#kanda masakazu
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t-u-i-t-c · 14 hours ago
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Kanda Masakazu | 3.3.25
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pokemonheritageposts · 4 months ago
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first of all thank you so much for donating. second of all thank you so much for picking Giratina. i have been waiting for this moment. the top two cards on this, okay? the top two cards. listen. i know i hype up cards a lot on here but oh my god damn. i struggled between these two. the fact that #2 wasn't an instant win is fucking insane to me. i usually only collect very specific sets/pokemon personally and i still wanna get the #1 on this if i ever get a good opportunity because just fucking look at it. LOOK AT IT.
anyway enough hype. cards now
10. Giratina (illus. 5ban Graphics, X & Y Promo #184)
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9. Giratina EX (illus. PLANETA, XY Ancient Origins 57/98)
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8. Giratina LV. X (illus. Shizurow, Platinum 124/127)
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7. Garchomp & Giratina GX (illus. Mitsuhiro Arita, Sun & Moon - Unified Minds 146/236)
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6. Giratina (illus. Masakazu Fukuda, Sun & Moon - Ultra Prism 58/156)
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5. Giratina (illus. Hasuno, Sun & Moon - Lost Thunder 97/214)
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4. Giratina (illus. Hajime Kusajima, Platinum 10/127)
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3. Garchomp & Giratina GX (illus. Anesaki Dynamic, Sun & Moon Promo #193)
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2. Giratina VSTAR (illus. AKIRA EGAWA, Crown Zenith GG69/GG70)
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1. Giratina V (illus. Shinji Kanda, Sword & Shield - Lost Origin 186/196)
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mirai-e-jump · 6 hours ago
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TV Guide, 2/28/2025 Issue ft. No.1 Sentai Gozyuger Main Cast Member Interviews (translation below)
Publication: February 12, 2025 (before broadcast start)
Gozyugers -Who has the "number one" hero pose?-
Fuyuno Mio (Tono Hoeru/GozyuWolf)
I don't have much experience in acting, and I'm feeling all kinds of pressure, but I believe one of my strengths is my willingness to go after what I lack, so I'd like to maintain this attitude for the next year and improve my performance.
Q: Which heroes do you admire? A: Samurai Sentai Shinkenger. Writing kanji characters in the air, and then transforming through the power of kanji……it left an impression on me, so I remember it well.
Suzuki Hideharu (Byakuya Rikuo/GozyuLeon)
There's still alot of things I'm not good enough at, but I'll be required to act, do action, and do post recording on this set, and since I'm playing the role of a former idol, I'll likely have to sing and dance. Because there's alot to learn, I believe that I'll grow, and I hope that my growth will help to move this production in the right direction.
Q: Which heroes do you admire? A: GoGo Sentai Boukenger. I was excited when I learned that Action Director Fukuzawa-san was BoukenRed's Suit Actor.
Kanda Masakazu (Bakugami Ryugi/GozyuTyranno)
First, I hope that this production reaches many people, and I'll do my best with that single thought in mind. Then, I'd like to learn action and post recording through filming so that I can make the most out of it in my future career as an actor. I'd also like to learn from all the cast members so that I can grow twice as much.
Q: Which heroes do you admire? A: I watched Seiju Sentai Gingaman as it aired. I also watched Ninja Sentai Kakuranger together with my older brother.
Matsumoto Jin (Takehara Kinjiro/GozyuEagle)
I hope that each and every one of us, myself included, can create characters that people will be happy to see appearing on screen. And then, just like how I myself was as a child, I hope that we can all work together to create a production that'll make people want to sit in front of the TV at the exact time the program starts.
Q: Which heroes do you admire? A: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. I liked toys, so I would collect the Ranger Keys.
Imamori Maya (Ichikawa Sumino/GozyuUnicorn)
I want to make sure that everyone who watches the show is thrilled and excited each and every week. For my role as Ichikawa Sumino, I'll be consulting as well as discussing things with the cast and staff, and I hope that we can present you with a production where every single moment is wonderful.
Q: Which heroes do you admire? A: Shinkenger. My older sister was studying kanji at the time of its broadcast, and the Shinkengers would fight by writing kanji that could be found in her workbooks. I remember that well.
Q: Who among you is the most heroic?
Imamori: I think each one of us has aspects that make us heroic.
Matsumoto: In terms of reliability, it'd probably be Masa-kun.
Fuyuno Suzuki Imamori: We know what you mean.
Suzuki: He's very kind. I have no acting experience, and my nerves were already shot when filming began, but Masakazu-kun called out from behind me during filming and said, "Don't worry, go on, you got this." I thought he was a hero for doing that, and it made me happy knowing that I'd be involved in the same production with such a kind person.
Kanda: Keep talking (laughs).
Matsumoto: Then there's Mio-kun. He's positioned as Red, so his turn to perform comes up quite often, which must also put him under alot of pressure, and yet….
Suzuki: He never looks like he's having a hard time, and will always smile at you. He's both tough and reassuring, so in that sense, he's the most heroic.
Fuyuno: (said shyly) Really?
Kanada: It seems like there's a side of him that changes once he gets into his role.
Suzuki: Lately, Mio's facial expressions have been different compared to when we first started filming. I could feel it just by watching you through the monitor.
Kanada Matsumoto Imamori: (they nod in agreement).
Fuyuno: Thank you so much (laughs). _
No One World Buraidan -Who has the "number one" villain pose?-
Sambongi Daisuke (Fire Candle)
Personally, I'd like to see spinoffs made for each character, but first, it's important for the children who watch the show to admire us and have dreams. So, I hope that tons of children will buy the toys. If they like the show, they'll want to buy them, so please buy them (laughs).
Q: Which heroes do you admire? A: The first one I watched was Kakuranger. The most memorable one is Gingaman. I love its opening song. I'll often imitate Gingaman's poses and running style.
Marupi (Bouquet)
It's my greatest pleasure to say that Bouquet's visuals are "number one" in leaving an impact, but I want to be an actor who can leave an even greater impact than that. I want to create a production that'll make lots of people think, "Watching Gozyuger made me happy," and I have confidence that this team can do it.
Q: Which heroes do you admire? A: Mahou Sentai Magiranger, as it's a story about a family who stand together. I remember it well because I love my own family.
Karuma (Kuon)
With it being a 50th anniversary production, there'll be a festive atmosphere, and I feel that it's to be expected that irregular things will frequently occur, but I think we can exceed expectations, and I want to be apart of that. I'm looking forward to learning what kind of person Kuon is, and having others get to know him as well.
Q: Which heroes do you admire? A: I watched Hyakujuu Sentai Gaoranger, Ninpu Sentai Hurricanger, and Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger. I'm currently listening to Hurricanger's opening song.
Q: Who among you is the most villainous?
Sambongi: You mean someone who looks like they're plotting something? We would've liked to have named someone who's heroic too… (laughs). Still, each of them is carefully thinking about the role they play. I can often sense that on set.
Marupi: The impression I have of Fire Candle-san is that he's someone who's just a passionate idiot, but I can tell from his performance that he's not a character that can be described in a few words, and I think the viewers will understand that. I'm also playing the role of Bouquet with the hope of delivering a surprise that you wouldn't imagine from her appearance, with the same going for Kuon too…
Karuma: He's a mysterious character, so I can't just say things like, "He looks like this, but is actually…" (laughs).
Marupi: We're all thinking about how to present our roles (laughs). _
Special Talk
"Please tell us how you felt when you were chosen to perform."
Fuyuno: I've admired heroes since I was a child, so I was happy, but at the same time, I felt pressure.
Suzuki: I grew up watching the Super Sentai series and saw them as my role models, so I was beyond surprised to find out that I would be apart of it. It wasn't until filming began, and I got on set to strike my transformation pose that I actually felt it.
Kanada: I was suddenly called into the office, told that I had been chosen to appear in the show, and was congratulated, but I was simultaneously happy, under pressure, and confused as to why they had decided to surprise me with it.
Matsumoto: I loved hero shows and would wake up on Sunday mornings just in time for them to start. It was exciting to think that I'd be seen as a hero by children who, like me at the time, wait excitedly in front of the TV.
Imamori: When the decision was made, I was so happy that I cried, as I couldn't believe it. I still feel like I'm dreaming, but I'd like to create a good show while discussing it with everyone.
Sambongi: When I was selected to appear, I thought the times had caught up with me (laughs). After that I thought, "I guess it was fate." Rather than being nervous or happy, I thought, "This is where it all starts."
Marupi: First, I couldn't believe it, but at the same time, I was determined to live up to the honor of being chosen to be apart of the 50th anniversary production. When I was chosen, I felt that 2025 would be the best year ever, so I want to return the favor.
Karuma: When I got the offer, I thought it was a mistake (laughs). I can't say anything right now about Kuon's character or how he'll influence the story (bitter smile), but I was happy to have been given such a role.
"In reference to the title, please tell us the number one person among the eight of you. Who's the number one morning person?"
Sambongi: If you've ever been late, be honest and come forward!
Marupi: Not me (laughs).
Imamori: Mio-kun comes to the studio very early, doesn't he? In addition, while everyone else sleeps on the bus on the way to the filming location, he continues to talk (laughs).
Matsumoto: It's like an unwritten rule, if you have to sit next to him on the bus, you better be ready to talk (laughs).
Fuyuno: I'm just trying to live each day to the fullest.
Suzuki: How cool (laughs).
"Who's the number one eater?"
Everyone: That would be…(they all look at Matsumoto).
Suzuki: I'm always eating the food prepared by catering.
Imamori: If I have alittle free time during filming, I'll sneak over to the catering area.
Kanada: You were holding some potato chips yesterday (laughs).
"And now, who's the number one person with leadership skills?"
Matsumoto: The five Gozyuger members are usually together, but when the time for filming approaches, Masa-kun often calls out to those around him by saying, "Shall we go now?"
Kanada: It's just that I'm abit of a cautious person, and tend to think that I shouldn't be late and need to start moving ahead of time. Well, I may be the leader in terms of pulling things along as a timekeeper, but Mio's the leader in terms of pulling things along on set and creating the mood, wouldn't you say?
Matsumoto: Mio naturally takes the initiative, and everyone will gather around him.
Fuyuno: I'm not trying to take on a leadership role though. Since one of our themes is being "outcasts," I think it's fine for each of us to be independent.
Karuma: You guys may never come together and remain separated.
Marupi: Wouldn't you lose members? (laughs).
Sambongi: It'd end up being a two person Sentai (laughs).
Kanada: If that continues, instead of number one, it'll become "only one Sentai" (laughs).
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zachbiller · 1 month ago
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GozyuTyranno / Ryugi Bakugami is played by Masakazu Kanda.
A "Tegasword Follower" who believes that serving Tegasword is the greatest happiness.
His wish is for Tegasword to be happy. He'll do anything to make that happen.
He's naive and extremely laid back, but he's super strong so there's not much to worry about.
He was originally raised in a strict family, but when he found out about Tegasword's existence he ran away from home and became an orphan because of his unorthodox beliefs.
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akascow · 4 years ago
h-hello s- *ahem* hello there sir 😳
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koushihaibaaa · 4 years ago
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Aoba Johsai Cast 👑
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engekihaikyuu · 5 years ago
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Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu - Flight
Top - Katoken (Tendou), Nobunaga (Shirabu), and Masakazu (Kunimi)
Bottom- Nobunaga and Toshi (Sakusa)
KatoKen would like everyone to notice that he and Nobu-chan have matching hats.  And that even with only a few days at rehearsals, his appetite is already insane.
Nobunaga wrote that the person he confessed to the other night was Toshi!  (corrected the earlier post; Nobu wasn’t confessed to, he said to Toshi that he’d totally fall for him if he were a girl).
(x) (x) (x) 
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lozza342 · 6 years ago
Right after the Hanamaki toss
Kindaichi just dives from behind and attacks Kunimi with tickles and
It's so cute???
It gives me life.
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kosuukeh · 6 years ago
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2018/12/16 - 
It’s the end of Engeki Haikyuu ‘The Strongest Team’. Team Aoba Johsai!
Source: [x][x][x][x]
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xxnothingbutstrangerxx · 6 years ago
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Sources : Here, Here 
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leenaevilin · 6 years ago
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[Pic] 舞台版「BLACK BIRD」(butaiban black bird)
main visual ↑↑↑ update^^
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 month ago
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Masakazu Kanda - Ryugi Bakugami/Gozyu Tyranno
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wanderer-stan · 4 years ago
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and ofcourse:
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𝗛𝗮𝗶𝘀𝘂𝘁𝗲 || 『 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗥𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗧𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽 』
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lozza342 · 5 years ago
And if anyone wonders how they were live, they were AWESOME. In fact everyone was, but especially these two, my sons...
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kindaichi and kunimi! (source)
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recentanimenews · 3 years ago
Key's 1st Crossover TV Anime KAGINADO Announces Its Premiere Date of October 12
    KAGINADO is Key's first crossover anime project featuring the main characters from its popular game/anime series, such as Kanon, AIR, CLANNAD, Little Busters!, and Rewrite. The TV anime's official website has opened to announce its premiere date of October 12, 2021, and main voice cast members.
  While most of the voice cast memres will be reprising their characters from the games and anime, Misuzu Kamio from AIR will be newly voiced by Asami Sanada, because the character's original cast Tomoko Kawakami passed away in 2011.
  Sanada says, "When I was asked to join an audition, I remembered Kawakami-san from our time together on the radio and in anime. I admired the way she could play any role with ease and cheerfully pull us together! I felt the work and the role were able to reach the hearts of the viewers because she was such a wonderful person. I got goosebumps when I was informed that I had been chosen for the role, and even as I write this comment, I feel again the size of the role and the responsibility. I will once again firmly hold on to what I felt I wanted to cherish, and I will firmly carry on Misuzu that Kawakami-san carefully spun!"
    "KAGINADO" story introduction:
    The Private Kaginado Academy. This is a demon-infested place where the legendary warriors of the world have gathered..., or rather, an utopia where they have squeezed out more tears than the total amount of water in Lake Biwa (estimated) from Key fans around the world for over 20 years. The goal of the Kirahoshi, who couldn't get enough of the fans' tear glands and have finally broken down the walls of the world and gathered together, is to enjoy a new school life in a new world. Free, joyful, and happy in every way. A dreamlike story begins.
    Key visual:
    Scene visuals:
    Main voice cast:
  From "Kanon":
Yuichi Aizawa: Tomokazu Sugita
Ayu Tsukimiya Yui Horie
Nayuki Minase: Mariko Kouda
Mai Kawasumi: Yukari Tamura
Misaka Shiori: Akemi Sato
Sawatari Makoto: Mayumi Iizuka 
  From "AIR"
Yukito Kunisaki: Daisuke Ono
Mizuzu Kamio: Asami Sanada
Kano Kirishima: Sara Takeda
Minagi Tono: Ryoka Yuzuki
  From "CLANNAD"
Tomoya Okazaki: Yuichi Nakamura
Nagisa Furukawa: Mai Nakahara
Kyo Fujibayashi: Ryo Hirohashi
Ryo Fujibayashi: Akemi Kanda
Tomoyo Sakagami: Houko Kuwashima
Fusako Ibuki: Ai Nonaka
Kotomi Ichinose: Mamiko Noto
Yohei Sunohara: Daisuke Sakaguchi
  From "Little Busters!"
Riki Naoe: Yui Horie
Rin Natsume: Tomoe Tamiyasu
Kyosuke Natsume: Hikaru Midorikawa
Masato Inohara: Nobutoshi Kanna
Kengo Miyazawa: Yusei Oda
Komari Kamikita: Natsumi Yanase
Haruka Saigusa: Keiko Suzuki
Yuiko Kurugaya: Ryoko Tanaka
Mio Nishizono: Shiho Kawaragi
  From "Rewtite"
Kotaro Tennoji: Masakazu Morita
Kotori Kanbe: Chiwa Saito
Chihaya Ohtori: Saya Shinomiya
Akane Senri: Eri Kitamura
Shizuru Nakatsu: Keiko Suzuki
Lucia Konohana: Risa Asaki
Kagari: Kana Hanazawa
Yumemi Hoshino: Keiko Suzuki 
    Main staff:
  Original Story: VISUAL ARTS/Key
Director: Kazuya Sakamoto
Series composition: Takashi Aoshi
Screenplay: Takashi Aoshi, Kai, Touya Okano
Character Design: Eriko Haga
Prop Design Kazunari Araki
Art Director: Yukihiro Shibuya
Color Design: Asami Kitsukawa
Director of photography: Tomoaki Suzuki
Editing: Kazuo Kajiya 
Sound director: Akane Maeda
Sound production: Tohokushinsha
Music production: VISUAL ARTS/Key
Animation production: Liden Film Kyoto Studio
    Source: Bushiroad press release
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
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fymyu · 5 years ago
Hyper Projection Play Haikyuu!! The Strongest Team Actors
Hinata Shouyou: Suga Kenta
Kageyama Tobio: Kageyama Tatsuya
Tsukishima Kei: Kosaka Ryoutarou
Yamaguchi Tadashi: Miura Kairi
Tanaka Ryuunosuke: Shiota Kouhei
Nishinoya Yuu: Fuchino Yuuto
Ennoshita Chikara: Kawahara Kazuma
Sawamura Daichi: Tanaka Keita
Sugawara Koushi: Tanaka Naoki
Azumane Asahi: Tomimori Justin
Ukai Keishin: Hayashi Tsuyoshi
Takeda Ittetsu: Uchida Shige
Shimizu Kiyoko: Nagao Shizune
Yachi Hitoka: Saitou Ami
Shimada Makoto: Yamaguchi Kento
Tanaka Saeko: Sadachi Momoko
Ushijima Wakatoshi: Arita Kenji
Tendou Satori: Katou Ken
Semi Eita: Sera Yuusuke
Oohira Reon: Yokoyama Masafumi
Goshiki Tsutomu: Kikuchi Shuuji
Shirabu Kenjirou: Satou Nobunaga
Yamagata Hayato: Takahashi Shun’ichi
Kawanishi Taichi: Tsuji Ryoushirou
Coach Washijou Tanji: Kawashita Taiyou
Oikawa Touru: Asuma Kousuke
Iwaizumi Hajime: Kohatsu Allen
Hanamaki Takahiro: Kanai Sonde
Matsukawa Issei: Shirakashi Judai
Kindaichi Yuutarou: Sakamoto Kouta
Kunimi Akira: Kanda Masakazu
Yahaba Shigeru: Yamagiwa Kaito
Watari Shinji: Saitou Kenshin
Kyoutani Kentarou: Kitamura Kento
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