#kansas knight
notyourfunnyman · 2 years
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d-day knight fans come get your juice
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vapor-27 · 9 months
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savannah-quotes · 7 months
We should lie to people to get ahead.
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nhltwittersnapshots · 2 years
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petnews2day · 2 years
Williams: Big 12 football needs new alpha dog with Oklahoma, Texas headed to SEC
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/3eTjt
Williams: Big 12 football needs new alpha dog with Oklahoma, Texas headed to SEC
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Every football power conference has its top dogs, its headliners. In the SEC, it’s Alabama and Georgia, with a long, ruthless line of proud programs behind them angrily nipping at their heels. In the Big Ten, it’s Ohio State and Michigan. In the ACC, historically it has been Florida State or Virginia Tech but instead […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/3eTjt #DogNews #BaylorBears, #BYUCougars, #CincinnatiBearcats, #CollegeFootball, #HoustonCougars, #IowaStateCyclones, #KansasJayhawks, #KansasStateWildcats, #OklahomaStateCowboys, #TCUHornedFrogs, #TexasTechRedRaiders, #UCFKnights, #WestVirginiaMountaineers
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privateolives · 1 month
This moment from my playthrough keeps coming up with friends, so why don't I share the time I accidentally did Aymeric so dirty with my outfit choice for the dinner scene.
So for those of you not aware, my WoL is supposed to be a sweet Thanalan country boy type. Think desert Clark Kent-vibes man but from the burning cliffsides of Thanalan instead of Kansas. And I play a paladin besides, so of course my mildmannered Lambard went through most of Heavensward looking like this:
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Covered head beard to toe in steel.
But of course, when Aymeric finally invites you do dinner, that won't do. Showing up in armor would just be impolite! So I pull my ff14 bestie in for an emergency glam sesh trying to figure out what a traditional thanalan lad might wear to a fancy occasion. We end up putting this together, which I was quite pleased with!
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Straight Oughtta Ul'dah looking outfit. Looks good right? It's fancy! It's traditional! It's in-character! It's just perfect.
Bit chilly for the road there, so we figure he would have used the supplied Ishgardian coat on the way there. (I didn't get a screencap of that in time sorry)
So I slam the glam on just before the cutscene and go in happily unaware of what I'm about to do to this poor catholic boy and he greets us in a similar coat to what we got... as indoor wear. Which really should have been our first warning of what was to come.
Anyway, we come in and if you, unlike myself, are a nice, observant allosexual, you might already spot the problem.
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Because as it turns out, Lambard's beautiful Ul'dahn coat has one major issue when being sat at this type of dinner table.
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That being that between the coat and the table, there is now a perfectly triangular window towards the BIGGEST, FATTEST pair of sword-swinging steel-carrying hobby-mining sun-kissed pair of tits to ever grace the frozen lands of Ishgard.
Keep in mind that our poor Aymeric hasn't been lord speaker for long at this point, he's yet to leave Coerthas completely (as far as we know) on any diplomatic missions. He was recently still the knight-commander, polite son of the Pope, from the isolated lands of French Warrior Catholicism, who's grown up and only ever seen tall spindly Elezen people, wearing 50 layers in -oof° degrees celsius weather all day every day every month whole year.
EDIT: It had, in fact, only been 5 years of -WillToLive° outside, thank you @maeljade
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And now he's sitting at a private dinner, doomed to look at THIS
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for several hours whilst his elderly butler, last remnants of family he has, hovers about the whole time serving that appears to be unseemly amounts of wine
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And I took
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after the cutscene to realize what I'd done to this poor man.
... Though in my defence, my ace ass was busy laughing my head off at the reaction they give your WoL to the butler mixing you a cocktail.
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 month
What makes Superman interesting is that he’s an OP Alien God with the Ethics of a Kansas Farmer
The newer films don’t hit right, and I strongly suspect it is because the people making those films are Elitists: the sorts of people who look down on people like The Kents. Snyder and Noland are good friends, and you can see the same manner of distain for “mere” Humanity in Westworld and the Dark Knight trilogy.
There are many, many OP Alien Gods in fiction. So many that it’s practically a cliché. But Snyder & Co suffer from the same curse that all Elitists possess: the notion that most Humans are naught but well-trained Animals, hamstrung by their petty sentimentality and instincts, and must be lead by Great Men in order to flourish. So, they take Superman and emphasize his Alienness. They focus on how inhuman he is. How Superior. Because they have read Nietzsche and believe themselves to be the Übermensch, they presume to understand Superman.
They are wrong
So fucking wrong
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0sincerelyella · 1 year
Her Knights In Shining Armor - J.B
Summary: y/n and joe run into the end of the beginning to their exciting new journey, and the boys are happier than they ever could be.
Warnings: i don’t capitalize on purpose this isn’t a school essay. these are just for funzies for me and you, hope you enjoy!!
(mason is six, ollie is four)
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As a 9 month pregnant woman, it was difficult for y/n to get up and down the stairs to the stadium at this point. Sadly, that is the boys favorite place to watch the games. At this point in y/ns pregnancy she couldn’t risk sitting in the stands, in fear of not having a way to get out. she didn’t want to ruin the boys fun at the games so they sat with Joes dad in the stands while y/n sat in the VIP box with joes mom.
Todays game is the biggest of the season. it’s the AFC championship game against none other than Kansas city for the third year in a row. It was in the beginning of the fourth quarter, the bengals were up one touchdown and Kansas city had the ball.
Y/n sat in the VIP box with Robin, on the edge of her seat. she’s screaming and yelling at the plays and the flags, she’s standing and pacing back and forth. “Y/n maybe you should sit down, you don’t wanna stress bean out” y/n sighed, angry at the distance between kansas city and the end zone
She obliged and sat down, holding her stomach, feeling an odd sensation she didn’t enjoy much.
looking back to the game she quickly stood in anger, watching as the chiefs scored a touch down. “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE-“ a sharp gasp stopped the yelling.
a pool of water flooded the ground, and y/n held her stomach as tight as she could. “Y/n? oh my goodness!” Robin stood as fast as she could. “It’s time no it can’t be time” her breathing became heavy as everyone in the box began to help her out of it as Robin called staff on the side to inform Zac. Quickly, the staff gave zac the phone.
“Zac i know it isn’t the time but y/n is going into labor” Y/n was groaning angrily as she tried to get herself down the stairs. “Oh no, i’m gonna have to pull joe” “NO! do not let him leave!” “y/n he’s going to want to be at the hospital.” “i know but this game is important to him- AH- and me, and it’s almost ove- CRAP just DONT LET HIM LEAVE”
Zac sent security up to get them and drive the two to the hospital.
on the feild, the fourth quarter had 5 minutes left as y/n began to make her way to the hospital.
Joe was throwing the ball and jamar ran it into the end zone, putting them up a touchdown. joe celebrated with his teammates as he heard zac’s voice through his helmet. “Joe, don’t freak but your wife’s going into labor” joe froze for a second, then ran towards the sideline “coach you gotta pull me” zac explained what y/n requested but joe was not having it. “i’m not missing my child’s birth!” “Joe y/n wants you to win the game, it’s almost over just push through and we will get you to the hospital as quickly as possible”
joe was not happy about it but he agreed, staying the rest of the game.
Jim, joes dad, had been told to let the boys finish the game and then take them to the hospital. so that’s what he did.
after the game, which the bengals had won, sending them to the super bowl. but joe had no time to celebrate. He rushed to the hospital as quick as possible in pads and all. He ran as fast as he could into the hospital, being directed to the room y/n was in. when he saw her laying in the hospital bed he completely broke down. “i thought i missed it” he was about to cry.
“Enough of that- OW- did we win?” she was wincing and screaming, but cared about nothing but the game. “Yes baby, we won, now come on let’s deliver this baby”
as quickly as he could, joe ran out into the waiting room, only to be faced with his whole team, his mom, his dad, but not his two sons
“What are all you guys doing here? you should be celebrating” the big grin on his face never left. “We couldn’t celebrate without our QB and our new D1 athlete” Jamar said. “So tell us joe, How is my new baby?” his mom asked
“She’s beautiful” that’s when the tears fell. the entire lobby filled with yells of joy, yelling about this beautiful new baby girl.
“her name is Bailey Eleanor Burrow” Robin began to cry as she hugged her son. “can i see her?” “i wanted the boys to meet her first, where are they?” just as he said that, Oliver and mason ran into the room playing tag.
“Daddy! Daddy! how’s bean?” joe smiled, grabbing his boys, taking them to the room.
when the boys poured into the room, y/n was holding bailey to her chest. “boys” she smiled, as oliver climbed into the bed. “oli stop it!” “no joey he’s okay” joe took his daughter as the boys hugged their mother close. “boys, i want you to meet your baby sister, bailey”
the first night they took bailey home, she cried all night, as babies do. not only keeping joe and y/n awake but also mason and oliver.
specifically, one night, mason and oliver crept out of there room before their sister woke up to cry. they layed infront of her door and closed there eyes.
when bailey began to cry, joe got out of bed to tend to the new light of his life. when he walked into the room, he hadn’t noticed the crying stop. he looked at her crib, and low and behold the two boys had stood on chairs to bend down and help their sister sleep.
“boys? what’s going on?” the boys looked up. “hi daddy” ollie said, smiling brightly. “Sorry you woke up daddy, we wanted to keep bails safe tonight don’t worry” mason smiled, standing tall and bright.
“joey? what’s happe- boys what are you doing awake?” y/n walked into the room, smiling at her boys. “you should be sleeping”
“they wanted to protect bails” the smile widened.
“oh boys” y/n tiredly picked up oliver, and joe picked up mason, walking towards his girlfriend with a kiss on the forehead.
“you boys are her nights in shining armor”
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burger4621 · 11 months
I Love Super Heroes, But I hate the modern Super Hero.
I know it's an Unpopular Opinion in the world right now... But i really wish we could stop going for deconstructing the Super Hero genre. Or needlessly gritty. I wish we could just focus on these characters being good for the sake of being good.
The reason i hate the SnyderVerse is the same reason i hate The Boys, Invincible etc. Good for you, you're gritty and 'realistic'. But you completely ignore the reasons for the characters have to be good. Yes i know this is kind of reductionist, I know the shows mentioned above gives motivations for their cast. But they're kind of weak in my opinion... But i am just another Comic Book Nerd on the Internet. Im not saying they need to be Batman 66... But I haven't seen a live action Superman who felt like Superman in a long time. The Snyderverse felt like it removed Clark Kent from who Superman is. He's not a tortured god. He's a Hick. He's a Farm Boy from Kansas. Batman is another one! I understand The Dark Knight Returns is iconic. It changed how the world saw Batman. But now we are in a cycle of making the character darker and grittier because he's obsessed with vengeance. You've removed the hope that Gotham could be better. When i think about why the Spider-Man movies and games tend to be successful is that unlike the trends with Batman and Superman, they haven't removed the core of who Peter Parker is to Spider-Man. He may not always be right in a situation. He quite frequently makes the wrong decision. But he always tries. There is hope. There is the belief that he needs to do what he can because With Great Power Come's Great Responsibility he is the only one who can. Batman used to be like that too. Superman has the ability to be like that again. My Adventures With Superman was the most amazing Superman I have seen in a long time. Someone finally paid attention to who Clark is.
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edutainer2022 · 25 days
Sending hugs and strength as always.
I’d love to know any thoughts you have about the Tracys as kids in the happy times. What do you think they got up to? Do you headcanon the farm / ranch / some other Kansas home? Or did Jeff and Lucy live somewhere more built up / accessible to NASA? What were the kids’ hobbies? What would a family day out have looked like?
Oh, @idontknowreallywhy, thank you for the ask! I actually tend to go hazy on the boys' childhood, because the way kids work is not my forte. In my heart of hearts, I see them as latchkey kids of nondescript rural/smalltown US. A meadow outside the backyard, long bus commutes to school. A kind of chaotic but tight and warm, fun, quirky world, reigned supreme by their mother. Think Gilmore Girls, but a single mother of three boys, initially. With Jeff space-cowboying it would be just her and the back to back eldest three for quite some time.
Also think The Sound of Music - she's the one with piano and art. And the horses. There were sing alongs and movie marathons, and board games, and junk snacks, and bake offs, and magic in that household. That's why I also think, much as Scott worships and seeks approval of a (always away) father, he was Mom's right hand and White Knight. Mom's champion and deputy in wrangling the younger brothers. There would, of course, be SHENANIGANS. Sometimes Mom Tracy would just discover zen of a boys mom and have a glass of red on hand.
Since we have Gran Roca, I also sometimes think Yellowstone. She's the one from old(er) Manifest Destiny ranching money. She knows how to get her hands dirty, but it's removed from Jeff's first generation off the farm experiences. She sees the help, but she's also used to having them around - hence the five kids without batting an eye, given Jeff's military/space career. That would quite organically convert into the boy's we know - humble, generous, approachable, but somewhat sheltered.
I also think that Jeff's soaring wealth, Mom's untimely demise and grief buried in work, would spell something like a Warton Academy. Maybe not a full on boarding school, but a posh prep school with Ivy League pipeline and uniform blazers with embroidered crests. At least for the elder three's high school stretch. That would also, probably, mean shifting base to a bigger city and a dramatic change of pace in the boys' routine.
The boys hobbies? Scott is obviously a Rescue Scout extraordinaire. He's never met a sport he wasn't good at. But I also think School Parliament, Speech and Debate, maybe ROTC (to fit a military stint with my understanding of the timeline). Scott is earmarked for leadership and high pressure operations early on. National Honors Society, hands down. Dad would never tolerate anything less than excellent and Scott intended to be EVERYTHING Dad was - including space track. Calculus may actually be his "nerdy guilty pleasure". I also absolutely don't see how Mom didn't teach him the piano first. It likely didn't go far, but he gets by at the keyboard.
Virgil is the music and arts kid, obviously. He probably followed Scott into many hobbies and clubs, originally, but his strengths and disposition are just so obviously different.
John loves school. The more school - the merrier. Coding, and astronomy, and physics. Languages on the side. Gifted program. The Big Bang Theory worthy combo of Supreme nerd-dom. I'd say music too - comes with the territory of good ear for languages. Sports by necessity - to keep up with the original Turbo Twosome, and to get space rated. He came to actually enjoy sports, on his own terms.
Come to think of it, the Elder Trio are a token comical display of the Prom King always flanked by two sidekicks, who embody the very definition of "geeky uncool". In hindsight, John is sometimes amazed that Scott actually ENJOYED hanging out with them and did so by choice. Still does so.
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the-hype-on-tv · 10 months
Batman investigates Clark Kent's love life
a fic i wrote when I was bored
Superman lands on the tip of his toes, feeling a chill as he walks further into the Batcave. He shakes it off and plays confident, puffing out the S on his chest.
The Dark Knight had been up to some investigations, he was aware, but he had not expected to see Bruce Wayne showing up to his work place like he did earlier on the day. Well, it had happened before... But not without a warning or something. He usually came to him and Lois, or even Cat, whom he knew from interviews at galas and balls, to look further into evidence that might help Batman out in a case. However, this time, Bruce didn't seem to be up to corporate work, he just did some chit chat around and left as though his job was to listen to reporter gossip all day, even though he wasn't even in his city.
Clark wouldn't admit it, but he had a curious nature. So when he stopped his steps a few feet away from the figure standing in front of the many monitors showing the stats of Gotham City, he made it clear that he wanted answers.
He didn't even call out for his friend, Bruce somehow always knew when he was around. He couldn't listen to heartbeats nor notice subtle changes in the temperature or in the light like Clark did, but the man was no less impressive than himself.
"I suppose you're here to know about my visit." Gloved fingers keep typing on the keyboard as the hoarse voice says neutrally. Most likely a report, due to the late hour, it was practically dawn when Batman finished his patrol on average days. Clark tried to hold an awkward smile and failed.
"You didn't even stop by my desk this time. Or Lois's." The Man of Steel lifts a hand to his hip, as the cowled man sighs, annoyed. Taking a step back from the blue lights on the screen, Batman's hand reaches for the mask on his face, pulling it upwards and leaving it hanging under his nape like a hood. His hair was clearly messy for being under it for so long, and the sweat droplets were very noticeable, but Clark couldn't help but find the image appealing.
This was the man who protected the innocent, who fought the corrupt, who got beaten down several times but still got up with strength to try again. The man who turned his own tragedy into his greatest weapon, his pain into hope. The amount of respect he had for him was unmeasurable, and he knew that the feeling was reciprocal.
Bruce looked at Superman's eyes, ever so shiny and blue like a sapphire, and... Was that a blush? Clark wouldn't say so, Batman knew better than to let his emotions come up like that. Bruce's cheeks moved as he avoided his best friend's eyes, before finally finding the words to say so:
"I wanted to know your sexuality." The answer comes out like a whisper. The image of the Man of Steel tumbled to the ground and the shy Kansas boy rose along with a red flush all over his face.
"Yawantedtoknowmahwhatnow?!" He mutters loudly, spilling words. Bruce frowns and sighs louder than the last time. He was not about to repeat himself to the man with super hearing.
"I had my reasons, Kent. The file I have on the Justice League and the many Earth metahumans has a vast collection of information in which--" Bruce trailed off, his Bat mode activated to explain the situation, but Clark let out a silly scoff.
"You could've just asked me, B."
Bruce feels his head fall out of his shoulders. Of course he had thought of that, he wasn't so stupid, but the idea of coming up to the best man he knew to ask such a trivial question, for reasons he still tried to convince himself were purely professional... He hid it with his emotionless face, but the quick twitch of his eyes alerted Clark of the feeling anyway. Years of friendship got them knowing almost everything that went through each other.
And so, that and many other questions were answered that night, as the morning sun came up and a new perspective of these two individuals rose as well.
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longwuzhere · 4 months
My Adventures with Superman Issue #1 Easter Eggs
My Adventures with Superman's comic book tie-in which bridges the gap between seasons 1 and 2 is out this week and so why not point out the Easter Eggs and references in the first issue which you can buy at your local comic shop! If you haven't seen the Easter eggs and references to season 1, the list is here
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
Spoilers if you have not read the comic
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To start things off Clark is talking about enjoying the snow and Christmas and it will be his first Christmas in Metropolis. We get our title, a possible reference to The Man Who Fell to Earth, the novel by Walter Tevis where an alien who lands on Earth and seeks to bring his people there due to a drought on his home world. Very apt title for a Superman comic I should say.
Also check out Batman/Santa Claus: Silent Knight for a cool crossover between the DC heroes and Santa Claus, its FUCKING AWESOME!
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We then see Clark talking about his Christmas experience back in Kansas with Ma and Pa Kent, but he'll be all alone on his first Christmas in Metropolis. Luckily for him Lois and Jimmy are planning special for him but they need the other Daily Planet trio to distract Clark from figuring out the plans. I talked more about them here.
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Back at their office Jimmy and Lois plan out what they'll do for Clark's Christmas in Metropolis and Jimmy mentions the Metropolis Monarchs, Metropolis' baseball team who are first mentioned in Atlas of the DC Universe. We also see Kaiju Parasite/Ivo and Overman in the next panel, both of which I talk about here, here, here, and here.
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Trouble happens when the Daily Planet begins to topple over and Superman goes to put it back but notices hand prints that melted the base of the building. He, Lois, and Jimmy investigate in the sewers and sees an Amazo robot inspired Parasite. I talked more about the Amazo robot and Parasite here and here, they're the same links as the ones above in the previous section in case you missed them. The Parasite suit here is more Amazo inspired thanks to the green striping on the body.
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The second Parasite is able to adapt to Superman's powers like his super strength and before it gets taken down my the US military it tell Superman to "please save me". Robert DuBois arrives on the scene to clear the Parasite's body away. That name may sound familiar to you if you saw the latest Suicide Squad movie because...
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Robert DuBois is Bloodsport. He makes his first appearance in Superman #4 (1987) [Cover art by John Byrne]. In the comics Robert was supposed to be drafted for the Vietnam War, but was afraid to go and fled to Canada so his brother, Mickey went instead. Unfortunately Mickey lost his arms and legs and that scarred Robert who then seeked help at the Canadian psychiatric wards.
Lex would then find Robert and outfit him with his outfit you see on the cover and give him weapons that fired green Kryptonite to hopefully kill Superman and a teleportation device that can teleport any weapon he wants to his hands.
Luckily Robert surrendered after Jimmy was able to locate his brother to tell him to stop his rampage and give up and was sentenced to Stryker's Island.
Other Bloodsports have taken up the mantle after Robert, such as Alex Trent, a racist piece of shit, and an unnamed person who dressed similarly to Robert's Bloodsport costume. But the one pop culture knows is Robert DuBois who was played by Idris Elba in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad movie from 2021.
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In current continuity we see Robert be more designed to look like his movie counterpart and being part of the Suicide Squad too as shown here from Suicide Squad #5 (2021) [W: Robbie Thompson, P&I: Dexter Soy, Eduardo Pansica, Joe Prado, and Julio Ferreira, C: Alex Sinclair, L: Wes Abbot] where he is on Earth - 3, the evil counterparts Earth for a Task Force X mission.
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And speaking of shady DC organizations Slade name drops Checkmate. I talked about both of them here and here.
With that, we finally end our Easter egg and references hunt in My Adventures with Superman #1! Be sure to pick up a copy from your local comic shop and remember to preorder issue 2 when it comes out next month! Preordering books lets DC know there are fans for this series! If you like Superman, My Adventures with Superman, or DC in general give this comic a shot! Take it from me a former comic shop employee during college.
I'll see you all again next week for episode 4 of My Adventures with Superman and next month for issue 2 of the comic!
If you haven't seen the Easter eggs and references to season 1, the list is here.
My season 2 episode 1 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here.
My season 2 episode 2 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here.
My season 2 episode 3 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 4 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 5 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 6 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 7 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 2 post is here
My season 2 episode 8 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 9 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My season 2 episode 10 Easter eggs and references in My Adventures with Superman post is here
My Easter eggs and references for My Adventures with Superman comic issue 3 post is here
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This morning we saw a real, historic 15th cen. castle for sale in France. Now, we're going to look at a 1975 counterfeit castle in Barrington Hills, Illinois. It has 5bds, 6ba, and is priced way more than the one in France, at $1.9M.
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The selling point for me, however, is that I can't resist a property where a statue gives the guests the ass as they arrive.
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So, this is a huge home, built to look castle-like. What would you call it? Castle Gray Cement. Castle Bogus. Castle Wannabe. Castle Counterfeit.
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Kind of an impressive entrance. Are those Foo Dogs? Lions? No knights in armor?
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Woah! I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto. What happened to the castle? This is the living room of a McMansion.
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It does have some arches and levels, plus a modern fireplace w/lion heads. Seems contradictory. This is clearly a modern open-concept castle.
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Oh, it's also the economy castle- no nice molding on this side of the arches.
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Unimpressed with the dining room. It's too big for a cohesive, cozy dinner. No fireplace, either.
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The indoor pool and hot tub are great. It needs some cheery decor, though.
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This sitting room has a cool glitzy ceiling and a French Provincial marble fireplace.
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Nice bath. The mirror gives the illusion of being bigger, too.
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The main bedroom has a private balcony.
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This family room opens to the deck.
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This bath is so big it's in separate sections.
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Walk-in closet/dressing room.
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Now, this is a cool bedroom.
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I like this bath. It's not white.
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The deck basically travels around most of the house.
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The home is on 6 acres. The roof looks in great shape.
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The castle at night. I see a spotlight, why isn't that butt lit?
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Superhero Timeline.
10th Millennium
First appearance of humans. Some super powered. 
Proto Avengers (heavily altered humans, primordial gods, and mutant). Celestial tampering happens on countless planets. (Tamaranians, Skrulls, Kree, Eternals, etc) causing multiple humanoid aliens to exist.
Myths concerning “Elders of The Universe” and proto-tangible beings are formed by early life.
Vandal Savage, Immortal Man, Anthro, King Kull, Kyra Arg, Gnarrk. Hippolyta (first life).
Grak (neanderthal politician)
Cotati, Kree, and Skrulls discover eachother.
Atlantis forms.
“Ulysses” Bloodstone
50,000 B.C.E (Thurian Age)
Inhumans created by Kree scientists. 
King of Atlantis, Kull.
Doctor Mist.
Darkhold creates some of the first vampires.
Atlantis and Lemuria Sink.
Amazon Race born.
Selene Born.
Hyperborian Age.
Kulan Gath
Red Sonja
753, 785- BEC
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Golden Gladiator
Alpha Centurion.
Rome forms a colony in South America. Nova Roma.
Rama Tut
En Sabbah Nur was born.
Wizard Shazam empowers Teth Adam.
Mad Pharaoh discovers an alien Scarab and claims to have created it.
6th Century
One of the Camelots (for there are many and they are nebulous)
Merlin (Merlyn)
Shining Knight
Silent Knight
Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia)
Mordred the Mystic (not arthur’s mordred)
Earth was briefly invaded by Klyntar. 
New Genesis and Apokolips forms, set in a higher plane of dimension.
7th Century
Tang Dynasty was contacted by aliens the likes of Fin Fang Foom. They take advantage of their advanced technology
Jong Li Green Lantern
Viking Prince
8th Century
Brotherhood of the Shield was formed in 750.
9th Century
Diablo (Estaban De Ablo).
12th century
Crusades, the mutant Bennet Du Paris meets Eobar Garrington and clan akkaba.
Belasco born at the tail end of the century.
14th Century
Mutants immune to the black page die in the sea.
X’Hal ascends to godhood.
15th Century
Intelligent gorillas form Gorilla City.
Manhunters deviate from original programming.
Zemo barony formed
16th Century
The Black Pirate
Andrew Bennet becomes a vampire.
17th Century
Gotham City founded
Romeyn Falls founded
Metropolis founded.
Uncle Sam
Frankenstein Monsters
Jonah Hex
Atlas City formed.
Hellfire Club formed
Trigger Twins
Rawhide Kid
Carter Slade
Red Wolf
Irene Adler and Raven Darkholme
Sherlock Frankenstein
1859 Nathaniel Essex begins experimenting on Mutants.
1882 Wolverine Born
Morpheus Imprisoned.
Tom Strong born
Balloon Buster
Mister Cakewalk
Enemy Ace
Freedom’s Five
Cult of Blood formed in Zandia
Krypton destroyed
Kal El Lands in Kansas
Doc Steele, Tazara, The Crimson Fist
Ghost Hunter, Baron Von Fang
1930s - World War 2 
Batman appears
Superman first appears
Wonder Woman appears
Captain Marvel (Billy Batson) appears.
Invaders. Captain America 1-3
Based on Project Rebirth, Vought develops Compound V, empowering Soldier Boy. Germany empowers Stormfront using a duplicate.
Justice Society of America was formed.
Seven Soldiers of Victory
Freedom Fighters
Liberty Squadron
Black Hammer Squadron
Doctor Star
Abraham Slam
Sgt Rock
Sgt Fury and the Howling Commandos
Haunted Tank
GI Robot
The Losers
Albrecht Strong born.
Charles Xavier
Golden Gail (spawn of a shazam protege)
1950s (Silver Age Beginning)
Billionaire Oliver Queen is stranded on an island.
Hal Jordan inducted into the Green Lantern Corps
Astro-Naut dies and Astro City is named after him.
William Burnside and Jack Monroe become Captain America and Bucky.
Hero Licensing Agencies were formed in Japan, one of the first being formed by Dragon King. “Former” villain of the JSA and Acrobat.
J’onn Jonnz teleported to Earth.
Barbalien, a contemporary of J’onn’s arrives on Earth.
Colonel Weird.
Peter Parker was Bitten by a radioactive spider
Blue Beetle (Ted Kord)
The Confessor
The Midnight Mink and Chippy (Short lived Batman inspired criminal)
Jessica Jones falls into a coma.
The Question
Fantastic Four
Challengers of the Unknown
First Family
Max O'Millions
Suicide Squad.
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Black Canary II
JLA formed
Teen Titans formed
X-Men founded
Captain Marve (Mar-Vell)
John Stewart Green Lantern
Avengers Formed
Black Rapier
Luke Cage.
Iron Fist (Danny Rand)
Shang Chi
Silver Agent framed and is executed
Putrid Punk
Black Lightning
Black Hammer I
JLI formed.
Aaron Aikman becomes a doctor and is murdered by Morlun.
Doom Patrol
Winged Victor
Original Batman Dies
Mister Unknown, inspired by Batman becomes a vigilante crimefighter in Japan.
Suicide Squad II
Spiral City is almost consumed by eldritch Anti-God.
Nightingale and Songbird
All Might receives his Quirk.
The Samaritan prevents The Challenger Disaster.
Tesla Strong born.
Vought America begins to push its corporate superhumans. Their minds are twisted by Compound V. Vought refuses to seek alternatives.
Jon Kent, Cir-El Kent born. 
Christopher Kent adopted
Superman Dies.
Unteens (not super long-lived)
Hal Jordan goes evil and dies.
Kyle Rayner.
First superhuman reality TV show, Youngblood.
They’re immediately met a year later by Vought’s onslaught of Superhuman reality TV shows.
Black Hammer II
The superhuman civil war in america.
Japanse Military creates Big Hero 6 in response to Hero Agencies.
The Super Young Team forms an act of social rebellion by the children of Japanese superheroes who reject the Hero Agency route while despising government work like Big Hero.
Little do they know, they are integral to humanity's further evolution into the super-world.
Peter Parker dies. Mantle was taken up by Miles Morales.
Skrulls invade earth.
Black Hammer II
Black Rapier retires
Jiro Osamu, the replacement for Mister Unknown becomes "The Batman of Japan"
Young Avengers Form
The Authority was formed after Skywatch and IO were exposed to the world
 Izuku Midorya receives the One-For-All quirk
The hero agency system in Japan has cracks forming and they’re big.
Green Door Opens.
Miss Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Multiverse opened up.
China formed the Justice League of China, followed by its very own Lantern Corps.
Izuku becomes a superhero once again.
Black Hammer II becomes a mother.
Miles Morales becomes a vampire.
Team Titans
First Krakoan age. Mutants who have been dead for decades return.
Hulkling unites Skrull and Kree to form a new galaxy-spanning empire.
JLA Beyond
Bishop Born (Good Timeline).
The Future State. Corporations begin to create private security to crack down on superhuman threats. Especially in light of corporate superhero projects repeatedly failing.
Superman’s dynasty ascends to the stars. 
Corporations Dominate the World.
Age of Heroes is Over.
Spider-Man 2099
Avengers 2099
Franklin Richards ascends.
Superman’s Dynasty returns to Earth. It’s an ancestral land. It is in ruin.
Compound V-descended humans begin to activate their powers en masse but after 100 years of development, their minds can handle it.
30th Century
Legion of Superheroes
Centuries of Mutants, Compound V Descendants, Inhumans, Metahumans, and alien-influenced humans have fundamentally changed the definition of a baseline human.
Humanity is almost there. The rest of the universe is inching toward it too.
Golden Lantern
853rd Century
It’s a superhuman universe. 
The Justice Legion, influenced by their literal and metaphorical ancestors patrol all sections of the known universe. 
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azaenya · 28 days
Thinking about Fischl, specifically in reference to The Wizard of Oz
I used to think that that was what she was primarily referencing, but there were some very well-written dissections connecting her more to Norse mythology and stuff
But why don't I just do it anyway? It's just for fun either way
But before I get to Fischl, I want to connect some other relevant characters to Oz as well. Mostly people that are paired with Fischl often: Noelle, Bennett, and Barbara. Unfortunately, no Razor. I don't know where to fit him in, so I figured keeping him out would be more respectful than making him fuckin Toto.
NOELLE as The Scarecrow
The Scarecrow's issue is that he wants to be wise, but he, quite literally, lacks the brains to be so. Of course, the twist is that, even without a brain, he had wisdom all along. I feel like that encapsulates Noelle very well. Her deal is that she wants to be a Knight of Favonius, but she never makes the cut. So she constantly studies and helps others, trying to gain a "brain," if you will. Of course, my reading (/headcanon) is that she was always capable enough to be a Knight, and it was an external issue that stopped her. A bonus point is that, in the book, the Scarecrow is a stand-in for the common farmer, looked down upon for not being "educated," but has the valuable skill of common sense. And I think we can extend that metaphor to low ranking jobs, like maids. You see where I'm going with this.
BENNETT as the Tin Woodsman
The Woodsman, while kind and gentle, desires a heart, so he can feel love. Bennett, because of his bad luck, feels like he drives everyone away, and he is in search of friends and connections. He wants people to like him, and just like the Woodsman, they both always had it from the very beginning.
BARBARA as the Cowardly Lion
This one's a doozy. The Cowardly Lion wishes to have courage like how lions are commonly portrayed. Barbara is of the Gunnhildr clan, (also associated with lions) but she was never able to display the strength necessary to satisfy her mother. So she always felt like she came short of the expectation of what she should have been. But even now, as a Pegg and a pacifist, she has always been worthy. She displays her noble nature through her kindness and compassion for helping others.
(Mihoyo did her dirty and she deserves better)
FISCHL as Dorothy AND The Wizard of Oz
Fischl is complicated because I feel like she is able to embody both Dorothy and the titular Wizard, Oz. In Oz, Fischl likes to portray herself as the great and powerful Prinzessin, but in reality, she is acting out that role. Now, the book paints Oz out as a conman, the adult who tells lies, but I'd rather not say that's what Fischl is. What she is doing is harmless, and she should be allowed to do it. Where you might put the conman part is in people's reactions to her. Her parents most certainly don't support her Fischl side, feeling like "the lie" has gone on too long. And that brings us to Dorothy, the young girl from Kansas, swept up by a tornado, who just wants to go home. "Home," in Fischl's case, isn't literal (one would sure hope not), but rather a place where she can be herself and be respected for what she chooses to do with her life. The Found Family, mwah 🤌 And the way home had been by her side all along.
Looking at this, I'm wondering how much of this is intentional, because it hasn't escaped me that a tornado was the inciting incident that lead Dorothy to The Land of Oz. And... well... Mondstadt. The place associated with wind. Yeah.
Anyway, not sure if you can connect other characters to the book, but I'll always encourage others to try.
I can't wait for a 9 page essay on how Diluc is the Bumpy Man. 👍
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man-moth-hook-hand · 1 year
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Dwayne's Playlist
Neon Knights - Black Sabbath
Blitzkrieg Bop - The Ramones
In the Dark - Billy Squier
More than words - Extreme
Hurts So Good - John Mellencamp
Lick It Up - Kiss
Hot Blooded - Foreigner
Winds of Change - Scorpions
I'm Not In Love - 10cc
Dust In The Wind - Kansas
Rock You Like a Hurricane - Scorpians
Rock And All Nite - Kiss
Evil Eyes - Dio
Creeping Death Matallica
Cherry Pie - Warrant
Still Loving You - Scorpions
Love Song - Tesla
Iron Man - Black Sabbath
Rainbow In The Dark - Dio
War Pigs - Black Sabbath
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