#kai's parents headcanons
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dracocheesecake · 8 months ago
On that idea of Oogway meeting Kai's parents: Bingwen and Khaltmaa hold no punches when it comes to embarrassing their son in front of him. They definitely bring out the baby pictures, tell stories of Kai's most embarrassing moments, and gush over how much he talked about Oogway in his letters home.
Kai thinks it can't possibly get any worse, but then it does- because Oogway starts sharing a few embarrassing Kai stories of his own. This eventually leads to Kai getting so fed up that he has to escape the house to go "clear his head" at the pond, which is really just Kai sitting on the little dock looking into the water like:
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Big bad warlord can't handle his parents and supposed "brother in arms" betraying him like this. He'll never recover from the emotional damage of their bullying. 😔💔
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hawkflame999 · 1 year ago
I Have a Question For the Ninjago Fandom
And how Kai must've had trust issues at first.
And how Lloyd must've had trust issues at first.
And how Wu is literally taking better care of the six than their freaking parents did.
(Garmadon, Lily, Jay's bio parents, + Ray and Maya get free passes bc one way or the other it wasn't their fault.)
AND ALSO THE NINJA (except Lloyd bc he's also not fully human) LIVE WITH A DUDE THAT'S 1/4 ONI, 1/4 DRAGON, AND 1/2 HUMAN.
SO if Wu actually got the stuff from the Yokai side of the fam then wouldn't Zane, Kai, Cole, Jay, and Nya classify as feral kids?
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kindaasrikal · 2 months ago
The tragic existence of the Ninja and co having faces that look so much like another’s, knowing that the face in the mirror is one that mimics a mothers and a fathers, even if they wish despite for it not too.
How did Harumi feel after her parents died and the last thing she had of them is her own face?
How did Pixal feel not knowing of shes simply a copy of someone long gone, or if this face is her own to bear?
How did Arin feel knowing that the only reason he remembers how his parents look like is because of a reflection?
How does Sora feel looking at a face that should be her own, yet all she sees is the faces of those who hurt her most?
How does Wydlfyre feel not knowing of her face look more like her mothers or fathers, questioning why is doesn’t look like Heatwave’s or Caregivers, and wondering why she wished it looked more like Kai’s?
This is part two!
First post :D
Did Cyrus Borg ever look at Pixal when he first designed her, and wondered if that would be how his daughter could’ve looked like? Did he ever question and wonder why he made Pixal look the way he did, despite knowing the answer deep down inside of him?
Did Wydlfyre look at other dragons and realised how similar they looked to their parents? How they had their father’s eyes, or mother’s tail? Did she ever question Heatwave-her father- or the caregiver robot -her mother- as to why she did not have her father’s long fangs or her mother’s sleek skin? When she was finally told they were not biologically family (yet in their hearts they always will be), did she ever sit and wonder whose face matches hers?
When the merge happened and she heard Arin wish for his parents, the ninja wondering where their parents are, Sora in grief of her own, did she ever sit in front of a mirror and tried to pick apart which part would belong to whom? Would her eyes be fierce like her mother’s, or would they be as determined as her father’s? Would her hair be as vibrant as her father’s bold locks, and would her mother bear the mark from birth like she has? Would she wish to have a smile as caring as Kai’s, like how she wishes to have Heatwaves warmth and Caregivers security?
Did Arin ever stare at his face in hope he would be able to fool himself into thinking he was looking at his mother’s instead? Or did he once realise that the only reason he even remembered how his own parents looked like was by his own face? Did he ever feel pain by looking more like his mother than his father? Or would he focus too much in his fathers features when it was his mothers face he last saw? How many times did he cry as a lost child wondering when the next time he sees his parents it won’t be through a mirror?
Did Sora ever wish to scratch off the features that made her look so much like her own parents? Her mothers eyes that seemed to bore into her own and her fathers frown that mimicked hers perfectly? Did she ever cry in gratitude over her pink hair, yet feel loss at how much she never fit in even with her own family? How many times did she cry when she thought she was acting too much like her mother, or her father? That her face warped into expressions that she remembered so clearly on their own faces?
How many times did she catch her self smiling, and loving and fond look in her eyes when she looked at people she cared about, only to realise that she barely ever saw this look on her own parents? That the reason her heart ached, was because the only way she ever will see such a look pointed at her from their own faces was with her own?
How long did Harumi sit staring her face to ensure she never forget the look of her parents? How many times did she move her face to mimic the same ones of terror and fear and acceptance that she last saw on her parent’s face? On their funeral, how many times was she told she looked exactly like her parents? That they must’ve been proud to have such a beautiful daughter? Did she cry, when she wished she looked just as beautiful as her mother once did? Or did her anger at the world climb higher when strangers would say she looks so much like her mother, the queen, despite being adopted? Did she ever scratch at her face, trying to change it, hoping to pull her eyes out when told they look so much like the kings, and not her father’s?
Did they ever wish that their face were their own, and not a sick reminder of what they once had?
Bah since some (haha, one of you actually) of you wanted the dragons rising characters, i did that and slapped you with Harumi too cause shes just tragic.
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cyb-organ · 8 months ago
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happy lesbian visibilty week to her. i gave her a little bird
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robertdowneyjjr · 1 year ago
tony loves holding hands.
he loves being affectionate in general. he’s tactile. physical touch is his love language. but there’s something about holding hands that he especially loves. it’s a simple display of affection and yet it means so much.
there’s this thing he does when he’s holding hands with someone. every once in a while he’ll tighten his grasp a bit, squeeze the hand of the person he’s holding ever so slightly. it means he’s happy to be there, to be holding onto the person he loves. it means he doesn’t plan on letting go anytime soon.
when he and bucky start dating, tony makes an effort to almost always hold onto bucky’s left hand when they go out. it’s another one of his silent messages: he loves bucky for all that he is.
when bucky feels tony squeeze his hand for the first time after tony upgrades his arm, he almost trips over his own feet. he looks at their linked hands, then at tony, and he positively beams.
he squeezes back and they keep walking.
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lovech1ld · 4 months ago
demetri from cobra Kai is obviously Greek American and I so wish they had leaned into that because I’m starved for child of immigrants representation and he would be sooo funny…
alternatively Eli with a Russian father and an American mother
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spinjitzufam · 2 months ago
I always thought Cole was dependable and emotionally solid b/c he's like the elemental master of earth, but I just realized it's also probably due to his background.
like his mom was chronically ill & his dad was an emotional time bomb, right? he had to be emotionally perceptive from an early age to keep his family somewhat together.
it's especially highlighted when we think of Jay, Kai/Nya, and Zane.
Jay grew up with parents that lowkey encouraged everything he did. Pure love and encouragement—it's why he's emotionally open at the beginning and gives off youngest energy.
Kai/Nya had to grow up earlier than most, but it stunted their emotional growth in favor of other things. Who cares about emotion when you're trying to run a business and survive?
Zane—well, he has his own childhood thing (he's a nindroid, after all)—and his wiped protocol most likely meant he started from scratch for emotional matters.
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kiyovazquez · 11 months ago
Little rainbow (Wukong x Kiyo)
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Los cálidos rayos del sol se filtraban en la habitación del hospital, donde dos dioses contemplaban a su pequeña criatura. Kiyo se encontraba recostada sobre blancas almohadas, con el monito acurrucado en sus brazos maternales.
El recién nacido dormía plácidamente, ajeno al mundo, apenas unas horas después de ver la luz por primera vez. Kiyo lo miraba enamorada, olvidando el cansancio de tantas horas de parto.
Con delicadeza, deslizó sus dedos por la espalda del bebé, conteniendo a duras penas las lágrimas que amenazaban por escapar. A su lado, su amado esposo la miraba en silencio, compartiendo aquel momento de gracia.
—Es tan pequeño...— musitó Kiyo, derritiéndose de ternura. Su criatura era aún más diminuta que los niños humanos, siendo tan pequeño y delgado.
—Los monos son más pequeños que los bebés humanos— observó Wukong con sabiduría, recordando a los pequeños monitos de su montaña.
Con suma delicadeza, envolvió a Kiyo en un cálido abrazo, cuidando de no causarle el menor malestar tras las horas de parto. Recargó su mentón en el hombro de su amada, uniéndose a ella en la contemplación del pequeño milagro entre sus brazos.
Sus toscas manos, endurecidas por las batallas, rozaron con infinita ternura la mejilla del bebé. Sus deditos eran más frágiles que el pétalo de una flor, y su boquita y sonrosadas mejillas despertaban una oleada de amor en lo más hondo de su alma.
—¿Has pensado ya en un nombre para él? —preguntó Kiyo después de unos minutos de silencio, buscando la mirada dorada de su amado.
—Eso es fácil —rio Wukong entre dientes, estrechando con más fuerza a su familia—. Claramente se llamará Wukong Jr, es mi viva imagen— expresó con orgullo.
La pelinegra frunció el entrecejo al escuchar tal ocurrencia. Con delicadeza acunó al bebé entre sus brazos, como protegiéndolo de aquel nombre.
—Nuestro hijo no llevará tu nombre —se negó con suavidad—. Él es su propia persona y merece un nombre propio
—Pero, mi lluvia... —se quejó Wukong con un puchero, antes de dejar escapar un suspiro resignado—. Bien, dime qué nombres tienes en mente. Espero al menos que sean más bonitos o será Wukong jr —soltó con una sonrisa burlona.
Kiyo sonrió, preparándose para crear unos segundos de suspenso antes de hablar.
—Se llamará Mixtli —anunció con orgullo. Un bufido escapó de los labios de Wukong.
—¿Mixtli? ¿Qué clase de nombre es ese?
—Significa "nube" en náhuatl —explicó Kiyo mirándolo con dulzura. — Nuestro hijo no será solo chino, también llevará en sí las raíces de mi cultura.
—Lo sé, lo sé —concedió Wukong haciendo muecas. — pero no estoy seguro...
—Pero solecito, a mí me encanta Mixtli —insistió Kiyo con un puchero. Tras reflexionar un momento, propuso. — ¿Qué tal si tiene dos nombres? elige tú su otro nombre, pero no Wukong Jr
Wukong frunció el ceño, sumido en reflexiones. Jamás había pensado en tener que nombrar a un hijo, acostumbrado a la idea de llamarlo como él. Pero deseaba honrar los orígenes de Kiyo también.
Se apartó un poco y contempló al bebé en silencio, analizando sus delicados rasgos en busca de la esencia oculta tras ellos. Poco a poco, una sonrisa se dibujó en su rostro.
─Creo que tiene cara de Kai ─declaró con orgullo.
─ ¿Kai? Podrías haber elegido algo más corto ─bromeó Kiyo con tono sarcástico.
─Oye, Kai es un nombre noble... ─se quejó con dulzura─ Además, dijiste que serían dos. Kai Mixtli suena armonioso, ¿no crees?
—Pero solecito, el punto no es...
Kiyo no alcanzó a terminar cuando un llanto interrumpió sus palabras. Con delicadeza acunó a Kai, susurrándole cálidas palabras mientras lo mecía.
—Tranquilo, mami y papi están aquí... —musitaba arrullándolo. Pero los sollozos del bebé no cesaban.
Wukong los contempló en silencio y un semblante serio. Con suavidad acarició los finos cabellos del pequeño, calmando su llanto para sorpresa de todos. El silencio reino en la habitación unos momentos.
—¿Pensaste alguna vez en ser madre? —preguntó Wukong en tono reflexivo, sin apartar la vista del niño.
—No realmente, al menos no tan pronto —confesó Kiyo confundida—. Cuando nos casamos comencé a imaginarlo, pero nuestro hijo fue... Una sorpresa.
—Y... ¿No te molesta? — murmuró Wukong con una vulnerabilidad poco común en él.
Kiyo lo miró con ternura, intuyendo sus inquietudes. Sostuvo al bebé con una mano mientras la otra tomaba la mejilla de su amado.
—¿Qué es lo que realmente te preocupa, cariño? — inquirió acariciando su rostro.
Wukong suspiró hondo.
—Tengo miedo de ser mal padre —confesó al fin. — Yo no tengo padres, nací de una roca, sólo estuvieron mis maestros, pero jamás los vi como figuras paternas. Sé que podría cometer errores y lastimar a Kai sin querer. No quiero defraudarlo...— decía, alzando su mirada al pequeño fruto de su amor. Sus ojos se entrecerraron un poco. — tengo miedo de lastimarlo o ponerlo en peligro como he hecho con MK, Macaque... Con todos. No quiero que él pase por todo eso y mucho menos por mi culpa...
—Wukong, no puedo asegurarte de que serás el mejor padre, el futuro es incierto —susurró Kiyo acariciando su rostro con dulzura. — Tampoco yo sé si estaré a la altura, pero una cosa sí puedo prometerte: estaremos juntos en esto...— sonrió, buscando confortar a su esposo. — Tus dudas y temores demuestran que realmente lo amas y quieres lo mejor para él. Eso es lo verdaderamente importante. No necesitas ser el padre perfecto, sólo ser el padre que Kai merece: aquel que lo ame incondicionalmente, lo escuche, lo guíe y proteja. Y de eso estoy segura de que eres capaz...
Wukong sintió que sus miedos comenzaban a disolverse ante la mirada llena de fe y confianza de Kiyo. Ella creía en él aun cuando él mismo no lo hacía. Y si ella confiaba en que juntos podrían ser buenos padres, él también empezaba a creerlo. Sus labios se curvaron en una sincera sonrisa, entregándose de lleno a su nueva misión como protector de aquella preciosa vida que había creado junto a su esposa.
—Gracias, mi amor— murmuró, estrechándola entre sus brazos con cuidado de no aplastar al bebé. — Estar juntos es todo lo que necesito. Haré lo mejor por nuestro hijo, te lo prometo.
—Confía en mí, también tengo mucho miedo... —susurró Kiyo separándose lentamente de su abrazo para mirar el rostro de su esposo. — Pero ¿sabes qué es lo que me da fuerzas? Ver tus ojos dorados. Al mirar en ellos cada día recuerdo todo mi pasado y veo todo lo que hemos recorrido juntos. Ya no soy aquella chica triste y sola que una vez fui, ahora soy tu esposa, la madre de nuestro pequeño hijo y la diosa de la lluvia. No podría desear un futuro mejor. Tú salvaste mi vida tan solo con tu mirada...y seguir viendo esos lindos ojos todos los días solo me recuerdan lo feliz que soy actualmente y lo feliz que seguiré siendo a tu lado.
Wukong acarició su mejilla con ternura y la estrechó de nuevo entre sus brazos, ocultando el rostro en su cuello y respirando su aroma.
—Creo que en realidad nos hemos salvado mutuamente sin darnos cuenta —susurró, con la voz quebrada por la emoción, soltando un pequeño suspiro como si de esa forma, sus miedos se borran para siempre.
Kiyo sonrió dulcemente, entregándose al abrazo de Wukong con calma. Unas lágrimas de profunda felicidad se deslizaron por sus mejillas al recordar el largo camino recorrido para llegar a este momento de felicidad junto al amor de su vida. Había valido cada tropiezo, cada lágrima derramada.
Pocos segundos después, como si supiera que era el centro de atención, Kai volvió a despertar sollozando bajito y removiéndose entre sus mantas. Sus padres se separaron despacio, mirando al pequeño niño envuelto en mantas azules demandando atención.
—Creo que un buen comienzo para cualquier padre es cargar a su hijo entre sus brazos— susurró Kiyo con ternura, trasmitiéndole toda la confianza que él aún no se atrevía a darse. Extendió al pequeño bultito que sollozaba, acunándolo un instante más entre sus manos antes de depositarlo con cuidado en el pecho de Wukong.
—K-Kiyo, no creo poder...— murmuro Wukong nervioso, cortando sus palabras de inmediato cuando sintió el menudo cuerpecito de Kai acurrucarse con confianza sobre su pecho.
En silencio, el mono naranja miró con asombro al fruto de su amor. Cada respiración y movimiento del bebé lo absorbían por completo, logrando que su corazón latiera como loco. Las pequeñas manitas de Kai se agitaron buscando aferrarse a la ropa paterna, hallando en ese simple gesto el consuelo que demandaba.
Wukong contuvo el aliento, admirado por la fragilidad y perfección de tan pequeño ser. Sus miedos se desvanecieron al comprender que aquel niño ahora formaba parte de su alma. Lo envolvió con infinito cuidado entre sus brazos, maravillado al contemplarlo moverse plácidamente sobre su pecho.
—Será un honor y un privilegio ser tu padre, Kai Mixtli— susurró conmovido, sin apartar la mirada de su rostro. En ese instante supo que haría cualquier cosa con tal de verlo feliz y protegerlo por siempre. Finalmente conocía aquella palabra tan desconocida para él, paternidad.
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cuteniaarts · 4 months ago
@katkastrofa, circa 40-ish hours ago: Hey, what if our newest bunch of OCs adopted a baby from one of the other brothel girls who knew she couldn’t afford to raise one? That would make for some fun shenanigans :D
Me, with a notoriously non existent sleep schedule, instinct of self preservation or concern for my poor wrist: Alright, bet. Watch how fast I can make you fall in love with this hypothetical baby >:)
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Daneli as a gentle and loving caretaker-turned-adoptive-mother is something that can be So Personal, actually, and originally I was going to leave it at this quick sketch, but then I got carried away thinking about what this child will grow up to be like raised by this little gang of misfits, so…
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Here she is!! A little older and so, so beautiful, I need more of her in my life immediately, she’s way too precious
And, because I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t also add a sapphic element to this absolute cinnamon roll, a small crack ship that I’m only half serious about for when she’s a little older still:
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All in all, we may be getting impossibly far from canon, but I for one already cannot get enough of sweet darling Kumisai <3
(I fully drew three pieces from scratch in 9 hours I cannot feel my brain or my hands anymore send help)
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original characters#jinora#wow. nia drew a canon character? what is this?? who was I replaced by???#but joking aside. a small explanation for this crack ship#originally it was me editing my timeline and realising that Kumisai would be around 14/15 during book 4. the same age as Jinora#so my mind immediately went 👀👀👀 and I decided to go for it#since in sotrl I sorta implied Jinora had a gay awakening by watching Suiren. so.. why not go all out and make her another baby queer?#no offence to Kai. what they had was rather cute tbh. but it felt kinda out of nowhere and just added for the sake of parental drama#plus she was a young girl meeting someone her age for the first time. of course she got a crush#doesn’t mean she has to stick with it you know?#anyway. as for how they would meet. Midori could introduce them :D#Kumisai is Daneli’s daughter. who’s a friend of Summiya’s. who’s Zaheer’s sister. who’s Midori’s uncle. who’s friends with Jinora#and spirits know Jinora deserves to act her age a little more often. she has way too many responsibilities on her shoulders#so maybe Midori would think that a friend her age would do her some good#and don’t even try to tell me these two wouldn’t be absolutely adorable puppy crushing on each other. look how cute Jinora turned out here#might be the first time I’ve drawn her? not sure. maybe I did before but it was A LONG time ago. 2019 ish#but okay. enough rambling about Jinora. back to Kumisai#I don’t really have too many headcanons about her yet. but she’s probably rather happy and carefree#having a large support system as a result of being raised communally#I think she considers Daneli her mom and the others are her aunties. auntie Shezan in particular is a notoriously bad influence :)#and maybe one day she’d get to meet her bio mom. but only if that’s something both of them want. not sure yet#I feel like she’s rather disconnected from her water tribe heritage since everyone around her is Earth Kingdom. save Phailin who’s half FN#but she still has small hints of blue in her clothing. the colour matching her beautiful eyes. maybe she is curious about her bio dad a bit#since unlike with her bio mom no one knew him and can’t tell her anything. that’s bound to come as a natural curiosity at some point right?#maybe that can be part of her story when she’s an adult. trying to find her bio dad. but ultimately it doesn’t matter that much#because Daneli is her mom and the only parent she needs <3 I’m really just throwing out suggestions here to fill the tag space#kaaatttt come discuss all this stuff with me I waited all night for you to wake up >:) distract me from my grandma’s tv watching
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constantstateofpain · 2 years ago
silly little ninjago headcannon me and some friends made up.
zane eats microwaves. they’re his favorite snack. 
but this is a very expensive snack. and someone has to buy new microwaves. the only one with that kind of money is cole. 
with no one else pitching in money, cole gets tired of spending only his money for something EVERYONE uses.
cole: guys if you don’t fucking pitch in, i won’t buy a new microwave.
jay: okay whatever
kai: we can live with out it
nya and lloyd: [nodding]
cole: fine, but don’t come crawling back to me when you can’t live without it.
for the next week, there’s no microwave and everyone except cole is pretty used to it. as most have them lived in poverty or near it. so he caves and buys a new one, it’s locked in a room that’s password protected so zane can’t eat it again.
zane misses eating microwaves :(
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cheddertm · 1 year ago
I love you, [shoots my transgender beam at Ninjago]
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dracocheesecake · 6 months ago
I think honestly Kai was a cute, sweet calf for the most part but there were probably signs early on his parents really should have noticed, in retrospect. For example:
Little Kai: *tearing off the leaves of a bush one by one, but with a grumpy expression*
Khaltmaa: "Aw. Are you gardening, Kai? Did the bush need trimming?"
Little Kai: "No, Momma. This bush poked me with one of its twigs. Now I'm making it suffer!" *continues plucking leaves*
Khaltmaa: "...Um...Don't do that."
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kassiedoodles-xo · 1 year ago
Always an angel, never a god
Always good, never enough
Always the eldest daughter, never a kid
Always a warrior, never a human
Always the lover, never the loved
Always the healer, never healed
Always powerful, never strong
Always the evil, never a person
Always Caged, never free
Always the burden, never the gifted
Always the Sunshine, never the Rain
Always the Queen,
Never Just Yuki
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impossiblesuitcase · 2 years ago
cinder: screw royalty laws I can be a mother and an empress
cinder: *has meeting with sleeping baby on her chest*
Cinder and Kai would be adamant that they prefer to be good parents over being a good emperor/empress. They'd both take their kids to work and meetings when necessary. If anyone says anything, they can say, "this child will grow up to be the empress, and to do that she needs to have a good childhood. How can she have that without her parents caring for her?"
I also imagine them having their child sit on their lap and answer questions at press conferences, e.g:
Reporter: Your Majesty, what is the Commonwealth's stance on international border restrictions?
Kai: The Eastern Commonwealth welcomes travel and trade with our fellows nations, however there has been a concerning growth in drug and human trafficking in this industry, therefore we are firm in maintaining our borders and ensuring strict entrance security for all.
Reporter: Thank you, and Your Highness, what's your favourite spaceship?
Peony: Rampion!
Unfortunately, they couldn't take a baby to every meeting. But when they're working Iko is there as the best auntie ever. Side-note: Iko would be an amazing nanny. She could stay up all night caring for the baby without tiring out. Cinder and Kai are forever grateful to her for allowing them to get a few extra precious hours of sleep.
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away-ward · 1 year ago
What do think the Horsemen and their women are like as parents?
Oof. Way out of my depth. I don't have a parental bone in my body. And really outside of willemmy I don't have a clue about the inner workings of these characters. But...making this up as I go...
I think for the most part, it would be easier to describe any of them as overly protective, or wanting their kids to have independence, ect. I'll try to stay away from the obvious.
The Fane's:
It's hard to tell because their first kid is Athos and she's 18 by the time Aaron comes along, so they probably raised them very differently. One thing is for sure though.
They are going to absolutely BABY Aaron.
Michael has high standards and expects his authority to be respected but will (proudly) hear Athos out when she wants to argue her point. He wants her to be smart and independent, striving to accomplish her goals. He'd considerate it a personal failing if he asked his kids "what do you want to do with your life/what do you want to accomplish/what is your goal?" and they responded "I don't know." He wants them to be mentally strong and determined in pursuit of what they want. He has a low tolerance for emotional outburst but thankfully Rika is there to balance that out.
Rika would want to create a warm, encouraging, supportive environment. As a parent, she want to instill a deep sense of purpose within her children, something that would guide them when she wasn't there. It would break her heart if her children ever felt lost or disconnected who they are. They should know who they are and what they value, even if it ends up being different from her and Michael. She'd encourage Athos and Aaron to speak their minds and cherish their unique personalities. She's more flexible in her role than Michael, and might let them get away with more just because she thinks it's fun.
The Mori's:
Mads is a curve ball for sure, but I think once Kai comes to understand and settle with his peculiar ways, it'll be fine. Jett, I think, is more chill and the easier of the two to parent, which Kai and Banks are thankful for. They train their kids in endurance and restraint, but of course letting them know there's a time for control and a time to let go.
Kai would want to give his children the same stable and comfortable foundation that he had. He'd be gentle but firm in guiding and discipline. He'd expect their respect at all times. There's no yelling or arguing in the Mori household; any disagreements are managed with a calm discussion followed by a reasonable punishment that matches the wrong, if one is required. Punishment isn't meant to hurt; it's always made clear the lesson that he wants them to learn, and it would end when he felt they'd learn it, no matter if it were half-an-hour or a week. Unlike his own father, he tries not to put heavy expectations on them. At the same time, he'd want to make sure they were ready for the world ahead of them and any sign that they weren't would unsettle him.
Banks, for all her worrying over being ready, is actually pretty comfortable as a parent. Along with Kai, she wants a structured environment most of the time, with clearly defined roles and expectations. She leads by example and doesn't expect her kids to do anything she wouldn't. This means, of course, that they contribute to the household chores such as keeping their own rooms clean, doing their own laundry when they get older, dishes and cooking when they're ready. She considers knowledge of these things to be standard and necessary for a successful life. She can be a bit stubborn when her kids start to develop ideas that conflict with the family's as they get older. Still, she finds it easier than Kai to deal with them testing their boundaries and putting up walls as they seek their independence. As hard a lesson as it was, she learned through Mads that sometimes, just letting a kid be is what they need. But she'll always be there when they ask for her, no matter how small the issue.
The Torrance's:
Damon gives his children complete freedom to do whatever they want. He doesn't deny them any opportunity to explore or experience the world at large. Nothing would piss him off more than his children not using their lives and freedom to the fullest extent. But even he has limits, and the expects his kids to not push them. He's given them a lot of space to roam, but don't go pass the fence, so to speak. Or, if they do, they should at least know how to conceal it. He encourages their creativity and spontaneity, often joining in with them if he can, but he isn't pushy about it. As they grow, his kids will trust Damon to be level-headed if (cough-when-cough) they get into trouble. And as a warning, don't look sideways at his kids unless you want him to be looking directly at you. He knows they're loud. Deal with it. But it's not all fun and adventure. At times, Damon may struggle with with the more emotional side of parenting and will leave that Winter if he thinks he's going to do or say something that will mess them up.
Winter enjoys motherhood. More than just having a house full the sounds of family, she's naturally warm and relaxed as a parent. She usually feel confident and capable when it comes to her kids. Not that motherhood is easy, but I think of all the girls, it comes easiest to her naturally. Being an artist, she's always thinking of something new and exciting for her kids to do. Since they are so...energetic...it has to be something hands-on. She'd be understanding when her kids make mistakes. Her first priority is making sure they're okay, then figuring out what happened, and then correction if needed. She's open-minded enough to let her children take risks (some that maybe even the others parents would hesitate with), but she expects them to own up to it when they do wrong. And because she's proven herself to be understanding and warm, they usually do without much resistance. People think that because the Torrance children are wild, they don't respect Winter or that she has no control over them, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.
The Grayson's:
maybe it's my personal opinion and soft spot for willemmy, but they are the most normal parents???? Or maybe it's just because they have the most average American family: three kids and a dog.
Will is the fun-dad. The "you're dad is so cooooooool" dad. (It's music to his ears every time one of his kid's friends say "I wish I had your dad." He looks over to Emory with a little wink and a smile, and she always rolls her eyes. "yeah, because impressing an 11 year old is sooo hard.") Like Damon, Will wants his kids to explore and experience everything. Unlike Damon, he wants to be there for every second of it, not as an overbearing parent but as a friend. He's just as hyped to do stuff as his kids are. Will has few rules when it comes to his kids branching out into the world. Hearing his them say, "I don't know what to do" isn't a failing or a flaw. It's because there's so many possibilities, and he's just as excited to explore those possibilities with them. But when disappointments come - because it always does - Will is uniquely qualified out of all of the Horsemen to help them deal with it. He's sensitive to emotions and understanding the ways of the heart, which he uses to help his kids get over setbacks and rise to the next challenge. Will would be happy with his kids doing anything. All he expects from them is to be kind most of all, no matter what they do in life. And while he doesn't enjoy the idea of disciplining them (often giving Em puppy eyes when it comes to that part of the job), he'll follow through because he knows they need it to develop into good people. Not rule-following people, but good. He makes sure they know there's a difference.
Emory encourages her kids independent thinking skills. Because of her and Will's natural curiosity, and fostering that quality in their children, her children ask a lot of questions. She'll always answer in an age appropriate way. Emory doesn't want to hide things from them because "they're too young" or "they won't understand", even if the topic is difficult. Because of this, her kids feel comfortable speaking around her, asking for help, or maybe sharing something embarrassing. Emory loves showing her kids physical affection - holding them everyday and showering them with praise so they never doubt they are loved. But for her, this is more of a private activity. In public, her words will be supportive and proud. She doesn't place a lot of importance on what she considers meaningless rules (hence, Indie dying her hair blue), so she makes sure the ones she does provide have good reasoning. Unfortunately, because of Will's resistance to discipline, it leaves her to the be strong one. Which is fine, for the most part. She knows that kids need guidance to be responsible adults, and she wants nothing more for them to be self-reliant and capable. So if that means a grounding here or there so her kids understand when to push the boundaries and when to fall in line, she can do that without problem, but that's the extent of her punishments.
Overall, these are people who are completely devoted to their children. They truly encompass the "it takes a village" saying. Where one of them as a failing, another picks up the slack. This means, as crazy and unusual as the kids appear, they're actually really well-developed, strong-willed, and confident in their skills and each other.
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Thanks for the ask. Let me know your fun HCs!!
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terrence-silver · 1 year ago
Hi sorry idk if you’ve answered this before but what do you think Terry’s full name is? Do you think he has a middle name (or two)?
I think Terrence Silver is his full name.
For some reason, and this is nowhere confirmed, but I tend to picture it like this nonetheless, I imagine his parents as deeply practical and pragmatic about it; in a sea of middle names, second middle names, dual surnames, having merely a singular first name and a singular surname attached to it, like it was intended to be (according to them?) is a showcasing of them knowing exactly who they are. They're the Silvers and their son is Terry Silver. No more. No less. Not Terrence J. Silver or Terrence M. Silver. or Terrence C. Silver. No. Just Terrence Silver, like they were never once in doubt what they wanted to name their son and so it remains completely sure that he is who he is and that he cannot be easily mistaken for anyone else, because I envision that their family name and the prestige it might've came with was a source of so much pride that these people absolutely wanted you to know exactly who they were.
Which Terry Silver? Is it Terrence J. Silver? Or Terrence H. Silver? Or?
Oh, that one. Just Terrence Silver.
That's right. Because there isn't another one out there.
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