the purple children have to put the cat back in the bag. killing a guy and going to jail. becoming a catholic priest who runs a foster home and still never being free from daredevil. basically the entirety of charles soule's daredevil run. "unavoidably bad things happen to matt murdock/daredevil because he is matt murdock And because he is daredevil" is kind of the name of the game.
matt has depression. even when things are going well, there's a weight to daredevil stories. he -- and we -- are all just. waiting. for the other shoe to drop.
look at me. what if there was a young vigilante that daredevil was training. what if he was trying to help the kid become a hero, protect his neighborhood like daredevil protects hell's kitchen. what if matt grows to like the kid, starts looking after him, gets him a job when he gets injured. begins to trust him. the kid becomes a light in the dark story that daredevil always has. irreverent and determined and utterly brilliant.
but we know what's coming.
do you see what I'm saying? can you see the proverbial sword of damocles, hanging over the narrative? the unavoidable catastrophe that is just a few episodes away? the knowledge that we are going to watch this kid lose his eyes, lose his family, and get nothing in return for his intelligence and perseverance and loss.
the tragedy of daredevil is not in plot twists. it's in inevitability. the long fingers of grief, the anticipation of more trials to come. matt is job, ceaselessly tested to see if he is worthy of an imitation of what he once had. he is peter, drawing a sword to protect something he doesn't fully understand, something they will kill him for in the end. daredevil stories do not have happy endings, and the tragedy is contagious.
all this to say: I hope sam chung ends up in daredevil: born again, exactly as he is in soule's original run. I hope we get to see him fly as blindspot, and I hope the inevitable fall is foreshadowed. I hope the first time we see blindspot, he's saving three people. I hope he gets two black eyes in a fight. I hope there are tricks of the light that make his eyes glow blue or appear entirely gone. I hope he borrows matt's iconic glasses and makes a joke about going blind. I hope we are forced to remember his tragedy every time we see him.
put him in the show, cowards
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cherrygirlystuff · 1 month
Indie Sleaze Icons: Influential Figures Who Defined the 2010s Scene 🎸
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Hey babe, let’s take a little trip back to the chaotic, glittery, and oh-so-cool world of the 2010s indie sleaze scene. 🌟 This era was all about raw energy, edgy fashion, and a carefree attitude that was perfectly captured by a few iconic figures who basically defined the movement. From musicians to fashion icons and cultural trailblazers, these are the people who made indie sleaze what it was—and why we’re still obsessed with them today. Ready to meet your indie sleaze icons? Let’s go!
1. Alexa Chung: The Ultimate Indie It-Girl
Let’s start with the queen herself, Alexa Chung. She was the epitome of indie sleaze style—always effortlessly cool, with that perfect mix of polished and grungy that we all tried to replicate. From her tomboyish charm to her signature messy hair, Alexa embodied the indie sleaze aesthetic in every way.
Fashion Influence: Alexa’s style was all about mixing vintage pieces with high fashion. Think oversized band tees paired with skinny jeans, Peter Pan collars with leather jackets, and of course, her signature Chelsea boots. She made it look like she just threw everything on in two minutes and walked out the door looking like a rock star.
Cultural Impact: Beyond her style, Alexa was everywhere during the indie sleaze heyday—front row at fashion shows, hosting TV shows, and just generally being the coolest girl in the room. Her influence on the era is undeniable, and she’s still an icon we look to for style inspo today.
2. The Strokes: The Soundtrack of a Generation
You can’t talk about indie sleaze without mentioning The Strokes. Their music was the soundtrack of the scene—gritty, raw, and full of that reckless energy that defined the era. Julian Casablancas and the rest of the band embodied everything that indie sleaze was about.
Musical Influence: With their debut album Is This It, The Strokes brought garage rock back into the mainstream, influencing countless other bands and setting the tone for the indie music scene of the 2000s and 2010s. Their sound was simple yet powerful, with catchy riffs and Julian’s signature drawl that made you want to grab a drink and dance all night.
Style Impact: The Strokes also set the style standard for indie sleaze. Their look was all about skinny jeans, leather jackets, and messy hair—basically the uniform of the era. They made dressing down look cool, and their influence can still be seen in fashion today.
3. Agyness Deyn: The Rebel Model
Next up is Agyness Deyn, the model who broke all the rules and became a fashion icon in the process. With her androgynous look, platinum blonde hair, and punk-rock attitude, Agyness was the face of indie sleaze fashion.
Fashion Influence: Agyness was all about mixing high fashion with street style. She’d pair a designer dress with Doc Martens, or rock a tailored suit with a band tee underneath. Her style was fearless and unpredictable, making her one of the most exciting figures of the indie sleaze era.
Cultural Impact: Beyond fashion, Agyness was a symbol of the indie sleaze spirit. She was bold, unapologetic, and always ahead of the curve. Her influence on the fashion world is still felt today, and she remains a symbol of the rebellious, carefree attitude that defined the era.
4. Karen O: The Indie Rock Goddess
Karen O, the lead singer of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, was another powerhouse of the indie sleaze scene. Her wild stage presence and eclectic style made her a standout figure in the world of indie music and fashion.
Musical Influence: Karen O’s voice and energy were electric. Tracks like “Heads Will Roll” and “Maps” became anthems of the indie sleaze movement, with their mix of punk rock edge and emotional depth. Her performances were legendary—full of raw emotion and untamed energy that captured the essence of the era.
Style Impact: On stage, Karen O was a fashion icon in her own right. She was known for her daring outfits—think neon bodysuits, metallic dresses, and crazy headpieces. She wasn’t afraid to push boundaries, and her style inspired a generation to embrace their wild side.
5. Sky Ferreira: The Pop Rebel
Sky Ferreira burst onto the scene with her edgy pop sound and grungy style, quickly becoming a darling of the indie sleaze crowd. She was the perfect mix of pop princess and rock rebel, with a look and sound that perfectly captured the contradictions of the era.
Musical Influence: Sky’s music was a blend of pop, rock, and electronic influences, with lyrics that were both vulnerable and defiant. Songs like “Everything Is Embarrassing” and “You’re Not the One” became indie anthems, with their catchy hooks and dark undertones.
Style Impact: Fashion-wise, Sky was all about messy hair, smudged eyeliner, and a wardrobe that mixed glam with grunge. She made dressing down look effortlessly cool, and her style continues to inspire today’s generation of indie kids.
6. Dev Hynes (Blood Orange): The Genre-Bending Innovator
Dev Hynes, also known as Blood Orange, was a key figure in the indie sleaze music scene, known for his genre-bending sound and eclectic style. His music pushed boundaries, blending elements of R&B, pop, and indie rock to create something entirely new and fresh.
Musical Influence: Dev Hynes was a prolific songwriter and producer, working with everyone from Solange to Florence Welch. His solo work as Blood Orange was equally influential, with albums like Cupid Deluxe and Freetown Sound becoming staples of the indie music scene.
Style Impact: Dev’s style was just as eclectic as his music. He was known for his mix of high fashion and streetwear, often seen in oversized blazers, vintage tees, and statement accessories. His look was as unique and boundary-pushing as his sound.
Final Thoughts, Babe: The Legacy Lives On
The indie sleaze scene of the 2010s was a magical time—full of raw energy, fearless fashion, and unforgettable music. These icons weren’t just influencers; they were the heart and soul of a movement that defined a generation. And while the indie sleaze era may have officially ended, its influence lives on in today’s fashion, music, and culture.
So next time you throw on a vintage band tee, smudge on some eyeliner, and blast The Strokes, know that you’re channeling the spirit of these indie sleaze legends. Keep the vibe alive, babe, and let’s celebrate the icons who made it all happen! 🎉
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