kaesaaurelia · 4 months
soooo I just finished watching that star wars hotel video and oh my god the fire safety what the fuckkkk
BUT ALSO if you are some kind of weirdo who watched this (or the evermore video) and was like "man I wish that thing existed but was good," I... can't help you specifically with Star Wars (or generic high fantasy settings) but if you are an adult or a family with teens (who are okay with some mild references to sexuality in a coming-of-age context -- which honestly would go over the heads of most kids too young to deal with them?), don't have issues with darkness, flashing lights, or potential immune issues due to touching touchscreens, and enjoy a little light cosmic and/or implied body horror I highly highly suggest going to Omega Mart next time you are in Las Vegas. It is surreal and fun and while I definitely ran into some issues there with 1. going down the story path I didn't mean to go down and 2. LOSING MY EMPLOYEE ID CARD (to be clear I did not work there, in the fiction of the game all guests are Omega Mart employees), there were helpful (actual) employees there to jump in and help me without breaking immersion at all. They were great.
There are some pathways (physical pathways) that require an ability to climb stairs but there are ALWAYS multiple paths between two points so while you might not be able to crawl through the tunnel and then climb the rope from [spoiler place] to [other spoiler place] or do the slides, you can still physically get to the plot-important places and I think at most people who can't do stairs miss... some kind of pointless music machines? (Which I had fun with ngl but I fucked around with them for like 10 minutes more because I was in the area looking for my lost ID badge and asking if people had found it.) I haven't been to the other Meow Wolf installations but I would love to go given the chance.
And if you really want a themed hotel... well, you can't find an eldritch dimension-hopping supermarket-themed hotel, no, but if you stay on the strip there's going to be a lot of neon and trying to sell you things, and also optionally a theme, so like. That's not dissimilar.
Fire safety both at these Vegas hotels and at Omega Mart will be better than crawling into a small closet with 4 of your closest friends and hoping to not die, also. And a substantial amount of the story of Omega Mart is "wow corporate greed does ruin everything," so if you liked the video you probably will also like this.
[Edit: also to be clear I don't really think Omega Mart is small-child-friendly, but mostly because it's a lot of reading, and the bulk of it is either corporate memos or a teenage girl's diaries. A lot of the stuff I found most engaging was exploring the strained intergenerational family dynamic between the girl, her mom, and her grandfather, something that small children would find either boring or upsetting or both. It's not the sexuality that's the issue, it's some offscreen implied character death-but-not-really (that not-really doesn't make it better!) and just plain bad parenting, plus the broader theme of a greedy grocery chain turning ancient mystery and natural wonder into queasy reality-breaking horror.]
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kaeyapilled · 1 year
what's fun about asa and kaeya is that they have like nothing in common. there is no reason for me to be shipping this underdeveloped oc with kaeya beyond just the fact that i really like kaeya and i really like asa and itd be cool if they kissed
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13daysadvent · 1 year
Contributor Spotlight: A combination of wit and words: Kaesa!
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Kaesa is writing monster descriptions, including those for the Illhveli and Leucrota. 🐳
You can find Kaesa on Tumblr and Twitter @kaesaaurelia and on AO3 as Kaesa.
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whumptober · 11 months
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Completionists of 2023 - 3/4
Jaelijn | @jaelijn | Jaelijn on AO3
quietlyimplode | @quietlyimplode | quietlyimplode on AO3
@adzeisval | adzeisval on AO3
Callaei | @callaeidae3
Jungledragon | Jungledragon on AO3
Wishfulthinking1979 | @musewrangler | Wishfulthinking1979 on AO3 | AO3 Series
@blubfishblue | blubfishblue on AO3
RD Eternity | @rd-eternity | rd_eternity on AO3
Honmyo SeaGull | @honmyoseagull | Honmyo_Seagull on AO3
Priya | @viridimessorem | viridimessorem on AO3
Brievel | @brievel | Brievel on AO3
N | @sadisticallysmirking | sadisticallysmirking on AO3
Veldeia | @veldeia | Veldeia on AO3
bec | @here-be-booker | here_be_bec on AO3
Autobot2001 | @autobot2001 | Autobot2001 on AO3
GieRo | @gierosajie-art
Cyberwhumper | @cyberwhumper
Bubblebee10230 | @tarlettuce10230 | Bubblebee10230 on AO3
crematosis | @crematosis | crematosis on AO3
whumpypepsigal | @whumpypepsigal
StellarCoachman | @stellarcoachman | StellarCoachman on AO3
E | @e7y1
Dizarys | @dizaryswrites | Dizarys on AO3
Jada | @actress4him | actress4Him on AO3
sasuga-whump | @sasuga-whump
Sheepish | @samtheacesheep | sheepishwitch on AO3
@idunnothiseither | tired_but_hopeful on AO3
@seven-stars-in-his-palm | gravitron on AO3
@crimsonlyinglilly | CrimsonLyingLilly on AO3
@half-milke & @light-illuzions | Half_Milk on AO3 & Light_Illuzions on AO3
Cora | Stormwriter on AO3
@bloodyfeverdreams | messedupstargazer on AO3
ChemistryNerd & BlackDragon12 | ChemistryNerd on AO3 & BlackDragon12 on AO3
Kaesa | @kaesaaurelia | Kaesa on AO3
bowsie22 | @bowsie22 | bowsie22 on AO3
Gale | @galewritesfanfiction | Huntress8611 on AO3
@aini-nufire | Aini_NuFire on AO3
Felix/Wiatt | @callmesummon | callmesummon on AO3
Rory | @ethereal-catharsis | ethereal_catharsis on AO3
@ensignsenna | Senna_B on AO3
Rime | @going-to-the-sun | RimeThyme on AO3 | AO3 Fic
LizzyDizzyYo | @lizzyverydizzyyo / @lizzydizzyyo | LizzyDizzyYo on AO3 | Tumblr Masterpost
Lucifer | @crypticidentity | crypticidentity on AO3
Mj-iza-writer | @mj-iza-writer
Mati | @whump-my-dear-watson
Ace | @aceofwhump
@veryrealimagination | CelticGHardy on AO3
[Completionist Post 1] [Completionist Post 2] [Completionist Post 4]
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
hi!! i hope you're all doing well, could i request some muriel-centric or muriel pov fics?
Hello. Here are some Muriel fics...
Bonding By Way of Cupperty by keelywolfe (G)
Muriel hasn't been on Earth very long but she is learning quickly. Some things, though, she's known for a very long time.
Angelic Discovery by AuDHDMess (G)
Muriel reflects on their experiences on Earth and meets a human who gives them insight into their own mind.
Report On Human Behavioral Patterns: 823.7, Austen by halemerry (G)
Muriel reads a book that reminds them of a moment they were never meant to see.
Forever by Fuck_Right_Off (G)
“How long do we wait?” They turn their head to the side, matching the movement they had seen him do just moments before. “Forever.” His shoulders slouch. “Forever?” Muriel parroted. Then as if thinking better on it he says. “Until they need us.” Straightening his back, adjusting his gaze forward. “When will they need us?” “I…don’t know.” Muriel didn’t fully understand but that was alright. They had all the time in the world to understand. They had Forever. They smiled at him, teeth showing unabashed “okay.” ------ or Muriel finds their piece of the infinite puzzle...eventually. one book at a time.
Who Is Taking Books? by Arielavader (T)
Muriel needs the help of the demon Crowley to solve a small mystery at the bookshop... a mystery that leads her to questions she knows she shouldn't ask. The other demon he sent to help isn't making those questions any easier to answer.
The Adventure of the Sad Wet Snake by Kaesa (T)
After moving into the bookshop, Crowley develops a sudden and terrible illness, one that endangers the whole neighborhood. But fortunately for everyone, Muriel is on the case!
- Mod D
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fearandhatred · 6 months
what are your favorite good omens fics??
WOO REC TIME thank u for asking!! you may want to ask again after i've finished my resolution of reading all my mutuals' fics though because i've barely had the time to read anything these past few months... so i don't have much bookmarked lol but here are a few anyway! (from earliest read to most recent)
mourning doves by sleepyimpulse (Words: 22,686 Chapters: 7/7)
“I’m sorry,” he registered himself saying between heaving sobs. “I’m so sorry, Crowley, I’m so sorry. Forgive me, please, please forgive me.” He hadn’t meant to say it like that, he knew the words were all wrong (he would never find the right ones). But the pain was coming at him in every direction and something, something had to give, and so he clung to Crowley like a life preserver. Crowley bent his body over Aziraphale’s and slowly, surely, pressed a kiss to his bloodied forehead. “I can’t,” he whispered, and Aziraphale went unconscious. (Aziraphale falls, post season 2)
this was one of the very first good omens fics i read and one thing about me is i LOVE this type of angst. so so good and such a nice exploration of crowley's struggle with what forgiveness is. gorgeous and so angsty. have i said that already. angst galore
say yes to me (i've got my eye on you) by thehappyyears (Words: 11,983 Chapters: 1/1)
It’s a pleasant evening much like many pleasant evenings this month, so Crowley doesn’t expect anything unusual when he makes himself comfortable on his side of the couch and lets Aziraphale select the wine. Which is why he’s resolutely caught off guard when Aziraphale disappears into a backroom, which Crowley always assumed was a wine cellar, and then turns around, darkness behind him and low, warm light gilding his hair and making his eyes bright. He’s breathtaking, he’s so beautiful, his eyes are so dark. “Crowley,” he breathes. Or, Crowley and Aziraphale have sex.
this is THE epitome of service top crowley. all hail service top crowley. also it's just so well-written and seamless. also i don't want this list to be too long so if smut is your thing then i recommend literally anything by focusfixated or zehwulf or Ineffably_Yours
Zmija by Himitsu_no (Words: 3,185 Chapters: 4/4)
He'd sigh in annoyance and hide his face in the angel's chest. "Said if they lived longer they'd have more time to become nasty and corrupted little shits, do all sorts of evil deeds and the likes. They never questioned it and went as far as warn me in advance of all the bigger natural disasters." Aziraphale would laugh and his fingers find their way into the red locks with practiced ease, and he'd bend to kiss the top of his head. "Did they do that, though? The evil deeds." Crowley would smile despite himself, eyes closed and leaning into the caress. "About a dozen, maybe. The rest were just... ordinary humans doing ordinary stuff." There'd be a long pause in which the angel would take it all in, and the demon would replay many of it in his mind with unease. Then Aziraphale would speak again, voice barely a whisper, "How long were you in Mesopotamia after the flood, my love?"
yeah i have this in my bookmarks but i have not touched it ever since i read it the first time because. it hurts me :) idk if it's because of my mommy and daddy issues but the whole crowley being good with kids tropes makes me so sad. and also this fic is just. devastating to me. i really should leave a comment but i don't want to read it again fr
when i knew love’s perfect ache by sugarskulled (Words: 1,834 Chapters: 1/1)
A demon can't touch that which has been made holy by God. Crowley knows this well as anyone. And Aziraphale? Aziraphale is so holy it burns.
this is definitely one of my favourite good omens fics of all time. angst again and so bittersweet i think about it so often
better to read and eat cake in a Soho bookshop than to reign in Hell by Kaesa (Words: 35,717 Chapters: 5/8)
When Aziraphale flees Heaven with the Book of Life, he's planned for it -- he's alerted other angels stationed on Earth to Heaven's plans, and asked them to take steps so that humans won't get caught up in the inevitable battle he faces with the other archangels. But Crowley shows up too, and he doesn't know the plan, and in the chaos Aziraphale leaps in front of a terrible blow meant for Crowley. And so, still very angry with him, Crowley must get him back to the bookshop (which is full of annoying angels) and help him heal, and try to figure out how to move past their previous fight, because, sure, he's mad at Aziraphale, but he doesn't want him to die. But soon enough it becomes clear that Aziraphale isn't necessarily dying. He is changing, and no one quite knows what to expect, because this situation has only happened once before, when Supreme Archangel Lucifer Fell and became Satan.
this fic has everything tbh and it's one i keep coming back to. the smut is great AND well-written and besides that the plot itself is so good??? the writing overall is just gorgeous tbh. slight body horror too :) the moment this updates i will be all over it like a rabid dog
Dear Angel by crowleys_bentley_and_plants (Words: 3,379 Chapters: 13/?)
A collection of emails addressed to a certain Aziraphale, found on the computer of a lonely demon.
poetic and hard-hitting and interconnected and also tells a story. through emails!! also the last lines of every chapter always knock me out lmaoo
to hold you like a bouquet by gravitron (Words: 10,676 Chapters: 1/1)
Crowley and Aziraphale, as told by history’s flowers.
can y'all read this fic oh my god i'm gonna fight everyone. so so beautifully written and well-structured. you know what i'm just gonna copy and paste part of my comment on here because yeah: i love your writing it's just. The Way Yo uWrite. The Words. your way with words. etc. and some of your sentences have a directness to them that's so effective. and the way you incorporated the flowers into every part of the story is like... so tastefully done I'm obsessed
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lordeasriel · 10 months
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A Jedi's life is to struggle serve.
A portrait of my main Barsen'thor from SWTOR, Kaesa. Oldest sister to the Wrath, they were separated when the Wrath was just a baby and Kaesa was brought up by the Jedi Order, becoming one of its fiercest beacons of light and duty.
I got the unstable arbiter's lightsaber a long time ago and i love using it in all my characters, so i decided to actually draw hers here. looks neat imo. I went for a stroky artstyle this time and this looks great
(im by.effie on instagram)
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feusus · 10 months
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My pages for @13daysadvent with @kaesaaurelia! I loved working on this medieval-like manuscript and learn about these crazy whales from Iceland! Leftovers are still available here: https://13daysadvent.bigcartel.com/
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Full text by Kaesa:
The illhveli, or evil whales, patrol the waters surrounding Iceland in search of ships to sink. There are many kinds of illhveli, all strange, fearsome, and wicked. The Hrosshvalur, for example, is an enormous whale with the head and tail of a horse. It neighs like a horse, and when herds of them descend upon a ship, they bring a terrible smell and bad weather with them. And when they descend upon a ship, they do so literally—a Hrosshvalur may destroy a whole ship by leaping from the water and landing on it, crushing it.
Several other evil whales have a hybrid appearance like the horse-headed Hrosshvalur. The Katthveli, for example, has a cat's head, and like a cat, it plays with its food, diving beneath vessels and surfacing beneath them to break them apart from below. The cow-like Nauthveli, meanwhile, shatters ships with the sound of its deep, far-reaching underwater lowing.
The Hrosshvalur is not the only jumping evil whale, either; the Stökkull, which also leaps on ships to destroy them, has large flaps of skin growing from its face and over its eyes. It can only see when the flaps of skin fly upwards as it falls back into the water; as such, it is blind most of the time, although as it can jump a mile in one leap, it has plenty of time to study its prey while falling.
The Raudkembingur, the most bloodthirsty of the illhveli, has a crest the color of blood, and is so cruel that if a vessel escapes it, it must find and destroy another one that day or it will kill itself in despair. It is not very bright, however, and can be fooled by dressing a log up in sailor's clothes and throwing it into the sea; it will pounce upon the log and be frustrated that this strange sailor always floats.
The Múshveli has the head and forelegs of a mouse, which may not sound very fearsome, but because of its mouse legs, it can clamber up onto land after a ship's crew. And the massive Lyngbakur makes land feel even less safe! The largest of the illhveli, the Lyngbakur hunts by floating motionless on the surface of the water, where its hairy back looks just like an island overgrown with heather. Once unsuspecting sailors have left their ship to explore, the whale submerges, drowning them.
All illhveli are drawn to the sound of their own names, and a sailor should never speak of them at sea lest they be summoned. Even whaling vessels avoid these monsters; some have poisonous flesh, and others' flesh will melt away in cooking, but none are good for eating.
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possibility-left · 3 months
Good Omens fic recs #27
so bourgeoisie to keep waitin' by lagaudiere - A/C, 13k words.  An extremely funny story in which after S2, Crowley decides he's going to get laid with SOMEBODY and the Bentley cock-blocks him repeatedly with emotionally significant music.  This is just so fun all the way through, and it also manages to be very sweet, and also there are a lot of lesbians mentioned in it which made me personally very pleased.
its duty is to harm me, my duty is to know by natalunasans - A/C and Anathema/Newt, 33k words.  This is an unusual, soft, and rambling little story that leaves me warm and cozy despite the difficulties the characters go through.  Post S1, mostly cut off from their old firms, Crowley has to deal with his chronic pain without much use of miracles, and Aziraphale with some stuff I don't want to spoil that comes up in the story.  Mostly, they take care of each other.  There's some lovely Jewish stuff in this as well, with Anathema and Newt being Jewish and Crowley deciding to lean back into practice.  There's not really an end to this story, but I don't think it ends badly; it just leaves some plot points open.
The Capacity for Change by KitschyKit - A/C, Beelzebub/Gabriel, 6k words.  I really don't want to spoil this story because I think it's more fun to kind of discover as you go along, but let's say vaguely that Gabriel and Beelzebub come to ask Crowley and Aziraphale some questions a few years after S1 (no S2 here).  The character work here is exceptional and I love the plot idea.
Biting the Apple by KitschyKit - Gabriel/Beelzebub and background A/C, 7k words.  This is a retelling/continuation of the previous story from Gabriel and Beelzebub's point of view.  Do read the tags but I thought it was a great expansion on the first story and has some great themes.
and my father's hands were trembling with the beauty of the word by Kaesa - Crowley and Muriel gen, 5k words.  This has some really heavy religious trauma stuff -- read the tags!  After S2, Muriel gets their personnel records from Heaven, and finds out that they've forgotten their previous time on Earth, and what they had done when they were there.  This is pretty sad but I thought it was extremely well written.  I was shocked it had so few comments.
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hawkhills · 2 years
What are some of your favourite masriel fics?? 👀
Hey Anon, thanks for asking! I have to preface this answer by saying that it's tough to choose cause of the sheer number of top quality fics for this pairing. Really, I've been in sooo many fandoms throughout the years, and masriel/hdm in general seem to be the most consistently great in terms of both the prose and the ideas. It's like this ship attracts great authors! I have yet to read a fic I didn't like, which is very much an outlier for me.
Now to the proper answer to your question, here's a bunch of fics I particularly like and have been coming back to. I'll try not to give much away about them just in case they're new for you. If you don't know these stories - go read now!!! In no particular order:
In Winter, In Oxford, by three_atoms. Pre-romance exploration of Marisa and Asriel's first meeting, set around their scholarly activities in Oxford. It's genuinely my favorite version of their first meeting! The focus the author puts on their souls being the primary vessel for attraction is right up my alley. It also has some really amazing world building - I'm very fond of the snippets of technology we get to see, and the really strong cast of supporting characters. And of course the interactions between our main idiots are just 👌👌👌 tbh while reading it I felt like me & the author share the same headcanon braincell hahah
Selenography, by anonymous author. Asriel has a near death experience in the North, and it leads to things. Very haunting, very cinematic. Love it.
Unholy Ghosts, by LavenderJam. Post-canon AU, is actually Lyra-centric, but it's just so good! First of all it's just an overall amazing fic with great prose and fantastic characterization, and I love reading anything older Lyra dealing with stuff. From the shipper's perspective, it's one of my favs cause it's such a great peek into Marisa and Asriel from a third person's perspective, and I feel like we don't get that a lot.
Unholy, by three_atoms. Affair-era, they go to the North for a conference together. The imagery of the North here, Jesus! And, not gonna lie, it has absolutely fucking incredible smut.
Applied Heresy, by Kaesa. Another piece I just adore for the world building. Marisa and Asriel form a connection based on science and intellect first, and it evolves from there, which is my favorite take ever.
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texmccormick · 10 months
welcome !!
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kae’s blog
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hiii my names kaesa, im a part of the outsiders and rumble fish fandom, i also like that was then this is now and tex :) i also listen to linkin park and pierce the veil:
i’m 14 years old and i use she/her pronouns!
i read a lot of books and watch a lot of movies so expect to see ramblings on my favorite things!!
enjoy <3
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kaesaaurelia · 12 days
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Have a handful of alliances I'm totally normal about.
Bonus very hostile game of Capture the Flag under the cut:
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(Scar was so gleeful in escaping with that shield that I really wanted to use that pose for him.)
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
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Eh! TAMER wa Tsukaenaitte PARTY kara Tsuiho shita yo ne? ~Jitsuwa sekai yuiitsu no 【Seirei Tsukai】 da to hanmei shita totan ni tenohira o kaesa rete mo osoi. Seirei no Oujo-sama ni mechakucha dekiai sa renagara, boku wa MY PACE ni saikyou o mezasunode
[え、テイマーは使えないってパーティから追放したよね? ~実は世界唯一の【精霊使い】だと判明した途端に手のひらを返されても遅い。精霊の王女様にめちゃくちゃ溺愛されながら、僕はマイペースに最強を目指すので]:
Eh! I banished you from the party saying you can't use TAMERS, right? ~As soon as it turns out that you are actually the only 【Spirit User】 in the world, it will be too late to return your palm. I'm aiming for the strongest at MY PACE while being insanely doted on by the princess of the spirits.
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13daysadvent · 1 year
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Greetings to all our fellow monster lovers and fans! Our contributors have been creating all manner of creature and monster for our Monsters & Myths project this year!
Meet all our monstrous creators below!
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For social media information about our contributors, read below the cut!
Illustrators 🎨
alchenart: alchenart
Amanda Brack: amandabrack (linktree)
Azuzel23: Azuzel23 (Twitter)
Bratzoid: bratzoid_art (Twitter)
Breeze: breezeharr (Twitter)
clockworkjellyfish: clockworkjellyfish (Twitter)
cosmopoliturtle: cosmopoliturtle
coyoteprince: coyoteprinceart (Twitter/IG)
desansen: desansen
Diane Ramic: dianeramic
Eliane T.: feusus
EVP Comics: EVPcomics
Feiyu: feiyufly
Gid!: gidmoji
JD Donnelly: paintingdragonfeathers
Junior: Vigoburrito
Mad Brake: madbrake
Maggie: magpied-illustration
Maria Ku (grrrenadine): grrrenadine
milomei: milohmei (Twitter/IG)
PanoramicPancake: panoramicpancake
Pewpewpew: pewpewpew
RabbitGuy: rabidguy
Saskia de Klerk (Saskle): saskle
ShaiHime: shaihime
Strange: strangeomens-sketch
thesmartbluebox: theartbluebox
Tihara Ezzo: TiharaEzzo (Twitter/IG)
V. Gagnon: wyrmsfornerves
Zephra: ArtByZephra (Twitter/IG)
Merch Artists 🔖
coyoteprince: coyoteprinceart (Twitter/IG)
Draco: dracooties (Twitter/IG)
Eldritchtoast: eldritchtoast
Freaky Farm: FreakyFarm
Liz Schmidt: lizard_Bitt (Twitter)
Mad Brake: madbrake
Maria Ku (grrrenadine): grrrenadine
Mattibee: mattibee-portfolio
PanoramicPancake: panoramicpancake​
Arachnida: arachnoidmater
Quiche: cuddlyquiche
ShaiHime: shaihime
Strange: strangeomens-sketch
Zach!: bitchfitch
Writers & Chef 🖊️🍽️
Arachnida: arachnoidmater
crescenttwins: crescenttwins
Ishnia: witheredbouquet
Jasper Y. Grace: jasperygrace
Kaesa: kaesaaurelia
Leigh / paxfacere: paxfacere
Recklessfiction: recklessfiction
Soul Starshine: soul_starshine (Twitter)
Zachtookthem: zachtookthem (Twitter)
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knives-galore · 9 months
Drop the ship off
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hanaee2 · 1 year
You the One
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Cuaca hari ini cerah, nuansa hangat menyelimuti cafe pagi hari ini. terdapat dua insan yang menikmati pemandangannya, dua mata saling pandang, bibir tak henti-hentinya terangkat untuk membentuk senyuman yang selalu terpancarkan. nuansa klasik, dengan lantunan musik menambah kesan keduanya. sampai salah satu dari kedua insan itu bersuara dengan suara beratnya.
"kamu indah banget"
yang satunya hanya terkekeh karena pasangannya ini selalu melemparkan kata-kata manis, membuat pipi nya bersemu merah muda.
"lalu apa lagi?" ucapnya
"sempurna, tuhan sepertinya memberikan cobaan kaya kamu ke aku deh" ucap juan.
"maksud kamu?" jawab pemuda manis diseberang meja juan
"ya cobaan, cobaan buat aku ga culik kamu untuk aku bawa ke altar dan aku kurung di rumah biar jadi konsumsi pribadi" ucap juan
Yaesa yang awalnya ingin marah karena perkataan juan soal cobaan, mendadakan diam. tapi sayangnya warnah merah dipipi nya terlalu terlihat di mata juan di mana membuat juan gemas dan langsung mengecup pipi itu sekilas.
"ihh apa sih cium-cium" galak yaesa ke juan yang cuma dibalas kekehan
"kamu tu gemes banget sih, tapi serius sayang"
"serius apa?" ucap yaesa.
juan langsung berdiri dari duduk nya dan berjalan ke arah yaesa, juan menatap indah mata pasangannya, tak lama dari berdirinya juan langsung berlutut di hadapan yaesa.
"j-juann" ucap yaesa dengan mata yang mulai berkaca-kaca.
"dunia ku, cinta ku, kekasih ku, ciptaan Tuhan yang diciptakan untuk melengkapi kekosangan dan kekurangan ku, masa lalu yang dulunya bukan milik ku, tetapi masa depannya adalah aku. terimakasih sudah hadir dikehidupan ku, terimakasih sudah mau menemani ku dari aku yang bukan apa-apa, menjadi orang berada. maukah kedepanya hidup menua bersamaku, membentuk keluarga yang kita inginkan, izinkan aku mencintaimu selama-lamanya, bahkan sampai di kehidupan selanjutnya, hanya kamu yang aku mau, cinta ku. Mau kah kamu berjalan di altar dan menyambut hangatnya genggaman tanganku, maukah kamu menerima cincin yang akan aku pasangkan ini di hari ini dan saat dihadapan pendeta serta para tamu undangan nanti? will u marry me?" ucap juan panjang lebar dimana intinya juan sedang melamar yaesa.
"j-juan, terimakasih sudah menerima kekurangan ku, terimakasih sudah mau jadi pelita di gelapnya keseharian ku, terimakasih sudah memberikan cinta yang bahkan tak pernah aku dapatkan. izinkan aku juga untuk terus mencintaimu sampai dikehidupan selanjutnya, izinkan aku jadi rumah disaat lelah mu. and i will. aku mencintai mu juan selalu dan akan selamanya seperti ini". ucap juan yang diiringi tangisan bahagia dari mata indah nya.
tanpa membuang waktu juan langsung memasangkan cincin di jari manis yaesa. lalu mengecupnya,
"terimakasih sayang, cinta ku" ucap juan dan membawa yaesa kedalam pelukannya. dan berakhir dengan kecupan di keningnya yaesa.
disini siapa yang mau kaya yaesa?
oh jelas nana mah mau banget, siapa sih yang ga mau dicintai? menikah dengan orang yag mencintai kita dan kita mencintai nya?, suatu impian banyak orang pastinya. semoga kisah kalian bisa kaya juan dan kaesa ya. by2.
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