corvidonia · 7 months
every day i wake up and think about cadmus tbh. hes just some guy with one cursed little family tree. and i love him
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unfilteredcurse · 7 months
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Main characters from my story "Revenant", except the they're in this dramatic anime-like poster or something.
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writingsfromspace · 2 years
The last house on the left
777 words | Never better 'verse
Prompt | The last house on the left - @flashfictionfridayofficial
Planning to just write a bunch of little things for the Never better crew in preparation for November, to get to know everyone and maybe snoop around the world for an actual plot.
Could use a little word polished off here or there but I liked the final word count to much :D
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The last house on the left was a ruin of a mansion, every opening and the fence surrounding it wrapped in yellow tape, large signs screaming, !!!DANGER!!! Magical cataclysm site! DO NOT ENTER!!!
At least they had, some time ago. Now several had fallen down, and the words had peeled off to a point where they felt more like a mumble, despite the blatant abuse of exclamation marks.
Kadmos had never known it to be any different, although to be fair, when he was young, he’d rarely come to this side of town. He had thrown an eye on the house for some time now - it seemed like such a perfect spot to spend the rougher nights, to avoid having to ask his friends for favours.
Of course he wasn’t a fool, and he’d spent a few hours in the library and the city archive trying to figure out what the danger might be. But he had found nothing. Either the signs really just served to keep the homeless out, or whatever incident had occurred had been thoroughly wiped.
The street was busy day and night, having evolved from an elegant lane at the edge of town into one of the big arteries of city traffic. The mansion was the only one of its kind left; the rest of the street was lined with brutalist housing blocks and shops, half of which at any given time seemed to be permanently closed.
Kadmos had decided to give it a shot, figure out whether it would be a safe place to stay. He was sure someone would stop him if he attempted to enter the house during daytime - or else he would at least be filmed by someone hoping for the worst - so he went when enough of the light was gone he could hope to slip onto the overgrown property unnoticed.
The last streetlamp on the left had been broken for years, which helped.
He felt his phone buzz in his pocket when he climbed over the fence, but that was all that happened, so he took a moment under the old elder tree to check. Bernt had written to the group. Who’s down for brunch tomorrow? Trying to make madeleines.
For a moment he wondered whether he should tell his friends where he was going, but then, that was silly. It would be alright; he would be careful, and odds were nothing was going on here at all except an attempt to keep the likes of him out.
Would love that :D You’re a treasure.
He put the phone away, the buzz of the others’ incoming replies strangely reassuring as he walked around the house once, trying to find the best point of entry.
At the left side, crowded by the next house over - a solid wall taller than the mansion, no windows facing this side - a single window on the ground floor had lost the entirety of its glass. Tatters of yellow tape still clung to the frame, brittle with age.
Kadmos glimpsed in, using his phone flashlight carefully so it wouldn’t be seen from the street.
Everything seemed perfectly ordinary. Lots of dust. Near the window, leaves had blown in, which was no surprise with the plants clawing their way up the outside walls. There wasn’t much furniture left, but a chandelier hung from the ceiling.
Everything seemed perfectly ordinary, and yet, Kadmos felt a shiver down his spine, felt watched.
But then, to be fair, he was currently breaking into a house.
He pondered for a moment. His phone buzzed again, as per the nature of groupchats. He looked over the room once more. Everything looked like it had been untouched for the years the house had been empty.
As if no one had attempted this before.
But then, who wanted to deal with the aftermath of a magical cataclysm?
… not careful enough. Kadmos did the first thing that came to mind, swung himself up and slipped through the window.
Good evening.
Someone stood behind him, blocking him from the window, and he froze, trying not to panic, to stay rational. A ghost? But a simple ghost wouldn’t be enough to abandon an entire house like that, not with the current price of real estate.
Someone - a freezing cold hand - grabbed him by the back of the neck like a kitten.
It’s been a while.
He had been stupid. His hand scrabbled across his phone screen, trying to at least leave a message to his friends, but he still could barely move, and it slipped between his fingers, thonking onto the dust-covered floor.
He was pulled beneath the floorboards before he could scream.
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philosophenstreik · 3 months
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es ist ein cover, wie es die autoren wollten, ist es doch genauso gestaltet, wie im roman - psychothriller - für den einband eindeutig beschrieben... wer nun den einband gestaltet hat, die autoren oder jemand anderes wird nicht ganz klar, doch das buchdesign scheint von matthias a.k. zimmermann zu sein, einem der autoren. sollte dies der fall sein, so hat er sich an das werk gemacht, das er zuvor beschrieb (oder baute er den roman um sein design herum??) - ob das nun positiv ausgefallen ist oder intoxikiert...? auf jeden fall kann man sich sicher sein, das der gestalter den roman gut kannte...
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abitterberryblog · 4 months
vis when he first started training with lanistia and kadmos
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devilscandyarchive · 8 months
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8/11/20 source
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aspentreesart · 9 months
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finally finished this,, its very large sorry character height reference sheet for my project <3
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outpost51 · 1 year
🍸🎳🤦‍♀️ foooooor Kadmos, Atria and Dillon pls?
OC Emoji Asks
🍸- Favourite drink?
Kadmos: brandy in a warmed glass, or whisky on the rocks — if cocktails are being served, he likes an Old Fashioned.
Atria: she doesn’t drink because she watched what it did to her dad :’) but! She and her Squad™️ have a mixed drink they’ve affectionately dubbed an “engine sludge” — half a can of any energy drink, half a bottle of Tupari, a few spoonfuls of frozen juice concentrate, one (1) energy shot, and a handful of off-brand Skittles. Idk how they’re not all dead, honestly.
Dillon: Anything that “comes with a snack” (edible garnish)!
🎳 - Do they have hobbies? If yes, what are they?
Kadmos: he’s got a few, actually! He loves being out on the water, whether it’s on a yacht or a kayak or a little fishing boat — he’ll fish off a dock, even, and keeps a portable grill with his tackle box. Loves camping (in cabins) and hunting with his uncle. He’s picked up a few active hobbies while researching roles, too!
Atria: tinkering! She loves scrapping together random shit in the garage to make functional gadgets, sometimes to the detriment of her own health (broken bones from the hoverboard, electrical burns on her hands, Torch’s gun arm wound up and pinched her finger real good, etc)
Dillon: answered here!
🤦‍♀️ - Something that continues to embarrass them to this day
Kadmos: he’ll claim he’s never done anything embarrassing ever, then change the subject. His family, on the other hand, has plenty of stories that prove quite the opposite. When he was still just a twiggy little drake (i know, kadmos? little?), he was uhhhhh feeding a snitch to the snapjaw in the lake behind his grandfather's house and wasn't paying attention to the stake he was tying the bait rope to. The snapjaw grabbed its meal, the rope pulled taught over the branch, and that stake he tied the rope to? His spur. Not the stake. He got yanked all the way up into the tree feet first, broke his spur, and lost his pants along the way. Poor Kaddy was only stuck up there for about ten minutes before someone came to check on him, but he'll hide in his cowl if any of his aunts bring it up.
Atria: so while she’s recovering after the events of BRHP, she and Torch both get to hang with uncle Hericus all day — partially for physical therapy, partially just to get them out of the house. Hericus, being the weird hippie brother that lives in the woods behind his dad’s house, has always been pretty big on conservation and ensuring the food chain stays balanced; as such, this means he keeps track of the local shatha population since they’re nonnative to Taetrus — I’ll probably go into that worldbuilding some day. ANYWAY. He has a database and tags the ones he comes across in the Wildlands, so he took the girls out with him! Atria doesn’t like guns, so she was on tagging duty while Torch and Hericus handled the tranq darts. Periodically, the tags need to get scanned to ensure they’re still tracking properly and to snag some extra data off them, and that’s precisely what Atria was doing with M-41 (who they think might be Pudge’s dad, or an uncle) when the big bastard took a deep breath and she went ass-over-tea-kettle off his flank, right into the swamp water. Yeah, not her proudest moment.
Dillon: You'd think it would be The Incident that mortified her out of wearing skirts, but no, it was the time when her parents had taken her and Daisy out to a decent restaurant to celebrate Daisy getting a solo at the dance studio -- mind you, Dillon was only five and Daisy was eight. Cheryl took baby pickle to the bathroom, and when they re-emerged, Dillon announced to the entire restaurant (at the tippy-top of her little lungs) what she'd accomplished upon the porcelain throne. Cheryl still tells the story any time Dillon gets a little too cocky.
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afortoru · 5 months
The way I was blushing in public 😔👎🏻
Meri izzat ka baji palak kr rhe ho
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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Dionysos (Roman name: Bacchus, also known as Dionysus) was the ancient Greek god of wine, merriment, and theatre. Being the bad boy of Mt. Olympus, Dionysus was perhaps the most colourful of the Olympian Gods.
Son of Zeus
In Greek mythology, despite being the son of Zeus and Semele (the daughter of Kadmos and Harmonia), Dionysos did not receive the best start in life when his mother died while still pregnant. Hera, wife of Zeus, was jealous of her husband's illicit affair and craftily persuaded Semele to ask Zeus to reveal himself to her in all his godly splendour. This was too much for the mortal and she immediately expired; however, Zeus took the unborn child and reared him in his thigh. Most accounts then attribute the satyrs and nymphs as the carers of Dionysos in his childhood and the wise Silenus as his chief educator on Mt. Nysa, far from Hera's wrath.
Homer describes the god as the 'joy of men', and Hesiod likewise describes him as 'much-cheering'. This is no doubt because Dionysos is credited with giving man the gift of wine. The god gave Ikarios, a noble citizen of Ikaria in Attica, the vine tree. From this, Ikarios made wine which he shared with a group of passing shepherds. However, unaware of the stupefying effects of wine, the shepherds thought they had been poisoned and so swiftly took revenge and killed the unfortunate Ikarios. Notwithstanding this inauspicious start to the wine industry, wine became an extremely popular drink in antiquity. The Greeks usually drank wine diluted with water (one part wine to three parts water), mixed in a large krater vessel. Wine was drunk at banquets, festivals, and private parties, in particular, at a symposium, a kind of informal, male-only drinking session where guests reclined on a couch (kline) and engaged in conversation on topics ranging from gossip to philosophy.
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The Names Behind the Heroes' Relics (and other items from Fódlan)
The world of Fódlan and currently features the largest collection of regalia in the Fire Emblem series, with a staggering total of thirty-three after the release of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In celebration of five years of Fire Emblem Three Houses—welcome to the timeskip, by the way—today we will reflect on not only the Heroes' Relics and other regalia, but all weapons and items introduced in Fódlan that have something worth noting. Strap in: this is gonna be a long one! So long that is exceeds the Tumblr character limit nineteen and a half times over.
Please follow this Dropbox link to read the dissertation.
Or use the individual post directory here:
The Spear of Assal, Areadbhar, and Lúin
The Inexhaustible and the Lance of Ruin
The Sword of Begalta and Sword of Moralta
Tathlum Bow
Ochain Shield
Banshee Θ
Rafail Gem, Scythe of Sariel, and Crescent Sickle
Bohr Χ
Thunderbrand, Aegis Shield, Amalthea, and Labraunda
Scroll of Talos and Ichor Scroll
Asclepius, Caduceus Staff, Thyrsus, and Circe Staff
Aurora Shield, Lampos Shield, and Kadmos Shield
Hades Ω
Axe of Ukonvasara
Crusher and Járngreipr
Ridill and Hrotti
Fetters of Dromi
Suttungr's Mystery
Arrow of Indra and Agnea's Arrow
Giant Katar and Vajra-Mushti
Cursed Ashiya Sword
The Sword of the Creator
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omniblades-and-stars · 2 months
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“Which is the very reason,” Kadmos continued, “that you haven’t become intimately acquainted with Vadia’s razor.” Crow waved her knife, grinning even wider. She enjoyed her job way too much, too.
From Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Drawing I did of @korblez girl Vadia (or Crow) because I am incredibly gay for her.
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meetmylivingghosts · 11 months
Muddat ke baad jo aawaz di usne,
Kadmo ki kya majaal saansein bhi ruk gayi.
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writingsfromspace · 2 years
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In preparation for NaNo, the MC of my impending NaNovel, Never better!
His hair makes no sense whatsoever but I am not ready to argue with the muses yet
I haven't done a lot of drawing recently and it shows lol
Blank by @bitegore
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philosophenstreik · 3 months
chemie der illusionen
thriller von kristina schippling und matthias a.k. zimmermann
erschienen 2024
im kulturverlag kadmos
isbn: 978-3-86599-563-6
(von tobias bruns)
kara Kowalski ist eine erfolgreiche, berühmte und exzentrische berliner künstlerin, die den drogenrausch liebt, esoterisch angehaucht ist und zu wutausbrüchen neigt, die bei ihrer körperlichen statur noch beängstigender sind. ihr leben gerät jedoch eines nachts aus den fugen, als sie - noch im rausch - ihren ex-freund, der in das atelier eingedrungen ist für einen einbrecher hält, auf ihn losgeht und er dabei über das geländer stürzt, metertief auf den atelierboden knallt und sofort tod ist. statt die polizei zu rufen beschließt sie, die leiche verschwinden zu lassen, indem sie sie in einer badewanne verätzen lässt, was jedoch einige zeit dauert und in der nachbarschaft einen verwesungsgeruch verbreitet und doch die polizei in ihr atelier führt, wo sie allerdings sehr kreativ etwas anderes als quelle dieses geruchs präsentiert. sie ist vorerst einmal in sicherheit. malina ist eine nachbarin von kara und im gegensatz zu dieser ohne erfolg. seit ewigkeiten sucht sie einen verlag für ihren sehr speziellen roman und hält sich gerade so mit einem job in der bibliothek über wasser. bei ihr will irgendwie nichts funktionieren. eines nachts jedoch, als sie gerade aus dem fenster schaut spielen sich erschreckende szenen in dem atelier ab, auf das sie herabschaut. schnell greift sie zum handy und filmt alles mit. statt die polizei zu rufen beschließt sie, ihrem notorischen geldmangel ein ende zu setzen und schickt kara eine mail mit den videoaufnahmen und einer geldforderung. kara bekommt es mit der angst zu tun, ist der körper doch gerade so gut verschwunden, aber mehr noch als angst steigt gut in ihr auf. wer erlaubt es sich hier, sie, die große künstlerin zu erpressen. sie giert nach rache und rekonstruiert, von wo aus die aufnahmen gemacht worden sein müssen. sie hat einen menschen verschwinden lassen, dann wird ein zweiter wohl kein problem sein. sie hat einen klaren plan, doch kommt es immer anders als man denkt...
"psychothriller" steht auf dem einband, doch ist dieser roman tatsächlich ein psychothriller, nur weil psychopathen die protagonisten sind? es ist erst einmal eine gute geschichte, deren unerwarteten wendungen allerdings zumeist recht unwahrscheinlich sind. doch an sich kein problem, es handelt sich ja um fiktion und da ist alles möglich und die spannung wird auch durchgehend auf hohem nieveau gehalten. die vielen kleinen nebengeschichten, die ein ganz anderes literarisches genre bedienen, wollen aber nicht immer passen und führen häufig ins nichts, man fragt sich, wozu diese sein müssen, da die geschichte auch hervorragend ohne funktionieren würde - als beispiel sei nur einmal ein buch genannt, dass alles wissen und alle literatur in sich vereint, die es jemals gab, ein kleines büchlein, welches einmal aufgeschlagen eine unendliche anzahl an seiten hat, da ist die auseinandersetzung mit der wiedergeburt und deren folgen schon sinnvoller für den plot eingebaut...all das kann man dem roman verzeihen, doch was wirklich mit der zeit zuviel wird, ist das gefühl, dass die autoren scheinbar meinen einen bildungsauftrag für deren leser zu haben oder aber das bedürfnis verspüren all ihre rechercheergebnisse über bildende kunst, chemie, informatik, forensik, japan oder sonstiges in ihren roman packen zu müssen - man wünschte sich fast, diese stellen würden extra markiert, damit man sie überspringen kann, um im roman und nicht im lehrbuch weiterzulesen (es wäre vielleicht eine überlegung, sollte es zu neuauflagen kommen). das beiseite ist der thriller gute unterhaltung.
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deathlessathanasia · 5 months
I love how in Book 5 of the Dionysiaca at the marriage of Kadmos and Harmonia Poseidon is said to have „proffered the gifts of the sea, in honour to his sister Hera the renowned, for she was Ares' mother.”
Like, Nonnos, I'm not a fan of yours but thanks for providing another argument in favour of the brOTP I guess.
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