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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 5 months ago
Spy x Family = romance for people who fantasize about getting married and having kids
Kaguya-Sama = romance for people who deal with anxiety
Horimiya = romance for teenagers (seriously, this is the most “teenage romance” anime series I’ve encountered)
My Dress Up Darling = romance specifically for nerds and geeks (because Marin and Gojo are nerds in their own way and the show’s message is about embracing what you love)
Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It = romance for socially awkward people / people who don’t really get social cues
Grand Blue = romance for fratbros and sorority girls
DanDaDan = romance for weeeeiiiird people (affectionately)
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farawaymarin · 14 days ago
i realised that most if not all of my comfort ships can be boiled down to "patron saint of autism and their bae" and it's really important to me actually
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yuurii180 · 7 months ago
god i love romance i am so dumb i should be productive
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dullorangepulp · 9 months ago
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(doodle reqs open!)
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ai-the-broccoli · 4 months ago
(what is definitely NOT the way Aka Akasaka came up with Kaguya-sama:)
Akasaka: [looks at Death Note] this is great, but... Akasaka: What if,,,,, this was a heterosexual* high school romcom,,,, where a lawlight-looking meronia was a lovely couple between man and woman,,,,, and Teru Mikami was a cute, rich, anxious schoolgirl who listens to praise kink asmr Akasaka: [actually makes that premise work really well somehow]
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ultrakart · 1 year ago
Kaguprez be like: I'm gonna get a good grade in romantic confession, which is both normal to want and possible to achieve-
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neverendingwinter · 2 years ago
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Happy pride month to bi4bi kaguprez
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do-you-ship-it-polls · 9 months ago
Do you ship it?
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reason: Two really intelligent students in a prestigious school fall for each other, but are so afraid of being emotionally vulnerable (seeing it as weakness) that instead of just talking about it they engage each other in large-scale psychological warfare to get the other person to confess first
i really wanted this drawing cuz it looks funny but i couldnt find a high quality version of it
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agott-arkrome · 2 years ago
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alarmcurtain · 1 year ago
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the students sure do council
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orange-s-mario · 7 months ago
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this was hilarious
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ccgg112 · 11 months ago
Sleep deprived blonde and black hair ships, am I right?
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raidergamerspice · 1 year ago
So, this is related to my previous post I made about Sense8 and Sense8 AUs because the other day, I took part of a tweet qrt chain by tweeting these four pics with the caption:
blonde boy x dark haired girl supremacy
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It's basically like my old post about shipping blonde guy x black haired girl ships, but now I included Aeon 'cause I kinda like them now (plus, I also hc them as bi4bi because fucking look at them 🥵)
But anyway, the reason I'm bringing this over here is because my timing for this was kinda interesting; basically, there are some rather questionable leaks related to the Spy x Family movie (which I won't get into in case you don't like stuff like that) which, in all honestly, I'm not TOO worried about knowing the full context, but it is ticking me off somewhat, and it made me wanna share this:
I actually did come up with a Sense8 AU involving all four of these ships being in a cluster together (set in a modern setting), and it was mainly because I wanted to see how their respective stories would play out if each ship was open with each other about their feelings due to this type of connection. And now that I had to see those dumb leaks, I feel even more justified in making up an AU where Twiyor falls in love like, a couple months before Operation: Strix began through this connection because I can and I wanna be spiteful, even if it's just in my head 🤣
Plus, the idea of them doing Operation: Strix while already knowing each other's true identities and jobs, and keeping the fact that they're actually married for real a secret from their agencies is juicy - ESPECIALLY from Nightfall.
I have not been shy about expressing my...dislike for her before, so imagining Twiyor keeping their secret real love from her is cathartic as hell. Like, Nightfall is constantly breaking her back in trying to split them up so she can have Twilight for herself, but she doesn't even know that they're already in love with each other and they shit talk her actions behind her back. It's what she'd deserve, honestly, after all the bullying she does to Yor 😈
Oh, and for what it's worth, at least for Twiyor, their secret is also shared with Franky and Anya because why wouldn't it? And maybe also Sylvia, but I've rambled enough about this.
Anyway, if there's anything to take away from this post, it's that I hope anyone who sees this considers making their own AUs where their favorite ship (especially if it's a slow burn ship) is in a sensate cluster, and they can almost always sense each other's feelings 😳
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doyoulikethisanimeship · 8 months ago
Shinomiya Kaguya/Shirogane Miyuki (Kaguya-sama: Love is war)
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Important: Please do not vote if you don't know the characters.
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goldenharmony · 2 years ago
KaguPrez/AquaKana - Similarities
While these ships are pretty different, Akasaka wrote in similar tropes for both main pairings of Kaguya-sama and Oshi no Ko.
1. Everyone can see it 
A romance trope that Akasaka used with Kaguya/Shirogane was the “Everybody can see it” trope, where multiple students could see how Kaguya and Shirogane would be good together.
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Now look at AquaKana, and see how he does the same trope of everyone hinting that Aqua has feelings for Kana 👀
2. Girls freaking out while the boys are casual
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3. Starstruck Boys 
Both ships have a moment early in their relationship development where the girl does something extraordinary, and the boys are completely taken aback by it. Kaguya reacted quickly to save a girl from drowning while Kana acted the climax of Sweet Today with her best attempt.
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4. Girls with “Bad Personalities” while the guys disagree
Both Kaguya and Kana behaved worse in their past due to their environments. In present day, they are much kinder after working on themselves but still think that they aren’t likeable enough due to their faults. But the male leads disagree on them having a “bad personality”.
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