#kara on cohost
banneduser-ripcohost · 7 months
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beegswaz · 7 months
whopper i wasnt referring to kara. i was referring to floraverse.
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genkishoujo · 7 months
i love how many people are willing to go for bat for cohost despite the fact it is still willfully and knowingly hosting people who dox harass and sexually abuse trans and lgbt minors
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maxknightley · 7 months
wrt cohost that eevee person has YEARS and YEARS worth of legit receipts on them, don't discount the whole post. i'm upset that kara was the main focus of that post when someone who is ACTUALLY shitty and has done countless horrible things and is, uh. insanely transphobic also. is just brushed over to berate this trans woman for being a kid online at one point
honestly "potentially legitimate and worrying critique" juxtaposed with "like fifty overblown or nonsensical claims" is just Classics Of Callout Post innit. IIRC one time I saw a big callout doc that accused someone of both sexual assault and being somewhat rude. it's baffling behavior.
anyway, re: eevee's alleged connection to cohost, even the "receipts" provided in that post seem like complete nonsense. for instance, here's the "evidence" that vogon "associates" with eevee:
Tumblr media
you may notice that literally all of these are tweets eevee made, and none of them are tweets vogon made. all this "proves" is that eevee probably follows him on twitter. I @ people who aren't my mutuals, let alone my actual friends, all the fucking time.
(what I suspect actually happened here is not that eevee or anyone else "has cohost in their pocket," but that the callout's op already had an unrelated and arbitrary chip on their shoulder and decided to latch on to the first justification they could find. this is a lesson that can be applied to many other spheres of life.)
in general, at this point, if I see something like this touted as "evidence" I basically go "oh okay so this is just a complete hatchet job and I have no reason to pay attention to any of it." it's a principle that has served me very well over the last few years
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tododeku-or-bust · 3 months
People accused dykemacabre of being a transmisogynist too, at this point accusations of transmisogyny are more prevalent than actual transmisogyny, and used as a weapon against black people, even when evidence of a user’s pedophilia is overwhelming. The child rapist in question is Kara, one of the leaders of cohost, if you were wondering.
... Have I walked myself into another trap. Is this another person that is going to try to convince me that transmisogyny is a good thing or non-existent. Because I'm not going to be a TERF, nor do I welcome them here.
but yes, that accusation is thrown a lot to negate Black women's usually valid arguments against white trans women- similar to how misogyny as an accusation is used against us by cis White women upon confrontation. It's a victimization tactic (White Women's Tears), and it annoys me deeply bc there IS actual transmisogyny and misogyny going on, but it's NOT when someone is accusing you of racism. It is not misogynistic or transmisogynistic to tell you that you're being bigoted towards Black people.
Also I think I vaguely remember that going down, now.
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t4tails · 7 months
hey that person that told you one of the cohost founders is a p*dophile was likely a part of another p*dojacketing scheme, it’s been revealed that the post claiming that Kara is a p*dophile is just straight up lying. They thought a former username it had in 2014 was similar to the name of a ‘cub’ forum and just assumed it was a reference to that without any proof. Kara herself has stated it was a reference to the ‘all the things’ meme that was popular at the time. They have even admitted to spreading misinformation and ‘apologized’, but kept reblogs on and done nothing to counteract what they set in motion.
yeah i know - i already went and deleted my rb from a couple days ago earlier today. its 100% my bad that i reblogged it, i looked into the eevee links which were fucked up so i just trusted the rest; i shouldnt have done that. i should have looked at kaaras as well, and realized what a reach they were. im sorry for spreading it.
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fallhound · 7 months
wrt cohost that eevee person has YEARS and YEARS worth of legit receipts on them, don't discount the whole post. i'm upset that kara was the main focus of that post when someone who is ACTUALLY shitty and has done countless horrible things and is, uh. insanely transphobic also. is just brushed over to berate this trans woman for being a kid online at one point
oh god that took less than a minute to show up in my inbox
I do not have the mind to get involved with callout posts. I only reblogged that to hopefully try and do any possible damage control on another trans womens name being thrown in the mud with baseless accusations
i do not give a shit, do not try to put discourse into my inbox
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ackee · 7 months
psst miss mani.. the cohost stuff wasnt real it was some bloke lying out of their ass https://www.tumblr.com/determine/743073058964783104/i-would-also-like-to-point-out-that-the-original
thank you for this! it seems like everything about kara was just rumors and op corrected themselves.
however from what im reading, the cofounder of cohost still associates and sides w/ a very wellknown pedophile, so its not all fake. i'm deleting the post though since it's not 100% true and i dont wanna spread misinfo! 👍🏽
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harmonicunt · 10 months
love is a promise a value and a goal, creation is a promise a value and a goal, create art and love creation and create love.
misha - he/him - catboy villain
check out my art while you're here; my art
free to message any time about anything
more abt me ↓↓
transmasc girlfriend thing, cat owner, libra, bad media enjoyer, mediocre media lambaster
color & shape, machines that are human, drawing strangers on the bus, humans becoming machines, small crimson roses, skipping while you walk, sensible chaos, honeysuckle candles, gun kara, the dark rooms where sex & violence meet, cat treats, all the pain in the world on the left side of your face, those who are guns or swords or teeth or fists but never faces.
lets be mutuals if u like tokyo ghoul or fire emblem or dune in kind of a weird way
im a painter (#vitart), an alleged ex kinnie (#id), and the world is a beautiful place (#i'm no longer afraid to die)
ask for sideblogs
letterboxd ; meowmixed
storygraph ; mishinya
cohost ; metelhed
header by me
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falinscloaca · 7 months
new criticisms of the kara portion of that "cohost bad" post showing up and good golly! golly gosh! i know this language is trivializing but i'm struggling to keep up with this shit without falling to pieces! (not in a laughing way for the record!!! shits bad on my end! not as bad as other people rn probably but still bad!) and just. drama youtubers will never not casually misgender trans people getting called out for shit huh. good luck seeming true and just and righteous when you can't even fucking keep track of a pronoun, fucker.
i also can't believe i have the internal thought of "well, that WAS two links deep, the person who made the video the person who made the ORIGINAL post and then the person who made the 'cohost isn't good actually' post which we're* taking more direct issue with. Like do I REALLY expect the OP of the cohost post (copost....) to check the SOURCES' SOURCES?" because like. yes actually you should check your sources' sources. so either its negligence, didn't-notice-the-he/himmage, or malice. And given the present as-of-typing silence FROM the person who made that fuckin post I don't feel terribly charitable.
*WE, i have turned on it fully, jfc the eevee shit is one thing but if you are going to brandish about pedo-condonement accusations NOW, at a TMA person SPECIFICALLY *NOW*, at the VERY FUCKING LEAST DON'T CITE BULLSHIT. I TAKE THIS STUFF SERIOUSLY AND *PERSONALLY* WHEN ITS A PART OF OUR COMMUNITY to the point that when the accusations are real and people continue to deny it i get fucking ravenous AND I DON'T TAKE KINDLY TO BEING FUCKED AROUND WITH.
That said i do still think the TOS for cohost is maybe a touch too loose with what it considers dangerous enough to moderate cse...f-wise (f stands for fiction. if proponents of the stuff get to hide behind the legalese of "real" child porn - which to be fully clear i am in favor of having its own label theres a world of difference between recordings of the harm of IRL kids and ficticitious shit i just don't think that the fictitious shit is harmless or sterile either. clearly different albeit related monsters in that sense- why don't I just vomit out a neologism. maybe i can get my name in the history books for coining it. kill me.) putting it lightly. But also coming up with foolproof moderation rules for that kind of site in terms of what "creative" content is or is not acceptable to host does sound impossible so what do I know. Cohost the web site is not off "the hook" (which hook????) but i think the case should be thrown out and at *most* re-researched and reconsidered on Kara specifically. fuckers...* *referring to the person/people who made the posts i'm referencing. not You, the audience of this post right now.
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foxgirltail · 7 months
Meticulously going through the sources on that "cohost sucks" post and here's my findings:
First set of claims (about Kara) are bullshit, the links and screenshots don't prove anything, Kara herself disproves it in the reblog I reblogged earlier
The second set of claims (a connection between cohost cofounder and Eevee, as well as cohost defending Eevee) is dubious. There could be something there, but the links and screenshots provided are not good evidence
I'm not going to get into claims about Eevee specifically because those claims ultimately don't have anything to do with cohost founders or moderation
I think there are some valid criticisms to be made about cohost and cohost culture, but those things in that post are not
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abimee · 7 months
disavowing cohost is ur prerogative and i dont blame you, but re: that post that's going around about it, you might want to at least look at this reblog of it real quick: tumblr(.)com / doctorbunny/743053201805393920
(spaces n parentheses bc idk if tumblr still eats anons with links in them or not lol)
thank you for letting me know about this addition! i will still personally avoid cohost due to the avoidance of stating illustrated ''fictional'' CP is banned in its TOS, but ill retract my reblog of that post and link the one you linked me here
for anybody wondering this addition goes into the section of the team member kara being connected to cub porn and a lolicon forum, and you can read the addition here;
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mea-trinitas-profana · 7 months
wrt cohost that eevee person has YEARS and YEARS worth of legit receipts on them, don't discount the whole post. i'm upset that kara was the main focus of that post when someone who is ACTUALLY shitty and has done countless horrible things and is, uh. insanely transphobic also. is just brushed over to berate this trans woman for being a kid online at one point
i can't go back and edit my tags on that post because the op is a fucking coward who turned off reblogs but thank you for this information. i'll post your ask instead
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wutheringheightsfilm · 7 months
re: the other person associating with eevee, the link in the callout on that topic links to a screencap of twitter search results of eevee replying to the person's twitter multiple times. which is concerning but idk if i'd call it "associating" and the wording in the post definitely led me to believe it would be evidence of some kind of mutual familiar friendship or collaboration
yeah i went back and saw that it was only twitter replies without even the co founder replying back so i'm like... is that "association" real or ???
i didn't even know the "callout" concerning kara was debunked until you reblogged about it, which is crazy considering i literally asked before i reblogged anything involving cohost i made a post asking if it was real and nobody told me it wasn't. this whole thing is such a hot fucking mess.
it also really didn't make much sense when i saw people saying that cohost banning toonimal was a PR move... pr move for who like respectfully nobody is even on cohost 😭
i've deleting the other post (i never reblogged the big "Cohost is Bad Too" one that was debunked but I did reblog a post that linked to it) ... but i just saw your post about how these kinds of posts aren't productive and atp i agree because clearly people will just spread whatever shit based on absolute hearsay and nothing else
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k8aclysm · 7 months
wrt cohost that eevee person has YEARS and YEARS worth of legit receipts on them, don't discount the whole post. i'm upset that kara was the main focus of that post when someone who is ACTUALLY shitty and has done countless horrible things and is, uh. insanely transphobic also. is just brushed over to berate this trans woman for being a kid online at one point
I'm aware of that person and that sounds like shit but im going to discount the post in general because it's blatantly transmisogynistic lol. Someone who isnt a raging fucking transmisogynist can make the post someday, hopefully.
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ooccoo · 7 months
i reblogged that callout post last night and then immediatwly got suspicious lmao. kara is definitely clear i am still suspicious of eevee cuz folks are corroborating what was said about glip. that said... i havent seen vogon interacting with eevee beyond like, twitter screenshots lmao. and the "something is rotten at the top" i am kinda ready to dismiss as conspiratorial; bring me evidence of wrongdoing and i'll hear you out
fundamentally though the reasons i like cohost arent about its moderation policies, its almost entirely its mission statement (anti-capitalist social media site building tech around community instead of the other way around) and business structure (a cooperative, which cannot be meaningfully bought or sold nor is a sole person in charge of the company). it's a question of buying into that structure rather than laying down and accepting another for-profit startup
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